It TTIE OMAITA DAILY I3EE: FIUPAY. MA KOI 3, 1005. CURRENT LITERATURE. "Tha Cathedrals of England," by M. J. Taber. la an account of their distinguish ing characteristic; together with brief his torical and biographical sketches of their rr.ort noted bishops. The r.uthor aaya: "The principal aim of the book la to throw something of a personal Interest around the oathedrala. by giving glimpses of the bishops, rulers, and other noted person age who have been connected with them through the long series of years which have elapsed since their erection." A collection of notea, under title "In Ex planation," constitutes the concluding sec tion of the book, and will doubtless prove of great Interest. Published by L. C. Page Co. "My Lady Laughter," by Dwlght Tllton. This romance of Boston town In the days of the great siege, opens with an animated before the Coffee House of Hla Majesty, King George the Third. My Lady Laughter Is the sweetest little Tory ever known, and woman like, her lover is an out and out patriot It was a case of a Continental major completely surrendering to the enemy, without any military In anities whatever being made. The story of Bunker Hill; the fortifying of Dor ohMittw Helahta. and many other evenfa of that time and place ore always Inter eating. Combined with a spirited love af fair it would be a atrange reader, indeed. who would fall to find enjoyment In read- In ths story. C. M. Clark, Publishing Company. "A Pioneer Doctor," by Elisabeth Porter Onuid. la the story of a beautiful and talented young woman who studied medl cine and became a nurse that she might m to forelam countries and care for the iv RhM also did missionary work, and spread the Gospel In every way possible. The ntnrv of her beautiful, unselfish life la well worth reading. Richard G. Badger, publisher. Hamlin Garland's new novel of mystery and romance. "The Tyranny of the Dark, Is reaching Its climax In Harper's Weekly, where It la appearing serially. Mr. Garland relatea, with graphic reality and dramatic Interest, the struggle of a young scientist to win a young girl from the influence of spiritualism and from a mysterious occult power which, against her will, controls all her thoughts and actions. In this novel Mr. Garland shows himself a master In a new field of fiction. "The Queen's Advocate," by A. W. Marchmont The author has used the late Servian unpleasantness and the tragic end of Queen Draga and her husband as the subject of his tale. There are all sorts of adventures with knives and rifles and pis tols and swords, and those finding pleasure In tales of this sort will certainly not be disappointed. Frederick A. Stokes company, publishers. The March magazine number of the Out look is notable for containing the first In stallment of "The Story of Port Arthur," by George Kennan, the Outlook's corre spondent in the east. 1 "In the Name of Liberty," a story of the terror, by Owen Johnson. Tills Is a romance of the common people of Paris as affected by the revolution a tragedy relieved by humor and devotion. Published by the Cen tury eompoiiy. "The Clansman," by Thomas Dixon, Jr., is a dramatlo love story which shows Abra ham Lincoln as the true friend of the south and reveals the work and spirit of the Ku Klux Klan. Published by Doubleday. Page & Co. The Rock Frog." by Harriet A. Caeever, la the story of a frog named "Ker-Chunk." When a growing frog he came to be tightly wedged Into a crevice In a big rock, and .'Wriggle and twist as he might he couldn't I extricate himself . until his prison was i broken open one day during a heavy storm and he was free at last. But one must read this unique story to find out half that happened this Rock frog and his friends. Dana, Bates & Co., publishers. "Gloria," by Faith Blckford, ta a story especially for little girls, In which Miss Lu and Ben and Uncle Richard, to say nothing of the dear little heroine, are such Interest ing and agreeable