Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 29, 1905, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 11, Image 11

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1 1
4 i
WHIrti ikm e-tss
will ULri ! 12 v. tT
vlC e-dltteai d watll s.
1W aworwtwr Swaar edltlo.
Run l -Se word Srst laeert i
1 word IhirMhri. Aetata Ikf
to see Iku - lor tbe rst laser,
ttom, Tbraf a 41 cvllse sewts wswsl be
rem ewwsecwt t t elr.
AiTmitrrt. fcj re-waesile
frees d rfetrlh, rw hr iiiwrn e-
re 4 ta a makfrH letter la car
f Ta f . answer aa a d ecea
artn be delivered aa araaratatlaa af
A. C. Our, AK, 1 L B ; A. J. Lowry,
TTlnc Cor. l?iA end Harney St
THE PCHOOL that five a "SQUARE
DF.A1," to eve roti
THE SCHOOL that make a apeciaJty of
every student
THE SCHOOL that will not allow a failure.
THE ftCHCOL of atrict discipline and high
moral tone.
THE SCHisOL that rive a free member
ship ta rvory etudnrt for on year In Ua
T. ML C JL. or T. W. C. A.
THE SCHOOL that parent, as wan aa the
young peopi. select after proper 1st-
APT-r Cor catalogu Ml college teratcra.
DDrcCODimt Ootbee
EIE, ear, nose, ttroal cllnia. rlaassa fit
ted, It. Wilkinson, &. li. Creiihton Bik.
R - F26
CUT EATINGS BANK, par Par cent
Mercantile law ana collection. Our sywtern
. collecta. G. T. Veorbces Co, t N. T. L.
Pianos for Rent,
iS OfV-M noNew Piaaoa H-igb grade. Rent
allowed If you purchase. Perfieid Plan
Company. 1611 raraam. Telephone 7B.
EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, itnnw4t
in; all business confidential, iiui jtliat
AVTl-tnnnopoly Qarbar C, a N. lth.
TaL 1771 R a
Jai. aa. Uu?
-WTSLCUOIB. HiactiiTia worka. IStb and
HwarA R-fc
OMAHA Safa and Iron work makes a pa
elalt cf bra aacapaa. ehuttfira. doora aoa
aales. U. Aodraea, prep.. Mil & Itib at
R M ini
ETE STRAIN relli-vpd hy eipert optJraJ
troatmriiti rlaanea to fit; pric nr m
BenaattB. R
.5 P. C. YEAR
From HOC to l&.ooo loan on real eatkie at
t PER CENT PER YEAR. AU room ioana
wanted. Cu or write and rot mjr a
tem. W. 1. Eaiman, UUk Farnam.
Omaha. Rit".a
WE build to order and furnish tra aatl
matea for repairing and refioianlnr piano.
"Ptnta fur caiaioruc or 'pbone ha.
ScfcmoUer m Mueuer. Wl Fariian St.
b. iu Fil
V. W. DUDGEON, the arpert PLUMBER.
- Two 'pbuuea. 1M and lJiX
n Mm mi
MILL WORK f'" .tT' "orCm
arotinects' plans and apfciDcauona; save
contractor moiM-y. Wentworth, til PtitDo
block. R 111 F22
TRAVELING hae. uit cuaes. Stetson
Junta. -C H Frederick Co lirf Farnaiu.
Br-HL Fi
F.QU1TABJ-E Life Aaeuranoe Stjx.nrt
ta the World" H. L. Neea. Mr' . M r
(tanta NauMiial bank. R 744 fii
fc 7;
FOR ejrrfrt piano movinc telephone "Ui2a,
ScboiolJbr A Mueller. Farnam.
R 40S Fll
MECHANICAL draurhUnr. tracinr and
Mu pruitinr; map mskinr a nucialt ;
mork ruiranteed. J Ernei-y Letw M
Paxus block. Omaha, Neb. Phone 17sk
R Ml
CUT RATE railway tinketa erei-jwriera.
P. H. Plulbiu. liMk Fartiam 'Phone 7M.
F-RESSORIUM. best rleanera and dyera.
li.4 Farnam. Tel. IMi. R 601
COAL New kind an ft coal. "Yukon" Ere
H-& toa. Harmon at v eaLh, phone M.7.
EAGLE Irian orhe. reUnhle. arnotnmndat
itiS; ail buklneks eoniiomtla L ilill Dour lea
I. Mill
OUR perfect work disnrma criticism, dla
rourafee prejucllne ana makea frienda
Thfct eomrthinr easenual U aatikiaeuun
to aJwa fouud in a Chicare Laundrjr
bundle. B4 No. liLh, Tel. Jmo.
R-M3 Fll
New Toric Inns is the lulfSI wonder in
opucal science. The field i f view m a
larred tnoie than live times Tt.rr cost
more thar. ottier lens and they are wortk
11. Consultation free. H'jteaon Optical
Co, 4 fee. lbLb, Faktoa block.
R-MT Fll
W e trust even U'dy. FUnnls and colured
roods laundered at our niA.
- R Milk) FSS
CI Aft Suy quarter-sawed oak piano, full
itJU sire; ivory ax.d elKiny keys; fullr
tuaraxiteed. 3. S. Cameron, lift N. Bih.
r Mai a
Tel J0. H MU2 FJti
VHO I your tiiilor H atiould Drefcher.
Tao busy miikmr clothns to uofct ien
vrninra. lcJj Farnaa at. RAt
EUXTTRIC llrht plants, water works and
power plants built; p)rced
lnaroed. R. S. Aahe, iiu Huir.boldt at..
Dacrar. Colo. K 4T Stk
iHii Farnam at : eetuulutind l!&: if I nju.
fmlr piano msnule'-iurt-rs in Nehri-k.
Leerltlnu ie values tu trsi-tiasa ji.i.
eeai bargains in ued nrer ujrirht
lun ii rrut. au e juontuiy ana up.
ma up.
COLLINS PlAVr, CO.. wbuieaalk a B re
tail musical j:..-Tument. Ti.kiiir ma
ethlnea, recurct t.clinrod. lij A lftii at,
OmanA . it
BT P.EFJNED youur oou.i. w private
f,m.ii. buarU aud room, wail f untuned,
tuoocin Address T 17, iif K 2fx
XESPErTABLE. uieC I ounr na desires
i4imf i'itUj iwn ai4 Wiaoa wUi Jewish
lJuli . eu la particulars. Addreas T ti.
Be. K 3
WANTFP. by reiitleman. board and rou
la firivate fkniily. mxiin conteuitUicva .
cemial Kiiun.x houses lined ncl a4'(l
Address 1 M. Let:. K 474 x
WANT ti, three or four untui niehed rootat
for bo J fceepn. anfa ur wii niM beat
Address T Z. Lea. K 4
WANTED TO RENT-P.oom with or with
out board. ViiiCtr i-imt ur Hanaeuir.
