if The Omaha Sunday Bee. PAGES 1 TO 8. .r. NEWS SECTION. ESTABLISHED JUXE 19, 1871. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, JANUAIiV 20, ll0o T11IKTYTWO PAULS. SINGLE COW LIVE CENTS. A I' 1 i i ' JAP LINE IS BROKEN 'fceport that Kouropatrin Succeeds in "j Piercing Oyama's Left Wiig. NOW Tt.RtATENS HIS COMMUNICATIONS Russian Humored ti Hate Begun a Gen cral Turning Movement 7 MAY FORCE JAPS FROM WINTER QUARTERS f ' Cbbi Army Leses One Thouiand Men ia Battle of Thursday. BEGINNING OF GENERAL ENGAGEMENT Reports Say Flsbt Has la Progress foe Two I aud that Russian Arc Repulsed. , ST. PliTF.RSDURU. Jan. 19 U:M o. m. Accerdlng to reports current In military circles General Kouropatkln has broken through Field Mars-haJ Oyama'i left wing and threaten hl communications with Ylnka-v. Whether or not the report is true the Associated Press learns from a high military source that General Kouro 'patkln has undertaken a general offensive movement on both Hanks with the object of threatening both lints of Japanese com munications and forcing the Japanese from their winter quarters. The Informant Of the Associated Press said: "After Oi'tieral Mlstchenko's advance General Kouropatkln added that General Oyama's position could be turned west ward from the plains. The advance has absolutely no connection with events in European Russia. If. as has been re ported, the Russians have already suc ceeded In piercing the Japanese left, they doubt les- will be able to reach a point west of I.lno Yang. In which case the Japane. 'will be outflanked. A similar movemen southward from Bcntsiaputxe will strls- the Japanese Unit of communica tions toward Yalu. Although cold, the weather I Ideal for winter campaigning. The ground la hard and the rivers frozen solid, making the handling of artillery easy.'' No further official news was received from the front Saturday night. General Kouropatkln has something short of 800,000 men and 1.100 guns. The troops engaged on the right, in addition to General Mlstchenko's and General Ren nenkampf's cavalry, are believed to be principally Siberian and part of the First Kuropean army. Hasalan Loss One Thousand. A telegram from Chansiamutun says the Russians lost forty-five officers and 1,000 men killed or wounded at the capture of the village of Bandepas January 28. The Russians took 102 Japanese prisoners be sides arms, wagons and ammunition. The general start has received the follow ing dispatch from General S&kharoff, Gen eral Kouropat kin's chief -of-staff: Our troops continue on the offensive at Bandepas. South of there mir cavalry en countered four Japanese battalions and six squadrons of cavalry advancing from Hel koutai. The Japanese lied, throwing their 'rms into ambulance wagons. One of our columns' took thirty prisoners and another captured twenty. . General' Ena-asrement Bearlne. 1 . MUKDEN, Jan. 28.-10:44 p. tn. (Delayed In Transmission) A general engagement Is progressing. Only the left flank. Is not In volved. The hospitals here and at Harbin have been put In readiness to receive large numbers of wounded, of whom about 1.000 have already arrived at Mukden. Several hundred Japanese were made prisoners. The battle commenced on the rtght flank on General Kouropatkin's Initiative. The Japanese were driven hack five miles from their advanced positions defended by the reserve brigades. The fighting extended January 2ti to the center. The Japanese endeavored to take Poutllff hill, but 'Were driven back with heavy loss. The men going Into battle ar well pre pared for the weather conditions, being warmly clad and shod, well fed and In good spirits. The activity of General Mlstchenko's fast riding cavalry continues. A large Japa nese transport train waa captured on the extreme right of the west flank. , Plant I-asta All Day. The most important cannonade sine the first battle on the Shnkhe river, was main tained all yesterday In a continuous storm against the Japanese left, which Field Mar shal Oyama has been reinforcing with troops from Port Arthur since General Mlstchenko's raid. The attack was centered about seven miles west of Sliskhe station and it resulted In the Japanese withdraw- ' Ing from Holantat and Funchuong-Chlatsu, which the Russians have occupied. The 'cannonading and snowstorm continued un diminished today. It Is considerably colder. The cannonading Indicates that an ex tended contest is progressing. The driving wind and snow favor the Russians, thus offsetting the advantage the Japanese hnd last October when the sun shone In the Russian' eyes. Today's reports Indicate that the Japan ese are continuing to fall back, while the Russian cavalry have, It Is understood, ad vanced tht-tr lines ten miles. The Japanese yesterday flew a large kite Into the Russian lines. The kite was covered with photo 1 graphs showing the treatment of Russian prisoners tn Japan. It was evidently in tended to attract the Russian soldiers. On January 17 there was a heavy cannon ade on the light flank. It subsided entirely shortly after noon and quiet now continues throughout the