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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 22, 1905)
THE OMAHA DAILY REE: SUNDAY, JANUARY 22. 1905. 13 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE D. V. SHOLES 722 N. Y. LIFE. SPECIAL Thes properties must be sold. They are merit. Read the list, look them up and make I 1,0003417 Jackson St., R rooms, city water, lot 83x124 feet, well located. t 1,500 2302 Blondo St. corner, 150x134 feet, large 2-story 10-room house. cost about $.OhO; fine view; on grade, and a great big snap at this price. t 1,7601320 Park Ave, 2-story and base ment houw of 6 rooms and one 3-room cottage In the rear; lot Buxl.V) feet; the lot alone being cheap at the prlcj asked for all; location choice. I l,SCO-R37 Bouth 23d. neat 6-rrom house and kitchen, city water and gas, barn, lot 33x147 feet, good repair, walking dis tance. f 1,000 2608 Cuming St., B room, city water, lot 64x124 feet, paving paid, on car line, close to best retail business cor ner In Omaha; lot alone worth more money; this Is a decided bargain. t 2,000934 North 27th Ave.. 7 rooms, fine re pair, new nickel plumbing, hot. ami cold water, bath, all newly papered 'and painted, burn, fine shade: lot O-'t by 125 feet. This la a bargain. t 2,1001212 S. 17th. good new 8-room house, fine repair, nicely arranged, close In, exceptional place for a railroad man. f 2,5001806 Locust St., 2-story -room house, strictly modern, good furnace, nickel plumbing, gas and bath; owner leav- Inr the city and wants to sell. t 2.500 2522 Maple St., large 2-story 8-room house, nicely arranged, rooms large. all modern, beat underfeed furnace, economical to run, works fine, lot 6ox 120 feet, with good shade. Can't beat this anywhere for the money. t 3,600840 North 27th Ave., large 10-room house, all newly painted and papered Inside and out; new plumbing, large barn, lot 62x126 feet, good shade; Just the place for a large family. Make easy terms or consider a cash offer. Look at it. $ 6,000610 South 26th Ave., lot 60V4 by 115 feet to alley, large 10-room modern house, toilet and lavatory on tlrst floor, complete bath on second; good repair, well built, close in,' decided bargain. f 6,600 Kl :t Worthlngton St.. Joins Brnwncll Hall on the east, first story brick, second story frame. 10 rooms, tine oak finish, handsome Interior, thor- I H Acres North. H 8 acres, y mile north of Krug park, 5-room house, barn, well, etc., 3 acres in all kinds of fruit, 6 acres garden land. Trice $2,850. 5 acres adjoining same, $200 nn acre. 10 acres, tine level land, all under cultiva tion, near Crosby'a nursery, $1,05)1. 20 acres. 3 miles west of Florence, all level, for $2,100. Might divide. 11 acres on Calhoun road, 1V miles from Florence, $1,350. 10, 15 or 20 acres, west of Florence 1 mile, rolling, fine fruit and garden land, $110 an acre. $300 Cash and the balance in monthly payments will ' buy the 6-room cottage at 2622 Templeton St., house built about three years ago, all modern but furnace, good location. Price $1,960 if sold by February 1, or will rent house for $18 per month, $500 Cash balance monthly, will buy the new 6-room modern cottage at 27th and Pierce. Price with furnace $2,650; without furnace $2,550, or will rent it for $26 per month. North Boulevard Home -room cottage, between Spruce and Iake, line city water, newer and gas. Price $1,700. Another Bargain 6-room new house, 1508 Madison Ave., city water, gas, sewer, bath, lavatory, paved street, brick walk, good location. Price fur a few days mor, $2,100. Hastings & Heyden, t 16094 Farnam St., (Ground Floor). Open Monday Evenings Until 10 p. m, RE . . 70,000 ACRES IDAHO LANDS. .Locations carefully Delected for parties at distance. Write Kennedy Pnckurd, Twin Falls, Idaho. RE M947 24x c,a Williamson Co.. u RE-6S2 PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY First Floor, New York Life Bldg. 2330 S 29th Ave 4-rooru cottage, east front, on paved street; rents for $8.00 a month $750. 4723 Parker 3 rooms, large lot, for sale on easy terms. See It and make us au ofl'(,T. 170(5 Canton St 4-room cottage, city -witter; south front; $900; easy terms. JIS10 Parker St 7 rooms, city water, large lot; $1,250; easy terms. 1924 4-room cottage, lot 37 feet frontage, on 28th. between Dodge and 'ornnui, which the owners are very anxious to sell and want an offer. 1262 On Parker, near 34th; 5-room house, good barn $1,100. East front on 32nd St, just north of California; nice cottage price $1,500. ' VMd Jones Full lot, south front modern cottage price $1,800. 4208 Cuming St. 7-room house, good bnru price $2,000; easy terms. 2315 So. 12th St C-room cottage, modern except furnace price $2,500. 1208-10-12 So. 20th St. 430x102; 3 hbuses, all rented price $2,500. 6i!40 AT small store building and a cottage in the rear, on Ilamilton, near 40tb for sale very cheap. 3224 Cuming St. A new, strictly modern C-room house, south front on a paved street; owner has left the city and is anxious to sell price $3,300. Two blocks from High School 8-room house, lot 66x132 price $3,500. (n North 24th St. 2-story brick building and two frame houses on 60x127 feet of grouud; pent $120 a month price $12,000; isy terms, VACANT Two full lots facing west on 41st Ave., between Davenport and Chicago, At a very low price. 