THE OMAHA DAILY HEE: FRIDAY. KEBKUAKY 10. l!o: GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Whett, Ocrn tad Oat Speculative Markets More Li rely Today. WHEAT LONGS TROUBLED BY OREGON RED May (am Highest fur some Dnym ! Coaitty Arrrplmirrn Hratlrr Report of Shortnar la Sou I hrrcet. - OMAHA. Feb. 1X5. Wheat wim a little more artlvt thin morning ami showed the cited ol a larger speculative Interest. Cables wn without feature, Liverpool being ircmi uncnanged to 4 up, runs declining- from a to 10 cen times kiiiI Antwerp living umhanim. one. of the principal topics of interci.1 among ilia crowd ft me aumission of oreimi re.i itussian wheat as contract. A committee of the Men-Hunts exi-iiangc uf Mi. i.uuis la reported im having oeclared in lavor of tin change In inspections anil 01 ad mitting; the western wheat an No. I red winter. This body has always gone on record In favor 01 the ahort seller when ever there won any prospect of a corner or a deal. Hitch an admission, would be a boon to the ahort who cojld fill hla contracts with Oregon wheat bought at u discount. At St. Louis It Is now 8c under th May and at Chicago oc or 6; under, or 1mm l' to llr discount trom the regular No. 3 red. There seems little likelihood ol sui h a move being accepted to Chicago, Chief Supervising inspector Smllle of hicago H quoted aa saying I he Oregon la not as good aa the regular red winter, lcliig about 80 per cent less In gluten and mak ing a weaker flour, more suited to crac te rra than to bread. Ho confident such u change could not he made .wjlhoul thirty days notice and would not bo a proper thing to do. The Price Current says the winter wluu plant haa well maintained Its cuiidltlon through the liurd winter. Kxccpt in acal tertr.a. i.iu... i ......... , . v. r , 1 1. . -i jjiuifi iru mull Biiu w and the Weather has done Utile damage. J hla la contrary to the belief In some quar ters. Tho Minneapolis ntllla last week turned out the siuim amount uf Hour they did the week before, the numbe.- of bar rels being 285,t?n. The amount lor Hie aame ween of last yeur was ldo,430 Mills are repot ted to have ground moic ihan ihey Bold The report is ol dull cash demand In .Minneapolis are said to bo work on (ho part of the millers to widen th.; dlfterenc Iw.tween the May and the apot wheat. The millers are said to be taking out of store, and avoiding the (allien for the purpose of creating a depression. The not thwesteru cars. Including Chicago, are. heavier again , today, being 242. against 230 laat week and 241 laat year. The Minneapolis stocks have declined 660,000 bushel In tivo daya. Kan- 'ssa City and Ht. Louis shipped 155,000 bush els today. buffalo and Mlnneupolla are likely to decreaae 1.0t,oiiO bushels for tlio week, and also the southwest, making the prospect for a fair decrease In the visible Monday. . The primary receipts are 3u3,ooo bushels, against 432,000 bushels laat year, and the shipments are 305,000 bushels, against 484. OUO bushels last year. 1'ho cash corn ami speculative markets were nveiy toaay, wiiu ine fliay reacning 46 by' noon, the hlgheal point In soma days. The July Wedncmiay was 469c at tho high point; today It was 4K'ic by noon. The row- ococpUincej at Chlcjigo were the bilges t listen days and the cash advanced o. One hundred thou nam! bushels were bought to go east, part of it at 4-e over the Ch'cago May. The cleraneen are 241. 000 Imahnia. St. Louis continues to send out bullish advices. One house says 60c Is being paid for corn laid down at the sta tions. Kvery farmer Is reported as In the position where he must soon buy corn. It Is said to be scarcer than any time since the spring of 1892. Peoria reports It haa shipped 160,000 buahels of corn in two weeks to fet. Louis consumers which could not get tho grain from the usual sources of supply. Th primary receipts were 491,000 bushels, against 484,000 last year, and the shipments are 885,000 buahels. against 448,000 laat year. ' The oats market suems to be feeling bet ter today. The May was around 3014c most of the time. This Is better than for some days. The oats have been th object of hanvy bear pressure. No. 3 white Is sell ing Jn Chicago at lHo premium over May. St. Louis and Kansas City are at a slight premium over Chicago. Omaha Cash Prices. WHEAT No. 2 hard. fl.07iSfl.09; No. I hard, 1 Of. 1.07; No. 4 hard. HOaaJl.04; No. 3 spring, 11.08. COKN-NoJ 2, 41c- No. 3, 44c: No. 4, 40i44ic; no grade, uostiic; INO- -'..yeiiow. UAID-nu. - llllAeii. io-rtc, iu. iiiiacu, IDc; N'J. 4 mixed, ITUc; No. 2 white, iKHie; No. t white, &hic; No. 4 white, stan dard, J9hic. : i, .. i : l a riot Hecelpts. ' , Wheat. Corn. Oats. .. 13 , 109 75 4S per dot ; case count, WJc r"' doz. ; cases ret'troed. ss. HI T TKn-Hteadj ; creamery, :43c; packing, JK'.ic. Wheat, bu. Corn, lm ... Oats, bu... Receipts. 26.400 4.r 12.0" Shipments. M.4U0 2S.iO Chicago Kansas City ., Mlnnuapaiis i Duluth 33 8t.. Uu ...... .i,.. ........ 39 Omaha Wheat tiuotatlons si Minneapolis. The range of' prices In Minneapolis, aa reported by the Kdwards-Wood company, 36 was. Commodity. I Open.j Ilgh. Low. I Close. May July September V. 1.14'1 l.15'-,i l.Htt! 1.15 4 l-Wll l.l.l.lUWiA ;., . 9i',! ai'i " 3i asked. JiBW VORK t.i:t:HAL M4KKKT HnotatloHa of the ; Hay on Various , Coiumodltlrs. NEW YOftK, Feb tf.-KLOlTt -Receipts, 2i,o;il bhl.i.; exports, 4,:wi bills. The market waa firm but slow; Minnesota patents, .' tQil.Mi: Minnesota bakers', s4,3iK(i i. HO;, winter i laterals, li.oOi5.8B; wlnfcr- Kltaighta, io.iuw J6;i winter extras, 3.ti.Vri4.3d; winter low gradK, W.46J.10. Hye hour, qtilM ; fair to good,; choice to fancy,, Htickwheat flour, dull, per I'm lbs., ys.wrf 2.10. CORNMEAl. Steady ; line whllo and yel low, $1.26; coarse, new, ll.uwul.07V kun Urie.V $i.9nll.l0. HYK Nominal; No. ' western, SOc, asked. HARI-.fc.Y-Slow; feeding, 4;i'4c; i-.l.f. New Vork; malting. 4iijM c. I. f. buffalo. WHKAT Hecelpis, 13,ti60 bu. Spot market ftrih; No. 2 red, nominal, elevator, and 1. L".". f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 hard, Manitoba, ll.ll'fc. f. o. b. afloat. There wna somewhat mom activity In the wheat options today, attending a sharp advance in prices. Sup port was based chiefly on strong cables and small western receipts, and a nervous ahort Interest. In the last half hour prices yielded to realising stiles and closed partly ttc net higher. May, fl.lfiV'l l.ld 7-ld, closed I.1W; July, $1.04 i-lti'il.oi, closed $1.04; September, 9t!ic, closed SU'ie. CORN Recelpta, 40,SiO bu.; exports. 18 bu; Spot market rlrm; No. 2. Mye, elevator, and 6lo ntloat; No. i yellow, 61 ; No. 2 white, 62i-. The option market was more active, strong and higher on prospects for lighter receipts and on some complaint about the grading. Last prices showed c net ad vance. May, 60ti61(,c; mixed closed BHic; July closed 61V'. OATS Receipts. :5.Soo hu.; exports, 2,706 hu. Spot market Mrm; miked oats, a to 32 the.. 3tttflS'c: natural white, 30 to X2 b 37n.'Wc; mixed white. i to 40 lbs., 3?itMlc. HAV Irregular; shipping, (i7uc; good to choice. 8tu2V. HOI'S tj'ilet : state, common to choice W4, . litiQ, :imtt;Uc; olds, M'tillk-: a- .Itlc eoaat. 1W4. 2.io34c; licij, 2yx.'c; olds. l(lc. HIDES Quiet; Ualveatou, ;o to ua lo; California, 21 to 26 lbs., Wc; Texas tdryl. 