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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 19, 1905)
THE OMAITA ILLUSTRATED BEE. Why Endure Pain tne excruciating misery of blind, bleeding, itching pile, when there is an absolute cure? Dr. Perrin's Mo Specific U an Internal remedy that painlessly produces a positive and lasting cure. Pleasant to the taste, it is absolutely free from f opium, cocaine or other Injurious drugs. Simply take a spoonful three times daily before each meal Dr. Perrin's Pile Specific The Internal Remedy ( For dyspepsia. Indigestion, constipation, biliousness, catarrh of the stomach anal kindred ailments it is the greatest remedy that has ever yet benefited mankind. Think what a relief It would be to yon to be rid of these troubles and to avoid tha almost certain consequence 6f Files. ' Dr. Pterin Medical Go Helena, Moot. A ood . 7 show A At r A good lunch A good beer "W ffYOVOMEl OMAHA'S FAVORITE About Plays, Players and Playhouses HE Viola Allen Actlna Version of "Tho Winter's Tale" " Is a volume that would have delighted the autlior. for It la done In on ele- gam-e of simplicity that la charm- IhK- Shakespeare surely aprpeclated good work enough to have comtnendd this, and It Is not at all uncertain that ho would have commanded the alterations in the tet essential to Its presentation with a modern mounting. TM Is one of the things that make us eorry for Shakes peare; he Is denied the privilege of seeing Ms great plays produced with the acces sories permitted through the Inventive genius of modern times. With all due re- with a sombre, fecund atmosphere, eapahl J. McNally. Taking solely the theme of the of ennobling- his most contemptible weak- EnsrUsh manuscript, he wrote a complete nM, Ma most Inexcusable crimes," we ar hew story, filling It with comic lines and still animated by that spirit of Investigation funny situations. While the pieties is hum that delights in the unknown. It Is a day orous In the main, It conveys In a Comic when even science has ceased to be dog vein tha serious moral that great wealth matlc, and when new facts are continually will not bring contentment In life. .As usual being established. Therefore, the enlisjlit-, with productions of thld character, the tell- .1 ing of tho story Is Interrupted with a large ened mind, even when most Inclined to be' sceptical, is still lr a receptive mood, and number tat attractive musical features and not having fully accepted the materlallallo specialties. The score was composed by doctrine of the modern, holds with heeltal Ing hand to the Idealism of the past. Uncertainty Is the , condltlhn bf tits watchers for a sign, and the symbols that teach him of his duty towards himself sre gard for Ben Oreet and his followers, the those for which he looks most earnestly. beauty of the poet's sublime lines Is' en hanced through having the proper setting. The student may be satisfied in bis cham ber to surround himself In imagination with tha scenery suggested by the text, but when he sees the characters Stride arrnns lhA mtum nt imnrl ihm tvrihil spoken by living creatures, and notes the not s. eapressed. that people are not ond act. la preceded by a minor ballet life given the poet's thought, he likes to "lve" to th violent action that marked the called "Tha Land of the Trftst and Ice," have It set In proper surroundings. And doln8 of Ul h"" '"d women of action a. remarkably beautiful seen, composed of It may be that the Holy Orali, glowed fur others than Amforla. It Is not contended that the motives on which the Shakespearean drama Is fouhded are less potent how thnrt they Were in his Frederick Salomon and appeals particularly to the popular taste. There are two greet ballets and a wonderfully beautiful trans formation scene. Tha ballet at the finale or tha first act is called "La Art Nauvesu," ami represents In choruses shd processions, products of art in Manufacture, displaying carved ivory, wrought bronses and Iron, mosaics, iridescent glasses, earthenwares, limoge, enamels, gold work, transparent enamels, jewelry snd the diamond. Over too people appear in this feature. The great day. It is only suggested that they are ballet. "Heartsease," at the end of the sec fnr "Perslfal," and 12, W and BUR it's sure iobe good good at home orcafg A positive guarantee that Uricsol will cure your