I 12 THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 25, 1903. Men's Suits, Worth From $7-so to $12 so, Sale Price $5 Men's 0'Coats, . Worth From $7.50 to $12-w, Sale Price $5 ) THK RELI4BLK STORR. 1 0 I Greatest Special Safe Ever Held in Omaha The purchase of the Bliss stock enabled us to give to the people of Omaha the most extraordinary bargains ever offered in the United States. This stock, together with the fortunate purchase which we made from the Gans company of St Louis, Is entirely too large to be placed on sale at one time. Today we offer many bargains that were not before placed on sale. lc Immeiue quantities of Olassware, that would be bargain at 50c lit.- . 2c-3c.5c.8c Large Olass Water Pitchers, worth 30o, at Large (Haas Fruit and Nut Bowls, at.. Jelly, Celery and Pickle Dishes, at 8c 5c 4c Immense quantities of all kinds of Lamp Chimneys, at All kinds of Bar and Table (Mass ware, would be bargains at 25o t Ic2c.3c All kinds of Hotel and Restaurant Chlnaware, worth to $1.00 each, at. as ss a w f tt v in w ?.h lc-2c-3c-5c-10c All kinds of China Plates, worth to 60o at 3c-5c'10c'15c One bljr table of Hlrli Grade Service and f Plate Rail Pieces worth up to 17.60 each go at "f at. Big Lot of Fine Hand-Painted China, on sale for the first time for about one-fourth its real worth. And hundreds of other immense China bargains. There was a big crowd at this sale yesterday, but today we ex pect even a bigger crowd, as the bargains that we offer to morrow are most extraordinary. Big Silverware Bargairts From the Gans Co., St. Louis & Bliss Stocks All the StorUnr Sliver Plate Tea and Table Dnnnna it-anKh - - - ............ Rogers and Hamilton's Silver 9f Dessert Spoons, plain and J3ZC W. A. Rogers Horseshoe brand Tea Spoons war ranted extra plate set of 6. Dessert Spoons Horseshoe brand set of six at Wallace Bros.' floral pat tern Table Spoons set of six at W. A. Rogers' Horseshoe brand 8 knives and 6 forks for 12 pieces Pink and Blue Opal Glass Berry Dishes quadruple ell ver plated stands, at each. Napkin Rings quadruple plate at, each W. A. Rogers Sugar Shells at W. A. Rogers' Butter Knives . at You Should Not Fail, to Attend This Salo Today. 41c 76c 2.32 2.36 1.00 12c 19c 19c W. A. Rogers Sugar Tongs at Brownie Child's Set fancy plate napkin ring, spoon, knife and fork per set Oneida Community Wild Rose pattern i&oie spoons and o folks each. Wild Rose Knives at , each Wild Rose 1 Berry Spoons at each Wallace Bros.' floral pat tern Tea Spoons set of Ix Fancy Sliver Bon Bona at each Syrup Pitchers fine quadruple plate on fancy tray and engraved at , Van Berg sliver plate em bossed Salts ana Peppers at 66c 42c 15c 25c 35c 1.15 75c 82c 65c cons Clearing All the Odds Ends Men's Suits, Men's Overcoats, Coats and Vests Men's $10 Suits at $3.95 Odds and ends from the great season's business. Wh will clear them away now to p& Q JP avoid any great accumula- rTr J tlon. These suits are all wool, well j tailored and positively worth up toJr 10.00 tod ay,-at. Men's Coats and Vests From broken lots J f suits that sold as high as 1 QQ $10. o j there are only on or two of a kind 11 ssO fine materials, all this season's patterns a f(" ' genuine bargain snap coat and vest at. . . -v. Men's 10.00 