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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 19, 1905)
18 TOE OMAITA DAILY HEE: SUNDAY. - MAlim 13. 1903. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Market it Imgnlu and OIom ii Hot far from Friday LoreL VALUES EARLY IN THE DAY ARE LOWER Baak ttatwaaaat ia Streamer Tfcaa Aatlelpatew. tr tka Bears aaa Rally Fallawa Ita Aapearaaee. NKW TORK, March 18, The movement of Ui atuck market today Indicated the activity of contending toruea in me pc ulatlon -nd the contest between tbem wa rather inconclusive. The closiriaT was ir Tfgulas and not far from last night's level after having been considerably below that In the early dealing and generally above on the rally. Block were ireeiy aula aur lug the early dealing and Uie recovery aeemad to be due to profit-taking by the bear, who were disposed to clone up their contract on the tnree days reaction pre liminary to the Sunday Interval In the mar kel. 'Ine Knowing by the bank in their weekly tatemenl. Which had Deen counted upon by the bears to Induce selling and thus anoro tnem an opportunity w cover, urnved to be so weak, as had been feared. that the buying by the shorts was of the greater eftet;t. The good resistance of intrin Jtr. Western to the declining ten rlencv and notable resiliency In New York Central were a.'so sustaining forces In the market The looses In reserves proves to be but 7,4.!0,90n, In place or the estimates ranging troin $Ki,, ' to fl2,noo,ou0 and the contraction of credits to the extent of Jo,.'41,l)0 contributed to the reduction In deposlis and thus relieved the reserve re quirements to the extent of 3.3i.9-JS. the reduction of S4.1&1.97 in the surplus bringit that item to to, 154,17b, which Is low lor this period of the year with the interior demand lor currency now immjiiem. n weight of opinion Is therefore in favor of somewhat hlarner rates for money. But offerings of furuis by the trust companies at the higher rales may t expooiea. ine iixuul discussion is tlius Invited of the growing part played by these institutions In the money situation as a whole apart from the showing by the hanks themselves. For eign exchange continued its decline in Piute of the llrmuetis of discounts in Lon don. Total sale of bonds, par value, 11.775,000. Following were the sales and range of prices on the mock exchange today: Baies.lllgn.LiOW.Clofce. Atchison 4,eJ e Mfe oofr do pid HW just Atlantic Coast Line. ii.Un 14Vi iiaiUtnore it Ohio... V,6uu lwv do ptd tjuiauian Pacific ... ,3t" 1W central of N. J I'M iOuW iluo tw Chesapeake ot Ohio. 13, 0 be 67 oiVt Chicago at Alton,.... 100 41 V uo ptd WO 1 1 rhlriuu Ot. West... S.iUO Mk 2Jft C. A Northwestern., out) 241 J40 C, Af. A til. i'aul... 23.WM ITa'i lilt It Chicago T. ox T 4HJ htym 1UH W 141 ft 1U7S Wt li&ft 41 oW 100 300 . 1,10 . 21,800 4K do pfd C. C. C. &8t. L. Colorado A Bouth do 1st pfd , do 2d ptd lel. dc Hudson .... Del. U A W Uenver dc H. O... do pld Krle do 1st pfd uo 2d ptd Hocking Valley ... do ptd i Illinois Central ... Iowa Central do ptd K. C. Southern .... do ptd ou!h. A Nash.... Manhattan, Lt Aiet. (securities .Met. btreel Ry .Mexican Central .... Minn. A 8t. Ltouls... Minn. Bt.l. A a. B. M uo ptd Missouri Pacific Missouri. K. A T.... do pfd l.sou in. it. it. or At., ptd N. V. Central IM. Ont. A VV... Norfolk & Vvestern do ptd 17 3(4 oZ li K) lt It 106 700 24' -Wt M tHJVt VU', tui 2a 20 24V 1K0', ill 6 24 ft 4tjft 4 46 M Wft 80 68 67'. 6 I'M 4ft H4 . (1,000 161V lft lblft 200 2) 2SI a MV. J 29V 2 2 400 66 6oV 66 . 3,200 14:''i 141 '4 141 200 16H' ! . 22,200 iXISi WIVk 88'A ,I0 l-t'4 l-o7 1.400 24-) 24V, 24 200 116V H6 2' 10 lltOtl 104 wv. 116 ll2 6,000 10174 loiV lOiV l.ioo 21 Vs 31 "k 21 h 66 t6 36.201) 162V 160 22.DO0 b2 t)l 2,100 864 86-?. 41 lbl1, 6-' 8u't 400 118V H'i 2,600 26 24y4 3t! 100 W,i 2,400 28-t as-- 2Vi 2V 1,000 68 b" BO.oUO 132' 121H 131' 700 700 2 46 I'ennsyivania 44,800 142' 142V 14-'' I'ltis.. C. C. tc Bt. L. 82V Heading 66.UOO V6V V4V !" no 1st pfd 400 H2' uo 2d pld VI Hock island Co 7,100 24V 34- 34V do pfd 800 o; 80 80 til. L.. & H. F., 2d ptd 100 71 71 71 bi. L. Houthewestern 2iV do ptd 2,800 64 624 0l Southern Pacific .... 2o,10O 68Vt 6iV tr4 do ptd Southern Hallway.. do ptd .'. Texan & lJacltlu .... T.. bt. 1 & VV., ptd l,2i do pfd Union Pacllic do pfd VnbaHh do pfd heeling & 1 E. .VlHrnnsin Central do pfd AilHmH American United States .... AVells-Fargo Amul. t nper .... Anier. Car & Found. do pfd Anier. Cotton. Oil.. do pfd American Ice do pfd Amer. Unwed Oil do pfd Anier. locomotive do pfd Amer. 8. & Kef.... do Df d Amer. Hugar Ref ... 6,300 14.1 142 142, Am. Tob. pfd. certif. 6oo Wi a !x.V Anaconda Mining Co 400 117 116V IK Uroolyn R. T 11.800 67 6hv 66T Colo. Fuel and Iron.. 8,8i0 63S 62, 6;l'4 Consolidated Uaa ... 1,400 206 2' 2054 Corn Products 8"0 1S 18'4 18V do pfd 2o0 73V, 73V, 73V, Distillers' Securities. 1,100 41 v 41 401, 22' 22V4 45 V 4h- .... 1V-4 2.l'4 2J 62 62 .... 244 .... 2HS .... 12S .... 250 78 7!'U 37 37V, Wi !V 24 34 .... 84 .... 6 .... 3!l 17V. !', .... 42 46 4i UK 14,000 102 101 V, !'- l,ti( 121 121 121 700 300. 36,600 3,600 600 300 200 24 53 37T. 9!S'4 1TV. 47 slun were sold principally from Part. Japan were barely steady. Imperial Japsnes government s of 14 wera quoted at 105. BF.KI.IX. March 11 Prices on the Boors trwCi t generally were weak. PARIS. March 18. Prices on tha Bourse today opened very weak on account of provinrlal sellings. At the closing a bet ter tone prevailed. Rusolan Imperial 4s were quoted at and Russian bonds of 1904 at O. m 1W 188 188 22 87 26 General Electric International Paper. l,9oo '22 do pfd aio i 'J International Pump do pfd 200 87 National Ied 400 .1, North American Pai-lllo Mall People's )a 3,400 112 111 111 Prexsed Steel Car .. 600 38 37 38 1I0 246 46 1,300 19 18 900 76 76 2,300 26 26 22 78 38 87 36 300 102 102-fc 102 do Dfd I'Dllman Pal. Car.... ltepubllo Bteel do pfd IMibber Goods do pfd Tenn. Coal and Iron. V. 8. leather dn pfd V. 8. Realty V. 8. Rubber d pfd V. 8. Steel dn pfd .Vlr.