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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 22, 1905)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: StNPAY, ! JANTARY 22. 1903. BLF&ETT GETS CERTIFICATE Aiiocaow Hi. Tobey ViUCc&tisB? u Ess PriTt Secretary. INSURANCE CODt iN MED Of PEY1SI0H tKmlr Fish awd Obbc tol"lir Files Dli Res-art with Gaveraer at the Wark Dse Dwrlwg the Put Vmoi. (From a Staff Correspcnder.t i LINCOLN, Jan. . .Special Im V Eimer J. Burkett today banded ta Governor Mickey t.i res-gr.atin is cons-ess man from the First district for the term vf:r.nir.f March 4. 3SS. received frcm the governor h.s cn:fl'-il of election ks t'nltea States senator and wl.l leave t r Washing ion tonight, ac-f.n-.panled ry h t secretary. George Toley. Inidentai'. . Senator Bur kett announced t'1ay that Mr Tobey wou'.d be Lis private secretary during his term as senator, which mear.e an increase of sal&ry to Mr. Tobey of a year Mr Burkett continues n the tou payroll fr tbe term eadir.g March 4. ISaata Sew lwewrasiee Cwde. Tb report of the state ad tor f :r the bienniutn endlrg November 'JCi. whlci ha Just been received from the printer, cca talns the report of Insurance Deputy J. L. Price. In whfoh recommendation la made for a. new Insurance coda for the state, be tluM ef the "Incompleteness and am-.yg-jlry" of the present statute covr1rg the subject- He also recemmends that tt legislature tike up several cf the details ot the law should it be fc-und inexpedient t frame a code al the present time. Amor ft other enactments reeded, he point out the feet that there la ncthir.g In the stau'e bocks which gives fcli department JurLsdlc tlon of burial associations. Request 1 also made for legislation relating to feea. He makf-a the following comprehensive recommendations with regard to life in surance companies: I would iW'imriMil the enactment of a law which would pre, bit discrimination by life Insurance companies In favoi of InCi-vld-jals cf the ataie ciass and of the same expectation of life either lr. the imwr.t or the premium charged or In return of premi um, dividend or other ad vantage I would also recommend the enactment of a new law governing fraternal benefi ciary societies, aa the present law Is In adequate in many particular. It is also desirable that the law givernlr.g fraternal beneficiary societies should be aa near uni form a possible with the laws cf other states governing such societies. These recommendations are considered very significant In view of the fact tai there has been some agitation for the es tablishment of the fraternal congress rates by legislative enactment Mr. Pierce ex plained that bis main object was to point out the need for laws glvtr.g his department greater power in the regulation of such as sociations. He saJd that four or five old line com panies which are writing discriminatory contracts are aimed at In the first sugges tion. He says it Is against public policy for insurers to make contracts to indi viduals witk the same expectancy on dif ferent rates. Bessrt f Gasse Wardesu State Fish and Game Commissioner Carter has completed his biennial report to the gowsmor showing that during; the last blennlum the department ha cost II. i4.Ct for maintenance. During the same period the Income of the department was fli.S0.4l. leaving a net amount of CSK-iS to be contributed from the general fund In excels cf the amount turned over by the commission . The discrepancy Is due to the fishery at South Bend, which cost about t'.uO, without bringing- la much of a finan cial return to the state treasury. Mr. Carter estimates that the game protection department has turned Into the treasury CM) In excess of the cost of maintenance. During the biecnium the omdals of the department have made 178 arrests and se cured 142 convictions. Six cases were ap pealed by the defendant. Seven provided for jail sentences and In twenty-three cases there were acquitais. During; the same period the wardens made many r ays and captured seventy -six nets, which were destroyed; 250 other illegal devices, L4C prairie chickens, quail and ducks and SEO fish. Of the game bird, 7a were dis tributed to the charitable institution of the state, while & were distributed under the provisions of the federal laws by the I'nited States marshal at Chicago, who ronftscated a shipment to that city. Mr. Carter pays a tribute to the effic iency of hi deputies. E. Hunger and D. E. Smith. He call attention to the fact that What Sulphur Does For tba Human Body In Hearth an4 D uveas. The mention of sulphur will racail to many of us tba early days when our mothers and grandmothers gave us our daisy doe of sjjphux ud mnUaaea ar knxg and laU. It was ths universal spring: and fall "blood fiunCer," loic aad curs-au. ajtd auud you. Lais t.d-iiuwied icmsjjr w iwi w lthout merit, Ins Idea was good, tut the remtdy wag crude and unpalatable, and a leigi quaa uiy bad to be taken to gei any en ecu Nowadays ws get all Lb bctie&cxai effects of sulphur la a wiaiaoi, couc-cra a (otsd, so that a