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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 25, 1905)
TIIE OMATT.V DAILY 1EE: SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 2." 100.T. Velvet and 5lllc Tailor Buttons at 5c Dux. ESS- Pearl Buttons All Sizes 8 Cents a Dozen HOSIE SALE at 15pr Regfar 35c and 25c Hosiery for Ladies, Men and Children Ladle' Hosiery, plain and fancy lisle thread and plain and fancy cotton. In all colors and hundreds of patterns, new browns, blacks and all colors, all-over lace effects, lace boot, slllt embroidered, all full seamless, some fulKfashloned foot these are all well known manufacturers' accumu lations of odd lots. Doysv' and Girls School Hose, me- uium ana neary iast Diacic hose for boys and girls. Men's tlse, silk em broidered hose with r-l ? anlns 1 i nlaln 'black and fancy colors, inolurlinf? the new browns and grayi, all sizes. This hosiery is regularly worth up to 35c pair, on bis; bargain square Saturday at. pair.. 5 Sale of Ladies' Spangled Cape Collars A New York importer's samples and odd lots ot all black spangled Cape Collars, in large and medium sizes; many absolutely new and elaborate patterns, extremely fashionable for spring fAn P" r )flr American Lady CORSETS $1.00 The latest spring style of the universally popular American Lady Cornets Longfellow model, all sizes, made of best quality French white batiste 2 pair hose supporters regular $1.50 and $2 new spring corsets also many F. I)., Worcester and .W. B. corsets, worth as high at $4.00 at Ladies' Wash Kid Gloves at 75c Pair 75c Handkerchief Specials All the new shades of Kid Gloves every pair stamped "Washable" all sizes every pair perfect regular one dollar and dollar and a half values at pair ....... -. Ladles and men's Handkerchiefs ladies' Swiss end lace embroid ered and men's fancy m colored borders, at rl - each Men's and ladles' pure Irish linen Handkerchiefs extra I'll- it. Saturday bargain at. . lJC The Kleinert K IDWO.B COVERED) Double Gem DRESS SHIELD ' Impervious to perspiration, It matters not how strong an acid nature the per spiration may be. We recom mend their use. Embroideries and Turnover Collars Ladles daintily embroidered Turnover Collars and Stocks with tabs also handsome Lace Collars in stocks and turnovers a hundred styles all new and very pretty your choice Saturday at C l f ilVlUU'lW each 100 Calling Cards for 39c ' Printed In, a short time. Newest style type. In the Arcade. J. L. BRANDEIS & SONS. BOSTON STORE SIM ILL I If I The glories of Women's Spring Garments in all their bewildering bauty are on display in Omaha's Fashionable Store. Silk SbirtVaist Suits Beautiful models, irresistibly attractive $15.00 to $75.00 Covert Jackets Exclusive, jaunty designs, handsomely tailored $5.00, $10.00, $20.00 and Upwards Rain Goats Elegantly tailored garments from the plainest elegance : to the most fastidious conceptions $10.00 to $50.00 Skirts fligb class tailored garments. This department is over flowing with smart, new designs $5.00 to $45.00 T Silk Jackots The finest collection ever sent to Omaha. Every style from the jaunty unie jacget to tne gorgeous opera cape. 3in WANTED- VVA BOY ; v ;ln every town to sell our new Saturday Bee. We will send any boy the first 10 C OPIES FREE guarantee! ni ftTiimiri B urn i mm CO. 1519-1521 DOUGLAS ST. Saturday's Great Specials MEN'S SUITS Odd suits, worth up to $18.00 some in one size, others In another running from 34 to 40 sale price. $7.00. OVERCOATS from the Rothschild stock. Including Cravenettes, Spring Coats, Ulsters, etc., worth up to $12.50 your choice, $4.85. PANTS Selling everywhere for $3.00 sale price $1.00, Including all wool, home spun, novelty worsteds, black Thlbets, fancy corduroys, etc. MARTIN-C0TT STOCK (Last Chance.) Soft hats, worth up to $2.50, for ROc; stiff hats, worth up to $3.00, for 05c; caps, 19c, aitc and 45c, worth double and triple; gloves for 25c, worth up to 75c; engineers reindeer gauntlets, 09c; buckskin gloves, 48c, etc. SWEATER SALE Having bought a manufacturer's sample line of sweaters, we now place them on sale at 25c, 48c, 69c and 08c. Amongst the 98c ones you will find some that are selling elsewhere as high at $2.50. The 25c ones are selling at 75c In some stores. SHIRT SALE 1,200 shirts, each and every one worth one dollar sale price, 48c. All sizes, all styles, all patterns. This is the best lot of shirts we H ever offered. UPSTAIRS Men's pants, worth easily $2.00 sale price, 98c. Men's suits, many of them that sold originally as high as $12.50, to be closed out at $4.00. Men's overcoats your choice $3.88 Including Cravenette coats, ulsters, etc. Men's shirts of all descrip tions, 25c. Boys' fleece lined under wear, 15c. Blue flannel shirts, 69c. Odd drawers, 15c. Men's fleece lined undershirts, 25c. Good rain coats, $1.00 etc. v It contains 18 pages of special magazine features, Including 10 colored pages with BUSTER BROWN COMICS, altogether 30 pages, and is a big seller everywhere on Satirday YOU MAKE TWO CENTS PROFIT ON EVERY PAPER YOU SELL Tot Fall Ptrticulirs Write io TKe Omaha Bee, Omaha. Nebraska. ( f JOHNSON & G0ODLETTi COMPANY Cheap qualities In eatables are pot cheap even at a low price.- We handle only the best and moat re liable Roods obtainable and guar antee you satisfaction In every particular or money refunded. NABISCO Sugar Wafers jOi Per box UC RICE Good quality, whole n. and clean, 3 pounds for....l"W POPCORN Shelled rk 8 pounds for IUC MAPLE SYRUP 26c bottle pure goods for TEA Good 60c Japan Tea for PORK LOINS llr. Per pounds d w LAMB LEGS f i Per pounds 1 IC BEEF ROAST fZ- o Per pounds OC"OC BACON Lean Breakfast Per pounds 1IC CAKES Our famous 8-layerin whlte each OUC ORANGES Extra large, Bn sweet. Juicy navels dozen OW OLIVES Fine large Queen, jb. In bulk per quart OuW JOHNSON & 6000LETT . COMPANY Twentieth and Lake At a. Groceries, Meats and Bakery. 'Phones 1676 and 474S. , 17c 33c 1 1 FRY SHOE CO. LAST DAY of the Big Shoe Sale Don't Fail to Come Tomor row Saturday Get one of the GOOD BARGAINS IN GOOD SHOES that everybody has been getting here. BARGAINS TOR MEN. BARGAINS FOR WOMEN. BARGAINS FOR GIRLS. Remember, they are all from our own stock of reli- I able high grade goods. DON'T MISS TIIIS LAST CHANCE FOR A REAL SHOE BARGAIN. Remember Tomorrow-Saturday I House 'SSl ' WWW" 1613 m fABNAM STOEETS. OMAHA. (THE PEOPLE!' FIRJUTURK AUD CAB PET CO.! Ladies' Hew Suits, Jackets lillinery A WORD ABOUT OUR CREDIT SYSTEM . . . SO 1 IVe have no Ironclad rules as to terms; we offer you the advantagei of an adjustable credit system that is dign'ticd and desirable. One that is made to m:et the needs and conditions of everyone. By trading here you have all the advantages of cash buyers, even it you haven't the necessary cash nothing is TOO GOOD or TOO MUCH for those who trade with us A Distinctly New SnrineSuit at SI5-ade of the finest light weight Panama cloth in blue, black and brown collarless full blou.a front new shape sleeves short new round lengthsprice for tomorrow's selllna. at Thras New Style Cravenette