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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 19, 1905)
i.19 TUB OMAn.V DAILY HBB: PTTXPAY.- MAHfTT 10. 1003. KKXSEDT HIM, NOT l.KAK T() , Well Knonn (dirrtlaln Man to Hp main nlth the Rprnpll f oinpnnr. Tt wns !-ritl-d lutf Thursilny evening thot TIi H.lmMl roiiiiiiiny'.i urtvt tis.nn' r, Mr. William Kf-nnncly, would rfr,i-'n with Ihrm. Hp nfmit In leave for Dallp.a, Tex. Everybody I plcirffl. The ncwratfT men of Ui town :iro delighted, for Knniy ha bem vry popitlnr with all wtlpni. He was pre .eiitd Friday evening. In the name of the nmnnirement, with a rplendld gold wntrh. Hunting cae, chain and fob, bearitiK suit nble Inscription and his Initial. Trrspnta tlon waa made by Mr. J. K. Hannay in the name of the donors. "It Is purely a matter of business, although an lmmenso amount of sentiment naturally enters it." nays Mr. Kennedy, referring to the turn affairs have taken. "I never did wish to leave Omaha, for I believe that Omnh.i offers more Inducement to a hustler th;in any city of the south. I am perfectly aa tinned with the arrangements arrived at between myself and The Bennett com pany, especially In view of the fact that I believe that we are on the eve of the fiercest retail merchandising competition experienred In the history of the West. I being a fighter am happiest on the firing line." llnmeieeken and Settlers. On the first and third Tuesdays of each month th Iowa Central Railway has on ale round trip excursion tickets to points In Minnesota, Dakotas, Canada, Nebraska, Missouri, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Texas, etc., at rate of one fare plua two dollars. Return limit twenty-one days from date of sale. Stopovers allowed. For rates, time of trains, eta., call on agents or address A.. B. CUTTB, O. P. & T. Minneapolis, Minn. ' Good digestion waits on appetiUo unless you take DINER'S DIGESTERS, the new and rational dyspepsia our. At Myers- Dillon Drug Co. Sold by th9 Insurance Go. The Entire Wholeoala Stock of Boots, Shoes and Rubbers ol F. P. K I RK END ALIi 00, At 11th and Harney Sts Omaha, aold by order of the INSURANCE COMPANIES at Market St, Chicago. Every pair of absolutely perfect and sound SHOES was bought by j. L. BRANDEIS & SONS, OMAHA. No one tlte frm Omaha was (cither in person or represented) at this tale and none of these shoe vert shipped to any one in Omaha except to X JU Brandeit Sons. This Immense purchase the greatest and most colossal of any purchase of shoes ever made by a single firm In the entire west; Is now coming In a carload at a time and is being assorted and marked. The sale will begin THURSDAY, MARCH 23, and will be held at J. L. BRANDEIS & SONS, BOSTON STORE. OMAHA. Your special attention Is called to the absolutely perfect condition of every shoe In the entire purchase. They are all In their own original paper boxes, own tissue paper and wrapping, own original wooden cases, without mark, or sotl.or spot. Every pair fresh and clean. The sale will embrace the MEN'S CUSTOM MADE SHOES made here In the KirkendaU Factory on 10th Street, as well as the Ladles, Men's, Misses, Boys, Youths', Children's and Infants' Shoes, composing the wholesale stock made In the Eastern Factories. On account of the great Quantities, and of our lack of suf ficient floor space, It will be Impossible to put the en tire stock on sale at once. We will fill the Main Floor Shoe Department and Basement Shoe Department, crowding every Inch of room and will bring forward more and more as fast as It Is sold. Watch the morning and evening papers every day now until the sale begins for further particulars. J. L. BRANDEIS & SONS, BOSTON STORE. OMAHA. THE BANKERS RESERYE LIFE OF OMAHA Is rapidly becoming ONE OF THE FOREMOST of the life insurance companies of the Central West, From "The Spectator," of New York, February 9, 