Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 25, 1905, Page 8, Image 8
THE OMAHA DAILY PEE: SATriJDAY, FEniUTAltY 2" lOOS. Saturday Bargains At the Book Dept. I bottles Carter's Vat Cr Irk I t-ttlsa best Pants Olue ol- I 6-cent Memorandum Rp Books ow I full elsed Counter Cri Books I packages fine Rr Envelope t brat Lead Rp Pencils 26c Novels. Rf choice okl All the late Copyright Books, ()C each Grand Ribbon Sale Kibbons, worth 3c, yard ; 1c Kibbons. worth oc, Turd.. 2ic Kibbons, worth 10c, yard 5c Kibbons, worth 13c, yard 7ic Kibbons, worth 20c, yard 10c Ribbons, worth 25c, yard 12ci Ribbons, worth 50c, yard I9c 15c Stock Collars, each. 5c THE RELIABLE STORE. Great Sale of Men's Odd Coats and Vests Saturday, See Page 12 WONDERFUL HUT BARGAINS Tht bilinct of tht undimigtd stock from tht Martin. Coff Hif Co. will bt pltctd on silt SMlurdty. The balance of the undamaged stock from the Martin-Cott Hat (V, will be placed on sale Sat urday. This is the greatest bargain opportunity in jien's and boys' hats that has ever been shown in Omaha. Don't fail to see them Saturday. f 1.50 Men's Hats for .50c $2.00 Men's Hats for 75c $2.50 Men's Hats for 1.00 Men's and Boys' Caps, each I0c Jtrst as good styles. Just as good rallies aa 'wer shown the opening day of this great sale. All new, undamaged headwear. $2.50 Silk Pillows for 98c. At 8 o'clock Saturday morning we will place oq sale the very finest quality of Silk Pillows, complete, filled with the very finest materials regular $2.50 values and well worth that price one pillow to a customer. . . . 98c Speca Bargains in Ladies' Furnishings LADIES' UNDEItMURUNS-V) down Sklrta In Nainsook Murtln and Cambric, extra full and well made, with deep flounces of embroidery or lare and insert ing, the mast fascinating designs, worth $2.00 to $5.00. at $U, ZJOC $1.60 and vv LADIES' OOWNS-Extra long nnd full, lilgh or low nerk, with handsome lace, and embroidery yokes, worth $1.00 lo f3.W. at J1..V), USc JO LADIES' DRAWERS With deep flounce of lace or embroidery, 0 worth from BOc to 08c, at 49c and LADIE8' KNIT UNDERWEAR, VESTS AND PANTS-In heavy ribbed or fieer-e lined odd lota, but all good sizes, worth 50c to $1.00 your , J choice Saturday s CHILDREN'S VESTS Heary fleece lined, in all alecs, worth 26c. i(o choice IUV LADIES' HOSE In lace or fancy Embroidered, worth up to 50c, C - choice LADIES' OOTTON HOSE Heavy fleece lined, worth up to 25c, at, pair l.2 BOY8' HEAVY WOOL OR COTTON BICYCLE HOSE-Worth up to 26c, at -f lt FOR ONE HOUR FROM 10 TtlL 11 FOR ONE HOUR KITCHEN APRONS Very long and full, made from Warner's Percales, In light and dark colors a limit of four to a customer ( 1 BW each Extra Special Shoe Sale Saturday CM ralrs meti s line Vlcl Kid and Box Calf Goodyear welt sewed shoes, f CQ worth 12.60 and J.uO, at 300 on Irs women's fine Hand and McKay Sewed shoes, worth up to W.OO, J gQ Closing- out Ave Unas of the celebrated ULTRA ti.K shoes. In viol kid O fill and patent calf, at . W All the Brooks Bros.' fine Hand Sewed Vlcl Kid Bhoea. regular prices O Afi 3.00, W W, 14.00 and R60, at S0 Men's guaranteed patent Corona Colt Blucher Shoes, all slses and 1 OO widths, at S.VO 20 per cent off on all Stetson double sola shoes. Men's Satin Calf tl.50 Lace Shoes, at 98c Boys' and Youths' $1.50 Satin Calf QQr Ijich Shoes, at "t-M" 98c Lace Shoes, at. Women's. Misses' and Child's 11.60 Vlcl Kid Shoes, at . Women's OLD COLONY Storm on. Sandala, at OVC Child's $1.00 Vlci Kid hand turned AOr Bhoes, at i Little Gent's $1.00 Satin and Box ZClr Calf Lace Shoea, at UVL, Child's t-U P. & V. Milwaukee heavy oil grain Cllmas cut lace shoes, EQn regular price $1.00, at Agents for the celebrated STETSON, CROBSETT and JOHN MITCHELL Shoes for Men. and the ULTRA and Q ROVER Shoes for Women. A complete Una consisting of TWENTY SIX STYLES of the GROVER Shoes car ried In stock. 