c!7 I Jajraary 29. 1905. THE OMAHA ILLUSTRATED DEE. FILIPINOS ARE TEMPERATE CL 1L Cottermii, Fanner! of 5orfolk, Talis of Condition ca 11001. NATIVES MAKE EXCELLENT SOLDIERS By BiIKIji a Lis ef flallraea- They Ht( Disprove Ik aseer tlew that Twer t ark.. NORFOLK. Neb.. Jan. 2a.-t.8rc lab "In my (our years- ef livir.t at Manila I have tever yet seen mi drunken ntlv," aaid C. M. Otterman, now director of the posts In tha ptlllpplr.a islands and but eighteen ears ago an era i nary clerk la tha posternce ef thla city under Postmaster NVldamen. Mr. Cotterman, who vu sent to tha Phil ippine four ) aar ago by Fostmeeter-aen-erel Charles Emory tmlih, to tak charge c( tha postal service of tha nsw possesions, la ia America, on a brief vacation ar.d has arrived In Norfolk to renew the memor ies of days whan he betas to work for tha g CYemraar. t. "I don t mean to say," ha continued, "that the native Filipino dees not drink. Ton rarely find on who doesn't, nut b drinks ao moderately and so temperately, ee to apeak, thai Intoxication if un heard of. And In regard to hi liquor. It 1 Interacting to note that, while ha ia rapidly becoming AJDericanlsed In moat other aye, ha ha not yet bean educated into liking America drink and he atlil prerer hi lno." Blno 1 a liquor distilled from rice and young, Juicy bamboo staika. It ia aj colorleei aa eiehohol and probably contain mora alcaol thaa anything else. Tet. by drinking It In email Quantities, tha native retains hi equilibrium ehere a white man roe insane. The Filipino buy his blno in a quantity worth on cent about a poen fuL Then ha quits. The average Ameri can soldi or goes agaiast a bearglaaa full and then people talk with surprise of the Oriental liquor that drives tha American craxy." rtal Pee-vleo lalaaaa. 'How doe the portal service In the is lands compare with that of the United States?" was asked of the man who has organised the post roads and postofflce throughout the country. "It Is much the same," said Mr. Cotter man. "Wo hav free delivery in the cities an J rural free delivery throughout tha country districts. Just as you do here. There are no settled countrysides like these of America, with a farm now and then, but the native live In clusters or bar I os, and native carriers deliver their mails to them every day, traveling mostly op foot. "It is a queer sight to see a little native toss a mail bag weighing thirty pounds aver his shoulders and start out on a dog trot for tha country. And he keeps on trotting all day long, making thirty miles before dark. Tha advantage he has over an American In covering the country is marked. The country 1 cut up into small rice fields, which art always flooded. Lit tle ridges enclose them. If one knows these ridges he can travel all over tha islands without ever getting off tha ridge, but If you aren't accustomed to tha country you will hav to cut acroea the fields and ! flooded to your Deck In no Urn. "The mall are transported mostly by the native. There Is on line of railroad In the Islands, owned by an English com pany and called the Manila Hallway com pany, limited. It waa part of the con tract which gave thla railroad a charter that It should carry the mail free of charge. The Spanish government demanded this. The road was built fifteen year ago and 1 150 mile long. There are two l't tle branches off it. The terminals are Manila and Dagunpan. Lew Mail Rates. "Postage rates on us islands are the sarae aa here, ezorpt that the cost Is 1 cent for an ounce Instead of i cents for on ounce, as here. Malls that go ty neither rail nor native go by boat. Tha government operatea fifteen boats called the 'coast guard and transportation serv ice.' They run on regular schedules throughout the Islands and to points not touched by commercial craft." "How do the native feel toward the American government?" was queried. "The belter element la now satisfied that they are getting the best service they ever had. It Is a rery small minority that ever talks now of independence. And that minority gets less every day. There Is no thought of Insurrection agtUnst the gov ernment. "In fact," said the poets director, "I never hsve seen any people bo eager