-Car. Chemical... do pfd Vent lug. Electric ... Venlein Union 3.600 89 88 92 !4i 18 7b 26 92 89 600 200 40.100 16.200 4 41 i: 6 93 40 34 94 104 94 40 111 3A 96 31 I0V26 180 94 lulal sales ror tne day, bJo.txu snares. Leado "tock Market. LONDON.. March 18. Closing quotations cn itock and bonds: 200 107 107 300 94 94 Console, money ... do '-count Antrond Auhlwn do pM luitlmont ft Ohio, Canadian Partite , tan. Ohio f'hiraso Ot. W l. M. aV 81. P... DaBoar -r Uanvar A R. O... do pfd Krl do IK pfd do Id pfd Illinois Central ... Lou la. A Nash..., U., K. 4V T ... 1V4 X V. Outral ... tlv, Norfolk A W ... f do ptd ... IIH Ontario W ...lt4PnnsrlvanU ...111 Hand Mlnas ...14VHadln ... WSal do 1st pfd ... 34 V do M pfd u Hallway ... ITS do pfd ... ... lot, 80. Panne . (I . 47 . al . 70 .ISO 1 t'nlo I'aoiBg do pfd .... U. 8. Btaal.... do pfd .... Wabash do pfd .... 16 M 4 .... .... lo .... 4 .... 4T, .... 47 .... Ki, . ...10Ht .... ;o ....13H ....1011, .... 34 .... 7'4 .... .... 47S A Ilea Kraaea Uruiiawlck t'on C'ontalov Tunnal . to . it Con. fal. A V 140 liora Bllvar IMI Iron silver Ill Lead vll Is ca SILVER Bnr. quiet. 26 Mild per ounce. MONEY 14j3 per cent. The rate nt Jlt-iount in the open market for hort bills Is 2 per cent: for three months' bill, 2'462 6-lfi per rent. Mew York Mining- Stork. NEW YORK. March 18 The following are the cloving quotation on mining stock: sun vum n .1.1111 caiaf a ...SIS . .4ii .. .. 10 ... 14 .. 1 .. W foreign riaaaelat. LONDON, March 18. Supplies of money were more plentiful In the market today and rate were easy. The Indebtednesa la practically liquidated. Discounts were a shad easier on favorable continental ex. changes. Huslnes on the stock exchange generally was dull, being affected by the weakness In Pari and Russian event, which tog-other lessened Investment sup port. Consul eased, but closed with a, better toae, Americana with movement on either aid of parity and were Inactive. Operators consider that tha mar ket Is top-heavy. Price rallied litter and closed Arm. Foreigners wera dull. Rub. loot art Opolr Phuanla Polo.! Sa vase Starr N'ta Small Hope .. Standard ...... lie- Yark Money Market. NEW YORK. March l.-MONF.Y-On call, nominal; no loans. Time loans, eavsy; 1 and 90 days, 3 per cent; 6 months, 3 PPRCIME MERCANTILE PAPER-3'4 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Easy, with ac tual business in bankers' bills at 4 S.-3 4 HrVTS for demand and at 4.M3!V&4 8440 for sn-day bills; posted ra'es. 34 HMH and 4.K7ii'4.87; commercial bills. J4.S34 84. SILVER Bar, 67c; Mexican dollar, 44c. lioNDfl-Government, steady; railroad, Steady. Closing prices on bonds were: C 8. ref. I. rrg....1M Japan s, etfs 10 .it'' 1. a n. uni. es i'" --i .1044 Msnbnttsa e. ( 4s...1'Vi .I'M' 1ex. Ontrsl 4s 74 .l.:i do 1st Inr I4i .11JH Mlnn. A St. L. 4s... M .1041, M . K. A T. 4 ! da old 4s. couon..lOritfci do ts M Am. Tobarc o 4s, ctfs. T4 iN. R. R. of M. c. 4a. 7H da s, ctfs 117H N. T. C. . I '4a At. hlson sn. 4s 14H N. J. C. . as... do 1J. 4s M'4 No. rsclns 4a Atlantic C. L. 4 I'M 14 do la Bal. A Ohio 4a......104 N. A W. e. 4s... do !4s K1 O. 8. L. rfig. 4s. Centrsl of Oa. ta 1 IS P-nn. con v. t'ts. do 1st lnc HV Readlnx sen. 4s. do 2d lnc 71 V4 Pt. Ij. A I. M. c. 6s rhea. A Ohio 44....1M Pt. L. A 8 P. fx. 4s. . Ml 1st. u s. w. e. 4s.... si T4 Seaboard A. It. 4a.... "S .... ... .ll!Vk Ccr. A Ht L. . a..ln:v Texss A P. Is 1224. Chlrsgo Ter. 4s 7 iT.. 8t. It. A W. 4a... Ssi Colorado Mid. 4 74 U nion rarlflc 4 in Colo. A 80. 4s do conv. t Cuba as. ctfs It V. 8. Steel 2d 5s.. wshasn is do deb. B Western Mi. 4s.... W. A I.. B. 4.... Wis. Central 4s.... OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET BetfSuen About Btavdj for Weak, Cowi and Heifers Little Lower. HOGS AT HIGH POINT OF THE SEASON Market oa Shee and Lamas Rather law All tka Week, bat Tkera Baa Bee Little Cht la Rallaa; Pricee. SOUTH OMAHA, March 18. 1906. e. Hops. Sheep. do eopon do Is. ref do coupon do Dew 4s, ret. do coupon do old 4a re. ..I'm .. 77 ..inn .. ..lor.H .10214 Chicago A A. 3'a C . H A O. n. 4s C. R. I. A P. 4s.... !' Ho. Pacific 4... do col. lis S4t to. aatiwar ss.. RecelDta mere- Official Monday Official Tuedv .... Official Wednesday.. Official Thursday.... Official Friday... , Official Saturday , Total this week Total last week Total week before.... Same three weeks ago.. 15.6.23 name rour weks asto .46l Same week last year 13.391 RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATB. The following table ahows tha receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha, fot ine year 10 aaie. wttn comoaxiaon wiia Csttl .... 8.T0Q 13. wi .... 3.82 9.14 &.1W .... 3.033 3.494 7.337 .... 4. . 3.'T .... 1.67S .3n5 S?7 66 3,974 3.233 ....18.578 S7.7M 32.844 ....18.a'8 63.ii!; 3.S21 ....1S.SS1 M.977 31.3S9 61.764 44.360 84.678 81.57 48.670 34.344 It has been a llMless market, though, all the week, packers apparently having only a limited demand for mutton. These same conditions were experienced at all points, so that this market is no different from the others in that ricct. The common to medium arrsdes were, of course, the tnoet neglected, the more desirable bunches meeting with fairly good demand all the wees. Quotations for ted atockt Good choice yearunga, K.4o.TS: fair to rood year lings. $6.ontj 40; good to clolce wethers. tS b.xS5.76: fair tn srnod wethers, tt.ftwnb W good to cholca ewes. 16.0003.60: fair to good ewes, 4.&"t6.00; common to fair ewes. 34.0 tl4 60: rood to choice lambs. 87.00477.16: fair to good lambs, 3o.761T7.00: feeder lambs, 36 0 woo. Repreeenlatlva sales: No. Av. Pr. 269 western lamb 73 7 IS CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle SteadyHoar tronr to Fire Cent Hlajber sheen steady CHICAGO, March 18 CATTI.E-RecelpU, market steady; good to 2.000 head; last year: Cattla Hoes . Sheep Inc. 7.257 Dec. 26.704 D. A R. O. 4s 101 Distillers' Sec. Si.... 11 Erie prior lien 4a....ioi do gen. 4s V3 r. W. A t. C. Is. ...110 Hocking Val. 4'is....lli, unered. ..I.HT ..ll4 .. 