Iut aim "ot ! twe oui. men Li
ceiirtit relervnoe Aldus T-S Hee
K 41 5t
WANTEI' TO RENT-Bull1rr oat leas
the t . avuare feel luunin. with trai -r
prefrre1 . factwy Xuivum AAdree
m aMOuw- - Jt-4-J
To Be a Telegrapher.
The )u mrthod of arvini: 4 or 5 ypkr CKfncfr to Nw r tf)
mpr U booia-:njr otwlete a it 5 T'TTE"nc rTiiiiit.factnTe to tb snpfr-lEiD-ifrit
and marj.ffr of Kir raHrna-l -Tj.tpnri. f-irkmie tfprr cone pa oi-'
and brokf-rae n.Dfpni. Tb- rpaaon if tbat rooM nj"ecTiper who Iworrje trl(
frapljers hat k-ft fMb-v.I at too rar'T an ar and -e.Ul tb?y inaj- b iWf To
-f-Dt-J" apd "rfc;Tr" sfitisfartf-rilT. lsok tie rDcati.'-'a rvs--n-r to -qualify
IlK-m for HIGHER t-k-CTrhic tVitioii and foch r.i(i) an- I?ADLT evil by
KVEUT rai'rr.-il. EVETRV ttk-frapa fompacy and EVERY Lrctrra-rp bouse in
the i niled State.
Youic man or woman poind to tb" Uipb or Grammar -Mbool yrmrir ffian or
woman -arorkiiic at aoroe -f-mployiu-PEt that is not oonpoLial to you, YOl" shocld
mnsideT tbe opporttinitioa that" a kDf.wle.1ce of Telecrsptr bold out to YOl"!
Yon abodd tbtk orer Uie idea of attendScs our
Night School of Telagraphy
' Her, in addition to tearti'cc yon ordinary ConuDerrial Telerraphy. and
trainlxiff j-n until yon r-ome a awift. accurate operator, we driU yon tbor
oncbly in tb following tebniqtie of railroad tflepraphy : acbeflule and turn
ler -O. K.-lnc traina movement of trains by tek-praphie order aendinr or
dr on wire repetition of order form of -ltr "A" order railway mesare
aM.reriation station or fixed a'pnal train rirnala, topetber whb all tbe lit
tle peculiaritie. form and ntom of GoTernment Afsociateni Presi peciJv
code, cipher and duplicate bnsineaa. etc.
rractical tekrrpber in obarr of telerrapbr Oonre and we GUARAN
Ootne in and talk thia orer with aa
CataJozTie Free.
H. B. BOYLES, President,
Boyles College Bldg. . Omaha, Neb.
MAN TO LEARN barber trade; tree rail
road lax bpoo cux laiiLJ-e to convince
yon of uua beinr toe bhait and ociy re
liable, c.oei (iiwuu. barber oofcfe In
the Lulled Stales. Write lor cataioTJe
to4a. Ueaiaxn iaarbera inaaiuie.
OoMkbA. Nab.
WAXTIU) FOR 13. S. ARM T Able-bodied
uaariarrieo men, betaeen aces ot u and fa,
utiaens ot C luted fcitaiea. ul gooa charao
ler and temperaie baoita. ho apeak, read
and w rite anriuih. or inlormauon appiy
to RecruiUnr othoer, lUth and uoura
Sta, um-ln, pp"""'. Neb, or auouxui.
la. 1 '
1 'WANT and furnish drur clerks, dru
a'ore and doctor. iLmess. Via N. T.
IF TOU are U need of a poaiUon call and
have a "bearl-u-beert" Uuk with xiA"(
2 HE KXi ART. ul N. X. Lite.
SOLICITORS, either sex, every
Whaaton-Walker. b04 Bee B)d. B MS7K
WANTED Preaeman who can take charre
of a preaaroom; must b of gooi moral
character and executive ability, aiso man
u tase chair of oompoainr room. Ad
flxeaa T 12. be. iWi
WAVTED A boy with wheel. Matthews,
Mi 6. lith. B-3
MARKER and orter. Hlncbey Laundry.
ti Nona JSth street. South Omaha.
WANTED, competent representative to sell
our rrape luioe to the trade In Omaha.
The Nabotli Vinejard. Brocton N. T.
WANTED Brirht younr man of rood ad
dress to operate a aoaa fountain on rood
salary. oiibson Employment Arency,
Neviiia Elk. B-Man a
WANTED Men everywher; rood PF! to
distribute circular, adv. matter, taok
im etc.. no ruLnvaaslnr. Address Ns-
I usual AdverUslnr Co, 1UU Oakland Bank
f Buildlnr. Chlcaro. 111. B MZ7I ant
WANTED It rood hamesemakera; 4 cut
ters; no labor trouble. Wyeth Hdw. A
Mir- Co, St. Jceph, Mo.
MARKET GARDENER Who would like
to eel an acre or more for a home on car
line; fine chance to turn a little work on
price of same. Chaa. E. Williamson Co,
rround Boor. U. 6. Natl Bank Bidr-
B 44. 29
1 Experienced Bookkeeper and Stenor
rapher. lki Siock Food Salesmen.
10 TvjK-WTiter Salesmen.
I Experienced collector.
1 Drur Manarer, ta.
Hat (salesman.
10 Insurance Men; sal. com. and exp.
1 Explenoed Liquor Salesman.
10 Crew Manarers.
Tounr man; investment, ll.OOa
1 WaU Paper Salesman.
1 Expert btenorrapher.
I Ciear RuJesmen.
HART. ri and 8 N. T. LIFE.
B 43B a
Ptenorrapher for bank.
F-eer Salesmen.
Mechanical iTBurhtsman.
Two Good Printers.
A-l Travelir.r Salesman JIM.
Good Bookkeeper, slnrle man.
Bookkeeper and Stenographer; Imple
ments. Call or send stamp for complete lint.
M0-M1 N. T. Lite. B 4HS 3
WANTED, a man with a family who can
help him; one who is educated and is ex
perienced in raiinr fruits and hoe-s. With
the rlsht kind of a man arrarif eroents can
made to run the farm and stock on
Some her fain In farm Exchanres made.
Some money to loan on rd farm lajtds.
Address Lock Box an, FbjIs City. Ne
B Mm 8D
WANTED, men to distribute samples, tark
ipT.p; !?.. daily. No cnvanFii.r Conti
nental Servic. Chlcaf"1
WANTED Intellirert salesmen, rood ap
jaranoe; roust be a hustler and fumih
reference ; rood aalary to right jersoii.
