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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 14, 1905)
THE OMAHA DAILY HEE: TUESDAY. MARCH 14. 1005. i i r Special Sale on ; Yale's Mine Remedies THIS WEEK Mme. Yale bes ben her and none, but "he hss left behind her a wealth of beauty tbst every woman may pounces by following her scientific methods. The beau tiful object lexson Mme. Yale presents on the occasions of her personal visits is both, ronvtnolng and. inspiring. V BEAUTY BARGAINS Mme. Yale has most graciously sent us a generous supply of "Skin Food" for free distribution to those who purchase her remedies during this present week. A sample Jar containing tl worth of the original and only, genuine ''Skin Food" will be given with each i9o purchase. WONDER OF WONDERS The wonderful things that Mme. Yale's scientific discoveries have done and are constantly doing for women Is bevond belief. Whenever Mme. Yale's system Is well established in a community pretty girls and beautiful women Invariably predomi nate by a large majority. We shall continue carrying a full line of fme. Yale's remedl for the benefit and accommodation of our worthy patrons. Mme. Yale's specialties ara so great in number It would take too much- newspaper -space to publish the descriptive matter concerning them all, therefore we shall confine our temarks to a few of the leaders. Mme. Yale's Almond Blossom Complexion Cream A skin luxury that nothing has equaled or can ever eclipse, dainty as a delicate lily, sweet as a fragrant rose. Its most precious value lies In the glorious results from lta use. Mme. Yale'e Almond .Blossom Cream restores normal childlike beauty to tha skin. A trial will convince even the most skeptical. Now Is an oppor tune time to use It. March winds and chilly bleak weather plays havoc with the skin. Mme. Yale's Ceam cures chapped, rough skin over night. Use .It and see the lilies and rosea bloom on your faces. Two sliea; price 45c, 79c. Mme. Yale's Hair Tonic This extraordinary hair tonic promotes the most luxuriant growth of hair pos sible consistent with the law of nature. We certainly have good and sufficient rea sons for recommending It Mme. Yale's Hair Tonic supplies the hair and scalp with their lacking elements, stimulates circulation of blood and live coloring matter, awakens new life throughout the capillary structure. - CURES DANDRUFF STOPS HAIR FALLING Mme. Yale'a Hair Tonic cures dandruff, that deadly, filthy scalp disease that the majority of people tolerate. A few applications of Mme. Yale's Hair Tonic stops hair from falling, the rapidity of its action la simply wonderful. ' Greatest Hair Grower The marvelous Increase of hair from the use of Mme. Yale'a Hair Tonic Is one of its strongest characteristics. Men, women and children alike may share in Its glorious benefits. Pure as morning dew, clean and clear as crystal. Does not stain or cause any discomfort. Is not greasy nor sticky, 3 sizes, 23c, 43c, 79c. Mme. Yale's Skin Food This wor.ierfu! skin' specific; Is Mme. Tale's treatment far rejuvenating the counte nance ar.d for the removal 6f wrinkles. It softer., and nourishes dry, harsh skin, sup plies the sebarlous glands ar.d tlesues with sustaining nourishing food. It tones weak facial nerves, strengthens drooping muscles and brings about a complete revolution to the torpid condition, eliminates from the countenanco all disfiguring grimaces pro duced by age and facial abuse. Two slses; price S1.2&, 3.o. - - SKIN FOOD FREE A large sample Jar of Mme. Yale's original and only genuine skin food will be given this week with every purchase of Mme. Yale's Remedlos amounting to 79c or more. Sample Jara contain II worth. Mme. Yale's Books : For particulars concerning Mme. Yale's other remedies ask our clerks for one of . Mine. . Yale's Free Beauty Books. Free for asking. See Our Special. Exhibit of Mme. Y&Je Discoveries, Creat ing Health and Beauty. DRUG DEPT., BOSTON STORE OUR LETTER BOX. . A Virions Elevator Dill. MILLER, Neb., Murcb. Jl. To the Editor of The Bee: I am .apprised thrdugh' the columns of the press that an eff6rt is being made to amend the Rnmsey elevator law by providing