24 to 30 lbs., 14Vo. LK A T H E R Fl rm ; acid. '.Miij.'fio. PROVISIONS Reef, steady; tamily, fum 12.00; mess, .(ifKas.60- beef hams. $i mV( a.60; packet. $I0.6oi 11.00; city, extra lnIU mess, $15.uutrl7.0. Cut meats, itulet; pick led bellies, $7.i7.6i); prkled shoulders $5.00; pickled hams, $H.75(jj'j.(io. Ird, steady' western steamed, $7.16; refined, quiet- con tinent, $7 26; South America, $7.76: run- iound, $4 75'hu.l24. l'ork. .quiet ; family 14.0Oiil4 60; short clear. $13.ooio 13.50; mr.ii 1111 '3 76 TALUJW-Steidy; city ($.' per pkg.i 4. mutiny ukgs. freet, 4-4c. RICK-Flrin; domestic, fair to cxtr.i , , QlSi4e: Jnoan. nominal. BUTTER-Firm; held creamery, common to extra. 22ii9V. CH'EESE-Market firm; state full cream Urge, late made, colored and white, choice! llWc. .... EUOS-Market strong; western finest, un fitted. 31c; western, average best, aac. POCI.TRY Alive, steady; western chick ens. 11V: fowls, 14c; turkeys. 16c; dressed quiet; western chickens. 13fiI4c; turkeys lBiaioc. Kansas City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY, Feb. 9 WH FAT May. $1. OS Vol 1H; July, sue: cash. No. har.i, $l.lll.l; No. 3, $I.0buI.10: No. 4. ftScDi $1 .08 ; No. i red, $1.13'ul.l6; No. 3. $1 l(Kiil.l2; No 4 $l"rtl 1; recelits. 33 cars. 4XJRN May, 43in4Xc; July, 43'a43,c; cash. NO. I mixed, 14-ul-IV, No. 3, 44c; No 1 white. 4fic; No. 3. 44 If. OATS No. I mixed. $M,1)3lc; No. 2 w,lt $la2c HAY Firm; choice timothy, J!V.Vhloio l-holce prairie, $7 .'hs i0. RTF Higher. 7't'f. EfjOS Steady ; Missouri 111H UW ht. hiivwood cases IncluUed, 3"c Keatefes of th Tradlaa asd I loslsa I'rlres on Roar4 of Trade. CHICAOO Feb. .-8lack demand for flour todav had a debilitating effect on the wheat market. At the close wheat was barely xtendy. with July ' down. May wheat whj up ic. Corn showed a gain of Sc Oats are up '4,c and provisions ic to 7Hc. High cshles caused some firmness In the wheat market at the opening here. My was unchanged to V higher at $1 1H to $I.1HV July also was unchanged to . 'e higher at $1 00T to fl.ol's. The Initial firm tens wa due to covering by shorts who took advantage of yesterday s decline In prices. Pit traders, however, were gen erally bearish, the conipsradvely liberal receipts 111 the northwest apparently being to outweigh the small advance at Liver pod. Furthermore fresh annw had fallen throughout the west and southwest. Julv option was especially subject to selling pressure. In consequence the price of July delivery dropped to $1.V Msy declined to $ A fairly active demand for May de veloped isler from commission houses. At a result thst option soon rallied to $1 1S'4 In sympathy July advanced to fl.01VfH.014. RulllahneHs wss dampened, however, by advices from the northwest. One report from Minneapolis stated that unless busi ness Improves the flour mills (here prob ably would close Saturday. Prices soon sagged off attain on renewed selling and the market closed barely steady with May at $1.1hS. Final quotations on July were at $1.0o. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 41, -'() bushels. Primary receipts were 302,fm bushels, compared with 432.0OI) a year ago. Minneapolis, Ihiluth and Chi cago reported receipts of 242 cars against 23" cara last week and 241 cars a year ago. A revival of Interest was witnessed In the corn market, trading today being quite active. Sentiment in the pit waa bullish and good gain In prices were recorded. Light acceptances from the country formed the basis of a liberal demand from shorts ami commission houes. May opened un changed to a shade higher at 4K'c to 46Vtfl 4TV, sold up to 4.Vc and closed at the top. Local receipts were 199 cars, none of contract grade. Strength of corn caused some firmness In the oats market. Trading was fairly active early In the day. but later the mar ket was Inclined to drag. May opened un charged to a shade lower at 304c to SOVd' SO'ic sold up to ,WVu'3c and closed at 3ii'4o. receipts were 76 cara. Provisions were firm on a moderate de mam) from commission houses. Higher prices for corn and a steady market for hogs were the chief Influences At the close May pork wns up 74- at $12.90. Lard was up 6c at $.924. Ribe were 674u higher at $6.87VH.90. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 11 cats, com, 213 cars; oats, 67 cars; hogs, 30,1110 head. The leading futures ranged aa follows: Artie les.j Open,! High, I Low. Cloae. Yes y. Wheat III i May llVt- 1 KIT 1 1 1 16-! 1 1H July . ilou'il'mlOl-'!! 1 "04 1 ooii 1 004 Sept. (924"l4i 93 I fiV, 924'KiMt Corn-- I Feb. 42J, , 43 !424 43 42H May 454fcli 4541 454 j ht 464 July 4iVti 4tiVii46 4U'.4 464 Oats Feb 1 30 30 May 34j V3"4154i 4 304 04'i 4 July 30 30V(4: SO ? Sept. 2S4i 284 294i24,ea Pork Feb 1i 70 12 024 Mav 12 86 12 924 13 85 12 90 12 85 July 13 00 . 13 00 13 00 18 00 12 92 4 Lard Feb 7B 6 70 May 0 90 0 95 (1 90 B 324 &'4 July 7 024 7 074 7 024 7 06 7 00 Rlba Feb 70 6 124 May 6 85 0 95 85 tf 90 6 82 4 July 6 9741 "024! 6 974' 7 024! 6 974 No. 2. Cash quotations were as follows: FLOCK Steady ; winter patents, $5.10.(($ 6.20; straights. Sl.80ftv6.00: spring patents, $6.006.60; straights, $4.5004.90; bakers', $2.60 '3.80 WHEAT--N0. 2. spring. $1.12S1.1S; No 3, $1.P6'o1.lii; No. 2 red, tl.lftffl.Wi. CORN No. 2, 434c. No. 2 yellow, 43V 44c. OATS-No. 2. 30Vic; No. 3 while, 31iiP 31c. It YE No. 2. 744c. BARLEY Good feeding, S738c; fair to cbolce malting, 42ff4tc '8EED-No. 1 flax, $1. 18; No.. 1 northwest- $1.23. Timothy, prime. i2.aoy:z.K.'tt. Clover, contract grade. $12.50. Mess pork, per Dm., 112.70 Lard, per 100 lbs., W.724ifJ.7$. Short PROVISIONS ribs sides (loose), $A.t246.7S; ahorl clear Bides (boxed). $6.766.874. Following were the recelpta and ahlp ments of flour and grain: Receipts. Shipments. menlsfl2 80 'rofw cmf cmf cmf wy ppppp . ao.wfi . -17,000 ,25,000 . 83.800 . 8.000 84.700 Flour, bbls Wheat, bu. Corn, bu Oats, he...... Rye, bu Barley, bu. 48.100 S9.100 215.700 1H8.900 8.800 35.100 On the Produce exehange today, the but ter market was firm; dreameries. 21&31c; dairies, 21f2tSc. Eggs, weak, at mark, cases Included, 23fr27c; lirsts. 2Sc; prime firsts, 3oc; extras, 32c. Cheese, steady, lift 12c. St. lonls tiraln and Provisions. ST. LOUIS. Feb. 9. WHEAT Easy; No. 2 red. cash, elevator, $1,144; track, $1,174 1.W4; May, $1,154; July. 967,c; No. a hard. $1.131. 14. CORN Higher; No. 2 cash. 43c; track. 4444i45c; May. 4446444c; July. 444c OATS Firmer: No. 2 cash, ,11c; track, 32 ft324c; May. 30;r: No. 2 white, IWc. FIX'CR Very dull; red winter patents. $5.3j4ja.55; special brand. $6 5tr6.85; extra fancy and straight, $4.85i!'5.35; clear, $4.40 4(4. HO. SEEDS Timothy, steady. $2.0082.40. CORNMEAL Bteady, $a.40.- 1JRAN Small demand; sacked, east track. ?2c. HAY Quiet and unchanged; timothy, W.OUffi 12.00; prairie. $5.0fiifpj.!l0. IKON COTTON T1ES-93C HAOGINH-74C HEMP TWINE -R4c. PHOVI3ION8-Pork, higher: jobbing, $12.15. Lard, higher; prime steam, $4,374. Hacon, steady boxed, extra shorts, $7.60; clear ribs. $7.24; shtyl clear, $7,874. POI'LTRY Hhsw; chickene. 94e; springs, lo'i.c; turkeys. Isc; alucks, 12c; geese. 8c. If I'TTER Firm ; creamery, 26320 ; dairy, ltMOic. EOOS Firm at 32c, case count. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 8.000 86.000 Wheat, bu 89,000 72,000 Corn, bu 59.000 i,oio Outs, bu 36,000 33.HO0 Milwaukee Grain Market. MILWAl'KEE, Feb. 9. WHEAT Dull ; No. 1 northern, $1.1551.18; No. 1 northern, fl.lisfl't. 15-4; May. $1.1S'& 1.164 hid. RYE Strong: No. I. 24tl3c. BARLEY Wuiet ; No. 2, 62c; sample, 36 G0u. OATS Steady; standard, 32o. CORN Steady; No. 3. 42V434c; May, 4u4fa45e asked. Mluneanolla Uraln Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Feb. 9. WHEAT Ma v, $1.15-4: July, $1,134; September. 94c; No. 1 hard, $1.14: No. 1 northern. $L144; No. I northern. $1,104 t FMH'H-1- irst patents, $6,2016.30: second piiients, $6.00461(i; first clears, $4.15tt4.35; second clears. $2.0'ii3."t. ' BRAN 111 bulk, $13.50 Philadelphia Prodnre Market. PHILADELPHIA. Feb. 9. BL'TTER Firm and good demand; extra western creamery, S2c; extra nearby prints, 1U KUOS Steady and fuir demand: nearby fresh and weslmu fresh, 3oc at mark. CHEESl-V-Stendy and fair demand; full creams, fancy, 124c; full creams, choice, 124c; full creama, fair to good, 1141612c. Ir- Goods Market. NEW YORK. Feb. 9.-DRY GOODS Mai kot conditions remained unchanged to day. Hellers realised the futility of re ductions at this lime and also the damages which may be done by such a course In (hu disturbance uf confidence when It Is most ;mrttcularly needed. Ilalulk tiraln Market. DCLl'TH. Feb. it - WHEAT- 10 arrive, No. 1 northern. $l.l!t; No. 2 northern, $104:'; on track. No. 1 northern, $1.11; No. 2 northern, $1. '; May. $l.U; July. $1.1.14j beplembei , 94c. OATS To arrive and on track, 294c Liverpool Urala Market. LIVERPtXJL, reb. t. WHEAT Spot, nominal; futures steady; March, 7a 4d; May. s 14d; July, U lV-1 (VRN 8 pot. steady; American mlurd, new, 4s 4d: American mixed, old, 4s H4d. Futures, steady; Murrh, 4s Id; May, 4s 2d. TOLEDO. Feb. 9.r.F.F.D--C!over: Cash. $7 56: February, $7.65; March, $7.57: April, $7.45; October, $5,874; prime alslke, $7 ; prune timothy. $1.35; March. $1,374. Peoria' Market. . PEORIA. Fen. l.-coRN-Steady; Nu. t. 3t; No. 4, Cc; no grade, tie. NEW VORK STOCKS AND BONDS Trading ii Dull trd Average Level of Viiluea it Lower. TONE OF THE MARKET IS GENERALLY FIRM IKeellne la Prices Does ot Brlna; 4tat the Isusl I. Ine of 9eralatlve (tfferlaa to Take Prnata. NFW YORK. Feb. 9 Some reluctance de veloped In the upward movement of prices on the stock exchange today and the efforts to gt them higher were largely relin quished as the dav wore on. The strength of a few stocks did not serve to prevent (he sversge level of prices from dipping lower than last night. But the effect of the decline was to sink the trading Into great dullness and to suspend prices at a range only slightly below last night. It Is re garded as a technical evidence of strength In (he market after an extensive rise If a setback In the movement does not bring out Isrge offerings of speculative holdings lo realise profits or to ssve losses. One of the most striking features of the recent market Is the seeming disappearance of stocks and their failure to come out except at a aulA stsntial enhancement In the price. The pause In the demand today was most apparent, but Its onuses were obscure. Al though the admission to the Atchison di rectorate of Cnion Pacific interests is re garded ss giving a measure of credit to msny rumors of railroad deals, the stocks affected hang back. The same was true of the T'nited States Steel-stocks on the con ditions reported In that trade, for which a leading authority uses the emphatic term "astounding." That Is to say, with produc tion at the high record rate It is still below the rate of consumption as shown by the decline In the stocks on hand during January. The failure to respond by the steel stocks and the Pacifies to news of this character arouses the fear on the part of operators that other Important develop ments, which have been rumored, may fall to move prices upon their announcement, even should they prove true. Sentiment was affected also by the report of the de parture on a long trip of an Influential party of speculative operators. Another influence was the stiffening of the tension on all the lines that make for a resumption of gold exports to France. Tho cancella tion of a part of orders of gold bars which were to be sent out today led to it strong recovery In the exchange market here, to a fall In sterling at Paris accompanied by a stiffening of the discount rate in London. There were renewed inquiries for gold for export. Official Intimations that an addi tional Japanese loan was to be negotluted may have had Its effect on the London dis count market. Arrangement to ship $3,000, 000 more In gold certificates lo Cuba on Saturday 1 to be reckoned with consider ing the effect on bank reserves here. In spite of the course of the exchange market there was buying of stocks here for Lon don account. The early advance in Pennsylvania and Ontario ft Western, the strength of Illinois Central and a renewed rise In the local tractions about exhaust the list of Import ant strong stocks. Som of the Influence of depression was due to discussion of the cost to the Railroads of the war In export grain rates. The proposition at Albany to tax stock transfers and the Introduction of a measure looking to the regulation of corporation organizing were Influences In the same direction. The discouragement of the buying demand permitted the early gains to be generally wiped out and the market closed cany at about the lowest. The jump of 114 in Great Northern pre ferred was without effect lr the lnie mar ket Bonds were irregular. Total salea par value, $5,686.01X1 Cnited Statei bonds were all unchanged on call. Quotations on Nesr York Slock ex- chanse were as follows: Sales.Hlirh. Low. Close Atchison 89.300 804 884 884 do pfd ono 1034 1024 I024 Atlantic Coast Line.. 400 1224 122 121 Baltimore & Ohio 84 4n0 174 KM4 m'V ao piu Canadian Pacific .. Central of N. J Chesapeake & Ohio Chicago & Alton... do prd Chicago Gt. Western. 10.(100 i!34 22i Chicago & N. W 1.400 241 C. M. & St. P Chicago Term. & T. do pfd 800 ,31 3114 P.. C. C. St. L 200 96 94 Colo. & Southern 9no 264 24 do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Delaware & Hudson D.. L. & W Denver & Rio Grande .. do pfd Eirle do 1st pfd do 2d pfd.... Hocking Valley lo pfd Illinois Central Iowa Central .. do pfd K. C. Southern do pfd Louis. A Nashville Manhattan I. Met. Securities Met. St Ry Mexican Central 3.200 Minn. A St. Louis M.. St P. ft 8. 8. M. . 200 do pfd Missouri Pacific M.. K. ft T do pfd N. R R. of Mex. pfd N. Y. Central N. Y.. O. & W 104.100 Norfolk ft Western... 5.70 do pfd active on good earnings. Americans opened dull sixl rallied Irregnlarlv to over parity. New York. Ontario A W.-tern was In ged demarvt. Baltimore ft Ohio and Philadel phia ft Reading were the features. Prices taaed somewhat later, but closet! stesdy. Mexn'sns were bought sort rose from 4 fil point on favorable traffic returns ant confirmation of news regarding traffic ar rangements. In foreigners a fair business wss transacted. Japanese were wanted and Russians were upheld. Japanese govern ment Imperial Ss of 19"4 were quoted at 1014. Imperial of p4 were quoted at 101 PARIS. Feb. 9 The tendency on the Bourse today was'qnlet. Foreigners were In good demand. Russian Imperial 4s were quote.! at 90.45 and Russian bonds of 1!4 at 505. BERLIN. Feb. 9. Trading on the Bourse today generally was sluggish. New York Money Market. NEW YORK. Feb. . MONEY On call, steady at 2 per cent: closing hid, 1 per cent; offered at 2 per cent. Time loans, steady; sixty days and ninety daya, 3 per cent; six months. 