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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1905)
THE OMAHA DAILY HEE: WEDNESDAY. EEIUtfARY If?. 1003. t m t GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Vvf7 an1 Jo'j Wheat Make Good Adnnce v va eve vai m j DECREASE HEAVY IN ALL GRAIN VISIBLE Wall Taking a Large lr Out of lorn Kiportlng Hnslness anil Its Imports nor Grows , Rapidly. ... OMAHA. Feb. 14. IMS. i ne May wheat gamed lc during t lie holi day. 1 he hiarli liiiltit f.f Ihn i.v ,.r.t,.M toaiurdiiy wnn Toon the opening- wax at that point and live times before noon Hie tnaract reached Thin is very Hear th; high point on the crop. The July ell the strength of the May and also ad vanced, 'i he high point y noon today waa 11.01. an auvuace over Saturday of c. l.lvei)Hol gained frutn c to e on Uie unfavorable reports from India. Ber lin cloned unchanged, lluda Pest guinea lo, Antwerp wan uiunanged and Pans weak ened from 2u to 35 centimes. The wheat visible, supply decreased for the week S81.000 bushels. This Ik the flint heavy decrease. in visible stocks and has been aiilli Ipaicd Ins somu time. The Im portant question In what view the trade will take of ft. The Kansas City wheat flocks decreased lul.ajQ bushels so far this week Minneapolis ships 118,U"i bushels wheat and 104.U0O barrels Hour. The r.orth weMern lars, Including Chicago, ure 6: lor three days, 2M euro last week und 34a ears last your. The world's shipments of w heat are .v.WX,lV) bushels, against 9.jM,(K last week and 8.344.0W last )enr. 'flie on passage shows an Increase of l.SCfl.Ooil bush els, tho amount being 3'l.872,iiOO bushels, against 34.tM4.0OO the preceding week and 3.77,0(iO bushels lHSt year. The swath cut In the corn exporting trade bv the gulf lines of late may be seen from the following figures: For the last month New Orleans exported 30 per rent of the corn sent out of the country; thtl veston had 10 per cent of the export. For the seven months ending January 31, New Orleans exported only Jo per cent of the total. Its export In January was 75 per cent of Its export for the whole seven months. For the same rJerlou of seven month Gaheston exported 7 per cent of the total. Tno total extort of No. 3 corn from all porta of tho country during this time whs 18,411. !KXI bushels. Laal year it was 8.34S.62 bushels. New York has ex ported 2.810,000 bushels, that, being twice Its export for last year. Baltimore has ex ported 2,400,342 bushels, against ' l.'JUO.iiM , hu-hcls) the preceding year. In seven months fill ports have exported 3(i.S30,'jo7 bushels, against 34,074, U3 bushels the pre ceding year. Some hews Is serft'fmt from Iowa sources to the effect that the shipping surplus of that state will come only from the central section. The southern third of the statu be buying more, or less all the sei central third tor feeding, ana vp third Is as la to have very us a hlp. The world a ariip- wwn arc K.47A.00 bushels, aaainst 6.018.0OO b.:9hel's the preceding week and 2.310.000 bushels last year.' The on-pasaage corn is 18,774.000 .bushels,' decrease of 3.380,000 liushels. - The amount last year was 10,020.000 bushel. The visible made a large decreaso for tilts time of year, going flown 801.000 bushel. The speculative mar ket r"fninu stronger. The high point for the May Saturday jw 40e;- toOay the May reached 46r bofrire noon. , i , The oats vislblo made another heavy de 'Vrtiise todar, . the amount being 781,000 bushels. Tho good crop -and low price do hot seem to have .created any export de mand. In seven months from all ports tha aggregate export is 843.000 bushels, srslnst for last year 639.166 bushels. For January tha .figures aro 263,217 bushels. Sgulrst !lf,ni4 bualiMS.. -rfZ - ,,( Omaha 'Cash Bales. OATS-Standatd, Tear, 30c. - ; Omaha Cash 1'rlces. WHEAT No 2 iiord, $1.08fi1.09; No. 8 hard, $1.03jl.08; No. 4 hard. 90cB$l.U2; No. 3 spring. 81.08. (JOHN No. 2, 45c: No. 3, 45c; No. 4, Kit 44c; no grade, S6'u40c; No. 2 yellow, 46c; , No. 3 yellow, 45cr No. 2 white, 46c; No. whit. 45c. . OATS No. 2 mixed. ' 29c; No. 8 mixed, 28c; No. 4 mixed, 28c; No. 2 white, 3oc; No. 3 vhlte, Mc; No. 4 white, 20'2Uc; standard, 30c. t'arlot nerelpts. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago 3 Kansas City 73 'llmieupoIhM . .v. ............ ..4ii Ifuluth I Bt. I.ouls : Di ' (Imaha 4 , Wheat 4taotatlons at Minneapolis. The range of prices In Minneapolis, as re ported by the Ed wards-Wood company, was; . section. The fls said to be time from t,he the north'. 0 little surplus me its of vrt E 295 167 1 - . 148 '0 29 Commodity. Open. High. Low. Close. Wheat May 1 16V4 1 17 1 16H 1 July 1 14U 1 14 1 14 I 14 r Heptember ... 84 5 94sl 95'n r KEW YORK C.F.MIHAL MARKET (tuotatlAns vt tha Day on Various ComuiodHles. . ;" NKW YORK. Feb. 14. FIX3UR Receipts. :3.2", bbls.; exports, 3,338 bbls.; market firm, but quiet; Minnesota patents, $i.9 ifai.'H); Minnesota bakers, t4.30i4.65; winter pat ents, 85.5iKh6.8A; winter siralghts, 85.40; win ter extras, 83.65ti4.30; winter low grades, 83.43iS4.10. Rvo flour, quiet ; fair to good, 84.354)4.70; choice to fancy, 84.75dc4.95. Buck wheat flour, slow: per UM) lbs.. 2.0(Kg!2JO. CORNMIiAlj Firm; fine, white and yel low, 8135: coarse, new, $1.06j.l.07H klln drled. 82.90193.10. K YE Nominal; No. 2 western, 80c, asked. BARLEY Quiet; feeding, 434c. c. I. f.. Nsw York; malting. 46fi62c, c. I. t. Buffalo. WHEAT Receipts, 13,660 bU.; exports, 16, 835 bu. fipot market was Irregular; No. 2 red, nominal elevator and 81.23 f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth, 81.214 f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 hard Manitoba. $l.ll f. o. b. afloat. Options: In response to bullish Indian crop news, firm Liverpool cables, a large visible supply decrease and a scare of May shorts, wheat hud a strong advance today, with few and unimportant reactions up to the close, which showed nic net advance: May, 81.16 13-161. 17S, closed at 81.17V,; July. 81.06Viil.05K. closed at 81.06H; Heplember, 90V96V, closed at WHbe. CORN Receipt. 210,700 bu. ; exports. 475, 719 bu. Spot market, strong; No. 2, 65c elevator and 63e f. b. b. afloat; No. 2 yel low, 64c; No. S white, 64c. Option market wajii fairly active and strong on bad weather west, light offerings, small world's shipments and southern covering, with the clone Ho higher than Saturday; May, 6IVl 62Uc closed at 62c: July closed at 62Hc OATS Receipts, 16.000 bu. ; spot market, firm; mixed. 26 to 32 lbs., fciHWUe ; natural white, SO to 32 lbs., 37 Vic; clipped whita, 36 to 40 lbs., 8$41c. HAY Quiet; shipping, 6570c; good to choice, 80(i824e. HOPS Quiet: state common to choice, 1904. t94T33o; 190S. 28310 : olds, 12W13c. Pa clflo coast. 1904, 29 ale; 1903, 273Vc; olds, 12 til 4o. HtiE8 ' Firm: Galveston, SO to 25 lbs., 18c; California. 81 to 26 lbs., Mc; Texas (dry). 24 to 80 lbs., 14V4C LEATHER Firm; aeJd, 243?'c PROVISIONS Heef. Arm; family, 81100 fill.o; mesa, $9.0?i9.1O: beef hams, $22.00rai 28.60; packet. 8l0.6Oifll.00; city, extra India mess, Sl6.0uQ17.4iO. 4'ut meats, quiet; pick led bellies. 