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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 25, 1905)
'1 i I THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: RATUHDAY. FEBRUARY 23 1005. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET (Wheat it Quiet ud Weaker, Corn it Aetive and Stronger. CHICAGO GOOD CORN ALL FROM NEBRASKA - , Iorva Corn, Mock of II,' nlrl to Re Too Poor to Move la W rrn Ufilhcr Larger Molfmril ovt r Sat at All. OMAHA. Fib. 24, 1906. Wheal waa allowed to rent today and turn an given all the attention of the (peculators, 'l he. May wni Ht was tK nd the entire range before noon whs only c. The high point of Thursday was ti.lS'i anil of today 41 1SV Liverpool cloned with a decline- of . mid S; Purl und Antwerp were unchuhged; lurlln i lr.t uown; Hilda-Peslh advanced c. The American murkei la out ol line for export and there were no olea rani-en. The Argentina wheat Is not yet deliverable on lontracts. It amiot b landed In souther Atlantic or gulf porta fur less than $1.22 unu that Would menu In Chicago $1.30. Ho the market will havu to advance about Hi vnits before the Argentina becumta a fac lor. Tha St. Louis market werni to be out of line and is not apt to gi-i any of the wheat. The St. Louis July Is i7c under Minneapolis, 5c under Chicago and ts: under Toledo. Minneapolis la llaely to net tiie Kansas hard wli'jat and Chicago in soft wheat. The mlllera bought bushel of cash wheat In Chicago. Duluth leporta a fair call at May price for No. 1 northern, but low krales How. Kansas City was steady and thn St. IajuIs cash market has a fair milling demand The eullng clerks ligure that the open irv .(rest In May wheat has bene reduced iu.VM.nriu bushels In ten days, but Is still !o,00,0r to ,. long. V rerm's short line does not rettle, but some ot the east ern tonus' transactions do. Much of the wheat Is bought without the intervention of th scalpers, so that the situation Is harder to estimate. Southeastern Missouri and southern Illi nois report the winter wh;-ai as in line condition. India amds further reports of cold and damp weather Just at the beg in line rjf the harvest. The sltuiitlon Is 1011 ildered 'ess lavorahln and almost had. Tlio Hour men report the export demand us much better ilils week. 'J he noi tnwestern tars continue to hold up In spite of the bull talk. The Curs today are 404, last week T1 and last vear 25. The Duluth stocks) de creased 4u.0o for the week. The primury receipts are 48t,0O bushels against 4)8 bush 1 lust vcar, and Ihe shipments 284,000 bush els against 44D.0i) bushels. Trade in eoriv was enormbus this morning. One Chicago house bought 1,260,000 hurticM Irom 474e. up. The Muy by noon was He nbove (he high point of Thursday. That was 474e, hut the market today opened weaker at 464,c, from where it Btcadlly nd vanceil. The July corn by noon hud gained 'iO over the high point ot Thursday, reach f mg 484c The crowd la speculating aa to i lie movement which the warm weather and I the low ratee will bring out It ts easy to 1 see If the corn does not come now Ih a few , day there Is little likelihood of a move ment ol any Importance after the rates are restored for some time. The country roads are apt to be In a more or less Impassable condition from now on and to hinder the country movement of grain. The Chicago corn receipts for two nays, 622 cars, show 1X6 cars or No.. 4 and 63 cars of no grade. All of this bad corn comes from Iowa. Some of Iowa's corn is Mild to bo so bud It can not be moved when warmer weather cornea. Nearly all of the arood corn aroins to Chi cago fa from Nebraska and that market ex pects thla supply to be cut off when rates are restored. The advance In cash corn Is due partly to the buying of elevators and Klucose factories at the same time. The corn clearances are 1,421.767 bushels, of "which New Orleans sends out 402.UK) bushels. The Argentina shipments are 6.11.000 bushels for the week against 349,000 the, preceding week and 464,000 bushels last year. The pri mary receipts are M.I, 000 bushels, against 616.000 bushels last year, and the shipments 516,00.1 bushels against. 394,000 bushels last year. Omaha Cash Prices. "VH6AT NrJ." 2 bard, ' $1.09fc 1.10; , No." 3 spring, $l.054j-i.G8; No. 2 hard, ll.Oii; No. 3 spring.' $1.00. OOKN No. 2. 444c; Koi -3, 444c; No. 4, 434c; no grade,. 4i'f43o; No. 2 yellow, 44c; No. 3 yellow, 4l'ic; No. 2 white, 45c; No. 3 white, 45c. '" ' OATS No. 2- mixed, 29c; No. S mixed, 2Ms; No.-4 mixed, 38o; No., ,2 wrilie,. 3 4c; .No. '3 -white. rt;i-No." f wultt, 'atf-JD'Afj standard, 304c. ' 4 arlot Receipts. " ' , Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago ...35 530 K ansa -dry ....'..: .;. r - 80 S Minneapolis 347 .. ....... Duluth ...c 2i , . , St. LOuls ; 32 19 .32 Mlnaraoolla (iraln Market. The range of prices paid In Minneapolis as reported by the Kdwards-Wood company, 110-111 Board of Trade, was: Commodity. I Open. High. ljow. May July September 1 15 I 1 1 1 13'il 1 HH, Wji V4 1 16 1 13H 4i Close. 1 15'4 1 HH 94 Vi WHEAT Hccelpts, 9.70 (uOO bu. Bpot market ha red, nominal, elevator; f. o. b., Hfloal; No. 2 1.26. f. o. b., ntloat; : t .ba, 11.12. f. o. I) , alloat ket was IrregulHr all rla K EW YORK OKNKKIL MAHKKT Unotatlons of the Hay uu Various Commodities. NEW YORK. Keh. 24.-FI.OC ft Ttecelpts, ld,21 bbls; exports, 8.1S7 bbls. The mar ket was dull, but rliinly held. Minne sota patents. tt.uofr.60; Minnesota, bakers, i4.3tx04.Kfi; winter putents,; winter straights, id.3iKhii.46; winter extras, S3.ii.Vrl V30; winter low grades. S2.45tij4.10. Rye Jlour, steady; fair to good, S4.354i4.70, choice to raney.' I4.i5ru4.05: Buckwheat flour, dull; per loo lbs., ij.uota.lo. CORNM KAIj Firm; tine white and yel low, SI 25111.30; coarse, new, SI. OS; kiln dried, S2.9lh3.10. RYE Nominal; No. 2 western. SOc asked. BARIjKY Slow; feeding, 43Vc, c. I. f.. New York; malting. 4.rnu2c. c. I. r. Buffalo. WHEAT Receipts, 9.750 bu.; sales. 3,7JO, uOO bu. Bpot market barely stendy; No. 2 No. U red, it. 234, northern. Duluth. No. 1 hard, Manl- alloat. The wheat mar- day nntl rather easy on May. here, although steady west, fol lowing the strength of corn. Tlx close was partly f net higher. May, Sl.i;0l.l". closed, Sl.l'.V July, SIOMifU 1-05's. closed. Sl.l5: Sept'-inber. jsi'irf.HiH, closed, 96- COR' Receipts, 111,800 bu. : cxrsrts, 173, 723 bu.; spot market rt-t; No. 2 Tu'v, ele xator. and Miie44P, f. 'o. b., afloat; No. 1 vollow, t4c; No. 2 white, 54e. Option mar ket active and strung ' toduy, advancing on heavy clearana, stop-Iocs covering, ralna west -and bull aupport. New York closed ro net higher. May, 524i-n.,Pic, Closed,' 63';c; Julv, 62SfU3aiC, closed, 53V; September tlosed, 5.'lc. OATS Ue -clpts, HI. WW lu. ; 'exports, T05 bu. Spot merket' qnlet; mixed, 2ti'u32 lbs., 3;ift3)lc; clipped IWK, 3(W"4 lhs., 3S4i4Hc; natural while. 30fiU His., WuWw. II AY Steady; shipping, (Mf70t; good to choice. stWin5c. HOI'S Dull: ' ' atnte, oonimon- to choice. 104. 2Mj3jc; .4I; '-S'.KJle: olds. lilSc: Pa cino couat, ini. LTrfjSic; 13(3, .741 3ic; olds, 13 it 14c. HIDES Steady Onlveston, 2ft to 23 lbs., Me; Ciillfornia.. 31 ' to 25 lbs., I5c; Texas tdry). 