THE OMATTA DAILY BEE: FlilDAY, MAF.CIT 10, 1005. CURRENT LITERATURE. Graduates of Harvard, and for that mat ter all admirers of President Eliot, will b delighted with tha handsomely engraved portrait which has been rotten out by John A. Lowell Co. of Boston. This portrait ms to. have caught tha features of tha venerable Harvard prealdent at the tw-xt and haa been reproduced In Illustration 6t an article contributed to tha current Cen tury Magazine in preference to the photo graph pictures that are so common, but beside thla also bo commonplace. "Pathfinders of the Went," by A. C. Laut, belnif rhe thrilling: story of the adventurea of the men who, as thlw author says, dis covered the great northwest viz., Radls son. La Verendrye, Lewis and Clark. The author In her foreword aays: "It naturally rouses resentment to And that names re vered for more than two centuries aa the first explorers of the great northwest must give place to a name almost unknown. It seems impossible that at this late date his tory should have to be rewritten. Such Is the fact If we would have our history true. Not Marquette, Jolllet and LaSalle who dis covered the west, but two poor adventurers, who sacrificed all earthly possessions to the enthusiasm for discovery and Incurred such bitter hostility from the governments of France and England that, their names have been hounded to Infamy. These were Sleur Pierre Esprit Radlsson and Sleur Medard Chouart Groselllers. fur tradera of Three nivers, Quebec" The author Is intensely enthusiastic and handles the subject in a convincing and entertaining- manner. Pub lished by the Macmlllan company. What Happened to Johnston," by J. P. Johnston, la a story of twenty years of hard work in the business world. The story is a sequel to "Twenty Years of Hustling," by the same author. Published by Thompson & Thomas, Chicago. Tho Frederick A. Stokes comimny are the publishers of a volume of Illustrated "Oilhooleyisma" by Lord Oilhoolcy (Frede rick H. Seymour). The "aiihooleylsms" are new, and a pen and Ink sketch accom panies eaoh, so there Is no limit to the - amusement a reader may derlva, "Forms of English Poetry," by Charles F. Johnson, L. H. D. This volume con tains the essential principles of the construction- of English verse, and its main divisions, both by forms and by subject matter. The American Book comp iy, publishers. "The Making of Meenle," by Edith L. Gilbert. Tha same entertaining family of two brothers and two suiters appear in this book as did in "The Frolicsome Four," although the interest centers about "Mee nle," a waif, whom , a kind neighbor of the mother of the "four" haa befriended and Installed In charge of twins, to whom the rough but capable girl becomes de votedly attached. Tho humor is excellent and the character drawings show unusual knowledge of children and how to attract and entertain them. Lee & Shepard, pub lishers. "The Princess Thora," by Harris Bur land, with Illustrations by Cyrus Cuneo. A highly Imaginative romance of the , frosen north, containing a vivid account of the remarkable experiences' of the Sllex expedition In ita search for the north pole. Published by Little, Brown & Co. "American Wlvea and Others," by Jerome K. Jerome. There are twenty-five humorous sketches, profusely and humor ously lllustrated-by George McManua. The author takes a shot at "these and various other things," much to the delight of the reader.' Certain it la no one will find time or inclination to take a sleep while reading thla book. The Frederick A. Stokes com pany, publishers. "Arbitration and The Hague Court," by John W. Foster. This work has been pre pared ' In response to a resolution of the Mohonk arbitration conference, asking the writer to present to the public the present phases of the subject of arbitration. The author discusses this subject, which Is of so great importance to the clrilixed world, in a logical manner, going over each phaae of the subject, step by ntep, and present ing each In separate