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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 1, 1905)
TI1E OMATTA DAILY HEE: WEDNESDAY. FEHRTARY 1. 1JK13. I 4 I- i k ) t' GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET uKp,i Market! Weak, bit American Wfcs.t Adrancet. CASH MARKETS EVERYWHERE ADVANCE Inrn Clearaaree Reported to Re Hitf 4aata Big larrraae In lorn Moat a ad " i1 , In Enrooe. OMAHA. Jsn. 31. 19"5. "Tia rabies were oik ;nday. but the Oornestle market were strong Value have been firming up for itn or three day and today the mark"t advanced , cfnt. The ipenlng In the Mav n $1 14. that being 1 under the close of Monday. The rnarset adv-nced steadily to II IT',. the high point, and from there cased off b noon t tl.l1.,. Liverpool as from ', stronger to , loner. Perls declined & centimes and Antwerp was Unchsnge). I .iverrseol report uniess the ( Jrle, of whest idtanr-M sharply lrfnt April the stocks there will materially de crease. There la conflmation for tepotts of ha pnor outlook lor the wheat In New Boutn Wale and In Victoria. Latest lndi.iti report give the situation unfavorable with heavy rains, which is feared will cu rauTh ilamtfi. Iarge receipt caused the weakness of the Liverpool market. Chh-sgo. Mlnneapo lla ana imluth received Sfi curt, gaunt 7t last week and :vt2 last year. Tlit Mm ties polls to ks have In. reused 40. 0") tor the half week The, Chicago tok of aunlrart wheat have decreased ii. bushels fur the meek. The stocks of No. I hard are 1.02.012. sgsinst 1.1'K.iiS the pre ceding week The stock of No. 2 red hare not changed, being 771. Gil. The same l trur of No. 1 northern, 2 500 bushels belt'g in atore The total I 1 fcrt.STX Chicago reports milters Inquiring freelv for hard aprinf vheal i ne Halea were. 23,'iW and 10.000 hard winter Minneapolis sold from elevatets and reporta No. 1 northern In atre Increased 1 per rent D'.iltith ad vanced cent and St. laiui cash market advanced lc. with Indiana mtlre buy ing. Kanaaa f'liv reported a good business with an idrainv of i to 1 cent and Tar into sold three loada of Manitoba with Inquuii for ten load. Rradstreet show wheat increase of l.ijnT ".. all hut 7.'Xi of this being afloat and In Kurope. New port Sum la reported rearing Ai.isi riihela corn. Including this the clearance wntild he hushels. The speculative market advanced slightly this morning, but waa not very active. . Bradstreet h"i an Increase In corn of t .lja.Vjfi bushels, against n advance for ,1am year of MO') bushel. I ne Chicago corn to ks are i.tyvai ptin ela. againet J.nrni.WI htihel laet wk, a decrease ct liiinhei The primary re ceipts are a;.nun buxhe'a againet buehele l.iat year, and the shipment! are ntorir) buahcla. agnlnet ") b'uihela Oata, It Ip prel-tel. will break I or 4 rente. No evidence la produced. h"wever. which will ahow any Hdldt'oral wcakneaa In the oat altjatlon. Bradatreet a show a detreaae of 5i7.'ion buat.clK again I.l'IS.ko buahela laat vear. The Chicago o;it ftocka are 2T. 11 huahelit. Oniaka Caen Sale. WHKAT No. 3 hard. 1 cur. W lbe.. l.0i. No. 4 hnrfl. 1 car. M Iba., $1; 1 tar. 52 lb.. 7c; 1 car. 1 lbs.. so. Onaaaa laah I'ricea. WHEAT No. I hurd. $1 .'"1."K: No J hard, tl.WiA; No. 4 bard. 9tH.'tl.(; No. 1 nprtriat. J1.07 CORN No. !. 4f.V,c: No. 3. 0c; No. 4. M,-: no grade, ;a--,-; Na. i yellow. : No. a yellow. m,c; No. S white. 4V.;; x I wnit-. OATS No. t mixed. ?c; No I mixed. Wc; No. 4 mixed. '.Tail V' :c; No. 1 white, tr; No No 2 wtilte. 4 mhlte. .7HO Jc; standard. ;.Tt-V'- t'arlot Heeelpta. Wheal. Corn. Chicago :a Kanaaa City ! MinneaDolla i" Oata. 1 Itiiluth t. Ixula i &4 Winnipeg fc- Omiht ( U XJoaeapolla Wheat Market. The range of prices In Minneapolis reported by the Ed ward-Wood Grain pany, was: as com- Commodlty. I Open. lligh.j Low. , Close. What- May . Jniv . i t 1, 1 17V, 1 16 1 1H 1 11. 1 144 1 HSj 1 r September r - ! e B Bid. EW YORK t.KKlltL MARKET tetatiene ( the Dar Varleaa Cenamaotllt Ira. NEW YORK. Jan. Il.-FLOUR Recelpta. HM1 bbla ; exports. l.) bbls. Market oull. s'ow but firm; Mlnnenota bakers , 5.lQ5.Jn; winter patenta, $5 S 3 ; winter stralghta. &.2&(it.'; winter extra. TLti64.M; winter low grades. IS 464?4.10. Rye flour, quiet; fair to tood. 4.Si!i4.7o; choice to fancy. M" t.OO. Buckwheat flour, dull; per cwt.. fl.6 . CORNMCAL Steady: fine white and yel low $1 !f; coarae. new. $10591. OCH; kfhi dried, l2.SartiJ.10. RYE-Nominal. , m . BARLEY Alow: feeding. Wc. c. I. f. New Tork; malting. 4i'ao.c. v. i. f. Buffalo. WHEAT Receipt a. 7.fJti bti. SHit mar ket Irregular; No. 2 red. nominal, elevator. l f o. b. afloat; No. I northern. Du- luth. 11 lf7S. f. o. b. afloat: No. I hard. Man itoba. $1 11. f. o h. afloat. Options had a firm and- higher opetiing on higher outside markets, foreign buying, email western re ceipts and bull eupia.rt. Subsequent un loading, however, coupled with u bearish Bradatrecl e visible and prominent Chicago selling, broke the market le ni it i:oed dull at a partial c not decline. May. II ltrs Cfl 17l-ls cloae.1; July. II .avil 3H. closed H03V,; Septembfr. Kki'gWV'. closed tTiRN Receipt". "- bu.: exports. IS. X47 bu. Spot market steady; No. 2, MVc el eT a tor. slid tlSc f. o. b. aMoat; No l yellow. MV--; No. 2 white. Kr The option market was Inactive In New York ""'"B steady at Vc net advance. May. Sft60Hc closed Sn'tC. OATS Recelpta. W. bu. Snot market ateadv: mixed. M to tl lbs.. miS7c; natural wh!i l 3? lbs.. STtfW,-; clipped white. 3 to 40 ils.. !B7 41c. . HAT Quiet; shipping. WVc; g'Kd to choice. Wa-bc. . . , HOPS Steady; state common to choice. clflc coast. 1104. 5JSic; 19a. 23Jc; olda, 14 HirFl-Qulet: C.alveeton 20 to S Ibe.. Jc; California. 21 to lbs.. lc; Texas, dry. 14 to. lbs.. 14-. LEATHKR-KIrm: old 24-5-o. PROV ISIONS-Bcef steady 'l?- ftltou; msa. 0.V69 M; beef hams. 50 packet. llOStvmi W; city extra India anees. llS.OL'&niaY Cut meats tiulet: plck- tVd belliea, M.7507.M: pickled houlders PM . tl M; pickled l..m. ..jV"- barely ' steady; western steamed. t. J: refined, was ' uleu continent. 17 : Am.rtoan: 17 7: impound. M 75t,S12 Pork- '''. family. 14O"140; short .fears. l J.(Kt 1.50 "TAi-VijUuiet: city per pk. ). 4Sc; l'-Q: domestuffr'-.o extra. ST l'c; Japan, nomlnsl nail, nunn ibi . , , ISJiir-A ii... itaitv: western clilck- POI'll .rjadVr 'wrchi; k.nJ. tx wXTTF R- fl rc,? - - ret price. extr. it ,.roerv 2wfiK- Offlcia prices:. Cream 1 ert "ommr? .rextra. M.W; .creamery held Common to extra. 244,2c; state dairy. Common to extra. Uc; renovated, coin common litfsmc: western factory. Amnion iS rholclT i&-. weatern Imita in crimen" common to choice. lt,Jc raiift-KIrm: weatern flrau uc; wester .end7f:ic: soutberns. 2vc: refrig erators, iac- Kaasas City l.raln and Pro-lalaaa. - i nnuriT. a.iv Mar l iv,'l :'july'. cah. I Vail oS No. 2 red. No. J. IIiSSlII; ; No . Iicvaifl. Relpts. as CCORN-teadv: Msv. 4t43yc; July 4."c: rash. No. 1 mixed. No -'c; No. : oATlTead?; k" T white. HUc; No. f mixed. He. H AT---ieaay': Vholce timothy, ff .