Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 26, 1905, NEWS SECTION, Page 7, Image 7

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I orch Sale of Furniture and Garnets
Largo Purchase of Manufacturer's Surplus Stock-f 1 1 "1" l "?;
; E. ingly low prices this
sale does not represent odds and ends but new, clean, up-to-dal furniture from the
manufacturer's surplus stock at odds and ends prices. CASH OH CKEDIT.
IHOX BHDS (Llkp cuU Those haU
lisvo four i-ontrf of wbit ounuiel.
llPHV.V cllills, fMnc.V Scroll
tiiliiit'f, real value $.".ni;
March nle ,
CIIA1R8 Wood
boused back;
March sale
war. cm-
tops, golden finish; QQa
March sale UOU
heavy carvings, large
French plate mir- tA Cfl
ror; March sale.. liUU
PR EeiyKRH Golden finish, extra lsrge
base, bevel plate mirror. Q CA
worth tlS.OO; March Kale OaajU
CHIFFONIERS Solid oak. S drawers,
well made, worth $7.60; M IP
March lain Ht I W
(I.Ike Cut.) 4'!-lnch top, golden
finish, the best table value ever
offered, regular price
$7.xj; ManU
Parch Sale of Carpsts and Rugs
Ingrain Carpets Best iiality, all CQ
wool, regular price 73c; March sale. . ,VUU
Tapestry Carpets New Designs, 7Qf
worth $1.00; March sale.... ,. I uG
Ingrain Bugs 0x12, choice patterns, real
value .)0; March 3 93
Mattings Large importation just
received, 30: value; March sale. . . .
Terms S7 Per Month.
These three-room outfits represent parlor,
dining room and bed room; or, if you desire,
we will substitute kitchen for any one of the
above rooms.
1$ 39.00 worth of good $1.00 per week or $4.00 per month
$ 60.00 worth of foods $1.50 per week or $6.00 per month
$100.00 worth of goods $1.75 per week or $7.00 per month
We sell goods out-of-town on Easy Payments.
Write us for information.
Senate Will Take a Final Vote on the
UBijB-:ImpeachBent Case Monday. n
Committee la Formally Appointed to
' Discus Miare with Repre
sentatives of the
WASHINGTON, Feb. 25. The senate to
day heard the concluding- argument on both
sides In the Swayno Impeachment cage. Ex
Senator Thurston, speaking for Judge
Bwaync. and Mr. DeArmond presontlng the
case on behalf of the house managers.
After discussion of about two hours in
secret session an order to vole Monday
morning at 10 o'clock was made. The vot
ing will be on the articles separately and
will oontlnue until all huve been passed
The senate also at last granted the re
quest of the house for a conference on
"the statehood bill and conferees on that
measure and also on the Panama canal
lone government bill were appointed.
The naval appropriation bill was con
sidered In part and while it was before
the senate Mr. Hale and Mr. Gorman
united In condemning the rapid Increase In
the navy.
A large number of private and seml-prlv-ate
bills were pussed, Including 365 pension
Immediately after coTTvenlng the chair an
nounced the appointment of Messrs. Klt
t ridge, Millard and Morgan as conferees on
the Panama bill. Mr. Morgan promptly de
clined, -saying that his advocacy ot""the
house provision regarding the canal com
missioners was such that he could not un
dertake to represent the position of the sen
ate. ' He was excused and Mr. Gorman ap
pointed In his stead.
"The statehood bill being laid before the
senate Mr. Morgan said:
7 "Yesterday I took the floor at an embar
rassing time and under what were to me
embarrassing circumstances. I had sup
posed that those who opposed the house bill
were to continue their opposition at this
time, but I had not been long speaking
when I found myself In .semi-antagonism to
my friends. I had expressed my views on
the constitutional features of the bill when
It was before the senate, but had not had
any opportunities to discuss Its suffrage
features. I was anxious to express my
views on that point and having done so I
shall not proceed further."