22x135, near 27th Ave., facing north on Cuming; special tuxes all paid price $450. Northwest corner of 27th Ave. and Webster, S0xl50; suitable for sub division. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY First Floor, New York SHIMER & CHASE, Builders of Modern Houses. Ten acres. Just west of the city; good four-room house, good well of water and other buildings; tine place for a dairy or chicken and truck farm; bargain; $2,000.00. $0 acres, only two miles from city limits, on paved street; this Is fine and a bargain at $100.00 per acre. Qood new six-room house and other buildings, one acre of ground; tine place for chickens; two blocks from paved street and atreet cars; for quick sale, $2,250.00. See us for bargains In modern homes and vacant lots. A choice trackuge corner in the wholesale district, which we are offer ing at a bargain. SHIMER & CHASE CO. I. N. HAMMOND, 160$ Farnam St. 'Phone 3S67. RE-635 22 ACREAGE BARGAINS. TO LEASE 20 ACRES. IMPROVED. Hi ACHES. SOUTHWEST-$l,25u. 10 AA'HES EAST OF BENSON $3.0U0. 40 ACRES NORTH OF FLORENCE $5,500. SO ACRES ON MILITARY hUAD; OOUD FUR OAHDE.Nl.Nd, VMS IT RAISING, ETC. $6,4uU. 80 ACKKb, UOOD, SARPY COUNTY $(i,4u0. 107 ACHES NKAR 1 RVINGTON-$7.0uu JOHN N. FRENZER, OPP. OLD P. O. RE 630 22 FOR BALE One note of $1,600. due In one lear, secured by first mortgage ou good improved Omuh& property, bearing f per cent interest, payable semi-annually ; also one note for $1.6u0. due on or before three years, interest at t pr rant, payable semi-annually, sauured by first mortgage ou good property. Both are absolutely safe and given by respectable panics. Address the owuer, 8 26, live office. RE-M453 -- - V1KOIN1A FARMS All sixes. Produce al kinds of crops, .'or health, wealth and Information write Viral partner, Dept. 7, 1-iuporla, V RE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE COMPANY, TEL. 49. BARGAINS. absolutely cheap. They all u a proposition. Perfect title. have oughly modern, fine hot water hestlng plant, beautiful location, close to Far nam car Hue. lot 5xl32 feet, or we will Include feet additional at mar ket value. The owner has left the city and this house must be sold. It Is up to you. Bee us quick. $18,500 Large 2-story frame dwelling. 1 rooms on two floors, 2 bed rooms and large ball mom on 3d floor, elegant basement under entire house, 3 baths, very best of fixtures, dining room P'.x 24 fret, best of hot water heating plants, fine oak and hard wood finish, large porches on east and south, ground PQxlSo feet, corner, with stone coping on two sides, all streets paved and paid for. on account of ill health owner wants to sell quick. Consider cash proposition or would tnke a first-class western Iowa or eastern Nebraska farm at cash value, In all or part, but must be good. VACANT. $ 12548x130 feet, east front, on 41st. block and a half south of Leavenworth St. enr; high, sightly; $-5 down and $10 per month; no Interest. $ 01096x142 feet, south front on Cass St., between 33d and 31th, lying good. $ 85060x113 feet, N. W. corner 22d and Poppleton Ave., a fine corner, stone paving In front paid for, permanent walk; walking distance; a big bar gain. $ 1,200 lffix 140 feet, south front on Ban croft 8t., between 14th and 16th, lies line; room for four houses; some nice larre shade trees; a big bargain. $ 1,500 130x3PO feet, north front on Cali fornia St., beginning 110 feet west of 32d, on car line, on grade, a snap. $ 1,250-94x140 feet, B. IX corner 31st and Jackson Sts., room for three or four houses. $ 1,500 92x134 feet, east '-out on 40th. 60 feet north of Hurt; ts 'g paid, one block from car line; C ICE. $ 6.5C0 N. V. corner Farnam and Park Ave., 115 feet on Farnam by 87 feet deep, Park avenue on the east and alley on the west; paving paid; room for an apartment house or live brick residences; a decided snap. RE- HANDSOME HALCYON HEIGHTS A. P. TUKEY&SON. Although the weather has been a little against selling outside property, we have a good many people looking for a location in this neighborhood. Many of them seem to want to buy from one to three lots, instead of bunches of six. so we have decided to make the same price on any number of lots you want, one or more; choice of seventy-five fine lots for $1(10 each; ran make satisfactory terms. We can so Arrange to give you any num ber you want all together, making two or three acre if you so desire; only one block from street car. Take Benson car and go to end of line, then go one block south. More houses have been built In Benson the lust year than in any other part of Omaha, and it is rapidly gaining the posi tion of the leading Bijburb of Omaha. As nn investment a bunch of the $100 lots can not be beaten. Call at our office for plats. A. P. TUKEY & SON, 444-415 Board of Trad Bldg. Tel. 2181. RE 832 22 COTTAGE HOME FOR $1,800. Has 6 rooms, south front, sightly, barn, lots of fruit, two lots, on a corner, delightful. Sec It. LOTS IN SHAPE TO BUILD ON. At prices ranging from' $:i00 to $760 each and In various parts of the city, and sold to be paid for as Boon as jour house is fin ished. W EST SIDE LOTS $50 TO $100 EACH. RESIDENCE, $6,500. 76 feet front, with fine shade. 10-room house, modern, costing $8,600. See location, 604 Bouth 28t! atreet. ACREAGE. 