(010.0; '-"'ea'dy Mr, and K.ns... new whltewod case. Include.1 J7-. ca count -so csees returned. Sc less. BCTTER-Steady; creamery. U327e; dairy. c- Receipt. Bhlpmente .... M'W li eai . ... 14 ' J.lai .... U.t lJiaaj Wheat, bo Corn, bu Oats, bu ATallable aapplr af Grata. VFW TORK Jaa 11 llpeclsl , able and .'iaraDhir ommunlcatl.ui reied by iTrletreet a shows ti e following charges Jiailsble supplle. a compared mith Ust '""wheat 1'nlted States snd 1'aiud.i. east . ,h Rexkles I crxie- Tin bu for and In Kurope. ti re-" I hu. ; total aup nlv Increase. i,ia.74 bu. Cnm. 1'nlted Htstes aiM ta'.ads. east of the Rockies Increase I Panax bu Oata l"tiltel fctaues id Canada, east of the Rockies, deresse Svo bu The Important changes repi ted this week - are; permiwa cf as nw hi-hel st Oood r' h. Out . and of K.nrm huhe:a In Msnltuba and an Increase of 'i.nn bushels at Depot Harbor. tHKKO f.RM 4n PROlIU Prices Rnard af Trade. CHICAGO. Jan. Jl.-Eicellent demand for pt wheat at ail gtaln enters cs'ised a Arm rlo here t.Tda:- in f-.ture deliveries. At the rinlsh the May option Wrs ip . Corn, oats and provisions are prac tlca;iy unrhar.jed. Sennment t the opening In the whest pit was sllgMlv In fsvor cf the bears, t! e otaelv tad tone of the market at IJver- r'l being rather disappointing to the bui;s view of the strength hre yesterdiy. Irtttal qu'tstions on May were 9''-c lower to a shade higher at IVlVVfl Domestic conditions, however, continued a bill 1 is h as eer. receipts in the north 'f. t. .lav being under those of te corre sponding day last yer. wnlie In the south wist arrivals were extremely light Ad vices from St. 1ouls and Kansas City told nf an ln reased demand from countrv mill ers fur nil grades of lit st prr's sntl o higher than ever realised this season. Cndcr fair buying by contolssion ho'ises the msrket soon be-am Q'Mte firm. May advancing to II 17'a- Kor a time prl' es held suady at the advance. Ijitei another re g'tlon o-urrel hi general r roflt-takir.g. Foil .wtng heavr liquidation bv one of the leaders of the bull clique pit traders t imed active sellers The result as a slump In May to ll.lV Bhnrie to advantaJre of the.hreak and covered freely, causing a partial recovery. The market closed nrni with May at ll.lVJ1.17. The world's visi ble supply as shown bv Brsdstreet s In creased l.nK.iajrt bu. Primary receipts were 647 ia bu.. compared with 1 01(.'-' a year ago. Minneapolis. Duluth and Chicago re ported receipts of 2f: csrs. against !. last Ht and J32 a year ago,. Earlv In the session sentiment In the corn pit was quits bullish Pit traders and commission houses were fslrly active buv ers. A feature of trading was the rom-p-ratlre absence of offerings from rash houses. Ijiter In the day the demand was not so urgent, but prices were well main tained. A reported reduction of freight rates by railroads In Iowa was a late bear factor. The market closed about steadv. Msv npened unrhsnged to s shsde higher at 44Ci447c. sold between 44o snd p'-6 4S'c and closed t txical receipts aere 5t cars, one of contract grade. Increased receipts had a depressing effeet on the oats market, but prices showed only slight losses Commission houses were fair bsyers of Msv. Thst delivery opened a shsde lower at V sold up to SSe snd closed at SoSc. IxK-al receipts were 1 csrs. As a result of higher prices at the yards, following decreased receipts cf hogs, the provisions market was strong early In the dav. Iter sentiment bersme easier on selling bv local holders. At the close the Mav product were esrh up a shade, pork closing ' 1'!.'.Cj. lard at I7.flfij7.n24 and lis M M-sTH. , Estimated receipt for tomorrow: heat. cars: corn. 174 cars; cats. M cars: hogs, head. The leading futures rangrd as follows: Articles., Open. High.l Low. 1 Close.: Yes'y. Wlieat May Julv t'orn Jsn. May Julv Osts Jan. May July Pork Jan. May Lard Jan. Mav Julv Rihs Jan. Mav July I I 1 lips'!? 1 16S'f' 1 ir., 1 17 : 1 Wt 4' Sf'sWsS1. 43' 424' 42ft 4 4i 44VT145 44. W, 4;'454a4 tt's'lS J 30,' 3i r'Sti SOS V ;i 1S I t 14 1 17V i t2'. 4-V 445i toi.'a'a, 12 75 ' II 75 ' 12 7H 13 10 1! 75 ' 12 75 j i; 75 12 924 12 924 12 -4 I I I CM ' S24 6 7 111 1 7 n-. 7 H' 7 124 7 124 7 124 t 7' ' 71) ) 6 (174 1; irri. t, n: H74 7 0-'4 7 024 7 7 UZ4 7 '11 I ? i x , r i -. 15 8 724' 72 w r24 7 024 7 06 No. 2. Cash quotations were as follows: FLOt'R Steady : winter patents. 13 Mw l.2o; winter straights. H.WiHC: spring pat ents. tt.urfil 5at ; spring straights. 14.(04.90: bakers. K MZ.V WHEAT No. 2 spring. 11 1J61.1S; No. 3. 0201 .15: No. 2 red. l.lfte 1.34- CORN No. J. ; No. 1 yellow tSUc. OATS No. 2. 30S'-: No. 2 white. 314ftr.24c; No. 8 white, 3rAa.f1 214c. RYE No. I. tic. BARLEY (Joi" feeding. 37c; fair to choice malting. 4C4)C. SEED No. I flax. Il.lfi: No. 1 northwest ern. II 21; prime timothy. I2.S24: clover, rnntrsct grade. 112.50. PROVISIONS Mss pork, per bbl.. 112.75 tji:.u. I-ard. per 10P lbs.. I jaitrt.124. Short ribs sides 1 loose!. M.U, Short clear sides boxed I. R.75fit.74, Following were the receipts and ship ments of flour and grain: Receljlis. Shipment Flour, bbls 14.900 Wheat, bu H.oflO Corn, bu 29.41-1 ttXl Oats, bu lM.JOO lo2. Rve. bu J.i 4.4H1 Barley, bu . On the Produce exchange today the but ter market wss firm; cresmerles. lS'dl ; dairies ls44c. Kegs, steady: ait msrk. caaes lnclud-d. SKi'.tjc: firsts. 2Sr: prime t'-sts, 2c; extra. 20c. Cheese, steady, ll'o? 12c. ft. Iials Grain anal Praalsloas. ST. LCII8. Jan. 11. WHKAT Higher; No. 2 red, cash, elevator, ri.154; track, t1.1M01.1l4; May. ll.l44Jl.l'iS; July. 9ii4'. lsS4c; No. 2 hard, II 14. CORN Easv: No. 1 cash. 4.1c; truck. 44jr'f 4ic; May. 4c: July. 4-l434.H4c OATS Firmer: No. I cash, 31c; track, fwvjc: May. SI 431 4c; No. . white. X:c. r'Loi'R Steady: red winter patents. ...'?3; special brands. 5 Hni 6. extra fancy, 14 K54Ki; clear. I4.' fiKED Timothy, nomlnnl. t..0n 2. 4". CORN MEAL Steady, t .40. BRAN vjulel; sacked. eal track. S0.7c. HAY-Steady; timothy. !..'& 1I.0H; prairie, '. ia4, J0. IRON COTTON TIES-93C. RAGGING TViC. HEMP TWIisK 4c. PROVISIONS Pork, firmer; lobhinr. new atamlard mess, I11.K4. Iard. firmer, prime steam, H C4. Drv raited meats iboxedi, steady; extra shorts. Ii 6?4j clear ribs. St.k74: short clesrs. 17. 11O. Bacon Iboxedi. steady: extra shorts. t7.So; clear ribs, I7.K4: short clear, 17.874. POl'LTRY (Juiet: chli kens. 9c; springs. 10c; turkeys, l4c; ducks. 114c; geese. c. BI'TTER Easier; creamery, f4g3)4c; dairy. l1iJec. EGOS Higher; 2Tc, case count. Receipts. Shipments. Flour bbls . IS.tao Wheat, bu .' 77.'1 Corn, bu od.'Mi 4".01 Oats, bu M.UW 74(iO rhlladelnbla Prodnce Market. ' PHILADELPHIA. Jan. II Bl'TTER Firm and 4c higher: extra western cream erv. n4c: extra nearby prints. 