r THE OMATTA DAILY BEE: -PrXDAT, J A XT ART 29. l&OS. LOBBY Mtcn IX EVIDEMC Dining Room Furn Bedroom Furniture Cid-Tine Lpii".t:re Voti r Art Iwpxp iture DEWE Y N 7 i! V i- . r 1 r EW FACES GREIT THE IXGIiLVrOr. : Bbrishers failed te ee P. s 1 1 tea der s Oar Chra Bid la a tseelsl Car hy a OtBeral lit- From 6tS Correspond tr t LINCOLN. Jkn i .8pc.i -Noiwitt-sta.ncir,g G".rnor M. a t d'-T.uriciaiiot, of th irtlj. I.otW .'thl'.aiic.l.g 'he, I'g lnlaturt waa supposed 1" hti b' e r. ccgaa.xed wlthc-.il Hit ass. tame of lae lobby ir ion ra'e lnfjenccs ana hut wlthstkndir.g statement ly pr .'m.i.ei.1 memU rt of the )e-g:e4t: jrt that the lobby KijiJ ti"t bt t..iers:ca. Llnco.n t'0 overrua w..n routis nut kirn tduyjt, Tie-Ue-d sna ubtramB." :.c ci. Tru' . there It an ebsi.ee ! ;U' oil fi.ni 1. sir war horse bo :u dni past kr!'' d r' put:.". .cui for onrrurtlng i'fifu!..irf mid i!,w arm tn; wrtll of the pee.pl. ) a nw gens-si i..r. ha uinc en. pr.t.abl; ui.de r the u.r-.:ion ut the sid timerr The rliroas. bi far as outside spp. ar- am-e go, art oomf tjc.it:; 6- ,,Jt ti.'y fr .workiig jLt th same . Instead of ;t,r ran reads coming id Lincoln to oc. tucinm wi.h ta I'ruiu n the rajrosds art hi. a .iif lit keg.su. lor ' unit to ifcem. . ne cu rare r of a, prominent eomrr.litee that will hkii tu do With railroad ieg.aiaiioh was invhrii out Into the stale by lb g ru ral manager cf a railroad. Laiicd around I:; a private car and that :.. if returo'-d in Lincoln. Wht the retails of Ida! tr;i. w ere . ir-so-Ur a the rai.r-.ia J la iimf i ncii. rt mains t U HL. Bridge Vri oa tseek. Tba usual bridge lobby i h-re. It ia rlaimod. with ttr Inteiit.on of k.K.t a tbe Kit UU. tvlOn.ll) In. ru.f rhtu up I lit lda of knotk.rij out ttt roui.tr r ijli.txt r bill. bicb baa a'rady d tbt -ri.H5 Krltnda of tbt Kyo li.J d ii.r thai em aure na'f a into la lr jr I it.ii- lo tb tountr ronimiaaKdirrt' b. 11 In diiim of Ibia latin tiKHKUTe Jnhli Gailarbt r of Hull runty, CoiiiniiaKlontr beach if rilinjort county atxl 'rtu Hinder of 1'iatu county are weMkira. and Mt-nda of tbt- K.d bill aar It If vc-ry ti'.pntfi'-arit tbst in tach o! tbe-ac rouutlta a CTiia.n tricice comjiany bulldF ai! the bridcrew. Krltnda of the Kyd bill are rlatmlrf that the- briice nun art pi-MHitnlna; t tupoon th:,t rnuaaurt in order la errtatt nuicln l!i the niind of tbt lc;iaUtr n cardmf th me ; Its of the till. Tti:a f'rt of lobLyltiK. bi.T. abould havt llrtls arlfht witrj ac or d tr Br y-minded mem btr of tbt I' fiaiai u: t, bo can. by a Ktudy of th nifur, tai!y determine wbetbtr It ix in Lht iLtirmt of tbt taxpayer or In th Interest of the bridije rontractor. lrrartt Ttaiatraart Idruratn. The breatra hut been bert once and ao far aa outward aiiietranoev su they hat ettabhfched no orfarntud lobby. Tbt advo tiatea of th Phrt k tuli. providing for oouaty rptii, liavc, oti lht rontrary, a atrong lobty und th membcra of that btidy are working; haru. lnvuranot lotb u-t art thiuk ' j Nelthrr th Nebraska TeltiiboBn din- i paujr nor tbe ldt'iiadent rompauioa have ; lh lubbtea bert thty had Iwu e.r ato, I and mo far no telephone legislation l.aa been lnU(Klucd Id either tioue. K(-irtntatvea of bete eotnpanioa. tioaevar. ha their ya on th altuation. What th tuMubera of the vu-mui lobtiiea organtaed by eertaio Inltrnei ba t'cen tl to aoooiBj.Ukh la do-, known yet, f"r u Very Important laaue baa enm up tor a Mneup of Hi lagiaiatora But th fait re main that no mejnber f thia Uigialatu: tuwda ta be wamad araiual a lohbyial. Every lobbylac la known and make no aarret of til bunlnena bert. H em tier of tb legialalur liavt been aarne d time and again and tbay ar ai'(aua.inid wub lb rejiraaorilaUvaa of aiMtcial li.uj..aia. If a dngl Biamber of thia leglaiaturc ia Fwerve from iua path of duty by re.taon of th ia fluenr of the lobby it i the fault of that mtmber, and his i-oiiBiituoi.t ahould L.uld hiin revoonslbla Thto 1r."lua ai! f r i. It ur Ful-alile f-.r tt d.r.ti g o m in Fui:. jl tr3 par it ica lr. bus., lit.a cati'-ne'a. a.Je bciird. plata ra'k. MniT.g tai'le. ;rl'"d at an Lr-m' :y 1 c- a f.ri:r t o rocve qa't kly. - . . . .-v c it a i in t a the valut. Si fun. in. O'.10n Cfck I' ring S'K 1'iertiiKt. ill ? ---u i FURNITURE CO., 1115 1117 Farnam St. Tal.it II. . Tht'.t . l'l! HiS Tk t.- it. ik I. ' it. K L r. ' "- k I' oiO' r. t J'il i'iu- r '.ik l'-i." t .... .ioen ok I-i.fi.-i .... Vn ('!iK t-.' mrd i. -. ;f . k ? ' t"'!.rd . .1 ! r, i ikk -u1 ; . . . lo n ( ak ffei . . . HO Tl ' Itik ' ?"Tia C'iil' T r rl ak ' "t:tin 'fc . ii t ' it k k'Y Tim ' ,i t tori n ii. k t r.a (.' " 1 I t'hiur . kX, rK- ..' tt T tiol ien i iiik i it.g 'hair '.." s. t 7 r i.ii n . a T Mnl'ifi' ' t;: in i if. Hi i. a I Ti k- I ii' Kit n I It. t. lot. z i; -'ii t. oi.t i'i. jl mo 15 ir..-n ' ! 1. 1 ..:" (oi'l.-ri ,.! ! Arm liming '. I.ai f. rid t a ji;ter: t Hiout i.i.;; iM'.-e t . ! in I." I 11 tj.' '. I mi nr. l Si'i' h' I:!- ill' t ' fj: i m no rt t-4 : (: '!.: mg . . r. . . fl ii ti of 1. 