Mr. Morgan had srarvely ceased speaking
when the choir made his announcement of
conferees on the statehood bill, designating
Messrs. Beverldge, Nelson and Hate.
Matues of Hoastoa anal Aastla Pre
sented ay Texas Accepted.
WASHINGTON. Feb. .-The house to
duy divided Its time betwoen legislation
and patriotic exercises. An hour and a
half was spent In passing minor bills. The
name period was devoted to consideration
of the sundry civil appropriation bill, with
out reaching a conclusion on the measure.
Legislation then gave way to oratory. In
which many members participated In hon
oring the memory of Bam Houston and
Stephen F, Austin, following which the
marble statues of each, which .have been
placed ift Statuary hall' by the state'' of
Texas; Were' formally accepted. "-"'
The house will meet tomorrow to, eulo
gize the late Representative Mahony of
Illinois and the late Representative Croft
of South Carolina.
Conference Committee Will Try to
Bring- Houses Together on an Act.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 26.-U is expected
that the first meeting of the conferees on
the statehood bill will be held Monday.
The deliberations over this bill necessarily
must extend far beyond the ordinary gath
erings of conferees. There are so many
differences to harmonize that conferences
will be held continually between members
of the senate and house until some agree
ment Is reached or It Is demonstrated that
no agreement can be hoped for. . Senator
Beverldge said today that the conferees
would earnestly try to get the two houses
together, but he could promise no more.
House factions have, given notice that the
one-state-ldea, that Is, the admission of
Oklahoma and Indian Terirtory alone, Is
not to be thought of, , As the matter now
stands, the Koraker 'amendment Is looked
upon as the only basis of compromise. That
would admit Oklahoma and Indian Terri
tory and give to each. New Mexico and
Arizona, the right to accept or reject the
proposition of joint statehood. There are
opponents In both houses to this plan and
the outcome Is regarded as very doubtful.
Western Towns Desire Visit ty Chief
Executive on His" Trip to Texas.
WASHINGTON. Feb. .-Representative
Campbell of Kansas introduced to the pres
ident today Judge J. C. Pollock of the
United States district court of Kansas. Al
though it Is not likely that some phases of
the proposed Investigation of the oil opera
tions In Kansas eventually may come be
fore Judge Pollock In his Judicial capacity,
the object of the Investigation was not dis
cussed by him and the president.
Representative Campbell will present to
Commissioner Garfield some additional In
formation he has received regarding the
work of the oil companies In his state. . The
Information consists merely of details
whlcr) will tend to facilitate the Inquiry.
Blase Scares Many.
WASHINGTON. Feb. .-Flre which
broke out In a hair dressing establishment
adjoining the I, lichen apartment house,
near Fourteenth and I streets, early today
caused considerable excitement among the
guests In the apartments. A number of
them, as well as residents In the burning
structure, escaped In thelf night clothes,
several seeking safety by climbing through
the windows. No one was Injured. The
financial loss was slight.
Or, Meeham Is Acquitted.
SKWARD, Neb., Feb. IS. (Special Tele
gram.) The Jury in the rase of the state
against Dr. D. I. Meehum of Staplehurst,
charged with statutory offense on the per
son of Bessie Corcoran, a little girl from
a New York child Miving home, who has
been placed In Dr. Meeham's home, brought
.They act like Exercise.
I I .
lift v i a x "v mi i a is. an- n u v t a
in a verdict this morning of not guilty.
The Jury was out all night.
Killed by Burlington Train.
SYRACUSE Neb.. Feb. 25.-(SpeclaI Tel
egram.) Martin A. McCartney of Nebraska
City, 24 years of age, son of Henry M.
McCartney, was instantly killed this after
noon while hastening to the depot to catch
the Burlington train for Nebraska City.
In his haste McCartney did not notice the
train was so close upon him and. stepped
on the track, to be struck by the engine.
His head was crushed and part of his body
mangled. The body was taken to Kars
ten's morgue at Nebraska City, where an
Inquest will be held Monday,
The young man was born and raised at
Nebraska City and was manager of the
Overland livery stables at that place.
