r n i 1 1 7 r aVaSaMaBBMam n rajs 112 1 ft u 1 WTp 7 PlfW4W ft St - ion 11 a m ii 1. v. v rr, JJr .asm m si m f Mm' J A 7 1 U-rr- I . SHOWING DEPTH or (PHEST i ' 3- x K V if IJ w HEN Harry N. cam Into earth Ufa hla chances of remaining In the body were ao alight that nitrate and frienda ahook their heada In pity and phyatctana urged apeclal caution. Hla father waa no longer young and strong, his mother had (or yeara been an Invalid, and hla head was-abnormally large, and her ailment contained a atrnin of locomotor ataxia. All In all. the probability of the delicate little thing ob taining health waa ao alight that it seems Incredible he can row be regarded aa one of the strongest children of hla ag in the world. Tet thla It true, and hla folk maintain that what haa been done for Jilm ran be accomplished for any child, alnoe the regime contains no fads and much common sense. Pefor h waa a fortnight old hia mother had mapped oat what seemed to her a natural method of strengthening him, and ah haa not yet had cause to vary from the program. At that time ahe began giving him calisthenio exercises 'for arm a and legs. Grasping hia tiny hands firmly in hers, aha . would gently extend the . arma to a horisontal position, returning them briskly, but never Jerkily, to the chest. This ' waa repeated twice, then followed by raiaing the hands above the head, bringing them back to the chest with palms forward; and thla In turn by a similar exercise ;th palms turned together. Leg motions were added within few days, and before the Bret month had rolled away every muscle In hia tiny body waa being cared for, each exercise being twice repeated. 1 -, Noticeable Benefit In Six Weeks. When ha waa el 4 weeks old the wrinklea and hollow began to All out, and h looked like other babes of his age. From the Brat ha bad a peculiar way of closing hla Asia, gripping with the right thumb outalde. the left on under the Index finger, and then out before the second finger which contradicts the theory that Infants close their fingers ver thumbs until they learn to think. Perhapa because of this peculiarity he did leaa grasping than moat babes. The irusclee of his handa seemed stow In development aa compared with those of the arms. Before he was three months old he could draw himself to a altting posture If his mother held his handa When thirteen weeks old he began to grasp her fingers for this purpose,- but did it waverlngly, aa if unable to direct the course of her handa When he succeeded In holding her thumbs he became wildly excited, and atrained every muscle In hla body In an attempt to pull himself up. By this time he would stiffen his body and raise his back with hla weight resting upon his head and beds, seeming to enjoy this hard exercise. In his fourth month his mother began to awing him by on foot and the corresponding wrist Those who saw this beted as if they expected to aee the babe dismembered, but be chuckled over It and continued to develop fine muscles. All exercises were given regularly, morning and evening, and followed by a brisk tubbing. During the summer months thla was often given on the porch, calling forth assurances that " the child would catch cold." but never fulfilling the prediction. After exercise and bath a good nap was aura to follow. Keenly fnoys His Exercise. Pictures taken the day after he was five montn oid how him with his whole weight suspended on his own tiny hands. At this time he would easily draw himself up by holding to any one'a thumbs and hang with no apparent effort for aeveral seconds. Never did he loosen his grasp until laid down. No adult could show less concern about It than he. and there waa no appreciable quickening of the heart action from this strain. A snapshot taken Immediately after (whll he was In the tub) ahowa that he waa by thla time a normal healthy babe, with a keen enjoyment of life and a sweet disposition. Another shows his remarkable depth 'of cheat. In the sixth month he began to show a surprising sense cf balance, alwaya throwing up the upper arm and leg when raised with a support under hla aide. Photoa taken the day after he waa aix months old show this Instinctive knowledge. At this time he would stiffen his bsck. holding himself perfectly straight when held up with face downward. He ' could easily hang by one band for aeveral seconds, and would hang by both for nearly a minute hia grasp being so rigid that his tiny fingers beoame bloodiesa, aa plainly aeen In a picture in which he is holding his godfather' thumbs. The same day a picture waa taken while he was holding to a cane, but It so fogged t(iat a delay of two weeks occurrea before this was duplicated. These cane pictures make on who haa doubt of hla delight In the exercise cringe, for they , wer taken on the roof of an apartment house, where a fall aright have resulted In death. But the mother says " sne knew Harry would not let go" A he waa screaming with delight while being snapped, her faith Seems wsll placed, I i - ' I -v- V A V ; J If jr A - ---?! r V.t ' U T' j l! - v i " - ar-a I W . "W -aW W MBk. B laSSr J For the rest, his life has been most simple. His only food is condensed milk, upon which he so thrives that at aeven months he weighs nearly eighteen pounds, of which not an ounce Is flabby flesh. He Is never given any tidbits, soothing sirups, or change of food. While fairly regular in hia hour, there haa been no Ironclad rule. Each aummer morning that the rain did not blow on to the porch he took a nap In the hammock, and aa his mother Intends that he shall contlnus this practice all winter, ahe haa made a wadded Klondike sleeping bag for his protection. His bath la taken in water which I Just comfortably warm, and he doea not know the aenaation of being In hot or cold water. He has Just learned to sit up. but not yet mastered the art of creeping, though he shows such an Inclination to pull himself up by every object upon which he can lay hold that It would not be surprising if b began to walk by the time he la nine jnonth old. This Is the true account of a weakling who haa become wonderfully strong through moot simple meeuis. The accompanying photographs clearly show the babe' surpris ing muscular development, yet he I In no way abnormal. U V -4 A r oka" a HUFFY JV ?r 6 fcwr&p CI i If I 4 U( . ' I'm, ' W 1