chapters. Published by Houghton, Mifflin & .Co. --urammar school Algebra," by A. W. Potter, is a work well adaDted to .the subject in a simple and comprehensive manner, . and lay the foundation for more extended work. Publlahed by American Book company. "The Wandering Twins." a story of Lab rador, by Mary Bourchler Sanford, is the story of two children, a boy and a girl, twins, who had started on a search for their father They, after a terrible voyage, found themselves landed at a fishing sta tion The good fishermen and their wives are as kind aa they can be to the little unfortunates, but they have many adven tures and exciting times. It la prettily Illustrated, and, best of all, has a happy - ' ending. A. C. McClurg It Co., publishers. "Amy Dora's Amusing Day, or the Naughty Olrl Who Ran Amv." w rn.b M. Blcknell. This is a humorous and en-I tertalning little book, as the title would - Indicate. While It may be a little non sensical, yet It Is Just the kind of a book j to while away a "blue" hour. The pen and Ink Illustrations are by Florence Soovel Shinn. Henry Altemus company, publishers , v "Swen." an Idyll of the canyon, taken from "The Sky Pilot," by Ralph Connor. This beautiful piece of literary work la printed in two colors with marginal decora tions on every page. Published by Flera- v , ing H. Revell company. 1 "Hobbes." by Sir Leslie Stephen, Is one of the volumes of The English Men of Letters series. It is a very interesting vol- . time, giving a sketch of the life and the accomplishments of this useful man. Pub- . llnhed by the Macmlllan company, . Two of the latest books by Rev. Charles Wagner are "My Appeal to America." pub lished by McClure. Phillips ft Co., In which w ; he especially speaks of the pleasure of his :.v,B,t 1 America, and urges upon all the . ralue of a simple, true life, and "The Voice ... of Nature," In which the author take, fn . discussion . the most commonplace and verynsy occurrences, and dearrlha hm With, that clearness and minuteness that oniy Be ta able te do. Publlahed by J. S. Ogilvie company. Above- books at lowest retail prices. " Matthews, 123 South Fifteenth street. i s aMsK, m. a m l 4 a m a ss LtSJIAii--1 u usual OAEaOfliiJ u s SBF-r W BBSBsl fe Hlg SOWS o) r? PC r j0 Is UVU uv Mm IN THE BASEMENT A Splendid New Lot of Fine Silk Dotted Mulls To go on gale Friday, all in the most desirable shades for evening wear. Others ask 40 cents a yard special at, per yard Fine Lot of Mercerized Voile Suiting All the new shade?, makea up like an expensive silk special for, a yard Dress iui in v 19c !9c New Cotton Vohe Suit Ing; Woven and printed styles that will make astonishingly P'etty dreftws fr spring and aummer eur go at, per yard Plain 5illt Moussellne In many shades, sold elsewhere as bar gain for 25c Inthe basement Friday for a yard Highly nercerlzed Sateens farmers satin, m e r c e r I red mo reens, will wear, well, actulal 60c values for a yard A New Lot of Handsome Mercerized White Walstlng Just the weight for spring wear, 26c values for, a yard.. Another big lot of Buck and Dick Towles usually sell for 5o to 7jo day eaoh IOC illne In IOC Sateens 15C inusumn IOC 10c Beautiful Printed Swisses In floral deslgDft, woven figures go at, a yard Finest Dress Ginghams In all size chectts, striped and solid color, guarantee! abso lutely fast, a 15c gingham, yard. Very best Long Cloth ivainanon ana Cambric, suitable for chlldren'a dresses and fine underwear, go at. a yard.... A New Lot of Standard Spring: Dress Prints No be ter print made- go at, a yard.. is, striped 8ic Z Cloth 6iC 40-ln. Unbleached Mus lin a (rood (Trade and mg bargain lor a yard 36-inch Victoria Lawns in several grades, up to 15c val uesa yard, at 10,000 yards bleached muslin, yd. wide in various grados, go at, a yard Two Bates Unbleached fluslln in long il remnants "II go at, per yard 5C Lawns 5c Reached 3'C leached :21c i damaged that tJi FH; lie A great big lot of fine and medium table damask remnant at about one-half value. Dress Goods