Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 29, 1905, NEWS SECTION, Page 2, Image 2

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5ome never think
of what they aay;
Others ntver say
" whatthay think
All ladies that have not taken advantage
Monday, as prices have
Bleached Sheetings
')-4 Z'.c Monday yard,
it S-V Momliy : yard.
0-4 :5c Monday 21c yard.
M 2fc Monday -ffV yn'd.
J-4 2To Mondny Sc y.1rd.
-4 23H" Monday 1V Jsrd.
-4 21e Monday 15c yard.
-4 yc. Mondny 51c yard. ,
8- 4 24c Monday yard.
1-4 22c Mond.iy I7H" yT
7-4 23Vi? Monday 1?" ynrd.
t-4 3Hc Monday lc ynrd
7-4 1SH' Mummy 14V yard.
6- 4 22c. Monday l"o ynrd.
1-4 1c Mondny 1; ynrd.
17c Monday 13c ynrd.
M-lnrh a- Monday Wtr yard.
17c Monday 14r ynrd.
15Hc Mondny 12H: ynrd.
4!-lnrh 17c Mondny I3'4c yard.
13c Monday 12V4c yard.
1.1V4C Monday lie ynrd.
42-Inch l&Vfcc Monday 12c yard.
134C Mondny lie yard,
lie Monday 5'n ynrd.
Half Bleached Sheetings
10-4 S2c Mondny 2fiV? yard
f)-4 Io Monday tXc yard.
1-4 5c Monday 21c yard.
7- 4 23Vfce Monday 18c yard.
-4 22c Mondny 17c yard.
Mnch JflHe Mondny IfiVic yard
45- lnch 17o Monday lSc yard.
42-lncli 1514c Monday 12c yard.
Unbleached Sheetings
10-4 37c Mondny 24c yard.
I4n Monday 19Hc yard.
9- 4 2flc Monday 21c yard.
24c Monday 20c yard.
22c Monday 18c ynrd.
7-lnch 18c Monday 12,c yard.
8- 4 24c Monday 19c yard.
21Hc Monday 18c yard.
2014c Monday lHVio yard.
7-4 18tyc Monday lfle yard.
ITHc Monday 4c yard.
5- 4 liiHo Monday 14c yard.
6- 4 l&Hc Mondny 12tte yard.
60-Inch 15c Mondny 12Hc ynrd
W4o Monday 11c yard.
46- lwh lS4o Monday lie jn
life Monday 94c yard.
42-Inch 12c Monday 10c U!
10c Monday 84c yard.
v 36-INCH WIDE MI'S!.... .
Pride of the Wert, HJ4c
Fern, bleached, 11c.
l.angdon, fl. B., 9'ic.
Lungdon, 7B, te.
Blenched Lonsdale Muslin, 6c yard.
Wenched Farmer Choice, te yard.
Cast Iron, unbleached, 814c yard.
Peppcrell It., unbleached, 6Hc yard.
Indian Head, unblenchcd, 8c yard.
. )xnsddl Cambric, bleached, 9c yard
liu northeast corner of Eleventh and
Jlr.ward. Where the crowd waa the densest,
1. net had pushed several back In order to
lieep them from breaking through the line.
Tho crowd waa good-natured, but one mnn
slipped up In and struck the officer over the
head with a piece of brick, Indicting n
severe bruise. Heelan waa knocked down
and stunned, but Was soon up and uttended
to duty during the rest cf the night. The
coward who struck him escaped In the
Manager Lane of the Nebraska Telephone
company proved a benefactor by providing
sandwiches ond coffee for the firemen dur
ing their struggle. He put In quite u few
momenta carrying n basket in one hand and
big coffee can In the other round und
round the block, till t-verybody wa.s un
At a Krl- Ilonr It Was Still llryoud
a t'onirol of the Fire,
NORFOLK. Va., Jan. 29,-Flre which
originated from Unknown causes In the Ice
factory of Charles R. Nash. Queen street,
Portsmouth, at 1:36 this morning is eat
ing Its way through a business .block In
the heart of Portsmouth. At the present
time the Nash building and adjclhlng coal
yard, the Ice factory of W. O. Mauptn and
large two-story double tenement have
beta destroyed and adjoining property It
Varnlng. The fire Is being fanned by a
north wind and Is likely to reach High
atreet, the principal business street of
Portsmouth, before It can be checked.
At 3 o'clock the fire had spread to the
big four-story Crawford house at Crawford
and Queen streets and to the store ad
joining the five-story establishment of J.
and Ulster
Tliortf arc mime very tleair-
able guinit'iilw still left in
these coats and In
Winter Suits
and Odd Trousers
at such a great Buying in
cost to yon that It wouhl pay
you to buy now.
t'2'i to $35 Overcoats and
IT Utera $20
$'20 to f'iO Suits $15
Odd TrouiH'iH 331-3 off
Winter Underwear 33 13 oft"
1 $u
1 flr,filD) (SILOTP
: - i nil mmemm P fr mmmmmmmmmm
This Year s Last
ary aalfe ot Muslins, sheetings, Iveady-Iuade
Sheets and Pillow Cases
to be restored at the
Ready Made Sheets
Sis 63x!0.
11 13 hemstitched at 5c each.
