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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 1, 1905)
TIIE OMAITA DAILY DEE; WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 1, 1905. 10 Great Sale Muslin Underwear Thursday PARR TO SUCCEED GRUBER 8uprlntTidit of Wyoming Division of Union Pacific ii Prsmoted. APfOINTMENT EFFECTIVE AT ONCE &aaral .Mansajer Mahler Makes A -loinrrmdt of Choice of Ilia Chief Assistant la Direc tion of the Road. W. L. rrk Jim been appointed general superintendent of the Union Pacific rail road, the appointment to be effective Feb ruary 1. Ha succeeds J. M. Oruber, who resigned aoma time ago to accept the auper Intendency of the Burlington Unea east of tha Mississippi river. Mr. Park has been with the Union Pacific for many years and has long been the su perintendent of the Wyoming; division of tha road. He has an excellent record for Service and Is very popular among; the men, aa well a with the executive officers. The announcement was made from the office of General Manager Mnhler. Burlington's Wit Horn I.lae. Articles of Incorporation of the Big Horn railroad were filed at Cheyenne Friday. This Is the corporate name of the new tin which Is to be built Into tha Bis; Horn basin by the Burlington and It meana that tha first step preparatory to actual work on tha line. It is expected that the road will bo built from Frannle, on the Cody division of the line, to Thermopolls. The distance Is about ISO miles, and for most of the distance the line will follow a nat ural basin which presents no expensive engineering problems. Thermopolla will also be the western terminal of tho branch tha Northwestern proposes to run out from Casper. Both will reach the same town, en building Into the place from the north and tha other from the south. Thermopolls baa longed for a railroad, but It seems destined to get a bunch of them this trip. Tho Big Horn Railroad company Is capi talised at 16,000,010. The Incorporation papers show the line as running through counties in Wyoming. The names of the Incorporators are J. E. Kelby, O. W. Holdreg. H. D. AUee, W. P. Durkea and O. W. Loomis. Moffatt Sells His Road. It la reported that the Denver, North western A Pacific will not be built to Salt Lake City. It Is said that David H. Moffatt's Interest In the property has been sold to the Denver Rio Grande, and that the road will now be built to Hot Sulphur Springs, a few miles beyond Arrowhead, the present terminus. A. rail road man, who recently returned from Denver, says the story Is given consider able credence and has been the occasion of considerable excitement. President Moffatt, Viae President Schlacks and directors of the Denver & Rio Grande, It Is said, have been In conference In New York and that the merger of the two roads has been effected. It Is said that as a result of the change A. C. Rldgway, the general manager of the road, Is to have tha place of manager with tha Denver & Rio Grande, succeeding J. A. Edson, who recently resigned. It Is believed the road Is bought up to put out of the way a poaslblo rival to the Gould coast line, the Western Pacific. A branch Is to be con structed to Dotsero in Garfield county, which Is on the main line of the Denver at Rio Grande about twenty miles east of Glenwood Springs. The branch, with the Moffatt road as far as built, would straighten out the Rio Grands consider ably and would shorten the time of the road as a transcontinental proposition. I Will Delay the Ilnreaa. It is probable that the bureau of Informa tion at the Union station will not be In operation, quite as soon as expected, owing to the Illness of J. G. McBrlde, who Is to have charge. Telephones have been In stalled and the other paraphernalia will be In shape in a few days. All the folders and other data will be given out at this window. Strangers will be Informed as to what street cars to take and how to transfer when visiting Omaha for the first