Appl-- Monoav morneur to P P. Saw,
Her Grand hotel. B M430 x
WANTED, person to nail on retail trade
for man uf ucturinr house; lo-iaj verritory : , SJs, paid weekly: expense money
aavanoed; previous expiene unneces
sary. American House, Star builditr.
Cliicaro. B S7l i!Kx
WANTED, man wlllnir to work. 76
monthly and all exriite. Collectmr
Neira.ka. Advancement if aatirifaci..ry.
Send aelt-adareaeed envelope t.r particu
lar M'inalow Mir Co., 4(N' lien rtnt n,
Chicaro. b a'x
i'oirrmem last year. Chaticee kielTer ncw
cy. mull at,d al! other exsminati.u soon
in" every state. Botiklet 31. r'vmr V '
tions. falariee. exumiiiaiious. aumpie gu-s-tirms,
eic. sent tree. Nst'l t 'or. lnnt.,
WaehJnrtwn, D. C. B .IKS x
WANTED, business men irf reputation in
cities i-nd rurni dirt nets whe in th'ir
W isur m'imtj'.ts. bv hand'it.r 'his iriK-i-tioti
we have to offer, will not only nod
large remuneration ftr tnemaeh'e.. tiut
make money it r their patrons. W rite us
and find ut what we have to ofr: we
feel assured you will not lie disappointed.
Addrtac Fratk Biker, Oi'ean perk ri
fc 7
ENERGETIC workers everywhere to dis
tribute r:rculMr. Kan t ie and aflvenis'tir
matter Good pa N' canvt.asn,r Co
operative Adertiamr Co., New Turk
B Ml &x
WANTEI' First -cltsi. man for Nebraskn
and lull to sell siauie line of rood to
grox ral trade; e ecant line of samplea
luriushed tree; roniniiss'.on ciitra. I only
nulil atM'ity is detiion Misted, retererice
and bnn rejxred a"V Buhl block. De
troit. Mitb. b 31 x
ClRf'l'LAR and ssmile distributers wanted
everywtr: ptrnerer.t jKisitiun. good
lia. Artieric.n I'mon, Vojt' Ping.,
C'hH kgu. B Hi J x
DETUCT1VEP. erwhere. steady wot
lurnii.ed: we prepare the iut l-rten ,-d.
B M m
Send for free ce'l'ue and cocrpare our
terms ai d ed-enie wit otbera. Amer
tosa p.arber Cuuc,, ear. Utn and Doug-
MANAGER wanted; every section, to ap
point arents lor new scientific rme re
pladnr iorWdden slot machines in public
plsce. evade lew everjahere; played
with nickeis; finish beauuful; like cash
M-rirtfj, rented or sold on easy payments;
ample sent on thirty days free trial.
jTopoeltirm will please you it we still
have t.penmr in your section. Butkir
Cash Rerlster Co.. lepartment FT, Chl
caro, 111. B-r3C Xx
WANTED Tounr man to ret the Imperial
Toast Book and learn its wlnninr waya;
price Kx- Imperial Publlshlnr Co.. Mln
neapoUs. Minn. B 408 &x
WANTED Man te travel; new line of
roods; sal&rv til a month, expenaes and
commission; "position will net I4.(NI0 a year;
tinb cash and reference required. Ad
dress Abbott A Co, IK1-J86 W shush Ave.,
Chicaro. B ui sax
WANTED Two men for 1W to travel and
collect; Uft.Od and expenses paid weekly:
experience not necessary: self-sddressed
envelope for reply. Address Travelers
Dept.. Star Bldg., Chicaro. B 4U6 25x
WANTED Men. each district, to dirribute
sample and collect; Mf per week and
expenses; salary raid weekly; eiperes
advanced. Mt. Northwestern. Stt Wa
bash Ave, Chicaro. B 4US Zx
WANTED Draftsman, vicinity of Omaha;
permanent .position at rt'oo aslary for
nrht man. A. G. Frost. Mr.. K' Dear
born St., Chicaro. B 401 25Tt
WANTED, buaines man with I75P to CB;
cash to take charre of reneral Bales and
dietributinr wareroom In Omsha. Salary
and commission will net W.OOC to C.noti
yearlv; first-clas referenoes requir'd.
Addres the l--Maire Company. 211 -ril E.
Madieon st Chica-o- B 4M x
WANTED Local men in every town In the
U. S. to distribute advertialnr matter:
can be done d urine spare time. Address
Advertiser Protection Union, Cbicarn.
B IK7 Ziix
RELIABLE man wanted. A premlnent
cereal food company will contract with
a thorourhly reliable man for two years
at 1160 per month, torether with . com
missions and office expense. Hirhest ref
erences required. Address: Manarer,
Box El'4. BellevTia. Mich. B
MEN WANTED to sell fuU line of hardy
fruit and ornamental trees. Work full or
part time, as you prefer. Pay weekly;
outfit tree. Lawrenc Nursery Company,
Fort Madiaon. Iowa. B
MAN to travel; reference required; salary
121 per week; expenses advanced, t. 8.
Zierler te Co, SJ Dearborn St., Chicaro.
sures ta Increase in civil service ap
pointment. Those intendlnr to take the
next lamination should send to the Co
lumbian Oorrespondenee Colleee. Waeh
lnrton, D. C end aecur its free civil
service announcement, cnntalnlnr dstee,
salaries, placet lur holdinc examinations
and questions recently used by the rov
ernment. B
We were acreeubly surprised at the larre
I number, and more than pleased with the
cifisii or Btntu (jKAJJIs, apipiicants wno
I rYiEierea nn us Tur poaiuons ounni
(ur oiK-niii u& p. sua we mvi srreai
pleasure In armounciiir that we are fully
prepared to supply help, supported by
testimonials, secured by us throurh refer
ence from former employee. Our list tbe followlnr. torn-it: Expert
acoountants. bocAkeeiiers, etenorraphera,
clerks for offitea, male and female; sales
men and saleswomen for store. In ail de
partment: hotel clerk stewards, cooks
and porters, restaurant help, ranch cooks,
private family cooks, reneral bouaework
and nurses, watch repairer, rai'road
-flice clerks, collectors. l!!e insurance sfill
citors. enFlneers. foremen for cattle
raiithe job printer .lournevroen. tc..
If in need of help In any of the above line
please come and see us. or call telephnr
No. Mil. and we will supply you upon very
short notice.
B 444 2b
Al TRAVELING salesman: none but those
naruit'le of earning II to per year
need appl'; rive corrpleie experience In
tir.t letter. Address T Cf. Bee.
BtU 9
WANTED First rls local representatlr
to appoint agents und nupervtse toe sale
of a i.lgn grade office specialty, just out.
lndisiet:;t ir to e-r untr of the phone.