single gram U tar more eAecUT than a tabopocaXui of Lbe cruo aujpbur. la recent yeais, research and experiment bave proven that tb beet sulphur for me dicinal use is tnat obiained irom Calcium iCalcium Sulphide) and aoid in drug s.ore uadcr Lb name of buart a caiciua W ki ef a Tbey are small cbuccdai cie4 j,. Sets and contain tb aeiive medicinal pr ciale of suipbur la a tig hi y coaceaLraUu, efTectlve form. "cw people are aware of the value of tbli form of suipbur in reaULcg and ioa.Bla.n mg tvdly trigr and bealui: sulphur acts dueclljr on tb liver. &d excretory organ and purines and enriches tb blood by tb prompt elimination of waste material. Our grandmothers tu.w Icls when ihey duaed u with sulphur and moiaaaes ery snug and tali, but the crudity and la. purity of ordinary flowers or uij.hjr were often worse thaa tt dUeaae. ar.d caca.j; compare with ti.e moaem concec.ra.ed preparaUon of sulphur of which Stuart Calcium Wafers u undoubted. the Ua and most widely used. They are the natural antidote for Upl and kidney troubles and cur contipuon and purify the blood la a way ttt oiwn krprtse patient and physician aUka It. B. U WiJLin Ut exp.itmiit, lib sUpbur remedies soon foutd that the sulphur fiom Calcium was superior to aay other form, he y: For Uver. gdiiey and blood troublea, epectlly when re (ultmg rom constipaticB or maiari. r bave been surprised at tba reul: t b:i'-j from Stuart Calcium Vtalera In pwuenu suSeri&g tram boil arid pimsie aul evtn Crp-ted carbuncle. 1 hatj repeaiediy seen tbem dry up ar.d disappear in four e. tve d a leaving lb .n cl-ar auJ moota. Although Sluurt Cal -rui l rrl i a proprieiary ar.lUc. aod av4i by druggtsta nd for that reMn Lubo.ed by Biiiy pbysVOana. et I knew ef o sale and reUabe fur umap.iion, bvr aaJ kidney trouble and epeoiiiy ia all io.uj of akin dieeaae thl ruedy." At any rate pevpls bo are tired of p1.jl. catbartKv and so-called blood "purtrlera," wiu Bad Stuart s Caltiura Wafers, a tar titer. BMi (MOatable and urcuit reB-.atioa. his department is ere cf the few wrkh have r.t lr, md the targets f. r cr.ti Cim durir? the rir.r.ijm. To the rtr'rt of Mr Car-er ! arrencel ancther ty F sh "crr.rcil -v.-t O Prin. It f hows that tike have occti;:e1 the". Place in his activities. If V,.vi waJl-ey--d p:ke having b-n d-rtr.bjtd dirng the two years Nxt in r.;ri!r wre the ra:n bow trout, tctallrg $' '. while the bro k trcjt came r.xt with I?;. The are the spe'i whi n carre i!t th iyirt mark, the t'Ciilcr cf the drartrnrt telng to pltr.t game f h ss m.-jc h f. rrict; caMe. A lirg ;er.-:.t2ge -f the entire r.tirtter dltribu:el i.r.rr h two year. IrSvi-. re p c-; in the cl-ar rar..iy bottomed streams in the weurn jart of the state. P' '.d ere; ries to the cbtNt cf ' wre d:stnv-utd a!i. The dc-rartmont ali di'-jhtited 3 4' catfjh. 'i the sair.e sr- cies 1 year eld and 1 "! yeliow hj::i.-'. The waning pcpularity the Grm. n carp Is shewn ly i f?.ct tst enly fry aere cistrth ited. ar.i : W' cf the m n:h' old f.fh fn. cf !1 1 ye.r oil f.h. Durrr the two yar the rh.e-y d:nrib utel 5 po.d. ?i:v?r ar.d parl fih. tIT run - DtPF TWICE C.MfiHT Pay Their Dollar a Week aad Tbea Kxsresa (bars' for Itasa. PUTTSMOVTH. N'b. Jan E.--Src1aV1 A number of Cas ccur.ty v.ctims of the suit club game, wc.rked in the name cf the P.ogers' Tsilcrirg comp.r.y of Omaha, tit on a secorid g-aft th.s week and are row the laughing stcck cf al! their friends. Th organizer of the suit was a sleek.jc.oit. Ing yonug man who claimed to be a repre sentative of the Rogers ccrrpany of Omaha. The members were to pay Fl per week and a drawing was to r-e f ri in Omaha each week and when a member drew a suit his payment ceased He had a particularly easy and convincing way o. exrifilninr thir.m. ar.d after evurire the I names c-f a few prominent cit xens cn his Join the club. Fcur Mc'lms have ben found in this city. In, Weeping Water ten persons have squealed" and In Vr.ion seven names are given, who have also pala for their little experience. When the ex posure of the scheme appeared in the news papers they one and all agreed that their experience was well worth the price. Last week, however, each member of the 'Vuit club" in fnjon received a nice little letter fro'sa Omaha stating that the tailor ing concern had been misrepresented by the newspapers and that the Union member would each be gnven a suit of clothes as evidence that the concern was playing fair with them. Later the "suits" arrived, handsomely marked with shipping tags, and "express charges, 15 cer.t. collect " The boys were very anxious to show their suits, and opened the package In public: then they were sorry that they did. for the suits were old and dirty outfits of dilapidated pants, shirts, shoes and suswnde rs, and those present bad a tosbel of fun at the expense of the members of the 'suit club. It developed later that the notices of ship ment were prepared jn vr.ion and an ac commodating traveling man resembling SBert Hoag- mailed them In Omaha. The packing house cf the company had been temporarily in Union and the goods and packers were home products, even the shipping clerk, the editor of the Unioj, Ledger. MARRIED WHILE TRAIK WAITS Crew ef Xorthweeterw Llee Give Ceeele Tisae to Wed. NORFOLK. Neb.. Jan. SpeciaL Married while the train waited was the unique experience of Banker N. G. Gard ner of Gregory. 