7Sc he mstltchcd at yard.
S'c plain at STic yard.
8ic plHln at 55c each.
50c plain at 41o each.
Slse 72x.
II 2o hemstitched at 98c each
K3e hf nut Itched at 63c each.
72c plain at 8"c each.
plain at 47Vc each.
55c plain at 45c each.
Site 72 x 99.
$1.2.1 hemstitched ot !Kc each.
$1 05 pluin at 8V each.
8lxe 81x90.
$1.25 hemstitched at $l.(5 eni h.
$1.00 hemstitched at 79c each.
Kir hrmstltrhcd at 74c each.
8nr plain at 61c each.
7t plain at !V each.
6c plain at 48e each.
Size KnxM.
$1..Vj hemstitched at $1.10 each.
$1.10 hemstitched at 88c each.
X 20 plain at each.
95c plain ot 75c each.
Ready Made Pillow Cases
Blc 42x36.
19c plain hem U4o ench.
22c plntn hem 184c each.
22c hemstitched at 18o each.
25c heinntltched at 20c each.
32c hematltchcd at 26c each.
Slae 4536 Inche.
20c plain hem at l&Vic each.
24c hematltchcd at 19c eHch.
28c hemstitched at 22c each.
D5o hemstitched at 28c each.
Siza 50x36 Inches.
15c plain hem at 10c each,
lftc plnin hem at 14c each.
24c plain hem at 2214c each.
2."k; hemstitched at 20c each. 1
38c hemstitched at 30c each.
Monday Special In Our flannel
All our Flannelettes that sold at 18c per
yard, the beat grade of D8-lnch wide Roods,
all In beautiful Persian designs, go at 614e
per yard.
Final Remnant Sale of all kinds of
ncia at next to nothing prices Monday,
luury 30, at 8 o'clock.
!ength of 1 to 10 yards, Including White
"lannfls, Outing Flannels, Flannelettes,
. ikitlnea, French Flannel, etc., go at
1. rices like these:
Hemnant of 3-74 yards of 75c French im
Hrted Flannel, 48c per remnant.
rtemnnnt of yards of 35c Velutlne
Flannel, at S9c per remnant.
Remnant of 4i yards of 12Hc Flannelette,
at 15c per remnant.
Remnant of 4 yards of 50c Walstlng Flan
nel, at 43c per remnant.
And hundreds of other just such bargains
as these ment'vncd.
Choice goods at the price of the very
cheapest.. Come early.
At; C. A. Building1. Corner
8. Crawford On High street. ' The store Id
occupied by the Walnwrlght' Cigar com
pany on the ground floor and by apartment
dwellers on the second and third flours.
The Are Is being fought by the entire
Portsrhouth fire depnrtment, a volunteer
hosj company, an engine company froth the
navy yard and engine companies from Nor
folk. A company of marines from the navy
yard bnrracks bad been called out and la
aiding the firemen.
M Storea Hail Been Darned When
Last Reports Were Bent
ST. LOl'IS, Jan. 29 A fire broke out in
the business portion of Qlllespic, III... fifty
miles north of here, at 1 o'clock. The tele
phone operator ut Gillespie was rt ached
from here ori the long distance wire and
stated that six store Were burning. A
moment later he said:
"I can't stay here any longer; the lite
Is coming too fast.'" and left the telephone.
Man loaneeteil with Defnnct Chicago
Rank la Captured In Xeir
, Vork.
NEW YORK, Jon. H.--W. H. Hunt, who
was connected with the Pan-American bank
of Chicago, which cliieed Us doora several
days ago, hns been arrested here charged
with embeizlement.
Hunt was arrested at the request of the
Chicago police, who notified the New York
authorities that they had a . warrant tor
Hunt's arrest on the churg of embesxllng
$.16,000. Hunt wn arraigned In court and
held for extradition.
Hunt waa president 6f the Pan-American
Ranking company of Chicago, which closed
Its doors on Thursday. President Hunt was
ii been t, hut It was reported th;it he was re
turning to Chicago with a large sum ot
money to make up alleged shortages. When
he did not arrive Chief of Police O'Neill of
Chicugo, who bad received word that Hunt
was In New York rent- a telegram here
asking for his arrest.
t-HICAOO, Jun. Ss.-lt Is said that the
liabilities of the Pah-American bank here
approximate $16,000. To meet these lia
bilities are asseU said to consist of $300
In cash, one trust deed of doubtful value
and tome promissory, notes, the whole
ainotniUtig to $3.(00.
Receiver Hdwln C. Day hkl made (he
discovery that within lit last four months
$-'8,X hks been withdrawn from the. Pan.
American bank for the private bank of
Presldeut WllllanvH. Hdnt in Wall street.
New York, and that other withdrawals of
J9,f00 and $5.0)0 were credited to Hunt and
a branch Institution In the City of Mexico.
The receiver skid that If It wera aliown
that Hunt wat aware or the Insolvency of
the Pan-American bunk at tho time the
withdrawals were made criminal proceed
ings Would be promptly Instituted.
Colonel Henry L. Turner, who severed
connection with the Pan-American bank
about a month ugn, u aald to have been
prompted by disapproval of the methods
(if aeudtng (Viicslm to other banks.