characters. The story is wholesome, with a variety of Incident, and will be welcomed by young readers, Dana, Estes & Co., publishers. Two of the latest books by Her. Charles Wagner are "My Appeal to America," pub lished by McCIure, Phillips A Co., In which he especially speaks of the pleasure of his visit In America, and urges upon all, the value of a simple, true life, and "The Voice of Nature," In which the author takes for discussion the moat commonplace and very-day occurrences, and describes them with that clearness and minuteness that only he Is able to do. This latter is pub lished by J. S. Oglivle company. "Making the Nine," by A. T. Dudley, Is the second volume of the "Phillips Ex eter Series." Tills U a story of athletics, as shown by the title, and abounds In helpful suggestions. The moral tone is high, and those interested in this subject will find pleasure In the book. Published by Lee A Shepard. The Jewish Publication society of Amer ica have issued a neat little volume of "Legends an Tales, In Prose and Verse," compiled by Isabel E. Cohen. "Prosit" a book of toasts, compiled by Clotho. with frontispiece and decorations by Gordon Ross. Certainly the book Is full of the spirit of the vine, and will cap ture the hearts of all Bohemians and urge blear-eyed Bacchus to new heights of revelry.. Published by Paul Elder & Co. "The Motor Pirate." by G. Sidney pa ternoster, la a story In which thera are many adventuresome Incldenta. Turpin, jn truth, hfta been out-Turpined by Mr. Pater noster. Published by L. O. Page A Co, "Three Weeks in Europe." John H. Hig inbotham. Is a book that will greatly as sist a busy person with limited time In planning a resful and beneficial trip. The book makes plain many of the difficulties one would imagine, and should be appre ciated by those who are contemplating such a Journey. Published by stone A Co. Chicago. REMNANTS of NEW GOODS On Sale on BARGAIN FRIDAY $1.50 &.nd $2.50 Another great assortment of import Dress Goods er's sample lengths Just at 35c Remnant received each set con- C tains from 8 to 10 pieces all the best and P newest spring goods, enough for jackets, ekirts or suits actually worth $1.50 to $2.50 yard, at, each, 35c. All the shorter lengths in the same styles and equal Q number of pieces In set, at, each 1C Mill Lenjths of Three cases recently arrived, each fine Goods containing 1,500 at 5c 10c Each yards, that ar better values than ever cashmere. Sicilians, serges, crepe voiles and all this season's styles, three-quarter yards each, at 5c and 10c. A yard for mill lengths of 45c French Organdies lUls thousands of lengths to match. 40 INCH WHITE INDIA LINON The 25c trade at 12'ic yard. The 15c grade at 7Jc yard. Remnants from Regular Stock To make a quick sale of all the (roods from our regular counters that regularly sold up to 11.00 a yard, we will sell them at JJ C Ail the lengths that sold up to 5uo yard, 3 to 10 yd pieces, go at, yard, 15; Sale of New Silk Remnants Many black silk remnants go on sale Friday all finest black silks for this season's trade in taffeta, poau u sole, inpssnlines,' arniure etc., in lengths from 1 yard to 5 yards, some full yard wide, many to match all at about half price. Fresh lots of fancy remnants and sample pieces brought forward for tills sale greatest variety and selection and many handsome silks, bargain square, at, each Remnants of White Peau de Crepe lengths from one yard to yards, actually worth 11.25 yard, go according ( f 5c40c 5c-10c-15c Fancy Silks for Skirt Waist Suits, newest spring styles :tnd..c.!?".39c-49c Ths Young Vigilantes" Is a story of Cal tfornia life in the 50s. by Samuel -Adam. Drake. This Is a story of ths "forty, niners. written from personal knowledge and recollection. Colonel Drake certainly knows what to tell and how to tell it Publi.hed by Lee 4 Bhepard. "The Watchers of the, Camp Fire." by Charles Q. D. Roberts, is ,tory of na ture and animal life sure to meet the same favor accorded the former books of Mr Roberts. Published by u c. Pag ft Co ..o..v books for sale at lowest retail Matthews. 