8. D.. and his bride, for merly Miss Ludle Lemp of Boise City. Idaho. The two young; people arrived over a delayed Union Pacific passenger train from the west and had contemplated being married at Norfolk when they arrived early In the evening. The tardiness of the train would bring them Into this city about midnight, too late an hour to secure an officer to perform a wedding cere mony, and they were desperately concerned lest they should be stranded, still unmar ried. The conductor and engineer appre ciated the plight and were willing to wait. So the paasenger train that runs between Norfolk and Cclumbus was halted at Hum phrey while the Idaho couple hurried to the Methodist parsonage and took the mar ital vows at a sixty-mile gait. The other passengers patiently waited, and congratu lated the bride and groom on their return. A half hour delayed, ths train sped on. Taylor Retires fresa Race. TABLE P.OCK. Neb.. Jan. a.- Special.) The unexpected has happened In the con test for the potoffl?e at this place. Mrs. J. W. Phillip, the present Incumbent, was appointed April rT. 3S4. for four years, but an amicable agreement had been made that she should resign before the expiration of Congressman Burkett's term of office and Mr. Taylor should receive the appointment. Mrs. Phillips- resignation had been asked for and she stood ready at any time to carry out her part of the agreement. Criti cism taken in connection with other mat ters has caused Mr. Taylor to oome out In as article near a half column long in the Argil releasing Mrs. Phillip from her promise to resign and also releasing Con gressman Burkett from hi pledge In the matter. It is now conceded that Mrs. Phil lips will bold the office until the expiration of her commission. April IT. !!.. Beaad Over t Federal rein. BEATRICE. Neb., Jan. n. (Special Tele gram Leon H. Miller of Oaks, Neb., an alleged railroad promoter. wa brought here today by Deputy United States Marshal Homan. on the charge of sending obscene literature through the mails. At the close cf his hearing before United States D.strict Commissioner Ccbbey he was bound over to the federal court, his bond being fiied at II. K. and Miller was taken to Omaha by the officer this afternoon, being unable to give' bond He is charged with address ing an Indecent letter to Mis Winifred Truner at Logan. Ia. The young woman's father accompanied the cfSoer to this city. Miller Is abeut 45 year of age and has a wife and son at Oaks, who are In destitute circumstances. Baraed la Esplealea. VERDON. Neb.. J.n. a Special -Mrs. Odon Lailor lie at her home In this city in a critical condition, the result of bums sustained In a coal oil explosion. Mr. Lailor started to prepare the n-wnir.y meal and poured keroaene in the kitchen stove. Her tituthand sustained severe burns about the hands and face in his fight sgainst the flames. Mr. Lailor will prob ably recover Xewis ef srkraika TECUMHEH Jan E Claries Glasson snd Jesse 1 ejog las of tins city killed t gMy two rsot lts in a aingle. day. GENEVA. Jan E -Mrs. E K. Ccbb re cevtd the newt of the death of her Mr Yearutaw at Charletoa eteriav. PAWNEE C1TV. Jan. a.-The clothing store in tni city owned by Mcesrs. Ber ridge Jc Watkins wa this week sold to M--r a: Sons of Eagle, Neo. PL A TTS M "1 'TH . Jn. .h-lt is j-dj-to. -d that Mis Alta M. Cummirs .-f G.en- wocl la ber n empiuyed t . r.!.' the a- cancy as tearner of r.aiha.atic in the 1 Peatismouth Hush shooi cau--d by ih ! j rta.giaiiun of aia.v IV e. j HAOf.Mii Jaa 11 The remains of Je- ! j rvn.c Cr... i ui.d hi P-riiii VVir.- ' i uy. will be brought to this country on tte urroiia iir.ej Kaiser i.t-.elm 1er iint. due to arrive In New Tor January i It . is eapecied lie bouy wi.l arrlv i:i lias, inn ' rVorr I 1 RAVENNA. Jaa E The b-eard of dirtc tor . the Ravenna Te.eph me coir tan v ' beld meettrg fcre t-lay. OfTers ' -)ar4 wenr aa f ...iic in; Prc-'-Jent. C"he- , , lr Hoiioway; ir ( ;e;f r.t. J E Adan- . .-lal tr.ix-tfcil. c i Carioa. JL err rr v ra er-yed a very prsperou. yer ar i ras p,ar, for rxte-sive Improve ments f .r the coming searcn. GENEVA Jar. fi Fr.lay the Granl Army f tr Kefvbilc ar.d Woman s h :!f c-o-r crove cut and sper.t a i eaant day with Mr. and Mrs I EP.g.e ar. 1 Mrs Charles Johnson. PAWNEE CITT. Jan 3 -The i-rt fer ejii-mic wh.cb was raging In Fin rfir.e.i. Kan . a cent'!" of weeks ag" h.i. --n rut control hv rigid quar antine ana f r.i' rcemnt c-f a ode of ruies .an down by the city. HUMPOLDT. Jan IS -A case of small r x i rT- rtod over the line in Ncma- i' urn at the home cf CT.r Sr.urt.e9 the jai trt t-eirt M .ss Kste Tucker, a s.s er tf Mr. t:Iurtie9. who recently re-t-.ri.