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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 22, 1905)
TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, JANUARY 22, 1903. 12 SPECIAL NOTICES Adtrrtlirmrnli tr tlieae roli will be Ukri III 1 tn. for the evenlns; cilltlnn ! Ill H p. m. for the murilni ! ndf rrtltlon. Hate 1 l-2e word Brsl Insertloni la a word thrrraflrr. nthlnu taken for leea thea JSOe for the rmt laser, lion. These ad vertUementa moat toe ran enaaertl ely. Advertisers, by requesting a num bered check, can hare answere ad dreaaed to a a am lie red letter In earr of Th Dee. Answers ao adeaed will ba delivered on preaentatlon ml cheek. MISCELLANEOUS NEBRASKA BUSINESS COLLEGE. A. C. On:, A. M., VU ',.. President. A. J. Lowry, Principal. COR. imi AND HARNEY 6T3. WINTEJt TERM NOW IN FULL BLAST, TET NOT TOO LATE TO ENTER. "There are schools and there are schools 'but the N. B. C. has no superior. We Invite the closeet Insiwclion; coma and visit oui school. Investigate our meth ods, notice our perfect discipline, see our elect body of students, ask them what they would advise, hoar our Instructors teach then make your comparisons, draw your concluaiona and we have no hestltution In aiiylng you will enroll with u. T. M. C. A. or Y. W. C. A. MEMBER BIIIP FREE. Every student who takes out a fill term scholarship Is given a year's membership In either the Y. M. C. A. or Y. W. C. A. without extra expense. No such offer was ever made by any school. The value of thin membership to the student can scarcely be computed. To be a member or either of these Institutions means char acter, culture and refinement. "NO BETTER SCHOOL AT ANY PRICE. ArrLY FOR CATALOG TRY KELLY'S TOWEL SUPPLY. Tel. SWX R o20 PRESSORIUM m'u24 CITV SAVINGS BANK payi 4 per cent. R -3 Pianos for Rent, $3.O0-$4.O0 New Pianos. High grade. Rent allowed If you purchase. Ferfield Piano Company, ItiU Farnam. Telephone 10I. Open evenings. R o24 EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat In; all business confidential. 1301 Douglas. R o26 ANTI-monopoly Garbage Co., 6a N. 16th. Tel. 177D. R 628 STOVE&FURNACEREPA1RS TaL M4. 1207 Doug. Omaha Stove Rep. wk' t. MElCHOIR, machine works, 13th and Howard. K-528 OMAHA Safa and Iron works makes a spe cialty of fire escapes, shutters, doors and safe O. Andreen, prop., 102 B. 5 P. C. YEAR From 1600 to $5,000 loans on real estate at 6 PER CENT PER YEAR. All good loans wanted. jau or wm tern. W. L. Eastman, Omaha. R-M723 WE build to order and furnish free esti mates for repairing and reflnlshing pianos. Write for catalogue or 'phone 1625. Bchmoller & Mueller, 13111 Farnam St. R 404 Fll D. W. DUDGEON, the expert PLUMBER. Two 'phones, 1W6 and L2873. R M993 M7 CITY STEAM LAUNDRY. 211 SOUTH 11TH. TEL. 254. We trist everybody. Flannels and colored goods laundered at our risk. R M172 J2J TRAVELING bags, suit cases. Stetson hats. C. 11. iTeaericit to, ido rarnam. R 745 Fl EQUITABLE Life Assurance "Strongest . ... .11 . i . ... , . , in tlie worm ii. u, jhbi, wi- chants National bank. K 744 Fla ADV. CUTS-WIIEATON, BEH BLDG. R 743 FOR exprrt piano moving telephone 1626. Sclimoller & Mueller, 1312 Farnam. R 406 Fll MECHANICAL draughting, tracing and bine nrintina: man making a specialty: werk guaranteed. J. Emery Lester, 430 n . - 11 I- 1... V. X..V. Tti.n. 17SH CKAiUU villi iiw, . wvu u R-W43 CUT RATE railway tlckeU everywhere. P. II. Fhilbln, 106 Farnam. 'Phone 784. R 682 PRESSORIUM. heat cleaners and dyers. 1324 t "amain. Tel. wuu, n out COAL New kind soft coal, "Yukon" Egg, $6.25 too. Harmen A Weeth, 'phone 2ll7. KAOI.R loan office, reliable, accommodat Ing: all business confidential. Uul Douglas. aim. Miuruea Dreiudlce and makes frlenda That something essential to satisfaction la always found in a Chicago Laundry Dunaie. ui rue, uu. xei. no. K M78 Fll FAILING EYKSIQMT RESTORED Our New Toiio lens la the latest wonder In fiptlcal science. The field of view la en arged more than five times. They cost more than other lena and they are worth It. Consultation free. Hutesen Optical Co- xi4 no. win, rax ton cioca. K MT19 F18 COLLINS PIANO CO., wholaaala and re tall . musical Instruments. Talking ma- vmana, x EUDCTRIO llitht plants, water works and power plants built; approved projects nnanceo. xi. o. Aana, aim iiumuoiai ai., Denver, coio. i xzz 1300.000,000 In poultry; Poultry Bucoess. If years oia: so 10 as pages; Deauuruuy illus trated; shows how to succeed: 50c year; large Illustrated poultry book free to yearly subscribers; I months trial 10c. Poultry Success, Dept B. O., Des Moines, la. n no six system collects, O, T. Voorhees Co., IUS 1 , I . X.I 1 O. IV 1 III PATENTS II. A. 8TURGIES. registered attorney; pat ients, trade marks, copyrights, no fee un lues successful. 617 N. Y. Lite, Omaha. -M73 DON'T GET A PATENT until you know how. My experience and advice in patent matiera iree. Auureaa J Emery Leater, 430 Paxton block, Omaha, tsD. PATENTS GUARANTEED r ji i r-.i" ...