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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 19, 1905)
EDITORIAL SECTION. The Omaha UNDAY Bee. PAGES 9 TO 18 ESTABLISHED JUNE 19, 1871. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, MARCH 19. 11H).". SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. SALE OF POPULAR PRICED MILLINER.Y AT BENNETT'S MONDAY-SEE WINDOWS A Gusty March Sale in Art. Novelty Pictures in veneer frames, new subjects, choice Monday $1.50 Circle Metal Frames, convex glasses, guaranteed French plate, Monday .. Pyrojjra.phy Snaps 15c 98c 90c Nnt Bowla at 00c Handkerchief Boxes at 60c Card Boxes at Match Safes at... 69c 48c 45c Napkin Rings at Toothpick Holders at $1.00 Tabourets at 25c 20c 75c 35c Artist Materials China Palettes at Palette Knives at 98c 20c Water Color Paper, r lnrjre siise 1UC Imported Water Color Taints In Jnpannod Tin Boxes. JQ p I 12 colors TJC 8EE US FOR PICTURE FRA M I NG Second Floor. Stationery Section Main Floor These Are Real Shelf Paper, 10 yards assorted colors. . . : 2c Crepe Paper, assorted col- A ors, per roll TC 125 Sheets, good ink writ ing paper 100 high cut Envelopes, good quality 2-ounce bottle Thomas' Best Ink 1 dozen Steel Pen Points, any make 10c Ink Tablets, assorted sizes 9c 5c 2c 5c 5c WALL PAPER. Every Day a. Bargain Day TWO ROLL REMNANTS, fl roll : Ic GOOD PAPERS, roll Q All latest imported and domestic decorative effects. We show you how they look on wall. 3rd floor. Festina Lente Fish. Fish. Holland Herring-. In kegs, every Her ring In It strictly guaran- 7e teed,, per keg Ub Thirty (J3.00) Green Trading Stamps. Norway Mackerel delicious, fine fat fellows, in kits, j g White Fish, In kits, at 65c HAMS. HAMS. Otoe brand, sugar cured No. 1 Hams, fresh and sweet, pound Forty (14.00) Green Trading HA COX. Morton-Gregson's Red Top brand, pound Forty (M.00) Green Trading Dainty Delicacies in Delicatessen regular 114c Stamps. f44c Stamps. Section, MILLINER Y The most charming entrepot of Millinery Art west of New York. This is the verdict of a New York author ity, and we're modest enough to believe it One thing is sure Bennett's magnificent mil- lineru 7vc radiv.or finre in the. The slmu IVI V J Vj nmg 1905 styles make it an entrancing kalcid- Monday we inaugurate a "popular-priced' millinery sale. The greatest values in trimml hats ever offered you. They embrace the latest Parisienne triumphs the very elaborate, the rather subdued, the daintily simple effects for early spring wear, and the charming creations of our own artists. Seethe window display for an idea of peerless 1) CftQ values. price $6.98, $4.98, $3.98 and. . . . A.-aO Big Showing of Flower Hats Chiffons and Strata Combinations. Every possible taste gratified. Every pocJcetbooh pleased And the HONES TEST advice on what's most becoming FREELY GIVEN. Maline Hats All daintily and very tastefully trimmed. Styles strictly correct, Values wholly untouched in Omaha 8 interesting millinery world. Seethe windows, visit new millinery 2d floor. Crockery Prices Shattered CI'T HMW.IMt SALK MONDAY AND TlTsnAY Values that TC you never would rirenui of fl.OO, 7.V, 50o, y5c and aOK DOir.LK GRKKN TRADING STAMPS. A NEW GKRMAN CHINA DINNKR SKT-Knll 100 pleoes-a beauty pretty pink spray decorations, neat shape a grand value y QO at $1S. Monday a,JJ TWO IH NDRKD ($20.00) GREBN TRADING STAMPS. ENGLISH DKCORATKD JI GS New arrivals a Mr sale Monday TQ three sizes !', -i'.h- JJC DOIRLK GRKKN TRADING STAMPS. FANCY GOLD TRACED WATER SET, consisting of Six Tumblers QO and Largo. Jus set complete with tray OC THIRTY ($3.00) GREEN TRADING STAMPS. BEAUTIEIL CHINA St 'GAR AND CREAMS New decorations IP. and a good shape choice Monday, pair aC Second Floor Furniture, Carpets and Draperies SALE OF GO CARTS MONDAY. Our buyer makes a special memo when on his buying trips to look out for tlie lii test conceits in Go Carts. To date he has never been more successful that the offerings we mnke for Monday will show. There are nil kinds of ideus, and all sorts of low prices. Folding Go-Carts with rubber tired Wheels, light and QQ substantial, at t.JJ Reclining Jo-Cart, strongly made, fitted with best rubber tired run- ning.g:?.r: 3.50 Reclining Go-Cart, with cushion seat and back, parasol A (1 and best gear, at 0TrJ Reclining Go-Curt, closely woven reed body, cushion seat, back and sides, with parasol, at 11.50 Complete A Line of Rvtfs. ..30c 9.00 Rugs a 2.25 Ingrain Carpets no finer, at Trie to 0x12 Room Size Rugs, jiHT.iiO to I-argc selection of Slock very low price for Monday. Sue our line of Orlmital Hugs. See our new lines of Sweepers, from $3.00 to DRAPERIES. Second week of Hope Portiere Bale. A large assortment ef Curtains at price mat ouilie thin ale memorable. Pee Sixteenth Street Window. Snow Flake Curtains, all colors, pair $.".