Sells on aight Encirwe stnp for tii
Iarticu i r. The Telephone Appliance
r mptny, 71D lre.xel bids, Pt'iladelj.hia,
Pa. B 4t x
MALE stenographer for rvemment serv
ice. Study for examination, tjulek. 410
Bee Bldg. After t p. m. B M3o0
WANT EI Reliable iions to work for
rood Pi''. South Aflveitisinr at Distribut
ing Co., Baltimore. Md. B 'Ml Zfx
W ANTED Pressfeeder. Morehouse Co.,
Council Biurs. BM -.47-30.
R EPF.EE ENTAT1VE Unusual thante f ir
a steeay. tueilirr man to rerrenert
an ild. thoroughly ewtsblished manufac
turers' puhlicauon in Cmuh and sur
rounding towns. Must be eeliabie a' d
eipeneui"ed. Addreas C Bent'-n I iix.
Fourth ave. New Tisrk City. N. T.
b iy tT
LADIES liaving faicy work ui sell, em
hruiierieii. BaiteDberg. cjawn work; aiso
to do urder work: stamped envelope. La
tties Exchange. i4 Monroe. Clilcaro.
c is sx
LADIES to do piece work at their burnt,
we furnish ail materials and pay from 17
te g!I eek:y. bend flild mveljpe to Co, si E. Monroe Si, ( tiitio.
C it is-x
Cf'iriSTB wauud. ST.U14 at bo in. U
r )' ltter aetn us. suuntied aodreest j
ervrloi. Continental Wholesale Co,
Manner A 1", St- Luuis. C UW Hrx
WANTED Servant, competent to cook
waah and lion. No small children Kel
eeei oee required No. 1411 South Jh u
C Mai lux
WANTED, two cn.reiet.t g.rls. one for
Hwoce. cr and u.e otn-r t-r ook and
.kunorwt App y at IT-i- e Hi at. Sjuoay
aiierntKiU. C in Si
LADIES, r to rili weekly earned d'urr
.lain sew rg at home, ri.aier.aj writ fr
nerywnere prej.aia : stamp J addreesej
eaveicj-e trigs- particulars I'rtcn C"m
pany. Lli Filbert Btreet pt.iii.i'' e-1 tk
u a x
WANTED, a rr-ida.e-aged lady, who tinder
stanas liouiaeetii.g ai.d wants home
with a fa my of tw Joej-v people A
German cr Ame-tr-an pr erred. Muet
mv ttraoa. Adaiaa 4k, Baa
Qr-at 2rr
cf the
New Classes Bein Every
L The attendance new approximate sno.
I Rev. Beecher of Trlr.ity Cathedral de
livered an addiess last iTiday beiore the
atudect of the College. 1: was one of the
best ever given before a body of younr
people in Omaha.
I A number of students were riven
positions last week and more calls than we
can surlily are rorar.g in f or Sienorraprierx,
Bookkeeper and Teierraj h Ciperator
. Tbe Literary Society is the most largely
attended It ha ever been The public is
cordially lnvlied to attend Its reruiar meet
ings en Fridsy nights. A special program
win be given next Friday evening. D not
mis it
a. Several chools have tr.troduced Moth
er Shorthand durlrg th past week. Tbe
system is becominr mor p pular every day.
C Tbe Business Departmrrt is now the
busiest place in Omaha. Mar.y undents
ha racenUy entered.
Omaha, Neb.
I AM now tn a position to ntndle fcirh
rrade domestic he.p; none but tbe very
best need arply and must have tbe very
best reference. Hart. 4U and 4ut N. 1.
Life bldr. C 144
WANTED Apprentice rirls Apply Millin
ery Department. J. 11 Brandeis AV Sons.
C a
GIRL for reneral bousrwork. lit Park
a vs. C 231 lx
WANTED Ptenog-rapher. excellent ap-
rarance; hirh-ciass position. Give age.
tt. Bee. C MSM 2k
WANTED, a laundress at lit 8. 7th ave.
C 293 X
100 GIRLS for reneral housework: also
housekeepers, cooks and waiters for out
of city.
HART, 01 and 408 N. T. LIFE.
C-M43 n
IAdt AGENTS Nothinr to sell, for all
towns In Nebraska ana low: big snap
and big commission. Address K 1. care
Be. C M4St a
1 Lady Sollrttora.
I Crockery Saiesiadie.
I Salesladies; insuranee.
1 Saleslady; gen. mdse. nut of c.ltv)
HART, 01 and & N. T. LIFE. ,
C 437 29
ft ANTED Experienced eock: reference
required. Mr. L. L. Kountse, US S SKh.
C M44k
SALESLADIES wanted; bright nd enter
prising women to harwTIe cur well known
line of toilet preparations: goods ell
tbemsetve; h;g profit. Mrs Frank Lea
lie Spear Co., ICS State St, Chicaro.
C SO 2x
WANTED Competent cook; no laundry
work; references required. 21M Chicaro.
C CI 2
LADIES wbo have taken patntlnr 4eons
or hava eye for color, inrree your in
come. Address: The Hooper Studio, 112
W. 40th Bt, New Tor A C C4 3x
tX OO and expense paid each week to la
dle as district managers to distribute
rood and make collections; experience
not necessary. Adressed envelope for re
ply. Managers Dept., 2 Dearborn. Chi
caro. C T4 2ix
LADIES. $3 thousand ccps inr short letters
at home; material sent FREE every
where: send stamped addressed envelope
for copy of letter and full particulars.
Eastern Co, K Heed Building. Philadel
phia. Pa. C S3T7 2x
EARN fid weekly copying letters at home
Send stamped envelope for particulars A
P. Wynkoop. Durango. Colo. C JC2 x
LADIES, make IB per ay sellir.g the Idea
periodic Napkin. Se'.ls at sight. Ideal
Mfg. Co, Casat polia, Mich. C S3 lx
WOMEN to sew st home. IS 00 per week;
mateHals ent everywhere free: steady
work, plain sewinr only. Send sddresed
envelope fnr full particular S E M,
Ia Pont. PMladelphia, Pa. C x
GOOD housekeeper at Canadian effice. litn
and Dodr. A ty
A TOUNG MAN desires place to work for
board and room while attending eoliere.
Address Bolea College. A2M 3)
SITUATION By experienced Rr. Ph. m
low. 6tiiet)y temperate, good salesman
and stock keeper; competent to manage.
Address: Rr. PL. 1M. No. PC Main St,
Cherokee. Iowa. A Me lx
MODERN younr business nn. recently
from New Yrk City. ealeemAn. book
keeper, expert syrten.afiLer. dene situ
ation: moderate s.alary until ability
proon. Address T IX Bee. A 2)
POSITION wanted by mule tencrapber :
law office jit f ei Te. Address T 40. He.
