r THE OMAfIA DAILY BEE: TDCRSDAY. JANUARY 10. 110. (,RAIS and produce market Wheat Ttkei a Turn. 'nut Continne NerToui. Market CASH MARKET IS STILL VERY DULL w Orlaaas Hears Large AmmiI of Corn, nltk Cantlaaed Heats Receipt for F.arope 4 hl 'ago W aaa Rate. OMAHA. Jin. 1. IS;. The May wheat was very nr-rvout thin morning. but showed r)mo reaction from the wengne of Ttiedy. Th opening was at $l.loN, c up from th cioe of Tuesday. Th market advanced to 11.1S1, It then lackend off to fl.l.-i and everal tlmt reacned 11.1, advancing; at noun to the eighth. The ehort nnd longs bolh fer the dumping of eastern holdings and nrr- afraid to get far from the shore. Minneapolis receipt today are 42S car. agAlnel 144 lst-t ck and 244 for the week lat year. In explaining theee. heavy re ceipt, which otne where the country I generally understood to le pretty well . leaned up. It la said Rood terminal re- dpt are expected for about, t u day, with some lnerexxe In the country move ment. Thin, It la thought, will l) the I11M inovtmeiii of tho winter, and after It th lerelpt me expected to I uuite, (mull. The mill are nii.l to te trying In every way except actually eelllng the May option 10 decreiine the cnh Mini ipe ul.illce mar keti. In thia they have been initially aiitx aaful, for the market on iot atult In He lower. The caxh wlieat demand In all the market la Indifferent, with mora cll Ing pierur than for mm" week. The price declined with the future. Chicago old Tuesday only i).i mixed loin. Kantian City reported no wales. Tlie south western market Is trying to get buying order, hut nothing l going d'pite the drop of from 3u to In two dn. Of tho 175 ar received only two or three were old and the rest were .carried over. Hi. i-ouls reported a drop of from lc to l',c, with mlllera refusing to buy. Duluth w.is slow, with a drop of The Chicago (Ireat Western has announced a cut In tin rate from Chicago to Minneapolis from 12'ic to 10c. The Mlnenapolls millers are mini to demand Chlcagj wheat. The primal y receipt are ttn.uoo bushels, ftgalnsi TNI.'"") bushels, and the shipment i jnr.,ii tiu-'hels, ngalnnt 3fi2.im bushels New Orleans Tuesday cleared l.lS.nno buahela of corn and received 434.000 bush ela mora for export. The Chicago ship ler are aald to be holding conferences over the loss of busltiesa which eastern porta are suffering lately. It la hinted, however, when the demand from abroad Increases again In a few rkh the eastern roads will put in a rate which will counter act the better rates, or the better mar ket which at present makes the gulf mora attractive to the corn shipper. The pri mary rncclpta are OM.wo bushels, against NMinrt bushels, and the shipments anl.OuO bushels, agnlnst am.tm bushels. There are 2.(i.ft00 bushels of onts In ntore at Buffalo, hut It In reported there in none on hand Which enn lie obtained by the shipper. The m:cellanenu supply tins been licked up. The outs In storage belong to Jobbers and arc held nwaltlng orders. Omaha (anti Sales. OATS No. 3 white, 1 cur. 52 lbs., Ill'.c. Otnaha Cash Price. WHEAT No. 2 hard, ll.nfrgi.08; No. 2 hard, $1.0414; No. 4 hard. lx-!gll.02; No. 3 pprtng, ti n. CORN No. 2. 3!H4e; No. 3. 39c; No. 4. .'Wo; no grade, 33'n3tic; No. 2 yellow, 3tyc; No. 1 yellow, 39V-; No. 2 white, 3Uc; ivo. 3 white. 39c. OAT8 No. 2 mixed. 2SV; No. 3 mixed. 28v: No. 4 mixed, 27'i!71ic; No. 2 white, -f'VS No. ;i whlt. 20'-,c; No. 4 while, 28 lie, standard 2iPic. . I ailoc Receipts. , ' ' Wheat. Corn. Oata. Chicago is Mti M Kansas City 71 27 13 Minneapolis I.'S Duluth ...,...,, ;:i . St. LouU ti' 2S bl ( Omaha JJ u7 3 Prices ( Minneapolis. The range of prlcea paid In Minneapolis, na reported by the KdnardH-Wood com pany. 110-U1 Board ot Trade, was: Articles. I Open. I Hirfh.l Low. I Close. VVheat .May . July September 4Va?' .