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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 9, 1905)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY. MAIM'!! 0. 100.. GRAIN ASD PRODUCE MARKET World's Btipply of Wheat Decreuei HcaTilj for Week. TRADE IS VERY BEARISH ON WHEAT fern Raport UcmiiO nather Mow Jgtl Sow, bat In F.apeeteaV ts rich Ip goon Chleao Make Charter. OMAHA. Fab. S. 1S06. Hradstreeta show a snaiv n-iine in n Vur.d wheat, tie t.nus tue oi'' im ui tne hotn.o ),u2,'iu uusoe.s ana in e-u-ropa ana anoat i.-jUj.n, max n a cerriase tor in we. oi wui busnel. in. decr-aau for me same . lasi year was oiuy 4-9. t)00 bu -nets, i he upcruixirt fnrk-t .howni no ermence of any rfTert fn.n tin icili.e or other nt-wi. 'ma maraet i monKlntr more errsl.c tvwy day and while uie iru w ama.i txuy and tne maraet auli, it ia apt tu nuciuai Irom one-han to a cent on any small or oera. The canles r weak, httpoui, Ber lin nu Antwerp berna; uncnTigju, while Hilda Fesih ieo,lnl and it'm.U glnet from ft to la centimes, i ho May wnai was weaker tooay snout iHe. The opening a at II. HH. ' cent oeiow the Man po.ot of Tuesday. Tlio maikex dt ore nine staged down to ll.UMi and at noon mood at H.m'. The good tiop newt has not affected too July wheat, a would have been auppoaed. tor It I nnw at I cents lee olscount tuan during February. hen the May wa at llTSu the Juiy wae t cents under It; now it 1 only U ceui below. The buyer of JulT tooay were largely those wno ahort Tuedy. -The tlatea-Hartlett-Fia-ler-Prlngle combination In Chicago is ait .11 bullish In win at and bought I he May Tues day on decllnoa. The market la very gen erally bearish, however, and men who have been chronic bulla for twenty yearn ar said now to be bearish.' The rrowd la very nervnu and any old alory la earnestly be lieved. Qne of thee that Is peralatcnt In that Armour lit the chief wheat bull. The house denlea It. Wheat in southern Illinois and In Indi ana is reported to be rtx Inches high, with a thick stand and hardly any bare spots to be seen. The improvement there Is said to ro,ual the 40 per cent advance In" con dition reporter from Kansas over last spring. The Kentucky wheat condition. T riven out as W Tuneda. wa an error, and s corrected to W per cent. Kansas City ia sending out bear news now a hard a it furnished bull news thirty days ago. WheHt then was to be very scarce now. but reports from 300 point In Kansas give 12 per cent of wheat In farmers' hands and mill eold a week or two In advance. Bt. I.ouls reports actual aales of cash Wheat Tuesday at fo.000 buahels. and the day be fore 74,000 bushels. A northwestern ele vator company any for the first six day of this month It nouses received only ,oOO bushels of wheat, against 38.000 last year. The nrlmary receipt are 3S1.000 buahels. against 402,000 bushel last year, and the shipment are 121,000 bushel, against 306,000 bushel. Corn In Peoria and St. I,ottls I higher than In Chicago. The May was about a good a Tueaday, the high point reached be fore noon being 4H4c, only te below the bfst of Tuesdity. The clearances were 157,311 bushels. The car of corn received In t'hlcgo were 370, where 2SS had been emected. The rabies are Vic lower and the Chicago cash market broke lo Tuea day. The aaies were 325.000 bushels lit thnt market. New Orleans ha been receiving ion rapidly, so that there will be heavy clearance eoon. The sealionrd reports the export, demand alack, with orrerings fair. No. 3 corn was at Kc f. o.b. New York, and No. 2 yellow at 54V4 T"ho lat ter was wanted In the Mediterranean. New York sold 90. WO bushels. Chicago In two dnys at 2c to Buffalo has made the charters for corn amounting to 240,000 bushels. This la for Immediate loading. The corn belt has been getting; much rain this Week and the roads may break up badly and de crease the country movement. The pri mary receipts, however, are S57.00O bushelx, against JWfi.OOil bushels, and the ahlpment are 436,000 bushels, against 304,000 bushel. Omaha Cash galea. WHEAT No. 4 hard, 1 car, 90c. CORN-No. 3, 2 cars. 44c. - Omaha Cash Prleea. WHEAT No. 3 hard. Jl.05fll.0ii; No. 3 hard, 8c31,04; ,No. 4 hard, uc; No.. 3 spring; ll.fsJ. CORN No. 2, 45c; No. 3, 4e; No. 4, 43444c; no. grade, 4(i43c; No. 2 yellow, 46c; NO. 3 yellow, 44c; No. 3 whlto. iW, N6. I white, 45c. OATS No. 2 mixed, 30c; No. 3 mixed. -tt,c; No. 4 mixed. 28c; No; J white, 31c; NO. I white, toftc; No. white. &fic; standard, Carlot Receipt. . ' -Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago 1 370 161 Kansas City 45 42 24 Minneapolis ,.j 141 Imluth 16 8t. Loula 67 44 7 Omaha H 1" MlBBCarolla Wheat Market. 'The range or prices paid In .u.nnnapolls gi reported oy the Kdwrds-Wooa company. llo-Ul Board of Trade. a: northern. ll.OTN: No. t northern. lloiVB l.'v'i; Hay. l.u""; July, ll.flMi; Beptemher, OATS To arrive and on track, Jue. t MICAtfO . KM l'RO lklO.9 Price Beard of Trade. CHICAGO, Match .-ln a whirl of excite-rri'-nt ns.aj July v.nrm oioke ac ,rom tne higheat oi the uay. tuner optiona snared ui iie weaarean. aavuiaole for tne giowtrt ot tall sown wheat was largeiy 'l cause ot the sharp ae?iine. 1'he ciok ing price for July a almost at the low est point of the day, the net loss being i'V. May is nown l'olV- Corn nd oat.i aie piactically unchanged, lTovlslont are iJ;r lower. ine wheat market opened steady as a result of comparatively firm prices at Uv erpool. May was uncharged to He lower ai I1.I44,1.i4V Jti,y was low.r to higher hi jsik'uW'ic. Trad nig was harciy unuer way le.ore a Sharp h,ek occuried In the Mav option. Jisi after the open ing M.iy touched tl 14. 1 ben within a lew minute the price dropped sheer to II l-'t The fall a aicompanied by great confusion in the pit. The break started on selling by a leading holder, followed by geneial liquidation. I he July option was affected heavily by the upsetting of May, but even mors by favorable weather con ditions throughout the west and south west. Aa the session advanced the opinion that the government teport Friday will show a wonderful Improvement In condition of fall sown wheat gained mttny adherents and the less distant deliveries hecatn weaker. Meanwhile the moket experlemed a temporary rally. Shorts wei active lue:s of May, causing a recovery of about 1 cent. A revised report on the condlt.on of the Kentucky crop, making the averaxe M liistesit of Hi sa announced ve.sterday, was a factor pertly responsible for the up turn. In the day Julv was subjected to heavy selling by a big holder. Pit trad ers also sold freely. The market nan broke under the pressure. Julv dropping to Mc. The clofl was at ttt'ic May was comparatively steady the latter half of the session, being largely In the July option. At the close May sold at $1 1Vcjl.l3'v lrl tnsry receipts were JHo.Mirt bu., compared with ff'2 2 0 bu. a year ago. World's vis ible supply, as shown by Kradstreets-, de creased 3.800.000. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chicago reports receipt of 175,1'ars, against 213 last week and 423 a vear ago. The corn market was Independent of wheat, ruling firm throughout the dav. Hupport by Wall street Interests whs said to be the mainstay of prices. Bhorts and provision interests were also good pur chaser. Selling wan scattered. Mav opened unchanged to a shade higher at 4iT,4e. sold between 47c and 47o. and closed at 4c. Iyval receipts were S70 cars with two of contract grade. Trading In oats was fairly active and the market was firm In sympathy with corn. May opened unchanged at Sc and closed at 8lS3lc. Local receipts were 161 cars. t.lttle Interest was manl'es'.ed In trad ing In provision. Sentiment was rather bearish and the market lacked nv def inite support. May nork closed 2'c" lower at 112.70; lard and ribs were esch off i'.itloc at 17 02', and 36 so. respectively. Estimated receipt for tomorrow-; Whent. J car; earn, 371 care; oats, 170 cars; hogs, 32,000 head. The leading futures ranged as follows: Article. Open. I Hlgh.l Low. Close. Tes y. Wheat I I May 1 14HI .1 I J 4i I July . IMWrjl Sept. mifT'i Corp I I May 47-0 4. Julv Sept. Oats Mar. May July Bept. Pork May July I-'d-May July Rls Mav July svfim 4W I I. 81Hfi4! ai')fiH 1 14 - I" 484l 48T, 29-tl I I 1 124 1 13'.a 1 14 4iv4 ' 12 70 12 35 7 0241 7 15 I 12 7i 12 SO 7 OR 7 3D MV Ki-.1 47V1 4 'l 48H ,Va'4.V'i4 m 48H! ' ....JsiVtTii ni4 3l4.Sia.lK 31, ;iiS 314I 3irsi I ( 7t, 12 B.4 12 724 12 1.241 12 8241 12 874 K K7U' A II" li 7 00 . 7 024! T 00 i 7 024 I . . .. I 1 7 ir.." 1 l4 824 fi 8n 7 00 7 15 7 074 7 20 li !) 7 06 No. 3. Cash nuotstlona were as follows: K1XJCR Steady; winter patents, 15.10W; winter straights. 4.'J05.oO: spring pat ents. 35.10ll.0: spring straights. l4.5oC5.00; Itaker tl tOfiStO. . WHEAT N a. 2 aprtng 1.1:W1.16; No. 3. 1.04il.l8; No. 2 ted. 31.144'&1.17V. CORN No. 2. 464c; No. 2 yellow. iSc OATS No. 2. 32Uc: No. 2 white, J3ic; No. 8 white. !rH.(B24e. R Y K No. 2, 78'a784c. BARLKY-OockI feedJig:..3S4U;; -fair Jto choice malting. 4447c;- T" ; ,' .. . . SKKDSNn. 1 flax. 81.28H: No. 1 north western, 31-384. Prime timothy, $3.06. Clover, eontract grade. $12.88. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., 312.80 612.65. Ird, per 100 lbs.. t6.874a.90. Short rib, sides doosel. 3.75iiii.8T4. Short clear aide boxed. $.874fi7.0f. Receipts and shipments yesterday were a loiiowa; Artlclea. Open. High. Low Cloe. Yea y. Wheat I i I I I May... I 1 12l 1 MS: 10", 110, 1 UVi . July... I 1 Oustji 1 01 1 tthti 1 071i 1 t: . bept... li, W I S, Hl-4 KKW YORK f.tSXRH Al MARKET Flour, bbl; Wheat bu. Corn, bu. ... Oats, bu. ... Rye. bu. ... Barley, bu. Recelnt. Shipments. ; 41.300 1S.800 M.OOO 36.200 BP8.300 21R.f'0 895,600 191. 600 (,900 165.900 6,700 ej Qaotatleas at the Day oa Varlona t'omtnodltlea, NEW YORK. March S.-FLOKR Re- ce.pta, 17,019 bbl.: export. 6.925 libls ; sjies, 4,bm pkg.; maravi, uun una tower; wuiicr uatenU'. 3D.foru6.ts); winter s.rainnts, $j.i,.Jj' b.3; Mlnntaoia patents, o.w n.(i; winte, extraa, H.iti4.30; MinneaoiM t.akeis, at.lKQ 4.50; winter lew gradta, i& Hye i.ou , kaiely aiead ; tuir to good, ....w(j4.u; cPu.. e . . .... . 1 -...A what l.mir Hull per 10O lb., 12.uo43m.lO. , i'UhMmi.Ai-i. ii in . but! white. $1.30; coarse, new. $1.10(il.l2; klln-drled, $2 9003.10. . ti t ki Nominal; 0c. ilAHUK 1 I mil : .ceding, 441r c. I. f. New York: malting, 46$&2o c. I. f. Buffalo. WHEAT Kxpoits, i,9l6 bu.; sales, 4, 706,000 bu. ; spot market, easy; No. 2 red, $1.18 f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern, Du luth, $1.23 t. o. b. artoat; No. 1 hard. Man itoba, f. o. b, afloat, op, Ion were unsettled all Amy ana generally weak, ilnl.i notable decline In the last hour under bear ish crop news and heavy atop loss I ng of July. Rallies were mostly smail and Infrequent, the market closing at th low est point aoo .41: oeiow me previous! day. Msy, II. U'Sti 1.144. closed at $11.:; I juiy, i'4)C'n tuvh. cioae.u at wntjc; ecpiem Virtue rthls I 1 . - . 1. . . ber, 90,c. closed at 90c. I earn hu CORN Receipts, aO.OgO bu.; exports. 3.i9i I J,?nV bu.; sales. 75.000 bu. future, 64 Otw bo. sp jt. r"'"' uu " On the Produce exchange today the hut. ter market wa weaker; creameries. 21fl26c: dairies. 1924c. Rgxs. steady to firm: at mark, cases Included. llWjlflHc; firsts. l4c; prime first, 204c; extras, 22c. Cheese, firm at 1243134c Ht. I.oals Urala aaw Provisions. ST. LOITIB. March 8. WHKAT Market lower: No. 2 red cash, elevator. $1.10ic: track. 31.15W1.164; May. 11.09: July. Wt so-ifcc: ro. 3 nera, fi.ipgi.i.i. CORN-Market firm; No. 2 cash, 47c; track. 484o; May, 46c; July, 47c. ClATS-Mai ket weak; No. 2 rsh, 32c; track. 8S4c: May, 314c: No. 2 white. 34c. Fl-Ot'R Steady; red winter patents, $5.10 arm. hi; extra ranry, i; clear, n."(H.oo. SUED Timothy, steady, at $2.H) 2.65. CORM MtttLr-)edy s 3.. ARAN TJ11II: sacked, east track. 8687c. HAY Steady: timothy, $6.0u&12.ii0; prairie, $:i.o0o 10.00. IRON COTTONTIE8-9SC. HAOUIN't 7.c. HFMP TWINE 4c. PROVISIONS P'-k. lower- lohlilna; $13,024. Lard, unchanged: prime steiim. $H 50. Dry salt meats, steady; extra shorts, $6,874: clear rib. $6,874; hort cler. $7,124. M110011. steady; noxea extra snorts. li.Mt; cleHr ribs, 37.50: short clear, $7,874. POULTRY Market unchanged: chickens and spring. 11c; turkeys. Wlic; ducks, 12c; geese. 7c. Rt'TTF.R Market unsettled; creamery, 24fi31c: dairy. Ii27c. KUUH Market niglier nt l4c, rise count. ... Receipts. Slilpmente. 