F.fforts to find V. 8. Roctor. the cashier,
have thus far proved vMn. Receiver Day
waa also disappointed itt not finding a list
of stockholders, whom he had hoped to
hold responsible for the bunk's accounts.
Criminal prosecution of the oflleials of
the defunc t Pan-American bank waa Insti
gated by Attorney V. A. O. Murrell of this
cliy. one of the depositors or the bank. Mr.
Muricll acid today thai his loaa la tCTS.
Opportunity of
of the greatly reduced
first of the month.
411 fine Pattern Table Cloths that
are Mussed Lp and Soiled
Monday morning we will clnae out all our
very flne Pattern Cloths at Just half price.
Thce cloths have been soiled during our
great January I.lnen Sale and this will be
a rare opportunity to gnt some flne Table
Linens at very low prlcrs. Uordrrcd all
around. We quote a few sizes and pricee:
All our $10.00 Table Cloths, 2'4 yards by
2'4 yards. Monday, $o.r0.
All our $6.00 Table Cloths, 24 yards, Mon
day, $3.00.
All our $12.00 Table Cloths. 2 yards by 4
yard. Monday, $6.00.
All our $16.00 Table Cloths. 2 yards by 4
yards, Monday. $7.50.
All ojr $8.75 Tnble Clpths, 2 yards by
yanls. Monday, $4.38.
All our $12.00 Table Cloths, 2 yards by 3'4
yards, Monday. $6.00.
All our $12.00 Table Cloths. 2i yards
square, Monday, $6.00.
All Our $7.50 Table Cloths. 2 yards by 2
yards, Monday. $173.
All our K75 Table Cloths, 2 yards by 2
yards. Mondny, $3.38.
All our $7.60 Table Cloths, 2
yards by 3
yards by 3
! yards, Monday, $3.75.
All our $10.00 Table Cloths, 2
yards. Monday, $5.00.
All our $8.75 Table Cloths,
yards, Monday. $4. 88.
All our $10t Table Cloths
2 yards by 24
2 yards by 24
yards. Monday, $5.00.
I All our $9t Table Cloths, 2 yards by 4
i yards, Monday, $4.50.
i One $35.00 Table Cloth, 2Vfc yards by 6
1 yards, Monday, $12.60.
I One $22.50 Table Cloth, 24 yards by 5
I yards, Monday, $11.25.
One $20.00 Table Cloth. 214 yards by 414
yards. Monday. $10.00.
All our $15.00 Table Cloths. 24 yards by 4
yards. Monday. $7.50.
All our $20.00 Table Cloths, 24 yards by 4
yards. Monday, $10.00.
All our $13 .60 Table Cloths, 24 yards by 4
yards, Monday. $6.75.
One $17.50 Table Cloth, 24 yards by 4
yards. Monday. $8.75.
All our $12.00 Table Cloths, 84 yards by 34
yards, Monday. $6.00.
'All our $10.75 Tnble Cloths, 24 yards by 3
yards, Monday. $5.38.
All our $15.00 Table Cloths, J14 yards by 3
yards, Monday, $7.50.
All our $8.75 Table Cloths, 24 yards by 3
yards, Monday, $4.38.
All our $12.00 Table Cloths. 24 yards by 24
yards, Monday, ?300.
All our $10.00 Table Cloths, 24 yards by 24
yards, Monday. $6.00.
All our $7.50 Table Cloths, 24 yards by 24
yards, Monday, $3.75. j
All our $8.75 Table Cloths, 24 yards by 24
yards, Monday. $4.88. 1
All our $4.50 Table Cloths, 24 yards by 24
yards, Monday, $2.25.
All our $11.76 Table Cloths, 24 yards by 5'4
yards, Monday, $5.88.
Sixteenth and Douglas
deposited the money January 26, one day
before the bank failed.
Officers of the state attorney's office will
lenve for New York tonight to bring Hunt
to Chicago.- Governor Deneen tonight
signed extradition papers for Hunt. About
$2t,0,000 worth of stock in the defunct in
stitution is said to have beer? tnhen by
easterners. The money has not been found
b; Receiver Dny.
Bank Receiver Day applied today to
Judge Kohlsaat of the I'nlted Btatee dis
trict court for a receiver for the property
of Hunt, alleging that Hunt took $10,000
of the bank's funds and: transferred $'J5,0'K)
lHt October. B. M. McKey was appointed
receiver for ( Hunt.
Advices were received here tonight that
W. B. hector, the missing assistant cash
ier of the Pan-American bank, has been
seen In Kansas City, and It Is expected he
will be arrested Sundny or Monday.
II e-as stated that AV. S. Rector, who
Was formerly a resident of this city, was
here yesterday. The party who reports
seeing him Is Well acquainted with Rector,
and color Is lent to bin statement by the
further fact that Rector has legal matters
pending here which are due for bearing
at the rreeent time.
Divorced Wife of Elmer llrowulim
Tells Story of fckafer
BEDFORD. Ind., Jan. 3S.-Elmer Brown
ing's diverted Wife, known as "Dude" Cook,
again teok the stand today In tho hearing
of Browning and Prank Kvahs, charged
with the murder, of Miss Sarah 8chafrr.