time, and they will also be furnished the neces sary Information regarding train connec tions and other data they may need when traveling to other cities. The time of the arrival and departure of trains will be given out from this window. Railway Notes and Personals. A. Trainor, general baggage agent for the Union Pacific, goes to Chicago Wednesday. George McNutt, traveling passenger agent for tho Missouri, Kansas Sl Texas, is in the city. C. B. Fletcher, superintendent of the Cherokee division of the Illinois Central is In Omaha. James O. Phllllppl, assistant general freight agent for the Missouri Pacific, will visit Chicago Wednesday. The telegraph operators of the New Haven lines have received an Increase of pay and shorter hours of work. The Colorado Midland has adopted a new trade mark and will du known as the Mid land route. The trade mark is a circle with a solid background of black and white lettering. Homeseeker return trip rates are an nounced by the Western Passenger asso ciation for February and March T and 21 from Missouri river points to Nebraska, Ksnsas, eastern Colorado and Wyoming. The rate will be one fare, plus $2, with a maximum of $15. A rate Is made from Chi cago for tM. WRECK NOW JBEING REMOVED Building; Inspector Wttbaell Starts Work on Walls of Mercer Building- Left by Fire. ; Under the direction of Building Inspector Wltimell the work of tearing down the Walls of the burned Mercer building began Tuesday. The upper walls of the Klrkendall building will be removed later. Small moun tains of lea on its east facade will bo re moved as soon as possible, as it is con sidered very dangerous to persons who cannot be kept on the safe side of the , ropea, Twenty-Five for Waehter. Herman Waehter has been fined 125 and costs by Police Judge Berka. Waehter was arrested on the charge of procuring, but when an investigation of the case proved that charge could not be sustained, - a complaint of being an Inmate of a disor derly house and being interested in such a place was filed against Waehter by Acting ' City Prosecutor Elllck. It was charged Waehter induced Mlaa Mabel Klrby to leave the resort of Clara Gleason and es. tabllsh herself at tha bagnio managed by Ella Dyke at Ninth and Dodge streets. Wo are still giving big- bargains In handkerchiefs $1.60 handker chiefs for S7e, $1 and fl.25 handkerchiefs for fi5c, 75c handkerchiefs for 48c, Wtc unndkeivhlefa for 2H 25c handkerchiefs for 15c, 15c handker chiefs for lc. Finest French hand embroidered handkerchiefs, sold $2.00 to $10.50, now Just half former price. Real Point and Duchess Lace hand kerchiefs at a big reduction. Dress trimmings at Just half former price. MRS. J. mm Ladies' Collars Hemstitched and Lmbroidered Freeh new shipments of the In test styles Indies' collars all prettiest effects In hem stitched nnd embroidered turn over collars and storks some with tabs they are actually worth up to 35c each at, ea:h 5C10C Laces 4t 5c 10c Torchons, French and English Vals and point d'eeprit laces and insert ings the rarest plain and fancy wash laces in all widths worth up to 25c 5C-I0 a yd., at, yard. .. IWO SPECIALS IN worth as Fashionable Stunning The finest Dr.. Bradbury 150o DENTIST Teetfl Extracted With out Pain. Fllltfl-gs 50c up Crown $2.50 up Brlag-o Work $2. 50 up PUtst. ,. ,...$2.00 up Counsel for TVachter endeavored to show the defendant's chief business at the Dyke resort was in the capacity of a commission man. WORK FOR A DOZEN MECHANICS Remodeling- Port Omaha Buildings Will Commence and Be Pnshed Vigorously. I The work of remodeling the Interior of the buildings at Fort Omaha, which will begin Wednesday under the direction of Constructing Quartermaster Major M. Gray Zallnski, will give employment to ten or twelve Omaha artlxans for the present, as what work Is to be done must be performed indoors owing- to the condition of the weather. These men will be employed by day's labor, tha work comprising the