AM&i f-x i
WANTED Experienced salesmen to han
dle our full line uf ccflees spic a, ex
tracts, tens liaking powders, etc. in
connection with othei lines, on a commis
sion basis. Apply with reference and
full particular to Early Breakfast Cof
fe Co, St. Louis. Mo. Mi'77 Hfx
SALESMEN of experience wanted to tarry
a lire of gulf glove; mittens and other
knit rood for manufacturer on commis
sion. Address Star Kr.l'tmr Co . La
Crosse. W is. M27
WANTED Salesmen to -ll proprietary
medicines on corrmlwiion. AttractUe
line. Easy sellers Central Cr.emicaJ
Co, Cedar Rapids, la. J7 x
WANTED, salesmen vtslUnr undertaking
trade to axil proftalile sioe line. eoiBe new; no samf lee ne eary: !raa
neci trade. The Hi, Fixer Co, Das Moines,
la. ST,
GhOCERT SALESMEN A Jobbing house
ha e&c.uBlve tcmiory to offer a few en
ergetic, honorable men. seiiirig to large
( orifcunier. Fir the right men permai ent
eiriplovmeot and lileral ccmpuiisauc n Ad
drea P. O. Box Xb. cinctgu. aic 2x
TRAVELING aaJejsmar by large boieaale
bouse for Nebraeka. Tear cn tract w ilh
right ma. Slat experience. brtstf
fi," Chicago. am .-x
- 1 : m
WANTED, salmsmc to sell attractive
proposition to pnml trade. euon lit 4
Can aJr earn IS. (WW net. Lck k Bog 1(7,
( eaar rpa. la. ttilt x
WANTED, aalenmen. txjierleticed specia'ty
prelerred: upeiunr for tani, one fr Ne
Wwaaa. Must be competent; no saleainan
In vur erupioy paid below Uuu xuoi.ui,
lrn.nii,L Adoiens V! anufaj. lurer Fost
off.' Bix Xiit. St. Louis. Mo. 71
adjoining temiorv to reireent aud ad
vertise the wholesale de:.aruiient of an
Old estatiiietved cjin merrlal bMUae of solid
financial siandint; Staple line, r.iary s.
per day. paid weekly, w li I. expeitea ad
vanced direct flora heady uarters. Hor
and buggy furmehrd wrn r vMr). We
furntso n erj li.iiig Poeinon permanent
Adirtas. Tt Columbia House, tars Motion
Bior . Cluigo. Li. MiTi i'V
fALEEMAN wanted by well raied manu
facturer: rp-cial propon'ion for renl
snieeioea; trie side line Manarer B id.
EquitaLl fc,d( . St Louia. U x
SALESMEN For autarmatic enpytng bor.ks, registe' and suscy othw specialties
paiwhiLT M.'a Caw ftoatA Bend, Ind.
of Sureery e meiini prcre:on: hrrl
C:-mr..i;or. : good tt Id. Ar.u. cf S r
perj . I huadt . hia. 1'a i an
Hrmj.Vii saiffrr.en frr siie l:re f."r
hotfis re:aurani let t srrpl'-s; ea-T
h:f oniir.ii' W I; Good
M:s. Co, Jr4 Market St, Chicag-i
ii.7 ?
EALI7SMAN tc se:! hou- pairt to
oeaiet s. experience r,-TJe.try , ex'-lu-r
ive or ;a line K:r.n.h I i.r.l Co . St.
Louis. Mo. ST. x
FITE line trave?:-.e r n fan nake li" to
fr week c-irryi-.c si.te i Tie cf ml
up-tcdte a.1ert.sirg fsns of our exclu
sive arid rpecial d -"en; wu-in n. w
opening: apply at on-e. The Kempc r
1 rr C o, l"n If pt , Station H v'in O. ,! STi
WANTEr Evrx rnnced r-rn to sell cur
ratctited snd c.-tyrgried sdt
fx.s; trie r-ioet a-traci . r ove, and b i
Ff.i'-rs in the market, sf ti.ples nc r!v,
larj c. ir,mi!t.r, Seiuemenit .
write t'r jr. formation and rite reiereni-e.
Ur.licd Sttf Nove.ty CO.. Cinilr.r-tl O.
SKILLFUL scheme saieman. retailer wins
cut and is pieased, or road poat
trn; nothirg equal to it; IVflC per week
can be maut ; can be used as a very
profitaM sioe line: samples and
fumifhed t.E reference. correspnaence
confidential. Aduress liept. O. Box is,
Chicago. s 3i
CAPABLE salesman to cover Nebraska
wild stap'e line. High commission, wuh
advance cf Sl month. v- per.nant-rit k :
tion to right man. Jess 11 Smith c . 1 e
troit. Mich. -M2 Lix
SALESMAN side line: smaU sample; lib
eral commission; standard artitie
Novelty Co, Station O, South bend Ind.
f4o ax
EXPERIENCED travelmr saiesmen, by
iarge Cleveland lohhtnr ncuse. to fill va
cancy for 2!fc. commissions, with
tli weekly. W. S. F.nley Co, u Prospect
St, Cleveland. O. 4S x
TRUSTWORTHY arents waned: new pat
er ted sight-sclllrg article. Rltter Manu
facture Co, Muncie, lnd. J Ca 2i
WANTED, arents and solicitors to repre
sent largest sick and accident wciety In
the country: big commission; easiest sell
ing policy In the world American Be
hevoient Association, St. Loma, Mo
j-n 2$x
AGENTS to make IB dally sHMr.g comic
souvenir postals. Send 10 cert for 4
Ciay-Morran Co, Cincinnati, O.
i ta x
AGENTS wanted, sell our Peerless Egr
Separator. Separates white from yelk cf
egr instantly. Sample U cents coin. Fred
H. Carten at Co., Galesburg, 111.
AGENTS, see cur dollar proposition flTt;
sample prepaid JSC Ileal with manufac
turer. Crew manager wanted. Davis
Soaps, S5 Dearborn St, Chicago.
5-27 5-x
tViO PER MONTH and 130 per week for
traveling expenses may seem big money
to you, but It can and is being made sell
ing my patent for making smokeieaa run
and blasting powder at i rents per pound.
It can be made in any kitchen without
any machinery. Tou can travel all ever
the worid and make more money than
you ever dreamed of before. Beware cf
fake advertisir.r a smokeless powder. I
am the inventor and hold the patent. I
want reneral agent in each state at
once to travel and appoint agent. Par
ticulars free. 3. A. Stranaky. Box fK,
Pukwana, S. D. J 271 3x
WANTED, as ngent. either ex. in each
town, to sell high grade shirt-waist ma
terials and ladies' suiting by the yard;
It la a money-maker for the arert; try it.
