Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 29, 1905, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 10, Image 10

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Tie Omaiia Sunday Bee
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of December, ISiM.
Notary Public
The backbone of winter may atlll be
intact, but the backbone of tbe coal pile
(has, been Irretrievably broken.
Missouri ought to be ripe about now
tfe demand tbe election of United States
senators by direct rote of tbe people.
inability to get passports for Ameri
cans to travel In Russia will entail no
serious hardships for tbe present at any
If President Roosevelt were up for
election today, Nebraska would probably
make its vote for blm unanimous, Includ
ing that of Colonel Bryan himself.
We are all in favor of encouraging
home industry, but some of us balk on
a resurrection of the bounty to re-establish
the wolf scalp factory at public
expense. 1
Too Hepburn bill may as well as any
other furnUh the correspondents some
thing to-talk about, as congress seems
to, be still unwilling to give tho people
real relief.
What Is to be the effect of the crisis
in Russia upon the commercial affairs
of the world? That is a question of no
little I in porta nee and it is one that af
feet tbe United States quite as much
as any other of the Industrial and com
rnerclal nations. We are not selling to
Russia at this time as much of our man
ufactures as we were a few years ago,
nor is our trade In that quarter of the
world Improving. There it a prejudice
In Russia against American manufac
tures and this feeling of hostility does
not grow less with tbe passing years.
Yet the Russian agriculturist who must
buy machinery in his line has come, as
have most other Europeans, to appre
elate the fact that only In the United
States can they obtain Just what they
need and consequently they look first to
this country to provide themselves with
their necessities.
When we come to consider this It Is
not difficult to understand that any serl
ous Interference with the agricultural
affairs of the Russian empire, as Is now
threatened, would be more or less inju
rlous to American interests. We should
Inevitably lose more or less of trade there
and the longer the depression lasted the
greater would be the injury to our com
mercial interests in the direction noted.
It is therefore evident that so far as
the United States Is concerned, regard
ing the matter wholly from a commer
cial standpoint, we do not want to see
any revolution in Russia that would be
destructive of the industrial and com
mercial Interests of that empire. The
American people are heartily in sym
pathy with the efforts of the people of
Russia to Improve their conditions, po
litically, socially and economically. We
realise that those conditions are such at
would here be absolutely Intolerable.
But we also understand that the Rus
sian people are very different from our
selves and that the political and social
conditions which are demanded here
might not prove wholly satisfactory
there. A people must be educated grad
ually into a proper understanding and
appreciation of liberal Institutions and
it Is impossible to say how long, perhaps
generations, it will take to fully educate
the Russians in this direction.
Meanwhile the commercial considera
tion Is one of Interest and for hardly any
country more than for the United
States. Our trade with Russia Is not
at present as great as It perhaps should
be. That country has within the past
two years discriminated somewhat
agalnft our manufactures. But even
with this barrier our Russian trade has
been pretty well maintained and there
is reasonable warrant for the opinion
that If no serious domestic upheaval oc
curs in Russia our commerce with that
empire will grow. From this point of
view, therefore, the interests of the
American people are on the tide of peace
In Russia.
he will be convicted. That bis course
and. conduct as a federal Judge have not
been altogether exemplary is beyond
question, but on the other band the evi
dence presented does not conclusively
show that his offences against Judicial
propriety and Integrity have been of
such a nature as to Justify his removal.
The fact seems to be that Judge Swayne
has been somewhat careless, not to say
reckless. In taking ndvanUipe of oppor
tunities afforded, by his position and has
In this respect simply gone beyond the
line of safety. It is very probable that
like indiscretions hare been committed
by other federal Judges, but they have
observed greater caution.
At all events. It Is well that the case
of Judge Swayne shall be thoroughly
investigated and if the charges are
shown to be well founded be should be
punished as the law provides. No man
should be permitted to remain on the
bench of a federal court whose ermine
Is In the slightest degree soiled, for the
people look to the men who occupy these
positions for an example of absolute In
tegrity and uprightness of character.
A position on the bench of a United
States court Is a place of distinguished
honor and Its occupant should be in
every respect worthy of confidence and
of emulation.