re moval of partitions In the buildings and a general remodeling of the Interior of the structures In comformlty with prepared plans. The outside work, which will be done largely by contract, will give employ ment to a considerable number of men. AH of the work is to be pushed as rapidly as possible when favorable weather will permit. Low Chicago Rates, Via the Northwestern Line, February 3 to 10, good until February 14, account meet ing American Motor League. City offices, 1401-1403 Farnam street. The only double track line to Chicago. Marriage License. Following are the marriage licenses Issued up to noon January 31: Name and Residence. . i Age. Frank Crawford, Omaha 34 Louisa MacN'alr, Omaha 24 Adam M. Johnson, Omaha 43 Mary E. Schllck, Omaha 19 Charles Hauptman, South Omaha 24 Mary Josephine Adklns, South Omaha.... ill Thomas 8. O'Hara, Rock Island, 111 34 Isabella M. Doonan, Buite, Mont 27 William Nissan. Cedar Creek. Neb 34 Tina Hansen, Cedar Creek, Neb 22 Otis F. Akin. Portland, Ore S3 Mabel M. Montgomery, Joplin, Mo 3U Stephen Maas, Builne County, Neb 23 Nora Vejraska, Omaha 22 Edholm, Jeweler, ism and Harney, Mortality Statistics. The following births and death have been reported to the Board of Health dur ing the twenty-four hours ending at noon Tuesday: Births LeRoy Spady, H18 Laird, twin boys; Fred Adams, Fifty-fourth and Dodge, boy: Orriiin Lannon, loot) North Twentv nlnth, boy; Joe Leeder, 2213 South Thir teenth, boy. Death Charles II. Ogburn, 1618 North Seventeenth, 54. 1 I tmiwi i Evening Waists W have just received a handsome line of evening waists in lace, mull aud china eilk. Also white mohairs with the new sleeve. BENSON 5c Percales 2. A New Idea Percale by the Piece Five cases of mill lengths highest grade percales average length is about one yard, many of a pat tern to match up reg ularly worth 15c a yard at piecb. ....... Embroideries Extra fine embroideries in fine cambric and nainsook, these are embroideries, Insertlngs and pnlloons, In all the most desir able width, including extra wide all fresh and new actually worth up to 35c a yard, at yd., 5C 7 jc 10c LADIES' CLOAKS 2c Ladies Long and Short Coats includ ing popular tourist coats and many patin lined novelty gar A OA ments, very stylish and LftiJ high as $15 at, each. ft Winter Coats at $6.98 new styles long tourist coats in novelty cloths, kerseys, etc. heavy satin linings also many odd sample coats, that would regularly sell up to $20, at. , 62 Ladies' Golf Skirts at $1.98 A grtat assortment of new style golf skirts taht a ia taut 1.98 nre actually worm as feign as 4 ana $5 Just right weight for street wear at, each Ladies' Dress and Walking Skirts at $2.98 dress and walking skirts made of the most popular mateiinls, posi tively worth up to $0 and $7, at 2-98 rARNAM Fourteen Years Sam Location 'PHONE 1756 Th most MiiMtlra nerves removed with out pain. Loose teeth made oil. Written Guarantee . METCALF WILL IS ON FILE Widow Aiks to Be Named as Executor Under Its Provisions. ESTATE AMOUNTS TO QUARTER MILLION Wife Given the Home and All Its Contents and One-Halt of the Remainder of tha Estate, Real and Personal. Mrs. Anna V. Metcalf has filed for pro bate the last will and testament of her late husband, Joseph M. Metcalf, and asks to be formally appointed executor of the same. The property disposed of by the will consists of real estate in Nebraska to the value of $154,000, real estate located else where valued at 15,000 and $100,000 of per sonal property. The will was written by Mr. Metcalf him self and Is dated April 4, 1883. It was wit nessed by H. P. Devalon and H. A. Smith. By It the widow is given tha homestead, which means now the beautiful new home finished last year at 1234 South Tenth street, and all therein contained, which consists of furnishings of great value and artistic merit. Mrs. Metcalf Is also to have one half of all the rest and residue of the es tate, real and personal. The