33c. KU4J8 Ihill and lc lower; nearby fresh and western fresh. Isc at mark. CHEESE 8teady; Nea- York full creams, fancy 11445124c: choice, 12c; fair to good, 1144jnVc. Mllwaakee Grain Market. MILWACKEE. Wis . Jan. Jl WHEAT Quiet; No. 1 northern, tl.lM1l.l4: No. t northern. ll.UVal 14: May. II 14 hid. RTE-8tesdy" No. I. . BARLEY Easy; No. Kr; sample, 3S fj6c. CORN-Steady; No. I. .'843c; May, 44' 846c bid. Klanaapalla Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Jan SI WHEAT Ma v. tl 14: July. II September. M"tj 6c; No. I hard. II. ITS: No. 1 northern, 11.154: No. i northern, tl.ll's FLOT'R First patents. n.3n4i4S 4n: second patents. Hgl'0: first clears, 4.1itj4 S5; second clears. U trtl-to. BRAN In bulk, 1)150. Llrsssl Grain Market. LIVERPOOL. Jsn 31 WH EAT-Spol. steady: No. 1 California,, 7s "ad. Futures, quiet; March. 7s Id. May, 7s 4J; July, 7s CORN Spot American, mixed, new. easy at 3a H41: American mixed old. quiet at 4s lo4d Future steady; March, 4t Si, May. 4a ld Dalath Grnln Market. Dt'LVTH. Minn.. Jan. SI. WHEAT To arrive. No. 1 northern. II US: No. 1 north ern, 1 : on track. No. 1 northern, tl 15S; No. t northern. tl(S; May, 11 1S. July, tll44j September. s5c OATS To arrive and on track, 24c. Toledo teed Market. TOLEDO, Jan. SI. SEED Clover, cash Januarv and February, 17 574: March. 17 5. April. 17 44 bid. prima aleike. 17. SO; prime timothy. tl.SS. l-ear la Market. PEORIA. Jan. n-COSN-FIrm; No. I. C,4.4c; No. 4. 41.414c. no grade. 4040. Ury Goads Market. NEW TOKK. Jan. S! DRY OOODS Ruylng ef drv good, la atlll on conservative lines and cv-misiratlxely little rnnndence la expressed In the situation Reduction In ceTfaln eight-ounce ticks hsve heien msde. but outside of this the market Is un eliei.ged. Jobbers are still doing III Ind'f frient busintas, Lut saject aa inif v anient befoig iopg. new York stocks and bonds Ealliib Spirit Predominate! and Mirkr. is Irrffular id Hig!:r. VANDERCILTS LE THE ADVANCE Omaha Common Rise Tsteaty-Flte Points aad the Preferred Thlrt) lllf-lnloa I'acigc StecW la loner. NEW YORK. Jan. i'l.-Th-rs was another day of active and dlver!!1.-d speculation toia). with various sht'tings In its i-m-pr. Thai lmpr, ho,r. showtd a continued al-rin-s to sill suggestions of rumors of Important i nt and a i readiness to rush into the pursuit i f ex cited prli e mov ements th-it indicated clear ly enough the predominance of the bullisii spirit in the market There were signs of depre-slon at the ou!et and the points must n cutely af fected by this depression did not complete, lv rei-ow r tbo:r loss, at .nv time durna I the daj. This pressure enter- d upon I'nlon Pacific and was evidently in the nature of profit taking on yesterdays I'uavant rise. '1 here tans some disposition to revise yesterday a estlmat'S of the bearings of the decision In the supreme court as a victory for the Vnion I'aeihV interests whose petition a aa granted. The nece-nary consequence in the continued tie ing up of Northern Securities affairs by in junction was the cause r,f some ilisinur agment by contrast with the unlyersallv favorable view of yeeteiday. The realix ing In I'nion Pacific did hut. however, extend the depression of the Vanderbllts, hlch have hitherto moved In close sym imthy with me lUrrlnans. The i de-hlits sprang Into great animation and made surprising uihoots In their prices when It became known that the directors of the various cwn:.iili' were assembling The greatest activity centered in New York Central owing to the larger market sup ply of that stock, and Its rise. ijHiugh no table, was restrained by comparison with the J'ltilor stoi ks. owing to th same rea son. The twenty-five flnt rise In Chicago. St. Paul. Minneapolis. A Omaha waa ac complished with me ai i-umiil.ttion of only a few hashare lols. and the th rty-five-polnt Jump In the preferred stock was on a single transaction. Oilier advances in the group wre In proportion to the scarc ity of the floatinar market supply, due to the closeness with which Investments In these high grsde stocks are held. Prac tically every stock in which they are sup posed to he Vandorbilt holding or which financial or traffic a "filiations with was affected and it was the common supposi tion that some important project affecting the prospects of the whole group was on the eve of disclosure. The coincident heaviness in the Pacifies and Erie In con trast with recent buoyancy caused some hesitation in the market and the general list was tardy in responding to the Van derhllt movement. 1 he movement in th Vanderbilts seemed to culminate with the announcement of the regular dividend declaration for the Cleveland. Cincinnati. Chicago A St. Ixiuis stock. The hope of an advance in this dividend rate waa one of the many jposl'inns KurrounUing the movement in the group. The belief that the quarterly statement of I'nlted States Steel earnings to lie given out during the afternoon would prove favorable cause 1 a demand lor United Htat.s Steel preferred and Amalgamated Copper was ulao tdror.g. The opening dip In prices may have been fnfluencrd to some 'xient by the renewal of attention to the suojeel cl lederai control of railroad .au.sed by the presidents Philadelphia speech and by reports of a party agree ment on a congressional measure The changes in officials of the Vandi rbilt sys tem, looking to concentriition of oeration. were not regarded as adequate explanation for the excited movements In the stocks and there was considi rable realising late 111 me oay. i-tei-overiee at some no mta made The sales, bonds the closing irregular. bond market was Irregular, par value. ;. ISO.ia.i Tinted were all unchanged on call, Total States The Quotations on the New York Strwlr exchange ranged as follows: Sales. High. Low Close. Atchison 11.4i do preferred V. I ' J Atlantic Coast Line.. Jou Baltimore tt Ohio 13,!a do preierred Ws li. 1UJ4 .74 lid 1224 1"1. l'fi.4 li U e-'S 2:i4 244 )7 184 314 ss ." ' tti 37 I0.14, I 12 ! i-4 . U(4 I!...', 40-, 4. Si -3S 24frl, 1774 1S 314 4 25 Canadian 1'aclm- Cen. of New Jersey.. Chesapeake Ohio .. Chicago dt Alton do preferred Chi. Ureal Western. Chi. Northwestern l.l'M bo 13.5' 4-t l'" 17.1. ) 1:H4 hoi jv 4J4 a4 'M 17KH Ww 6.vaa Chi., Mil. & 8t. Paul 61.7' Chi. Term. & Trans. i.6w uo prert?rred C, C.. C. & I St. Louis viX. 1".' Colo. A bouthern . 4" 25S lo first preferred., do second preferred.. Delaware ft ll-idson. Del.. Laok. A. West. Den. & Rlu Grande do preferred Erlo do 1st pfd.. ex. div. do second preferred Hocking Valley do preferred Illinois Central Iowa 'enti-Hl do preferred Ksnsas city South. do preferred I-ouis. & Nashville. Manhattan L. Met. Securities Metropolitan St. Rv. Mexican Central Minn. Ac St. Louis.. M..8t. P. A 8. Sir. M. do preferred Missouri Pacific Mo., Kan. A Texas.. do preferred N. R. R. of M.. pfd. a 4"0 i.leo 't'l l.l S9 4a 7 i.x .;.! -7.7'al l.h VS."' 33.1'iri ft 4 l.fK) 3 7.r' 3.r-) l.jv-i 1.4') ll.ti.rt l.c'ai :,) 4 374 1x54 3." vsi-s 43', (S MS s-'ri; IftvKj 31 67i :i"4 fi,-,S 13M, 171 774 m 22V 4 lav 1"7 -"s IH1, 34.". 