thnt It shall apply only to elevator costing $4,000 or .more. Such a provision Is equivalent to a repeal of nil elevator legislation, so fur as It will assist fanners. There are scores of localities with territory bo limited that a $4,0UO farm ers' elevator . would be an Impossibility. There are other scores of places so sparsely settled that, a I.0U0. farmers' elevator Is oi of the question. The proposed amend meht would put all these people beyond the protection of luw In the conduct of their business, and 1 can hardly conceive of a measure more harmful to the farming Interests than the one above. . y , .." C. VINCENT. Commander-in-Chief Coining;. " Commander-in-Chiff Wllmon W. Black mar o the Or and Army of the Republic or lloaton, Mtiao. i has, seat out the announce ment that he will be present at the de partment encampment of the Grand Army of the rtrpubllo of Nebraska at Grand Island In May. i An effort will be made by the three Grand Army posts of Omhha to hflve the national commander ;sor in Omaha enroute to Grand Island. Following the' department encampment at Orand Island, National Commander Hluclcmar will make a tour of the west, visiting department ' and district Orand Army gatherings to waken up the proper enthusiasm for the national encamp ment at Denver in August. Announcement, of the Theaters, The coming' of Grace Van Studdiford, who Is known as one of the foremost American singers In light opera, means that Omaha Is to have a continuation of the good thlngs ih a musical' line. "Red Feather," the piece , In : which -Miss Van Studdiford will be seen' at the Boyd the ater for three nights and a mutlnce, com menclng Thursday evening. Is otje of the latest American light operas, "Its musio Is by Reginald Do Koveft.and Is -said to be the best work he has done since he wrote the score for "Robin Hood." Tho book Is by Charles Kloln.and tells a good story In a rational way. The' company with Miss Van Studdiford Is a strong one; In fact, it Is practically- the sum. company that pre' Bented the opera In New York and made such a succera of It.. The sale, of seats Is now open. ' ' ' . i Following "km mtner." will come "Mother Goose,", the great Klaw & Er langer spectaculai production.'. This will be at the Boyd for a. week, beginning on Monday, March 20. Beats will go on sale on Tharsday morning, the engagement In eluding matinees on Wednesday and Bat' urday. ' ;",;'( i ' Board. of Trade Dividend. At a meeting of the dlrectora of the Omaha Board or. Trade yesterday a divi dend of 112.50 .'a. share was ; declared. ; otv able April 1. . -This' fs the second dividend tills yar, the first, on January 1, being Si'0. Aside from declaring the dividend tha directors transncteu no business o( Import anoe. r sewwjuwuijw1''! Rafter 41 & v 'M a. C4i .XT It II I II) I. I -There ' a , reason, and the best Kind of a reason, why Ayer's Hair Vigor makes the hair grow, long anil, heavy. ' , ' It is a hair-food. It feeds the hair and makes It healthy and strong. Healthy hair grows, keeps soft and . smooth, does not split at the ends, and never falls out. Give 'Ayer's Hair Vigor to your gray hair and restore to it all the deep, rich color of early life. ' at4e k'f M. I. O. arm C. . IntlL Mm. AIM SMMhUlMM ml . - . WI fmW rtcToaAb-rereoaiha. ATEB'g Plllg-Far eeo.tlMitlaa. altiul'i fcAitA4iOLU-f lot atoui. ATM'9 AOUB CVBB-lw aialail uiatig aa4 afea. 1 i UFFAtRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Citj Council Leti Contract for Fermantct Sidewalk Construction. OMAHA MAN WILL DO THE WORK THIS YEAR Virions Doge Ordinance Passed and Qnlte m Bit of Other Interesting Bnslnree Disposed of at Meeting. The city council last night did a lot of routine business and adjourned until the next regular meeting night, March 3. Mayor Koutsky presided and all member were present. There were two bidders for the laying of permanent sldewslks for the ensuing year, Gus Hammell and Parks, Johnson A Parka. The Omaha contractor bid, 14 cents per square foot for artificial stone and 11V4 cents for brick. The Parka bid was a cent higher on stone and t cents higher on brick and the . contract was awarded to the Omaha man. This means