THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: KATt'IlDAY. JANUARY 2S. 1W5 if AFFAIRS AT SOU 1H OMAHA Lfrcp f Jala Piper C&1U Attonlica to .' CoTjditioc of Citj Jail. AUTHOMTfl - HAVE LITTLE TO SAY t onett-eaert lata at Detention Boone Bach as Makes np Kay If I Ulle lHUluri frmn OiKllr l C-leen. rha of Jak'.- Plptr from tr.e Uy Js:l at n early hour Friday mornini ha ajeun ealled the attention of the city authorities to the unnft rendition of th rrison. Iirvestlgstlon shows that the ham acroaa tha windows la the woman's de partment are bolted through tha frama w rk with the head of the bolta on the insedo aal (he bum on the outside. All that waa needed to release Piper i to ihoone aa hour- when there waa nothing arolng on In tha Jail. Aa accomplice cn the ouuide loosened the bum and dropped the ban so aa to make an opening larg enough for a man to crawl through. Mayor Kovtaky Raid that at the time the deten tion department waa fitted up there waa aome talk of having tha bolts holding the bare riveted, but that tbJi waa not dona. Chief Brlggs had little to cay about the escape of Piper, other than to remark that etc clue aa to tha e neaped prisoner's where abouts had been dlicovered. Keia Turnqulst, night Jailer, ssld that nine men besides Piper were la the deten tion department when Piper made hla es cape but they never said a word and that Plpr waa not minted until breakfaat call. V. X. C. A. Satee. The proposition to ralie the membership K by the first cf May I arousing much Interest among the members. The lunch to the January club will be held Monday evening. February . The High acheol basket ball team will play Bellevue college Saturday evening In the gymnasium. Admission will be charged to defray, the expenses of the game. Three new Bible rlaasee have been started this week. The board of directors are meeting with a splendid response In their canvia for funds to support the work this year. Ite-v. T. V. Moore will speak at the men's meeting Sunday on the subject, "Freedom." A song service will be a feature of the opening exercises. Trying Holdop rases. Bam and Ray Piper and Robert Sullivan were given a partial hearing In police court yesterday on the charge of holding up W. W. Westrope a week ago. The hearing commenced at 10 o'clock In the forenoon and had not been completed at the ad lournment of court In the afternoon. West rope went on the stand first and told how be had been steered Into the Ford saloon about ten minutes before the robbery was pulled off. Sullivan and the two Pipers Senled having had anything to do with the affair. Today the state Is ezpeoted to pro cure some evidence showing that the men charged with the crime were connected with the affair. The courtroom was crowded all the afternoon with men anxious to listen to the testimony. Maaf Bead Inquiries. City Clerk Glllln received five Inquiries yesterday from eastern bond buyers relat ing to the proposed Issue of $260,000 sewer bonds. As the bills before the legislature ertalnlng to this Issue of bonds have not een acted upon the clerk cannot give any definite Information St the present time. The inquiries git to show," said Clerk nil lirt. 'that bond buyer are deirous of bld dltig on S-uth Omaha securities." Hagle f Ity .oals. 