10 to 20 acres, Benson, at $100 to 15 acres, near Ruser's, at.. 126 10 acres, east of Ruser's, a.. 250 6 acres, in Florence, at 250 4(1 acres, Cedar county 30 DAVID C. PATTERSON, 1623 FARNAM. RE-821 23 Life Bldg. Tel. 1781. RE 1 DESIRABLE HOMES. A. P. TUKEY & SON. 4-35 Grant St., Clifton Hill, 7-room house, city water, gas and sewer; full lot, $l,6u0; $j(J0 cash and balance easy payments. Templeton Ave. A very good 8-room house, with two lots, fruit, etc., $3,000. 2820 Spauldlng, 6 rooms; good condition: Si.uoo. 444-445 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 2181. RE 833 23 BARGAINS IN CASS COUNTY FARMS. 143 acres located ti miles south of Plal tu rnout h; land lays mostly level, part of it bottom land. good, rich soil, fair improve ments and good orchard. Can be bought for $32 ner acre if taken at once. U0 acres one mile south of Cedar Creek; 9M acres under cultivation, balance In pasture and hay land, all well fenced, running water, two sets of improvements. This farm lies In one of the best agricultural districts In Nebraska; being one mile from market makes it a most favorable farm for sale anywhere. Price, $i6 jer acre, on easy terms; will sell part of It if so de sired. 160 acres $ miles southwest of Crelghton, Neb., mostly all under cultivation, aood Improvements, good grove; land lies mostly level, good, rich soli; price, (30 per aero. Will take part In trade If so de sired; easy terms on the balance. Write the Corona Live Stock and Invest ment Co.. J. P FALTER, Manager, Plattsmouth, Neb. RE Ml ti 17 ACRES Jut north of Florence, on main road. Good place for a gardener- $2,000. THE BYRON REED CO., 22 8. 14th Bt. RE-785 2) FOR SALE REAL ESTATE BARGAINS 14 SOD for 4-room modern residence, fine location, 10 minutes walk from postoffloe. $4.6'io for 8-room new modern residence nd fine corner lot in Kountxe Place; pos session St once. $4,250 for two excellent houses. rooms nH rooms mnrWrn excent furnace, nickel flumbing, holce lot, space for another ouse. 13.750 for two houses and large lot. north west corner 19th and Clark sts. ; rentals, $40 per m-rnth. .;.!" excellent ft-room nousr aim no- iui on l'th ni'ar Dorcas. $3.25o for 7-room house, good as new, tvxige near 2Mb. U AH) fur 6-room modern house rear Kountie Place; owner must sell. IJ.'cO for t-room hou-e near Hanscom Pi-ice. fine lot. paving paid. M.mio for 8-room modern residence on 18th near lie. , . $l.Sn lor o-room cnttago and nrge 101, in near Frances; lot alone worth tlvO. GARDEN LAND 1 rail fH BUUUl IV i lis, jiiic saiu.-ii mm,, good house, barn, well, hot beds, etc.; only $1,5U. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., 1320 Farnam Street. RE-DiS 22 SPECIAL 10 acres, with 4-room house, barn, etc. Fine location for gurdrn. Any old terms will buy it. $1,300. THE BY RON REED CO., RE 9b6 i SHRIVER Real Estate, Insurance, Rentals, Loans. 'Phnne 1KUK. 1()23 New York Life Building. If you want a real bargain let me show you the loliowing properties: 7-room house, full lot, barn, etc., 15th near Martha $2,000 6-room modern house, new, Wirt St., near 24th 2,000 10-room house, barn, gas, etc., Daven port St 2,600 4-rooni cottage, fine shape, 37th and Ames 800 2-roont cottage, new, full lot, Central Park 250 Cornf-r, vacant, trackage, Nicholas St. l.BuO Full lot on lst, near Paul St., vacant. 500 62-foot lot, vacant, 32d and Califor nia St 525 6-rootn cottage, bath, cloROt, gas, cor ner, paved street, permanent side walk, 25th and Parker. $sm cash, bal ance easy 2 200 RE 9M 22 TWO COTTAGE BARGAINS IN WALKING DISTANCE. $1,360827 S. 24th St.; lot fronts on both 23d and I4th sts.; a 6-room cottage, good cellar, city water and sewer connection; room for another cottage on 23d st. $1,350837 S. 22d St., a 7-room house; barn; paved street. If you want a bargain, close In, Investigate these properties. GARVIN BROS., 1604 FARNAM. RE-970 22 ACREAGE 1 ACREAGE ! . 10 acres west of Benson $1,000 20 acres west of Benson 2.0HO 6 acres 1 mile southwest of Benson.... 750 6 acres north of Krug Park 1,000 10 acres north of Krug Park.. 2.000 17 acres north of Florence 2,000 80 acres near Irvlngton, Neb... 6,400 240 acres near Fremont, per acre....... 35 THE BYRON REED CO., 212 South 14th. RE-963 22 Homes in Benson CHEAP AND EASY. I have for sale on small cash payment and balance on monthly payments at little more than rent, houses from 4 to 8 rooms, and land In all parts of town. Lots and acre property, and will build to sultpur chaser. Interest, 6 per cent. Office, Times Building, Main Street. Benson. Jas. P. Qrove. RE 824 22x H Kountze Place Home H $3,100 New house, Just completed, 6 rooms and bath, all modem, with latest plumbing, ce mented cellar, electric light, gas, paved street, brick walks, 1906 Spencer. Will rent house for $30 per month. Hastings & Heyden, 1609H Farnam St. Fire Insurance. Open Monday Evenings, 8 to 10. RE-968 22 BEAUTIFUL HOME We are authorised to offer the attractive iiuiiio wu7 iru. yi until. cru i .itisciiB, lull particulars of which will be given on appli cation; large house, large grounds, choice, lktlv 1 f '-i tifr i n.1 will K mr I rt u. n blti BARGAIN W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., 1320 Farnam Street. ' , RE-969 23 40 ACRES SH miles northwest Florence, not rough, S acres timber, house, well, barn, etc. THIS IS THE BIGOE8T SNAP NEA R OMAHA. BE SURE AND INVESTIGATE. Price for Immediate sale, only $3,8(J0. .1 ACRE V mile north Country Club, 62d and Boulevard Ave., high and sightly, only $000. SNAP. SEE L'S QUICK. North 24th street. 