the laying of sidewalk which private property ownera do not put down after due notice and which the city attends to. It will mean several thousand dollars during the coming year. Ordinance 1342, known as the vicious dog ordinance, was passed. This ordinance Is sweeping, as applying to the restraint and disposition of vicious dogs. It provides -a penalty against the owner of such-animals and makes their harboring a misdemeanor. It also provides for the musallng and snoot ing of such dogs under certain circum stances. Frank Clark, August Turner and John Johns all had personal damage claims against the city. Th Johns claim was re ported sdversely. The ssme waa done with the claim of Hans I.lmburg. Later on, It was decided to gtve Johns $28 to pay for his board while he was laid up. On the strength of a petition filed against the maintenance of the alleged nuisance known as the "dump" near the Omaha Packing company, north of Q street. Mem ber Klewlt sprung a resolution having for its purpose the abolition of the dump or the prosecution of those responsible for it. The contract for the curbing of Missouri avenue as let to J. C. McGowan a week ago was approved as signed by the con tractor. An abstract of title to the new fire hall lot was approved and a warrant ordered drawn fo J3.D0O on the fire fund. A petition was presented for the extension of the water main east of Twentieth street on H. Mayor Koutsky waa empowered to fill vacancies on the board of registration, which sits .Saturday, April 1. A petition waa presented for a fire hydrant at Twelfth and J and Twelfth and I streets.. Funeral of Dr. Kelly. The body of Dr. James A. Kelly, who died Sunday afternoon, will be taken today to the did Ron-.e !r. M6ntreal, Car.jida, wl1.: fi-.a' services will b held. Rev. Wise of St. MartlR'a church will speak, and a part of the St. Martin' choir will provide the music. The body of Dr. Kelly will be put aboard an evening train on the Northwestern, and forwarded to Montreal for Interment. The local services will be held at the home of It. C. Manning, 1015 North Twenty-fourth street, where the deceased mnde his home. Members of the local aerie of Eagles nnd the Modern Wood men will attend In a body. High firhol Opening-. President Morrill Is out of the city and waa therefore absent from a meeting of the Board of Education last- evening. The board decided to have the official program published In the Tooter, the official school paper, and several thousund copies will be handed out at the formal opening of the new high school Krldny evening, March 24. The program will consist of speeches. music, etc. . . . Services at St. Martin'.. Meetings this week at St. Martin's Episco pal church will be ns follows: Tuesday, 8 p. in.. In guild hall of rectory, meeting and address to men; Wednesday, 8:30 a. m., a flftoen-mlnute Kervloe in the church, for high school children; 2:30 p. ni., in guild hall of rectory, a lecture to women; Thurs day, mass meeting In St. Mathlus church, Omaha; Friday, holy communion service at 9 a. in.; 4 p. in., junior auxiliary service In the church; 8 p. m., a lecture on "The Origin of the Ministry of the Church Outside people especially Invited. Dally, except Thursday evening, prayer at 4 p. m. Second Sunduy In Lent, holy communion at 8 a. m. Sunday school at 10 a. in., morning prayer and sermon at 11 a. m. The Royal Arcanum will attend the 11 o'clock service In a liody. Police Iloard Meetlug. . The Fire and Police Board Is due to meet this evening. Chairman Mosson an nounced yesterday thut the aesalon will be held tonight In the city council chamber. He suld there was a considerable amount of routine business to be done, and that a number of matters of more or less Im portance would be taken up. New equip ment' for the fire department and addl tional strength to the police department will be discussed. Magic City Gossip, E. H. Towl Iiuh returned from a business trip to ivansus city. Dr. A. T. Everett ta confined to his home wun a case or. tne grip. 8t..Martln'a auxiliary will meet Wednea' day afternoon In the guild hall. Mrs.' W. N. Holt has returned from Min nesota, after a month's absence attending 4uv jiuiiiM ui uur luuwier. "Homes and the South" will be the topic vi lei-ima kv nuiKiurii imuyie mis even lug by Dr. K. B. Crawford. Mrs. V. Li Moore waa called to Marseille. 