87oMf7.50: pickled shoulders, 84 00; pickled hams. 88.75ra9.0iK Lard, ttrm; western steamed, 87. 0; renned, steady; con tinent ST.26i South America. 87.75; com- round, 84.7&46.12V. Tork. firm; family, i4.6crlS oo; short clear, 8l5.0Ojjl5.60; mess, 81.H 26i613.76. . . . j, TALLOW'--8teBdy' Hty, (82 per pkg.); t4: country (pkgi. free), 4S(gr474c. RICE Firm; domestic,. fair to extra, t- SXp: Japan, nomlnat 1 POULTRY Alive,- atenAy; Western chlck na, HMc; fowls, J4c; turkeys. 15c: dressed, quiet; western -rhlekens, ii'iiHc; fowls, )W: turkeys. 15Hi30c. .... BuTTKR Strong; atreet- price, ' extra creamery, 3:'tfX'. orflcutl prices, cream ery, oommon to extra, Sialic; creamery, held, common to extra. 23u30c; state dairy, common to extra, 214i29c: renovated, com mon to extra, I7ifi25c: western factory, com mon to extra, lSj26c; western Imitation creamery, common to choice, 2I'u28o. CHEESE Firm; slate. full cream, small, colored and white faney, lc: fine. L.'c; late made, colored and white, poor to choice, 9H12o; large, colored and white fancy. 12V: fine. Iigl2'.j'; late mads. ctl ored and white, poor to choice, 9ttll4i,c. EOOS Firm; western- flrsta, J2c; western seconds, Soifiaic . Visible Snvply of Grala. NEW YORK. Feb. 14. The vlxlble supply of grain February 11. us compiled by the Nw York Produce Exchange, la as ful- Wlieat, S8.0S8.000 bushels ; decrease, 881.000 bushels. t'oiii. 10,504, 0L bushels; decrease, 891.000 biishela. Hats. 17,8tB,00 bu.hels; decrease, 781, UO tuivhels. Itya. 1,814.000 bushuls; decrease. 113.0I0 bushels. Barley. S.S78.0O0 buxhtls; decrease. 338.000 bushels. ,. i ; -; Dalai a tiraiu lrkl." I T I.l'TII. Minn.. Feb. 14-Wlll nrrtve. Kn 1 northern. S1.14V: No. nv. llOvi o4 travk, u. J uurlhi u, A T -To ! norih- No. 2 northern. 81.10S: May, $1.15S; July, 1 ItS: Heptcmber. W'c. OA i 8 10 srrlve and on track, 30. tlllt AGO .HIX AD PROViaiOS I-eat a res af the Traela and t Using CII1CAOO. Feb. 14. Higher rrlces for wheat at Liverpool and excellent nemind In Am"rlca for cash wheat raosed decided strength In wheat options hire today. At the dose May wheat was up l'e; Juiy wheat Is up S'-- May corn xhows a gain oi I'mi. Oats are up So. Provisions are ua changed. From the start the wheat market here had a strong undertone. Notwithstanding a liberal Increase In world's shipments and In the amount of wheat on passage, the opening quotations were at moderate ad vance. May being up VftNc at $1.1741.174. July was h shade lower to a shade higher at 81 OlSfcfil.Ol1. A number of Influences combined to offset the effect of the beorlsh factors. Among the bull Influences were firm cables, light receipts and an Improved demand for cash wheat and for flour. The principal cu" of the strength of foreign markets for wheat was said t be numer ous crop damage reports from IrKlla and the advanced prices of Indian offerings. Iiuylng In the wheat pit here was chlerty bv shorts. Within the first half hour the price of May had risen to $1.18. while July had sold up to $1.01. On the upturn enough wheat was liquidated to result In a slight reaction, but prices soon started up ward again. Primary receipts for the last three days were reported as only a trifle In excess of those for two days a year ago. This decrease In arrivals was a strong factor In upholding bullish sentiment. Throughout the remainder of the day de mand was extremely brisk and prices were well maintained. May sold up to $1.1$ and July to 81"2. The close on May was at the highest point of the session. July closed at Sl.Oll 0l7. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 41.9iO bushels. Th amount on passage Increased 1 92S.OW bushels. The visible supply decreased 881, Oco buxhels. Primary receipts were 7548.6" 0 bushels, as agnlnst 8X6,700 bushels a year ago. Minneapolis, Puluth and Chicago re ported receipts of 638 cars, against 261 cars last week and 349 cars a year ago. Sentiment In the corn pit was decidedly bullish and the volume of trading was larse. Small receipts snd a report from Minneapolis that exporters were purchasing liberally there. Were twe of the main fea tures of the situation. Commission houses were active bidders from the start, and shorts also were eager to cover sales, of ferings .were comparatively small. The market closed at the highest point of the day. - May opened fiV: higher at 4ft4-K 4K-H sold up to 47'ic and closed at the top. Local receipts were 295 cars, none of con tract grade. Strength of wheat and corn was the basis of general covering by shorts in the oats market. Statistics also were bullish The vlslhle supply decreased 781,000 bushels, as against an Increase last year of 1K2.O00 bushels. Local stocks In public ware houses, decreased 153,000 bushels. Through out the entire session the market had a Arm undertone. May opened a shade to V ic higher at 30Tih31c, sold up to 31 '4c and closed at 31'ii 31 )(. . Local receipts were 167 cars. Provisions were steady on light receipts of live hogs. Trading waa very quiet, be ing almost entirely of local character. At tho close May pork and ribs were each up a shade at $1290 and $6.90, respectively. Lard was 2Hc higher at 88.97Vi. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat. 39 ears; corn, 175 cars; oats. 86 cars; hogs, 36,0H) head. The leAdlng futures ranged nai follows: Art!eles. Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Sat y. Wheat ' ' " I May 1 17 1 IS 1 17 1 18 I 1 1A July 101H-U 102 1 014 1011H-H 101H-H Sept. 298&H At S3V 2H Corn Feb. 43 44 43 . 44 43 May 464ft 47 44 47i 4Hi July 47V 477s ' 47 47Ts 46 OatB Feb 30'3O; May 34 31 sm:31'4;XiV July 30 W 31 3" SlVaoVg Sept. i9 29 .29! i(6 Pork Feb .- 12 70 12 70 May 12 90 12 90 12 82 12 12 90 July 13 00 13 02 12 92 13 00 13 00 Lard .... Feb 6 77 6 75 May 6 95 6 97 6 92 6 97 6 95 July 7 07 7 10 7 02 7 10 7 07 Ribs Feb 6 70 70 May 6 90 8 90 6 85 6 70 6 90 July 7 02 7 02 6 7 7 02 7 02 No. 2. Cash quotations were ns follows: FLOUR Steady; winter patents. 85.10W K.o; straights. $;" spring patents, $5.005.60; straights, S4.60&4.90; bakers', 83.60 WHEAT No. 2 spring. 81 lo 1.18; No. 3. $1.0811.17; No. 2 red, $1.19fel.21. CORN-No. 2. 44c; No. 2 yellow, 44ff45c. OATS No. 2, SlHc; No. 2 white, 32333c; No. 3 white. 31&32c. RYE No. t 15c. BARLEY Good fending, 38c; fair to choice malting, 4246u. 8EEDS No. 1 flax. $1.17: No. 1 north western, $1.26; prime timothy, $2.822.85; clover, contract grade, $12.60. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., $12.70 4M2.75: lard, per 100 lbs., J. 756.77; short ribs aides tloose). $6.62ffj.75; short clear sides (boxed I, $6.75ft6.87. Following are the receipts and shipments oi nour ana grain Flour, bhla . Wheat, bu Corn, tin Oat, bu Rye. bu Barley, mi..;. Receipts. Shipments. ..... 41.0110 22.71X1 53.000 67,500 352.200 207.100 263.800 160,600 3.11011 ftio ..14,80t 24.400 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was firm: creameries. 23i?i82c; dairies. 'OHi'dic; eggs. Arm; at mark, cases Included. 24''30e; firsts, SOoi prime llrets.