Direct Cloth Co, 1&3 Olive St. St. Lout,
Mo. J IS! an
SKI T.I .ED women agents to handle an ar
ticle used by every woman: strictly high
gTade money maker; great talking points;
exclusfvs territory; write quick. Man
ager Dept. T. Suite t-7. Green Bidr, De
troit, Mich. J
AGENTS selling roods manufactured by u
coin money; write for our line. American
Manufacturing Co., Mat toon. Til.
3 2S4 2x
ITS WEEKLY and expense easily made,
writinr life, health and accident Insur
ance; experience unnecessary. Writ
Royal Fraternal Union, St. Louis. Mo.
J-J5 2X
AGENTS Read In dark; name plates,
sign, number; 200 per cent profit; sam
ples froe, Wright Supply Co, Engle
wood. 111. 3X iix
LADY agent making lee than S2t weekly
ahould write for catalogue and terms, we
start you in business and make you inde
pendent; outfit prepaid. Women AppareJ
Supply Co, Chicago. J 2M 3x
AGENTS 160 a week guaranteed. Auto
matic washers sell themselves. Arent
writes: ' Exhibited sample to ten women;
took ten orders." Time. 4 minutes, profit,
ever tali. Guaranteed to do a was rung in 30
minutes ; furnishes its own power: re
quires no labor, cost less than any other
machine: free samples and exclusive ter
ritory furnished. Automatic Washer Co,
6tation U, Chicaro. J CO S-x
HEEL cushions, fits inside shoe, made
spring": W0 i-er cent profit, every state.
Dupuis Gimbel Co, Time Bldg, Chicago.
3 Situ 2x
BIG MONET in squabs; tney sen for C ta
M a doses: cheaply raised In only four
weeks; writ for our free book about this
rich industry. Plymouth Rock Squab Co,
St Atlantic Ave, Boston. Ma J
AGENTS make S3 to 110 a day fitting
f lasses: big profit' : our 24-page free
.ook tell hew ; write today. Jackaonian
optical Cobege. College Place, Jackauu,
Mich. - J
WE PAT E8 a week and expenses to men
wi'h r.cs to introduce poultry compound:
year's contract. Imperial Mfg. Co, Dept.
4. Parsons, Kan. J
FREE SAMPLE to arer.ts. elf-I:g'aUr.e
jiotket lamji, siae of pencil, akes tne
I'lace f kerosene lamps, candies and
msnhes: rredit given; rapid seller; set
Ing believing: send stamp. Premier Mir
Co, Iept. 7. S; Park Place, New York.
AGENTS wanted to sell Squeexie eaty
floor and cirpet cleaner: rreatest labor
saer ever inented: can be sold to every
li(,ni: SiO KT cent profit; f'ur agent hr
averaging f. daily. L Hilker. n W.
Grand ave , 3
RoYAL HOTEL. Eurjtai-, lfc:n Clucagu.
E fct
DEWET. European hotel. 3tn and Farnam.
WE furr.isb rooms in proper style 3 ir
-r.r chesper than si', competitors; every
thing for housekeeping 'ferms: IS.'
worth, il.00 per wetk. &b.(i worth, II !ju
rr week
Between Lib ana litih on lainaia Sl.
E 4Hn 2k
VIENNA HOTEL, 1011 Farnam: fine rooma.
ladles caie. private dii-ing i . open-nigl.ta
E 4s
tl.v to tll.W pee week. I2 A Ism St.. on
block couth of court house- E MJjs
SOUTH irent paxlor. C4 St. Mary's at.
E Mjiil
THE FARNAM. lih and Farnam at
E M14I
2 WELL furnished room, with kitchen,
cotnpiete; sterni htai. m.t K.mam, fata
E M2 2x
FRONT RX)M for rent; all modern.
"Jeiephoiie BUSK ett N. lHh n
E M1T4 Xl
THREE light housekeeping and Jeptr.r
tuuais. "i'he La ota.' 1013 Howard
E M3l
NICELY furnished singie roos. modern,
furnsra heal, walking alstance. boia in
1 mm i.tii.iniLiija Ih.k Chi' ugi st
E Jl 2"x
ONE ct two large rooms in rivae borne;
ttr-.m feat, baifc" tr,ej,i,(.r.e. one block
tttm lier Grand Hoii siu So 17ih
WE furnish rooms-in prc-r style 2k per
cent chi-Kper all competitors, everj
tt ing f cr houseseeing Terms: li Ul'
torih. tlOO ptr week. Ui A vorth. 111
Between L'lh and Utb on Pan. am 6l
E 4sl
TV.O fumla-hed rooms foe llrht bouae
ketpiLg; i tii-ely mooern, I minute wa.k
frwn city ball. s-A sa. Hat a
2&-MOI tlx
LAriilE frt rooms tn modern bouse for
rwi iiemea only, jTil Capiiol Ave
E M. 17 X
SOUTH frrnt room. ms Harry. FT -ie
p.-.P7ii e Mx: r.i
FV'R RtNT, t- furnished r-""n., st-m
heai. Fhone ITT E liU .r.x
IN1CELT f jrrifh'sj rorn. comfortal-ly forn-
u.'.ej Trr light housekerpir. f So. a St.
NJrELT FURNISEHD utt.wet rorn to
li gTt emer, trk?a.t and d.r.cer. i;e
of t-ivrcre rvate bore no ether
boarders: call afternoors. XI D--cir st.
. EM ee tlx
O. M E, TEL U.
THE S11ELTON. 2Mb and Dodr. Ideai
ho-ne for tie wlrter; pleasant rooma.
strictly mcdem. bom cooking, raasoa
art. F
2)TiC FARNAM ST, two larare rcom am first
Coor. s.ngie or en suite, am teaL fiist
aas board, prices ary rwaaonahi.
FM 421
sir.g re cm also pleasant soul
. board tf desired, kl Hsmer.
F M73 3
GiOP Room for two geotlemen preferred
Ef South 2th at F r
A SUITE and on alcgl room rarant at
Tbe Bachelor . F MET 2i
NICELT furnished room, modem, steam
heat, extra rood tab. board. South
I lth street F 23 x
ROOM and board for two; also day board.
lit North Sth St. F-2M 2rx
i ROOM and board for one or two gentlemen.
roooern; steam beak ST. Farnam
F M2F7 Cx
THE ROSE. H20 Hamey. Larre, aouth
frvnt room, suitabl for two, rstes re
son at. le. F M2SJ ICx
A REFINED couple In prrvate famllv,
board and room; well-furnished, modern.
Address T Si. Be. F 2H 2rx
LARGE nicely furnished room; reasonable
and waiklr.r distance. Modern house.