34 per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER-3V44 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Steady at ad vance, with actual business in bankers' bills at $4 88ft4.&8i6 foi demand and at $4.S5tyi4 VflR for sixty-day bills; posted rates. $4,804 and- $4.89; commercial bills, $4,864. SILVER Bar. 14c; Mxlcan dollars, 474c. BONDS Government, steady; railroad, irregular. Closing quotatlona on bonds were C. a. nr. Ii. rg.. ..1044 J"pn . rtfa... .104 , a Natn urn. ,1M 'VUnhattin r. ( .lnl ( sntrsl t .1:11 I do 1st lm- .131 H A St. b. it 1UC4 M . K. ft T. 4. . IW. do it do c-ounon do ta. rg ,, do coupon dn nrw ta, rag. do coupon do old 4a. reg.. no roupen hXI 98 98 6.I0O 1.144 1334 ltr 1SW 19.800 52 200 42 199 514 41 98 1344 19S 514 414 80 V3 2394 14.600 ,171:14 ,J754 .1754 30 94 26 63 38 1924 363 32 874 434 74 64', 90 91 . .lnS .10 . 74 . 32S - 7 .Inn i . Am. 4a. ctfa VN. R R. of M. c.4.. Sil't do taviii ..llaHj'N. J. on. gen. la..i:i Alrhlaon son. 4a 1M;.N T. f. sn. I4S.100 do ad). 4a M Northern pariac 4a... 1 AllaniO- C. L. 4a 101 r- do Sa Baltimore at O 4a. .lmUlNortolk A W r. 4a. ..1044 do fl'ta MViiOreaon S. U. rfds. 4a. T Cantral of Oa. 6a 114 iPann. conv. 3S 104 do lat Inr 1 JFf.dllii mm. 4a I"I" do !d Inr 70 !fit. L. it. M. r. 4a..l! . Cha. ft Ohio 44a.i..l4:8t. L,. . F It- -" Chi. ato A A. 'ia... Ill, St. I.oula S W. r. 4s. a C, B. ft 14. new a. .1K0W Seahoard A. I. 4a. .. a C R. 1. P. 41 Kit flout hern Partite 4a... do col. rK '.MTaouiharn Ry. Sa tut CCf. ft St. L. 1. 4a.l'3,lTfaii ft Vt-tr I...1U rhlrsgo Term. 4a 7 T.. St. L. ft W. 4a... 4 Colo. Mid. ta 7St4Ll'nlon Paclflr 4 lftd Colo. A Boutham 4a.. 93 1 do i-onr. 4a U'I'b Cuba it. rartf 107 f . Steel Id .... I4 Dnrer ft R. O. 4a...l0l,Wabah la Its Hla. Sacur. r 7, dn deb. B Krla prior Urn 4a. . .il01 ' W.atem Md. 4a 93 S do xen. 4a 14IW. ft L. K. 4a 94 P. W. tc P. C. la..llflVWla. Cantral. 4a m Horklni Vat. 44s 111 1 Bid. Offered. Boston Stock Market. BOSTON, Feb. 9 Call loans. 24&3 per cent; tlmo loans. 341144 per cent. Official closing on stocks and bonds: Atrhlaon adj. 4 17 Adventurs do 4a ...10i!Allon Mai Central 4a 74 1 Amalgamated ... AlrhlBon ttli Am Zinc do pfd 1UH Atlantic Ronton ft Albany... .2M iblnsham Morton ft Main ...177401. ft Itecla. Rnaton Klev-ated. Plti-hburi ptd... max. i:entrai . ,.1A5 'Ontannlal ...146 ,1'oppar Range llVt vtlv weat N Y., N. H. ft H..20H .flomlllloa Coal t'nlon Paclfli- Am. Arga. Cham... do pfd Am. Pnau. Tubs.... Am. Sugar do pfd Am. Tel. ft To).... Am. Woolen do pfd nomlnlon I ft S. Rdtaon Klc. Ilium Oan. Electric ltl Krnnklln . JlVa Oraniy . X) Ulr Royals , I Maaa. Mining .141 Michigan ...1 .i:u 1 Mohawk .141V4 Mont Coal ft I 'oka. . ZtV Old Dominion '. fia Osrelna . n Parrot SV, .Uuln v I6i ilhannnn Maao. Klectrlc 15 ITimarack do pfd. Mass Oaa l ulled Krult. tnlte-t Shoe Math.. do pfd .' V. S Hleel do pfd Weattnghous com . . Bid. "Asked. - Trinity 4;s'rj. S. Mining . a i a 011 77 31 .10 OSS Tl V. 8. Oil I' tali Vfclorla .. Winona Wolverine 1S' J" 11 14 MVa "4 7 1.1 10 'n o 354 11 ...... l!'i . (14 4'l . M1 . no . 27 vn .1.10 . low . :.i . 4 . 4i . 4 11 .11 j 1,700 19.14 192 100 353 353 88-4 441.1 81)4 654 91 914 ....11.800 1 58 157-4 1574 MM, 1.2IX) .25.800 ,. 1.100 . 300 400 loo 88 434 794 65 904 14 15' 31 r,7 l.hoo ISM.; 137 137 30.100 175 1734 17,",i ... 2.000 ,1110 31 K 8'4 .10 000 834 82 .5fi,100 123-4 121',- 23 214 224 6.000 ! 300 824 1224 224 60 9fl, ..... 10O 1074 1004 107 6-r."i 994 99; . 414 324 o4 421; 3.2O0 1484 147 404 484 83-4 824 ..141.G00 1414 140.4 1404 Pennsylvania P.. C. C. ft St. L... Reading 125.300 fW-4 do 1st pfd fno 934 do 2d pfd Rock Island Co 10,200 3-"i do pfd 700 81 4 St. L. ft S. F. 2d pfd.. 7.300 734 . l,2on 14 . 4.4O0 6.1-4 .13.600 674 314 ftii 414 1474 484 8204 so 95-4 34 '344 81 4 73 2M4 63 fi4 118 344 974 364 SO'.. 544 St. Louis 8. W., do pfd Southern Pacific do pfd 50 1184 Southern Railway .... f.700 r,.v; do pfd SrO ' 974 Texas ft Pacific 2 100 374 T.. St. L. ft W 7o 36; do pfd 3.200 iVi'i Fnlon Pacific do pfd Wabash 400 3314 23 do pfd 900 45 4 444 Wheeling ft L. E 100 184 ma; Wisconsin Central ... 700 r.4 2"A do pfd 8'X 504 494 Adams Ex American Ex Vnlted States Fx 100 134 134 We'ls-Fargo Ex Amal. Conper 14.100 "44 73U Am. Cnr ft Foundry.. 500 334 33 do pfd ... Am. Cotton OH 700 34 4 344 do nfd ' Am. Ice uno do nfd 1.100 Am. L''iserd Oil do nfd 100 Am. Locomotive 1.100 do nfd w) 1104 no Am. Smell. A Refng.. 7.fvvi UTii, .!; do nfd 1 4i0 11r.. iiei; Am. usr Refng 8. too JJl'. in Am. Tnhopeo p'd, cert 8101 ftfiti oav, 81 P.4 93 90 344 81 72 ?64 6.34 6114 113 344 974 3il S 54-4 2.400 14 121U 1214 1 mu 3i 'A H75i 22; 444 1V, 2' 0V 240 ?30 13.1 243 734 3'4 9'4 334 93 6 301 ; 14 37 sou 109 ' lias; M"4 9v. London Stork Market. LONDON, Feb. 9 Closing quotations on stocks and bono were: Console, money ' S. Y. Central .... do account. W4 Norfolk ft Weetern Anaconda t b1! do pfd Atchison 1 'Oat. ft Weetern .. do pfd InMi PennsylTanla , Baltimore ft Ohio, . .10f Ran I Mlnee .' l aoadlan Pacific ltfa Bcatlnr .. 5:tv (hi 1st pra. ..... .. 24t : Hu Sd pfd. . .1IH4 gouthrrti Hy.ji.... .. 1 I do pfd . . aa!outhern PacHo .. 7il nlon Pacific 1. . . 46VI do pfd .., . . tk,V. 8 Steel .. 47 I do pfd .. ..ISI't Wabaih ... ..142, do pfd . . . 33 Span lih 4a. SILVER Bar. steady. C8 5-16d per ounce. - MONEY 3403 per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills is 24 psr cnt,'- for three months" bills, 24-t24 per cent. Chee. ft Ohio I'hlragn O. W. .. t. M. St. P. He peers Denver ft K. O. do pfd Erie do lat prd do Sd pfd ' Illinois Central . Loula. tc Nash.. M.. K. ft T. 1524 . 95 fli .... 7:w .... 11 .... 49 .... 474 .... 46 a 3d .... 1194 . ....It5'4 .... 9' .... 31 91 i S3"J .... 46(4 ai-, New York Mining; Stocks. NEW YORK, Feb. 9. The following are the closing quotations on mining biocks Adama Con Alice Breece Rrunasicl.' Con .... Comatock Tunnel .. Con., Ol. ft Va Horn silver . Iron Silver .. Leadvllle Con 200 3 20 ILlctle Chief 8S jOntarlo vpnir rnoenlx Potnal Savage sierra Nevada Small Hopes . Sun da rd . II . t . 9 .200 . IV ..; ..asm .. 11 ' .. 52 .. 117 .. (5 . . ..110 Hank of England Htateiuent. LONDON, Feb. 9. The weekly statement of the Rank of England shows the follow ing changes. Total reserve Increased 642, 000; circulation decreased 246.000; bullion Increased 395.948; other securities decreased 1,044.oiKi; other depoKiU decreased 3.19.'!. 000: public deposits hreused 2.038.000; notes reserve Increased 516,000; government securities decreased 704,000. The proportion of tho hank's reserve to liability Is 55.66 per cent, as compared with 52.65 per cent last week. Bank of France Statement. PARIS. Feb. 9. The weekly statement 'of the Bank of France shows the following changes: Notes in circulation decreased 84.600,000 francs: treasury accounts current decreased 8.600.000 francs; gold In hand In creaaed 55.50O.00O francs; bills discounted de creased 170,576,(DiO francs; sliver In hand In creased 2,525,000 franc. 