24 to 30 lb. 14V. l.KATHfcR-r-tfteady; aWd, 24ir2c. PROVISIONS Beef, steady; family, I11..K) fV.MtO; mess. T 0i-J 10; lef hams. S-'l Out iJ.i0; packet. S10.604rtl.4; city extra India mess. l6.fJ0$t;.t. Cut meats, steady: pick ld bellies,- S7.0O4jfT.60; . jitruied shoulders, MOO; pickled hams. t.Ky,iM. 7rd lr.reg dlar; western steam, S7: refined steady; cnti- mieni, sr. iw; onuin merico,; com a. Mi y. Si4.( Diess. SIS. 754113.50 IKiUnd, S4.76(f5 12. Pork, burelv stendv ts.nlly. Sl4.Ci-6l5.ofJ; short clear. S13.Uk13 it); ess. 11.40. TAI.I.ttW Steady ; city (S2 00 ner uka . iH'-: country ipkga. free), 4Stf4'ic. RICH Klnn; domestic, fair lo extra, 2Tft U'c; Japan, nominal. 'f-OKKKh-Qulet; No. T Rio, 74c. HCTTICR Strong; street price, extra Teamery, S5jllAWc; official prices, creamerv (Simmon to extra, 27'ri35c; oreamery, held common to extra, 2K?i33c; state dairy, uommun to extra. 2432c; renovated, com mon to extra. 2utB28c: western facturv. com mon to extra. ;ii'if2Sc: western imitation ereamerr. common to extra. 24i31c. "HP,K8K Strong; state full cream, small colored, white, fancy. 13c; state tine, 13V,e; tate, lata made, colored and white, poor to choice, 104ljc: state, large colored uhd whlta fancy, 13V0; state fine. 12tj'lSc; ktata late made, colored and white, poor to choice. -Vtiao. KOOS Barely steady; western fir Is, 2S 3uc. i POULTRY-Allve: Market firm: western chickens, lie; fowls. 144c; turkeys.. Joe. pressed: Market weak; western chickens, ..nine: fowls, lawii'Mc: turkeys. 15.(i2uc. Liverpool nrala Market. II.IVITRBrirlT. "l u-n mlnal; futures, quiet; March, 7s; .Slav, lld; July. s HT.d. . y-COHN Spot, steady; Anierlcan mixed, ,!iew, 4a d; American mixed, old. 4s HWd; Jut urea, ateady; Marcl), is 1SJ: May. 4s 3d. nalatsi tirala Market. DlXtTH Feb. 24 -WHKAT -T.i srrlve: No. 1 northern. 1113V On track: No. 1 northern, 1.134; No. 3 noi-ihcin, ii ui'iU 111; May. II 144; July. S1.14; Beptember, OATS To arrive, and on track, 30c. CHICAGO URAI AID rOVHIOX reatnres of the Trarllag aad (loslag I'rlrrs Board af Trad. CHICAOO, Feb. 34 Corn wsa the leader In the grain trade, pulling up prices of both wheat snd oats, big exports of corn was the principal reaaon for the unusual situa tion. May corn at the close showed an ad vance of Vqlc. Wheat is up V. Oats made a net gain of VflHc. Provisions, ara practically unchanged. An active demand from several prominent bulla and good buying by cash houses started the sharp advance In the price of corn. Alarmed at the appearance of ur gent demand shorts endeavored to cover, but offerings being extremely small the ef forts served only to force prices atlll higher. Large clearances at the seaboard were the factor which received most attention. Owing to lower cables the market opened easier, Mav being a shade to SVtc lower at 4M4i 4c. Almost Immediately, however, heavy purchases by a recognised leader of the bulla precipitated an active Inquiry from shorts, and as the session advanced the Volume of trading Increased. Prices rose stexrtlly until May had reached 4c. The market closed practically at the highest point, final quotations of May being t.'c. Ixical receipts were 530 carloads. 23 of con tract grade. Influenced by lower prices at Liverpool the wheat market here opened easier. Mav was unchanged to c higher at II 18Ni and July was unchanged to Vc. lower at II UN. 1 US- The weakness at Liverpool was attributed to enormous ship ments from Argentlns. exports from that countrv being 4.3Hn,OTin bushels, compared with 2.flf, for the corresSndlng week a year ago. Pit traders sold unite freely at the outset, forcing Ma.y down Sl.l1,. On the dip commission houses being active caused a rally. During the last half of the session the Volume of trading w very light, interest of trader being diverted temitornrllv to the corn pit- Tha strength of the yellow cereal was the main cause of late firmness In other grains. At S1.18H May reached the highest point of the day and the closing ouotatlon was at the top. Julv sold up to ll.02V, closing at a gain of Mi"c at S1.01VJ1.02. Clearances of wheat and flmir were equal to Kft.odO bushels. Kxports for the week, as shown hv Bradstreet's, were equal to 923. 0m bushela. FTImary receipts were 4M.100 bushels, compared with 44S.SOO bushels a year ago. Minneapolis. Duluth and Chi cago reported receipts of 404 cars, against 272 last week and 346 a year ago. Sentiment In the oats pit was bullish, largely In sympathy with the strength of corn. There was a good general trade, with shorts and commission houses fairly active buyers. Selling was scattered. May opened unchanged to 4c lower at aoV6t304e. advanced to 314c, closed at Sl'sftOlVic. lxcal receipts, 2C4 cars. In the provisions market lard showed con siderable strength In the face of weakness of other products. Buying by a prominent packer was the cause of the comparative strength of lard. The advance in corn had a bullish effect on provisions. At the close May pork wss off 24c at S12.W. 7rd was up 24fi6c at Sfi.SMH.87H. Ribs were tin changed at Sfi.0l741tH.TO. The leading futures ranged as follows: Artlcles.l Open. High.) Iow. I Close.! Yes'y. Wheat , May July Sept. Corn Feb. May Oats Feb. May July Sept. Pork . Mn.v. July Iard May . July Rlbs ;vla v July I 1 1H4 1 Olsk-rf 1 014 1 lTi 1 024 934 444 464 UC-VcTk 4X i4794l 44 474 484B 30fi"4 314 80!Hi314a4 2S4 24 1 184 1 1 01,!l 0VWI 1 U 934 824 444 4741 47;,, 1 184 1 01 444 4t4 484 3040131 so-HiSiVy'4 "(,!i44f4 464 47v14S4tI47 12 65 12 70 " R24 6 96 6 74l 6 824 12 60 12 724 B 874 7 00 6 70 6 8141 294 12 45 12 624 824 924, 6 A5 6 80 29 12 53. 12 66 R741 7 00 70 1 6 824 474 47 SON 3f4 294 12 574 12 70 6 824 6 974 6 70 8(1 .No. a. , . . .. Cash quotations were as follows: FLOCK Steady; winter patents. $6.10 6.S0: winter straights. $4.80i3l!.90; spring pat ents. $6.orfr5.4o: spring atraJghta. l4.5ofn4.SW; bakers, $2.60j3.$U. WHEAT No. 2 spring, SI 141.19; No. 3 $1.101.19; No. 2 red. Sl.lfWi'1.194- OORN No. 2, 464S45Hc; No.- 2 yellow, 454 fi'464c. OATS No. 2. S04fi81c; No. 2 white, 324c; No. 3 white, ihhMKc. , r ,. . . , . r RYE No. 2. bftfto: ' i ' v BARLKY-Talr to choice malting. 43f4ric. SEEDS No. 1 flax. $1.21; No. 1 northwest ern, $1,814- Prime timothy, $2.902.924- Clo ver, contract grade, 112 50. - - PROVISIONS Mesa pork, per. bhl., $12.35 ii'12.40. Lard, per 100 lbs. S.70i3.724. Short rlha aides (loose). $A.506.)24; short clear sides (boxed), Vi.7yatf.874. Receipts. ShipVnents. Flour, bbls 35.400 40.800 Wheat, bu.. 24,000 36,fi0 Corn, bu.; '.. w... 819.900 278,800 Outs, bu 194,300 ' - 266.200 Rye, bu 4.000 S.RrK) Barley. bu...i 73,300 33,000 On the Produce exchange today the butter market was wesk; creameries, 24t32c; dai ries, ZS'SSOc. Eggs, quiet, at mark, cases Included, 24yrT2ic; firsts, 27c: prime firsts, 2ttc; extras, 31c. Cheese, firm; 12(&134c. at. I.onls Grain and Provisions. ST. LOriS, Feb. 24. WHBAT Higher; No. 2 red cash, elevator, $1. 144 : track, $1.17441 1-1; May, $1.16H; July, WHtoWMc; No. l hard. $1. 131.16. CORN Higher; No. 2 cash, 45c; traok, 46c; May. 454c; July, 464c. OATS Firmer; No. 2 cash, S4c: track. 