THE OMAHA DAILY PEE: SUNDAY. JANCAHY 20. 100.7. n ft X J i M. TO- I'M :'f 'CURRENT COUNCIL FIREMEN WAIT FOR RATES Ctnmittce Confers witb Commercial Club Regarding Tonriamonk RAISING OF rUNDS TO COMMENCE SOON I m m r rr I a I Club Assures Wtlrere I Association Hour Will It I'nrthenmlna When erdrd. President E. E. Parson and Treasurer B. I. Aldrtman of the Iowa mate Fire men's association wfr" here yesterday 'rn Marlon mid conferred with Fire Chief rhnlsnti and member of the executive committee of the Commercial rlub relative to the state tournament to he held in thin city In June. While nothing definite was arranged th state officers, with Chief Nicholson, outlined the program for the tournament Bhd discussed other matter In connection with the same. The association la waiting word from the paseenger association as to ratea for the tournament and aa hoop m thla Important question la art I ltd anothr meeting will he held here and the pro gram completed. Council Bluff will' he required to raise la.WW for the tournament and the com mit (see appointed to tnko charge of col lecting the necessary funds will begin work soon. The visiting officer yesterday were aaaured by the executive committee if the Commercial club that there would he no difficulty In raising the needed guar antee fund. Consult Regarding Smallpox, The numeroua cases of smallpox among the children of the public schools prompted the Board of Education to yesterday con sult City Physician Tlnley aa to the beat means to be employed to prevent the spread of 'he disease. Borne of the mem bers of the board believed that the schools should ha closed for the week at least until the buildings could he thoroughly fumigated but Dr. Tlnlry did not consider thla necessary. In view of the fart that many adult persons in all parts of the city were being seised with the disease Mr. Tlnley gave i It as his opinion that It would be Just ', aa mmf for the rhllHron to lie In nphonl ! as at home or on the streets. lie advised ,.,.,.... .i,. !,... .. ,i. .,.!., -.4 In any of the schools that the building be at once thoroughly fumigated. Dr. Tln ley stated to the board that there waa no cause for alarm aa the disease except in a few Isolated cases waa of a very mild form. A child who had been attending the Washington avenue school was reported yesterday aa having the measles and that building was at once thoroughly fumigated. One of the teachers at the North Eighth street achool Is under quarantine for small pox and It waa reported yesterday that four children who attended her class were also suffering from smallpox. In view of the prevalence of the disease In the schools a genernl order has been Issued to the teachers to .at once notify the superintendent or board when any child Is apparently sick or the least broken Wrong Man Is Arrested. Wank Blahop who- la also known by his friends as Bud" Bishop, was brought to Council Bluffs yesterday afternoon from Sinux City where he had been placed under arrest on a description furnished by the authorities of this city by Constable Baker of Justice Gardner's sjurt. Bishop was supposed to be the man who under the name of John Jonea secured a loan of $M) from the City Loan company under alleged false representations. When taken before Justice Oardner on big arrival here Bishop said "My name Is Bud Bishop all right. There Is no deny ing that but I guess you have got hold of the wrong man as I never was In Coun cil Bluffs before and I never mortgaged ny horses or harness." Manager Hendricks of the City Loan cdmpany, the moment he saw Bishop ac . knowledged he was not the man who had buncoed him. Bishop was at once set at liberty and the patties Interested In the case were called Upon to provide the young man with transportation back to Sioux 'City. Bishop after leaving Justice Gard ner's court consulted with a lawyer with a .View to bring suit for damages for his arrest. Fraternal Lodge olea. Mrs. Tlrxah A. Nelson, supreme sergeant and Iowa state commander, Installed the officers of Conrad hive No. 3, Ladles of the Maccabees, Friday evening. Following the Installation the members and their friends enjoyed dancing and cards, and refreshments were served. The officers for year are: aat commander. Mrs. Clara Younaer- nmnl lady commanner. airs, i.nuise i.uc- bow: lleutemi-M commander. Miss Anna Moore: record peeper. Mrs. Ilulda Under; finance keeper, Mrs. Mamie Luchow; pre late. Mrs. Addle Grimes; sergeant, Mrs. Itenalne Aldinger: nilstreas-at-srm. Mrs. Rnse.Honack: sentinel, Mrs. Theresa Ku- r encamp: picket. Mrs. Mlna Pruaaei cap aln of guards, Mrs. Myra Cralgtnlle; mu slrlan, Mr. Inex Hherman; physician. trs. Luella Hhaw-Dean. Susan B. Snyder and Rose Rice. At the meeting of lodge No. It, Fraternal Vnlon of America, last week the following officers were Installed by D. I. Haydcn, state organiser and lodge deputy: Fraternal master. William Hlnton; Just Ic. David Kehlowlta: secretary. Nellie P. Kvana; treasurer, N. W. WH turns: pro tector. Alfred Hnrtsen; truth, Mrs. Hintou; suiitinel, Mrs llunaen; guide, c'lura Soten son; guard. Miss Myrtle Snyder; stewards. Oeorge W. Klein. It. P. Hansen and Roy K. Htlburn. . Harrison County Man Arrested. , W. R. Grant. Indicted on a charge of conspiracy by the Harrison county grand Jury at Logan, was arrested yesterday afternoon In this city as he alighted from a motor from Omaha by Deputy Sheriff Wonlnian and turned over to Sheriff Sliinn of Harrison county who was behind him In the next car. Sheriff Shinn Just missed Grant In Omaha and learning that he bait taken a car for Council Bluffs tele phoned the sheriff's office to have a man meet It and place Ursnt under arrest. The charge of conspiracy against Grant Is said to te In connuction with the Bale of gruphophonca. It la alleged that per sons purchasing the machines wers asked to give their notes (or X and that when these notes turned up they called (or Attorney J. 15. Sweet, in whose company Orsnt waa when taken Into custody, and William Btrker of this rlty went sureties 1 u'l - fc. B. BE ALL, Manager. NEW THEATER Kntlr Week. Ktartlas; Tomorrow tlgnt, Jon. :h A INN A EVA FAY Matlnwva