64 S94 3? 6 39". 37 304 114 lo-.'i 62 6'4 47t. 47 U ;.i"0 a4 20114 at 211 T7; 361, 1864 18rti4 114 31 44 200 naconda M. Co 3'i0 101 Brooklvn R. T 30 Son fit Colo. Fuel ft Iron 9.100 484 Consolidated Una Corn Products urn ? ?? do nfd "On 78 78 Distillers' Securities.. 200 :I04 asu. oenrrnt ruiepiep inn 1S14 International Puper do pfd International Pump do nfd National Lead North American ..:. Pacific Mall People's Has Pressed Steel Car... do pfd Pullmsn PtlHce Car Republic Steel W.iqfl 17 do pfd KOI 7ty Rnlihee Goods t.1(V ysu. do pfd 1V 9; Tee.i. r-nnt ft Iron 774 V a 1 euther 1 Mm 14 do pfd 4 noi pM T. n. Ve-'tv 3 mn finv. V- S 't'ibber l oot san en fin 1 aoi 0u )07 l'. S. S'eel JI3 1VI ;u goL do fd 31 roo. nji; Vs.-C-llna Chetn.... 2.1 acn, do nfd ivt Iflfcti trail ; e.ilnh'.os E!ec... 1 "O IViU jgy v.... n fnlon 4 SO' 041.; 0114 Tela! soles for the dv. 979 61 0 shares. 8.000 1.800 4.-.M .It"! Jnon na; 100 361', 36". 894 , 38 86 314 102 44 l..v; 354 04 2M 16U. TO, ?4 S.-.4 76 134 894 K4 ysii 06; 7. tlN, inrva. jm lo.:: ne4 nu ine. V 934 Furrlan Financial. LONDON, Feh. 9 Money was In good demand In the market touay and supplies were scarcer. D'semiuts were firmer on the Bank of Knylmtd buving hnr gold. Operators on the Stork F.xehsnge were largely absorbed hv the settlement. The tone was got d and a fair nu:ount of fresh business was trina-ted 011 the continued minors of the pi isper'a of prnre In t'ie fer eas. Crns.ili harde ird oa-lng to the pieipects of el., j 41. r mil' w In the near futile. lloiuu 1 a 1 1 1 Welti bio., am and Rank of Germany Statement. BERLIN. Feb. 9.i-The weekly bank state ment of the Imperial Bank of Oermanv shows the following changes: CaRh In hand Increiisod 4.100,000 marks; treasury notes In creased 1,260,000 marks; other securities decreased 44.280.000 marks; notes In circula tion decreased 43,640,000 marks. Treasury statement. WASHINGTON. Feb. 9-Today's state ment of the treasurybalances In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the $150,000,000 gold reserve In the division of redemption, shows: Available cah balance, $141,611,005; gold. $49,206,932. Rank' Clearings. OMAHA, Feb. 9.-The bank cjearlngs for Thursday were $1,211,762.29. For the same day one year ago the cleurings were $1,139, Wool Market. BO8TON, Feb. 9 WOOL In the Boston wool market business is light on account of the small stock of domestic wool in dealers' ' hands. Outside of pulled wools but little more enn be brought forward until the next clip la ready. Much of the next clip of territory wool has already been contracted for oa the sheep's backs by eastern dealers. 'With domestic wools nearlv all sold, manufacturers will be ob liged -to depend largely on foreign wools to meet thele needs while waiting for the next, clip. . Values hold firm, as follows: Texas, twelve months, nominal; eight months. 2Hjf22c; full. 2021c. California, Hunibolt and Mendocino, 27274e; north ern choice. 254jrac! average, 19jjr21t;" middle counties, ISftaoc; srlufhern, Irulic. Oregon, eastern staple, 2'fj22c: clothing, ISuio..; valley.' No. 1. IBc. Iflaho, fine. 19iiil!i4.-; fine medium, !K19c. Wyoming, fine. 17411' 184c; fine medium, 174Cul84e. I'tah and Nevada, fine, 17tflr; line medium. 1747 18c. Dakota, tine. lhS1ci fine medium. 18ftl9 Montana, flue choice. 21tf2Sc; fine average. 19. 2'ic. Colorado, fine, 15(fil8c; fine ine. dliii'f, 16M7c. ST. l.oriS. Feh. 9-WOOI-Market steadv. Medium grades, combing and cloth ing. 23tf24f: light fine, 18tf22c; heavy tine, 14'yl7c; tub washed. 27'n41c. Cotton Market. NEW YORK, Feb. 9-COTTON-Hpot closed quiet, 5 points lower: middling up lands, 7.e"i ; middling gulf. 05c; sales, 41 bales. . , ST. LOriS., Feb. 9-COTTON-Qulet; good middlingT 74e'l sales. 7 bales: receipts, none; ahlptnentg, 43 bales; stock. 43.747 bales. LIVERPOOL, Feb. 9 COTTON Spot, flood business done, 10 .points higher Amer ican middling, fair. 4 ftkl ; good middling, 4 .luil; middling, 4Hd; .low middling, i.lmi, good ordinary. $.9td; ordinary, $ 7ttd. The sales of the day were Jl.Ua) bales, of which l.iasi were for speculation and export and Included 11.500 American. Receipts, 13,'ssv bales, Including 8 10 American. NEW ORLEANS Feb. . COTTON -Firm: sales, 4.Va) baleg; ordinary. Sl-liic; good orrilniry, (4c; low middling, 4o: nn.l rilliig. 74e; good mldillmg. kc: mlddliiig fsir 'T-W; recelptay f,M4 bales, slock. 344,750 ualS. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET i'rEli " Cattle Market Again Delayed by the Slow Arrirsl of Train. a HOGS SOLD MOSTLY FIVE CENTS HIGHER Active Oeuaaaal for heea anal I, a nibs at Strona Prlrea and a Nrrr Top for the Season Was Pat on the Lamb Market. SOUTH OMAHA. Feb 9, 190"). Receipts were: Official Monday ... I'tniml Tuesday Official Wednesday Official Thursday .. Cattle. 1.968 4.8P2 4.155 3 5 liogs. Sheep. $.isS 11.416 8.D.S 4 845 3.t .14.515 .12.611 14.!9t .14. liS .16. MS .10.733 8S.7IS 22.6S2 3.V432 38.117 31.8): 34.292 22. 4M 20 240 20.49.1 29 3K 20,2i 26.127 Four days this week.. Same days last week... Same days week before. Same three weeks ago. Same four weeks ago... onme aays last year RECEIPTS Kim Ttiw YRA.R TO DATE The lollowtng table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date with comparisons with last year: I9)kv 1904. Inc. Dec. Cattle 92.510 93.703 l.'l Hogs 71 4.11 '.'44.372 27.059 8heep 157.999 19U.061 4.1.! 1 he following nine ,,,. the average price of hogs at South Omaha for tho last several days, with comparisons: :il 14 4 ?4 79 '.94 ... TV I7J !.' I I.'! M : ... 4 ! 7 ;-"t ... 4 , f ... 4 To 1 ay lot 4tt -:s s9 so t to 7T iso . . 1 :', j .st o 4 t s rt 99 4 ta 49 rr ... 4 7 : tl 40 4 tS Si Jll !40 4 TO 77 ;eo ... 4 V. '47 10 4 7 0 1?7 ... 4 :. l J74 90 4 "l tt tie an t en ? 4j ... 4 To 7 rlt Iro 4 n 47 ff-4 99 4 To ? Jon . 4 . !:ia ... 4 70 SS m a IK as Ml ....47 93 213 ... 4 44 91 .: ... 4 T I IT Ml ... 94. $l . 90 4 to I SO J.I IW 4 a 4" !9 ... 4 T9 9.1 Ill ... 4 44 IT 144 ... 4 79 n si ... 4 t T I't ... 4 to 0 .'?0 ... 4 9S 4T :-4 11 4 TO I t"4 ... 4 46 la f: ... 4 0 TT . 40 4 4 JIT J4 40 4 70 J Jit IN 4 as - J44 si tin TT. ...... HI 10 4 W SI ITS too 4 70 Tt r:J ... 4W : 19 iw 4 To SJ IJ3 . 4 40 9S ! 40 4 TO U 114 M Itt Tl 140 90 4 TO 71 :2 40 4 tl 90 ITl) 49 4 Tl4 91 27 0 4 15 M .113 ... 4 T? M I4 ... 4 4 30 MT ... 4 T: 44 . ... 44 :4 C"0 ... 4 7I' TT 40 4 aj 9 3 ... ft T4 ?T ... 4 t 4!. ....... J7S to 4 79 47 tit ... 4 9 . M J4I 240 4 ft It '.'! It IV to Ill 40 4 If. II t-4 40 ID 49 s IN I Tl T: 40 I I7i tt t4 ... 4 T9 9 rts ... 4 171 K -.'l ... 4 ;i 44 t'l ... 4I7, .Ml .. Il 10 I T.I Tl ........ 1T ... 4 ITS M s ... ITS 99 JJ ... I ITW, 40 !T4 4 TS t I7S 4 74 Kt SIT ... 4 7$ 1 109 100 4 171, 4.0 379 ... 4 10 94 T4t 40 4 17s 0 WT ... 4 0 TS 14 40 4 TS U S!l ... 4 ltt IT H7 ... 4 I7i, 44 141 ... 4 99 3 :m ... I ; Jan. 16... Jan. 17... Jan 18... Jan. 19... Jan. 2o... Jan. 31... Jan. 22... Jan. 23... Jan. 24... Jan. 25... Jan. 26... Jan. 21... Jan. 28... Jan. 29... Jan. 30... Jan. 31... Feb. 1....I Feb. 2.... Feb. 3.... Feb. 4.. .. Feh. 5.... Feb. t.. Feb. 7.... Feb. 8 ... Feb. 9. . , .1 5 27 $ 20 29, 5 27, 190011904. 11908. 1902. I901 4 514 1 4 74 491 15 504i 6 50 6 17 4 $041 4 69 22 4 60 1 4 74 6 39 4 57 4 681 47, 4 54 4 7Si 8 50! 