center and right. Oyama Reports. TOKIO. Jan. 28,-The on Inactivity on the Bhakhe liver was broken January 25 when General Kouropatkln advanced' a full corps from the vicinity of Shcngtsu. Field Marshal Oyama Immediately assumed the aggrekslve and engagement occurred at , Chenchlehpao and Helkoutul. Oyama re ports that be defeated the Russians nt Chenchlehpao. The engagement at Hel koutul wss progressing when the field mar hul reported. The official telegram does not discloss the object of the Russians and dues not indicate the prospects of a geu erul engagement. Oyama's report follows: The enemy en the rlnht of the Hun river began activity January 2a. Over one corps advanced from the district south of Cheng tsu toward lleikoulai and Chenchlchpuo. Our urmy assumed the offensive Juiiuury Sti. Our detachment repulsed a division of the enemy at Chenehlehimo. The Russians retired to Lautiuko. Another detachment hits been ensuring a division of Russians at llelkoutal since January 2ti. Japs Csstore shim. TOKIO. Jan. IS. p. m. The American steamer M. S. Dollar, enroute for Vladi vostok with a cargo of provisions snd forage, was seised yesterday by the Japa nese In the Pacific ocean east of Hokkaido island. A dispatch from Iondon. dated January (Continued on Second Pago.) STORIES OF LOUISE MICHEL "Red VlrgHsi" af Prance a Woman of Dees sympathy and Broad Charity. PARIS, Jan. 28-( Special Cablegram to The Bee.) Louise Michel, whose death was announced recently, was a pctroleuse. dur ing the commune, helped to light the first which destroyed several monuments of Taris In 171, fought like a demon against the Versailles, being severely wounded on Issy fort, and at her trial by court-martial cried: "When you charge me with having had a share in the shooting f the gen erals by the communards, I reply that had I been there when they gave the order to fire on the people I would have shot them down myself." Much more than this the "Red Virgin" did and said, and yet she was the best, kindest and most tender-hearted of women, and if any one ever practiced Christian charity she practiced it when she was not revolutionising. 8he went literally hungry, barefooted and in rags to help others, snd It was no One flgur of speech, but the actual truth, to say that she gave all she had. Anecdotes of her boundless charity, which no deception or trickery ever ar rested, are Innumerable. Georges Clcnen ccau found her one day In a wine shop looking at a man eating a plate of soup at her expense. Clemcnerau knew him for a notorious regis, and whispered to Louise: "Do you know that man Is a swindler?" "I cun t help that," she said; "he wss hungry." When Henri Rochefort and she, with other communists, were transported to New Caledonia, Louise Michel distributed all her shoes and stockings among her fel low prisoners and remained barefooted la bitterly cold weather. The captain of the convict 'ship Vlrglnle snld to Rochefort, "I r.hoold like to give Louise Michel a pair of slippers, but she would never take them from me. Here they are, you give them to her." Rochefort passed the slippers to Louise Michel through the bars of the Iron cage In which, like all the prisoners, she was confined on deck, and she put them on. The next day she wae barefooted as be fore. "I gave them to so and so," she ex plained. "I did not want them so badly as he did." Nothing that she had belonged to her, she believed, and she acted up to the belief. Not many months ago she turned up at the office of Rochefoit's paper, L'Intranslgeunt, dropping with exhaustion, having had no food for two days, and having tramped across Paris, as she had not three half pence to take the outside of a 'bus. Rochefort- gave her a 100 frHiie note. On leaving the office she met two anarchists, who told her they were In want. She turned Into the nearest wine shop, changed the note Into two of 60 franc notes, gave one to each man, and trudged home again supperless. Another time, meeting Rochefort, she cried to him Joyfully. "I am going to my pub lishers, where I am to draw 30 francs." That very evening, walking homeward by the fortifications, she came across a family In rags. She did not even wait for them to ask for alma, but gave them the entire 300 francs. INSISTS ON A CONFESSION Parishioners Soy Children Are Re fused Commanton for Failure to Follow Rales. LONDON, Jan. 2S.