( hi. f:i.50. CIQ $1.75, $l.r0. $1.10 nnd...IfOC Hemstitched Swiss CI? Curtains, pair 9C Nottingham Lace Curtains, at per pair, $1.7.r. $1.50, $1.25, 08c. 0k 49c Window Shades In all colors and sizes. We can save you money on mese goous i '.hmi' ii hihI ee us. THIRD FLOOR. Bennett's Great Grocery Our Immense grocery business is a guarantee of our superiority In this particular line. Twpntv (.2Kii Green Trndlni? StauiUS with UENKETrSl lmun1 package Bennett's Capitol Ten iSI T2reen 'TVmllnf Rtfimnt with pound Golden Santos Coffee Ten ($1.00) Green Trading Stamps with pound Tea.. i -Thirty ($3JU) Greets Trading Stauips ....with pound Candied Feel. . Ten ($1.00) Green Trading Stamps with eight Oars Bwltt. rriue soap Ten Ul.UW Green Traoing scamps puckage Seeded Raisins V. .' V . " oretn 'i ramus' biumps with pound New York 2flr Full C-.-eam Cheese. ................ AiVfW Ten tjl.uoi Green Trading Stamps with two packages 2flr l,e line tt s Capitol Oats fcuw Ten Ul.uO) Oieei: Trading Btamps with frame IC Colorado Honey . . 1. Ten Green Trailing Stamps lih two packages 21)c Uerne'.t's t'apltol Wheat Twenty (-'00 Grten Trading Stamps with ten-pound IRn HHt-y Cornmeal ; Ten wi.-u) Green Trading Stamps with three packages igc Uneeda BlKcults Corn, iwo-pound Cc Balmon. )c KUSKXtnCQT pulmiitRnffiM with 28c 26c 38c 25c ,25c ... 10c .u f. u m H Pre.erves, assorted, lUC jar Tj, , , ii l Til lHil'ii'T)UBI 1MTi IflllWssf if'Trniiir HlfTTll lit I iTiTrn rigiliitln llffTIHr 11 lllli Fl Ii T I Ii I II III II ill I IIIHIInHli BBTmnlTmr1"'"'1-'"-1""1"1"' ca n Condensed Cream. ran Maple Cream, c: 5c 5c pound-can. Castile Soap, cake Poited Ham ca n ,2hc 4c Bennett's Candy Sections Fifteen ($1.50) Green Trading Stamps with I'J'n package California Figs I2' Ten ($1.00) Green Trading Stamps with pound-box y C Bennett's Chocolate Creams iSJC EASTER NOVELTIES Eggs, 15 or 30 I Fancy Eggs, for IC each J Chicks In eggs, C carti.v .. ft Cotton Ducks and Chicks, CA each J C Roosters and liens, each 1C CIGARS Margaret May, a good 5c Cigar, long filler, Sumatra! Jtf wrapper, 5o for 17U Thirty-live ($.'1.50) Green Trading Stamps. Porto Rico Stogies, f rfl 100 for 1.3U Thirty ($3.00) Giceu Trading Stamps. Joe Wright, a 10c Cigar, conchas' especial size, jj straight DC Wyona, a good 5c Cigar, a long filler, Sumatra fj wrapper, 7 for. 'DC ,T.m.',.,:-.."'.'y. 50c and Up Hardware Specials Now la the time for spring cleaning and gardening. Thirty ($;) Green Trading Stamps with four tine Spading Fork, JAn best quality Twenty ($2) Green Trading Stamps with steel wire Lawn Rake, An at t Double Green Trading Stamps on all . .Iloes.i Rakes and Shovels. Thirty ($3) Green Trading Stamps " " with 50-Ib.nlceIy decorated fittf ' Japan Flour Can UOO Twenty ($2) Green Trading Ofin Stamps with Linen Mop. 00 Ten ($1) Green Trading Stamps 1 f n with Cotton Mop AUt Twenty ($2) Green Trading Stamps with 50-ft, Cable Laid OAn Clothesline w'iL. Ten ($1) Green Trading Stamps with 50-ft. Cotton Braided OOn Clothesline "1 Forty ($4) Green Trading Stamps with Plumber's Friend, G5c Don't forget we carry the Peninsular Range. The best made and the largest assortment of stoves in the city, Of Rf prices up from .SU. JW Double Green Trading Stamps on all Ranges and Gasoline Stoves Monday. D0H0THY D0DD SHOES and OXFORDS NEW 1905 SPRING STYLES AggjU There's nearly as much elaboration in style-idea in foot wear as in any other item of feminiue dress. ( We've 25 New Spring Styles on Display Now Tatis, Browns, Chocolates, Champagnes. Whites, Patent Leathers, Vici Kid, etc., etc. Dorothy Dodcl Oxfords lead American Fashion, and American Fashion leads the World in Footwear. t Oxfords, $3.00 and 2.50 Dorothy Dodd Shoes, faultless fitting, new spring styles in all leathers, $350 and 3.00 ii .WHY VON PLEnVEWAS KILLED AsBuain of Late Russian Minister of tie Interior Makes Statement. AIMS OF THE RUSSIAN DEMOCRATIC PARTY Socialism an Ontgrowlh of Aotocrney and Terrorism Only an Iuel deutal Attribute to the Campullin of Freedom. (Correspondence of the Associated Press.) BT. PETERSBURG. March 1. Before Baso'neft. the assassin of Minister of the Interior von Flehve. was brought to trial he composed a lenRthy statement which he Jntended to present to tho Judgea as u Jus tification of his act. His lawyer at the time Informed the Associated Press that the document alone proved Sasoneff was not only a man of superior Intellect, but a deep thinker. Owing to the limited time allowed at the trial Basoneff was unable to rend the document to the Judges, being