1 12.000 11.000 $7.0.10 84 ) 44 000 52.000 80,000 44.000 NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Values Are Again Higher, but There i Little Increase in Volnme of Trading. MARKET IS SLUGGISH' AND DULL Strike aa er ark lat-tloa Mae aail War ea Have Appar ently l.lttle Kffect aa Deallag. NEW YORK. March 8 -Price recovered In today' stock market, although there was little Improvement In the volume of triidlng. The tone whs by no means well assureii and hesitation and aiugglshnees were still apparent in the movement. Trad ing was largely in professional hands and there wua 110 evidence of anv important revival of public lutereM. The amallness of th selling orders which 1 suited from the downward tendency yeeterduv served aa an tncouragt ment to holders of stocks and as a WHrmtig to bearish professional not to extend their short contracts unduiy. After the extent of the speculation tor thu advance and tne height to whici prices have been lifted the small preasu.e to liquidate on the reaction la regarded aa remarkable. The whole character In fact Is better defined as a waiting one than as either strong or reactionary. With tho Northern Securities case decided, the ab sence of laign selling lo realise la regarded as Indicating a teellng of confidence in futuro dcve.opments having a favorably bearing on values. I-flige attention 1 given to the subject In current discussion In Wail street, but evidently more concrete result are deeire.d to revive any active speculation In the market. The effeot of the strike on the local transit companlea was lees marked In diminishing the attendance at the stock exchange today and the sentimental phases of the strike were taken less Recount of.. The most conspicuous buying today was in the coalers and the special prominence of Reading waa attributed to tne activity of a pool in the stock. The review of the trade conditions by th recognised organ was very cheerful, however, and douni was expressed whether the usual spring reduction in the price scale would be adopted this year, at any event at the usual time. Amalgamated Copper also was 1 expensive to enthusiastic trane report ami a sieculative party was said to be active in that stock. The sharp recovery l.i New ork Central had a good effect 011 sentiment. The movement in western stock connected with the merger rumors wa more moderate. The crltda lu the far east and threatened catastrophe to the Russian army hBd the effect or checking activity rather than of prompting any definite position In the mar ket. In Paris the rumor of another Rus sian loan seemed to have a strengthening eflect and to neutralise the Influence of the War news. The Iomlon market reflected aoine doubt in It operations preferring the action of the BhiiK of Rngland tomorrow on Its discount rate. The tone of the money market here was easy both for rail and time loans, but sterling exchange strength ened and the discount on New York ex change at Chicago widened. The buoyant rise In Reading late in the day was Interrupted by some renewed pressure against I'tilon Pacific and the closing war consequently slightly Irregular. Honda were steady. Total sales, par value, $.1.430.uh). 1'nlted States bonds were all un changed on call. The following wero the opening and clos ing price on the New i'ork Stock exchange: . Bales High. Low. Close. 37,M 2.500 H.ftoi) 11. mo 13.200 9110 4. Son :oo 700 1,000 1.100 ' 2i if) 3O0 7i l 2O0 100 7.4110 700 200 3,ii0 3b.Mii) 3.f0 4.1O0 310 1.400 . U0 Atchison . do pfU..'. Atlantic Const I. Inc.. Baltimore. A Ohio.... do nfd '. Canadian Pacific Cen. of N. J Chcs.i. Ohio Chicago Alton do pfd Chi. Ureut Western.. Chi. Northwestern Chi., Mil. A Ht. Paul Chi. Ter. & TrHiis.... do pfd C, C'. C. & St. I.. . . Colorado Southern... do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Delaware & Hudson. Del.. Ick. & West. V. A R. O do pfd Erie do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Hocking Valley do pfd Illinois Central Iowa Central do pfd K. C. Southern.. do pfd Ixnils. ft Nash Manhattan L Met. Securities Met. St. Ry.i Mexican Central Minn. A St. Louis.... M , St. P. & S. S. M. do pfd Missouri Pacific. ..... M.. K. ft T do pfd Nat. 11. R. of M . Pfd. New York Central.. 13,i N. Y., Ont. A West.. Norfolk & Western.. do pfd Pennsylvania P.. C. C. & St Reading do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Rock Island Co do pfd St. L. ft S. F.. 2d pfd St. Louis S. W do pfd Southern Pacific do pfd Southern Railway.... do pfd Texas & Pacific T.. St. L. & West.... do pfd Union Pacific do pfd Wabaah do pfd W. & Lake Krie . Wisconsin Central. do pfd Adam Express American Express V. S. Kxpres Wells-Fargo Express A 111 ill copper Am. Car & Fdry do pfd Am. Cotton Oil do pfd American Ice ........ do pfd Linseed Oil fd.. ftUii 141 96 l'3ii 2iOy. 0"4 88 (0 224 2404 J 78 17 32 99 2o4 61 31 191 3t 33 884 41 82 70 92 93 m 524 30 66 141 1704 84 ' 12 24' 58 11,4 isa 8,900 1084 108 10 200 314 814 314 400 644 644 65 1H 1424 10 1434 aj 5 39 82 2i- 2414 178 824 99 25 61 36 1112 36 334 X8l 47 8 70 924 93 168 904 14 140 l'WVi 142 19H-I 49 38 81 224 240 177 324 9' 3U 61 Sii'i 19 3MJ4 . 334 8it 40 81 !'V 92 91 -15ft 80 664 14. 171 85 123 294 644 .141 170 844 23 122V 244 24 900 2.800 4.1110 MOO 3.400 4.700 2,900 200 1.900 118 117 2.700 11,800 157 54 84 155 63' 83 I j. 33,600 143 1424 .262,500 JIN) . 1.000 . 10.100 1.000 L2fl6 100 19.900 700 5,601) 2o0 8,700 200 500 103. 810 600 1.300 00 91 914 35 79 96 91 90 344 794 26 61 694 lov 54 84 92 142, no 18 4 90 91 34 794 71 26 61 69 25 60 68a. 118 1184 H84 4 :4 36 62 132 100 22 46 98 394 36 63 133 loO U) 47 ...I 200 600 Snot market, steady; No. t. 18 elevator and Mo f. o. b. afloat; No. i yeliow, 64V; No. 3 white, 64r. Option market at lirat ra firmer on bad weather and bull sup port, but eventually eased off mlth whent. closing net unchanged: May. 5.HWI H-lc, ciosef 53c : July, K.i'tiMc. closed 53c. - OAT8 Receipt. 64.000 bu.: export. 3,610 bu.: Spot market. eK'aoyj mixed cat, 26 to 83 lbs., 17i334c). natural while, 30 to 32 lbs.. 364VC 39c,- clipped white. 36 to 40. lbs., SfrfWlc; options, nominal. HAY Steady; -ghlppltig, 653f70c: good t choice, $34l00o. . - HOPS aieadv; state common to choice, 1904. rgtSiej. 1a, 2rVt28o; old, 11i3e Pacini- coast, 1904. ,3730; 1903. 2427ui olds. U0130. HIDES Quiet; Galveston. 20 to 35 lb., lc; California. 21 to 26 lbs., 19c; Texas, dry, $4 to 30 lb., 144c. t.V4THI.'Hirni: acid. 'UfcJtir,. PROVrWONS-Beef, steady; family. $12.00 S 13.00; me, U.omfhe.tO; beef hams. $23.0Oi .50; packet. $11.01 fit 12.00; city extra India me. $16.004118 00. Cut meat, steady; pick led bellies. $7.0LKh7.60: pickled shoulder. $6.00; pickled hsme, (8.5oi00. Lard, steady; west ern Steamed. $7.80; refined, steady, conti nent, $7 35; South American, 17.75: com pound, $4.i54i5.IO. Pork, stemlj ; family, $14.60 aloO; ahort clear. $lJ.."tf 16.26; mesa. $13.00 i) 50. TALLOW 4SieaUy; city. 4c; country. 44 4J44c. RICE Firm.; domestic, fair to extra, 2 t5o; Japan, nominal. Bl'TTEJt Market esay; street price extra creamery. 3ft0-3O4c; offlelal prices' creamery, common to extra. 