-d Jr -m a visit to tiie western part tr.e stt-. I'EATRi'-E Jn. E-Deruty Shr.9 Jac. T M re ani Chief Asrer.fe'.ier drove -. . a cioe i catc J three southeast of tie c.ty vest-rcay. where it was aitpoe-ed tnat st 'n rt . f vanjus kinds were t :g st.rJ Nc thing was fund but an ....i st'-ve crl a lam;.. FRllMf'NT. J-n a. A. F. W Gctxke di-i ..t :J res-.n'-e yes'erdsy st the age .f M vans He was r-rn in ermry ar.d c-rre".:-rt t m i'.S He iitv-s or,.-' s- r.. A 1' W entxke. Jr.. tormer'.y u "th- i.wj-apr bis- at West Pol-.t. nr.d a married daugr.ur PAWNEE CITY. Jar. n.-Scrttary Ed Aa.nson 'f IQe frrr,ers Institute has i-.'L-d a-e ;-rogrm for the weesu.n of the cf pawr.e- coir.ty. to be held in pa!i- City tn February L, I and J. The pr-.'gram is a I -ng one and embraces the r i- si talent obtainable KEATR1CE. Jan. E- An interesting .Kt.-sm h5 ier, pr.pared for the f.rcn rs instaine to be heid here February 1 ar.i . It 'l wili speak on the Hfttn fv. or. the .-penirg day and Chan cellor E. Berjamin Andrews will Se.iver an addrex in the evtnir.g on the second day. HASTINGS. Jan E The riant of the soap factor'- which has been Id.e for sev tr! months, has been leased by parties wfco w:.; instill machinery i't the purpjee cf gru.c.r.g ar.d reducing alfalfa hay to a pow. ctr to be us-ed as stcKk fovi The new p. ant w.ii b-r,r. operatic r.s within a month. BEATRICE. Jan. 21. James D. Myer. a li -.-.cer restient of Gage county, droppe-i dtai at his home m Olell yesterday. Mr lvers was once er.xaged in the pankisg tiis.ness at that place, but retired from active huwress i.fe seme years ago. He was si years of age. and is survived by a widc.w ar.d one s -n. GENEVA. Jin E 5u'h a number sp pearrJ at the Grand Army cf the Republic hail at the poverty so. ial that It was tr ought best to ad.v.jrn to the courthouse. wn:e a bie crowd fon asmh;ed. and wna the V-cer.t Ijnch and "toniboia" lie the Eual Suffrsge club realixed over IX K'SiN! a fountain for the park. PL.TTSV'Jt"TH. Jan. a M.s lone Ttvev. a daughter of H N. lKvey. enter tained the members cf the advanced gecm try claas ar.d their teacher. Miss May Pow eii. w r.o gcs to Lincoln to teach mathe matics in the Men school there, at a 4 c.clock dinner Thursday evening, which was r.ighly enjoyed by all. present. FREMONT. Jan. E Ice dealers have been busv the last lt and have mad a start harvesting this years crop. The jce is from eighteen to twenty-four inches thick and of good Quality. Sachs lake, northeast of the city, i the principal source cf sutp.v. the quairty being much clearer than from the lake tributary to the Platte. riUATTSMOrTH. Jan. S A farewell re cepti'4 was g"en at the home of Mrs George L Kar.e-i- by her Sunday school elss and that of Mifs May Powell, who dtparted today for Lincoln. Music, game, corn p(ping ar.d taffy railing cLarjicter ijed the short hours. Mi&s Powell wt.1 be much missed in religious, educational and tibial P LA TTS MOUTH. Jan. 3 John F. CUnt btrg agi vears. passed away at hi home last right with cancer of the stom ach. He has been a resident of Piatis muth for twenty-four years and was em ployed in the Burlington chopa Beside a widow he leave one eon and two daught ers. The funeral service will be held at the famiiy residence Sunday afternoon. HASTINGS. Jan. a Van Antwerp Bros. J V Fountain and John T. Powers have formed a business alllanee Ur the purpose of conducting a new furniture store In Hastings, to be conducted under the firm name of the Fountain Furniture company. The company will commence doing business with a tl'iwftock. Mr Fountain, formerly conducted a f jrnlture business in Hastings. FAIRBVRT. Jan. E- The Jefferson County Farmers' institute will ,be held at the courthouse on January SI and February 1. An excellent program ha been prepared. A number of speakers from abroad will be In attendance ar.Q the local part of the pro gram will be of unusual interest. Liberal premiums have been offered by the butipeai men of the city for exhibits of farm prod ucts. BEATRICE. Jan. SI Frank Boyd, a tramp who drifted Into the city the other day. entered lb home of Robert Hecka thorn yesterday and appropriated a pair of trousers belonging to Heckathorn's son for his own use. leaving his old one. Boyd was areted soon after the theft occurred and was given the privilege cf leaving town or going to JaiL He chose the former ar.d left cn the first train. BEATRICE. Jan. E Fred Shannon of this city, a brakeroan on the Burlington running between Nebraska City and Holdrcge. broke his left leg between the arJile and the knee by a fail be received while at Hoidrege yesterday. He wa brought to thi city last evening, where he received the nrcessary attention. He will l-e confined to his home for some time on account of the accident. WEST POINT. Jan E. At the annual settlement of the county board with the various county officers it has deevloped that the li-t-n of the eountv c.erk and county superintendent are deceasing annually. On the other hand the fe-s of the county Judge. sheriff, treasurer snd clerk of the district cirt are gradually increasing, the gain ' thus year t-!r,g very substantial. Excess fe-f to