-, r H ..".,1 ICvii 1 I-'7,' 1 13 I I 15 'i .,.. 1 !,;. I WVst 1 12i, 1 ii-i, StUti ViHl 3U 93', Gralo Market Elaetrhere. Closing prices of grain today and Tues day at th markets named were aa follows: CHICAGO. Wheat ' Today. Turs y. Msy , l.lHi.H 1.15VV July ti.V S'4 Corn , May , '45 n 44VA July r?,B 45U KANSAS CITY. Wheat May 1.U5-S 1 July B'.l4 Corn May 42r, 42H July 42':, 42, ST. LOUIS. Wheat May MV, l.lii July !" Sl6' C'orn- May 4;i' 4J July 43-'A 42'B MINNhAl-OLIS Whaat- May 1.15'i l.iriS, July 112 i.i2, JJL'LUTU. Wheat May 1 1":t 1.14', July 11- 1.13 NEW YORK. V heat May 1.1. V4 1.15, July 2', 1W YOHK GliNKHAI. l AHKUT iiaotatlous of the Day ou Varloaa t C'oiauiodltlra. NEW YORK, Jan. IS. Fl-OUR Hecelpts, 14,741 bbls. ; exports, 6,tiU2 bbls. , market steady, but dull; winter patents, .).Vt6hj; winter straights, lu.uto.4o; Minnoauta pat ents. tS.o.u.U6; wluior extras, J.(xy-l.; Minnesota bakers, t4.3j)4.tU;' winter low grades. $, 4ffQ 4 . lu. Rye Hour. Arm; fair to good, $4.(j4 To; choice to fancy, H.7wii().0o. Muckwheat flour, dull, $2.iXio2.1u per cwt. CORNMEAL Stuady ; tine, while and yel low, 11 26; coarse, new, $l.n' 1.07 ; kiln dried, 2.K3.1U. H K Nominal. BARLEY Vjuiet; feed, 43u c. 1. f. New York; malting, 452c c. I. I. Buffalo. WHEAT Receipts, l,77o bu. ; exports. 43. Ub bu.: spot market steady; No. t red, nominal, elevator and 1.2tVk ' o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern Ituluth, ll.v.S f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 hard Manitoba. J1.11H f. o. b. afloat. Tho market opened higher on ataady cables, rain west and in the Argen tina and room covering. Later there was a sharp reaction due to northwest selling, liberal northwest receipts and liquidation, but the market Anally steadied up a little, cloving ViiWo net higher: May, ll.lbVii 1.16'4. Closed al l.l.VV,; July, tl.(i2V0l 021,, closed at II. U2,; September, 94ti!rc, iloaed at 4Tc. CORN llcelpt. M.575 bu.; exports, int. 231 bu.; spot market steady; No. t. 6."c elevator and &3e f. o. b. afloat; No. I yellow, 62c; No. 2 white, t2,c. The market was generally firm all day on small receipts and big clearances, cloning c net higher; May, 6St6oHc. closed at ii-,c OATS-Hecelpts. W.OW bu.; exports, 6,325 bu. ; spot marVet steady; mixed, 24 to 32 lbs., a.tjc; natural white, J to 32 lbs, ainSHc: clipped white, 36 to 40 lbs., 4fi42c. HAY Firm: shipping, a2Vry74c; good to choice o!d, 2h 7ltc. KEEiIrrMgulur: rlug bran. I1S.70 for Jstiuary shipment; middlings, J 19.10 lor January shipment. liGPB-Hieadv; elate, common to choice, 1!)04. 10tt37c: iwtl. Jtfttittc: olds. 14c; Pnclfle f.at. lfKs), 2.(j3ric; lMnS. 3o4iv, olds 14hl7c. HIDES Steady; Galveston. 20 to 3i lbs.. IKc; California 11 to 2j lbs.. 19j. 1vi.au dry. 24 to 30 Iba y. I.BATIIICR-Klrm; acid, rj26c. PROVISIONS Heef. stead ; famllv, in 00 I'!2 0U; mess, t.M06ij beef hums, ' $22.unr :2.a; packet, llrt.dtxull.tu; city, extra India, mesa. 15.uovl7 1. Cut meat, quiet; pick led bellies, la 7C-7 Uu: pickled shoulders 16 50: pkkled hams, til T.'.lill uy I-urd. steady: western steamed. tu.7.'.'fi7.u); January 1 losrd at tti (Mt'.ui; refined, steady; continent, I7(; South America, 17.63: compound. 14 75 nki.U',,. puik. steady: family. 114 0t'14.3U; short clear, tlj.ifi 16.00: mesa, tUuo.ilJ.jV TALLOW tjuiet; city, 4',c; country, 4Vi- i3. RICK Firm; domestic, fair to extra, 3',, ff'c; Japan, nominal. LOGS Waak; western fancy selected, 2Se; weatern firsts. 2c. HOC LTRY Alive, firm; western chicken. 12e; fowls. 14V- tuikejs. Il4c: dressed, frm; weitern thlckem.. 13r14c; fowls. 13 913V: turkeys. li-vi9Sc. Pblladrliilila Prad ace Market. PHILAUKLPH1A. Jan. H-BITTER-. Hiaady; eatra westain creamery. nuc nearbv prints. 