- - . .... TURNED. Send model or sketch for free opinion as to patentability. Send for JllWfc trated Guide Rook t'ontulua l') mechan ical movements and LIST OF INVEN TIONS WANTED. TELLS HOW TO OB TAIN AND SELL PATENTS. He. PAT V NTS adverttaed for sale at our expense. KVAN8, XV ILK ENS ac CO.. Reg. Patent Attorneys, 615 F Street, Washington. D. f. WANTED VTALF HELP BOYLES COLLEGE Now Teaches Telegraphy And. Oopcml on it, it wnnM not ho t -aching it nnlof" it was in a pooition to inxlur. prji. tiial Mf;rni.hlc oiK-ratoni men mid woiin-n who can "scud and ri.,.!vp" with clmined 1 i 1 ) t n i n " niiidity nnd uiicninir accuracy. If it was nt gnlicd to praduato pupil wlio will liave pvcry technicality, every trick of llic nru every little kuiick'' of tvlcpmpliy at their finpor s cuds, it would not have Innnuiated a Telerapliic Departiucnt. I he course includes slndy In Kleinentary Electric!'-. inclulinB el.H'tro-niaK-netiin. the use of resonators, w ire-testiii!:, cut-outs and swltch-lioard study, fol lowed lv studv if Mor. Alphuln'i, manipulation, position, seudlni:, receivin;: liy sound, together with full courses of commercial telegraphy, elementary "! Hdvanced niilroad tcle-raihy. Mock signaling, technical orders and tcloRraphitf reports and exp-rt coiniiieriiiil telegraphy. The course while practical in the extreme, being shorn of everything that will not le of actual assistance to the pupil in trlegrapliic work after gradua tion. Is cxieodinelv fascinating. The study of electricity, that mysterious force that man lias chained to do Ids work, but which no man lias ever denned, is most absorbing. The course Is carefully graduated and every Instrument and apparatus that could add to the student's knowledge and practical grasp or the subject have been Installed In our new building. The future holds out rosy 1ioh s to telegra pliers. The present demand guar nnlees a good salary. It Is an Ideal field of labor for young women as well as louug men. Write for further information. Day and night. BOYLES COLLEGE, H. B. BOYLES, President, Boyles College Bldg. MEN TO LEARN barber trade; free rail road lur-3 upon our failure to convince you of tiiis being the BtST and only re ilubl. most practical barber college In the United States. Write for cataloguo loam. Western Barbers' Institute, Oiuaha. Neb. B 64a WANTED FOR U. S. ARM V Able-bodied unmarried men, between ages ol ii au citizens ut Lnued Stales, uL gooU charac ter anu temperate uuUils, who kpeaa, reaa and vilte English. Eor lntoruiailou apply to Recruiting Otlicer, lam and Douglas Sis., uiu-ha, Lincoln, Neb., oi Sioux City, la. , B-fciJ IF VOL' are not working and desire a. goou ituullon, call on us. iou " ii. iu uui uuvaiiiafic Call or send Htamp lor list. .a,T THE WESiEK.S REF. & BOND ASS N. 1 WANT and furnish drug clerks, drug fore anu doctors. Jxiileal, 401 xi. WANTED Men to sell garden seeds to the i u, nce: bia luiiueia, willts Hie lui kiiho wagea can be made. Address O. P. i-,0"" lm, Seedsmun, Red Oak, la. B M1U IF YOU are In need of a position call ana have n "heart-to-heart" talk witn uahii THE EXPERT, 401 N. . Life. B Mto WANTED A good man who has an es tablished traua can inaKo a gouu -"'"e carrying our line of clothing 1" Ne braska. Liberal commission puld to right man. None but lirst class man with good references need apply. Address Slayden-Kirksey Woolen Mill, Waco, lex. B MTU 24 WANTED men everywhere; good payi to distribute circulars, auv. mimoi, "" signs, etc.; no canvassing. Address Na tional Advertising Co., lw) Oakland Bank building, Chicago, 11L B M783 Ux MEN WANTED to sell full line of hardy fruit and ornamental trees, worn tun or part time, as you prefer. Pay weekly; outfit free. Lawrence Nursery Company, Fort Madison, Iowa. B MAN to travel; references required; salary .t per wee; expenses aavancea. j. Ziegler & Co., SU Dearborn St., Chicago. PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT'S election In sures an Increase In civil service ap pointments. Those intending to take the next examination should send to the Co lumbian Correspondence College, Wash ington, D. C, and secure its free civil service announcement, containing dates, salaries, places for holding examinations and questions recently used, by the gov ernment. B WANTED Manager for branch office we contemplate opening here in omana. Aa dress with reference, The Morris Whole sale House, Cincinnati, O. B 818 22 WANTED Young men to get the imperial Toast itook and learn its winning ways; price 26c. Imperial Publishing Co., Minneapolis, Minn. B 8 Bo 22x WANTED, person to call on retail trade for manufacturing house; local territory; salary f6 paid weekly; expense money ad vanced; previous experience unnecessary. American House, Star Building, Chicago. B-e78 WANTED, men to distribute samples, tack oucns; a aaiiy; no canvassing, continen tal Distributing Service, Chicago. B-881 22s. WANTED, 10 men In each state to travel, taca signs ana aisiriDuie samples and cir culars of our goods; salary fib per month. per day for expenses. Kuhlman Co., rpt. Hi 1U, JkU&a UOCK, uiucago. CO. WE pay $18 a week and expenses to men with rigs to introduce poultry compound. International Mfg. Co., Parsons, Kan. B-909 22x WE will make you a present of $100.00, give you a splendid suit of clothes every ninety days, enlarge your picture free and pay you a aalary of (85.00 per month and all traveling expenses to take orders for the greatest and most reliable por trait house In the world. All this will be guaranteed. Address R. D. Martel, Dept. Tixi, Chicago, 111. B 863 22 x WANTED 'Men to learn barber trade and fill demand for spring rush; few weeks completes; Join now; positions guaran teed; board and tools provided; can nearly earn expenses before finishing. Call or write. Moler Barber College, UUtf Douglas BL B M872 27x 10 Insurance men, $10 per week. 10 IJfe and accident; salary, com. A exp. 10 Typewriter salesmen; salary, t Experienced liquor salesmen. 