13 South Fifteenth Bt. on Lectare on "I'arilfal." At the Ftret Congregational ehu rr'h Friday morning at In:) o'clock Mr. Clem v.. v-ii o wit o.uver an explanatory lecture on Wagner it "Pamlful ." Mlxx Curlnne Paulsen will Illuminate the motira Of the great riiuala dranm on Die plxuo and ur, Hubert Cutcadeu wlli il -Ik I RemiY&nt Sale in Basement Loreens, tines In 15c Extra Fine Mercerized Moreens, Satins and Farmers' Satlnes In black and colors, worth 40c a yard, for, per yard New Art Denims and Drapery Bur laps, artistic designs and J f colors In long lengths, go at, per yard New Fancy Satin Finishing Drap ery Material in Holland a 1 and floral designs. Spe- Wn( clal bargain, at, yard Beautiful Printed Floral Silk Or gandiesregular 50c r values, for, per ' I Washable Voile Suiting in all the leaditig spring colors, a g cleverly woven cotton IllC material, for, yard New and Splendid Lot of fine shirt intrs, light grounds with dots, str ipes, circles and small (i (i ii tou val na i ' m for, a yard 9 lie Thousands of yards of this year's finest dress ginghams, neateat and prettiest patterns ever shown in all fast colors, at, yard Best quality cambrics, long cloths and nainsooks, 15c values, at Seersucker, nurses stripes solid color, very f desirable glng- fl-C hams for 81c mbrics, 6c A special lot of fine 40 lnch Linon India In long remnants, actually worth up to 25c, go at, yard Plain colored cotton voiles as long as they last, will go at, yard Printed Lawns and Ba tistes, made from very fine threads In stripes, flowers, polka dota, etc., at per yard , 61c voiles 5c 7k IN THE LINEN DEPT. Printed Dress Satlnes, better known as Eddy ellk, as long as they last, for, a yard Very heavy grade of 36-in unbleached muslin In long lengths, will go at, per yard Yard wide bleached mus lin, 10,000 yards to sell at, yard , 5c r 36-in i In 31c d mus- 31c Mill ends aged damask at, yard slightly dam-1 Imperfect huck and duck I Napkins different mercerized tame I .10c cotton towels, worth up I to 7Hc- 1lr at, each 3 J kinds and qualities half dozens at half manufac turer's price. Embroideries Crisp, new embroideries all widths new patterns of insertlngs and edgings regularly worth up to 20c a yard at, yard 213c-61ac-10c LACE REMNANTS Laces and Insertlngs, in many new styles neat and more elaborate patterns at, a yard 212c:31sc-5c Sheet Music Sale In a Sleigh With the Girl You Love, When the Sleigh Bells Sweetly Chime, I Was Only Fooling You. Teasing, Just for Fun, Bessie, Blue Bell, Billy, Come Home Sol dier Boy, My Indian Queen, By the Dear Old t Delaware, Chicken Charlie, Northern Lights, Satisfied, St Louis Tickle , choice Mail orders MUST ber accompanied by lc for each copy postage. 14c J. L. BRANDEIS & SONS. BOSTON STORE (Cm I 1 7 S3 gU toS5eln its n nn rsmn 111 ENTIRE FLOOR SHOE STOCK OF JOIIH EBBERTS BUFFALO, 11. Y., WOMEN'S HIGHEST GLASS SHOES Thousands of pairs brought forward fresh tomorrow If the great crowd of Thursday hindered your selection, come Friday and you will have Just as big bargains and even greater variety. ALL OH IMMENSE BARGAIN SQUARES J I'M Swell Button Shoe for Ladles regular $3.50 quaiity at, pair Ladies' Fancy Beaded Party Slippers regular l'rlce up to $:.