3?c. RtiGS bull ajid wek. Nearby fresh and westrH frcah. vc st mark. CHttSliniui; New Voik full creams. t :Tiry. !2Sp-'1-t'; New Tor full ereama. etioiee. i2e; New vorg run creams, rair o goo.i, HVill,c. frill tt.l) C.RAIX KSD PH4VIIO?S r eatare mt the Tradlag mm Claalas rrlees oa Board ( Ttaalc. CIUCAQO. Jan H -Higher prH at l.lverooi were reflected In tne wneat mar ket here today. (Toeing quotations on in My wheat were up S'a 'c. Corn n up 'nc Data -and provisions are nimot-i uncnange1. from start to finish the wheat market exninlted considerable strength. At me opening May snowed a gain 01 '4J-c, at ti.iat'ul.lt. 'lne initial ntrergth was due mmn.y lo the eomparatlva nrutnesi of lne lylverpool market, price there anowing a light gain notwithstanding the weakness ot thin market yentertvay. Juat alter tne opening a feeling of hesitancy oeveloped on nening, brought out by increased re ceipts in tne nortnwest. VndVr these offer ings May sold off to il.lo-y A more ca ru tin analysis ot conditions In tne north west, nownver, revealed the fact that a large percentage of tmlay'n arrival at Minneapolis was wheat hougnt from coun try elevators al last week price and that there waw little likelihood ot any material Increase in tlio movement from the farms. Thin explanation robbed the bear of their principal ammunition and atarted fair covering by many esny pollers. Lack of offerings caused a quick advance In the prices, and for the remainder of the ses sion tho market held strong. During tha latter port of the day trading was mostly of a scalping character. Uulineas ot casn markets Was a check to speculative trad ing. The high point on May waa reached at tl 114. f inal quotations were at $1 lb1,! iil.lM. Clearances of wheat nnd flour Were equal to l'Ki.Om bushels. Primary receipts were h,;i,M bushels, compared with 78&.P) bushels n year ago. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chicago reported receipts of 4So cars, against Jw eain last week and 4J0 cars a year ago. Hmalmees of receipts gave the corn mar ket a strong start, and although trading was not of large volume, A firm tone was manifested throughout the entire day, Bmall acceptances trom the country and de creased pilmary receipts were additional bullish influences. Several prominent com mission houses were good buyers. May opened n'h'ac higher, at 46o. sold between 44'V'Msc nnd 4fi'tic and closed at 46c. Lo ch irocelpts wore 14i cars With six of con tract grade. A feature of trading In oats was chang ing from May to .luly delivery. The vol ume of business wan very small. Strength of other grains held prices firm. May opened a shade higher, at 31V. old up to aiU'&.llSo and closed si 31-c. Local receipts were 36 cars. IVovlslons were firm at the start as a result of sn advance of In the price of hogs. Later the market eased off on sell ing by packer. At the close May pork and ilbn were each off 2Hc, at 112 Kflli.si'i and t6.7Vf.70. Lard was dawn i'ltjc, at $ii Ksllrnated receipt for tomorrow: Wheat, 2 cars; com, 211 cars; oats. 73 car; hogs, 8ft.nno head. The leading future ranged a follow:. Artcles. Open. Hlgh. Low Clftae.l Y'eg y. !i ih! 1 1.-.V&! I 16VI 1 I1-.! 1 is. 1 l! 1 isH 1 I. 4 I 2Wl 42.; Is 44V"4 4oS 45V' 30H' 3014 3H;314iii U MW. ill' 12 42,' 12 45 12 67V,--13 7(1 6 82Vi! " 4B,,44'fl4f.. 45V,! 46i 31V. 81kiO! al". 31',31'&S 31 , 13 75 13 7714! 12 05 .: s a 9o 8 86 (i 85 6 87'4 7 00 j 7 02HI 6 9714; 6 &7V4! 7 00 I . 1 fi 40 2UI f 40 I 6 52V4! 43 6 724: 6 'JO 75 r b7Hl 70 I 6 72V4 6 I a2! 6 82V4. No. 2. Cash quotations were as follows: FLOUR Easy; winter patent, to.hvg . 1 . 1 1 cuA n.t. Lnflna. na,nli R.0t66.60; straight. Jl.50j4.!Hl; bakers , X2.&) WHEAT No. 2 Prtnr. ;.1W1.1: No. 3, I1.02W1.15; No. 2 red. 11.17 Vfll.lsV... CORN-No. . 43c; No. 2 yellow, V. OAT8-N0. 2, 3fV4c; No, 2 white. 