10 Stock food salesmen. Experienced collectors. 1 Buggy salesman. 6 Canvassers wholesale grocery. 1 Experienced hat salesman. 1 Clothing salesman (children's dept.) 10 Solicitors, 60 per cent commission. 1 Drug manager. 1 Traveling salesman (pharmaceutical), 1 Real estate salesman, M, V com. 10 Crew managers. 2 Traveling salesmen (cigars). 1 Onice man; must invest I Wall paper salesman. l tixpert stenograpner. HART. 401-403 N. Y. Life Bldg. B-K4 23 A POSITION Is open for managers, sales men, bookkeepers, technical men; salar ies. fl.Ouu-fe.OuO; write for free list and plan. Business Opportunity Co., 1 Union Bquare, N. Y. B-S42 22x CIRCULAR and sample distributers wanted everywhere; permanent position; good ay. American Union, Ponlluc Building, Chicago. B-4 22x MAN or woman to represent manufacturer. f3ti puld for 12 days trial. Promotion if satisfactory. Slate age and religion. Out fit free. John Engwall, 88a Lakeside Bldg., Chicago. B sol i-x RELIABLE man wanted. A prominent Cereal food company will contract with a thoroughly reliable man for two years at 1150 per month, together with com missions and office expense. Highest ref erence required. Address: Manager, Box 824, Bellevue, Mich. 11 HUSTLERS and live men with our process make 175 weekly; particulars free; sample sent postpaid, nie. I'neian & o. snutn bldg., uroux, rsew York. ttSSl tix NEW EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. THE GIBSON EMPLOYMENT AGENCY will n n their new orhcea In the NE VILLE HI.oi'K, corner 16ih and Harney sis., on Monday morning, January 23. and no rharge. will be inaiie for registering any aipiicunt for any posiiitm on Monduy, Tin s, lay u' Wednesday of this week. A cordial Invitation is extended t i ..II v I10 lire wanilna- emplnymrnt to come und tee ,m. Rineniber the place, ronma 'Sli ami -3 Neville block. J. S. GIBSON, manager. u SJ8 22 WANTED MALE HELP Omaha, Neb. B WE3 HAVE 05 VACANCIES IN VARI OUS LINES AND ARE ANXIOUS TO FILL THEM. WE CAN T SUPPLY THE DEMAND FOR TRAVEL1NU SALESMEN. HERE ARE A FEW OK OUR VACANCIES: Good Bookkeeper. Drapery Salesman. Soap Salesman; road. Oood Bank man. Candy Salesman; road. Beer Salesman: road. A-l Stenographer. Heavy Hardware Salesman. Dry Ooods Salesman. Whisky Salesman; road. Manager for On'l Mdse. Store. Call or send stamp for complete list. WESTERN REF. & BOND ASS'N, 40-841 N. Y. Life, Omaha. B S34 23 MEN TO LEARN BARBER TRADE Send for free catalogue and compare our terms and advantages with others. Amer ican Barber College, cor. 12th and Douglas sta. BL SOLICITORS, either sex, every town. Wheaton-Walker, Mi Bee Bldg. B M670 WANTED, a good, reliable young man who has had two or three years experience in retail drug line; must furnish A 1 refer ences. Address S M, Bee. B 836 22x SECRET service; established 1889; reliable detectives In over Ave thousand dtien and towns. Private letter of advice iaa to you on. any case; write today. Ooou men wtlh references wanted everywhere; ex perience unnecessary; we give Instruc tions. Address American Detective Asso ciation, Indianapolis, Indiana. ' B 856 Zlx WANTED, bids for digging well. Call for specifications. City Steam Laundry, 211 South Uth street. B U18 22 MALE stenographer to prepare for civil service position with gov't. Exam. noon. Call quick, after 2 p. m., 410 Bee Bldg. li tma dux T- WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED, expert chocolate dippers. W. S. liaiaun, lbO) f arnam. v-ot a WANTED, experienced cook with good ref erences, an cti. juary ave. C M755 22x WANTED A good girl for general house work. 424 No. 23d St. C M700 22x WANTED, experienced crockery Bales- woman. Apply 1218 Fariuun. c MVia a WANTED Competent girl for general nouseworx; small family; good wages. Apply till So. 2)th ave. C M777 'ilx WANTED Good cook. Apply to Mrs. F. a. uowgin, 3177 Davenport si C-M778 22 COPYISTS wanted, writing at home; r.5 per iw letters sent us; stamped addressed envelope. Continental Wholesale Co., Room 84, St. Louis. C 886 22x WANTED Young woman to get the Im perial Toast Book and learn Its winning ways; price 26c. Imperial Publishing Co., Minneapolis, Minn. C 89t 22x WANTED, ladles to learn halrdresslng. manicuring or racial massage. Splendid pay to graduates; big demand fur this work. Can learn In few weekB. Call or write, Moler College, 1302 St. C-M873 27x LADIES having fancy work to sell, em broideries, Battenberg, drawnwork. Also to do order worn, stamped envelope. Ladles' Exchange, 34 Monroe, Chicago. C 810 22x LADIES to do piecework at their homes: wo furnish all materials and pay from $7 to 12 weekly. Send starnped envelope to noyai CO., a m. Monroe si, Chicago. C 808 22x 120.00 and expenses paid each week to la dles as district managers to distribute goods and make collections; experience not necessary. Addressed envelope for reply. Managers uept., 61 Dearborn, Chi cago. C 868 22x WANTED A middle aged lady who un derstands housekeeping and wants a home with a family of two elderly peo ple; a German or American preferred; must give references. Address S 49, Bee. C 839 22x EARN $10 weekly copying letters at home; seud stamped envelope for particulars. A. P. Wynkoop, Durango, Colo. C-411 22x LADIES $7 to flO weekly earned doing plain sewing at home; material sent free everywhere prepaid; stamped addressed envelope brings particulars, union Com pany, 1215 Filbert Street, Philadelphia, Pa. O 844 22x T inTCa 'IR hn..uJI . . . . 