obliged to content himself with a brief oral statement. The document which, however, was made part of the record In the case, haa now fallen Into tho hands of the Asso ciated Press and aside from Its remarkable cSiracter proves especially Interesting at this time, as it sets forth the views and alms of the fighting organliatton of the so cial revolutionary party which has Just brought about the death of the Grand Duke Berglus. It shows clearly that acts of ter ror committed by the fighting organisation are In the execution of sentences passed upon offlolnls and others held responsible for flihtlng with cruel repression the peace ful propaganda of the larger party. The acts for which von Plehve was condemned nre given In detail. But perhaps the most interesting portion of the statement Is the pathetic personal biography of Sasoneff and the analysts of the mental process by which he grsdually grew interested In political actions, becoming an advocate of socialism and lster being driven by suffer ings In exile Into the ranks of the terrorists, by whom he waa chosen to kill von Plehve. . Statement of tfce Assassin. Saaoneff'a statement follows: "I am accused of playing an active role In the righting section of the social demo crats, which It is said has as Its aim to overthrow the present form of government and the established laws of Russia, and the existing social condition of Russia. "I am accused of using explosives for murdering officials of the state, and "I am accused of having killed the minis ter of the Interior, von Plehve, to attain the ends of the social democrats. "To these accusations I can answer. "Yes, I waa a member of the social revo lutionists and had the honor of being a member of the fighting section of the social f democrats, ajid by the latter' orders I killed Plehve. I do not consider either the society or myself guilty of the Intention of which we are accused, viz: to by force attempt the overthrow of the existing form of government and the social conditions of the country. The society has no such large alms as to overthrow thr form of auto cratic government In Russia. "First of ull, I must state that one cannot say that the 'lighting section' Is a 'secret society' In the usual Sense of the word. The 'fighting organization' Is not a separate body but only a part of the big party of social revolutionists, and the 'fighting or ganization' follows out strictly the orders of the larger society. Therefore It Is not posslblo to talk about the fighting organi zation alone, but one must also' Include the purty of cocial revolutionists. Plan of the Orwanlistlon, "I cannot say that it is by means of the activity of the lighting 01 ginization that the social revolutionists wish to do away with tho autocratic form of government or even the present social conditions of Rus sia, nor Is It by means of terroristic acts that they intend to gain their ends, but there Is one thing which the party meets by terroristic acts carried out by members of the 'lighting organization,' and that is to answer by armed attack those acts of the government where the lives and honor if Russian citizens are not spared, not to speak of the life and honor of the Russian revolutionists. "We are not a party of force. Our party la In principle against all forms of force snd attaining their aims by force. The Ideals of the party, as are also the means by which they agitate for their ideals, are ,11 of peaceful character. How much the ideals of the social revolutionists are peace ful Is shown from the fact that the gov ernment laws do not forbid the entry Into the country of many books of socialistic nature. It Is not we who agitate amongst the various classes of society. The agita tion arises without our help. It is not we who made the classes, and - they are not 'one whole' and with one Interest. As many as there are In society different groups of Inhabitants with different means of exist ence, so many are there different Interests which are In no way mutual. The peasants and workmen have one Interest, the labor employers and land owners have others. We social democrats support the interests of the working classes. It is our task to try to learn the needs of the people, and also to learn how they can be fulfilled. . Autocracy Totterlaar to Fall. "With reference to the question of politi cal revolution, the Russian government must be made to understand that It Is standing over a volcano. We socialist rev olutionists are at present conducting a peaceful propaganda, but one from which the autocratic regime of the empire re ceived a death wound forty years ago. Its term came to an end together with the fall of serfdom, which wa.? about equal to the patriarchial ystem. The people, tngethei with the delivery from serfdom, received the right to have Independent thought and govern its own destinies. The reforms of the first year of Alexander II. 