'Tr lifter sint the week In Chleato looking nfter business matters. City .Mt-.rney W. C Lambert Is suffering frr m a ver att.tck of the grip. Rev. Ir Tlrdsl' t slnw!y rer-m-erlrg from a severe sitae k of the grip. Mr. and Mr. J. P. H'ighes, Fortieth ar:d S streets, report the birth of a daughter. Th'at fverilrs memiere of .Vdih ehnpt. r of Ne ;.miii ltr will g ve a social at Ma sonic hall. Mis" Kdlth TmmMe of Papiilion l here f'r a fw davs. the guest .f Mr. and Mrs. Harry Trumt'le. Tloke- for the mmi of tntertatnments to be pifn by the Ron Temp elub f.r the benefit of the hospital building fund are now on sale The f -year-old daughter of Mr. ard Mr. J Ftanke. Seventeenth and S streets was Quite biiily Injured yesterday afternoon while coastine. T'nlon evsrcellatle meetlrr will be held at the Firs; Presbyterian church commen cing Ftindny fetht. Rev. T. V. Moore of Omaha will be the preacher. Ceneral regret is expressed on sll sides at the death of Wiluaro Stewart. The d-censed was one of the best known men in South Omaha and waa weil liked by those who knew him. r , i i j AT THE PLAYHOUSES u. srr- Anaoaaeessenta of the Theaters. A matinee will be given at the Orpheum this afternoon and at the last performance of the Mil for the week tonight the curtain will rise at 1:13 sharp. For the week commencing Sunday mat inee Herrmann the Great will be the big feature attraction. The famous magician promises something new In legerdemain and illusions and a magnificent scenic in vestiture for his palace of enchantment. Marie Herrmann, the queen of illusion. Is assisting him. Frederick HaJlan and Mollis Fuller will present a new one-act comedy entitled 'The Sleep Walkers." Mallory brothers and Maiy Brooks will entertain with varied Instrumental music and terpsl chore. Charlotte Ravenacroft, the vocalist and violin virtuoso, comes for the first time here, which is also the case with Hennlngs, Lewis and Hennlng, In a con densed musical comedy; Russell and Locke, singers and dancers; the noted English ac robats, the Alpine family, and the Kino drome pictures. "The Maid and the Mummy," now run ning at the Boyd, will be seen at a mat inee this afternoon, this evening, a mat inee Sunday and will close on Sunday evening. The next attraction at the Boyd will be one of the treats of the season. Miss Maxine Elliott In her Clyde Fitch comedy, "Her Own Way." This piece comes with a strong New York verdict behind It. and the original New Tork cast and production. It will be here on Tues day and Wednesday evenings and a special matinee on Wednesday. Da a re Tonight. Jolly Eight club's lively ball this evening. Osthoff hall. Sixteenth and Cass; fine or chestra; a grand good time for you. -Tes gent's 25 cents. Welcome. Table De Hots Dinner Sundays at Bal duffs from 11:30 a. m. to 8:30 p. m. 60 cents. Harry B. Davis, undertaker, CI 8. 15th. Rational Hall Incorporated. Godfrey Horacek, Frank Jaroa, Joseph Vonaawk, Joseph DolexaJ, John A. Bar ton and John Hostek are the Incorporators of the Bohemian National Hall company, whose articles of Incorporation were filed with the county clerk Friday. The capital stock Is $10,000 and the purpose of the com psny Is to acquire real estate and erect a building or hall to be used by fraternal and other societies. Baad. It 1 a tiro to ore bet that the manager of the company that is plaing "The Maid and the Mummy" doesn t have to tell tha I girls in the , horus to go to bed after the pcrfurro.tnce. Not much. Tf everyone of that aggregation of youthful loveliness Isn't re July to tear fir the hay as soon as she gets her rnettimr-g safely tied up In the Vlg bag that holds them h11 for they are numerous anl plenty and into her omn street cloth, then there's nolhli.g In the thory that hard work is a cv e for Inscm The chorus is the biggest pert of tl.e show. s:id It is cn th- move all the time, from the rising of the curtain to the going down thereof. It doesn't sin-.ply man euver in graceful steps to stately music. but it dances and whirls and kicks up Its hee.s r,t nods and waga its heads and bows and waves its arms, and all to quick time and with a general rhythmic effect. What