4 56 16 53l 4 63 4 881 6 4 6541 6 4 71 4 89 4 7241 4 87! 4 13 : 4 si; I 644 4 hi 1900. 4 521 4 4ol 4 56 4 64 4 54 f 26! 5 18 4 63 1S99. 3 62 $ 4'J 1 61 3 64 3 58 3 59 6 11 6 22 5 13 4 1-9' $ '! 4 551 $ 61 4 48i $ 4 oil 3 S7 27 6 15 02 6 50; b Wt 66 08! 16 14 6 7l I $ 181 U l-i 1 6 64: 6 95: C 4 Mi 6 64 ,5 98, 6 28 4 811 6 74l 6 U5 5 U 6 681 6 97 i 5 li 4 79 If. M fi 22: 4 731 6 681 I 6 25, 4 68 8 64 4 K4i a 711 5 931 1 4 62k 3 69 '44 4 81 6 80 4 96 $ 31 I 3 58 I 4 77 1 6 82 6 12 5 23 4 , 4 824' 4 81, 6 77 ! 6 161 6 21 1 4 i0 3 a. 4 74V I V 74 6 03! 6 28 1 1 0 'II 1 4 564 4 M 4 69 4 70 4 724 1 4 664i 4 88' I 4 89 1 6 ' 4 62 e , 4 62 4 54 4 55 4 67 8 W 3 68 e 8 70 i 64 3 64 6 29 4 O81 3 66 4 75' 3 66 25 4 84j S 70 Indicate Sunday. The official number of cars of stock brought in toiluv bv each road was: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep C M. & St. P. Ry 11 . 24 Mo. P. Ry V. P. system C. A N. W. Ry V., K. M. V. R. R. C, St. P.. M. & O. Ry. B. M. Ry C, b. & Q Ry C, R. I. P. Ry.. east. C. R. 1. P. Ry., west. Illinois Central Chicago Ut. Western . 1 32 K .'HI 3 11 26 12 34 8 14 7 24 Cattle. Hojs. Sheep. .. 1.654 l.UKi ., H32 2.576 l.u4 .. 6.4 3.157 1,301 ot4 3.471 430 1.028 8V3 Total receipts 150 170 25 The (tlMposiiion of she nay's receipts wilt as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber ol head indicated: Omaha Packing Co. ... Swift and Company .. Cudnhy Packing Co. .. Armour & Co Cudahy Pkg. Co., S. C Armour & Co.. S. C. Vunsant & Co 37 Lobman & Co 77 McCreary & Carey 36 W. I. Stephen 138 11111 & Son 122 H. F- Hamilton 236 I, . F. JlUH Ho Sam Wert helmer 222 Mike Haggerty 128 Sol Degan 25 ..... J. B. Root el Co 145 Bulla & Kline 1 8. & 8 )i C U Clark 66 Other buyers 227 14S Totals 4.327 13.434 4,849 CATTLE There was quite a liberal rin of cattle reported this morning, but It wai the middle of tot' forenoon before enougn of them had arrived to make a market. As a result the market was as. alow in open ins us It haa been for the last several days and It was late In the afternoon before a clearance was maae. There were aulte a few beef sierra In cluded In the receipts and a number of them showed considerable quality. Buyerd took hold quite freely and anything at all desirable sold readily enough ai good steady prices, as high as $5.25 being paid. The common to meulum grades were not as active as the choicer cattle, but still thcra was very Ilttii changu noticeable In ruling prices. The- cow market was uneven. , In some cases steady prices were puld ' while In others salesmen thought they had to take a dime less than they sold similar cattle for yesterday. The market yesterday, though, was uneven, so that It is rather hard to make comparisons. As a general thing, though, the market on desirable grades was not much different today from vesterduy s average,. Trading was fairly active on anything at all good and con sideiliig the late arrival of trains the bulk of the offerings was disposed of In fairly good seuJ'on. There was some tendency to pound the market on bulls except In the case of the best grades, but veal calves showed very little change. The market on good heavy feeders held steady, hut the common and light cattle were alow and a little lower. The re ported htorm coming from the west had a tendency to . make speculators ' cuutldua about getting many cattle on hand that they could not readily dispose of, which explains the weakness on the commoner cattle. Representative sales: tiKEF STE&R3. No. I. .. 4... 11... I... S... ill... 19... 31... ... II. .. 17... 23... 21... 13... 4... I... 13... I... 1. . t... 1... i... 10 .. 1... t,.., 11.., 1.. H ., 24... 12... 91... SI... A. .. 140 .. f.4 .. M ..Mm ..1040 . .UK. J .. 9T.T ..I0TS .. suit .. m . . 1 1 KS ..111.' . .1149 . .1311 ti. 3 45 I 4f. I 6,i I 1,1 I 90 I 90 I 90 I 90 3 90 I 96 I 0 4 OA 4 10 4 11 8a o. n... 44... 17., 11... II... 4. .. 29... 19... II... 31... !.., 4fi. 11. At. ...1119 . .U, ...1160 ..11911 ..136 ..HOT . .1141 .lido ..1247 . . 1X13 . .1419 . .1311 ..13o4 ..1IU STEERS AND COWS. 97 a ..1023 . .1011 . . 840 . . 970 . . WW . .lHWI .. 910 .. 924 ..llll . . toll ..101,0 . llf.7 ..12S0 ,. 913 . .1026 .. 939 , . sal . .1041 3 0 11.. I o ... cows. 1 10 : io 2 Cf t r 3 lln 1 3.1 4u t 40 2 6u I OS 3 Hi. t r. 1 Tl 2 73 3 SO 1 w 2 9& I. It.. 14. . .. 12. . 1.. 2.. 9. . 7.. 3.'... 14.. 4.. II . 19. . 7.. 11.. :o. .1141 . .IJ67 .1171 ..1019 . .1013 ..1220 . .1(31 .. 120 ..lldfl .. 977 .. 910 .. 992 . . 1III9 .. 990 ..nun . .1037 ..10U . . 9bu 911 COWS AND HlilFKRB. rr. 4 II 4 lo 4 30 4 30 4 10 4 an 4 2.1 4 86 4 40 4 lo 4 96 4 90 i 00 5 25 I 90 4 9U I 90 I 90 1 oj 1 00 3 Ou 3 00 I Oil I ISI I or, I It I 16 3 M I 25 9 2ll 9 16 I 36 I 16 946 2 76 31. ill'.It Cita. 41 I II . 750 2 10 II , 550 2 26 19 .626 t W 19 .412 I 6" 11 . 441 I 95 i .420 I DO 1 BULLS. .1040 I 80 I .1310 I0O 1 STAGS. .1150 I 10 CALVES. .110 6 25 dTOCK CALVKS. .441 J oil 12. . . Kill . 12 . 912 . 9.19 . Mi) . 1290 1720 1T40 3 30 I 40 3 46 I 60 8 Tl I 75 1 20 I 34 bToc:kJe.ib J 6"0 9 16 6 s 924 I 90 fl TI6 I In 1 1040 1 86 i 907 I 40 It 411 8 40 49 I 40 7 991 I 40 HOGS There was I.., its reuorieii una II 6 I'.. It. FEEDERS. 191 1 10 619 loss 4!4 6S2 9?4 1091 SO I 65 I Tl 3 74 I In I II quite a liberal run of rnortitni. .u . . lings iriiii - mn r,e seen from the table of receipis above. v y unfavorable reports were rrc Hived limn Chlesgo. but in spite of that fact ine mar ket here ruleo; Hi live anil filgher. At me opening prices were about L4e in 5c 'r ami as the morning advanced me market gamed in strengtn and activity until u was fully 6c higner. Buyers seemed to be afraid tnat receipts the rest of the week would be very light owing lo th severe stoim that wa reported coming irom toe west, and as result they all eook hold freely and all the early arrivals, smjuiu Ing to over 100 cara. were disposed ot in short order. Light weights sold largely from $4.95 down, butchers and mixed fiom $4 61 to $4 70, heavies 84.70 to $4 80 and ae high as $4 86 was paid for prime heavies. The close of the market was active and strong, prions being at the high point of the day. In fart some of the rales showed an advance over yrstsrday of llic. Repre sentative sales: Hi IK hp A new trii) wss put on the lamb market this morning when a string or led western lambs sold lor 7.78. They were well finished, however, and attracted con siderable attention. The general mifrket on both sheep and lambs could safely be quoted strong and active, and some sales were considerably higher than the aame kinds brought yesternay. For example, some of the same yearlings tnat soid e terday for $ went todav for $6.2A, or 15c higher. The demand was of liberal pro portions, and with laght receipts trading ruled setiv. everything being sold as fust as offered. A bunch vi clipped ewes was ottered this morning and ihey sold for $4.1i., while another string of ewes with the wool on brought $4.50. Mexican wethers hrought $51 and western yearlings $6. Quotations ror ted sloe: Oood to choice yearlings, A25'i6.75: fair to aood year lings. 5.i5(tj,15; good to choice wethets. 5.2MjS.66; talr to good wethers. $4.904m.l&; good to choice ewes, 9t.5tifft.iai; talr to good ewes. $4.00$4.40; common to fair ewes. $3 60 9Y.1.90; grod to choice Inmbs, li.25Ji.i'6; talr to good lam he. 16,75'if 7.26; feeder yearlings. 