7H .. ! Boston Stork Market. BOSTON. March 18 -Call loans. ZH4 per cent; time loans, S'jii-i- per cent. Official closing on stocks mid bonds: Atchison adj. 4s 7 do 4s K Men. Central 4s 7. Ate Bison 81 H do pfd 101". Boston A AltMtnr 2M Boston A Maine 144 Hoston Klevated .....155 Fltchburs pld 14 Mex Crntrttl 1414 N. V.. N. H. H....M4 Pero Manitietle 100 Union ratine 131H Amir. Arge. Cbem... do pfd 91 Amer. Pneu. Tube... 4 Amer. Bttfar 14J'i do pfd 17 Amer. T. A T 141U Amer. Woolen fj do Did 107 Dominion I. A 8 2314 Westing, common Adventure Alloues A ma I aa mated "American Zinc .. Atlantic Bingham Cal. A Hecla Centennial copper Range Daly West . . , 'Dominion Coal .. It .. .. .. 7H .. 1: .. 17 .. ai ..70 .. 17. .. 7i, .. IS .. 7 Kranklln 1"'4 Kdlson Eler. Illu tM'.t Qulncy Orani-y Isle Rnyale Mass. Mining Michigan Mohawk Mont. C. A C Old Dominion Osceola Parrot '4 11 , 14 General Klectrlo 184 Mass. Electric 19 dn Dfd (4 Mass. Uaa 43tfc United Fruit lilt United Shoo Ma li.... 89 do pfd act V. S. Bteel 3314 do pfd 6'-i Bid. "Asked. Hhannon Tamarack ..... Trinity I'. 8. Mining.. V. 8. Oil , Ctah , Vlctorl Winona Wolverine .... Us 100 7'4 1344 10 H 404s 4'4 1 112 Clearing; Honse Averages. NEW YORK. March 18. The statement of averages of the clearing house banks of this city for the week shows: Inans. 31,127.678,400; decrease, 3!i,241.flOO. Deposits, 31,174.438,100; decrease. J13.227.700. Circula tion, 342.803,501); decrease, 361,000. Legal ten ders, X3.7ii3,7i: decrease, 31.301,200. Specie, $21R.060,ono; decrease, 6.12!1,700. Reserve, 3298.763,700; decrease. J7.430,!t)0. Reserve re quired. 32!i3.6ii!.R25; decrease, 33.306.925. Sur- ilus. .),lu4.176; decrease, 34.123,975. Ex nltml atatcs deposits. 3'J.72'J.725: decrease. 14,495,275. Trensnry Statement. WASHINGTON. March ' 18. Today's statement of the treasury balances In the general fund, excnislve of the 3160.000.000 gold reserve In the division of redemption, shows: Available cash balances, 3142,166, 069; gold, JiK.472.309. Rank Clearing;. OMAHA. March 18. Bank clearlnes todav were $1.21,344 63. The clearings for the cor responding day of 1904 were 31,327,911.84. CHICAGO till AH AND PROVISIONS Featore of the Trading; and Cloalng; Prices on Board of Trade. CHICAGO. March 18. An official fore. cast of colder weather was Influential In strengthening the wheat market here today. ine close May wheat was up c. July Is UD a shade. Corn and natn Hhow a lnua op VsSf'SiC. Provisions are practically unchanged. Ihe wheat market miened with unmis takable Indications of bullishness. Mav was unchanged to 4e higher, at 1.14-Vfi 1.16. July wa a shade lower to MHo iHKiter, hi vj?a'u9j'.4jc. rem ine start tne May delivery was In active demand, shorts being the best buyers. The weather was still extremely favorable to the growth of the fall-sown crop, but bullish news from the northwest eaaly outweighed this in fluence. Receipts in the northwest wera siacK and novices Horn Minneapolis showed a good market for cash wheat. Another reason for the firmness at the opening was higher prices at Liverpool. Australian shipments showed a la-gi falling off. To this, with continued bud reports of the Indian wheat crop, was attributed the strength of forelga grain markets. Dur ing the first part of the trading: here offer ings were rather light and on predictions by tlio weather bureau, of .colder weather throughout the west and southwest sellers became still fewer. On buying due to feara of damage by frost, prices advanced ma terially. May selling up to 31.15, and July to 93-H9;iHc. The market reacted con siderably on profit taking In July. The close, however, was firm, with May at 31.1DH. Final quotations on July were at 92c. Clearances of wheat snd flour . were equal to 101,3ia bushels. Primary receipts were 389,100 bushels, compared with 479,300 bushels a year Hgo. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chicago reported receipts of 276 cars, an ilnt 273 cars last week and 336 cars a ytsiir ago. Higher cables and wet weather had a bulllHli effect on tho corn market early In Ihe day. Shorts were the best buyers. Later the market weakened on selling, due to an estimate of over 900 cars for Mon day. Trading In general was rather Inac tive. May opened WuHr higher, at 49c to 494c, wold between 4Sic nnd 49 IftSiC nnd closed at 4919'ic. Local receipts were 370 cars, with three of contract grade. The oats market followed the trend of corn. The volume of business was light. May opened a shade lower to a shade higher, ut 31V32e, sold between 31c and 32ii 32hic and closed at 31c Local receipts were 224 cars. Provisions started strong, with prlcea somewhat higher, but the advance was followed by considerable profit taking, re sulting In a loss of almost all the early gain. Higher prices for hogs was the principal factor at the opening. A fairly liberal receipt of hogs for Monday was partially responsible for the profit taking. At the close May pork was up 2Wr, at 31287V ltd was oft at 37.12H. Ribs were a shade lower, at 36.96. Leading futures ranged as follows: 19n6. 1904. 169.671 196.276 623.6.10 R16.33 346.858 400.088 64.230 The following table tiowe the average price or nogs at South Omaha for the last several day, with comparisons: Articles.!. Open. I Hlgh.l Low. Close.l Yefy. Wheat May July Bept. Corn May July Sept. Oats May July Sept. Pork May J uly Lard Muy July Rlhs Mny July III! 114--15 1 15N. 114 1 154i 1 14i 'ii 7 934kf(i'l 9'V.2-tfn .'0'.at,T. lSo&S7l ' 7V WSjWHfi'i8uS(fJ') 49,1Tm49H'& S 49(8 491! 49Vu4i 49V4oV49 4HU, 4'.i&7Al 49 I 49 49H i i 3Wi32;32ij32H . 81t S1S al1 3 297 297 12 87H 13 06 7 15 7 32',, 7H 7 17Hl 12 90 13 06 7 15 7 32: 971 7 17 494 49-Hj 49 ,31Ti32 31VSI31VO. 31 I28'JI 12 77 12 87 12 95 13 00 7 10 7 26 6 90 7 07 7 ZD 96 7 12 13 33 13 00 7 17 7 30 6 97 7 16 No. I. Cash quotations wera follows: FLOCK Easy; winter patent, 35.004(6.10; straights, 14 7uLt4.9n: spring patent. !.mt 6 40; straights, 4.4oti4 i; bakers', 32.4Ci3.4t). WHEAT No. 2 tipriiig. II Krul M; No. 8. 31.0."nl.l2; No. 3 red, 31.16jl.lH. CORN No. 2. 47c; No. 3 yellow, 4e. OATS No. 3. 81V; No. 3 white, 33'j33u; No. 3 white, 3141 4 RVK No. 2. 7Wb78o. 11 A RLE Y Good fending, 38940c; fair to Choice malting, 43n47c. 8KED8-N0. 1 flx. tl.SA; No. I north w.etern, 11.3s. Clover, contract grade, 113 36. PKOVI8ION8-Mes pork per bbl., 11180 )12t5. Lard, per UK) lb.. 37.0a;7.0:. Short rll aide tloose). t8;a7.0O; hort clear Ides tboxedi. KS87tf;oO. On the Produce eachsnge today the but ter market wae firm; creameries. 