Remnants Imported Sample Sets. IJuet received direct from the United States Custom House Traveler's sample sets of the best grade of Panama, Melrose Tailoring Cloths. Tailor Sirge3, Poplins, etc., in blaok and all colors. They go in sets of from 8 to lO pieces, enough for dresses, sell regularly at $l.BO to $z.oua yarn at, each j All the shorter lengths, containing 8 to lO pieces in a set f C , 1 , i axa A Via vj w 35c at, each. 15c a yard for all the 3 to 9 yard pieces of dress goods from the regular, regularly worth 30c to 50c a yard. 39c a yard for regular d e-partment dress goods, 3 to 8 yard lengths, regularly worth a dollar a yard. 5c-10c each for mill lengths in the Ar cade. Thla season s all wool goods for waists and little dresses. voiles, cashmeres, Sicilians, etc., si.uu a yara values. lieautiful floral organdies at ten cents a yard. 10,000 yards front the mill's best styles of the season. Enough alike for a dress, 25c quality, at, a yard 10c REMNANTS OF LACES AND IN 8ERTINGS A variety of widths, new patterns, Mef....: JJc-5c-10c EMBROIDERY REMNANTS CriHp, new embroideries and insertlngs, wide variety and dainty patterns, cambric, yd . . . 3c-64c-10c Genuine Bargains in Silks. Imt.f.r?l B.amPc8 manufacturers' trial lengths and cuttings from New York necktie manufacturer. , These are some of the most beautiful silk remnants ever offered, v t neck patterns, dots, fancy designs and many brluht Plain colors, suitable for ties. areas mmmuigs, etc. Many match nn .niinhni im a a p e nd klmonas. Lena-ths. from F.I- I 1 1 I ! i f lor waists ai to H yard, on sale at. All the sample and remnant lengths, from America's greatest manufacturer of black silks, black taffetas, pead de sole and black satin, at half price. ON BARGAIN SQUARE 6 cases of fancy silks, the very, latest spring effects, small stripes and checks, many waist novelties. values up to 1.60 a 9p-49.A9c vard. at ner vard r ..IBDOUINIL SUPPORTERS.. ENTIRE STOCK 0i Sale Beginning SATURDAY 4 . warn "Mm i 16th and This stock includes all tho new goods which Mrs. Benson had personally selected for this season's spring trade and which had never been unpacked. LADIES' and CHILDREN'S FURNISHINGS AND FANCY DRY GOODS. At Remarkable Prices Saturday at Brandeis' Store. ' 111 WB SELL ABOUT FORTY KINDS Prices from Sl.ts to ts.oo DRUUS AND RUBBER GOODS. Write for Catalogue. SHERMAN A McCONNELL DRUO CO Cor. Uth and Podge Bts.. OMAHA. INCREASE IN COST OF LIVING Deyartnieat of Labor asd Commerce la Gathering; Flaares for Statistics oat Topic. Robert M. Durham, special afcent of the Department of Commerce and Jubor, is in the city from Washington, gathering some special statistics relative to ihe comparison nd relation of wages to ihe Increased ptlco of domestic food . supplies. "I am not here on any sort of Investigation pertaining to the Beef trust." said Mr. Durham. "My business is simply to aceriaiu the coat of living aa compared 'with wages among the laboring classes. Thee figures will pertain particularly to Jiit years V.OS and 1904. 'My dealings are Slinost wholiy with the employers of labor and the retail dealers In food supplies. - I shall vlrlt all the building trades, packing houses and railway ahopa and offices to ascertain the average amount of wages psid, and will then visit "''the' various retail establlshmenta ' . sailing supplies enter ing into '. tho iiousehuld and . gen eral domestic economy. 'It U not iven a part of the census statlscul r'epartmenr. although statistics ' of litis character were gathered In 1901 and 1902, but the results were not as satisfactory aa la now desired by the Department of Commerce and l.niu-.r It ia barely possible that thf statistics may have something to dn in h i. ....... with the Beef trust investigation,' but rot airecuy so. Neither nus it anything to io wun me garnering of statistical lnfoima tlon relative to manufacturers and manu factures. It Is. In brief, an entiraiv hi. tlnot and independent Investigation which ia srolnr on onnff miRll v in. m . . i . - .. i'i.lir'1 of the department and may .ultimately in terlock with other statistical data gathered under the direction of the department. I shall remain here about two week 3 in tho work." j Mortality Statistics. The following , births and deaths have been reported. to the Board of Health dur ing tha twenty-four hours ending at noo Thursday: Births-James Walker, SOC North Six teenth, boy: Patrick K. Walsh ist-i o.ff .h Fourteenth, boy- Charles Rosso, JrtlO Jones, j boy: W. H. McKlnsle. 