the chorus may look like In repose can be imagined, but not realised, for It is never still long enough to give one a satisfactory glimpse. The general Impression Is that the faces are young and fresh, with seniles that hardly seem to come from the prop erty box, and laughter that is genuine while the bodies are trim and lithe and the limbs, displayed with more or leae artless abandon, are such as meet the ordinary requirements of beauty. At any rate they are shapely and nimble, and those that are encased in skirts, keep billows of drapery floating In clouds of vaii-colored lingerie In dance after dance and picture after picture. If any success attaches to this production, It is surely due to the activity and persistency of a chorus that Is a thing of beauty and a Joy while it Is with us. Miss Adele Rowland has the only voice heard last night. She Kings very sweetly with a mexxo soprano that has evidently been well cultivated, for while It lacks vol ume. It Is rich in tone and flexible In qual Ity. The humor la contributed to In various degrees by Richard F. Carroll, Eddie Gar ved. Louis Wesley. May Boley, Bessie Fair bairn and Janet Priest. Some of It Is unc- tlous, some of It is diaphanous, and nearly all of It Is far fetched, and not a little is coarse. The piece Itself Is a conglom eration of nonsense, strung together with but little reference to continuity. The music generally Is good, although two numbers plainly indicate that they were not acored by the hand that directed the general composition. Mr. Carle, author of the book very modestly announces him self as furnishing the music as well as the words to this pair. It was awfnlly decent of him to thus exonorate Mr. Robert Hood Bowers, who is responsible for the rest of the music, most of which Is worthy of a better cause, and who conducts his com position unobtrusively but effectively. The piec will stay at the Boyd until aftsr Sunday night, with a matinee this after noon and on Sunday Invest Constant Oil s-.ocx, 301 Jf. T. Life. Edholm. Jeweler. Utn and Harney. t'wlty AIHaace Reeeptloa. The Woman's Alliance of Cnlty church gave their regular semi-monthly reception at Metropolitan club hall last evening. The affair was a very pleasant one and waa largely ttended nd was In the main one or tne most succeewrul thus far given by the alliance during the winter season. Refreshments were served In the banquet room, the main hall being devoted to dancing and social diversions. The ; Organization of the em 11 o R Type gton write encircles the Globe. Salesrooms: SO. AKZtICA Wew T r A kma Albaay Aan Arfcnr rdnors Atiaata Asstia fcaltimora battle Creek bans ir biutmua tllriiiluffbaia ItkxiBilugtoa Staff ale Butt laraoa Cedar Rapids Cbarleaiua Cbarlctta C'taltaDosga tairas ( lncluoatt t t-laa4 Colorado Sr. (aluotliea, O. Iallaa Iofaasort laua tenl lJetitar la aiolDM twtrult Inner, DeL ftnhiKiue iHlkltB K intra fl Paae Brie rt. Wartk GalrMtaa i.rad fcapiea barrtsberg ft art turd Heleaa II.Miatop laiiM nasoua I its act laeksosTine kala Base's Kins a city K liisstua I Inc. la !4nk Kork ta Ac air T.Krt.rlll. Unea II a a-ti rater siri'.i'tilt Mtlwankr kltnMw polls Blubllr I.Hitfctnery TvaabrlUt e ark New Haven New Orlaaas N purl hirik Oakland fdea ckkhoma maba Fauurah f'-bacula rrwria I'klUdclpbla rhentl Itttakurg Pnrtlaud il) PartaJnoutB I'rna-tdeuee I'ueblo Haletrn. Krsdllif KtrkBHind luirbratrr. San urtriio halt l.aka City Fiaa nl. '111. K. o raocises Fas J aw X atavauaak Scramoa brattle OloMl (Mr F oik Ken rivitaaa SrnieM J) St Jaert ft. IxuiM fit. Paul Hrraeuas TSMM. Terra Basts TMaJo T.peka Yrenttta VMr V1rkaba-f War. Trl. Waahtrtrtaa Wiirrfciwa Water bury W heert A( W Mllrsiapart Ytttntiiflae