3.j32'c; No. 8 white, 31032Vic RYE No. S. Tic. . . . RARLEY Oood feeding, 37fl3fcc; fair to choice mailing. 434Sc. SEEDS No. 1 flax, II 15; No. 1 northwesi em. 1123; clover, contract grade. Ill . PROVISIONS-Mes pork, per bhl.. 12.4s hU3i: lsrd, per K lbf I6S2V4; ,hort ribs sides (looeel, t.2o(B6.Wi short clear eldes tboxed). 16S0S 62V4- A m Receipts and shipment for the day were . nscelnts ShlDments. S-Tn.rr hbla 34.1W0 21.70ft Wheat, bu a 101.t 79.600 Corn bu. ... ..... IM-OoO Barley, bu. i,u00 33..00 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market w steady; crearnerie. lftipSOc; dairies, lsV424c. Eggs, weaker; at mark, cases included. ll&26c; first. 25c: fine (Irsta, 27c; extras, 2c. Cheese, firm, llflUc. gt. Leala Grain mm Prorlstons. BT. LOU18. Jan. 18. WHEAT-IHgher; No 2 red, cash, elevator, I1.14S; track. t1.1ttftl-17; My, I1.15W9U6H; July, iW MHc; No. 2 har. ll.10V43i.12. CORN Higher; No. 2 cash. 43c; track, 44a44tie; May. 4314'd 43Vc ; July, 4iMc. OAT8-8teady: No. 2 cash. 31c; track, 31Vi32c: May, 31Vc; No. 1! white. 32V4c. I FLOCR-Dull; red winter patents, ."i.4i'fi5.50; special brands, tf..6iXit5.til; extra fancv. M WOS W: clear. S4.HKin.tio. SEED Timothy, nominal. 2.0O2.40. CORNMEAL Steady at 12.40. BRAN Steady; sacked, east track, 87pHKe. HAY Dull; timothy, 8.00i8!12.50; prairie, J6.0V560. IRON COTTON TIES-Mc. BAOOING7'ic. HEMP TWlNE-VrC. PROVISIONS Pork, lower: Jobbing I11.42V4, old: 11.7V. new. Lard, firmer; prime uteamed. I6.0. Dry salt meats, atesdv; boxed, extra aborts. t.62V4; clear rib. 'I6.17V4; short cleata, 17.00. Bacon, steadv; boxed. eVra shorts, 17.60; clear rlh. I7.-M!; short clear. 17.87H- POCLTRY Slow; chickens, 10V4c; spring, 10'4c: turkey. 14Vsc; ducks. 11c; geeee. 8c. uVII ER Firm; creamery, 2431V4c: dairy. 1tksf25c. EGGS Ea), 25c case count. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls M 13.000 Wheat, bu 44.0nO Corn, bu . 3"""0 Oats, bu ai,U 4S.000 Kansas Cltr Oral sad Previsions. KANSAS CITY. Jan. 18. - WHEAT -Steady; May. 41.06S; July, gVt8?; cash, No 2 hard. l.oVfl.07i No. 3. Il.olil.05: No. 4 2rtl02; No. 2 red. 11.120113; No. 3, till'i; No. 4. $1. OCXS 1.06. Receipts. 64 cars. CORN Higher; May. 42HlB2e; July. 4"S'?i 42c. Cash: No. 2 mixed. 2'4'; No. 3, 43'at"4c; No. 2 white. 43l43V4e: No. 3, 4-. OATS Firm; No. 2 white, l32',,c; No. I mixed, lie. HAY Steady ; choice timothy. l.5W0.t; choice prairie. 17. 5n. RYE-Steady, 72'u'72c. EGGS Steady: Missouri and Kansas new No 2. w hltewood cases Included. 2ilV4c; case count. 26c; cases returned, V4c lees per dosen. BCTTER Creamery, J4-ff2c; dairy. lc. Receipts. Shipments. u-1,.,1 bu 61.200 l.ftiO Corn, bu Oats, nu ." n. Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Jan. It.-WHEAT-May. II. lrN4 1.16V J,ll'- ' l-'V September. ftPc ; No. 1 hard, ll.K'i: No. 1 northern. 11 .14V. No. S northern. 11.1.1V . , FLOT'R First patents, i.ai4i.4n: second patents. l.U5j--"; first cleai-, 4.iya4.8S; second clears, 12.604if.70. BRAN In bulk. 8U.su. Mllwaaka Grata Market. MILWAVKEB. Jen. 1.-WHKAT-Mai -ket steady; No. 1 northern. H.ltPl.l"; No. J northern, ll.lOQl.K; May. 11.16; bid. HYE-Flrm: No. 1. llH-ifCJc. BARLEY Firm; No. 2. 3e-; aample. 30 "'CORN-Easier; No. 2. 43fl43i;c; May, 45c bid. I l.lrerpoal Grain Market. LIVERPOOL. Jan. II. WHEAT Spot, ...... 1... Vrt t allnrnla ? Riitut- steady; March. UUd; May, SslOTmd; July! 6a pv.4d. CORN Spot, American mixed, new. easy, 3s 11 Wd; American mixed, old. steady, 4s lid. Futures, quiei; mbich. may, , s ;u. Ualalk Grain Market. OL'Ll'TH. Jan. 18-WHEAT-To arrive: No. t northern. I1.124; No. 2 northern. 11061. On track: No. 1 northern. Il l:",; No. 2 northern, II MP,: May. II. lo1,; July, 11.11. September, aj1!