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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 2, 1905)
10 THE OMAIIA DAILY HEEt THURSDAY. MARCIT 2, 1003. GASOLINE MOTOR CAR READY Union Pacifla Experiment in Rapid Transit for Suburban Line. WILL MARK AN EPOCH IN RAILROADING Blar Machine In ma.ll Spaee rle t Harry Light Traflla Aerci Ceantry at Trunn ion gpeed. ' confined In width to the atandard gauge or trick, which li but four feet eight and one-half Inches, Is a self-regulated, per fectly balanced, 100-horse power six-cylinder gasoline engine, with all Its accom panying mechanism; an Independent ace telyne gas plant and lighting generator, with full equipment of the latest design and pattern; an entire and complete hot water heating system, with a full net work of pipes and connections: an accurate speed recording and self-acting signal out Yesterday saw the culmination of a series of events at the I'nlon Pacific railroad shops that in all probability marks an Im portant epoch In the science of railroad transportation. This was the moving under Its own power of the new Union Pacific Gasoline Motor Car No. 1, about which so much has been said and written. In the short length of thirty feet and fit, with Indicator dlala and arms; two complete Sanders of unique design; a full, complete and perfect working high speed automatic air brake equipment, with its numerous lovers, springs, cylinders, etc.; a 200-gallon fuel tank, with an up-to-date positive automatic pump feed attachment; besides Innumerable reservoirs, primers, storage batteries, emergency hand brake, etc the detail of which would have but little meaning for a layman, but all of j which Is filled with great eigmncance ior the people Interested. In addition to all this, the car has a seating capacity of over thirty people, a small baggage room containing about 140 cubic feet of storage room and Is guaranteed to maintain a higher speed with' less power and at less cost ' than any other conveyance now In active use on the railroads of the country. The car Is designed for suburban traffic and for short runs In local service. It will be run at the rate of forty miles an hour and has a capacity for twenty-five pas sengers. It can be stopped more quickly than a locomotive and Its mechanism Is such that It may bo started without a Jar, The pressure of a finger on a button will bring It to a stop In a very few seconds, W. B. McKeen, under whoso supervision the car was built, retards it as holding unlimited possibilities. The Lake Shore, the New York Central and the Burlington have all been busy with similar cars, but thus far none of them have produced very good results. In the last six months Mr. McKeen has received Inquiries from nearly all the railroads In'the United States as to the nature of the car he was building, but he has been chary about giving Information and has kept his work hidden. An official test of the car will be made March 7, when a run will be made to Valley and return. A number of railroad officials and a party of newspaper men will make the trip. When this car is proven satisfactory the building of a large number like it will be begun. The model Is short, but other cars can be built any length and It is probable that they will be much longer. JO Ad tor Shoe Sale 1 mm HI II . Special Sale Ladies' Wear See Ad for Rin Stint Sale L For Spring 1005 '498-750-998 New Spring Covert Coat Fresh arrivals of the fashionable new fitted covert coats for the coming season. Beautifully tailored coats made with the new sleeves, notched collars, tightly stitched straps, etc., specials at Spring Tailored Suits Newest ideas in the novelty cloths for eprinK made with the latest style features, new pleat.Q98 1 50 ed and shirred effeots, at New Sklrta for Spring Very nobby spring walking skirts, made in the latest and most popular mixtnres, correct weights for spring -well tailored