tl) sVareeater Jnetaa Toronto SIOBtraal Kallfal Itamllloe I ODriOD -ttaa Oiirtee it. Joba frt. Jubu'a TaneoOfer 'lrtoria vi lunlpeg Metlin Montrrey liuranati Guadalalara Chlbuahua Taraplro L. 1-otnai Haittllo (ampearby Mrrida RiTaaa larnriiaa Oetifurf C.lbara Malansaa I'taar d Kie I'te Prtni-.i tRagua la Grande Vapta riaa gantlago faa Joaa tart-ad. Uaaitlton. Bermuda Bellas Guieniela panaaua faa Jiae 1 eguclgalpa SO. AKZUCA Aatafafaata Arnali Bwun aU. A (ailao Caracas t'klias C'sateeprlos atM-fetwe uarajull liul4lM I iuaa UaaaJS Ornro lara Rio de iianre Sao I'auki Fanriar lalcahiiaas Tr Wcti in Valdlvla Talparalso ZVM0TX. Londos Atxrdren Atieryatwytk Aabf..r(1 llaQturf Hairaat lurinuixbam Bradf.ifd llrlshlua KrUtol Hurii.o-oo Treat i aaibiiilgr ( ardiff Cardigan I oveotrs larinoutb Iniblla Iundia :aat bourne kdinuurgk Kielrr ialsagiiw tilourrsta lireat Varnoutk itueruary llnrrt-wyata Hudderitetd Hull li-l,'h Ktt. a l.raa I eanlagtos Leeds llreaner I lrrrpoul I laerily Lubdntaderry BlatdXuBf k(airbraiaT Maaalrld h'eweaatlea- v T'M Newport hnrwlrk NnttlDsbaa Plyoioutb T iriniatk Pieaiva a.-arKitigk FheA eld trewabary Sutbaaittaa Itewartitosra bwaaae TaDPtnn TuntTMlCa VTcllS V ahiall Worrester York Tarls h.U T HDDS Lrllrrt BnrdeallZ Carraaaooa llarrr. l a nnchells I INiaroe Lllla l.ilcre Iorlent l.vuua Mararlllrs Uontprllier Naotra Nartwaue Mn tin re Ttocbrfort Tmil-n Toalooas RotteMam Hi Hague CiineDbages Aaltirf Aarhunt Ajaccla Berlla A I p r mes Brftlaa t oV rtie rorra:aDd Iireadrn f aaarldnrf Fiber frld rarn. Frank fort Hamburg HNnnver Kmiisberg luting Maaabelis Masdrbarg kiunl.-k hBreaibsrg ttetUB gtraMbarg lattgart St rVtersbarg kl'ow Asmktaa Iiaku Fkatrrlnburc liaoja Jeletl F aaan Koeno Kharkov Kirf IlrlaiDrfura M'.nk M'rhllev Mjijl NoTgnnd Odraaa Orel Orenburg Prnia I'lTUI Kostov sn Dun Snnssra Parapul Saratov Fi'ilanak t fa Tarnolr Vllna Warsaw Tit-la ' ru.l.xna Fl 4-eaie Cm. 11 ICD Na Ira palerme P.oBie Venice Tlrnsa Ttiiitaprst C.rat. Praroa lYieato Basel Crneva Laeroe Karlch Madrla (larrelffna liiltao Mh Insa rVnTille V a leads I.lahoe Oporto Broaaela A r, iwerp i'harlaroi Caud U.( ARterardaiQ taruulasrs RtortkollB n.theuburg Malmo Kuuderall Clinstiatua liiTfra hrlaiianaasd TroDdl.Jem ConataDtiSOpls Aibena Salcnles bona Taletta La a ralmaa ( anaxy la ATIICA A'rtaudrla Cairo A firra II .l,r Oran Tuuta Aitlla-Ababa Iitinutl barrar Bnmbay. Madras 4 olombe Sin. la Kanfoob King a pore I'euaug Poenibiyai Rattvla ftaiuarang- (berlhen Palembaag Ranka Falgt.D Haipboof Rnng Knng. Sbanibai i'auttio 1 i-oobttw Hankow Urn lala I'rkla Kin Chin T"klo Vxkubama Kobe Manila Taahkent Tlflte T.irmk Irkutak rtlar"weatarhlnak Vladlrustok Tene Tows Rloemf"ntcla Pulamayo Iurba tart Londos Jnbaunratjurg Kimberl. kUigwlUUBl- tnWB Kniseradorp Pie ler tu a rl t Iborg t'ort F. Use bets Pretoria 1IU gmrraa btlrut reimtta AllaaaUd OCXAJTIA Mrlbonraa Edney N'rwraatls Adelaide BnabatiS Perib Bubort PiiDedln Tbriautiareb Wrlllnsloa AU'klabd Napier In Terra rgi 11 Oamara w alias ui H'nolalu Apia NiMtaMe Contemplate for Thirty Seconds the Work of Thirty Years! DILYS REVIEW OF TRADE Etormi at Home and Ccmpliciliom Abroad CtKk Activity. MANUFACTURING i LASTS ARE BUSY Prndertlna f tone aad rig Irea (tlawea at Maalmaaa a parity Western Markets Are Iras Ahr, SEV YORK, Jan. k. R. G. Dun A Co. s Weekly Review cf Trade tomorrow will say: ftortn at h'me and complications sbroad tenaed to cfxcH activl. in coruuierclal ajid finnncisl markets. tut mt irioum.lal unes vontinue busy, testif yir.e: to ccntiuenie tr ae interruption win tv britf. frior 'o the bad ei.icr thei-: was a ..txral di tnbution of ntvrctisndie at steady prtc s. hut subsequently a sn.irp advance o tuirwd In retail prices