On croea-examlnatjon the woman repeuled
her former Tory of the murder. She said
Browning hud told her that Evans Stood
guard on the sidewalk and Browning stood
at the alley waiting for Miss Bchufer. They
wanted to get a letter she had. Browning
told her he attacked Miss ".chafer with two
rocks and aa she fell Evans caught and
drugged the woman to the shed.
In tru nilnutes, us Browning told wit
ness. Evans csme out. They went to Brown
lng house, nfid left the tyocxfy clothing
Evans Wdre, Browning told witness he
had lust n tie pin in the souffle With the
girl and that he and Evans went back next
morning to find it. . Browning placed the
bloody clothing In bin' father's barn and
later gave them to the witness to burn.
She kept them lit the coal house and the
bloody gloves in an old sprinkler In the
The Cook woman aa!d Len Evans, a
brother of the accused, offered her $ao to
leave 'Ihe state. The package of bloody
elothlng. clklmed to have been worn by
Evan waa brought Into court. The rock
used ta kill Miss Bchafer, accord I tig to
witness, was also produced. Bhe auid
Browning gnve It to her. Bhe also testified
that trownthg told her Evans had given
him enough money to buy half a farm.
While Reseating Insult ta Mother u
Sew York Hoy la
NEW YORK. Jan. al.-While attempting
10 protect hs mother from the Insulin of a
man who had acciwted her on the street,
19-year-old Richard l-wla wns an )
dangerously wounded In the Bowery today.
John McKeon who went to Lewis' w:et-
anee, also was stabbed twice In the aide,
but tils Injuries are not serious. Both of
ihe Injured men and Mrs. Howard. Lewis'
mother) have identified as tb assailant
BEE. JAN. 3. I.
Our Great Janu
prices, should do so on
One $13.50 Table Cloth, 24 yards by 24
yards. Monday, $(i 75.
One handsome $10.00 Hand Embroidered
Cloth. 24 yards by 3 yards. Monday. $20.00.
Special Sale Remnants of Bleached
and Silver Bleached Table Damask
and Odd Half Dozen Napkins
Monday morning we will sell nil rem
nants of Hleach-d and Silver Hleaehed
Table Unmasks mid udd Half Pozen Nap
kins that hnve accumulated during our
great January I.lnen Sale, at very low
prices, to close them out.
We have all lengths, from 14 o 34
yards. Come early Monday morning and
select Some of tlo se bargains.
4 ' A Brilliant Array of Handsome New
Dress Goods and bilks
Here Is the luteal news from the fashion
centers of the world. We have studied
the problem of providing dress goons and
sllka from every aide practical gnd ele
gant, economical and expensive. Among
the new fabrics arc many m-w and beauti
ful things. The collection Is yours tu enjoy.
Choose at your leisure the style or at y lea
best suited to your taste. Here ure only a
few hints of what you will find:
we show many beautiful new things, this
pretty fabric Is dress elegance Itself. The
chief novelty being in tones and hues,
takes first rank as a favorite for the sfa-
! son leather, onion, russet, copper, etc.,
j also new greens, champaigns, grey, etc.
I $1.50 a yard.
Not for years has there been such a de
mand for Mohairs and Drllllantlnes aa
thi re Is at the present time. Melange
effects, indistinct checks and stripes, and a
host cf new mixtures, with here and there
bright colored threads. 60c to $1.75 a yard.
ln the new shades of tan. castor, oxford,
grey, greet-grey, brown, etc.. In both plain
und checked effect-5C Inches. $1.60 und $2.25.
a yard.
you are thinking of buying a new lining.
We will not recommend any satin that will
not (while bclnp worn every day) say a
good word for us to the owner. We recom
mend Skinner's S:-tln 36 Inch. $1.60 a yard.
Two Lace Specials for M)jtdjy.
New Laces in all the new patterns.
One line of Imitation Torchon Laces,
matched patterns, widths from 1 to
Inches. These beautiful laces on sale
Monday at 6c per ynrd.
One line of Point de Paris Laces, in
matched sets, widths from 14 to 44 Inches.
These beautiful laces on sale Monday at
10c per yard.
man now under arrest who declared himself
to the police as Michael Tokmee, a laborer,
25 years old.
While the surgeons were examining Lewis
ond McKeon In a hotel near the scene of
the stubbing a thief who entered the loom
with the curious crowd which collected stole
McKeon's vest, which contained a roll of
bills amounting to more than $200.
Managers of I.evrls anil Clnrk Exposi
tion Deride to Admit Visitors
Every Day.
PORTLAND. Ore., Jan. 28-The Lewis
ond Clark-exposition will be open to the
public on Sundays, according to an an
nouncement mads tcday by the fair di
rectors. After an extended conference be
tween the clergymen of tho city and the
xposltlon managers It has been decided best
to allow visitors to attend the exposition
on Sundays and to keep the exhibits In
full operation for the benefit of those who
perhaps could not attend on week flays.
The Federated Labcr council of Portland
made strong demands for permission to
view the fair In full operation on the only
day of the week thut the workers would
have to themselves. Out of consideration
for those who favor a quiet Sunday the
"trail" amusements will he suppressed on
the first day of the week.
St. I.ouia Manic Keepers Attempt to
F.vade l.niv by iettln Between
Two States.