' According to Engineer Gilmore, McCart
ney (Came out of a saloon as the train en
tered the town, rah parallel with the track
a few yards and attempted to cross. Sev
eral witnesses saw him step on the track.
McCartney is a brother of Myron McCart
ney of this place. His father owns sev
eral farms In this vicinity.
Or. the association alleys yesterday after
noon the court house bowler tackled the
crack team from Armour's and, while thev
rolled a nice game, It was too much to
expect them to beat league bowlers on
their own alleys. Prlmeau of the court
house squad hit the pins for 677. hut could
not reach the Armour captain, who lacked
but one pin of the (ion mark. Score:
1st. l!d. I. Totul.
Tonneman ?it ioo 17i' 6!iy
Weimer 126 177 ' 447
Collins 1(11 Ht . i;i 6i;
Shanahan i; lm 6IJ
O'Oonner 170 IKS xy 54H
White ..
Ma honey
Drexel .,
Butler ..
!M3 SIS 2,m
1st. :U 3d. Total.
Totals 755 ti2 857 2.464
Crete Second Wins from wilbcr.
CRETE, Neb.. Feb. 25. (Special.) The
Wlllier High school basket bail team ui
fered detent at the hands it the second
team of the Crete High school In Sokol
hall last evening by &s to 21. The Wlluer
boys arrived lute and the audience was
entertained by a game between members
of the high school first team and a picked
team of old-timers, who furnished abun
dant amusement for the spectators.
The Wither High school against the Crete
High school second team game was callel
about 9.46, and the local lads soon forged
ahead of the visitors, scoring 23 points to
12 in the first half. The second null was
more closely contested. The features of
the game were Robertson's splendid goal
throwing of fouls and "81 ' Porter's throw
ing of Held gouls. The players were:
Kersenbrock center Chaloupka
Breuer guard Davis
Rademacher.... .. guard llauser
Craig forward Uouehal
Porter forward .......Robertson
Umpire: W. Chaloupka. Refetee: Welch.
Twenty-minute halves.
Rase Ball at frelgbton.
The prospects are bright for a strong base
hall (tain at Crelghton university this sea
son. Even at this esrly date considerable
Interest In the matter is being manifested
among the students. At a mass meeting
held last week William t'allahau was
elected manager and Kddle Crelghtnn cap
tain of t)M 16 base ball. team. Callahan
was captain of the foot hall team last
year and la nn all-round go;d, man hi the
athletic line. Kddle Crelghton Is well knowu
In the local amateur base ball world. Ne
gotiations ate now under way for games
with such tnstltullon as Knox college,
Iowa and NebrHsku universities and the
Drake university. Two games will b
Idayed during April with the Omaha base
tail team at Vinton Htre.t park.
Omaha Player floes to Const.
Charles Cue. well known here as an ama
teur base ball player, and who played last
aeason with the Hot Spring team under
the management of ituck Keith, has gone
to Portland. Ore. to have a try-out on
the Portland Paellle Coast league team.
I 'o played here with the le-iilass-An-drevson
tesins and the Originals, making
good as catcher and llrst ti.o-emun. He is
12 years of age anil lived here most of his
lay Make Foreign .oan.
TOKIO. Feb. 25. -The Diet today ps.ssed a
taw authorising private railways tu mort
gage their properties abroad.
Local Eewlen Win tbe Match Game bj
Score of 2.798 to 2,597.
Stretch and Holfe Win the Doubles
with Score of LSI Anderson of
St. Pnul Holds First Pine
la Singles.
MILWAUKEE, Feb. 20. As a side Issue
t the boa-ling tournament of the A. H. C ,
several match games were bowled tonight,
and brought out the largest crowd of the
week. The principal contests were between
five-men teams.
Omaha defeated Kansas City, 2.7r to
2,597. The Philadelphia of Philadelphia
were defeated by the O I-earys of Chicago
by a score of 2.722 against 2.8. The l.lpens
of Chicago won from Gunthers No. 1 of
Chicago, 2.817 to 2,724.
