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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 2, 1905)
THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY. MARCH 2. ); Great waves of heavy hair! Oceans of flowing tresses! Beauty, elegance, richness ! Ayer's Hair Vigor is a hair-food. It feeds the hair and the liair grows. That's all there is to it. Arid it is a splendid tonic to the hair, giving the hair follicles tone and strength. This is why it checks falling hair so promptly. As a dressing, it keeps the hair soft and smooth and prevents splitting at the ends. Mad toy the 1. C. ir Co.. tewell. Kui. AIM a an u feat u rare of ATKH'S cmT PBCTORAL-rorroncM. ATKH'8 PILLS For eosrtlpatlos. ATBK'S SaKSAPARlLLAFor tb blood. ATtB'S AGUB CURB-For BMleria aaaafM. NEW DOME FOR YOUNG WOMEN BoandinaTlan Toncg Women' Ohriitian Association Open for Easiness. PLACE WHERE GIRLS MAY LIYE RIGHTLY Institution Will Accommodate Thirty Who Mmt He ot Irreproachable Character and Eminent Respectability, The formal opening of the Scandinavian Young Women' Christian Association home at Twenty-sixth street and Capitol avenue took place Wednesday afternoon from 2 to 6 and from 8 to 10 o'clock, and will be continued during the same hours today, to which a most cordial Invitation Is extended to the public. A pro grim of instrumental music waa observed during the reception hours, In which soma ot Omaha's best talent par ticipated. Refreshments were served dur ing reception in the dining room. Tho coiner stone of the new home was laid July 24 of last year with impressive ceremonies and tho association took pos session of the finished structure Decem ber 20. The homo Is designed for the accommoda tion ot young women employed In the city who have no other home. The essential of admission is excellence of character and re spectability. "While ostensibly for young women of Scandinavian descent, the home makes nj. tilsttnMtiin as to the religious or denominational belluf of applicants nor of their nationality, ' (j Arranged for Thirty. Th building is a three-story structure of frame and cost approximately $9,000. There are) .thirty-five rooms in the building. The basement is devoted to the lavatory and laundry,; furnace! room, Janitor's quarters Ilct6,W6oSl'i..Thr.rat, Or' Maid" floor contains the reception room and hall, sit ting room, library, general office, private office, kitchen, pantry and refrigerator room, dining room and music room. The second and third floors are devoted to the dormitories, which consist of twenty-four bed rooms, each airy and well lighted and neatly - and - comfortably furnished, with bath and toilet on each floor. The building Is heated by hot water. The bed rooms each contain a bed, two chairs and a dresser and are also provided with rugs, thus presenting a cosy,' cleanly and very home'lke appearance At present there are but twenty-five young women ,at the home. There are ample accommodations for about thlrtv. The home Is conducted by a board of seven women trustees Miss Maria Holness, president of the association, general man ager; Ella Strand., Hattle Landen, Alma Nelson, Ella Nelson, Julia Carlson, Othllea BJorkgren and an udvlsory board, con sisting of Rev. Peter M. Llndberg, presi dent of the Nebraska Swedish Lutheran Conference and pastor of the Immanuel Swedish Lutheran church ot Omaha: Rev. J. Korell of Swedeborg, Neb., and Attorney Alvln Johnson ot Omaha. Officers of tho Home. The officers of the Scandinavian Young Women's Christian association are: Miss Maria Holness, president; Ella Nelson, first vice president; Alma Nelson, second vice president; Ella Johnson, recording secre tary; Agnes BJorkgren, financial secretary. Associated1 with the management are a committee of three on programs, a commit tee of nine a sick visiting committee and a committee of twelve known as the serv ing committee. All members of the com mittees are young women. Sunday afternoon from 4:30 to 5:S0 a class In Bible study meets, and devotional serv ices are held each evening. There Is also an evening school held each evening for the study of the English language. The regular meetings ot the association are held the third Fridays of each month at the home. The home Is not in any sense a charitable Institution, but Is a comfortable. Christian home for young women of moderate means and reputable character, where