Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 19, 1905, NEW SECTION, Page 8, Image 8
THE OMATIA DAILY BEE!:"" PUXDAY. MABCII 10, 1003. jus mm Wnfo) uJ" U LnJ CT"TI3 n PAYS T L nVaal mmmmm anngnpsanjan. i I J UT 0) m) WE MUST HAVE THE ROOM FOR OUR GIGANTIC SPRING STOCK 1 H THE HE f& rvn 7v rn i ' II I 1 I 1 I 1 mmm lit! I 111 t k l k s iuj y i; ab" fic overwhelming response to this sale has been almost beyond belief all our previous records have been broken. We are now determined to make the sale even greater in point of bargain Interest than before. WE ARE GOING TO DISPOSE OF WIS STOCK IN THE SHORTEST .TIME EVER KNOWN. WE NEED THE ROOM. WE ARE MAKING PRICES TO COMMAND THE ATTENTION OF EVERY WOMAN IN OMAHA. 1 r q3 S ' This stock is new and freshthe high quality of goods is well known to every Omaha womanyou run no risk'in selection. Every piece has been cut far below the profit mark. IF ECONOMY APPEALS TO YOU, IF YOU ARE ANXIOUS TO BUY THE GOODS YOU NEED AT MUCH LESS THAN THEY CAN BE BOUGHT AT ANOTHER TIME, THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY. EVERY SEPARATE PRICE REPRESENTS AN ABSOLUTE SAVING MONDAY IS TO BE THE BANNER BARGAIN 50c Fine Muslin Underwear From Mrs. J. Benson's Stock. A great assortment of gowns, skirts, chemises and drawers from Mrs. Benson's stock many odd nieces some the least bit mussed, all on great bargain square for a Monday special, regular . garments priced by Mrs. Benson at $1.25 & 1.50, at sMnn MB BBB All Mrs. Benson's 50c and 75c quality undermuslins goat All Mrs. Benson's very highest grade undermuslins goat New Wash Waists from the Mrs! Benson stock latest spring styles beautifully QQ, made, at, each ZJOK All Mrs. Benson's fine Silk Waists in the daintiest sheer eilks, trimmed effectively in the latest styles, $2. 50 and $3 AO quality, at O All Mrs. Benson's 50c Aprons at. 25c 25 c 98c DAV X IN THE GREATEST SALE IN THE MERCANTILE AH the Highest Class Embroideries aivd Laces -Mfa Bcnsm'' stock Fresh new lots of fine embroideries, insertings, bands and beading3 the choicest patterns that were in the latest purchases of the Mrs. Benson stock many of these embroideries are ffl jf 'Til? extra wide they are in the finest new patternshundreds of styles A 2 II (3 i tO II h 0, P for your selection, at, a yard .v. ....... . K 1LP ILxP J Laces from the great Benson stock point d esprit, vala, torchons, clunys, net tops, otc. in the Zl A neat and dainty patterns as well as the more elaborate .effects a splendid variety, at, yard Net Top Laces at I9c Yard Net top and trimming laces a nn array of Venice .band nd galloons varloty of widths and A some of the very choiceal of patterns carried by Mrs. Benson I ff Monday, very special, at, yard Ladies' Hosiery Lisle thread, all over lace, lace boot, etc. in blacks, tans and fancies, g'Hrter tops, etc. f C L JC TP will go at, per pair 1 J V' J C-JJ C Ladies' Corsets Made of finest French coutil and batiste well known brands, buoh a Rjyal Worcester, VV. C' C, Thompson's 69c$l.$1.50 Dress Trimmings from the Mrs. Benson, stock all kinds at, per yard 10c-15c-25c Glove Fitting Corsets, Ii. & G., etc. all length, at, . '. Ladies Q. Men's Handkerchiefs Swiss embroidered and all linen worth regularly up to 35c. at 6ic-12ic15c L&dies' Kid Gloves All the new spring gloves bought by Mrs. Benson for this spring's trade newest spring shades all sizes will go at, CI,, fTf CA per pair , )yC-plplDJ Ladies' Neckwear All the finest ladies' neckwear from the great purchase laco and 6ilk embroidered C JA f "jr turnovers greatest assortment at DC'1)C'1DC'DC Ladies' and Misses Knit Underwear Made of fine lisle, all bilk, etc. many union suits drawers in knee and ankle lonurth, umbrella !:.:. 