to learn anything as they are to grasp the English language. At night schools In Manila sou wl!l find men IS years old. por ing over books for the sole purpose of learning to speak Kr.gllsu. The war? Pi we get any of the ragged edges of It? Well, no. The fact Is we don't know as many of the details of the war as America does. There are but three Ameri can daily piers in Mt;I1u. and the cable rates lire too h.gh to gt-t much of report. od Plar far W omra. The Island are. It is true, a good mum- j inonial Held for young women. There art mighty few of them all told, and they are (.rise packages. Nearly all of the American DONTJjlVE UP Discouraged Citizens Will Find Comfort in tha Ezpsrience of An Omaha Ma.. I'rufit ty the fiiiK-rit-nce of others. It tuuy save your life. The rxfterifiwe of fnei.il ami neigh bor The testimony of Omaha ieviic Will bring, ivutwed encvura-euieut. Here ia a case in point: Mra. lurid Uorhao of H North Eleventh tirve-t, eaya: You are welcome to my name as an endorser of lo.n's Kidney lulls. I had kidney counilaint for about thrve years and trtt-d doctor and nifdU'lut-s, but nothing a ined to do roe much cihkL Hacked-, ueudache and dlrrlnet-s bothervd me constantly. When I procurwd Ikvan'a Kidney Tills at Kuhn & Co.' drug store 1 was so weak I could not do anything. Their um brought me relief In a short time. Any of my neighbors cau touch for the great food Doan'a Kidney I'Ui did rue." F-r sale by all deaJer. Trie 50 cruta. roKtrr-MUburn Co.. Buffalo. X. V., sola agents for the I'nited State. Kenie tuber tha came. iH.nn's. and take aubsUtuie. T mrn who are roamed hae the.r families with tbem ia the Island, but Use great ma jority arer. t married ar.d msir.y den t want to bo. Th women in Manila, though, are making monr. The t'arhl-g payroll run from ti per year t" $.! fcr each pron on tha lief, itenogriphers get l.. the first year and f..4 later. larir In all branches ef government service sre from S to Id per cent higher than In this coun try " Th natives are making gr?et soldiers, ac cording to Mr. CoUermar.. They are be. eg uaed much as scouts and In tha con rtabuiary. They are making more money at It than they ever did before at any thing else. In all their lives. They ar.y the drill ar.d lAe pride In It- They are all bfficared ty Americans "These shootings that hear of-tr.ee episode in which many American an! a few officers are k.lled. ht are they?" "Tfcey are the wcrk cf bands of robtrs who 11 rs In ths mountains ar.d who rush down on the litti tcr,a." Mr. Cotterman sees a great future for th islands, lit says that people who hav gone there from here are sr.tlou for a reduction In the tariff rate a o that cm mere may b established with ths Vnlted tUatea. We hap to see th bill now In congress for a raductlnn of tha tariff pasted." he aaid. "At tli present time w pay three- fourths cf tha reg-ular Dtnglty rates, and it la prohibitive. Tha result la that our goods ail go to other countries. For In stance. I brought over a number of cigars Th law allows you to bring fifty without duty. I paid I cents earn for them In Manila and th duty waa I oents each. Tii bill now In congress would reduce on everything except tobacco and sugar. Spain bought Si0,00G.u worth cf our tobacco last year. Of hemp worth l.ouf 40 Ej.c:i.d purchased tlttfOOO worth. There Is no sugar refining In the islands. Our sugar syrup all go to Hong Kong and tnen back. Lt year imported t30,0uu.0P0 worth of rlc. Kallves Will Mark. "It has been declared," said Mr. Cotter man. "that th native could not b mad to work. That siaierr.ent has J-ist been refuted. The first electric railway ever built in the islands has Just been installed and started mnrur.g the first of this month. It ia th only big interest owned by Amer icans in th Oriental possessions. Th na tive built this road. They er mad to do It through th us of competent fore men foramen who understand how to han dle tha Plllplno. An ordinary American going over there can't even get his wash ing dona. It take a peculiar way of handling them. This company has demon strated that th Filipino can work and Chines laborers will now diminish In num ber ther." Speaking of the condition