'a reign! showed that he understood the needs of the times and advanced to meet them. Zemstvo courts were built up by him on the basis of national autonomy, but having taken that step on the road to the logical development of the result of the fall of serfdom the government plainly feared the consequence, stopped and suddenly turned back. From that time the Russian people have been awaiting continuation. The con tinuation must and will come. The ques tion Is, who will Introduce It and lead it, the people themselves, or will it come from above ? "We social revolutionists up to the pres ent have been struggling with the existing regime in a peaceful manner. Our task Is to make plain to the people that the pres ent system Is unsatisfactory. Our task is to organize tho opinion of the majority in the state, th it Is to say, that minority which at present consists of the leading force in the country in a moral sense and by Its energy, which is comparatively free and which has broad views. The govern ment stands in the way of the intelligent. It will not count any more with the party of social revolutionists which the govern ment accuses of continued encroachment on Its existence The party Is not to blame In this. It Is right if behind the party are the majority of the people. The duty of the government la to meet the wishes of the people. "The method of fighting of the party Is by means of word, proof and conviction, and this Is the only means of agitation which the party has and upon which the party Is conducted. Terrorism Is Irrelevant. "The sad necsslty of terroristic acts falls on the party wholly taken up with a peace ful fight. "Terroristic acts are a necessity which suddenly fall on the party as something irrelevant and foreign to tts original alms. The program of the party declares such acts detrimental, and we would never have resorted to arms but for the unlimited freedom of action allowed to the chlnov nlks, the acts of whom force us to It. Only force Is answered by force. Only in those cases when the ministers and chinovlks refuse us the right to speak verbally do we speak "another language." Only when all other means are exhausted we answer by desth. Only after insufferable tortures, awful humiliation of citizens and revolu tionists do we go to extreme measures. "The activity of the fighting organiza tion Is only called into play on special oc casions. The acts of the fighting organiza tion are of a reflectory nature, correspond ing to the character of the Impulse. "I.ook at what the fighting organization has done up to now. You will see that it has never had resource to arms as a spe cial Independent means of fighting the pres ent system. The social revolutionists more than anylody else understand that an idea annot be done away with by means of bullets, and that bombs do not break down systems. An Idea can be conquered and destroyed, but a system falls only when the foundation which upholds it is rotten and broken down. Birth of Socialism. "In order to show the real character of our terroristic tactics remember the party of the people's will, which our party con siders its foster mother. The theories of that party and we, their 'children,' are the same, but the conditions under which the members of the people's will lived and acted are different from the conditions of the present day. Then the government terrorized; now we. Then the people, only Just freed from serfdom, were Illiterate. Habit of living and thinking Independently was stamped out of them during centuries. In one word, the nation had hardly got away from slavery and was In Its Infancy. The members of the people's will were per suaded by experience that to fulfill the dif ficult mission of agitating socialistic ideas among such an unconscious people, and having before them the ghost of the white terror, was an unproductive action. Losing hope that the people would fight Inde pendently for their own Interests or come to the help of their champions, the mem bers of the free will, by means of the red terror, decided to conquer or die. But they were forsaken, alone on the field of battle and had to fight like Titans. "We social revolutionists, children of the twentieth century, do not feel ourselves alone; on the contrary, we feel behind uf the peoples' strength. Since the monarchic regime was mortally wounded forty years ago the nation has grown Intellectually. It already has wants and Is able to think and govern Its own