In a three-cornered contest San Fran
cisco rolled up the biggest score of the
week, 2.839, against Seattle 2.682 and Den
ver 2,64. i
Four five-women teams scored as follows:
Chicago Metropoles. 2.218; Chicago ladles,
2.07O; Milwaukee ladles, 1,807, and Madison
ladies, 1,602.
Finals In the Tourney.
Chicago captured two championships and
St. Paul one In the tourney of the Ameri
can Bowling congress, which ended this
evening. Gunther's No, 2 team of Chicago,
with a score of 2.7S6, carried off first money
in the five-men class, and Stretch and Rolfe
of C'hlcnro took first honors in the doubles
with 1,213, and the score of C. M. Anderson
of St. Paul, 851, made in the individual
class yesterduy, stood the test to the end.
Today's play in the Mingle brought about
a few changes, the list of high men at the
finish being as follows:
C. M. Anderson, St. Paul 661
J. Hennlng, Milwaukee t4tt
O. Kupfer, Chicago KH3
E. Peterson. Chicago
A. W. Allison, Washington, D. C 28
W. A. Felz, Cleveland tS'J3
K. Tahler, Chicago ti2l
Ed Pelfer, Chicago "9
W, Ott, I.aCrosse W
A. Selhach, Columbus 6H8
W. Payne, Peoria 604
Phil French Wins the City Hallway's
Handicap at Ktnr Orleans.
NEW ORLEANS, Feb. 2f. The Williams
stable added another stake, the City Rail
way's handicap, at the Crescent City
Jockey club park today. Rapid Water, the
BiiiHtiiers ('annulate, was maae lavorue ai
to 5. Phil Finch, which opened at 7 to 3,
went back to 9 to 2. Rapid Water and
Old. Stone made the running for a mile and
then weakened. Criminlns then sent Phil
Finch to the front and the. colt, easily the
best at the weights, won out very cleverly.
The race was worth $1,420 to the winner.
Nellie Russell, Rum's Horn and Brooklyn,
the best In their resDectlve fields, were the
winning favorites. Alice Lloyd was caught
in a Jam and reii at tne start or me nrsi
race. Hicks had the mount and both he
and the mare escaped unhurt. The weather
was fine and the track fast. Results:
First race, five furlongs: Nellie Russell
won. Clique second, Ethel's Pride third.
Time: 1:03.
Second race, seven furlongs: Ducky
Charm won. Right Royal second, Hadrian
third. Time: 1:30.
Third race, six furlongs: Docile won,
Avoid second, Sadduccee third. Time:
Fourth race. New Orleans City Railway
handicap, mile and a sixteenth: Phil Finch
won, Rapid Water second, Bpencerlun
third. Timet. 1:49.
Fifth race, six furlongs: Rani's Horn
won, Astorlta second, Trapper third. Tline:
Sixth race, mile and a .half: Brooklyn
won. George Vivian second. Sambo third.
Time: 2:39.
Seventh race, six furlongs: King Rose
won, Red Raven second,- Dudy Ray third.
Time: 1:16.
Results at City ParH track:
First race, five and a half furlongs: First
Attempt won, Princess Athellng second,
Dellu A. third. Time: 1:09.
Second race, seven furlongs: Janeta won,
Snvolr Faire second, Omealca third. Time:
Third nee, five and a half furlongs:
Marv McCafferty won. Lady Draper sec
ond, Cap and Oown third. Time: 1:09.
Fourth race, mile and a quarter: Annora
J. won. Bar le Due second, Lou Woods
third. Time: 2:10.
Fifth race, five furlongs: Frontenac won,
Garnish second. Reticent third. Time: 1:01.
Sixth race., four furlongs: Reuben won,
Romany Rye second. Gray third. Time:
SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 26. Results at
First race, four furlongs: Equorum Rex
won, Achellta second, Isabeau third.. Time:
Second race, five furlongs: Andrew B.
Cook won, Arabo second, Ruby third.
Time: 1:01.