-tSpeclal Cablegram to The Bee.) A petition has been presented to the bishop of Chichester by seventy of the parents who recently addressed him on the subject of their children being1 refused by the clergy of St. Andrews', 'Worthing, to be presented to the bishop for confirma tion, because the children had declined to attend confession. The petitioners say that they have been anxiously awaiting the result of his lordship's promised Investiga tion, "but In the meantime regret to learn that most aggressive measures are being taken against these children, some of whom have already been expelled from the Guild of the Holy Child, on the ground that they had not been confirmed. The fact that only twenty-six out of fifty-seven candidates were presented Is quite sufficient proof that no misunderstanding exists as to the cause, and we feel that we should be utterly wanting in our duty to our children If we failed to use every possible means of re moving the unwarrantable slur that has been cast upon them, and confidently ap peal to your lordship to assist us tn our determination to do so." To this communication a reply has been received from the bishop stating that he can only confirm those whom the clergy present to htm as being properly prepared, and are duly qualified for that Important rite. His lordship was also understood to say he had before him a statement nude by the vicar of St. Andrews', that the young persons In question were not pre sented at the late confirmation service, as In th opinion of the Bt. Andrews' clergy they were not considered spiritually tit, and for no other reason. This reply has not been deemed satisfactory to the parents, who are now endeavoring to induce his lordship to hold an inquiry Into all the circumstances and especially to hear the parents' version. CAKEWALK IS UNDER THE BAN French Danclna- Masters Protest Against Innovation by lVesrroe of the West. PARIS, Jan. 28. (Special Cablegram to The Bee.) French dancing peoplo of the academical, or conventional and classical, school are now up in arms against the Cakewalk and other modern Innovations of the kind. An association has been formed for this campaign, and It Is called the Soclete Academlque des Professeurs do Danse de France. The director of the as sociation Is Prof. DeBrat, who proposes, witl his colleagues, to run the minuet, a graceful and elegant dance of old times. In opposition to the exotlo and inartlstlo terpsichorean movements borrowed from the black people of San Domingo and else where. All this, and more, appears In the pro gram Issued by the antl-cakttwalkers who have formed the new academy of dance, and assert that they are determined to make their Influence felt. INTENSELY COLD IN ITALY Eleven People Overcome la Tun el and Trapplst Monks Are Dead. MILAN. Jan. 2S.I Special Cablegram to The Bee.) Turin papers report that a party of Italian workmen, numbering eleven, while returning from Swltserland through the St. Bernard pass, were over come by the Intense cold of the night. Six of them died from exposure and the other Ave were taken to a hospital In a pre carious condition. Near Magaszano, In Lombardy, about eighty Trapplst monks, recently expelled from France, have settled. Their' rule obliges them to sleep only scantily cov ered on a little straw and without any tire. Ten of the monks have succumbed, to the Intense oued. CAUSE OF UPRISING Biuiani Issue Statement Telling of Hor rors ef Police Action at Moscow. PROMINENT MEN S uM THE MANIFESTO Neither Age Nor Stx is Spared by Soldiers of the Csar. WOMAN STAMFED ifll HEAVY BOOTS Hose Watchers Are Made Drunk Be ore Turned cn Fopulace. PRINCE MIRSKY RLFU :f.i 70 TAKE ACTION sends t ynlral IU-M. t Protestants. Telling; Idem He Cannot He Re- sponsible fur Work of j l.oral roller. BERLIN, Jan. 28. tSpeclui Cablegram to The Bee.) A sensational manifesto, rigut-d by 150 of the most prominent men in Kus Flan political, literal y and scientific circles, has been published In the revolutionary organs of 8tuttgart and Zurich, in the form of nn address to the whole civilized world. The signatures appended t- tl-.j manifesto make it fn Important contribution to con temporary history. It deals with the events In Russia on December 11, on. the occasion of the famous students' demonstration In favor of pnlltlcal reform. The manifesto Elves the following account of the scene: "The dcmonstrat'nn began at 1 o'clock. A troop of mounted poll 'e Immediately roile out of a iilaie of ennculmciit t' disperse the crowd. The student?, who were slnglmt revolutionary hymns, ceased and offered no provocation. The police, however, drew their sword and charged the students, slashing wildly rlttht and left. When the students attempted to escape Other police beat them with knouts. "No warning was given to the general public and the streets were full of people. The police made no distinctions. They rode over everybody, whether connected with the demonstration or not. The dvornlks, or house watchers, were even more aenlous than the police, belaboring harmless men and women with great brutality, knocking out teeth and tearing out hair. In one street 100 police and dvornlks surrounded eight victims, some of whom were women. They threw one woman to the ground, satmped on her with their heavy boots and finally threw her with great violence against the wall. Wonndrd Thrown tn Sacks. "The bodies of wounded victims were thrown Into sacks, In obedience to the order of the commanding officer, who directed that nil evidences of cruelty should be re moved with the greatest possible rapidity, Tho swords of the police were red with blood. "A number of female students who had tnken no part In the demonstration, and merely desired to get nut of the Way, sprang on a passing trnmcar. A police