pleated 98 "750 098 effects, at T " "J New Silk Shirt Waist Suits-Pleated J 750 waists aud skirts, at. Specials ii Our Great Waist Section China Silk Waists A special lot. daintily made and trimmed with 98 French knots, medallions and shirred, at, each New Wash Waists-Made of lawns, dimities, etc. including many pleated and shirred effects, lace trimmed, etc. Qfip 1.25 1.50 new and ultra stylish waists at ... " ORDER DRUGS BY MAIL If you wish our 100-pnge Catalogue, Write for it IT'S FREE. Freight paid on $10 orders of drugs to any part of the west between the Mississippi river and the Rocky Moun tains. 1 oz. T. W. Quinine for 50c 25c Hays' Harflna Soap for ...14c 50c Hind's Honey nnd Almond Cream for 29c 10c Graham's Lana Oil 'and But termilk Soap for .6c 50c SoclPte Hygieneque Sorp 29c $1.00 Flnaud's Lilac Vegetale 64c 91.0O Newbro'e Herplelde for..... 79c 9I.OO Mall's drape Tonic for 7pc $1.00 Munyon's Taw-raw for 79c $1.00 Hyomei Inhaler Outfit for 79c $1.00 Chrystal Tonic for 79C $1.00 King's New Discovery for 79c $1.00 Llquozone for 79c VlnoJ, the (Treat reconstructive Ton I a, always $1.00 $1.00 Bromo Seltzer for 79c 25c Mistletoe Cream for. . . ioc 25c Kirk's Juvenile Soap for ioc 50c Listerine for 435 $1.00 Malted Milk for 79c Good Fountain Syringe for 80c Eagle Condensed Milk for 2C 50c Pozzoni'B Face Powder for 28c 100 2-graln Quinine Pills for 25c C'licar prices still slashed at oar tore All the well known brands at creatly reduced prices. Sherman & McConnell Dr ug Go. Cor. Sixteenth and Dodge Sts., OMAIIA, NEB. THREE SPECIALS IN BASEMENT CLOAK DEPT. $1.00 quality 69c Wash Waists, polka dot patterns, etc., A f lace trimmed C wrappers well made at. Ladios' Golf Skirts, made with stylish QO new pleats at NEW SPRING MILLINERY Very Specially Priced for Thursday. Stylish New Street Hats Made in the popular turban shapes, every one absolutely new, made of braids, smartly trimmed with ribbons and feathers, straw rosettes and 4 f 1 F ornaments, many of the newest small I tI AfAfl J Til effects; specials mM9 UllU. Street and Trimmed Hats tt $5 Brandeia show the most charming array of the new spring ideas at 5 de signs thnt are sanctioned by spring millinery fashion latest spring shades and trimmings a great array at me most $5 Great Handkerchief Sale Men's Initial Handkerchiefs Large size sheer quality handkerchiefs, neatly hemstitched, all the letters. Also Ladies Sheer Pure Irish Linen Hand fl kerchiefs daintily hand embroidered initials, in wreaths all worth regu larly 15c each Thursday, at LACE SALE Bargain tables filled with laces in all widths new fresh patterns, dainty effects brought forward each day for 1 Tl f the first time, at 2K- JlQ,-DC J. L. BRANDEIS & SONS. BOSTON STORE II II II H 1 Fr T7TT7Tn H I 1 II II II II 1 II II r r i iv r H E I III L II 1 II I I 11 11 OMAIIA WEATHFH REPORT Thnrsday Fair. I HI MARCH May Co Out Like a Lamb But the Lion's Share of Genuine Bargains Is yours at BENNETT'S Fine Side . Back Combs In shell amber and white, poU iehed teeth warranted not to tear the hair regular IC 25c value, big value at' Very heavy finely polished Side and Back Combs, regular 50c goods, Thursday JJ Bennett's Great Millinery Section The most ideally arranged millinery in the west. The most elaborate displays of Parisenne modes and creations"brought to America this season. Have jou seen the Polo-Turban? Have yon seen the Mob Cap and Mad Cap of the Commune? Omnhn's best known milliners in charge of this department, either or all are sure to be known to you. Mrs. Sinclair Mrs. WaJters Mrs. Weible. Watch for the Red Window of Millinery, 16th street, opens Thursday. Bennett's Great Dinnerware Section Teems with splendid values. Here's an especially interesting new pattern Just received. . ItOYAL BAVARIAN CHINA rretty neat pink rose decoration, gold traced knobs and handles It's a beauty. To introduce this set we quote for balance of week: Tea Cups and Saucers, 6 for 1. 