Third race, five furlongs: Adirondack
won, Best Man second, Edlnborough third.
Time: 1:00.
Fourth race, mile and a quarter: Clover
land won, Veterano second, Melstersinger
third. Time:. 2:07.
Fifth race, mile: Dr. Leggo won. Ana
nias second, Letola third. Time: 1:39.
Blxth race, mile: Down Patrick won,
Ara second. The Gadfly third. Time: 1:41.
IA)S ANGELES. Feu. 26. Results at As
cot: First race, five furlongs: Zello won, Fa
ther Catch second. Sunflre third. Time:
Second race, mile and a sixteenth: Ora
Viva won. Brlsrthorpe second, Freeslus
third. Time: 1:47.
Third race, San Ouerel handicap, short
course steeplechase, $1,000: Nitrate (even)
won. Grafter (4 to 1) second. Allegiance 14
to l.t third. Time: 8:06.
Fourth race, mile: Blissful won. Clncln
natus second, Sinner Simon third. Time:
1 :40.
Fifth race, Slnuson course: El Otros
won, Azelina second. Prinress Titania third.
Time: 1:10.
Sixth race, six furlongs: Dod Anderson
won. Durbar second, Mart Gentry third.
Time: 1:13.
Basket Ball (Janie Proves Too One
sided to Be Interesting.
The bosket hall boys of Wesleyan univer
sity were defeated Saturday night by the
Omaha Voting Men's Christian association
at the Young Men's Christian association
udutorium in an uninteresting game, the
score standing ti to 26. At the end of the
flret half the score was 35 to 8, but the visi
tors showed marked improvement In the
second and made twice aa many points.
Fouls were frequent on both sides and
honors were about even from the foul line.
Clark had twelve goals to his credit and
Hansen came next with nine. Cherrlngton
and liOWell were the stars for' Lincoln.
Next Baltirday night the Omaha bovs will
meet the State university at, the local gym
PHsluni to decide the championship of the
stnte. These teams have played two games,
one at Omaha, which was won by the Lin
coln team, and one at Lincoln, which was
won bv the Omaha team. A single score
decided the victory In one rase and two
points In the other. The coming game Is
one which both sides have determined to do
their best to win.
following is last nlarht's lineup:
Weslevan. Position. Y.M.C.A.
White Forward Clark
Sherrington Forward Wlllard
Lowell Center Hansen
Smith (usrrt Anitornnn
Kuhns Gusrd C. Wlllard
A nreMmlnarv rsme wss plnved between
the Thurston Rifles and the Crescents. In
which the latter won by a score ai 82 to 17.
The lluetiD was:
Crescents. Position.
II. Frankfurt ....Forward
W. Frankfurt
L. Wilson
R. Wilson
.... Dunn
P'uillam tauouuers thnt I hlcago Has
Signed Twenty-Three Men.
NEW YORK. Feb. 26. President Put
liam of the National league has announced
the following- contmctM and releases:
Contracts With Chicago: rl L. Lund
eren. Frank L. Chance. H V. MrChesnev.
F'snk pVhultc, Ernest J. Ornth. Jamea F
glnele. M F. MI'cIkII. John Kilns. Jake
Wclmer. John C. Harry Frank Pfelffer. W.
A. Malonev. John J Evers. Otto O Wil
liams. A. L. Pennell. .loaenh R. Tinker,
.lames P Casev John H. McCsrthv. Ar
thur HorTrran. K. T. B'isgs. R. K Wicker.
M'Trteeal Hrown nnd John .1. O'.N'eiH.
Releases Hy Honlon; Ti St. Paul, L. P.
Clnalnar Uamaa Reins Played.
MILWAUKEE. Feb H Th dosing
games In the American bowling tournament
a r fcelng plsyert off today. In tha twe
men clss Stretch and Rolfe of t'hicsgo.
with a score of 1.218. seem to be the win
ners In that class, while l M. Anderson of
St. Paul, with a score oT T1, lesds the
Individuals by a good marrlr..
asss-a-aa " .
ladoor Practice Has Regan aad a
Good Schedule Arranged.