20 MEAT TRUSTS 20 Oofi f Stop Us We Kill Our Own Slock and Kill Other's Prices .ef Lard, It pounds wholesale 1 fl price $1.11 oura I.UU Pork Loins wholesale price Tc .; ours Pork Roast wholesale price C4o JJJC 54c Sparerlbs wholesale price M4e ours , Cudahy's Diamond C Hams whole- nr sale price 10c ours Ivrw Cudahy's Rax H una wholesale , QSf price lOc ours 't Cudahy's Hex Bacon wholesale price llVsO ours Armour's Hams wholesale price OJc HH4C-ours lie Armour's Bacon wholesale price n3- lOfco-ours VtC Armeur'a 8, 5 and 10-pound pall Shield Lard wholesale price 8c '. .. ' 7lr ours .' Cudahy's I, 6 and 10-pound Rex Lard wholesale price 8o 7?C ours Omaha Packing Co.'s S, S and 10-pound pall Red Seal Lard wholesale 3 price 8o ours.; Morrell's Iowa Eureka Ham whole-Q 3 f. sale price 12c ours avv Send In your moll orders. We give you prompt attention and above prices. Magnificent Display of New Spring Styles in Ladies' Suits, Jackets, Cravenette Coats, Waists, Skirts No other place in Omaha ca priced fSannenfs for Spring Wea HANDSOME TAILOR RflTS-In ptollgal variety or color, tyje ana raDrlc, excel lent val ifti, at from J40.(0 CLt down to ''ou Very newest styles In Iitllrs' Cravcnf-tte Uuats. nothing better on the fx Qfl market, at from $30.00 down to....JtJ SILK SHIRT WAIST SUITS In the most fascinating eprlnft styles, elegant In fab ric, finish and faahl n, at frjm ri $50.00 down to l'ou Nobbiest styles In New Spring Jackets. enticing values at from i.ou a k down to BE At TI Ft I. BPRIWO 9VITS S8.DS. FINE TAILOR SUITS In great variety of beautirul fabrics and co.or". an ;no verv ln(ct denljtns for spring, a. so SILK SHlRT WAIST SUITS. In the most ex quisite colorings and weaves garments that are worth un to $15.00 and U QU W.OO, choice Saturday O.UO n von find such a variety of exquisitely designed, enticingly r as in our busy Cloak and Kuit Department. 69c MAGNIFICENT SKIRT VAI.IES " SATURDAY. $3.00 SKIRTS, at $100 SKIRTS, at .1.98 2.98 $6 W and $7.00 SKIRTS, 3.98 $10.00 SKIRTS, at 4.98 WOMEN'S SILK AND LINEN WAISTS 2.95 Good value at $5.00, rpeclal Saturday WOMEN'S $3.00 WAISTS, Q5q WOMEN'S $1.50 WAISTS, at LADIES' WINTER COATS In 14 length, wo. th up to ,$20.00, final clearing ft Oil sale price... LADIES' WINTER JACKETS A small lot, worth up to $10 00, (W choice l.fJ LADIES' WINTER JACKETS O Ef Worth up to $15.00, at A.uw Your choice of any Winter Jacket O QS In the house Saturday, at Jtu One small lot of CHILDREN'S COATS As long as they last, Sfln choice OUW Choice of any CHIP'S COAT In O BCt the house Saturday, at Ai.UVf FROM 8 TILL 9 A. M. WOMEN'S WRAPPERS, worth $1.00, at 39c FROM 9 TILL 10 A. M. WOMEN'S SATEEN UNDER SKIRTS, worth $1.00, at 39c Sample Suit Cases $4.98 150 Sample Suit Cases, pur chased from a large eastern manufacturer, at an extremely low price enables us to give our customers the best values ever offered in the city in this line of goods. Leather or Irish Linen lined, with or without shirt fold cases that would regularly sell at from f to ?10 J Qfi choice Saturday yO CORSETS The Nemo Self Reducing Corset for stout figures, very heavy boned comes in coutll and batiste, PA In all sizes up to 30, at as.JU Ask to see them. $1.50 W. B. and Royal Worcester Cor sets, with the new high bust and long back, heavy and light weight with