2fiio; dairies. lKtjf2V. Egg. trong, at mark, case Included. 15c, first. 16c: extras, 17c. Chceas, steady to firm, 13al3o. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Afar Mar. Mar. Mar. 10. Mar. 11... Mar. 12... Mar. 12... Mar. 14... Mar. 16... Mar. !... Mar. 17... Mar. 18... 1 3... I.. 4.. 6.. .. 7... 3.., C. I IMS. -I- 4 0 4 71 77 1904. 11903. 11902. 1901. 1900. 11S94. 6 141 6 09: 98 S 821 6 371 3 121 7 03 11 6 C4 7 01 6 07, 3 07 7 12 6 9 4 85 7 061 t 99i 4 K 6 13 7 15 10 4 871 6 191 1 6 06 4 88 I 6 19! 7 141 4 871 6 10i 7 261 6 97) I 7 . k m f 4M 01 4 861 6 11 ( 22, I 28 4 68 3 51 4 66! 3 52 4.61 3 67 3 61 4 74 5 361 4 701 3 54 6 37 4 71 3 60 S 891 4 721 3 63 6 4lf 4 711 3 68 4 73 IS M 3 69 4 80 4 81 4 ni 4 94 4 97 6 01 6 751 7 1 3! S 181 5 411 4 761 I 7 23 6 20 6 46 4 79 3 63 6 161 7 28 6 13' 6 681 4 75 1 3 63 6 251 13 6 561 4 791 3 59 B 151 7 20 6 66 4 86 3 66 6 041 7 11 15 4 94 : 3 65 5 0417066 21 666 68 2 1 9 11 2 3 19 .. 1 1 15 2 3 2 1 1 66 13 4 Indicates Sunday. The official number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was: Cattle. Iroirs. Sheen.H'r's. c, Al. ox St. P. Ky Mo. Pacific Ry U. P. System 1 C. & N. W. Ry., east.. .. C. & N. W. Ry., west. 2 C, St. P., M. & O C, B. & Q., west C, B. & Q., east C R. I. & P., east Illinois Central Chicago Gt. Western. .. Total receipts 3 ine disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing tha cum ber of head Indicated: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 364 Swift and Company 6 8-8 Cudahy Packing Co 1,570 261 Armour & Co 1,180 S. & S 61 Other buyers 16 Total 22 3,983 261 CATTLE There were a few loads of cat tle reported this morning, but not enough to make a good test ot the market, lor the week receipts are ' about 2,000 head smaller trail they were a week ago and about 7,'av head less than for the corre sponding weeltaf last year. Prices on bffif steers have fluctuated back and forth to quite an extent this week. The week opened with a slightly lower market on Monday. On Tuesday and Wednesday Drlces advanced aulte ranidlv and on Thursday and Friday they receded. inis leaves closing prices in much the same notches they were at the close of last week. Trading has been fairly active most of the time, so that each day s offer ings have been well cared for. Good to choice beef steers may be quoted from 36.00 to 16.76, rair to good ft.&0 to 36.00 and com mon grades from 34 26 down. The oow market followed much the same course as steers, there being a weaker feel ing on Monday, with a sharp advance on Tuesday and Wednesday. Tne decline on Thursday and Friday, however, was more rapid than in the case of steers, so that closing prices on cows and heifers are a little lower than thev were a week asm. In most cases a dime would probably cover the loss, but In others It amounts to tuny 10 to 16 cents. As Is generally the case when prices move backward and for ward at a rapid rate the market is rather uneven, uo that some sales look much bet ter than others. Good to choice grades are quotable Irom 83.25 to 14.35. fair to arood 32.504(3.15 and common to fair 32.00.50. Packers have bounded the bull market to quite an extent the last two davs. which leaves ruling prices all the way from 10 to 20 cents lower for the week. Good to choice grades mav be quoted from 33.66 to S4.1SJ, rair to good i.uu to X3.w and com moner grades 82 25 to 33.00. Veal calves are considerably lower for the week, the better arades selling lararelv from 35.00 to 35.60. with something very choice a little above that. The demand for the better grades of etockers and feeders has been fully equal to the supply and closing prices are Just about where they were a week ago. The common kinds, however, are rather neg lected, and while they are not much. If any, lower, they ate certainly no higher. The cattle that are selling from 34.60 to 34.76 are mostly western hay feds and are of very good quality. Good to choice feed ers may be quoted all the way from 34.00 to 34.75, fair to good 33.60 to 34.00 and com moner grades from 33.40 down. Representa tive sales: BEEF STEERS. At. Pt. ....ion 4 os cowa 1040 9 4t 1 ....1310 I 00 1 ....1040 I 10 1 ....1030 I SB HEIFERS. .... no 1 60 STOCK CALVES. .... 260 8 60 HOGS There was a moderate run of hois In eight this morning and the market here opened mostly 2 to 6 cents higher thun yesterday's average. Only part of the packers, however, were bidding those prices and after the first round or two the mar ket came to a standstill, with buyers of fering no more than steady nrices with yesterday. Salesmen all thought thev ought to get more money and as a result lt was some time before much business was transacted, and in fact quite a few hogs were in first hands at a late hour. Light hogs sold early, largely from 35.00 down, butcher and mixed from 35.00 to 35.02 and heavies from 35.02 to 35.10. This has been the high week so far this season on the hog market. Prices have moved steadily upward ever since Monday and closing prices show a net gain over the close of last week amounting to about 15 cents. Receipts' have been exceptionally light, there being a decrease as compared with last week amounting to about 16.000 head and of about 11,000 head as compared with the same week of last year. As has been previously mentioned through these columns, packers are looking more at quality and less at weight than hey were a short time ago and the range of prices is much narrower. Prime heavies still top the market aa a rule, but they must be extra fancy to do It. A prime load of me dium weights sell to just about as good ad vantage cs the heavies, as Is shown by the fact that the 36.10 load today weighed 262 pounds. Representative sales: prune steers. 35 intij6. 25; poor to medium, 33.7&W .; mockers and feeders. 82.5ua4.60: cow. 32. 8584 .60; heifers. $3.WKg5.00; canners. 31.60 jv no; nulls. 32.26oj4.00: calves. 83.nth41 50. nous Receipts, 12,000 head; estimated Monday, 40.000 head; market strong to 5c innitcr, mixed ana butchers. io.uu.,,a; frood to choice heavy, 35.1.VS6..15; rough leavy, 85.tsry5.i0; light, 84.95&6.20; bulk of Bales, 36. 