AMKtt. Is., Feb. 25. (Special.) Ames base
ball enthusiasts are now on the qui vive,
elslng up the conditions nnd the prospects
for the success of the Iowa State College
team this season. Practice hna already
begun In a limited degree In the training
shed which has been erected. Each after
noon finds a good crowd of aspirant prac
ticing six games of 'catch." About fifty
candidates are to be found at work each
day and "Yank" Brown has already caught
sight of several new men In the hunch who
promise to he of great value to the picking
of a winning team this season. A number
of last veai' s team will be available again
this season. With "Yank" Brown. Reese
and Cotton Ames will have a battery that
will he hard to beat. Brown and Reese
In all prolwbllltv will again alternate In
the outfield. Tlie silver hat Is st stoke
this season Ames having won It two yesrs
In succession and holding It this season
means much, ss then it will become the
permanent property of this institution.
"Dad'' Green has again been secured to
coach the team and will be on hand about
March 20 to commence work. Under the
supervision and Instruction of Jack Wst
aon athletic men are receiving systematic
training which will add much to their en
durance and physical condition.
As the schedule now stands Ames will
begin the season here with Cedar Rapids
on April 10, playing five games during the
week. The- following week Hunne or Mat -shalltown
will plav a series. Negotiations
have been concluded with Nebraskn for a
game here May I. and also a number of
other games are being arranged for aside
from the lexguc schedule. The league
schedule is as follows:
April 29 Cornell st Mt. Vernon.
May Grlnnell at Ames.
May IS Iowa at Iowa City.
May 20 Cornell nt Ames.
May 30 Iowa at Ames.
June 3 Grlnnell at Grinnell.
Snbatltute Coach Takes Flight Ip
Fire Escape, but Returns.
Some people thought the river had Just
broken up or "Pa" Kourke signed a bunch
of new base ball pluyers. Neither. In fact,
had happened. Quite it gathering of citizens
gathered around base hall headtiunrte: s
and watched the fun. When the Oldest In
habitant and the Careful Observer had
wormed their way through the crowd they
found the Kiurre of all the txcltement was
"Hutch" Freese s monkey, which had got
away from Its anchorage and was making
for greener fields via the fire-escape route.
As Manager Rourke left for Chicago Fri
day evening, Freese thought be would be a
good boy uuring the absence of his man
ager and began to practice up on the na
tional game, so he took the monk out Into
the warm sunshine and balmy air and be
gan. In an unguarded moment "Mike" got
away. Fretae then started to catch t lie
little animal like a woman trying to corral
an old hen with a brood of chickens. At
last he gave It up and called on Harry
Welch, Kddle Quick. Jack Henry, Ed Beg
em w. Will Challis and the other habitues
of base ball he.ulquartore. and then the fun
began In earnest. The crowd soon num
bered 432 persons and one policeman. At
length the monkey was persuaded with a
sack of candy and Is now doing penance
In a hack room at headquarters. "Mike'
will make his public debut on the couching
line at Vinton Street park five weeks from
Colts Starting for California.
CHICAGO. Feb. 25. Seventeen members
of the National league base ball team will
leave Chicago tonight lor California on
their third annual training expedition, in
charge of Treasurer Charles Williams.
Other members of the team will Join the
party at Galesburg. III., and Kansas City.
The managers of the team are already in
Los Angeles awaiting the arrival of the
party and Manager Helee will have charge
of their work from now on. The first real
game will be played on March 4 with the
Los Angeles team In Ios Angeles.
A Perfect Blood Food That Insure v You
Against Colds, Grip and Pneumonia.
Do you know that pneumonia Is the dis
ease most to be dreaded at this season of
the year? Do you know that after it has
become established the chances are very
much against your recovery? Do you know
that coughs, colds and grip are but the
fore-runners of this dread disease and that
unless something is done to overcome them,
they vlll soon develop Into pneumonia. It
is dangerous and useless to take chances.