1 Ii tiit.g Cta.rfr kt J jft Parlor Furniture Irie!j1e e try-hlr.g :n ti ptiria. lavet.p'ir .id (."t.airi. and J. '. k ready lo It uphoinir you a.li end the upholstered L'naria. tri'ila 1-ieda. Full, re url.olntred arid d. lr: thin not lion JrH'ef atiuLl lui-i. Retiring from Business Closing out all goods for cash at cost and less. Harney street building for rent or sale, possession at once, Farnam street building lor rent or sale, possession March 1st, For particulars apply at olfice. This shows that we mean business. To close out this large stock so soon we consider it would bs necessary to make extraord inary prices, such thai will move the goods without delay. Cost not considered. Fine furniture pieces will go much less than manufacturer's prices. An oppor tunity worth coming hundreds of miles to t ""e advantage of. Everybody knows the high standard quality of our goods. Vt cannot impress you too strongly to make selections early. Note some of the bargains. The sale commences Monday morning at S o'clock. Condensed Stock. Extra alesraen. Office Furniture Tor tie bupinens mnu wonlJ call artcti tiion to the Pluvial wile- of our office furniture. Tueht 'kJ xent-t le moved ht ouce and t live made tbe irlif no tery cuticitic that vi.u oenatiilr run tnd jour iifniJ iu office furni ture bore and at tremendous t-aviiif. 11 i I I I3fi.no Mahogany Arm Chair. net i f'ii.ixi Parlor Arm Chair, upholstered. tl'iMK' Mahoa:niiy lbrge Arm Chair.... liiv Tii Idahocany J'url'ir Chair 120 oo K-jiR-oe Ktrior r-u 1 1 t.v.'.iKi t-tueoe I'arlor Sunt (oi. M-pieoe Puitt. ccoeriT'.g soiled Fli (mi I'arlor Kocker. upholstered heat, tli ix' I'arlor lUn k'r. upbolMered Bout j'i' tk Miifior.to lofc'ati .... 12; lie Miihoriiny I'arlor Arm Chair... I'h X Mahei'any liinak Covered Rmkor fX, in liolden Oak larre Arm Cha.ir ... ;.;.i' Wahoganx Pi.rinr Kocker t W' Mabocar.r I'aM T-pori (to lie ( er'd in gooiif to tuiti liil.' I.ed S .if a Mi ixi ilmden tiKk Inivenport tni' IX' Kieimnh 1'aveiip.ort Parlor Tabiea, Parlor Cabinet. Krat, Pedestal. Tabouret all go price reduction. damark fie I i 'X I h v" I fi IX' f IS " .CT.S" .:;: ki I c I T.ixi .. ti.iH . . .lii.W ...t'.L IX' . . r :.;' iV- . . .;' (in . . 4" :i . . gr ci I'.rii-a at big tZl.kt four-fiKt Itoll Top I'ohk .. Kl'T-Vi Hich Koll Oak I-.k t;,T..iKi nve-ftKit Uoll lk i.(ti rj4 ine b Koll Ief.k e44.i. five-fcxit lioll Iok . Jii';.m five-foot kix-incb Hull Ie.k eJ'j.iVi riat Top ln-sk fji rikt Top Ioak H'.i.TTi fr.tui rut lop ick firi.oo J1...25 l'lat Top Ie.k tU.'o eliUkt riat Top Iek $10.Kt K.;.i office Table M. $s.:k Office Table f: UlAi" Office Table $1(1.75 Uirbtr-wven tiartern of office $lV.rt fSi", i ..-, ;. KCYi .Hit.i t j(t.tn e"i.(i Hetolvinp ;.i KevoIvinK $,'!. Cant Scut $'. lievolvinc Mnbot;any Cbair u iiair liair .... Arm Chair Cl.iiir ... ;evolviu; S4.ini $1 rr. $... ii.. chair and utools. ii!l po in this preat aafc-. You can better Judpe the valuf by seeitij: the ckouh. Rockers Fancy Chairs Theae you cannot dui'licate at anywhere near our vrice. The larreM tock in Cuiaha and worthy of your uiom critical considcr-atinu. JV irolden oak ttox kcr. leaiber back. lyeather S-st and rookci- Ps.Tri Mabopany $s..Vt Mabopany IJo'-ker Hack $ft.V ltocker H.Tu Klisb fcat H-,.k $:.7Ti iroldeu ouk Hocker. .ti.'T til I. (XI HI T5 hs.'ki .Kl.75 . $t.;.rj f..V . iii k Cauf Si-at Arm H'K-ker Jl.TTi Kl.Tt" old. Co'-iifoit B'lKton lUK-ker $2 K. Uuttan K'H-ker ."..7."i fl(.J5 liattan K(ker . ...$7.t.i JKi.rm Irolden Oak Hocker Jpi.'M Uoldcn Oak Kocker ,.i rolleu oak Arm Chair... Mr.i Mabiifiity Kexker 17.(M Mabtipany Kocker ll.ii Mahotaliy Kockers, aulaid j.i Ma botany Kocker tioldeu Oak I'latforni Hucker Tou can't form a lenr ides of the magnitude of tbla iJt. t y the few pnew wt quote Kemembtr every- arucit In the houe liar twii gone over and mhrked with yelliw uncial !. and here ynu bait your iholce t.f omt ihrei thouaand piece AI) how big reduction. Hall Pieces r so It ho fi. iri V. Ti. tic and hatipinei. llal Kctteen and Chair, llall Cost umer all po in tbi great Kale at ticbt from the manufacturer. golden oi.k Hall . f.b"' weathered Oak Hall Stttee. our HaJl noks. Hall Ka'k ikUiin pricoK lehs than tlk-y can le b f-r.irt.n u.k Hull Rlati.. t L Tii fit ': golat-n oak Hall Uiaat .$: 1 euthired cihk Mall GIubf '. polllin Ola Hall H -0 . i ' ' il. a JIH.I vmrr.. n.w filriin oak Hull U Tt fin '' t.iak l-ea'-her Seat Hull Bebch llti.Stf M.S' Alno our entire lurpe line of Ktaudinc llall Kackk. irandfatber llall Cliek in cldcn and weathered oak and mahopatiy coins into detail repardinp all tbewe jiloces. but tie can truthfully Kay You w ill not le diaappoimed in our prices. We munt and vill move theoe piKd. quick. Qiooen Oak Hall Sett-e. Golden Ouk H!l Settee. Golden Oak Hall eV-Uee. .... Til'" ... t :a :a k-l IX' .... i ;.!" "ipace fcrrbii'k Ittcii ditg I-orj arid n-a. Fd. IieQrom Sli.t. I)reer. ChifotiieT-s. Prirp Tabic. Pi irjeekf rreer. Ilou mom Chair-. KiK ke r and Tables. tJ. - Iron Be! f.ri" lrou lie-ds. - -fcl.rki Iron l'.ed. . fri.Vi In m ltfl . . tv.'ni Irrni l'.exl. . H4to Iron lietl. g-!sei ;,iKl u I ak J. jl i i;.ilb n oak F.'lT.oi (al'li ti ' ;ik larjjo jriax .... f 71 Mahogany Irwr fim Mabiiciiy lr-r MT.im !."-intfany lT'xer Ml.ni Mahorrny Irswr fTnixi Muboc.'iD.v lied, caned. HlH.rm a-pfe Mahncaiiy Suit. KHu.'lti Utildt-n ock Chiffonier. . fJ-'.' iolde'U oak Chiffonier.. 'H(i Kinl'-cye Chiffonier... JL';. k l'.trdV-eye Chiffonier... f'U'iO' K1ru -eye Ireer HI Kird'iH J c lreer 1 a r U. 1-V j2.r $425 ;.(io $ll.k .... 14 .73 n.73 lrenwer J irvwrn Ircscr. , .U2.ifl . .7fi. . f.M .I1S.75 . 