-. OA To To arrive and on track. I'4c Teleao geed Market. TOLEDO. Jjn. 11 -SEEDS Clove:-, cash and January, 17.71; February 17 774; March. IT.hJ'j: Mime timothy. ll.JIVk: nrime alslks. IS.iw. Pearla Market. PE)RIA. Ills.. Jan. 11. CORN Higher; No. t. No. 4, tl:c, no grade. i;. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Velum of Market Etpandi and Some of th ofoTementa Excited tnd 8etratioDtl. READING IS THE FEATURE OF THE DAY Bales K.aeeed Half Million hare at I a creased Prices alaes llsc lunte, hat Close itrong and Above Lorreat Level. NEW YORK, Jan. i. The volume of the stock market expanded again today and om of the movement were excited and sensational, hut the activity was even more contested thsn the recent tendency In mat aireutlon nd tho general level of prices wss not mucn more benefited than yester day, in other words. It was ciesr that the effort was made to take advantage of the stimulating effect of the excited ad vance to sell stocks In other quarter if the market. It might simost oe said of Reading that 6.000 snares wn the normal unit 01 the transactions In It, so frequent was the appearance ot I.1" share loia on the tape, i he, total outstanding Issue or Rending common stock amounts to 1.4uu,i"i shares. It Is known that a large rair of this has Ix-en taken out of the market and distributed to different railroad com panies tij Insure the balance of the control of this property, although the controlling Interest 1 believed to depend more on pre ferred stock holdings than on the common. Rut Reading has often given evidence of the large reduction of Its floating supply, feales ir a s.ng.e day of nlo.iuv shares, which wns the total reached today, may be eafely assumed to represent a large pro portion of matched order and manipulative transactlos. Probably the manifest char acter of the operation accounted for their lack of effective Influence on the general list. The entire luck of news to account for the movement ami the high level to which the price had already been lifted, considering the dividend return, helped lo beget distrust for the movement nnd fears for the maintenance of the price level. The movement In Ontario Western especially, nnd In the other cooler to a less degree, waa siipposeed to lie sympathetic and was equally without explanation In the new of tho day. The now was not lacking In favorable factor, but did not apply espe cially to the stock which moved niost widely. The action of the conservative Illinois Central directors In declaring an extra dividend on their stock went fiir to con firm the encouraging effect of other recent Increases In dividend disbursements as ahowiug tho confidence of railroad man ager In the future prosperity of their properties. The resulting revival of divi dend hopes was perceptible In the move ment In Rnltlmore Ohio. Kansas A Texas preferred, Chesapeake & Ohio. Smelt ing and perhaps in some other stocks. The announcement of the settlement of the Fall River strike mas received with gratification os serving to clear up the situation in one of the Industrial quarters which have lagged in the trsde expansion. The absorption of two minor rnllroHda which have been In Its snhero of Influence by the New York Central gave some early strength to that stock. The whole list gave way, however, with some violence during the last hour, when the suspicions en gendered by the character of the day's trading had come to a head. The falling off of upwards of l4S.OnO.0OO In the trade balance In our favor for De cember, due both to increosed imports and the heavy decline In export", was not re garded as a cheerful showing and gave promise of the continued ability of the world's outshle markets to draw on our gold supplv. The nunket rallied with con siderable force In the final dealing, led bv Rnltlmore Ohio with a rise of 1. and the closing whs quite strong, but only it reaction ueiiernllv above the lowest. Bonds were nctlve and flrni. Total Bales-, par value. lrt.500.Oin. Cnlted States new 4s declined V, per cent on cull. 1iu.atiu.1u 1 01'k Stuik ex change. eie art luuovve; Sales. liigli-Low. Close. Atchison UO plU Iua i"vf4 lA-4 Ai.ui.i.i coast L.111C 'nu 1.C4 i-i4 1.114 II, oi 0 1G.V." !.,-, 1.