offl. cer saw them ant) sent a troop of mounted police In pursuit. They held up the tram car, dragged off the terrified women, threw them violently to the ground and stamped on them with thick nailed boots. "The officers encouraged their men by shouting, 'Give It hot to the rebel dogs. See that they remember this day.' Several police officers ordered their men to hold girls while they struck them In the face or fogged them with knouts. Four policemen held a student while another stashed him with a sword. Dvornlks drugged man and women to cellars and backyards and treated them with atrocious cruelty. "It transpired that the police made the dvornlks drunk before letting them loose among the crowd and promised them liberal rewards If they suppressed the demonstra tion effectively. A protest addressed to Prince Mirsky, minister of the Interior, led to no result except a cynlcat reply, stating that the prince could not be held respon sible for the manners of dvornlks." TURKISH SOLDIERS SUFFER Officers and Men Are Not Paid and Pawn Their Arms for Food. LONDON, Jan. 28. (Special Cablegram to The Bee.) In an article devoted to the work of Victoria hospital at Damascus, published this week, Colonel Henry Knol lys mentions a pretty incident which be witnessed In one of the wards. A little girl patient drew from under her pillow her most cherished possession "a rough, common, frayed picture, which she had rescued from some sweepings of Il lustrated newspapers, and which repre sented Queen Alexandra. The picture was bordered with colored paper and decorated with a loop of blue ribbon." Asked If she would like to send a roes sage to the queen, the Arab child replied: "Tell the beautiful woman In England I end her my wish that she may have the peace of God." The lot of Turkish army officers In Da mascus, says Colonel Knollys, Is a pitiable ona, owing to their pay being withheld from them by dishonest officials. Last win ter a colonel would have exercised any one's horse and a captain swspt out a yard for a very small payment. A major who appeared on parade without his sword defiantly declared that he bad sold It to buy bread for his children. HAS FL0ATINGLAB0R BUREAU Salvation Army Will Bring; a Thoa and Idle London Mea to Canada. LONDON. Jan. 28. (Special Cablegram to The Bee.) The first 'floating labor bureau ever established will be on board the Van couver, which sails from Liverpool to Mont real on April 26. The vessel has been char tered by General Booth. It will sail under the Salvation Army flag and carry mora than 1.0U0 workleaa Londoners to places In which work is awaiting them. Members of the Army's Canadian con tingentlabor experts fully qualified to ad vise British emigrants as to the fondltlons of work and chances of remunerative em ploymentwill be on board, and It Is hoped that the Canadian government will also be represented. Every emigrant who wants work will enter hie name at the office of the floating labor bureau, and any who are not able to secure situations before landing will be taken under the Army's wing to the Toronto headquarters. The emigrants. It Is expected, will be chiefly unemployed clerks, artisans, un skilled laborers and domestic servant. One and all will go out with the certainty of work being found for them. Fifty families will be conveyed free of charge at a cost of ft.non, but the re mainder of the emigrants will pay the ordl aary pussage money. NEW SYSTEM JIS NOT LIKED Some British Officers Think t'tiaaue in Army Organisation is fte Inproi r mrnt. LONDON. Jan. 28. (Spicial Cablegram to The Hee.) That the new system of otgani cutlon detailed in a recent Fpecial army order tsucd by the War office, does not satisfy all military critics Is shiwn by the following Interview with the Hon. Claude Simmons, ii well-known military expert: "Mr. Frederick." he said, "turni-d the Army upside down and created Army Corps which were costly an I unneedert. Mr. Arnold Fester und the lis'.ier committee huve brought in its place an equally costly and fur more complicate.! sytt m. which 1 tirmly believe will not wo:k and will hac u m j.shrooin growth. In t!i- nuantiaie of ficers ure leavuiK 'he I'eguluM. militia an 1 volunteers wltlicin enisli if. and n thing Is thought of its n means of iiltrae ;.nii good recruits to the attnv; und tl.e War otlice. In epIK of the optimistic mie utiles of lt.