44 on .f..fio . $32.00 mmJ th:it thi mile inrlude i in : lure in trie rurnnvre Mtie yr " "ie .eer,ioni Hra Hen Oil. r'ldlng Pit, lieiiroom Sim. Hi d room Chair. KiH ker. f'.:nnoi'f W Hll Viands, etc.. all al a big reduoti'in Go-Cirts an Crri&ci Our rotlr lina of Children'a iro-Cart. Folding' and regular Caru. ia tbt tale av a difccoucl ol about 50 per cent, WEATHERED OAK FURNITURE For the Ien. Library er Hall Many piece in chair, roi kera, table and fii ttee that will command our eareful conaideraiion. LADIES' DESKS AND DESK CHAIRS ladioii det-k and dFk chai-a. music tabinctp, all shale alike In price cutting lo move tin rant stock. EVERY ARTICLE MARKED GOLD niRROR AND BRIC-A BRAC Gold mirror ana tirlc-a-tirac and Louatlsa aure ha'f price. N"ot b.fort bar there been ii sait !!ke thif in all the wet m her ihe oldeiW and largest furritnre bouae offer uc h wonderful imce lnducejiient in clualng out their entire atcK-k. OUT -OF TOW N PURCHASES Goods packed and delivered en board car Omaha without txira e lia'ge to out-of-loc I'uciorntri. IX PLAIN FIGURE PRICES. f 10.00 . . $:. ..S.2.M ..$2.r . M.25 . ..voo . .J5.75 and HS.riC' Kaby Bncpv $s.) o-4'art. wood body. e4.x rdding I'urt fri.2S UtM 'art $ 7o Voiding "art fs.-'ci Baby Buggy $b.75 Reclining Back Cart. fll.TTi (.io-Can vtiiij cushion parasol lv.V Go-Cun comj-le te fll.riO H4.i0 Go-Can complete $'.1.00 1."( Go-Can (simplcte $12.i0 fM. tio-Can fompletf tiaTi Every artol In thl Mart ha the regu lnr jlain figure jinoe ard. alo a large yel low tag which allow jell plainly the reru- lar ana Fpeciai price, and not the aavmga. f7.M Be your owo BIL.Lt TO IIUTRIBtTE ICHOOL IHD aaarlaltBra MrBrlr laaae m Ittlrarit. FYom a Plaff Corresiiondenf.il UNCOLX. Jan. special. i-Tbe aiat common arbooi fund bill, H. K. 37. intra duced In the house yenttrday, 1 a measure dttubtU'tut than will receive very aerlou at tention at the hand.' of tb legislature. It provide for the aiiirtiotinicnt of tb tem jiorary school fund on the baai of the actual atlendano in tbt various dlauict In the state, earb pupil attending four week Curing tjie lialf year to t taken Inta conaidtratlon brn the ae mi-annuai apportionment la made. Jut a hat effect the bill would have if enacted Into law 1 not known, for th rwaaou tht.t no sta tistics have yet been compiled bowing the per tent of attendance to the number of children of arhool age In the varioua di trlrta Tboee dUstrin l.a-i-ing the longer teraua of achotil. horn-ever ft,hi.ul unit.. i. . , . . . t ir in flu iHuip. uiru i'uiioii i'i hit wu rare rieiter tnan tnoae district havlna i.i ,,; . -t ur,i.r., e,.r ti, i.iith,h"i of n,e JUOg H v eonatit ution and of our natutc. na well a the various a i: pi erne court dri iaion of o hei nalea. it ia evident Hint our common achotil sn ni ine ludes high i tiool a a ell at e liooia teaching mort elementary brantiiefc The iitkt jioint to be mtiBidrreid in a study of H. R 17ii in the sour"t from which the state common school fund is u.-rived. Tne air common school turid ninsisxe of two part, the permanent achnol limb and tut temporary s hool fund Poction S. article viii. of our state constitution gives us the sources ef our iianiiai.ent school fund, and Hecuori 4 of tht sajri rti( le gives us t Itiu'ly tbt souicea of ui'f temporary school furid Becliun II reads: "Tht loilo ing are he reby declared to be perpetual funoa lor common school purpose, of which the annual Uiler esl or mourn only can be appropriated, to-wlt: " f irst 6u h jieri'ejntum n has been or may bereuftetr be granted by col gTess on tlit nalt of landg in this s ale f eeond All moiiejs arising from the sale or leasing of sections 3k and it in each to-nshJii in this staue. and the land se lected or thai tu) be SHlttefi ia lieu thereof. "Third Tht proceeds of all lands that havt been or may lieitiaftrr be gtanted to ihia state ahere. by the term and conditions of sueh grsjit. the same art iiol to lie oilier wise appropriate. 'Fourth The net proceeds of lands and other property nd efiects thnt may come to the state bv es' brat or forfeliure, or from unclaimed dn-idendu. or distributive share of the estate of deleaved person. Kifth All moneys, stocks bond., lands and fiber property no belonging lo th common school fund " Among the principal 'other mean" whl.tr. the lgiilurs may irovifle for the Incres" ol tb common sctiool fund, the ens-tlng statute provides for ac anr.ual levy and hsseasme.Mt of not to eaooiW ! mills upon the doiiar valuation on the grand lisi of taxable property of the stale The grt object of H K 170 Is o pm Tlde "a more eMUitsble distribution" of the state common w houl fund, on this point it ma! be well to keep m mine the consti tutional provision as laid dean In secti n 7. article vhl of the slate consUt uuou. bbid .-tiem reaos . iTov.ai.m shall tie mant cy general law euuitable-Qistr nuiion in ;nt income attend school, but alio hapiien to tie of school ager The same is true of me n In hundreds of cases. Some have asked If the four weeks' at tunaajii' in each half year mould .ot throw a siui al the compuisory education law. Not at all. As already stated, l his pro vision Is made for the larger boys who are tieii pi by aare from the compulsory at lenauiict 1h. It Is eiii'cted Uia-t the oom puiaory education law will be enrorotid in same under H K. Jeli as It Is un der the erisinig law lor Uie distribution ot school funds. If a reasonable re t)uiremei!t in attendance is made lo share in the state common school fund, it would surely sutmgiheu the compulsory attend ance law, i.iit an apportionment regard less of any attendance whatsoever