15416. 26. . SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 2,000 nead; market steady: good to choice weth ers, 34.6U&6 50; good to choice mixed. 34. 7rx o-w; western sheep, 35.0tKS'6.00; native lambs, eo.ovi.ou; western lambs, Kansas City Lira Stock Market KANSAS CITY, March 18.-CATTLE Re ceipts, 200 head; market unchanged; choice export ana aressert beer steers, 35.Z'B.7&; fair to good, 34.25ftf6.26: western fed steers, 34.266.25; stockers and feeders, 3.'t.(Kr4.t6; southern steers. 83 6O&4.90; southern cows, 32.25-4.00; native cows. 32.Ontfi4.40; native heifers, 32.75W4.75; bulls. 32.52 4.00; ' calves. 33 .000(6.00; receipts for the week, 29.000 head. HOGS Receipts, 2,000 head; market 10c higher; top. 35.26; bulk of sales, 35.OMio.20; heavy, 35.15fi 5.25; packers. 35.0o4j6.20; receipts for the week. 39,600 head. SHWEP AND LAMBS Receipts, none; market nominally steady; native Iambs, 36.&Ofg7.35; native wethers, 35.2o&.85; native fed ewes, 34.85&5.60; western fed lambs, 3.60i7.3u; western fed sheep, 34.86th6.85; western fed yearlings, 35.76(g6.50; stockers and feeders, 33.5otg6.60. Kew York Live Stock Market. NEW YORK, March 18. BEEVES Re ceipts, 18 head, cor.signed direct. Nothing doing In live cattle. Market feeling steady. Dressed beef in limited demand, at fi9c for native sides. Exports, 6,840 cattla and 6,604 quarters of beef. CALVES Receipts, 11 head; no trading of importance; market feeling steady: dressed calves In light supply and steady. City dressed veals, 8rdl3c; country dressed, 7pllc. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 3,999 head; sheep nominal In the absence of any sales. Lambs, slow but steady, and choice holding firm. Fair to good quoted at 37.764,8.25; choice holding at 38.50. HOGS RecelDtS. 2.196 head: market feel. lng steady. it. I,o til Live Stock Market. ST. LOUIS, March 18. CATTLE Re ceipts, 100 head: market steady: native shipping and export steers, 34.006.00; dressed beef and butchers steers. 33.66 6.15; steers under 1,000 pounds, 33.0Oij4.0O; stockers and feeders, 32.60g4.50; cows and heifers, 32.754N.30; canners, 32.00(32.60; bulls, 32.753.66; calves. 33.orrq5.50; Texas and In dian sters. 33.0tMj6.OO: cow and heifers. 32.25fttf.76. HOGS RecelDts. 1.500 head: market strong: nigs and Hunts. 33.76(tfS.10: nackers. 35.10(e6.25; butchers and best heavy, 35.208 6.30. SHEEP AND LAMBS Recelnts. none: market steady; native muttons, 33. 0046. 75; lambs. 35.00tfr7.00: culls and bucks. LTtiKS 4.00; stockers, 32.00tiJ3.00. St. Joseph l ive Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. March 18. CATTLE Receipts. 98 head; market steady; natives, 34.0tsfi6.50; stockers and feeders, 33.00tg4.50. HOGS Receipt s.8,140 head; market 5O.10C higher; light, 3o.G5j6.15; medium and heavy, 35.KK&6.20. v SHEEP AND LAMBS Reeelnta. none.- demand strong. Slooz City I. Ire Stork Market. SIOUX CITY. March 18. (Sneclal Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 4C0 head; mar ket steady: beeves. 33.50tS6.00: cows, hulls and mixed, 32.60(34.00: stockers and feeders, 32.75(fj4.00f calves and yearlings, 32.75tB3.75. nuuo- neceipis, z.w nead; market 6c higher, selling at 34.SO6.05; bulk, 34.90ra6.00. Stock In Sight. , Receipts of live stock at the aJx nrlm-inal western markets yesterday: Cattle. Hogs. Sheen, GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARRE Wheat Market AdTanoet and Closee Week Better Than Last. CASH WHEAT STRONGER, CORN WEAKER Cables Stroager oa Cora aa4 Bring Acceptance All Chicago Cora Received la Nrbraaka Urala Going East for Kxaart. OMAHA. March 13. 1905, Tha wheat closed the week much bette than It did last week. The cables were from to Sic higher: the weather pre dictions are for colder weather; the crop news is less favorable: shorts are cover lng; the cash demand Is stronger in the northwest: the sales of flour for export are better; the primary receipts n re smaller; there Is some Hessian fly talk these and other reasons have caused th wheat to advance the last two day. The high point for the May Friday waa 31-14 and that waa the low market for t"day The future opened at 3114, advanced to 81.15 and closed at'V 1 tie juiy ad vanced almost as much. Cudahy brokers sold the May this morning around 31. 16 and Armour nought from c up to c. causing mucn 01 tne sirengtn. The cash wheat market Is strong. Chi cago sold 20siO bushels to millers Friday and the spring wheat did much better thnn for some days. Minneapolis reported a good demand by elevator and mm In teresta and closed with an advance for the day of l'Ac. Duluth and St. Lou s each advanced c In their cash markets, and Kansas City did a little business, although lt was perhaus the dullest of the markets Minneapolis promises trouble ror the May wheat shorts. The contract wheat Is said to be all owned by the millers, who are reported to Intend to hold It all for their own use. Friday s close there was a differ ence between Duluth and Minneapolis In wheat of 60 In favor of the latter market but no wheat was moved to Minneapolis. mere is rear, it is said, the No. 1 north ern at Pnluth will not arade at Mlnne apolls. The northwestern cars. Including 1 nicago, were Zit, against Zt3 last weeK and Alt last year. 1 lie papers are full or good crop news, among them a renort from Holdrege, Neb., that the crop condition Is fine, ine Australian wheat shipments have fallen on, being 640,nnn bushels ngainst 1.962,000 Inst week and 1,176.000 bushels last year. Broomhall estimated the world's ihlnments for the week at 9.finO.OOf) bushels, Trie cash com market la down from tie to vc in . nicago on tne estimated cars or corn for Monday, 9u6. The pit crowd has been a seller on this Information, although the cables are 'in higher. Nearly all of tne Chicago receipts or corn are from Ne braska and are sold through to the seaboard tor export and are not stoped at Chicago. The samnle tables there are llrht of srraln. The large receipts for Monday are due to me operations or tne Northwestern, the Illinois Central and the St. Paul, which will run In com Sunday. Peoria reports the purchase there Friday of one car of corn and one car of oats. Terra Haute says business Is extremely light. The clearances today are 440,on) bushels. Chi cago reports the sale of ten loads of corn there for export. Cables this morning nmugni many acceptances on last nignt offers. Omaha Cash Prices. WHEAT No. 3 hard. Sl.Q24n.08: No. 3 hard. 97o; No. 4 hard, 80g96c; No. 3 springy 31.03. CORN No. Z. 4oic:-N0. 