Good board. E24 S. lKth. F BT Kx
NICELT furnished front room with large
alcove, g od board for two; terms reae
onabl; private family, modern houa
Phone AT.Kl. Addres mi California.
F-SW 21
FURNISHED rooms with or without board;
also day board. 1S11 Capitol ave
F M4t tlx
ao Farnam. Suit of two larre room,
on first floor, steam heat, with firs class
board for two or mor rectlemen.
NICELY furnished room; also board; walk
ing distance; modern, lttt Dodre
F-ML24 !3
THE MERRIAM. th and Dodge. Tel. XS.
Family hotel. Rooms single and envulte.
THE ROSE. SQ20 Harney at; nice warm
rooms; rood board: walking distance;
house modern; 'phone ?47 F MUI tlx
TWO unfurnished rooma for light house
keeping; walking distance. fcUS N. loth.
QC3 ax
BASEMENT floor. I room, beat fur-ilnhed.
2fc Cass. G M2S 2
FOUR unfurnished room dose In. 172 per
month. 614 N. I7th. G ?5 S0x
WANTED, ta borrow. 2.0 to 110,000. for
one to three years, at J per cent Interest
Will assign men r re a on Nebraska farms
as security, and submit security to cash
ier of any bank ta Oman for approval.
P IS. care Be M Ms FJ
WANTED. 25000 to be used In conducUnr
an estbllahed first mortgage loan com
pany In Iowa and Minnesota; can pay a
rood rate nf Interest; a fa proposition;
writ TC, Be affio. M 18k 2Ex
CHAMBERS, society snd star; st
classes bow forming. 'Pbon F-1ITL
GTLMER, sclant'ilc palmist, 71 N. 2X4
CUlrvoyaat. l&a
8 MAik
MRS. FAIRFIELD. 1714 California St.
8 MGS)
MRS. CARRIE SMITH. overeirn lady
queen of clairvoyant. S07 N. lih st.
8 MIS 30x
NICELT furnished south front room, with
good board, everythinr modern, tel.. etc.
6.S S. lKh. ' S-2HS 3lrx
MADAME FRANCISCO, the California
Lady Palmist and Clairvoyant. Parlors,
17,4 Capitol ave. Reading. 60 centa.
S M21 x
WHAT Is that wonderful mind power oaJVed
Hypnotism? that rules all minds alike.
The power that none seem able to reist
Send vcmr name and address to Dr. Icb
delL 2:3 Granite Bulidirg. Rochester. N. V.
He will rend you free a book exporter all.
er-2 ax
MRS I. S. BOYER r'ves ad1t on all af
fair cf life. Send self-addressed stamped
envelope with lie for trial reading Center
hotel, at N. 37th ft. 'Phone B-Ji'.t7. Ad
Vice on board of trade a specialty.
S Mi40 4
TOUR FORTUNE told by the most reliable
clainoyarts; send birth date, dime tnd
stamp Prof. Carl at Roliin, 4fo N Clark
St, Chicaro. S SCO iVx
I"almistry is the method throush which all
affairs of life are revealed. Mme. Allura
reads the hand aa though it were a
printed code- Thia wondfrljl palmist can
see what is in Ftore for you, she will
define your past and predict cur future
with absolute accuracy. Tells you what
you should follow to be ucceful; how
to avert trouble and puts you in pur
session ff the key to happiness.
MME. ALLURO, 7o4 &j. !7-.h.
SUl 3
MME. FRANCISCO. Palmist and Clair
voyant. No matter what your trouble
are. come and she will guide you; ad
vses you with a stronger certainly, with
higher than human power. Tli enry
wish, fear and ambition of your life.
Tells If your iriend are false or true.
Tells how to gain and retain one s af
fections; how to succeed in business, in
fact everything iwrtalnlng to life. Bead.
Ir.g, parlors, 17 Capitol ave
8 U2 SX
PALMICT Enry Omaha raon know
Mme. Gylroer to be a genum
wfio tractice nothlr.g but palmistry
They slt-o know her to I reliable. She
read life by tbe only recrn'ed method.
St,e has few eiquHln and no sin-rioes.
Mine. Gylmer's advice la invaluable. She
gives Information on )i suojet, he
no doui't is the leader r.f her fTofessi,n
in tbe emir west. Parlor. Tis No XM.
DR. ROT, Chiropody, Rial. i& Farnam.
U i
HESKU ee rpeciaui; glasses p' -
fec-tijjr fitted. Bra. C7-I Nevuie Bik . )'b
and Harney. U MZ.1
PRIVATE borne during confinemeat; ba
bie optd. Mrs. Dr. IsUnc k N. Jia
TtL aaak u-M 3 J
PHONE 7M and a ma a wa call endtur7e
your piat.o; ti ptrfieid Piao Co, 1 1
rarnam. L M
THEATRICAL maaq. costume Llebe.
itls-U Howsrd. U-s4
"VIAVJ." way ta health. 2a B Bait
L sJd
THE SalvaUo Army solicit rwt-off e-'utb
Irg. In ttj s lux: fir you do not wi
wa coUect, rslr and sell for cost of to.
lectinr to (t woetLy aoor- Call 'pbotl
- and wtgon wrtii cu C Al
rra Insf.tut. Rjussa Blk
fl latino, kuching buttoss
Sea for I rice list nJ Saaapie.
The oulLoia.N CLtAliNo CO.
sVv svwvasa BsJOs.
lea. yo
TVB, vapof and a.cohol bath. Jt S ixcta.
PuN'T fool with your eye; be caret ui h
examine Uta, we test ee ire ioc
S ist. an ierate sauolacUoav
IMS. u. j. rsMuuu CV,
Leaun.g v.puctAa. lw t'aiasm
L C32
CHRONIC and nervous diseases eueeess
tuuy U sated. Dr. Jacaaom, lu Kamre biA
lieQ ky kuna ., Uia at ivup.i a. a.
k!-kaski U
r. W'M. KB ELLS ArckiUCt. 04 Bee Mdg.
Tel. av V-M 4 Faa
EXPERT PIANO tuninr by factory lac era.
bk umbiier at atoasier, m tsruai. it.
a u
rrtanii. .
W h. rent sewinr machetes He week. We
repair all makea cf aacains beoena
liana machine Is t ki. Neb. C) c.e CA,
li. Baa. Cor. IMA ana Harsey. V-A
ADDRESS of oil painter, la Paxtoa block,
tmaha, about 14, Beraain. name rt
palled. Address T L Be. L'-ktUl 2x
TRUSSES made an fitted to ma, woma
and children, lea Farr.em 6l-
TUa' U. i. fkMuUi CO.
OMAHA souvenir view mailed free to any
person sending ua the nam of any en
owning square pino or organ. Perftaei
Piano Co., iU rnm Sr. TrL Ka.