324c; May, 314fi31'4e: No. 2 white, 314c. KMJL'R Much Improved trade; red wlnler patents. $5,304(5.50; special brands, $5.Hor(i6.75: extra funcy and straight, $4.WCu) 6.35; clear. $4.40(i4.60. SEED Timothy, steady. $2.0TKJ2.40. BRAN Firm; sacked, east track, 850Cc HAY Unchanged; timothy, $6.00r(jl2,60; prnlrle, $G.O0f 9.50. IRON t'tirrONTIES 93c. BAUOINO 7ty?. HEMP TWINE-4c PROVISIONS Porte, easier: Jobbing, $11.80. Ijrrd. firmer; prlmo steam. $0,324. Bacon (boxed), lower: extra shorts, $7,374; clear ribs. $7,374: short clear, $7,624. POI'LTRY Quiet; 'chickens. 104c; springs, 104c; turkeys, 14'9,15c; ducks, 13c; geese, 7e. Bl'TTER Firmer; creamery. 26S33c; dairy, 1;)0c. EGOS Steady at 28c. case count. Receipts. Shipments. 7,0o0. . 13.000 32,000 ' 39,000 lH.OUO 125.000 32.00U 60,000 Flour, bbla Wheat, bu Corn, bu Outs, bu , ' - . , Kansas City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY,. Feb. 24. WHEAT Mar ket tlrmi M,ay. $l.i14ri.oij; July, hoc. Cash: No. 2 hard. II 04wl-U; No. 3, $l.r7'i 1.10; No. 4. 98cii$l.04; No. 2 red. $M01.13; No: 3 $1.074 .!: No. 4. $l.orwn n. CORN Market higher: May, 4oStf45c: July. 45rr464c. Cash: No. 2 mixed, 474 4Sc; No. 3. 47iij4?4cr No. t white, 474(&Kc: No. 3, 474c. OATS Market steady; No. 2 white, 334t; No. i mixed.. 324". lYE-Stearfy, 78'BSCc. " HAY Steady; choice timothy, $160010.00; choice prairie. $7.6Ut)8.00. EGGS Steady ; Missouri and Kansas, new No. 2 whitewemd t-assa Included. 26c; case count, !4c; coses returned, 4c less. BL'TTER Market steady; creamery, 28& 31c; packers. 224c , . , Receipts. Shipments. 73.700 , 34.400 36.600 22.4i0 ', HMM0 ,n0 Wheat, bu, Corn, bu OHts. bu...... ...... Mlnaeapolls Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Feb. 34,-FLOCR-Flrst patents. - 16.36; second putents, W.lcxfiAlT.; lirst clears, $4.15J)4.:i5; second clears, $2.oi 2.70. BRAN In bulk. $14.26; shorts, In bulk, $14.25. - Mllwaakoa Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. Feb. 24. WHEAT Mar ket steady; No. 1 northern, $1.17'8U8; No. 2 northern. $11241 15; May, $1,184. bid. CORN Higher; No. 3, 444tr4fic; May, 47i 47', bid. Philadelphia Prsssr Market. PHILADELPHIA. Feb. 24.-BCTTER-Btesdy; creamery, 35t854c. EOOS-FIrm; western fresh, SOc, at mark. CHEESE Firm. Ii41il34c.' Rngrar and Stataaaas, NEW YORK, Feb. 24 -SCOAR-Raw, strung: fair refining, 4!MU4Sc; oentrlfucsl, Iki lrt, a 1-I6'q64is molasses sugar, 4 6-ltWrJ) 44i,e. Refined, firm; cruahed, 6.75c; powdered, S.l.'w: graliulaled, 6 use. NEW ORLEANS. Feb. 24 81'OAR Strong; open kettle, 3)44e: open kettle. Centrifugal. 4i(i4f4c: centrifugal whites, 5'c; yellows. tct seconds, 3,ti44o. MOLASSES Quiet : open kettle, 13ti2tic; ceiitrifiigul, 6415o. Syrup, steady, 2011 25c. I , Oils aad Roain. OIL CITY. Feb. $4 -OIL-Credit balances. $1.34; certificates, no bid: shipments, K9.147 hlls.; average. 70.641 bbls.; ruiut. 187.738 hbls.; average. 67,tS bbls. Shipments Lima, 72.518 bbls.; -average, t,0 bbls.; runs Lima, 7f 5(i.' bbls.; uyeruge. 46, liX bbla. SAVANNAH, r Feb. .4 -QH-TurpenUne, firm. 4Vc.' ROSIN-Firm: A, B. 4 SK.To; P. $2Ti: V.. f2': F. 12 Mi-..ti74: ' i. $V ,'I"J J4'. H. 11 2.S; 1, $3.50, M, $1 50; N, $1.75, WG, $5. WW, $3 15. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS - Market is More Settled and There is a Gen eral Eesumption of Strength. v DANGER OF CORNER IN IRON SHARES OVER . 4 ... Railroad Mat Is Active ai J Prices Are Generally Higher Late Rise la Inlon Pa-rifle. NEW TORK. Feb. 24 -The stock market u more settled today and there was a re sumption or strength. This was largely due to a decrease In the f.ara of a disas trous outcome of the struggle for control of the southern Iron companies. There was less reason to fear a corner in those stocks ami their movements were less excited and convulsive than those of yesterday. The group was regnrded with more or less sus picion and distrust, however, which was nccounted for by the continual conflict of the various statements and reports put in rlrculution with a semblance of attthorH. Theso were concerned with the progr. M ul leged to' be made In the accumulution of controlling holdings In the various com panies and of the terms said to be agreed upon for payment fof the stocks. The quo tation In the market continued widely dif ferent from the alleged terms, and the pub lic at large was much at a loan to form ac curate conclusions ss to the probable final outcome of the whole affair. Activity reverted very largely to the rail road list and the high grade of the stocks most prominent In the trading helped to reassure sentiment dlsturled by yesterday's sensational fluctuations. New York Central was a leading feature and its advance of over 7 points was made on much larger transactions than are upual In that stock. The principal operations were attributed lo the same sources an the recent campaign In Ontario Western. This led to a revival of a former rumor that (he recently ac quired control bv the New York. New Haven Hartford of Ontario & Western was to he transferred to or shared by the New York Central. The movement in other eastern railroud stocks was largely sympa thetic. I'nlon Pacific recovered vigorously from Its raiher sharp break of late yester day to a record price at 13i, and this was another sympathetic influence of wide ef fect In the market. Illinois Central was the lender In the southern gronp. The buy ing of the stock had no other explanation than general consideration of Its relative price level. Amalgamated Copper sc-emed to be helped by the extra dividend declared yesterday on the stock of nn Important Independent copper company. The Wabash system reported net earnings for January which showed a falling off of considerably over 50 per cent from those of January for the preceding yeur. but Its preferred stock was not debarred from a share in the day's strength. The Oould group was helped by the very large over-subscription for the 1:6.000.000 of Missouri Pacific bonds which were offered today. The subscriptions received were re ported by the bunkers to he over eight times the amount of the- bonds. This evi dence, which is corroborative of many oth ers of the abundance of capital seeking In vestments, marks the renl sustaining factor In the present extraordinury market. The unmistakably firmer lone of the money market todav seems to be attributable to credit requirements of this kind rather than to any decline In bunk reserves, as the domestic money movement seems to have shifted again In favor of New York for the week, the net gnln in cash appar ently amounting to over $1.oo0,000 from all sources. The upward movement spread rap Idly towards the last and the market gained greatly In animation with the late, outburst In New York Central and Union Pacific, which carried prices generally with them to n buoyant closing. Bonds were irregular. Total sales, par value, $5,313,000. I'nlted States bonds were all unchanged on call. Quotations on the New York Stock ex change ranged as follows: galea. tiign. un w.cioae. ! shown: Available cash balance. $140,210,181; SjOIU ju, i',aii. ntsl.XKDt or AOC!TBD ,AK Clearlags of the Great Commercial tenlero ( Coaatre, , NKiU'. TORK, Feb, ,24 -Tbt , followlhg tnble, compneo by Hradstreet, shows tn hank I'lMrmn nt the principal cities tor ( the weeK enoed February 23, with the per centage of increase ana .necres-s. as com pared with the corresponding week last iuar: . - - -- Atchison, ex-rights.. to pfd, ex-rlghls.. Atlantic Coast Une.. B. & O do pfd Canadian Pud tic Central of N. J Chen. Ohio Chicago & A do prd Chlcugo Gt. Western C. & N. W C, M. & St. P Chicago T. & T dr pfd C. C, C. St. L.... Colo. A Southern do 1st pfd ' do 2d pfd Del. .