7-room residence, east front, lot 44x132, brick walks, shade trees $1,600. yth, near odge, 6-room cottage, east front lot, walking distance, easy terms $1,200, We want an offer on 4-room cottage in North Omaha, on Sherman Ave.; non-resident owner says sell. Price, $X0. SWEET & BEST, Tel. 1472. 613 N. T. L. RE GEORGE & CO. 1601 Farnam St. 'Phone 756. Houses for Sale. $1,600 for 270 Cuming St., t-room cottage, line shade, large lot, 67xl36 feet. Over looking new Boulevard. Permanent sidewalk. $3,750 for 2O50 N. ISth St., new 6-room two story modern bouse. Lot 63-14U feet. Never occupied. Easy terms. $5,6o0 for 1426 and 142- N. luih St, two de sirable houses of six and seven rooms, re spectively; 1426 modern except furnace and 1428 Is all modern. Property is In first-class condition and within easy walk ing distance. Would rent for $tio.oo per month. Will sell separately if desired. Acres in Omaha Suburbs. $200 per acre for 20 acres unimproved in MayOeld. located west of Dundee Place. Will sell in i or 10-acre tracts. Easy terms. $2.ti5o for t seres north or Krug park, new house, b.rn and outbuildings. All kinds of fruit. $2,5uO for No. 4ti24 Grand Ave., U-i acres, highly improved, all kinds of bearing fruit. Desirable lots for sals located In all parts ol the city. RE Sol 23 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE SIX-ROOM new house, 1H story, modern except furnace, cellar under whole house, a Wfll built house, lot 36 feet south front on Maple, near l!th $1.W0.00 -room cottage, bath, lot 60x122, 2119 Maple St $2,'H on 7-rom. lH-story, bath, barn, lot 6o122. 221S Miami $2,3nrt.O0 7-room cottage, modern except furnace, new hern, on the boulevard, near Lakes lot 30x140 $2,300.00 5-room cottage, S711 North 19th, modern except furnace, barn, lot 50x140.... $2. mvoO Jlxl3i, on Blnnev, nar 24th $ 3o.) 34x124, corner 23.1 and Emmet Wii.'iO 6xl22. Maple, east of 24th (ViO.oO 33x124. Locust, near ISth fcio.nn &UX124. Bhiney, near 21st. paved St... 1,IM.00 W. H. GATES. 617 N. Y. IJfe. 'Phone 12W RE ?56 23 Wanted to Buy Have several customers with from $100 to $Ji0 each that want to buy homes. What have you? Hastings & Heyden, 1609 "FARNAM ST. RE 107 22 FARM LANDS. FARM LANDS. In Central States; alHo wild and Improved lands In western Canada. Clean stocks of mer chandise, horses and cattle ac cepted as partial payment. fow have two Improved fai'i urns In W. Canada to rent. ) Alawys open for a deal. MERICAN-CANA DI A N LAND CO., tup: a Box 646. TIPTON. IOWA. RE- FOR SALE or exchange, easy terms, 7 room modern bouse, with barn, Hanscom I'ark district; first-class condition. C. J. Canar., 1715 Leavenworth St. towr,er RE K02 22X BEAUTIFUL BUILDING LOCATION. SU-acre tract; 200 fruit trees Just coming Into hearing. Call and see. or address P. V. Chapman, Prop., White House Gardens, Papllllon, Neb. RE S40 22x SEU THE BYRON RKET COMPANY FOR HOUSES AND LOTS. 212 SOUTH 14T1I ST. RE-904 22 Wanted to Buy We want 1 to 10 acres close to car line to subdivide. Hastings & Heyden 1C09V4 Farnam St. Phone TV. RE 10G 22 Close in Bargains 7 rooms, modern except furnace; near AU Saints' church, good neighborhood; $2,6oi. 7 rooms, new, modern except furnace; on Capitol nve. near 2!th St.; $2,600. BEMIS, PAXTON BLOCK. RE-108 22 F. D. WEAD. TWO 5-room cottages on Bristol St., east of 2; paving fully paid; lot 6oxl32; snap. $2,750. 1524 Douglas St. RE 992 23 CHEAP HOMES, Good Investments Three practically new dwellings, mod ern except furnace: rent of one, $13.50 per month; can be sold together or separately. Price of the three $2,000 Fine home on 21st St., between Lake and Ohio; new and modern; rents for $21 per month. Price for short time. 1,800 Corner of 27th and Spauldlng, a good dwelling, with full lot; not modern, but a bargain at 1,200 Houses Nos. 2607, 2711. 2615 and 2619 No. 26th ave. ; each, live rooms, new, With full lots; for sale together jt separate. Rents $10 per month. Price of each 850 Three good lots on 23st and Vinton for sale for a short time at, per lot 60 Two fine lots within three blocks of school house, In Benson; needs no grading and will be for sale for one week at, 'each 200 JOHN B. HANSEN, 821 N. Y. L Omaha, Neb. 'Phone 3133. RE EXCURSION TO KANSAS GRAIN BELT Cheap railroad rates. Join us on this trip to Kansas Tuesday, February 7, 1S05, where we can show you farming land having as good soli and raising as good crops as land selling at live times our price. No alkali, no gumbo, very cheap land and easy terms. See or write us for particulars. Fitzyerald-Dermody Co., Tel. 6108. 836 N. Y. Life Bldg. RE 103 22 BIG SNAP In Walnut Hill district; fine home of nine rooms, with hot water heating plant, gas, hot and cold water, two bath rooms, good barn, fifty-foot lot, fine shade, lots of fruit. Owner Is going to California and will sell very cheap. Glad to show you this property any time. Price reduced to $2,900. Payne, Bostwick & Company, Sixth Floor, N. Y. Life. Phone 1016. RE That 100 acres $75 per acre ebort diHtance north of Benson, is going. Several are considering the purchase of a part This Is all right if it all sells at once. All tillable land. Best snap in the county today. 