111., Saturday on account of the serious Illness oi tier lather, J. u. walte. Tho funeral of Mrs. Marguerite Bartlett win ne mid tins morning from Ht. Agnes church, from the family home. Twenty eighth ahd I streets. The Northeast Improvement club will meet this evening aa usual In the school room north of Markey'a bakery on North Twenty-fourth street The members of local aerie No, 164, Fra ternal uraer oi Ejagies, win meet tnis after noon at their hall at t o'clock to attend me lunerai or ur. James A. Kelly. The High Bchool Alumni association will hold a meeting thia evening at the new high school building to hear reports of committees and transact a considerable amount of Important business; Members of the '04 class meet at 7:45 and the associa tion niteen minutes later. Evangelical Meetings at Florence. The evangelical meetings at Florence are proceeding wun mucn success and re sulted Sunday evening In a confession of faith by thirty-seven members. This makea a total or tony-two since ttev. D. B. Mc LAughlln took hold a year ago. Rev. J. C. Hedlng of New York haa been asslat Ing at these meetinga and preached three times 'Sunday. The - meetings have been ftolng on three weeks now and have rought lorrfe congregations to the church. Jt Is now thought the last of tha evangel! cat meetings will take place Wednesday evening. gangers Talks to Itonrke. "War" Bandera, one of the pitchers of the Omaha base ball team last sesson, Is up from his home In Tennessee and Is talking shop with Manager Rourke. Whilo It la practically assured Banders will play with the Hangers this season, there is a Utile matter of aalary that Mr. Rourke and Sander are talking over. DIED. RtEPEN-Detlef, March 11. at the age of oi. nintinii til uman. since iatv. Funeral from the home of hi. .on r If T. Rlepen, i&M Ht. Mary'a avenue. Tuesday, March 14. at I p. m. Interment at Prospect Hill cemetery. DKVERIKU-Mrn Grace, formerly Miss i trace iirsug. aiaren it. true, at her home hehalia. Washington, l.malns will be brought to Omaha fop Interment. Funeral nuUte later, 1 WOMAN III CLUB AND CHARITY The Federated clubs of the First district of the Nebraska Federation will hold their second annual convention March 21 and 11 at Falls City, In the Methodist church, the Sortisls Woman's club and Friends In Coun cil being the hostess organisations. Mrs. William Wilson of Falls City la vice presi dent of the district federation and has had a prominent part It working up the meet ing. Entertainment will be furnished the visiting delegates and club women the del gates being requested to wear their club badges. The following program has been an nounced: Tuesday, 7:30 p. m. Mrs. Wilson prcsld Ins: Invocation Rev. Cllne, Falls City Vooal solo Mr. Slmeen Davles, Falls Lily Address of welcome Mrs. William M. Wilson. Falls City Response. ...Mrs. J. . Harpham. Lincoln Greeting Mrs. W. B Pag. Syracuse Greeting Mrs. W. A. Field, Lincoln Reading (Selected!. ..Miss Miner, Falla City Municipal vivn nerormr Miss S. B. Hsrrla, Lincoln "Abbey end His Tainting In the Bos ton Public Library" (llluitrated Mrs. W. R. Mart. Peru Rending "Faul Lawrence Dunbar, the Nearo Poet" Miss Estella Oraham, State Normal School Addresa by Ueneral Federation secretary, Mrs. Anna L. Apperson, Tecumseh Address by State Federation president, Mrs. H. M. BiiBhnell, Lincoln Vocal solo (selected) Miss B. L. Rohblns, Falls City Reception at the home of Mrs. J. R. Cain. Wednesday, 9 a. m. Mra. Wilson presid ing: Vocal solo Miss Anna Derrlngtno, Falls City Report of meeting at Tecumseh bv sec retary Miss Amy Bean. Humboldt Club reports, given by presidents of First district. "Why Libraries Should be Established In Small Town'' Mrs. II. D. Trnvers. Plattsmouth Report of work done for libraries, given by delegates. Mrrs.oiive waicott," wVepitig' Water Tomdation for Edifice Will Ba Put in Tur- nt-numg Miss Estella Graham, State Normal School Discussion "What Can Women's Cluba Do to Encourage Outdoor Art?" Led by Mr A. W. Field, Lincoln