1005. The Bankers Reserve Life Company of Omaha, Nob., under the man agement of B. II. Robi.son, President, Is moving (steadily along in the estimation of the public of the Central West, where it operates. Its work lsst year was the cause of much satisfaction to the official staff and to the policy holders, the progress made in all directions being first class. Tbo company possesses assets amounting to $346,fC7, the net increase for the year being f 141,837. New business written and paid for amounted to $3,Si8,B00. In its effort to extend Its business, the Company is working along conservative lines, seeking only high grade risks and keeping Its expenses down to a reasonable sum. The success It has met with In the seven years of Its existence Is sufficient proof that Its management Is pursuing -a wise course. A Ten Million Dollar Company. CANDIES That's Our Business Manufacturing candies for the retail trade, and we make them right. Our plan of using only the best material, backed by years of experience, has made the name of DYBALL synonymous with candies of absolute purity. Especially Inter esting Rug Values Monday. Set Atf on Pegt 8 of lllustrittd. THE) RELIABLE STORE. Great Sale of Ladies' Spring Suits Monday. Stt Ad on Page 4 of lllustrtttd. Swell Spring Suits and Top Coats at.. $10.00 .....ICE CREAM. R Ht ROBISON, President DR. BRADBURY 1B06 FARM AfL Test Extracted... 2So Porcelain FllUsgs 1 up Oold Fillings. ,...$1 up Silver Fittings... Me up Crewn. ...... 12. 50 up Pistes...... ...fl 00 up DENTIST 18 Years Sane Location Phone 1756. Bridge Work $3.90 op Nerves removed with out pain. Loose Teeth Mads Solid. Work ft-uaamnteed 10 We have been the means of restoring thousands of afflicted sufferers to complete and perfect health. Will you place your confidence In the care of honest, skillful and successful specialists? Years of practical experience, thousands of dollars apent In researches and an Immense practice have en abled1 us to evolve a special system of treatment that Is a safe, certain and speedy cure for all private diseases and weaknesses of men. The change In thousands of cases Is simply marvelous. Blighted lives, blasted hopes, weakened systems, debilitated and shrunken organs, and nervous wrecks have been quickly and safely cured by our method. We have evolved a system of treatment that Is a powerful, permanent and determined medicinal correc tive where men's characteristic energies have become weakened or debilitated, either through sexual excesses. Indiscretions, abusive habits or the result of neglected or Improperly treated private diseases. Our object Is not so much to do the work that other doctors can do, but rather to cure obstinate diseases which baffles them. The worst cases that we have been called upon to treat are those which have been Improperly treated before coming- to us. By our system of electricity and medicine combined we cure quickly and thoroughly dlsensps and weaknesses of men after all others have failed. All that deep knowledge, expert skill, vast experience and scientific office equipment can accomplish are now being done for thoso who come to us for the help they need. WE CURE QUICKLY. SAFELY AND THOROUGHLY: Stricture, Varicocele, Impotency, Nervo-Sexual Debility, Emissions, Blood Poison (Syphilis), Rectal, Kidney and Urinary Diseases and all diseases and weaknesses of men due to Inheritance, evil habits, self abuse, exoeases or the result of specific or private diseases. CIXSOLTATIOl FREE Ifyou cannot call, write for symptom blank. Office hours, 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. Sundays, 10 to 1 only. STATE MEDICAL INSTITUTE !Jg Fsrnsm St.. Bt 13th snl 14th Strests. Omaha, Nat. V t t35 VP ears for ihe honn Everv woman' rntAm a r. .... .