and th In terest that Americans feel la th Island, Mr. Cotterman mentioned William E. Cur tis, th newspaper correspondent, who mad a little trip to th islands. "Mr. Curtis will find trouble If hs ever comes back. H dined with the officer and participated in their hospitality, but roasted them when he got away. Conse quently they art tore at him. II criticised the custom collector for being too rigid, among other a Us also criticised th mail service between her and th Island, de claring that the government should run frequent and fast mail boats. Hs didn't seem to understand that those boat cost muck money and that It la worth tl.OOO per day to operate them. And besides that, therw area't a great many letter to go across. Furthermore, it is a twenty- six-days' trip. Th Irregularity of boats causes Americans to go In th air at first. A boat, for example, may leave Ban Francisco toda"- -jiT get teto- Manila be hind a boat that leave a week from today. Then the man whose letter started on the first boat kicks because his mail wasn't put on the last boat." Prospect la Brlarht. Manila la a city of about 2,0u0, and there Isn't a three-story structure in the town. There are no big Institutions there at preaent. What it needs la American capital and push, and it will b a great place for ure. There are now 12.0W) sol diers In the Islands, where four years ago ther were 61,00a Mr. Cotterman. after leaving Norfolk eighteen year ago, went into the railway mail service on th main line of th Union Pacific railroad, running between Omaha and Cheyenne, Then he went to Ogden, Vtah, aa chief clerk In the railway mail servioe. In 1S97 be was transferred to Portland and In 1KV9 became assistant superintenutJit of th Pacific coa, divisio In 1SO0 the postmaster rencraj tendered th appointment to Mr. Cotterman and finally succeeded In persuading him to take the position of director of the pot in th new country in the far east. HUGE STATUE OF BUDDHA Mlarbtr RerllBlasr Fig a re of tha Orleatal God at Raageoa, Barsaab. To th eastern traveller the statu cf Buddha Is a familiar sight. From Colombo, in Ceylon, to Kobe. In Japan, he is every where greeted by th same calm, impassive and mysterious face of the eastern pre ceptor of terfwctlon. Bjt in no city In the Orient do the form and face of Buddha iriisi;tute so frequent or so essential a part of the city s decoration as In P.an gocn. Burmah. starting place of Mr. Kip ling s famous "Rosd to Mandalay," the stronghold of Buddhists. Notable even among the countless statues of Rangoon Is the mammoth Buddha, r presenting the strance teacher, net standing or sitting cross-legged, as in the majority of statjes, but reclining on a huge raised couch, his mighty form stretched out for SO feet, ahile his shoulders rival the midth of that wonder of the ancient world, the Colossus of Rh.KjcK, their titanic bre:id;h reaching fifty feet. But one among the wonders ef Rangoon tills mighty figure rests near the famous 6hoay Iagon. the center of the Burmese BuJUliist aurld. crowned by th golden pagoda, which rises v feet atov it, its walls covered with pure gold, th gift of a prince who contributed his weight in gold to the Jug mi a. In the Chewy Iagnn there sre countlees other statues of Buddha, as aell as relics of Gautama, the last Buddha. All. equally with tha huge reclining Bud dha, form a part cf th religious rites of the Buddhists. For the essence of Buddhiam constat in the struggle to become like Buddha, to attain his perfection by cbedi ence to his precepts To do this it Is neces sary aim ays to have Buddha In mind, and It is for this reason that every city In the Buddhist world is literally crowded with his Images. Buddha himself Is riot deified; potentially every Buddhist may attain his perfection, but only by tbe eternal imita tion cf his practice But, while statues such as Rangoon s huge col.isaus are mportant in Buddhist worship, of fvn more Importance are the relics of Bcddhs. 