24a:)c: cream ery, held, common to extra, 34729c; state dairy, common to extra, 23024k.' ; weatvrn Imitation i-reamery, common to extra, Uf e. CHEEP K Firm: state full cream, small colored and whit, fancy. I3c; sul tine' 13c; state late made, colored and whli poor to choice. I0O12e; state large, coll ored and white, fant y, i34c; state fine 12V tjle: late made, co'ored and whit. Loor Z uholc. 9i4jl24o. ' EUOS gieadv: weatern first, Tfc; west, rn seconds. frk-. POCLTRY Alive: Market steady; west ern chlcl.ens. 13c; fowls, 14c: turkey, lie Dressed: Market weak; weatern chickens' HKJHoj fowl. UV; turkey. 15U21c. Toleda era Marker. TOLEDO, o.. March t.fKED Hover nr;Mr,'h- IT "W: April; $7.5.S; V tuber! Dalath ;rala Market. ni'LI TH. March -WHKAT-To arrlve No. I northeni, U.07. ou trgik: No. j Ktiaaa C ity Urln PravUloa. KANSAS CITY. March 8 WHEAT Mav. 9c; July. 82c; cash: No. 2 hard. $1.04j 1.06: No. 8. fl.014wi.04; NO. 4. 90e'a1.01; No. 2 red. No. 3, tl.OJtfl.06; N-i. 4. Hfecft $1.02. CORN May, 46c; July, 46c: cash: No. 2 mixed. 4Wi46c: No. 3 46c; No. 2 white, 7c; No. 8, 4t4c. OATS-No. 2 white, s:33c; No. 3 mixed. $2flS24e. ' RYE-Steady, 78c. HAY Firm, choice timothy. $9.BOj-10.0t; choice prairie. 37.7fif 25. EtJGS Steady; MlHsourl and KansHS, new No. 3 whltewood casea included. 17c; rase count, IKo: raaea returned. He less. BCTTER lwer; creamery, 24i-8c; dairy, li HP- Wheat, bu Corn, bu Oats, bu . Receipt. Shipment ...48,800 . 40,000 ... 23.2110 83.6110 .-. Jl.OOO 13,000 Mlaaeapell Grata Market. MINNEAPOLIS, March 8. WHEAT May, $1.10H1.104; July, tl074: September, 88c: No. 1 hard. 81.12; No. 1 northern, tl. 10: No. 3 northern, tl. 06. - FUH'R First patents, $6 10j: second patents. t5.BOO6.00; first clears, 34.1544.36; second rleara. $2.61141170. . . BRAN In bulk, $14.25. Philadelphia Predare Market. PHIIADEIJ,HIA. March BtTTER fiflSc lower; extra western creamery, 24c; extra nearby print, 32c. EGOS Firm and le higher; nearby fresh pd western fresh, 23c, at mark. 1 CHEESE Firm; New York full creams, farcy, 13c; choice, 134c; fair to good. L'V 134c. Mllwaakee Urala Market. MILWAUKEE. March 8." WHEAT Weak: No. I northern. $1.14; No. 3 north ern, $l.UflUl: May. $1184 RYE Oulet: No. 1, 84uk6r. ' UARLEV-Steady; No. 3, tic; sample. 3tt9 too. CORN Firm; No. 3, 464j47c; May, 47 48c. . . LUerrual Orala Market. LIVERPOOU March 8 -WHEAT-Spot: Nominal. Kuturesi Quiet: March,, nomi nal: May: si: July, la . CORN Spot: Steady: Americana mixed, new, 4 2lkd: old, 4 lid. Futures: Unlet: March. d; May. 4a 44. Feerla Urala Market. TEoRtA. HI. March l.-CORM-Steady -No. J. :; No. 4. 464u; no jrade, 4c. 60,600 1.800 60O 23 52 78T 35 94 23 524 774 35 W Am. do Am. do Am. do pfd Am. Sugar Ref Am. Tob.. pfd. certif. Anacon 100 39 39 Pf Locomotive. pfd Smelt. & Ref. 600 4.5O0 : 39.800 2.800 12.210 3.400 Mining Co.. 16.100 Brook. Rapid Transit H6 39 36'.( 52 133 99 23 46 16 23 52 246 235 130 250 i8 35 96 54 39 1X4 44 43 111 94 Colo! udo Fuel A Iron Consolidated (las Corn Products do pfd Distillers' Securities.. General Electric Int. Paper do Pfd Int. I'll in u do pfd National Iead North American Pacific Mall People's Oa Pressed Steel Car.... do pfd Pullman Palace Car.. Republic Steel do pfd Rubber Good do pfd Term. Coal & Iron.... U. S. Leather do pfd t 8. Realty V. 8. Rubber do pfd IV 8. Steel do pfd Va.-Cur. Chemical.... do pfd West. Electric Western I'nlon 44 43 43 42 112 1114 944- 93 1214 1194 120 146 144 14.". . 1124 1094 1114 664 14 864 614 60. 50s; 5,l-o 218 2114 2M4 7.700 6. 60O I.400 1.6" I.80O i!aio 1.300 .2o0 1,700 2n0 3.900 2.2O0 100 210 1.600 200 2O0 i'.m 1.800 500 600 LOO 10 38.600 18.100 200 "400 4o0 18 75 37 79 .17 lr 46 110 37 88 242 18 76 26 884 12 104 94 4-' 113 36 95 36 18 73 37 '22 -7 1014 45 10U4 36 88 242 18 76 25 75 87 1864 22 794 6:1 86 36 Yrl 46 110 36 88 4 78 26 12 JIM 8 180 Total sale for the dav. 966, 5500 86 12 104 94 41 1114 364 94 96 36 $5 V't 180 180 93 94 hare. 112 36 Uadsa Stock Market LONDON, March t. Closing quotation rn stock and bonds: rool. ionr .. K tl-14iK T. Tsntral ersl fund, exclusive f the $l&o.ono 110 gold resene in the division of redemption, shows: Available cash balance, $142,4,642; gold, $.-.6,968,817. Saw Yark Maaey Market. NEW YORK. March .-MONEY-On call, steady at 2,fi2 per cent; cloaing bid, 24 per cent; offered, 2 per cent. Tim loans, easy; 60 days. 3 per cent: 90 days, 8'ofl4 per cent; 8 months. 34X4 per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE r-AKR-3i44 per cent. STEHLINO EXCHANGE Strong, with actual business in bankers' bills t 4 84at) 4.SM3 for demand and at $4 Mtli4.8466 for 0-dav bills- posted rates. $4,8544.874; com mercial tins, S4.B44. SILVER Bar, Mc; 46. . . ' HOND8 Oovernmerit. atesay. Cloaing price on ootids were: Mexican dollars, steady; railroad. f 8. rl. is. rs..,.i04W do MIIHa .....S4 44 a. ri...A..v. l"1 60 (-oiirmn tM in . r 1JJH (to rfnipon .......:..l.t ) OI4 4 r( ... ."44j M . K T. 4o 6)4 4s. Mnipee. do h Am. TnbsnM 44. CI fa ;.41t N. . R rf rtf....i.....l1T T. t A Jspn 4. rtfa U N unl. 4a.... Mtnhttisn r. . 4s. Ui. rsntrsl 4a 60 tat Inr Minn, t II. L k nf M. c ( Ii ttrhlans In. 4 'Mk N. J. r g. ia... do adj. 4a.. 1. ! N PaolBc 4a.... do account Aaaeunda At- klaon do pfd Bolt I mora Ohj t'anadlan Facllo Choa. A Ohio fano Ot W... 1'., M. St. P .. Iioara paavar R. U .. do ijfd , grl do lot sfd do Id Sid Illinois ('antral .. loo!a Naah..., M.. K. A T SILVER Rar 1(4 Norfolk W. .. IS I do pM .... .. 4 Ontario ft W.. ..104Va!Ponnarlanls . .111H Hand Mlnaa .. .144 l . 71 . )04a - 4St .14H kaadlag .. alS! do lai pfd .. li1! do Id pfd ..UI Houtharn Hallway ... .. ao pi 101 .. iS Boulh.rn Pa. IB,; Tola .. tlSi, I'nlon PaiISc U . , o pis 10s .. M VI 6101 3H .. l I do pfd T'a ..HHi.W.bMli us .1(4 do pfd 47', .. l3V!panlah 4a lt4 steady, 23 8-16d per ounc jvmi ti zt'nt per rent. Th rate ot dlio ill o h open market for ahort bill Is 3 7-1624 per cent; for tnree nionins puis per cent. . . . Treasary Wtatenieat. WASHINGTON. Man h $.-Tiday's tftate. ment of Uie treasury tialanves In lh gen- Atlantic r. L. 4a Bal. Ohio 4.. do V,a Central ot da. Is. do tat Inc....... . dn )M Inc. . rhaa. ft Ohio 44 ( hlcase ft A. m C . B. Q s. 4a I'., B. 1. ft r ,4a do col. da CO'. A SI. L. g. l.hlrafo Ter. 4a i niorario XM: 4a-. i Colo, ft an. an.... t'sha ta, vtfs IV ft R. O. 4a PtatmenV . Krle prior lien 4a. . do n.- 4a r. w. n. c. i Hocklnx Val. 4Wa. Offered. 1IV do U ...li4 N. ft W. r 4a. ... H O. S. t, rfrtg i ... at Readlns an. la. m. l,. a 1. 