ST. LOL18, Jan. 28.-The Mississippi river
Is froren over from Ihe Missouri to the
Illinois shore, and complaint has been made
that gambling Is being carried on In mid
river on the Ice. The iollce authorities of
East St. Louis. III., and St. Louis tonight
detailed detectives to patrol from euch
side to the middle of the river and break
up the ullcgod gambling. In order to save
bridge fare large numbers Of persons have
taken advantage of the frozen surface to
croes. and It Is ulleged gambling Is being
conducted along the traveled paths near
the middle of the river, especially In the
early evening when travel Is heaviest.
Woul front Australia.
SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 2-The arrival
Is reported of 1 ,l7 bales of wool from Aus
tralia per the steam-hlu Be noma for the
east. It Is valued at $7700. The total ship
ments of wool from Austin'la this m ik.ii
are 4.f0 halta. valued at 851.;!4, it - nuiy
on which v.a $rt8w.
Fatal Dynamite F.xplo.d.n.
HAGERSTOWN. Md . Jun. JS.-One mnn
was killed and six othns aerlously injured
by the premature exaloslmi of cl.vnu.mlln
on the Western Maryland railroad ex
tension on Toioloway hill, at Bhlve Lock,
ten mhes Wvat of Hancock. The dead man's
name Is Praum.
that's the word for
Strike ii Spreading; in Poland and tie
ltio Frince.
Men la ladastrlrtl gretlaa Become
Tarkalent Darlag the Mght Tw
Hundred Tbnasaad Oat at
Warsaw aad l.ods.
ST. PETERSBURG, Jan. 2!.- n. ni.-No
reports of disturbance at Dorpat, Revul
or I odi have been received here.
The most rrlous feature of the strike
situation la Its continuous extension In
the Bsltlc provinces nnd In Poland. Strikers
sre cutting the telrgranh wires and In
terrupting communication and fears are
expressed of most serious disorders, espe
cially In Poland.
Despite the fart that the strike In Russia
Is spreading in the Baltic provinces nnd
In Poland, no disturbance of any Import
ance were reporlel Saturday and tran
quillity, It Is hopd by the authorities, will
prevail today. In Moscjw. where 20.i')
men are still out. although work has been
resumes In nenriy all the mills, the situn
tion appears to be threatening. The men
In the Indus, rial section became turbulent
during Saturday night. The authorities le
clare that measures nlrcad;1 have been
taken to prevent trouble In Moscow. Arm.
have been removed from gunsmiths' shops
and patrols of the stree: are continued.
Correspondents Are Warned.
Governor Genrrul Trepoff has warned
eomo foreign correspondents that If they
continue to send out false and misleading
reports of the rltuatlon they will be de
ported. Maxime Gorky, the novelist, has been
brought bark from Riga to the St. Peters
burg fortress, to which several leading
writers on the Nashaxlesn (Our Life) and
Nushashlsn (Our Time), the new reform
papers, were aieo taken after their arrest.
M. Ilessen. editor of Fravo und MM. Ilcre-
Joff and Shlrskyci, two famous Russian his
torians, and several others who made up
the delegation which called on M. Wltte
January 21, In an endeavor to get him to In
tervene with Interior Minister Sviatopolk
Mlrsky, in order to prevent trouble between
the troops and the strikers the following
Suiiday, and who were nrrested early In
the week, are understood to be charged
with trying to set up a provisional govern
ment. There Is much gossip about what Is oc
curring at Tsarskoe-Seloe, but the only
thing certain Is that the emperor and his
advisors have not reached a decision re
garding further action. It is known, how
ever, thnt ii project for the creation of a
rort of Zemskyxabor, with a, limited mem
bership and along the lines of tho old Rus
sian I .nnd Parliament, as a consultative
body to his majesly, but without power of
action, has been discussed.
Aerarlua Ordered Posting.
The real origin of the charges contained
In the London telegram posted at Moscow
by Assistant P dice Chief RoudnefT to the
effect that Great Britain has been supplying
money to tie up the Russian arsenals and
dockyards for the purpose of aiding Its
ally, Japan, la now definitely laid at the
door of Grand Duke Serglus. The grand
duke, according to absolutely reliable In
formation from Moscow, turned over the
telegram to a Moscow newspaper, tvhlch de
clined to print it, whereupon by the grand
duke's direction M. Roudneff placarded It
In the streets. Grand Duke Serglus' connec
tion with the matter Is believed to be
greatly embarrassing Foreign Minister
Lnmsdorff, who Is anxious to avoid a diplo
matic Incident. Sir Charles Hardlnge, the
British ambassador, followed up his per
sonal request for an explanation Thursday
wlfh a letter on the subject yesterday,
wheh the same charges In another form ap
peared In official papers here. Count Lama
dorlT has not yet replied to this letter, al
though at the Foreign office It Is alleged
that official as well as unofficial papers
print telegrams containing newa which has
not the (lightest government sanction.
PI. Petersburg has entirely returned Its
normal winter nppearahce. The ordinary
routine Is In effect and large forces of men
are removing the heavy accumulations of
snow piled up during the strike. The
people are beginning to discuss topics other
than strikes, riot and revolution. All the
dailies except two appeared In their ac
customed form. The others will resume
publication tomorrow.