they can be surrounded with wholesome Christian influ encea. Announcements of the Theaters. The Orpheum road show, the big vaude vllle attraction that Is doing a record breaking business at the Orpheum this week, will be the only offering at the theater this afternoon. The matinee will start at 2:16 sharp. Mclntyre and Heath change their bill at this performance, pre senting their famous ''Georgia Minstrels," which they will keep on for the remainder of the week. For the children Spessardy's bears and ponlps will prove a treat. The cunning bears do many cute and enter taining "stunts." On Friday evening at the Boyd theater Mr. Kyrle Bellew will be seen in what has been universally pronounced one of his greatest character creations, that of Raffles, the central figure of the fine play that has been made by E. W. Hornung and Eugene Pressbey out of the Hornung story, "The Adventures of an Amateur Cracksman." No sketches of recent days have been more eagerly read than these, and the presentation' of Raffles and Bunny on the stage has been decidedly success ful. In the play a strong interest Is added by the Introduction of a love episode and the character of the detective. Captain Beresford, is developed also. Mr. E. M. Holland has the latter part and fairly shines alongside . the star. Raffles will be at the Boyd on Friday and Saturday evenings and a matinee on Saturday.- . Ifomcseekera' Excursions. The Chicago Great Western railway will on the first and third Tuesdays of each month sell tickets at one far plus $2 for the round trip to points in Alabama, Flor ida, Georgia. Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia and Wisconsin. For further Information annlv to 8. D. Parkhurst, general agent. 1513 Far- nam street, Omaha, Neb. Presidential Inauguration Ceremonies, Washington, D. C, March 4, 1905, One fare plus 12 00 for the round trip via the Chicago Great Western railway. Tick ets on sale February 18th to March 2nd in elusive. For further information apply to S. D. PARKHURST, General Agent. 1512 Farnam 8t., Omaha, Neb. Flnrt-class watch and Jewelry work at Hubermann s, corner 13th and Douglas. Invest Constant Oil stock. S01 N. T. Life. IS K. wedding rings. Kdhqlm, jeweler. LOCAL BREVITIES. Maul Undertaking Co, 419 S. 15th. Tel. 225. The Woman's Socialist union will mt with Mrs. John Llndberg, 824 Hickory street on Friday, March 8, at 2:30 p. m. All friends ana siuuems or social economy are invited. Nina Jurgensen, secretary. Articles of Incorporation have been filed by II. E. Owen and A. A. Lovelace, who will operate as the Owen St Lovelact Con tracting company. In doing general rail road, canal and diking work. The capital stock Is 120.000. Jap R Soap exquisite for toilet and bath. Odor of natural flowers. It is soothing and pleasant to the skin. Will not injure baby's delicate cuticle. Laboratory experiments without number have been made in perfecting Jap Rose. . . . JAMES S. KIRK & COMPANY AFFAIRS AT SOUTII OMAHA Citj Council Takes 8tpt to Issue New Bonds for City HalL PETITION PRESENTED AT SPECIAL MEETING Matter Haly Verlnea and Cllr At torney Directed to Draw Ordinance Which Will Be Passed Without Delay. The city council met In special session last night for the purpose of looking over petitions for the Issuing of bonds for a city hall site and building. This petition, which is signed by 14ti freeholders, Is as follows: We. the undersigned resident freeholders of the city of South Omaha, respectfully petition your honorable body to call an election to be held at the time of holding the general election in April next, and submit to the voters at said election the question of Issuing bonds to the amount of ITO.nno to defray the cost of rmrehaalng grounds and erecting a city hall thereon for tho use of the city. City Attorney Lambert sent In a com munication stating that he had examined the foregoing petition and that it con tained the names of 100 freeholders. Klewlt offered a motion that the city attorney be directed to draft an ordinance for the Issuing of the bonds and the sub mission of the proposition. The mayor was directed to Issue the necessary proc lamation In due time to carry out the terms of the motion. The council is to sit as a board of equali sation on March 14 to equalise and levy the taxes on several grading and street Improvement districts. A notice of this meeting Is to be