1(4 SI, L. A 8 .101 .in .144 . Id . ...104 ... t 4a. a.'i ... ...lU-t ...!' ... 71 ...taS ... 7', 101 H . 12V St. L. a. w. .1110 iMaahoord A. 1.. 4a. . 12 So Paclfl'- 4a ,.. 44 o. Katlsrar a J. c. a..llS F. f. 4a. 41 4a. .... 7 ,:ir7 .... fl ....KH't 101 t 1t 1W tiovi lit I Ttxaa ft P. la. T.. at. L. A W. 4a. I! 4 . tl tl' .127 M I'nlon PacISc 4a instt do conv. 4a.. V. 8. Staol ti la. Wabaah la do dab. B Wcalrrn Mil. 4a... W. ft t. E. 4a.. Wla. Cantral 4a... .1J4S - V .nai, . 74 . f't . ;i tM Boston Stark Market, BOSTON. March 8 Call loans. cent; time loan, 84j4 per cent closing on stocks and bohds 3ti34 per omci Alchiaon adj. 4a do 4s Ma. Central 4a.. Atchison dn pfd nnatod ft Albany Roaton A Malno.. Boat on Rlovnled . Fllchhurf pfd .... Mcilnan Central . N. Y., N. H. t'nlon Paclne Atncr. Arts. Cham. do pfd Amor. Pnau. Tuba H M'4 ...10KH ...74 ... ii ...mas ...17 . ..Ik ...144 .Wd .i.ia'k . K4 . it A mar. Sugar .........Ha do pfd A mar. T. ft T 14 Amir, woolan 2'4 da pfd ln "a, Dominion I. ft g. X Kdlron T.lrr. lllu laO Oenarol Electric Maaa. Rlertrtc ....1 do pfd i Slaaa. Uaa Cnlted Fruit ....... Colled Hhoa Maik.. do pfd , C. 8. Steal , do pfd , Waatlng. commoo .,, Bid. Asked., .114 14 . 184 . 444 a ,' .1 . . t4 . H . Advanturs Alloiiaa Amalgamatad . Amorlt-an Elnc Atlantic Blhgbara cal. ft Itacla.. cantannlal .... t-oppar Range . lisly want .... "Pomlnlon Cos Franklin (Irancr Isle Royal ... Maaa. Mining . Michigan Mohawk Mont. C. ft C Old liomlnlon . Datwola Parrot gulniy Shannon Tamarack Trinity V. 8. Mining.. f. 8. Oil CtaJi Victoria Winona Wolvrln la) ii'i 7.(4 II 114 -114 47(1 tH 14 11 IDS 64, 54', ii Ui M4 14 t 1 It 104 7S 12 104 24S 40', 4 1S Ill rr York Mlalna Stock. NEW YORK, March 8. The following are th closing quotations on nulling siocks: Adama con. A lie. Bruuaarlck Con .. Comatock Tunnl Ton. -al. A Vs.. Horn Sllr ron Silver Leadvllle con Little Chief Offered. ... an ... .. .171 ...MO Ontario Ophlr l'honlx Pntoal Savaga Sierra Nevada Small Hopea .. Standard 175 7'I0 I IS 24 W :s 146 Hank Clearings. OMAHA. March' 8. Bank clearing todny were $1,714,637.07. . For the corresponding day of 1904 the clearings were $1,202,690.69. OMAHA WHOI.KSAI.K MARKET. t ondttlon of Trade and Denotation on Staple and Fancy Produce. EGOS Receipts increasing, candled stock, 16a. LIVE POULTRY Hen. 10c; young rooe- ter. accordlrs sir. 8c to )0c; old roos ters, teVkibXc; turkey, loc; ducks, 10c. ,,,...,,,.7"-., I J . . .. 1, 1 , . .. ....... 1, lb., nknln Ia ui , 1 cn r III i.H'a vn n, , , , ' ' 1 " fancy dairy. ZUatoc; creamery, 274130c; prints, Sic. i- uu-rm X uuztua jfitm xrout, o; picg erel. 6c; pike, 4'i percn, Vc; imienxn, I2u; whltehsh, c: Hli..rui. Ilu: redanayper. 10c; halibut,' 9; crapples. lie; butTalo, 7c; white bass, lie; herring. 5c: blueflsh, 11c; Spanish mackerel, lie. frog lors, per aox.. toe. HAY Prleea Quoted by Omaha Wholesale Hay Dealer' association: Choice No. 1 up land, ti.ou; io. i, o.dii; meaium, ao u", cname, $6.50. Rye etraw, $5.60. These prices are tor Hay ui mn n i ind iiianl. BRAN Per ton, $17.60. OYSTER! New York rounta. per can. 45c; extra select, per can. 36c; standards, per can, aoo. buik: otanaaroa, per gm., $1.40; extra selects, per gal., (l.6; sew York counts, per gal.. $1.90. TROPICA!. FRUITS. ORANGES California, extra fancy Bed- land navels, all sixes. 12.60: fancy navels. $2.25: choice navels, large slxea 80, 98, 112 LEMONS Calif 'it, rsncy, z.iw: dw ana 360, $3.25; choice. 270, 300. 860, $3.04). dates rer dox or ao-io. pkg.. Hallowee, In 70-lb. boxes, per lb.. 444i6c. FIGS California, oer 10-ltJ. cartor. 7if 85c; Imported Smyrna. 4-crown, 10c; 6 and -crown, 12c; fancy, Imported (washed), la l-ln. pkg., 16018c. BANANAS Per medlum-aiaed bunch. $1.75 2.25; tumhos, $2.5O(tt3.00. 1 tiKAt't(KUII-i'r dox or oa to oa, jo.uu. FRUITS. APPLES-New fork King. $2.26; Now York Green loss 33 00: New York Baldwins. $3.00; Colorado Winesaps, per bu. box, $1.65; fippins, 41.00. GRAPES Imported Malagas, per keg. $7-00. TANGERINES California, per 4 box, $2.60 CRANBERRIES Wisconsin Bell and Bu gle, per bbl., tS.oO; Jerseys, per bbl., $$00; per dox. . id. VEGETABLES. POTATOES Home grown, In sacks, per bu., 45c; Colorado, per bu.. 60c. TURNIPS Old, per bu.. 40c: Canada rut abagas, per lb., lc; pew, per do., 45c. CARROTS Old, per bu.. 40e; new. per dox., 45c. PARSNIPS-Old, per bu., 40c. BEETS Old, per bu., tlOc; new, per doi, 45c. BEANS Navy, per bu., $2.10. ONIONS Home grown, red. In aacka, per lb., 2c; Spanish, per crate. $2.60; Colorado vellow, per lb., 2c; new, southern, per doi., 45c. CUCUMBERS Per dn., tl.764f2.00. TOM ATOES Florida, per (-basket crate. $5,004(6.60. CAULIFLOWER - California, per crate. $3.00. CABBAGE Holland aaed. per lb.. 14e. SWEET POTATOES Kansaa kiln urled, per bbl., $2.50. CELERY California, 46478c. RADISHES Hot house, per doi., 4te. LETTUCE Per box of about flfteea heads. 60c. RHUBARB Per dog. bunches. 78c3$1.00. FARSLET-Per dox. bunches. 75c. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Beoeipts Lighter Than Expected, Pricet Advanced About a Dime. HOGS SHADE TO FIVE CENTS LOWER Light Raa at Skcea tad l.aaaba aad Market More Active, ealth Prleea Jat Abont Steady oa Aa). thing at All Desirable. SOUTH OMAHA. March 8. lfas. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Manila v 4.8i'9 13.5.M) OttU ll -J ucsits v 4.719 12.:46 9.1! Official Wednesday S.nbo ll,W4 4.140 Three days this week.. 12. 878 Same dH.vs last week.... lo, 707 Same days week before. .12.177 Same three weeks ago.. 2,178 Hmne Tour weeks ago. ..11.015 Samo .lays last year. . .10.217 RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE The following table show the receipt of cattle, bugs and aheep at South Omaha for tn year to date, with comparison with mat j car; ,, , J906. 1904. V.H,tl 14..175 163.343 lK 460.4112 4J8.I66 HneP 3U3,04o 336,322 Th loiliiwin iKu.a si,us price of hogs at South Omaha for the last rterat cays, with comparisons 28 318 27.61$ 10,i.'4 u.0W 31.320 3i.0.',7 3.. 10 11a 28.748 18.636 18, AD 22.4o t itj i ijjs i n l N I 71 1.. I4S f 8 I n 3 48 1 1M6 t 1. ! I 40 4. .....V' IK 1 .....lean I VI 1 IDS I 00 1 4M I W J IW I on i ia ia t tin a oa t i' an 1 ,.1110 I I 1 113 I u 1 r a ii l it a 40 1 14 8 K 1 1744 I 46 1 1 ISO I n I 1M I Ti l in i ts t Tt i :& 1 141 a II 1 nan I an 1 ...,ma a M I -:o i an I lam a l 1 ran I at 8 Hi a 4 I roan ai 1 144 a 4 t l?on I ,i 1 PT I 40 , . I I0 a H 1 17jn i STAG8. 4..... 1444 8 41 1 1411 8 78 CALVES. 