00 Tie plates. 0 for 75c Breakfnst Plates, 0 for ..... 1.00 Full 100-IMece Sets for 13.98 Double Oreen Trading Stamps on this line Thursday. BLOCK OAS LIGHT The best and cheapest light pro ducer complete with mantle and white ff globe, for LUU Thirty ($3.00) Green Trading Stamps with each. 130 CHINA CKEAM JUGS Good shape, pretty decoration a 2oc value pick them quick, each. Three (30c) Green Trading Stamps with each. 8c BEAUTIFUL AMERICAN CUT GLASS BERRY OR FRUIT BOWL New cutting, a good $8 value C Art until all sold, Thursday, each UU One hundred ($10) Green Trading Stamps with each. BALDUFF'Sl Bk Bk COFFEE CMES A Tollsh Coffee Cake for the breakfast. An ideal Fruit Coffee Cake. Light, delicate and delicious, with a creamy glace coating. If you have a Ba Ba Cake with your coffee for breakfast you will want nothing else. Fresh baked every afternoon In three sizes, 5c, 15c and 25c Take one home for your breakfast tomorrow morning. BALDUFF '51820 FARNRM. PHONE 711. I HOTELS. New York City HOTEL EMPIRE Broadway Empire Square and 03d Htreet HOTEL. EMPIRE within 5 minutes ' of all theaters and lurge department stores . HOTEL. EMPIRE to Elevated and Subway statious 2 minutes walk HOTEL. EMPIRE is noted for its excellent cooking, efficient service & moderate charges HOTEL EMPIRE has electric clock 1 and telephone in every room, and In remodeling, re decorating and re furnishing, spent OVER S2AO.OOO JUST COMPLETED W. Johnson Qulnn Send for guide of New York Free New York City WANTED)- A BOY in every town to sell our new Saturday Bee. We will send any boy the first 10 C OPIES EREE It contains 18 pages of special magazine features, including 10 colored pages with BUSTER BROWN COMICS, altogether 30 pages, and is a big seller everywhere on Saturday YOU MAKE TWO CENTS PROFIT ON EVERY PAPER YOU SELL For Full Particular Write to The Omaha Bee, Omaha. Nebraska TO SAN ANTONIO Through Pullman Sleepers on the "Katy Flyer" LEAVING KAN 8 AS CITY AT 2:20 A. M. DAILY. (Slepr and Chair Oar raadj (or oooupmncy at 10:M p. m. QUICKEST SERVICE TO TEXAS 3 KATY TRAINS LEAVE KANSAS CITY DAILY 3 2:20 A. M. 12:38 NOON 0:00 P. M. ak your naareal agent (or tlokati via "The Katy," or write T. i. HTZGEBALI), fan. and Tkt. Agt. 83 MAIN 8TBEKT KANSAS CITY, MO. Bennett's Great Hardware Section Specials In Hardware Section Twenty ($2.00) Green Trading StHnips Clothes-line Thirty (J3.00) Green Trading Stumps with 4-it. Kouna Dinner VI IC Pail, with cup on top Ten (ll.oa) Green Trading Stamps with 10-qt. Galvanized lUn Bucket Ten (II. 0V) Green Trading Stamps with n-dt. Galvanized 20c Bucket vw Ten (J1.00)' Qfeen Trading Stamps with 14-qt. Galvanized - 'Pd.C Bucket Ten (ll.OH) Green Trading Stamps with Palmetto Scrub tOr Brush Ten ($1.00) Green Trading 2r Stamps with Tuck Hammer.... Ten ($1,000 Green Trading Stamps with 1-qt. Corn ICin Popper 1W Furniture, Carpets and Draperies Specials in Carpets. Ingrain Carpets, wool, fancy pat terns, special, 17n yard OL. Heavy 3-ply Jute Carpets, plain nnd (fancy patterns, special OBt-t yard ""t Brussels Carpets, for halls and stairs to match, special, 65C Bsell Sweeper (Stand- O OtS aril), special price 8-4 Linoleum regular price 66c and 75c, special enly. AQc yard . .. I Bennett's Great Grocery Headquarters for the finest values in Coffees, fresh roasted dally. Twenty ($2.00) Green Trading Stamps with pound package Ben- Ofin nett's Capitol Coffee rfSOC Twenty ($2.00) Green Trading A fin Stamps with pound Tea OW Twenty ($2.0u) Green Trading Stamp with Aluminum Coffee oe- Maker 4uli Thirty ($3.00) Green Trailing Stnmps with pound Candied Citron, OR,-. Orange or Lemon Peel..., mJI Vegetable nnd Flower Seeds, OEr, package 3c, 9 packages Twenty ($2.00) Green Trading Stamps with can Diamond 8. oo. Frulta OC Ten ($1.00) Green Trading Stamps with three packages Bennett's OB Capltol Mincemeat OW Ten ($1.00) Green Trading