() a pair at pair Ladies' Fine French Heel Shoes regular price 14.00 a pair at, pair fo) JM1M Tr t OMAHA WEATHER REPORT Friday Fair. 1 1 Good Friday Spell" on the violin. The muBlo la from a acore sent from New York by Lionel Maplesuu. The lecture is under the direction of the Omaha Woman's Club, but Is free, and everybody la invited. NEW OFFICERS LEARN ROPES Ways of County AomlnUtratlon Helms; Explained by Oatsjoers to - the Incomers. County Auditor Robert Smith, who as sumed ths duties of hla new job Wednes day, la putting in his time at preaent famil iarizing himself with the details of adminis tration In ths various departments. Thurs day he visited the county poor farm and hospital to aet for himself the methoda of checking In supplies furnished under con tract and the samv will be dune with the county store ant the superintendent of court house. At the county store former Eupe. intend enl Tom O'Connor la Intruding his suc cessor, J. II. Olaaaman, In the beat method u( handling a sack of flour with one hand and wrapping up a package of pork at the same time. As the rush st the county store Is over for the time being, the new superin tendent will have a good chance to learn the multifarious duties of ths county agent In the fullest detail. Ed Dee has bad so much experience in handling the janitor force and the outside help that he was In position to hand his succeasor, Jos McCaffrey, a psychological chart of the qualifications necessary in ap plicants for employment. Incidentally Mr. Dee has Impressed on Superintendent Mo Caffrey the fat that a good Janitor la a Jewel of price In the proper care of a some what antiquated U-niple of Justice. The retiring officers, Messrs. O'Malley, Dee, O'Connor and McClenaghan, have not aa yet decided on their future movements. They propose to rent up for a while at least and enjoy their freedom from the cares of offlce. MILLINERY! MILLINERY! Bennett's Great Millinery TKc Most Beautiful Millinery Section West of Chicago. All the charroinp; modes and creations from the millin ery peniuses of Taris and the "continent"' in abundance. See the gay display of red hats in 16th St. Window. Prices are the lowest for new season 6tyles rv you'll find around. Trimmed hats P a U i up from AmsJf 9 These ladies in charge: Mrs. Sinclair, Mrs. Walters, Mrs. Weible, Miss Tremcvirve and Miss Hill. Every lady who espouses millinery knows these millin ery experts. (second floor) Furniture, Carpets Hardware Specials and Draperies 2c FURNITURE SPECIALS '""uaw"!1."":.: 3c DRESSF.R-Ooldcn oak finish, with . Five (50c) Green Trading' Stamp, SXC. 6.95 3X"m, 4c well flniHhed. IS.50 value, at.... J 4-hole Mouse Trap, " S1DKBOAKD Golden oak. with bev- r2,Vnd eled French mirror, neatly carved Five (50c) Green Trading Stamps. vafurSt..': ."T:. . ,.M.'i0. . 9.95 '''Tl.a'nea0"' ' 3C DINING CHAIR-Wlth Pimped wood Five GrVen 'Trading Stam seat, back neatly carved. 1.3l Qfi 7,A . . Zrr- - - BtamP- value, at "OC Out of Slht" Rat Traps, COl'CH Golden oak frame, all steel t'"cn'-: construction, covered with choice ve- I en W.flO) Green Trading Stamps. !ngr,Rlvah,oW8atdee.P..t.U... 7.75 acfir IOC Mtynot?to$ ILOreenTTadingBVamps. neatly carved, 14.00 value, at..fcJU Good Quality Soup fl J Strainer IUC SHAM HOr,DER8-AdJustable Sham Ten W.OO) Green Trading Stamps. aautaVWeZh.r..n.bfdS' 25C T'" COtt" IOC Twenty (2.00) Green Trading Stamps. Ten '(i.66)'Gree'n''TraVling Stamps. Bennett's Great China Section A Charming Special for Friday A sample line of Japanese China from a great New York importer only one piece of a kind. To close out the lot we make the following prices, only possible because of the big bargain we got on the line ourselves. Chocolate Jugs, up from 1.00, 75c and Sugars and Crenms, pair. J1.00, 75c, 60c and .......... Cracker Jars, up from $1.00. 60c and , Tea Pots, $1.60, $1.00, 75c and Cream Pitchers, each, 60c. 25c, 20c, 16c and Bon Bon Boxes, each, 60c, 25c, 20c and Hair Receivers, each, 60c, 26c and Cake Plates, each, $1.25. $1.00 and ,50c ,25c 42c 50c ..10c 15c 20c 75c 10c 10c 25c 50c vCups and Saucers, 25c, 10c, if!-. 