-e parliamentary chief. Is in hope chaos eye-ry war e:ffKiul. high und low. whom em.' meets asserts this." Speeifyll.g the chief grounds of l is ' b Jectien to tho mw ord-r ot things, Mr. HinnnoiiH sa&: "I think thut the old 'livi!"n of the country Into e'isiricts und.? u general, who was entirely rcsponhiblu for nil thing in connection with the troops under his com mand, was the sound ft und best system for cur army; it always wot keel Wvll. The preyi nt change lias grown out of thu Army Corps system anel is. in fact, min'ii the same under another name. The appoint ment of u separate sem rai ortlcer uieter l' o area that e'omniatuler is n new dep .r-tuie-uii outcome eif tiio llilier committee. Kxiepi in ea s tif princtj.le. or policy, he may correspond direct with the War of fice. Thl. system will not work, und wll! proihuc Je-alou.sy and friction, as elld the authority riven to the adjutant gcniral. quarter master general, director general of ordnane-e, mid lnspee tor general cf forti fications to go direct to the sccretury of state behind the back of the commander-in-chief (Lord Wolsele'y) when the duko of Cambridge left the Wnr el!!ce. "The commander of nn army area shoulel be supreme In all thine:.': concerning his command. Dual cotnniaiuiH me always preidtiitive of friction, und ennfueien and that the actual commander of the troops should nut be allowed to have a say 111 their administrative arrangements is un workable and absurd. Fancy a business conducted on such principles." MERCHANTS T0 ORGANIZE Great Britain Hopes to Win Trade by Making: a Systematlo Effort. LONDON, Jan. 28. (Special Cablegram to The Bee.) British merchants nre taking n great interest In the movement looking to the formation of a Merchants' and Manu facturers' association, with a view to tho promotion of British trade abroad. The Express, commenting on the move ment, says: "Let us begin In a small way anel start right by educating ourselves to the requirements of people In other lands. If there Is a man in Portugal with whom you wish to elo business, do not write to him In English, but send him a letter in Portuguese. He will like it better, and will probably be able to read it. In any vase. It will put . you on a level with your Ger man competitor, who is almost certain to have written to him In his own languuge. If you Intend to do business with a man In Aunt i la, do not send hlm, as we frequently do from this country, a young man who Is only able to express himself in Eng lish and who regard all foreigners as in ferior beings for whom anything Is good enough. That mode of doing business has long ag;o been exploded. . What we re quire is alertness, coupled with proper qualifications, particularly the knowledge of languages and customs of the people with whom we trade. If wo once break through the old tradition that anything British which Is goesl enough for us must be forced wllly-ntlly down the throats of continental customers, we shall be on a fair way towards realizing that Ideal of af fairs for which we all pruy so earnestly. "It would be an excellent thing for trade in general If an association of British merchants and manufacturers , could be organized with a view to grappling with the vital question of keeping ourselves In the forefront. Associations of this kind are already flourishing In the United States, in France and Germany. There are also in this country several similar organ izations, which, however, do not seem to answer the purpose. Whether it Is due to petty Jealousies or Incapacity, we have not yet been able to reach that stage which gives us a wider vision over affairs abroad. Insularity has Its compensations In that It gives us a glow of satisfaction at our own self-sufficiency, but It also has Its draw backs In reduced dividends." BEATS INSURANCE COMPANIES French Conspiracy Has Been Effective in Insuring; Mea Ready to Die. PARIS, Jan. 28. (Special Cablegram to The Bee.) The French police have made a number of Important arrests in this city and the provinces In connection with a series of ingenious frauds on Insurance companies, notably La Monde. La France, La Conservateur and La Victoria. The men In custody Include a picture dealer named Frager, the chief of the gang, and a doctor named Lacumbe. When the latter was called In to atteni a patient, who could not live more than a few months,' he would give his name to Frager, who U ai presented himself at the sick man's house and persuaded him to Insure his life for a large sum, telling him that by means of a certain system of counter Insurance It would not cost him a penny. The necessary papers were then given to a third accomplice In sound health, who personated the Invalid and was duly In sured. When the patient died Dr. La combe furnished plausible explanations and the money was paid. By their syBtern of swindling the gang are alleged to have made a total profit of 200,000 (11,000,000). LIBERIA AND FRANCE DISPUTE Black and White Republic Eab Claim Valuable Land ia Africa. PARIS. Jan. 28.-Spec4al Cablegram to The Bee.) Some 6.000 aeiuare miles of terri tory In West Africa are at present tbe subject of dispute between Liberia, the ne gro republic and France, which claims the region as part of the Ivory coast. The Llberlan government admits that Its soveieignty over this territory has never been asserted, and recent attempts to en ter Into closer relations with the. Inhab itants have met with opposition, but It Is contended that tbe Llberlan explorer, Anderson, made a treaty with the king of the territory which conferred upon the black republic certain political rights. FIRE LOSS OVER SIX HUNDRED THOUSAND One of Most Disastrous Biases in History of City in Wholesale District. TENANTS OF MERCER BUILDING LOSE ALL Occupied by Cemmisiion Houses, Dry Goods Warehouse and Drugs. JUMPS ALLEY TO KIRKENDALL SHOE STOCK Firemen Make Great Fitrht Here and Save . Two floors. S0UTH OMAHA AND THE BLUFFS HELP Fire l Xoiv I nder Control. I,nt it Mill Be Hours lie fore Firemen M ill Be l,le In , I.en If. l.OSF.n AMI I.OsSF.. . II. yiercer,' nn hul Id i n . . . . M. K. Senile h - Co.. nn slock.. J. It. Snyeler A. Co., nn atiicle.. Blnuliam 4i Sons, on Stiirk.. ('. II. 1 ii II lit A Co.. on Btetck.. Marsh A lnrsh. on stock. ... Ire in nine, Moore ,t Co., on stock ViiKele Jt IHnnlnir. on stork.. l'orter-lt ersoie-lliiolilrr Co., on stock tl'.KI If IO ,i .