1M2 Burt, girl ' V ""jarain. iltkxi Bout Thirty-second, Si- Mary V. Kuns 270 Bouth Iwenty-nrst. : Elisabeth Ura"'. Cum' . lr. Henry clay Van Oleson; M D?venport. 86; Michael Purcell. Omaha. W. ' i 1 Harry B. Davis, undertaker, Tel tS. Xtvl W lL OMAHA WEATHER REPORT Friday Fair. 11 Bennett's CKarming Millinery WITHOUT A DOUBT THE LEADING MILLINERY SECTION OF THE WEST In charge of ladles of proved competence) who have made Omaha the millinery center that It Is In the eyes of fashion. HERE your tastes are known, HERE style advice is INTELLI GENT BECAUSE your tastes are known. Our Importations and Purchases Are Superior in Extent, Varieties and Styles to Any Around SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY A Beautiful Trimmed Hat A new spring style, polo turbans. new French sailors, new dip sailors I ifV with high back bandeau and back Jiy. wj) trimming, an exclusive "Sinclair" jj' CHILDREN'S SCHOOL HATS Very chic and 90 fetching 49c, 39c and CHILDREN'S SCHOOL CAPS Silk and flannel gives becomingness to the little yr wearer -49c, 39c and JrC MRS. SINCLAIR, MRS. WALTERS and MRS. WEIBLE in Charge. . SECOND FLOOR. OPTICAL For Friday we orTer regulnr $1.50 Oold Fllled Spectacles or Eye nfl Glasses '.. I.WU Fifty ($5.00) Green Trading- Stamps. Steel Spectacles and Eye Glasses Cn ,-, cut price Friday Thirty ($3.00) Green Trading Stamps. Eyes tested free, no Insistence, on buying glasses, nor are you advised to wear glasses unless you really need them, Tn which .cae your eyes will be fitted perfectly with glasses that will give you every satisfaction in quality and price. ASK FOR THE OPTICIAN. Another Railing Hardware Sale .-Coming. k Crash in Nickelplated Ware Busy Gettjnji the Goods Out for a Sacrifice Sale. Watch Be'rett's Ad. BESNETT-S GREAT GROCERY. Best values In fresh table products. Rjwcial bargains dally. Fifteen ($1.60) Green Trading Stamps with 10-pound sack 10. Cornmeal IOC Thirty ($3.00) Green Trading Stamps with ten cans solid pack 1 ftfi Tomatoes I.UU Ten ($1.00) Green Trading Stamps with three-pound can 1"1, Table Syrup IAC Ten ($1.00) Green Trad ing Stamps with two packages Bennett's Capitol -yrt Wheat UC Ten ($1.00) Green Trad ing Stamps with two packagea Bonnet t'a Capitol Oats j"C Ten ($1.00) Green Trad ing Startups with 8 packagea Bennett's Capitol 1C. Mince Meat Ten ($100) Green Trading Stamps with pound Seedless fl Raisins ,ul Ten ($1.00) Green Trading Stamps with two Jars Diamond a ICapitol.. H ' ...Oats. 3 20c Preserves. Ten ($1.00) Green Trading Stamps with two pounds Japan A.n Rice "c Ten ($1.00) Green Trading Stamps with gound can Diamond S "yjn almon CANDIES. Salted Peanuts - lfl pound (Ul Ten ($1.00) Green Trading Stamps with basket Washed. Figs AW Great Sale of Men's Shirts Saturday See 16th Street Window. TUB RELIABLE! DTORR. Sensational Values in Men's & Ladies' Hosiery Saturday . Friday Is Remnant Day A day or amaslng bargains In every department of Our Pig Store, cleaning day on which remnanta of stocks as well as short lengths of at surprisingly low figures. EXTRA SPECIAL SILK VALUES A clean-un of all short lengths of fancy silks under four yardswonderful values Friday, at, per yard white ;ap wash siiis. tbc quality 19 Inches wide. rm u. ..nuiiiv r7 inrh rid. A house goods go at. vard 50c quality Inches wide, at, yard 65c quality 27 Inches wide, at, yard 25c 35c 45c at. yard 9Sc qiiHllty 27 inches wide, at. yard ISr quality 36 inches wide, at, yard 19c 65c 75c 65c Remnants in High Grade Wash Goods Dept. 7oC AND WC MERCERIZED WAISTINUS. 