remaining half of the estate is de vised by the will to the three brother and one sister of deceased. Theae are Thomas E., Los Angqles, Cal. ; John W., Lewes, Del.; Alfred P., Omaha, and Annie E. Met culC, share and share alike. Attached to the will Is a codicil dated September 14, 1898, which is to this effect: It is directed that one-third of the share devised to John W. Metcalf shall go direct to Mrs. Mary H. Metcalf Johnson, a daugh ter of John W., If she is living at the time of testator's death. The codicil also directs but In the nature of a request that any stock in the Linlnger & Metcalf company which may come to An nle E. and Alfred P. Metcalf be retained by them. If any of said stock shall come to others of the heirs they are requested to give Mrs. Anna V. Metcalf and Alfred P. the first chance to purchase the same In the event they desire to sell. The price to be paid for the stock Is named In the codicil as $3 for every $1 of stock so received. The witnesses to the codicil are H. P. Devalon and W. H. Head. Besides the property named and devised In the will there Is $J5.000 of life Insurance, of which Mrs. Metcalf Is tha beneficiary. She Is named as sole executor of the will. A. B. Huberraann, diamonds; own Imp. WATER MAIN FL00DSCELLARS Six-Inch Pip at Twelfth and Howard Bursts and Does Small Dtnilt, Tha bursting of a six-Inch watar main at Twelfth and Howard streets Monday evening flooded the streets In the vicinity and added much lea and slush to that already created In the district by the fire of Saturday night. The stream was not turned off for about an hour and not be fore the cellar of ths D. J. O'Brien Candy company had been flooded and stocks of peanuts and chocolates badly damaged. ' 81x feet of water In the boiler room did no particular harm beyond putting tha Area out, as steam was low. Considerable water also went Into the basement of tha A, I. Root printing house and that of tha Haywsrd Bros. Shoe company, but tit taauift was small. J WEATHER FORECAST Wednesday, Far.N Big Sheet Picture Sale Of vast importance to nil nrt lovers. lJeproduotions from old and modern masters. ENOKAVIXflS, ETCIIIXOS, PHOTOGRAVURES Flain nnd the best hand coloring facsimiles almost the equal of the highest priced water colors. TLATINUM REPRODUCTIONS elegant subjects, the best black and w hite pictures ever put forth, also pictures for studies in water color, oil, etc. We jrunrnnte every one a tronnlne Imrcaln, or your .money refunded. The foremost publishers of the I'nlted States nre represented la this sale. Twelve Dig Bargain Tables of Sheet Pictures. Breaking All Records of Any Sheet Picture Sale Held West Kent your old frames with new pictures, or let us frame these bar gain pictures at Hennett's special framing prices. See window display, Sixteenth street. riCfURHS values up to 7oc, sale price 25c PLATINUMS values up to 8."c, sale price 35c PHOTOGRAVURES values up to $1, sale price 59c PHOTOGRAVURES hand colored, values up to $1.50 sale price 69c PHOTOGRAVURES values up to $1.50, sale price. . .Q5c CARROXS values up to -51.35, sale price OSc CARROXS values up to 2.00, sale price 1.29 ENGRAVINGS AND ETCHINGS values up to 2.95, sale price 1.45 HAND COLORED PHOTOGRAVURES values up to $3.00, sale price 1.98 FACSIMILES exquisite works of art, values up to $0.00. sale price 3.98 rHOTOORAVlTIlER extra large size, the finest art work In this class of reproductions, values up to $7..jO, sale price 4 98 MARINE and FIGURE FACSIMILED values up to $10, sale price.. 8. 00 CONDITIONS OF SALE Positively no duplicates, and no pictures exchanged, make your selection early, as this Is the greatest opportunity ever offered to lovers of the fine art. "" """""" fholo Developing and Finishing. Th Right PlaceBennett's It won't pay you to de velop your own pictures, but it will pay you to bring them to our camera man Southeast Corner, Main Floor. DRY GOODS. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 1ST, we will show a pretty lot of NEW DRESS GINGHAMS, at yard NEW PERCALES, at yard, 12c and NEW VAL. LACES, and insertions to match, from 15c per dozen yards, up to yard NEW EMBROIDERIES, beautiful new patterns, from 75c yard down to, per yard M I SPECIAL SALE NEW TORCHON LACES, very' good for underwear trimming, 1 to 4 inches wide, worth up to 15c yard, Wednesday only, yard Ow FIVE ($.50) GREEN TRADING STAMPS. NEW ALL-OVER LACES, for waists and trimmings, In cream, ESQ-, white and ecrus. from $5.00 yard down to Zjt New Silk Costumes ivnd Silk Shirt Waist Suits. LADIES, you are invited to visit our suit section and inspect a number of very handsome new silk street costumes, In black, blue, new green taffetas, and taffeta silk shirt waist suits, at iA ("a prices up from l4iOU BENNETT SORE AT GROCERY Special sales in our famous grocery section. Money-Saving propositions. i Corn Meal, white and yellow, Ten with eight pound buck new cornmeal Ginger Snaps fresh, new, and spicy pound Ten ($1.00) Green Trading Stamp with nve cans solid packed tomaoes Ten ($1.00) Green Trading Stamps with rive cans I. X. L. Corn Fifty ($5.00) Greon Trading Stamps with can Franco-American Mock Turtle or Chicken Soup Ten ($1.00) Green Trailing Stamps with two cans Preacott Stove Dressing Ten ($1.00) Green Trading Stamps with two pounds Callfiu-nla Raisins Ten ($1.00) Green Trading Stamps 14rr with two pounds of Tapioca lt CANDIES. Five (50c) Green Trading StampH C with package California Figs Ten ($1.00) Green Trading Stamps lOc with c I u ua df n fi w n I nnc m . p..' - ; sr. lUc . ! "ft B; Srwsia! f --... WE REITERATE TORRID WASHED NUT is the most economi cal coal sold in Omaha. No slack, no slate, no sulphur, therefore little smoke, leaves little ash. A powerful coal for kitchen range and heater. Users say Torrid Washed Nut lasts a third longer than any soft coal. "Do not take something lust as good." Buy the genuine from us. C-W-ff ULLGO-1 irillutll 20V: & IZARD 5T3. ltMSwl I Of Importance to Pyrtgraphy Buyers JUST IX -D AI N T Y NOVELTY BOXES and PANELS. Heart 8hajMs. suitable for valentine frlffls. Also, Just In. a bis; shipment of other new and novel designs very low prices. Pyrosraphy OCn , Frames, new tw Ten ($1.00) Green Trad-, lng Stamps. Oval Dutch 28c Panels, 8x16. new..'-"' Fifteen (1.5) Green Trading Stamps. Oval Fruit Panels, fChr 1(1x22. new KJrlt Twenty ($2.00) Green Trading- Stamps. WEDNESDAY ONLY. Largest Display of Pyrographjr Ma terials In tha West. 12lc 10c 50c ...3c ($1.00) Green Trading Stamps 15c ...5c 50c 50c 35c 16c 16c ww !: .i i r. .... ViV, -""swift ' ' VVV: O01los Kb t a Cisw. ft- JM B . i rsMls-i t 1 i 7..7TI IS. ...... 4 ,,J lt &.S hul TEL.ilOTS J ptrt Sl . a W as. HWDE New Silk Shirt Waiet Suits on Sale THE REM High Grade Dress Goods Sals "Mohair Is King" So Says the February Toilet, 1905. We hare the line at the right prices: About 120 different styles in domestic at, a yard About 60 styles in the English molmlr. in all the new fancy colors and every shnde for spring. This line Is $1.25 line, we will sell at., 4S Inch Silk Warp Mohairs, In fancies, entirely new this spring CA regular price $-oo. will go at. ner yard ....I.JU Priestley's Celebrated Fancy Mohairs at $3.50, $l5o, $1.50, $1.25 and All the plain colors, at 25c up to $4.0S per yard Silk Bargains Wednesday $1.73 black Crepe de Chine, 42 Inches wide, special, at 1.23 KV" black Peau de Sole, 1J inches wide, special, at . . . . 65o $1.25 black Peau de Sole, 27 Inches wide, special, at 85c Plack Taffeta, 30 Inches wide, exceptional value, nt 79c 27-inch black Taffeta, very soft and strong, at, per yard 85c $1.75 black Taffetas, 30 Inches wide, Rreat snap, nt, per yard 1.10 New spring shades In Wlnslow Taffeta are now here. Winslow can b found only at Haydon's. Read These Grocery Prices. THEY HAVE NO EQUAL. HIGHEST QUALITY FOK LEAST MONEY. 