St Petersburg editors who defy the
press censor may be showiug evidences
of bravery, but it appears from this dls-
tance that they have taken the wrong
time for their defiance.
Nineteen million dollars has 1hhu cut
from the naval estimate in the house of
representatives, but enough remains to
keep Uncle Sam's flag afloat on all the
waters of the earth.
Tie lawyers in the legislature want
no emburgo on divorce colony lmmigrn-
tlon into Nebraska. If some one has to
take the money, they think they can
earn the Tees as readily as lawyers re
siding in other states.
Now that Japan has captured an
American ship, alleged to Ie loaded with
contraband, it will be up to the owners
to prove that Russian sailors are not the
only ones who cau make a mistake as
to the character of boats.
Tho national house of representatives
has voted $10,000 for tho investigation
and Introduction of parasites and other
natural enemies of the gypsy and brown
tall moth. Here Is a chance for para
sites to make something on the side.
Tho election of Governor LaFoIlctte
to the United States senate would create
greater pleasure throughout the country
were it established by experience that
the man who is to succeed to his office
la Wisconsin Is of the same character.
Secretary Taft is thoroughly familiar
with conditions In the Philippines and
there can be no doubt In regard to hitrj
earnest solicitude for the welfare of the
archipelago and its people. In his Judg
ment the United States has an impera
tive duty to perforin in promoting the In
dustrial and commercial prosperity of
the islands and' he avails himself of
every opportunity to impress this upon
congress and tho country.
Secretary Taft "was before the house
committee on ways and means yesterday
and advocated the bill which proposes
to reduce the duty on Philippine sugar
and tobacco, the present duty being 75
per cent of the Dlngley schedules. The
proposition Is to Jower this to 2H per cent
and this is opposed by both the domes
tic Interests that would bo affected. It
will not be questioned that such a re
duction would be of very material ad
vantage to the sugar and tobacco Inter
ests of the Philippines, but what would
be the consequences to our home Indus
tries? Can we benefit the sugarand to
bacco growers of the archipelago with
out doing sorry Injury to the correspond
ing Interests In the United States? If
not, It Is manifestly the first duty of the
government to take care of the welfare
of our own people. Everybody will
agree that It Is desirable to promote In
all proper and legitimate "ways the pros
perity of the Philippines. We want the
people of the Inlands to make progress
and to be contented. But our first care
and consideration must be given to our
own people and this does not seem to be
tho view of Secretary Taft. For this
reason we do not think It probable that
his recommendations will meet the ap
proval of congress.
One of the leading railroad trade Jour
nals that always gets Its Inspiration
from railroad headquarters seeks to
make a point . against the demand for
rate regulating legislation by spreading
out a list of all the members of national
and state railway commissions with bio
graphical explanation with a view to
calling in question the qualifications of
these bodies to pass on rate questions.
The personnel of the Interstate Com
merce commission sizes up pretty well,
but in many of the less important state
commissions the description "politician"
or "lawyer politician" or "farmer poli
tician" Is frequently applied. The infer
ence intended to be conveyed, of course,
is that entrusting the rate-making power
to a railroad commission of any kind
would be the same as handing it over to
set of professional politicians who
would be governed by all sorts of consid
erations except considerations that
would appeal to a practical railroad man.
Anyone who will reflect however, will
see quickly enough that the conclusion
does not follow. The standard of a na
tional commission or court invested with
rate-making power would be up to If not
above that already set for the Interstate
Commerce commission in the past With
more Important functions and greater re
sponsibilities the service of men of un
questioned ability, and competency for
the places would be forthcoming. Then,
too, as to the poor character of the state
railway commissions, who Is to blame if j
not tbe railroads themselves? It Is no
torious that in almost every case the
members of these commissions have
been selected by the railroad managers
themselves either for their impotency or
as Is more often the case for their known
subserviency to railroad dictation. In
Nebraska the railroad commission was
a creation of the railroad managers and
the commissioners for the most part
their creatures for the very purpose of a
buffer against popular complaint, nnd
when after more than fifteen years It
was found to be no longer of advantage
for such use, It was discarded by court
decree declaring the law creating it nn-
constitutional, if the. railroads were
only satisfied they could dictate the so
lection of the national commissioners as
they have the members of many state
commissions, they would not suffer any
apprehensions over tho qualifications of
the rate-makers.