-42c; extras, 84c; cheese, ateady; ll$12o. - St. Ioels Grala and Provisions. ST. LOCI8, Feb. 14. WHEAT Higher; No. 2 red cash, elevator, $1.16; track, $1.18; May. $1.18; July. 97(&97c; No. 2 hard. $1.131.14. CORN Higher: No. 2 cash. 45c; track, 46c; May, 464j46c; July, 46c. OATS Higher: No. 2 cash. 31c; track, S2tia2Ho: Mhv, 81c: No. 2 white, 83c. FLOUR Slight Improvement In domestic; red winter patents, S5.SK5.65; specials aOfiSOo higher; extra fancy and straight, 84.855.35; clear. 84.404.(!0. SHED Timothy, steady. 82.0002.40. CORNMEAI-8teady. 82 40. BRAN Quiet and unchanged; sacked, east track, Blii82o. , HAY Little business; timothy, Srt.OOfi 12.00; prairie. 85.0OHi9.5O. IRON COTTONTIES 93c. BAOOINO 7c. HEMP TWINE 6c. PROVISIONS Lard, firmer: prime steam, 86.42. Bacon ( boxed 1. unchanged; extra shorts, $7.60; clear ribs, $7.50; short clears, $7-76. POI'LTRY-Chlckens. higher; turkeys, lower: chickens. 10c; sprlnir, llc; tur kevs. 15c: ducks. 13c; geese. 7'fiRe. BtTTTFR Higher; creamery, r7if32c; dnlrv. l0Sc. EGOS Higher, 28c, rase count Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbl" 18.000 26 000 Wheat. bu..i 98.000 91.000 Corn, bu 148.000 Oats, bu 90,000 106.000 Kansas City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Feb. 14.-WHEAT-Mav. 81.07Wil.07t: July, 0W: cash. No. 2 hard. 81.10?1.12: No. 8. 81 nfiufil in; No. 4. btk ft 1.07; No, S red, 81.12ftl.14; No. 8 tl.07ffl.10; No. 4. 9Rc1.08. Receipts, 71 cars. CORN May. 44'4'4Jc: July. 44c; rash. No. 2 mixed. 4,fc45c: No. 3, 45c; No. t white. 45..'&46o. OATS-No. 2 mixed. 301TSle; No. 2 white. 81fi32c. HAY Steady: choice timothy, $9.5010.00 ; choice prslr'e t7.6O8.00. RVIC 784r79c. ' BOOS Steady: Mhmourl and Kansas, new No. 2 whltewood cases included. 29c; case count S7V4c; cases returned. c less. Bl'TTER Creamery, "4fi?9c: pocking. 21r. Recelrits. Shipment. Vheat. bu M.sno Corn, bn 6O.400 44 nno Oars, bu 17.0") 17.000 Milwaukee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. Feb. 14-WHEAT-e higher; -No. 1 northern, (1.1641.16; No. J northern. tl.lltfl.14; May, $1.17fil.l7 asked. RYE Vic higher: No. 1, 83c. BARLEY Firmer; No. 2. 62c; sample. Si 650c. CORN Firm; No. (. 4344c; May. 47a asked. Philadelphia Prodace Market. PHILADELPHIA. Feb. 14. BUTTER Firm and lc higher; extra western cream ery . SS LOOB Firm. 2c higher; western fresh. (2c at mark. CHEESE Firm and In fair demand: New York full creams, fancy. 12tfl2c; choice, U'.c; fair to good. Il(ul2c. Mlaaeaaalls Grala Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Feb. 14. WHEAT May, II luVHl 10: July. 81.14: Sepleinber. s6Uc; No. 1 hard, 81.18: No. 1 northern. $1.16; No. t northern. $1 L'61 13. FLOUR First patents, hV304i6.4o: second patents, $6.(Kh6.20: first cleart, $4.15i4 35; second clears. $2."2.7u. BRAN-In bulk. $13 60. . , Telede Meed Market. TLEI0, O . Feb. 14 -SEEUS-clover. cash. $7.57: February. $7 57; March, 87.01; April, 87.47; ik-loher. is 87: prime aisiktr, $7.o; uilnie timothy, U-H. March, (187. NEW YORK STOCKS AND B0 Market is Dull, with No Demand for Standard Shares. NEW HIGH MARK FOR UNION PACIFIC Statement of RallTray F.arnlsgs Shorn a Heavy Falllna; Off Dae to Grala Rate War. NEW YORK. Feb. 14. Today's Mock mar ket was distinctly one of specialties and but few stocks of the first rank will be found In the list of those fluctuating as much as a point. The market was drldedly duller than has been the case recently, es pecially among the standard slocks. The railroads and industrials which were ac tive have a much smaller volume of capi talization than tho great standard stocks and the congested Interest In this class had Its effect in bringing down the total of the duy's transactions. There was a market! falling off In opera tions by sume of the recently active pools and the absence from the street of some of the notable ppeculatlve operators was sup posed to account for this. Such of the day's developments as had any Importance were without much effect on stocks and the tone was hesitating and irregular. Some of the special advances were due to rumors affecting the Individual properties con cerned, thee In a number of cases point ing to Intended dividend declarations on stocks which now receive no disbursement. In some of the low-priced Industrial stocks there were feverish upward, spurts from this caua. There were traces of laet week's movement In the Iron and steel group, but the movement showed signs of culmination and the United Stages Steel stocks especially were sluggish and Indiffer ent. The wefkly collection of views of traffic officials was tinged by the existence of ob stacles to traffic from tho stormy weather, although the general tone as to the volume of the merchandise movemmt continued cheerful. Weekly gross earnings for the first week of February showed the effect of storm obstruction snd of the grain rate war. especially on southfrn and south western systems for which there were a number of decided decreases compared with last year's earnings. The continuance of these factors promised a similar result for the forthcoming statements for the second week. There was an appreciably llrmer tone in the time money mark as a result of the large decline In surplus reserve shown by Saturday's bank statement, but this was largely nominal, owing to the scanty ac tivity. The drooping tendency of foreign ex change and the relaxation at all points of the pressure for our gold was considered of greater Importance. The reduction In the official discount rate of the Imperial Bank of Germany was accepted aa an Index of re laxing money conditions1 In all the foreign markets. The rumors of peace were also an effective Influence In foreign markets, which was reflected here by the buying of storks for foreign account. This was a notable sustaining Influence In the early market. When It had ceased the tone for stocks became rather easy and Reading especially was under pressure of realizing. The role of sustaining factor which was held by the specialties and the foreign building early In the day was assumed by Union Pacific In the late dealings. That stock's rise to the high level of the year was not explained by any news develop ment. There was some inclination to as sume that the friction between the presi dent and the senate would prova an ob stacle to railroad rate legislation, but It was of no practical effect on prices, unless In tha case of Union Pacific. The strength of that stock sustained the later market and made the closing steady. There was a broad demand for bonds of other than the first grades and a frm tone to the market. Total sales, ptar, value, $4,415,000. United States new threes ad vanced per cent on call. Following are the quotations on the New York Stock exchange: Sales. High. Low. Close. Atchison 1.500 88 do pfd 1,400 102 Atlantic Coast Line Baltimore &. Ohio... 7,200 105 do pfd Canadian Pacific 25.200 136 Central of N. J Chesapeake & Ohio... 2.ono 88 Chicago & 'Alton do pfd Chicago Ot. West. C. & N. W C, M. & St. P Phloago T &..T do prd C. C. C. & St. L... Colorado & Southern do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Del. & Hudson Del. L. & W. D. & R. Q do pfd do 2d pfd Erie do 1st pfd Hocking Valley do pfd 200 . 2,700 . OHO .16,600 . 1.200 . 