Ulsters at 3.48 Young Men's Ulsters at 2.50 Boys' Ulsters, at, each 1.93 Your choice of any pair of boys' Knee Pants in the vf Q house, 75c, $1, $1.25 and $1.50 values, at pair. . . rwJC V BflMDEJSi- BIG SPECIAL SALE Ladies' and Men's Sample Hosiery Entire Line of Samples From a Great Manufacturer on Sale at the Most Extraordinary Prices Todtvy Thousanda of pairs of ladles and men's lisle and fancy cotton hose In fast black and fancy colors also men's plain wool hose. This is an unusually fine lot of hosiery many open work effects, drop stitch and some silk embroidered actually worth as high as 75c a pair on big bargain square today f a t. Pr lUc-I,5c-s5c J. L' BRANDEIS & SONS. BOSTON STORE DR. WILKINSON'S EYE, CAR, NOSE, THROAT CLINICS. Tot. B 3523. Crelghton Blook, tsth and Douclss, Omaha. . Ini CM r.i 4 ,T? noiu-orien cause of mouth I and deafness in children, Ill-shaped Noses. Chronlo 8ors Thrnnr xi-. ra. iNOisrs in Jkara. iron fives sir.lunttjn.d hv niwrai breath- ralKius. Hunnlni, Affections or Tear pucts, Headaohs. due to ey, or nasal or catarrhal causes, Affsctlons of the Voici and Speech. Irritable Coushs, stopped up nostrils, results of Hay i'evsr La Grlnn Tbeea tluucs are free to tbe poor-U a. m to 7 o'clock. Sundays B t l! K . f,,r ...nlnallnn o' natl.nl Cm 1.. ,0. 1V -0 . w. i, auu icurn wnat can ba done my A Bank Acconnt ... Is Brood, but does not compare In tirilliamrv rZf to one of our rar diamonds, which will give you pleasure ana pruui mt iuem loose ana mounted in lings, brooches., slick pins, etc., a lars sod choice selec tion. Tour IiihhiI" 'rvlted. MAWHINHivi RYAN CO."" i r v J j y-': ' I I ) Weather Forecast-Wednesday. Fair. S A $3 Shoe for Women If 13.00 Is all you care to pay for s pair of shoes to finish the winter with, come and see the shoes we sell at that price. We believe it Is equally as srood and stylish as any shoe you can buy elsewhere for $2.50. I They oome in all kinds of leather and we show you 3 different styles to select from. I I I j FRY Shoe ca 5 " Ladies' Sweaters In blouse or Norfolk style. The swell est made. We can fit. and suit you In any slse or color, from 2.60 to $5.00. There Is none better than ohrs. Sweaters for boys, $1.00, $1.25 and $1.60. Buster Brown Sweaters, $1.50 and $1.75. Stockings like another used to make and beads as usual. J0S. F. BILZ, $ 322 So. 16th St, Omaha. 9 Waft QPtt IIaIa OtTonfa Aas TVI-A I i m Review Patterns. Wednesday Red Letter Da Tea f,l.flO) Red Letter Day Greea Trading Stamps to erery book presented. A stew book sis many of them as yea wish, each eoa talnlns; thirty (3.0 Green Tradlns; Stamps, free. I PHEMItM PARLOR OR OI RGCOXD FLOOR. NOTE Collectors most brlasr their books. Kvery department Is In line with Green Trading Stamp sensations. It's the creates! op portaalty yon ever had of mshlnar the fllllns; of yoar collecting book. Red-Letier Day ii Cloak Room. THIS WILL BR THE CjRBAT KED LETTER DAY IN WHICH WINTER GOODS WILL HE THE SPECIAL OFFERINGS, AND WE WANT IT TO HE A HUMMER. THE REDUCED PRICKS OF THE GREAT INVENTORY SALE CONTINUE ON ALL WINTER GOODS FOR LADIES AND CHILD REX ' FOR RED LETTER DAY WE WILL GIVE A FULL BOOK OF GREEN TRADING STAMPS WITH EVERY FUR COAT AND CAPE. loahle Green Trading; Stamps With All