12k.15c-25c.35c.69c Pearl Buttons in all sizes AH kinds of Trimming Buttons a special bargain ! j your choice at - Monday, at, , per 11 fl dozen. ". j 5c-10c-I5c HISTORY OF OMAHA. BELTS and JEWELRY from Mrs. Benson s stock All Mrs. Benson's bolts, IwiiRht for this spring senson, changeable effects, moires, pc;iu do soles, tine Zf pleats, worth $1.U0, iu this sale, eJaC Mrs. Benson's Sterling Silver bracelets, space. for monograms, mailo to retail at $l50, at Genuine phell cameos, set in solid kM plnt.e, Tvur runted to wear I!t years, worth up to $.".H), at Mrs. Benson's Merlins silver thimbles, extra heavy m chased and plain, worth 50c, each, I 1 vrAT.! All Mrs. Benson's fancy jeweled buckles, Uio relgninR fart, for this spring, worth up to $i:, 49c.59c All Mrs. Benson's "Peggy" bags, sold up to $3.50, your choice, at Double buckle Buster Brown belts, in patent leather, .V red, brown, white, green, etc., made to retail tilmMZ Jir 50c, at fytt All Mrs. Benson's shirt waist jewelry, sterling silver a 1 1 . 11.. L.i. ..I.... ,...1.1 9 V , W- and deep sea pearl ana an Biennis om pius, nuiu j Up tWl, i-ULii, ni ,1 V 1 I i , ii LI mm ii TABLE DAMASK AND FINE NAPKINS 2'ir full bleached' table damask, per yard, f fi at J. 60c full blearhod all linen table damask, 'IQ-. per yard, at JUw "6c all linen table damask, bleached and sil-COr. WW r bleached, per yard, at. fine mercerized napkins, J1.50 all linen bleached and half I I2.M extra fine all linen full per dozen, at i.JJ napkins, doz., at.. per dozen. -t 59c bleached napkins, Jl extra fine bleached and silver bleached f()r-t table damask, per yard, at ti 72-ln. elegant quality full bleached Irish satin table damask, worth 11.50 to 91.75 a yard, QQr per vard. at Ow Napklna to match, per dozen, 1Q8 $2.M extra fine all linen full I bleached satin damask f fQ $1.00 scarfs and squares, each, at SPECIALS FROM. MRS. BENSON'S STOCK 98c ll.rl scarfs and squares, fLCln each, at u 11.00 scarfs and squares, AQn each, at -z 69c Bcarfs'and nquares, each, at. Soc scarfs and squares, each, at 25c e. 11 linen doylies, each, at 25c I5c I0c 15c all ttnen doylies, CZr, each, at.... 10c all linen doylies, 'llr. each, at ;..3W 10c wash cloths, 11r each, at OJw 6c Turkish Wash froths, tic ' each, at 'w Special Spring Showing of Carpets and Rugs We have just received a preat shipment of our handsome Wilton Kurs for 190.". They are all absolutely new patterns some of the. most beautiful Wilton Hubs ever shown In Omaha. We have a specially flue line of these new. rugs in the 0x12 size. We invito your inspection. WILTON RUGS-9xl2 size. r yij CZf regular $45 values,- at OU : A'!)xl2 Axminater Uujr, regular )1 Cft j A 9x12 Seamless Velvet Rue, reg- CI C 127.60 value at tD3 ttlar J30.0J value at ,3 TAPESTRY BRUSSELS RUGS (9x2) $20 values at $16.50 . WILTON BUGS IN ALL SIZES FROM THB -SMALLEST DOOlt MAT TO Tllti "LAUGUd'f ROOM IZE RUG. ( Meas Fashionable Spring Clothes Meal's stylish new suits, top coats and cravenettes for spring wear these are ail hign grade garments made by expert tall ors, along the most X , ' rasnionaDie lines all the newest sprlug I 1 fabrics, at (lt$15sr$25 Included ln'the as sortment are the world's famous Rog ers - Teet & Oo.'s clothing, without questiou the highest class clothing for men in America. The finest clothing for men ever offered at $10.00 Every one of tue suits and spring top coats are well made and thoroughly f tailored right up to date spring fl 1 1 effects, at , v A r V 1 1 3000 yards of the newest spring goods that sell regularly at $1.60 a yard voiles, Pana mas. Sicilians, check sultlnRs. man nish tailoring- cloths, black and colors a yard 69c Exceptional Offers in Fine Dress Goods The Dross Goods Department that leads the west a well earned reputa tion for all that is new iu advance of other houses unsurpassed -values. 