1 :o ue i tat i i i rro i i ia ii STOCKKRrt AND FEEDERS. I I!l I M It ;i I 7i 41 I7S I x a Al a t I 0 III W1 I lit a 4 I 4 rat a 14 1 IT I It I TH I M I iTS 8 40 I )"S 4 let 1 794 8 40 I M0 4 1 I .... i ITI 8 44 1 lid 4 il 1 421 8 10 8 1011 4 14 a 7i a is Inc. Dae' J6.168 22,246 33,277 averug I 190j. 11804. 190l. 11903. 19M. 18t. I1W. Feb. 1$.., Feb. 17.. Feb. 18.. Feb. Feb. 20.. Feb. a.. Feb. Feb. 23.. Feb. 24.. Feb. 25.. Fb. 28.. Feb. 27.. Feb. 28.. Mar. 1.. Mar. 2.. Mar. $.. Mar. 4.. Mar. 6.. Alar. 6.. Mar 7.. Mar. 8 864 l7t I I M4l I 4 iji 5 2 4 ., i 2 654 6 1 t 03! t 3 I t 03) ? 031 f 71 f 66 1 I 861 6 88 i 041 6 9 II 14 tl 1. k 12 t 24 91 6 $8 96 73hj 6 32 I 5 39 I 33 4 83 $68 4 7 8 M I 32 3 il t 28 4 $3 ill 4 11 3 tO I 83 4 74 3 47 I A 53 8 U I 63 38) I 68 t U s twi 8ui 4 SSI I ft.-, i I i 32 4 6H 8 841 6 971 14 89 6 811 t 93 6 911 6 88 t 38. 4 88 I i4fei 821 B6I 81 a si I 4 i .1 4 3 ul o 221 6 kit t 901 6 281 t 77 .1 4 VI i J 141 fc iiii a 24. 4 61 3 tl I 4 7l 5 09 8 98' I i XH 4 66 3 52 . 4 7741 5 12 7 031 11 I 4 69 3 67 . 4 o i C4; 7 Oil 6 071 t 32i 3 62 .1 5 07 7 12 t 97 i 37 4 74 .1 4 88 r i 7 Uii k M9 & 36 14 70! 8 $4 .1 4 88H! i 13i 7 16 1"! '! 4 71 $ 60 I i s j 6 u; o i ifl i w 5 . .. I . . . 2 .. 1 28 10 t 6 62 - 3 '1 18 1 21 3 3 6 2 3 2 1 4 1 4 156 18 15 Hogs. Sheep. Indicate Sunday. The official number or cars of stock brought lu today by each road waa; CaUle.Hoas Sheep. H'ses. ... At. 4k St. y. ny.... 2 Wabash 1 Mo. i'ac. Ry 1 I'nlon Par. Hpstem... 26 C. A. N. W. Ky. east 3 C. N. W. Ry. west 30 C, St. P., M. 4c O. Ry 22 C. B. & y., west ... 44 C. B. c y., cast.... 4 C, R. I. & P., esst.. 6 C. R. I. & P., west.. .. Illinois Central 9 Chi. Oreat Western.. 3 Total Receipts 119 The disposition of tht day's receipt waa a follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber ot Head Inaicaieo: : Buyers. Cattle. Omaha Packing Co 467 1,231 211 Swift A Co 681 3.065 2,010 Cudahy Piicklng Co 828 4.947 1,211 Armour Co on 7 2,164 816 Vansant & Co 40 Carey Benton 27 i. JOhni.m A CO 6 McCreary & Clark 199 Hill Son 103 IlUHton A Co 4 .... .... H. F. Hamilton 84 .... .... L. F. Hue 8 Wolf A Murnan 278 Mike Itaggcrty 24 Sol Dcgan 1 .... .... J. B. Root At Co 23 Bulla A Kline 36 .... S. & 8..: 26 Other buyers 198 107 82 Total 3.584 11,504 4,329 CATTLE The supply of cattle on sale at all points was ratner light till morning and considerably smaller than expected with about a normal demand from all aourcea the market showed considerable activity with the tendency of. value up ward. - At this point steer buyer were all out at an early hour and the market on anything at all desirable could aafely be quoted right around a dime higher. When it cam to some of tho commoner kind price may not have shown quite that mucti improve ment, but still even common cattle com manded stronger prleea than they did yesterday . It wa a case of where puckers wanted cattle and there were not enough to go around, so that If they could not get what they wanted they took what they could get. Owing to the activity and the moderate offerings, everything waa dis posed of In good season. The cow market also ahowed con siderable Improvement and could safely be quoted generally a dime higher on any Oiinar at all desirable. Th same aa with steers some of the kinds that did not suite buyers may pot have shown quite that much Improvement, but still all kinds sold to better advantage than they did yester day. Bulls, veal calves and stags could all be quoted a little stronger. The demand for stockers and feeder wa fully equal to the supply and desirable grades could be quoted a dime higher. A new top was put on the market for the season when Polled-Angus cattle were sold this morning for feeders at $4.60. Cattle lacking in quality may have been a trifle stronger than yesterday, but still there waa not much change on that clas. the demand being confined largely to cattle of pretty good quality. Representative sale: BEEF STEERS. No. Waal Market. LONDON, March t. WOOL-The offer Ings at the wool auction Bales today num bered 14.113 bale; fine merino and cro hreda sold readily, but all Inferior qualities were slow and were frequently withdrawn. CVpe of Good Hope sold briskly. Home and continental buyers operated freely and Americans bought some choloe New South Wale Oeelong warp wool and crossbred at full rate. The following are th sales In detail: New South Wales, $,000 bales; scoured, 94d&ls; greasy, 4d$ls 2d. Queensland, 8,100 bales; scoured. lld'S1 l104d: greasy, 68.tt114d. Victoria, l.JHO bale; scoured, 1s 4481 7d; greasy, Is 2d. South Australia. 1.100 bales; scoured, 14drl64d: greaay. 64ttlld. West Aus tralia. 1,9ii0 bales; scoured, lsl4d; greasy, 3 Hid. New Zealand, 2.600 bales; greasy, lis. Cape of Good Hope and Natal, 400 bales; acoured, HHxdsj Is 74d ; greaay, thitt likl. Falkland Islands, l.Ouo bales; greaay, 6VtS94d. ST. LOUIS, March I.-WOOL Quiet: me dium grade romhlng and clothing. 24j 264c: light fine. 19o31c; heavy fine, 14ffl5c; tub washed, 31'iJ3Sc. Cottoa Market. NEW YORK, March I. COTTON-Sppt, quiet; f point advance; middling uplanjls, 7.90c: middling gulf, 1.15c; sales, none. LIVERPOOL. March t COTTON Spot, moderate business done; price 3 point lower; American middling fair. 4.61c; good middling. 4.29d: middling. 417d: low mid dling, 4 06d; good ordinary, 8 91d; ordinary, 3.76d. The salo of the day were I.OoO bales, of which were for speculation and ex port and Included t.Tia) bales American. Re ceipt 7.200 ha I -o, all American. NEW ORLEANS, March 8.-CYTTON Firm; sales, 5,6w) bules; ordinary, 4c; good ordinary, $16-16c; low middling, 4 11-lho; middling, T4: good middling, iSc; mid dling fair, ll-16c; receipts, 1,373 bales; stock, 288,688 bales. C'aaTea Market. NEW YORK, March t. COFFEB The market for future ruled generally stesdv to firm, with final price steady at a net advance of 6'10 point. Hales were reported of 81.5") hags. liicliidniK: Mm. .Wa6.4ia-: J July, 6 6m.-; 8ertmhi 6 85c: October. 6 "; iTcainivr. f.w, January, i.ioc Buot Hlo. qulvt, No, 7 luvoita, N ii,':; 14.'.'. i$... a... ui... 12... it. i 14. . a .. in .. a... i... At. 700 71)0 740 mi 120 440 W0 10M mo 1b4 Ill IS 185 121 171 Ill 1010 1025 1110 1000 ..... 11)81 IM 144 11K0 113 ltxil 11 .....1141 114 Ill 1000 1074 1074 146 lilt 101 1111 nat r4 Pr. I 00 a oo a id I 40 a o a o l 10 I 19 a to a 10 a 10 8 an I M 4 04 4 00 4 oo 4 06 4 10 4 14 4 16 4 16 4 II 4 II 4 II 4 M 4 10 4 M 4 10 4 10 4 M 4 10 4 16 4 U 4 II 4 te 4 W I 40 4 40 4 40 I. 4. 