& Hudson Del., L. & W D. & R. G do pfd Erie do 1st pfd lo 2d pfd Hocking Valley do pfd 111. Central....,.i Iowa Central do pfd K. C. Southern do pfd L. & N Manhattan I, Met. Securities Met. St. Ry Mexican Central Minn. & St. L M.. Bt. P. & S. Ste M. do pfd Mo. Pacific M.. K. & T do pfdf Nat l R. R. of M. pfd N. Y. Central N. Y., Ont. & W Norfolk & W do pfd Pennsylvania P.. C, C. & St. I Reading do 1st pfd do 2d- pfd Rock Island Co do pfd St. L. 8. F. 2d pfd St. L. 8. W .-. do pfd So. Pacific do pfd So. Railway do pfd Texas & Pacific Tol., St. L. & W do pfd I'nlon Pacific do pfd Wabash do pfd W. fc Luke Erie Wis. Central do pfd Adams Ex American Ex V. S. Ex We I Is-Fargo Ex Amal. Copper Ainer. Car & F do pfd Amer. Cotton Oil do pfd Amer. Ice do pfd Amer. Unseed Oil... do pfd Amer. Ixcomotlve. . . do pfd Amer. Smelting & R. do pfd Amer. Sugar Ref Amer. Tob. pfd eertlf Annconda M. Co Brooklvn R. T Colo. Fuel & I Con. Oas, ex-dlv Corn Products do pfd Distillers' Securities. Oeneral Electric Inter. Paper do pfd Inter. Pump do pfd Natl Lead No. American Pacific Mall People's Gas Pressed Steel Car.... do pfd Pullman P. C Republic Steel do pfd Rubber Goods do pfd1 Tennessee Coal I. t'. S. Ix-ather do pfd V. 8. Realty I. S. Rubber do pfd I'. 8. Steel do pfd Vs. Cro. Chemical. do tifd Westlngh. Electric. Western 1 nton. 8,2oo 89 1 ss4 sr4 WK) VK'. loi) l(r." 500 122 1224 1224 12,800 114 '.'4M00 140 2.600 500 300 1.200 4,300 21,000 tv 1.600 1.000 100 3.100 $.x 100 "-200 44,300 2,000 3.100 "'206 8,300 51 424 82-4 23 242 179 33 9i4 264 624 374 1W24 3604 88 464 8"S 664 91 161 lo54 137 50-H 42 82 23i 23 1 10K 07 13!i 199 504 41 824 234 241 177V- 178 174 314 1)8S4 264 624 364 1914 350'i 88 46' ; 80 654 ii4 1694 700 2,800 10.800 2,200 900 ft.fioO 12.600 iV.900 l.Oftt) 14,600 "'400 1.7(H) 96.100 16.000 2.100 100 83.700 200 28,900 "ioo 53,200 1.000 6M) 200 . 24,500 700 . 32.000 900 . 5,7nO 600 81 ) .276.200 . 2.000 . I .I'M) . 4.600 100 8"0 ttoO . 200 64l6o6 12.500 2. 110 2,6iiO 100 200 1,600 ' ' ' ioo 15,900 100 26,5iO 5i0 5.800 2.5U) 1.200 4.200 10.600 1.000 5o0 200 1,7 500 2.800 '"70ft 600 9,700 400 300 4.300 2,"o0 600 200 11.600 500 6V5O0 l.wiO 1.000 2"0 1.900 5'tt 62.000 23.200 3.100 300 3i0 100 so; 68 140 1724 814 12l 23H 115 Ifil 109 66 424 1554 55 84 914 1414 82 96 90 354 81 4 71 26 6.04 1194 36 384 664 136 100 234 47? 19 244 30 66 , 139 171 8o4 1204 22 107 158 107 66 42 1484 644 834 914 1VS N' 944 90 34 1 81 70 254 674 118 354 98 374 364 564 1304 100 23 47 19 24 24H 128 F' 364 964 35 964 64 40i 39 41 112 92 119'i 1444 974 10S4 63 63 26 21 78 3.x 4 187 40 86 36 102 474 108 39 8S 243 22 81 16 944 13 1064 894 434 113 344 95 37 109 kll 934 232 127 764 344 944 364 !4 5 40 39 404 112 89 119 144 96 324 99 26 62 37 192 351 334 87 46 : Hi 14 6 914 914 Ifil 29 66 304 66 139 171 80 120 234 60 115 160'i los 32 654 42 156i 665 83 91 '4 141', 814 964 914 894 36 8T; 70 25 6214 694 1194 354 984 38 36 56 135 99 19 244 5'.'4 215 235 127 , 255 76 35 94 36 96 5 39 16 38 41i 11)4 91 4 1184 144 9( 107 ' 1074 oj"4 204 20 78 874 IKfili 21 40 864 36 101 47 107 38 88 243 21 79 92 12 104 89M. 4" 1124 33 944 36 ll4 179 934 5: &4 21 77 38 187 oi 77 40 86 364 101 -4 4T 104 38 v4 242 214 8014 ?5 96 92 12 104 8 4J 112 34 944 36 109 17 ,4 Total sales for the day. 1.287.100 shares. ew York Mlnlngr Slocks. NEW YORK. Feb. 24.-The following are tne closing quotation vn mining utocks: Artamt tea U A lie. to BiH: W Bruuawltk Cos Coinito.'k Tunnel (un. 11. a V )- Horn HIlTtr 170 Iron Sllv.r too U4vllla Coa J ilttle Chief. . 1 Milarl Ophlr f'noents Potnsl KavaU Slerrl Nevada Sniali Hopea ., 8landar4 I .7 .tJi . I . 11 . II v 4J . 2S .15 Treasarr Klilrmeat, WASHINGTON. Feb. 24-Today's state ment of the treasury balances In the gen eral fund, exclushe of the ll.-,0'oii gold rutrn lit tha tflvlmyu of redemption, CITIES. Clearlngs i Inc.) Dee. ' ' I 1 New York Chlcsgo Boston 1'hiladelphla .... St. lxuis llttsburg San Francisco ... Cincinnati ...1 Baiilmore Kansas City .... New Orleans ... Minneapolis Cleveland Louisville. Detroit Milwaukee OMAHA Providence los Anegeles ... Buffalo Indianapolis . Bt. Paul . Memphis St. Jrweph Richmond Denver Columbus Seattle Washington Savannah Alhanv Portland. Ore. .. Fort Worth Toledo, O Atlanta Salt Ixtke City .. Rochester IVot ia Hartford Nashville Spokane, Wash. . Des Moines Tacoma New Haven (Irand Rapids .... Norfolk iHtyton Portland. Me. ... Springfield. Mass. Augusta, Ga. ... Evansvllle Sioux City Birmingham Syracuse Worcester Knoxvllle Charleston, 8. C. Wilmington. Del. Wichita Wllkeabarre Davenport little Rock Tope k a Chat ta nooga . . . , . Jacksonville. Fla. Kalamazoo, Mich. Springfield. III. . Fall River Wheeling, W. Macon Helena Lexington .... Akron Canton. O. .. Fargo. N. D. Youngstown . New Bedford Rockford, III. 1-owell Cheater. Pa. Binghnmton III, WFIIII I Iff 'Ol, Springfield, O. Oreensburg, Pa (Julnoy, III. ... Decatur. 111. Sioux Falls. S. -.-I Va. III. D. .J jHcksonville. III. Mansfield, O. Fremont, Neb. Cedar Hnplds tHouston tGalveston 1' Total. V. B. ... Outside New York $1.62.295.J4 . l.i.2r,ViWii 122.Hii7.120 87,212.747). 49,8.l.0r I 89.1' St.!!'. I 26.'2.ii - li.SeAtt)'. I lk.ii.46 lSMTo.ei 1 17.779.56i,' I l.).0i.60S' 1 1, 691.801 1. : io..;hi ' 7. 91.899, I li.8;M.6J9 , .6hS.VA4.. I . , 7,310,140 4.9H1.17 , 4.987.43'. 4. 9 A. 3X8 4,202,H41 , 4.250.196 . 3ts.o6 , 6.211.361, 4.237. 9i 8.716.810 $.969,423. 2.488,6261 3.301,298' 3.389,910' 3.817.484! 3.258.2:l 2.690. 1021 2.542.669 3.01. 466 2.246.0681 2.790.229' 1.183.700 1.876.200' 2.449.893; 1.560.7941 1.461.506', 1.387.063 , 1.238.986'. 1.2:47,0991 1.656,733. 862.9811 1.233.209: 1. 470.689 , 1.038.666 . l.nai.OMi j;i.62H Pfliotol, 1.041,110' 1,M3.K61 891,103 , 691,772'. 687.263 . 717.476I. 789.0H0 676.649 . 967.269I 62S.478 714,76 638,7971, 687.131! 414.263!, 480.4481 580.9811 506.8001 609,0001 614.9241 496.675) , 374.9711 491.3861, 447.048, 252,6631 , 383. IW 321.6731, ' 419.346! . 308,298. 309.2861, 246.197!, 174.1871. 179.2891, . 232.896' 159.6061, 374.730 , 17.684.6391 8.492,000! 77.1 .. 41 84 .. 19.8,.. I 7.4 .. 27.1 ., 16.7 . Mi. 3 4 it HO ,. 16.6 . 6.2,. I - k 7.0 32.1 2.3 6.7 0.4 i'i ..'...I 1.5 4.2; I :::::! W 86.4 24 t 17.71 22. 1 6' 28.2, 35 1 16.0, jo;1! w;;; 81.71 39.9 3.0! 7.7 26.01 22. 4'.' 0 2; 31.3! 20.2 I 6.8 I 6.8 I 23.8 7.9' .' 82.1 .....I 22.8 17, 43.71 19.6 , 18.0 6 1 2.1 " 26".0 'siii'l". 22.3.. 1.6 , 1 20.7. To.. S3.:.. 11.9.. 6.7 .. 13.81. I 18.11. I 17.3;. ! 7.31. 10.6 33.1 36.4 82.5 19.5 58.0! 32.6 3.3 '7.6 a.s 'ii'.a "i'.i 4.9 1.6 14.2 10.0 'is'.i 11.6 OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET , Both Beef Steers and Oowi 8old Freely at Good Strong Prices. HOG MARKET EASED OFF A TRIFLE sheep Hold ttenerally a Dime Lower, at l.amka Were Rstremely nail aad t aevenly Lower, Too Mmnr InCnlshetl Orade. . AIOUTH OMAHA, Feb. 24. 