32 MS S o'S S v f" 15v4 64i lJo 17'", 77S 116 M'i 4.I4 Tl", 664 fV l-W's .v;s :i 6.14 13', 17'vv 114 974 17.74 l'34 314 654 146. s 1364 74 J.7S .2 ln:i 1'aJS 31 S b'vS 42 1484 43, IS 13H 7M 1S cV 0.V4 514 71 254 li. 60S 118 344 74 :4 3T.t. New lork Central .. M.,ai N. Y., Out. West.. 2S.fa) Norfolk Western. . i.4f") do preferred lvrt Pennsylvania PC l' Pitts.. C. C. 4c St. U 144 444 74 !4 l:S 74 4S 82 Keaaing do first preferred.. do second preferred Rock Island Co. ... do preferred St. L. & 8. F . Id pfd. St. Louis So. W do preferred Southern Pacific do preferred Southern Railway .. do preferred Texas A Pacific T11I., St Louis W W. do preferred , ... I'nlon Pacific do preferred Wabash do preferred Wheel. 4 .ake Erie Wieeonsin Central .. do preferred Adams Express American Express .. I'. 8. Express l'a) 17.3i) 354 44 7a 1 1" or) 1 fT 1S.1' .7 1 tVx 5a 4 1 f0 10.6.1) Iran 1.1. nu 17.. 1.i 11.300 - V4 67 liS S44 "S 344 ' 54 121 K7S 214 43S IsS ft. 4 974 S, 5.4 2 IS 22 464 54 I 12 I :s I 21s 4 45 500 234 125 13S Wella-Fargo Express Amalgamated, ivp... m.2ul Am. Car & Foundry rt do preferred ni Am. Cotton Oil juy do preferred American Ice i.a do preferred S 2n Am. Linseed Oil ij Am. Locomotive ; ai do preferred & Am. Smelt. 4V Refng. Sa) do preferred .& Am. Sugar Refining. 1000 Am. Tob , pfd . certif 4.a Anaconda Minlnr V. 1 tin Brook. Rapid Tran. I.S00 Colorado Fuel & Iron 12 1'1 Cnnaolidated ias yui Corn Products do preferred 12" 242 74S S3S 25 M4 S 334 r 3;is 40 S74 111 64 Hs4 1434 K44 1K "S 4X I"34 934 j S3 i4 ll.n, ws no 1414 1"T 60 47 lit. U H ins a 1H4 ss: 71-4 i?" ?54 Distillers' Securities. Genersl Electric Internationsl Paper.. do preferred International Pump.. do preferred National Lead North American .... Pacific Mali People's Gas Pressed Steal Car ., do preferred Pull. Pel. Car. e: d. Republic Steel do preferred .. Rubber Goods do preferred Tern. Coal at Iron... V. 8. leather do preferred I. 9. Realtv I". S Rubber do preferred l"i iled S'aiee Steel.. do nrefrred Va. -Carolina Chem.. do nnferr.-'l W'est'hojs- Fleet ric. Wfslert' l:,,(n 7'n l.4 S74 1464 34 154 100 j' jiri ' t.7va) 4a) s 5.1-1 S0f 109 . i!yio X) 100 4. 1 6. 144. S."0 Tat 1"W al (v6 s rs 104 43 v W4 I-) 43 1('7 MS 14 1034 43 lv.74 1 133 1 64 26S W 724 134 10.4 1S S.'rS J'i. 4 34 I.74 1 2 1"S 4 ::s 7S4 "S . 374 .S xi 4 D5S '44 1 6 714 "S 102 .ae :S f'i4 S44 Stai 1Aj lwi, Ti ikl saier the t-av l.a) shares. Uaak llrarlaK. OMAHA Ja-; SI -The bank clear. i.e. for .t-.i. w rrr II raj M r or nr day a .M ir they acre !!.. 17. -uie Treasury Se4eaneat. WAeillN.iCiiN. Jan 31 -Today's s'late ol U.t utatury baiuncos in ths gen- ersal fiirt. exclusive of the Un ami rton gold reserve in the division of redemption, shows: Available cash balance. ll.'fi.C17.rt4. gold. t.72I.t7. "leer fork "Wenee Market. NEW TORK. Jsn. SI M' iNFT-Ui call. fv at rer cent: clostng bid. 1 I per lint, offered at t per cent, time hns. esv. sixtv oavs a in nini, cert." six mo!h. 3 't?4 It cent PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER-S'M'. per cent. Tr:Kl.INi EX CHANGE -Firm. Win actual business In bankers His st ft 7? oj irfi for demand and at 4plil for sixtvldav bills; rH':""J 4 ! and 404 fommercial bVls. It VA4 SILVER-Bar. Mexican do!1ats. 47-. j!'XbS-Uovernment, steady; railroad. Irregular. Closing quotations on ocnos were t" S. re' tt. rf Japti . -tta do eousos 104jL. A N. uni. lo Sf. r 4o rou-n . do ns t. -f -In ce'ir 1I0 nit a. rs 4o ro'ipon Am To ha en 4a. .. r'AMai-iitiin t tot atea 1 ee'rsl 4a nrv, 4, ; lnr . ri'-tlM -in A st L. 4 .1VM K T . do -a !' ... i" . . r- C 4 - ! l Ui t'a SHN R B W . .iuin. v c t ' .. i"4aiv. j r 1 it . So s. 1 1 fe . At' hipon e 4a. do a-tj. Atlaatlc ' . L 4a Bai X Ciid 4a do cuitra; nf Ua it An lt isr . . to i4 Inr . . cv ohto 4- i h i'i A A . R a s 4a I'.. R 1. A P a li v 1 N ri IB. 4a .. . 1-c V, :o4-v, .. r -, . ins i ?n . liS . . a2 ..k-S ..!! '1- J- .. . . N W r 4 1 S L r'rf 41 Fenr .ofl. Ia Res ' can 4a .105 , l'-a st I. A I r In 11TU 41. I. A s V ts 4a II', 1 1 S W. r. i . . K -eah "I A I. So. I's. IB-- 4 :o a rxa. P 1 r . s- 1. c . I'n'ri pi'ifr' 4a . I l.-e 111 . 14 .! 1'1'S ""a lis S . . 14 I'C & St L I 4a 1 hleaio Tr 4 4a r l.,ra lo VU 4a . . Colo A So 4a cutis ta. rtfa .. P R 0 4 planners' S.-. a . Trie prior lies 4a . . do fes. 4a . p. w. a 11. C. la.. Hl!H Vsl 4L,a .. mu. t.iffered. : d-- .rT 4 inv i- f steel M ll 1H a at a.H la 0 I do 1.b. B !nl We' era d 4 w t. r. t 1111,'! csntral 4a lit 1 Raston BOSTON. Jsn stock Market. 31 Call loans. Hi per cent; time loans. Mi 4 per cent Official closing on stocks an1 bunds: Alctl'soa So) 4. )6 Wertt-s rnisnos do 4 "Mn "trl 4a Airhiaon d.. B'd Bn:on A Albany.. bsioD A slatna . . . B.'.tnn yia'd .. Pllrbburs pM Mex Central . ... N Y . N 11 H Pre Marnurtl I n ion Pa. :fl . . . . Atner. Aff. 1 hem . do pfd Amer, Pnvl Tubs . Amer. Su-ar do pfd Amr T AT Amer. Woolen . . . 00 p'd iKtm'alon 1. A 9. . Kdiaon Klc Mlu .. Iencral Klertrlc Maaa. Kiertric do pfd iaaa (la a t'nitad Fruit t nlted Shoe Ms h . do pfd V. S. S'eel do pfd 'lild. Asked. ..lii-X vdvfr.'-ir .. TS UioMr . M't vma aairiated . ... .lnisa An -li-an line . .J47 Vt'.arp.- 1"4 3n.-Ktm ..1 "at Her la .14 -satertitsl . 21 ."ope' Fan .... SM :!' West . T romi'"on (si ... .121 Frarih. n . e'i'Oro . . 4v,,lie R s.e 4j Ma Mislnf .142 Mleh.fOI .... .US IMohaaa 14F. ;moi c. a c ... . i21;old l""nlmon ... . . '1111 . it Psr-o- .2it Quip. lfci -s har n- -1 . li na. k . Trlnltv . 5SS) I- - .HwS) I S . 77 , fh . J4 ivi'for.a . 3rt,'w;T or.a . .vV"o.;n ... 74S ... 12, ... 17. ... . 40 ... ... H ... 15V, .. vU-, . . i 1 4', .. K-S i ... i:-, .. i.'S 4', .. W, .. M .. j;' .110 .. .. iiH .. 4-c, 4 .. i: . 107'i London Stork Market. LONDON. Jan. 31. Closing quotations on ks and bonus cre; I'naola. money Y I'entnal l.V do s.rounl .... M 13-iSi NorfnlV A W SO, AnacnAd do pfd . . i At. hlesn .' ' vt'Oi laic at W.. 44 do J'l.l e 7o Rsilnnnre "IMo . lMSlKani Mln Canadian Palflr .. .i:'i Ra 1-r ... 44-S Chra. Ohio Xl do -at pfd 47 chuaao lit W 314, do 3d pfd 44'i c . M A St P 1 outh'" hallsv :i4: IvHes 114 do ptd ... D-ver A R. G 2 South-rn Pa. lSc H' do p'd "v j l'-nn Parlfl.- 115, Erie - v 44 I do p'd I've do lai pfd r- f. S Steel .14 d . :d pfd v'l do i!d KS illlnola Ontojl ..If. iWabaao ?'-'v l.u: N,ti I4"V do pfd . 4.'. :.. K T .1-,'Span.i.'. 4a MS March SILVER Bar. quiet. r7 13-ld per ounie. ' MONEY 244134 per cent The rate ot discount In the open market for short bills is 2 7-16-(i:'4 per cent; for thr"e months' bills. S7-1H'!j24 Ppr cent. Piear Tork Mining Storks. NEW YORK. Jan. 31. The following uro the clolng isolations on mining stocks: Adama I'on -0 t.lttla 1 hie! i All.