Far Scarfs and Hoaa. DonbleGreenTradlns7 StampiTwith Every Ladles' aad Children's Winter Coat. Doable Green Tradlns; Stumps on All Wool and Beaver Shawls. Doable Green Tradlns; Stamps on All Knit Goods. Onr Entire Stock of Winter shnvrls will be displayed oa the main floor central bargain circle Wednesdny. Doable Green Tradlns; Stamps with All Winter L'nderwear and Stockings for Ladles and Child renHed-Letter Day. Wedn esday is the Third Day of Our Great Silk and Dress Goods Sale Doable Green Trading Stamps on All Purchases Made In Onr Silk and Dress Goods Sections. IN THH LINEN SECTION We (tire Double Green Trading Stamps on Table Linens, Towels, , Napkins and Crashes all day Wednesday. SHEETS Made of fine seamless sheeting, worth 80c for, each 69c Ten ($1.00) Green Trading Stamp9; Double Green Trading Stamps on AH Bed Comforts, Blankets and Pillows. AT OUR LACE SECTION Wednesday we will place on sale 6,000 yards cotton Torchon Lace Edges, and In sertions, widths from 1 to 5 Inches strong, washable patterns worth Cn ud to mtc. at Five (50c) Green Trading Stamps with Bach Yard. 72 Carats II Matched Pair " II $685 ii 11 " ! ill" ' 15-& DODGE. SCHAEFER'S A Continued Story In which we told them what we would not do. Th manufacture-.- ouir ... .i. last ad) what we were going- to do about mm wcrs Deing sola Deiow cost, etc. We told them we would not sell $1.00 pat ent medicines for MORE than 7cl We also told them we would mind our own business FAR AS WE WERE CON CERNED ojher drusglats had the same privilege. THJ8 IS WHY there are so many 7o PwS.eB,J?5j100 Patent medicines; that Is our HIGHEST selling price, and SOME other druggists have met it when they were forced to but none have gone below It. The druggists who are YAPPINO about forcing us into their combine and claiming they are selling drugs as cheap as we are only killing their own goose! Why did they especially the Council Bluffs and South Omaha druggists, make such a fight against our 79-cent price 7 Can B11V nf t h .m a.nv .a fnntm n .t.1- continued story? (To be. Continued.) . .. CUT PRICE DRUQ STORE B T. TATES, Prop. Ilth and Chicago Sts., Omaha, 'Phones 747 and 787: 24th and N Sts., South Omaha. 'Phone No. 1; 5th Ave. and Miln St., Coun cil Bluffs, 'Phone 833. All goods delivered In either city absolutely tree. DOCTOR SEARLES AND i SEARLES We use our own name In our business; you know who you are do ing business with. I Cessnltstlsa Prss ' I VARICOCELE HYDROCELE cured. Method new, without pain or loss of Urns. CHARGES LOW, cured for life, soon every sltrn. symptom (sores on body, In mouth, tongue, throat, hair and eyebrows falling oulj disappear completely , forever. Weak, Nervous, Uea nlxb. : ness. nervous debility, early decline, lack I of vigor and strength. IRlSAHV, Kidney and Bladder Troubles. ' Weak Back, Burning Urine, Frequency of Urinating. Urine High Colored or with JJllky Sediment on standing. Treatment by mail. 14 years OF SUC CESSFUL, PRACTICE IN OMAHA. Cor ner 01 itiA im Jjougias, Omaha. Men. EMBROIDERY SALE Extra Special 'Sale of Embroidery Edges and Insertions and Fancy Beading-, about 600 pieces direct from the manufacturer fine quality of Swiss Nain sook and Hamburg width from to 9 Inches, values up to 25c 'lOc yard Wednesday, yard w Double Green Trading Stamps. 