190V quoted lowr snd s a result prleje esed off a trlf here. The general insrset could he quoted 4ft5c lower than esterday s average. Trading ws no! particularly ac tive st the decline, but still the hogs kept movlsg toward th" scale and It was not long hefore 'he built oi Irle esrtv arrival wss out of f)rt hands. The light weights so4d lsrg"ly from $4 down, butchers' and mixed 14 to $4 174 and hen vies all the way from 4 674 to $4 80. The decline was Jeneral on sll kinds, the, heavies suffering net shout aa much a the light weights. There wss no particular change In tha market froeri start to finish, the close being fully as good as the opening. Buyer seemed to he anxious for the late arrivals snd everything changed hands In good sea son. Representative sales: Receipts were: Oftlclsl Monday .... Official Tuesday ... Official Wednesday Officii! Thursday ., Official Friday Cattle. Hogs. ,.io 14.9:'l 11.579 11.169 9.001 Sheep. 13 l.s 7.645 12.143 $.779 3.9J Five davs this week.. .16.661 54.4MI 4?,71 Same davs lst wek... .l9 21.273 K.777 Same week before 15.614 41.791 26.8S2 Same three weeks age. .14 .107 2S.746 21.70 Same four Weeks ago. ..17. 404 43.51 26.4 Bams days last year. ...22.373 57.891 36.781 RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, with comparison with last vear: 1906. 1904. Inc. Dec. Cattle 11171 13587 .... 17.01 Hogs $70.14 368.263 l.$93 Sheep 242.823 280.736 3..913 The following tahle shows the average price of hogs at South Omaha for the last several days, with comparison: Feb. 1... Feb. t... Feb. 1... Feb. 4.., Feb s... Fun. v. . Feb. 7... Feb. I .. Feb. ... Feb. 10.. Feb. 11.. Feb. 12.. Feb. 13.. Feb. 14.. Feb. IS.. Feb. 11. Feb. 17.. Feb. 18.. Feb. 19.. Feb. 30.. Feb. 21.. Feb. 22.. Feb. 23.. Feb. 24.. 1904 . 11903 . 1 1 902 . 1 1 .! 1900. ' 1. 4 0 I 4 721 I I f I I HI 4 il "4 70 4 73! J I I 281 ast g m 4 72l 4 Ml 70l 8 3I I 4 2I 4 744! 4 811 801 8 951 Sir I 3 61 I 4 1241 4 81 4 74VI 4 0341 4 381 4 Ui. 4 89 4 76HI 6 Oil 4 76 6 00 6 01 4 8141 4 36, 4 84 4 84 "A : 4 99 4 8341 6 031 93: I?l I IS t XII I 6I 77 11 $11 4 701 8 6 C 741 08! 6 281 4 W 8 I 98 71) i 71 00 70 72 ( 80 85 4 73 4 67 e 4 65 4 684, 4 73 4 69) 4 5 04 6 12! 6 241 7 03! 6 97i 6 91 1 981 ( 02 04 6 99 6 92 6 81 I 5 79 & 78 6 86 6 86 6 29! 6 251 e t 321 S SO: 24 t 31 t 18 6 28 I 6 22i 6 23 6 31! 4 761 M 4 84 4 801 4V 4 821 4 3 79 X 71 I 66 a 68 8 61 4 75 (3 4 83 1 8 68 I 8 Mf 6 88 1 6 83, 4 76 4 83 4 78 4 74 5 221 93' 5 19 6 84 5 97 ft i I l 4 69' 6 32 4 6: 4 691 63 3 62 e 3 63 3 47 8 65 3 68 3 63 Indicates Sunday. The offioial number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was: CattleHog.Bh'p.H ses. C. M. St. P. Ry 2 7 1 Union Pacific system.... 9 19 6 2 C. i N. W. Ry 3 10 .. .. F. E. M. V. R. R 8 32 11 1 C., St. P.. M. O. Ky... 2 10 B. A M. Ry 19 27 2 2 t;.. B. A Q. Ry 2 4 C, R. I. P. Ry.. east.. 4 7 t- H I j& P Bv.. west . . 1 Illinois Central ." 1 7 Chicago (It. western.... no.. Total receipts 52 1 29 18 8 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head indicated: Cattle, hosts, riirr" ,$2,277,666.9361 , 748.361.76, 46 7 8.4! Montreal Toronto Winnipeg .., Ottawa Halifax Vancouver, R. ( Quebec Hamilton . .. St. John. N,,B. I,ondon. Ont. .. Victoria, IA. C. CANADA. tit $ ' 23,461.033! , '"16.973.992 4.901,6961 : .Z.000.6661 1 "l. 115.2691 12W.724 4 Wk on1 33.1 1 48.0 . 10.0 I 6.8 8.1 .. 36.0 rt 1.475.844, 10.. w? kiSl. 9641 46.81. -S15.796! I 1 i;61,206 17.81. v- 4W8.978! 9.4 Total. Canada ... $ ,63,416,742 25.31, Balances paid In cash. tNot Included In totals because containing other Items than clearings. ( tt York.Money Market. ' NEW YORK. Feb.-24.-MONFY-On call, firm at 24ig3 per cent; closing bid, 34 per cent) offered at 2 pe Cent; time loans, slightly firmer; alxty and ninety days, 8 per cent: six months, 84 per cent; prime mer cantile paper. 3'?44T per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Weak, closing steady, with actual business In bankers1 hills at $4 8685-04.8690 for demand and at $4.645o4.840 for elxty-day bills; posted rates. $4.874 and $4.88; commercial bills, $4,844- SILVER Bar, 604c bid; Mexican dollars, 46c. , BONDS Government, steady; railroad, Ir regular. during quotations on bonds were: U. 8. ref. le, reg IMS Japan a, ft fa 101 do coupon IMS I, ar N. unl. 4a in do 3a. ref. do coupon do new ta, reg. do coupon do old 4a, reg. . do coupon ..104 ..104 ..luftUj .1061 Manhattan r. (. 4a...l04 Mei. Central 4a 74 do let Inc 24 Minn. A Bt. U 4a.. M.. K. T. 4a 100 li do Hi U4 Am. Tobacco 4a. ctfa. 74V N. R. R. of M. c. 4a. 124 do a, clfa 116 N. y. c. g. 3t ioo- Alchtaon gen. 4a 104 ,N. J. C. g. (a do ad). 4a 47 No. PaclBc 4a 10ft Atlantic r. L. 4a 10.44 do 1 11 It. I. & Ohio 4a 1044 N. A W. c. 4a 104 do Ha W O. 8. L. rfdg. 4a 1Ji reotml of Ot. 6a....ll5 Penn. cosy. I4e 1044 do tat Inc ft 1 Reading gen. 4a 1024 do 2d inc il 81. L. I. M. t. 6S..1174 Chea. A Ohio 4Via. . . .Illi , HI. U A 8. P fg. 4a. l)a Chicago A A. 14a.... 8?4 HI. L. 8 W. c. 4a.... I7H C, B. A Q. n. 4a.... f: 1 Seaboard A. L. 4a.... l I'., U. I. A P. 4a.... 24!Ro. Pacific 4a M do tol. b 44 80. Railway ta U4 ccr. si. L. g. 4a..l0J4 Teiaa A- P. la 122 Chicago Ter. 4a t rolorado Mid. 4a 75 Colo. Ii 80. 4e 42 Tuba 5a. ctfa 1074 I). A R. U. 4a 1014 Dlatlileri' Sec. f.a ... 14 Krie prior lien 4a 101 ' do gen. 4a 24 F. W. A D. C. la...J04t HcHklng val. 44a. ...1114 Offered. T.. St. 1.. A w. 4 t nlon PaclAc 4a... do eonr. 4a V. 8. Steel Id ta. Wabaah la do drb. B Waatera Md. 4a.... W. A I.. R. 4a Wla. Central 4a.... M ,.105Ti ..U74 .. MS ,.1U4 .. 71 .. ?H .. I4i .. (4A Boston Stock Market. BOSTON, Feb. 24 -Call loans, 24&3 per cent; time loana, 34ift44 per cent. Official closing on stocks ano Donas Atchison Id, 4a... do 4a Mn. Central 4a... Atchteoa. do pfd host on A Albany. . Boalon A Maine. . . Boatnn Flevated .. ritihburg pfd N. V.. N. H. A H Pere Marauette Union fa.ino 11444 Amer. Arge. Chen) 1114 do pfd Amer. Pneu. Tube. Amer. Sugar do pfd Amer. T. A T Amer. Woolen .... do pfd Dominion I. A 8.. Edlaon Elec. lllu.. Oeneral Electrle .. Maaa. Rlectiic .... do pfd Maaa. (laa I'nlted fruit I'nlled Mhos Mack. do pfd V. 8. steel do pfd M44 .10141 . 74 . k4 .102 .a4 .174 .164 .144 .204 ..100 .. It .. 64 ..1444 ..ISt ..144 .. 24 .. Si .. It ..261 ..1(4 ..144 .. 64 .. 44 ..10 .. M .. 14 .. M14 ta Westing, common Adventure Allouel Amalgamated .... American glno ... Allantlo ninghem ('el. A Hecla... Centennial Copper Range ... Daljr weat Dominion Coal rrankttn Orancy lalo Royals Maaa. Mining Michigan Mohawk Moot. C. A C Old Dominion .... Oecenla Parrot Qulnnr Shannon Trinity U. 8. Mining...... tr. 8. Oil t'tah Victoria Winona Wolverine Bid. "Ex-iUvldend snd bid., ft 4i 214 "5. ..... 11 14 .S3 76 20 7044 17 ::::: S 64 124 14 .. 444 .. M .. 2t ..106 L .. U44 .. 264 .. .. 424 -- 54 .. 144 ..Ut London Stock Market. LONDON. Feb. 24. Closing quotations cn stocks and bonds: Conaola. money K4 N Y. Central do a:count Anaconda Atcbiaon do pd Rait I mure A Ohio. Canadian Pacific Chea. A Ohio Chicago Ol. W.... C M. A 8t. P... DeBeer Denver A R. 0... do prd Erie do let pfd do td pfd lunula Central .. Louie. A Neah.... IJ.. K. A T Ex-rights. in 0 16-14 INorfelk A W Uti .. 64 do pfd 14 .. II Ontario A W It', ..1064 Pennaylvuila Tl S ..1014 Rand Mine 10 . .1JH Reading 4' .. 62 do let pfd 47 .. 244 do 2d pfd 4i ..12 8o. Railway 144 .. Ii 4 pfd ltw .. 