- sfv tS'arlo 375 ttreere - ophir ts.4 Brnnaetck Co I Phoentl It 1 omnork Tunnel .... R Potoi t Con. i.', A V 10 saaar : '. "i Horn Slli-er !M Sierra Nevada 40 Iron Silver loo email H p Lasdtlll on 1 istandard lio offered. Assefjoment paid. Foreign Financial. LONDON. Jan. Jl Money was In good month-end demand In the market today. Discounts had a firmer tendency, despite anticipations of easier money. Prices on the Stork exchange were meady. but busi ness was slack, being confined to m Jerate investment in flrsi-ciasa securities, and the continent purchasing specialties. Consols hardened, hut hfterward became a shade easier. Americsns opened steady. Local buving advanced prices to over parity. Union Pacific. Erie and Cniled States Steel were firm. Prices were generally Irregular later. The decision ill connection with Northern Securities was without apprecia ble, rT,.t thoofrh thf. market tlld not VlrW 1 favorably the prtv4pe.'t of a continuance of I the uncertainty. 1 lie market closea null. Japanese were bought freely. Influenced by the increr.sed pr. ."pect of peace. 1m pertnl Japanese government Is of 1i5 were ouoted nf 1'S. Kaftirs started dull in the absence of public support and rallied In re sponse to Paris Silver declined on the s'ackened demand from India. BERLIN. Jan. 31- Prices 011 the bourse todav generally were firm. PARIS. Jan. 31 The tone on the bourse today was weak throughout. Russian Im perial 4s were ouolei at HO 10 and Russian bonds of 1HH at 50. W011I Market. BOSTON Jan. 31 -WOOI-r-Tlie exceed ingly small stocks ..n hand prevent sny thir.g but a moderat - buslnesa In the wool market. Manufacturers have much expec tation as to a fovorable condition of the market in the future They are disposed lo purchase anything they can use without especial reference to the price. Territory wools are moderately active and Arm. Pulled wools are quiet. Foreign grades are firm (Juotatioua in this market are about as follows: Territory: Idaho, fine. IS4W l!c; heavy fine, ltV7l7c; fine medium. 14') 1!.-; medium. I2r23c: low medium. 23ji4o. Wyoming, fine. 174'"11': heavy fine, 15 )c; nne m.dlum. V-t'tilWy: medium. 221 I4c: low medium. 23'n4.-. I tah snd Nevada, fine. 17MSe; heavy line. 15fiI6c; fine medium. 174'u!c; medium. 2.'. 23. ; low medium. Zi'q 24c. liukota. fine. lWc: fine midlum. iyu 1!c: medium. 2S'u24. : low medium, 27J'524'. Montana, fine choice 214,r22c; fine average. WaJc: tine medium choice. 21'&22c; average. Ife'lLvc; ritaple. 22vjHo; medium choice, Sl'ii 25c. ' LONDON. Jan. 31 WOOL The offerings at the wool auction sales today wire 10&io bales The demand waa better. American buyers re-entered the market and secured several lots of the best merinos at Is Id. Belgium took chol.e s.oureds at high prices. France absorbed the bulk nf the medium greasy. America competed with horns buyers for cross-breds. causing a brisk sale. Home buyers, however, secured mowt of the offerings at prices In sellers' favor. Following are the sales: New South Wales. 1 5aj bales: scoured. l."4d'fjls d: greasy. 5d"til 14d. Queensland. 1.4)a. bales; scoured. Is Id4j2i; greasy. 7S'11 Id- Vic toria. bales; scoured, lldgJs: greasv, 64dfels 7d South Australia. 1,1'' bales: greasy, T4'"!. West Australia. !.0 bales: irreasy. 6illd. New Zealan.t. 2,lia) bales: greasy, 6dls Id. Cape of Good Hope and Natal. (' bales: scoured, 4d"il lod; greaay. 644r10d. ST. I.OC IS. Jan. 31 WOOIEasy; me dium grades combing and clothing. 2.sb2!v4c: light fine lKfjijc; heavy fine. 14jl7i; tub Washed, 274J4U-. ( otton Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 31 -COTTON-Spot closed u'llet, II fM.ints higher: middling jp lands. 7.25c: middling gulf. 7 joc; salea, 1.:127 bales NEW ORLEANS. Jan. SI COTTON Firm: sales. 4.5oO bales: ordinary. 44c; good ordinary. 5 11-16c: low middling ( 7-loc; mid dling. 6 15-16c; good middling. 74c: middling fair. 7Sc; receipts, 20,218 bales; stock, ;M.67f, bales. LIVERPOOL. Jan. 31 -COTTON- Snot In moderate demand: prices 1 point higher; American middling fair. 4.30d; good mid dling. S1; middling. 3i; low mlddllnr. 3 66d: gixid ordlnarv. S!2d; ordinary l.Jtki The sales of tne day were S.Ouu bales, of which Itaal were for speculation and export and Included 7. "On American. Receipts. 14.UU) balsa. Including s,ai Amerlcjin. ST. LOI1S. Jan. 31 -1 'OTTON-Bteadv ; middling. 7c: sales, 53 bales: receipts, none: Shipments, 45 bale; stock. 4S.S7I baies. Coffee Market. NEW YORK Jan 31 -CO TFEE-Msi ket for futures opened steady at a decline of 10 'ui points under liquidation, f.. lion lug de cline in the Euroiiean market. Various fait or a did not seem to stimulate r.44ringH so maieriallv. b..t thre was i erv little de mand snd the market fol the wll in-irea-d the decline to a mailer of about 15 iln p.iints snd cloed steady on thai h-sis. Saler. weie rem-iei of . aB' liags. includi' r: 4ar b 7 i'i7K): April. 7 ; Mav. 7 ijej 7v7 Julv 7 7';( September. 7Vij-'; Nt- s us : i-eaeniper, 1 joc. piki, steady: NO. I Klo. I JV. 0MAH. LIVE STOCK MARKET Beef Stetrt told 8tronj to Tea Higher. Oowi Gtnertlly Etctdy. HOG MARKET GOOD FIVE CENTS HIGHER Artlre Demand for Fat Saeea aad lambs and with Light Receipts Trsailag Artlae. with Prices !lrssg to a Dime Higher. S'H TH OMAHA. Jtn. 31. i-tj. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs Sheep. Official Mi nday Official T1.esd.1y !.3&a 4 .v 5. 1 7.V) 11. W 17 i K.iK.I Hi".' 13 j;i 4 al Two dsvs this week.... 6 1T Same days last week 37 Same days we k before.. 7.7ri 31o 13 03 l1i: 1 m r n ?v- U..7'.3 17w 5"l 14V3"? 4 r 7)S'.7 H ?"4 17.315 41 '4 12 M8 Same three weeks,J -ame four weeks ago.. Same dajs last year... Total this month & Of.5 70.;t"i 7 iVd 7.9s 73 a6.4f: 7.717 41.749 43l 4.SK4 11.47 3"vMt i4.:m 1?7 4it iki ?rsi Sii.477 ls..37 14 '3 l.M .V.4 113. 5-i rotai January. IKsl... Total January. 11-. Tofil Januari . Totel Januarv, KM Total January. lii ... Total Jnnusrv. le'.i Total January. 1KH Total January, 1W Total Januurv. 4". 193 97. RECEIPTS FOR THE TEAR TO DATE. The followlrg tsbie shows the leceipts of catUe. hug and sheep at South Omaba for the year 10 date, with comparison with last year: l?(v 104 Inc. fee. J "'tie ;o:.45 74, l . 5.SH ""es a).44 14.SK ...S."6 hecp U73 155.44 --.753 The following tab.e shows ihe average rrlce of hogs at Scuth Omaha for the Uit Neral days, with comparisons: I iMi. ::so4 iiioj hsi-j. ;woj.iif.!ii Jn. 7 .. Jsn. J... Jan. 4... Jan. i... Jan. I... Jan Jsn. t... Jn. ... Jsn. la.. Jan. 11... Jan. .'an Id.. Jan. 14.. Jan li 4 31 1 4 4341 4HI 4 44 4 45 4 54 j I 4 Cl j 4.2 4 5;s! 4 61 Si 4 624, I 64, 4 514' 4 ut.'4, 6 K7' C fil so: 1 i I I 2l ti; i t 34. S ?4. 6 , ( 09 6 49 1 14), 6 40 ( 15 40, 14; ,6 04; ( 461 I 4S, ( 00, t 3bj 6 14. (41 I 22 I 49 15 6 5c. I 17. j 6 22, C 3J 4 ri 4 If 11 7 4 4 I 17 t C2 4 171 S 44 151 4 ie 4 K! 4 60j Z 4 75; 4 7.) 4 C 4 74. iV 4 74 4 6 4 7 4 S6 5 04 4 3.1 I 4 ! 4 Jo I 41 S 41 t 06! t 0 4 34 4 S3, I 41 I 50 I 56 s o ft , 4 J5i 5 23, 4 41 s 1. 4 4 4 531 I 65 SM S II, 5 2t 6 5 2, 5 J, 4 6S " 4 6i 3 61 4 4 I J 4 55; I 51 I Jl 3 51 1 Jan. 1.. I Jan. 17.. I Jan IS... 4 tM4; 4 5.) 