3t was about the Shoay Iagon that the Burmese made their last Be roe fight a hen th BrHith came ti P.uijruan. A Venetian traveller of urs ago visiting the ghoay ragcn has left a decr ptlon of this hmmi temp'e. conceding Its laim to rivalry with his own Venice, that o:d unem con temporaneous descr.ptijn. ar.J today, as in untold cent ui lea .at. the Burmese still bring their offering cf floaers and fruit, candles ard paper fag io lay before the h.:ge reclining Bud.iha. whee bands would afford comfortable standing room lor four of the aorshijipers and whoae gigantic face a tars the trar.ge, i.-iarmable txtKeaaion. ol calm which the cutaard mark of spiritual B-Jduism. Na Yolk Tribune. STORY OF DEAL THAT FAILED Hew a E of ton Man Pinched tbe Eorf,iic irn cf tte rdon Pacific. YOJH IN CLE SAM GOT THE MONEY Hssl Oeverasaeat Cleaaed Is Tweaty-rr Bill. Ilea Dadlars. John C. Coombs, who d;ed In Boston. Masa., a littl mors than a week sg-. and whose death was by no means widely her alded, earned tttdOtv In en winter tor th Vnlted "tates government. Hs did It by baiting a syndicate which had planned rne of th most gigantic "deals" In th history ef corgres th re organisation of th t'nlon Pacific railroad. Mr. Coomii did It beta us thousands of New England Investor had lost money put Into Bloux City property, with th e pectatton that th t'nion Pacific rallroaj woult' live up to an agreement mad when subsidised by th government, to build Into Bloua City. Mr. Coomb saw his thane to block th reorganisation schema and mike th railroad build to Sinus City or else psy mor for his defeat than the cost of constructing tbe line. And he kept hi promise though th Union Fsclflc refused to build, ths refusal cost just M.OOO.ouo, and tte federal government took th profit. In the day when Bloum City boomer were building INu.OAO com palace every summer end bringing special trains of In veatcrs all th way from New England, thousands of easterners bought property there, snd many more thousands were In terested In banks or trust companies that bought. The crash came, and th Union Loan and Trust company, king of th boomers, failed for ti.OubOuO. Then It waa that John C. Coomba. who had built up In Boston a special bar.krutry practice, was hired by the WS New England bank to tak charge of th estate, to which they looked for satisfaction of their claims. Mr. Coomb earn to Slcux City and or ganlsed this Credit Commutation com pany, with lt.OCKj.000 capital, to preaerv th asset a until they should be mor value ble. Instead ef trying to scrape up mor asset, Mr. Coomb set about dilleently to luereae th value of the he had. which included th Bioux City stock yards, th embinatlon bridge ever th Missouri river rand ail aorta of real estate In Bioux City Then it was that b conoslved th idea that additional railroad facilities would quickly enhance th value of these assets. especially th stock yard and bridg Te Pay seaeldy. HI opportunity cam In th determine tlon of tha Union Pacific reorganlser to pay off the government' claim for sub sidy and aecur complete title to the prop erty. A syndic la was formed which pro posed to secure the railroad for less than tha amount due tbe government It was planned to pay something like the face of th debt, without th Interest. Lawyers, railroad operators, lobbyists, politician. In and out ef congress, were laboring for the reorganisation echem. which mi st hav th approval ef congress To his support Mr. Coomba new rallied hi 400 New England bank, which would bene fit by contructlon of th Union Pacific Into Biouz City. Ht went vest and enlisted th support of ths governor of Utah and Idaho and numeroue property interests. He proposed to make th syndloat accept a "rldar" for th bill, requiring th Union Pacifio to build from Juleaburg. Colo- to Sioux City, or cle accept defeat In con gress. - Mr. Coombs succeeded in securing sixty- eight votes in congress. Senator Gear of Iowa and Congressman Powers of Ver mont, respectively, were heads of the sen ate and house committees on reorganiza tion. The first time the bill cams up. Mr. Coombs had enough votes to defeat it un less his terms were granted, and he relied upon tbe syndicate to learn his strength. Ftaal Coa terrace. At last the day came for the vote. There was a final conference of the committee in charge and Winelow B. Pierce of New York, one of the syndicate attorneys, waited outside