Mass Criticises Censorship.
The papers are under orders to refrain
from all save the most cautious comment
on the occurrences of Sunday and the fol
lowing days and they da not print any
details beyond the official reports, holding
that us they are not permitted to -print the
truth fully and freely they will print noth
ing further. The Rubs, however, Indulges
In an open attack on censorahlp, whlch .lt
declares to be Inadvlnabje and Inimical to
the true Interests of RtiAsla at such u
critical time and appeals to the newspapers
throughout the land to disregard It and
print the truth as they see It.
The papers serve plain notice on the
government that the receht events Indi
cate that all Russia is demanding reform
and that the proposals of the semstvolats
voice the feeling of the Russian people.
The elements behind the movement for
the betterment of Russia, It adds, are
not pickpockets, criminals or agitators, but
landed propiielors, the educated classes
and Intelligent labor. In the prees. ihe
Rusa continues, ihe government haH an
unbiased and conscientious adviser. The
rulers of Russia, dare not close their ears
to all but one set of oplnlohs. ' 1
The Rubs also prlnU a nlneteen-colunln
dlscusnkn of the labor situation n Russia.
Several of the most sensational of the
foreign newspaper correspondents arev re
ported to have beei summoned to head
quarters by General Trepoff and caUed to
account for tho lurid accounts of recent
happenlngj which they have sent out.
Trouble mi Libia,
LIBAU. Jan. ii. There were aime dtmtn
st rat Ions on the part of the atrlkers durlna
the night and attempts were made, to loot I
oaiceiies, out ine rioters were dispersed by
the troops, who have been reinforced by a
regiment from Kovno. Some telegraph
poles w'efe lorn dowh, but they havif been
replaced. '
The governor today lsaued a proclamation
reminding the workers of the-, patriotic i
they displayed cn the occasion of the rtcent
vlalt of Emperor Nirhclna and the Imperltil
family to Llbau declaring that the strike
Is the result of the activity of JO evil
disposed revolutionists who have nnthlnif
In common with the workmen and urglnit
Ihe latter to return to work and not em
barrass Ihe country while at war. if thej
resume their employments the governor will
help them. Otherwise he will take ener
getic measures to rsritote order.
Tbansanrts flat at Warsaw bad l.ods.
WARSAW, Jan. !. A hundred thousand
people are now out on strike. Thus far
there have been no disturbances uf any
The street cars are hot running and tio
newrpapers were published this morning
There Is prsrtlcally no bread left In the
bakerlea. About lOO.OuO persons have
struck at Lods. Telegraph communication
with thnt city has been Interrupted by the
Refusers Fear Mare Itlots.
UWRl.iN. Jan. Ui. Foregu residents of
St. Petersburg are beginning tu arrive In
Berlin Iv await developments, gone Amer
icans and Englishmen and many Germans
m U ST Bm
Fdxton BTKS
k fdA lunuiru must i. rrrrrr
who are obliged to remain their to attend
to business are sending their families here.
The opinion of the arrivals Is that the pres
ent half calm Is only a period of prepara
tion for greater resistance to the govern
ment and that active smuggling of arms
and dynamite is going on across the Aus
trian frontier. 81. Petersburg socletf
share the belief thnt more serious events
and even a revolution ure Impending.
Spencer F. Eddy, secretary ot the Ameri
can embassy Ht St. Petersburg, was nearly
ridden down by cavalry on Tuesday, having
gotten In between half a squadron of Cos
sacks charging a crowd and the crowd It
self. He ran three blocks, met the sleigh
of an acquaintance. Jumped on the foot
bnnrd behind and escaped.
The wife of a leading American of St.
Petersburg, who has arrived here, relates
how a princess who was expressing tin
most positive views concerning Governor
General Trepoff to a countess, was Inter
rupted with the remark:
"Vou talk like an anarchist."
"Are vou not one?" replied the princess.
"I think we all are now," said the
(Continued from First Page.)
25. stated tha' a steamer with n black
funnel, encircled with two red bands, was
'ashore at Vladivostok and thnt It ws
supposed to be the M. 8. Dollsr. sailing
from Ban Francisco on December 31. but
no details of the accident to the big steamer
have been received. It Was deemed pos
sible that It had run ashore purposely to
avoid capture by Japanese warships.
The M. H. Dollar waa formerly the British
steamer Arab, built In VUjO at New Castle,
Eng. It was subsequently sold to the Dol
lar Steamship company of Bar. "ranclseo.
The Iondon dispatch further stated that
the M. S. Dollar bad been posted on the
overdue board in that city nt a rate of
30 guineas. In San Francisco the vessel
hns been posted as an overdue with a rate
of SO per cent quoted for reinsurance.
VICTORIA. B. C, Jan. 2S.-The steam
ship M. 8. Dollar, formerly the Arabia,
seized by the Japanese, Is owned here.
At the office of the owning company It Is
said It was fully Insured. It took 6.&00
tons of hay, oats and barley from San
Francisco for Vladivostok.
o Telestranis for Part Arthur.