3. 46V4c: NO. 4, 44c; no grade, 4044i; No. 2 yellow, 46c; no. 3 yellow, 4bc; no. 8 white. 46-bc: No. 3 white. 46c. OATS No. 2 mixed. 30c: No. 3 mixed. 29c; No. 4 mixed, 29c: No. 2 white. 31c; No. 8 white, svftc; No. 4 white, zc; stan dard, 30c. Caslot Receipt. Wheat. Com. Oats Chicago Kansas City.... Minneapolis ... Duluth St. Louis Omaha 21 41 243 12 62 83 370 62 39 117 Minneapolis Wheat Market. The range of prices paia In Minneapolis at reported by the Edwards-Wood company, 110-111 Board of Trade, waa: Articles. Open. High. I Low. Close. lYea'y. Wheat ! j j May... Ill 112 111 1 117 111 July... 108 109 108 lOgsii 108 Sept...;8S-Va , 88 88 SS' 88 No. a.. l.. i.. i.. i.. l.. A. Fit .itso t to .mo i (o .1230 I 74 No. It... 40... 41... T... ... 41... It.., (1... II.,, 81.. II... tt... II.., 41... ... II . IT., tl.., 71... 71... At. 8b. Pr. 1M .. 4 17(4 til 40 4 M til .. 4 M "5 .. 4M lit 10 4 M Ml 140 4 W 100 .. 4 M 114 .. IH Ill M 4 7 Il M 4 7H 1X6 IM 4 7H 2.11 14 4 IT i 10 4 1 1.17 110 4 11 .1.14 0 4 I7U IM ..111 ..111 ..110 ...M7 SI. Ill if! in a 144 41 in 77 tn 71 Ill 74 141 71 4 74 .. 4 17 .. 4 I74j 40 I 00 .. 4 00 .. 4 00 ..I 00 .. I oo .. I 00 .. t 00 M IM Mil HI I M No. 71... 70... 71... 71... 44... ... r4... 74... 17... 41... 3... 17..., 77... 77... 44... II... 71... II.,., 77..., II... 44... 14... !.... II... 71... 14... 71... Av. ...Ill ...111 ...111 ...140 ...lei ...! ...m ...141 ...IS4 ...1JI ...114 ...117 ...2S1 ...111 ...141 ...171 ...II ..,1,11 ...111 ...171 ...171 ...141 ...117 ...144 ...161 ...171 ...HI h. Pr. .. I 04 .. I 00 10 8 0 .. I 00 .. I 00 .. I 00 . . I Oluj 10 I 01 .. I 01 .. I 0214 . . i oisa 44 I OIL, 40 i 01(4 4ft I 02 V, 4 03 V, IM I 06 .. I 04 .. I 0 .. i 06 .. t 06 60 I 06 ' 60 I 06 .. I 06 .. 7V, .. I 07 V, - I 07V Mil SHEEP There was quits a run of sheep reported her this morning, but with the exception of two cars they were billed through and one of the two cars to be left here waa sold to arrive, ao there waa not much chanca for making a teat of th mar ket. For the week receipts have been quit a little smaller than they were either last week or during the correarpondlng week of last year, but apparently there waa enough on ale to meet the requirements of the trade. Prlcea on aheep and lambs this week have fluctuated very little. On aome day it waa eaay to get steady price and at tha close of th week prices are In much tha same notches tsar war a weak agtx South Omaha Sioux City ... Kansas City . St. Louis St. Joseph ... Chicago 55 JO , 2ti0 100 !H 2,000 8,974 2.SIM) 2.ono 1.500 3,140 12,000 Total 2,853 25,414 3,293 2.000 6,293 St. tools Grain and Provision. ST. LOUIS, March 18. WHEAT Weak after advance; No. 2 red cash, elevator, 31.05; track. 3114; May. 31.05; July, Jitifie; No. 2 hard, 31. 07. CORN Lower; No. 2 cash, 47c; track, 48 49c; May, 4ti4c July, 47c. OATS Lower: No. 2 cash. 31c; track. 814i&'32e; May, 30c; No. 2 white, 33c. FIXll'R Steady; red winter patents, 35.15tg6.40; extra fancy and straight, It.tuMi 4.90: clear, '34.25t?i 4.60. SEED Tiniotnv, steady S2.00S2.75. CORNMEAL-Steady, 32.50. BRAN Steady; sacked, east track. 85ffJ 86c. HAT Firm; timothy, $6.0Off 13.00; pral rie. So.00ffl10.00. IRON COTTON TIE8r-96c. BAGGINO-7Mc. HEMP TWINE '4c PROVISIONS Pork, lower; Jobbing, 312.32. Lard, lower; prime steam, 36.55. Dry salt meats, steady; boxed, extra shorts, St.87; clear ribs, Sfi.87; short clears, 37.12. Bacon, steady; boxed, extra shorts and clear ribs, 37.50; short clears. 37.87. POULTRY-Steady; chickens, 10c; springs 10c; turkeys, 14fJ16c; ducks, 12c: geeoe, 7c. BUTTER Firm; creamery, 2Kg-26c; dairy, 18 24c. EGGS Steady at 14c, case count. . ... Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 8,000 10.000 Wheat, bu 52,000 eo.Ots) Corn, bu 39,000 27,000 Oats, bu 51,000 93,000 Kansas City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY, March 18. WHEAT Higher; May, 97c; July, 81c; cash, No. 2 hard, S1.0HW1.06; No. 3, 99cC1.02; No. 4. 9octiS101; No. 2 red. tl.034il.06; No. 3, S1.02fa 1.05; No. 4. 90CI&S1.02; receipts, 57 cars. CORN Weak; May, 46c; July, 46o$ cash. No. 2 mixed, 46c; No. 3, 45(&Hc; No. 1 White. 46fi464c; No. 3, 4flc. OATS Steady; No. 2 white, 84834c; No. 2 mixed, 334i334c. RVE SteHriy at 7c. HAY Steady; choice timothy, S9 5010.00; choice prairie, S7.75i8.00. txjus Migner; Missouri and Kansas, new No. 2 whltewood cases Included. 14c; caste count, 13c; cases returned, c less. BUTTER Steady; creamery, 22jaic; packing, 16c. ttereipts. tsnipments. 44,000 33.300 61,600 86,800 12,000 14,000 Wheat, bu Corn, bu .. Oals, bu .. Philadelphia Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA, March 18 BUTTER Firm, good demand; extra western cream ery. 28c; extra nearby prints, 30c. EGGS Steady; fair demand; nearby fresh and western fresh, 17c, at mark. CHEESE Unchanged; New York, full creams, fancy, 13V14c; choice, 18c; fair to good, 12jl3c. Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, March 18. WHEAT Mav, S1-UU1-12; July. 3103; Septemlier, te'ac; No. 1 hard. 3115; No. 1 northern, 31-13: No. 2 northern, tl.08. FIjOUK First patents, S6.10rgl6.20: seoond patents, 35.90!i6.00; first clears, tl-2&4l4.46; second clears, S2.70fi2.SO. BRAN In bulk. 314.26. Milwaukee Grata Market, MILWAUKEE. March 18. WHEAT One and one-half cents up; No. 1 northern, 31.16: No. 2 northern.; July, 92c. RYESteady; No. I, 85e. BARLEY Steady; No. 2, 61c; sample, 8960e. CORN-Easler; No. 3, 48S48c; May, 49o bid. flalath Urala Market. DULUTH. Minn., March 18 WHEAT To arrive, No. 1 northern, 3108: on track, No. 1 northern, Slos; No. 2 northern, tl. 02(61.(i6; May, SLOW; July, (; Sep tember. 