1 V. 1 - . . 1 cm 1 1 , LvffiiiB siiui v tel lers at home; material sent free every - where; send stamped addressed envelope ror copy or letter ana mil particulars. Eastern Co., 817 Head Building, Philadel phia, Pa. C 846 22x LADIES I have a very desirable, honest position to offer one lady In each locality which should easily pay any woman from $15 to $25 per week. This Is a bona flde proposition and if you can spare only two hourr per day do not fall to write to Mabel E. Rush, Box It, Jollet, 111. c eoo ax WOMEN to sew at home. 19.00 per week. materials sent everywhere free; steady work, plain sewing only. Send addressed M envelope ror run particulars. B. E. M Du Pont, Philadelphia, Pa. C-KI 22x LADIES earn 112 to S15 a week at home conducting a branch mall order business In your locality; easy work; no canvass ing; utilise spare hours: no outfit re quired. Chicago Specialty Co. Et IRVi), Chicago. c sat ..x WANT lady piano player at once for road show; we play only good slse cities; going soutn. luov capitoi avenue, Omaha. Neb. C ang Six WANTED Good plain cook: no laundry worn; si.du a weex. aiso inicago. C M986 23 WANTED, lady for general office work; answer In own handwriting, staling Hire, experience and salary required. Hx T'.Mi, Qmaha. C-121 22x WANTED, a firat-elass woman cook In small private family out of city; other help kept; no laundry work: wages fcioOO a mouth and tra.nsortatton; must give references. Adress 8 63. Bi-e. C-M948 Ux IK IXUlKING for employment It will cost vou nothing to igitir Willi the llilisun Employment Agency, In the Neville block, nn Monday. Tueadav or Wednesday of this week. Rouma 222 and 223. J. S. Gib sou, manager. C 829 22 WANTED FEMALE HELP WINTER TERM of the Omaha Commercial College NOW OPEN Day and Evening Sessions Students Enter Any Time NEW CLASSES EVERY MONDAY Catalogue Free to Any Address Address ROHRBOUGHBROS. Omaha, Neb. B- MY WIFE makes J15.00 every week; little mall order scheme. Copy of ad, with iiartlcularn 2S cents. Mr. Clarke, 1125 s'urth Strieker St., Baltimore, Md. C-925 22X 100 GIRLS for general housework; must have Al reference. Hart, 4ol-4n2 N. V. Life Bldg. C-802 23 TWO Crockery Salesladies. 6 Ladies fur Insurance. 10 Imlies for Demonstrate. 10 Lady Solicitors (Salary). HART, 401-402 N. Y. Life Bldk". C-832-22 WANTEDSITUATION GOOD housekeeper at Canadian office, 16th and Dodge. A 648 WANTED, position as manager of cloth ing, dry goods or gen. mdse. store; ten years' experience with good stores; Al reference. Address Mgr., Box 227. Ge neva, Neb. A MlWO 2lx FOSITION wanted In hardware or grocery store by experienced young mnn; good references. Herbert Bassinger, Bancroft, Neb. A-M718 21 x YOUNG man, now employed, who has had experience as solicitor, desires out-door position; can furnish best of references. Address S 43, Bee. A M751 21x WANTED Position by experienced male stenographer; grain or railroad business preferred. 8 47, care Bee. A 76S 21 x SITUATION WANTED Young widow with viic mini urrirt-B piace as nouseaeeper for lone gentleman. Address Mra. F. Jewel, Leroy, Minn., R. F. D. No. 3. A-M787 22x WANTED A position by a young widow as housekeeper for a refined gentleman or widower. Address S 59, Bee. A 816 22 PRINTER All round man, temperate, mar ried, reference furnished, wants steady position in country town. Address T f, Beg- A-119 22x AGENTS WANTED WANTED Agents who can furnish sub stantial references to sell first mortgage guaranteed bond (Interest bearing). Lib eral commission. XV. B. Walnewrlght Co.. Laughlln building, Los Angeles. J-M781 2f x BIG MONEY In squabs: tney sell for 12 to W a dozon; cheaply raised In only four weeks; write for our free book about this rich Industry. Plymouth Rock Squab Co.. 188 AtlanUo Ave., Boston. Mass. J AGENTS make $.1 to 110 a day fitting glasses; big profits; our 24-page free eye book tells how; write today. Jacksonian Optical College, College Place, Juckson, Mich. j AOKN'TS wanted. Sell our $1 bottle Sarsa parllla for 30c; best seller; 200 per cent profit. Write today for terms and terri tory. F. R. Greene, 116 Lake St., Chicago. J WE PAY S18 a week and expenses to men with rigs to introduce poultry compound; year's contract. Imperial Mfg. Co., Dept. 64. Parsons, Kan. J FREE SAMPLE to agents, self-lighting pocket lamp, size of pencil, takes the place of kerosene lamps, candles and matches; credit given; rapid seller; see ing s believing; send stamp. Premier Mfg. Co., Dept. 67, 82 Park Place, New York. J AGENTS wartted to sell Bqueezle easy floor and carpet cleaner; greatest labor saver ever invented; can be sold to every home; 200 per cenU profit; our agents are averaging $6 daily. E. Hilker, 871 W. Grand ave., Chicago. J WANTED An agent, either sex, in each town to sell high grade shirt waist ma terials and ladles' suitings by the yard; . It Is a money maker for the agent; try it. Direct Cloth Co., 2823 Olive St., St. Louis, Mo. jen zzx AGENTS Something new; sells to every owner of watch or bunch of keys; best novelty In years; sample and circulars, 26o rebate first order, other new ones. Imperial Mfg. Co., U78 Hudson Ave., De troit, Mich. J 903 22x AGENTS wanted, experienced and of good address, to handle a new patented memo randum attachment needed on every tele phone; big pro til a and permanent work