1.800 1,400 100 200 1,800 "ioo 100 3110 10.000 1.600 800 . W.l Illinois Central J. 2.200 Iowa Central do pfd K. C. Southern 9,100 do pfd 13.9110 Iiuls. & Nash 800 Manhattan L 3.M) Metropolitan Secur.... 2.6"0 Met. St. Ry 10.400 Mexican Central 1,700 Minn. St. L 200 M. S. P. & S.Ste. M... 2.700 do pfd 100 Missouri Paclfto 1.900 M.. K. & T 400 do pfd 300 N. R. R. of M. pfd... 200 N. Y. Central 4.4" N. Y., O- W 9.600 Norfolk & West 8.800 do pfd Pennsylvania 45,500 P., C, C. & St. L.... 800 Reading 73,7l do 1st pfd 600 51 42 '22 240 176 19 82 '26 61 3S 192 '32" 88 65 43 80 93 91 158 34 70 138 174 83 123 14 ZJ 61 106 160 107 32 5 42' 147 49 84 iio 83 96 93 88 102 121 104 97 135 1.16 1!7 102 104 51 42 22 239 175 . 17 30 'ia 64 37 191 '32" - 88 64 43 79 91 91 157 157 80 66 33 69 137 178 81 121 122 22 22 61 69 li4 105 in"' 160 61 41 80 22 239 ,176 .18 31 94 25 63 .37 192 352 32 88 64 43 79 9t wit 82 ft! 137 173 81 1"6 31 65 42 147 48 83 10; 32 65 42 147 48 84 92 139 139 82 83 93 94 do 2d pfd 89 Rock Island Co 10,100 do pfd 700 St. L. & 8. F 400 St. L. S. W 2.900 do pfd 16.300 Southern Pacific 16.400 do pfd 1.800 Southern Railway ... 2,000 do pfd 100 Texas A Pacific 2,500 T.. 8. L. & W 600 do pfd 500 nlon Pacific. 139,700 do pfd 100 Wabash do pfd 1.100 W. & L. E 2,100 Wisconsin Central ... 4,700 Adams Express American Express I'. B. Express Wells-Fargo Express Amalgamated Cnpper.24.400 Amer. Car. & F, do pfd Amer. Cotton OH .. do pfd , American Ice do pfd Amer. Linseed Oil.,., do pfd Amer. Locomotive ... do pfd Amer. S. & Ref do pfd Amer. Sugar Ref Amer. Tob. pfd. cert, Anaconda Min. Co. 11.6on 200 700 5" 10 ' 'ioo 29.400 1.600 8.000 2.100 1.800 1.300 00 35 81 72 27 64 67 118 34 97 36 36 55 124 87 45 23 52 74 35 34 39 38 42 112 86 84 80 72 26 63 66 34 80 71 26 64 67 118 118 H41 3-1 97 35 36 55 121 97 44. 22 61 73 84 34 39 38 lilt? 97 36 36 54 124 97 22 45 23 61 24.-. 230 130 245 73 34 34 "94 39 15 37 39 111 85S4 118 117 117 144 143 143 Brooklyn Rap. Trail.. 6.100 99 106 .63 62 208 21 78 8T 98 I1I6 62 6 205: 78'i ?7 . 400 . 2I0 an) !lO300 . 1.4"0 . 400 . 2.71)0 . 2.800 4.100 4.600 1.800 ...14.700 .. 8.200 .. 6ni .. 2.400 .. 1.4O0 ..36.8i0 ..17.800 .. l.rtO "200 .. 300 MO 186 -186 186 21S 38 'ii 101 47 1I 37 Colo. F. A I SOX) Consolidated Gas...... 3,7110 Corn Products 6110 do pfd 1,700 Distillers' Sec 7O0 Oeneral Electric ... International Paper do pfd International Pump do pfd National Lead North American ... Pacific Mall People'a Oas Pressed Steel Car... do pfd ; Pullman .Palace Car Republic Steel do pfd Rubber Goods do pfd Tenn. Coal A Iron ..37,200 U 8. Leather do pfd U S. Realty , L 8. Rubber 'do pfd , U. 8. Steel ,., do pfd Vlr.-Carollna Chem do pfd Westlnghniise Elec Western Union .... Ex. -Dividend. Total sales for tho day, 811,200 Shu res 98 106 62 51 208 14 21 78 S7- 21 77 38 '32 105 48 109 88 18 76 26 13 106 . 41 110 81 94 37 iis"' 93 21 77 38 86 32 1MU 47 STVj 80 240 17 75VI 25 95 80 liV. 104 104 17 75 26 78 12 39 108 31 94 3 1 178'.' 93 41 109 31 94 37 US". 178 l ltsmoul Grata Market LIVERPOOL. Feb. 14. - WHEAT -8 ot. nominal: futures, quirt; March. 7a lld; CORN Spot. Arm; America. 1 mixed, new, 4sld: American mixed, old. 4s lld. Fu tures, quiet' .March. 4sld; May, 4 2d. 'Pressor klatrnirat. . . WASHINGTON. Feb 14 -Today's state menl of tht treasury buluitfei In the grn- rral fund, exclusive of the $l60.flin.ftl gold reserve In the division of redemption, shows: Avnlleble carti balance. $14i..V4.676; gold, $4.V.8.H. ew York Money Market. NEW YORK. Feb. It. MONEY On call, st-ady at z per cent: closing bid. 1 per cent: offered at 2 per cent. Time loans, steady; sixty days and ninety das. 1 per cent: six months. 3 per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER-S'!4 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Heavy, with actual buslnesn In bankers' bills at $4 879rit 4 8786 for demand and $4 8560W4.SS66 for slxtv-dav bills: posted rates. $1.88 and $tS9': commercial bills. $4 8f,i,nt 86. 8ILVER Bar, blc; Mexican dollars, 47c. HONDS Government, strong; railroad, firm. Closing quotations on bonds were: C. S. rf. ti, rt....lM4iJpii . rtn 100 la coupon 104v L. a N. tint. 4i 101 4a hi. ref !" Xnhiln t. t 4...1M;4 in coapon lMV.Mex. Ontrsl 4 "4H do new 4. ri ISl't on In Inr !2 to coupon "11 Minn. St. L. 4.... 7 do old 4. I M . K. A T. 4 1 '" do coupon K1! do 2 14 Am. Tobscco 4, ctfu. 4'iN. B. R. of M. v. it M4 do t. etfs I" IN. V. ('. f. 10 Atrhlon n. it 104'N. J. V. I. 11614 do fl). it ti4 No. Plrlflc 41 lot Atlantic C. U 4l Wti do IW 77 Bl. Ohio 4 1"'41N. A W. r. 4l 10414 do ti h!o. 9. I., rfdf 7'4 Central of 0. t 1U 'Pno ronr ia 104i . n RMdlng gen. 4i 102V . TO 8. L. I M. r. (.1 114 .1"4 St. L. 8 p. ft. in. . ti St. 1. S. W e 4a 14 .ioo iSMbnard A. L. 4a.... aj . 11 '4 80. Pa. l" 4a M4 HS So Railway fio 11 do lt Inc dn Id Inr ('hea. aV Ohio 4',l ChiraRo 4c A. Sn ('.. B. A Q. n. 4a C n. I. A P. 4a do rol. 6a CCC. gl. L. t. 4a. .10J Chliaso Tar. 4a 7 Colorado Mid. a 74 Colo. A So. 4a 3 1 do ronv. 4a Cobs Sa. rtfa lMH't'. a fiael !d fa P. A H. O. 4a 10H4iWabah la Dlatlllera' Sac. Ba ... do drh. R Erta tr1or lien 4a.... lot W'aaiars M4. 4a do gn. 4a a.'Uj'w. a L. K. 4 F. W. t). C. la....tl4Wla. t'antral 4a. Moeklni Val. 4'4s 111 I Taxaa P. la Hi T., 81. L. A W 4a.. I44 I'nlon Paclflp 4a 0fi ... 4 ...1H ... 9'4 ... MV, ... M ... 4 Boston BOSTON, Feb. cent; time loans, closing on slocki Atrhlann adj. 4a do 4a Mrs. Central ta Atrlilaon do pfd Hurt on A Albany nnaton A Malna Boaion Elavated .... rilchburg pfd Maxiran ('antral N. Y., N. H. A H... Para Marqtietta t'nlon Pactllc Amtr. Aria. Cham... do ptd Amar.'Pnau. Tuba.... Amar. Sugar do pd Amar. T. T Amar. Woolen do pfd Dominion I. A 9 Edlaon Rter. II lu Oenaral Klactrlc Maaa. Klactrlc do pfd Maaa. Oaa Vnltad rrult United Shoa Mach.... do pfd V. 8. Steal do pfd Asked. (Mo cli Market. 14-Call loans. I6 3t'4 per cent. and bonds: 17 rWaaitng. common IM'4 Advantura 74 iAIlonex Amalftamatad .. American Zinc . tit AManllc 171 ninsham I6 ,CI. A Harla... 14s (omannlal it ('opprr Range .. G41 lalv Waat 10L1 Dominion Coal . U'3'4 Franklin 20 oranry , ... . MVj lala lloyalc .... t Maaa. Mining .. 141'Mlrhlgan UH"1 Mohawk Ht Mont. ('. A C. 244a Old Dominion .. , aav, oaeaola 1 Parrot ISO jQuinry 1K6'4 Shannon 14'4 Tamarark 6t Trinity 44 l 8. Mining... 10 V. 8. Oil M t'tah SS4 Victoria 31 4 Winona 4' Wolverlna '4 per Offlclal ... sa 20 74 11 14 turn 1H c 11 6 ta n'a M 4' 2V l 2S 107 7 Ill 10't 24 4114 30 ft 11'. 112V London Stock Market. LONDON, Feb. 14 Closing quotations on stocks and bonds were: Conaola. money iiN. V. ('antral 162'4 do account ID' Norfolk A W " Anaconda do pfd to Atrhlaon WyOntarln A W So 14 do pfd 106 VPennarlTania 7l' Baltimore A Ohio 1M Hand Mlnaa 10 Canadian Parinc o....139; Reading 4a Chra. A Ohio it do lat pfd 47 't Chicago Ot. W 21 r do 2d pfd 4fi'i ('., M. A St. P Iln8o. Railway X't DeBaera 17' do pfd l Danvar A R. G 3.1Vfo. Pacific its do pfd Tsyi.nlon PaclBc 12.i Erla 44 do pfd 9 do lat pfd utta U. 8. Ftaal 32 do 2d pfd 7 do pfd 97 Illinois Central M Wabaah 23 Lou la. A Naah 141 do prd 44 M., K. AT Wi'Spanlir) 4a !! SILVER Bar. steady, 28 ll-16d per ounce. MONEY-2i&2 per cent. The rate or discount In the open market for short bills is 2 9-lfttr2 per cent; for three months's bills, 2 7-1(Wi2 9-16 per cent. Hew York Mining; Storks. NEW YORK, Feb. 14.