two sets of hose 6tip- 1 ft H porters, at l.UU $1.00 Satin Girdles with hose support ers attached, special, COc American Beauty Tape Girdles, In blue, pink and white, Q special, at J JQ h Snap in Mattresses $2.50 Cotton Top Mattress $1.50 At the time of the Are at the factory of L. G. Doup there were hundreds of pieces of ticking wet. This was opened up and dried. Some of the colors ran, but otherwise it is In per fect condilion. By a fortunate deal we are enabled to sell Cotton Top Mattresses, made from the best of this ticking, which would other- r A wise bring $2.45, at Is Df This Is an exceptional money-saving opportunity. Don't mlcs it. Drug Dept. Specials Rubber Face Brushes for ... Schneider Sisters' Face Cream Tetlow's Swans down. ........ Eastman's Crushed Rose or Violet Talcum, for . 21c 48c 12c se or 10c Cucumber Face Bnamel . . ..... Graves' Tooth Powder Cold Cream Cam phor Ice Water Bottles, for Kirk's Juvenile Soap, cake . . . I5c 10c ; 8c 29c ." .:9c China Dept. Specials Fancy Shelf Paper, in all colors, 10 yards for Fancy Coiored Candles, each 2c 2c White China Salt and Pepper Shakers a snap for f C china decorators at, pair IjC Yellow Mixing Bowls, . each Crystal Sugar Bowls, Butter Dishes, Spoon Holders and Cream Pitchers, each 2Kt 5c Special Bargains in Men's Furnishings GRIFFIN BRAND SHIRTS In newest spring pattern, In light, medium and dark colors, negligee or pleated bosoms, cuffs at tached or detached, garments that arc sold regularly the world over for $1.50 and 2.00 your choice of three hun- Ofi dred dozen, Saturday JJ We will gi?e Free, Saturday, to every purchaser of two or more pf the above shirts, a 50c pure silk four-in-hand or teck tie in new stylish pattern. Men's Linen Handkerchiefs with large silk initial worth f C 19c to 25c, in three lots, at 6c, 10c and 50c Suspenders in light and heavy weight, at 250 Pure Silk Neckties Four-in-hand style, in newest spring P. patterns and colors, regular 50c quality, for JLOQ Men's Shirts, worth from fl.00 to $2.00, such makes as the Cluett, Monarch and Griffin good patterns and all sizes, all high grade goods, but slightly soiled great snap Saturday, at, choice Men's Bow Ties in great variety of color and pattern, choice. . 15c J tuv. va uvivt 45c POPULAR SHEET MUSIC 13c Copy 13c The most popular Vocal and Instrumental productions, such as: "In a Sleigh With the Girl You Lore"; "Jolly Me Along"; "Chicken Charlie." (ragtime two-step); "Seminole"; "Hollyhock"; "Arnbola"; "Ragtime to the Moon"; "Genevieve," (beautiful ballad); "North Wind March,"; "lighting the Flames"; "Trixy"; "Abraham," (great coon song); "Go On and Coax Me"; "Field Day"; "Lucy LIndy Lady"; "The Girl Who Cures for Me"; "Northern Lights," (waltz); "Come Home, Soldier Boy in Blue"; "In Old Ireland Meet Mother"; "St Louis Tickle"; "Satisfied"; "Buffalo Flier"; "Iola"; (Intermeaso) ; "Dixie Doodle": (March). 13c FER COPY; BY MAIL, 14c. MOONLIGHT SERENADE" , ipc Victor Dance Folio, containing Havana Billy and many others special at.. .. ,19c i i Read These Grocery Prices To reduce our immense stock before moving to new building, we will sell everything regardless of cost. 10 bars Swift's Pride, Beat 'Em All "or White Paris Laundry Soap o 10 pounds best klln-drled Cornmeal 15o T pounds best kiln dried Oatmeal 16c 6 pounds best hand picked Navy Beans. 19c 5 pounds Pearl Tapioca, Safo, Barley or Farina lc 6 pounds good Japan Rice , 19c The best Laundry Starch, per lb 4c Sapollo, per bar 5c 3 bars Armour's White Cloud Soap 10c 1- pound can Anderson's or Campbell's Sou pa 7V4o 2- pound can best Sweet Suffer Corn ,...6o 2-pound can Early Juno Peas Vtio 2- pound can . fancy Wsx, . String or Lima Beans Thio 1-pound can Baltimore Cove Oysters... 