NEW YORK, Jan. 28,-Notlce was re
ceived here today that the Japanese mili
tary administration will decline to accept
messages in future for Port Arthur or
Bulletin of Physician gays Inflama.
tlon of tbe Left I.ung la
POTSDAM. Prussia, Jan. 2S. The follow
ing bulletin wns issued today by the physi
cians in attendance on Prince Eltel-Fred-rich:
The rest of the prince was little disturbed
during the night. He slept well and did not
cough much. Temperature 102H; pulse ION.
The Inflammation of the lower lobe of the
left lung is heglnnlng to moderate. Appe
tite and general physical condition satisfac
tory. Tho bulletin issued this evenljig says:
This afternoon the patient's coughing In
creased nnd the difficulty of breathing was
Intensified. The Inflammation hns attacked
the lower lobe of the right lung and dia
phragm. Prince Eltel's temperature was
sllghtlv lower this evening thin It was at
noon. Pulse satisfactory, ranging from 100
to 104. Strength maintained.
BERLIN, Jan. 28. Ambassador Tower, in
congratulating Emperor Willium on his
birthday yesterday, said that President
Roosevelt had Instructed htm by cable to
express the president's sympathy for the
emperor and empress In the Illness of
Prince Eilel-Frlcdrlch nnd the president's
own concern on the subjeut.
Committee lines ot Believe a Settle
meat Will Be Rfuched Soon.
BERLIN, Jan. :8. Since the conference
between a committee of seven persons with
the government commission, the strikers
hnve taken a pessimistic view of the
situation and have abandoned hope for an
enrly settlement of the strike. Commis
sioner Von Veltsen bus returned to Berlin.
The mine owners declare thut the pro
vision of the mine laws in the interest of
the operatives will have a damaging ef
fect on the German manufacturing indus
try, Intensify tha danger from foreign com
petition and encourage operatives to come
forward litter with greater demands.
DORTMl'ND, Prussia, Jan. 28,-Thc com
missioners of the ministry of the Interior
at a conference with the representatives
of the striking coal miners today Informed
them thut the Prusslun government nua
appointed six commissioner to Investigate
the strike. The government. It was added,
hud acted lifter consultation with the mine
owners and the latter had signified their
approval. The commission will begin Its
Inquiry Monday. The expectation Is that a
settlement of the controversy will result.
Chancellor von Buelow has been in enr
resismdence with the lending mine owners
explaining to them the government's view
of the necessity for a compromise.
Ambassador Porter ISatertaius North
Sea Coniiulssloa.
PARIS. Jan. 28.-Th American embassy
her was the scene ot a brilliant entertain
ment tonight, when American Ambassador
Porter had s guests Minister Deleave
and Mme. Delcasse end Admlrnls Baron
von Spaun, Davis, Beaumont, Fournler and
Doubassoff, forming tha entire member
ship Of the international commission in
quiring Into the North sea Incident. There
were also present other distinguished fig
ures in official and social life. The em
bassy was elaborately deeoraUd for the
occaalon. Dinner was served for forty.
Miss Porter assisted In receiving.
The guests, beHidss M. Drlcasse and the
admirals and their wives. Included th
British ambassador, Sir Francis Bertie, the
prefect of the Seine und Mme. De Selves,
BIr Edwurd Frye. senior for Great
Britain before the North Sea i ommlnsion,
and !ady Frye; Baron Taube, the Russian
counsel; Melville IC. Stone, M. Andre Bou-luiige-Bodln,
secretary of the cuinuilns.on;
W. T. Dauiiat, the artist; M. Leplne, the
prefect of police; Mrs. Ixirlllurd Sp.nrer,
Mrs. Mariclln-Sluger, M. Mollard. ihnf of
the protocol, and others.
The Russian ambassador did not attend,
owing to the recent deuth of his sou.
Testimony at Paris.
PARIS. Jan. 2&. The International coni
inisrion Inquiring Into the North see In
cident held brief session today. Cup
tain Poole and Mate Lyons of the trawter
br f rill. 1 VTITlini K
rape KC
Just io Remind You
Tlint Copley 1tfs tlio bost repairing on tvntchr-a.
t locka nnd Jeplry-"l prlcos-wr-U. Just nk
c.tlul. THEN t.t T Cori.KY.
VV yj fc jjjaw
Krntiel both testified tit seeing a .Strang
warship durlrg the morning following the
firing on the trawlers by vessd of the
Rnsslsn second Pacific squadron. It hsd
two masts and two furnels and fired a
shot which fell near a tr.iwler. The
ship then disapepnted.
Ambassador and Ilia Wife Spend Sev
eral !) at Windsor.
LONDON. Jan. 2. Ambassador and
Mrs. Choate hnve returned to their Lon
don residence after a visit nt Windsor
castle, where they were the guests of
King Edward and Queen Alexandra from
Wednesday to Friday of this week. At a
dinner at Windsor castle Wednesday even
ing King Edward escorted Mrs. Choate
to the dining hall and Mr. Choate ac
companicd Queen Alexandra. Throughout
the vl'lt King Edward was especially cor
dial to Ambassador Choate and the Asso
ciated Press b-arns that his majesty took
occasion nt the dinner to expriss his sln
rere rrttrct that Mr. Choate would shortly
retire us ambassador to the Court of St.