Report of resolution committee, Mrs. W. H. Harrum, Auburn; Mrs. W. R. Smith, Pawnee; Mrs. L. J. Lints, Johnson. I Catholic, of the Omaha Dloceso Vocal solo (selected I " Mrs. H. B. Bmlth. Falla City Luncheon at the National hotel. The "New" Top Coats " a snowing rrom wmcn me most exacting ucnmuus iu me uct, ilrossers can be satisfactorily met Short Box Coats of Tan Co verts; also Black nnd Grey Unanished Worsteds, as well ns litfbt weight three-quarter lenpth coats, which will be favored this Z!K: IT'.!!1. p.".r.B": $6.00 to $25.00 The "New" Rain Coats The Kain Coat lias become an essential article In the wardrobe of every man who makes even the slightest pretentions of being cor rectly dressed. For spring wear it is particularly practicle com bining the use of a stylish overcoats with the service of a water- 'SS-t.!!,.,...$8.00 to $25.00 Cv7 0 .0 ft! tVf 4' : J.' CATHEDRAL TO HAVE START ing This Year. PLANS ARE' FULLY DECIDED UPON NOW At a recent meeting of the executive com mittee of the Iowa Federation of Women'! Clubs, held at the home of the state pres ident, Mrs. T. J. Fletcher at Marshall town, new boundaries were established for Hare Btrnrtnre that Will Be Inlqae Anosf Its Kind In lotted States. The foundatlona for the new Catholic cathedral to atand at Fortieth and Burt the district federation. In the past the s,reet w, be Put ,n th' ""nimer. Bids congressional dlvlslpna were used, but this wl be caI,e1 for !" hort tlme bV Ap proved too unequal a division of club in- teot Thomas R. Kimball, who has been in terests, and at the executive meeting held structed to prepare the specifications and last September the districts were made to t0 cal1 for blds- The old9 w"' 06 for ,h conform to those recently adopted by the excavating and the stone work, which will State Bankers' association. But this plan both d0n8 bv the flrm Be"'"" th con is acarcel more satisfactory than the orlg- tract- Work Is to be begun In the latter inal one and at the Marshalltown meeting Prt ' April. The contracts now to be let the state waa redlatricted as follows ac- w' tne foundations up to me level cording to counties with a view to better f the floor, but no further. eoua!U!r.g the atrength of the districts and The beginning of work was authorised at the Waterloo coiiventloa . wl!! be asked to a resent rntetlr.g at which Bishop cann!l prtaided and Fatter Colar.erJ, Cour.t Crelghtor.. Frar.k Burkley, T. C. Byrr.e arid C. J. Smyth were preaent. The committee Plymouth, ratify the chAsgi: Flrat Lyon, Osceola, Sioux, Second Dickinson, immett. Clay, Palp Alio, juena visis., focannniss. Third Sac, Calhoun, Oreene, weDster.. Fourth Woodbury, Ida, Monona, Craw ford. Harrison, Shelby, Audubon. Fifth Pottawattamie, Cass, Mills, Mont gomery, Fremont Page. Sixth Adams, Taylor, T'nlon, Ringgold, Clarke, Decatur, Lucas, Wayne. Seventh Guthrie.' Dullrts, Adulr, Madison, Polk, Warren, Jasper, Marlon. Eighth Winnebago, Kossuth... Hancock, Humboldt, Wright, Hnmllton. Ninth Worth, Mlu-liell, Cerro Gordo, Floyd, Franklin, -Butler.. . Tenth Hardin, Grundy, Marshall, Story, Boone. Kleventh Howard. Winneshiek, Chicka saw, Bremer, riiyette. after careful examination of the plans ap- Carroll, proved the general drawlnga. The cathe dral will be a unique structure In this part of the United States, and It Is probable no building of aa high a type of ecclecl- nstlcal architecture has been attempted be tween Chicago nnd the Pacific coast. Trne to "Type. "The general drawings for the cathedral. which have been the object of continual Btudy for three years, have been approved," said Mr. Kimball. "In regard to' the build ing little has not already been published In the papers. For the benefit of those who Cures tfaadrnN. BtSM (ailing a ale. Hllvt Itrelnf. NEWBR.'0 HERPICIDE The ORIOINAL rtnMfly Inst "kill tMDandralf Oars." . CSOING-l GOING!. GONEIU Twelfth Allamakee," Clayton, Buchanan, have forgotten, It may be aald the cathe dral Is one of the first, If not the first, to be built In the United 6tates strictly fol lowing the old country conventions. This is true particularly in the general arrange ment of the plan, the main auditorium be ing In