The publicity given to the vainglorious
outburst of distemper of Omaha's self
styled "heroic leader for civic righteous
ness" and my comment on the latest
manifesto of tbe executive committee of
the Civic Federation hat stirred up a
hornet's nest For several days letter
carriers and A. D. T. messengers have
been kept on the Jump delivering open
and closed letters bristling with personal
challenges, explosive epithets and scur
rilous flings. While I have no disposi
tion to retaliate In kind, I deem it proper
to correct some of the mistakes under
which my overheated friends appear to
be laboring and also to acquaint the pub
lic, whose sympathy they seem to crave,
with some facts that tend to shake my
faith In the efficacy of the campaign they
have been waging."
Each and every one of these good peo
ple points with pride to the achievements
of the Federation and takes all credit for
himself and his associates for every mu
nicipal reform Inaugurated In Omaha
within the past two years. They enu
merate among these reforms the closing
of the winerooms, tbe closing of the
with Thomas, but I dare say that cir
cumstances point very strongly to a co
operative concert in which Mr. Thomas
was either a fool or a tool. I dare say
that I am ready to prove In any court of
Justice that Mr. I lay ward, partner of
Mr. Walter Motse, has repeatedly as
serted to his Intimate frieuds that they,
meaning Walter Molse A Co.. had ex
pended thousands of dollars in helping
to promote the work of the Civic Fed
eration in various ways.
I am ready to prove that an employe
of the Civic Federation, working directly
under Elmer E. Thomas, after applying
for his pay last summer and being re
quested to wait because there were no
funds In the bank, followed Mr. Thomas
and saw him enter the liquor house of
Walter Molse & Co. on Fourteenth street
between Farnam and Douglas, and flf
teen minutes later saw Thomas come out
and following him thence saw him enter
the Omaha National bank, and twenty
minutes later was advised by Thomas to
present bis check for payment
This Is one link In the chain of cir
enmstance. Another Is the link that
connects Thomas to I. J. Dunn, the re-
Geo. P. Cronk, I
Prulient. I
W. P. I.lnooln,
gambling bouses, the enforcement of the I puted attorney of Walter Molse. It will
It is now stated that Lord Mlluer will
qnlt South Africa in the spring. A lib
eral government may find it more diffi
cult to- restore order than Chamberlain
found in making war, although that was
not accomplished 'without considerable
Among tho topics discussed at the last
cabinet meeting was government super
vision of wireless telegraphy and Jap.
.anese. wrestling, otherwise known as the
science of Jlu JIUu. But government
ownership of domestic telegraph Hues
was discreetly tabooed.
Had it only surmised that Colonel
Bryan would within six months openly
commend the course of President Roose
velt on the question of railroad regula
tion, the New York Sun might have
taken to the woods during the national
ctmpalga find saved itself all the flts it
la now. throwing.
The Illinois Central hat recently de
clared Its 100th semi annual cash divi
dend. It Is to be noted that the Illinois
Central baa been tjpeclally fortunate In
escaping the clutches of the stock Job
bers, and also that it It not one of the
roads constantly ascribing to oppressive
leglslatioa tosses really due to aear
tig-feted management
If not the general public at least the
Judicial fraternity of the country will re
gard with great Interest tho Impeach
ment proceedings against Judge Swayne
of tho federal court for the northern
district of Florida, which have beeu pre
sented to the senate by the house of rep
resentatives and will be tried and passed
upon by the senate early next month.