the amount cf Hi' 70 more than last j year were turned into the treaaury. I PAP1LLION. Jan. 3 -Thomas Beadle, the man badly wanted for participating in a fight al LaPlatte and arrested last week in Soutn Omaha, wa arraigned before Judge Goss al Bellevue and entered a plea of not guilty. At his preliminary tear ing of yesterday he wa bound over to district court under t-Vv bonds. In default of which Beadle wa taken to the Douglas county iaii. Dunr.g a canoe at LAPlatte B-adie 1 alleged to have repeatedly stab- j bed Joe Miller in the back. I TETM5EH Jan. E. The Johnson iouniy aieaieai wt iri y nr. a m eB.uxj in this city thi week. The attendance wa gvKJ and a splendid progran wa car red out. including a banquet ro the even ing. rr. H. H- liverett an J. M May be w were present -rVorr "'.r. and took part in the program. -ine otT.cers elected f .r the coming year were as follows-. Pr. A. P Fltxsimmons. Tecuroseh. president; Ir. Rtid. Crab Orchard, vice president; Dr. C. K. Clrubbuck. Tecumseh. secretary treasurer; It. M Stewart. Tecumseh, dele gate to state convention. OSCEOLA. Jan. E Highlanders gath ered at their castle on Thursday evmlr.g for the purpose of Initiation, installation and a general good time. Tbey tad six Initiations sr.d then Installed the follow ing . ffi-rs; Illustrious prophet. Dr. John M Gray; chief counsellor. Dr. C. L. La Mar; worthy evangel. Miss Bessie Emmin gcr. secretary rupe riiej r .dent, D. C. Ooie; treasurer. Wiillura Ludden; herald. Mis Cora Bc-lle Matthew. After the installa-tn-n there wes a program consisting of F'.los, quaruts and instrumental music and then a banket to which more than ev-enty-five of the Highlander sat down. AILING WOMEN Are greatly benefited by taklnz a few d-e of the Bittara, esfciill incases cf month!) irrersUritiet. ar reseril weak Best. It hu wocderful tooiog and trecgtheoin effect on their weag. or gans and never fail to eive atlsfaciion. Hundreda of women Ui-e Kosfetfer's Stomach Differs to tbe exclusion of all other remedies, Wa hope you'll try a botUe at oooe and tesi its vaiu for youraeif. It always cure Sick Headache. Diiziieit. Nenous Spells. Nausea Cramps. Dyspepsia, and lodifestioa. The sTennlne has Private Slassaovsr Lr.irrav. STOMACH 11 r-- Sr---? ceck ot tvillla- - i 'im RAILROAD m TO BE HEARD Senate Cocimittee Make Er,ars.aU for EeTeral "exii, SO RATE CUP B LAW THIS SESStO Hearlsg t Ceatlwee Parlas; eaate eealeae mm laglcatlows Are Tey Will Oery Mast ef Tlsse Itefere Adjewrasaeat. WASHINGTON. Jan. H Special Tele gram. Presert indications d not give any great hope cf sencus railroad lg islation at this session of cc-ngres. The introduction cf Colonel Hepburn s bill to day fs aicr.g the line cf thee d.spatches. except that the date of Its ictroduct on was postpo-?ed by reason cf a desire on the part cf the attorney general to examine closely ime of its features. While it l entirely possible that the bill will pass the house, t-etause that is understood to be the prcgram. it will run against a very serious stumbling biock in the senate. The great railroad interests of the United States, recognising that they have the f.ght cf their lives cn their hands, have put forward their ablest men. The Inter state commerce committee ef the senate ha already indicated to the railroad rep resentatives that they will be heard an 1 engagement have been mad until Febru ary la for such hearing It seems thera fcre a most remote possibility that the Hepburn bill should ever get any further than the senate committee on interstate commerce. Among tbe brilliant railroad officials who will be heard next week by Senator El kin" committee is J. W. Blythe J, Burling ton. Just what day he will be asked to ap pear before the committee is cot known, but there are so many railway Interests to be heard that the interstate commerce committee of the senate will cn Monday ask leave to sit dunr.g the session cf the senate In order that everybody that desires to be heard may bave that privilege. Xorrl BUI Mlareareaeated. Representative Norris of the Fifth Ne braska district Is consideratly annoyed ever a misapprehension which seems to prevail In hi district reitlve to the bill which he recently introduced extending the tenure of office of president, vice president and members of congress and the election of senators by the people. According to his bill the president and vice pres.dent and senators shall be elected for terms of eight years and congressmen for four years, one senator ar.d members of t he lower house to be elected every four years. The misconception of his bill grows out of an article which appeared In newspapers printed In the South Platte country wherein it was stated that the Norris bill Increased the salaries of members of congress. Hav ing no Idea whatsoever along those lines. Judge Norris. who received a number of letters today from constituents asking In regard to his salary bill, feels annoyed that hi bill to amend the constitution ha been so misunderstood. Bryan' VUlt te the White Hoase. William J. Bryan, who has been here for the last two days, called at the White House this morning. Concerning his visit be said this afternoon: "I had a very pleasant talk with the president. In which we discussed many subjects upon which we agree, but avoided those upon which we are at variance." Judge KIr.kaJd today nominated John An derson for postmaster at Naper. Boyd county, vice Mra Dudley, deceased. Judge N. O. Haraer of Kearney is in the city. John G. Kean. former lieutenant gov ernor of South Dakota, and Mary Steafe of Wstertown. 