-1.4 &o Uo piO IV" Ho-,, iSj,, Vn tan. 1 ucinc 5,v I0I 4 l.xv, 14 ceiul.il ol .1. J l im im 1M 1 dice, ik wibo l!,oW ooU '. t1i V. men" at Dillon ... .. 41 uo pid 4,1 Cluci.go vji. v t s.ci 11 2i, 1 -? -i W.4 C 01 . i.jo- 2oi,, Uis',4 2oo-,, I.., til. a: Bt. 1' li.co utM lio 11. in Cl.lCugo 1. at l l" . ! 4 teV . ! do pid -,, ! l."4 C, C, ... l 2l. Li MVl Colo. t Btiu.iiuru iw W', 2-, 2-v, uo 1 piu i uo d pttl i"' ",J' mt '-4 Dei. a;, iiuuson 4.W.O li-, lv, iMtr, Del., u. at io v. at t. o 11.0 oik -s -'4 Uo pid , , ' Eric hd.io-j 4 -4 UO JSl ptd lU.IAAl I,, II-, ' UO 2d plU i.iWO W"4, 01-14 4 Hocking valley "0 o t, do piu M y- III. Celitiai 22, I'M laa Ibo',4 led iowa . entml 2KV4 Uo pio 3oJ Wli "o K. C. southern 2,iM 2-; 2s-,a -'4 do ptd .. ,w i ui-x "., L 4 fs 2.W0 lilM lci lto Manhattan L l.mo 10 1W-, Met. oecumties WW 11 . H Met. Mt. R 3,tie0 117V4 11, 11 Mexican t entral ,4oO 24 Sh, U Minn, at bl. L. , M . tat. P. A ri. bte M. W fa'4 W-4 do pfd l.i" loO' 1' lat Mo. Pacific li.loo loi? lotH loH k. at I" S3'' '&' do pfd lt.W 67', txiV, W", NtttT It. R. of M pfd 400 44', 43-)4 43, N. V. central a." H4 14c 143',, N. Y., Ol.V & W 7H.HW 45 41';, 44', Norfolk ft W ,ioo i74 1 uo ptd -. Pennsylvania 29.SUO liiiT, Ui la4 P., C, C. & St. L t4 Reading 5.li hs", M'i , dolBtpfd. l.tfoo 2' itl't l do Id pfd... a.7W Rock island Co lHo.7'0 ail- Uit do pfd 400 Id Xihn tU'4 St. L. & 8. K. 2d pl'd 2) 71'4 71;, il tit. L. W S.1'"' i do pfd 7,100 Wl W B9-, So. pacific 24.HOO "4 ;',, do pfd X H7, H7'4 "7 go. Kailway 13.20 35's WHi Hlji do pfd at) W W, IsiH Texas 4k. Pacific t) !& 4 IMS Tol.. 8t. L. & W VV ' do pfd Union Pacllic lJ6.m lmi lljH l'!fi do pfd o" W Vf V7 Wabaah 2I;4 21', 214i do pfd sou 4J4 4 42-4 W. & Lake Erie Wis. Central O0 22? 22 21H, do pfd ) 4 H 4 Adam Kx ;i -! American Ex 20o 21i 2l7 217 V. B. Ex l' Wells-Kargo Kx -a Anial. Copper t,2ti 75 i4,4 75 Amer. Car F a.4 do pfd 400 Kf, 82' 2 Amer. Cottun Oil .. f" do pfd IK) to V4 Amer Ice W H H ,H do pfd 3t, AnierT Linseed Oil.... 200 15?, 15H 1&1, do pfd Amer locomotive .... 900 33 244 344 do pfd 1" Ainer. Smelt. & H.... 24.0 Mi 4, 8jS do pid 1.700 11 na 1124 Amer. Sugar Ref 12. 1441, 143? ltt'i Amer. Too. pfd certlf 2,3oO M 24 W4 Anaconda M. Co 1 ;', 11 10 Brooklyn R. T 12.5"0 t4 tW4 03', Cohx Fuel & I l. 4K', 4.', 4.4 Con Oa... -'. 1K 1 1H7VJ Corn Products S.l'io 204 20 3u do pfd " Distlllera Becuritlcs. ? is S;4 Oen. Electric 1 l"4 Liter. Paper 234 23 234 do ptd " Inter Pump. m m 2? do pfd 9" x,l, 87 No. American 1"0 l' 1 l" Pacific Mall 4oQ 45 45 4;., People i . tSas 2. l"7i 1"7 14 Preised Bteel Car.... 4... 3h : do pfd W W'l "4 " Pullman P. t:ar - kepublic Steel . lt 14 JJ do pfd J f Rubber Oood 300 2.4 2' jjj Tenn.pcoai A i:::::::: 'if V 8. leather 2 1 1 1;,H do p'd. . S.loO 1024 12 V v I: Rulbfr: ::::::::: lm 374 , do pfd " l'K' 4 ' V' V H Btetjl M-t 3"' ' S io 'pfd" 43fno Hs mZ VnCaro. Chemical.. M M S do pfd 2' It'-V '"'H I'Hl We.tlngh Electric... lje . 1 Western I mon ) "24 "-'4 - Total sales for the day. l.S4.4uO sliares. New York Mlalac ttocka. NEW YORK, Jan. 11. The following are ths closing qu- Adisii (00 A in ItrM. lniwUx . ' uuit'ii- Tn.i! Coo rl A Vs. 1 .r.i - Ivrr ... Iron ller Lr4vlll Co M I llll- 1.1., I Little ol .. S mtsrto loshlr 'Ptfieul, Pot Ml Saisf S:n, Mi,4, ssill Hcpo. .. ,lsa44r4 ...tft ...uu ... 1 ... i) ... M ... tu ... W . lit .. M .. .. . 1M .. ..;'vM .. 