printed In the official paper of the city six times. Salaries of city officers, employes, the fire and police departments were allowed for the month of February. Another meeting of the council will be held at 7:30 o'clock this evening., when the bond ordinance will be put on Its first reading. Rev. Stambanglt III Again. Rev. W. D. Stambaugh, pastor of the Lefler Methodist church, is again confined to his home and the expectation is that he will have to undergo another operation. Rev. Stambaugh has only recently recov ered from an operation for appendicitis and his labors during the evangelistic sea son were beyond hie strength. Tuesday Mr. Stambaugh was taken seriously 111 at Richfield, Neb., where he had gone to look after church matters and waa brought home under the care of a physician. After an examination made by Dr. Slabaugh yesterday the opinion was given that the preacher would be compelled to submit to another operation. Meets Again Friday. An adjourned meeting of the Board of Education is to be held on Friday night It Is expected that at this meeting somu definite arrangements for the opening of the new high school will be made. The date of the usual spring vacation will also be set. Work on the new high school build ing la progressing as rapidly as can be ex pected. Contractor McDonald says that he Is practically through and the heating and ventilating plant la being Installed. While Bteam waa turned on temporarily some time ago the direct system was used When the heating Is completed the Indirect system will be Installed. The concern that Is Installing the Indirect system has an expert here who Is doing his best to hasten the work. Mosely Goes West. Harvey D. Mosely has resigned his posl tion In the offices at the Union Stock yards and will leave about the middle of the month for Eldora, Colo. Mr. Mosely Is one of the best known youhg men in the city. He served a term as deputy post master prior to the time he waa with the stock yards company. Mr. Mosely will move his family to Colorado where he is interested In the mining business with Kay W. Hunt, a former resident of South Omaha. Mr. Mosely's friends have ex pressed regrets at h,ls leaving here but they all Join in wishing him well in his new venture. Magle City Gossip. The street department force worked enough last montn to run up a bill of 1336.75. Farmers assert that the country roads are arying up rapidly ana tne irost is coming uui IUBl. B. B. Wilcox spent yesterday in the neigh borhood of Fremont looking after some business matters. M. D. Brewer, brother of G. H. Brewer. left yesterday for Hartford, Conn., where ho expects to resiae. James McGuIre left yesterday afternoon for Los Angeles, Cal., where he expects to go to work lor ueorge i'arns. , Some of the paved streets are being cleaned by a force under the direction of Tom Irwin, tne street foreman. T.- B. Mcpherson, cashier of the Union Stock Yards National bank, is in Washing ton and will remain there for a few days. Harry Trumble, one of the tellers at the Packers' National bank, spent yesterday at Columbus, Neb., attending the wedding of a relative. A dinner was served last evening by St. Martin's church at the home of Mrs. W. P. Adkins. The proceeds will go toward church expenses. The funeral of Theresa Nemetc will be held at the Bohemian Catholic church Fri day forenoon. Interment at St. Mary's cemetery. Charles Allen, police court bailiff, waa hobbling around on crutches yesterday. He has been laid up lor a couple or weeks with rheumatism. A Bon was born yesterday to Mr. and Mrs. John J. Oillln. On account of the new ar rival at his home Mr. Glllln was not at his desk at the city clerk's office yesterday. Knnxall council No. 1464. Royal Arcanum. will initiate a class of candidates on Friday night at Masonic hall. The new degree team will exemplify the full Initiation exercises with costumes. Visitors from Omaha and Council Bluffs are expected. SHIPP'S CIRCUS DOING WELL Children from Orphanage and Insti tute (or Deaf Enjoy tho Mat face Performance. Bhlpp's circus played to a good-slsed audience at the Auditorium yesterday after noon and evening, and the show continues to give the greatest satisfaction both to adults and children. At the afternoon performance the chil dren from St. James' orphanage at Benson and the pupils from the Institute for the Deaf were the specially Invited guests, and the way they enjoyed the splendid show waa a sight to behold. The little tots from the orphanage were overjoyed with the sights they saw and the funny antics and remarks of the clowns, while the deaf mutes were beside themselves with delight and wonder. " . 