for the right men. Bend stump today for particulars before the opportunity is gone. Telephone Appliance Co., 70o Drexel Building, Philadelphia. J 883 22x WANTED, agents and solicitors to rep resent largest Sick and Accident society In the country; big commission; easiest selling policy in the world. American Benevolent Association, SI Louis. Mo. J880 22X CANVASSERS for ladies' suits and skirts to measure, profitably handled by tailors, milliners and dressmakers: free outfit. Write Perfection Ladies' Tailoring Co., 185 Van Buren St., Chicago, 111.. Dept. L. J 889 22x 1500 PER month anf 120 per week for trav eling expensed may seem big money to you, but it can and Is being made sell ing niy patent ror making smokeless gun and TJlaatlng powder at eight cents per pound. It can be made In anv kitchen without any machinery. You can travel all over the world and make more money than you ever dreamed of before. Be ware of fakes advertising .a smokeless powder. I nm the Inventor and hold the patents. I want a general agent In each state at once to travel and appoint agents. Particulars free. J. A. Straiuiky, Box WW, Pukwana, S. D. J-807 22x MEN willing to work positively make (2.000 to 8S.0U0 per year selling our Just pat ented machine. Eagle Tool Co.. R 336, Cincinnati, O. J 862 Ex AGENTS to make $5 00 dally selling comlo souvenir postals. Bend iu cents ror 4. Clayton-Morgan Co., Cincinnati. O. J-908 22x "I FEEL like a millionaire," writes one agent. New. Demand. Farmers' Account Book Co., Newton, la. J -VIZ Z2x WE start you selling diamonds. Don't fall getting our liberal oner: v daily aure. Carben Diamond Co., Syracuse. N. Y. Mention paper. J 869 22x AGENTS Read In dark: name platea, signs, numbers; iiiO per cent profit: aam plea free. Wright Supply Co., F.ngle- wood, ill. J w( x TRUSTWORTHY agents wanttd; new pat ented sight-selling article, miter .Manu facturing Co., Muiule, inn. J-BI6-22X TAKE up the Kuna proposition. Hustle and make money. Steady Income; big .profits. Kuni, 21V1 Franklin Ave., Bl. Louis, Mo, AGENTS WANTED $75 WEEKLY and expenses easily made, writing life, health and accident Insur ance; experience unnecessary. Write Royal Fraternal Union, Bt. Louis. Mo. J-838 22X WANTED Energetic, trustworthy man or woman to work In Nebraska, representing large manufacturing company: salary. Ho to 1x0 per month; paid weekly; expenses advanced. Address with stamp. J. H. Moore, Omaha, Neb. J 8S2 22x LADY AGENTS making les than $:S.OO weekly should write for catalogue and terms; we start you In business and make you Independent; outfit prepaid. Women's Apparel Supply Co., Chicago. WANTED, ascot!". We have a very attrac tive offer to make to ladies or gentlemen. 1j rge profits, ex'cluslve territory, no ex perience necessary. Write now for terms. Ramcy Medlcator Co., Milwaukee. Wis. J-R52 22X $13 40 DAILY Agents selling clam shell pearls, all double beauties; gross assorted colors, prepaid. $1; dozen, 2jc; l' deep sea (hells, Soo. Pacific Shell Co., 120 N. Broad way, Los Angeles. CM. J 939 22x $L'0 a week easily made selling perfumes to your friends. For 42c we will send you formulas for making 12 exnulsite odors. Nothing like them at any price. And a sample bottle prepaid. The Russell & Williams Co., Box 676. Hartford. Conn J-922 22X WANTED, a person of good character In every community to distribute our book let among their neighbors. Good re muneration. Battleship "Maine'' com- Eanv, Colorado building, Washington, 1. C. J-92 22x 13 TO 110 A DAY made by conducting a mall order business at home or otnee dur ing spare hours or evenings under our successful system; small expense starts you. We furnish complete outfit, cata logue, stationery, advertising, etc., sup plying merchandise as orders come In to you. A fine business; cash coming In dally; exceptional line mall order goods: catalogue and complete Information for 4c. Chicago Specialty Co. (Est. ls.). Chl cago J-930 22x WANTED SALESMEN TRAVELING salesman for Nebraska by old established house to Bell general stores; good pay and permanent position. Drawer "8," Chicago. W)l 22x WANTED Experienced traveling salesman to fill vacancy; must possess energy and Integrity; permanent position: large wholesale house; exceptional opportunity. Address Manager, P. O. 1063, St. Louis, Mo. 902 22x WANTED Salesmen to sell attractive pro position to general trade season 1905; can easily earn $3,000 net. Lock Box 97. Cedar Rapids, la. 804 22x GROCERY SALESMEN A Jobbing house has exclusive territory to offer a few energetic, honorable men. Belling to large consumers; for the right men iiermanent employment and liberal compensation. Address P. O. Box 2i8, Chicago. 890 22x WANTED Salesmen visiting undertaking trade to sell profitable side line; some thing new; no samples necessary; perma nent trade. TheHulslzer Co., Des Moines, la. 8!)1 22 SKILLFUL scheme salesman retailer wins out and Is pleased: office or road position: nothing equal to It; $2n0 per week can be made: can be used as a very profitable side line; samples light and furnished on references; correspondence confidential. Address Dept. O, Box 356, Chicago. 877 22x SALESMAN experienced In patent medicine line; fine proposition to dealers ; salary or commission to capable man. Box 1V16, Chicago. -875 22x SALESMEN wanted by well rated manu facturer; special proposition for real salesmen; flue side line. Manager Boyd, Equitable Bldg., St. Louis. 