destinies. The members of the party of free will dreamed of pre senting the nation with free Institutions as a present obtained from the government In single combat. We have no such broad alms. We are much more modest. The system Is already falling under tho pressure of notional needs which It now ceases to satisfy, and under the pressure of national discontent with It. The nation has problem and demands. If we followed the example of the members of the free will, and If we have taken to arms, it is only because rep resentatives of a government which Is dying out have taken charge of the auto cratic power and have gone quite out of the bounds of humanity in their dealings with us revolutionists and the dissatisfied people. We are treated like hunted and beaten animals. For this reason we have bared our teeth and taken to arms. Indictment Against Plehve. ' "And so against the present system we have the peasants, workmen and intelligent classes working in common with us. "Terror against the terror of the officials who lost their heads In their actions. Death ff.r death, wounds for wounds, and dishonor f jr dishonor. "A revolutionary trlbunul for the olig archlsts who are not uuswerable before the law end the nation. "Consequently, I state thut when throw ing the bomb at Mr. Plehve I did not think that it would fall on the existing form of government in Russia. I threw the bomb at Mr. Plehve not In his capacity as a Russian minister (there nre still many of them left), but I threw the bomb at him as a certain person who in a certain way filled the position of minister of In terior. Mr. Plehve In fighting against na tional discontent had resources to force. He committed tho gravest of crimes. "First, Plehve gave up to execution, Im prisoned in fortresses and subjected our comrades to all kinds of tortures and- pun ishments. He forced us to rise against him us the persecutor and murderer of tho people. Balmashev and Heketch were placed on the scaffold. Gershuni and Femklna were burled In Slussel terg fort ress. ; Such facts we social revolutionists cjinnot but regard as crimes, nnd the fault uf these crimes lies on the head of the man who carried on an untruthful fight for the state. "Second, Plehve, as director of the de partment of police, choked the party of people's free will by means of Julls, fort resses, penal servitude, prisons and exile. People had no opportunity of forgetting his hangman. The old-time hangman again placed hla white hand on the people's necks. To speak about forgetting was only possible in case Plehve tried to redeem his former crimes by reforms and conces sions during the latter part of his life. Crimes of the Minister. "Third, Plehve, before the declaration of war with Japan, arranged a war In the Interior of Russia. He looked on Russia as though It was a foreign country. Ha strewed the land with its citizens' blood. He shot the workmon when they spoke plainly about their needs and their Inter ests. "Yes, for the shooting of workmen M. Plehve is to be blamed more than anyone else. Although he did not give the word 'Fliv,' he s guilty because the shooting was initiated by him as minister of the In terior, and by ordtrs of men who fulfilled the orders of him who had appointed them. As he did not punish the governors he him self sanctioned their deeds and gave temp tation to other high dignitaries to act Just as cruelly. "Fourth The personal dignity of the Rus rian citizens during Plehve's government was subjected to the basest humiliation, peasants and workmen were subjected to wholesale corporal punishment. Von Wahl and Obolensky received promotion and re ward. Russian revolutionists were beaten and humiliated on every posxlhle occasbm In the police stations by the policemen and recret jkiIIcc. Russian revolutionists and citizens were humiliated and beaten In prisons, and sometimes their position there became so unbearable that they refused food and starved themselves In protest against Insults. Taiatlon and Terror. "Fifth Plehve put on the hungry heavy taxes. When the peaxnnts, driven to ex tremities by hunger, want of arable laud snd subjected by the landowners, not see ing and not expecting help from anywhere, tried to obtain bread by force so as not to die, they wire answered with an Increase of taxation. This waa Plehve's Idea of satisfying national needs. In this manner he gave them a stone Instead of bread. In this manner he deprived the naked of their only shirt. Plehve exhausted the people, spending their hard earned money on the development of the secret police In Russia and on the protection of his own pernon. "Sixth Plehve allowed the willful mas sacre of the Klchlnef Jews