8. D.. are In the city. I Owsaha Warehoose Pkb4 Zarreased. Representative Hir-shaw, together with Representative Hitchcock, today induced the Indian committee of the souse to in crease the appropriation for the Omaha ' Indian warehouse from f.OJO to no.OO. and without any debate whatsoever, the amendment offered by the chairman of the committee when the Indian appropria tion bill wa under consideration was adopted. J. Q. Anderson of Chamberlain. S. D., one of the electors selected a messenger to carry the rote ef that stats to Wash ington, was presented to the president today by Congressman Martin. The census bureau will shortly begin a canvass of the manufacturing Industrie of the United State and a number of special agent will It appointed In the principal manufacturing center to take a census at a compensation of S3 per day. Senator Millard has recommended as spe cial age-nts for Omaha F. E. Johnson and Howard W. Blackburn. M. D. Hayne of Seattle. Wash., cousin of 3. B. Hayne. secretary of Senator Millard, Is in Washington. The application of A. R. Daughenbaugh. C. F. E perry, A. F. Daughenbaugh. Net tle Daughenbaugh. N. D. Sperry and P. A. Whitney to organise the First National bark of Somen. Ia.. was todsy approved by the comptroller of the currency. Nebraska postmasters appointed; Bassett. Rock county, Clifton F. SiockwtlL vice H. J. White, resigned. Gretna, Sarpy county. Miss Cora E. Raker, vice W. S. Raker, reaigned. CHILDREN HAVE CLOSE CALL Paale Starts la Alllawre Theater, Filled with Little Oars, hat I dwelled. ALLIANCE. Neb., Jan. a. Special Tele gram.) Through the cor. fusion caused by a child fainting a cry of fire was raised at the Phelar.d opera house this afternoon, which resulted In a panic among an audi ence composed entirely of children, that would have proved disastrous had not members of the company and other cool headed people worked energetically for a few minutes. As It was, several children were slightly injured through being tramp led upon, while three small tots were res cued clinging to tbe railing of sn exit Dearly thirty feet from the street. Cite woman jumped from thi distance but wa not seriously hurt. a4 Teasa Are Killed. EH ELTON. Neb . Jn. a.-Speclal Tele gram.) L. D. Fackler waa struck and In stantly killed this forenoon at 10 IS by train No. M on the Union Pacific at the second crossing eaat of the depot. H.s team was also killed and wagen demolished. This train does not usually stop here and it is supposed that Fackler did cot hear Its approach. He was a laboring man X years of age ar.d leave a family in poor circum stance. Aa Inquest will le held. Araalt Alleged Hastier. CNEILU Jan. a Special Charie and Bert Miller, two brothers residing in Paddock township of this county, who were accused cf cattle stealing, have been declared not guilty by a Jury of twelve good men and true, after a deliberation of about hour. hatlec ( Thaw k a. We extend our heartfelt thanks to our friends and ftelxhbora The Degree of Honor. Ill Ak-Sar-Bm lodge. SS Ancient Ordrr I'nited Workmen, who so kindly a sisted us during the Illness and death ot out beiovrd wife and daughter. ED HI Q. AIRS AUSA P.V13 ti.4 Uo.ll. rchard : Wilhelm earpet 2o. Now at iqm.ielS2C Douglas Street. About July 1st we move into our new building, 10th and Howard Sts. Big Special January Sales A purchas-int op'ortunitv that few should nms. Hundreds of pieces of discontinued pat terns bought from manufacturers at 1 s tlian cost. These are as poo, in every respect as the new prtwluctions. and when placed in your rtsm none t an tell whether they were of this or last season's patterns. It would be a small matter any way. as a pood, well made piece of furniture is alwaTs in stvle. Uarjiains fT t-verv rtm in the h"me in this sale. The following are but a few of our sps-t ial .January Sale pietvs. COUCHES In will te your lss if you do ut take advantage of these extremely spocial pric-s that we are making on this lot of f.m. hes. Never before have such tempting values been offered. Couches of all steel construction, finely upholstered, with select oak frames at positive reductions, in fat. less than the manufacturer's cost. We have a very liberal assort ment of these in all colors of coverings and styles of frames. U k courh. special t? 5' ccuch. special tW 5 couch. special I.? a couch. special f:J f couch. special tJ- couch. special i... It .