1 Arthur Adair, the musical clown, was one of the particular favorites with the chil dren, and the trained horses and the edu cated bull. King Bill, fascinated the entire audience with their marvelous perform ances. The Ty-Bell slaters in their hazard ous teeth swinging feat. Miss Nellie Carroll, tne high wire bicycle rider, and in fact every performer waa watched with breath- leae interest and heartily applauded by both old and young. Mr. Bhlpp baa the cream of the circus world in his very select company. In fact, they are the topllners ftom the big sum mer clrcusea and week after next they will Join the great summer shows, such aa Ring. ungs, carnum at uauey a and Sells Bros. This excellent organisation for Indoor work will play the remainder of the week at the Auditorium, presenting a fine program Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights and a matinee on Saturday. Spring SvIU New Spring Suits and Overcoats for Men and Boys Now Ready Today we announce the first grand display of Xeuy Spring Clothing for men and boys. The above announcement was practically forced upon vs,for two reasons: First, there never was a time in the history of this store when we were so completely sold out of winter goods. Second, the demands for the past ten. days by our customers for new spring garments have been so numerous that we insisted on immediate shipments from our tailors. While other stores are making frantic efforts to reduce their winter stocks, our custo?ers can come here and male their spring selections. The newest spring styles that will be worn by men this season are here in great variety. The assortments are broader and larger than we have ever displayed before. Styles for men have changed materially since last season. Coats are cut longer and in straight front effects. Altogether there has been an improve' vient in graceful lines and in tone All of the style changes are now authoritatively represented here. New Spring Overcoats I New Sprinj Hats FARNAM AND FIFTEENTH sktii Sol FARNAM AND FIFTEENTH New I Spring I Shoes I w. mw aw- m i v Cures Unnecessary Pains No. 1655 Eliot St., Dewtick, Coi., June 20, 1904. I had bwn suffering from frmale troubles for the past nine rears, and if it had not beon for Wine of Cardnl I would be suffering yet. My husband had to break up bis business Kast to come with me to Colorado, as a change of climate tia recommended to me by friends. Coming to Denver I felt gome change in my' appetite, but my general health was aa bad as ever. I did not care to bother my husband to go back East as it would hare broken up our home and business, so I had my family physician attend rue, but all his skill came to naught. I asked him whether there was tome known cure for my trouble and be told me there was a patent medicine but he would not recommend it. I noticed that his object was to keen tne for his natient so I went to the drug store and asked for a patent medicine and I was told that Wine of Cardui was tried by some people with success. He would not guarantee whether it would fit my case. I bare tried X it and I can say that Wine of Cardui with plenty of fresh air ft v 1- '"ill do more than all the doctor combined. I recommend t. j Ck U 1 Wine of Cardui to all female sufferers where no surgical USHrtaVa H operation is necessary. 0RJE Esther M.Davidson Every woman should know that there is relief from pain in every bottle of Wine of Cardnl. That expensive treatment by specialist or change of air by traveling thousand of mile from borne is not only unnecessary but unavailing, is proven beyond doubt by Mrs. Davidson4! experience with Wine of Cardui. You can make the game test of Wine of Cardura merits that she made. You can be cured the same as she was curasT. Wine of Cardui relieves woman's unnecessary pain. It regulates disordered periods. It invigorates the womanly organs, driving out bearing down pains, ovarian pains, nervousness and all femalo weaknesses. Ask your druggist for Wine of CaHui. Thedford'a Black - Draught to regulate the bowe kidneys and llror contributes greatly to the cure. 2E ntLM M AT THE