300 pieces of new goods from a Philadelphia mill mohair, raelrose, tailor suit- fT .inffs, etc. all worth 50c aud 7oo a C yard at, yard THE FOREMOST EASTERN FASHIONS Shepherd Check Voiles Tartan voilss, Taney shirt waist suiting voiles, $C-$1 $1 25 BlacW and White Shepherd Checks-Mohairs, Serges, Pan- JO- CO. Off- Pf amas, etc. at, yard Jmt Jm O J0mjOm!p 1 Best French Voiles Ideal shirt waist stuff, now shades of green, brown and all tones J C " at, yard t JC Mohairs, direct importations prices cannot be I Shepherd Checks and Tartan Plaids . a?iS".r.?:.-.... 49c-89c I JaVd.......... 49c-85c to 2?? Guaranteed Black Lustres, Mohairs and Sicilians (J 69c 75c 1 25 ock) 39c Great Specials In Wash Dress Goods Dept. adjoining Wool Goods stock) H event ana prettiest wasn voncs. eneexs f I f inest imported organdies, selling- every. ana enepnera cnecKS, ouc values .wC ' wnere at ac yard si ik norai or finest or at amxrn . gandlen do fin at. yard W'axh Oxfords, for tub dresses, tan, brown, f f Full waist pattern of embroidered front f et bluo, white, etc., 35c grade at, I f j cilfts and collar on fine grade lawn tnl yard at pattern Fine New LACE CURTAINS and DRAPERIES THE FIRST "SHOWING of our own Importation of high gradlaco curtains, consist lag of reul Rattonbiire. sonuluo Cluuy lace and handmade Arabian iu a lnrgo and varied lino of patterns. !d made Arabian curtains ralnglng In 5 QQ Brussels Net curtains, per pnlr.- from HOMQS '- " 1 ca1.11. iiwiii Hand price Beautiful BattenbuigT nrii'A from S18.fA to And a great many novelty lace curtains never before shown in Omaha.. DRAPERY SPECIALS FOR MONDAY Irish Point door panels, A 1 v 25C . each ; Full size portieres in alarge range of pat- QQ terns and colors, at, per pair v-r Roman and French striped couch covers, 25 S yards long, euch Curtain Swisses. 45 Inches wide, worth "&12Jc per yard, at. pr yard. . . . . . . . . . ...... ....... Good quality window shades, 3 feet wide, OQq 7 feet lonB, all colors, eacn, an Special bnrgnln in Cable Net curtains that gen erally sell for tt.00 per pair, to close 1 S() out various lots, they go at, per pair,.... Extraordinary Silk Values for Monday Many new arrivals are coming' daily to our great silk spctlon. It is conceded by the best Informed shoppers in Omaha that Brande'la' showing of spring Bilks is -without an equal in Omaha for variety and beauty. , PHII.O SILK, new crash effects, confined 7r I NEW RAJAH SILKS, new shipment of f OR to Brandeis, at, per yard . mj gcarco green, browns and blues, nt FINE CLOTH OF GOLD rONGgE 45 inches wide, ?J.OO value, a yard, NEW BARRB POMPADOITR New print warp I New Electra silks, 85 plain and changeable QQ - , I combinations, per yard, at W Persian and monotone effects, new spring shades, j New French Surah Bilk, plain and change- f df i.,.,, tnv .,,1,. I able, per yard, at it!"..! 98c-1.25-1.50-1.75 "SSr: ji.!".!:.20.". 1-25 SPECIAL VALUES IN WASH SILKS ao-ln. pure silk Habutal wash silk, per yard, j -1"- Pure silk llabuial wash silk, per yard, QQq 50 pieces of full :i(i-liich white all silk Habutal 49c MORK NEW WINSLOW TAFFP:TAS Another large shipment added to our alreoxly large stock an assortment of colors th:it cannot be surpassed by any house In the United States. Celebrated Bonnet Taffeta. Direct Importation of these splendid wash silks enable us to offer extra bargain numbers. 