Stamps with pound package Batavia f s Seeded Halsins IOC Ten ($1.00) Green Trading 8tamps with two pounds splendid 1Ar Japan Rice I'lrW Ten ($1.00) Green Trading Stamps with pound can Bennett's Capl- OA r tol Baking Powder 'C Candies First Display of East or Novelties. Roosters t f up from Chickens up from Chicks in shell Rabbits at 5c 5c 5c Twenty ($2.00) Green Trading Stnmps with pound large Im- on. ported Figs UC I Bennett's Great Shoe Section Thursday Specials 600 pairs of Ladies' Sample Shoes, vici kid and patent colt, all the up-to-date styles worth f AT $2.50 and $3.50, for , lZJJ , Fifty ($5.00) Green Trading Stamps. f 2.50 1.93 Men's BoJfCalf and Shell Cordovan Bluchers and Balmorals, Goodyear welt bottoms, shoes worth f3. fi(), our price All the phort ends of lines of Men's Flue Shoes, box calf and ytcI kid, $3.00 shoes, go on the table, at Infant's Soft Sole Shoes, worth up to fifty cents, at Twenty ($2.00) Green Trading Stamps. 25 WE WANT MORE BOYS AND GIRLS. We have hundreds working we want hundreds more. The work la mm enuy as tumbling down stairs and there's good money in ii. see tne aa man. I LUMPS OF COMFORT It is our pride and pleasure to supply in the shape of best quality coal for your stove and furnace, MONARCH COAL Gives absolute satisfaction, and will do all that it is expected to do; a coal that is free from slack and all other foreign sub stances; that is clean and leaves no clinkers; a coal that will save you money and annoyance, LUMP, $6 50. NUT, $6 00. C. B. HAVENS & 00. AW" () ' AN ENGAGEMENT RING shiHild le a diamond We are showing a handsome, nirdium siae stone fur 125.( to fltfi.uo. Then we have larjtrr stonrs ranging all prlcm. If rXamnnds are too expensive for V"U we navt a hfautiful lln of other stone rings riHiKliiaruutid lu.(m. Ion't buy your engage iiu-nt nnsj until you see us. Look for the name. S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler, 1B10 H'r-ot Grand Showing of Silk Shirt Waist Suits fUl (ill THB REL1ABLB STORK. New Covert Jacket in Great Variety. See them. Ladies' Under muslins & Corsets Two immense stocks of clean, new. 'Inch crarle rood a .priirod by our buyer at a price far below their actual worth.-will be on sali Thursday, Friday and Saturday Never before have such bargains in stylish, rich quality garments been offered in Omaha. i The most fnrlnntlns; nnd dainty creations 10 no munii, all In newest dosluns nnd very finest materials. Yon must rt them to appreciate their true worth O e and beauty, choice, 3 98 and sS.OU tytAH LADIKV (i(IWS, OMC. Made of fine nnlnsnok or cambric, with handsome yokes and sleeve ruffles of luce, embroidery and insertion, or Insertion and turks llnlshed with hemstitching, gar ments worth fully fcl.OO, rMi sale price VOW KI.OO LADIES' t;OWN. t.o4. Made of very hest materials, very long and full, in reprulnr or extra slues, tritnmrd with the newest laces, embroideries and wash rlbhnna; the greatest bargain of the season, while they Inst, 1 e at, choice OU 1.K LA OIKS' GOW. TIM". Great variety of extremely pretty styles. ace ana embroidery, ribbon trimmed yokes and sleeve ruffles, regular eJS $1.00 values, srent hn renin at M CW 250 IiOZKN Ladies- Gowns In well made and all neat, new styles, verv long and 4Clr full, worth up to Jl.flO, choice VV SENSATIONAL SKIUT BARGAINS. The finest lot of Ladies' SUIrtu ever shown In Omaha. Styles the newest, materials tne best, prices the lowest. IS 00 rNDKRSKl'RTS. 1.!N. Made of the best materials, with deep knr- flounces of lace, embroidery. Insertion, etc.. In the most facinnting new designs; underlay with dust ruffle, gar- lifci nients worth up to 15.00, choice ... lVO 12.50 to J3.50 UNDERSKIRTS. 