1 LADIES' NECKWEAR Extra Green Trading Stamps in Our Neckwear Section for Wednesday. Odd pieces of Neckwear to be cleaned up before our new stock arrives 9Sar all good styles, worth up to 11.60 Wednesday, each a&cJV. Twenty Q.Oo) Gretn Trading Stamps. ' WAIST PATTERNS 100 fine white wash Swiss Waist Patterns, with hand embroidered band trim ming to match new styles, dainty designs, no two alike these are QHr usually sold at 12.00 each our price for Wednesday "uw ART BARGAINS FOU RED LETTER DAY ONLY Milton Bradley School Taints '. '26c Ten ($1.00) Green Trading Stamps. ... Milton Bradley Water Color Tads 10c Five (50c) Green Trading Stamps. Double Green Trading Stamps on Picture Framing. Double Oreen Trading Stamps on All Pyrography Purchases. New Novelties just arrived: Stationery Boxes, special 65c Stationery Boxes 50c Handsome Jew Panels, 10x25, beautiful designs, very special 7!)c Oatflts vi, 1.79 Frye instructions with all outfits and wood burning purchases. Visit vourrt Galleries Second Floor. ' RED-LETTER DAY in TOY SECTION Sliding Prices or Sleds and Extra Green Trading Stamps Girls' Hih Sled, at 68c FIFTY (15.00) OREEN TRADrMQ STAMPS. BOYS' SLED.... ..1.00 ONE HUNDRED ($10.00) GREEN TRADING STAMPS. These sleds are just the right size and will stand the racket for all kinds of coasting. A FEW BLACK BEAUTY SLEDS LEFT 2ND FLOOR SHOES! SHOES!! 800 pairs of Ladies' All Felt Slippers, worth $1.00, ' RED-LETTER SHOE SALE 59c Thirty ($3.00) Green Trading Stamps. 300 pairs of Ladles' Fur Trimmed Juliets and Crochet Slippers, Oft were fl.50 and $1.25, now OZC Twenty ($2.00) Green Trading Stamps. 680"pairs of Child's Vicl Kid Patent Leather Tip and quarter, Zf worth $1.00, now 0 JC Twenty ($2.00) Green Trading Stamps. 150 pairs of Men's Box Calf Bluchers and Vicl KIdBal morals, (( worth $3.00, our price .UU Forty ($4.00) Green Trading Stamps. DOUBLE-GREENTRADING STAMPS ON ALL OTHER SHOE PURCHASES WEDNESDAY. RED-LETTER DAY. BENNETT'S GREAT GROCERY. The Positive Headquarters for Omaha In Pure Groceries -One-Half the Grocery Business at Retail In Omaha Is Done at Bennett's. We aer Introducers of everything new for the table that comes popular. ComDetitrrs watch the lurk we have with anything new before they put it in stock. WE LEAD IN FRESHNESS, QUALITY AND PRICE, 'CAUSE WE LEAD IN SALES. Corn. 2-pound can .?e Three cans Tomatoes, 8-pound can..... 9o Three cans 2j California Ralsine, pound .83 Cleaned Currants, pound lo Pure Fruit Preserves, jar 10a Twenty (2.00) Green Trading Stamps with pound candled peel, cliron orange or lemon 25 Fifty (15.00) Green Trading Stamps ' with quart can Franco-American Mock Turtle or Ox Tall Soup 35c Ten ($1.00) Green Trading Stamps with dozen Dill Pickles 120 Look at This! BLOOD POISON Twenty ($2.00) Green Trading Stamps with pound can Bennett's Capitol Baking Powder .24o HEADQUARTERS FOR CHEESE. Ten ($1.00) Green Trading Stamps with pound full Cream N. Y. Cheese a Ten ($1.00 1 Green Trading Stamps with three Neutchatel Cheese tta Hand Cheese, each 2Ho Royul Luncheon Cheese, Jar loo Sap Sago Cheese... L..11..1111..:1... 