James and congratulated him on what he
had accomplished during his term of of
fice, specifically crediting Mr. Choate with
having completed the entente cordials be
tween Great Rrltniu and the t'nited States.
Check. Artist Said ta Be Wanted la
Snath Omaha. Mexico aad Other
Cities Apprehended.
, NEW YORK. Jan. 2.-Phlllp Mclntyre,
a lawyer whose home Is In the City of
Mexico, was arrested today upon arrival
of the steamer Monterey from Vera Cms,
charged with presenting a forged draft for
fm0 on the Mexican National bank. Tho
arrest was made upon complaint of the
Mexico bank officials through the Mexican
ambassador nt Washington. Mclntyre told
the police after his arrest that the draft
was given him by a man in whom he had
the greatest confidence. He said he had
no idea the draft wiw forged and declared
thnt he was Innocent of any wrong doing.
At the detective bureau tonight it was
stated that Mclntyre was wanted for
frauds on banks by the police of various
western cities, Including Butte and Kall
spell, Mont.; Everett, Wah.i South Omaha,
Neb.; Douglas, Aris., and Ashland and
Roseburg, Ore,
(arrlnsre In Which She Is Riding
Struck by Street tar Two
Others Hart.
WHEELING. W. Vs., Jan. 28-At mid
night tonight, while, returning to the sub
urban hnrne of Julian G. Hearne, In a car
riage, Mrs. k. B. Armour of Kansas City
and Chicago waa seriously Injured. The
carriage was run Into and wrecked by a
Wheeling A Elm Grove electric car. Julian
O. Hearne of Wheeling, brother of K. G.
Hearne, president of the Colorado Fuel and
Iron company, and Mrs, Hearne were also
cut and bruised, but were not seriously
St. Paul Reports Mne Decrees Below
Zero with Twenty-Four Be
low at Winnipeg.
8T. TACL, Jan. 28. Nine degrees below
sero was the official record of the tempera
ture In St. Paul today and 24 degrees
below at Winnipeg, Mnn. Throughout the
northwest the cold Is severe with Hunt
snow In Montana and North Dakota.
Sloax City Woman ntes at Denver.
DENVER. Jan. sg.-Mrs. Ionise Wlan
and, who was last night shot by her hus
band, Henry Wlanand, while visiting st
her home In North Denver, died In the
county hospital tonight front her wounds.
The c tuple recently came to Denver from
Sioux City, lowu.
Buy the Old Power Plants,
Allen P. Ely Co. have purchased the
machinery und equipment of the three old
power plmite of Ihe Omaha & Council Bluffs
Street Railway company. The old plants
Jill be dismantled at once.
Movement of Ocean Vessels Jan. 8.
At New York Arrived: Philadelphia,
from Ply mouth, Llguria, from Naides.
Hailed: Ht. Louis for .Southampton: Cam
pania, for Liverpool; Pennsylvania, for
Hamburg; Astoria, for Glasgow.
At Glasgow Sailed : Korean, for New
York; Ontarlan. for Portland.
At Antwerp Bulled: Zetland, for New
Liverpool Bulled: Lucuiila, for New
At Southampton Sailed: St. Paul, for '
New York. ,
At Manchester Sailed: Iberian, for Bos
ton. At Havre Balled: La Lorraine, for New
York. Arrived: La. Gascugne, from New
At Naples Sailed: Slcllla, for New York.
At Hongkong Arrived: Yang Trie, from
For Brisbane Arrived: Aoruiigl, Van
couver via Honolulu for Sydney.
At Plymouth Arrived: Rlueeher. from
New York; New Vork. from New York.
At Oueenstown Arrived: t'mbrla, from
New York.
At Menou Arrived: Prlnxess Irene, from
New York.
At Cherbourg-Sailed: St. Paul, for New
At Rotterdam Arrived: Btatendam, from
New York.
Jaat as Recommended.
I "I bought a fllfty cent package of Pyra
mid Pile Cure from my druggist, and hav
l ueed two dollar package since I find them
Just as you rocommenueo mem ia ut.
hav pot felt the Uast sign of piles sine
using your remedy three months ago. If
you want to use my name you may do so,
ss I feel !lke a new man. 1 now hav nu
trouble with the dreadful, aggravated
disease. .
"I meant to write you sooner, but thought
I would wait until I was cured. I lliaim
you for your wonderful Pll Cur. 1 was a.
great sufferer from plies." Frd Deerr,
R. K. D. 4. New Brunswick, N. J.
Bsldnm If ever Is there any doubt about
the effect produced by the us of Pyramid
pile Cure, us 1 shown by the ixperlencu
given above. The proprietors ftf this remedy
have thousands of similar letters on file,
and sure'.y nu belter proof of the merit of
the oreoaratlon could be asked; when It l
I borne In mind that these lettera ar wholly
unsolicited, there la certainly cause lor
pride In the remedy.
pyramid Pile Cure is sold bv druggist
fur hfty cents a package, and If yours
hasn't It he will get It for you if asked to
do so. Accept no substitutes, snd remem
ber their Is no other remedy "Just as
good." Exeryone I urged to write Pyramid
Drug Co , Marshall. Mich., for their little
book df cnl las the rauues und cure of piles
us It affords much useful Information an4
II sent free for the asking