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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 9, 1905)
lb TI1E 0MAI1A DAILY BEE: THURSDAY. MAT5C1I 9. 1903. AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Hngh Murpkj'i Contract for Faring it Left Unsigned by Major. NEW OFFERS FOR DOING WORK TO BE ASKED Mar or laslsled oa rarlaatoa Block, Wkll Marphr Wanted to Be 'Left to Select Material nimnelf. "he contract entered into between the city council an4 Hugh Murphy of Omaha tor the grading and paving of Missouri avenue la now declared Invalid.- The check that Mr. Murphy put up for 11,000 la de clared forfeited. When the contract for the paving was lot It was the opinion of the mayor and council that Purington block be used. Mr. Murphy sent down a con tract which he had signed which per mitted him to use any paving brick he saw fit. This contract the mayor refused to sign. As the matter now stands there la no contract and the city la at liberty to go ahead and advertise for bids ngaln. More than likely the check which Murphy handed to the council will be returned or else kept In the archives In the clerk'a office. Another meeting of the city council will be held this week when. It Is expected that the city clerk will be directed to advertise for bids for the paving and grading or Mis souri avenue from Thirteenth to Twenty fourth streets. Property owners want thla work done as soon as pnsHible and are Willing to stand their proportion of the cost. While In the petitions for this paving the property owners did not signify thi'lr preference for material, the sentiment ap peared to bo In favor of the Oalesburg brick and this was so ordered by the council. Want 4 Otreet raved. An ordinance has been drawn by the city attorney for the paving of Q street from Thirty-third street west to the city limits. This ordinance Is now in the hands of the city council and will doubtless be presented as soon as the difficulty over the Missouri avenue paving is nettled. The West Bide Improvement club Is exceedingly anxious that the paving be done this year and there Is no perceptible reason why the matter should not come before the council within the next week or two. City Offlees Close Today. Mayor Koutsky Issued orders yesterday noon that today the city offices would be closed for the purpose of permitting the city officials to go to Lincoln to protect against the annexation bill now pending. Some of the stores will be closed and it U now expected that there will be not less than 300 business men and some women on the special train which Is to leave at 9 o'clock. The mayor has sold about 100 tickets and he Is going along with the rest who axe opposed to the bills. President Adklns will also go and this will leave Councilman John Kiewlt, president pro tern, In charge of the city affairs for the day. Council Meets Friday. Unless some changes are made in the present program the city council will meet on Friday for the purpose of taking action on the park bonds. It is stated that this ordinance will be put through In time for the people to vote on the proposition on April 4. On account of the action of the court in the matter of the city hall and Itsvrk bonds It Is reported that bond buyers wd not be very anxious to bid for either CM city hall or the park bonds. Alleys Need Cleaning;. 