14 Beipfc.iO: feeder wetliera, 44.84 60; feeder ewes, $3 263.76; feeder lambs, 6. JO-aft.laj. Representative sales: No. 1 western buck 86 western oull ewes 7 Western cull ewes 290 western ti pped ewes ... H54 western clipped ewes ... 26 western ewes 110 western leeder lambs ... 7 western clipped wethers .is native lamos 6 western Is nibs 30 Western lambs 31 native ewes 255 western lambs 1MH western lambs 236 western lambs , 1 western lamh 447 western ewes.. t-9 western ewes 6 western cull lambs 476 western wethers 87 western lambs 92 western lambs 161 western lambs 10 western ewes and wethers,, 0 western yearlings 469 western yearlings At. . lu . 79 . 67 . 84 . 107 . 1)81 . 46 . so . 84 . 83 . 81 . 165 . NN . 88 . 86 , 110 . 99 . 99 . 46 . 100 . fil . 61 . 72 , 102 , 1IM , 9.i Pr. 2 00 2 to 3 60 4 10 4 10 4 66 4 7r. 6 26 $ 25 6 ill 6 50 7 60 7 70 7 70 7 75 8 00 4 50 4 85 6 00 6 60 6 80 6 80 7 25 6 CO 6 2o 6 25 CHICAGO LI VP. STOCK. MAIIKKT tattle Steady Hogs Five Cents Higher Sheep anil I. a nibs Steady. CHICAOO. Feb. .-CATTLK Receipts. 9,000 head: market sieaily; good to prime steers. $5.6iKfJ6 46; poor to medium, $3.75j.nt; Blockers snd feeders, $2.35a4..i: cows, 81. 2n Ji4.Ho; heifers, $2.0o;4.9O; canners, 1.25'fj2.55; bulls, $2.00(13.90; calves. $2.UOi&7.35. IIDOM Receipts, 32, WW head; entlheted to morrow, 29,000 head; 'market oc higher; mixed and butcher, $l.o&4.90: gobci to choice heavy, $4.8ai4.9n; rough aim heavy, $4.80tM.70; light, $4.ibf,4.75; bulk of sales, M-IOtrt.SS. SHKKP AND LAMBS Receipts. 5,000 head; sheep and lambs steady, good to choice wetners, $5.6) (Trio. 90. fair to choice mixed, $4.tiB6.30; western sheep, $4.4o(. 590; native lambs. $5.76i? i.9o; western lambs, O.ID'(JO.lK. ' Kansas City 1.1 Stork Market. KANSAS CIT V. Mo., Feb. 9.J--CATTLE Receipts. 3,70u head, Including 4i head southerns; market for best slow and steady: butcher stock strong mnl active; choice export nnd dressed beef steers. 6.iio .70; fair to good, $.76o4.76; Western fed steers, 3 75iU6,2.i; stoi. keis and feeders, $2 7.i $r4.'l; southern steers. VI.2iKB4.Wi; .southern cows, 2.2o4T3.2i; native cows. ti.iorjM.M; na tive heifers, 250i64.2U; bulls, .(.2lKu$.oo; calves, 3.00fj7.00. HOGS Receipts, 10,000 head; market 5c lower; top, 4.!ti4; bulk of sales, 4,o6j4.Ko, heavy, 4.Oia4.97',j: puckers, $4.i'5'S-4.ii6; pigs and lights, $4.O0i'a4.76. SHhKP AND IAMBS-Rei-clpts. 2.0mi head; market steady; native lambs, $.50 7.50; nutlve wethers. $5.0ilf 5.65; native feoj ewer. $4.7675.25;' western ted lambs $6.WK1). 7.t!5; western fed yearlings, $6,004)6 ,'S; west ern fed sheep, $4.50jf(.65; Hoi kilo and feed ers, $3.60fn5,60. St. Louts Live Stock Markrl. ST. LOVIB. Feh. 8. CATTLE Receipts 3.IU0 head, Including 2,000 head Texaus; market steady; native snipping and export steers, 4.6oJift.i6; dressed beet and butch ers' steer.i, $3.6iti5Jb; steers under 1,000 pounds.; stoekers and feeders, $3.S6i'o4.25; cows and heifers, $2.36(f2.l5; can nets, tl.i.i'ifi.eui buns, 2.!'t.t.:e.; calves, tw.50 07.00; Texas and Indian Hteers, $3.0O(j4.75; cows nnd heifers, $2.264j3.76. HOO! Receipts, 6,ui" head; market steady; pigs and lights, $3.75'SM.86; packers, $4 554i4.S6; butchers anil best heavv, $4.6i 4.H0. 8HEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 2.500 head; market steady; native muttons, $4 75 5.75; lambs, $6.00078.00; culls and bucks, W.7bji.25; stt.ckers, $11.0013.10. ee Vork Lire Stock Market. NEW' YORK, Feb. 8 -BKEVKS-Recelpts, 76 head. Market limited, few cows ami bulls sold ut steady prices; cables, steady: exports, 720 cattle. CALVES Receipts, 648 head; veals, $1.00 &90ii; prices 25?.ioOc off; barnyard calves, lower at r.'.oiiw-'.tiu; no demand for west erns; dressed calves," lower; city dressed veals, 84l34c per !b.; country dressed, u ti1lc. BHEEf AISD LAMBS Receipts. 1.424 head. Market for sheep, steady; primr Iambs, firm to 10c higher; others alow but steady; slieep. , $4.(iOlio.80: choice wetheis. $6.00; culls, $3.0013.76; lambs, $7.60i'(i8.60: gen eral sales, $7.Wa8.fO fr medium to good. HOUS Receipts, 6,8,7 head. Market slow; goou state nogs, to.wiio.m. Kt. Joseph Live Meek Market. ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. Feb. 9.-CATTI.K-Recelpta. 1.362 head; market steady: na tives.; cow, and heifers, $1.652 4.36; stoekers and feeders. $2.75H.10. HOGS Receipts. 9.906 head; market strong to 6c higher: light, 4.6l"tj I 8ii; mid dling and heavy. $4.769.i96. SHEEP AND LA M BS Receipts, 6G0 head; market steady; lambs, $7.6). Sioux City Lit stock Market. SIOl'X CITY. Is., Feb. 9.-fHpeclal Tele gram.) CATTLF. Receipts, 000 nead; mar ket steady; stoekers dull; beeves. $3 ho? 6.o; cows, bulls and mixed, $2.2S(i8.6n; stockeri and feeders, .go; culves ami yearlings. I2.25W.85, litxlu Receipts. ' 4. BOO head; market strong, selling at $4.44J4.75; bulk of rales. $4.604.80. - Slock la kigbt. Recelp'a of live slock ut the six principal western markets yesterday: Cattle. Hogs. Sheen. South Omaha 3.400 3 Kim Bloux City m) 4,t,iHi Kansas city ". J.VOO lii.Odi ;'ii,Vi St. LOUlS .' 3,000 b.ilsl :'fy St. Joseph 1.:'2 li.ltoo 'hu; Chicago 9,ioo 32,000 6.uoo Totals ...21,162 !.9ii6 13,!-56 (Ills anil Rosin. OIL CITV. Feb. 9, 011--Credlt hlaiicea $1.39; certifies tea. no hid; shipments. Penn s.tlvanla, 89.6IM bbls.) average, 711.04.1 ,, Runs, Pennsylvania. 87.816 bbl",; nvcmai. Ill, 281 hbls. Shipments, Lima, 711,112 bins ' average, 70.1D6 bhls Huns, Lima, id ill,1 bbls ; average. 44.873 bhls. SAVANNAH, Feh. ' . 1IOHIN' -Firm: A B, c, D. $2.2.vvj r,; k. .'-4; !', $:.6.'o 2.674; II, $2 7(j'2 .80, H, $3 pv , U fc,; g U.Kj; M, $4.50; N, $4 76; Wll. I.Mjo: WW r..!6. Ko A' S. Tr. Ku. , v. Ik. Pr. II lit ... 4 ' 7 l ... 4 r, 14 -...lit ... 4 to 72 10 . . all, ee ml ... 4 4i si .'i. 41 i ,i, a ... Ilia 74 tii 10 - t,' 9 lol ... 4 62 s k lu l.o $ '. is hvaiioraled Apple autl Dried Kriille. NEW YORK. Feb, B.-KVAPORATKD APPLES Market seems lo roine from speculators who have been fired Into the market to fill' their contracts and who are bidding aa high as 64c for prime: com. mon are quoted at 4a.',4i,-: prime, 649540; choice, li'tfO'uc; fauev, Tc. CALIFORNIA inilEu FRl'ITS Prune remain steuilv. with quotation ranging ffom 2c to 54o for California, grades Apri cots In K.-null supply and lint, with choice quoted t I'l'iflO'ji: elra 1 nol.-e, Hvil.c; fancy. U4'015i'-, Peaches slim are firmly held, e.11,1 1 holes at M,(liv; t k 1 1 .1 cnuli-e, l"W 'ilin.i i fancy, 114-qlji-. Raisins are sies-iy, loose MutH-slela, 2 U) 1 eruwit, held n" :'5: iinnhos 12 5m!f 3.141. tAPKFRl IT- Per box of 64 to 64. $6 HO at 4fic. tendon la .vera, $1 6T,f) 1 t; seeder raisins. (4t-v. nMlll 1VIIOI I S 9,1. K atlthKT, t onrtltlnn of Trade anil lleotntloa oa Jlaple and Fancy Prodace. I'1S -Catbird stork, :10c. LIVK IMU.TK V-Chl.kens. liV.; roosters. $ turkeys, liirju'n-; d'uks. I'V, gtese. liv PRKSSFli l'Dl LI It Y-Turkevs 18H2h ; durka. Iltl2c; geese. Iillllc; chicken 11c; ron-ifcr. VHSc. HI TTF.R-Pftcklng stock. Is4e; rhoM-e to fancy dairy. 22'U.ih-; rieameiy. 24u'ti,c; prints 31c. FRF.SH FRO. F.N J IS1I Trout, 9c; pick erel, . !':o, ..; rr.-!;. l-i,l. ft.-h. I.'e; whlteeish. 