7J 8-pound can solid packed Tomatoes.... 7Hc 3- pound can Boston Baked Beans 70 3-pound can Lye Hominy 7'io 3-pound can Oolden Pumpkin "Vic Gallon luge pure Tomato Catsup or German Mustard o 3-pound can Table Apricots lzc 3-pound can Table Peaches 12Hc Gallon can Baltimore Apples or Tomatoes 250 1-pound Jar pure Fruit Jams 7Vi Fresh, crisp Soda or Oyster Crackers.. SVo Fresh, crisp Olnrer Snaps, per lb 4V40 WE IMPORT TEAS AND COFFEES DIRECT. READ THESE PRICES. Choice Basket Fired Japan Tea, per lb. 2So Fancy Bun Dried Japan Oolong, English Breakfast or Gunpowder Tea, per lb, 8So Fancy Santos Coffee, per lb 13a Fancy Maracalbo Coffee, per lb ITHo Porto Rico Blend Coffee, per lb 20o FRUIT. FRUIT. FRUIT. OMAHA'S GREATEST FRUIT, ; DEPT. Regular 40o Highland NaVel Oranges, this sale S5o Regular SOc Highland Navel Oranges, this sa'e 30 Regular 26c Highland Navel Oranges, thla sale H0 Regular 20c Highland Navel Oranges, this sale 183 Regular 17Vic Highland Navel Oranges, this sale .' o Pure Colorado Honey, per rack loo ANDERSON'S BIG SCORE Bt. Fail Man Eolli 651 Points in Amerioan Bowliny Tonrney. TAKES FIRST PLACE FROM CHICAGO Stretch and Bolt of the Windy City Still Lead In the Two-Men ' Team Contest at Milwaukee. MILWAUKEE, Feb. 24. Chicago lost Its grip on one of the national championships In the bowling tourney of the American Bowling congress today when C. M. An derson of St. Paul piled up C1 points and overhauled Otto Kupfer, scorer ti33. Ander son bowled a steady game from start to finish, his score by games being 206, 290, 215. Several other changes In the standing of tnone In the front rank were brought about In today's play. The leaders In the two-men division remain In the some po sition as last night, with Stretch and Rolf of Chicago at the top. The scores made by the Omaha bowlers today urc: W. Chandler, (66; H. Frltcher, 664; W. Huntington. 644; L. GJerde, 6:8; W. Hartley. 618; H. Reed, 466. The day's scores follow: Melkle. Butte ; 678 ('. Hrayfhaw. Peoria R3i H. C. Clark. Peoria 67 A. Voght, Kanwts City 594 A. Bvsh. St. Louis , C. M. Anderson, St. Paul .... W. Oberlohman, St. Louis .. H. Watt, Denver W. Romich. Barberton L. Pabst, St. Louis A. Perham, Butte J. Sturz, St. Ixmis D. Bryant. St. Joseph P. I-auff, St. Louis C. Munn, St. Joseph ., H. Reed, Omaha T. Tuttle, San Francisco L. Burke, San Francisco ... H. Williams, San Francisco A. Alt, St. Louis J. E. Crisp, Denver O. Amann, St. Louis J. Jansen, Belleville H. Farley, Kansas City C. Nichols, Kanmis City .... J. Scully, St. Louis A. Jenkins, 8eattle C. Dnffelmeyer, Kansas City H. Stiles, les Moines W. Coffin. Dee Moines D. McCauley, Des Moines ... F. Fanton, Des Moines W. Hartley, Omaha W. Haughlin. Des Moines G. Tolmiin, St. Joseph A. Allison, St. Louis C. Hilton. Kansas Citv D. Lawrence, Kansas City ., A. Williams. Kanxas City ... (. Dlblllk. Kansas City ..... A. Ireland, Kansas City .... E. Snhoffler, Kansas City ... C Kllng, Kunsiis City F. Makt-peorp, KnnKis City , O. Roedor, Kansas City L. GiiTde, Omaha W. Huntington, Omaha If. Frltcher. Omaha W, Chandler. Omaha J. Ami ling', St. loula W. Sheehan, Butte T. Jackson. Butte E. Wolfe. Denver E. Ellis, Butte R Hanker, Butte J. Ooode, Denver H. Mnhnken, Seattle C. Davis, Seattle .... 58S .... 051 .... 491 .... 585 .... 60) .... 493 .... 505 .... 491 .... 494 .... 518 .... 4' .... m ,..f. m .... 57a .... 664 .... 4M3 .... 515 .... 525 .... 473 .... 515 459 .... 