-I u . . - a i . - , " e""u . uncap snear or scissors Is never economical, never stays sharp. nevnr gives saiisiaction. As a household shear we Hrnntc that 1h, Wla. ah... .m i . . , can guarantee that the Wlss shear will uive twtttnr ..ti. faction than any other. We have all kinds and sizes from Z5c up. Pocket knives with blades guaranteed to hold edge. inq Jitdrduw c C( j ... inn iiiiiiiiiiiiii f BY CrtANlMOUS VERDICT Of SEE I l TKZWORLDS EEST EXPERTS 'W&Ss lilflDDOIilf f&l B IbfcW 1900 I !This week. B GRAND PraZErTOOTI ST.L0UI5 WORLDS FAJR I ITMHrHiHI BERMHCIM DtSTILUNQ CaLousvH.ic.Kty n Spring Footwear A little tulk right now before you need the shoes won't coma amiss. We were never In better shape to please our friends than this spring. have secured shoe novelties for men and women that will be seen nowhere else in Omaha until next season novelties that are serviceable In both wear and comfort. fntly Invite the shoe wearers or Omaha to com. In and ee them now. so that you cn better know what Is up-to-rl;,tt.. a Is no trouble fur Us to show these shoes. Oroxel Shoe Co., H!9 FARNAU STREET, Mill's lf-ti-Is!e She) Horn ASK FOR OUR TliKS CATALOGUE. Quarter Sizes A Feature. DEPUTY STATE VETERINARIAN, H. L RAMACCIOTTI, D. V. S. CITY VETERINARIAN. Office and Infirmary, 28th and Mason Bts. OMAHA, NEB. Telephone 639. Ask for a QUALITY IS OUR MOTTO 1 BEST 19CCAUSF Tou are HOT paying tor bill boards, rein palatlag-. cloaks, fro Seal, eta, but for Floe Unalllr II OTsna Tolmrco, ttl Al. to lmportoa Claerm. Hold dliet to the retailor If S. SL. 1UCU3 klltO. CIUAU CO Mumlirn. wove, ST, LAV1S. Our ice cream is as good ai our candies that meant the best. We retail only, and deliver to all parts of the city. Watch for our Easter novelties. DY BALL'S PALACE OF SWEETS 406 S. 15th St. 1518 Douglas St. 317 S. Wh St. Ask for our candy prices by mail or express. The Kreat surras of this snlt was no surprise to us. as any one soolnu thess hns induced us to continue this oTer for one more day Monrtuy, March 20th. The great sucves of this sale was no surprise to us, as any one seeing thess garments cannot help but recognize their wonderful value. The Suits Are all hand tailored throughout by the most skilled workmen and are perfec tion in fabric, fit and finish; come in all the most popular shades in both single and double breasted styles greatest bargains shown In the west at 10.00 The Top Coats Are the nobbiest new spring styles, hand tailored, splendidly finished; the syllsh Intli vidua llty of these garments Is un surpassed by the finest and highest priced coats; their great worth Is coin pelllngly apparent: see f sk?:1::. lO.uli Don't Delay Don't wait until we're almost ready to tear off March from the calendar and then tear around here with an order for a Spring Top Coat, You can't "rush" rushed tailors. Early orders naturally receive first and best attention. The new 1905 Top Coats are here. So also Is top-notch Top Coat tailoring talent. $26 to 160. MacCartliy Tailoring: Co., Ot-Mt 8. 18th St Next Door to Wabash Ticket Office. Phone 180&, LiuiiLxa iii 1 1 mi in i ii iii mi mil mi in iinii ii mi iv 1 Swell Spring Styles for Men Tour time won't be wasted looking at our new spring styles. They are at this store that are right In style, proper fashions In footwear. We'll be pleased to have you call at this store and post yourself on the new styles in up-to-date shoes. $350$4$5 Either price will buy a pair of shoes original, exclusive and correct the quality and fit. You can't do better than come In and see what we have for your feet It's the best there Is. FRY SHOE CO. 16th and Douglas. IMAM FURNACES Are you going to build? We are Just receiving three carloads of the best fur naces made. All bought for spot cash at the lowest price the market affords. We give each Job our personal attention and have never failed to heat every room In the house. Our guarantee allows Just what It says. We claim that we understand both the science and the practice of warm air heating, and that we employ the most efficient, polite and finished mechanics In Omaha. Will you investigate? John Mussie Hardware Co., 2407-09 Cuming 8t. C. L. HENDRICKS OMAHA, Neb., March 16, 115. Notice Is hereby given that .'