-The following are the closing quotatlona oh mining stocks: Adams Con Alice Breeco A.. Brunswick Con ., t'omatock Tunnel. Con. Cal. A Va.. Morn Silver iron Stiver ..j... Leadvlllo Con 3ft ... st ... to ... 7 ... ...204 ...1U ...200 ... a Assessment paid. bHHe Cblat ... Ontario ,v Qphlr .., I'tyx-lill iotol ....... 'tvna ilarra Kerada. mall Hopea .. i.tandard ... I ...171 ...700 ... 20 ... 2 ...45 ... It ...Hi Forrltr I'f iianrlal. LONDON, Feb. 14. The amount of bullion taken into the Bank of England on balance today, 122,000. PARIS. Feb. 14. Three per cent rentes, D9f 86c for the account. Exchange on Lon don, 26f 21c for checks. BEHLlN. Feb. 14,-Exchanges on London, 20m 48pfg for checks. Discount rates: Short bills, 1 per cent; three months' bills, 2 per cent. U)NlON, Feb. 14 Money was In fair demand and good supply In the market to day. Rates were easier as the result of the strength of Paris exchange, the censa tlon of the demand for bar gold and tho expectation that most of this week's ar rivals of gold would be absorbed by the Bank of England. Discounts were affected by the foreign demand for bills. The trading on the Stock Exchange was quiet and steady with an improving tendency, dealers expecting a reduction In ihe Bank of England's rate of discount within a fortnight. Consols were strong on a good Investment demand and the monetary posi tion In connection with the reduction of be rate of discount of the Imperial bank of Germany today from 4 to 3 per cent. Americans awaited the opening mood of the New York market and were only frac tionally changed In the meanwhile, al though Union Pacific and Norfolk West ern hardened. Later there was a firmer tone, owing to continental buying, and the market closed quiet and steady. Canadian Pacific advanced 011 the dividend announce ment. The strength of Japanese 6s wan the feature of foreigners, imperial Japa nese government 6s of 1904 were quoted at 102. BERLIN, Feb. 14. The tone on the Bourse today was firm and prices were firm. PARIS. Feb. 14. General firmness pre vailed oil the Bourse today and Russians moved strongly upward on the continued peace rumors. Russian Imperial 4a were quoted ut 91.20 and Russian bonds of 1904 at 607. Wool Market. BOSTON, Feb. 14 WOOL A feature of the Boston wool market Is the noticeable reduction In the stock of domestic wools. On all desirable wools the market is still very firm. There are no marked change in prices, however. A great deal ot in terest Is centered In foreign wools, the receipts of which are increasing. This wool fa steady. Territory grades are in small supply. Pulled wools are quiet but Arm. Quotations: Territory, Idaho fine, 18gi9c; heavy fine, 16fil7c; fine medium, 18al9-: medium. 22ti2ac; low medium, 23 ftntc. Wyoming line, 17$T18c; heavy tine, lVnl6c; fine medium, 17ral8o; medium. 23 tM4c; low medium, 33 '0 24c. Utnh and Ne vada fine. 17ffl8c; heavy fine. Iwtfl6c; tin medium. lTulSe; medium, 22'&'23c; low me dium. 23ifi24c. Dakota fine. 18219c; fine medium. 18fl9c; medium. 23tf24c; low me dium, 23iQ24c. Montana tine, choice, 21&'2'.,c; fine average, 1920e: fine medium, choice, 21j22c; average. lti20c; staple. H2ii3u; me dium choice, &326c: average, 21fj22c. ST. IX1UI8. Feb. 14. WOOI Steady: medium grades, combing and clothing. 2iti 2c; light line. 21jr22c; heavy fine, lo16c; tub washed, 83640c. Metal Market. NEW YORK. Feb. 14 METALS The London tin market reported a fair advance over the holidays, with spot closing tndav at 132 and futures at 4:130 7s d. Locally the price was a little higher In sympathy, hut market continued quiet. Spot Is quoted at $.11.261129.66. Copper waa unchanged on spot in the 1-ondon market, clos ing at 67 7a6d. while futures were a shads higher at 67 16s. Locally the market re malna unchanged; lake Is quoted at 115. Mi: electrolytic. $15.37 15.60; casting. $15.0u4f 18.26. Lead waa a little lower at 12 8s 6d In London, but remained unchanged at 84.4Mi 4.10 In the local market. Bpelter closed un changed at 24 7a 6d in London. Locally the market la ouiet. with spot quoted at $0 lotni. 20. Iron cloaed at 63a In Glasgow and 48s In Mlddletborotigh. Locally the market Is unchanged: No. 1 foundry northern la quoted st $17.50if)17.96: No. ! foundry north ern, $17 60: No. I foundrv snd No. 1 foundry southern soft at $17 .75018 00. 8T. I-OUIB. Feb. 14.-METALS-I.ead, un changed at $4.35. Bpelter, dull, $5.97. CoaTee Market. NEW YORK. Feb. 14. COFFEE The market for futures opened steady at a de cline ot 10 polnta in tenDonae to heavier Tirnflllan receipts for the day and easier European markets. At first the market met with comparatively little pressure at the decline, but later the large estimate for the Sao Paulo reoelpta for the day caused ;i renewal of more active liquidation and the market closed steady at a net decline of 1MiiW points. Sales were reported of 118. 6 bnss. Including: March. letorTc; Msv. Tf.r7 c: Julv. 7 .!5(fi7.45c; September, 7.4ii I.T"c: ecembr. 7'7S6c Spot, quiet; No. 7 Rio. 8a. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Receipts Light and Market Aotirs and Generally Ten Higher. eaasBSBMsaasssa HOGS SOLD JUST ABOUT STEADY Rrlsk Demand foe Sheep anal Lasses aaal with Light "apply Market Active and strong on F.vrrj thlag Uooel Kaoagh to Kill. SOUTH OMAHA, Feb. 14, 1906. P.ecelpts were: Cnttle. Hoes. 6heen. Official Mondsv o.i 1 199 3.68 Official Tuesday 1.550 2,100 1.320 Two days this week.. 'J.ntsi 8.299 6.002 Fme davs last week.... 6.960 15.119 14.291 Same dsvs week befors.. 4.4'VJ 1o.53 10.271 Same three weeks ago.. 8.370 17.336 IS.fcl Same four weeks ago 7.756 1 7.03 16.112 Same days last year 9.619 b.20a 24.788 RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. The following table show the receipts ot cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date with comparisons with last year: 1906. '.904. Inc. Dee. Cattle p5 737 49 217 3.480 Hogs 284.388 280,958 8,430 8hep 172,542 211,112 38.671 The following tabia shows tn average price of hogs at Snuth Omaha for tha last several days, with comparisons: Jan. Jan. Jan Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. 19-16. 11904. 11903. 11902 4 51 4 60j 4 65 4 67 4 634 66: 4 71 4 72 4 uJ 54 4 66 4 OJ 4 69 4 70 4 72 741 4 82l 74 4 63, 4 6S 4 76 4 76 4 81! 4 84 I 4 741 4V! 4 741 4 18 4 791 4 86 4 88 a 4 89 4 97 4 811 4 81 4 79 4 81 a 1 4 72 4 73 4 841 4 81 4 771 4 4 88l 4 89 6 VI 6 00 6 01 4 95i 4 49 5 60 161 I 17 a W S 47! !? 69 6 16 8 53 8 02 6 t.9' C 03 1 6 68 e 8 71 C6 $ 64 5 64 74 6 68, 6 14 e 12 6 96 I 96 06 6 S7 6 2 S 6) 701 6 S3! 6 80 6 95 C 43-11 C IOI V 04-: V 4 4,1 0 771 6 16) 6 741 6 03 6 88 71 6 76, 00 6 701 021 6 721 04 6 80 5 99 6 85 5 92 1901. 