PLAY, HOUSES. "A Race for Life" at the Krnn. One Theodore Kremer play differs from another Theodore Kremer play only as one star differs from another in glory. It is rather a distinction than a difference. One of his latest In "A Race for Life," which Sullivan, Harris & Woods have sent out with their customary care oa to scenic detail. It admits of a great deal of this tort of treatment and Introduces a very realistic horse race scene, the central mo ment of the play's action. It has a most villainous villain, and the trouble starts almost as soon as the curtain goes up. But why particularize? Two rather smHll audiences were thrilled to ,the limit by the progress of the events unfolded In this admittedly lurid production yetor day at the Krug. The engagement was for the one day only. BENEFIT FOR JVIONUMENT FUND Women Will Give Literary and Musical Entertainment to In crease Cash, on Hand. The special committee of the Woman's Veteran Union Soldiers' Monument associa tion of Douglas county to select a time and place for the entertainment to be given by Miss Spencer for the benefit of the monu ment fund met Wednesday afternoon at the rooms of the Young Women's Christian association in the Paxton block. Miss Spencer was present at the meeting to confer with the committee. It was finally decided to give ths enter tainment on the evening of March 16, prob ably at the First Congregational church, Nineteenth and Davenport, streets. . The program, will comprise several literary and musical numbers, Including recitations, sketches and readings by Miss Spencer, who is an actress and the daughter of a deceased veteran, who is in the city visit ing with old friends for a short while. Miss Spencer donates her services for the occa sion and will superintend the production of the program. also want to riiBh the diking and rlp-rap-plng at several other bridges, In order to protect them against possible damage. It Is expected that It will be some time next week before the Valley bridge can bo made available for traffic, and possibly not until the week following, because the dnmnge Is serious and difficult of repair at this time. Don't depend on drugs to digest your food; take Diner's Digesters and get your stomach In condition to do 1U duty. At Myers-Dillon Drug Co. 1 Caraten'a Claim Against City. AugUHt Curstens has Informed the city that he expects l.Vm damages for Injuries alleged to nave been sustained to his left side, hip and leg by falling In tho stone gutter on Sixteenth street near tho Hoard of Trade building. He says tho stone blocks had become depressed ami that this caused him to fall. Ho Ih willing to let the fcoo cover damages to tils clothing. Tho accident occurred February 29 at ll o ciock at nignt. Harry B. Davis, undertaker. Tel. 1226. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Former Governor James K. Boyd has re covered sufficiently from a long siege with grip and oilier complications to come down town. REPAIRING COUNTY BRIDGES Steps Being Taken to Avert Danger front Spring Freshets In Local Streams. The county board was represented In the country yesterday by Commissioners Mc Donald, Tralnor and Hofeldt. Chairman Kennard Is In Toledo attending the funeral of his mother and Commissioner Brunlng was left on watch to attend to possible emergencies at the board rooms. The three commissioners went out to see how Surveyor Kdqulst and his. men. are getting alongwlth the repairs to the half mile pile bridge near Valley, four spans of which were destroyed by the floating Ice and of the Fremont bridge. They Correct quality goods and lowest prices at A. b. Uwberua&n a, jeweler, UUj A Doug. TARTAR IS A TARTAR Soft, iponpy, sensitive fums result from tartar accumulation. It should be removed at ones by your dentist and thereafter pro vented by the use of SOZODOWT TOOTH POWDER. and its complement, SOZODONT Liquid, Ths Powder is slightly abrasive, Is abso lute! free from grit and acid, and Is Just the thlnr (or those who have an Inclination for ths niceties of every-day life. I FORMS. LIQUID. POWDER, PASTE. TOO LATB TO CLASSIFY. LOST, my pension eerttflmte on street; re ward. W. IL i'arka, VUX Lea venworlh !., Oman i Loev-AlltS i Of course -Ghirardelli's Ground Chocolate is a per fect breakfast drink but it tastes good and does good at any time of day. . Ghirardelli's is the drink ideal for every meal. More convenient and - economical than cake chocolate. You should mnKnatlze your Income with a savings account and let It draw into Its safe coffers the pennies, the nlr'kles and the the dimes you would otherwise wast f 1.00 will start an account with us, on which we will pay you 6 per cent, compounded semi-annually. OMAHA LOAN AND BUILDING ASSOCIATION n. W. LOOM IS. President. O. M. NATTINUEK. Secretary. 