'A great many people are wondering why Cae sanitary inspector does not get out and Serve notices about cleaning alleys. Some Of the alleys in the business portion of the City are filled with rubbish and with the coming on of warmer weather physicians ay that the refuse should be moved. In the course of time the sanitary Inspector may get around to the serving of notices, but property owners ought to clean up now without waiting for notices to be served. Want More -Water. A petition has been filed with the city Clerk asking the council to arrange mat ters so that fire hydrants can be located at Twelfth and I and Twelfth and J streets. Bruce McCulloch is heading the petition and he Is doing his best to sea that th council will provide some means for getting waier aown nis way. It Is stated in the petition that hydrants are needed for fire protection. The city council has not lo cated all the fire hydrants that it can under the present appropriation, but it may be that arrangements can be made to locate the two hydrants desired. Made City Gossip. William Blum, 413 North Twenty-fifth treet, reports the birth of a son. Frank Kreael, Forty-fourth and I streets, died yesterday. Funeral arrangements will a given today. Adah chapter of the Eastern Star will hold a business meeting at Masonic hall on Saturday night. Geortre H. Brewer is considerably Im proved and will be able to get out with the help of a cane In a day or two. J. L. Duff and William Barclay were sleeted trustees of the First Presbyterian church at the meeting held Tuesday night. These tnisteea will serve for a term of three years. Mrs. B. E. Wilcox and Mrs. P. H. Honey left yesterday afternoon for Dallas, Tex. It Is expected that Mrs. Wilcox and her mother will remain In the south for a couple of months. Frank Clark has served notice on the' city that he wants 15,000 for injuries supposed to have been received by falling on a slip, pery sidewalk at Twenty-fourth and P streets on February 18. FANCY SKATING AT THE RINK Auditorium Well Filled by Crowd that treatly Enjoys a Fine Exhibition. "It Is the poetry of motion," Is ths an swer given by one of Omaha's best dancers when asked last evening at the Auditorium what she thought of the wonderful exhibi tion of fancy sating given by Prof. Frank and his -yaar-old daughter Ooldle. Mr. Franks and the little girl certainly gave a fine Illustration of the possibilities of fancy roller skating on a large floor. Father and daughter were greeted by a large assem blage last evening and cheered to the echo as they went through evolutions that were little short of a revelation. They will give two more exhibitions, one this afternoon and tha last thla evening. j The muslo of the orchestra adds to the effectiveness ot the graceful motion of the skaters. Miss Frank claims to be the youngest professional skater in the world, lief father has been In the business for twenty-five yeurs and has traveled in nearly every civilised country where he has appeared In his entertaining act. He gives what are known as the grapevine, 100 Calling Cards at 39c sr H JO LlQJll 122 250 I Spring Milliivery Specials Thursday Stylish New Street Hats Made in the new son braids, pretty trimmings newest Ideas of the season made in turbans, small toques e.c very special Saturday, at, each Charming New Street and Trimmed Hats at $2.50 A variety of tb.3 very prettiest and newest ideas, in tho fancy colored straw trimmed with ribbons and tho new flowers a wide variety to choe from every one new, at Special Sale of Laces Narrow and medium width laces and insertings, in white, cream and ecru all the newest patterns at, C. - . J 1A- per yard J2C, DC ai(l lUC Natch Sets of Embroideries All fresh new embroid eries and insertings pretty crisp new goods fresh from the importers, hand- 1 C 0 loom embroideries, at UCj JZV Spring Skirts. Spring Jackets On Special Sale Thursday. The new accordeon pleated sunburst skirts, with shirred yoke, in all wool light weight summer materials new colors, brawns, blues and black and white very 198 C98 special, at " O The New Covert Jackets. These ultra stylish effects, all of the 11 i. ! I 1 !1L 1L. Must"" rjuiaruy lanureu wilu mo Liubiy biuuu- ed strapsshort lengths a wide va riety of the very new- J9& 750 QM