rheum at is m goes with every sale. Sherman ft McOonnell Drug Oo lotli tod Dodge fits., Omaha, are attthortmd to jrtvo to every purchaser of tlx bottles et uricsol at SB.OO, positive gnarentes thgt uricsol wui cart your Rbeamatum. Urtcaol la the great California remedy that dissolves the arid acid deposits and removes the cause of rheumatism and go tit Urtawl trill not harm or Injure any part of your body, on the contrary It will tone up the stomach, create aa appetite, stimulate the liver and kidneys, remov Ing the excess of uric add that causes 10 many ailments, cnier or which w rneu mattaro. Write for booklet and diet list Tha Uricsol Chemical Co, las Angales. Cat. this can only be done by scenery- This requires the extirpation of much that was only written to occupy the stage while necessary rest was being tsken by the principals, and which Is not at all essential to the Intelligent rendition of the play. Shakespeare and his fellows worked under conditions' that gave them a freedom the modern manager knows not of, but It was due solely to the limitations of the thea ter's mechanical equipment, and csn n6t bo rightly charged to the fact that the master did not care for scenery. Shakespeare still stands alone In the dramatic field, the. one standard for com parison. Ills was not the Work for an age, or for a people, but apparently for at time. Other dramatists may be said to belong to a school,-or to a day, or in age. and their works to be representative of such and such a time. Ko such state ments are made concerning Shakespeare, unless it be by the advanced among the moderns, who pretend to think that Neltsthe's "overman" has come, and they are "it." In an essay on "The Modern Drama," Maurice Maeterlinck says the Shakespearean drama Is no longer possible, for the reason that we do not now have the background against which to project the picture. The progress of the race during the few years that stretch between then. The modern dramatist Is subtler in his methods. He has ceased to rita! with the externals and Is turning his search In ward. The Intent Is to turn a searchlight on the consciousness of the Individual. He Is to be made to see himself as he Is, 3, Orsnt Olbson, Charles F. Kenne. Guy Rawsun, Will If. Stevens, Oeorgo O. Aesvan, Wllllnro J. Dale, AlrHr.ur P. Dale. Jerry Discroll. Caroline May.' Klla Camtfon. llattle Iternple, Edna Htmlng, Beth Kaufman, Frances Clare and Elisa beth Dale. 1 All Of the seats In thebalcony were prac-' tically sold out by Thursday last for the appearance of the Conreld Metropolitan Opera company here on the ?9th and 00th Of the month. Mr. Chase, the local man ager, Immediately went to work to see If he could arrange to accommodate the de mand for cheap seats, and arranged to place Something like 250 fthalrs In the bal cony, Which Will go on sale tomorrow at l.M. This makes nearly 1.500 seats at that price, Which should certainly satisfy the demand for grand opera at popular prices. There ' are still some desirable seats on the main floor at l-.w. $3, tt and $4 tor "Lucia," and a few 8 and S4 seats up stairs. The work ef changing the Auditorium Into a complete theater la well under way, under charge of Henry Hamann, the con tractor. The Contract for decorating the boxes and th front of the balcony has been given to the Bennett company and will be under the direct charge of titeir Mr. con- AMlftRMKSTs. AMI BOYD'S yyfflaSK Mgrs. TONIGHT O INLY RETURN DATD THE PERLEY OPERA CO. URKATF.ST SINOtNO OTiOAKl TKN I'RKSKNTINtl I.H'.HT OPKHA T.N AMKRICA. IN THE L'NPAKALI.KD TRII'MPII THE GIRL ANojrHg PANDIT BOYD'S Tomorrow at 8:15 P. II. All Wl? ITU F.XCEPTINd SATURDAY NIOHT HLL If Ll aUlTMatlnees Wednesday and Saturday frosted bend work. This melts intd tha "Land Of Heartsease," showing nearly M0 people In most gorgeous costumes In every hue of the putney. This, Is said to he the greatest spectacular sce'rte ever presented nti ftha Ami.elr.ah atA 'Hm lust Ihrldstit not as he thinks himself, and la to be tauaht i it,- ,ii.r,i, it, ..t traiifeMritiatlnti. Iht, Who announces that he Intends to that the irlsh ends sought by the heroes "Contentment " Jnaetih f awthome fnscta ' hl" reputation upon the result of and heroines of the past were hot and arc iha rla nf Mnthee rinnse. ahd has scored hM embellishments st th Auditorium, hot the belter part of existence. The