27 Inch Bonnet black taffeta, per yard, J 25 'onn't black taffeta, per yard, j 50 New spring silks on bargain squares now check louisenes and jacijunrd 0 CQ. f taffetas, 75c and $1.00 values, ut rfJC' DJC-0 JC ,-i sr m itcwwS com L n v. a mm sm mm WIS SONS Spring Styles Boys Clothing New Bustar Brown effects with knickerbocker trousers Rus sians, sailors, double - breasted effects, etc. all good, well made suits, regu- aPA lar $4.00 liJlt values, jt at Boys' Wool Knee Pants double seat and knee reinforced seams stoutly made in every way, at Boys' Corduroy Knee Pans regular fifty cts. values, special Monday, at pair 45c in Boys' Serviceable School Suits Norfollts and double breasted styles a wide variety of patterns, at ... 1.19 FAIR OFFICERS . ORGANIZE Nebraska Man Eleoted President of the Interstate Association. DAIRY COMMISSIONER PLANS CAMPAIGN Governor Cnmmlna Kme J. I,. Kri- dr Jod o Fill Out the Term of the I.Mte Judge Wakefleld. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINK8. March IS. (Special.) Manager of the state fulra of Mibaouri, Ne braska, Kansas, Illinois and Iowa were In session today at the office of Secretary Simpson of the Iowa fair and have formed an association. The object in to get better attractions and not to conflict In dates and than get better races. The plan is the Idea of a C. Babsett of the Nebraska tute fair ut Lincoln, The Western Fair association formed to day and elected V. R. Mollor of tmp City, president of the Nebrahkit fair, president; Secretary C. II. Hlmpcon of the Kansas fair, secretary. The association will supplement the American usxoclatlon. Freaeh Milk Uoel. Beginning Monday ut Feetlna dairy Coin- mtsfloner H. R. VVrtgbt and u number of other authorities on milk will hold a aerie of meetings covering the atate and reach ing far Into the Hummer. It Is proposed to give lectures and demonstrations of pure milk and how to handle it as well a how to care for tlie cow. Deputy t'ommlssloner Kleffer, I'resident Shilling o( the Btuts laliy assoclutlon, I'rof. lie. Kay of the trtuts college at Amea und Others will speak. larestlaates Herf Treat. t'nlted States District Attorney Mile 1 again In the oity and is Investigating the beef trust on orders from Washington, lie ha spent his time principally with railroad otrk'lals getting Information, it I Understood, us to rates and payment and the bundling of private rar. Flaa All-Iena Rtsulos. W. C. Bartholomew of Strums burg, Neb., who was In the civil war as s member of Company V of the Seventh Iowa, ha written to the office of the adjutunt gen eral in the hope of setting on foot plans for another all Iowa reunion of the men who fought In the Iowa regiments. One wus held In 1870 when 30,000 veteran were In the city und an appropriation of JIB.OOO1 from the legislature was available for the entertainment. The railroads gave the soldiers free transportation. Rates ler' Encampment. Adjutant General Newman of the Iowa department of the Grand Army of the Re public today received notice that a rate of one fare for the round trip would be allowed on all railroad of the state to the state encampment at Okaloosa In May, with the exception of station from which the fare regularly Is Jl or less. For ueh the rate will be one and a third for the round trip. Mail Bos a Success. The tests of the open mall box, enabling parties to mail luttcrs on street car with out stopping the cars, have been satisfac tory. A favorable report will be sent 10 the department aud It Is regarded as prob able that the local system will sooit be completely supplied with the new equip ment. Ilnralar Struts Diamonds. A burglar broke a hole In the plate glass window of Holmes & Irving' Jewelry store at 9 o'clock tonight und mado away with fl.otJU worth of diamonds. There is but slight description