10 II I 20 H 21 .. II 11 4 I...:. II I II II I to 17 t...,. I 4 II II 10 II II I 7 II 10 4 4 a a 46 AT. ..1044 . . 1 10 ..1010 .. 170 ..1071 ..10.16 ..1144 ..1114 ..1001 ..1281 .. IK! ..Ills) , .1M0 . .1060 ..1141 ..1211 ..ltll ..1110 ..1161 . .It6 ..1214 . .12110 . .1310 ..1141 ..IWT ..1141 ..1111 ..1111 . .1114 ..1407 ..1430 . .114 ,.lt:H ,.14M) ..1163 ..I4M ..1441 STEERS AND HEIFERS. ....1041 4 II 14 107T .... H4 4 JO I loot ....1044 4 10 It 1470 STEEK3 AND COWS. .... 764 . 110 . 1M . 440 . 14 . 14 .1000 . wo 104 ion) POO llfl 140 10Z0 1044 110 1041 raa no IM ... 840 ... 1U ...lotg ...i.uo . . . loto ...1400 ...l"1 ... 174 ...1144 ... HI ...l(i4 ... 4W ...16 , . . loao ...110 ...liao ...UN .. ...1U0 . ..Iimo ...nil .. .1"44 ...1220 COWS AND HEIFERS. ...1041 8 W HEIFERS. Pr. 4 40 4 44 4 44 4 46 4 it 4 10 4 40 4 60 4 60 4 to 4 M 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 M 4 44 4 70 4 70 4 74 4 70 4 70 4 71 4 71 4 74 4 80 4 40 4 19 4 10 4 If 4 It 4 10 4 40 8 04 t 10 I 10 t II 8 24 I 44 4 a 4 14 4 80 I II COWS. I oo a ma a I I 04 8 toil ae I 26 t 1064 8 40 8 14 t al I n I 40 il mi a to I 10 Jl 1070 8 44 I III I M0 8 44 8 It 4 11M I I 16 1 16 IH 8 71 4 1174 a 8 40 I IM I TO I 00 7 114 $70 8 40 8 HIT 8 14 a oo 4 no a ii I 00 1 1280 a 71 I 04 1 1164 8 71 a 00 II 1064 I 74 a i ti ,..iio2 a ti a io ti hi a 74 a ii i mo a it 8 10 1 144 a Tl I I a U4 a a a ia 4 hit a to a to to io4i a ao IK 14 144 a 10 a io it. ivu a m a to a iM a u a it a Ha a n I 14 1 120 I 44 a it a 11:4 a u a m a too a it a u a ni i it i it a tti a i 8 K I M IM a 4 i nai a to a ao it nit a to i io i uu a to 8 4 1 1144 a 44 8 4U 1 1440 3 M a 44 l mi 4 oo a tu ji nit 4 oo a 44 4 lit 4 a I to I IM0 4 m a 44 11 IM 4 I a to 8 i:ti 4 at a to . 711 , T4 , 7 " . In! . It 10 I to I It I 16 I at I 16 8 16 II. ..1414 . . I7n .. 141 .1111 ..1IT4 iva 8 Tl a to a in a u 4 14 4 at Hons-There wa only a fair run of hogs in sight this morning, but packers were feeling rather bearish and as a result the market ruled a trltie alcw with th tendency of prices downward. The early aales wero only about 24c lower, but after some of the more urgent orders were filled packers became atlll more bearish and wanted to huv their Ikies a nickel lower, so that thn general market could best be described ly cailing 11 iec to oc lower, nsiesmen were not at all inclined to taka off a much aa nickel so that It waa ramer late before th market came to a cloe. The higher eight sold largely from 44 -' down; butcher and mixed. $4.87x94.874; fie vies $4R74j4.95, with prima load selling up t k . . . Most everytnjng was nin.oirti oi oj- noon. salesmen gradually cutting loose, sa there wa no apparent chance of getting more monev. The long string went at $4.85, with the bulk of all the sales from $4.8J'i to $4.90. Representative. sales No. 44.. -6.. 13.. It.. II.. 11.. 41.. 41.. II.. Tl.. ... K... 71... 40... 31... 41... II... II... 14... 16... II... 41... T4... 14... 44... I... 110.. It... It... 47... 61... 74... 71... 11... It... 44... 14... 4S... 47... 14... 44... aa... it... it AT. Ill ......804 Ill 144 Ill iai m ill tti ....... 127 147 tit M4 Ill Ill 214 .211 141 24t Ill ...144 ....141 ....141 ....124 ....Ml ....IM ...130 ....167 ....SS0 ....! ....164 ....221 ....121 ....261 2:iz ...147 ....140 ...r.'s ....227 ....Ml ...lit 160 ...141 ....227 ....123 ....121 ....201 ....201 ....US 81IEEP- h. 40 M 40 Pr. 4 40 4 71 4 76 4 77H 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 in 4 40 4 ' 4 I2 4 I2V4 4 ! 4 II '4 4 M'a 4 2' 4 I2 4 llVa 4 M 4 IS 4 It 4 It 4 It 4 li 4 4t 4 at 4 16 4 16 4 It 4 16 4 Ml 4 It 4 16 4 16 4 IS 4 It 4 tf 4 at 4 4'. 4 1.1 4 IS 4 M 4 16 ... 4 k- ... 4 II ... 4 16 40 4 It ... 4 It - ... Ill ... IK -There to 'i 40 to 40 40 'ao 40 lo 120 12X1 to waa No. 71... to... to..., li... 44... Ji... It... 0... 71... It... 10... 71... 14... 66... fO... 10... 70... SI... TS... 61... II... 41... 44. . . 64... 24... 71... II... 74... 44... 41... TO... 10... 40... 41... 14 .. 40... 66... 42... It... 17... to... 14... 54... 40... 14... 41... bl... 17... 6t... tl... a At. '.'21 311 31 2JI 20 262 244 Ml 260 Ht I4T 141 174 ..,..!!! 278 121 HO 241 231 J7I 247 211 242 26' .....140 261 244 157 271 .....Ivl 237 ,...,! 243 SOX 240 270 17 171 .W Sit 177 24 2 21 330 343 122 233 ao 164 much Ha Pr. 4 46 4 46 4 17 4 4 IT4 4 I7i 4 IH, 4 17V 4 174 4 47 4 4 47 V, 4 TV, 4 174 4 171k 4 114 4 7l, 4 17 4 17 4 4 17 'a 4 174 4 l 4 In 4 40 ' 4 IO 4 til 4 to 4 to 4 to 4 0 4 40 4 to 4 in 4 0 4 414 4 414 4 SJVi 4 tt 4 t 'i't 4 124 4 IA 4 t6 4 46 4 .. 4 6 4 M 4 tr, 4 474 4 174 I on I oo t Oi more mod only about buyers a to to to IM M 124 10 10 lu 40 120 10 40 crate run here this morning, alxteen cars being reported. seemed to want a tew fresh supplies and a a result thev took noin more rreeiy tnan they did yesterday, and the market could sulelv be quoted active and fully ateady with yesterday's1 dec.lne. in spots the mar ket mav have been a trine stronger, but still there waa no quotable change. As hltth as $5.36 was paid for ewes and soma more of the yearlings that brought $6.65 yester day sold for the samo price today. There were very few laninc im iunen in the offerinrs and they sold without trouble at steady prices. As high aa $7.25 wa paid. Violations toe tea biock. uooa 'o cnoico ear lings. 88. 4046. 90; fair to good year naa. $6.00341.40; good to cliolctr wethers. $Ti.C0i38.00; fair to good wether. $VOO)5.6U; good to cholo ewe. $6.0O.5O; fait to good ew, 84. 504. 00; common to fair ewes, $4.00 434.60; good to choice lambs, $7.257.50. fair to good iamb. gf.ou4X7.2a; reeaer lamos, h.ou nepi incuiauva aaia, no. 1 goat 55 goata 1 western buck , 1 oat 1 goat ..., 123 western ewes 189 western, ewes , 311 western ewe 7 western wether 28 western wethers 24 western feeder yearllnga ... 287 western yearling 219 western yearllnga 83 weatern iambs ., 20 ctil goata 20 bucks 97 goats 279 western ewe 12 western ewes 461 western ewes 10 western ewes 24 western wethers 122 western ewes and yearllnga Av. . 90 . 104 . 150 . io . 80 .. 91 . 90 . 1C . 86 . 87 . 74 . 85 , 80 . 77 . 84 . 136 . 105 . 93 . 88 . 96 . 145 . 100 . 77 Pr. 8 00 8 50 S 50 4 00 4 00 4 76 4 8 5 80 t 76 I 76 oo e 66 e 66 7 28 1 60 2 75 8 00 4 86 4 86 6 36 6 50 5 60 6 00 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Steady to Lower Hog Fire to Ten Cent Lower. CHICAGO. March t. CATTLE Receipts, 21,000 head. Market steady to 10c lower; good to prime steer, 86,ootU; poor to medium. 