30 minutes' drive from Benson. One-tblrd cash, balance easy. First money lakes it F. D. WEAD, 15.4 Douglas St -RE CHEAP FRUIT LAND Three acres, adjoining South Omaha; new 8-room house, with good furnace, barn, 26 peach, 40 plum, 6 pear, 60 cherry trees, 2U0 grape vines, 1U0 red raspberries, 1U0 bl.ick raspberries, large amount of straw berries, etc.; splendid location, telephone; rural free delivery. Price, $3,7uO. Will exchange for land In central or eastern Nebraska. Fitzgerald-Dermody Co.. Tel. 611. 836 N. Y. Life Bldg. RE 999 23 SPLENDID bargain in 6-room cottage and barn, on 2Ktli ave., north Farnam, for quick sale. $1,5U0. F. D. Wead, 1524 Doug, las. RE 991 22 BIO SNAP Six-room house, barn, chicken house and fruit; nine lots on 13th St.:. car llue; $1,600 If taken this week. COMPTON-WATTS CO. 636 Paxton Block. RE 116 2$ LOOK HERE $1,600 down, $1,200 down, $1,000 bottom. Must be sold began with $1,1100 and out, cut, cut, till we will now accept $1,000 cash for two 4-room modern cottages in fine condition; newly painted and papered and plumbing all new; bring rental of $20 per month; need no repairs for seevral tears; got to go: be quick; lot and plumb lg worth, the price asked. HOME FOR CAR MAN (-room modern cottage at SMH Valley t. ; front floors of maple; everything In tip top shape; electric light, gas and water In kitchen; all kinds of young fruit and corner lot, 5uxl4o; bandy to car and 2 blocks to car barn. We have lots of houses and some of them are to be sold at undervalue, some sre genuine snaps; better come In end see us; our time is your own for asking. THE ABAOTT-COVVAN COMPANY 3rd floor. First Nat Bank Bldg. RE-&7 23 THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER - This agricultural weekly goes to M.000 homes of farmers and stock raisers, so If you have a good piece of land to sell at a reasonable price you wil find a buyer among them. The cost of an advertisement Is small i cents per word in small lib or $:.W per inch it set Is Urge type. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE 14A-ACRE FARM. Ten miles of Council Bluffs; very fine creek valley land; $70 per acre; long time at low intere-t. II. a M'OEE. 14 Pearl St., Count II Bluff RE-129 2! 160 ACRES N. E. of Irvlngton; all tindrr cultivation except 15 ncr-s pasture; small house. Price. $12. 'loo Other buildings may be purchased for $JX. F. V. Wead. 1f'.-4 Douglas st. R B 132 22 BEMIS PARK A good 7-room modern house on Lincoln boulevard at n reasonable figure. , $2,300 BUYS A new 7-room hnupe, modern except fur nace, situated two blocks from i'lth st. car line. S50 PER MONTH TAKES THIS New g-room. strli tlv modern house, situ ated In Manseom Park district; why pay rent when you ran buy a good home for practically no cash. 5250 DROP $4.V will now take the two 7-room. modern except furnace, houses, located on Patrick ave., just two blocks from 24th st. car line; large corner lot. room to build an other house; this Is a bargain. Let tis show It. BOULEVAHD TERRACE S. W. corner of Poppleton ave. and 3Mh St., high and nightly: lots In line location, at reasonable prices. R. C. PETERS & COMPANY, 17u2 Farnam street. RE 994 $2 50-ACRE FARM. Five miles from Council Bluffs postofllce: good land, fair buildings; lots of all kinds of fruit. $75 per acre; easy terms. 11. Q. M'OEE, 14 Tcarl St., Council Bluffs. RE 129 22 160 ACRES N. E. of Irvlngton; all under cultivation except 16 acres pasture; small house. Price, $12,000. Other buildings may be purchased for $200. F. D. Wead. 1524 Douglas st. RE 132 22 BRAN NEW HOUSE In north part of city on paved street, per manent walk and special tuxes nil paid, with seven rooms, gas and electric light, large bedrooms, everything first-class; might take good building lot as part pay ment, or will sell on easy terms. PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO., Sixth, floor N. Y. Life. 'Phone, 1016. HE 9W 22 SPLENDID bargain In 6-r. cottage and barn on 29th ave., North Farnam, for quick sale; $1,500. F. D. WEAD. 1S24 Douglas. RE 991 22 A GOOD THING. 4-acre place between Omaha Hnd Council Bluffs; nice high, level land; 4-room house, good burn, fruit of all kinds for family use. 111 make a nice home and good investment. Easy terms; $2,0'0. H. O. M'GEE, 14 Pearl St., Council Bluffs. RE 129 22 ONLY $18.85 for a round trip ticket to Gal veston, Texas, Feb. 7. D. W. Otis, emi gration agent, 127 Pearl St., Council Bluffs, la. Wrlto for line circular. RE Mills 24x FREE EXCURSION to beautiful Indian Territory; soil richer than Iowa or Illinois, at the price. W. E. MINTON, KANSAS CITY, MO. RE 160 ACRES N. E. of Irvlngton; all under cultivation except 15 acrs pasture; small hotse. Price, $12,0u). Other buildings may be purchased for $200. F. V. Wead. le24 Douglas st, RE 132 23 FARMS FOR SALE Farm and Ranch Lands Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado and Wyoming; low prices; ten years' time. Land Dept. U. P. R. R. Co.. Omaha, Neb. Dept. "A." RE 686 FARMS FOR SALE Six quarter sections of good Improved farm land near St. Edwards, In Boone county, Nebraska, from 4t to $55 per acre, ac cording to improvements. Terms one fourth cash, balance ten years at eVi per cent Interest. GEORGE & CO.. 1601 Farnam St., Omaha. RE M442 23 160 ACRES, three and a half miles from North Platte, Neb.; well adapted for al falfa; 109 tous hay cut from 80 acres last year; all under fence; $20 per acre if taken soon. COMPTON-WATTS CO. 63S Paxton Block. 