In the presence of the police; Jews, old men, women and children, were beaten and killed. Women were Insulted, the property of the poor Jews was destroyed and plundered. Of Plehve's participation in this willful mas sacre the foreign press and the Russian revolutionary press clearly made mention. Further mention of this is made In the description of the which pre ceded It and which description was given In the more or less decent organs of the Russian press. How can we trust tho In formation given by the government? What right have we to believe either it or the servile remarks of tho Official Messenger? What right have we to believe either It or the servile remarks of. the anti-Semitic newspapers, when they attempt to exempt Plehve from participation In this crime, and attempt to put all the blame on the drunken crowd of vandals and the peo ple's hatred of the Jews? Such articles do not admit of any trust. "Freedom of Speech." "During Plehve's time freedom of speech and protection was given to only those pa pers which could tell lies and papers which hatred the Jewish people, which during a long space of time tried to make Jews and Russians enemies and tried to make the common people hate the Jews, Poles and Finns. The Jewish press could not protest as it was always being persecuted In Rus sia and could hardly breathe. Plehve per mitted the Klchlnef mansacro in the In terest of the same policy which he had followed In other parts of the country. He tried as much as he could to weaken the power of the revolutionists in order to frighten the JewlBh malcontents. "It Is known for a certainty that when the Klchlnef massacre were known all over Russia, Jews of some towns fearing the same thing asked for the protection of the governors and police, and received answer that they would be treated in the same way if they did not keep quiet. "Seventh Plehve put down all attempts to work legally for the people. The press was suppressed and put under the yoke of the censor. Zemstvos were suspected and disbanded. The elected of the zem stvos, who represented the government of the people, were not allowed to speak. Plehve held all Russia down on the plea of "safeguard." He covered Russia with a network of gendarmerie and multiplied the police and secret police so that In the Infected atmosphere It was liiii.osslble to breathe. "Klghth On Plehve falls the chief re sponsibility that In the exiHtlng war Rus slun blood Is flowing like water and the flower of the luud are perishing, Its most healthy and robust citizens are dying and the people's money Is being wastefully squandered. Plehve Is guilty because he gagged the nre an td, t . . 7 , - , . '" "un social op n- ion and did not allow them to speak about the war in order to prevent it. Hla Death Decreed. "All this was done In Russia during the two years of the government of Plehve. All these crimes were committed by Plehve himself or by his agents, and for that the purty of social revolutionists found it neo essary to remove Plehve In order to sav Russia from his crimes and In order t show that such fearful crimes against the Russian people could not remain unpun ished. That is why the party of social revolutionists called the fighting organiza tion together and gave to It tho sentence of death of Plehve, and I, a member of the fighting organization of social revolution ists, with the feeling of deepest gratitude for the great honor shown me, swore to do my duty and carry out the sentence. "Personal motives for killing Plehve I had none. Although I am not a novice In socialists propaganda; although by ex perience I can appreciate the awful wrongs of Russia. I should not be able to raise my hand against the life of a man from personal motives. To this I might add that one of the crimes which was committed in the time of the government of Plehve, and which I took to heart as much as If it had been directed against me personally and against my nearest relatives, was a procaa slon of twenty-eight coffins In the streets, an unlimited number of wounded and two files of soldiers. I remember the awful hecatomb of Inhabitants shot down near me and who were victims of the Interior policy of Flehve." Cures Colds and When Grip la complicated with Rheumatism take No. 15. with Catarrh take No. 19. with Ij'Mpfpsla take No. 10. with ltladdcr trouMe take No. SO. with Kliluey trouble take No. 27. with Neuralgia take No. 8. with lit itdnrlie take No. I). Take In nliernatlmi with 77. For other conipllrntioiiH consult Ir. Humphreys' Manual at your druKKlala oi nut lied free. At druggists, 25 cents each or mallei. Humphreys' Homeo. Medicine Co., corner William and John Utreeta, New York, 4