144 So RauISc 7 .. tv, l'nlon Paclfie 14H 44 1, 'oo Pfd 1004 124 I'. "'eel 144 47 do pfd II 1414 Wabaah 144 14a do pfd t4 il4 8panlih 4a 114 Kx-4ilvlund. SlbVfcH Bar. sleady. 3i 11-14 per ounce, biui r. 1 ;U) per cent. The rate of disci, ont m the open market for short bills Is 2VdJ per cent; for three months' bills, 24 per tent. Bank Clearlags, OMAHA. Keb. 24. Bank clearings today were $1,624,541.43. For the corresponding day in 1904 the clesiings were $1,281,428.76. Peoria PEORIA. Feb. 24.- 44c; .No. 4, 43c; no grgde, 41 a. Market. CORN-Strong. No. 3. Omaha. Packing Co.... Swift and Company... Cudahy Packing Co... Armour & Co Vansant A Co W. I. Stephen Hill & Son I j. F. Huss Hobblck A B Sam Wertheimer Mike Hae-gerty Sol Degun J. B. Root & Co Other buyers 84 260 488 258 44 18 21 10 29 18 14 3 7 66 2.207 2.149 3.rf2 1.955 80' 508 4.941 ..1.300 9.363 6.256 Tntnls CATTLE There was Jusi.a fair, run here todav for a Friday, and as all Ihe packers seemed to be anxious for supplies the mar ket ruled active with prices strong on all desirable grade. Buyers started out in good season and it was not long before a clearance was made. In the case of beef steers there wsa noth ing choice -on sale, but still buyer took hold with considerable life and the msrket could safely -he- rpioted strong an active. Even .the imramni cattle sold without a. great deal of difficulty at fully as good prices as were paid yesterday. The light receipts th last few days have caused price to advance quite rapidly, so that sll of the decline the early part of th week has been regained and the more desirable grades can probably be quoted around a dime higher than they were a week ago. Th cow market was also quite lively this morning, with prices strong rather than otherwise. Buyer went uround in good season and It was not long before prac tically everything In sight, with the excep tion of a few late arrivals, was out of first hands. As compared with the close of last week the market can safely be .quoted strong to a dime higher, the decline of the earlv part of the week having been more then regained. There was no quotable rhange In th mar ket on stocker and feeders today, ss there were not enough to make a market. The demand from the country has Improved wonderfully the lnat two or three days and speculators have sold out practically all the cattle they have on hand, both light and heavy. The market on all grades can he quoted a little stronger than It was a week ago. Representative salest BEEF STEERS. No. A. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 1 410 3 00 IS M7 I to 1 600 I 26 11 i2l IK 1 810 I 26 1 IOO 4 00 1 S.1II I 26 24 1210 4 IS t t7 I 46 24 1141 4 20 It IK I U 1 1100 4 26 4 870 I 70 2 1110 4 26 4 1211 3 70 II 1104 4 26 4 IU2 S 70 t lltr) 4 80 t 120 t 70 2 100 4 36 J 1020 I 76 11 ItHt 4 6 t 1100 t 76 6 1162 4 (6 J ISO I 76 7 1044 4 26 I 67 I 76 4 1260 4 36 ; 1034 I 76 1 1021 4 26 t 1023 I 75 22 1041 4 40 4 880 I SO 4 12H6 4 66 II 141 3 10 IS 1210 4 66 J2 tt IH ' 1472 4 td STEERS AND COWS, 22... 1042 Is COWS. 1 470 1 76 1 ISO I t 1 1000 1 16 1 1020 I 00 '. HO I 00 1 10SO I 00 I S64 i 06 I KK 3 Oil 1 120 I 10 1 1J25 t 00 1 tdS 2 10 II 120 I 00 1 1080 I 26 2 1260 t 00 1 124 I 15 1 120 1 S 40 1 T7t I 26 I 23 I 06 1 116 I 26 1 1170 4 10 1 lit I 36 1 1IS0 3 16 1 160 8 25 7 SI7 S 16 6 .'.S 1 35 17 1024 I 16 7., 6I 2 35 17 1010 I 20 1 ISO 16 1 468 I 25 1... 1070 t 60 1 1160 I 26 1 ro M) t45 I 25 4 IWi I 60 2 7S0 I IS 1 1160 t 60 4 ., 1066 I 15 610 I 60 IS 10)4 1 26 I 4S t 60 11 117 80 1 1180 I to 1 76S I 84 1 770 I 40 7 104 8 66 t 1216 t 65 1 1610 I 36 1 1021 I 70 20 1102 I 35 1 I'.O I 76 IS ICt I 86 1220 t 76 ' 10 1116 3 40 1 10.10 I 76 4 1 174 8 60 8 10S4 I 76 13 lltt I 60 1 400 t 76 7 100 8 to It 113 I 10 1 1122 t t6 10 Kl IM 1 103 I t6 13 42S 8 to 24 1M I 61 COW8 AND HEIFERS. 16 "I t It 33 1023 1 36 11 Ill 1 10 HfCIFBRB. 1 470 I 16 2 416 I 0 1 470 t 76 13 106 I 21 4 6tt t 76 I 20 8 85 t S60 2 10 1 170 I 86 '"buixs. 1 1110 I 85 1 1470 8 66 1 1370 8 64 1 1440 I 00 1 1164 t 40 1 1110 I 00 1030 8 76 1 1740 I It 1 110 8 75 1 1120 I It 1 13S0 I 16 1 1740 I 84 1 USD 8 15 1 1460 t 26 1 410 3 76 1 140 8 86 1141 3 76 1 1J0 I 40 ' CALVW "" ' W 1 M 3 T6 t Ill I id 3 Ill 4 00 1 177 I 60 1 103 4 00 1 160 I 71 1 loo I 00 1 140 t T6 1 140 I 26 1 120 4 00 1 121 6 26 t 176 I 0 1 lit I 60 ' STAGS. 1 Ildt I 10 1 1670 I 16 1 1310 I 00 STOCK CALVES. 3 176 t 40 1 310 3 tt 6H I 10 STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS 8 114 3 26 7 HI IM I 464 lt I ISO I 60 I H0 I 40 1 4ml I lo 1 1010 I 40 1 770 tt I 120 I 46 3 IU7U I to a 64) 3 45 3 7IK I u BTOCKERB AND FEEDERS. I 440 S 00 6,... HMI 16 I ' 4M I 25 2 110 I to a 700 I 40 II lull 4 05 a' lot I 46 NEBRASKA. 23 rows $17 1 66 a cow... MONTANA. 1$ feeders.. 861 3 80 lirvis There was a more moderate run of hoga here today than has arrived for the last ltw u s, vui aui viuwr iiic.iicii toj a. . ta. pt. rr. a. ik. t. 14 143 ... 4 It 61 341 K'O 4 46 14 107 ... I 26 71 1?i ... 4 to 1U SO 4 411 It 140 in 4 M 3 It4 44 4 Kl Tl 216 ... 4 46 I 61 171 ... 4 60 II 2;'l ... 4 46 I tl 174 40 4 60 70 t?7 ... It S3 1) 120 4 V) 7 2 ... 414 II ltf so 4 614 is :m 21 44:4 III t!4 r 4 674 Tl 24S 4 4 tT'4, 17 215 0 4 S74 SO 2 40 4 1, ! (t 141 ... 4 6T 62 244 ... 4 47 4 It ! ... 4 to 64 itl ... 4 74 II IM ... 4 n K IS ... 474 M .201 .-,40. . 71 21 240 4 C74 IS 1SI ... 4 40 7 260 ... 4 114 61 .-.117 10 4 42 76 ! 40 474 Tl , 216 40 4 1:4 t7 IS 1)1 474 M 4 10 (111 4D 244 ... 4 174 74 3"4 ... 42' l ?; 40 4 7 10 ,..211 ... 4 1:4 47 240 too 4 7V, S6. ...... ;'4 40 4 4t4 27 ... 4 47", 71 112 ... 4 614 10 244 ... 4 174 55 210 ... 4 424 71 14 8t 4 474 S3 20 1 4 4 44....... 2IS Ml 4 1mj t!2 10 414 72 244 ... 4 174 17 Its ... 4 4 77. :?53 ... 474 15 . ... 4 4J 14 2 .47 ... 4 474 SO 34 ... 4 45 St 270 10 4 414 SI ....... . 240 10 6 227 ... 4T, M. ...... .814 ... 4 45 2:'6 ... 4 114 71 222 40 4 C5 II 371 120 4 41 4 tl V'lO 120 4 16 1 261 120 4 174 72 :7 tt 4lt it W 40 4 474 M ...201 ... 4 46 75 244 ... 4 74 4 .228 40 4 46 4. ...... ?62 ... 4 474 71 223 10 6 72 244 44 4 474 17 24 10 4 46 141 ... 4 7 34. ..I. ...165 ... 4 16 57 ISO 0 4 to M Sll ... 4 M 62 277 1 20 4 70 42 S..3S0 ... I 46 44 212 M 4 70 61 200 ... 4 6 . -8 241 ... 4 70 41 227 ... 4 46 74 26! 10 4 71 71 86 ... 4 6 76 214 ... 4 70 74 21S ... 4 6 I6:t ... 4 74 61 217 10 4 15 4 N4 ... 70 t 231 10 4 16 40 262 4i 4 70 77 214 140 4 24 ? ... 4 70 55 211 ... 4 46 SI 274 4 70 16 221 10 4 16 M 211 ... 4 70 to 201 ... 6 61 !4 40 4 70 76 2S4 ... 4 16 66 2S7 ... 4 7 14 2t0 ... 4 46 44 264 10 4 724 S3 210,... 4 46 S7 r,T ... 4 714. 17 222 ... 4 45 40 21' ... 4 12-, 71 242 ... 4 66 67 Ill 120 4 724 70 !2 ... 4- 4 .3.17 10 4 76 4 :4 120 4 5 42 11 ... 76 2 114 ... 4 46 66 fS ... 4 774 71... MS ... 4 46 6.1 3 ... 4 10 W. 21 ... 