Proceedings of this character, which are
provided for by section A of article II of
the constitution of the United States,
have been rare in our history. In 1803
Judge Pickering, district Judge for New
Hampshire, was convicted of drunken
ness and profanity on the bench and
making unlawful decisions; in 1805 Sam
uel Chase, Justice of the supreme court
of the United States, wat accused of
misconduct In political trials and ac
quitted r In 1830 James II. Peck. United
States district Judge for Missouri, wat
Impeached on tbe charge of misconduct
and acquitted; in 1862 West H. Hum
phries, federal dlbtrlct Judge for Tennes
see, was convicted on the charge of or
ganising rebellion. These are tbe only
Instances In which members of the fed
eral Judiciary bare been Impeached and
in two of the four cases there wat ac
quittal. The charges preferred against Judge
Rwayne are of a rather grave nature,
but although very carefully considered
and discussed by the house of repre-
Iseutatlvea, It It by no means certain that
The figures printed by Tho Bee as a
comparative exhibit of taxes of all kinds
paid in Nebraska In 1003 and 1904 are
an eye-opener, to our taxpayers, afford
ing them the first opportunity to ascer
tain what the total of tax burdens Is
and the distribution not only as between
the state, counties, cities, school districts
and local subdivisions, but also as be
tween the tax paid on railroad prop
erty and taxes paid by private Individ
uals. Taxpayers residing anywhere
throughout the state might easily pro
euro the figures for their own county
or city, but It Is only when they are com
plied for the whole state nnd arranged
so as to sliow the relative taxes of each
claas for two stfecesslve years that the
extent of the changes wrought by tho
new revenue law can be fully grasped.
When railroad traffic managers estab
lish a rate for hauling merchaudlso or
farm products it Is presumed to le rea
sonable. When a legislature attempts
to establish a rate for the hauling of
merchandise or farm products It is al
ways pronounced unreasonable by the
traffic managers. A striking Illustration
of this anoinnly may bo found In the
contrast between present grain rates
from Omaha to the gulf and from
Omaha to the Atlantic seaports and the
maximum grain rate established by a
Nebraska legislature, which was de
nounced as unreasonable, although It al
lows a higher rate from western Ne
braska to Omaha than from Omaha to
the Atlantic seaboard.
mldplght closing ordinance, the divorce
of the liquor traffic from music halls and
disorderly resorts, the Indictment of
Harry Bernstein for purchasing and con
cealing Jewelry, and lastly the prosecu
tion of Tom Dennlson. All these reforms
and criminal prosecutions are said to
have been carried out in the face of my
pronounced hostility and opposition.
In politics it is sometimes regarded as
good tactics to claim everything. This
may also be the principle that actuates
my genial correspondents. If memory
serves me light and I feel sure that It
does, the order to close the wine rooms
was Issued by the police commission In
July, 1903, or more than six months be
fore the Civic Federation was Incubated.
I happen to know also that the police
commission, on the urgent recommenda
tion of .the chief of police, had agreed
last fall, and before the Jug-handle com
pact with the brewers was concluded, to
grant no more licenses to tbe keepers of
music halls.
The divorce of the liqnor traffic from
the social evil, midnight closing and the
banishment f the traffic from the pro
scribed district had been quietly but
earnestly advocated by me for nearly
four years, and has by no means been
abandoned notwithstanding the recent
compact made by the Civic Federation
with the brewers.
The claim that the Federation, has sup
pressed gambling is a myth. There has
been no public gambling In Omaha of
any description for more than two years.
According to Mr. Mahoney there were
ten places In the city a year ago where
pnmbllng was regularly carried on. but
this doubtless refers to card playing in
the rear of cigar stores and money slot
machines. More or less of this kind of
gambling Is still carried on. If not on
the eround floor In upper stories of
apartment houses and hotels.
The Bernstein Indictment was pro
cured by Editor I E. Fay of Clinton
la., whose brother was the victim of the
robbery, and Fay was also chiefly lnstru
mental In procuring the Indictment of
Dennlson. Convict Sheroltffe's confession
and the Indictment of Bernstein In the
Metcolf diamond deal. All of my es
teemed communicators refer unctuously
to the Fay diamond Incident and among
the several indictments fired at me by
Elmer E. Thomas Is this
The United States Steel corporation
Is offering its officers and employes an
other bunch of stock at an upset price
In continuation of the proflt-sharlug
scheme put Into effect two years ago.