of the burglar. Kennedy Sasned for Jodtir. Governor Cumins tonight appointed J. T.. Kennedy to succeed the late Judge Wake field on the district bench at Sioux City. custody at Monterey, Mexico, where the sheriff has gone to bring him back. ' Nominees nt .Missouri Valley. MISSOURI VALLEY. ia., March 18. (Speclul.) Missouri Valley republican have nominated tho following ticket: Mayor, J. J. Ames; city solicitor, C. W. Iellogg; treasurer, George T. Kellogg; assessor, A. G. Brown; councllmen, A. B. Iloabrook, G. W. Burbank and Charles Smith. The democrats have nominated the fol lowing: Mayor, E. F. James; city solicitor, Frank Tamlsler; treasurer, William H. Wllhrow; assessor, S. Van Patten; coun cllmen, John M. TomLalea, Thomas M. Gil more and Bernard Evans. Candidate at I.oaan. LOGAN. Ia.. March 18. (Special. Lo gan's municipal election, which occurs on Monday, March 27, will result In the vic tory of one of the following tickets: Cltl-Et-ns ticket, mayor, I- J. Paul; oouncll men. F. P. Steam and A. J. Miller; so cialist ticket, msyor, Dan Khrhurdt; coun cilman, A. E. Koreirutiv people's ticket, mayor, I. C. Wood; councllmen, Gale Mill and George Irwin, Swindler aasht In Mexico. 81 1 EN AN tK) AH, U., March Jl. -(Special.) Word has been received that D. R. Wil son, who obtained nearly SW.OU0 from Bhen audouh farmer and banker, Is now In Farmer Klect Officer. LOGAN, la.. March 18. (Special.) The Harrison County Farmers' Institute asso ciation has recently elected the following officer: President, Homer C, Caldwell, Logan; vice president, L. M. Blackman, Woodbine; secretary and treasurer, Fannlo E. Beck; executive committee, Peter Lewis, Woodbine; Jonathan Hole ton, Woodbine; J. E. Jones, Missouri Valley; J. E. Mann, Woodbine; Mrs. W. J. Brooks, Mondamln; Mrs. Nellie Larvey, Missouri Valley. Arrest nt O antra. - - ONAWA, Ia., March 18. (Special.) W. A. Foster of St. Clair township has been bound over to the Monona county district court by Isaac Cummlngs for obtaining goods under false pretenses. Have1 Von Retlsteredal If not, you should go at once to 1313 Fa mam street and leave your name and address, you might win the StOO.OO Btetger tt Son piano, given away absolutely free. Anyone without an Upright or Grand piano may have a chance. One coupon to a family. 6CHMOLLEJI & MUELLER.. Card of Thank. W wish to thank our many friend for their kindness, snd sympathy during the sickness und death (jf our beloved child, Helen Nygaard, also for the many floral Offerings. MR. AND MRS. NYGAARD AND FAMILY. IS K. weadlng ring. Edhoan, Jeweler. Have Root print IU THOMPSON WILL GOTO MEXICO President Tells Senator Burkett the Flan is Not Changed. SUCCEEDS CONGER IN SEPTEMBER Senate Confirm Nomination of George Dobson ns Consul to Honor Chow, Giving- Iowa' One More Member of Consular Service. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON. March IS. (Special Tele gram.) "I am satlslled that D. K. Thomp son wlll .be the next umbaBsudor to Mex ico," said Senator Burkett just as he was about to leave for Nebraska this afternoon. "I hud1 a talk with the president today about a number of matters and Incident to that conversation I asked the president if there was any foundation for the story going about that Assistant Secretary Loomls of the State department would succeed M. E. Conger at the Mexican capital. The president replied in so iiiuny word that Thompson would succeed Con ger In September, adding that that suc cession had been determined upon months ago and Hint he had no reason to change tho understanding entered Into when Thompson was In this country. "Now, I believe the president," said Senator Burkvtt, "and, I am not going to