8HE.EP -There were just a few bunches of sheep on dale this morning, but the mar ket was rather slow snd mostly a dime lower. Some of the more desirable grsdes may not have sold quite that much lower, but as a general thing salesmen had to take off about a dime before thev could dispose of Ihelr holdings. The quality or the offer ings was rather Inferior the same as has been the ease of late, so the sales on psper do not look particularly good. The big bulk of the offerings consisted of lambs and the market was extremely dull. None of the packers seemed to want fresh supplies and gave aa the reason that there have been entirely too many half-fat kinds on ssle at all points. It seem that the high prices have caused feeder to ship a good many lamhs that were not finished, with the result that packers are filled up on that kind, nnd ss practically all the lambs that were offered todav could not he classed better than fair the market wa extremely dull and It was almost impossible to make n mile at anv price. As compared with a week ago the lamb market Is right around 25'rf40o lower than a week ago. Quotations tor red stock: (lood to choice yearlings. 36.2nrg8.60' fair to good year lings. 6.76454 15: good to oholce wethers. 3C.2Mjr.66' fair to gocH veihers 84.90(1 .r.: good to choice ewes, $5.O0tfjo.S0: fair to good ewes. 14 TiVivS. i.N); t.noti ro f!r WM, 14 UU 4S4.60; good to choice lambs. $7.60fn.7i: fair to pood lambs. $7.007.6O; feeder yearlings, $4 feeder wether, 44 26.fl4.60. feeder ewes. $3.3693.7$) feeder lamb. $S.MS.28, HcDrescntatlve ales: No. Ai- iO? western ewes 32 western ewes 200 western ewes ; 19 western wethers 36 western lambs 12 western ewes 7 western wethers 636 western lambs 604 South Dakota feeder lambs.. 72 South Dakota ewes 16 South Dakota ewes 1 South Dakota wether 199 South Dakota wethers.,.,...,. 4ft South Dakota wethers 803 western feeder lamb 537 Western feeder lamb 176 South Dakota feeder lambs.. 448 South Dakota feeder lambs.. 148 South Dakota feeder lambs.. 242 South Dakota lamb 93 97 96 95 73 96 101 66 64 101 98 100 94 II 45 64 71 71 66 78 Pr. 5 40 5 40 5 40 6 50 7 50 5 26 5 60 6 50 6 76 6 00 6 40 6 40 6 40 8 75 66 41 66 6 75 8 75 6 75 7 15 CHICAGO I.I VR STOCK MARKET Cattle Steady Hogs Fife teats Iovrer het Steady. CHICAGO, Feb. 24.-CATTL,E-Receipts. 3,000 head: msrket steady; good to prime steers, $5.6(Vri.6.45: poor to medium. $3.754j) 6.60; stockers and feeder. $2.85(64.30; cows. $1.26434.33; heifers. $2.00t&4.90 : canners. $1.26(9 2.65; bulls. $3.00Ci3.90; calves. $3.00r87 36. HOOS Receipts. 82.000 head: estimated tomorrom-. 29.000 head: market 6c lower; mixed and butchers $4.66fi4.90: good to choice heavy. $4 86424.95: rough heavy, $4.65 4.80: light, $4.6Orf4.80; bulk of sales, $4.70$' 4.8!4. SHEEP AND I.AM BB -Receipts. 8.000 head; aheep. ateady; lambs. 10(j15e lower; good to choice wethers, $5.tVsti.4) : fair to choice mixed. $4 5O:?j6.80; western sheep. $4.50 ff.00: native lambs, $6.CKVg7.75; western lambs. $6.7,VQ'7.60. Kansas City Lire Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, Feb. 24. CATTLE Re ceipt, 1.600 head, Including 100 head. south erns; market stendy to lor higher; choice export and dressed beef steera, $6.O0y5.76: fair to good. $3.75rS4.90: western fed steers. $3.75Sjfi.26; stockers and feeders. $3.00f&4.26; southern steers, $3.2JV&4.60; southern cows, I2.26ig8.25; native cows, H.7Rti4.2."i; native heifers. $2.50Q4.6O; bulls. $2.60iff8.75; calves, $3.0051.76. HVOS-Receipts. 8,500 head; market stead v to 6c lower; top, $4,874; bulk of sales, $4.56 4.80; heavy. $1.80U4.8?4; packers, $4.704.85; pigs and lights. $4.00j4.70. SHEEP AND I.AMBS-Recelpts, 1.500 head; market ateady; native lambs, $7,001? 7.90; native wethers. $6.356.90; native fed ewes. $4.8666.90: western fed lambs. 17.003 7.90; western fed yearlings. $6.00jC.0; west ern red sheep, $4.86V6.90; stockers and feed ers, $3.6otf6.60. St. l-ools I. It Stock Market. ST. I.OCIS. Feb. 24-CATTI.E-ReceInts. 1.600 head. Including 1.000 head Texana; mar ket steady to stronsr: native Sh nnlnar and exoort steers. $4.75(fi5.90. Dressed beef and butcher steers, $3.6005.25: steers tinder l.ono lb.. $3.004ji4.1&; stocker and feeders. $3.00 4.25; cows and heifers, $2.26&4.35; canners, $1.75454.60; bulls,; calves. M.fWffl 60; Texas and Indian steers, $3.0urr?4.75; cows and heifers. $2.2638.75. HOOS Receipts. 4,600 head; market steady to easy; pig and lights, $3.7694.78; packers, $4 80tJ4 95; butchers and best heavy, $4.9o 5.00. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 800 head; market steady; native muttons, $3.0iti6.l0; lamhs, $4.00'67.73. . , . . it. Joseph Urn Stock Market. ' ST. JOSEPH, Feb. 24 CATTLE Re ceipts. 675 head; market steady; native. $3.i6A5.40; cows and heifers, $1.60&4.S5; stockers and feeders, $2.7634.16. HOGS Receipts, 7.126 head; market steady to strong; light, $4.6503 4.75; medium and heavy. $4 6O04 874- SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 730 head; market steady; lambs, $7.66; yearling, $6.90. 8loox City I. Ire Stock Market. BlOt'X CITY. Ia.. Feb. 24.-8peolal Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 600 head. Market-strong; beeves, $3 60. 00: cows, bulls and mixed, $2.2&S4.0o; stocker and feeders, $2.7613.76; calve and yearlings, I.'.26'a3.60. HOOS Receipts. 7.2O0 head. Market VA 10c lower selling at $4.40tg4.76; bulk of sales, $4.&664.60; lock In Bight. Receipts of live stock at the six principal Cattle. .. 1,400 .. 600 .. 1.5U0 .. 1.6O0 .. 675 .. 3,000 Hogs. Sheen. 9.(i0 8.900 7,iu0 $.600 1.600 4.600 l T.I 2.1 720 32.000 8, OoO 68.328 1 4.90 South Omtha Slonx City .... Kansaa City . St. Iul St. Joseph .... Chicago Totalg CotTee Mark!, NEW YORK. Feb. 24.-COFFEE-M rket for futures opened steady at unchanged prices to an advance of 10 points In re sponse to firmer European cables than ex pected, and while there were notices out for March contracts amounting to between tt'). Out) and rM),t) bags, accompanied by some further liquidation In the near positions, the market following tha call Increased the gains to a matter of 61ilO points: A cloalng decline In Havre. Iiowever. caused a re moval of the weakness noted yesterday and th msrket In the afternoon went hack to about the closing figures of yesterday. But later cables were made public claiming that Increased estimates of the Hnnlo crop were exaggerations and with notices nut of the way Ihe market toward t lie close was very firm, with prices flnallv irtesdy st a net advance of v I points, the spot month howtjif thtT tgiet grarn. Salts wet- T ,r)if.1 of lW.nm bsgs. Including: Msreh, tstpi sftc; April. 8 rifx ; Mar, 6M4jH 9nc; Julv 7 '54Y7.IO-; August. 7.3iv: September. 7 .264T 7 3.H-; trctoher. 7.36c: December. 7 5o4S7 V. Jsmisrr, 1 tr)trr "Jr. Spot, quiet: No 7 Rio, invoice.' $'c MIM. quiet: tVrdma. 1 01 13c. OM4.HA WIIOLK8ALU MARKET. Condition at Tra f e and Quotation on Stant ana Faaey Prod ace. . EOOP-candled stock. :rc. 1.1 VE POn.TRY-Chlcsens. 10c; slsggv and young roosters, sc; old roosters. 4 6c; turkevs. 15c; geese. DU'ttPe. DRESSED IH)ULTHY-Tu,kys. KGlfc; ducks. 32c; geese. 11c; chicken., llljjl'jc; looser 7tiV Rl'TTER- Packing stock. 2?fl22c; rhnli to fancv dairy, 27tj28e; creamery, 274198-; prints. 31c. 1 KRkSil FROZEN FISH-Trout. 9c: ph k J erel. $c; pike. 9c; perch. 7c; Mil fish. Uc; vnnensn. sv; hiihiih. ni , 1 vui-im it i , o lobster tgreen), )c; lobster (nolledi, 33c; bu Iheads. lie: catfMi. 14c; blick bass. 2oc; halibut. 12c; crapplea. 