hew so great a success that he Is to be starred hleh, when filled with an audience now thought Is quite along this line, but the next seasoh by Klaw Brlnnger In a big Untd at not less than ,000 people, will personal application of the principle In-- musical production. W. ft. Mscart, a clever Pfht l che long to be rfmom- volved sometimes comes quite difficult and character actor and comeiilani Harry Kelly, Dred, The announcement that the boxes is almost enough to convince one that the Clifford Crawford, K. M. Stanton, Allen ,rS ,0 D Provided with easy chairs has oiu way were Better, ir the time ever Ramsay and Dawes and Seymour are the "lr" oroug.n nuuui m ie ui comes when the Individual will be lost in main factors In the male characters, with trKr' BUt lhr r flv or ' 'et re" society, theft the contention of new Neva Ayrrhtr. Corlnne. Edith St. Cialr and rrtalhlng. It I effected that all who oc- tnnugnt win be admitted without argu- Edith Mutchlns as the orlnclnal women. cupy boxes will be absolutely de rlgeur re man (. It is accepted a a fact that so- The marvelous "Qrigolatls" aerial ballet in ralh f"H dress. Announcement Is now clcty Is not responsible to the Individual, their beautiful fllalit and aerial tableaux, Is but the Individual not Infreqnently resents one Of the astonishing features of this the application of ths rule. This Is tho great beauty spectacle. ' last wall to be overthrown. Ita destruc- - Hon may not bring the "overman." In Met The Jolly musical comedy. "Down, the it Is questionable If he ever arrives or If rike," with Johnny and Brnma Hay as h be at all desirable, ft will give a better ttars. supported by a company ef fifty peo- understandlng of what Is contended for In pie, will be the offering at the Krug theater the new drama, and this without detract- f0f f0UP nights and two matinees, starting Ing In the least from the value of the Wtn a matinee today. This production Is drama of the past That will always be something on the extravegansa order and of service as an exposition of those pas- wag wrlUen especially to fit the popular sione over which man Is striving tor mas. R(iy br,1(1 of humor. Among the many tery. Mankind Will not be asked to fores o ,, tni. i. the teirk rton. our time and the day of Shakespeare has tt,njr of "tw and better attributes of k(,Vi 4 wonderful animal which dances, obliterated the picturesque and romantic i ' a"aJ;h?wla',,, , rp, "Mh'r lrid stands on one, two or three feet end does environment that made possible the great ""'""V ,,,rf , ,, l,re'' Disappear. many Bgt0nlshlng things. The piece Is dramas he gave us. Mankind may be ani- The rennement or life, as shown on the croBtd for laughing purposes only, la mo.,i , .k. ... , .,rt h. modern stage. It a comforting indication i-i,i m..,rt .a mitum.d. and a the same passions, but the expression they hat th r!c? ', etUng; better, even though nnlshlng touch has a background of what orcheum are are given Is of a vastly different form. ".m?;y "ot . nJ ,th'.t P'n " are claimed to be the youngest and prat, by performer The elemental then obtained; how thl. c?bf Pn. Maeterlinck and a tMt rhorug glr- ,n Amerlct. D. Butr, htXe made, which will be repeated from time to time, that no late comers to either opera will be admitted after the orchestra has be gun Its prelude. Everybody must be In their seats by t o'clock on the evening of the rth or he compelled to stand (it ad mitted st all), and by ft o'clock on the night Of the Kith. All seats that have been reserved should be called for and taken up at once at 1611 Harney street, tho Piano Playfr company, sa there will be no reser- vatlona made after the night of the 22d, Which la one week before the opera. Any tickets remaining In the box office on the morning of next Thursday, the 23d, un called for Will be subject to general sale. I Original si Ensemble WL " of35Q JNI Price: Ij 50c, SIM $i.oo, J IMpf $1.50. y 1$2.oo 1 a f V'.i 1 ,y"..y u&pm uvu y u IffT. KLAW & PLUNGER'S ECLIPSING PRODUCTION of tiih nntCATKKT or TMF. nni nr I.AMl ' SPBCTAC LF.S, THE MIGHTIEST MERGER OF BIBTjiV MELODY MAGNIFICENCE KNOWN TO STAGE ANNALS iili SU0 has been refined Into a most direct and formal manner, devoid of anything that partakes of the forceful or effective. Such crudities as led to the Incident of Romeo and Juliet, or the Othello affair, the de vious course of Macbeth, the dilemma Into which fiamlet floundered all these and the othera we can have none of, because we do things differently nowadays. Sasaw' u i ill i iwiiin niui''sirM who work hard for a livelihood we advrse economy and oarefulnees. Every week you should lay up a Utile for future nasda and t' lacs a dollar or two In our association. ns oouara mere aepnaiteu nave a sure earning power that depends tn no way thereafter upon your ueisonal exertions. Why hot put In a few dollars to work today and. let them earn for youf i per cent interval compounaea seini-annuany. OMAHA LOAN AND BUILDING ASSOCIATION d. W.