is more likely to buhity Hit: compulsory atieiidauoe la. Tht Cojisey bill allege to seek a more equitable Distribution ot the state common school fund on th around ttivt tht western uountiea are contributing mo to the iate meinliers tb short trrma, far tht reason the pupils trill have a longer period in winch to attend school the required eight week during the year. State Superintendent J. U W:Brien ha laaued the folloalng atatamert, eajilanatory of the bill, which be endorse: Tb Stat common arhool fund bill H R Jitl. introdue'ed b Mesar. Jackson nf An telope. Mark of Fillnior and Warner of I anna tier. seek, to provide a mole eyjita t.l diSTiloullcin of the state rommon school fund. To get a oleai idea of the full mean ing and scone of this measure e need a better untlerstanuir.i: eif the aeirds "common se'bool " There e m. to lie iwevailir.g ojnuion on the part of the public generU' and especially among tht s'-hool pecp.e of the stale, that th words "rommon schools" nimiTiM only th g-i-ade lieiew the nigh arhool. On a molt careful reading of our Drunkards . Cured Secretly Lady raw IS SetatBg. It at Uea. Cet Try. ViViJl va n i i A Pasall Raaksead a MapplMM bf ta Oeaat Hum Our tar ti k.hauar rtantt. A new taateless diarovery whkh i-aa be giveti in tea xge or f .ud llaaru.y en oorwd ty H". C. T V". aad all leaurierano wot ker It doe its aora so an. nily and surely that ai.nt ttie oeoied aife. sisier t-r daughter links on. lbs ctui.kard is re ilainied agsiest his Hi and wnrinul his knowledge. Stiid y.ior nanie and aiidr.se lo lr J. W. Hamea. 'T liienn Hdg . Clm-in-Hatt O. and ht will auall a trial pkikaKt of jsldai tfpe'ibe fie, lo enow bow easily it ta la oar drviiaaiu a ilk Uaa swojedy. common arhoola aJnoiig tut veraj s nooi disiruis of tht state, and no appropriation si.a-iJ 1 niadt from hU fund to any district lor the ear In ahith s hool la not main tained at least three months " A compuxisor. of tht existing statute with H. K. No 37ti a-ill aid us in seeing how the i.ew measure provides fi'r a more equitable CiiStribut.iL of tht eorr.mor school fund, t nder lht existing statute lh state super intendent stmi-aunua.il disiritiutes this fund to tht several counties of the state in proportion to the enumeration of persons fietween the ages of b and a jear. The di tribution of ihi fund by ihe state superin tendent under the proposed law a ill lit mufle semi-annually In proportion to the ttendano of jierami of st hool age at tnt T'Ublic schoe-ls in tue-h counly last re-turiit3 ir the county sutierlntendent. In the follow ing manner, town- .The sum of o(' rerr a i aeek for each peraou of ae hool age frnm . any part of the state nonresident nf the ! d:sirnt width be sitenda anhout charpe for Tuition in nry grade lielow the ninrh i grade, and a'hnnt education hs rerurVd bv the ciunty eiiporlTiierident cf the proper eoutitv cannot t nrontabiy purued in the S' hool district cf Hf rtKlfleneie : and the sum cf 71 cents a aeek f ir eui h pe rson eif se liool in from nv part of the stale nonresident of the district which he attctida. aithout 1 chetpt f"r tuition, in any grade above the eirbth grade, and whnsa eou-.tlun a re- titled by tht county superintendent or tre i tiroiier ci'uniy runnot tie profits h!v pursued : In lht se-nooi aiairii'i ot hw resiaenrt. tiin lommoti schooi fund than come back to them under tht elate apportionment. This briiiKb us to ihe question again as to tht origriu and source of our oommon school tunj The origin and sourees are found In the enabling act. under which Nebraska was admitted as a state, and iu lht consti tution of ihe state. The great source of both our perma.iii nt and temporary school fund Is found m tlit principal and tht in come arising fiom tin sales ana lease of secuoiik Nua. It ana 'Jt in each township in Uie state In the earliei uays th oast em half of the stale contributed lo the temixiiary hool tund. that is la the state api'oi uonmcit of the common school fund, n.ucii more llian the western counties It continued this ratio for perhaps a quarter of a oeniury It must be understood, too, tha.t in many instance sectiuas ok it ana Do m many uwniiijis of the eastern counties had already Iwru taken by home steader or Indian reservations and the state had to select In lieu thereof other section, mostly in the western oounuo, ac indemnity therefor. It follows, there fore, that while on the returns it seems that the western counties are no- Jiaying more to the common school fund than they leceive back frum 'he state in the appor tionment of this fund: in reality, much of this fund e-ontnbuted by the weatem coun ties should be credited to tht Income from Uit eastern noun uea. Anothel Ihmg to It rememtiered is thai eeeuons Nos. lit and S in the counties of tht eastern part of the stats were sold under the laas of the state lor not lea than 17 an acre. Tlit money leeelvcd was credited to the tier- I marient school fund, and tht Interest j meieon kt the current rates was turned into what is known as the state apporrion- metil for the use of the temporarj school . fund to be distributed in accordance with ! law. The western counties had the benefit I, of a higher rate of interest upon the per manent school fund al ax earlier date tbsc the state is able to recti: ve upon lis In vestments at the present time In other ! words. If the law liad lieen sucb that the easieri: part ol