or food products owit.g to retrlcted reve.pts at ..nt ct heavy u tributioti. Country merchants at the south have large stocks that move slowly be cause or tne ovenne in cotton sra collec tions are siow. New ti.giand maututactur Ing plants are weil enitased. esriecial.v in machinery, Jewelry anil textiles, but buyeis hiive left the Boston fcotwear market wiih out placing ovntrncts owing to (lisngtee ment ss to prices. Foreign commerce at this port for the last week shows a gain of TTi IC'i in imports and a loss of U.Su477 in eiporta, ss compared with the same time In linH. Railway earnings In January were only 0 4 per cent larger than laat year. Production of pig trot continues at the maximum rats, yet there Is no evidence of a reaction. Ampie water supply has msde It possible to maintain Conneilsville coke production st the remarkable average of j'.w ions weesiv. ana prior to tne storm there was no difficulty as to trsnsporta- Hon. hut traffic Is now delayed. Output of sneeis ana Dare couia rot be increased ma terially and tin plate mli:s are fully en gaged. Kven wteel rai's are beginning to feel the effect of exoandlnar confidence large contracts indicating the amount of business on the books to be about l.OiO nja) tons. KSJjwaya will take a large supply of structural Iron, this division cf the indus try being In fairly encouraging condition. Pipe mills sre assured cf full actlvttv for some time to come and preparations are being made for a very large trade In agri cultural implements. Machinery houses are also In better condition, partly because of the resumption st Fall River. Western marker make less uniformly favorable re turns. Tel tile manufacturing eyirmions re main practically without -eiftlon. Most of the best news comes from woollen mills, which have large orders on hand. Buvers of cotton goods In the primary markets continue to limit their operations to Imme diate needs end In msnv rases tin ve de ferred business entirely In the expectation of much better terms Ister In the season I ndouhted:v future conditions In both branches of textile manufacture must de pend largely upon the raw materials. Mod erate supplies maintain packer h'des. There Is) no pressure to purchase In anv depart ment and stocks of native steers sre ac cumulating rapidly. All foreign hides are firm snd some grsdee advanced. Failures this week ru-nhered SOB In the t nlted States, against So? last year, and 43 In Canada, compared w'ih a year ago. BRADSrREETS REVIEW OP TRADE Iaelenaeat Weather Retards Dlstrtba. tlve Trade aad Railway. Traffic. NEW TORK, Jan. T-Brad streets to morrow will say: Inclement weather has retarded'dlstribu ttve trade, railway traffic and acme forma of production throughout a wide area. The result Is some irregularity in the report, from different sections. The northwest seixhi relatively the best reports in ad vices that spring business Is in excess of b year ago and it Is to be noted that the northwest shows an Improvement over recent rather depressed conditions. The cold weather, however, has accentuated the duleness at the south, growing out ol lower prices and brought business and col lections down to a low ebb as com pa re a with the exceedingly prosperous conditions ruling a year ago at this time. The east ern seaboard hss felt the chief force of thi storm in interrupted railway and street car traffic and reduced arrivals of country produce and caused a partial suspension ol coal mining and has been rallied from quickly. Failures are below the normal for mis season or the year. Industry still leads distribution in ac tivity. The volume of new buying in Iron Is light, but specifications are coming out freely and current production is