866 22x SIDE LINE traveling men can make $26 to $. per week carrying side line of .most up-to-date advertising fans of fiur ex clusive and special designs. Season now opening. Applv at once. The Kemper Thomas Co., Fan Dept., Sta. H, Cincin nati, O. 863 22x WANTED, salesmen to visit trade, quick selling specialty, good side line; samples free. Allen Mfg. company, Toledo, Ohio. 916 22x KANSAS farmers are making money. Kan- sag rarms are too cneap. trices win ad vance. Buy now for sure profit. Address for pamphlet Noble & Co., Real Estate, Topcka, Kansas. 907 22x SALESMEN wanted to sell house paint to dealers; experience unnecessary. Ex clusive or side line. Klnloch Paint com pany, St. Louis, Mo. 860 22x EXPERIENCED traveling salesmen, by large Cleveland Jobbing house, to fill va oancv for 1006: high commissions with $35 weekly. W. S. FInley Co., 90 Prospect St., Cleveland, Ohio. 813 22x WE are enlnrglng our selling force for 1906 and can use one good specialty salesman In Nebraska; only capable and experi enced men need npply. Frank R. Jen nings & Co., Detroit, Mich. 865 22x WANTED everywhere, people to copy let ters at home, spare time, and return to us. Good pay, materials sent free. No mail ing or canvassing. Enclose adressed en velope for partlculara and wages we pay. Guarantee Co., Dept. 448, Philadelphia, Pa. 853 22x CAPABLE salesman to cover Nebraska with staple line; high commission with advance of $100.00 monthly; permanent po sition to right man. Jess H. Smith Co., Detroit. Mich. 848 22x SALESMEN wanted, with or without ex perience, to sell staple line of goods to the general trade. Full line of samples fur nished free. Commission contract only to new men. References and bond required. 309 Buhl building, Detroit, Mich. 857 22x WANTED Specialty salesmen to canvass retailers; new; from $3,000 to $10,000 a year for expert salesmen. American Jobblmr Association, Jobbers, Importers and Manufacturers' Agents, Iowa City. Iowa. -W4 22 WANTED Salesman to manufacture arti cles that ne In constant demsnd In nil factories: pood profits, small capital: writ" for particulars. Star Mfg. Co., box S07, Kansas City. Mo. 942 22x WANTED, reliable persons everywhere to do n fair day's wor't for a fair dnv's pay. Write Southern Adv. and Distributing Co., Baltimore, Md. 921 22x WANTED One person In every town to sell our fine line of teas, coffees, etc., direct to consumers: no capital required: we furnish the goods: also fine wagon free for delivering1; our fine line of pre miums will secure the business for you. Write for terms today. Grand Union Tea Co., Omaha, -Neb. . B M125 22x ' MEDICAL LADIES In trouble guaranteed safe and sure relief; no exposure; particulars Inc. Sun Medical Co., 310 Heneplu Ave.. Min neapolis, Minn. 866 22x LADIES Chichester's English Pennyroyal Pilla are the best; aafe, reliable; take no other. Send 4o stamps for particulars. "Relief for Ladles," In letter by return mall. Ask your druggist. Chichester Chemical Co.. Philadelphia. DR. W. HUTCHINSON. Specialist o women and children; 30 yeara' practice Office, 2206 Cuming. Residence telephone, 3668; office, 3U67 LADIES When In need, aend for free trial of our never-failing remedy; relief quick and safe. Paris Chemical Co., Milwaukee, Wis. LADIES treated aucceasfuly by mall; write today, stating how long up presaed. Dr. Brlney, 18$ State St., Chi cago. FOR WOMEN ONLY. DR. RAYMOND'S Monthly Regulator has brought happiness to hundreds of anxious women. No pain, no danger, no interfer ence with work; relief In $ 10 6 days. We have never known of a alngle failure. Mull ordera nromctlv filled. Price, ii. DR. R. U. RAYMOND REMEDY CO., K. bt, at Adams ei., inicago. DR. PRIES treats suoceaafully all dlseaaea and Irregularities of woman, from any cause; experienced and reliable. Addreaa, with stamp, Dr. Prlaa, lUlta Dodge St., Omaha. 604 PRIVATE home during confinement; ba bies adopted. The Good Samaritan Sani tarium, 7'.'8 1st ave., Council Bluffs, la Tel. 774. -2 PRIVATE home during confinement; ba Lies boarded and adopted. Mrs. OardelL 221$ Charles. Tel. A-atilS. w FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS ROYAL HOTEL, European. ltlri Chicago. E 641 DEWEY. European hotel, Uth and Farnam. E-61 VlfiNNA HOTEL, 1011 Farnam; fine room, ladles' cafe, private dining r.; open-nights. E 650 $1.00 to $2.00 per week. 421 8. 18th St.. one block south of court house. E M1.-8 WE furnish rooms In proper style 25 per cent cheaper than all competitors; every thing for housekeeping. Terms. $'.S.K worth. $li0 per werk; 60.00 worth, $1.60 per week. OMAHA FURNITURE AND CARPET CO.. Between 12th and 13th on Farnam St. E-819 22 SOUTH front p.irlor. 2024 St. Mary's Av. E-M131 BiNGLE room: modern; furnace. 1H Chi cago at. E M725 22X TWO well furnished parlors, steam heated; also housekeeping rooms. Telephone 22o3. 2234 Farnam, Flat 6 E 734 22x FURNISHED cottage, R rooms; north part of town $25. Address S 41. Bee. E 746 20X LARGE, pleasant front room, witli alcove; hot water heat. 1617 Cass. E M75'i 22 x LIGHT housekeeping and sleeping rooms. The I-akotn. lfi3 Howard. E M761 22x VERY desirable, nicely furnished front room; private family; $8 mo.: heat and gas; reference. Address, 1717 Welmter St. E-M753 22x FURNISHED room for two gentlemen at $4 a week; modern house. 215 California. E 766 21 FURNISHED rooms for either light house keeping or sleeping. 