9c: sslm..M, ;-' redsnspper. lie; lohster igrenl, 3V-; lobster ilollrdi. 3.1c, bullheads. 11c; catflsh. 14c; black bass. 2oe; halibut. 12c: crapplrs, lie; huflalo, Tc; white bsss, 11c; frog legs, pec do.. 2$c. BR AN- Per ton. $1T ft. HAY-Prttes quoted by Oninlui ' Whole, sale Msy Dealers' aseods t10n : Cholci No. 1 upland. $6 1; No. 2. $;. 50: nie,i(um. $."ni0; coarse. $4 60: rye straw-, ti.oo. Thess pilcea are for hsv of good color and quality. OYSTh'RS New York counts, per can. 46c; extra selects, per can. Sec; standards, per can. 10c: bulk standards per gal., $l hulk extra selects, per gal. $1.T5; bulk New York counts, per gal., $1 9n. TROPICAL Fill ITS. ORANUF.8 Cslllornla extra fancy Red land navels, all sites. $150; choice Redlnud navels. $2.25: choice navels, all sties. $2 1. LF.MDNS-Callfornia fancy, $2.75; 300 and $60, $3 50; choice. $3.26.' PATKB-Per box of ;to-lb pkgs , $:.i8i; Hallowe'en, In 70-lb. boxes, per lb.. 5c. F1US California, per le-l.-. carton. T.Mf 85c; Imported Smyrna. 4-crown, 10c; 6 ami -rrown, 12c; fancy Importad twashedi In 1-lb. pkgs.. 16i,il8i B A N A N A S Per medium slued buncn. $1 75I2 (I1A PI FRUITS. APPLKB New York Kings. H 26; New York Oreenltigs, $2 75: New York Hdldwlns, $2 75: Colorado Wtnesnps, per hu. bo. H bo; Oenllon, $1 60. CRANBF.RRIKS Wisconsin Bill snd Bugle, per bbl.. $8 00; Jersey er ,bhl , $7. in: per box. $2.75. il R A PK8 Imported Mnlafa. ler keg. t6.00Hl.50. TANHKRINF.H Florida or California, per 4-hox, $2.60. VF.OF.TABI.F.S ' " POTATOKS- Home grown. In' sucks.' por bu., 45r; Coloruilo. per bu.. 05c. TCRiNll'S Old, per bu., t'ie: Caniula ruta bagas, per lh., Ic. CARllO'l'S-Olil. per bll.. inc. l'ARSMi'S -tild. per liu.l ttc. HKKT6 Old per lm., tide. NAVY BF.ANS Per hu., $1.tfh 1 DO ONIONS Home grown, red. In sacks, per lb.. 2c; Spanlsti, per crate. .' U): .Colorado yellow, rer lh.. 2c: white, per lb., 24c. CUCI'MBKIlS-Per dot . $'2.00mj2,2.. TOM ATOLS Florida, per 6-basket elate. $4.46(74.60. CAHBAlli;--Holland sretl, per lb., 14c. avVKKT POTATOKS-Kansas kiln dried, per bbl., $2.60. t'ELBHY California. 46i75o. HADISHF8 Hot house, per iIob.. 45c. tiN lONSNew, soiitliet n, per do., 45c. CA HROTH New. pet dox.. 15c. BKKTH New, per doa., 46u. . . TL'RNl PS-New, pee do... 45c. LF.TTI.VK Per Ikx of about fifteen heads, 60c. RH I BARB-Per dor. bunches, ,6c to $1 00. PARSLF.Y Per doa. biinclies. i6c. MISCKLLANEOrS. SAI'KRK RAl'T WlM-onsln, per krg. $2.26 CI OKR New York, per bbl.,. $5o. per half bbl.. $3.25. ... i.'HKKSK Wisconsin twin", full cream, 12VP13c; Wisconsin Young America. 13c; bloca Swiss, new, lor: -old. Klih-ITc: VA'Iscon sln brick. 14c; Wlscoiisin llmhurger, 13c. HIDK8 No. 1 green, 7c: No. 2 green, 6c; No. 1 salted. 84c; No. 2 salted, 74c: No. 1 veal calf, 9c; No. 2 veal oalf. ic ;dry sailed, Bit) 14c; sheep pelts, 2oc!(i$l.oo; ,horsa hides. $1.60413.00. Nl T8-Wulnuls. No. 1 sofl shells. . new crop, per lb. 14c; htird Bhell. per lb., 13cj No. 2 soft ahells. per lb. 12c; No. 2 hard shells per lh.. 12c; pecans, large, per" lb.. 12c; small, per lit. 10c: peanuts, per lh., .c: toasted peanuts, per lb.. 6c; Chill walnuts, per lb.. 12'nl34c; almonds, aoft shell, per lb., 17c; hard shell, per lb., 15c; cliestnuts. per Hi., I24fflfic; new lihick wain jis, por hu.. T5i90c: shellimrk hickory nuts, per bu., $1.T5; large hickory nut, per hu., $1.60. Coffee Market. " ,NEW YORK, Feb. 9-COFFKK-Market for futures exoetienced further active liquidation, accompanied by a a'tnrp break In prices Leading trade Interests bough! freely at the decline and toward the close Hiioceeded In chocking the downward ten dency with final prU-es steady at a net decline of 111715 points Sales were, re ported of 216:&0! bags. Including February at 0.eW.66c- Mth t lUoflle : Msy nt 7. in W7.3iV: July at 7.3fU 7.30c; September at 7.6O'ri7.70o: November at 7.75c: December at 7.76if;i8c; January at 7.90c. Spot Rio tiulet; No. 7, 84''. ' Metal Market. NEW YORK. Feb. 9.-M KTALS-JThe Londou lln market showed further eaoi nesr, with spot closing 131 and futures 129 15s. Locally the market waa quiet and also a little easier, wllh spot held at from $29.25 to $29.50.- Copper was a shade llrmer abroad, closing at 4L67 7s 6d for spot nnd 67 13s 9d for snot. Locally the mar ket ahows no material change, prices being supported chiefly by a continued export de mand. Lake Is quoted $15.50; electrolytic, $16.374(U16.r.o .and costing $15.0O(?ifl5.25. In some i ts It is said scattering lots can be secured slightly under the prices quoted. wincn, However, are ririniy neia py tne large producers. Lead was somewhat easier, closing at 12 10s In the London market. Locally the market Is firm, with spot quoted at $4.45T4.tW.. Siielter declined to 24 17b fid In the Ixindon market anil remained easy locally st from $6.10 to $6.2". Iron closed 63s 3d III Glasgow and' 48s 441 In Mlddleshoro. Locally Iron Is firm. No. 1 foundry, northern. Is held at $1T 5onjl7.5j No. 2 foundry-, northern. $17.50; No. 1 foun dry, southern, and No. 1 foundry, southern soit, $17.754fl8.00. ST. IXH'IS. Feb. 9. MKTAt.S Lead, dull, $4.35. Spelter, dull, $6.00. , ,, , Kuaar and Molaasea. NKW YORK, Feb. 9 -SI'OAR Raw nom inal: fair refining, 4 9-l6e; centrifugal, 96 test, 5 6-16c; molaiwes sugar. 4 6-16c. Refined, quiet; No. 6, 5.46c; No. 7, 6.40c; No. 8, 6.30c; No. 9. 6.25c; No. 10. 6.2ue: No. 11, f.lflc; No. Itc. 8.06e; No. 13. 4.i.Ve; No. 14. 4.90c; confec tinners' A. 5.9no; mold A, cut; loaf, 6.7oc: crushed, H.i5c; iowdrred,-6. Iflcf granu lated, 6,ioc; cnhes; 6.80', 11 NKW ORLF.ANS. Feb. )T-8 '0 Att -timet ; open kellle, 3c; centrifugal. : 6iitt4i,r't eii. trlfugal whites, 4e; yellows, 44$;' .Wee onds, 941144c. ') - MOLASHKH Quiet 'open kettle, 13t26oi centrifugal, JeJ-lOc,. SYRCP-Steady; 21i(i?8c. Special Rdlllon fur Travelers, Post A of the Travelers' Protective asso ciation and the Nebraska, state division sre preparing to Issue a special cull inn nl the Trade Kxhlhlt by way of raising funds for the annual convention. The edition Will he Illustrated with pictures of association leaders and other things of Interest, and will contain historical matter pertaining to the organization of the travelers In litis state. The state convention will be helJ la , Omahn during April., - ale of Market Stalls. Market Master Herke will suiierlntf'nfj 4he drawing of lots for gardeners stall at the. Howard street tnm ki t place Saturday morning at 10 o'clock. Thn price ot the stalls, $10 anil $5, according to class, may lie paid to the city treasurer, nriif the' exhibi tion of a receipt will entitle the holder Ui number at the drawing for choice locations. PET STOCK Hones, Cattle. Doj and Fowls of All Kinds. Increase your farm products BnJ 'V using Stock Cereal Condition pmvdets "None Just as good" but the only. Ageiila wanted. hnSv seller. Sells on Its merits after onre being Introduced. Regular 5 pound pai knke, 50c AiUlress, STOCK CEREAL MFC. CO., uun.riK, ,ijA . . ,.) Edwards -Wood Co- 1 1 mm pnr.ited - . Haln Olllc: Fifth anU Roberts Strslt 6T Paul. rtiN.N. CIALKR8 IN Stocks, Grain, Provisions Miip Your Groin to Vn Vraeiek OWIee, IIO-11I $leanl ( Trade llltlK.. Ilnssba, lefc. Tre.ltiir Mil til 214 f.M.'l,i,i4 I'ldg . ouh Omaha. Bell Thone $14 Ir.dtotiiuant 'feost ft.