113-42 6 ACRES, improved with five-room house, barn, well and fruit; five miles from post ottlce; $1,860.00. COMPTON-WATTS CO., 636 Paxton Block. 113-22 RELINQUISHMENT of claim twelve miles south of Fort Pierre, S. D. See COMPTON-WATTS CO.. 636 Paxton Block. 114-22 FARMS FOR RENT 70 ACREs six miles N. W. city $3 per acre. 60 acres three miles west of city, 4-room house, near car line $6 per acre. GEORGE & CO., 16U1 FARNAM ST. S 697 22 120 ACRES IN IOWA. $40 FOR $30. For quick sale will take $3o per acre for this good Iowa soil, loo miles east of Omaha. D. C. Patterson, 1623 Farnam. MS14 4Vj ACRES, with 4-r. house and barn; 46Ui and Harney. Apply F. D. WEAD, 1624 Douglas. 993 22 FOR RENT HOUSES HOUSES, insurance. Riugwait. Barker Blic D-667 HOI KPQ O. F. Davis Co., tog Bee bldg!, -6 THE Omaha Van and Storage Co. pack, move and store H. H. goods. Storehouse, 1120-24 N. th. Otllce, 1511)4 F.rnara. Ttl. 1669. -6i WE MOVE Dlanos. Maggard Van & Stor age Co. Tel. 1496. Office 1713 Webster su D-670 HOt in all parts of the city. R. C. jeter, & Co., Bee Building u-tn McCauley Express Co. for moving, storage, baggage delivery. 616 ti. 16th. Tel. 1464. D-674 People's Ex. Co. hauls trunks. 'Phone 42(1 D M16 J:i JETT cleans, lays carpet. A-S302. 2017 Cum. D-M I 2666 DOUGLAS, I ROOMS, $27.60. D-M424 4-ROOM house, 160H Military ave. 6-room house 2608 Decatur st. Chris Boyer. 22d and Cuming. Tel. 2049. D M710 FOR RENT, in Dundee, modem 7-room cottage. E. R. Hume, 311 Brown blk. D 789 tix HOUSES, t rooms and up; also INSUR ANCE. CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON CO. FOR RENT Three new seven-room dwellings; modern, artistic, convenient; two located on S. 30th street, one In West Farnam district. In- I quire at 713 Park ave. D 827 22x YOU can buy your furniture and carpets of us 26 per cent cheaper than at the in stallment houses. We carry the largest stock In Omaha. Terms, $.u0 worth, $1.00 OMAHA FURNITURE AND CARPET CO., Between 12th and 13th on Farnam St. D 818 12 HOUSES FOR RENT. $40.00 list and Howard, new brick, l-room house: walking distance. $36.003700 Lincoln boulevard, 8-room mod ern, new. In Bemla park. $36.00633 Park ave., eight rooms, modern. $16 00 402-J Farnam St.. eight rooms, modern. $3u.0O Cor. 33d and Cuming St., four new houaes. $30.00607 Su. 29th, ten rooms, modern; suit able for roomers. $fi.0O 2H16 Plukney st., nine rooms, modern. $16.003424 .Fraiiklln St., six rooms, modern. Inquire R. C. PETERS tc CO., ' Ground floor. See Bldg. - -- P-W9M FOR J ENTH 0 US ES in; P uith imh st., t rooms. fc 7" 9 South 2?th Mrcet, 3-room flat, $s. 2SN Res str-et. 4 rooms, 10. ifo Hamilton street, room, new and mod ern. 1-H 4ol North :th street, ft rooms, modern. Ho. 940 North 27th nve., In rooms, m 'dern. $;V. N. I". IkHige & Co., lhlt Farnam M. U-M;ns 24 FREE RENT, t'ntil February 1 the following choice house. Any rva-oiiable repairs will be granted: 3"4 S 1Mb, 3-r., city water, good collar, brick. $s. 93S N. S'd. t-r.. cltv water, close In. only $!. 5HI S. tf'th ave.. ti-r.. Mty watr Inside. II 154'i S. 271 !i, 7-r., strictly all modern, close I tn park. 12, .fro. I 13C9 8. 2rtth. vr.. strictly nil modern, sult- abl" fur two families, onlv Jt. tt'.l S. 27th. S-r. still tly modern. In good shape, close to business eenter. $3.Y S.2 S. ::lh st , H-r.. strictly all modern. In cluding but water heating plant, etc., $37.60. 3W S. SSth, S-r.. strictly modern throughout, hard wood finish. $15. Fine 8-r. modern home In Walnut Hill, only PAYNE. BOSTWICK CO., Real Estate, Loans and Insurance, Sixth lloor, N. Y. Life Hlilg. H-998 7Z FOR RENT, s-room modern house. 2ii N. 2.:d St.. $; Kitzgerald-1 ri niody Co., Wti N. V. Life Bldg. Tel. 61S. D-100 22 Houses For Rent. The Byron Reed Co., 212 8. 14th. D-967 22 HOUSES FOR RENT. S. 17th ave.. new 7-r. brick $4o.0l I'ark ave.. 6-r. cottage 20. 0t S. 16th, 6 rooms 12.50 B2f M4 2321 1214 ail S 3330 1713 S 17th, 5 rooms 12.ii N. 31st. 4 rooms Burdette, 6-r. cottage 12. oa Parker, 5-r. cottage Jo. Oil S. 7th. 4 rotns GARVIN BROS.. 1604 FARNAM D-971 22 SPECIAL Inducements to rent from our huge list of vacant houses. All sires nearly all parts. F. P. WEAD 1,"24 Douglas St. D-131 22 HOUSES Ttl LET. 6 rooms, furnlsjii d. of S-room modern house, near hltth school. 8 rooms, modern, 3109 Pacific, $37.60. 9 rooms, modern, barn. 32d and Pacific, $10. 3 rooms, city water, 21ms Lake, $!. 3 6-room modern cottages, within 12 blocks of Uith and Farnam. W. FARNAM SMI 1 11 CO., 1320 Farnam St. D-135 22 FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES We have vucant a particularly desirable small office, which rents for $10.ini per month. Prion Includes heat, light, water and Jaintor service. It is located on the fourth floor of Tin- Bee Building and is just the thing for any one wanting n nice little olllee ill tlie bert office build ing in town. R. C. peters & Co., Rental Agent.', Ground Floor Bee Building. 