above the maximum. Seasoned Influences affect aalet of lumber, but that industry la la a very strong position In the northwest. Th southern lumber and naval stores Indnsur shows general Improvement and even In tl. facinc noruiwest there are signs of reac tion from the late Intense depression. An thraclte coal is strotir and active, witr stocks small, and in bituminous it is a question of delivering rather thaa demanc that worries the trade. In distributive trade, the baclcwarrlne of ootton goods demand is still a feature-. dui signs oi improvement are seen here In woolen goods the strength of the raw material seems to foreshadow good tradr despite the unwillingness of some buyers to accept recent advances. Hardware seems to be in active demand the country over, iron ana steel prices are steady at recent revisions, except in the case of old material. wkJch Is weaker. Copper feenir easier after the late spurt and lead I lower, bhoe buying for ft.nna is r.t brisk at the east, but manufacturers have fair orders on hand and shipments equnl a year ago at mis lime. xeainer is strong de spite weakness In hides, due to quality rather than demand. The tendency is for general huvlner tf. expand at the eait. though progress In agreement on prices is slow. . Jiusiness failures in the week end na- Jan- uary number 2S. ajr.lnst -31 Ust week. Jf in the same week lust year, 2u3 in 1HH3. 8H3 In IS"!! and r In li'l. In Canada fail ures for the week numtr 43, as against XT last week and li in thin week a ago Wheat, Including flour, exports for the week ending January axe 1.1"1,5S7 Imsh elt. against 1.13. H74 buehels last week. H.SlT.ikJj buHhels this wek last year, 4.420, bo buMiela in l'Si and CTiC 3tl bushels in From July 1 to date the exports are 89.111.775 bushels, against 9k.741.ll bushels last year. lK.W4.tX3 bushels in lHO and 1j.- U1.UK4 bushels in I'-' Corn exports for the week are S.n:i5.71! bushels, against S.lMn2fl bushels Isst week. ,4!.3H6 bushels a year ago. 2.045 ii bushels In lift ur.d 427.01S bushels in 1H02. From July 1 to ilate the exports of corn are 27, MU4a bushels, against 84.47(1,4''; bushels in UM, 3n,33o.613 bushels in 13 and 2".:wi.04. bushels in 19C1 FARNAA1 AND FIFTEENTH 6o FARNAM AND FIFTEENTH TODAY-Nine Hundred Pairs of Men's Pants on Sale At 45 Less Tka.n Regular Prices. Men's Pants Worth up to $6.00 On Sale tor $3.00. TUef jmntg are from our rvguUr stock also iKints left over from high (rrada Milts, Tbey are wonderful values made of worteU silk mixed worst eds Chevi ot s. Tliefte reduction are offered so aa to dispose of our odda and ends of high grade tiants. Men's Pants Ll 9 W YU WACHTER HELD AS PROCURER Mabel Klrt.y Charges Him with F.ffort fa Iastall Her aa Inmate of st Bacalo. Herman Wachter, who rooms at 5035 South Eleventh street, wus arrested Friday on the hi-rfte of itrorurintr, and is being held at the police station to answer. The complaining- witness is Mabel Kirby. who is being held in the custody of the police matron to appear asruiist YVachter. The glr'., who I ubout 3u years of uf, claims to hall from Wisconsin, where her parents enjoy the highest respectability. Her story is in effect that she came to Omaha to seek employment and thu tot acquainted with YVnchur, who held that he was looking for girls to assist him in the ojrution of a restaurant. He made repiated promises to her relative to the work, but It was never forthcoming. lie gave her money to go home at one time for a short while, and ursvd her to return, with the assurance that he wss the owner of a flat in Omaha, and that on January, 1 of the present year he would Install her In the fat as mauler, whereby he could make a good respectable liv ing. Bhe came