. L,. Hen dnekH, formerly In my employ at Omaha and Hiiuili Omaha as a xllcltor or iml.-y-nmn fur policies In the National I.lfo In surance Company, Is no longer authorized to represent mo or said company lu any capacity whatuver. CHA8. E. ADY. 1 Bad Teeth I MAKE BAD TIMES I For the owner; are bad neighbors for 5? remaining s o u n d teeth. The little fa trouble you first notice Is but the t fore-runner of a heap of It. i If the enamel is soft or chalky, if : tartar and cavities : are In evidence, If you fear early de caylet us exam ine your teeth and advise you. Our operators are skillful our meth ods modern. Qual ity of materials used Is high prices moderate. References: Any Omaha bank or business house. Established 1888 J? 'Pbons 1085 $3.50 to $5.00 Boys' Suits at $2.50 A special line of Boys' Knee rants Suits including Russian ami sailor blouse, rsonoiK aim inree-piece styles, m great variety of colors and fabrics suits 2-50 25c that are built not only for style, but genuine good service; such garments would ordinarily sell at $3.!iO to $5.Hi Our Special Sale l'riee ODD KNEE PANTS One lot in all sizes, colors nnd fabrics that are regulnr 5oc and CTc values Special Sale Price Monday Fancy Goods and Notion Specials 200 yards Machine Thread, per spool Pearl Buttons, per dozen lc 1c Warren Bros.' best quality gros grain silk covered feather bone f HA yard, 10c; 12 yards for I.UU Best quality 100 yard Sewing Silk, made by Itlchitrdson Silk Co... Ladles' Neckwear, worth 20c to 5tK at 15c, !( and 50e Silk Belts, at 73e Corset Cover Embroidery, Ifi yard ZJC 5c .5c 1 9c fin lit IB mm. i W a .... . Low Rates South and Southwest. wHesToa-wstevM- ..ABDOMINAL SUPPORTERS. WE SELL ABOUT FORTY KINDS Prices from $I.SQ to $9.00 DRUGS AND RUBBER GOODS. Write for Catalorue. SHERMAN & McCONNELL DRUd CO - Cor. 16th and Dodge Sts.. OMAHA. The Uock Island System offers the following low round trip rates from Council HI nils and Omaha on March 21, April 4 and IS. Amnrillo, Dnlhart, Dallas, Fort Worth, Waco, Houston, (Jalveston, Austin, San Antonio. Beaumont. Corpus Christl and many other Texas points., New Iberia, Crowley, Jennings. Lake Charles, Alexandria and many other Ioulsiann points. Dawson, TuniumcaH, Santa Ilosa, Torrance, KoRwell, Carlsbad and other New Mexico points $13.05 $18,85 Almangordo, $23.85 $30.35 EI Taso, Texas, and Doming, New Mexico. . To points on Bock Island-Frisco Systems in Oklahoma, Indian Territory. Arkansas and Kansas In One Fare lor Honieseekers, territory ; .the Round Trip rractleally half of the above rates for one-way Colonists tickets on sale March 21. For further Information call or write, F. P. RUTHERFORD. D. P, A. 1323 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb Si BEE WANT ADS PRODUCE Are You Looking for an Opening for Business or an Investment? The New Towns Along the Line of the Chicago Great Western Railway Offer wonderful opportunities, for business of all kinds. The towns are located in the midst of the Best Farming Country in Iowa (The corn belt of the world.) Thickly settled by prosperous, progressive farmers. Property is increasing rapidly in value. Business and residence lots five, ten and twenty acre tracts, for sale. Prices low, terms easy, in Fourteen (14) New Townsites Along the Chicago Great Western Railway System Investments in buildings will net from 10 to 15 per cent annually. For full particulars, plats and prices of lots apply to EDWIN B. MAGILL, Manager Townsite Dept. Chicago Great Western Railway 615 Paxton Dldg., Omaha, Neb. r1 I "Town Talk" tells townsite tales tersely and truthfully. Kample copy sent for 2-eent stamp. at