33.76S.75; stockers and feeder, t2.50W4.80; cows, t2.754f4.50; heifers, t3.00j! 6.36; canners. bulls, $2.5084.10; calves. $3.0Oto.75. HOGS Receipts, 83,000 head; estimate for tomorrow, 26,000 head. Market 5jil0o lower; mixed and butchers, $4oj-U: good to choioe heavy, $5.00iie.20; rough, heavy, $1.86 4T4.96; light, $4.J56.06; bulk of salsa, $4.96 6J BHEKt AINJJ JJ,AMBB-neeeipis, it.ww head. Market for sheep and lambs steady; rood to choice wethers. tB.VUM 00: fair to choice mixed. $6.00ii6.56; western aheep, $5.00(85.00; fair to choice, 85.0ori(1.60: native larnbH, $6.757j7.76; weatern lambs, $6.004j'7.65. Kansaa City Mr Stork Market. KANSAS CITY, March I. CATTLE Re ceipts. 6,"o0 head, Including 0O head south erns; best fed weak, other strop rnort and dressed beef. lo.01Kii6.7l good, $4.00a6.26; weatern fed teers, $4.0Mj $36: ntockers and feeders, ta.25fl4.s0; south ern steer, $3.5iH-4.76; southern cows, $2.26r $ 50; native cows, $2. (OS 86; native heifers, $3.lj4.76; mills, tiotrrjvio; veai raives, lower. $8.00541.00. HOOS Receipts, 12.000 head: market So lower; top. 35.10; bulk of aales. M.85j.00; heavv. 85.OWj5.10: packer, $4.fK&6 0n; pigs and lights, I4.intt6.00. gHEKP AND LAMBS Receipt , ng; choice 76: fair to head; msrkrt strong to loc higher; nntl lambs. 36 ,Vti7V: native wethrr $.'. (i5 IS; natlv fcil ewes. $4.;;ti6.oii; western fed liiml. $ii.5oaf7 5i: western fed vesrllngs. $.ltt.6S; weatci n fed lieep, $(.7:l6 ;;; stockers and feeders, $X,Vifj5 JJt. St. I.aals l.lve Stark Market. ST. I.OriS. March 8. CATTLE Receipt. 3.5.) head. Iiicbiitlng 1.500 Texan. Market for iintites strong: Texan steadv. Na tive shipping snd export stnor. $4wfrtai; dressed ra-ef and butchers steers. f- i 6.S5; steers under l.trno pounds, t3.2"vfM..i, stmkers anil feeders. $2.ti4.6h; cws anil heifers. $.1.2i4 4 :15; canners. $.'.ta3.00: hull. $8.i8.!n: calves. H.TMi 7.v -frxus ami Indian steers. 32. 75i 4. 76; cons uml helfer. t2.'i"ii.1 8.-1. Ht MIS Receipt, 8 5oo head. Mnrkct steady to easier. Plar and lights. 34 oni 4.XS: pucker. $5.iAtia.20;. butcher and beat heavv, $5.1,Xjj.i 25. SHEEP AM) LAMRS-Rerelpt. 4 brail. Mm set steady. Native mutton. 84 ' tin ismiis, 8.1. U04,i .": culls and 41."tti.0"; stockers, 32ffj3.0O. buck. St. Joseph l.lve Stork Market. ' ST. JOSEPH. M'.. March 8-CATTLK-Recelpts. 1.626 bead. Market , steady In wek Native. $3.7M.66; cows and lielfers. $1.7.V4.4fi: stockcr and feeder. $2.75am.4i. HOUS-Heceipta, 7.127 head. Market ic lower; light, tl 8Vu4 9i; medium and heai. 84 9ttr.'i.i. SHEEP AND t.AMRS-Recelpt. S.7:tl head; Market steadv; lambs. $7 40; ewr. $5.40. . Slonx 114 l.lve Murk Market. SIOT'X CITY, la., March 8 -iSpi'cImI Telegram.) CATTLE Receipt, l.tni head; market sta,iny; beeves. l3.iioro V); cons, bulls and mixed. $2 f'KH ); stockers and feeders $2.7;r4.00; gives and. yearlings. $2.fsKrM 3tV llOliS Receipts. 4.800 head; market wesk. selling nt $4 k,4.9o; bulk of salrs, $I.T.t 4 85. Slack In Slalit. Receipts of live stock st the six principal western market yesterday were: Cnttle. Hoes Shrep South Omaha Sioux City ... Kansss City . St. louls St. Joseph ... Chtcsgo Tula Is 3, to . 1 600 . 6.700 . 3.f"l . 1.5W .21.0)4) 11. oM 4 0 " 1 2, 8.VW 7.127 M.taS) 4 HO !..( I 3. IM 2A0OU . ...37J76 76,611 39.S76 Metal Market. ' NEW YORK, March 3. METALS The recent excitement In the londin tin mar ket peiirs to have pretty well cul minated In ycsterda.N's advance and to day's cables reported a slight decline with spot closing nt tl.Vi 5s and futures Ml A-132. lineally the market was quiet with spot quoted at $28.60(11.29.00. Copper was firm and higher abroad with Ixindnn clos ing nt 68 3s 9(1 for spot and 6x Us 3d for futures. 1miilly the market was unlet, but steady. Iuke Is quoted at 115.37411 15.50; electre.lvtl. $15.2rva 16.3J4, and rust ing at $14. K74'(l 15-26. I,.iiil tilxp wns (Inner sliroad, closing ut C126 6s for spot In lon don. locally the market wna unchanged at $4.450j'4.6ii. Spelter advanced to 24 In Ijondon and ruled tlrm locally at $6.loti 6.26. Iron closed at 54s In Glasgow mill itl 60s In MlddleslKiro. The Now York mar ket Is firm; No. 1 foundry, not! hern. Is quoted ut $18.9619.25; No. 2 foundl'.v, north ern. $17.50118.00; No. 1 foundry, southern, and No. 1 foundry, southern, soft, $17. 751' 18.25. ST. It'lfl. March 8.-MKTAT.8 ltict market firm at $4,374. Spelter, strong st $6,174. ' ' REAL ESTATE THAFF.HS. Deed. tiled for record March 8 as fur nished by the Midland Guarantee and Trust company, bonded abstracter, 16i4 Farnam stteet, for The Hce: W. II. Fozer and wife to J. 1'. Hanger. 4 nw4 and w4 ne4 of sec. 32-lh-lo. . $7,1.0') F. ti. RiHher to J. M. Resher, lots 6 to 19, block 74, J. M. Benson. 1 N. J. Young et al. to J. Johnson, part lot 9, block 127. Houlh (jmnl)rt 1,650 Kutrrina Velechowsky ct al. to C. 6000 Htclnger. iiart of lota . 28 and 29.- Kountxe's 2d C. Bttlnger to J. F. Prltyl, same prop erty F. Heller to C. A. Wright, lot 8, block 10S. Dundee A. A. Hellebrand to A. perring, lot 4. f lack a sup A. Perring to A. A. Hellebrand, ' psrt lot lo. 'block 3. Campbells...,., ., A. W. Riley to J. J. Fltagerqld. , mid, . 4 lots 11 and 12. block 1., Fowler Place - v.' J. Hovnck and wife to F. S. Blayney. part lot 32. Burr Oak .,. T , Tl.. . n i E A 1 1 n 11 nai-t lot 30, block 1. Clarendon LA) 1 1 13) leUn) 500 650 BUY JULYCORN IT WILL SELL ABOVf 55c A BUSHEL BEFORE THE END OF JULY OUR SPECIAL LETTER Outlining Conditions vyhloh will bring about this .BIO ADVANCE, will bo mallod FRIC upon roquost. aaaaaaBBaaai Adler Stock & Grain Go, 213 N. Fourth Stroot 8T. LOUIS, MO. Edwards -Wood Co. tlncorporated . rUlaOfflc: Fiftb and Robart StrMti - ST. PAUL, niNN'Vy.. DEALERS IN ' MV ' Stocks, Grain, Pro vision's Ship Your Grain fa Us PrSBh Oa, 110-118 Sear Traa BI4c. Oastakau . T3rkaka U4. 313-314 Exchange Blda.. Boutk Omahaa, ' Bell 'Pkoo Iia lB4terendentrbaae k TAe Old Reliable Commission House Has grown Bteadily since it wa established in 1892. Each year's busin-psH being (jfreater than the year pre ceding. This is dne to the fact that our service and rejnittance are both PKOMPT and ACXJtjRATE. We are the oldeat house went of Chicago, and out facilities for handling business are th4 best money and brains can devise. We particularly caJl your v--. attention to our references and ak that you InvestJ. gate them fully, aa we want you to feel that your in- ' terests are safe in our bands. , v Write for free booklet on speculative investment, and our red book of statistics. 'I ' .V. . . s , .' ' ' DONOVAN COMMISSION C0.t 317 Pine St, St. Louts, Mo. ...j., '.-V