444 .... 587 .... 503 .... 53! .... 457 .... 507 .... 567 .... 518 .... 4M .... 539 .... 49:- .... 478 .... 499 .... 510 .... 558 .... 491 .... 6 .... 524 .... 4is8 .... 4611 .... 6i .... 641 .... 5,4 , . . . rivi .... 3si .... 471 .... 6X0 .... 551 .... 557 .... 360 .... 170 462 .... 677 C. Stokey, St. Louis 48S T. Schenr, Seattle 594 F. Rlemer, Seattle 191 J. Bliss. Denver 605 A. Meyer. Denver 477 P. McDonald, St. Louis 581 J. Sweeney, Am "., la 53) J. Bader, Ames, la 581 W. Schumacher, Ames, la 555 J. Schmidt. St. Louis 655 H. Metk, Dubuque 641 J. J. Pllueger, St. Louis 157 E. B. Wilder, St. Louis 532 E. Williams. St. Louis 511 F. Witter, St. Louis 642 L.- W. Waldeck. St. Louis 561 Keller, Belleville 4K1 Everhardt, Kansas City 619 Two-Men Scores. Williams and Kalbe Erie 961 La Garde and Iiunke, San Franclnco. 1,03 Barker and Burmelster, Erie 1.039 Koemmel and Schneider, Chicago 1.09i Tuttle and Williams, San Francisco.. 1.133 Myers and Post, Chicago 1.070 Mann and Bryant, St. Joseph 9JU E VESTS O THE HI SMVG TIIACKS The confidence of the public iz the final proof of merit, Old Uaderoof Rye Has stood the test, It is old and pure CHAS DENNEHY 8c COMPANY, Chicago. 2l Four Favorites Win on City Park Jockey Track nt New Orleans. NEW ORLEANS. Feb. 24. Though not yet at Its best, the going was excellent at the New Orleans Jockey club's City 1'urk race track today. The weather was beau tiful and the attendance large. Four fa vorites won and tho non-fa voriteu wcru well bucked. Sharp Boy ran away nnd threw Inn Jockey befoie the tlrst nice and My Iady Peagy repeated thi performance In the last race, but no nuim was done In either instance. Kcsults: First race, six furiongs: Brushton won, Long days second, Mrs. Lob third. Time: 1:15. Second race, six furlongs: Ben Mora won, April Shower second, Glad Smile third. Time: 1:14V. Third race, one mile: Coruscate won. Yel low Hummer second,' Ernest Pai ham third. Time: l:4S'.i. Fourth race, seven furlongs: Green Gown won, Delaval second, Byplay third. Time: 1 ::?. Fifth race, one mile and a sixteenth: Rlan won. Brunswick second, Hoodwink third. Time: 1:49. Hlxth ruce, three furlongs: Hostility won Bertha E second, Parvo third. Tune: 0:4i Results at Crescent City Park: First race, one mile: Frank Rice won, FrlU Brillar second, Evelyn Klniey third. lime: 1 Second race, one mile: Sanction won, Daltsman second, Blennenworth third. Time: 1:44H. Third race, one mile and a sixteenth: Tristan Shandy won, Catalltia second, Lady Free Knight third. Tlmtt: 1:62H. Fourth rare, six furlongs: Turn Manklns won, Redmun sveond, Antimony third. Time: 1:16S- Fifth race, five and a half furlongs: Whorler won, Cardinal Wolaey second, Sadducee third. Time: 1:10. Sixth race, one mile and seventy yards: Favonlus won. St. Sever second. Home stead third. , Time: 1:47. HOT SPRINGS. Feb. 24. Results at Oak lawn: First race, four furlongs: Jun Lee won, Eva Jean second. Stratagem third. Time: 0:52. Second race, six furlongs: Nannon won, Erema second, Golden Age third. Time: 1:1S. Third rare, one mile: Allen won, Baikal second. Dollnda third. Time: 1:45. Fourth ruce, six furlongs: Schoharie won, Dewey second, C'anajoharle third. Time: J :16H. Flfih race, three and a half furlongs: Demua won, America II second, Ualiner V third. Time: 0:46. Sixth rare, one mile and a quarter: Ex rentral won, Falkland second, Eclectlo third. Time: 2:15. LOS ANGELES, Feb. 24. Results at As cot : First race, six furlongs: Lady Nlnora won. Chalk Hedrtrk second, Kitty Ruurku third. Time: 1:10. Second race, seven furlongs: Gorgalette wi n, Uorghesl ond. On ruin third. Time: 1:28. Third rare, Slauson course: E M Ilrut tain won, Ia Londo second. Cotillion thiid. Time: 1:10V Fourth race, one mile: Fustln won. Mc Grathiuna Prince te.