back to Omaha under these promises, but Wachter, she says, has tip to this time failed to Secure the fia.t for bc-r, on the pretext that ha could nn get the people now occupying it to move out. Recently he persuade ctr to go jrilo a house of 111 repute, alleged to be rua by one Ella IWke, and she. discovering the character of the house, fled anl reported the raee to the nolire, which has resulted In the arrest cf Wuchter on the charge of procuring. The girl wants to return to her home In Wisconsin and has svrtttrn her people to come for her. 1)14.1). Rl'WEL-Nuholaa. sr.. 2J2n Claik street. aare.i n eurs. Funeral services from the Saint's chapel. Unit North Twenty-nrst street. Sjnuay. January J. at 1 P m. Philadelphia and Bait iMk fity papers pleads copv In terment at Forest Uwd csmetery. Friends Uvtt4 Values up to $6.00 Today $3.00. $3.50 On Sale for $2.00. These pants are made of cheviots enssimeres and worsteds. We have them In all "lies. At thedr original aelling rces they were considered wonderful values but at these reduced prices the values are phenomenal. Worth up to $3 50, Today Choice $2.00. Shoe Specials Tomorrow Only. Motormen's Shoes, made of box calf, plush lined, good stout soles, also kangaroo calf Blucher hoes, with Wire quilted Boles, worth $2.50, Saturday, only $1.69 Men's box calf and velour calf, calf top lace shoes, good heavy sole worth $2.50 and ?2.75. $2.00 SPECIAL SATURDAY ONLY Ladies' box calf lace shoes, good plump soles and extension edges, mili tary heels worth ?2.50 Saturday only, $1.59 Reduced Prices on Meiv's Firiish:igs TODAY. Men's 75c and $1.00 Neckwear- 45C-0c today T" Men's r0c and 75c Underwear 35 C today e'evv Men's 1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 H Cfi Men's $1.50 Combination Pults today 95c Men's 50c and 75c Fancy Shirts today , Men's $1.00 Sweaters today -. ... Men's 15c and 25c Merino Hose today Men's 75c and $1.00 Winter Caps-today 25c 49c 10c 45c SHELDON TALKS TO STUDENTS Scientific Salesmanship Espoanded to a Lot of Omaha's Ambitions Young Men. A. F. Sheldon of Chicago, president (if the Sheldon School cf Scientific Sales manship, addressed a large audience In the Ynung Men's Christian association par-lui-s last night of young men who felt tnere was something very wrong with their sys-..-rn of business life and had come to get a fe w tips on how to succeed. Mr. Sheldon g;ive them a talk which had all the ear marks of a sermon and which might be taken by an unthinking listener for the regulation gospel exposition. But It dif fered. Mr. Sheldon, to btgin with, got his lUililors t-iigtT and anxious by letting them know SO per cent of huriness men full. He divided the talk into a discussion cf s.-veral quartets which sing the song of succors in business life. The first four be ong in the bunch called objective men tality. The" are Intelligence, memory', maglnailon and will. The second quartet, which he designated as soul, numbered was made up of faith, ns opposed to doubt; live, the kindness to humanity sort, ambition, of the genuine kind and reverence, for the erreater men who have gone before In the business world. The Inst quartet of suc cess singers is ft r the b"dy and consists of strength, symmetry, activity and endur ance. "For." he said, "modern business lite is a battle frcm start to finish." Mr. Sheldon jxilnted out that buitlness Is not a science, because It had no organized knowledge back ot it. Attorneys, doctors and oth-r men have professlcnol literature unl can go to professional schools, but the man starting In business has to learn every thing in the school of hsrd knocks which is ths best school, but very e ocniiive Salesmen must have the ability to demand