- LOOM 19. rrenldent. O. M KATTiNOEH, Secretary. 1704 FAHKAN liUKUI. HKU Bl.TJtl. Good Farm Land At Low Pricos. if you contemplate Suying a new home ef for Investment, this la th time and your opportunity to , buy sod land at a low ru in Northern Wisconsin. New Extension of thi' "fniihi Road ITrem Rica Lake, northeast him art mile has opened to easy access, laraa tracts of land. The unusual srowth of aeuruianc of It suitable for kinds of Brasses. pur water, makes stork raislna and dalrvlna. dond erops i of barley, wheat, rys, etc.. ar raised in thl section. H.MESEEKERS EXCURSION TICKETS Tan be ourchaaed on thn lot amt in. Tuesday of ai-ii inontn at nn far I plus fl for th round trip to Radlsiion or VlrchwOod. Bawver County, Wis i uonsln, on tli lies. extentlun I Kur Pamphlets, 1 i-scviptlva Matt.-, ..l.lieii. ' " T. W. liCttUtlU, I ua'i rmii, Agiit, I r. pail. aiiJi.i. tew umera wouio nav It. .l. . e h.. .. ComlnaBvent Hays with a strong company, which in- On Sunday evening at the Boyd theater clufl MUl B''rhha' ph nd Settle the Frank Perley opera company will again f.01" M.Ch"pmB"' .w" "udf' be seen in "The Girl and the Bandit." The frrl' ririt' T' he0' yl,bup "eld nd hit made by the company In Omaha la too mn ttlh"r"- Th mu("lc' numbers are new ana caicny, me eieciricai ereeci oooun- fui and chorus costumed In creations of rich fabrics. "The Factory Girl," by Charles S!. Blaney, will bo the attraction at the Krug theater for thrte nights and Saturday matinee, starting Thursday night, March 23. It Is a "Mother Goose," the most brilliant and powerful labor play of ths comedy drama comprehensive of all the Drury Lahe Bpec- .type, abounding In great sensational scones recent to need recital. The same fine or ganization, with Viola Gillette, Mabel Hlte, Alice Dovey, Walter Jones and Nell Mc Neil, will be seen and everything that has made the piece euch a popular success.- The engagement is for the one night only. The eight varied features that consti tute the new vaudeville bill that opens the week with a matinee today at the in most Instances presented performers who hftve never appeared IvOUls Simon, Grace Gardner and company will be seen In their farcical sketch entitled, "The New Coachman," In Which the situations nmt lines are calcu lated to be uproariously funny. The sketch WSS Written by Miss Gardner, who la very pretty actress. Sydney Dean and company will furnish a vocal novelty called "Christmas on Blackwell's Island." Mr. Dean is the possessor of a robust baritone and wns a principal In the orig inal "Florodora" production. Thereses, styled "the great," promises something out of the ordinary In a comedy hypnotic "stunt" and does a variety of trick work. including cards. Another prominent vocal IOO THE SILVER SLIPPER Nor Is realism altogether the end of the stage, even in these modern times. It is not always essential that the actor should "hold, as 'twere, the mirror up to nature." The distortion of facts ensehtlol to sym bolism, the suppositious conditions of the- tacles presented In' this country by Klaw of tho wholcsomo kind, charming bits of feature will be ttfulee Brehnny, the well parable, even the purely fahciful conclu- & Erlanger, will be eeon at tho Boyd Mon- pathos, heart Interest and delightful special- known soprano, who has been associated slons of absolute mysticism all these enter day night, beginning an engagement of one ties, to say nothing of many original and With Edouard Rcnieny. Bernhnrd Ijlste- Into the domain Of the modern stage and week, with matinees Wednesday and Batur- extremely funny comedy scenes. The Inter- mann and Other of note In concert work. give it influence and to some extent power, day. "Stupendous'' is the only word, it Is