-' OlMI .'via ,.VM K) (ll ,Oii: :l.l( 3, 1011, t;: I P. K lrh.cn Tn1, stork K. V. Ivirkendull, linlldlna . . Total. , .aiMll,SOO Smoke Issuing from the front doors of the room occupied by J. R. Snyile-r & Co., commission dealers, at the northwest corner eif Kleventh and Howard streets, about !':ji hist night, leel to the discovery e.f a ilrs that destroyed over $iM,it worth of pre.peTty. It gave the Omuha fiivmen tho hardest fight they have had in many a day and Anally defied their utmost efforts, and merrily lattfihed . awuy with all It could reach. Assistance in the tight that finally checked the flames was given by the fire men of Council Bluffs and South Omaha, The building is owniKl by S. D. Mercer, und was a five-story brick and stone struc ture. On the first floor, with the base ment, were five commission firms, J. R. Snyder & Co., C. II. Mullin & Co., Marsh & Marsh, Tremalne, Moore & Co. und R. Bingham & Sons. Snyder and the Blng hunis carried heavy stocks, while the other commission linns were rutins small con cerns. The four upper floors were occupied by M. E. Smith & Co. us u warehouse where duplicate stock was stored. On the Howard street front were Vogcle & Din ning, manufacturing confectioners, and the Porter-RycrsonHoobler Drug company. The entire building was gutted from the foundation to the sky. Defies the Firemen. When the first engine company reached the fire It was thought that the blaze was In tho Snyder store, but this was soon discovered to be a mistake. The fire had caught In the Mullin store, apparently from an overheuted stove, and was spread ing rapidly In both directions. The nature of the contents made it almost Impossible to reach the blaze, but tons of water were poured on the muss of crates and boxes, and by a little after 10 o'clock It seemed that the blaze was under control. The construction of the partitions was such as to baffle the flrenien, and Just when it looked like the water had done its work the flames broke out on the second floor among the dry goexls stored there. Fall Force in the Fight. Now the fight was on In earnest. Chief Salter had already called for the second battalion, and he now brought In the reserves. For the first time the monitors, recently purchased were put into service and the water tower was connected up. The firemen were greatly handicapped by bursting hose. Every window In the second floor was at tacked, men standing on the Iron covered porch that ran along the east side of the building with hand hose, and pouring In steady streams along with those from the slamesed connections of the monitors and tower. And Just as steadily did the fire gain. Flames, the first real glimpse of the fire, burst from the north win dows on the second floor and then the ad vance was from window to window. Again and again was the fire driven back, so It seemed from the street, but beyond ihe reach of the water It was gaining head way. Beautiful But Costly peetaelo. Just before 11 o'clock the flames broke through the windows on the second and third floors, and then the fight was to keep the fire confined to the one building. A heavy fire wall separated the building burned out from' the one next west, oc cupied by the Vogele Dinning company as manufacturing confectioners, but the flames ate their way through this. 'Wnen the flames burst out on the third floor, the real spectacle of the affair was afforded. Great billows of dense black smoke curled away from below, while above the flames, red and angry, licked up the sides of the structure and lighted the scene that had been clouded by the dense fog of steam and smoke the light wind could not lift It was but a few moments until the entire building was blazing like a torch. Just about 11:15 a portion of the facade facing on Howard street fell, but no one wae In the way. The floors had been giving way with dull crashes and the roof soon followed the facade, and the flames ahot through, high Into the air, lighting up the sky magnifi cently. It was thought the heavy wall between the eastern half of the Mercer building and that occupied by the Vogele & Dinning company, manufacturing confectioners, would be sufficient to check the spread of the fire. It was not, nor was the similar wall between Vogele & Dinning and the rorter-Rycrson-IIoobUr company, manu facturing pharmacists, sufficiently strong. These establishments went in succession, but the heavy west wall of the main build- THE BEE BULLETIN. Forecast for Nebraska Snow Sunday. Monelny Fair. XKWe K Tl( 1 ttnsslana Break Japanese Line. Omahn linn lllsnstrnus Fire. 2 Foreigners in nnnsla Fesrfnl. a lobby In F.tMcnre nt l.lnrnln. e from ll Parts of ebraska. .1 Tuft Toll., of Philippine Tariff. International Kiinrntinnal Scheme. Knllronds Want Time In Tax Case. U Past Werk In Omaha Society. tnmnn In flub anil Charity. funtrlhntlons to Letter Box. t ProveiKerf I hnnifa In the C harter. McHfnley t Inn's Annnal llanqnrt. Affairs at Smith Oninha. S ll lew of Colorado Labor Wnr, First Werk of Hrvlval Meetings. Affairs nt South Omaha. O Past Wrek In Omuha Knclely. 