1 771 8-STORY and basement brick building. 1003 Farnam, 22x100, hydraulic elevator, suit able for wholesale or manufacturing. 314 First NM'l Bank building. 1-566 FOR RENT, at 916 Farnam St., over 6.000 souare feet of floor space; can be used for storage or light manufacturing; wlil rent all or purt at a reasonable figure. Phone 2702. 1-697 IK yon apply at once we can give any one desiring a large office space, almost anv arrangement they desire. This space Is on the aixth floor of The Bee Building, with north light. R. C. Peters & Co., Rental Agent, Ground Floor Bee Building. 1-772 FOR RENT One-half store, with show window; one of the best locations In the rltv; optician or stationer preferred. Ad dress S 65, Bee office. I M 812 U. S. NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. We have 2 nice rooms upstairs for rent on Farnam St. We also have 2 large ground floor offices. Heat and Janitor service furnished. Strictly modern, and up-to-dute. Come and ace us. Chas. E. Williamson Co., Ground Floor U. S. Nat'l Bank Bldg. I 806 23 STORE room at 1105 Farnam $60. GARVIN BROS., 1GU4 FARNAM. 1-973 22 STORE ROOMS FOR RENT. No. 316 So. 15th st.; now occupied by Rldg ley Mdae. Co.; vacant February 1. Rental, $100 per month. No. 316 So. 15th st., second floor, up stairs; only $25 per month. No. 16f8 Webster t-t.; good store room; only $20 per month. Inquire R. C. PETERS & CO., Ground Floor, Bee Bldg. I 110 22 WANTED TO RENT WANTED, place for student to work for board and room. Address Omaha Com mercial College, or telephone 1289. K 669 22 WANTED, room and board in private fam ily by young man who will be permanent; state price. Address S 44, Bee. K-M760 21x "PENNY CASH REGISTER," postofflce dept., 606 So. 13th St. K M782 22 WANTED To rent, by a young widow, a well equipped dining room. Address S 61, Bee. K 817 22 HOUSKS to rent. We have the customers. Fitzgerald-Dermody Co., 836 N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. 6108. K-102 22 YOUNG couple desires two or three rooms In modern house for light housekeeping, furniahed or unfurnished; must be con X'enlent to car lino; references; state price. T 3, care Bee. K 126 24x MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS MONEY WE LOAN ON Furniture. Pianos, Live Stock, , Salaries. WE GIVD Best Rates, Easy Payments, Quiet Service, Any Time. WE WANT Your Business If You Ever Borrow Money. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., 119 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 2285. (Established U92.) $06 6. 16th St X-60R LOANS made on all kinds of chattel se curities, also on SALARIES. Low Rates. Easy Terms. Quick and Confidential Service. Call on us If in need of MONEY. PHOENIX CREDIT CO.. 633 Paxton Block. X-07 The J. A. Hutton Co. lAJAJsti ON BALAKUi A.Ni CUAXTELa. 614-616 fax ion Block. X-4W0 MONEY LOADED SALARIED PEOPLE and others without security; easy pay ments; largest business in 49 principal cities. Tolinan, Room 714, N. Y. Life. X-619 MONEY loaned on furniture, salary, bcrses, etc.; half usual rates. Dr. Prebbe now. room 214. at 2o S. 16th St. Tel. B-jKot I X 6U MONEY loaned on salary, furniture, jew elry, horses. Duff Green Loan Co., $ Barker block. X 613 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew elry, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Reed, 319 6. 13. V i:ti - Ml MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. STAR LOAN CO., 644 PAXTON BLOCK. X-4US BEE FULLER, 425 Paxton block, for loans on watches, aiamunas ana jewelry. -410 CHATTEL, salary and Jewelry loans. Foley Loan Co., 1504 Farnam St. X 617 SALARY and chattel loans. Templeton, 213 Bee Bldg. X 1 BOWEN'8 MONEY, easy to get on furni ture, pianos, horses, cows, jewelry. Plain not It steadily employed. 7U1 N. Y. Life. - X-Mliil FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS t .'OR SALE New and second-hand billiard end pool tables, bar fixtures of all kinds! e-isv payments. Send for catalogue. Briinwick-Balke-Collender, 407 P. 1ih St, Omaha. Q-M42 COMPLETE line new snd Jd-hand furnt tore. Chicago Furniture Co.. 1410 Dodge Tel. Ji'20. Q-679 2NP-HAND safe cheap. Dcrlght. 1119 Fr nam. J 6W FI'RMTfRE. carpets, rugs, draperies, stoves ni'd everything for housekeeping. Teinis. $J.Yii worth, fl w) per week. Lei us figure with yon OMAHA FI KSITI liH AND CARPET CO Bctwcen l.'th and 13tli on Farnam St. S20 23 ELECTRICAL SI I'l'I.IES AT A BAR. GAIN We have about i' feet 0. stranded electrla light cable ana one Unj ampere knife sninh. Address Hie Building Co., or see W. II. Bridges, engineer, Lee Building, Omaha. U 63 SECOND-IT A NT STEAM FITTINGS FOR SALE It you want a barauin In steam fittings call and look ovei the following supplies; 2.6-incli Jenkin s globe valve. 1.8-incli Austin lioiiionta! separator. 1 4-imh Austin vertical separator. 