C-M1M Ftt
DR. PRIES treats uccssruUy r disss sn
d irretralariUea et women, from any
cause; experienced and reuabl. Aadraa.
wilh il&n. i lr Pma. uiia Du SH .
1 1 . K an
PRIVATE bom during eonflnaaent; ba
tra adopted. Tb Good bamaritaa Sani
tarium. U 1st art. Council Bluffs, la.
iat . .4. L -
PRIVATE bom during confinement: ba
bie boarded and adopted. Mr Gardeit
iiit Charle. TaL A 261a. Uft
WANTED Prposeinr younr widow ta
superintend widowers home, no menial
work. Stat agw. T 24. Be. I MJU 2
WANTED Elegant bona, with rultur4
widow, for widower and daughter 14: r
boarding nor roomlrg houses: liberal
compensation. T 22. Be U M2M H
UPRIGHT piano and Simplex Piano Player,
both practically new, only IT7E. Schmoller
A Mueller Piano Co., 1212 Farnam st Tel.
162. L 43 a
WE make a specialty of rentlnr new hlgb
I grade pianos, not worn out boxes- rental
prices from 13 0 per month up In used
upright piano we offer splendid bargains
or ail makes from ITS up. Easy monthly
payment. Schmoller A Mueller Plana
Co, 1212 Farnam St. Tel. 1& li 42k
MARRIAGE Paper Prints photos and a!I
addresses ; I pare. 10c; correspond with
out further expense. A. Stover, Drawer
1X7. Chicaro, Ul. U 417 DVx
SEND Uc and birth date fnr life reading '
about 2,000 words; typewritten form. Prof.
James, 456 Columbus Ave.. Boston. Mass,
U 113-Jfx
A REFINED, educated, handsome gentle
man, worth 150. . sged 2L never married,
no bad habita, wishes to correspond wills
wealthy ladies not over S; object, mar
riage. This is not tb advertisement ot
any matrimonial arency. Address T SL
Bee, C-473 2x
ILLINOIS lady worth 2S000 desire ac
quaintance of man capable of attendlnr
to her business. Object, matrimony Marr
Bell. Trude Bldr, Chicaro. U 272 2kx
MARRT Wealth and beauty; marriag di
rectory free; pay when married: entirely
new plan; send no money. Address H. A.
Horton, Dept. XT,, Tekoesha. Mich.
u-aazta .
MARRT wealth and beauty. Dcr!ptlv
list free. "Elite," 4 Fourth Are.. N T.
u aa 2x
BTOPS th craving, cures the habit. Moe.
oerrs jxnu-Nicotin Cium. the only ur
anuaoie oi tODaccn. lrr packre sent
by nail, postpaid It cent. Anti-Niootln
Gum Co., lbJa Masonic Temple, Chicago.
U Xanax
WEALTHY lady, unencumbered seeks ap
rrecLaUv husband. Address Air. Coie.
So Walnut, Room I, PhUadelphla, Pa.
U-4 29X
JEE-POAL Na R 12. for women, a per
fect monthly regulator; no failure: cure
mom. obstinate cases; safe, reliable, s
r.iusew: price C00. What women, younr
and old. abould know," sent free. Jee
Poel Remedy Co, ill Mala St, Clnrtsj
tiu. Ohio. u jso jkx
HANDSOME widow, worth 3.0. want
immediately able. Industrious busbaad.
Address Aetna, Oneonta Bldr, Chioago.
U 2w
PROFESSIONAL man. renerou and
wealthy, desires, without Aelav r.iw v.,,s
honest wife. Address Mr. Curtis. fi Clark
St, Chicaro, IU.
U 2rt Err
A WEALTHY and sl tractive maiden wanta
without delay kind husband to relieve bar
of business care No objection to honor
able, capable poor man, Addres Cook.
Fiournoy. Chicaro. . U 412 x
WEALTHY American gentle is n. middle
age, want at once rood, deserving wife.
Mwy noi necessary. Address Mr. John.
Ogdeo, Chicaro. U t x
"RI EXDSHIP CLUB-New correepondeaT,
organisation; 10 cents for list membera
and particulars. Box 24. Cleveland. O
VA Mat
INDIAN GIRL Hlf blood, pretty, educa
ted, very wealthy, want to marry a
ry.d white men. Curran, 142 Walsh,
t hicaro. U Uk 2kx
LADIES treated successful)- by mall
write today, stating how lonr upl
pressed. Dr. Bnney. 1U Stat Si Chi.
SUPERFLI OUS hlr. wart and mole
permanently removed by electricity; oow
rujtatlon free- and confidential: a'l wcrtt
ruaranteed. Miaa ALender. C3 X. Y Life.
AT your home; scajp treatment: facial
uatae; manicurlnr. T 4i. Be effice
U kum aox
Manufacturers of rst for all purposes,
lei- A-3KC 2ao Cumlnr Eetajjllshed lass.
WE HAVE on our list for Bale in and out
of town reneral merchandise, dothlnr
dry roods, men s f urtiishinr. rrouery
drur and cla-ar store roomlnr houses
hotsi resiauranta, etc.; alo some de
irab.e real estate propositions. W
have cash buyers for every branch of th
mercantile business List your business
or rmperty w1iu us for qulik rosu'ts L".
K. Sales Bureau. Cs4 and S4 Bee Bldg
Y 47 &
w F; "V tLJ, rrt,rr' lor proposition
which it will pay you to investlrate. V 8
fekies Bureau. t"4 and 2X Bee Bldr-
y ess a
i-HTORT and basement store room In rood
Iowa town for sale or will trade for drum
stock in western lews. V. K. Sales
Bureau. XH and XM3 Bee Bldr- T tut Z
IF YOU wish to buy r sell business or
rel estate, consult V. S. Saiea Bureau,
tM and J Be Bldr. T M4f4
Tr-,T. fcT. ,,jw,' examinatio
April L Call quicA 41v Be Bldg After
2 p. m. L'-M4s Fbt
BEAUTIFUL Elelnwav tiprtrtit. almost
new; taken in exelutrre for PlaaeA
ptano: ti'r bares in If taken at oeice.
Schmoller Mueller Piano Co, 1212 Kar
riam st. Tel. Is i- tj
teastmcct A bain a. Mm.
SifeilL. liiN.UIl K I
anasiaco curt biddle-ar tiut.ia
Acoustic ids tb bear-in as gUrs
o ins . HfcU-blao Aooustis Co..
N. j. Ufe Bid. 'Pnon IkJ
LARSON a JOHNSON, cut r.tes to all
Point 14(4 Farr.a-. Ti. fat. 11 -ber
Aasertcaa llcket Broaerv As