est ideas, at " mr Tailored Walking Skirts We have just received our latest shipments of new tailored walk ing skirts they are in all the 'newest novelty effects, made with the brand new pltated effects every one a brand n 98 up 1 750 new and handsome stvle nricea. m to 1 1 frft TP M M Tr,Fi7"u' ) I H j Thursday Fair. Vy- gj imif ML Mmmmme V JU III 1 I 11' Kl I . Til I Tsa 1 mr I I HIM L 1 1 1 sVU i flBB I 2L 1L Jk5j LIQJ AT ENTIRE STOCK - O F- Ladies and Children's Furnish ings and Fancy Dry Goods of MRS. J. BENSON Extraordinary Bargains at Bran dels' Store 3C HOLDS FIRE EASILY 36 HOURS This .kind of weather you want a coal for your furnace, grate or heating stove that you can control easily. SPADRA COAL Is just the coal can be perfectly regulated to suit the weather and it holds tire for 36 hours. When necessary to revive your fire a slight shaking of the grates and opening the drafts will give a good fire in a very few minutes. Spadra Coal is the high est grade of Arkansas coal and you need have no fear of trying it $8.50 A TON. C. B. HAVENS & CO., 2l9Teh,s- Philnrielnhls. cut-oft. flying; three, "Mer. cury," "On to Richmond, single tint foot mi tn siiins. Dcmetual motion suins and goes through the movements of the two- pn. waits and schottlsche. He' makes a force spin of six to eight revolutions a second and a perpetual motion spin or 1& revolutions In twenty-five seconds. T" A FATAL, ERROR. A man steps Into your office, drawa up lilt chair, and talks right Into your face. His breath U offensive. Your only thought Is how to get rid of him and Ms business. You cut him short with, "lam rut Interested." SOZODONT Is essential to ona whoso breath Is nol pure nd sweet. Penetrating tha little crevices, II deodorizes, sweetens and purifies them, and makes you feel genteel and clean-cut S FORMS i UQUID, POWDER PASTE. Marriage licenses. The following marriage licenses have been issued: Name and Residence. Age. Frank A. Sholwell, South Omaha 23 Margaret B. Caldwell, Omaha 20 Alva C. Zelgler, Greenwood, Neb 21 Catherine Coli-man, Greenwood, Neb 21 James A. Woodard, South Omaha 23 Kva 8. Small, Albright 24 Joseph T. Browne. Omaha it lialiy M. Lee, Omaha 2U Alfred A. Johnson, Bloomfleld, Neb 40 Matilda J. Frcld, Omaha. , 36 Rlnhold Sohl, Douglas county 28 Magdalene Harder, Millard 20 IS K. wedding rlnrs. Kdiiolm, jeweler. Will Be Heard Tuesday. The date for the hearing of the argu ments on the motion for a new trial In the cases of Kd Lulkharl and Sherman Kurds, sulooulsts of Homer, who were re cently convicted of conspiracy with bout leKgers In the sale of llijuor to Indians, hxa been fixed for K.ituntuy morning, March II. In the absence of District At torney Baxter In the east, Assistant Dis trict Attorney Rush will nuike the argu ment for the government asai'ist the mo tion tor a new trial In this case. Harry B. Davis, unaertake. Tel. U-'i. MOHLER KNOWS NOTHING OF IT General Manager of the I n Ion Paclfle Xot Informed of Stubbs' Resignation. Regarding the rumor that J. C. Stubbs, t rattle manager of the Harriman lines, has resigned from that highly remunerative position, A. L. Mohler, general manager of the Union Pacific, said last evening: "I really do not know anything about the matter. I have not even heard of the ru mored resignation until now and am in clined to disbelieve the rumor." "In the event of the resignation of Mr. Stubbs do you think E. C. Ecrles, vice president and traffic manager for the Amer ican Smelting and Refining company, whose candidacy Is mentioned In this connection, would succeed Mr. Stubbs?" was asked of Mr. Mohler. i "I . would rather not be quoted In this matter," was the reply. (IRS. Vi:i3L0V'S sootki::q syrup ui beea ttsed by Millions of Mother for their itMurti ror duurbiMfc. eulfciroa while Tneiulns for ormr