( two-piece mahogany prior suit K mahegany cokn!J parlor SUit t'.?i -m mahogany er-ictual daver.;.rt t" ' g ' d divan. special IA- ... g Id d.van. special rt .' three-piece mahogany parlcr suit t o. golden oak buffet ' golden oak t -iffet 4 . weathered oak buffet HT weathered oak buffet fji combination buffet, golden oak f.S- ' oak china cabinet tlii. "" bird s-eye maple ch'.fforier j. bird s-eye maple dressing table ?.' bird's-eye maple dresser .. jassasw, mm.mLjir'm rs't f&s . v. '. a.? - -e--w. vii- Mfj in a position to sell you beautiful, new this price. Never has the asortment been quite so complete. Kee rug display Come in and see the stock and make your selection of $40.(K) room size Wilton at the $3.00 saving. Each go at $33.00. patterns at in window, rugs. 9x12, ADAMS FILES HIS REPLY Accra. Mine Owuen and Otktn of Oon ipiricy to Defraud Him of Office SAYS REGISTRATION LISTS ARE PADDED Alee Allege that Maay Illegal Tatea Aere- Cast. Voter Iatlwsldate aad His Plarallty hald Be Thirty Thaaaaa. DENVER. Jan. rx-Tfce answer of Gov ernor Alva Adam to the allegations of tenner Governor Jame H- Peabody. con testant for the office of governor, wa filed today. The answer make a general denial of the allegation of the contestor and specifically charge fraud In several coun ties the oontestee. It alleges that divers corporations and mine owners' association conspired wi n the republican state central committee and spent large sums In securing fraudulent registration lists, padding registration lists, corrupting election officials and buying votes for the purpose of electing Governor Peabody. The answer allege that upon information and belief the ballet boxes of Denver do not now contain the ballots which were actually cast by qualified voters, that the ballot boxes have been tampered with and stuffed since the election by persons In the employ and under the direction of the re publican committee ot the city and county cf Denver, and that said spurious ballots have been substituted In the Interest of the republican candidates ar.d the Interest of the wntestor. pursuant to an unlawful conspiracy entered into by the republican committee. Its' tools and employes, for the purpose of making it appear that the bal lots were substituted In the Interest of the cntestee. whereas. In fact, whatever sub stitution of ballots has occurred in the city ar.d county of Denver, if any have occurred, has been committed In the Interest of the contestor. Employe Are Threatened. In pursuance of the alleged conspiracy the answer aver, corporations, mine cwn er and other persons threatened their em ploye with discharge If they tailed to vote for Peabody. It Is alleged that In Las Anlma county at least men. Imported from Italy A -stria sr.d other countries and state to take the place of employe who had left on account cf labor trouble, were fraudu lently naturalised, registered and voted. The conteetee further charge that large bodies of armed men were about certain voting place In Las Animas county for tba purpose of Intimidating voters. In Teller county, the contestee slleges, the mine owners snd cperators' associa tion Is not only In full control of the minea but also directs the manner In which pub lic offices shall be conducted. This asso ciation announcement previou to the election that the employe in the mine should have a holiday election day without lus of wage, was in the nature of a bribe, the contestee declares It is further alleged that In the Crijple Creek district on elec tion day. l. armed deputies under th direction of Sheriff Edward Bell, paraded th treets far the purpose cf( Intimidating voters: that they e'ected democratic Judges from several precincts and lr.timidated oth ers, ar.d that the two election cor.etables w ere shot down 4nd killed without provo cation. Prior to the election. It 1 charge!, at least J.WO democratic voters had been driven frcm their homes In this county ar.d were cot f ted to vote, and there were placed cn the regtetritlon looks and al lowed to vote over t persons w ho were not entitled to register. Moreover, the con testee alleges, the members of the Mine Owners' as .elation threatened to deprive any miner of his "working card" who failed to vote for Governcr Peabody. Many a.legtd acts of violence and fraud at the In Teller county ar enumerated. In Pueblo, Colo, U contestee allege. 5.85 6.75 7.25 8.50 12.50 16.00 .46.00 55.00 97.50 .1100 13.75 49.00 22.75 27.50 41.00 40.00 155.00 100.00 87.50 69.00 44.00 f mahgary r-oior.lal rheval g a IS. " mahogany colonial dresmrg table '' mah ajar.y dressing table P." ' gclien cak Morri chair Ill fe imitation mahogany Morris c hslr weathered oak. leather tcp table t-'l w eathered S; ar.ish leather arm chair !: solid mahogany ladles' desk g3 '' solid mah any ladle' desk g"J '1 g.Uen oak ladies' dSk Xjv V weathered oak aervlr.g table fl! X weathered oak magaame rack MT grillen oak rocker, handsomely carved f.-' i. gci1en oak chair, claw feet. cared back 111. ft. .arge arm rocker, grolden oak l mahogany. Spanish leather seat and back rocker xv mahc gany fir.ish corner chair. special rji :. .'