attention. They must master the business system of credits, of adver tising, of insurance, of costs, and the sys tem of business. This surplus knowledge makes them ready to grasp opportunity when it comes knot king at the bedroom dixr. At the close of the address the local stu. deiits in th school met to form a club. DEFINITE PROPOSAL WANTED Library Board Will Ask Andrew Carnegie as to Hla Kiart Intentions. The Library board at It regular meet ing last night decided to have the reported willingness of Andrew Carnegie to build branch libraries for Omaha put Into definite shape, and, after considerable discussion, the secretary was Instructed to write to Mr. Carnegie, asking him Just what he Is willing to do and under what conditions. A report of the conference with members of the Board of Education and council on this subject was made. The meeting was attended by Members Reed. Hailer. Kennedy, Rush and Rose. wr. Routine business was transacted am. a communication from Gustavo An dreen. suggesting that Iron slvitti rs be placed on the east windows to protect the library from possible fire In Poyles Business college, was referred to the ex ecutive committee. The secretary's annual report embracing financial and other statistics already pub lished was received and approved. USED ROUND THE WORLD Walter Baker & Co:s Chocolate HAND SAPOLIO FOR TOILET AND BATH Placers roughened by needlework catch every stain and look hopelessly dirty. Hand Sapolic removes not only the dirt, but also the loosened, injured cuticle, snd restoreg tha tlngern to tbelr nmtunl besuty. T.L GROCERS AND DRUGGISTS DtUCHTFUL, PUJLE, HIALTHFVt Funeral iotlre. Ths funeral of the late J. M. Metcalf will take place at I S1) p. m. Saturday, the ih cf January, from tils residence 1234 South Tenth street. ltitrment Fonst Uvn cem etery. Friends ir.vited. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS V. V. Stephens of Lincoln Is a guest at the Paxton. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Plummer of Beatrice are Omaha visitors. Attorney John Measly cf Falrbury is In the city on fed.-ral court business. j. W. H"mqut,t of Oakland and F. G. Spencer of Kearney wire rvgisiered at the Xililaid last evening Judge Alfred ljaxiett of Beatrice Is an Omaha. Msitur u:id Incidentally looking sftrr legal matter before) the I'nited slate courts. Captain H. I'-- Palmer, postmaster, baa gone for a three week visit in tue south, which will be extended to a vlsli at lahama islands, tu join G. V. Llr.lngtr, who Is now there. Alter a short '- at Nafckdu Captain 1 'aimer wt.l go to Havana, C i ba. for a visit of several days. H will mi ke his first stop at Chattanooga, Tann.. to visit tne old battlefields In that vicinity and will go trum there to Jacksonville and Uiama, Fla.. sailing from tne latter point la NuHe and focoa xr The ffwk Uadcr I mi for LijS Year. loos roe reus TBca-e Grand P World's Fair j nzei r. l i jr. louis Walter Baker & Co. Ltd. I7t, Dorchester, Mass. a r- HIGHEST AWARDS IN HO EUROPE AND AMERICA J - ' JaV CMAMFWGNE .SERVED EVERYWHERf nOTELt. V it g4 ttvi r :. HOTEL EMPIRE Broadway and SUty-lhlrdSIr aU Cwiilre I'srk NEW YORK CITY la teaerra over $250,000 JUT CO.Vtf LETED ELECTRIC CLOCK5. TELEPHONES AM) AUIOMAIIC LlUtlllNU DEVICES IN EVCstY kUO1 Complrlely llvmotlrleet. H eJecern te4 and Hefaralshea thranhonl One Mmnte to Elevatea aatel nlag tailunt Tri nearest ear at nay Rallraaa at Itesaksst Terminal, tbrr all nana ar transfer ta the Fsnnlra Within easy walking distance of a'l Theatres and Ix-purtniera Stores. Redisrtst got ed for licrlleti CoMng, tfti tltnt Serticc gad Moderate Charges Rooms (with use of bath) II SO per day tin private " j t , uUtos " 2 ag a VV. JOHNSON QUINN