flft Ye ll ftiMHuas iu emm, Mrius ih luu ell pain, eurae wtua euliu, aud Is TWKN'f y.riVi CEWTS A BeTTLt, Bennett's Charming Millinery Section Kyiy Ilere's where the most distinc- retire Spring Millinery is shown, 'j filinivn rrlnfilv ivlmtlmr' vn v5ali rAv or nk Here's where i you'll find the greatest prodipal- ity from the leading milliners of Paris and Vienna, as well as hats from the hands of our own de signers. Designers WHO KNOW YOUK TAHTE8, who have pleased you before and are bet ter able than ever to please you again. WANT TOU TO SEE OUR EARLY EX HIBIT OF SPRING IDEAS. TRIMMED HATS An Elaborately Trimmed Hst, laco facing with ribbon, flowers and ornament trimming, comes in black, brown, navy and HghiO colors, Thursday lAlso at $4.98 and $3.98.) Street Hats, quill and ribbon trimmed. Just an Ideal hat for early f spring wear, Thursday $1.98 and ,... s Mrs. Sinclair, Mrs. Walters and Mrs. Weible in charge. Secsnd Floor. Another Great Crockery Crash in Our Crockery Section. ENGLISH PORCELAIN white, a lot that we must close out plates, bowls, cover dishes, etc. ,4c BAKERS- Qq ZVZZsoc 10c . 15c PLATES each, 6c, Be and . SCALLOPS AND any rtze, each ... COVER DISHES "und or oval .. BOWLS at GRAVY BOATS each ONE LOT OF FRENCH CHINA CUPS AND SAUCERS Six different decorations a choice lot values up to 50c, - OKn for m&L White China salt and pepper shakers, ror each for decorating- ; ; ttr -' 1UW DOUBLE GREEN TRADING STAMPS ON THESE ITEMS. , SECOND FLOOR. Bennett's Great Shoe Section THl'RSDAY SALES. 360 Pairs of short lines Dorothy Dodd and Helming McKenzle Fine Shoes among them J4.00 and S3.50 Patent Colt, Button and Lace. M f Stylish Shoes for one dHy ' 4fl only at Flflr (aff.OO) Green Trading-Stamps., 600 Pairs of Ladles' Sample Shoes $3.50 and $3.00 Bhoes at. Fifty (3.00 Green Trading Stamps. Box 1.93 400 Pairs of Boys' and Girls' Calf and Vlcl Kid Patent Tift Lace Shoes worth $1.50 and $2.00-at Thirty (3.iO) Green Trad In Stamps. 400 Pairs of Men's Sample Shoes- box cnlf and vlcl kid $3.60 and $3.00 shoes- at Fifty (M5.0O) Green Stamps. 1.23 1.93 Trading- Brooms, Brooms Another Big Sale on Parlor Brooms ' ' I'. .V ' HERE'S A NO. 2 PARLOR BROOM, POLISUED HANDLE, 12 THICK BUNCHES, 4 CORDS, G WIND WIRE STOUT SPLENDID BROOM, MADE r g OF BROOM ?ORN iTI I AT WON'T CURL T)I Iff AT ENDS, THURSDAY Thirty :($3.00) Green Trading Stattips. HARDWARE SECTION BASEMENT. Furniture, Carpets and Draperies Specials in Draperies. Time to fix up your old chairs. Have large line of Chair Seats In all sizes and shapes. Bring your sizes. COMPLETE LINE OF TABLE AND SHELF OIL CLOTHS. Window Shafies, In all colors, On 60c. 30c, 25cand IVC Watch for Big Rope Portiere Bpeclal SHEET MUSIC "Buttercups and Daisies," Vjin Al etyne, a ncveletto by comnoser of "Navajo," "Seminole," "Tlilca noe," etc. Just from the nt-an. We are tUe first In Vuiah.-t f f with it Thursday IOC PRESCRIPTIONS! Bring Tbem to Our Drug Section ABSOLUTE ACCURACY IN FILL ING PRESCRIPTIONS. RECORDS FAITHFULLY KEPT AND READ ILY ACCESSIBLE. DRUG SECTION-Maln Floor BENNETT'S GREAT GROCERY BIG OFFERS OF PURE Fniroii GROCERIES AT BOTTOM PRICKS SPECIAL PEACH OFFER .nfs-ISc Cornmeal IOC lcZ &r SSf-ISc Fruits 2Sf Tex?, Qreen Trading'sYamp's with Eight Bars Bennetts P -51th Bargain Soap 25e ?hrii1(X)) Hetn Td'ns-Stamps" with three-pound can Table Syrup IZjC Ten ($1 00) Green Trading Stamps with gound can Bennett's Capitol s aklng Powder 2C F2!"A It4'00 Freen Trad" Stamps with 48-pound sack Bennett s fl jc Excelsior Flour Ten (100) Green Trading Stamps with pound New York Full tn Cream Cheese ZUc BEKIVEIT'S CANDY SECTION. EASTER NOVELTIES COMING IN LOADS EVERY DAY! Roosters and Hens Each IC China Rabbits 'm Each JC Cotton Ducks and Chicks c Each...; t OC Sunny Jim IP. Each WC Home f ouiSh With -' ' ' ' ' -...