estlng and amusing court room scene, the ns well os star of the Louise Brehan rew, it any, go to tne tneater toaay ror said, that will describe this great beauty jail scene, totally different from anything Opera, company.' Th Columbians are a their morals, or their religion, and yet-any show. It represents the most costly pro- ever seen. In every sense; the. funny dance versatile family, consisting of three juve may find there much that will b of benefit duotlon ever seen on the American tee. nf the factor hands: the areat hot scene nllea and two adults. Amohg their In connection with both. No play, however jt is staged Irt three acts and seventeen In tha first act, to say nothing of the novl specialties are singlhg, dancing, a "wax trivial or crude. Is wholly devoid of a moral scenes and too people take part In the per- street scene, and an entirely new and mys- floll" counterpart act and Imitations on Influence If It but be applied rightly. Even formanc. During Ita presentation nearly terlous sensation In tho last act. The large the piano. Herbert Brooks is an expert the frankest of the modern dramas points a.OOO different costumes are worn. The orlg- company Is headed by Lon Haecall, In the card manipulator and exponent of trunk Very plainly to a conclusion, and that con- Inal book was entirely rewritten by John role of the insurance agent, Charley Wilde; mysteries, who has assisting him Miss elusion is Inevitably in lino with certain Carrie Hill. Th Busch de Vera trio ar fundamental principles that are sternal. Right and wrong along certain lines never vary. It may be contended that morality Is in a large degree a personal matter, but like all other personal attributes In the present complex social organisation, the In- Mamie Calendar for the Week. dividual Idea of morality must be subser- TUESDAY Tuesday Morning musical, resl vlent to that of th community. That is d6nc Mr' L- F- Crofoot' W:30' part of the toll civilisation takes of man kind. Whether It Is a legacy from the days of tha Restoration In England, or Whether Music and Musical Notes scheduled for an illustrated musical nov elty, while the motion pictures projected by the klnodrome will be entirely hew. yja. I U & VrJ SUNDAY MATINEE: 50o and 75c EATS, 20C IOO-ZOC-OOC Nights sad Two Matinees 5tartlngr with Matinee E. D. Stair Present two Great Pun Makers, TODAY m ELL, the English version of "Par sifal" has oome and gone, and thos of us who heard the won derful festival drama are living it over In memory. After all is In the magic garden. The purest and best thing she ever did with them was 'to dry the feet of her deliverer, who typifies to her all the strength and goodness which she was never abl to attain. As sho kneels before Parsifal, the full tide of her repentance sweeps over her she weeps. The attitude of prayer, in which Qurne- RAILROAD TAX FIGHT IN INDIANA I Determined Kffort te Make Corpora. tlon Pay 1 1 Promise to fteveal Crooked Work. The determination of the state of Indiana to push its claim for W.ooO.OOO against the It Is becaus tho general tone Of society said and finished, from the Inmost recesses mans Joins, is In thankfulness for a soul Vandalla Ballrosd company, even st the ex is against suoh treatment, religion aa such 0f 0s'a soul, comes the query, "Lord, what redeemed. Parsifal flgurlna; aa the instru- pens Of a srnsatlonal expose of th al has very llttl part in the Ehgllsh or xnMtte hast Thou provided for Thy saints mnt of God-himsclf a symbol. t ouestlonable methods by which the American stsge. ine miracio piays tnat in heaven, when Thou affordeot bad men t railroad company prevented investigation pnved the Way for the modern theater .uc musln on earth?" The following program was given on th and settlement for so many years, has still have thair counterparts among ether vlly would be 'a simple proposition, but evening of March 10 by two little pupils fanded a sensation In state onlclat circles. peoples. The one great example of the pgrelfal" In Omaha was a success in of Miss Robinson at her studio. One hun- The suit is expected to reveal a chapter of sort moat reaouy recanea oy everyone, tne every way. People, had availed themselves urea guests Were Invited; the room Was the unwritten history of the state which Is Passion Play" of Oberammergau, has ex- of th4 preliminary lecturea and Were