1794 FAH.VA.U S'MtUUT. ULD43. Dallrhtfully fragrant. Cooling-to Scalp. Btopa Itching-Instantly. NEWBRO'S HERPICIDE THE ORIdirsAL, remedy that "kills the Dandruff Germ." GdlNG-l CxQllMG !! GONE III. am. n hespicide will save it iLe A MAIN'S WIPE It la the duty of some wives to patch and darn the family wearing appsrsl, but when the natural ooverlng of hubby's crown wears through, it shows tiiHt the "stitch In time" was neg lected. Every wife should be "scalp inspector 10 ine lamuy, Deoause dan druff I a contagious disease, j l.nt Is Infection, then after weeks or months dandruff appears, followed by Itching scalp and falling hair. Newbro's Her plclda kills 'he germ and cures every stage of this disease except chronlo baldness. Marvelous results follow Its use. An exquisite hair dressing. nif Sterts, II. M. Sestf Kk, Umnt. to IIEKPICIDE CO.. Dept. S. Dtlrslt. Mkk.. for s ssnsli. ftI1EKVlA.fN 5c MaCOINNELL DRUG CO.. Kpaclal Affcnt. APPLICATIONS AT PROMINENT BARBER SHOPS. I II LIKE MOTHER USED TO BnS an sfls ans KM MAKE" I !N()NESUCHMINCE MEAT! ' In 2-Ple 10c Packages with List of Valuable Premiums. MMm-IOOU CO. I ITMCUII.SiWTOIII Z naaaaanis IHBnaSnfnSanVnVflBBntnfl BSSBBBnilBW roc cXrS I 1 DR. McGREW SPECIALIST. Treats all forms at DISEASE8 OF MEN SS fears' Kiperleaee IS Venn In Omaha A Medical Kzpert whose remarkable sufweM has uevef been excelled. Nearly 30,000 Cases Cured. Vtrlcoccl. Hydrocele. Blooe roiwa. Slcjctur, OI.t Nwreiu DDIIUr. Lm et Sums) ul VkUlllf. His Home Treatment tat trsiuilf er '.Bouund. ot mm ml tferest Karroo, KaeUl, Kisner a Sia4dae aa4 Sala lia aaaaa at small soat. Sato IIbm n nooajr ar Sa. analog real eeee eo write tor rRKS BOOK eeg toraw at UeataiaeL MaSialaa seal la slala saekasa Charges Low Consultation Frea OBloa Hear a a, m. to a. m i SaaSafa, m. le a m. Call er write, gas Its. Saoa II a. 14th St.. OsMka. Mas. Advance Spring Styles In Women's Shoes. Entirely new end never shown before. The "Potay" and new "iJron" Toe. are the advance styles for sr.rlng wear. ThfH Hre the two leading NEW I..AHTH for wotnen s shoes. We slways show the NEWKHT ss soon s It appears In the east. If you want the very Intent creations In f'Ktwrnr, don't full to visit "Drexel's." Yoti will lie shown all the NKW HHAl'KS In shoes and are always welcome at our store whether you buy or not. Ask to see the NKW "DROP" Toe. Drexel Shoe Go,, 1419 FARNAU STREET. Omiti.'. Up-!rli!i Sboi Hun ABK FOR OUR FREE CATAIOOUE tit! bur a BEUTIfiIL VOUIX. 0 rally bail ei oer aaor. bar o barms Use la Ike glory 4U Iktnuaa Imperial Hair Regenerator Is reeponslbie fnr attet of the baantiml auaonaui nalr joa en to-ar. Itiaebea luuily bsrailnaa. Mlir aulie4.alaraJu thla fur Bardol if naieiwihTsiiiy)e tt bair colored tre. Keurt l-r re.ilj'l w. us tfc.nae Tart MitCeeaeU Ins V. WIS iU Evory Woman , It Into retted an attmild know fttmiii th wonderful MARVEL V-hlrrma Spray lTb nw Vawtul Pyrin f lry& -Mntt c :mvnlnu III M..'f a tear 4rwtlat trt tt. If ho ranotaujiil the MAHVfcl.. arrentno oilier, but nd ttaniD f'lt llin.lratefl hook Itelvee full Durlletilara and direction. In- iu la. lira HtHViXCO., i ram uew, saw sera. or sals by SCIIAEFER s I'KL'O 8TORF.0 15th and Chicago sts.: Bo. Omaha, 24th and N sts.j t'oumll muffs, (Ih and Main sts. KL'IIN A CO.. iith and Un giss streets. NEMAN TABLETS Induce reatful sleep. Core Nsrvouaneaa, Hlomseh, Kidney and Bladder troubles, asd produce Hume. mil Strength and Vitality. Mold hy Itrngglets. By mall, tl.Ul; or three boif . 17 75. Also NERVAN LAXATIVE PILLS eti. f or sample Tablets, endow 10 cenii to Tbe Nervan Tablet Inelnnatl, O. for Sale kg tne Hraloa Drag Co., and All Druggists. la I le k.ff e .. mm m r. ...... r WAnmsiuri v - WENANOWOMin, V I UeoBlf lfrsneer ,,AI itrharfM,lasamaialioots i U Irrlielieaa tr uloeretloaa. ... of aii.ii ajieaibraaee. raioiaee, aan 001 wnai geot or eol.eaons. aoiat by orngatsta. CvuisChiiciC irrt 9 V er sent le slain ra 9 t ereea, areeeie l ereee, ereeeie, I . erlbeltl.eS3.7e. 1 1