tbe door. Mr. Coombs went to Mr. Pierce. "I have the votes to defeat or rasi the bill," he told Mr. Pierce. "Are you ready to accept my rider fcr a lite into 6ioux City, or do you still believe you can pass the bill without me?" "I will answer in five minutes." replied the attorney. Turning to the door cf th committee room, lie rapped and asked for Judge Powers, who presently appeared. "Shall we do business with Coombs, or can we pass th bill without his votes?" asked the New Tork lawyer. "We can pass the bill," replied Judge Pomere. "Tell him we cannot do business with biro." Mr. Pierce turned back to Mr. Coombs. "I regret to say we cannot do business a-ith you," he told Mr. Coombs. "We hsve sufficient vote to pas the bill In it present form." Mr. Coombs said nothing, but bowed and walked slowly out of the committee room. He had his ultimatum. It was now his time to show hts power. lie went into the lobby of the house, passed the word along the line to his sup porters, and calmly awaited the result. Five minute later the cleik of the house a as calling the roll When it wu don there was an oppressive alienee and amase ment was aritten on the facet of the syndi cate backers. The hill had been defeated. eradicate Braira. Mr. Coomb had both been beaten and had beaten the syndicate. But he made It coet dearly. When, after a long and paiaul struggle iu congress, the bill finally passed. It didn t have the Coombs rider. But the syndicate paid fct.Oov oof mor than thty proposed in the first bill. Mr. Coombs forced the syndicate to this, because he kept up his fight without abate ment after his first defsat. lie went to Russell Sttge and proposed a plan to com pel th syndicate to make another settle ment with the government. He wanted to orgaiise a rivai syndicate that would out bid the other Mr. Sage was personally Interested and rumors began to circulats In Wall street that there would be mor than on bid for the property. Th result was that the upset price for it was fixed at the full amount of the government debt, with inter eat, and It bad to be paid. "We could better have paid every dollar of the debt which the Sioux City outnt presented than to hav paid lb price ahiih Coombs compelled us to give for th road." afterward declared a member of th syndicate." 8l Louis Republic. Aalasala Really Talak r "W so habitually impute thought to ani mals that a com unconsciously to look uiku them to possess this power," writes Johu Burrougha in Harper's Magazine for February. 'Tl.ua th dog seems 1 think about his dinner when prompted by hunger or about his home and hts maater when separated from them. The bird seems to think about it mate. Its aest. Its young, lu enemiea. The fox seems to think about the hound that It hear baying upon Its track and ln to elude it: the beaver seems to thlr-k about Its dam. the mutkrat about its house i ifit fail, th woodpecker about th cell ia th dugy limb wruh it aui need aa a lodging place In the a inter. That ia, all these creatures act as If ihey thought. We know that under lmilar conditions we thirk. snd therefore we im- f pute thought to them But of mental im ag. concepts, procw like our own. they probably have no: e. Innate or In herited Impulse, which ae call tnstircL and out ward stimuli. x;iajn most cf the actions of the animal ' BEAR PUNISHES ITS MATE Orlasly Pllnlaa with a Female la Cooled. "Wouf: wo-o-o-uf : Mrs Pike e Peak R rer ees wsnly and i Mr. P. P R CriEiy. cf the bear dens at th leal park. The ritaid ky Grinlr opened k'd st hr mate, th" chami'lon beau Nw Tork Zonlog 1 sinner aas stand- Irg up against the iron f-t.ce rubbing noses with Mrs. Nortl.a-est Territory Oriil.y, who, with her unhand- 'me mate, occupies the next den to the n ::h. There has been a -andal breeir.g at th park for sexeral -k?. und It has de lighted everyone, from he el.phant to the crocodile. No one of t:i lltors has no ticed It. but the kee;r- have sml'ed omin ously a hen they have Mr. Pike s I'csk Orzx; mate of his neighbor : jt.ced the gay old making e es at the The keepers know what happens whtn su h things are done. They know the terrible i. alousy of a female bear and they hae N-n looking for an outbreak for some time Mrs. Pikes Peak i' more lovely than Mrs. Northaetrn T rritury, t ut every man knoas that lii.t I. is a-lfe is at tractlvs that does not Mind him to the beauty of other females Mrs. Pikes Peak haf been suikirg for weeks. Bhe hat eaten ry little and ha lain in a corner of the yard a-atching her better half love making through the iron bar. While ber mate rubbed nose through th fence yesterday aftee-no..