407 No. 19th st. Phone B:7M. E M784 13 TWO neatly furnished rooms, modern; fur nace and electric light; private famllv; gentleman preferred: $S.oo per month; reference. 1921 St. Mary's ave. E-M785 23x NICELY furnished southwest room, heat, ga. bath, use of telephone, private home, no other boarders. Call afternoon or even ing. 2673 Dodge st. E 796 23x FURNISHED rooms for light housekeeping, entirely modern. f,i S 8. 21st ave. E-793 23x NICELY furnlshtd rooms; south frotiT 2202 Douglas. E-MJ57 23 LARGE well furnished room, south front, modern. 2fi4U Dodge st. E M9S5 2:tx LARGE front room, modern. 4n6 N. 23,1 st. 'Phone A-3'!. E M124 24x LARGE front parlor In modern house down town, for rent reasonable; heat, llcht and bath. 1714 Douglas. K M130 24X FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD O. M. E., TEL. 611. MESSENGERS AND BAGGAGE. F-6JI THE SH ELTON, 26th and Dodge, Ideai home for the winter; pleasant rooms, strictly modern, home cooking, reason able. F-5e6 2616 FARNAM ST.. two large rooms on first floor, single or cn suite; steam heat, first class board; prices very reasonable. F M428 SMALL furnace-heated room, with board, 2410 Cass. F 716 20 NICELY furnished room with board; rates reasonable; modern conveniences; tele phone, etc. Apply 618 So. 19th. F-M729 21 x ROOMS and board. 1811 Capitol ave. F-M726 21x ROOM and board for two; board bv the week. 116 N. 26th. F M733 22 FIRST-CLASS day board. 1823 Capitol ave. F M768 22x LARGE, warm front room, suitable for two; also board. 4914 Farnam. F M780 23X LARGE room suitable for two. modern, good location; also good table board. 626 8. 19th St. F-794 23x ROOMS and board. 1811 Capitol Ave. F-M960 24x FURNISHED room for two with board, also board by the week. 116 North 25th St. F M982 24 ONE single room: also pleasant south room; board if desired. 2323 Harnev. F-M123 28 FRONT room, with board; suitable for two gentlemen; modern detached house. 2215 Farnam. F 122 22 x GOOD Room for two gentlemen preferred. 212 South 25th st. F 990 UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT FOUR unfurnished rooms for housekeeping; light and heat furnished. 318 S. 26th st. G-737 23 TWO unfurnished rooms for light house keeping; walking distance. 623 N. 2th v ,.1 ui CLAIRVOYANTS DON'T WORRY! Mme. Gylmer, SCIENTIFIC PALMIST, Can Make You Happy. If in trouble see this wonderful woman; she can put you on the right track to hap piness. She can and will give you no vice that will be beneficial regardless of the cause of your trouble. Can tell you what you are best adapted to, how to succeed, in fact, anything you desire to know. Will Instruct concerning matri mony. Phe is the recognised leader of KC1ENTFIC PALMISTRY. Parlors, 715 N. 23d St. 8 133 22 MRS. I. 8. BOYER, nee Mme. Viola, with out asking a question, gives satisfactory advice on ail affairs of life, directs on road to happiness and prosperity; re liable safeguard from rocks of failure and misfortune; those wishing development In clalrvoyancy or spiritualism call 8 a. m. and arrange for same; wonderful develop ment In 6 sittings; trial reading 16c. 'it N. 17th st. 'Phone B-2647. S-131 22 GYLMER. scientific palmist, 716 N. 23d 8-619 MRS. FRITZ. Clairvoyant, 1521 Leaven worth. 8 M8) MRS. BELL O'NEAL (alored). scientific palmist, mystic card reader. Advice on all affairs of Ilia, photos read. 2214 North Twenty-first. 8 M462 21x MRS. FAIRFIELD, 1714 California st. S-M6S9 MME. ALLURA, palmist 704 8. 17th st. 8-M7U) 21x MRS. CARRIE SMITH, SOVEREIGN LADY QUEEN OF CLAIRVOYANTS; everything told, past, present and future; satisfactory or no pay; also a wonderful magnetic healer. 8o7 N. Uth st. 8-M762 22x YOUR fortune told by the most reliable clairvoyants. Bend blrthdate, dime and stamp. Profs. Carl & Kollln, 490 N. Clark Bt., Chicago. b 876 S3x MRS. BELLE O'NEAL (colored), sclentlflo palmist and card reader. Beneficial ad vice given. 2214 N. 21st St. 8960 22x LADIES $500 reward If our remedy falls to relieve delayed monthly periods; no mat ter how long suppressed; safe relief, $3. Women's Private Institute, Dept. I, 185 Dearborn atreet, Chicago. 943 22x MME. ALLURA. PALMIST, clairvoyant, card reader; seventh daughter of a sev enth daughter; advice on all matters of love, law. business, speculation, etc. par lors 704 8. 17th. S-10S 22x MADAME FRANCISCO, the California Lady Palmist and Clairvoyant. Parlors 1724 Capitol ave. Reading, 60 cents. B M118 23x DANCING ACADEMY MORAND'S mid-winter term for adult be- II no era will open on Friday, January 6. eeaona Tuesday and Friday. 8 p. m. Bave $2 by Joining the first of the term; success guaranteed. Children meet Sat urday. I p. m. Private Uaaona daily. Always open; Sundays 2 to 6 p. m. Cull Uth and Harney, or Tel 1041. -M198 J23 CHAMBERS, aoclety classes now forming. and stage; new 'Pbona F-1871. -M733 PERSONAL PRIVATE home during confinement; ba bies adopted. Mrs. Dr. King. tAK N. 16th. Tel. 3m. U-h J 1 1-ARSoN St JOHNSON, cut rates to all Points. 1; Farnanl. Tel. B113. Mem ber American Ticket Brokers' Ass'n. U 592 'PHONE 701 and a man will call and tune your piano; $2. Perfleid piano Co., lbll 1 arnam. L 69J THEATRICAL masq. costumea 1410-1.! Howard. l.leben, J-84 V1AVI." way to heMth. $60 Bee Bldg;. TUB S UvHtfon Army noiicit cat-off clnth Ihr; in f a anything you do nt tv ea; lectin- to the worthy po - - - r ' 1,110 nui tu pvw- . 