.ve-piece oak parlor suit five-piece mahogany parlor suit P.: - tr y den ck rock"r. handsomely p:Lhed mmm Ru9S Rugs r there were t.CiO fictitious name on tb reg.stration books, and In addition at least l.y.' persons voted by Impersonating other people. Tbe answer allege the republican organ Ixatlon la Pueblo, aided by republican county fflcen, caused to be Issied i. nat uralisation papers to foreigners, none of whom had been in the United States long enough to have acquired the right to vote. Further, it is alleged. SfXi person were reg istered la precincts where they do not re side In Fremont county, the contestee allege. . person were permitted to vote who were not qualified voter. Fraudulent vote are alleged also to have been cast for the contestor In Rio Grande. Castella, San Mig uel and Huerfano counties, and charge of Intimidation, false registration and ballot box stuffing in these counties are made. Alleged fraudjlent acts In Jefferson. Pit kin, La Plata and Weld counties are also set forth. Governor Adams asks the joint assembly If it finds that fraudulent votes were cast In Denver, to separate the good and bad and court the good ballots. To throw out the entire vote of more than It precincts as asked by the contestor. the governor says, would disfranchise thousands of le gally qualifi-d voters. He avers that fully :('.KiO votes that were cast for him In the counties referred to in his answer were not counted for him. and declares that with a fair and full vote his majority would have been Si" .WO Instead cf only STT4 a shown by the canvass by the legislature. Seven experts, who had examined the ballot boxes in as many precincts, made their report before the Joint legislative committee hearing the Pea body -A dams con test this afternoon. They reported that out of 1K1 ballot found in the seven boxes IX stre fraudulent. Pythian Dedicate HalL HfMBOU'T, Neb . Jan. Ti .(Special The member of Humboidt lodge No. JS. Knight of Pythias, formally dedicated the r new castle hall last evening with a banquet and at which were present about 3tX inc'.ud.r.g member and invited gueists. Tbe hall, w hich ha jut been com pleted, la one cf the beat In southeastern Nebraska and was erected by the members 7T MAKES' YOO S j ALL Uj ) OVER i .- -hS, . - 'i ii -n - - In the throat? That means hoarseness, sore throat, tonsillitis. In the chest? Then bron chitis, pneumonia, consumption. Do not let your cold settle. Break it up! Drive it out ! Ask your doctor the best medicine for this. If he says Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, take it at once. If he has anything better, take that. by the I 0 arts-a iart noos-Par tw u ilU t &AkjAPklLLA-f th 25.00 17.00 55.00 ia nn a -v. vvf ss 9.50 1 24.00 46.50 31.50 24.00 24.75 14.00 10.00 12.00 12.50 13.50 31.50 3.95 25.00 55.00 8.75 A Special Sale or Rugs Starts on Mond.y. A $40.00 Rug for $35.00. Monday the entire lot of fine f 40 Wilton rugs go at each, $3o. Buying such large quantities of the rugs places us cf the lodge In conjunction wtth J. P. Wcaab. The building shares are carried wholly by the lodge and Us Individual members. HOLT COVSTT TAKISG STOCK Tow sis sat Coaaty Will Cheek Cs Af ronu mmi Taaee. O'NEILL. Neb.. Jan. a. Special.) Tha Board of County Ccmmlsaioners of Holt county has passed a resolution Invoking the provisions of the act of April U, 10. commonly called the scavenger law. and declared It purpose to enforce the law strictly. By carefully going over the de- linquent real estate tax In O'Neill alone It wa found that the amount aggregated a little more than $W6.. Instead of tSO.OMt, as heretofore reported, and those dtixens who paid their taxes promptly becam tired of bearing the burden of government alone. The village of Atkinson. Imbued with the desire to find out where It stand, has ap pointed a committee to check every account ar.d fund that Is any way connected with the welfare of the village and report tha exact status of each account. Child Is Shat hy Playmate. j HASTINGS. Neb.. Jan. a (Special.) j W'hlle her brother and a neighbor bey wera playlr.g with a loaded 2-caliber revolver Thursday afternoon the weapon was dis charged and l&-year-o)d Mabel Crab was painfully wounded In the arm. The mishap occurred at the borne of Mr. and Mra James Crable while Mrs. Crable was down town shopping and the children were left I alone. Secretary Clark Reslsrw. FREMONT. Neb . Jan. a.-. Special-) 8. S. Clark has, tendered hi resignation as secretary of the Tcmng Men s Christian as sociation, to take effect April 1. Mr. Clark kas been connected with the association In this city for the last fourteen years and (or the last eight years ha been local sec retary. The success of the work here baa been largely due to his efforts. tervlce at First Baatlst fksrek. There will be union services this even- Ing at the First Baptist church. Rev. ' P.obert Yot of St Mary's Avenue Congre j gational church will preach the sermon. Ache all over? Feverish? Chilly? Just coming down with a hard cold? Where do you suppose it will settle? aywr C . Vmw 1TT2 g PILL Msattaatiam. sfU'l aulg Ckk aaaiuia a4 agn.