4 57 , 4 tS, 4 CT,' 4 6ivs 4 71 , 4 724 4 l , 4 544 Jan. IS... Jan. lo'.., Jan. "!.. Jan. a... Jan. ;3... Jan. L-4... Jan. 25... Jan. m... Jan. 27 . Jan. Jan. "9 ... Ja::. 3t... Jan. 31... C 47 s- 6 53 6 06 i 27 t; 15 6 02, 6 14 6 ( 14, 4 54. 3 54 3 '. i 54 S 61 3 ) S 57 3 03 3 66 3 70 S 64 R is i 13 5 15 5 22 5 13 5 18 I 22' 5 2S 5 5 17. 4 63 4 69 4 55 4 4k 4 55; 4 62, I 4 62 4 54 4 55. 4 K9 4 87 4 a. 4 81 4 7H 73 60 H 54 6 64 6 74 6 (M 12 5 4V. 5 us uf. 5 7 4 564 4 SO Indicate Sunday. The official number or cars of stock brought in today by each road was: Cattle. Hvgs. Sh.rp.Ifr's. r, M. & St. P.. Wabash . Missouri 1'a'ifi! . 4 in 1 12 Vi 3 in r. System c F., '.. B. C . C. N. W.. 11 : & O. 1 3" 10 east IS M. V P.. M M W I & P.. 1. & P. ir west 1 Illllloil Central West 1 C. G. Total receipts. li (v 2" 1 The disposition of the day's tecelpts was as 'ollows. each buyer purchasing the number of hfcad indicated: Omaha Packing Co Swift and Company... Cudahy Packing Co... Armour Co Cudahy, Sioux City... Carey ft Benton l.ohman & Co W. I. Stephen Hill & Huntxlnger Huston & Co Hamilton Rothschild. L. F. Husi Coey & Co Wolf Murnan Sam Wcrthelmer Mike Hggerty J. B. Root Co Bulla & Kline S. S V. H. Clark Other butrs . MS 20 . 4'.2 1.4 ft . 2) 1.270 46 . 741 l.&X 1.055 . . . . b6 . 53 IS . 26 . I') . 40 'eO ". 62 t . 21 ID . 137 SO . 45 . S 1 . 127 .... 5S5 Total 3.475 6,"4 4.1745 CATTLE There was quite a moderate run of cattle in sight this morning and as the demand seemm to he fully equal to the occasion a very satisfactory market was experienced. Buyers all seemed to have quite liberal oraers so that trading was fairly active and the bulk of the offerings was disposed of in good season. The demand for beef steers this morning was more brisk than it has been for some little lime and the market cjuld safely be quoted Mrong with sales going from a bhade to 10c higher. The improvement was of course greatest on the more desirable grades, but still even the shorter fed cattle bowed improvement. As there were com paratively few steers on sale It was not long before all the desirable cattle a ere out of nrst hands. The cow market was again rather Irregu lar. The kind that Just suited buyers sold readily at strong prices, while anything that did not Jusl strike their (amy was slow and hard to sell at steady prices. That being the ense, it is not aafe to quote the cow market on the average more than steady with yesterday. After buyer and sellers finally got down to a trading l.ais it did not take long to make a clearance. There was very little change In the prices paid for bulls, veal calves and stags and in fact not enough to fie worthy of mention Not many stockers and feeders arrived this morning end with more favorable weather conditions speculators were more anxious for supplies than they were yester day. The more desirable grades of heavy cattle s..ld freely at fully as good price as were paid yesterday. The common and light caiile acre to sill than they were yesterday, but there was no noticeable change in ruling prices. Representative, aules. BtEF STEERS. Ks t.'. to.. 11.. IS.. 41..' A. . ... o . ... lai . ... 74" . .. ! rr. .So. A S M 41 !0t 4 n I 10 II 11U 4 24 I tl 1167 i VI I II MM 4 M W I 114 4 25 I 40 It 1174 4 li 4 45 ' 1 1140 4 ii J 4 14 1CC4 4 , i 71 14 l.l 4 is to it irt at J 40 II 1J4 t 44 1 123o 4 44 1 44 :i 1UI 4 S J II U4J 4 4 I 14 1174 I 04 I M tj nf I ( 4 M 44 IMi i as 4 It :i 1441 t li RS AND HEIFERS. ,Mcowa ,I 4,1 1 1 1114 I a 1 74 1046 I 0 44 1 lM I 0 I II 4 1..74 I 4 I 4 1471 I to J li loo I I, i II 1 1110 I it I IS 11 1092 I li in il in.: i re I 25 I It'll I M 1 5 1 1070 I tu I 44 4 nil 1 M I 44) I Il I a 4 44 1 440 IS I 40 1 IMO I u I 40 14 lust 1 1 I 4 lilt. I 1 i 4 I Itai I u to 1 a a. '4 4 loio 1 u M nil 1 I " J lokO i 40 I " 1 1..J0 1 M 4S 11... 1114 I 44 1 1214 I i 4 74 4 1240 I 54) 1 74 1 1041 I IJt I ' I' lOf.i I VS HEIFERS. 1 74 14 K4 1 I 04 M7 I t I IIS I o I M 14 I 44 ; ; o 1 I 40 43 Itt I 44 t 14 4 1 ai I 00 M a) 1 ft 4 00 11 747 I 44 10 . 414 1041 . . . 711 ir.4 i;o .1041 .1074 .120 . 7( . i4 .till 1417 J 4 11 1 4 1 1 1 4i i ji 1 1 1....... 1 1 ...... 4...!... i 1 : 4 I J I I t I 1 1 I I 4 1 J 17 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 I I. ... 174 .... .... ... ... 1T ... Mt ...Jlif.K ... 110 ... ei ... 774 ... ... as . ..luu ...1044 ...1440 ... 7M ... lit ...V.4 ...1.40 ...loVi .. .I'.-JI ...nio ... 414 ...1071 ... ...lttt ... ai4 ...1114 ...l!ll ...44 ... 44 ... 44 ... 44 ..- rat ... 401 ... 44 ... 4IU . .. .1 ... 400 ... lid ...It.'- .. 1W4 ...140M .. 137 . . 11M .. !.- ...140 ..Io4 , . 1 ? .11 . . . U-M BULL i 1 . 171 . 1444. :ito . 44 1740 10 .17 14.4 mi I I 4v I ue 4 or. I Iv I 1 I 14 , 4 m I 24 I 4 i 4 : i I 44 1 to I OK 1... 1... 1 . . 1... 1 .. 1... 1 v I STAGS. I it 14 ... . 1 1 c ALVEB. . . . .... ... I.- . . 14. . .. ill i 74 I IS I It 4 7. 4 't 4 4 : 4 las 14 144 :i le I ' 4 2 4 It 4 fc 4 44 1 . 1 -. STOCTt CALVES. m is U1 I 44 .171 4 STOCKERS 7 in 44. Tt r 1 00 7T 1 s Ml I 10 7n is AND 11 . FEEDERS. 447 I 1: 4i I li 4 7r I l-i I 171 I U 4 421 1 :l 7- 1 40 11 rr: it 704 I . H'H.78 There wss a verr small run of h'gs here this morning snd the tendency of prices ass upward. The advance amounted to a good nickel, with prime heaw hogs kV&1c Mgher The lightweights so.J largilv from I4 6;i down, medium and mixed begs from 14 t7H to 14 . and prime heav les fr. m 14 o5 to II 7j. Tradirg was only fairly active at the advance and the ,w arrival cf trains of course de.avsed ihe market t jul:e an extent. Packers ail seemed to l anxious for the better grades snd as a re sult there were none too msny on sale to meet their more urgent requirements. There ss no great amount of chaos in the latter end of the market ard if there wss any at all It was a little stronger feejing on the late arrivals, as some of the packers seemed to be shori on supplies. verythlng was disposed of before noon. Representative sales: a. sa. S 4; . .. 74. . . :i .. 40... 44 .. 57 .. 4 .. 57... 41... A. S .214 lto .4 ... . .Sii ... ...I . 2'4 4 . til oo . ... .240 ... . is . . .171 1-V ...SI ... . M4 . . . TH 1 40 . n .Ill 4 ..Jc4 40 ..1:4 ... . ri ?oo . ro 40 .111 . . ..:h s . ri a .14 Is . 2?4 to . IH 4 . IP' . . . 24.1 12n . 274 l:" ..24 ... . r ... .114 ... . 120 2' . 14 4 ..14 ... ..44 . . ..17 4 12. . 4v. . ".! . 74.. 71 . 1 . : . 4J . 71 . 70.. 24 . 7 . t: . 7v. . V .. i: . &. . I:.. 44 . 4.1 . 71.. If.. 44. . 70.. 44).. 71.. 41 . to.. 14 . 44 . 31 . 14.. :i . li.. 1 . . 24.. . 110 X21 . .145 ..ill . .211 . ..! , ..O . :ai . 21i .14 ! -44 . 221 ,.214 . !4 247 . 21 2 .211 , ::s 214 114 .217 l:l .P7 ..Bit M .2.71 :v .274 244 244 144 243 r:t .2: 4 H 4 14 4 ii 4 i-. -t 4 S7 , 4 4 iTv 4 47', 4 40 4 " 4 40 4 ' 4 4 4 4 4 4" 4 4 4 41 4 40 4 to 4 to 4 to 4 to 4 to 4 44 4 4 4 40 4 to 4 4;s 4 42-, 4 4:, 4 - , 4 42 v 4 47 , 4 I." 4 4;., 4 -a 42 . 4 i"t 4 41-. 4 7 4 4.-t 4 4:v, 4 2s 4 4 42 , 4 4S 4 aa 4 ti 4 Ci 4 44 4 ai 4 44 4 44 4 4i 4 46 4 44 4 4 . 