7 Council HI offi, and Iowa .Vcvvs. H Rate Wnr Una Brann In Knrnrst. limber Broke I llarrlmau Slnte. F.D1TORI it. HF.t TIOS 0 Frrlarht Rates anil Price of firaln. fw Juvenile Conrt Law. Pension liny In Ihe House. IO Editorial. l.t Flnaiielul and Commercial. 14 Condition of Omaha's Trnilo. i hai.f-tom: f,ctio t Portrait of Es-Kovernor Thwyer. Proitrrss In the Illretrlrnl Field. I.onaln Cone-ernlna oteel People. 3 Plnys, I'lnyrra nml Piny houses. Muslr anil Ihe Musicians. fl Filipinos a Temnerule IVtil-. I I'll n a RIk Deal Was Pinched. 4 Home of Omaha's ev llne-quet t Inb. Anierle-nn Military Mnn In Man phnrln. ft Features of Modern Fnrmlntf. Thomas Dixon anal Ills Work. A In the Diimaln of Woman. T Sportlnar Brvrw of the Week, 8 llrlaht Stories of Little People. Some Tersely) Told Talc-a. COLOR SKCTIOX 1 Buster Brown. 2 Marries In Spite of Blindness. From Far and enr. a Phylrnl Culture for Delicate Bnbies. v 4 Two Famous Novels from One Ho rn n ne'e. Brothers Who Married Two Sisters 5 Two Thousnnd Offers SHU Wait ing;. Queen of Medieval Beaoty Show, fl Philosophy of Kissing-. T Top o' the Mornln". 8 Career of ( holly Caahrnller. Alice nnd the Phonograph. O The Shot that Told. Famous Horses of Fiction. 1Q Farina- the Audience. Prettiest Feet in Paris. Temperature at Omaha Yesterdayi Hnnr. De. Honr. Dear. fl a. in It 1 p. m 8 e a. in IO a p. m O T m. m H a p. m IO 8 a. m 7 4 p. m 11 O a. m 5 p. ra It 10 a. in O p. m IO 11 n. m T T p. m O 12 m.. ing proved again strong and stopped the fire before it entered the-Great Western Type Foundry plant Great Fight for Shoe Stork. In the meantime the flames had crossed the alley to the north and Ignited the roof of the big five-story building occupied by F. P. Klrkendall 4 Co., as their shoe and rubber warehouse. The flames burned down through the top floors, but were checked at the second floor. This was the most stubborn fight of nil. At one time It looked as If thei entire building with Its Immense stock of goods was doomed, but Chief Baiter directed -every available man to the work of checking the blaze and Anally succeeded In holding it. The great crowd watched this part of the Aght with more Interest, probably, than any. Men with hose were on the roof of the building oc cupied by the type foundry and were snt UP the stalra to the Interior of the Klrkendall building-, while the monitors and tower emptied tons of water through the windows. . It was not so spectacular, maybe, as the struggle ,wlth the Mercer building, but It was more successful. It was I o'clock before the fire was fairly under control, and for hours afterward the ruins were blazing, tha heavy timbers and great plies of goods requiring the constant attention of the full fire fighting force of Omaha, aided by a company from South Omaha and one from Council Bluffs. The M. B. Bmlth stock was all In the original packages, and tha Klrkendall stock was mostly boxed, also Vogele & Dinning had Just finished putting In the last of four car loads of sugar, and the drug company was welt stocked for the opening of the spring business. The Insurance In detail could not be ob tained last night, and may not be entirely known for several days. The Bmlth stock was Insured In companies represented by Isaac E. Coles, Webster & Howard had tha line of the drug company, John W. Rob bins wrote the Insurance for Snyder and E. B. Howell carried most of the Dinning line. The Klrkendall Insurance Is all writ ten by eastern underwriter, the belief being that none of the local agents have any of It. ' Owners Are Hammoard. The Interested owners were early sum moned to the scene, but could do little be yond watch the destruction of their prop erty. Ward M. Burgsss of the Bmlth com pany estimated ' the stock In the burned building belonging to Ms company at 176. 