15C VARD-1.000 yards of fine white mer- censen waiHiinas tnat sola at ibc and SSc p. r yard. In lengths of 3 and iCn yards, to close at, per yard IOU nc,mniia ri.w iihKi t.Kiihu waih i iiu Fine rnHdrasos. French nnnis una oiner gooa inat sola irom 1.0 to nUc, In 3 to 6 yards lengths to close at, per yard nr.MiVAJv'IH UF FINEST KIND OF MERCERIZED LININCS-LiiHtml fllnrta- r .1 U ll A nl ..A J ' 1 i. Itina- 10c spun rIhss. etc.. also silk llnlna. nil to rl.ixe ut .r v.rH AIIOCT FIFTY PATTEKNS of all linen suitings that sold f rom Kc 'to '60c ' yard. In 10 yard le.igths. will go at, per yard RhMNAMS OF HC A ND 15C DRESS GINGHAMS, remnants of 12c and 15c R percales, 38 Inches wide, and other flne goods, to elope at. per yard i 10c Domestic Room Bargains 4ic Inches wide. 36 inches 15c Apron Lawn, 40 at. vard Liw Cambric, snow white, 36 Inches ej wide, at yard CJJW 16c Curtain fciwlsa, dots and floral de signs. ,i incnes wiac, at, yard .... 10c Bleached Muslin, at, yard 7c Standard Dress Prints, light and dark patterns, at. yard 16c Sheer India Linon, at, yard 3Cc Snow White Union Table Da mask, at. yaid 50c Bleached Shafts, 81x90 slxe, earh 19c Manila Duck In dot or stripe, from the boll, at, yard 15c Madras, In light and dark pat terns, at, yard 19c French Madras, special, at, yard 10c Zephyr Dress Ginghams, at, yard Children's Cashmere Dresses. 64c 32c 3ic .74c ,174c 39c 9c 64c 10c '' 5c An entire manufacturer's stock secured by our buyer at a great bargain. QQr Come in all colors and are worth up to $1.00--hotce Friday Why Do Hayden's Sell the Most Groceries? Because They Sell the Highest Quality, Goods for the Least Money. 2-lb. cans Best Sweet Sugar Corn packed.. 63 -io. cans i-ancy wax tteans ac 2-lb. cans Fancy String Means 5c 2- lb. cans Fancy Lima Beans 5c 3- 'b. cans Golden Pumpkin 5c 3-lh. cans Lye Hominy 5c 8-lb. cans Missouri Apples ....6c 1- lb. cans Cove Oysters 7e 2- lb. cans Early June Wisconsin Peas ,.7i4c 3-lb. cans Solid Packed Tomatoes Vo 3-Ib. cans Golden Table Syrup 7aO 3-lb. cans Boston Baked Bean .. 7luO 3-lb. cans Fancy Table Apricots, In heavy Syrup '1-lb. cans Fancy Alaska Salmon 9o OH or Mustard Sardines, per can 840 EGGS. EGGS. EGGS. Strictly FreBh Eggs, per dozen 17o HAYDEN BROS. Oranges! ranges! ANOTHER SENSATIONAL ORANGE SALE-FRIDAY One Car Large Fancy Redland Navals, sweet, juicy and delicious at, ptr dozen mJC And Twenty ($2) Green Trading Stamps with each dozen. . Limit: 3 dozen to a customer. No dealers or ped dlers -applied. BASEMENT. ' Another Crockery Crsh Dinnerwarc Several Sets at Close-out Prices 100 Piece English Porcelain, very best ware, in flow blue dec- 1 A Aft oration,1 a S16, 00 value, tor 1 U. U U v c 200 (f 20) Green Trading Stamps. The New Welsbach Gas Light Fitted complete with burner, OQ mantle and Q Globe price, complete 0C " ". Double Green Trading Stamps. Extra Mantlea-Made by the WeUbach Co. f A each . IUC Special In Toilet Sets A good shape and decoration, 6 pieces, J C Fifty ($5.00) Green Trading Stamps with each set Kodaks, Cameras, Photo Supplies nd Photographic Accessories Solutions, Film Packs, Albums, everything for the Camera at easy prices. Developing and Finishing is Our Specialty. Bring Your Plates to us and be sure of Satisfactory Prices. Southeast Corner - - . . Main Floor DR. BRADBURY 1506 FARNAft Teeth Extracted.. -23c porcelain Pi I hags $ I up iold Filling $1 up Silver Fillings... 50c up Crowns $3.50 up lets. 9X00 up DENTIST IS Years Sane vocation 'Phone I7S6. Bridge Work $2.50 up Nerves removed with out pain. Loose Teeth Mads 5olld. Work fuasantaed 10 jrsara CURED TO STAY CURED restored. No return Attacks stopped permanently. or symptoms alter treatment ceases. Neither colds, dust, odors, dampness, nerve strain, weather chanree nor anything else can brlna back the disease. You will have a cood appetite, sleep well all night, can undorgo exposure or do anything anywhere wlthoat fear of the old snemy. Throw away powders, sprays, "specincs," etc., and be cured In the right way to stay cured. 