-.y 1 1 S Take 1 a. - Box Home $ With You. The leading high-grade eoufectlong of today. Accepted as a stand ard of quality by all. Troduct of our own manufacture and are abso lutely pure and composed of only the finest materials. Pound Box....' 60c I Half Pound Box 30c Balduff 1518-20 Farnam it- HAND PAINTED China makes a- very nice wedding gift. We are show log voimt beautiful plates, 11.00, JJ.uO, $2.60. and they Hi lirauties too. I lien we nave feppt-rs and Sails, Hugars and Cn-ams, Vases, and a gnat many small fHiicy plfirs. You could profitably spend a few minutes In our store, Look for the name. S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler, IU Douglas Street. Great Sale of Men's Sample Shirts Saturday See Hth Street Window. Display sWQEEE ) THE) RELIABLE ITORK. Wonderful Values in Hosiery Saturday . See 16th Street. Window Dispii., STYLISH GARMENTS FOR SPRING WEAR No pain.i nor, expense hare leen spared to innke this Spring's Shi.wing I lJtdlCS' iJPIIllr tO WVlir linnnnnl. ka lo In e ..n-tn ....I ever brought to (Mirnl.a. We iK-liew iat we have succeeded, those who bava Plt'II lllir MKW'K YOII list BD An i m.. I WE AKE NOW. SHOWING 12tX) HANDSOME St'ITR-In Kfamlnea. Broad- ff ...w., .- i nuiiuiHH, pic, (treat variety or newest ntylea, o ( . J.fJ ' iiniinn, ru I fill VBIinv i all excellent values, at rni, fXi, tx, $M, 15, $l2.rm and. $22.50 Panama Suits, $14.90 As a special for Thursday we have selected 60 handsome Panama Suits In the very newest designs which sre regular $22.50 values, your 1 4 cn choice Tharsday 14. VU 125.00 Silk Shirt Waist Suits 116.50 As a special for Thursday we havs selected 75 of our regular silk Shirtwaist Suits In great varletv of rea ut mil styles and colors, choice Thursday 16.50 The greatest variety of Silk" Shirt Waist Suits ever brought to the city, unsur- iHiMiiuie in Kuui or neauty or style, ion should see this grand dis- Q OiV play, rrlowl at ;C.10, $-'5.00, ?, 18.50, 1li.5o, fl'.VHl and.... O.ZfU BEAUTIFUL COVERT COAT lu the newest stvles. new irarmenta lunt .i-i.t-ii t..v fAjiivus, uuiKumceni values at yo.uu, S18.0O, J15.0O. $12.50. $10.K), $7.50 and ...... 5.00 LPI,E8 SII'K COATS-60 new ones Just I LADIES CRAVENETTE COATS in elegant received, wonderful values, C flfl new styles and colors at from Ten Thursday at. choice O.UU $36.00 down to.- "..T......!? T.5U '!'6.95 .10.00 $12.50 CRAVENETTE COATS $rt.05-As a special for Thursday we will Ar offer $12.50 Cravenette Coats, In newest styles, at choice.. .'. O.ZfJ X" T.- - C T- . .. ...... r tne very nest ranrics, colors and styles, all slies, xpientiia values at, a4.'.w, s,.iw up to. Vt11 almtVM a v.m.. . - - . . r miuau aims at rroiu $i.oo m g v ,0 11.60 WOMEN'S WRAPPERS- HBn I 15.00 SILK WAISTB-sneelsJ special Thursday at JWi Thursday at mtJO $5.00 WALKING SKIRTS, special Thursday, 1 OO Rl ..Zlf UNDERSKIRTS from the H. J. Miller & Co.. stock, about 100 dozen carmenta in J0 different styles, worth from $1.25 to $2.50, go Thursday at, r cboWe Fish for Lenten Season. Just received a carload of the choicest kind of Salt Fish, which we can sell cheaper than any other house In town in 10, 16, 30, 25, 60, and 100-pound lots, Fancy Norway Mackerel Pound Extra Irish Mackerel Pound KKKK Herring (large fat) Pound KKK Herring Pound Large Keg Holland Herring , Spiced Herring Each... Family White Fish Pound All kinds of Smoked and Fresh Fish re celved dally during Lenten Season. 12ic 134c ...,8c 7c .75c 2c ..9ic Hay den's Grocery Dept. Always in the Lead on' highest Quality and Lowest Prices. 2-pound cans beBt Sweet Sugar Corn packed ' 6c 2-pound cans Fancy Wax Beans 6c 2-pound cans Fancy String Beans 6c 2- pound cans Fancy Uma Beans S-pound cans Golden Pumpkin So 3- pound cans Lye Hominy r0 3-pound cans Missouri Apples go Quart cans Golden Table Syrup no' 1- quat cans Cove Oysters.. 