the slate could have re I lained its land until now. tht Question of I Inequality would lie materially changed, and tht eastern counties would be demand ; ing a new law in order that th west woulJ ', not be getting mure than Its just share. i it must not ne forgotten that there Is now nearly i,.ui.ixK in lh permanent school fund, which in tbt main, was derived from the sales of school lands in the eastern I counties ard were t be rate of interest a j high at this tlm. as It was in Hit earlier i uays. the income from this permanent , fund at thia time would more than offset the lnenualltieea derived from the rental In Ia uil.fli .b vl af ll.a atMiK 1. ..a look into the future a Utile further. The permajitnt school fund will ultimately reac h a valuation of Cu.Cxk' ikju, and while e are discussing proposed amendment ht operating under tbt lodge system which shall provide in it cotihc ution and law for supreme lodge or legislative booy which shall lie required, .lo newt as often as once In four years, and subeirdinate lodge or branches, tnt which memtiers shall be elect tul and iiittatcri B" bamirted in socordanee with ite consul ution. iews, rules, regulations ana prew -;iiei1 rlrnuJitlc eeremoiiie'S. and which shall be required to hold regular or stated meetings as often as otiue in eat h month Any such aanociution sha'l be deemed to have a representative form of govern ment when It shall provide in its consti tution and laws for the maintenance of a supreme looge or legislative body com posea of repretentatives eleeted either by ihe direct vote of the memtiers ol sueh associations, or through intermediate bod ies or conventions composed of delegates elected either by the seld mtmtieT or by delegate elected by the sum memliei.i fo. that purposs. logetlcr wlih such other as Tnsy lit o.'S.pnaie'a in ciu- stltution and laws, provided, however, that the elective representatives si.a'i ai an time constitute nol ! than nintty-flve per centum of tht e:,tire voting strength of ssid supreme lodge or legislative body, which shall be ves d with the original plenary peiwrs of s:.ch association with sole airlhotitv to make:, e.iter or amend the constitution and laws ot such association, elect lis general officers, presort! their duties and t the:- compensation, and shall fTtrcis" such otter original and gen eral powers as shall be oot.ler-eu upon it be tii constitution and laws of such as sociation, not Inconsistent with the laws of this stale Rectiun Z. That said tk-clior M of Cliap ttr 4U of the Con.pi led Piatutek ci Ne braska for tlx is and all acts and parts of acts in conflict wlih this act, be and the ssn e hereby n repealed 6ection . That w ricrea an emrrftiry Hint, this act sha'l lie 1n fore from and after Its passaie and approval ac uording to law. HEBRUkl Hdlll.l'TElU I toloael Barrowa af Alblosi Preeeal a Mar Portray lag floaeer Dsya. ALI'.IOK, Jan. , (Special, s- "The Ne-bras-ka Homestead." a play written by Colonel P. A. Barrow of this city, was given al 'he opera house here last night. Tdi. tneiirfruma of six acts was written and dramatised hy Mr. Harrows, who for j the last thirty yearF has been a resident , of Albion. ' Ht selected tht tiest local talent to be found and a crowd assembled ( from all parts of the county. Mr. Barrow took Lis experience lh Ne braska as liie theme of hi drama and the ag-e of the early settler was so vividly called to the minds of a few of the pio- I neers nreeert that tear were seen in the ye of many aa earb act brought back reminiscence of the homestead experience! of Boone county. C M. Penney, superin tendent of Boon county seh'iols; Miss Harriett Ln., Mis Viola Poor. Mr. Barker, H H. Reed. "W". E. Baker, Max McGill. A. W. Linton. Bert Morehead and Ver Culver assisted the author. Words of praise for tbe author and his com pany are on the Up of all that morning. entering Blair. The wagon road crossing lht track at an angle and there being no caiCe guard! or other warning, with the ground revered wiuh snow, a.i the gen eral supposition in this instance, a horn might take the railroad track Instead of the wagon road. While th train crew was acquitted of any blam an action may b brought for damages against the road. Crete Wis latent Tax Debate. CrtETE. Neb., Jan. 8 (Special. r An en thusiastic debate between the Beatrice and Crete high schools was held In the high school auditorium In this city last right. The question under discussion was, "Re solved. Thtif a graduated Ineome tax Is a desirable method of taxation." Crete up held .h affirm Uv and won th decision of the Judge The local debater were Harmon Stephens. Clarence McNeil and Charles Knoll, while Wilmar Johnaon, Jajnes Ayers and K. M. Rinakrr composed the visiting team. Mr. Rlnaker did espe cially good work, ranking much higher man any other of the disputant. The judges were Prol. J. N. Bennett and J. 6. Brown of Jjoan and M. H. Fleming, a prominent lawyer of thia city. Yark Favor ftfcrerk Bill. YORK, Neb., Jan. Hi.' Special.) There la considerable discussion here over B F. No. 3(', a bill for an act to provide and establish a system of local option by rountiea on the e:uestiens of granting license to sell intoxi cating liquors to be used as a beverage. This hill was introduced ty Senator Shreck and has been read trice and now referred to tht conimJttet on Judiciary. York ia strongly prohibition, and if thia act Is madt