- M-. pike peak crept toward him. The keepers held the.r breath because they km w the psychological moment had come. T'o- fnaclnstlng Mr. Pike's Peak continued t. whisper through the fence. Mrs. Pike's 'ak stood up le- hlr.d him. Mrs. Northwestern Territory edged away, blinking, ist" could see the terrible fire in the ees of the indignaiit she bear. Quickly, and with the force of a batter ing ran,, the great arm of Mrs. Pike's Pesk landed on the ear of her unsuspecting mate. His great bulk tor pled ever, rolling like a meal sack on the groutid. Then he jumped up whistling: "WpufI Wo-o-o-ufl'' Hi mate waa close at hi heel, how ever, and rained blow upon blow on hi offending head and finally tipped him over bodily Into the tank of ice water. There he tuck hi no out of th water and took in the aituatlon. Th female bear tood ready to biff him another one th minute h came out. There was a long and angry dispute In bear language, from the whines and grunt of which th keep er guested that the male was supplicating and tha female denouncing. Finally Mr. Pike Peak wheeled around and went to her corner. Mr. Pike's Peak scrambled out of th water and hustled Into th stone cava. He didn't com out again all day. "I guess thar won't be any mor flirt ing." aaid a keeper. New York World. MUST BE YOUNG IN LOOKS Employed t Check: the Rav ages ef Time a a Held m Job. TrB tin o three score and ten met. They had known each other for years, but had not seen each other in a long time. ' One looked venersble. patriarchal. He was white haired, wrinkled, feeble, slow of action, weak and trembling of voice. The other looked as though he might be the son of his friend. He seemed to be no more than two score and ten. His figure was erect, his eye clear and sparkling and his complexion pink with health. His hair was plentiful and had no trace of white in It, his teeth were full snd white and his voice strong. He was quick in action. "You carry your years remarkably." said the man who seemed the older. "Father Time lias used you kindly. Or have you really discovered the louniain of youth?" "That's easily answered." was the reply. 'The difference lietween you snd me is that you could afford to grow old and look your years, whereas I could not. 1 have to appear young, certainly not 7u, to earn a livelihood. "I tell every body that I am only B0 years. which is part way true, and I am believed by all except those a ho know bettrr. They are kind enough to keep my age secret. I look twenty years younger because I work to lock it. 1 study my digestion, eating only food that makes tissue and arrests decrepitude, drinking at the same time a litrle whisky. I lake cold baths dally. "All this tone up my health and a tonic assists it along. I ixerciae daily and this keep my muscles suppie and spring)', so that I feel like a yoai.g man of about twenty. I enjoy my long walks in the air, 1 doing it with a quick and military step. "I bleep eight hours and banian worry. I My voice is strong because I keep It strong and my eye clear because I keep my brain clear and my health beyond suspicion. 'The rest is am rice. 1 am beardless be cause my beard is now white and I shave clobely. Massage of the face, electrical amt otherwise, keeps ths muscles there taut, full and strong, and the wrinkle are kept aaiy. "I hav a complete set of false teeth, and nltheugh the hair on ths top of my head Is mine, the color Is artificial, in other words. I hsve had it dd from time te t.nie. and the freshneas Jf the tint Is I have had 1 1 I have had falling ovaries and fallopian tubes, stomach disorders until everything I would eat would pass away in blood. In short, for four years I lived with one foot in the grave, wretched and miserable. I dragged through weary days