-oud, Head Dance third. Time: ,1:4114. i'Uih raw, uuv mile and a sUUcutb; , Varro won, Capable second, Bronze Wing third. Time: 1:49. Sixth race, six furlongs: Bailey won, De Grammont second, Maggie Muckey third. Time: 1:15;. SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 24. Results at Onkland: First race, four furlongs: Roman Gold won, Ramona second, F. W. Barr third. Time: 0:48. Second race, Futurity course: Mogregor won, My Order second, Malone third. Time: 1:12. , Third race, one mile: Andrew Mack won, Follow Me second, Flaunt third. Time: 1:42. Fourth race, one mile and an eighth: San Nicholas won, Dlvlna second, Barrack third. 'Time: 1:54V. Fifth race, six pnd a half furlongs: Mountebank won. The Volt second. Matt llogan third. Time: 1:22. Sixth race, six furlongs: Whoa Bill won, Gallop Off second, Rector third. Time: 1:14. ATTEI.L AD HAMOS FIGHT Former Hns Mnch the Better of the Mx-Ronnd Boat. PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 24.-Abe Attell had much the beuer, of a six-round fight with Eddie Hnnlon tonight at Industrial hall. Attell outpointed Hanlon at all stages of the bout and at no time was he in a tltrht place-. Although Hanlon slightly out weighed his opponent he could do no ef feclve work except In the clinches. Attell was quick on his feet and was on and out before Hanlon knew what he was about. With the exception of the fourth and fifth rounds, in which most of tho work was done, the fight whs a very ordinary affair. Neither man was punished to uny extent. A small crowd saw the bout. WITH THE BOWI.ERS. The Armours defeated the St. James I team last night on Lenta & Williams al- leys by forty-six pins. Score: I ARMOURS. I 1st. 2d. 3d. Total. I Tonneman ' 178 152 226 656 Weemer 148 2S 180 5:B Collins ..185 163 155 bti I Sh'inahan l: 127 177 443 O Conner 158 140 1M 4j1 Totals .808 787 891 2,486 ST. JAMES. . 1st. 2d. ltd. Total 121 1"0 104 395 140 152 138 430 .....151 236 1M 671 ...'..190 166 163 518 146 195 185 526 very creitable total. The men from the north were not as much at home on the alleys, as this was their first match there, but they put up a good game and were close at the finish. DAILY NEWS. 1st. 2d. 3d. Total. Rice .'..197 li6 174 557 Polcar 136 187 146. 469 Parmelee 172 166 151 4,'.( Pearce 167 190 154 511 Griffith 168 140 134 442 Totals 840 859 759 2,458 NORTH OMAHAS. 1st. 2d. 3d. Total. Nielsen 150 2u4 142 496 Calder :...lbl 132 lit H6 Hurt lw 163 i2j 4iS lUcharda 146 19j 13? 47s Morton lbo 1U8 2U2 ooU Totals 779 862 733 3,374 Wnrd Hanon ...... Bonlne Kuloman VVeymuller ... Totals ...'.748 919 773 2.440 On the alleys of the Omaha Bowling as sociation last night the Dally News teum won a match from the North Omaha boys bv a margin of eighty-four pins. Tho News team Is" putting up a stronger game with every contest and last evening had a No Knife Needed Piles can be cured by internal treatment To get at the cause that is the secret, and that is why Dr. Perrin's Pile Specific is so universally successful in its results. It increases the flow of digestive juices in the stomach accelerates the action of the liver. With congestion of the liver removed and constipation relieved, the two chief and distinct causes of piles are reached and conquered. Dr. Perrin's Pile Specific The Internal Remedy Tor dyspepsia, indigestion, constipation, biliousness, catarrh of the stomach and kindred