a law It ia gentrnJly believed there would bp no saloons in York county, as the county is supposed to tie prohibition. Never !n York's history hat it had a saloon. Two of the outside towns In this county have saloons The general opinion here Is favor able to the iiasslng of tht bill. Tarty Tboassad far ewr rattaea. BEATRICE. Ntb., Jan. US (Special Tel egram ) Representatives Caseel of Otoe county, Atwood of Saline, Burgess of Lan- ' easier and MtMullin of Gage, comprising I part of the committee on other asylums j from the house of represents Uvea, paid i Beatrice a visit today and Insjiected th Institution for Feeble-Minded Touth. They will probably recommend an appropriation tbe surrounding towns. Refreshments were served after lodge. MADISON. Jan. Ed Peterson, -a cook in the Collins restaurant, waa arrested tor carrying vonceaJed weapons. H wa re leased on .bond and will have a hearing Monday. I PLATTFMVTH. Jan. a. County Judge Travi ptirtormeei the ceremony yesterday which united is marriage Andrew Wksley cf Nebraska City and Mia Mary Sigrnon of I'nion. M COOL. JVNCnON. Jan. . In the death of Mr. Ellen Kennedy, mother of Supervisor I'liilip Kenned), south York rourty lose one of Its first settlers. The remains wer interred at Exeter. PLATT6MOVTH. Jan. .-Mlss Gro Walker, who baa been sienorrraphe.r for Governor Mickey for several cars ha re turned to this city, and rumor says she Is soon to wed a Burlington engineer. PLATTSMOl'TH. Jan. 2ft -The county printing has bre-n awarded to Ihe Weeping Water Herald at one-half the regular rates., and the contract for brldre work to C. (J Bheeley for Lia.WO ha been approied M M BOX. Jan. UK J. A Madden, for mwrly of Ntwman Grove, and J H Iou van, proprietor o the Siar-Mail, havt formed a partnership in the real estate and loan business and have ope-ned an office, at this place WUST 1-OlVT, Jan. ilk John G. Nei hnrdi of Bancroft has resigned the editor ship of the Bancroft Blade, which he has conducted for the last two yeara He will devote himself to literary work of a mure congenial character. PAPJLLION, Jan a. Morris Reubyn was taken to tht insane asylum ut Lincoln by Sheriff McKvoy. Keuhyn was found wan dering around during trie recent cold snap, his actions Indicating insanity. The board adjudged him insane. PLATTSMOl'TH. Jan a -The regular monthly social meeting of the CliruUari En deavor society of toe Presbvieriar rr.u cS was held at the home of Ir. C. A. Man hail, and the exercises were highly en.io.ved by the larae number in attendance. PLATTSMOl'TH. Jan lib -Tbe illustrated lem iterance lecture in the rri-hvi eria n church by Ilev Mr. and Mia Hrudon of Biair were entertaining and Instruct i e, tht views being char and natural. The church was fi.ltd to its capacity , tfl ryiJM. j.i. -'" .mma et.t. ; sentirel. Mrs. Alfred Geist : picket. Luedke of Lai.an township ha been en- i Mr C K. Middaugh. At the conclusion . . , V. (Ill tllT- liniivi lunr V'l HIT ..'Ul.l,. treasurer efflce ourlig tht absence of! Treasurer Meyer, who is In Buflaio, X. T.. ' taking treatment lor the benefit of his i neaiin. the usual dividend tbe surplus waa law creased from tllMxxi to n&,(, w hich mske tliis the weaiihiest bank in this counts M OOOL Jl-NCTION, Jan .-Pretiar-tlona are bolng made for farm errs' Insti tute to be held here on Kebruarv El. York county farmer take a great interest ia everything that pertains to better farming. Among the siieakers already booked art i E. Wing of Meciianicjn-IUe. o., aad O. Hull of Alma. Neb. The meeting is under the auspice of th state onlverstty. TECTWiEH. Jan. Ik -Hon. John rundaa of Auburn, who have charge of the Tecum seh Chainauiiua during the two years tbe assemblies were held, announce he will canvass the city and adjacent country with a view of learning whether or not it ia de sired lo continue the aemblie. Jf ba re ceive proper encouragement he will again provide the Chautauqua lor this city. FrRINeiFlELJj. Jan. la. Tht union re vival meetings that have Pern in progress here for Ihe lust tliree weeks, conduuled by 1. M HarisuuBh. assisted bv the rural pastor, came lo a tJoae Friday night. Somethlr.g like seventy-five persona indi cated to the workers their desire to livs better and mine Chrlstl'ke lii-es. Besides all them the several churches, whose mem bership reach to several hundred, have been awakened and revived under the maa 'erly and sjuriluaj sermons ol Efvangebst Hartsough. TRCl'MfKH. Jan. a.-The aerie f lae- tures by lr John B. Koehne. ths noted lecture rer. which are in Tirogres at the I'rtl. tenan church this week, hats aroused a favorable feeliiig with citiaena. The cliurch if filled with anxious listeners nig-hUy. It. Koehne Is using as- his gen eral subjee't, "The N'anarene or tht ftea sr.nableneek of Christianity." and speaks from a subject each evening. The lectures are free, but a collection for the benefit of rbe spe alte r will tie taken at the close pf ths course. WEPT POINT. Jan. Lfi -Mrs. Addle Pal mer of Omaha, deputy siste commander of the Ladies of the Maorabee. installed tha following officers of lh local lodge in West I'eur t last evening: Past oomntander, Mr Ir. Rchemel: commander, Mrs. L. C. Ii"skar ; lieirtenant couanander. Mrs W. A Plain: reoord ketH;r. Mrs. J. C. Elliott; finance keer. Mrs. R. H Graham; chap lain. Mrs John Meisier: mistress- at-arm. iwr i. He kenhauer: serseaTit. Mra A u or me ceremoni.