Inasmuch as tbe stock, originally un
loaded upon the employes on this plan
was badly upset when the corporation's
finances took their big slump, It Is a safe
guess that the burnt employes will not
play with tbe fire twice, except under
Agitation for direct primary nomina
tions It not confined to any one state.
The subject Is being vigorously discussed
over In Illinois, eliciting tbe same argu
ments pro and con that are beard here,
but tbe gist of It all Is that the people
are being aroused to the necessity of
gome such reforms to abolish the evils
that attend the old convention system.
You had no sooner obtained your pro-
tege, Harry Bernstein, his job as a din
trlct court bailiff than he had to take back
Mr. Fay's stolen diamonds and' later on
was Indicted for receiving Mrs. Metcalf
stolen diamonds.
There Is no truth whatever In the alle
gation that I had solicited or procured
Harry Bernstein's appointment as bailiff.
On the contrary. I expressed grave doubt
of tho propriety of the selection because
of certain rumors that connected him
with purchases of stolen property, and
Thomas well knew when he penned the
Insulting Intimation that I was in some
way Implicated, or mixed up with Bern
Kteiu, that I had not only treated Mr.
Fay courteously when he called on me
for assistance, but had made a personal
appeal to Chief Donahue to assist him
In ferreting out the whereabouts of the
stolen property and later on mulled tho
written response of Chief Donahue to
In his now famous Chicago address
Elmer E. Thomas declared that "tho re
porters of The Bee prepare all reports
and color them under instructions, ac
cording to the wishes of the machine,"
and this falsehood Is reiterated, possibly
In good faith, by his employers of the
executive committee. While the charge
cannot bo regarded as libelous It Is a
reflection that as a newspaper man I feel
Impelled to resent. There areio less
than fifteen men connected with tho
press of .Omaha, who have formerly held
positions on tho reportorlal staff of The
Bee, Including Alfred Sorensou, Richard
L. Metcalfe, Joseph Polcar, Sandy Orls-
wold. W. D. Perclvnl, Roger C. Craven
and E. C. Hunt Not one of these men
can truthfully sav that ho was ever
asked to color any report, but on the
contrary they all had Instructions to re
port the facts wbutevar they might bo
without varnish.
What seems to have most touched the
tender sensibilities of my contributors Is
the coupling of their names with Walter
Molse it Co. as co-workers and co-re-sponslhles
In the Jug-handle compact
with the brewers.' Mr. Thomas in his
persuasive and conciliatory epistle says:
"If you are not a snivelling coward,
trying to dodge the statute which makes
libel a felony. I dare you to say straight
out in man fashion that ( have, am now
or ever had any contract agreement or
understanding, express or implied, for a
consideration or without a consideration,
with Walter Molse or anyone for biro
relative to filing or withdrawing certain
protests, or relative to any other subject
In the universe."
This it somewhat expansive at well as
explosive. I have not charged that Wal
ter Molse had any contract or agreement
be remembered that Dunn was r-rose
cutor of the Diamond pool room case, for
which Thomas subsequently claimed
credit and the conjunction of the two
star actors in the farce played on New
Year's eve before the police commission.
forces upon me the conclusion that
have not flred far from the mark.
In conclusion, I deem It proper to re
mind Mf. Mahoney, who charges me
with proposing that the keepers of dis
orderly houses In the proscribed district
be permitted to sell liquor, that I have
been either misquoted or misunderstood.
No such suggestion has been made by
me. The unlicensed sale of liquor In tbe
resorts referred to has always been tol
era ted and the granting of a permit
would lie superfluous.
Mr. Mahoney's defense of the compact
which permits the licensing of saloons
within the proscribed district, coupled
with the intimation that I want to create
a monopoly In the liquor business so
that any person desiring to purchase a
drink would be obliged to patronise these
disorderly resorts is not very creditable.
In the first place, reputable people who
are thirsty will not be found In that sec
tion of the town after dark, nor are they
likely to patronize disorderly houses that
are reputed to charge ten times at much
for liquor as the decent up town saloons.