give the matter uny more thought, be cause I know its the intention of the ad ministration to carry out Its promises to Mr. Thompson." Dobson for llnng Chow. George JO. Dobson of Dos Moines, and well known In Nebraska, was confirmed to day us consul at Hang-Chow, China, und not to Nottingham, England, as originally planned by the president. When Dobson's nomination us consul to Nottingham was sent to the senate, Senator Allison and Congresmurr Dawson of the Second Iowa district discovered that Dobhon's appoint ment meant that Frank W. Muhin of Clin ton, present consul at Nottingham, wus to be superseded. There was consternation in the camp of the iowu delegation, but Senator Allison quietly announced to Ills colleagues und to the forelgif relations com mittee that Dohbon's name would be held up pending an understanding Willi tho president. Then the Iowa delegation. Senator Allison, Senator Dolliver und Duwson, Allison's former secretary, bote down on the chief executive. Out of their several conrerences on the situation a solution of the problem was evolved, to withdraw Dobson's name ns consul at Nottingham and send it in for Hang Chow, thereby leaving Mahln unmolested. Dobson's confirmation tod.iy shows how cleverly the Iowa delegation pulled oft an other consular plum nnd Increased their percentage of federal office holders. Baehr Stays in Cults, Mn Baehr remains as consul at Clen fuegos, Cuba, but only because Mr. Thomp son of Illinois, nominated for the place, has declined. Senator Burkett was In formed by the president today that Baehr would not be disturbed. Since the an nouncement In The Bee that Buehr had been removed from his position in Cuba, Senator Burkett bus received numerous telegrams asking that ho Interview the president looking to Luelu's retention, and the senator in consequence has done every thing that could be done lo have him retained. Before leuvlng for Nebraska, Senator Burkett buw Becretary Wilson of the De partment of Agriculture, with the view 'of securing the promotion for Cuptaln O. S. Phelps I'Mliirt of the Bureau of Animal industry ut South Omaha. W. F. McLaughlin of Grand Island Is in the city on a sight-seeing tour, this being ills llrst visit to Washington since the close of the civil war. Postmasters appointed: Nebraska Byron, Thayer county, Arthur Dunn, vico D. Whlt son, removed. Wyoming Fossil, T'lilta, county, Kato Callahan, vice Wesley A. Sohicrs, resigned. , y South Dakota rural route ordered es tablished April 1: Gary, Deuel county, Route 1; population, 600; . houses, 100. Letcher, Sanborn county, Routu 1; popu lation, 510; houses, 102, Nebraska rural carriers appointed: New man Grove, Roule 3, Robert B. Chtinner, carrier: Martin KJenner, substitute, O'Neill, Route 1, Henry D. Grady, carrier; Thomas F. Grady, substitute. Stuart, Routo 1, Ed A. Walker, carrier; Elliott E. Rhodes, substitute. Ohio Murderer Hentenred. CLEVELAND, March 18 John Wagnr, who killed his brother, dangerously wounded a policeman and d.llcd u poss of officer from the barricaded borne in l.akewood suburb two months, whs today sentenced to serve twenty-live year in the penitentiary. Know In Colorado. VICTOR, Colo.. March lR.-Hallwsv Ice on the Meant and electric lines through out the Cripple Creek district is prttcllufilly in it rin," iii ni'x s.icie, me result of a storm. Tho snow Is nearly two feet dean on the level for miles around. T5he H. J. P1LNFOLB CO. OLDEST OPTICAL HOUSE IN OMAHA. IF YOU HAVE EYE TROUBLE CONSULT OUR OPTICIAN, HIS SERVICES ARE YOURS. EVERY APPLIANCE SCIENCE HAS DEVISED IS AT OUR COMMAND. Wi Grind Our Own Linses. Importers and Manufacturers of Optical Goods. 'PHONE 1357 1400 FARNAM ST. v: