TI1E OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUXPAY. FEBRUARY 19. 1903. 1.1 BUSINESS CHANCES Ii.N you want to buy, sell or exchange fit )IUieriy or buaimas quick at 4. H. ei.inxjn, Ml J. . in. fuuat Li Ulo. i MM rA'.TORNEY8, tTrrwhtr, If jrou have aa account, note) or claim ot anjr kind against 1 iraon, firm or eoipurailon Ke can aetUa I It lor you. TUB NluW BNOW-CHLntu ' CO., tuia liovr N. V. Lilts, 'fhona iai - Y lue ABBOTTCOWAN CO.. let Nat. Bk. Welt, can go you In or out of business, I tie J v! A OOOO hotel, wall furnished, doing rood busUirss, In central Nebraska, fur sale or Will exchange for food larm or rancn laAcls. Wlllla cadwrU, broken Bow. Neb. l.VJR BALE OR Ri.YT Maloney theater Gliding. l&H-ln07-li Capitol avenue; eJi luu leet (round floor space. AuDir to Henry Rohltt, K6 i-avenworth at. T-HO ATTORNEYS EVKH TWHEUE-Accounts. notea or claima settled, agalnet peraon. firm or corporation. The New Church Co., main floor N. Y. Ufa, Omaha. TeL Y at 21a IP YOU wish to buy or aeu a hualneaa or real estate, conault U. b. Bale bureau. (34 and Bee Bldg. I-M4 KOR BALK, ray meat market, toola and slaughter house filled, and realdence. Oua Konagle, Yutao, Neb. YUtut HOTKIM exclusive. Hart. 401 N. Y. Life. Y-M718 Ml INVEST In Conetant OIL Read ad, pns- 1J. Y FOR BALE, for cash only, clean, up-to-date Mock of dry goods and millinery, one of the beat towna In state; beat location In town, or stock can be moved. Address g. M. Morgan. Krlend, Neb. f Ml? For sale cheap, lease and furniture of 24 room boarding house; business eatabllshed 14 years and never changed hand; very centrally located, only a ahort distance from courthouse. Have a high-priced, first-class transient trade and continu ously refuse applicants. Furniture and carpets In good condition; building mod ern and rent reasonable. Closest Investi gation solicited. 1 "resent owner deslrea to retire, and If anyone la looking for thla kind of business here la a SNAP, as I will aell cheap for caah. W 21, care He. ' Y-81 IP YOU want to buy, aell. rent or exchange) real estate or busluesa QUICK, see Omp-ton-Watta Co., 634 Paxton block. Y M379 WHAT business proposition can you offer for-vacant lot, 60x142; east front; good location; Haiuacom Placa? Answer Box 812, City. Y-M466 19x INVEST In Constant Oil. Read ad, pnav IS. LAUNDRY. In fast crowing city; bargain for eaafr, no Incumbrance. Will consider good trade. Address W 27, Bee. Y-M3S0 18x ED Party with $500 to buy one-half eat in good paying office business: know now to use typewriter and Vosslbly to take full charge of office. If vnu ft r. a mlur or rnim rinn't n.nr.p want wideawake party who knows a good thing when aeea it. Addresa V 42, Bee. Y-M489 20 FOB SALE Hotel Crane; large building; 8ood location; A snap. T. N. Palmquist, akland, Neb. Y M479 19 rVAN Intrt rriat yossll FOR 8 A LE Well established Implement business at Craig, Neb. T. M. Palni qulet, Oakland, Neb. Y M476 1 ONE of the finest boarding houses In Omaha, fine location and well furnished, cleartnK 1100 per month 11,200. Address W 60, Be. Y-494 19x $2,000 DRUQ store for sale: good trade; only drug aore In town. Address Raarnn Drug Co.. F.agan, Nob. Y-M5U6 22x INVEflT In Constant Oil. Read ad, paa-e 13. Y IF YOU WANT TO BUY A HOTEL Boarding or Rooming House ' We have a large list, cheap for cash. We 'Will advance reasonable amount to help you buy. Have several places that can be handled with frjm 175 to 300 down; will ad VMnce balance. Do you want to aell hotel, boarding or -rooming houseT If so see BOWEN CO., 703 N. Y. LIFE BLDU. Y FOR SALE Meat market, in good Iowa town, clearing Sl.GUO per year; good rev son for selling. Baker & Wilson, Mo Clelland, la. Y- TOU can never profit by business chances unless you -have some money; small sav ings are the foundation of large fortuaes; start a savings accounts with J. L. Brandela & Bona, Banker, 16th and Douglas Sta. Assets over (400,000.00. Y CABH for your real estate or business no matter whera located. If you desire a quluk sale send us description and price. Northwestern Business Agency, D 312, Bank Of Commerce Building, Minneapolis, Minn. Y DO YOU want to go Into business? t 'woman's business for women. We sell our coraets In shops established by our selves. Write us for particulars. Sylph Form Corset Co., Detroit. Mich. Y INVEST In Constant Oil. Read ad, page 13. INVEST In Constant Oil. Read ad, paa 13. FOR 8 A LB Patented, developed Colorado gold mine. Water, steam, air, electric power, light, mill, two competing rail roads cross property. Easy payments. P. O. Box No. 844, Cincinnati, Ohio. Y-64 lx t.yo-ACRB ranch, well stocked. In Gar field county. Neb.; will sell or exchange for Improved farm. U. S. SALES BUREAU. Hi and 63 Dee Bid. Y-67B 1 GOOD chance to enter established New York metal goods manufactory; partner going to Europe; W.000 required; refer ences exchanged. Address ' IHrector," 62 Joralamon St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Y-44 19x FOR BALE Territory for best and cheap est amnkeleas furnace on the market; hundreds used In Chicago; no steam jets. James McMillan, 217 Washington St., Chi cago. Y-4.37 lbx DO you need capital T We will Incorporate, organise, complete and finance high-class. Strictly legitimate enterprises; positively no wildcat scheme entertained, American Finance tt Industrial Co., 123-12S La Salle St., Chicago, III. Y-616 ID WANT styok of hardware or general mer chandaaa In small town,' 100 acres of good graalng land to apply as part payment. U. B. BALKS BUREAU. 634 and 636 Bue Bldg. Y 674 19 INVEST in Constant, Oil. Read adj page 13. DON'T SPECULATE IN VEST. Tte Morton System has stood the test ol time and Is supported by clients far and wide, not one of whom haa ever suatalneu a single loss, or ever received a semi monthly dividend of less than 24 rr cent. Write for full and Intereatlng particular. H. J. Morton Co., Board of Trade Sta., Chicago. Y-u30 19x AN INCOME FOR THE FAMILY Divi dends that will please you. Addresa In ternational Lumber & Development Co., (asaeta S13,0O0,tuu), Odd Fellows Uldg.. Si. Loula, lio. Y-&'3 19x INVEST In Constant Oil. Read ad, partis. WANTED, a location In aouthern Nebraska by an experienced doctor. Will buy office outfit and property not to exceed l.(ot). Address W 63. Bee. Y-MK4 2X OPPORTUNITY for a man with soma meana wishing to get Into active business already eeiabliahedT Railroad station, full control of everything and 1.4rt acrea of land; 100 acrea orchard; lota of tame graaa ana plenty of buildings. Thla chance can not be duplicated in the United States. No trade. R. M. Taggart. 1230 "P" St., Lincoln. Neb. Y-6,3 19x FOR BALK, several fine Elkhorn Valley dairy farms and ranches. Some for trade; prices reasonable. If Interested, call on or write F. R. Bignold, Ewlng, Neb. Y 43 lx WE HAVE a new process by which every city ran be supplied with .water as pure aa a mountain Mrmrn. Our system la a ' acientlnc wonder. )et purely mechanical; no chemicals used; alkali or river water abaolutnly purified. If you want a big money-making monopoly in your own town for twenty yesra address White Frost Pur Water Cifc, lilt Hartford Bldg., Chicago. T 5-6 Urn BUSINESS CHANCES OUR list of cigar store Includes several ranging In price from 150 to 2,u00. U. 8. BALES BUREAU. 634 and (3 Bee Bldg. Clothing stores out of town, in prlc from 1.SCV to $10. "00. U. S. SALES BUREAU, 634 and 6W Bee Bldg. In dry gooda we have some raro bargains, from fl,o to $1,5"0. U. 8. SALES BUREAU, 6.14 and 6.16 Bee Bldg. Furnishing goods in and out of city at prices from $2,500 to ni0. U. 8. SALES BUREAU, 634 and i36 Bee Bldg. Furniture stores out of city, 'J"5, $1,600 and $3 UN. V. B. SALES BUREAU, 4 and OS Bee Bldg. General merchandise, a large list, good lo cators, ranging In price from $1.0u0 to $3li,(W0. U. 8. SALES BUREAU, 634 and 6.16 Bee Bldg. Grocery stores in and out of city, X to tio.ood U. 8. SALES BUREAU. 634 and 6S6 Bee Bldg. Hardware, aome good valuea, at pricea from $1,600 to 9.noo. U. 8. SALES BUREAU, $34 and 636 Bee Bldg. Hotels We have a large list in Iowa and Nebraska, with snd without furniture, $700 to $7,600. U. 8. SALES BUREAU. 684 and 636 Bee Bldg. Implements Our list Is complete,, at prices of $1,600 and up. U. 8. SALES BUREAU, 634 and 636 Bee Bldg. Restaurants In and out of city, at prices ranging frort. $140 to $2.Mo. , U. 8. SALES BUREAU, 634 and 636 Bee Bldg. Rooming House A large list of down town plnces, from $.'00 to $1,200. U. 8. SALES BUREAU, 634 and 636 Bee Bldg. Y 671 1 TRADING STAMPS Wb mal;e more trad ing stamps than any other Arm In tho United States, and defy competition In price or quality. Capacity unlimited. B. A. iJingdon A Co., Printers, 76 Sherman St., Chicago, 111. Y 630 19x MONEY. MONEY. All our cllenta are making money every week, every month and every year. Ac counts can be withdrawn on demand. Our small as well as large customers benefit equally. We make no distinction. Mer cantile and financial references. Booklet mailed upon request. 1eslle, Morris A Co., Inn., The Bourse, Philadelphia. Pa. Y-619 18x LIFETIME opportunity. $100 required. Larger Investment, greater profits. No stocks or hoard of trade. Answer quick. Lock Box 99, Oklahoma City, O. T. Y-615 1$X BEND for free book, Facta and Figures, explaining option trading In wheat. $20.00 margins 1.000 bu., 2 cents. Osborn Grain Co., Minneapolis, Minn. . Y 614 19x INVEST in Constant Oil. Read ad, page 13. Y EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY. Wo want an honest, ambltloua man In each town; we teach you the real estate business by mail; appoint you our special representative; establish you In a per manent, pleasant, honorable business of your own and help" you make big money at once. WrlteH today tor free booklet. National Co-operative Realty Co., 360 Athenaeum Bldg.. Chicago. Y 26 lx FOR SALE Furniture of 12-room rooming house; cheap rent. This must be sold at once, as am leaving city, 146 Jones St. Y-681 19x DENTISTS For sale, part Interest In well eatabllshed dental business In Omaha. Address W 69, Bee. Y 660 lx INVEST In Constant Oil. Read ad, page 13. Y FOR SALE Special advertising practice; most up-to-date vibratory, X-ray and electrical equipment In the state; will teHch system to purchaser: no opposition; income $6,000 yearly. Addresa Box 24, Lincoln, Neb. Y 634 18x FOR SALE or trade, dry goods and milli nery store, Mrs. M. Brandenburger, Neola, Iowa. Y-06-19x , , tl , , REMEMBER the Mavne Real Estate Co. has rooming houses, stocks of goods. homes, farms, ranches and fruit gardens Y 716 19x for sale at 408 Bee Bldg. J. H. JOHNSON Real Estate and Bualnesa Chancev Has for Sale or Exchange: General merchandise. Groceries Hardware, Drugs, Boots and shoes, . Millinery stocks, Jewelry, Furniture and undertaking. Implement stocks, Cigars, Wall paper and paints. Bakery and confectionery, Steam laundries, Meat markets, Llverv stables. Newspaper plants; Restaurants, Hotels. Rooming houses. Flouring - mills. Pool and cigar stands. Lumber and coal business, Books and stationery. Houses and lots Farms and ranches, And scores of other legltlniat lines of business and property not named. So tell me what you want to1 sell, And tell me what you want to buy, Then If t don't find you a deal, Why vnu may say I never try. Phone L-2270. 843 N. L. Life. Y-726 19 $20 DAILY profit, manufacturing Steel Con crete Fence Pouts. Exclusive territory; large demand. Complete patented equip ment furnished. Experience unnecessary; $500 capital required. Indestructible Post Company, Chicago. Y 689 19x WANTED, a good transient location for a No. 1 drug store in Omaha or South Omaha. Stu.te lowest rent, etc.. In first letter. Lock Box B. B., Early, Iowa. Y 608 19x INVEST Constant Oil. Read ad, pare IS. Y CASH lowest caah price. City, Mo. for your renl estate or business anywhere. I can sell It. I mean tt. Send description and W. E. Mlnton, Kansas RE 1 AN eatabllHhed matiufaotiu-ins concern, highest bank and commercial standing, only factory of Its kind In the world, business and plant valuea at about 13U0, ooo, controlling the situation entirely In Its line and supplying a domestic article at a large profit as a sultstltute for an Importation valued at millions annually, will opon a branch office and salesroom In Omaha, Neb. We want a good man to fill the position of district manager, su pervising salesman, etc. Salary, $1,600 per annum and a commission of 10 to 40 per cent on sales. Under our mutital co operative plan an Investment of $2,000 In the capital stock of the company is re quired, and the right man should average at least $4,000 per year. Beat reference given And required. Address, Manager, Bulla 26, Auditorium building, Chicago. Y-6W 19X PERMANENT Income $260 monthly from $6 Investment; no mall order or formula acheme: legitimate proposition; Investi gate. W. D. Moore, nox Sri. Rockvlll Center, L. I. . Y-640 9x PRINTING PRINTING HIUH-GRADK WORK. riKiVcV-arN Crounae Block, Comer Of LYNGSTAD lath etu aud capital Ave. US KRAMER 'A CHANDLER, vjuiCK PRINTER. U(4 Douglaa St To d. liver work whan riroinUmU la our hobby. tit THE Nehraaka Printing Co, everything new and up-to-data; prompt attention given to all orders. Ill I. 14th, 2d floor, phone 6390. -M6I7 YOU will loae money If you don't let us figure on vour priming. Tel. 3&31. Great Weatarn Printing Co., 111$ Chicago. -M7i Ftl OSTEOPATHY Johnson Institute, tit N.T.UfS bldg. Tel 1664 -Ail MRS. JOHN R. MUSICK. Osteopathy Phy sician; office. Neville block. Tel. 223. 414 TREES, SHRUBS, ETC- A COMPLETE line of fruit, .shade. orna mental trees, vines, shrubs, rosea, etc. Addrtas: Omaha Nursery ,4'aplllloji, Neb. M71 GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wheat Quiet, but Lose' a Little t Home and Abroad. JULY WHEAT SLATED FOR AN ADVANCE Balllah Arguments la Favor of Jsly Option Heavy Parchases e)f Corn Loral Receipts Compare Well. OMAHA, Feb. 18, 19. Nothing much doing in wneat today. The market has been overworaed for two days and, coining at the end of the week, when th crowd is cauiloua ot being loaded up over bunday, everybody gave the wheat a rest. The Aiay declined Friday trom 11.21 to )l.lH. and tue opening this morning was i.l"V trom wnlcn, lor low point, tne mar ket reached H.IW The May rallied toward the close and ended at fl.lUVk. '1 he July did not fluctuate as much as the May, opening at M1V4. dropping oft to tne eighth and closing again at tne half. For einn markets were weaK, Benin losing . Buda Pesth H and Liverpool V The extremely large Australian shipments and the talk of heavy worid s shipments were the principal causes. The Australian ship ments were 2,u,tou bushels, against 1.44L. OuO the preceding week and .,Hi,iM last year. , 'Ihe talent has it figured there Is an open Interest in May wheat of 60,uu0,uu bushels and a consolidated Interest of 26, Ouu.uou In the east. With thla condition movements up and down of from 2 to I cents dally are to be expected. There Is a less short interest than at the beginning of the week. The foreign speculators have got out of half of theirs. With tue May In such a dangerous condition, eyes are turned to the July and some strong arguments are advanced tor being on the long side of It for at least sixty days. No one can, of course, say whether It Is to be a new or un old crop future. There la every evidence the May deal will be forced to a successful conclusion. The large market will use all of the wheat and the country will go Into the new crop movement wltn no surplus. This, it Is argued, will make the market relatively high until the new winter wheat movement Is supplemented by the new spring Wheat movement, - from this, It Is argued, the SECRET SOCIETY NOTICES July will be a good Investment. The re port of last IecembT showed the winter wheat to have a rendition of S6 per cent against ft per cent for December, 19"6. That was a small crop. The lost report also showed a slight decrease In screag. These things are argued to be bullish and will help the crop scares and damage talk which Is to be expe0'"1! in March and April. The May will have a high rans-e and the crowd will turn to the deferred futures. July, It Is argued, will be the favorite, because only the winter wheat crop has to be considered, while with the September there are two. The high price of cash wheat la also figured in as a bull ish factor and tt Is figured the whole situ ation points to an advance for July In the Immediate future. The corn market has a fairly strong un dertone today, hut was not very active. The corn clearances were 674.515 bushels. Liverpool was off V,o on the cheaper Amer ican offerings. Armour Is thought to have been a heavy buyer of corn during the last few days. In Chicago this morning one rommisslon house bought Knft.ono bushels , May corn Llndmnn bought 600.000 bushels 1 of the May Wrenn was a large seller around 4We nd 4ft"c. 1 ne primary re ceipts of corn are 291.000 bunhels, against UTS OoO last year, and the shipments are 507 POO bushels, against 34R.0OO last year. The railway blockade is rapidly being cleared out and the cars moved to destinations. Omaha received more cars of corn today than any other market except Chicago, and that market received only 13 more than did the local market. Omaha Caah galea. VTHEAT-Nft. 4 hard, 1 car, 62Vi lbs., $1.00. Omaha Caah Prices. WHEAT No. 1 hsrd. Il.09fil.10; No. t hard. $l.Q4ftl.Q9; No. 4 hard, 9oc&$1.04; No. t spring, $1.09. CORN No. t. 43Sc; No. J, 43Hc; No. 4, 42Hc; no grade. 3S41c; No. 2 yellow, 44c: No. t yellow, 43c; No. 2 white, 44c; No. 1 white. 43o. OATS No. 2 mixed. 2?c; No. 3 mixed, No. 4 mixed, 2Sc; No. 2 white. 3ne; No. 3 white. S0c; No. 4 white, 29S29HC; standard, 30HC ' . tarlot Rerelpta. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago 15 72 34 Kansas City 36 18 6 Minneapolis 226 Duluth 48 St. Louis 39 44 32 Omaha 8 69 6 Wheat Quotations at Minneapolis. The range of prices in Minneapolis, as re ported o tne L.a wjuls- vv oou company, inf ill Board ot Trade, was: Maaonle Temple, Cor. 16th A Capitol Ave. CAPITOL LODGE, NO. S, A. F. and A. M. Special meeting Monday evening at 7:30 for work In Master Mason degree. Vla llora invited. R. V. COLE, Master. JOHN BAMKOKU, Secretary. VESTA CHAPTER, NO. 6. O. E. S. Reg ular meeting Saturday evening, March 4, 7:30. Visitors welcome. WINIFRED WALLACE, Sec. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. NEBRASKA NO. 1, K. OF P. Regular meeting Monday evenifig at 7:30 o'clock In Myrtle hall, 16th and Douglas sts. Vis itors welcome. A. B. ANDERSON. C. C. HOY A. DODUE. K. R. and S. TRIANGLE LODGE, NO. 64-Meets every Thursday evening at Castle hall, 22d and Cuming. Visitors always welcome. D. B. 8TINE, C. C. J. R. ST1NE. K. R. and 8. TRIUNE IjODGE, NO. 66, K. OF P. Meets every Tuesday night at southwest corner 14th and Dodge. Visitors Welcome. A. H. RAW1TZER, C. C. 3. C. BREW1NGTON, K. R. & S. ROYAL A IIC A SIM. UNION PACIFIC COUNCIL, NO. 1069 Meets second and fourth Mondays each month at Arcanum hall, northwest corner 16th and Harney. Visitors welcome. N. F. REKFORD, Regent. PIONEER vCOUNCIL, NO. 118 Meets in regular session second snd fourth Tues days In each month In Continental block, 15th and Douglas. Visitors Invited. a. C. THOMP8ON, Secretary. PATENTS H. A. STURG1HS, registered attorney; pat ents, trado murks, copyrights, no fee un less successful. 617 N. Y. Life, Omaha. 631 PATPMTQ SECURED OR NO FEB. r 1 Cri 1 O ADVICE FREE. American Engineering Co., registered at torneys, 6U9 Bee Bldg.. Omaha. 213 F24 INVENTORS Before you spend money for a patent, have an examination made to discover If your Invention is new. These examinations cost $2. Address Sues & Co., Attorneys, Washington, D. C. or Omaha, Neb 157 PATENTS GUARANTEED PATENTS SECURED OR FEB RE TURNED. Send model or sketch for free opinion as to patentability. Send for Illus trated Guide Book. Contains 100 mechan ical movementa and LIST OF INVEN TIONS WANTED. TELLS HOW TO OB TAIN AND SELL PATENTS, etc. PAT ENTS advertised for sale at our expense. EVANS, WILKENS & CO., Reg. Patent . Attorneys. 615 F Street, Washington, D. C. IF your Idea has merit and you want It patented, then manufactured and mar keted on manufacturer's capital, write American Finance & Industrial Co., 123 Ia Salle St.. Chicago, III. 617 19x LOST AND FOUND LOST, on Friday, gold chased locket front silk fob. Please return to Wee office for reward. Lost 792 FOUND The right place to have your eyes tested and fitted right Bennett's. Found 428 FLORISTS HESS 8WOBODA, 1416 Farnam. 662 L. HENDERSON, 1519 Farnam. Tel. 1258. AW ALFRED DONAGHUE, JR.. 1607 Farnam. .. Tel. 33U3. 4 BRASS FOUNDRIES BRASS and aluminum caatlng, nickel plat ing and finishing. Specialty Mfg. Co.. 41 N. Main at.. Council Bluffs. DRESSMAKING IN FAMILIE8. Mlsa Sturdy, 'phone A-JTt,. 066 LAW AND COLLECTIONS JOHN M. MACFARLAND, New York Lift Bldg., rooms 804 snd 319. Tel. K16L tM LatQAIi NOTICES. NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEET ING. Notice Is hereby given that the regular annual meeting of tne stockholders of the South Platie Land Co. will be held at the office of aald company In Lincoln. Ne braska, at 11 o'clock a. m., on the lat day of March, A. D . 1906. By ordar of the Board ef Directors. C. H. MORRILL, President A. B. MINOR. Secretary. Lincoln, Neb., Jap. $0. 190s. JS1 dSOt NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. The regular annual meeting of stockhold ers in The Bee Publishing company will be held on Monday, March 4, 19u6, at 4 o'clock p. m. In the office of the Bee Building, cor ner 17th and Farnam street. By order of the president. UUOROB B. TZSCHUCK. Sec'y. Fit alot niAe Commodity. Open. Wheat May 1.16V. July 113V14I September ... WSl 1- 1.16l M4l 4l 1.16S4 1.131 1.14U 4V 1.16 14H 84 B bid. ' CHICAGO 'GHAIS AMD PROVISIONS Features 61 the Trading? aad Closing; Prices on Hoard of Trade. CHICAGO, Feb. 18. Heavy liquidation caused a fresh break of lo In the price of May wheat today. Part of the loss was later regained, but the market closed weak with May oft VuHc July Is down only He. May corn is up He. Oats are off H j He. Provisions are practically unchanged. Weakness In the wheat market developed immediately after the opening. Initial quo tations, however, showed some loss, May being jHc lower to H higher, at $1.19H to $l.lvk.. July was off HO to -foe, at $1.U1H to ll.uiH- The May delivery assumed suprem acy in the pit, trading In that option early In the day using extremely heavy. At the start, would be sellers filled the pit, but offerings met with comparative little de mand. Within a few minutes May had sold off to $1.18H- On the decline shorts brought liberally and the price was forced up a-uln to $1.1UH. Meantime July eased oft to I1.01H. but hater rallied a trifle In sympathy with the upturn in May. The market Was Influenced considerably by weakness of foreign grain markets. Lower prices abroad were said to be due to the enormous In crease in shipments from Australia. Dur ing the latter part of the session trading narrowed down to' small transactions, a feature being a relatively Improved demand for the July option. As a result July ad vanced to $1 01. The market closed rather weak with May at $1.19H&1.19H- Final quo tations on July wore at 1.01H. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 36,400 bushels. Primary receipts were 340,400 bush els, compared! with 476,000 bushels a year ago, Minneapolis, Duluth and Chicago re ported receipts of 688 cars against 28o cars lust week and 272 cars a year ago. Warmer weather and weakness of wheat created an undertone In the corn market early In the day. Several prominent hold ers were free sellers. Later commission houses became active buyers, resulting In considerable firmness. May opened un changed to He lower, at 4HHe to 46Hc, sold between 4tH'4Hc and 48io4i)c, and closed at 46Hc. Local receipts were 72 cars, nona of contra ot grade. . . . Possibility of an Increased movement re sulting from lower freight rates caused an easier tone in the oats market. There was also some selling early In the day In sympathy with the weakness of wheat, May opened unchanged to HfHc lower, at SOtiSOHc to 31c, held within the opening range and closed at 30&30Hc Local re ceipts were 36 cars. Trading In provisions was exceedingly light and the market held steady through out the day. At the close May pork was up 2Hc, at $1.82112.86. Lard was un changed at $6.90i&6.9;.'H. Ribs were -up 2Hc, at $6.826.86. Estimated receipts for Monday: Wheat, 14 cars; corn, 201 cars; oatB, 144 cars; hogs, 49.000 head. The leading futures ranged as follows: Article. I Open. I Hlgh. Low. Close. Yes'y. Wheat May July Bapt. Corn Feb. May July Sept. Oats Feb. May July Sept. Pork eb. ay July Lard Feb. May July Ribs Feb. May July 1 19HH 1 19" 1 1S 1 01HH 1 011 1 01H 92V3H 93H -'H 4h V46H i ieiiirH' 47 H47Hf-'S 4674, Wa 47 47H 30i ""Si" 3CflTH SO 307ij30HS4i 29 29H 29 'ii'ii" ii'ffi" 'is'savi 12 95 12 97H 12 95 "j'iiH "6 92H "i'96" f 02i T 05 7 02H "e'824 "i'ii" "fi'82H 6 97 H 6 97H 6 87H I 1 1914 1 01H 92H 4.ivj 46H 7H I SOHf 30h SOHW 31H 12 65 12 86 12 96 72H 2Hi 7 U2H! 6 85 6 97H 1 19H 1 01H 93H 43H 46H 47H 47H 304 31 804 2H 12 60 12 87H 12 2H T24 6 92 H 7 05 ' 6 62H 6 P2H 6 95 No. 2. Cash quotations were as follows: FLOUR Steady ; winter patents, $6.10; 6.20; winter straights, $4.80(56.00; spring pat ents, $5.00ft6.40; spring straights, $4.6O4.0; bakers. $'2.6008.80. WHEAT No. 2 spring, $1.151.20; No. 8 spring. Il.08i81.18; No. 2 red, $1.18M.20T4j. CORN-No. 8, 44Hc; No. 2 yellow, 44o. OATS No. 2. 3Hc: No. 2 white, 324Q 33Hc; No. 8 white. SlVtm2c. RYE No. 2, 75I5T70. BARLEY Good feeding, 88c; fair to choice malting, 4234iic. SEEDS No. 1 flax. $1.17H; No. 1 north western, $1.2SH; prime timothy, $2.90; clover, contract grade. $13.60. PROVISIONS Mesa pork, per bbl $11.65 12.70. Lard, per 100 lbs., $6.7!Hff .75. Short ribs sides (loose,). jfl.62H1j6.76. Short clear sides (boxed). $6.75fj6.87H. Following. are the receipts and shipments of flour and grain: Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 9.200 8 80 Wheat, bu S.000 7,000 Corn, bu 88 .600 Hl.toO Oats, bu 76,900 92.600 Rye, bu 1.000 Barley, bu 38,300 11,600 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was firm; creameries, 2f?32c; dairies, 230?9c. Egga, easier; at mark, cases Included, aasfc; firsts, 2c; prime firsts, 31o ; extras, i3c. Cheese, firm, 1213Hc Kansas City Grata " Provisions. KANSAS CITY, Feb. 18. WH EAT May, Jl.ftiV; July, 89Hv9V; ca"- No. 2 hard, ll.Wil.ll; No. 1, fl.063ft.O9; No. 4, 68rg$1.06; No, 1 red, $1.031.12; No. 8. $1.0761.09; No. 4, $1.001.07. CORN Steady; May, 44St4c; July, 44Hc; caah, No. t mixed, 47c; No. 8, 46H'tf 4tic; No. I white. 47c. OATS Steady; No. 1 mixed, 83c; No. 8 White, 33c. HAY Steady: choice timothy, $9.505,10.00; choice prairie, 7.Wvfl800. RYE Steady, 7&jl7VHe. EGOS Weak; Missouri and Kansas, new No. white wood raaea Included, 28c; case ooiint, He; case returned, Ho less. BUTTER Steady; creamery, tS30c; packing, 23c. . Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 48, wo 11.60O Corn, bu 26 2uO 13. OaU, bu 6.1)00 6.0UO Liverpool Grata Market. LIVERPOOL Feb. 18 WH EAT Snot, nominal; futures, quiet; March, 7s Hd; May, 6a 111; July. 6a 11 Hd CORN Spot, American mixed, new, firm at 4s 2d; American mixed, old. quiet at 4a lid Futures, quiet; March, 4a IHd; May, is 3Hd. V ' 11 1 Daloth Grata Market. DULUTH. Feb. 18. WHEAT To arrive: No. 1 northern. $1 11. On track: No. 1 northern. $1 13: N. I northern, $1 07W 1 UHi May, 1.1; July, $i.UHi September, NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Union Pacifio Extends Its Remarkable Advance on Large Dealing. NORTHERN SECURITIES MAKES GAIN 9aerlal Movewteat In thlpasro Great V. estern Da to Ramored Ab eorptloa of that Road by Larger Systems. NEW TORK, Feb. 18.-Unlon Pacific ex tended Its remarkable advance today on very large dealings and served aa a mod erately sustaining influence for the -M of the stock market. Its rise to li7 added nearly 8 points to Ita previous tecord on this movement, and Northern Securities on the curb and Great Northern preferred on the exchange kpt it company. The buying for foreign account was sn Important ele ment In the movement. It was believed that the small effect on foreign markets of the trsgedy In Russia prompted boy.iig of stocks, but the demand for the Nortneru Securities group was more adequately ex plained by the knowledge that very favor able statements of the earnings of the con stituent companies were published In Lon don this morning. 1 Southern Pacific and 81. Paul made moderate responses In the Union Pacific movement, but there wa not much In the market otherwise outside of spec.al tles. Stocks connected with the lead Industry were strong and there were rumors of plans for comblnitlon. Southern and south western railroad stocks were rather heavy, which was explained by the backward ten dency of their earnings due to storm ob structions, and also it is believed to be holding back of cotton stocks from the markets owing to the unsatisfactory prices prevailing. The dlsruntalon of a possible strike of New Haven firemen was an in fluence in the market. There was a spe ciaL movement In Chicago Great Weatern, ana rumors were current of a probable ab sorption of thla property In the Interest of large competing systems. The bank state ment was more favorable than expected, the contraction In the loan Item coming as a surprise. The decline In the cash reserves also was hardly as large ns anticipated. Union l'aeltie closed buoyantly, but some pressure at other points made the general closing Irregular. Total galea of bonds, par value, $2,830,000. Following were the sales and range of prices on the Stock exchange today; 8a.leslillgh.LtTw.Clow. Atchison 2,yu0 8iV 874 87v do preferred 700 103 101T4 101H Atlantic Coast Lin 121 Baltimore & Ohio.... 6,900 104 H 103H 104 do preferred 97 Canadian Pacific .... 6,000 137H 136 137H Cen. of New Jersey. 600 200 199 199 Chesapeake & Ohio.. 9o0 60 60 60 Chicago j Alton 41 do preferred , 80 Chi. Great Western.. 17,900 24 2.1 24 Chi. & Northwestern I.811O 237 836 237 Chi., Mil. & St. Paul 4,200 176 176 176 Chi. Term. A Trans.. 100 18 18 18 do preferred 200 84 84 84 C C, C. & St. Louis 700 96 96 9ti Colo. & Southern .... fKO 26 26 2b do first preferred... 200 63 63 63' do second preferred 100 87 87 87 Del. A Hudson 800 192 191 l9i Del., Lsck. A West 366 Den. A Rio Grande 82 do preferred 100 (W 88 87 Erie 18,700 44 44 44 do first preferred... 4m) 8n 80 79 do second preferred 1,200 64 64 64 Hocking Valley ..... 90 da preferred '. 91 Illinois Central 1.200 168 167 167 Iowa Central 29 do preferred 66 Kins. City Southern. 1.000 82 82 Si do preferred 2.900 68 67 67i Louisville & Nash... 1.500 138 137 137 Manhattan L ooO 173 172 173 Met. Securities 400 81 , 81 81 Met. Street Railway. 2.800 122 121 121 Mexican Central 1,000 22 22 22 Minn. A St. Iouis 68 M.,St.P. & Slt.Ste.M. 900 105 105 loo do pfd., offered ..... 160 Missouri Pacific 1,000 107 106 lo6 Mo., Kans. & Texas. 1,700 31 31 81 do preferred 400 66 64 64 N.R.R. of Mex., pfd 41 New York Central ... 700 147 147 147 N. Y., Ont. A West.. 20,600 61 60 61 Norfolk A Western. 2,000 83 82 83 do preferred 92 Pennsylvania 17,100 139 139 139 P., C. C. & St. Louis 81 Reading 24,000 94 93 -94 do first preferred 93 do second preferred 90 Rock Island Co S.900 35 84 34 do preferred . 81 St.L. & 8.F., 2d pfd. 100 70 70 70 St. L. Southwestern 26 do preferred 1,800 63 63 63 Southern Paclflo 6,800 68 6. 67 do preferred 2.600 120 130 120H Southern Railway ... 1,600 34 34 34 do preferred 9i Texas A Pacific too 86 86 36 Tol., St. L. A West. 400 36 36 86 do preferred 100 65 66 60 Union Pacific 160,700 128 126 128 do preferred 600 100 99 99 Wabash 22 do preferred 4o0 46 46 4b Wheel. A Lake Erie. Q 19 19 10 Wisconsin Central .. 24 J4 24 do preferred 700 63 63 63 Adams Ex 24u American Ex. ..... ..... 237 United States Ex. ... 200 133 132 1S2 Wells-Fargo Ex ..... 2to Amalgamated Cop... 6,400 74 74 74 Am. Car A Foundry. 600 84 34 8i do preferred .. ., ?a Am. Cotton Oil 3,600 36 85 do preferred 96 preTcrred -"ll W Am. Linseed Oil .... 100 16 16 16 do irt?ferra " Am. Locomotive 4.700 41 40 40 do preferred 100 111 111 111 Am. Smelt. & Refng. 12,600 fw 87 W do preferred 600 118 IIS 117 Am. Sugar Refining.. 1,400 144 143 143 Am. Ton., Pfd. certlf. 1,600 98 97 97 Anaconda Mtn. Co , 106 Braok. Rapid ! Transit 2,400 IM 62 62 Colo. Fuel A Iron ... 6.800 61 50 50 Consolidated Ga .... 4,600 804 203 204 torn Products 1.000 20 iO 20 do preferred 100 77 m 77 Dis. Securities 7 38 88 38 General Electric 800 187 186 186 International Paper 21 do preferred 77 International. Pump , 38 do preferred " National Lead 19,100 8. 84 Stiji North American .. ..... .... I0i Pacific Mall I.0O0 47 4fl 4i Kile's Oa ......... i.200 10T 106 1M Pressed Steel Car .. . 700 8T 37 3i do preferred 2tK) 88 88 87 Pullman Palace Car. 100 243 843 240 Republic Steel 600 18 18 17 do preferred 600 76 75 76 Rubber Goods 600 26 2 26 do preferred 7 97 96 Term. Coal A Iron.. 8.K0O 81 80 81 US Leather 4i0 12 12 12 do preferred 2.000 1053 106 106 U 8. Realty 8.400 89 H U S Rubber 2,700 43 43 43 do preferred 800 115 114 114 U S Steel . 19 400 32 81 81 do preferred 7,800 94lJ 94 94 vdVfeedc,:e.m::: 2 ,Sg S iSSe West-house Electric. .. I18 Western Union 800 93 l3 93 Total salea for the day, 626,400 hares. New York Money Market. NEW YORK, Feb. 18.-MONEY-On call, nominal; no loans: tlm losns. steady: sixty and ninety daya, 8 per cent; six months, 3 8 per ' cent; prlm I mercantile paper, ltf 4'T per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE-Steady, with actual business In bankers' bills at U.TW 48780 for demand and at $4.8530fl4A35 for aixtv-dnv bills; - posted rates. $4.86 and $4 88; r'nmmerclnl bllla. $4.848 85. SILVER Bar, 61c; Mexican dollars. 47e. BONDS Government, ay; railroad, steady. Cloalng quotations on bonds were I V. rt la, rf 104H,Jpan M, ctfa 100 do eoupon I04IL. N. unl. 4. KM ao U re I3H Manhattaa o. g. 4s...l04H 4a coupon Caolral 4 Tli to sow ,' r( 4s lit Inc H 4a eoupon 131 Mian. A St. L 4a... o .id v ni IH M . K. A T. 4 101 o toupea 106 HI o to If'H Am. Tobacco 4a, ctfa. 76 VN. It. R. of M. 0. 4a. IH to . etla 114 N. T. C. t- W Atchlaon n. 4...,..1MN. 1. C. f. 6a lis 4o ad. 4a 474 Ke. raelSo 4a. M Atlantlo O. U 4a m do T7 Bal. A Ohio to ttH M. W. .. 4a 104 do k O. . L. rfda a ' Conlral of 04. ta Uti Pm. eonv. lUi 1H oo lat Ino Ilii hMdlng ln 4 102 ' o t In 10 lBt- U I M. f 4...U1H Cha. A Ohio 4Vi.,..10;8t. L. A T. tt. 4a. 4IH Chlcoio ft A. avis W. e. 4a.... C . B. A J. a. 4.. ..1(I Boaboard A. L 4a..,. to 6. . I. I P. to.... UVi'So. Pcin to no col. 7 ISn. Railway la U CVC. A St. L. ( 4a..l09Tna V U UU ('hlcMo Tr. to 17 IT.. Bt. U W. 4a.. .S4 Colorado Mid. 4 U I nlon Paclho to H Colo. A Bu to M l 4o conr. to UMk Cuba to. otfs r,'v. 8. stool Id to 4V D. K. u. 4a 11V WaUih U 14 MMIIIora' . 6s 7SV4.I do deb. B tlV, Erlo prior lira to....ln VW.jt.rn Kl. to do sn. 4. UH W. L. K 4a 41 r W. ft D. C. la. ..110 Wli. Ontral 4a 4 Horklna Vai. 4Vka....lUl BldT learlnc Hoaae Averages. NEW YORK, Feb. 18. The statement of averages of the clearing houae lianka of thla city for tho five daya of this we-k shows: l.oana. $1,116 012.100; decrease $;.u94,t). De posits. $l.lf;,6oS.!; dwreaae, $Ki,4l.4ii0. Cir culation, $4l,!i2,iU0; decreuse, $171,00V. Lefal llaBaasTasaaTTarr'ii'IlL'lUf ilk'aM'f f" mMrtr . 0 e ADM IOi m March 4th. Stock frlvr-s ownership In nil thr- nilnoa of the United Mining- and Kxploratlon Ooinjintiy. The urcnt Colilllclil, Nov.. JoM giC4n (iroup and Knlililt Fraction, located In the Itonnngn section on same dykes ns the Junino. Florence and Uonil)lnntlin. Also our tircat Modoc Mine, on which wo have Just STRUCK BIG ORE BODY. We are In receipt of a telegram from our suncrlntendeut at the Mo doc, aa follows: , "United Mining and Kxploratlon Co.. I lever. Colo.: Struck big ore full width of shaft. Uoine at once. F. A. SOl'EK, Superintendent" What tho Denver Daily News of Jan. 31, Says of the Rich Striko on the United Mining and Exploration Company's Mo doc Mins-1- "Fina Vein of Ore Encountered in the Shaft of the Modoc Property! "Special to The News: "Central City. Colo., .Tnnnnry art. While Jinking tho 21-foot ahaft on the Modoc property today, the Fulled Mining and Exploration Company encountered a vein containing a laxly of ore which unsays eight and one hnlf ounces In gold to the ton. Sinking has been In progress on the Mo doc for four months, since the present company has been in charge, but this la the first vein that hns lxen struck. All the other strikes have teen deposits and pockets. There is every Indication that the vein Is continuous, am that the mine will develop into one of the biggest pro ducer in Quurtz Hill District." v $20.00 BUYS ONE THOUSAND SHARES Par Talue $1.0rt, fully paid and nonassessable. Stock positively advances March 4th; may be advanced or withdrawn from market in a few days on account of big strike. Write or wlro your reservations at once, pending Investigations. DENVER SECURITIES COMPANY, Bank Block, Dept. Hi ' DENVER, COLORADO. V. Farnam Smith & Co. STOCKS, BONDS, INVESTMENT SECURITIES. 1320 Farnam St.Tel. 1064 The Merchants National Bank of Omaha, Net. a 1 ffpeiltary Capital and Surplus, $600,000 riANK MURPHY. ras. U"flEK DIMM. Caikler. mm t. HAMILTON. Ant CaaMan, RMrtlTS acnaaata at banks, twakcra, torpor atlona, firaas sat ladlTlduala en taToraMa raralta Btokanta saaifht aaC nil Utwra ol rMlt Issues, aval labia ta all ana el the werU. latent! sela aa Time OertlRcatae it Tn"t Colleotlona aa4a proaiptlr aai eaasaaileailr. We reaaast aamspendaaea. Edwards -Wood Co- (incorporated.) nam Olllcei Fifth and Roberts Straati ST. PAUL, rilNN. DEALERS IN Stocks, Grain. Provisions Ship Your Groin to Us raaek Ollicc, 44(-itl Haard ! Traala Olds;., Omaha, Mb, Telephons 8814. 212-214 Kxohatife 1M.. Kouth Omaha. . kail 'Phons Hi Indsbsntlsnt 'Vhons 1 Qyaranteed 8 pr cent dividend farm and ranch stock 100,000 shores offered In amounts of law up In large Irrigated farm and ranch, 871 miles south of El Paao,' Tex., on K. ft. per cent guaranteed--helleve will pav 25 per cents have ISO tenants; e,(X acres cmpped this year; 4,000 head of live stock, will buy more. Capitalised for only 12.76 an acre. Agents wanted to sell stock. Experience unnecessary. Writ for pros pectus and particulars, P, A. Montgomery, President, 79 Dearborn Bt., Chicago, III. tenders, W5.389,8uO; decrease, $3,819,400. Spe cie, $20,953,800; decrease, l,fil7,2U. Reserve, 307,343,400; decrease, $4,43ti,t00. Reserve re oulred, 2HS,13R,676; decrease, $2 604,100. Bur phis, 9.a4,4!o; decrease. II 8.12.600. Ex l'nlle.1 States rteposlls, 14,878,50o; decrease, $l,l!74,900. I.ondoa Rtork Market. LONDON, Feb. 18. Closing quotations on stocks and bonds were: Coneoti. mener Wa'N. T. Central ...161 do acrount w o-ia .-nnoia et w.. no do ptd Ontarln A W bt rnnnaylvanla 1 Rand Mlnea li Roa.llna 4KM Anarnnda ,. 44 Atchlaon ' dn pfd 105 Balilmnra Oh!o....lo Canadian Parinc IWK (-lira. 4: Ohio 61 rhlraso Ot. W S C, M. & Bt. T IW brllaera Iiruver R. O do ptd Erie 45 H do lab pfd.. do Id pld. Bo. Rallwar do pfd .... in. Pacific ... L'fiion Paclflo do pfd . 47 . 4r.4 . F14 ,10 . t .m .H'osa . it . T . tt . 47 Vt do ltt pfd...i B. Bti dn td Dfd 4C4 do pfd Illinois Central 1I14 Wahaah . Loula. r Naih 14m do pfd M., K. T Ml' 8IL.VKR Bar, steady, 28 l-16d per ounce. MONEY 2U324 per cent. The rata of discount In the open markei for short bills Is 2H Pr cent; for three months' bills, JSS-W per cent. Kts York Mlnlaar Atoels. NEW YORK, Teb. 18. Th folio wing are the cloalng quotations on mining stocks: Adams Con t AMI'S " Hr M BrunawU-k Coa ...... Comatork Tunnel .... Con. Oal. Va lH Horn surer 16 Iron gllrer Km LeadTllle Coa I Little Chief ... Ontario Ophlr Phoenix Pot oil Savage Blerra Nevada Small Nopea ,. Standard I ,...m . . . . T. 10 .... .... 1 .... 10 .... 41 .... it ....160 Milwaukee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE Teb. II. WHEAT Mar ket easier: No. 1 northern, II 17; No. 2 northern. tl.UHIlMi; May. I1.1HV.. KyB-Strons; No. 1, 3L,c. BARL.KY titeady; No. t. e0c;-sample. 41 49c. CORN-Flrmj No. 1 yellow, 44Vic; May, 4Hc, bid. HDAL ESTATE TRAKIFERI. Deeds Iliad for record February 18, 16, as furnished by the Midland Guarantee and Truat company bonded abstracters, ltill Farnam street, for The Bee: F. P. Hani cm to Mary (.'. Han Ion; part N. B. of i. W. sac. LM5-13.. t 1.00 R. It. Moochla aid wife to B. T. Red man; lot 14, block , Sulphur Springs 500.00 Mary fci. Olll, et al. to A. P. Mnd4i; B. Va lot L blink 80, B.-iNii Omaha.. 2O00.00 P. C. Wrlsrnt t al. to K. H. lluiiaon; lot 8, block 8s, Houth Omaha 100 lnra Ravage and husband to O. Hialnhower; lot S, block S, Slier wo'xls sub 2000 00 O W. MMllork and w'fe to P H. Sturgeon: K. lot 11, block 11, Pat ricks 2nd add 1200.00 C. K. Shelby and wife to Mary A. Oohton; lot 13, block 12. Cloverdalii. 13C.O0 A. H WtHKlf.rd and wife to J. Olavln; lut 7, Ouk Hill 4W 00 0 n 1 In tho Gmund Costs Nothing to Store. OIL Ih Staple ns "Wheat. DAM The Stream of Traduction and PRICES MUST RISE. OIL Is No Exception to the In flexible Law of SUPrLY AND DEMAND. The Standard Oil's Boy cott Can Terminate in But One lieuult HIGHER PRICES. Have you idle Money T If you have, you can make no better in vestmeut, than in Constant Oil Stock The Constant Oil Co., incorpor ated under the laws of th State of Nebraska, is busy drilling, and Is about to open to production FiVJS WELI.R on land Immediately ad joining the famous Barker property, in the heart of the oil producing section of the Chanute, Kansas, oil Held. Contracts already let. Insure completion of the work at an early day and are a safe guaranty EARLY DIVIDENDS Now la the time to buy, only a limited amount of stock being blocked out to sell at the present low llgtirc. The compnny in officered by well known and reliable Omaha men and the opportunity it offers Is well worth investigating. Call or write for particulars. CONSTANT OIL CO., Telephone F3234 301 Ne Y. LIFE BLDG., OMAHA, NIB. 0 " BONDS We purchase entire issues of First Mortgage Corporation Bonds. II. C. Carroll $1 Co., ....BANKERS.... First National Bank Bulldlnc, C HK AOO. Safety Deposit Vaults of the First National Bank, Omaha, afford absolute security against fire as well as burglary for all kinds of valuables, including papers and insurance policies. QOLDFIELD 2 FOR I Mock In two (ffit lcildnld compailns at nir of (inc. tiiciial llmltail i(Tt. Htritnk rlrh ore. Wlmli- story free. 1A NB1 HII lU'Tl.EH, tfuc'y, to Uttck Uluua, Lhw VlT Colo,