My proposition contemplated the ban
ishment of tbe licensed saloon from a
section of. the town patronized chiefly If
not wholly by the vicious and criminal
classes. Strange as It may seem, Mr.
Mahoney was not the first man to ad
vance the monopoly argument against
the proposed change. It originated with
the men who now enjoy the legalized
privilege to run tough Joints In that sec
tion of. the town.
T. P. Crane,
Jaa. Alnscow. i
$ $ $
rnvldendw have never been Ira
than per cent. Stock of this
Association secured by first
mortgage on approved real
raiaie. averaging ie ttjan '
pr cent of th appraised value
of properties.
Accoon't OpiflJd 75 Cen'j to $5,000,01
$5 $ $ $ $
- m
I !,. TT. Korty. 1
I 1
F V. Umlth, 1
Secretary. I
F. B. Johnson.
J. 8. Sykes.
Misdirected - Restrictions.
Chloaro Kawa.
A bill making foot ball a felony has been
Introduced In th Nebraska legislature. No
one In the state, however, has yet ' sug
gested any limitation to mouth exercise.
The Irony of th Situation.
New Tork Bun.
What Irony in th circumstance that In
the hour of Russia's supreme emergency
the personal movements of the Rusjlnn
csar should recall so vividly the evasions
of his Bnltlo fleet!
1 ' 1
Tto Grades of Gambling;.
Washington Post.
Dick Canfleld, tho boss gambler of New
Tork, has Just cleaned up $2,000,00) In stock
speculations. A few deals like that and
New Tork will forget that Canfleld ever
indulged in any cheap kind of gambling In
which the victim had a chajice.
World's Training School.
Baltimore American.
It 1b said that H number of Chinese are
drilling In this country In order that they
may return to tench their own country
men. The rule abroad now scms to be,
"When in doubt of anything, go to Amer
ica and learn how to do It."
Costly Iudostrlal Mara.
Philadelphia Presa.
Fall River lest over 15,000 of Ita popula
tion an the result of the strike, and a vast
sum of money. If one question had been
submitted to arbitration at the start thiit
loss could have been avoided, and with It
much misery, Birkneaa and probable loss of
life. But there is small probability thnt
tlio costly lesson will be effective In pre
venting future strikes, though both sides
Hlndslabt ns Teacher.
Philadelphia Record.
It was virtually admitted by the Rus
sians months ago that they would not hav
treated Japan as they did In th negotia
tions preceding hostilities had they sup
posed she would fight. The lack of prepara
tion prove that the Russian officials were
bluffing. With an unbroken series of de
feats In th far east, and strikes at horn
developing Into a revolution, the regret of
tho Ruiwlan grand dukes that they did not
know Japan to bo loaded when they played
with her can bo Imagined.
Boston Transcript: Father Qopcn has
been excommunicated; but so has Tolstoi.
Excommunication is about to be'com a
badge of distinction in Russia.
Baltimore American: The archbishop of
Canterbury denies that he advocated a
state church for the United States. He
sensibly advises letting th American
church alon to develop along Its own na
tional lines. The establishment of a state
church of any kind In this country by a
British crusade would be about a feasible
aa th late abortive one to taka th name
of "American" away from us.
Chicago Chronicle: Th leveling power
of Christianity is on trial again In a crisis
that has arisen at the University of Chi
cago. Th divinity students have a club
and one of them, named A. B. Terrlll, who
Is a negro as black as midnight, has ap
plied for admission. The only hops for
his admission Is said to be that he Is a
fine athlete and bllllnrdlst, and it is not
thought that these accomplishments will
offset th racial objection. At any rate. If
company of Christian ministers refus
to associate with a brother minister be
cause he is a negro, even when he Is a
good bllllardlst, what becomes of the doc
trine that in Christ all are equal?
Newr Tork Times: Several New Tork
churches have profited immensely from the
continuous rlss in real estate valuta along
Broadway and Fifth avenue. Trinity
church, It is well known, la a millionaire
corporation and ono of th leading land
lords of Greater New Tork condition
of prosperity which arises from land hold
ings dating back to a tim when land was
not so valuable. Recently th Broadway
tabemacl sold It site, which cost twenty-
nve years ago $230,000, at $1,850,000. Dr.