1 Treasnry atatenteat. WAHHINOTON. Jan. 1. Totlay'a stale roeut of tli treasury balances in the gen- erst fund, exclusive of the llVi.onti.flfv) gold reserve In the division of redemption, shows- Available cash balance, 140.M:.3: gold. S.v7,n. Kew Vtrk Meney Market. NfcW YORK. Jan. IS.-MONEY-Ou call. Verv quiet, at lSfil1, per cent; clo'lng bid. 14 per cent; offered, nt 1 per cent. Time loans, easy; so day. 24 per cent: days. I per cent; 1 months. Sjrrt1, per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER-4J44 per cent. PTERLINO EXCHANCE-Strong, with actual business In bankers' bills nt !471r 4 I76 for demand and at I4 W2M14 KMO for tki-dar hills; posted rates, l4.sOtt4.W4: com mercial bills 14.854. SILVER Bsr. 4 ; Mexican dollar. 4'J?ONDfi Government, easy; rsllroad. firm. The following re the quotations on stocks and bonds: V. g ref. M. rt....li4t 'llixklnf V.I. 44 1"H 4o rsupen ...iii itptn .. nrs i". i ti. re (lo coupon do S4 4. reg. do roupan lv old t. re . do rnuDOS . . .tm U N. nnl. 44 IMS ... Msnhttun -. s ...1MVM. rentrsl 44... ...itlti 1I0 in 1st 114 H 2h T4 . 1H 'Minn. 4V t. 1 .IKS4 M., K a; T. n ll .... 17 a. ....1 ....134S ....ln .... 774 ....1"2', . . . . 74 ...11W4 . ...112 Am TotM.-nt 4t. c'?t. 71 I do in do M. rtf 1114 N. R. R. ot M Atcblio in. 4 toJVi'N. V. -. ( "t do sdj. 4 M Atlsntli- C. L. 4f lei Bal. aV Ohio 4p l'lt do 14 't Central of Oa ta 1111 do tat lne tl do 3d In. . ;i4 N. J. C. m. a. No. fl-Ht 4 do la V A W r. 4a ... O S. L. rfd. 4a.. Pann. coo. Iia. . Reading can. 4a. fhe,. Ohio 4Wa....ll' L. I. M. r 5t 11T4 Chlraao A. SWa ll-iSt l. r. ti 4t. ', C. H. aV U. n. .... 1XH C . R. 1. a V. 4 ... a.'4 do col. it tdS SI L, r W. e. 4.... tl seaboard A L. 4a So. raclflc 4a . S.i Rallt if tl44 Ttiaa ft P. Is 1114 T . t L. W. 4a.. M I'nlun Paciac 4a 1H4 I'. S. Steel id ;,a Wabaah 1 H d. dab B ''4 Wattsni Md. 4a W. ft L. K 4a 94 Wis. Central 4 114 1'IT. & l. U 4t..P't4 ChUas.) Ter 4 Colorado Mid. It., t'oln. A Pn 4a ... Cat tip. rlfn. Denver a- R. O. 4 PI at I lien.' Set. St. Erie prior lien 4. do in. 4a. r. W. A D. C. la. Bid. . . TCi . J4 .1IV.I, .p't'l . 0 .li.l . ri .11114 Boston UOBTON. Jan. Stock Market. 18. Call losn. 241311; per 14rlc44 ner cent. Official and bonds: Cent; time loan, rloalng of stocks Atrhlaon sdj. 4a do 4a . t44 Wetting common .lo: Adventure . 7a Allouaa . MT4 Amalsamattd .... . VKiS American Zinc . .;A6't Atlantic .171 Rlnsham .K.71 al. ft Heilt... .111 Centennial . 24 Cnpper Range .... .:-)!', Palv Waat . 84 tiomlniftn Coal .. Franklin . l4 C.ran.-r . 87 lala Horale . 4Tt Maaa Mining .... ... .... 74 .... 11 .... 74 .... 13", .... 1T14 .... H . ....h. .... St .... , .... 17'i .... to .... 114 S .... 27'4 .... HI '4 .... 12, .... 44 .... 27', .... ', .... .... 14 ....1W .... .... i .... li4 .... 4J .... 64 .... tl-a ...ion', Men. Cantral 4a... At. hiaon do pfd Boston ft Albanr... Hoslon ft Maine H.aton Elevated Plii'hhuis pr.l Men. Central N. Y.. N. H. ft II. Fre Marqustie I'nlon Pa Ifir Amer. Arss. Cham.. do pfd Amer. Pntu. Tube... Amer. Ktisar do pfd .H.t Michigan .131 Mohawk .10. Mont. C. ft C... . ili old PomlDlon .... . 14 W Owaola . 18 "Parrot .-'M Shannon .Jil Tamarack . 1IH Trinity Amer. T. ft T Amer. Woolen do pfd Dominion I. ft R... KtliKon Klet'. 1 1 lu . . Gentrsl Kltctrlu ... Maaa. Klactric do pfd Maaa. Gas I nlled fruit I nlted Rhot Marh.. do pfd .......... V. S. Steal do pfd Bid. "Asked. 6,IU. Mining... . 3vr. Oil .lot il'iah . Victoria . . ia i Winona .. . nfc Wclvtilnt 44l London Stork Market. LONDON. Jan. 18 Closing quotation on tock and bond: Consols, money :.. 88 S-18 N. Y. Central 14'4 do tceount iw Nnrrolk ft 7t aSI do Dfd " Anaconda Aiohtaon do pfil naltimnre A Ohio Canadian Pacific . Chva. ft Ohio Chltsgo lit. W ... C. M. ft 8t. P.. Dautr, Denver - R. G... dr. pfd Erie do lt pfd do td pfd Illinois Cfitral ., t.outa. ft Naah.... M., K. T.. ..'