simple unbroken nave of great length, breadth and height, ending at one Black Hawk Delaware. Dubuflue. Thirteenth Tama. Benton, Ltnn, Powe- sheik, Iowa, Johniun..i.' Fourteenth Jackson, Cedar, Clinton, Mus catine. Bcott. Fifteenth Mahaska,' Keokuk, Monroe, Wapello, Davis, Van Bureh;. Appanoose. Sixteenth Washington, lyoulau, Jefforson, Henry, De3 Moines, Announcement was made of a revision of en(J ln tne conventional western rose win dow and low gallery arranged over the narthex and at the other In a spacious sanctuary. Completely surrounding tins portion of the building Is a wide ambula tor! um joined by means of the narthex at the west entrance. The vistas presented by the long aide aisles are closed with nltars toward the east. A aecondury entrance gives access to the church on the north side from Burt street at the point usually occupied by one arm of a transept. From this entrance one reaches a large chapel which will be built us part of the main structure. Opposite on the south side ln the etime relative position ere the sacris ties, under which will be placed, tempo rarily at least, the heating apparatus. Stone for Structure. Of materials the same Idea prevails as formerly,' making the cathedral present a strictly stone masonry. The stone to be used will probably be oolitic limestone from Ohio or Indiana, although considera tion will be given to some western sand stones before a decision Is made. The Boors are to be of wood pulp paste In slmpl the local committees of Waterloo club women, for- the .biennial. . The committees, as they now stand, are as follows: ( Local Boord-Mrs. Ellen II. Brown, chairman;- Mrs. W. F. Purrott, secretary; Mrs. J. ,W. Krnpfcl, Mrs. K. V. - Johnson. Dr. Margaret Clark and Mra. Matt Purrott. Place of Meeting Mrs. J. W. Krapfel. Finance Mrs. H. M. Reod. Radges MIhS Etta Harikson. Decorations Mrs. G. W. Naumun. Crvdentials Mrs. K. L. Johnson. Entertainment Mrs. J. C. Rlrkcr. Refreshments Mrs. W, W. Miller. Public Comfort Mrs. F. C. Piatt. Printing Rey. Ettie McC. Jones. Transportation Mrs. T. O. Taylor. Hospltalitv Mrs. J. E. . Brag-don. Bureau of . Information Mins Mary Ed gerton. Pages nnd Ushers Mrs: H. B. Hoxle. press Mrs. D. N. Hurd, Cedar Fulls. Music Mrs. A. I Ettlngor. Meals Mrs. W. F. Eiglimcy. Audubon Mra. II. F. Bloodgood. Introductions Mrs. Emmons Johnson. Exhibits Arts and craft. Mrs. G. R Piatt; library, Mlsa Iydin Hinman; man ual training, Mrs. C. O. Lampson. LOCAL, BREVITIES. Maul Undertaklrg Co., 419 S. 15th. Tel. 225. .WLlr',,R,?.h""..r"fu.r""d.J.l.t.h8 PP''" mosaic resting on a masonry support. The whole building will be practically fireproof and built witha view to absolute dura bllltjr. "Of the design a Spanish Intersection of the renaissance Is the best way to describe It. Perspectives will be ready ahortly for publication and later the building will be shown to scale ln a perfect model of white plaster." Store. He Invites you to visit him. Fotint Leroy was arrested last evening on a charge of cutting with Intent to wound. C. M. Simmons and Leroy had an argument in jeweii s poolroom on Four teunth street, which ended In a fight. In the- course of the fight I.eroy drew his pock'ctknlfe and slashed Simmons across the aouomen, inflicting a aught wound. HMnnvfnnMBeMwnaMvnMinnnnBn f 0te WoobsV if Our sola knowledge ot the peo- f Buy Constant OH stock. VI N T. I F223I. Building; Permits. knowledge ltr world and bow far .thTeDle there differ from our .lobabitanU. can. only be guessed by comparison with animal nature on this sis ail sphere of our. More important to ua is a knowledge of ourselves. "Know TpvUfci, " wag aa old Greek thought. How to take care of one's own body is not go simple as some think: the human mechanism is a wonderful thing and requires watching. ' One man who has done more to teach the American people how to care for their bodies than almost any other, Is Dr. R. V. Pierce, of Buffalo, K. Y., the Author of the Common Sense Medical Adviser." He saya : It is not the quantity of the food eaten which produce strength and health (for some people can keep atrong on a very meagre diet), but it is how much food is absorbed and assimilated by