AEG-AN-1URN (egg and iron) is a per
fect, invigorating strength-giving blood food
that builds up the system, strengthens all
the vital organs, enriches the blood and
puts you In splendid condition to ward off
and overcome all dangers of this kind. It
Increases your vitality greatly and glveB
you a new lease on life. It contains all the
nourishing properties of tlie egg and all the
medicinal properties of the Iron. It cer
tainly affords you so much protection that
you cannot atrord to take the chances of
being without It.
AEG-AN-1URN is for sale by druggists
at $1.00 per bottle. Take home a liottle to
night and protect yourself and family
against the dangerous and fatal disease of
If you are suffering from any organic
weakness or disease, or nervous affection,
or any run down weakened condition,
dyspepsia, constipation, catarrh, torpid
liver, kidney dlseaBe, rheumatism, gout,
female complaint, nervousness, nervous
prostration, nervous or general debility,
hysteria, neurasthenia, or any disease or
weakness resulting from an impoverished
or Impure condition of the blood, write at
once to our medical department, stating
the nature of your trouble, and you will re
ceive advice absolutely free, alao our Free
Medical Book. There are so many serious
diseases which are the direct result of an
Impure or impoverished condition of the
blood that every sufferer, no matter what
the trouble Is, should write to our medical
board for free advice. There is hardly an
ailment or disease but what could be posi
tively cured and perfect health restored If
the blood were plentiful, pure and rich.
No matter what your trouble is, write at
once to our medical department, and you
will be tolJ Just what to do to be restored
to perfect health and strength. It will coat
you nothing. Address
Hygeian Research Laboratory, Chicago, 111.
- ' i
W lunch
'j sure fo&e good
i good af home or cafe
Gives strength to tlie weak energy to the
Supplies nourishment to nerves and Mood.
Clears the complexion, purifies and enriches
the blood.
Puilds firm, healthy, solid flesh.
fy jT Greatest
V 'l Strength Builder
When exhausted take a
Nothing equals it as A
For the well to keep
well for the convalescent
to gee well quick.
Have You Ever Tried It?
CTOBS for ca
II loud Poison (Syphilis)
Nervous Debility
KIDNEY and URINARY diseases and all Diseases and Weaknesses of MEN
due to evil habits of youth, abuses, excesses or the result of neglected, un
skilled or Improper treatment of private diseases, which cause night losses, day
drains, which Impairs the mind and destroys men's Mental, Physical and Hex
ual Powers, reducing tlie sufferer to that deplorable state known as Nervo
Sexual Debility, making social duties and obligations a hardship and the enjoy
ment of life and marital happiness Impossible.
Men Who Need Skillful Medical Aid
will And this Institute thoroughly reliable, different from other so-called Ttiu
tut?s, medical concerns or specialists' companies. You are Just as safe In deal
ing with the Btate Medical Institute ss with any 8TATK OR NATIONAL
BANK. It has long been established In Omaha for the purpose of curing the
poisonous diseases and blighting weHkncnscs of inert, and docs so at the lowest
possible cost for honest, skillful and successful treatment;
GN&III TiTlflH fRFE ,f 'ou rl""t c". write for symptom blank.
IVndUL IAIIUS rnCC 0(rc, Hours- a. m. to p. tn. Sundays. 10 to 1 only.
130 Farnan St.. Bt. Utn aril Ht Stristi. O sahi, Ni .
Western Canada!
Are You Coming to Western Canada
1 hie Year J
Prices from SI. SO to 95. UO
Write for fatal tup,
SHERM AN & McCONNhLl. DRUO CO proposition Adoirsa F.
Cor. JClh and Podge Sta.. OMAHA. i lor, for Information.
f you are you are Invited to stop off at
Meuli ine list, the most uo-to-date inu-n In
I the West. Medicine list la the center of
j the Muck country. CJood water, shundanea
i of nUiiraV ess, and coal Railway center,
'flood t iwn to Put Medicine list. on
j your ll! of stopping places. Wa want
manufacturers to look Into (air tin tun I gns