4 44 4 ti 4 4o 4 47., 4 47, 4 47 V, 4 7v, 4 r-, 4 47 , 4 rtv, 7 4 To 4 1 4 74 4 74 4 74 40 42 41. 44 to. 4.. 4 44. II. 41 44 41 I 41 41 to 41. . SHEEP There was a livelv demand for fat aheep and lambs) here this morning. ss was shown by the fact that buyers were out earlv. snd e.erihliig changed hands as fast as offered. The quality ot the offer ings wss not choice, so that Jhe market on paper does not ntinw the strength of the market In spite of the scarcity of good stuff, though, the market 1 nuid safely be quoted strong to a dime higher sll around on both sheep and lambs, ihe nearest sp prosch there wss to good stuff was a string of ewes that brought 14 S" from the samn feed lot aa those that sold for 14.7a yester day. The offerings today, though, weighed five pound heavier. Quotations lur ted stocK. Good to choice yearlings. K0n'u.5; fair to good year lings. lo.ri.j', good to choice wethers, 10 00110.25; fair to good wethera. $4.!63 00; good to choice ewes. 14 .i&M.tiu: fair to good ewes. l4ii'ti4 2C. ; common to fair ewes, S-"..aO 63 o; good to choir lambs. 17 Opg7.2S: fair to good lambs. K 5.137.00; feeder yearlings, !405b.: feeder wethers 44 2.c34.i0. feeder ewes. U2.'o2.75; feeder lambs, .5024.X. Representative sales: No. i cull ewes 7 cull ernes 5 cull ewes lti cull ewes 30 western ewes 442 western clipped wethers. 214 western ewes western ewes 128 wetern ewes 250 western ewes ' 00 western ewes 2& Colo: . ewes 1J4 weeu i wes II west, rn ewes I western yearling ewes.... 4 western aethers (r.'2 Mexican yearlings 24 western yearling M western lambs 47 Western ewes I western ewes 109 Nebraska aethers ITS western ewes 123 yearlings and wethers ... Av. Pr. . Hi 3 . t7 a "0 . Sd 3 50 .17 3 75 . M 4 ) .110 40 .104 4 75 . H 4 75 . M 4 75 . 4 7.". . 5 4 7b .1.6 4 Ml . 4 W . 4 am .73 I 25 .lo4 b A . .el 4i 15 .71 25 .to 50 112 4 54) !. 4 10 102 S 4 5 35 S3 5 74 CHICAfiO LIVE STOCK M4RKET Cattle aad Sheep Siendy, Hoes Five lo Ten Cents Higher. CHICAfiO, Jan. 31. CATTLE Receipts, &.) head: market steady; good to prime steers. fi.5rti.25; poor to medium, I"..60j5 ; sto ker and feeders. 12.0004.25; cows, tl 251 436: heifers. I2.u.ti5.w; canners, 1.26a2.J0, bulls. I2.0ia4 On; calves. I2.75457.00. HOGS Receipts. Ji.'V head; estimated for tomorrow. 3u..) head; market iVSlvs- higher; mixed and butchers. J4.27Mj4.ot; good to choice heavy. 14 SnsH JO: rough heavy, I4.W' 4.75: light, $455114.75; bulk of sales, "b3eEP AND IAMBS-Receipts, head: market for sheen ateadv. for $4.7tl, H.rvaj lambs shade higher: good to choice wether. 16 lOvt 5.H0; fair to choice mixed. 4.0O?i4 90: western sheep. 14 0"4i5.vji): native lambs, l5.5o5l7.ta; western lambs. Io.7ik.i7.7d. Kansas C4 r Lire Rtork Markel. KANSAS CITY', Jan. Sl.-CATTLE-Re-celpts, lci,o.O heail. Including 400 head south erns; markat for beat strong, for others weak to lor lower: choice export and dressed beef steers, (nftS-TS: fair to god, I3 5.1i4.7j; western fed steers. t3.5rBV40; strH-kers and feeders. 12.75454 2.".: southern steers. 3.2V4.5: southern cows. 12.251114.: native rota. I1.754i4.Qii; native heifer". f2.50'tf 4 25: bulls. I2.2Mi.1 75: calves. $3.0iS.75. HOGS Receipts. I4.fl head: market 5&10c higher; top. 4 fc: bulk of sales. I4 55J4R5: heaw. 4.ati4 90: packer. $4.7f84.8S; pigs and I ghts. $3 !"n4.7n. PHEKP AND LAMBS Receipt. 9 700 head: market teadv to 10c higher; native lamba. V, nrfi?.M: native wether. $4.7r.flS.0; native fed ewes. J4.25rfi W: western lambs. lo.("ni7 ": western yearlings. IS 7.Verl.lo; western shep, 4.75iS 25: etocker and feed ers. P.fyn 5.50. St. I.onla Lire ttoek Market. ST. LOUIS. Jan 31. CATTLE Receipts. ?,.aa1 head. Including 1 5ou head Texans: market strong: nstlve shipping and export steers.; dressed beef and butcher steers. 4.i5.25: steer under l.rvii lh., 7i.rV) fiSOO: stockers snd feeders. I2.254J4.35: cows and belfer t2.2f.i4 fm; canners !2r-S2 2fi: bulls, $J f"fN0. calves. r..5047.00; Texas and Indian ataers. $2..-4.76; cows and heifers. $2 'arfiS.TJ. HOOa Receipts. .i,v head: msrket hlrher: pigs and lights. t3.75S4.40; packers 14 ir&4.75; butchers and best heavy, $4. 759 SIIEEP AND I-AMBS- Receipts, 15m hed: market strong: native muttons. $4 .Vw 5 25: lambs, $r..iv'7 .: culls and buck. 12 25 434.50: stockers. tJ.Ota63.oo, Texans $3.035.00. tt. Joseph Lire ttoek Market. ST. JOSEPH Jan 31 CATTLE Re ceipts. J..V.i hesd; market stesdr to essv: natives. 13. 7556. 40; cows and heifers, (1 5iyS 4.?5: stockers and feeders. I28rfi4rri. HOC.S Receipts fats head; market BlOo higher: light, 14 6"ff 4 75; medium and heavy. 14 mert s. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. ni. head: market 104316c higher; Colorado lambs. $7.46 floas till LIto tioek Market. SIOUX CITY. Ia. Jan. SI. t Special Tele gTsm.) CATTLE Receipts. low) head; msrket steady: beeves, tt 6i)36 ZK; cows hul't and mixed. M 4r3 40; stockers and feeders t2.7V34.7l; calves and yearling. 2 SW A HfXJS-Becelpts. 4 600 hesd; market 10o hlKher. selling at $4.vfi41.7S; bulk. $4.tVtf 40. ' tloek In tight. Receipt of live stork st the sis principal western msraeis yesterday: Cattls. Hoes. Sheen . t.tV) 7 4.400 . l.ttai 4.50 .1.1 K.11 14 nl 7i . 3 bal I nii 1 50i. . tefil .ief! 5.4 . $.V. fti.00 15 000 K70I 1.7I3 ZS.Ki South Omaha Sioux Cltv Kansas City .. St. Ixmls St. Joseph Chicago Totals Itftr tsf Molasses. NEW YORK. Jsn. ll.St'OAR-Raw, Arm; fair refining. 4V, c; centrifugal. M test. Kc; molaaaes augsr. 4c. Refined, firra; No. . 6 Sac: No. 7. f.fOc; No t. 6 4uc; No. I. I&c: No. 10. IIOc: No. 11. 6Jt-; No. 12. 6 16c: No. 13. 6 06c; No. 14, 6c; confectioaer' A. : mould A. .fic: cut loaf. 186c; crushed. : powdered, .26c; granulaled, l llc: cubes 40c. MOLASSES Quiet: New Orleans, open kettle, gooi to choice. 2H35c. NEW ORLEANS. Jsn. I1.-45UOAR-Steadv: 0111 kettle. i,644c: open kettle centrifugal. 44.H4 1-l.k' : centrifugal whites Vu5-v-. yellows. eSc; sct r.ds, 39 4.c. KIOLASSES Quiet: open kettle, ?.it'Mc; centrifugal. 71. Syrup, steady, Ztftac. Oil anJ Real. NEW YORK. Jan tl OILS Cottonseed, oli. firm: prime crude, nominal, yellow. H4H tijSc. Petroleum, easy; refined. Nw Ycik. t7.26; Philade phia and Baltimore. 17 26. In bulk. t4 SO Turpenline. steady. 65Vttl64M:. Ri iSI N- Stead) ; strained, common 10 go..d. I-' 7W. OIL 1 'ITT. Jan. II. OIL Credit halar'e 11 , renif . sies no i4 Shlpmenle. sk at . average 71 IS) : run. i7 1 bbls. 7 bbls. Shipments Lima, 4s.,il7 hMs., s vers tre M.1T7 hMa rasa lma, fcWf bbls average 5A.0HS bbls. SAVANNAH, Jan. Xl.-IlV-TreBUll4a, Srm. tfic. RoSlN-FIrm: A B C. U: P, C E n7Hl2.7tv. F. Jf7--tii7"; 4, $2 srHrt 2 H; IL M12S. I. 12 ; K. i'.. M, 4 ii. W. U, lii.', W. AV.. (5.15. ODtnt wHOI.r.4tl.R MARKRT. Caadltlaa af Trade nad Qaataltoas an f;c,sV-Capdled stock. Jc LIVE Poi'LTRY-llens. c; roosters Re: turkr. 15c; dinks. 10c; geese. Mjsc; Sprit g ch. ken w4jv. PHESSEP I'OVl.TRT-Turkeya. l4jiv: duck. JI4i12c; geese. l'Ufllc; chickens. rH 1ciyc ; rooters. 