1 19O0 271 4 62 I SO 4S I 4 66 6 27 4 64 I 7P 8 13 18. $ 61 t 4.1 8 61 8 tl t 84 8 W 1 t ti 4 881 r. iki 4 (Ai 1 221 4 661 S 61 ( 13 4 8 $0 S 18 4 5o 8 17 E 22 6 28 6 a; 6 I 6 ii t 26 a 6 81 6 23 6 211 6 28 6 29 5 25 a 6 321 6 do! t 241 6 311 4 2 4 63 4 64 4 66 4 67 4 681 4 62 a 4 64 4 701 4 68 4 751 4 81 4 801 a 4 79, 4 82 4 75 8 ! .1 68 $ 78 3 64 3 64 3 64 3 69 3 59 e 3 58 $ 66 3 6 3 70 3 71 3 65 a 3 68 S 66 Indicates Sunday The Official number or cars of stock brought In today by each road -vas: Cattle. Hogs.Sh'p.H'seB. C. M. & St. P. Ry 1 Missouri Pacific Ry 1 Union Pacific system .... 14 C. ft N. W. Ry 6 F., E. M. V. R. R 10 C, St. P.. M. & O. Ry.. 16 B. M. Ry C. H. ft Q. Rv 1 IlllnoW Central 5 1 13 3 7 128 ' 640 394 513 476 2ii 956 281 774 . 486 4 24 10 1 6 Total receipts 53 27 7 2 The disposition of the aay's receipts was aa follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated: Cattle. Hr.cs. Sheep. Omaha Tacking Co Swift and Company.... Cudahy Packing Co.... Armour 4V Co Vnnannt Co Hamilton & Rothschild Wolf Murium Mllte Haggerty Other buyers . Totals 1.324 2,127 1.442 CATTLE There weie only arjout fifty eight cars of cattle reported this morning and they arrived very slowly, only a few curs coming In at a time. Buyers, though, were all anxious for supplies and, as a re sult ,they went Into tne yards early In spite of the high wind and blinding snow and took everything as fast as offered. Receipts at other points were also light, as railroads were In no condition to handle snipments. The market on beef steers waa active here this morning, with prices generally a dime higher, or about 16c to i6c hlgner than nt the close of last week. It waa very evident that packers were hungry tor supplies, as buyers were out eariy and competition was keen on anything that would do to kill. There were no choice cattle on sale, but as high aa $4.76 was paid for some just fair cattle. Tho cow market was also active and Just about a dime higher than yesterday, or 16c to 26c higher than at the clos.-- of last week. The same as steer buyers they were all anxious for supplies, with the re sult that everything cnanged hands aa rapidly aa offered. Even the common grades commanded higher prices. There were so few on sale that there was not enough to supply even the more urgent requirements or the trade. Bulls, veal calves and stags could all be quoted actlvo and strong. Onlv one load of stock cattle was shipped to tlie country yesterday, owing to the severe weatner, and also to the crippled condition of the railroads. Conditions were much the same today, but still the few heavy cattle that arrived sold at Just about steaav prices and feeder buyers competed with packers on warmed tip cattle of good quality In spite of the advance In prices. The common and light cattle, though, were hard to mo.'e at any price, as there Is no demand lor that class of offerings. Repre sentative amies: a 1 utu, No. it !l fit 144 .:4 4 Hi ir 4 In 4 an 4 to 4 an 4 S3 '4 4 Kl't I "?, 4 n n 4 n it r . 4 t4 Ta ?e i 4 7' no m .. is 55 ' 40 I an (7 ill 4 an 11 r ..4n i : o 4 & M 4 o to 144 .. 4 to SHEEP Thrte were only six cars of sheep reported this morning and they were very slow In arriving, so that It was late before the market came to a close. Those that came In early, though. t met with ready ssle st good, strong prices, and some were calling the market a little higher. Some weiern lambs sold lot $7 , 5, which was a good, strolig price, con sidering quality, and Colorado ewes of fair quality brought $5.10. which was also a strong price. Packers were all anxious for fresh supplies and there was not nearly triiough offered to meet the more urgent orders. tjuuiatlons for fed stock: Oood to choice yeaillngs, $6.2636.60; fair to good year lings. R.75W615; good to choice weiticrs. $6.26ffS.63; fair to good wethers.;.: good to choice ewes, $6.00jr8.35; fair to good ewes. 84 Ri"jf '..r,mnon i. fn!r ewes, it l 4.60: good to choice lambs, $7.607.; ralr to good lambs; feeder yearlings, 14 4o0i': leeder weiberi, H.tM ' 'eedet ewes, t .J6fX?5; feeder lambs. 46 .K0 2J. Heprcrcntatlve sales: No. A v. Pr 241 Colorado ewes 1 8 10 236 Colorado ewes 99 6 10 8 Colo, yearling weth. ewes. 101 6 50 471 Color tdo lambs 87 7 75 4 Nebraeka cull ewes 97 8 76 1 Nebrask-i cull ewe 1 3 76 481 Nebraska ewes 17 6 40 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET i.... 3.... 1.... 1.... 1.... 1.... I.... 1.... 1.... 1.... 1.... I.... I.... 8.... 1.... 1.... 1.... .... I it:... 1.... 4.... 1.... 1.... 1.... 1.... v.... to... t... 2.... 1.... 1.... 1.... 1 ... 1.... 1.... 1 1.... 1.... 1.... BEEF At. Pr. t I 14 . I 24 t 10 I 00 I 06 t 2S I 26 I 25 1 25 3 to 8 40 S 40 I III I (S 15 6 9 f 3 711 I IS II HI 4 OA . 630 . 530 . m . 70S . 810 . in . 110 . in . . 110 . 138 . 181 . 824 .llail . S.'.l . ;.a . sre . Hi .1(1 JO .IBM) 44 21 2t n 10 11...... 1 11 15 l 20 II 23 3 211 20 4 M II 16 77 2 II. At. .... Ml ....1112 .... 46 ....lo:14 ....1131 ....11H0 ....1147 ....1171 .... l ....1002 ....106 1084 ....1029 ....1204 1195 ....1324 ....1114 ...114I ....KIH ....1420 lam .1016 STEERS ANO COWS. .1144 ...lilt ... 110 ... 120 ... 7ti0 ... 18" ... 7l) ... 7M ... 710 ...1000 . . . 1050 ... S0 ... 100 ... I0 ... 138 ... 110 ...M0 ...11K0 ... 841) ... Ml ...1000 ... 146 . . . 1O0 ...1017 ...lMO ...1140 ...1100 . .1180 4 10 11. 4 It 6 .... COW B. 1 10 I 00 t (HI t 01) 2 00 t 10 t 16 1 23 2 26 t 26 1 26 t 26 III t 2ft 2 31 J 60 60 1 50 I 40 1 16 t 76 8 76 2 W I 00 00 1. I. 14!" 23 .'..' 13!!! .1102 ..1044 ..1110 ..11143 .. 171 . .120 ..12.17 .. I no .. 711 .. Ill .1010 .1081 .. 144 .. 174 .. 1(4 .. f ..1110 ..1260 ..1164 ..1181 .. 30 ..120 ..100) ..1360 ,. 880 . .1047 ..1140 rr. 4 04 4 It 4 It 4 16 4 26 4 36 4 34 4 30 4 86 4 36 4 16 4 16 4 4 4 60 4 66 4 40 4 46 4 76 4 16 4 76 I 10 1 tu 4 II 4 36 3 no 10 8 10 I 16 I 21 I 30 t 30 t 36 t 40 I 40 I 10 I 40 I 40 I 46 I III I 60 I 60 I 66 I 80 I 40 40 I II i it I C6 4 00 COWS AND HEIFERS. 413 . HI .. 146 . 426 . 11 . 160 . m . 710 .111") , .121.0 .1210 ,.1010 .1610 .1460 t 20 II. 1 80 HEIFERS. 2 26 6 8 16 I I 10 22 I 26 1 I 10 1 BULLS. 71 I 40 1 16 I On I 10 3 in I II 3 16 I it 1... 1. 1. 1.. 1., 1 1. .. M . 110 . 746 . 480 . 114 ..1120 ..I8O0 ..I860 .1110 ..1770 . .1724 .. 184 i to I 40 i 40 16 4 00 8 25 t t6 I 24 I to I 60 i 16 4 40 STAGS 1 1240 t 2 1 lti 4 44 1 1616 8 3.1 CALVES. 1 rro 1 00 1 too 4 711 1 420 I 00 t 114 I to I 140 4 26 8TOCKERS AND FEEDERS. I 420 I 00 II 47 I 80 1 174 I 00 i ,1121 4 40 1 I7 8 00 HOGS There were only thirty-two cars ot hogs reported this morning, and It waa a late hour before many of I hem had arrived. The market waa not very active, but about steady. Chicago had 21,000 hogs, where tho market was quoted alow and weak, and that, of course, made buyers a little cau tloua here, but there were ao few on sale that they had to pay steady prices for Ihe early .arrivals. The same as yesterday, the light weighta went from $4 40 down; medium and mixed hogs. $4 C4 86, and the choice heavies, from 84 6 to $4.80. The eariy arrivals changed hands In good season, but owing to the slow arrival of trains It waa lute before a clears n.-s was mkde. Representative sales; At. ....Ill ....111 Ne. 14. 41. 84 l tt 341 14 214 It too tt. ....... 341 124 Pr. 4 lit 4 IIS 4 711, 4 40 4 Ml 4 80 4 HI Ne. 64.. 88. , n . 14. 