and restless nights. I had two severe operations and took bottle after bottle of medicine, all without getting any help. My neighbor advised me to take Wine of Cardui, telling me how nicely it had assisted her during pregnancy and through childbirth. I am so glad I tried that grand medicine. Within seven weeks my stomach was in good working order and my general health had greatly improved, so I kept taking the health-giving medicine until the end of three and a half months I felt that I was once more a healthy and haoDv woman. All aches and pains were gone. I had a fine appetite, good digestion and had gained twenty-two and one-half pounds in weight. Wine of Cardui simply restored me from a wretched, broken down, dis couraged woman, to a happy and perfectly well woman, and I am most II WUIS VV 1 pleased to add my unsolicited testimonial to on that of the thousands of my sisters who have Deen cured through I Idc Increase Your Income FT by IB 3 in your jvarticular line of work. It i the well educated, well informed, well jKjuted man of today who enjoys the larpest income and makes tho reatet success of life. There is no better way of adding to your store of knowledge than by a course of study with the New Werner 20th Century edition of the Encyclopedia Jlritannica it is a library in itself, and combines within the covers of its thirty-one massive volumes all that is best 'in the world of art, literature, science, history, agriculture, mechanics, engineering, chemistry, materia medica and every known branch of study. THE NEW WERNER 20TH CENTURY ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA now coming- off tbe presa, has been brought rijrut dow n to date, ami b.v a iie-('ial arrangement with tbe publish er te are enabled, for a short time to offer a limited number of set at ri j.r c-ent disttiunt. In addition to the great saving, thus effected, and to place it within the reach of every ambitious iuhd aud woman, xve will let jou"have the complete aet of thlrty-oue volume ribt iu jour home for fl.oit down and ten cents a day. Think for a moment what this means. Comjiare tbe elipht cost and the wonderful convenience of having Uiia enormoua fund of information right at your elbow, without the eitnse you would incur if you went to college, while the training H will five you is the flnet, and the aulhoritled who will teach you are the moat reliable In the wide world. $1.00 Secures a Set But our ieial offer of 60 per cent discount it limited. Tou must be prompt to be sure of a aet of thla treat library before tha Inevitable advance in price. By our easy payment pian you can oo tain an entire set of thirty-one volume on tbe FAYMEXT OF OXE. DOLLAK. BOOKCASE FREE We have on hand a small number of attractive bookcases, made espe cially to hold a set of this Britannica. These bookcases will be given free of charge to readers who respond promptly to this advertisement. Mail the coupon at once. perhaps what contributes 50 per cent to my comparatively youthful appearance. The eyebrows also have to be looked to. and I pencil thfse. "Then to be young you must associate with the young and avoid the old. En vironment counts for so much. It makes you. Po I teath a Bible class of young men and attend all their sociables. 'That's bow I do . and I think I have stopi-d growing okl. Now, why do I do it? It certainly costs effort and money. But I have to. "This age. at L.ny rate in New York, has no use for old men. Many do ae I do, look 50 .and younger when they are In reality twenty years older. Even as young in appearance as 1 am. I am barely tol erated. If they knew me to be 70 the jig would be ui. "The only old men you see are those who coram ar.d an income or capital, and all they do i just to sit around and engage young men to carry out their orders. "The period of superannuation is mov ing forward to the thirties, rather than backward to the seventies. The prime cf life is now between Su and K, in the rsti muiion of commerce and the professions, and when these years have been ptms-fl you may prepare at any moment to be asked to Uks a back asst. "A man of 41 years, who Is manager at .