for ladies only, Wsdmsday and Saturday. V Nighi prices 10c, V and uc. Monday night, Wdlea fnca ittMler the usual ygdllivun. news BLUFFS on Orant'l bond for 11,600 and the latter waa released. Rlrhardaona I aider Suspicion. J. D. Richardson and J. A. Hlrhardeon, father and ...n. who have been making their residenr In a email house on Worth atrett, were nrrested yesterday and lodged In the city Jail on a charge of vagrancy. They will bo held pending Investigation. The pollre rlnlm to have evidence chow lug that the house on Worth etreet occu pied by the Richardson has been the hradqunrtcr of a gang of thieve of which an Omnht man la alleged to be the ring leader. , The Richardson, who ostensibly follow the rolea of Junk buyers, are uiectcd by the police of being the parties who recently stole several haVs of hay from Attorney J. J. Stewart's barn and were In the act of doing the same at the Hosa place on Willow avenue when detected by Miss Ross. They are aln charged with entering a shed on the premiers of Mrs. M' 2T.2G Avenue It and o-ir-rylng away a number of urtlcl.a, Includ ing lace curtains. A few nights ago a number of chewing gum slot machines were carried away bodily from In front of drug stores and other places on Main street. In the pocket of the younger Richardson were found a large number of packets of gum which have heetKjdentined as taken from at least two of the machines carried away. Whllromh Admits Robbery. John Whlteomb. charged with looting the lxiwer residence on Muff street, was brought back from Omaha yesterday even Ing and lodged in the city Jail to await his preliminary hearing Monday morning. It la expected be will waive examination and be hound over to the grund Jury, aa Whlteomb last night admitted having committed not only thla burglary, hut that at the residence of Everett A. Frye, sex ton of Walnut Hill cemetery, on Sunday, January IS Whlteomb also admitted steal I Ing the kit of tools and overcoat belong- Ing to Contractor Ha'thaway from the new i residence of 15. E. Hart on Third street and disposing of them In Bouth Omaha. Whltcomh's only excuse for committing these robberies is that he needed the money. His parents, he said, live In Ne braska City. The diamond stud which was reported missing from the Lower residence and whkh Whlteomb denied taking, was found yesterday by a member of the family. In some manner It had been dropped be- ! n'at" a corn,,r of the carpet In one of rooms Neola Man Family Burned. Verne Q. Hamilton, penlor member of the firm of Hamilton & Smith and one of the leading business men of Neola, this county, was fatally burned by gasoline Friday morning. Ills death followed n few hours later after terrible suffering, i Mr. Hamilton In starting the kitchen I HreJ mistook a can of gasoline for kero . sene and the explosion that followed en j velpsd him completely In flames. Before help could reach him, hla clothes were burned oft him and he waa terribly burned almost over hla entire body. Ha also inhaled the flames. Mrs. Hamilton was upstairs when her husband called for her and she not realis ing that her husband was In danger and thinking that the house had caught fire, commenced to throw the bedding and other articles out of the window. The blase was extinguished before much damage waa done to the house. Mr. Hamilton was married about a year ago to Miss Campbell, daughter of P. S. Campbell former clerk of the district court of Pottawattamie county and now a resi dent of Omaha. Mysterloas Woman Coming. There la something about mystery that appeals strongly to humanity at large, and when It comes to as baffling a puszle as Is presented by Anna Eva Fay, the sterner sex Is every bit aa curious aa the daughters of Eve ever were. Miss Fay opens her en gagement In the New theater. Council Muffs, Monday evening next, and continues throughout the week, with matinees for women only Wednesday and Saturday, nnd It Is aufe to say that the widespread Inter est expressed here before will be renewed by this engagement. This wonderful woman Is said to be possessed of certain mental attributes that approach so close to the miraculous that it is hard to draw the dividing Hue. Tt Is claimed that she reads thoughts and predicts future events with absolute certainty, besides her fascinating psychlo performance she is at the head of a capable company of entertainers. 91.4IO Vlsltlnsf Cards, IOe. Monday and Tuesday are the last days of DeLong's January printing sale. MIXOR MENTIOV Davis sells drugs. Leffert's glasses fit. Stockert sells carpets. Duncan sells the best school shoes. Drs. Woodbury, dentists, 80 Pearl street. Duncan does the best repairing, 23 Main. Clo to night school, Western Iowa College. Pictures and novelties for graduation gifts. Alexander. XSi Broadway. The Muff City Gun club will have a prac tice shoot this morning at 10 o'clock at its grounds near the river. A marriage license wss issued yesterday io Hemming Jensen, aged 21, and Sarah arsen, ugwl 18, both of thla city. The remains of C. L. Roe, who died In Sprlnirteld. 111., have been brought here for burial. The funeral will bo held today. Missouri oak dry cordwood, lr a cord, cobs $1.75 per load, shell Lurk hickory $7 per curd, delivered. William Welch, It North Main. Telephone 128. Owing to the Increased business at thu porttoltlce, PoHtmaater Hnselton has been authorized to employ an extra night clerk, who will he put on February 1. These cases of smallpox were reported to the Board of Health yesterday: Rutli Stewart, 916 Third avenue; baby in family of James Walluce, 914 Avenue ii. Special Sale for ten days only. 100.000 feet bright all-widths yellow pine board-i. bought at receiver's sale, which we will sen at l'A ccnld per fool lor casn omy. .. liarer. 