pre- full. ' Miss Margaret McPherson and Mlsa f 0f sensational episodes and Which will isted for generations as a most realistic p,rti to enter Into the spirit of the opera, Oretchen McCOnnell both bouSt the mature t a sever reflection upon men who fell representation of what Christians hold and t0 f0low the varied story of th of 12. Unlike most littl girls, their .before the blandishments and temptations most dear. Bad to relate, it, too, has been themes as they wov and Interwove them- "ul5 h'ds dominion Over their plsy, Th held out by th company. touched by the corrosion of "modem" lve. nronhetlcally throuati the score. At entire program was executed without any Th etory of the effort to force a settle methods, and is no longer prepared and .u three nerfnrmnheea the house was notes, and In a manner that -.reflected ex- m.nt with tha Vandalla Is tiresnSnt With presented by the simple peasants in th paced and ever M mttny enthusiasts stood treme credit on themselves and their dramatlo Incidents and is not wanting In cnn n u Ln Johnny MdEmms Is Dowh The Pik. is Pcoole M. II Pretty Shsw Girls il. Aureus fresj 1st Rltt t th Fill st thl Csruls. Brhnlal ef New Stnft. N Diikm, fanny Umedlitt. 3 Nights end Saturday Matlnes Starting Tbugsday Night, March 23 Th Chas. B. Blsnsy Amattsilnt Co. Presents MR. LON HASOALL In uli A Thousand Heart Throbs and s Smile for Every Tsar. Tbs dreat Factory Scene. The Mug Steel Press in Operation. The Big; Oenulne Electric Plant Production Complete In Every Detail. SfXDAY: .lOK MLltrUV IN 8IIAUN RULE AND KICRRY GOW. MWMHJM'jasMf CftCtOHTOrt sT rv 'PhOn SM. reverence and awe of Its solemn sign If - up. The caus of muelo received a mighty teacher. The most unique psrt of their tragedy. There was connected with It a cunc to th devout, but Is actually put on wave of enp0uragement. Th crowds wer performance was their utter absence of man of slat reputation, conctded ability as for th revenue It bring from curious . ,.n,,.i. . n- '. n anything ven rclatlnar to nervousness. Not . i. .,. .n.t ..knAui nrnhltv as a pilgrims. Bo far has this sentiment pro greased that a second Atphlna community Is now preparing to put on a passion play the intelligence and culture of the community. If Mr. Savage can give th standard during tho wining But wh.n It op,rag jn En,h, ,a KMp th, standard was proposed that this play should b re produced in New York, a tew years ago, Such a storm of objection was raised as drove the projectors hsstlly to another theme. One or twice has the American public allowed th sacredness of religion to be Impinged upon almost directly. "Ben Kur" would have had a certain value as melodrama' atone; but who Will say it would hav drawn th millions who hav Witnessed it were It Shorn of th associa tion given by It sub-title, "A Tale of the Christ T" "Mary of Magdala'' has In Itself the essence ef dramatic strength and suc cess, and told ss 'a story of Mary of Fa clflo Junction would still possess th liter ary merit that has won for it a certain position among modern play. Yet would Hcyse's drama have had the success It has met wer the subtle essence of what la hinted St r.tther than expressed lacking? And "Parsifal" deprive this music-drama of th HOly Urall and what la ther left of it? ! It Is th mysticism, th symbolism, of as h has set In "Parsifal," he will hav gone a long way toward making America really musical. The sensational star Idea has had such a hold upon tho public that to establish fine uniform1 performances In the favor of the populac will be no small task. . II Is -alae doing a fin thing In giving American singers a chance. Francis Ma clennan certainly mad a splendid "Parsi fal." In his conception of th part he out did Mr. Penarlnlh was more the blame leas tool. Ills dramatlo climaxes wer not so great, but his singing In th third act after Kundry's baptism far surpassed Pena rinl's In its exalted spirit, and also In the msnner of using the voice. II accomplished a beautiful, even legato, and hia tones wer melting in their sweetness. - Mr. Penarlnl did some tremendously dra matlo work at th end of the third act The difference lies In jtamperament. For eigners ar fairly bursting with their emo tions, wlille Americans have bean taught from childhood to control their feelings. a few old stagers could learn a, lesson hn nrsetieailv was driven from th from them