80 Five (SOcrGreen" Trading Stamps with package Trlscult loo TenTtlloO) c'reen Tradlng Stamps with t bars Bennett's Bargain Soap 25a THERE ARE ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY-TWO GKEEN TRADING STAMPS OFFERED IN THE ABOVE LIST. THE LIST ONLY AMOUNTS TO $2.43. IT IS A LITTLE GENERAL ORDER AND EVERY ITEM IN IT SHOULD FIND A PLACE IN EVERY OMAHA PANTRY. CANDIES. Ten ($1.00) Green Trading Stamps with glass Jar filled . with assorted Candles luc Ten ($1.00) Green Trading Stamps with pound Dixie Molasses Kisses 20c Double Green Trading Stamps -ON ALL 1 Hams, Bacon, Lard &.nd Delicatessen Dainties Wendesday, Red-Letter Day Meat Section arsrioiM,oaM muck I Id sbS StMonfort, , nd uaetlsw satus! I diasMlltr. evuriTnlic . Tti.r. attr be Itehlns OlMriUMJJ .nd .UBdas. tb.i UUI 111, MnUNt iua DMM1BS. fleeted, tik.ra.ta, bacumlnf T.rr Mrlo'u. snd ptluf ul. To cur. that uiokljraad palnlM.!? um INJECTION MALYDOR. io.ta.Dt iiif. Onr. Is MTirtl da,r. ft ft Aldru(iUu,orMotwrtkrrinIur liUU kfalyior btfg. Co., Lmcaster, 0., U.S.A. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Oaly Om Dollar Teas Raging Red Letter Day Sales in Hardware Green Regal Enamel WareGreen and whit mottled outside, whiU iuside. Some of the items: Preserving Kettles, Stew Pans, Milk Pans, Dish Pans, ; Oatmeal Cookers, Berlin Kettles, Colfee Pots, Tea Pots; Tea Kettles. Not many come early! Prices of Green Regal Enamel Wore run from $1.38 . . ... A..v i . rr .,(.,.. L . 1.1. V. i 30c Waall Boiler A few tllKbtly damaod Wwb Bilert Cr want to ge; rid of 'em prices ud from OC U.A mA Sid nisAssn Ti-urilnit firimni mrit K jank ... ti JUW UUUUIVU M .siK Wis- WAV U VU BOli. A Great Embroidery Sale Will be held Wednesday, beginniug nt 8 A. M. sharp, of Em broideries and Inserting that come in Loom Knds onlv. Also a big line of slightly soiled Embroideries, very fine and worth from loc to if 1.50 ier yard. One lot of Narrow Kmbroldfrlps and Inserting (hat hnvp bootn sltshtly lr mussed and soiled, but all great bargains, ro In this imle at yard S Loom Ends Divided Into Eight lots LOT 1 All fine, clean, perfect Edge snd Insertlngs, worth 5c to 80, Olr : at, yard J W LOT 2 A big line of regular lOo values, at, yard 5c LOT A splendid line of lfio and 30c 7lr .moroiaenes and Insertlngs, yard.. s LOT 4 A big snap In 25c and 35c Olr .moroiaerie8 and Insertlngs, yard "v 7o LOT 5 The finest line of tfin Embroideries In Omaha, yard. LOT 6 The finest line of Corset Cover F.ma broideries to be found In Omaha, worth up to tl.uo. on sale at, 39C LOT 7100 bolts of the finest Nnlnsook and Swiss All-Over Kmbroliiery, worth 7Rn 11.50 to 2.50, at. yard OC LOT S A beautll line of 42-lnoh Skirting Embroidery, worth $1.26 to 11.50 A fir, yard, go at, yard UVU Watch for the Great Shoe Sale Thursday Always Fresh firnrl0'c at Veiy and Pure UlltCIlC Lowest Prices Tearing out stock room for new building. Trices greatly ro duced on all lines. Buy now. Fancy high patent 4-X Minnesota f inur, per sack n. 10-lbs. best kiln dried corn meal 15c 5- lb. best kiln dried oatmeal 10c 6- lbs. best hand picked navy beans. ...19c S-lbs. good Japan rice 3o -ins. oesi pear) t.ipioro, sngo or barley. 