'f'hoiie 1. The hearing aa to the sanity cf Fred Deltsch. Ih Lewis township lurmcr. waa continued yeatvrday afternoon by the com missioner until Tuesday, as Deltsch de sired to introduce hoiiis wilueasrs on !! behalf. Frank it. Cole began suit for divorce yesterday from Abbie Cole, ti. whoru be wss married May X, lxW, in Davenport. He alKg.s that having discovered irtx hU wife waa misbehaving haraulf he left her In April or iqsi .tear. Ite tins been a resi dent of Council lilulYs since beplcmUei' lain. The Council Bluffs Trades and Iibor as sembly at lis meeting Friday night elected these officers:' President, M. ii. Ward ot the carpenters; vice president, l T. Fauble of the bricklayers; munclal secretsry, J. W. Taylor of the carpenters; corresponding secretary, F. Bergman cf the cigurmnktrs; truHleea. V. Husa of the figarmukera, Au gust Petersen of the bricklayer and J. ('. Chrlsienaen of the carpenters. M. F. Hoist, Avenue H, died yestet dav morning, uged 71 years. He letvee one daughter, Mrs. hi. Hasmussen, und three sons. P. M , M J. and J. H. Hi Lit. The funeral will be held thla afiernuou at 1 M from Lunkley's undertaking rooms and Interment will be in Fall view cemetery. Lev. O. V. Snyder of Si. John's Kngilsh Lutheran church will conduct the aervicea. The members of the Uanebn kcxiely, to which deceased belonged, will me,t ' their hall at 1 o'clock lu utleud the funeral In .'t body. Frrfnme gale. All fine bulk perfumes on sale, ounce at DcLoug a. Stto an OF IOWA COLORADO WANTS SUERCL1FFE Governor Cummin. Dclini to Grant Be qiiiition ftr Him. SAYS THE SHOWING IS NOT SUFFICIENT Alleaatlon Is that While ol I nder Another ame He Committed n Murder In leadillle In 1 SIM. I From n Staff I'orrespondent l 1 1 1: H MOINES. Jan. 2. (Special Tele gram. 1 Governor Cummins todiiy declined to honor the requisition cf the governor of Colorado for Frank Pherciiffe. wanted for a murder committed in ladvllle In 1W3. Accompanying the requisition was an affi davit that an information bad been filed before u Justice of the peace, (lovernor Cummins would Issue a requisition only on a grand Jury Indictment or a showing of evidence. At the lime of the alleged murder It H said he bore the name of Kid McCoy. It Is claimed it was not discovered till January ? that he was the same as Shercliffe. Tim requisition was brought by J. W. Campbell and C. K. I'orrlgan. Governor t'uinmlns today decided the evidence did not sustain the charges of unfairness against the Board of Examiners for mine inspectors and that the percent ages were too hluli rather than too low. l.tnOH I.HIDKH K)lU .III.T Arthur Ireland l oin let ed on harae of Felonious Assault. FORT MADISON, la., Jan. 2S. Arthur Ireland, a prominent labor leader, was today convicted In this city after a sen sational trial for assault with intent to commit great bodily Injury upon n man named Mathlsen, B strike breaker, brought Into Fort Madison during the strike of the Santa Fe machinists here last mimmir. The sensational feature of the case was the testimony of John Devlne, Indicted at the same time with Ireland, that he was a detrctivc and had seen Ireland strike the blow. The case will be appealed If a motion for a new trial la refused. Ireland's home Is said to be In Topeka, Kan. Mnrshalltonn Poultry hov. MARSHALL-TOWN. Ia Jan. 28. (Special Telegram.) The annual meeting of the Marahulltown Poultry and Pet Stock asso ciation closed tonight. This meeting has been the best ever held, so far ns birds en tered are concerned, there being forty-five entries. Officers of the association were elected os follows: President, Dr. N. E. Mighell; vice president, O. II. WalUn; trens urer, F. A. Reeks; superintendent, J. E. Johnson, all of this city; executive commit tee. F. W. Alhough of Bangor. J. E. John son of Marshalllown, John Gehurt of To ledo. Organise "nvlngs Bank, PI8GAH, la., Jan. 3. iSpecta ..-The State Savings bank of Pisgah has been or ganised, with the following officials: Presi dent. H. M. Bostwlck; vice president, J. O. Rilshy; casnler, H. D. Sllsby; directors. Joslah Coe, H. M. Bostwlck, F. C. Ovltttt, T. O. Turner. C. W. Sherwood. Esra Miller and J. O. Sllsby. The capital of the new bank will be tlL.mi ew Kidney Postmaster. SIDNEY, la., Jan. 28.-(Speclal.)-Eugene Stiles has received his commlsHlon aa post master and has taken possession of the postofflce, succeeding John R. McKee, who left Friday for Spencer, la., where he owns a half-Interest In the Spencer Reporter, his partner being Ed Randall, formerly of the Sidney Sun. Farmers Are Meeting. SIDNEY, la., Jan. 2S.-(Speclal.)-The Fremont County Farmers' Institute Is now In full Swing in this city and la a hummer. The sessions btc held In the large court room In the courthouse, and it will not hold the crowds. There is a fine display of corn on exhibition and the program Is an excel lent one. Odd Fellovra Install Officers. Di'NLAP, la.. Jan. 28.-(Speclal.)-Guidlng Star encampmen No. as. Independent Order of Odd Follows, recently Installed the following: Chief patriarch. 8. D. Fox; high ! priest, F. M.- May; senior warden, O. E. Nordaker; Junior warden, Floyd Hashaw; scribe, L. C. Tyler; treasurer, J. W. Pierce. Store Clianwes Hands. ORSON, la., Jan. 28. (8pecial.) Orson's only general "store, for six months owned by George D. Edmonds, has been sold to John Onstott of Missouri Valley. H. Z. Hath away of River Sioux invoiced the stock. Edmonds will go to Sioux City. Rebekahs Mew Officials. MOD ALE, la., Jan. 28. (Speclul.) Mis souri Dale lodge No. 2U8, Daughters of Rebekah, Installed the following officers at Its last meeting: Treasurer, Mrs. S. R. Harvey; secretary, Mrs. C. I. Hiddleston; V. G., Mrs. Hodson; N. O., Mrs. Ross. SAY THAT HOCH WAS HELPED Chicago Police Hate Evidence of Work of a Ma a and a Woman. CHICAGO, Jan. 28. In searching for a woman who might be interested in hiding Johann Hoch, the alleged Bluebeard, the police have secured evidence which leads them to believe thut Hoch was aided in his quest of wealthy widows by two per sona, a man und a Woman. While there are no rpeclflc charges It is believed the two suspects are withholding information which would be of great as sistance to the police. The officers In timate that several urresla may soon be made. , The man In the case Is an employment agent and the woman la said to have been ' ' , one of Hoch a numerous wives. Each has ---- 'm, who deserted from his dc furnlshea the police with considerable In- ,a' hm, nt at Fort Crook April 10. laat year formation. There l, however, a feud be- I ""rendered himself to the military' au tween the pair and each accuses the other. ,noritle" t Jefferson Barracks January 20 The man declares that the woman has been ! Al,"lcr, besides being charged with de Illegally married many lime and that there ' 'tr,lon' wl" have to face the serious charge are charges pending against her In rnnnec- j 'ireeny, having taken with him on hla tlon with one of the marriages at Jefferson, a auburb of Chicago. In return the Woman asserts that her licenser was an accomplice of Hoch. and watched the cash windows . . . . . . . .. ot suvings oanas in oraer to spot widows i who made deposits. The cause of the en mity of the two witnesses Is not known to the police, but the recriminations may cul minate lit serious charges against both sus pect . Discovery uf another wife of I loch s In the person of Mrs. A. 8. Ilouk of Peoria, III., may be the outcome uf a letter received by Assistant Chief of Police grhuettler from the worn today. Mrs. Hcuk naked that a picture and u description uf Hoch be setit her. She said that some esrs sgo she married a man who gave bin name us Ilouk. but that ihi may really have been Johann Hreh. lliaiMiaa Uiesks n Ki-cort. OKMOND. F a., Jan .'S.-Iii the ten-mile ruce fcr Mei redes ikis toJuy Mr E. H. Tin I I hla ninety-horse pnwer macrtlnn broke .he orld,s record. I.eld by W. K. Vandrrlall. jr. Mr. Thomas covered Hie ten mil'.'.e iii C.:iV Mr. Vunderbllt s time last cjr Over Ire tame course wss :Sp. ARMY NEWS AND GOSSIP. Fort Riley. Kan. FORT nil-EY. Kan.. Jan. 28-( Special.) The members of the National Roads asso ciation who hnve been meeting In conven tion at Junction City vHted Fort Riley this week. They were met by a party of officers with csrnages and shown around the post, which most of thfm had never seen before. The slse of the post ahd the beauty of Its location nnd arrangement surprised and pleased them all. snd they expressed much pleasure at whst they saw and at the man ner In which they were entertained. The Polo club has elected ns Its offlcets for this year Colonel K. H. Oudfrry. Ninth cavalry, president; Captain J. C. XV. Brooks. A. C. vice president; First Lieu tenant F. P. Amoe. Eleventh cavalry, sec retary and treasurer: Captain A. M. Miller, Ninth cavalry, adjutant, to be In charge cf the teams. The officers and men of the third squad ron of the Eighth cavalry are busy prepar ing to leave the post for service In the Phil ippine islands. They lire under orders to sail from Shu Francisco April 1, I!. The difficulty of securing competent bak ers from among the enluM-'d men of their commands having long confronted post commander, the War department has ap proved the recnmmt ndntlons mnt'e b' Colonel K. 8. Godfrey, Ninth cavalry, and others, inn! u training school for bakers has been estahllr.licd at Fort Riley under the direction of the commandant of the school of application for cavalry and Held artil lery. Succejialve classes will be instructed for a period of four month each. The classes will he composed, for the present, of eighteen recruits, to be selected at depots under direction of the military secretary, four from the cavalry, four from the artil lery and ten from the infantry: these re cruits when selected to be ordered to Fort Riley for Instruction, where they will be attached to troorw and batteries for Instruc tion nnd messing. While undergoing in struction thry will be exempt from all gar rison duty not connected with their school work, fpon completion of the couise they will he assigned to regiments and sent to their respective commands. The first term will begin February 15 next, with Captain M. 8. Murray of the subsistence department In charge, and It Is altogether likely that an expert civilian baker will he employed aa assistant Instructor st the school. A thorough theoretical and practical course of Instruction has been prepared, compris ing the making of different kinds of yeast, the correct proportional parts for eetting sponges, the classification of flours, the proper blending of flours for good bread, the causes nnd prevention of snur bread, knead ing dough, scaling, moulding, processing. temperature of ovens, baking In permanent ovens und In field ovens, the construction of earth ovens In the field, etc. Certificates of proficiency will be awarded to those who pass successfully through the course. It Is believed that this school will prove of great benefit to the service. The Fort Riley military reservation con tains 20.000 acres of land, considerable of which Is heavily timbered. It abounds In small game, such as ducks in season, J ick rabblts, squirrels, quail, etc., and Is Infes'ei with coyotes, 'coons and opossums. The Fort Rlley Hunt club has been reorganised nnd some good sport has already been had. Several valuable dogs have been Imported and others nre on the way. Captain E. M. I-eary. Eleventh cavalry, has been ap pointed game warden of the reservation, with Sergeant Albert Salltrnlck, Nineteenth battery, field artillery, and Private Charles Pek, Troop D, Eleventh cavalry, assist ants. It will be the duty of these warden to strictly enforce the state game law on the reservation and any violators of the law or persons found hunting on the reser vation without a written permit will be ar rested. Signal Sergeant Herman Grttndler hng been designated for service in -Alaska. He will leave for his new post some time in June next. The course of instruction at the gymna sium Is attracting considerable attention by Its thoroughness. The new gymnasium, which was completed last fall and equipped with all modern appliances, Is In charge of Captain George H. Cameron. Fourth cav alry, secretary of the achool of application. The course embrace calisthenics, gymnas tics and bearer drill and Is given to two troops of cavalry simultaneously for a period of forty minutes every day except Saturdays and Sundiys, lasting until March Jl. Much gratification la exnresaed t th. tlon of the I'nion Puciilc Railroad company ,n ordering that hereafter Overland Limited c.a.iia inos. mi and 10.' will stop at Fort Rlley. thus materially augmenting the com pany's already excellent train service Major Arthur C. Ducat. Seventh Infantry Is visiting hla son-in-law and duughter' Lieutenant and Mrs. John Symington. Elev enth cavalry. Quartermaster Sergeant W. A. Grey re cently promoted from aquodron sergeant major. Eighth cavalry, has left for his new post of duty at Fort Sheridan. Lieutenant James P. Barney, Eighth cav alry, has been relieved from duty as re cruiting officer and Lieutenant A. 8. Odell Eleventh cavalry, detnlled instead. Le R. Slayton hns been employed as as ilfltant instructor' in horseshoeing at the r rarrlers and horseshoers, .Z :Z a,fc,hor"1 the military ervlce at the expiration of hla term of an. nstment. Friday. January 17. For several year while a private soldier, he hug been detailed on extra duty in this capacity and his services have been so valuable as to aeJlrable emp'0yment " - "vHI-n very Fort Crook, Sel. FORT CROOK. Neb.. Jan. 28.