88C. 1 OATS To arrive and on track, 30c. 1 LIVERPOOL, March 18 WHEAT futures, quiet; March, nominal; May, 8d; July, 8a 8d. , , CORN Spot, steady; American mixed, new. 4 4d; American mlxd old, 4 lid; future, quiet; May, 4a 3d; July 4s 6T. Peoria Grain Market. PEORIA. March l -CORN-Lower: No. I yellow, 48c; No. 8, 4c; ho. 4, ile, 110 grade, 46c, SKW YORK GENERAL MARKET Quotation of the Day on Varloua Commodities. NEW YORK, March 18. FLOUR Re ceipts, 26,404, bbls. ; exports, 2,680 bbls.; market quiet but steady; Minnesota pat ents, 35.86ij6.20; bakers, 34.10fa4.60; winter patents, S5.40tfi6.75; winter straights, 35.20ftJ 0.30; winter extras, S3.65rd4.30; winter low grades, S3.454ji4.10. Rye flour quiet; fair to good, S4.30tfi4.70; choice to fancy. 34-7014.90. Buckwheat flour, nominal, per 100 lb., 32.00 4(32.10. CORNMEAL-Steady; fine white and yel low, 31.25'&'1.3(; coarse new, 31.10rgl.12. RYE Nominal; western. 80c. BARLEY Dull; - feeding, 44c, c. I. f., New York; malting, 46(?62c c. I. t. Buffalo. WHEAT Receipts, 726 bu.; spot market firm; no. 2 red nominal, elevator; No. 2 red, 3119, f. o. b. afloat: No. 1 northern, Duluth, 31.23. f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 hard, Mani toba, 3109, f. o. b., afloat. Shorts were good buyers of wheat today, especially the May and prices had a sharp advance. The chief influences were higher cables, de cided strength In the northwest, smaller movement and prospects for a greater visi ble supply decrease on Monday. Last prices showed &c net advance: Mav, S1.12f 1.13: closed at 31.13: July, 97VSOSC; closed at 97o; September, 90O9oc; closed at 90c. CORN Receipts, 134,376 bu.; exports, 108. 662 bu. Spot market was firm; No. 2, 68c, elevator, and 64c, f. o. b., afloat; No. 2 yellow, 65c; No. 2 white, 64e. Option mar ket was more active and firmer nt the west, cosing c net higher; May, 6di&65c; closed, 66c; July, closed at &5c. OATS Receipts, 78,000 bu.; spot market steady; mixed oats, 25iJG2 lbs., 37t&38c; natural white. 8032 lbs., 388390; clipped white. 3640 lbs. 39ro41c HAY Steady; shipping, 65'70c; good to choice, 85t&92c. HOPS Quiet ; state common to choice, 1904 , 2tfi'30e; 19413. 24tS27c; olds, lh&13c; Pa cific coast, 1904, 26t6'29c; 1903, 26&'26c; olds ll(&13c. HIDES Steady; Galveston. 20 to 26 lbs, LEATHER Firm; acid, 2426c. PROVISIONS Heef steady,; famllv, 312.00 rl3.00; mess, 39.50; beef hams, 322.00423.60; packet, Sll.00i812.00; city extra India mess, $16,004" 18. (JO. Cut meats steady; pickled bel lies, 7(&7-'!4c; pickled shoulders, 6(j6c; pickled hams, 8?tc. Lard, market steadv; western steamed. 37.40; refined steady; con tinent, 37.60; South America. 37.75; com pound, S4.87ifir).&0. Pork. Arm; family, S14.60tfj'16.00; short clear, S13.0015.25; mess. S13.25ra 13.75. RICE Quiet 1 domestic, fair to exjtra, 2'cifc; Japan, nominal. TALIXV Steady; city (S3 per pkg.), 4c; I country tpkgs. free.) 4i?i4c. j BUTTER Firm: street price, extra creamery, 2727c. ornclal prlcea cream ery. common to extra, 20tfi27c: creamery, held, common to extra, 3rn26c; state dairy, common to extra, ivasac. CHEESE Strong; state full cream, small, colored and white fancy, 14c; state fine, 1 1 , r. . .1.1. luta muHa nnlnr, n 10731 ...--- ...... .......... . ...... . , .. . . , . " 11 1 ir, poor to choice, 10'til3c; state large, colored and white fancy, 13,c: atato fine, 13413c; state late made, colored and white, poor to choice. iwiz4c. EGGS Firm; western firsts, 17c; western seconds, 16c. POULTRY Alive, steady; western chick, ens, 12c; fowls, 13e; old turkeys, lt"e; dressed, steady; western chicken, 1313c; fowls, 13813c; turkeys. 163 20c. Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO. March 18. SEED Clover, cash, 37.87: March, t7.87; April, 37.62: Octo ber, 36 9"J; prime aslke, 37-70; prime tim othy, 31-40; March, $1.49. NOTICE Grain Dealers, Farmer and Feeders. Cheap Grala and Feed. For ale cheap, by Fire Underwriter, car and wagonload lota, 400,000 bushels aalvagp wheat, corn and oata from "the Union Ele vator fire at Council Bluff. MUST BE SOLD QUICK at premle. Feed SI. 00 per wagon load. Oreat chanca for country dealers and feeders. Telephone 698 Council Bluff, Iowa. Trans-Mississippi Grain Co., BEE BUILDIN&. BIG MONEY !' COgTAST OIL ITOtK " AT IO ET HHtRE. Buy at once before price advance. Have 760 acre In Chanute till Field, enough for 2o0 well; five already producing. t OTAT OIL 4 41.. SOI . Y. l ife Bnlldlaa, Telephone r-22&4. Otaaki, He a. r D The Wonder of the World Over $4,000,000 Worth of Ore Shipped In One Short Year Goldficld Is Simply Great" That in th way Mr. lAtipent Tpnny Gray, writ-known In th mining world of tha West, epitomize hl psllmatn of the mining camp that In Ha first year hna ahlppod gold ore worth Four Millions of Iollar, breaking- all t.'nlted states records snd rivaling the highest score made by the Klondike daring Its palmiest days. 240 Per Cent Dividends The Combination Mine of Goldneld, which up to March 1st had been paying- dividends at Ihe rate of lo per cent per month on Its capitaliza tion of $4ro,Ooo. announces an Increase of dividends to 20 per cent per month, or 240 per cent per annum: and mining ensineers who recently Inspected the property assert that there Is at least One Million Dollars' worth of ore in slbL , A Region of Vast Wealth As development work progresses It is apparent that Goldfleld Is destined to become the center of a large area of gold producing territory. The latest news from Btillfroe, 7.r miles south of Goldfteld, is the tineoverlnc of a 100 foot ledjre that assays over One Thousnnd lollars a ton. Still another Is rctorted on Ladd Mountain, near Bullfrog, where the pay streak shows a value of Five Thousand Dollars to the Ton The Southwestern Securities Company of IOB Angeles a corporation that makes a business of buying and selling mines recently financed a new Company called the Golilticld-Horald, In which the first allotment or block of stock was over-subscrlled in less than one week; and later marketed the second allotment of shares at three times the first price all inside of thirty days. This Company Now Offers Goldfield-Gladiator Shares at 5c; Par Value $1.00 The Goldfield-Gladiator Company, incorporated for $1,500,000. controls thre claims the Washoe, Stranger nnd Tucson which are located three