4., At. Sa. .14 24 . .2U .211 .144 :4 Pr. 4 4 4 ti 4 s I 88 4 4 88 I H Cattle aail Hogs Steady ftheea strong I.ambs Kasi. CHICAGO, Feb. 14. CATTLE Receipts. IO.000 head: market steady; good to prime steers, $5.8i'fi6.25: poor to medium. $4,0045 75: stockere and feeders. $2.60o4 35; cows. 11.24'iT 4 85: heifers, $2.n4i6.0Q; csnners, $1361kJ.65; bulls. $?.00(rS4.0fl; calves. $3.50!i8.oo. HOOS Receipts. 21.000 head; estimated for tomorrow. 35.000 head: market ateady: mixed and butchers. $4 8Oiii6.06; good to choice henvv. $ rough heavy, $4 754Y1 4.90; light, $1.75416.00; bulk of sales. $4.8oW S.oo. SHEEP AND LAMHS-Receipts. 13.000 head; market for sheep strong, for lambs easy: good to choice wethars. Sft HJhOO: fair to choice mixed, $4.i1i5.40; western sheen, $4.9ir36.ri0; native lambs. $5.Wi8 0O; western lumbs, 85.75ifiS.00. Kansas City Lire atoek Market. KANSAS CITY. Feb. 14. CATTLE Re ceipts, 6.606 head. Including loo southerns; Market strong: choice export and dressed beef steers. $5.0005.75; fair to good. $3.754r 4.75: western fed steers. $3.7603.26; stockers and feeders, $2.5ot?4.26: southern steers, $3.26 "it.flO; southern cows, $2.26lii'3.26; native cows, $1.75f4.10: native heifers. $3.0004.50; bulls, $2.2674.00: calves, $3.00 7.00. HOIJS Receipts. fflOO head; market steody; top. $6.1:': bulk of sa'es. $4.4osj5.10; heavy. 86.001 5. 13U: nackere. $4.8.YfU).10; pigs and Ilehts, 84 164V4.97. SHEEP AND lAMRS-Recelnts. 7.800 head; market steady; native lambs $7.00ff 8.00; native wethers. S6.004i6.80: native fed ewes. $4.Soi;6.2fl: western fed lambs. $7.0O'a $.00; western fed vesrllngs, $6.00426.65: west ern fed sheep, $4.60fi6.76; stockers and feed ers. $3.6O4?6.60. Mew York Live gtoek Market. NEW YORK. Feb. 14.-REEVES-Re-celpta, 1,406 head: no trading of Import ance; market feeling firm: snipments to day 1.174 cattle, 1.381 sheep. 3,300 quarters of beef; estimated for tomorrow. 78 cattle, 10 sheeD and 4.000 quarters of beef. CALVES Receipts. 202 head: calves rather more active: no demand for barn yard and western calves; veals, $4.60779.00; other calves nominal: dressed calves slow; city dressed veals, 7it)13e per pound; coun try dressed, flflllc. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1.221 head; sheep steady; prime lambs scarce and wanted; others slow but about steady and all sold: sheen. 84.0Ofij6.60' no prime sheep here: lambs. $7.25'i.50: culls, $6.00. HOOS Receipts, 6,738 hesd; market steady; state and Pennsylvania. $5.30: rough westerns. $4.90; western pigs, $5.40. St. Lonls I.lve Stock Market. ST. IX1UIS. Feb 14. CATTLE Receipt", 6.000 head, Including $.000 head Texnns; market steady to atrong: native shipping and export steers, $4.76'fi00; dressed beef and butcher steers. $3.86(6,S.60: steers under 1.000 pounds. $3.26ifj4.l6: stockers snd feed ers. $2.26(04.00; cows and heifers. $3.00C(f4.66: canners. $1. 252.46: bulls. $2.75ifi3.2R; calves. $3.fl5ifti7.0O: Texss slid Indian steers, $3.0f3 4.85: cows and heifers. 82.60ifr8.6n. HOQS Receipts. 6,600 hesl: market steady to higher: nigs and lights $3,759 4.76; packers. 84.96ifX6.15; butchers a;id best heavv. $6. 106.20. SHEEP AND LAM RS Receipts, 1.000 head; market stroner: native muttons, $4.00 (776.75; lambs, $5.500,8.00. St. Joseph Live Stork Market. ST. JOSEPH, Mo.. Feb. 14. CATTLE Receipts. 1.101 head; market 10c higher: natives, $3.756.40; cows and heifers, $1,665? 4.36: stockers and feeders, $2.76ifM.10. HOGS Receipts. 3,610 head: market steady to 6c higher: light. $4.9ofi5.05; me dium 'unci heavy. $5.005.12. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 2.801 hend; market stronger; Colorado lambs, $7 50. Sioux City Live Stonk market. SIOUX CITY. la.. Feb. 14. (Special Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts. 1.400 head. Msrket steady: beeves. S3.60tfr6.O0; cows, bulls and mixed. $2.251713.50; stockers and feeders. $2.6OS3.0, calves and yearlings, $3 253..i6. HOGS- Receipts. 4.2Yfl hesd. Market steadv. selling at $4.6o4.90; bulk of sales, $4.70tj4 80. aAk I Blhl Receipts of live stock at the six principal eetern markets yesterday: wee South Omaha... Sioux Cltv Kansaa Cltv Louis.., Joseph St. St. Cattle ... 1.650 ... 1.400 ... 6.600 ... 5.000 ... 1 101 ...10,000 Chicago Total 23.551 Hogs. 5 H) 4.200 7.5'8) 6.5(81 3.610 21.000 Sheen 1.8:0 7.8" 1.000 2.8113 13.000 44.810 18 923 Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Feb. 14. COTTON Spot closed quiet and steady: middling uplands, 7.70c: middling gulf. 7.96c. Sales. 322 bales. NEW ORLEANS, Feb. 14. COTTON Spot, quiet; sales. 3,060 bales: ordinary, 6c; good ordinary, 6 8-1 6c; low middling, 6 15 16c: middling. 7c; good middling, c; mid dling fair. 8 6-16c. Recelpta, 4,992 bales; stock. 342.477 bales. LIVERPOOL. Feb. 14 -COTTON-8pot. In fair demand, prices 6 points lower: Amer ican middling fair. 4.60d: good middling. 4.20(1; middling. 4.06d; low middling, 9 96d; good ordinary. 8.82d: ordinary, 8.66i. Sales of the day. 10,000 hales, of which 1.000 were for speculation and export and Include! 9.8(8) balea of American; receipts. 28,000 bales, Including 27.800 balea of American. ST. LOUIS, Feb. 14.-COTTON-8teady. 1 l-16c higher; middling. 7 516c. Balea. f4 balea; shipments. 200 bales; stock, 43.361 bales. Evaporated ttplre and Dried Fralta. NEW YORK. Feb. 14. EVAPORATED APPLE The market while steady Is not So firmly held: common sre minted at 43 6c; prime, 5f(6c; choice. 666c; fancy, "California drif.d FRUiTS-prunes remained unchanged, with the la'er sixes attracting some demand, while In light sup lily. Quotations range from 2c to 6c for California grades. Apricots are steadv. with supnliee small: choice sre held nt 1of 10V.c: extra choice. 11t12c; fncy. 114t16c. Penehes are efiet.put firm, with choice held ot SWhlOr: ettrn rholce. 10fi104ic: fan"v. 11012c. Raising are In a shade better de mand perhaps. but show no msterlnl change. Loose Muscatels ere minted 4uis 6c: 1-ondon layers. $1.0501. 0; seed raisins, 674c. Oils and Rneln. a NEW YORK. Feb. 14 -OILS-Cottonseed. firm: prime crude, nominal: prime yellow. S6h26c. Petroleum, steady; refln-ri New York, $7.36: Philadelphia and Baltimore, $7.20; -Philadelphia and Baltimore In bulk. $4 80. Turpentine, quiet. 654Jt76c. ROSIN Quiet; attained, common to good. $2 87. SAVANNAH, Feb. 14.-OIL-Turpentlne, steadv, 62c. ROSIN-Firm: A. B C. $2 62: D, $167; F. $2.78: P. 8.77H: G. 8S87M.; H. 3.2".: I. 83 60: K. $4.06; M, $4.60; N, $4.75; W a, $7.0); W W, $5.16. Ssgar and Melesaee. NKW YORK, Feb. 14. SUGAR Raw: Market ateady; fair refining, 4 7-16c; cen trifugal. M last, 416-16u; molasses sugar, 41-10. Refined: Market quiet; crushed, $.76c; powdared. 616c; granulated. 6.06c. NEW ORLEANS. Feb. 14. ll'UAR Quiet: open kettle, 8ii4c: open kettle centrifugal. 4 'i tote; centi if usal whites, 5c; yellows, 441ifcc; seconds. 3MJ4e. MOLASSES Quiet: open kettle, 13'.'oc; centrifugal, 10 -5c. Syrup, 2?&ioc, Dry taoode Market. NEW YORK. Feb. 14.-DRY GOODS-Ex-port purchases have continued the Influence par excellence In the dry goods maiket. The extent to which goods have ben sold ahead haa put certain lines In a very Inde pendent position, the result being thut Ihe entire msrket Is on a steader bsels. and though IrrcauUrltles may exist, they are ry a ell hidden.. Jobbers are doing murh Israel bulnes owing to the In creased number of bnvrrs In n'ii, , tt.MtHt WllOl.r'. 