413a and Wagon will call. L 611 OMAHA Stammerer' Institute. Ran,k MAf.V P Tip treatment A bn"; R'm' rUAUlNt 1 bmilh. U8 N. la, 1 fl.l HELP FOR THE DEAF. FREE TESTS. Massacon cures middle-ear troublo. Acoustlcon alus the hearing as glaoeee do the eye Hutchison AcoustlO CO., N. V. Life Bldg. 'Phone 1'J- U7 TRY KELLEY'8 LAUNDRY. 'PHONE 8M0- TRUSSES made ana fitted to men, women and children. I Fnrtuim St THE II. J. PEN FOLD CO. ACCORDION and SUNBURST PLEATING, KUCH1NG BUTTONS SeuO for price list nd Bamplea. IHt GOLDMAN Pl.bAllNG CO., 2W Duu-la bloc. let 193b 1; 600 TLB, vapor and alcohol ballia. 730 S. ltih, U-4W1 DON'T fool with your eyes; be careful who examines tl.ei'i; we tel eyes free tut tlafcfv;' und guarantee batisf action. THE 11. J. FEN FOLD CO., Leuding opliciuuo, Hub Farnam. U-601 CHRONIC nnd nervous diseases success fully lieu ted Dr. Jackson, all Ramgo blk, VJ 428 J2t LiCOTT'S DIUESTIVE TA BLKTS Guaran iced b Kuiin .fc Co., lull & Douglas Bia, U-MouS 81 F. WM. KRELLE Architect, 604 Bee bldg. Tel. 36. U-M;4 F6X EXPERT PiANK tuning by'factory tuners. Si linioller it Mueller, 1313 Farnam. TeU 10. U 403 FU PKESSUR1UM F'srilam." WE rent sewing machines 75c week. We repuir all makes uf machines. Second hand mi. chines $j to $lu. Neb. Cycle Co. 'lei, lool. Cor. ldih and Harney. U 4m W. H. GREEN of Wayland. N. Y., left for South Dakota June lust; heard from once at Elmwood, Neb., where all trace was lost. Height 6 feet, ugu 48, weight 17iS; quite bald, brown moustache. Intor inution regarding him would be rewarded by Mrs. V. 11. Given, Waylund. N. Y., hox 1. U-M6S2 'Mx HOMELESS CHILDREN. Eighteen boys for ndoptlou, ranging in iiKes floni !l years down to 1 month, at Ihe Child Saving institute, isuii Ohio st. 1-.M771 23x WANTED Location for email millinery stock. Mrs. G., Box 458, Cedar Rapids, la. U-M786 22 SUPERFLUOUS huir. warts and moles permanently removed by electricity; con sultation free und confidential; all work; guaranteed. Miss Allonder, 422 N. Y. Ufa, L HANDSOME WIDOW-Worth ttK.OOO, wants Immediately, able. Industrious hus band. Address Aetna, Onuonta Bldg.. Chicago, HI. . U S98 22x LADY of 60 has $10,000; alone in Ihe world, wants a good, companlonuble husband. Address Curran, 1213 Wabash, Chicago. U DUO 22x MARRY Wealth and beauty; descriptive lint free. "Elite," 316 4lh Ave., N. Y. U-888 22x STOPS the craving, cures tho habit. Moss berg's Anti-Nicotine Gum, tho only sure antidote of tobacco. Large package sent by mull, postpaid 25 cents. Anti-Nicotine Gum Co., 1528 Masonic Temple. Chicago, HI. U-884 fix JEE-POAU No. V 1076; men cured; re moves the cause; sure results; restores memory, ambition; removes faoe pimples; price, one dollar; plain wrapper; special pamphlet free; tells what men, young or old, should know. Joe-Poal Remedy Co., 511) Main St., Cincinnati, O. U 8t(i22x AGENTS wanted to sell our Peerless Egg Sepurator. Separates white from yolk of vilK instantly. Sample. 16 cents coin. Fred H. Cartan & Co., Galesburg. III. J-9U 22x MARRY Wealth and beauty; marriage di rectory free; pay when murrlud; entirely new plan: send no money. Address if. A. Horton, Dept. 297, Tekonsha. Mich. U W2 22x PROFESSIONAL mun, generous and wtalthy, desires without delay poor but honest wife. Addresa Mr. Curtis. 69 Clark St., Chicago, IlL U 315 22x A WORKINGMAN, widower, middle age, . would like to meet a woman with 11 view to murrlugo If suitable. Address S 40, Bee. U-817 22x WEALTHY retired gentleman, refined, un incumbered, seeks appreciative wife. Ad dress Mrs. Cole, 606 Wulnut, room 7, Philadelphia, Pa. U 858 22x A WEALTHY and attractive maiden wants without delay kind husband to relieve her of business cares; no objections to honor able, capable poor mun. Address Cook. 67 Flournoy, Chicago. U 928 22x MARRIAGE PAPER-Prlnts photos andaU addresses; 8 pages; 10c: corresiiond with out further expense. A. Btover, Drawer 667 B, Chicago, 111. U SJ0 22x SUPERFLUOUS hair removed at your home; new method. 'Phone 4433. Mrs. R. Beverldge, hair and scalp specialist, 2219 Chicago St. U 8M 22x Prepare for the Stork. Entirely now, unique, original patterns for infants; complete outfits; daintiest you ever saw. Explicit Instructions. Set, 60 cents. ' INFANTS' PATTERN CO. Office, 1911 Cuming St., Omaha. U-815 22x OMAHA STEAM PASTE CO. Munufucturers of paste for all purposes. Tel. A -2662. 2210 Cuming. EaLabllahedJ8S. HONORABLE young mun desires acquaint ance of refined young lady who is music ally Inclined. All correspondence strictly confidential. Address B 67, Beu. U-J87 22x ADDRESS of oil painter. In Paxton block, Umuha, about lfH; Bernstein, name re called. Address T 1, Bee. U-Mlll 2!ix 50 BEAUTIFUL square planoa. all makes, worth from $75 to $150 each, are row of fered from $26 to $:0 each; terms, $8 to $5 cash and 60c per week. 8CHMOELLER & MUELLER PTANO CO., 1313 Faxuara St. Tel. 16:5. U-M5 23 CLERK or bright young man to fit for gov't, position. Call at 410 Bee HMk after ! p. m U-99g. OSTEOPATHY Johnson Institute. 615 N.Y.Llfe bldg. Tel. 1664. MRS JOHN R. MUHICK. Osteopathy Phy. slclan; otfico, Douglas block. Tel. 2823. -21 DR FARWEI.L, specially nervous disease. 61? N. Y Life. T2 WANTED TO BORROW WANTED, to borrow, $2,000 to $J0.O0O, for one to three yeara, at 7 per cent interest. Will assign mortgages on Nebraska farms as security, and submit security to cash ier of any bank In Omaha for approval. X' M. care Bee M w!9 Fl LAW AND COLLECTIONS JOHN M. MACFARLAND, New York JJfj Bldg., rooms $04 and 214. Tel. Mi.