the blood and ferried to nourish every organ or the body, t U, therefore, vitally necessary for the body that the stomach be in a healthy state. If disease of lbs stomach, or what ia caller 'stomach trouble, prevents proper nutrition tnen tat Bean, nver, lungs, ana kidneys do not get proper food they are not ltd on rtcn red oiooa, and in conse- Building permits have been Issued by the cltv as fuldwa: J. W. Akin. S3.600 frame dwelline- at 3344 Harney: James A. Hershey. $2,io0 frame dwelling at Sherman avenue and 1-aJK street; Theodore . Long, ll.oou rratne dwelling at f orty-nrst and I'uae streets. quence, begin to show aigna of diatresa. Ontwardlv these sirnt msv be oimrjles asd eruption on akin, pale face, aleepleie night, tired, languid feeling, or, by reason of the nerves not belns fed on Dura blood. they become starved, and we receive a warning in the pain we call nuiralgia. RbetamalUm, too. fa a blood disease. After year of practice and tudy Dr. pierce fosnd that an Alterative Extract, which he named "Dr. Pierce' Oeldrn Medical Dis covery," made from the extracts of several plant, invariably produced a tonia effect upon Ihe system. It helped the place m of absorption of the healthy element in the food and Inereased the red corpuscle of the blood, a well as eliminated the poisons rrom tne system. - Buslnes 1 business. No time for head, ache. Constipation cause tbtm. Doctor Here' Pleasant Pellet cure them by cor. lay tb cM. Laxative and mild. District Court Motes. Judre Eatelle directed a verdict for tha aerendant in the case or Mela Anderson agaJnst Balthas Jetter and others. This waa a suit for $2,000 for personal Injuries sustained - by beina- assaulted, aa altered. in a saloon as the result of an altercation. Jacob Chrlstenson has Instituted a suit against the street railway comuany for tiu,u-v. jie auegrs mai on tne nignt ot AuiruHt 1 last he attemDted to board a car and waa thrown to the around and seriously Injured because of a sudden start ing up ot tne car. Judge Soars granted two decrees of di vorce on Monday. Elisabeth Carson is rreea rrom her marital obligation to John Carson, on the grounds of cruelty, end may resume her maiden name of Samuel- sun. Julia Howard Is released from her marriage to Henry Howard and given back her maiden name of Robertson. Defend ant did not contest tne suit. In a suit against Sheriff Power Involv. Ing something like $!00, growing out of n execution by the slieriffT. Coroner Bralley has made a return of service. His return shows that he has seised thirty-six head of rattle and delivered them to Joseph Butenschncii, the plaintiff who lute given h bond In a aum three times as iarae aa the amount Involved, pending a final de termination of the issues. On application of Orvtlle J. Nave, Judge Si-ara has set April 29 as the dale for hear ing a petition for permlesion to sell nine lots belonging to tne estate of Hulen M. Nave, deutaaed. The lots are looated in the city of I'nlverslly Place, Lancaster county, and the reason for wanting- to sell them la to pay $3uo, the cost of adminis tration of the estate, and to also pay cer tain legacies which the personal properly did not serve to discharge. Joseph Houska, In a suit filed In the county court, avers that he suld and de livered to James Griffith meat and fish to the fair value of $U1.4V. Of this amount he claims that there haa been paid on account the auin of 11.75. and Houska there, fore asks he he given judgment for the amount of T4. This Is the first suit with a Lrnteii flavor filed since the season of fsst and ahstlnnnr-e came in, arit Judge Vlnn.Mihulp- will llkoly make an effort to dispoue v It during the Liiten term. 1 I tIOBEWIllATEir BEXPICIDEW; A PUBLIC TOOTH BffUiH A noted dermatologist says, "The time la coming when an unsterlllied public hair brush will be aa rare as a public, toeth brush." The reason l that dirty hair brushes spread dandruff nd true dan d run Is new known to be a oontg- .Sf-ytir too! aiou dla that will, aooner or latsrw cause baldness. A. writer In Medical Review er Review says, "school children should know thit It Is dtrtv to uae another's hair brush," Newbro's Herplclde renders pohllo