4I.K MIHKKT, t cnriltlnn of Trade and Qontsiloai on Maple anal Fancy I'rndaee. FOCS--fumlled stock. XKi.lSc. LIVE POULTRY-t hickens. 1"'..; r.s.s ters. 6c; turkeys. 15tl6r; ducks, pic, geese. Mi9c. Imiir.i 1 POULTRY Turkevs. ISflJoc: ducks. IMiU'c: gnpse, futile; chickens, lltf 12c; roosters. 7'oNc KUTTEH Packing stock 211i21e; choice to fsncv dall y, i'lii.iic; creamn v. Ji'iillc; prints. 32c. r Hcftn FROZEN FISM-Trout. 9c; pick erel. c; flk". : perch. 7c: b!ii,tlh. 1?c; whltellsh. 9c; sain".'-:. redsnsnper, lie; lobster (gren). StV; lobster (Ixiilcdi. 33c; bullheads, lb . rattlsli. 14c; black bass, 20r; bnllbut. l?c; crapples, 12c; buffslo. 7c; white bass, lie: frr- lege w d" , J5c- HRAN-Ver ton. 317 V HAY Prhes quoten tiy Omubn Whola. ssle Hay Dealer" association: Choice No. 1 upland. $6.00; No 2. $6 50: medium, $5.00; coarse. 4 i0; rye striw JVOC. 'i nese prices sre for hav ot good color snd qunllly, OYSTERS New York Counts, per run, 4fc; exlr selects, per rn. 35c; standards. rer can. 3iic: hulk stsndsrds. per gal.. $l.7.": ulk extra selects, per trul . $.'.00; bulk Ncvr York counts, per gal , J2 on. TROPICA 1. FRUITS. ORANGES -California extra fancy Red land liavel, nil sixes. $2.50: choice Redland navels, $2.25; choice novels, all sixes $2.00. LEMONS-California fancy. $2.75; 300 and $60. $3.50; choice. $3.26. DATES Per box of 30-)b. pkga, $2.00; Halloween. In 70-lb. lioxes, per lb.. 6c. F1US California, per 10-11,. carton. T.V. 8ic: Imported Smyrna. 4-crown. 10c; 6 and 6-crown. 12c; fancy Imporled iwsshed) In 1-lb. pkgs., IfiHISo. BANANAS-Per medium slaed bunch, $1.75f! -5: Ittmhns. S2.6Ofi3.O0. ORAPEUIU IT-Per box of 54 to, 64. $6 50 5T7.00. FRUITS. APPLES New York Kings. $3.26; New York Greenings. $2.75; New iork UaldWiiis, $2.75; Colorado Winesaps, per bu. box, Sl.oo; Genlton, J! 50. CRANHERIMKK-Wlacotisln Hell and Hugle, per bbl.. S.ia1; Jerseys, per bbl., $; per box. $2.7t. GRAPES Imported Malagas, prr keg, $6 Ui76 50. TANO ER1NES Florida or California, per -box, $:.5o. VEGETABLES. POTATOES Horn, grown. In sacks, per bu., 45c; Colorado, per bu.. 60c. TUKMPS-Old. per bu.. 4'; Cunu.U ruU bagns, per lb., lc. CARROTS Ol.t per bu., 40c. PARSNU'--old, per bu., 4l'c. BEETS Old per mi.. 60c. NAVY BEANS Per bu., $1 8.Vfjl 80. ONIONS Home grrov.-ai. red. In sacks, per It., 2c; Spanish, pel crate. $2.60; Colorado yellow, per lb., 2c, white, per lb . 2c. CUCUMBERS -Per dog., $2 OOtf 2.'. TOMATOES Florida, per 6-basket crate. $4.5f)'jf5.00. C An WAGE Holland seed, per lb., 1. SWEET POTATOES Kansas kiln dried, per bbl . $2.50. 1 Ki.r-Hi 1 aiiforuia, atvn.DC RADISHES Hot bous... rer doa.. ONIONS New. aouihern, per do., LAKKOTB Mew, per aos., too. BEETS New, per dot.. 45c TURNIPS New. tKc dox., 45c. LETTUCE Pe. box of . about heads, 60c RHUBARB Psr dos. bunches. 750 to $1.00. PARSLkY Per dox. bunches. 75c. MISCELLANEOUS. SAUERKRAUT Wisconsin, per keg. $2.25. CIDER New York, per bbl., $550; per half bbl., $3 26. CHEESE Wisconsin twins, full cream. 12ai3c; Wisconsin Young America. 13c; block Swiss, new. 16c; old. 164jl7e; Wiscon sin brick, 14c; Wisconsin llmburger, 13c. HIDES No. 1 green. 7c; No. I green, 6c: No. 1 salted, 8c; No. 2 salted, 7c; No. 1 veal calf, 9c; No. 2 veal calf, 7c ;dry salted, SttUc; sheep pelts, 25ciii$1.00; horse hides. $1.50 U 3.00. NUTS Walnuts. No. 1 soft shells, new crop, per lb., 14o; bard shell, per lb., 13c: No. 2 soft shells, per lb. 12c; No, 2 hard shells per 11)., 12c; pecans, large, per lb 18c; smill, per lb. 10c; peanuts, ner lb., 10; roasted peanuts, per lb.. 8c; Chill walnuts, per lb., 1itl13c; almonds, soft shell, per lh., 17c; hard shell, per lb., 15c: chestnuts, per lb., 12J715c; new blnck walnuts, per bu., 75if90c; shellbnrk hickory nuts, ror bu., $1.75, large hickory , nuts, per bu., $1.60. Teorla Market." "i ' PEORIA. Feb. 14 CORN Higher; No. 3, 44c; No. 4, 43c; no grade. 42c. Mortality Statistics. The following births . and deaths have been reported to the, Board of Health dur ing th twenty-four.tuvir"fitui'ng at noon vtondav: -' Blrtha-Joseph Grtibh. 3708 South Twelfth, girl; J. B. Short. 3103 Burt, hoy; Alfred M. Clouae, 804 North Twenty-third, girl; Fred Kuhn, 1210 North Twenty-sixth, girl: M1ch nel Flaniilgan, 209 Bouth Twenty-fourth, girl. Deatho Eltcabeth Carbuck Dixon. 3K7 Franklin, 4;l; Albert Thompson, county hos pital, 72; Darius Taphatn, county hospital. 79: Laurena 7-lnel. 2009 South Eighth, 6 weeks; Jennelte Goldsmith, 1612 Grace, 62; Everett B8iighman, 2515 Jones, 27 Peter Matza. 1716 South Eighth. 49; Harry Sprague, 1424 South Sixteenth. S2; Anna Schllnger, 2453 South Eighteenth 2 days. Ont of Jail. Into t'oart. A rather unique condition of affairs de veloped In Judge Day's court Tuesday morning. County Attorney Slabkugh de sired to put Robert Sullivan on -trial for robberv, but found that Sullivan was con fined In Jail at South Omaha on another charge. Judge Day solved tho difficulty by Issuing an order to Sheriff Power to have the prisoner brought Into court, forth with. His cane went to trial before a Jury Tuesday afternoon. 46c. 466. fifteen REAL KHTATK TR.4K9FF.RI 8.30 125 1 t 4,000 DEEDS filed for record February 14 as fur nished bv the Midland Guarantee and Trust company, bonded abstracter,. 1614 Farnam street. Mr The Bee: Belle Scannell and husband to F. M. Russell, lot li. niocK i, ivouiuae Place $ Samuel Bell to Stella Culp, taxlot 8, 11-16-10 Frank S. Salda. sr.. et al. to Anna Salda, n lot 10, block 2, Kotiiitze'a Srt sdtl Luke MeGrath to J. H. Sherwood, lot 6, block 1. Kountae Place ., Vuallil Drnrv executrix. J. H. Coauiell. .executor, and Vashtl prury to El Ixabeth F. McConnell. lot 18. ; block ' 2. sub of J. I. Redlck s add. 3.VK) Atlnntic eRalty Co. to Mary V. Hills, w50 feet of elOO feet lots 13 and ,14, block 62. Hawthorne 300 F. M. Shrlver and wife to Thomas 11. , Fell, lot 15. block 2. KUby Place. 1,500 Edwards - Wood Co. (Incorporated ) .. ' ' -Haiti Office: Fifth and Robarta Straets 5T. PAUL, niNN. DEALERS IN ' ' Stocks, Grain, Provisions Ship Your Groin t (Js raaeh OIBee, 110.848 Board ot Trade Bid k.. Omaha, Nob. Telephone SBt. '312-114 Exchange Uldg.. South Omaha. ell 'Phone iia . Indeoendant 'Phone l PET STOCK Horse, Cattle, Dorfs and ' Fowls of All Kinds. 1 Increase your farm products 60 by using Stock Cereal Condition Powders. "None Just as good" but the only. Agents wanted. Easy seller. Hells on Ita merits after once being Introduced Regular 6 pound package, S0c. Address STOCK CEREAL MFG. CO:. BUTLER. PA. The Merchants National Bank of Omaha, INst. U S- Pieeaiierr .' Capital and Surplus. $400,000 rtAM MUSI'SY. Pna. UH SSASC. Caiswr. fl4.HH T. IMNiiTO. Asst. Casater. gaeelfe eeaeuats af baoka. 1-ens.ere, aoryor etlune, Srsas a4 Ib4II4s41s es fa.wimlue terma. Verelf s gick.ara sentkl 8D4 will -Leiiera at ereiil iaaua4, treilehle ta aSl nana vf tke worlj lutereec ai4 en Tlaae CertlSeaiaa ef PapaeSt CellactUHM aw4a sieaapilr ft4 saasaaiiiialls. ' Wa raejueat earreete4eaaa.