12c; huff tlo, 7c; whit bsss. 11c; frog legs, per dot., 2V. BRAN Per ten. $17 00. HAY Prices quotd by Omaha Wholes! Hav Dealers' association: Choice No. I up land. $6 61; No. 2 $10); msd urn, $3 6); t osr-e, 18 on. R straw. $5.f0. Thes prices are for hav ol good color rd quality. OYSTERS New York count, pvr ran. 45c: extra selects.' per can. Mo: gisndsrds. per can. SOc Rulk: Rtsndnrds. per gal. 81.73: extra selects, per gal., $2.00; New York counts, per gal.. $70f) TROPICAL KRCITS. ORANGES California, extra fancy Dul ls nd navels, all sice. $?.6w; fancy navels, $2.26; choice navels, all sixes, $.). LEMuNS Call I "?' s. fnr-y. $2.70; 8Cs and 3i. $3 25: choice. 270, $00, 360. $3.00. . . , DATES Per box of io-lb nkgs.. $7f0; Hallowee, In 70-lb. boxes, per lb.. 44113c. KIGS California, per 10-lb. . carton. 76' F5c; Imported Smyrna. 4-crown. loc; 8 snd -crown. 12c: fancy. Imported (washed),' In 1-lh. jikgs., 16ai8c. BANANAS Per medlirjl-lxd .bu.nch, $1.75 67 .1; Jumbos. $2 6i.0O. GHAPKKRL'IT Per box of 64 to 84. $S.40dt 7.00. FRL'ITS. APPl.ES-New tor. Kings. $$.8S;- New York Greenings. $3.00; New York Baldwins. $3.1)0: Colorado Wlnessp. per bu. box, $1.50; Pippins, $1.60. . HHAl KS Imported Malsgas. per keg, $..V)t7.0O. . . . . TANGERINES - California, per. 4 bog. $uo. CHANBERRIES-Wlseoneln Bell and Ru gle. per Mn., $8.u0; Jerseys, per bbl., $8.0ti; per box, $2.7$. VEGETABLES. POTATOES Home grown, In sirki,, per bu., 45c: Colorado, per bu., 50c, Tl'RNIPS old. per bu., 40c; Canana rut abagas, per lb., 1c; new, pur dog., 46c. CARROTS Old. per bu., 40c; new. per dox., 4Sc. PARSNIPS-Old, per bu.. 40c. BEETS Old, per bu., oc; new, per doi., 45c. BEANS Navy, per bit., $1.8."til.!0. ONIONS Home grown, red. In aacks, per lb., 2c; Spanlah, per crate. $2.50; Colorado yellow, per lb., 2c; new, southern, per dog., 46c. Cl'CUMBERS-Per dox.. $1.7502.00. TOMATOES Florida, per 6-basket crate. $4,500(5.00. CABBAGE Holland seed, per lb.. 14c SWEET POTATOE8 Kansas kiln dried, per bbl.. $260. . . CELERY California, 45075c. , RADISHES Hot house, per dog., 45c. LETTCCE Per box of about fifteen, heads, 60c. . RIIVBARR Per doi. bunches, 75-cfl$100. PARSLEY Per dox. bunches, 70c. MISCELLANEOUS. SAUERKRAUT Wisconsin, per keg., $2.25. CIDER New York, per bbl., $5.50; per half bhl., $3.25. CHEESE Wisconsin, twins, full cream, 13c; Wisconsin Young America, 14o; block Swiss, new, 15c; old, 16(6 17c; . Wisconsin brick. Inc; Wisconsin limburgor, J4o. HIDES No. 1 green, 7c: No. -2 green. 4c; No. 1 salted, 84c: No. 2 sailed, 74c; No. 1 veal calf, 9c; No. t veal calf, 7c; drv salted, Sraltc; sheep pelts, 26c$r$l.U0; horsa hides, $1.6013.00. NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shells, - new crop, per lb., 15c; hsrd shells, per lb., 13c; No. 3 aoft shells, per lb., )2c; No; 3 hard shells, per lb., 12c; Pecans, largo, per lb., 12c; small, per lb., 10c; peanuts, per lb., 7c; roasleu peanuts, per Ih., 8c; Chill wslnuts. per lb., 12trlS4c; almonds, soft shell, per lb., 17c; hard sell, per lb.. 16c; chestnuts, per lb., 124i?il.'le; new .black walnuts, per bu.. 75faK0c; shellbark hlckorv nuts, pr bu., 1.7o; large hickory nuts, per. bu,, $1.60.- Wool Market. feOSTON, ' Feb. n.-WOOI-Coii'cernlng the wool market the Commercial Bulletin tomorrow will say:- 'The market Is dull, generally speaking, though some holders report It slightly tnoro active. Sale ar confined to small' lots of domestic grade and in foreign no large trades have been closed. Importer feel a little better. De struction by fire of about 2.5uo,ono pounds of Australian wool has taken thst much Off th market. There is so much less to sell and the loss Is fully covered by Insurance. Quotations show little change. The finer grades are about as strong un ever, but me dium and coarse wools are weak. Th shipment of wool from BoMon to data from December 29, 1904, according to the same authority are 36.783.249 pounds, against 87.731,126 pounds at the same time last year. The receipts to date are 41,209.834 pounds, against 2i,329,247 for the same period last year. ST. I.ori8, Feb. 24.-WOOI-Steadv: me dium grade clothing anj combing. 26tf28'; light fine. 211522c; heavy fine. 174il8r; tub washed. SSSlOc. LONDON, Feb. 24. WOOL A sal of Cape of Good Hope and Natal sheepskins was held here today. The offerings, which s mounted to 65.362 skins, were In poor con dition. - . Cotton Market. NEW YORK, Feb. 21-COTTON-Spot, cloned quiet to 15 points lower; middling upland. 7.76c; middling gulf, 8.00c.. Sales, 118 hales. LIVERPOOL, Feb. 24. COTTON-Good business done In spot, prices 10 points lower; American middling fair, 4.61d; good middling. 4.29d; middling, 4.17d: low mid dling, 4.06d; good ordinary, 3 91d; ordinary, 3.76(1. The sales of tire day were 12,000 bales, of which 1,000 were for epeculatlon and ex port and Inc'uded 11,400 American. Re ceipts, 27,000 bales, Including 19,200 Amerlt can. Futures opened quiet and closed tin-) settled. American middling, g. o. c. Ff-b-ruary, 4d; February-March, 4d: March Anrll, 4d; April-May, 4.02(1; May-June. 4.04d; June-July, 4.06d; July-A uguat. 4.07d; August-September, 4.08d: September-October, 4.10d: October-Novomber, 4.10d; No Vember-Deeemher, 4.10d. NEW ORLEANS. Feb. 24.-COTTON-Market stesdy. Sales. 5,300 bales? Ordi nary, 6c; good ordinary. 6S-lc; low mid dling, 6 15-loc; middling, 74c; good mid-, dllng, 77d; middling fnlr. 8 5-lCc. Receipts. 6,902 bale; stock. . 284.070 bale. 4 ST. LOUIS, Feb. 24.-COTTON Qutat and unchanged: middling, 7 11-16C. . SaU. 325 hales; receipts. 400 bales; shipments, 80 bales; stock, 43.7a bales. Metal Merket. NEW YORK. Feb. 24. M ETA LS Th a London cables reported an easier market for tin. which closed at X130 17s 6d for spot, snd 130 5 for futures. Iically the trad.) was Influenced by the foreign weakness In the absence of offsetting factors, and th market was easltr also, with spot closing at $2ft.87&.29.10. Copper also lost a portion of its recant gain atxoad, wheee-demnd wss said to Ire leas active with po clos ing at a.68 6 and futures ut 68 15s. Lor-allv the market remained quiet, but firm, with large producers holding lake ut $16.60, elec trolytic at $15.37 4 16 60 and casting at $I5(M i 15.26. Lead was quiet hern and possibly a ahsde easier, although quotations re mained unchanged at $4.4634.60. Th loiis don market was a shade lower at 12 7s 3d. Spelter shared In the generally easier ten dency abroad and closed at 24 5s. Locally the market remained (inlet at $6.1Ckie.i0 Iron closed at 53s In Glasgow and at 48j 114d In Mtddlesborough. I-oi-nlly the mar ket was reported firm with demand !ms proving. No. 1 foundry, northern, Is, quoted at $17.60ff17 95; No. 2 foundry, south ern. $17.50; No. 1 foundry, southern, snd No. 1 foundry, southern, soft at f 17.7518.00. Edwards -Wood Co- (Incorporated ruin OIHciv. Fifth and Robert StrteU. 5T. PAUL, fllNN. DEALERS IN Stocks, Grain, Provisions 1 Ship Your Groin to Us ti-xBa-t-atxB raasn OOle. II-HI Board of TraaV Idc Omaha. . Telephone itBIA I 812-214 Uxchsng illdg.. South Omaha, all 'Phon 318 InrUoandant 'Phon $: A BIG CHANCE , I lav H block of 1) Forest Wireless Tele, graph slock, "Original Company." VI sfll piO shares. Par value $10 per share; All common stock. No preferred Issued by this company. Perfect transfer guaran teed $6 per f lis re If taken at once. This system In u by I'. government. Mor valuabl than Jtall. 'I ln4ii4 tgon",.. . 01 7, -kif OlEcti, , , I 1