hair bftithtt harmless by destroying the dandrUrT microbe. A delightful hair dress In aires wonderful reaulta rf Start. $I.S. Si lc Stasiet Is HtmCIDC CO,, , Ditrtlt, Nick. fr Ml. SHERMAN & MejCOINrNELL DRtJQ CO.. Special AgsntK APPLICATIONS At PROMINENT SHOPS. SOMETHING NEW TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN': We, the undoraigned flrm, agree to deliver for $6.50 on ton 6t our Mm.6Us CARNltY LUMP COAL, ained m the great Stat of Wyorclsg, whleh is absolutely free from 6molce asd soot, bur&s like oak wood, and Is a splendid substitute for hard coal for furnace use. Remember, we guarantee this coal in every rcupcct. Try one ton, and if not satisfactory, we tg ree to remove same and refund you your money. t( . Very respoctfully, UNION FUEL CO. Talkers 268319. 1614 Farnam St. INCH LONGER FIRECRACKERS Ordinance la Amended to . Allow the Noisy Ones to Be a Utile Bigger, Fire crackers three Inches, Instead of two Inches long, will be permissible in Omaha. The antl-flre-cracker-toy-plstol-real-gun ordinance was so amended by the council committee yesterday afternoon at the earnest request of deulers In Fourth of July ammunition and weapons. The deal ers pleudcd that a three-Inch limit barred the cannon crackers, but permit a great variety of small stuff which may run a trifle over two inches. Special Events at Andltorlnm. There will be skating at the Auditorium every afternoon and evening this week, ex cept Friday. On - Tuesday evening there will be a group race. In which Mr. Clinton Illgby will undertake to defeat all comers. If he Is successful he will then race with the champion skater of Lincoln on Thurs day night for the championship of Ne braska. Thursday afternoon will be ladles' day, with music by the band. We wish to extend our heartfelt thanks to the many friends and especially the neighbors, also A. O. U. W. lodge No. 227 and K. O. T. M. No. 15, for their kindness In the last Illness and death of our be loved father. Their kindness to us shall never be forgotten. LILLIAN J, SWIFT, BROTHERS AND SISTERS. The Wabash la the Lead. Joint . Agent Norton, who represented twenty St. Louis terminal lines during the World's fair, has made a statement of the number of tickets passing through the val idating office, which shows one-fifth .of the total number. handled were Wabash tickets, St. Patrick's eve ball at the Auditorium, given by Switchmen's union No. I. Harry Xt. Davis, undertake.. Tel. 122$. U K. wedding rings. Kdholm, Jeweler. Marrlase Licenses. The following marriage licenses been issued: Name and Residence. Abraham Shaffron, Sioux City........ Rose Greenberg, Omaha Albert Slegel, South Omaha Elisabeth Binder, South Omaha, Herman Reestlne, Omaha EHeie C. Hensen, Omaha 8ro B. Ctobbe, Waterloo frudenes L Moore, . Waterloo have Ag. ... M .... II ... it ... ... ta ... si ... to A cake made Trom Ghirar delli's Ground Chocolate is the most toothsome delicacy you ever tasted. If the housewives only knew how many dainties lurked in a can of Ghirardelli's think of all the goodies that would . be made. Always fresh in patented bcrmctl , cally sealed cans. Advance Spring Styles In Women's Shoes. Kntlrely new and never shown before. The "Potay" and new "Drop" Tne nre Ihe advance styles for spring wear. These are the two lending NEW LAHT8 for women's shoes Ve always show the NEWEST ns soon ns It. appears ln the east. If you want the very latest creations In footwear, don't fall to visit "Drexel's." Vou will be shown all the NEW SHAPES In shoes mid r always welcome at our storr whether you buy or not. Ask to, aee the NEW "DROP" Toe. Oroxol Slioo Co., (419 FARNAM STREET, omiiii't er-ti-iiii , Sim mm ASK FOR OUR FREE CATALOGUE. 9 HOTULS. HOTEL EMPIRE Broadway and A3 Sfrst Empire Square- N BW YORK CITY For less money than It costs to stop at other hotels, ws otter you: SpltsdkJ to ems Excellcst Cultlns Efficient Strvlcs Central locstloa , . All Improvement Automstlc llfhtiaf Devices. Electric Clock ssd TslephMc la every room. $250,000 hst jutt been spent la REMODELING, RLFIINISHING and REDECORATING HOTEL EMPIRE W, Johnson Qulnn, Prop. Bend for guide of New York free. .Jih iis"' 'i iii 'i i n'l i