oilmen! it is the greatest remedy that has ever yet benefited mankind. Certain in its results, this remedy will euro the most obstinate case of Piles. Dr. Pcrria Medical Cov Hclcaa, Moatt MRS., CISCADEX FALLS 1 HACK Loses Decldinsr Contest with Lincoln 'skater Hirough Broken Strap. About 4,000 people witnessed the skating races at the Auuuorlum last evening, i n first race, between Miss lieilman ot Lin coln and Mrs. Cusoauen of this city, was won oy Miss llelimaii. During tile fitlii lap Mrs. Cuscaoen iiroke a skate strap and lost one of her ska ten, throwing Her vio lently to the floor, bne was not seriously hurt. Miss lieilman rtnlslied the remain! lug seven laps and was declared tho win ner, an according to an agreement made between the vonlestants betoro the race, If either one of the racers ten after the third lap the ruce was to continue Just aa though there had been no accident. At the time of the accident Miss lieilman and Mrs. Cus caden were even. The race was twelve laps, which constitute one mile on the floor of the Auditorium. The relay race run between Pitt of the Auditorium and Oschenbeln and Higby of Omaha resulted In a victory for Pitt. Pitt was to go lifteen laps while Ills opponents went fourteen. Oschenbeln went the tlrst even lutis against 1'ltt and did very well, j as Pitt was only able to lap the Utile fol low once. 1 lien xilguy iuur uj I lie lara and for one lap raced even witn Pitt, but at the beginning of the eighth lap fell and, although he regained his feet very quickly, was unable to regain the lost ground. Pitt took it easy after Higby fell and finished half a lap to the good. Base Ball Spirit Revives. FREMONT, Neb., Feb. 24. (Special.) The Fremont Base Ball association held an enthusiastic meeting last night and elected a new set of officers. The old ball park on Boutli Main street was leased for the coming season for afternoon games. The fence will be extended, a small building put up for a dressing room and a number of other minor Improve ments made. A manager has not yet been selected and no schedule of games ar ranged for. The fans were out In force last night and It Is safe to say that Fre mont will have a good ball team. Frank Gotch Beats Jim Parr. NEW YORK. Feb. 24.-Frnnk Ootch of Humboldt, la., champion catch-as-catch-can wrestler of America, bested Jim Parr of Wlgan, England, tonight at the Harlem casino In a match, the conditions of which were that he must win two fulls within an hour. Uotch secured the first fall In 26 minutes 66 seconds and the second fall In 19 minutes 39 second, making the entire time spent in defeating his opponent 46 minutes 37 seconds. Uotch weighed 19o pounds and Parr 176. Several thousand persons saw the match. I.oftaa Denies Story. MILWAUKEE, Feb. 24 -The Dally News today says that Tom Loftus, former man ager of the Washington American league base ball team, who wits reported to be ne- foliating for the purchase of the Kansas 'Ity American asnoclatlon teum, denied to day that he will buy the team. Iniveralty of Nebraska Loses. THIPAOO, Feb. 24. The Tnlverslty of Nebraska basket ball team wua defeated tonight lv the team or the Armour insti tute, 61 to 3). Formula In every book proves the new neas and t fticHc y of Diner's Digesters, taken before meala. At Hi .em-DUioa Drug Cia THOMAS IS SENT TO JAIL Omaha Traveling; Man Who Padded Orders is Convicted at Kansas City. KNSAS CITY, Mo., Feb. 24.