4vi;c. BITTER Psckirg stock. lf914V; 'hn,-e to fancy dairy. ig'-2c; creamery. 2..VJ2-.-; rrlnts. :)c. KRE44H FROZEN FISH Trout, sc. pickerel. c: pike. c: perch. 7.-: b'.ueTsh, 12c; whlterish. sc; salmon. l.V: redsp-u-per. lie- lobter. (green. S-c; lobster Cvonefl.. 13c: bulihesds. 11c. catfish. 14c; I la. k has. 2v; Uaiibut. 12c; cr.ippies. I.e. buffalo, 7c: ahiie bas. lie; frig has, per dot. .'.". PH.N-Per tel.. Hi Ou. HAY Prices quoted Ky Oma'ja Whole sale Hay Dealers' assc-.-'atlon: Choice No 1 upland. It'. 2, i. .-.';'jm. K "0; eoarse, 14.50. Rie straw, liial. These prices are for hay of good color and qjai Ity OYSTERS New Tork cctints. per can. l.V; extra sel-cts, per can. Sic: s'.sndsrds. rer csn. 30c: bulk stsndsrds, per gal.. 11 4i: ulk extra selects, per gil , 11.75; buln New Tork counts per gal, II W. TROPICAL FRC'TS. OR A NGE.- California Redland ravels, ail sixes, U.JO; choice navels, $2.5; Cali fornia Mediterranesn sweets, all sixes, tin LEMONS Calif or los fancy. $2 75; 3" and . ii; choice. 4V;.2i DATES Per box of J"-lb. pkga . I? iV; Hallowe'en. In .0 lb. boxes, pef lb. Sttf" . hiGcj Calif jrr.!s. yx iv-10. carton. ;! lie; Imported Smyrna. 4-crown. lic; 4a crown, 14c: 7-crown, 16c; Imported (washed.. In l ib pkgs . laisc; California, per case of 3 pkgs.. BANANAS Per medium alxed bunch. l.75yI2.'; Jumbos. fcf.J.ll GRAPEFRUIT Per uo of 54 la 64. (5 04A FRUITS. APPLES-New York Kings, Wis; New Tork Greenings, (.!""; New York Bald win. $2.76; Colorado Jonathans, 1175; Wine-nps, per. bu box, 11.50. PEARS Utah. Colorado and California, fall varieties, per oox. 11 50 CR AN B EH RI FS Wisconsin Bell snd Bugle, per bhl., 5ti; Jerseys, per bbl., $7 61'. per box. 2. , '5. GRAPES Imported M.-v!jgas. per keg. I6.i4.4j 6c.. TANGERINE! Florida or California, per Vbox. $2.50. VEGETABLES. POTATOES Home grown, in sacks, per bu., 45c: Colorado, per bu.. ".?. 1 L'RMCS-Oid. per bu., 4"c; Canada ruta bagas, per It.., lc. lAKR. ITS Old, per bu.. 40c. , PARSNIPS -Old. per bu.. 40c. BEETS Old. per bu.. VK. NAVY BEANS Per bu.. $1,9542.00. ONIONS Home grown, red. In sacks, per bu., Il.uo: Spanish, per craie, $2 U, Colorado yellow, per lb.. 2c; white, per IP., 2Vc. CUCUMBEUsJ IVr dot , TOMATOEd Florida, per basket crate. $4 f d. c".. CARNAGE Holland seed, per lb., l'c SWEET POTATOES Kansas kiln oned, per bbl.. 12.50. CELERY California. 45.175c. RADISHES Hot House, per dox , lie. ON IONS New. southern, per doa , 4c. CARRoTS-Nsw, per do.. 4ic. BEETS New. per dus.. 45c. TURNIPS New. per dot.. 45c. LETTUCE Per box of about Ofteaa heads. Hijc. RHl'BARB Per dox bunches. 7ic. PARSLTY Per doi. bunches. 75c. MISCELLANEOUS. SAUERKRA LT Wisconsin, 12.50. per, keg. CIDER New York, per bbl, $5.50; per nair ntu.. 71 CHEESE Wisconsin twins, full cream, 12H3l3c; Wisconsin Young America, 13c; blok Swirl, new 15c: old, lil.c; Wiscon sin brick, 14c; Wisconsin Itmburger, lie. HIDES No. 1 green. 7c; No. 2 green. c; No. 1 salted, Hc; No 2 salted, 7Sc; No. 1 veal calf, fee; No. i veal calf. 7c; dry sailed, trl4: sheep pelts, 25c till 00. horse bid, li 5oai o. NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shells, new crop, per lb., 14c; hard shell, per lb., 11c.: No 1 soft shells, per lb.. 12c, No. 2 hard sheila, per lb., 12c; pecans, laige. per lb., 12c; small, per lb., 10c; peanuts per lb.. 7c; roasted peanuts, per lb., so; Chili walnuts, rib.. 1241 3'ftc; almonds, soft shell, per 17c; hsrd shell, per lb.. 15c:: chestnuts, per lb , 12V4t16c: new blsck walnuts. 7er bu, 745Oci shellbark rilokory n4oi. per CHi., 11.71: large hickory nuts, per tu., Jr Metal Market. NEW YORK. Jan. Jl.-M ETAL8-1 h London tin market waa a little, higher again, presumably on further covering by shorts, with spot closing at 4:132 7s tkl and futures st 131. Ixvcally. the market seemed rather irregular and unsettled, with the spot position a little easier and trade quiet, pending the monthlv statistical show ing. Spot is quoted fp'm 129.50 to $30.00, some dealers were said to be asking aa high as t30.12'-. but sellers were reported arouud US.S6. Copper was also a little higher In London, closing at a7o la 3d for spot and 4.68 5s for einur,B Ixxally. the market remains firm and unchanged, with lake quoted at llo.sii. electroijtic at $16.$7Wv?. 16 so and casting at $15.(X"hT5 2f. Lend was unchanged at 4.12 15s In London and $4 45' 4.56 in the local market. Spelter was un changed at $o.2c'(ii.0 locally, but ruled a little easier slir.iad, where the market closed at 4124 12 Cd. Iron cloae.1 at ols Cd in Glasgow and at 47s 7'l in Middles borough. Locally, the iron market show no material rhange; No. 1 northern foundry Is quoted at $l7.5Cril7.S5; No. 2 northern foundry. $175": No. 1 southern foundry snd No. 1 southern foundry, s.ift. I17.7ryijlt.00. ST. IViUlS. Jan. .11-MKT A I J lend, steady, II.S5. St.elter. lower. i..iWi.t'2vl. ' t rnde Oil I Loner. PITTSBURG. Jan. SI. -The Standard Oil company todav jeduced the price In all grades of crude oil. A reduction of t cents was mude on high grades and 2 cent on the lower grades. HEAL K6TATK TRAKSFICHt. Deeds filed for record yesterday aa fur nished by the Midland Guarant and Trust Co.. bonded abstracters, 1614 Fer nam street: American Fir Insurance company to H. c. Plunkett. n, lots 1 and 2, block 104 Omaha $12,000 Marie C. Carlsle to Conservative Sav ings and Ixian company, lot 1, block 11. Brown park t"0 H. E. Baker to Katherlna B. Davis, block lo. Halcyon Heights 1 W. Peterson and wife to M. Herman and wife, lot 7, block 7. Crelghton Heights 1 Bvlvla E. Beats and husband loUB, ' Scott, lot 26. hloek 1, Mavne Place..- MoO Josephine P. Brlabln and but hand to . Aetna Trust company, lot I,, blotk . 13S, Florence V. B. Voorhls to H. T. Jester, part lot ' lis. Nelson's add Margaret McNeil and husbapd to A. T. Seybolt. and. Bessie L. Seybolt, ne, aw, -0-i.3 ,' IU7 Aana Johanek 10 Anna Johanek. part lot k and St. block 5, Kountr.e s "d add Xl Minnie, C. Nlfhoi et al to J. Nlchol. lots 4 and 6. bl.H'k 6. Newport 1 J. Nlchol lo Emma J. Nlchol, same I'M A. i- Estell and wife to M. G. Dower, lot 17. replat of block 1. Bemls park 1V25 Somerset Trust company to E. li. Scott, lots 1, 2 and 4. block t. Pierce' aubdiv 150 Edwards -Wood Go. (Incorporated) -rUio Of(lc: Fifth ad Rotearts Stret 5T. PALL, fllNN. DEALERS IN Stocks, Grain, Provisions Ship Your Groin" to Us ratth on, 110.111 ttar of Trad Blda- Omaha. Hah. Telethon I4. m-274 Exchang Bids . Booth Omaha. VsU 'Phone 31a Ir.dtoendant 'Pboa i. The Merchants National Dank of Omaha, IN!. tt. 1 ga4Hrf Ctpital aid Surplu, S0Q.000 rtAM laVIV. -. U"t Mui Uikkw. riAtl T. liHtlTM. Asst. Casw.: att 4 kaaka. bavtaert. orve- t ill sarca ml la warva. lata twi Tism Cwxllcst ml Pian.n. foA',al snaS s.eaapclr 14 aiiviinia ij. Ve muaa aiiat anlnaa. snssi saia, araas aava itiiiaiii sa fsm tanas faralsa BscSMta hawU aaJ maid laa.4. aaaiiiM la ' f 't 4 i 1 I i r ill 1 1 ! 1 1 1 ' i I 1 I J ,4 -Ll.