-s of Installation an elab- oraie luntneon w a served. -- of W'tUKi for two silt ution new cottage for th In- apportionment for t,onre,dent pupil, shall ""-" V. J ZZ?? ..V,''"! moneys neritea irom tne . :; , , " - . - - J ... Id and leased In- ' U,II1W ainai sna r umis ui invest a part of lit msdt from anv interest on school lsnds terest on bonds. Interest em warrants and Itiid any other sources e.f the sifaie com mon school n:i(l ivcltislve of lht eta'e . hool tax. The re iuMitider eif the entire Stat common echoo1 fund, including the salt school lax. shall apMirtioned pre rata to the seversl cnunf!. tii prM'rtion te the huniiK'T of petaons cf v lioeil ag who lave attended thp tiLbbc s-heols i'f eae-h county In the respect ut districts of their resmenet. for ierrid of am less than four week during the half-year lust rt. as re turned bv tht e-r-unty KctierimeeflenT. Afltr tht county si periMeodeTit appor tions th amount due each county for the attendance 'f rinrtr.sid.-r.t pup'ls. be shall I a ujKirT Ion one-four' h of the remainder cf the whale smouni equal 'y to the several ciytriff if his co.'.r'i. He shall aritiortion tlie tbeTi reme:rder n tbt whole amount to tie several echoed districts is lis c:u:e pro rata tn T'roport.on in tbe tiiimlier .f ierairis e.f schrml ae w tio l.k attended lht put. a- srbnois e'f bis count v Is the re jittivt districts e.f their reiwdeTit. for s period ef iii.t lee lhan lour wel: duri.ig he hslf-ve.r last ?..! a. eeturned by the prif r fSoe- oe ejich d'terle-i An m.ii'l 'iw-il made uu atteridanr I eertsinlv sr.or e oitable tbkn an Tit.(.rioii nieni Hade on t lie enumeration e.f tierson. w bo bat lien to ii Iniitei the ar eif !i aiid n iejrs ih.nirh tli('0innd i'f sue-h rreins T-evee ei.i iDfi).' ,.f a scii'wil rKm It sure1! "oeth toe 0'-rlt nothing for the education of tboee wln never et tIid Be-lnKi' M'iil' bni.l(i sn THM.rtierimeftt he me oe Iri thouaand .f eaee bb tlie t-uuojt rUuii of married wotneii be net this great ameiunt in schoel distnc-t bona bearing not lea than i per cent interest. Fraternal insurance e (lanpatiles are badly split over the Shreck bill, and the fraternal eior.grea bill. Th former provides that Cawrt la sarr CbbbIx. PAFILXION, Neb.. Jan. Sk i Special i Judge Troup of the district court was pre sented with a resolution yesterday by ihe 6arjy County Bar association wherein he was asked tu appoint a committee of the lawyers of the county to arrarig-t for a new set of bar rules. Tht committee wa at onct appianted and rorr.ueised of H. Z. Ntdg wood and A. E. Largdtm of Psplllion and associations having a represtntatlv form X. R. Patrick of South em aha Tht old of guvrrr.ment shall be controlled ly a gov- set of rule tmlng body, ninety-five per cent of which j year ago. snail oe repreaentativee of tb elactlvt body whlie ths fraternal cong-rea bill provides that a majority of th govtmlng body shall be representative of tbe elective members. Both side are claiming that looge out in tb stai r endorsing and denouncing the bill without knowing ao rurattly the cortecui of either, rather act ing on the advice of their superior of ficer. Th Shrstk bull is follows: seen on 1 Tlit Section K ef Chat lar f e.f Hi Cooit lied Statute of Nebraaka for iwii. eitmed Friemal Benehcjary Aaao ciatiutia,' be kail tire same i hereby ameadi-d te rea to. low a: Sectietn W A fraternal beneflriarj' aaan-e-iaiion is be-eny decla'ed it. b a corp-ira-tin. oeKTiety or voluntary associatior.. Iiwaiea or nrramsed nd earned no jeir the sole benef.t el its member aad I heir lnehcine and not for ptohl Earn sueh society shall fca- a lexie ste with niuaustie fortii of walk, and retire sriitative turm of government Au such aaociaiLB BTiall ba deemed ta wer drawn up over twelve In district court thi week Judge Troup overruled tbe motion made l y ti e Roc k , laland Rrllroad company to set aside the , verdict ic the suit wherein W. B Ely was j awarded damage on account of the rail road company a embankment causing tht . high water to damagt Ely crop. ' Several minor caea ware disjiosed of and j court adjourned until Marek G Yark Hotel la Xewr Haads. YORK. Neb. Jan Jfc. ("Special. I Van Franlin and son of Geneva, who come recommended aa good hotel men, have bought the hotel fixturea and leased the LeOrand hotel of this city. L N. Miller, in tht five year hers has built up a fin business, and mad thi on of the leading hotel in the state. Mr. Miller will con tinue to live in York and will build to the hotel to accommodate, the increasing bust-neas- Heavy la at Beatrlre. BEATRICE, Neb., Jan. . tSpecial Tele gram.) A heavy snowstorm set in her today. It Is snowing hard tonight, with a prospect of continuing all nig-ht. BEATRICE, Jan 2a. G. W. Elliott, wanted at Belolt Kan., on the cr.arge nf burglary and Jumping a bond of k.iexi was taken to that p.ane today by Slier, fl J. W. M ailaee. Elliott s young wife accompanied him and exitcts to go lo her home at Cen tralia. Kan. CENTRAL. CITY. Jan. 2k "A Soldier of Fortune was presented last n.ghl by Father Delfost' boy band The pla was well received Tbe cart waa composed of Lid McAttchiss. Victor burke. Kehert Rlee, Frank Mooney. C Hungnam. Willie Hen derson. Arthur Wright and Kay Korn bruk WEST POINT. Jan. A sevtre accident befell Fran Lemm. an aged farmer, at Iua farm, ten nn.es northwest of this cn this week ti.kt nocesMiated the amputation of