-(Speclal) Major Charles Byrne. Thirtieth Infantry, re turned to the post on January 28 from Fort Mobrara. Neb., where he waa on duty as a member of a geenral court-martlnt In sc. slon at that post. Thirtieth infantry, who deserted from his a7s" ux o J"? J"ne- Wa" "P-ehended fred at this post January 23 by Police OfTI. cer James, who received the usual reward Charles If. Alexander, a sergeant . , , . , . ' :aiii of the sudden dum., ..... , '" sums or monev mounting to m. entrusted t0 hi. car. bJ enlisted men Who were Patients In .w ""'P'1"' t the time. The men who trust, A l'V:in,. HIISIUQ ' u, "oi loss in the matter l:Z7LZTtore ,h' " er!.B""h.'OV'k'- r'"""l,y "'""-barged n Vrt Urv" "' """I trm thB bnd Artillery corps, has re-enllsted for and Joined tha Thirtieth Infantry baniVnu" Iwenty-aoven members, and with the sr -ival of about fifteen new I nit r y merit a of arlou. wlll,.h eBpp,0 J repuce ,h,,a. ,. hav. become un.erv- whici I- r r" ,h te, -. Mch la tcln, received. It la believed that hen spring is here this band will be -econd to ,.,.. ,,;e .t.,e ' " A board of offices convened .1 the post January ,fJ ,,., ,,, emlI.t,0 "rill regulation, of officer, underling th.t coutse ilt th,. ,arrs.n school. Th. - amlnatlnn lioard consisted of Major Charles Byrne, Thirtieth Infantry: Captain Frank A. Wilcox, adjutant. Thirtieth Infantry, and Captain II. L. Tbrelkeld. Thirtieth Infan try. Order, were received on January X as signing Colonel E. R. Pratt to the Thirtieth t'hlted States Infantry, and It is expect-'d that he will arrive before the end of the month to assume command of the regi ment and post of Fort Crook. First Lieutenant D. F Keller. Thirtieth Infantry, has been promoted captain and assigned t the Twenty-seventh Infantry. A son was born to Mrs. H. L. Threlkeld, wife of Captain II. L. Threlkeld. Thirtieth Infantry, on January IX Quartermaster Sergeant Alfred Aldrrn. Company D, Thirtieth Infantry, has been appointed a battalion sergeant ma.l'T and assigned for duty with the First battalion, vice Bridges, reduced to the grade of pri vate. A is.ard of officers, consisting of Captain I. Erwin, commissary, Thirtieth Infintry; First Lieutenant J. M. Little, Thirtieth In fantry, and Second Lieutenant H. E. Lewis. Thirtieth Infantry, hns been In session for the last week examining Color Sergeant Arthur Knvanngh. Thirtieth Infantry, who Is an applicant for the position of post quartermaster sergeant. 1'. 8. A. It Is be lleved that Color Sergeant Kavauugh passed a very creditable examination. , Post Quartermaster Sergeant .Vitchtiel Lyons, stationed at Fort IOgan II Hoots, Ark., is spending u, furlough with relatives at Fort Crook. Fort lies Molnea, la. FORT DES MOINES, la.. Jan. "V-(Spc-lal.l Major Wheeler snd LIculetiHiils Davis and Shelley, Eleventh cavulry, left the post last Tuesday fur Jefferson Hurraeks. Mo., to net as members of the general cnuri niartial convened to try Lieutenant A. J. Mohn, Fourth cavalry. During the ab sence of Major Wheeler, Captain Georgv Vidmtr, Eleventh cavalry. Is performing the duties of summary court and survey officer. The severe ytorm of last Tuesday caused much work for the post plumber, repairing burstcd water pipes. Freight traffic to the post over the Interurhan railway was aNo delayed three days, owing to the wind having filled the cut directly west of the reservation with about six feet of drifted snow. This cold weather la somewhat se vere to those of the gurrlsi u ivho spent last winter In the balmy climate of the Orient. The accession of the Third squadron, Ehventh cavalry, to this garrison bus ne cessitated the advertising for bids for fur nishing uddltlonal fuel and forage to last out the present fiscal year. The chief quartermaster of the department at Omaha will open the bids on February 15. Lieutenant Jay H. Shook, assistant sur geon, rerelvcd a line horse from Fort Leavenworth on Monday. The wagon transportation of the post has been increased by three new army and one escort wagon. The mules necessary to ren der them of use are yet to arrive. Major James A. Irons, inspector general, was a visitor to the garrison on ofnVlul business a few days this week. The officers of the post enjoyed an im promptu dance on Thursday evening In the post hall. Sergeant J. M. Harrlgnn, signal corps, arrived here on Jnnuary 28 to relievo Ser geant 6eorge Rolfe, same corps. Sergeant Rolfe hopes to get station ut Fort Leav enworth, Kan. Fort Meade, 8. IJ. FORT MEADE, 8. D Jan. 28.