15c and IUC 10c outue trreen 1 ratlins Stumps with every Item In this lino and re. member opsone piece of a kind. (second floor. Pin and Jewel Trays, each, 25c, 20c, 15c and Plates, each, 25c, 20c 15c and Nut Bowls, up from 60c, 45c, 35c and Berry or Fruit Bowls, up Pepper and Bait Shakers, Ul Mustard Pots, 20c ana BENfjfeTT'S GREAT GROCERY Special Money Sales Every Day in Our Famou Grocery ien (ii.wn oreen Trading Stamps with lb, can Diamond "S" Salmon 22c Five (50c) Green Trading Stamps with S o pugs, uneeaa Biscuits loo Ten ($1.00) Green Trading Stamps with 8 pkgs. Bennett's Capitol mince meat 26c Ten ($1.00) Green Trading Stamps with , 3 Pkgs. Bennett's Capitol oats..20o Forty ($4) Green Trading Stamps with sack Excelsior flour $1 75 Ten ($1.00) Green Trading Stamps with S-lb. can choice table syrup 1214c Ten ($1.00) Green Trading Stamps with 2 pounds fine Japan rice 14c Ten ($1.00) Green Trading Stamps with 2 pounds tapioca 14,3 Five (50c) Green Trading Stamps with Jar Diamond S preserves 10c Twenty ($.!) Green Trading Stamps with Aluminum Coffee Maker. ...25c ' CANDIES Twenty ($2) Green Trading Stamps with lb. box Bennett's Special Choco late Creams 25C EASTER NOVEI.TIE8 FROM ONE CENT EACH UP. DR. BRADBURY 1006 FARNAJT Teeth Extracted.-. J25c Porcelain Filling $1 up Oold Filling $1 up Sliver Filling,. .0c up Crowns $2.80 up FlatM $3.00 up DENTIST r 15 Year Same Location 'Phono 1756. Bridge Work $2.50 up Nerve removed with out pain. Loo Teeth Mad Solid. Work guaranteed 10 years. SPECLSL VERY 10W ROUND TRIP RATES ESomeseeicerS VIA UNION PACIFIC March J and 21, (905 FROM OHtHl SI5.00 $1 Stork Yards Hturk. to aharea Sioux City per cent pfd. slock at W, dlv. qtrly. B. Burns, Jr., m N. V Life, To Cheyenne, Lara ml , Rawlins, and all Inter mediate Wyoming points. Llnion, Ft Morgan, Ster ling and all Intermediate Colorado points, I A A To Colby, Oakley and all UU intermediate Kansas points. flllft FATA points in Kansas snd I U S 00 JvurnB&a, whi ui tuu iua (minima rt eluding Manhattan, san- Cd 116.00 la uuj uu u wmw brut aas Ifahraatra HUn Kluu tot iu.00 la Kjuiim Mat el Olklii at Inquire at City Ticket Offlce, 1324 Far nam St. 'Phone 816. ..ABDOMINAL SUPPORTERS., DIAMONDS 1 We have them In all sizes in the better qualities at correct prices. Diamonds have been made a study by us for twenty years and we are willing to give you the result. With each purchase we give you a con tract to take it back at any time within one year less 10 per cent of price paid. 1 Rings from $5.00 to $D09. 15T-"&D0DGE. DOCTOR WE SELL ABOUT FORTY KINDS Hrices from !. 10 S.OO LHLU8 AND Hl'KUKK (iOOLiB. Write for Catalorua. SHERMAN & McCON&ELL DRUQ CO Cbr. uiu n Pudgs His.. OMAUX SEARLES AND SEARLES W use our own nam In our buatness; you know who you are doing- business with. Ceaeultatloa Prcs VARICOCELE -- HYDROCELE cured. Method new, without pain or loss of Urns. CHARGES LOW. Rl nin Pnitnil cured for life, soon every 01UUU rUldUn .,n. .ymptom (aorea on body, in mouth, tongue, throat, hair and eyebrow (ailing outj disappear completely forever. Weak, Marions, Men wn"wl!ffi ocas, narvoua debility, early dacltB, lack of vigor and atreogth. IHJMAHY. Kldnay and Bladder Troubles. Weak Back, Burning Urine, Frequency or Urinating. Urine lligh Colored or wltn JilJky Beulment on atandlng. Treatment by mall. 14 years OF SUC CESSFUL, PRACTICE IN OMAHA. Cor ker of UUt sad Douglas, Omaha. Neh PErUTV STATE VETERINARIAN. H. L. RAMACCIOTTI, D. V. S. CITV VKTKRM4HIA. OHr and Infirmary, OMAHA, KKU. .. 8th and Muioa 8ts Telephone 03J. GREAT SALE OF LADIES' MUSLIN UNDERWEAR THB5 UELIABI.B ITOHS. N. P. and IV. a Erect Form Corstfs, New Styles, at 59c Grand Embroidery and Lace Sale 7oc COI1SET COVKli EMHUOIDKKIKS 1 A 0 10c and 20c TOIJCHON LACErW r per jnrd JC This 1b not a Job lot of Iacra, but a complete line of Matched Sots of Edges and luaertlnps. High Grade Wash Goods Dept. Kemnniit of hljfh class white merterisetl Jannmrd. Marseilles, of all the winter Koods closed out. These goods sold nt 50c to rnrd, and will close nt Iioimianta of Sultinn Half llneu and nil linen, in 10 -yard length mini irom ic to yara will go nt, yard iicninnnrs or irc I'ercales nnd loc and S.ic Madras and (ilngh win ciuwe at, a yara It KMX ANTS OF 11HJH 5HAl)K UxixVis". T?ir,mn iWb n t K11 ..111. f 1 , 1 1 1 1 ... . . . .. .......,.,, ui an Him o.ic una j:k- niereenxtHi linings, near Moren Kkirtlng nellclns, etc. worth from 25c to 5ic a yard all will go at, yard VcstingB, etcH 15c-12!c s, that I n am o 1 OoU llks, percallnes, 10c White Jap wash sllks-19 Inches nu-Bl, yard White Jnp wash silks 27 Inches wide at, yard wrme jnp wash silks 36 inches AVr wlde-t, yard 25 I'KH CENT DISCOUNT ON ALT. Friday's Silk Specials. 