his left arm. Tht accident occurred while sbtlling corn, hi hand becoming caught in tne machinery w hue attempting tu adjust It. PLATTEMOTTH. Jan. 3 County Suptr- iiiitnoent wortman nas issuea circulars a'e THE VALUE OP CHARCOAL Peale Kite Raw rssfal It la la Preervla Health aad Beasts-. Nearly tvtrvbofly krows that rbareoal Is th safest and most efficient disinfectant and purifier in nature, but few. realise Its value when taken Into the humaa ayabam for the earn cleansing putpose. - Charcoal is a remedy that tbe mors yea tike cf It the better; it Is act a arug at ail, but simply absorb ths gosas and bnsart tiea si m ay present ia the aUiataoa sag intestine and carries thetn hut of Us slrlu. , Ctarcoai or! en ths breath after amok Ing. drinking ut after eating onions aad other odorous vegtublea Charcoal effect ually clear axd lmrrwres ihe couij.itiuou, ik wmuaus th uSLk nouncit.g the last general teacher meeting ! li.rU.er acta as a natural aad laaartl Oaer Marrssr's Bady. PLAIR. Xth.. Jsn 3k Fjclal. i Th eornnw i inquet held en the remain of W. A. Morrow of Modale, la., abn wa j klfled on tbe Northwestern railroad, bt i twees th rtver bridge and Blair, on Thurs i day 4-vening of this week, rendered a ter dirt, exonerating the train crew from ary tit nit in the killing of M'irr;iw The cross- J , Ing of th wagon rubd near siirli be was kt.it is generally coiikiidered the most ' dangerous of any croaking oa ruber road ri 'f Itkraika. PLATTSMOCTH. Jan JP. -Tht Eagle ravt a grand prise masquarade ball In the ohrniikn hail in till city thi evening. FLATTKMolTH. Jan- Jk Judg M Archer has ree'tlved permiHion lo prucuc iw in th Interior Oejiartment at Waefa liit on. PLATTSMOfTH. Jan. M -Jacob Kuns man ha. sold hi 4"0-acr farm, one aim south of CeoaT creek, lo Tom E Parmele for IA usa PL-TTSMOTTH. Jn. -Rolrt E French w-.u conuuti a ' Ikkh of instruction to liie Masoii in Masi'Tic Tempi iu nti city January aii. 81 and February 1. PLATTpMOI TH. Jan J -Th member of the Plaitsmoutn Woman club gave a.n inteicst:i.g Baimi-fuiicj prograru at tn home of Mr i. Lisun last tiening. Tf 'RK. Jtn 3 A large numtier of York tnUBie-tans went to Line-oin today to bear klkuajue Nnoaki. the famou ve alist who apiitared al Hie Llnco a Auu.t n, um MAI-ISON. Jan -B" Eider camp No. iir.1. M 'He rn W iHidmn e.f America. Initialed class of f.fiy-eeven new menitier E E Ki.it eiai deputy, and L N. Rymera Cisirul deputy, were pise'iil as wwe alsu a number of delegations of Woo dint n from in ihi county lor this school year Wnl be held in Lrfiuisc.le on eiaiurda' Ftbruary Ik. On the previous evening a lecture a. 11 be given by B W Hampton of Rocklord, 111., on "The Marriage Ceremonv." NEBRASKA CITY, Jan. 2S.-A lodge of Lag .at was installed in Ho city lasi nighi, consisting of oxer !(' charier luemlieTi Large oeiegationa of Eagir were present from Omaha, enmih Omaha. Plal tHiiiout h. Council Bluffs. Beatrice- and Line-olti. ( iver )Xi Eagles were present from Omaha. After tht installation a banquet wa served in honor of tnt visitor WEST POINT. Jan. Word wa re ceived here jesterday of the dtiaih. at Plalmew. of Mrs Randolph Boldi from a cancej'ouB affection. Tlie derease for merly resided here, moving w.th her hue band and iir,:! to pierce ivunty some fourteen month ago rib su ? tears of ag and very popular In the comm unit y. The remains Went interred al Plan. vie a today. BEATRICE. Jan. I. Tlit progiaro cf the Woman's r ub yesterday was in the current topics department Mrs A Hardy rme a paper, in. prints of I"; Rev J W Mer rl.i otilvsred an aadraaa on "T be Kail i-f Port Arthur," and Mist Julia Ful.tr read a bev.k review of "Th Affair at Inn." A number if vur.al and mstrumtntal sulos were rendered, whiek sooed materially to tht Interest t,d pleasure ot the meetujr PLATTSMOITH. Jan. -At the annual meeiitig of tne Mevk he.lder- of ibt Bunk of ta CouTily (he folios ing dlree lor w ert tiei-ied: C. Parme le. Jacob Triisrh. T. M Patterson. T K Parnme. J. t" Ki bev. H B P.amsty. R F. Patterson The director ' le led Hie. lolloBll k cmoer Peeelneiil f Par ni. it. ut prtwuent, Jae-oa Tritsth, casbior, X. M, J'aliei'swn, Alur eecisr.n ssuneBttjr salt cathiij'tic. Ii absorb the Injurious gases which aaU' lect In the sioroatn and bowels; It disla lects th inoulh and throat from tfc jci-o- or rather lc line lortu of large .,i . of catarm. ' """" Ail drutatlrta sell charcoal le oaa foraa ot anoihtr, but probauiy ma heat chare oal and the most fir the tuonti- u in ai,..rt I Cl.ai co! LcttLte.. lht r tr oc,w,r ... in antt ycaueiead WUloa cLarcoai aad other iiain.its anuatyiic ka tatuet iuma tung loitnge. tu cUai ooai btng ttauLed uii booty. - mi. um ti liicsb luxtres will ic.j ib a iijucu iinpiovto cobdiUua aenerki neai.n, ovitt:! cuUipiejt.M Of Ui ISAMu bieatn and piutr bloud. and u.e baauty u it is, lhat u puaaiii.e barm caa t.Mu,, luau-ary, . use. but iheir conunutd rtkt bene til. A LuS.a,iu physician U net. is ot Caarcoai. t-iuart a CharooaJ oaa on in peaalng ml ta. i': "I i.Cernji from gas in stomach ad hosnair anu to clear tbt compxiua ant purifs tk.' brekih. mouth and thruai. 1 su., J,,' lh Over ia greatly btnrfiled fc 0,71 u Of toen.. tl.y tost hut twenty- recta a box st drug siore. ana alujo-u-! m eon. Ben a palest prejiaratloe, s T believe 1 get mors nd beaer charooaj la Stuart's Crrarctial Loxangea than la yr asT ins ordinal ckarouaj lablalaa 1IV I