11.50. In the most handsome new spring si vie, with deep knee flounce and un- Rli derlay with dust ruffle, choice IJVf 12.00 I'NDKRSKIRTS AT 98C. In newest styles nnd well made, Qfir wonderful value at, sale price VOW 11.00 I'NDKRSKIRTS AT 49C Made extra full and prettily trim- AQc med, great snap at, salo price -W LADIK3' DRAWERS In cambric, muslin anil nainsook, with deep umbrella flounrea of Hue lace embroidery nnd Inner- r7CSf tloiwH, worth up to ll.oil, sale price.. JW 75C DRAWERS In fine materials and neat est new designs, tlOc sale price 1W BOO Dox. Irawers In the prettiest atylea and best materials ever shown for 'lOp tho price, at u-"' 3(i0 DOZ. DRAWERS with deep lawn or lace nnd embroidery runies; gooa 'ZrtC value at &0c, salo price THE GREATEST VARIETY OF CORSET COVERS EVER SEEN IN OMAIIA SHOWN IN THIS (IRE AT SALE. 300 Doz. Corset Covers, worth $1.00, in this sale at 49c 350 Doz. Corset Covers, worth 75c, in this sale at -. . .3Qc 300 Doz. Corset Covers, worth 50c, in this sale 25c 500 Doz. Corset Covers, worth 3!c, in this sale at .25c 500 Doz. Corset Covers, worth 25c, in this sale at. I9c Wonderful Corset Values An immense stock of absolutely new Corsets, consisting of the world renowned W. B. AND T. N. BRANDS. In the verv newest spring styles on sale $1.50 to $3.00 W. B. CORSETS, 50C. This celebrated Corset, in white or drab. with or without hose supporters at tached, all new, clean stock, JJft in very latest styles, choice NO CORSETS SOLD TILL 0 O'CLOCK l.f0 to $3.00 P. X. CORSETS. W0. 300 Doz. of these corsets in newest styles I sold bv Omaha merchants at from I $1.50 to $3.00, all sizes, In Pl drab or white, choice JC ' J Limit of one to a customer. et SALE BEGINS AT 0 A. M. SATIN GIRDLES, in blue, pink, white and drab, with two sets of hose supporters attached, worth 75c and $1.00, Sale price, 49c and ,.w FROM 9 TILL 10 A. M. 50c Ladies' Cambric Drawers, .15c limit of two pair customer, each . . , to FROM 10 TILL 11 A. M 50c Corset Covers, lace and broidery trimmed, two to customer, at, each.. 19c FROM 2 TILL 3 P. M. LADIES' MUSLIN GOWNS, worth up to $1.00, limit of two to customer, at, choice 39c FROM 3 TILL 4 P. M. Ladies' Muslin Skirts, lace and em broidery trimmed, worth up to $1.50, limit of two to customer, at.. u.t.. 69c I LIBERTY SILK , a beautiful fabric in great variety of plain colors, goods worth up to 75c per yard, special, 'JO at, yard, aWC ON SALE IN THE GREAT DOMESTIC ROOM. We save you over 25 per cent on all gro ceries the freshest goods and highest quality for the least money. 48-lb. sacks Fancy High Patent Minnesota Flour 10-lb. sucks Best Pure Kiln Dried Cornmeal 7-lbs. best Kiln Dried Oatmeal 5 lbs. Best Pure Wheat Farina 5 lbs. Best Hand Picked lOc Vhvv Keans az7W 5 lbs. Best Pearl Tanlnca 10 bars Swift's Pride, Beat Era Ah or White Paris Laundry 25C Sa polio per bar On Time Test per package 1.48 15c 15c 19c 19c 5c 2c Gold Dust per package Canned Goods, all best pock, guaranteed. 2-LB. CAN BEST PACK SWEET SUGAR CORN-NOTHING Cn FINER PER CAN OW 2-lh. cans Finest Pack Wax, String or Lima Beans 2- lb. cans Fancy Early June Sifted Pens 3- lb. cans Solid Packed Tomatoes , S-lb. cans Golden Pumpkin, ,,t the best ,', 3-lb. cans Lye Hominy, the best 1-lb. cans Baltimore Cove Oysters, the best 15c .7ic .74c 74c 7ic 74c.. 74c fU Jl LVm Q0 IfiHltt nr, k To Manj Points In California, Oregon, Washington FROM MISSOURI RIVER TERMINALS (Kansat City to Council Bluffs, lnclmthe) UNION PACIFIC EVERY DAY MARCH I TO MAY l. 1OS. VUiUU to Butte, Anaconda and Helena, 00 Kft to Pendleton and Walla Walla. VLfaiUU to Spokane and Wenatchee, Wash. !to San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego and many other California points, to Everett. Fairhaven, Whatcom, Van couver, Victoria and Astoria, to Ashland, Itoseburfr, Eugene, Albany and Salem, via Portland, to Portland, or to Tacoma and Seattle, AND TO MANY OTHER POINTS. City Ticket Office, Fsrnim 8t. 'Phone 816. Ak for a QUALITY IS OUR MOTTO J E1F8T BECAUSE Tou are HOT paying lor kill fcrU, rear nlstlif, slMbi. (iiiul Mold direct to tb rvtaller by F Mllll. IU MOM MKKO. ClttAM OO MWi ,