25c 39c MISS THIS OPUOHTUNITY. Black Jap ailka 20 Inches wide at Black Jnp silks 27 Inches wide nt Black J;ii tlks 36 inches wide at BII.K HRMNANT FRIDAY. 29c 65c " 82c DON'T High Grade Wool Dress Goods Remnants of 54-lm h all wool Suitings, remnants of $1.R0 Voiles, silk and wool Enlierv iifs, eninns, a i ua truss, etc., tnat Bold from i.hh to 3.W a yard all will go on yard."18..8.1: lOc, 15c, 19c, 25c, 39c, 49c Friday's Domestic Room Bargains 5c 10c Zephyr Glng- nam. at vd 12c Hoft finish t amtirlr. nt yd. ion bleached mus lin, at, yd... 6c !c i'ic Standard Dress 'Hr I'rtnts, at, yd wjw 30c Jacqtiard de lO!r wole. per yd 'J I5r Printed Batiste, 3b In. wide, yd. 5c I6c India l.lnon, very yir flheer, at, yd a IRo Apron Lawn, 40 A In in. wide, yd JW ISc Curtain Swiss, Zi fii r In wide, at. yd vw REMNANTS OF AM. KINDS OF TARI.E LINES AT HALF Remnants of 10c Drapery Cretonne, fi 1-, i Remnants of 18c Sllkollne, best Olrt at. yard U5t mude. at. vnrd 09W Remnants of 30c Art Ticking, 7r 8!c Bed Spreads, extra heavy, Mar- illr at, yard "I sellles pattern, at W On Track and Unloading Another Car oK Highland Navel Oranges. The Highland Navel Oranirca are the finest that grows. They excel all others for brlghtnexs, sweetness and rich flavor. We ship direct from the grower, thus sav ing our customers from 6c to K)c per dozen. Our sales on the Highland navels this sea son have more than douhled anv urevious seuson, thus showing they are far the flneat oranges on tne market. Tomorrow, this car will be placed on sale Regular 40c size anywhere, our price, per dozen 25c Regular 3c size, anywhere, our price per dozen 20o Regular 25a size anywhere, our price, per dozen 15c Regular 20c slae anywhere, our price, ltr nozen NO LIMIT ALT. VntT WAVT CANNED GOODS TRUST BADLY BRO- KEN. They have heen fnrceit tn dell thn finnot packs on the market fnr rirltrnloimlv Iniu prices. : READ THESE ANTI-TRUST PRICES: 2- lb. cans finest sweet sugar corn packed at So 3- lb. cans finest golden pumpkin packed. So 3-lb. cans finest lye hominy packed 6o Qt. cans golden table syrup packed 7V40 3-lb. cans finest solid panked tomatoes. 7Hifl 2-lh. cans fancy wax beans oO 2-lb. cans fancy strlnglens heana fx 2-lb. cans fancy Lima beans 5a 1-lb. cans Baltimore cove oysters 7V4o 1-lb. cans Anderson's or Campbell's soups, any kind mi Large bottles pure tomato catsup "Vo 48-lb. sacks high patent Minnesota Hour $1.48 10 bars Swift's Pride, Beat 'Em All or White Barls Laundry soap 250 5-lbs. best hand picked navy beans, barley, sago or farina 19o 7-lbs. best rolled oats .........lf'O 5-Ihs. eond Jannn rice lt'o 3 Crown Muscatel Basins, 1g 6o HAYDEW BROS. Back to EVIy Old Location. 1322 Farnam Street. 'PEN I Saturday, March 4 WE WILL APPRECIATE A CALL ALBERT CAHN, Men's Furnisher and Shirt Maker. 1322 FARNAM. x Have You a Bugy For Sale? There arc lots of people in Omaha who cannot afford a new rig but would be glad to buy your second hand one for all it is worth. If they just knew about it. If you want to sell your horse, buggy, carriage, wagon or cow and get what they are worth place a amall ad in The Dee's For Sale Miscellaneous Column No ad taken for less than 20c. . a () THE SMALLEST ELGIN Watch Is a beauty. Is surely the daintiest thing In a ladles' Watch open face, to be worn with chatelaine pin or cnaui. Biop in ana nee mrm. i iumi we nave so many other atylea of I..llf' WatcheM, ranging from around tiu.oo to Jt).. Upend a few minute in our store, ljuuk I fur the name. S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler, ILii pouglaa sUrast,