7o 2- ousrt cans Wisconsin Early June Sifted Peas 71 48-pound Sacks High Patent Minnesota llof $1.48 7 pounds best Kiln Dried Oatmeal...... 16o 10 pounds best Kiln Dried CornmeaJ.... 16o 10 bars best brands Laundry Soap 26o Xcelo, Malta Vita. Egg-O-See, etc., per package 749 Fresh, crisp Ginger Snaps, per pound. 4V4a THE LARGEST AND MOST RELIABLE FRESH FRUIT DEPARTMENT IN TUB CITY. . Fancy Imported Smyrna Figs, per pound 12Ha Soft Shell English Walnuts, per pound ..;.r. ..13V40 Fancy Large, Ripe Bananas, per dozen '.....120 1-pound Package Persian Dates 6a Fancy Fard Date, per pound 10a New Colorado White Clover Honey, per rack 10a Fancy, Large, Sweet, Juicy, Highland Navel Oranges, worth 40o per dosen, this sale J0o Large, Juicy Seedless Lemons, per dozen too HAVDEN BROS, BALDUFPS Gold Medal Chocolates and Bon Bons Phone 711 J CARPENTER'S PANAMA LETTERS Beginning with Sunday, March 12, The Bee will publish a series of up-to-date letters from Panama about the canal . and isthmian matters from - Frank G. Carpenter. Mr. Carpenter' sailed from ?Newv York for Central America some weeks ago and he is how Bomewhere on the ten-mile strip of land belonging to Urcle Sam, through which the great canal Is being cut. De is well equipped as to photographers, letters of intro duction, etc., and he will spend enough time there to learn what the situation is and to describe it for our readers. Among the letters Mr. Carpenter will write will be one describing the great canals of the globe and compar ing them with Panama. Ilis wide travels well fit him for this description. He has within the past few years' visited in person the Suez canal, the Manchester ship canal, the Kronstadt canal, which forms the European." entrance to the northern part of the empire of the czar, nd also the big ditch that Kaiser Wilhelm dug to let his navy quickly out to the ocean from the Baltic. lie has also seen the other great canals of Europe, including those of Holland, and has traveled upon the Grand Canal y of China, which, next to Panama, is one of the great works of the world. Another letter will discuss the big problems of tho Panama canal, including the Culebra cut, the Bohio dam, showing the enormous work to be done, and tell through the mouths of the government engineers,. how it may be accomplished. He will also take up such questions as "Labor at Panama," giving some idea of the number of men needed for the work, their wages, and whether Amer-. lean workmen can profitably be employed there, This letter may require a visit to the island of Jamaica, where so many thousand negroes were secured by the French for their work. Our Ten-Mile Strip and how it Is policed and gov- erned will also be an interesting topic, and another will be the "Baby Bepublic of Panama" and how it is gov erned, including a chat with its president upon its re-" sources and possibilities. . The health conditions will also be described, and jn fact everything connected with Panama and the canal from the standpoint of live American interest. After leaving Panama Mr. Carpenter will probably' go to Jamaica, and thence to Cuba, where he will de- scribe that island and its industries as they are in 1905. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE BEE GET EVERY NUMBER. sj sbb sjb) saa asa ass ass saa aas ass sas ssa asa asa aaa saa sas asa bbbi saa gas bjbji isa YOUR GROCER SELLS IT THE YEAR 'ROUND j .NONE SUCIIPHNCE MEAT ! la 2-PIi 10c Packages with List of Valuable Premiums. rimi-soou c. I IIUCUIi.lUTOII Z k for a QUALITY IS OUR. MOTTO 1 saasssMMssjssisj susaaal 1 sslii 1 la t Hi 1 M isIsM lilies" REST BECAUSE Ton ars WT rsylnr tor kill kaards, ( palattaa. . Clsar.. Vld dir-ct to Iba ratailer If W.U. WUOta MICKO. ClOsJK OQ Mum turn, rr. Lovit. i 1