in poise: bench, forced out of his profession and PROQRAM. finally went Into the saloon business as the luet Cuban Dane Oottschalk only means open to Mm of making a living. Th Vandalla Railroad company was or- Misses McConnell and McPhiriun (ai) Norwoglsn (Serenade Olaen (L Norwegian Proceanlon Uru-g Margaret McPherson. (a) Venetian barcarole Mendelssohn b) Mazurka Mosikowskl (c) 11 penscroso Heller .il) Call to Aims Heller Uretchen McConnell. (a) Minuet trom Sonata Opus 31, No. 3 Beethoven Marxaret McPherson. Adagio from Bonata Opus No. Beethoven uretcnen McConnell. (a) Nocturne, a Minor., lb) foionaiae Aillltalre Week Commenciag Sunday Matinee, Mar. 19 TODAT. M&-TONIGHT, 1:15 MODERN VAUDEVILLE ganlxed tn 1S4T, and applied to the legists tur for a special chsrter of privileges. It was provided In th charter that a certain per cent of th road'S gross earning should r . o C-nm ClA go to th state for the benefit Of the School LOUIS bimOIl, KjtdCt Kldta' fund. Th road was built and operated un der thl Charter, and from th first it was a paying property. Nearly twenty. yars passed befor th Chonln etat akd for an accounting. Th com Chopin pny showed he disposition to respond and -BT THE COfJREID METROPOLITAN OPERA GO. net and Company resenting "The New Cosehman. Sydney Deane & Co. these pieces that attracts. Th Wallec Thl quality was noticeable ln the inter play blends fancy and truth, realism and Idealism with such charming disregard for cither on or th other that It is difficult to disassociate them, and the reader or the spectator Is content to float along on the current of th author's fancy, even a did the son of llur in the boat with Iris. Ilvyse Idealises almost wholly esclt of his characters presents a type and his argu ment, like Wagner's is all postulated on tho aBaumptJun of redemption through penl- pretatlona which Mme. Mara and Miss Wlckhsm gave to KUndry. Mm. Mara sacrificed her purity of singing to the in tensity of her dramatic feeling. Mlsa Wlckham kept the balance. Dramatically he wax not a fin a Mm. Mara, but her vole and method of using It ar much pieasonter. The part of Kundry needs the aid or a great genius to Illumine It. After seeing Mr. Egenleff's Amfortss a second time I was even more deeply Jru- 4Y1 iirHr.i funi'nnrinn. . (a) Illusion ."...7.....; .,. . Thome ,n" 'Weiature sppointea a commmee 10 in to) Walts Brilliant, Opus '18...'..'.'.'.'. .Chupln vestlgst. The committee found the read . Oretchen McConnell. flj net ew the stst anytning. Th nt D" Misses' McPherson and McConneU0"'111 Irrj-lature eppolnted another wmmittee and It mad a similar report. The hext The Tuesday Morning Musical club met committee did not do any better. last week with Mrs. Kirkendall, where this n the meantime It wa openly charged program was given: that th committees had been bought up "Balvonlo Dances," Op. 40, Nos. land.. by the railroad compsny. Then came th MlW Hl'lVand M'is Bouiter:' Dvorak open charg that a specl.l committee con- Oypsy (tongs. Op. M Dvorak sistlng Of three men had received 510,000 1 ) "Tun Tliv Strttttfa (lh llvrutv - . i. . - 1. 1 ... (b) "Hilent and, Ixn the Weoda Around." tc) "Cloudy Heights of Tatra," Mrs. Blieets. from the company for making a report ad verse to the state. Convinced thst nothing could be expected of th legislature, the state brought suit and the caas was taken to Owen county. Judge James Hester was on the bench. The-Jury retired esrly In the afternoon and at 8 o'clock the next morning ths bailiff Went to Judae Hester's room at the hotel. ..Dvorak t . it.i-. - -j . i. v. -1 i i v jj CrOfOOt . uu(Q iit-Birr uirmru, luuvnil niv u.iini Accompanist, Mra crooot' and Miss Hill. ' lh eurl house, ordered th Jury brought Mrs. Turner did exceedingly artistic work before him. end then, to th surprise ef ln her group of songs. every member of the pnel. discharged Th next meeting will b held at the resl- ,nem on tM pretext that they could not Introduction and Valse L-ente. Op. 10 Ble eking Miss McBhane. (a) "Bprlngtld" Dvorak tb) "Songs My Mother Taught Me." tc) "Over Htr Embroidery. Mrs. Turner. "On the Holy Mount," Op. 15. No. IS.. In the Vocal Novelty "Christmas on Black- well's Island. ' The Great Thereses In his comedy hypnotic act. Louise Brehaney soprano. The Columbians Presenting the musical fantasy "The Wax Doll." Herbert Brooks Expert Card