10 bars best laundry soap 2"c ID-lb. SHcks kiln rirted cornmeal l.'io T-lb. sacks kiln dried oatmeal l."c 5-lbs. fancy hand-picked navy beans.. Wo 5-llis. good Japan rice I'M b-lha. best pearl tapioca, sago, barley or farina l!o Pest rye flour, per sack BTVjc Fancy High Patent Minnesota Flour per sack $1 49 Papolio, per bar tc Pearline, per package 2o S bars Wool Soap I'M; 1 Yeaxt Foam or On Time Yeast, pkg..2; yuan cans tnnie syrup i",o 3-lb. cans solid packed tomatoes 74c 2-lb. cans sweet sugar corn 7c 2-lt. cans Early June sifted Peas T'jc Force, Kgg-O-See, Malta Vita or X-Cello, per package Tc The best soda or oyster crackers, lb 6jO All 12Vc or l.'ic cookies, this sale, 3 pounds for 25c HAVDER3 BROS. I . "Follow the Flag " 1 - i . 8 rxscsrl I hi MIS Ull I v ar s ibhbk. ' pi i mm mm m ss u mm mm sa m m in m mm m -m m z mm ' m. Gon SOUTH? LEAVE OMAHA 6:30 P. M. ARRIVE ST. LOUIS 7:15 A. M. Dally ?xcursions to all the winter resorts of the South at greatly reduced rates. Ask us for rates, time tables and all information so when you leave you will kuow where you are at. j Wabash City Ticket Office, 1601 Farnam Harry E. Moores, Q. A. P. D., Omaha, Neb, THE FIUST COMPLETE PIANO, PIANOLA, PIANOS.... An upright piano of tbe highest type, with a metro Btyle pianola built Into It. Playable either by hand or by perforated niUHlc roll. This remarkable Instru ment of the future is for sale by sole representatives Schmoller & Mueller, 1313 Farnam St. Pianola music half price. flJnderwea.r. Tha cold winds can ba with stood Jf you have good, warm UNDERWEAR. Ws have tha largest Una In Omaha, and ws , carry a completa stock In va rious weights and sixes. They come In cotton, half wool, all wool and fleeca lined, from o to ,2 00 per garment. We hava special values ajt 2tc, S&o and Oo per garment. JOS. F. BILZ, 522 So. 16th St., Omaha.. BOLB AQKNTB FOR PICTORIAL REVIEW PATTERNS. THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. 1K HOLI.AK PKH 1 C li. !1 i!S New Covert Jackets for Spring Wear ABLE STORE. mohairs, all the new shades 1.00 all cravenetted 1.00 FIIESH FRUIT DEPARTMENT. I The In the West. ! Fancy wert Juicy Highland Navel orange, per dozen : Ture Colorado White Clover Honey, I per rni-k I New Hollowe'en Pitt'-s. rer pound , ! Fancy Imported Figs, per pound I. arse Juicy Lemon, per dosen I Large ripe UnimnaH, ht dizen Fresh roasted Peanuts, per measure... 120 10o fio loo 12a 12a 40 PUTTER PUTTER PUTTER SPECIAL IN COUNTRY BUTTER, FOR I WEDNESDAY ONLY Fresh country roll butter, worth 28c for this sale per pound 2o DON'T MISS OUR GREAT IOC GRAN ITE WAKE SALE GOING ON NlAV IN OUR HARDWARE- DEPARTMENT. ARTICLES WORTH FROM 2)C TO 30 FOR 100 Great SHOE Bargains Genuine bargains In high grade, up-to-date shoes tills week st this store. Heavy cuts In prices of stylish shoes be cause of broken lines and winter weights. For Men S. & M.'s 5 patent colt, lace, double sole, jnuon ana roiay r lust, clean-up-prlce J' KJ Ravden's U patent colt and vlci kM double soles, clean-up- A price 166 pair bo calf, cordovan and patent colt, lace. S3.60 and U O hoes, clean-up-prlce Women and Children Laird, Bchober k Co.'a 16 patent and vlcl kid, extension soles, ft Bf hll t hv last irn At Wrlrht St Peters' 14 vlcl kid. lace doubla soles, clean-up- 2 QS price , Misses' K.tO patent leather f Afi lr.u klinM. r.lea.n-UD-Drlo Sv-WLf 266 pairs women's i and $J.M AB. ml.nam nr V.uriraln table "-' Fry Shoe Co. 16th and Douglaa SU., OMAHA. DIAMONDS Are a Joy forever to ths possessor. It insures no against a rainy day , and the knowledge thereof causes one to be sutlslied with themselves ' as well its with the world at lane.. llemrniher we sell them at prices so reasonable that we are wllllti to, give you ,on demand, nine-tenths of amount palil us st any time within, one year from date of purchase We have them loose and mounted, In all t'liW't-lvkhle shapes and styles, rans liig In prk'M from o.' to u"U.ia, which Wf would be plcaro'l to show you. 15 -& DODGE. 4. 4, Hi L i SB W I VI .