Parkhurst's church has also sold the sit
near Broadway for enough money to build
a Hner new edifice, with a surplus fund to
".nvest that will produce an annual Income
of $30,000. These three churches, at Isast,
will not go a-begging soon.
Philadelphia Press: The final conclusion
of the statistician's tables of figures Is
that ther are now In this country some
thing over 80,250,000 church members, only
a million or so fewer people than ther
were In all our united nation at the out
break or the civil war. More than
Measure Rased on Roaaansadatloa
of Secretary Hay.
Chicago Record-Herald.
In view of the full and improaslv report
on naturalisation abuses recently submitted
to congress by Secretary Hay It It Impossi
ble reasonably to withhold approval from
the Piatt bill now befor th senat judi
ciary committee. The machinery provided
by It may perhaps ba too complex to do
efficient work, but in the main it is a
measure designed to do away with fraud
and with reckless and Improper naturalisa
i tlon.
It meets th four great needs pointed out
by Secretary Hay. It restricts th power
of making cltlsens to courts of dignity and
Importance; It defines th nature of th tea
timony upon which citizenship should bo
granted; it prescribes the form of naturaU
satlon certificate (and, as a safeguard
against counterfeiting, even th kind of
paper they shall be printed on), and what
Is of the utmost importance It provides
that complete returns of naturalisation
shall be made to the Department of Stat.
It may be added that originally such re
turns were required by law and duly made.
There is no provision In the bill that will
tend to exclude from American cltlienahlp
any worthy alien reasonably fit to assume
that status. It Is directed against notorious
abuses such as the traffic In spurious cer
tificates uncovered in Italy, th wholesale
naturalisation of Illiterate aliens on th ev
of election and the farcical "examinations"
by Inferior judges who. In Mr. Hay's words,
show "primitive Ignorance of th laws they
are called upon to construe." It Is a bill
to place naturalization on a rational, uni
form, sound basis.
First Society W,mun That's my baby
that we just passed.
Second Society Woman How could you
First Society Woman I recognised tho
nurse. Brooklyn Eagle.
She Darling, w must elope.
He But, surely your father has no ob
jection to
She None whatever. He suggested It,
In fact; he says it will b cheaper. Phila
delphia Lder.
Miss Elderly is no longer an old
... .. . i . . I i. i a - i . ...
i uriuu- Dtuiu lie iiivi I jra i imi (
third nf tha ontiro nnrnuii,- ! xo; suss innentea money, ana now
third of the entire population of the coun-1 Bhe-, a bachelor-girl. "-Cleveland Leader.
irjr, i-uuiiium in every man, woman and
child, ,ls formally enrolled In church mem
bership. When we consider that church
attendance, if the Sunday school Is in
cluded, exceeds church membership, and
also that the large portion of tho popula
tion under, say 12 yenrs of age, is ex
cluded from church membership, we per
ceive that th churches have still a power
ful Influence upon the life of America. We
are a church-going people, a Christian
Sex Monopoly la Maalc.
Springfield Republican,
la muslo destined to become a monopoly
of one sex? In this country there are at
least three women studying tha art for
every man. In tha list of prizes recently
awarded by tho royal academy of music
In Indon we read that the prise for com
position has gone to Marjorio Slaughter,
the prise for piano playing to Margaret
Bennett, and even the pr'z for violoncello
playing, formerly regarded as a male spe
cialty, Was taken by Gwendolin Griffiths.
Only for tenor and baas singing do tha men
seem to have any show. If more is ac
complished musically by continental coun
tries it Is partly because to put it politely-
musical development has not been so onesided.
Want tha Ola-TIm Boys.
New Tork Mail.
Ther is a great outcry her against th
foisting of non-essential studies upon th
school children In th elementary grades.