19c 10 bars best laundry soap 25c Quart cans golden table syrup 7Hc 1-ib. cans assorted .rnin 71- Jello, Fruit f'uddlns; or Ilromangolon. fier packupe 714c b. can solid packed tomatoes "c J-lb. cans sweet sugar corn 7He 2-lb. cans Karly June sifted peas 7iic Oil or mustard sardines, can 3c ! Condensed mlnrement. nkar J.i 1 3 Crown Muscatel raisins, lb 6c Choice California peaches, lb 749 Cleaned currants, lb 7Va Choice California prunes, lb 6a CKACKKKS, CRACKKRS, CRACKERS Fresh crisp soda, oyster, butter or milk crackers, per pound 6Vo Fresh crisp 4-X ginger snaps, lb Ba All regular 12Hc and 15c crackers, this sale 3-lhs. for 25a Malta Vita, Egg-O-See, X-Cello, etc., per pnekage 7Ha TEARINd DOWN FRESH FRUIT TRICES. Fancy large, Juicy na-el oranges, dos..l2a New Hallow'een dates, lb 6a New Colorado White Clover honey, rack.loa California figs, pkg 4e Large Juicy lemons, dosen rOo Lurje rlpo Florida bananas, dozen. ...120 flf 111 o. mm Weather Forecast Wednesday, Fair. Bargains and Extras in Drug Section THIS "DRUG" AD OFFERS THIRTY-FIVE GREEN TRADING STAMPS $3.50 WORTH ON AN OUTLAY OF 64 CENTS. 14c 20 Mule Team Borax In one pound paper cartoons Ten (SI) Oreen Tradlns Stamps. Mistletoe Cream, 5c Ten ($1) Green Trading-' Stamps. Eastman's Cold Cream (Ross E or Violet) IOC Ten ($1) Green Tradlns Stamps. Borated Talcum Powder, one-- flf. quarter pound cans I WW Five (50c) Green Trading Stamps. Red-Letter Sale in Crockery IMPORTED GERMAN STEINS, all sizes, shapes, and colors, freakish novel etc. Special values at ?2.75,' $2.48, $l.t8, $1.48, 90c ' 75( One Hundred ($10) Oreen Trading Stamps with each stein at above prices. Extra Green Trading Stamps given only on paid orders. ' 25 PER CENT DISCOUNT ON ALL DECORATED VASES. " 25 FER CENT DISCOUNT ON ALL DECORATED LAMPS AND LAMP GLOBES. : , . ' . Large Size White Slop Jars, with cover and ball, 83c -Twenty ($2.00) Green Trading Stamps. Double Green Trading Stamps on all Dlnnerware, white or decorated, sets or open stock. each No. 1 or 2 Heavy Brass Lamp Burners 8c Ten ($1.00) Green Trading Stamps. Welsbach Gas Burners, complete rlth patent Airhole Glassware, " Thirty ($3.00) Green Trading Stamps. , , 48c Clothing Clothing Leather Coats were $7.50 are. 5.00 Leather Coats were fG.OO are '. 4. 50 Leather Coats were $4.50 are 3.50 Sheep lined Duck Coats were $4.00 are , 2.00 Sheep lined Duck Coats, were $5.00 are 2.75 Sheep lined Overcoats were $13.50 are 9.00 Sheep Lined Overcoats were $9.00 are 7-00 Sheep Lined , Overcoats were $8.00 are 6.00 Sheep Lined Overcoats were $7.00 are 5.00 Covert and Duck Coat were $3.00 are. ..2.00 Covert and Duck Coats were $2.50 are J.50 Covert and Duck Coat were $1.75 are , 1.00 Boys' Duck Coats were $1.00 are , 75c Boys' Duck Coats and Coverts were $1.50 are. 1.00 Double Green Trading Stamps We have them to fit you, from 50 pounds to 300 pounds folks ..... 50c .'....1.00 50c 89c Men's and Boys' Scotch Gloves were 75c are 39c Thirty ($3.00) Green Trading Stamps. Way's Mufflers were 75c are , 44c Thirty ($3.00) Green Trading Stumps. Remember the Half Price SaU on All Overcoats. Boys' Stiff Bosom Shirts were 75c are. . . . Fifty ($5.00) Green Trading Stamps. Boys' Pajamas were $1.25 are Fifty ($5.00) Green Trading Stamps. Rova' Fur Mitts were 75c are Fifty ($5.00) Green Trading Stamps. Boys' Wool Sweaters were $1.25 are Thirty ($3.00) Green Trading Stamps. V 1 IB AND POUOLA3 JTJ. OJxAffA.ACJt.