miles Northeast of the city of Goldficld, r.djoinlng the Hercules Group of 20 claims, in which Mr. Charles M. Schwab is heavily interested. The Southwestern Securities CompaLy's resident Mining Engineer, Mr. W. B. Koberts, is now on the ground ready to begin development work and a rich strike may be expected in the very near future, which will insure a rapid rise in the price of shares. Why Opportunity Is Offered It is the custom throughout the entire mining section of the Far West to realize funds for development purposes by the sale of stock. A large portion of the stock of every company usually goes to thoso who put up the money for the purchase of the Company's property; and as most of tbis money is raised by mining men who know the district and are In terested in dozens of other enterprises, they are glad, at the start, to avail themselves of this means of engaging outside capital. History shows that the small investor is the man who, more than any other, contributes to the upbuilding of great Mining Camps be cause when a man outside the mining region proper puts his money Into one of the mining properties, his interest is focused on the mining situa tion of the State, and the task of securing big capital at short notice for other enormous mining enterprises which come up, and aro bound to continue to develop In a region where nature has distributed her wealth with such prodigality, is a simpler matter. You Are Invited to Share in Goldfield's Undug Millions The Goldfield-Gladiator Mining Company has authorized us to dispose of a limited number of shares of its Treasury stock-fully paid r nd non assessableat the nominal price of 5 cents a shire, for the purpone of pushing development work; but in order to benefit by this offer prompt action on your part is necessary as no order for stock will be fl'led which does not reach this office on or before the 30th day of Mo.'Vh, W. We further reserve the right to decline all orders returning funds after the allotment of stock allowed us by the aforesaid Goldfield Gladiator Mining Company has been subscribed; and be it further un derstoodwe cannot sell fewer than 200 nor more than lO.ttOO shires to any one person it Itetug the Company's desire to effect a broad dl.itribu tioii of its stock, rTitis enlisting co-operation that will be helpful lu pro moting other proposltioi.s. $ 10 Will Buy 200 Shares, Par Value $ 200 $ 20 Will Buy 400 iharei, Par Value $ 400 $ 40 Will Buy 800 Shares, Par Value $ 890 $ 80 Will Buy 1600 Shares, Par Value $1,600 $ 100 Will Buy 2000 Shares, Par Value $2,000 Fill out the blank below and mall to us at once. Do it today; to morrow may be everlastingly too late. SOUTHWESTERN SECURITY CO., Los Angeles, California v Enclosed please find $. ..... ..In payment of. ihares of stock in Goldfield-Gladiator Mining Company. Name Address Or a safer plan Is to wire your order (chargea collect), mulling remittance which prac.ically Insures you against the possibilities of being too late. -REFERENCES, BY PERMISSION- Broadwar Banlr. at Trust Co. Colonial Mortgage A Trust Co, Mercantile Loan A Trust Co. All L.O Angeles Newspaper. Any Reputable Mercantile Agency- In Las Anareles Denver Daily Mining- Record. Colorado Springs Mining Investor. Chicago Farm Loan a and City Bonds and I'nlted Securities Company ot Kan Francisco. We are in position to furnlsh-at lowest market value-the stock of any reputable Goldfleld Mining Company; ana aiso nuve i.-,t-."i-u undeveloped Mining properties for sale. Oorreiondcnce invited If vou are interested in Gold Minlng-but are not yet re ady to InyMt -Ave will be glad to mall you our beautifully illustrated booklet entitled "Goldficld." showing mines In various stages of development-sent free upon request. Southwestern Securities Co. Fifth Floor Hei-maLi. W. Hellman Building Fourth and Spring Streets, Los Anrfeles, CaJ. 1. The Merchants National Bank of Omaha. Neb. I'. 8. Depository. Capital and Surplus. $600,000 LUTNtl DR4.KE, rreilacai. FRANK T. I4NILT0N, Vic rmlds.1. t. P. Hlto, Asst. Cuhicr. B. I. Mail. Aitt.Cai. Rccalv account of banks, bankara. eor orstlous, arms sod Indlnausls an fsrorsbls tarms. roralm Esehanf bought and sold. Latlar ot credit tssusd, asllsbls I all parts of tu world. Intaraat paid on Tins CsrttHcatss of npoalt. Collaotlona mada promptly aud acunwmlcally. W raquaat eorreapoudanc. GIGANTIC SPECULATION We are on the eve of s gigantic specula, tlve movement in grain that liss not been equaled lnre the 1-clier d-al. Bend for our special letter, also information on two (-) stocks that show strong, but quiet accumu lation and will make the careful specula tor l,0f on every $W0 invested. . if ion have not rkai otr P-KT UlllK ON PHOKKhSIONAI. AND BAFR 8PKC'UIATHN; BEND FOR IT AT ONCE. W'K WANT VOU TO READ IT; AIJ40 Ol K MAHKKT I.K'l I l-.l( AINU BPKtTAI, MKHBAOK8. WE BKNI Al.l., ( REE A8 A PRACTICAL TEST OF WK BKRVIt K WK PKRHU.VAI.I.Y II A NDI.K ACCOUNTS FOR OUT-OF-TOWN CUSTOMERS. MABIE. COBB & CO., COMMISSION BROKERS. 8741 ! LA SALI.IS ST., CIIICAUO, Il.l.. Edwards -Wood Go- (Incorporated.) Haiti OMc: Fiftb and Robert Struts ST. PAUL. fllNN. DEALERS IN Stocks, Grain, Provisions Ship Your Grain to Us Braaah Otnea, 110-111 Beartl at Tra4 Bids-.. Oasaba, . Telephaaa SB 14. 112-714 Exchange BIdg.. South Omaha, Ball 'Paon 11A lnaDiidant 'Phsaa l PROTECTS INVESTORS. THE FINANCIAL WORLD. DO IKVBITOR OR SPBCXXATOR afturd to b without this paper tha only pa par that taarhas how to dlaosr larltlmale proaasl- tlon from fakaa It has lortuass to la ve. tors. It caposa ail financial tricks n irsps. It doas not acoapt advtrttsamanta to erSar te a Indapasdant. lt axlalf and prssyar bp aukaorlp tlons only. On of th nest alabls faster f Mi i.apsr la Its FftEE ADVICE BUREAU im akui. af sna wh ha had thlrty-flv yaa UMrlspta asd who will answsr all Inaalria af subscribers rar-1ln Invaat mints by (sttar If toil aa Imaraated In RAILROAD, OIL. rrAJITATlOX. MIWINC., INDltTRIAl, Blue US or bonds, juu ausm by all rnaan t t4 .ttt MPSf.awa a9 st. Lba aat at Ita FHKK ADVICE) Ft Ft BAT. IAMPLB COPY PRES. FINANCIAL WOKMJ, I Schlllar ttltlg., I'hlraio. Bee Want Ads Produce Results t