Coals, $IO.OO-r sleet weavner, rain or snirie new muucn ui uiuuao and straight front erfects in oxford, tan or , olive shades will be on sale Friday, at . Clever New Shirt Waist Suits $13,50"-" fr0 Biiks and mo" hairs all made In the very 21 fAlf Intent stvle and coma in all H a9Wla the newest colors two specials, at $17.78 and Ladies' Wash Vaists 98c-We are closing out the balance of a prominent manufacturer's! sample line of wash suits many worth up to 82. BO as long as they last, for.. New Covert Jackets $9.93- will be very popular this spring made with new sleeves and fitted backs hip lengths and silk lined at Dress and Walking Skirts made of cheviots and w pleat. ed effects reg. ular $7 and $8 values- for Ladies' 1905 Spring HatS Advance styles for early wear now on aispiay. ju me laiesi aeaigns and shapes are shown in Ladies' Heady-to-' Wear Street Hats. Two specials for tomorrow at $4.98 and Many Other Great Bargains, Saturday. See Large Ad Page 9. Many Other Great Bargains, Saturday. See Large Ad Page 9. Great Clearing Sale of Men's Odd Coals and Vests, at.... $2.95 AA R I 2C5 coats and vests that are worth from $5.00 to $9.r0, come in meltons, serges, worsteds, eassimeres, cheviot nnd fancy worst eds, in either single or double breasted styles they are all coati and vest from suits that sold for $10.00 to $15.00, nnd the great est on real n ever offered in the $2.95 city at choice These poods have been on display in our lfith street windows for the past few days. Don't fail to see them Saturday. $15.00 TO $1S.00 MEN'S Sl'ITS In best stylos Bnrt fabrics, workmanship. And finish, the best 411(1 clearing sale prlco ipivl BOYS' KNER PANTS 8UITS ln twft piece double brensted Norfolk or inree. piece stvles. all shades and pat km hp, remiiar or $4.00 values at 2.50 15c sllkollns remnants, 1 robs silk. Crescent 15c baby and outing fian- bet made goods, spe- brand, great value nel remnants g r e a t clal at Oir Saturday Air- snap at '71, yard C5C at. yard UJW yard A JC a OPTICAL Perfectly Fitting Glasses, at money saving prices. See our optician on main floor. Complete satisfaction guaranteed. hi ram : , .DEzn Enormous iliihery Dargain Sale Absolutely any winter hat in the House, they are worth 57.50, $8, $10 and 512 SATURDAY Only. INVESTIGATE, IT PAYS. 1508 Douglas Street. f MADE IN OUR KITCHEN TO SAVE WORlTlN 7oURS " INone SuchMince Meat I MERREU-$0UIK CO. I IrHtCUSE.NEWTOU j In 2-Ple 10c Packages with List of Valuable Premiums. FRY SHOE CO. 16th and Douglas. IKPUTY STATU VETERINARIAN. H. L RAMACCI0TTI, D. V. S. CUT VfciTKHINARIAlf. Offlo and infirmary, XKth and Uaton Bla OMAHA, N55. Ubnon (38. WELCOME, SPRING, WELCOME Unable to remain In conceal ment longer, tha earth dlHcard ed its pure white raiment and donned a mantel of green to hasten welcome the approach of spring, laden with Innumer able varieties of vegetables, consisting of FRESH Ml'BHROOMS, BLENDER CUCUMBERS, BRUSSELS SPROUTS, SNOWBALL, CAULlFtXJWER, CURLY LEAK LETTUCE, BUTTON RADISHES, FIRM HEAD LETTUCE, CHOICE EOO PLANT, GREEN WATER CRESS, CRISP DWARF CELERY, ' SELECT NEW POTATOES, FRESH SPINACH. Strictly Fresh Eggs. Ofr per dozen AivfV Smyrna Figs, 0c 4 boxes AJ Cream of Wheat, 2 packages Malta Ceres, . 4 packages Ralston crisps, 4 packages MEATS Boiling Beef, 8 lbs. for CornedBeef. 7 lbs. for , Veal Stew, 6 lbs. for Frankfurters, 4 lbs. for , Bologna, 4 lbs. for , Liver Sausage. 4 lbs for 25c 25c .25c 25c 25c 25c 25c 25c 25c 1 ! " H Sommcr Bros. Exponents of Good Living. 28th and Farnam Sts. Telephones T33. 133. 