000, which he said was fully Insured. J. R. Bnyder could not give exact figures, but aid his company's stock would reach at least 120,000, fully covered by Insurance. W. W. Bingham placed the loss of his company at not less than tlu.Ouo, with full Insurance. The other commission Arms are said to be without Insurance. Tbe building occupied by the Porter-Ryerson-Hoobler company was the scene of a Are six years ago. In which four Are men lost their lives by being electrocuted. This fire occurred during the afternoon. Large Crowds Witness the Fir Despite the Late Hour. i EASILY CONTROLLED BY THE P0LICC Street Railway Company Kuns Cat Until After Two O'clock, i WATER FREEZES ON WALLS DURING FIRS Firemen Are Also Scon a Mass ef Ioe from Head to Foot. Captain newhouse only one hurt ( aught by Fnlllna- ( rllln la Klrk eadnll Rnllillnar and is Taken to the Methodist Hospital. ' t'ntll an early hour this morning theft was a steady stream of people to the Are. Another throng, which was on the seen earlier in the evening, moved away from tho blazing district. At 3 o'clock Sunday ineiruliig Kleventh street was a tangle of hose between Howard and Harney streets. A solid cordon of people lined the street on one side and extended up Howard and Harney streets for nearly the length of tha block. At 1 o'e-lock excitement was caused by the) falling of Mrt of the north wall of the) Mercer building. A story was circulated that two firemen were burled under tha falling walls and thu crowds begun surging; ' toward the alley where It was believed tha men were burled. Fortunately no one hap pened to be within range of the walls when they fell. At 2:30 o'cloek a. wait of red flame waa shooting upwards through the center of the building. Shortly afterwards the west . wall of the building swayed and a moment luter leu witn a roar. lee Coat the Walls. Nothing remained of the building but , wall anel this was outlined against tile background of flume like an Ink drawing. Desplto the heat tho walls became Auted, and caked with Ice, which added to the Bliectacular effect of the conAngration. Although extra men. were sent for, tha police found it difficult to keep tho crowd back. Howard and Harney streeta were kept fairly clear, but Twelfth street, where the flro showed to Its bejet advantage and the human stream pressed forward In spits of tho best efforts of the police. Spray Freeses on Men. A few of tho business places near tlisj scene of tho Are were kept open and oc caHlonully Aremen wont Inside to get warm or change a pair of gloves. On most of the men tho spray froze In a sheet ot armour and the men who handled the noa zleB were practically living Icicles. There was a constant shower, of sparks, but thoy wera curried upwards by the heat of tho blazing builulngs and they fell within the streets surrounding the burn ing buildings. There was a manifest lack; of the spectacular features which usually attend a conflagration of this kind, owing to the fact that practically no air was stirring. Occasionally the boom of a falling section of wall or the rumble of a sinking floor gave some excitement to the scene, but otherwise there was a dearth of tho incident which usually attends a Are ot this kind. The flames ate their way with slow, meas ured and obstinute persistency through the adjoining walla In spite of the light put up by tha firemen. All the hose that could be filled with water was pressed Into service, but water Beamed to have little effect. The flames until 2 o'clock seemed to have Just a trifle the best of the light. Long before that hour they had found their way under the iron blinds of Klrkendall's warehouse and the top floor of this building wae soon one colossal torclu Fire spreads Downward. At one time It looked as If the flames would be confined to the rear of thla build ing. but they gradually ate their way north, and west, and shortly before 3 o'clock they; had eaten their way down to the floor be low. The efforts of the firemen were then directed to saving the lower floors, and at t o'clock the dull glow at the windows showed that they were getting the best of the Are. The only accident reported was to Cap tain Newhouse of No. 6, and Fireman Waiuwiight of No. 4 hook. They were caught by a falling celling In the Klrken dall building. Walnwright managed to ex tricate himself and companions got New house out. The captain waa so badly In jured he was taken to the Methodist hos pital In an ambulance. He suffered Injuries to hta back and the right hip, but tha physicians at the Methodist hospital where he was taken believe that his Injuries are) not fatal. Bluffs and Booth Omaha Help. Chief Salter very early realiz'ed the des perate nature of the struggle he bad on hand, and lost no time in calling for all the foVce of the .Omaha department. Later he sent a call for reUef to Council Bluffs and South Omaha. One company from each city responded, and Chief Nicholson, front Council Bluffs,' came over and gave assist ance In the direction of the forces. Ths night waa cold enough to freeze the water as It fell In sprays, and soon thu firemen were heavily encrusted with Ice and snow, which fell lightly during the greater part of the time. In the streets tha water ran in torrents and turned the snow Into deep slush, adding another difficulty to the work of the companies and the handling of the hoso. Tho fire engines In service gave ade quate pressure to the water at all times, but tho direct toiip)l lines were a little feeble In their streams. Police Kept Busy. The pollee were kept busy with the crowds, but had little trouble In keeping them In restraint. Officer Hee-lai was the victim of a cowardly assault by some unidentified man. Heelan was stationed at