1.6 II. P. horisoutal engine These have been tiiken out on account of changes In our t-team plant and are in good condition. Address Bee Building Co., or see W. 11. Bridges, engineer. Bee build lug. tmiaha. Q 433 T WO 1 1 E A VY STEEL HORIZON T ALl TUBULAR BOILERS FOR SALE. Two boilers, luo-liurse power, which have been used but six years, made of firebox steel, triple rlvited butt and strap Joints, insurunce company permits of pressure of 126 pounos. They are now In use ami can be seen at boiler house, rear of Be building. Can be delivered at once. Call or address W. H. Bridges, engts neer. Bee building, Omaha. Q MlsJi 100 KINDS of Mineral Water. Sherman M McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. g-681 H P. ENGINE. We have one six-horse power horlxontaf engine. The engine has never been used. Will sell It for about one-halt price. W. H, Bridges, ' engineer, Bee building. Q-113 FOR SALE, several scholarships In a firsts class standard school In Omaha, comprls tug complete course in business, short baud and I) pe writing. Inquire at Be otllce. (j-862 CORN cribbing, tel. poles, long fir timbers, cypress fence lath, 3-ply white basswood 9(11 Douglas. (J bM PULLEYS AND COUNTERSHAFTS AT A BARGAIN. $0 Pulleys, from 6 In. to 48 In. in diameter, 3 Countershafts complete. 40 Feet 1 15-10-1 n. shafting, with couplings) and hangers, together with about 3ou feet of belting from 6 and 6 inch. These are all In first-class condition. W H. Bridges, Engineer, Bee building. ; u-na MANTLES, all kinds. 1407 Harney. Q-33S BUTCHER BLOCKS cheap. 1407 Harneyl Q 337 ALMOST new Densmore Typewriter at ao rillce; cash or time payments. SchmolloS & Mueller, 1313 Farnam St. Tel. lii.5. y 406 Fll OLDS gasoline engines and pumpers are reliable, durable and economical: sev eral slightly used bargains Dept. r". J114 Farnam st. Q 735 25 FOR SALE, cheap. Ice box, 8x10; has been used one month. C. H. Balduff, Fremont Neb. Q M749 24x FOR SALE Thoroughbred St. Bernard pupa Inquire 2022 Charles PL W-769 22r ONE collection of old and rare coins, left in pawn. 308 No. 16th. Q-M775 22x - FOUR showcases and shelving; also CQ watches, cheap. 308 No. lGth Q-M774 22 ONE bass violin, 1 'cellos and 1 viola, cheap. 308 No. 16th. Q M778 22 FOR SALE-1 tSTerlter, Rem. No. X 1 National Cash Register. Hart, M1 and 403 N. Y. Life Rldg. y-i a 4 JERSEYS, fresh, own rnlslng; make nlos family cows. 84th and Mandorson. Q MK6 26X FOR SALE, gas stove, oil heater and child's bed. 2618 Patrick ave. Q MSu9 V3x FOR SALE Reglna Muslo Boxes, with 20 sheets 164 dine, with or without xlot at tachment, for $35.00; also territory for sale. S 60, care Bee. Q MS13 23x GOOD building lot for sale; close ln , bargain. Address S 67, Bee. Q-811 22 FOR SALE Thoroughbred Barred Ply mouth Rock dbckerels. 40 Ames Ave. Q M806 23x FOR SALE Dry goods stock and fixtures: Invoii $30,000; established business; liberal discount, long lease, best location In Lima; storeroom 35x186 feet. P. A. Kahle. Lima, O. y 931 22x LOW-WHEEL lumber wagon, elso parts of 3 and 3-lnch wagons. 1716 St. Mary's ave. Q M962 25x TEA wagon In good condition' for sale cheap, $8. Grand Union Tea Co., 113 8. 16th st. Q 125 22x BARBER fixtures, 8-chalr combination, for sale cheap. 608 8. J6th. Q-101 31 X FOR SALE HORSES & WAGONS FINE $375 pneumatic Stanhope, nearly new, $125; open pneumatic runabout, $60, Drum mond, 18th and Harney. P 643 NEW sample buggies and farm wagons for sale cheup. Andersen-Mlllard Co., 1616 Capitol Ave. P-121 81 GOOD carriage, runabout wagon and har ness, cheap. Johnson Danforth, H. W, cor. 10th and Jones Sts. P M4E8 HAVE YOU A HORSE? " To Introduce our Plxine Vet. Remedies ws will mall our valuable Horse Book free; it tells all about lameness and other horse ailments: how to detect, locate and curs them; wrlto for It. PIXINE CHEMICAL CO., Vet. Dept. 13, Troy, N. Y. P-924 22x FOR SALE At public auction by ths city ftiundmaatcr, at Dietrich's barn, 1114 )ouglas street, on Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock sharp, one bay horse, weighing; about 1.4u0 pounds, if not redeemed bo fore sale. P 831 22 FOR EXCHANGE JF YOU do not find what you want in this column put an ad in and you will sooq get it. Z-983 WI'L EXCHANGE New Sawver circle and oval picture mat and glass cutting machine for a No. 1 Edison mimeograph. In good condition. Address 8 26, Bee. Z-M58121 TO EXCHANGE Stocks of merchandise. Improved farms, lands, business and resi dence propertlos, hotels, flouring mills, etc., etc.; over 4,000 propositions for ex change. Can match moat any deal. Send us full description of what you have for exchange and state what you want. Robert Mather, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Z 315-23 CONFECTIONERY business, central looe , tion, first-class, opposite public, school. If interested investigate. C. J. Cunau, 1711 Leavenworth St. Z 803 22x WANTED TO BUY SHONFELD. the ANTIQUARIAN, 822 Y. Life, pays highest price for books. Tel. 3036. N-i-toO SECOND HAND gents' clothing and shoes. 308 No. 16lh st. N-M773 22 X FOR CASH, good paying business about thousand dollars; must bear investigation. B 62, Bee. N-790 22x SIX or seven-room house, modern except furnace, comparatively new; north side: cash. S 62, care Bee. N-961 22x WANTED To buy, a lot and 6-room house, all modern, bath, gas, one mile from court house: half cash, balance one-yeas payments. 8 66, care Bee. N M810 2'Jx WANTED To purchase second-hand safe, Address Box 93, South Omaha. N-984 22 BRASS FOUNDRIES BRASS and aluminum casting, nickel plate Ing and finishing. Specialty Mfg. Co., tl N, Muln st.. Cpuuclf JBlujij t