Manipulator and Trunk Mys tery, assisted by Mies Carrie Mill. Busch' De Vere Trio Illustrated Musical Novelty. Kinodrome New Motion Pictures. teneo. The "same group of characlera Is pressed with the velvety, ringing quality, of Mr, u F Crofoot on, r' w r S Itl. onlAa mt-A t ttri hnatrtf M hi a ennnsn. . lei Prices 10c, 25c 50c. noted In euch of these plays ths good, th evil and the. weak and erring one who is saved. They embody human experience end humasv hopes. In each It is theTIment ef supernatural. more or less distinctly shadowed In the action tlut gives th Interest ,t th 1 play. Thl symbolism transctndt th real and adds te th ordinal y movement Of the characters that pei-u.Ur quality that attaches to. anything th:l partake of mystery. Even at this ti i: , when Maeterlinck is moved to the statrmri. of his vole and tha poetry of his concept tlon. Mr. Orlswbld's Ournemans Wa splendid. kindly, dear old man, who seemed Ilk an old friend before the evening was over. Apropos th so-called "adoration of Parsi fal" and th washing of his feet In th third act which some at ths eastern critic object to why Isn't It all perfectly natural? Parsifal Is a traveler, footsore and weary, who haa at last rom home. Kundry, after an accursed wandering for genera tions, racked with torment of body and tha nroarajn tc. ha a tnlspellunentis nn. -4 Xote aad Personal. - A lecture upon "Parsifal" was given st Cralahton university hall by father Btrltch Monday, at which MO people were turned away. Th facts were, as afterward asserted by. the Jurors, that a ballot at midnight Showed eleven of the Jurors wer In favor Of finding for th state; that one man ob jected to the amount, but the others had argued th question with him, had prac tically overoom his objections, and h was AT THE Omaha Auditorium NOW ON BALK AT THE PIANO PLAYER CO., 1520 Harney St. Telephone 1452. Under th Direction of Clement Chase, iocoj manager. Wednesday, March -Farslfal, II SO to w. Thursday, March 30 Lucia, tl.OO to ASK FOR A FREE TOUR BOOK. Z li STMPTOMSl lnV.nW".' ? 7 U sml 1d, sortDSM st blei. H y ascleeto j, uierU,lsooB,tffs in rtout an4 K M'B'urTurUtmBiiklraslsUMlraM 7 5 INJECTION MALYOOR. 2 7 TnsUal rIUf. Cams III "! ;. 1 nft b At4rusfUu,erMstiikSrrin(fur stl.UU 7 Mr. de Morta has sssin cancelled his date ebout to agree when they wre dismissed at m tsoya. May n-s inirq venture do suo- ressful. pianist. aa he Is said to be now Th musical Verper service at All faints' ' thegan last Bunds at 4 o'clock and will con- 're or tin u every week tiirojgn Lent. Mr, Blmnia, vlll and dlretor. that "there Is no lonser a Ood to widen U. oul. has by this pur knlsht been dellv- lhere of action or master it; nor la tlirre ered from her hell. Why should sh not. an Inexouibl fat to form mysterious. In gratitude, lav ms urea rest end wipe Whatever mav hav been the motives of An Judm Healer, hi. intinn wa at.l til. futur scplrations. H finally, after vertl struggle, opened a ssloon In Nssh- nd died tome year later. Men who wr In th legislature when 10 hi. ehrir mnA . tmm rn.nrt. ,n" v,n committee wr so much ought at the Klr Conxreaatlonal church on th arier, ana om of thos who Journeyed to linn, in muini jiari piayeo , 1 k.b.,.n,,n,i tnr tha them with her hair? No On objected to organ wa es mulnl irt piayed upon ,th Terr Haul to Inspect th company's books r th Ut.-Chlcsgo Rcord-Hrsld. Sllghu-s nu irsBiiai uuum .u. -- - - ' rathfr a pity gestur of man and uwip it U use Kundry made of her gorgeous locks ot tnvitad. TO wnOM IT MAT CONCERN 1 We.Vtfie nnderslitned flrm, agree to deliver fot f80 ene WO 6f oor famous CAB NET LUMP OO A L, mined lu the greet. State of Wyoming, whlcb it absolutely free from suioke and soot, burns like oak wood, and Is a spleudld substitute, for bard coal for furnace use. Remember, we gusrantes this cool In every respect Try ene ton, ud if not sstlsfactory, we sgree to remove gams UNION FUEL CO. Talkers 263-319. 16(4 Farnam St. JOSEril CAWTHOUX, V. H. MACAUT, NEVA AYf Alt, HAURT KELLEY. COK'XXE, CLIL'TOX CRAWFORD, FjDITH ST. OLA1K, W. 8TAXTOX, EDITH HUTCIIINB, ALLEN RAMSEY', DAWES, SEYMOUR. THE "URIGOLATIS" AERIAL BALLET, ETC. . BXtt HSION RATES OS ALL RAILROAD. , Two Perfcrmancei Only-Sun. Mat. & Wight March 26 IflUM O CICUCDIC STUPENDOUS MUSICAL PRODUCTION JUnii o. riOilCn a by the Authors ef "plorodorA" IOO SEATS FOR GRAND OPERA