-8peclal-Wcdntsday evening. January , Lieutenant B. II. Read loft for Fort Niobrara, Neb. He Is Judge advocate of the court convened to try Captain George W. Klrkmati. Major Benjamin H. Cheever and Captain George H. Bands were alao ordered to Fort Nio brara on the court-martial of Captain Klrkman. They left on Thursday evening, but as Captain Klrkman s counsel has ob tained an adjournment of the court until February 0, they returned to this poat on Saturday. Friday evening, January 20. F troop played H at basket bull In the gymnasium and F was successful In winning, with a score of 83 to 12. Monday evening, January 23, one of the moat thrilling games of basket bull was played between A and K troops. At the end of the first half the score was 9 to 6 In E troop's favor. A troop fought hard in the last half and brought the final score up to 11 to 10 in A's favor, u and F troops also played on Monday evening, but simply a practice game, und the score was 2ti to 6 In favor of F troop. Tuesday evening, January 2t, Mrs. Read, " taeuiensni a. a. Itead, gave a "bridge" party to- the married pe.ople of the post. On the same evening the young people of the garrison were entertained at the home of Major Hunter. Wednesday evening, January 25, C and II troopa played basket ball, and C won with a final score of 22 to 8. The gymnasium was crowded with spectators and more en thusiasm was manifested than on any previous occasion. The best gamo of the evening was between F and D troop. It waa a hard fought game on both sides. At the end of the first half the score waa 10 to 7 In favor of D troop. At one time in the second half the score was 10-10, and the gymuuslum rung with applause. D troop, however, succeeded In winning with u scor. of 23 to 17. D troop no fur has won every fame it has played. On Friday morning, January 20, the denial sugeon, Dr. King, arrived. The engagement of Miss Sands, daughter of Cgptuln George H. Sands of the Blxih cavalry, to Lieutenant James 8. Jones ut the same regiment is announced. Friday. January 20, the oflleera uf the post school were -examined In "administra tion." Wednesday afternoon, Januury 25, the Ladles' Card club met at Mrs. Freeland's, wife of Chaplain Freeland. Notes from Headquarters. Bids for quarterly commissary supplies for the military poets of the Department of the Missouri, furnished from the pur chasing commissary at Omaha, were opened Friday by Captain T. B. Hacker, purchasing ccmtnlsaary for this station. The post Induced are: Fort Meade, B. D. ; Fort Niobrara. Robinson und Crook, Neb.; fori Des Moines, lu.; and Fort Washakie, Wyo. The awards will not be made until the bids are approved by the commissary general ut Washington, D. C. Wugnner Charley B. Handy, Tresip c, and Private Claude P. Deltrlck. Troop F. Sixth cavalry, Fort Meade, S. D., have been or dered honorably discharged from the I'nlted States army. Leave of absence for fifteen days, be. ginning February 1, has been granted First Lieutenant Marion I). Howe, Artillery toivs. Fort Leavenworth. Payment of the troops of the Department of the Missouri for the month of Januury hag been ordered as follows: Fori Rob inson ad Niobrara, Neb., Captain J. R. Lynch; Fori Rlley and lea enworth, Kan., Major B. D. Slaughter; Forts Crook, Neb.. Dea Molnex, la., Washakie and Mackeuxle, Wyo., Captain Henry B. Dixon. W. C. POTTER ' SAFE TiST MEXICO Wife of Man from lain by Vaqute Hears Morton's ton. Ii-lrw. CHICAGO, Jan. 28-rears that Yaqul Indians had harmed William C. Potter, a son-in-law of Secretary Morton, hae been allayed. A telegram announcing Mr. Pot ter safety has been received by Mrs. John K. MacKensie. whose husband waa slain by the savages. The telegram cam from Mlnaco, Ctilhuahua, Mexico. I OMAHA SUBURBS j Benson. A s-n aa born to Mrs. and Mrs. J. M Hawkins last week. Mrs. Herman Wulff entertained a sistci from Ketuiard Isst week. Siael W. Castle and Miss Msrv E Chede. ter. both of this place, acre married last ween. The accident at the Omalm wer house stopped the cars from here for two hours last inursday morning. Mr. i,nd Mrs. Oeorae Thompson and son were entertained Inst Thursday at the home of Mr. Lehman of Omaha. M ister George Hartis.'ii of Blair. Neb., alll make a visit at the home of tils arand parents. Mr and Mrs. John McGulre. Ruby M isters, who has made her home in Benson during the past four months Is now at the home of her sister, Mrs. in. Holovlt. hlner of Omaha, (ins Junge left last Mondey evening for New Yoik, where he will take passage for H.imburg. Germany, to Visit bis aged parents, who htc In poor health. Dr. E. H. Bruenlng of Omnha Will have a branch office In Dr. l-e-ochner a rooms In the Hank of H.-nson after February 1, e-cry Thursday from b:S0 a. m. and 2 p. m. Postmaster McGulre has received word from Washington that bis claim for credit was refused, on account of the theft being made during business hours of the day. Public Installation took place in the Ancient Order of l'tilte.1 Wotkmcn and le- f ree of Honor lodges lat Wednesday even ng. Refreshments and dancing followed. Mrs McMeans of Colorado and Mrs. Daly of Holse city, Ida., left for their homes last Sundav, afler spending a month at the home of their sister. Mrs. 8 11. Zwel ful. There will be Swedish gospel meetings at the town ball from ne'Xt Wednesday even inir, conducted by Messrs Albert Anderson and Carl Htvensnn f Omaha, to which all Scandinavian are Invited. Services will be held today at the Meth odist Episcopal church at the usual hours. The presiding elder will conduct the morn ing services nnd the sacrament of the Lord's supper will be offered. Mrs Htonccypher of Peru. Mrs. Young of Wisidblne. la.; Rev. Rodabaugh of Peru we.-e here l.i! week during the Illness and death of Mra. William Rodabaugh. They left for Peru on Wednesday. Mrs. G. W. Stlger entertained Saturday eve-nlng at her home In honor of the birth day annlvrisaries of Mesr. (1. W. and K. A. Stlaer. Rein ahments were se-rved dur ing the e vening. Covers were laid for eight. During the examinations of the schools last week one of the scholar when asked, "What was the chief industt y of Ne braska?" gave the answer. "Chief Dona hue." not knowing what 'industry'' meant. K. A. Benson has placed on record his pint for Hensonhurst, near the Country club. It Is to be a residence place com prising sixty lots, with an avenue running through the center, which will be paved and lined with trees and sidewalks. About fifteen of Mrs. Peter Oraveit friends surprised her at her home last Saturday. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. Ratlin. Mr. and Mrs. Hackman, Mr. Tracy nnd others. A pleaaant evening was spent and refreshments were served. The installation of officers took place st the Modern Woodman camp last Tuesday evening. The officers were: P. C, W. II. Tlndell: W. ('.. Bert Child; banker, Ed E. Hoffman: clerk. J. M. Leldy: sentry, O. E. Bnowden :escort, M. Kalaer; manager, Frank Keller. A special meeting of the Ladles' Aid so ciety wa held lat week at the home of Mrs. Hull. The next regular meeting will be held next Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. William Johnson. A lunch will be served from 3 to 6 p. m. All women are Invited to attend. The death occurred Monday evening of Mrs. William Rodabaugh after a lingering sickness of tuberculosis. She was ; years of nge nnd leaves a husband and alx chil dren, the ynuugeat 3 years of age. Short funeral services were conducted at the home Tuesday afternoon by Rev. Mr. T.eldy. The boeiv was taken the next day to Peru', where Interment was made In the family lot. Judge Troup of the district court, In deny ing the writ of H. J. Grove and others for the closing of the three esloons In Benson during appeal, decided that the writ waa not. made In good faith and delivered a scorching rebuke to those who were active In the move. The only point gained was thut the relators may demand that the town board give a written copy of the testi mony taken and file It with the clerk of the district court. The case will be taken to a higher court. Some time ago. when It was decided by the court that Gravert's saloon must close where it I, remonstrances were brought against the other three saloons of this town. The case was tried here, then token to the district court, where the de cision was made. Florence, Captain Reynolds has been .very sick for the last wee.k. Eva O'Day went to Herman Tuesday to visit friends for u few weeks. Miss Hllma Swanson whs the guest of Miss l.own In Omaha Sunday afternoon. The Presbyterian church choir reorgan ised Wednesday night with a full member- snv. Jasper Smith, the druggist, Is at Mllo, In., hi former home, looking after business Interest. 1. F. Hambllt went to the Wise Memorlnl hospital Tuesday afternoon to undergo an operation. Mrs. W. R. Wall and daughter were In Omaha Frldsy morning shopping and visit ing friends. Daniel Bchrewien of Belden accompanied Ernest Travis home and will be his guest for n. few day. Mrs. Vila Waldecker and little daughter of Tekamnh la visiting her mother, Mrs. Mary Pilunt, for a few days. Scott Leuch went to Tekamah Tuesday afternoon to visit his slater, Mrs. Frank Taylor, for a couple of weeks. M. F. Powel went to Sioux City Monday morning In the interests of the Republic Oil company, of which lie ia a representa tive. Miss Prudence Tracy accompanied the Sunday school teachers and children to Omaha Sunday afternoon and auenUcu the exercises at Trinity cathedral. Ernest 1 ravis went to Belden, Neb., last Friday, remaining until Tuesday evening. While there he looked after some business interests und visited a brother. Newel Burton and John Plerson were Omaha visitors Wednesday night, Mr. Bur ton attending the Robert Burns ball und Air, j-ieraon me vturamen lodge, A. L. Shipley held a public sale ejn hla ' farm six miles nor 111 of litre Weilneaelav. cm account of the severe cold Weather there was nut a very large attendance. Ole Olsen of Sliver Creek, Neb., spent Saturday und Sunday here visiting friends and looking after auine property. Air. Olseu and family were former residents of this place. Miss Hulela Tucker and Miss Alice Wulker gave a social dance at the city hail Saturday night. About thlriy-llve couple were presem. An elegant luncheon waa served. Mrs. Irving P. Johnson of Minneapolis was the guest of Mrs. G. J. Hunt ktuuduy. She accompanied Mr. Joliuann, who wus In attendance at the Episcopal church gather ic. In Omaha. i lie Young Peonie s pleasant Hour club held its llisi last feunuay and per fected an organisation. The ciuu will hold Its nisi at Wall's h:ll Wednesday evening, February 8. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Walker and Mr. and Mrs. Tugger gave a ounce to a number of friends ut Wall' hull Saturday night. Ref reslinienta were served. About tweuty nve couple were present. Gus W. Anderon. recently of Oakland, accompanied by his family, spent a couple of days here, the guest of his brother-ln-luw, Uus Swanson. Mr. Ande'son Is oh his way to Spokane, Wush., where he hua purchased a farm. There were several coattitig accidents during the week on the big bill north or ihe achool hou.e. One llttlti fellow got his head cut. The boy huve been In tha habit of coming down wen. Main street and Ihe car tracks. The city marshal keeps them off this track us much as possible. D. C. Has, with a force cf men. ha siieut the last two weeks rip-rapping on the oast s'de of the river, opposite the pumping station, for the Omaha woter company. The bank at this piur la threat ening to I reuk loose and it will be neces sary to hold It on account uf the intake pipe from the pumping ststien taking water opposite this place, West Ambler. John Faveiiy was Ihe guest of his brother, Mar. on, and family on Sunday. Work on the new Bc-uli school Is pn greas ing rapidly as the wenthrr win permit. Mrs. K. C. Dawson ef Folium. In . waa the guest of her father and other friends here on Tuesduy. Mrs. George Blakely snd children have re turned from their holiday vliit with home folk at Beatrice. Miss Mae Bas was a caller at Mr. An thony', and at Ml Davis' s: hool In Wc.t Omaha Thursday. Mark Knicely has returned frcm his mouth's vlut wltn relatives lu Pennsyl vania and reports a fine time. Mrs. Warren Ryder, formerly Ml: Anna Hants, is upeeied here this week frem pel-field, la . to vlsll Mre John (5,-n'j: Mid daughter. Mis Ad, were vis tor: at the h o former sister. Mt. D. Iloniw.ta. ut Friday. Mm Jorvdell Park, imw of Monmouth Park. Iihs had h hxil sl.