(U0 a year, told me the other day that In presuming to become a candidate for a similar plate, but at a larger salary, he did not dare send his photograph ss a sign of what he was. I'hotographs do t ot tell Ilea, and he did net dare send it with Santa Monica, Cal. Dec. 3, 1903. all the female trouble a woman can have and live. of the womb, ulceration, inflammation of the awe e e . taking tms splendid remedy. ALL ORUOOI8TS SELL SI.OO BOTTLES Of WINK tbeWisdom tbe Past and Present Are you Katiefietl with your , YjTjw piimp? IVw men nn; ami tin Orejtjrt ily problem in Low to iwnnw )Hr ino ..ail it. It can be done, and done easilv if you will onlv add to a your equipment by u little con ncieutioust ntudy and thereby make yourself of prater value can I paid at the rate of TEX CENTS & day for a short time. Cut out the Inquiry Coupon nd mall it to us NOW while yon are looking at it and let us tell you more about this able book bargain. The coujiou attractive sample pages and full tlculars. SI. 00 Secures a Set. ths impression of ths forty summers he owned and lack. rig the youth he assidu ously practiced. "He was 42, hut he seemed 84. snd by refusing the photograph he obtained what he was after. He told me that In consid ering the men who filled place like hla he found that nearly every one was under 35." New Tork Sun. SEA GAZING !N BERMUDA Woeaerfel Life Observed la Crystal Dearths of Tropic krss. the It wns a little parrot flsj mat started out so briskly on this summer morning. Whether he wa eager to keep an ajioint ment or had been unexpectedly summoned te a distant part of the world, one will never know, but one may be certain that the matter was of the greatest coiiBe-uen"e so far as the little nsh wu concerned Keeping his bright tyes fixed straight ahead, he passed a corner of the reef wheie the coral waa Inrrusted with ml lusks and s-a urchins and where a pair of beautiful squirrel fish, deeply engrossed in sentimental affairs, turned to lemk after him wonderingly through their enormoun eyes. Below, in s deep pool, a school of spotted trunkflsh rlsyed heedlessly, while under a projecting plate of singhorn coral a huge grouper waited expectantly, but as the parrot fish, named of his danger, turned quickly away, he gave his attention to a pair of gray snappers great, quiet, ghostly figures, that aeeme-d like two j Ai V Tlae-Pri Sep. Mothers iwu Ctaa. OF CARDUI. i mm m Miuui;,!'--! W.'wi - Itv'l t V T: - . Bp filr JTJ and the remainder Ta erloasi Newspaper Aaeec-latlem. remark brings . Plsaaa aral rvtta eat mat 10 mm sswsy uses and Mnirul.;, par- of your Kmw WfitM TweetlMh Oevture Edttloa Eac jdeiwaia Untaaalaa aser. Town Bute....... Omaha Bee Bereae, 22 K wr ack Block, Omaha, Neb. shadows drifting slowly along, far down through the green waters. A few fuel furthtar on and the hurrying parrot fish ased a tall sea fan, around which three dainty butterfly fish, clad bril liantly in yellow, were peering into each nook ar.d corner In their search for small prey, while a sober cowftsh, with his two c onspicuous horns, looked on sedately. Sud denly the parrot fih turned sharply aside to avoid a spot where the reef was broken ty Jutting rocks covered with green ulea.; around this a school of bright little aebra striped sergeant majors were sporting, wUle just to the right an angel fish, whose blue body lipped with gold first attracted the attention of the mariners ao many oenturies afeo, Bailed from under a purple gorgonla with a disdainful air Metropolitan sine. I rrogflasr by Aerldeet. I Recently some mischievous Individual threw a stone through the window of a dry j gnoeia di uler on the west aide. Severel tale tu kets were knocked off the goods 1 ! the Window. The dealer is now exhibiting 1 the lellowing notice: . ! "Some one has thrown a brick and knoe ked our prices down. Xon't throw an other They can t go lower." Chicago Tribune. . Familiar, fest "Sot roatesnsitaems. , "Tou claim to know a greal deal about ; the tariff " "Yes." "Tet you discourage the dincuswirn of It." "I do. Jt Is like dynamite. The more a man knows ebocn ill, the more he feels like letting it alone." I New Tork Times. Jw '- i M Wj Jkf-$S Street . I . Mrs. Elizabeth Oaks. S Santa Monica CaT,