-(Special Telegram.) (V'orge M. Thomas, a traveling salesman for the Western Mercantile Man ufacturing company of Omaha, was ar raigned In Justice court here, charged with obtaining money under false pretenses. Tha Judge sentenced him to thirty days In Jul). Thomas cashed a draft for $26 on the company by which he Is employed. He sent In a "fake" order for about 1400 worth of goods to be ehlpped to the John Taylor Dry Goods company here and then drew upon his firm for his commission. HYMENEAL Ellis-Wilson. BEATRICE, Neb., Feb. 24. (Special.) Yesterday at 6 p. m., at the home of the bride's sister. Mrs. Phillip Stanley, eight miles ' northwest of Beatrice, occurred the marriage of Mr. Ralph Ellis and Miss Ul llan AVilson, Rev. J. W. Merrill officiating, only relatives of the bride and groom wit nessed tho ceremony, which was followed by a splendid wedding supper. Mltchell-oe. BEATRICE. Neb., Feb. 24.-(Speclal.) Yesterday forenoon Mr. George Mitchell and Miss Maggie Noe, both of Wymore, were united In marriage, County Judge Bourne officiating. In planning your California trip see that your ticket reads via the Colorado Midland railway. This means that you will enjoy a day's ride though the heart'of the Rockies. Ask your local agent about colonial rates, effective March 1 to May 15, or write C. H. Bpcers, G. P. A., Denver. Farmer Commits Suicide. M'COOK. Neb., Feb. 24. (Special Tele gram.) Frank Cashen committed suicide last night on the O. M. Hale farm, a few miles northwest of McCook by shooting himself through the head. No cause can be assigned for the rash deed but a suicidal mania expressed by the dead man at different times. DOCT for HifJ my We have been the means of restoring thousands of afflicted sufferers to complete and perfect health. Will you place your confidence In the care of honest, skillful and auccessful specialists? Years of practical experience, thou sands of dollars spent In researches and an Immense practice have enabled us to evolve a special system of treatment that Is a safe, certain and speedy cure for all private diseases and weaknesses of men. The change in thousands of cases is simply marvelous. Blighted lives, blasted hopes, weakened systems, debilitated and shrunken organs, and nervous wrecks have been quickly and saf' ly cured by our method. We bnve evolved a system of treatment that la a powerful, permanent and determined medicinal corrective where men's characteristic energies have become weakened or dissipated, either through sexual excesses. Indiscretions, abusive habits, or the results of neglected or Improperly treated private diseases. Our object Is not so much to do the work that other doctors can do, but rather to iiire obstinate diseases which have baffled the skill of others. The worst cases that we have been called upon to trest are those which have been Improperly treated before coming to us. By our system of electricity and medicine combined we cure quickly and thoroughly diseases and weak, nesses of men nft.T all others have failed. All thit deep knowledge, expert skill, vast experience and scientific office equipment can accomplish are now being done for those who come to us for the help they need. WE C I HE QIK KI.V ASiU SAKELVl Stricture, Varicocele, Emissions, Impolencv, Nervo-Sextial Debility, Blood Poison (Syphilis), Rectal, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, nnd all diseases nnd weaknesses of men due to Inheritance, evil habits, self ubuse, excesses or the result of specific or private diseases. PniKIII TlTlflU C8CC If J'on connot call, write for symptom blank. bUndULIflllUn rntC Office Hours S. a. m. to p. m. Sundays, in to 1 only. STATE MEDICAL INSTITUTE, 1308 faroam Street, Bet. 13th and 14th its., Omaha, Neb.