75c a Foot We sell 'em that way If you prefer It 1 feet, $1.60 and for $1.50 a pair wa put on your boy's feet the best shoe you ever saw for that money. Parents who have bought these shoes know It and buy them again and again. That Is our recommendation to you. Our guarantee is "your money back If you're not satisfied." Bring the boys In Saturday. i Drexel Shoe Co., 1419 FAflNAU STREET, 'i lii-tt-lati Sioi Hish ASK FOR OUR FREE CATA-LOOUE. THE LANGE GROCERY CO. Are you a customer of this store? If not, you should become one. Not only do we carry the largest assortment of Imported and domestlo goods, but because we sell at a price that Is always within reach of every one, and our prices are never, so low ut what there is purity and a guarantee with anything you buy. For Saturday we offer you our extra fancy navel oranges, regular Cn 80c seller: our price Muscatel Raisins, per pound Fancy Hand Packed Tomatoes, per can.. 5c 5c Extra Clean Tea Sittings, Qr per pound A large assortment of Teas, lBp any kind, per pound 10c 4c Coffee, In. pound packages Uneeda Biscuits, per package.... Campbell's and Snyder's En soups, per can t'" Quail Oatmeal, two fic pound package JW Macaroni per 7Ar" package 9 Best Corn Starch, per package Wetmore's Gelatine, per package Pure Maple Syrup, Bfl 6 gallons Heinz' Rest Sauer Kraut, fCtf. tier ffttllnn IcJw Jersey Cream Flour, 48-pound sack Ac 9c ...98c THE LANGE GROCERY GO. Importers of Fancy Groceries. Phone 1459. 606 South Thirteenth St. 3UC .Ml 3B ... Jta The Only Leaders MURRAY & CO., Of Strictly First-Class Meats, 317 8. 16th. 'Phone 1744. We do not make price our object as many do, but from a life-time experience work only on quality. This we have beyond a doubt as a visit to this up-to-date market will tell. We carry more stock than any two markets, aged as the customer may wish. And such la the cer tificate from Omaha's best people. The Only Loaders MURRAY & CO., 317 S. 16th 'Phone 1744 1 1111(11 NEW SPRING STYLE Dunlap and Stetson Hats Now on Sale. C. II. FREDERICK CO., 1504 Farnam St. 1 A Wise Woman will try and prMarv hr betutjr, A fta 'hattl of hir U n of U hlgbcti ehanu. Imperial Hair Regenerator reitoros Orsy or Blrachert hair to any nsturul oolor ur ibaile. It la elai), duf. alile. anil ONE Afl'MOATION WILL j.aht K)K vonths. (tanipia oi nair colored free. 8eoa for Pamulileb w IMPEBIALCHFWir.l vpn rn U w. tu St.. Nw Vark. Ib.rmas MnCoaaall Dni Oo.. 1(U Bods St FOR A CHAMPAQNE COCKTAIt IT tU NO EQUAL CH m nil' arr m ulul i.Jf U..rviM4 M a.i M .lrtoi.r. IVJ InM Vmm.. llt mi fviHtCHtMKll CO sy I v vwwy: i.i.isia m T ------- McHANowomfil Tm Blf for annatorai ai barM,tunamaatloDi. Irnt.lloQ. Kt uluaratloa of mucii siaatbraab FaialMi. aad not MlrMk or kalu.uul. Cladft, WAIMISt ing Shirts Just received a new shipment ot Bprlng Shirts two separate collars and one pair cuffs, and one shirt Garner Percale, 81 count. Will be sold for Friday and Saturday only for 60o usual price on this quality is $1.00. Our of furnishings Is the most exclusive. Special attentkin given to fat men In large sites of neckwear and shirts. Also on regular sizes. Special Underwear for spring; weight Immediate weight. Also light weight Balbrlggan for 26o, 86c, 60c per garment 70S. F. BILZ, 322 SOUTH SIXTEENTH, Omaha, Neb. PARKER'S Hair Balsam i'ruuiutes tlie growl a ot the hair and girts It the lustre and til Mat as of youth. When toe hair la irray or faded It BRINGS BACK THE YOUTHFUL COLOR. It prevents Dandruff and hair falling and keep, tne scalp clean and bealtby. "isiasT"1