Th demand la for a reversion to first prin
ciples that Is, th thre Rs. The present
superintendent of schools goes in for tha
fads. Against him, or rather against th
system In th elementary grades, sr not a
few oommlssloner of aducatlon, mar-
chant of th old school, who ar looking
around thm vry day for material such
as they war when they were lads lads
who had a foundation In th three Rs and
wcr abl to do a "sum" correctly, to turn
off a page of writing at lesat legible and
with aoma regard for ruled llneai a lstisr
perhaps not elegant of rhetoric, but driv
ing bom Its point In good, trs English.
The situation In St. Petersburg dues not
provoke Witt remark.
All accounts agree that the religious re
vival In Denver Mils a long-felt want and
tha material to work on Is limitless.
The basis of a divorce granted by a
Brooklyn court was that tho defendant hus
band kept snakes for pets. The ntme on
the bottle is a family secret.
One significant sign of the times Is the
respect which New Tork and New Eng
land paper show for tho blizzard since It
became a permanent feature of eastern life.
Incident multiply going to show that
there is room for missionary effort right
at home. A man waa held up and robbed
In the building of tho New Tork Tract society.
T. J. O'Brien of Grand Rapids. Mich., has
been numod os American minister to Den
mark. Mr. O'Brien's mission is one of
peace and goodwill, hence It la likely ha
will be able to explain satisfactorily tha
rough house which O'Brien Boru started
when the Danes . visited the "ould sod"
some centuries ago.
A Mlnneaotan with twenty-two living
children to support his claim sends word
to President Roosevelt through Senator
Nelson that an upstart father of fifteen Is
a piker In the family class. "Tell the presi
dent," he exclaim with fatherly pride,
"that I believe In sustaining the principles
of tho republican purty." Three cheers for
Peculiar complications developed In a
divorce case In New Tork City. Husband
and wife employed th same detective to
spy upon each other and both fear to press
the case lest the spotter might tell all he
knows. Meanwhile the spotter Isn't saying
a word, and his drafts are promptly
honored by both employers. "It's an ill
wind that blows nobody good."
"That'll be quit a swell wadding at
your ho line, tonight. Of course, you'll glv
your daughter away," said the old friend
of the family.
"No," replied the father of th girl. "I
guess I'll only be lending her. They'll ba
buck to live with us, I expect." Cn lea gu
"Mo an' my ole pal wuz stui-k on de sum
"Which cot her?"
"Wo shook dice fer her."
"Who win?"
"I win but w'en she heard of It, sh
shook the two of us!" Philadelphia Press,
Nell But ore you sure her complexion's
Hello Positive. I saw the box; on the lit)
It said. "Non genuine without our sig
nature," and there wui the Signature, right
enough. Indianapolis Newt.
Doctor (after the diagnosis) Annarentlv
your system Is run down from nervousness
superinduced by loss of sleep. My advlc
would be for you to try sleeping on your
left side awhile.
Fair Patient Irut, doctor, I am slightly
tfeif In my right ear and my husband
talks in his sleep. New Tork Time.
"If the told you her age, surely you know
when eh a waa born."
"Well, Judging from what she told me her
age was, 1 should say sh wua born nn her
tenth or fifteenth birthday." -Phidadelphla,
"Mail's made," she mused, "of duwt, they
The man I want is he
With sand to nnd a way
To make tho dust for me."
Phidadelphla Cathollo Standard1
Thomas Bailey Aldrlca.
From yonder gilded minaret
Beside the steel-hlue Neva set
I faintly catch, from time to tlm,
The sweet, aerial midnight chltn,
"God save tliu Csar)"
Above the ravelin and the moats
Of the white citadel It floats:
And men in dungeons far beneath
listen, and pruy, and gnash their teeth,
"flod save tho Czar!"
The soft reiteration awe.i
Across the horror of their sleep.
As if some demon In his alee
Were mocking at their misery
- uoa save the csar: '
In tils red palace over there, '
Wakeful, he needs must hear th pray
How oan It drown the broken crlai
Wrung from his children's agnnios?
"God save th Csar!"
Father they culled him from of old
Batuachka! How his heart la old I
Walt till a million soourged met '
Rise In their awful might, and then
"God sav the Czar!"
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