-sc of rl: umatb n She Is still unable to be out. Mr J K. "he made a business trip to Monmouth Park Thiird.iy nnd wa th. eurst ut dinner with her old Wlstier friends. Rev. Willi am Lsnlln and wife Mrs K Hoffman i.nd little daughter left for ttulr home at Norfolk on Sntiirdav after n pUssant islt of several weeks with her pamils. Mr. and Mrs. Henderson. Trank 8 Anglic and wife, accompanied by the hitter s i M.r. Miss Anna Daniels of Wskefleld. were the guests of the former' father fcr dinner Thuistlay evening. The l.adirx' Aid will meet at the home of Mrs. IV ( '. Hrnsmnn on Thursday next, Fbruarv 2 Th' re i.s n quill t be quilted. nd dinner will be served nt noon by the hoBtcss, Dundee. A dance was alven on Tuesday evenln e tne minder nail ny a tiumrwr or young people from Omaha and Dundee. The Dundee Woman's club met on Wed-l-esday wlih Mr J. W. Marshall. An 1n tereitln proaram on "the Classical Per iod of German Literature" was given under the leadership of Mrs. Noah Perry. The Round Dotcn club will be entertained on Wednesday of this week at the home of Mis. J. W Marshall. Ths Dundee. Card club will be entertained on Friday evenln by Mr N. A. Buck nt the residence of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Petera. Mrs. George HnaEland returned last week from the Philippine, accompanied by her haughter. Mr. David Htone and infant son. The Mlsslonaty society nf thr Dundee Preshyterlan church met on Friday st th. home of the jsistnr. Rev. T. K. Hunter. E A Benson I planning a new restdenr addition, between Dundee and Benson, to be known as Hensonhurst. the tract rom r.rlsliia slxtv lota ivhia on each side of sn avenue running through the center of tha strip, which will lo paved ami tinea wttn trees. J. J. Barr left on Saturday for Erie. Ph.. having been called thete by the death of bis mother. . Mr. and Mrs. IVrklns nf Columbus, Neb., who came on for the Melba concert huv. been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. . T. Robinson. There will he u meeting of the Ladles' Aid society of the Dundee, Presbyterian church on Friday afternoon. Mr. John II. llartc entertained about thirty-five Omaha women at a kensltigtnn Friday afternoon. Ihr Kilmir C. Abbbott lecture recital. given lu Omaha during the pust week wer. attended by u number of Dundee women. WOMAN WANTS STRANGE MAN Mrs. CaU'lier tJIses n Strnnger Money to Buy Ticket and He nets Lost. Mrs. Catcher of Urand Island has asked the police to catch a man for her. Sh rxplnlns she was at the I'nion station, gave a strange man Jo and her buggaga cheek that he might get her a ticket to Grand Island nnd have the baggage re checked, but the man evidently lost hN way or has diverted the money to hi. own use. "It I enough to maac a perieci lany innd," quoth Mrs. Catcher, when she mad. her report. DEATH RECORD. Mr. Cordelia R. Frnker. NEBRASKA CITY, Neb., Jan. 28. Spe cial.) After an illness lasting over three, years, Mr. Cordelia E. Frakcr, widow of Daniel Frokcr. died yesterday morning at the home of her daughter. Mrs. A. L. Har mon, south of thl.i city. The deceased wa. Stricken with paralysis three years ago. from which she never recovered. She wa. 74 years of age and came to Nebraska, with her husband In IH58. They settled In Nemaha county, where she resided until the death of her husband, thirty-five year. ago Thursday. She then moved to thla city. Five grown children survive her. Th. funeral services will be held tomorrow afternoon from hrr late residence. . Mrs. Peter Jlles. BEATRICE. Neb., Jan. 2S. (Special.) Mrs. Peter Nles, residing near Ellis, tht. county, died yesterday morning after an Ill ness of a few days. Mrs. Nles -was among the prominent Germans living In that local ity and leaves a husband and nine chil dren. She had been a resident of th. county since 1RS0. Mr. Henry C. Asli. STl'RGIS, S. D., Jan. 28. (Special.) Word ha been received of the death of Mr. Hrnry C. Ash of this city at the home of her duughter, Mra. C. H. Bute, at Yankton. Tuesday. Deceased wus born in Ohio and came to' the Bluck Hills in 187.1. Her hus band and four children survive her. Fnnernl of Mrs. Ford. The funeral of Mrs. Elizabeth Ford, lat. widow of Patrick Ford, wu largely at tended this morning by old settler, who knew the deceased for many year. Mas. Waa mid nt St. Phllomena's cathedral at 8:80, Interment following ut St. Mary' cent etery. Wailand Task. NEW YORK, Jan. 28. Wailand Trask, one of tho oldest members of the New York Stock exchange, died today. Mr. TTask has been a member of th. exchange since 1S68. Charles II. Cady. BALLSTON, N. Y., Jan. 28 Charles H. Cady. a well known metallurgist and Iron mining expert, died her today of Blight'g disease. He was 65 years old. FIRE RECORD. Johnson Connty Farm House. TBCLMSEH. Neb.. Jan. 28. -(Special.) The farm house on Franklin Taylor', farm, southeast of the city, was burned to th. ground' Boy 8ek. the tenant, succeeded In Having most of his household effect. The lire wus caused by a defective flue. Mr. Taylor's loss la Sfoo, partially covered by Insurance Kansas City Printing House, KANSAS CITY. Jan. 28.-Flre early today destroyed the three-story building In Wyan dotte street occupied by the Burd-Fletcher Printing company and Buttle. Ijk Beau A Buttles, engravers. Loss, $180,000. Three firemen and a negro Janitor Were Injured by falling walla. All will recover. FORECAST OF THE WEATHER gnotr In Nrbraskn nnd Kausa Today Wno rr In Southern Iowa Today. . WASHINGTON. Jan. 28-Forecat of th. weather for Sunday and Monday: For Nebraska Snow Sunday; Monday, fair. For Iowa Fair In north, snow In south portion Sunday: Monday, fair. For the Dakotas Fair Sunday and Mon day. For Colorado Fair Sunday, colder In east portion; Monday, fair. For Wyoming Fair and colder Sunday, except snow In northwest portion; Monday, fair. For MlsnjUrl Snow Sunday, colder In Southwest portion; Monday, fair. I.oral Record, OFFICE OF THE WKATHER BUREAU. OMAHA, Jan. 28.-OmeMl record of tem perature and precipitation, compared with the coirrsponuit'g day of the lust three eurs: 19ri. M. 19(1.1. 10, II II 40 ii -7 M -J 8 8 i .1 .02 T Maximum temperature Minimum temperature Mean t mperutute precipitation Temperature and precipitation denarture from the normal at Omaha since March 1. und comparlacn with the lust two years: Normal tempi ralure j Detlcleiuy for th day.. 14 Total xoes. since March 1 ., jj Normal precipitation 02 Inch Deficiency fr Ihe dav 02 Inch ' t'leelpiialiou allies March 1 .....? fil inch Deficiency since March I. 8 23 Inches K.X'-e- f"r oor. period. Its t l.SjM Inche. Deficiency for cor. pe riod. 10 H.. 1.14 Inche. T Indicates truce of precipitation. Indicates below eero. L. A. WELSH, Ix.c.1 i