21 years of success treating Asthma and Hy Fever exclusively. Seven physicians. Thirty as sistants, 6S.0CO patients. References In all countries. Pull descrip tion oi creairaem, . wun reports or Illustrative caaos, report blanks, examination by mall, and our opinion wilte at once. io your curauimy nil gladly given without charge. P. H AHOLD HAYES, Buffalo, X. V. Intertstinf Book 7S Milled Free CARPENTER'S PANAMA LETTERS Beginning with Sunday, March 12, The Bee will publish a series of up-to-date letters from Panama about the canal and isthmian matters from Frank G. Carpenter. Mr. Carpenter sailed from New York for Central America some weeks ago and he is now somewhere on the ten-mile strip of land belonging to Urcle Sam, through which the great canal is being cut. lie is well equipped as to photographers, letters of intro duction, etc., and he will spend enough time there to learn what the situation is and to describe it for our readers. Among the letters Mr. Carpenter will write will bo one describing the great canals of the globe and compar ing them with Panama. Ilis wide travels well fit him for this description, lie has within the past few years visited in person the Suez canal, the Manchester ship canal, the Krons'tadt canal, which forms the European entrance to the northern part of the empire of the czar, and also the big ditch that Kaiser Wilhelm dug to let his navy quickly out to the ocean from the Baltic. lie has also seen the other great canals of Europe, including those of Holland, and has traveled upon the Grand Canal of China, which, next to Panama, is one of the great works of the world. ' ' Another letter will discuss the big problems of the Panama canal, including the Culebra cut, the Bohio dam, showing the enormous work to be done, and tell through the mouths of the government engineers, how it may be accomplished. He will also take up such questions as "Labor at Panama," giving some idea of the number of men needed for the work, their wages, and whether Amer ican workmen can profitably be employed there. This letter may require a 'visit to the island of Jamaica, where so many thousand 'negfoes were secured by the French for their work. Our Ten-Mile Strip and how it is policed and gov erned will also be an interesting topic, and another will be the "Baby Republic of Panama" and how it is gov erned, including a chat withits president upon its re sources and possibilities. The health conditions will also be described, and in fact everything connected with Panama and the canal, from the standpoint of live American interest. After leaving Panama Mr. Carpenter will probably go to Jamaica, and thence to Cuba, where he will de-' scribe that Island and its industries as they are in 1905. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE BEE GET EVERY NUMBER. ENGAGED If so, let us sell you the nicer than a diamond. A to ISO.IIO and up If you wish have a nice line of other fancy set rlnKS ranging aro a few m'nutea In our store. Look for the name. S. We LINDSAY, Jeweler, U16 Poufflas Street. enKagrment ring. Nothing 7r nice white stone, ao.w. ia.U) v. a largi-r one. Then we - tones opals, tornuolse ami f jTZl. und IlO.oo or 16.00. Spend .SI i Bee Want Ads Produce Results Diamond Cut Diamond Is a saying as old as tho hills. It Is a well known fact that Diamonds are the hardest substance known, for that reason are practically Indestruct ible, hence they never show wear nor become second-hand. Hliould you buy a Diamond of us, we will allow you fuil price paid, less 10 per cent on Its return within a year. We have them from 16.00 to $500 In rings. SIll.Ll Special Attention We challenge your attention to our ottlce hours. Wa are bore each day from 430 a. m. to 0.00 p. tn. If your ouly leisure la on Sunday, we will gladly make an appointment with you for that day. Appointments may be made ty telephone. Our uuiu ber Is V21M. , , TAFT'S DENTAL ROOKS, 15IT OOUBLAS ITRflT. AM. WOKK UUAJtANTEJiU I