.... HII.VER-Bai fi' Ontario W 4J .10 IPennarlranlt 7"4 ..liV. Rand Mines 114 .1174 Reading .. !' do 1st pfd 47 .. 2i't du 2d pfd 44 ..1774 Ho. Hallway t4 , . IK do pfd tei1, . So. Pacific , ,. 7S" Cnlon Pacific r.'2 .41 do pfd Kt'i . 7:t. f. . Bteel 31 '4 . J do ptd ' I .lw) Wahaah 22ti .Ut do pfd 444 1 . 34 (Spanlalt 4a nulct. 274d per ounce. n.i r. 14'73 per cent. Tho rate of discount in the open market for short bills Is 24 per cent: for three months' bills, XVSrj2s-H per cent. Foreign p'lnanclaU LiONDON, Jan, lS.-vMoney was abundant In the innrket today, though call Includ ing nearly- l'6.Sn,tri on Natal stock anl an Installment nominally of ,.soo.non in exchequer bonds In -addition to an Install ment of fLofni.tov tomorrow on the Japa nese loan Induced a hardening tendency. Discounts were steady. Bur gold wu steady on French demand. The tone on tha Stock exchange wa dull and unsettled, partly due to rumors of an early dissolution of Parliament. Consols were heavy, but rallied at the close. Home rails agged. American opened dull, recovered somewhut from parity luid became Inactive. The cheerfulness was confined to a few spe cialties, notably Philadelphia & Reading. Ijiter the market generally was unsettled and stock closed quietly steady. Foreign ers were quieter, with the leasened prospect of peace, though Japan and Russian se curities hardened slightly. Imperial Japa nese government tJs of 1904 were Quoted at 984. BERLIN, Jan. 18. Business on the Bourse todav was generally quiet. PARIS, Jan. 1H. Prices on the Bourse todav opened Irregular, but the market subsequently Improved and closed with a firm time. Russian Imperial 4s were quoted to 90 nnd Russian bends of 1904 at 60O. Bank Clearings. OMAHA, Jan.' 18. Wednesday's bank clearings were tl,329.t)2.;l. For the same dav last year they were 11,181.712.86, a dif ference of 1147,915.48 In favor of 190S. Metal Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 18. METALS There was a sharp advance In the London tin market with spot closing at 131 us and futures at 130 17 d, but as tho domestic market had not fully reflected the foreign declines of late so far as tho spot position waa concerned, they did not respond to any extent to the adi-anoe, business being reported quiet, with spot held at lai.2B4 19 73. Copper was a little easier nbroarf, closing at 68 12 d for spot and l'.s ttd for futures: locally the situation showed continued firmness; lake Is quoted at I15.5U, electrolytic ut I15.5t)(jf 15.67, and casting at tl5.OW15.25. Lead waa a little lower In Loudon, closing at 12 17s lid, while the American market continued firm, with spot quoted locallv at 4.SOi(j4.7ii. Spelter was htm at to.26ti.35 In the local market, and London waa also unchanged at 24 17s tkt. Iron closed at 64s In Glasgow and at 48 44d in Mlddlesboro. Locally Iron Is firm; No. 1 foundry northern Is quoted at 17.5(B 17.9.1, No. 3 foundry northern at 117.50: No. 1 foundry southern and No. 1 foundry south ern soft at 17.76fi 18.00. 8T. lAM'lS. Jan. IS. M ETAL8 Lead, steady; ll.524''a4.24- Spelter, quiet, KliVij tj.lu. Wool Market. BOSTON. Jan. 18. WOOL The Boston wool market Is notably quiet for domestic grades. Tha bulk of the clip held here Is fleeces and medium territory. There Is con siderable Interest In the foreign wools coming forward and their posslole effect on the situation here, for manufacturers will have to turn their attention to foreign grades lo replenish their stocks. Territor ial wool are quiet. Pulled wools and all foreign wools are firm. Quotations: Ter ritoryIdaho, fine, 184'ftloc; heavy fine, ltiftlTc; fine medium, 1H4i19c; medium, 22' 23c; low medium, 23Ca-;40' Wyoming, flno, 17418I840: heavy fine, 16fljnc; fine me dium, i;4'3l&4c; medium, Xft24: L'tah and Nevada, tine. 17ifjle; heavy line, Uigltic; flue medium. l"4'(18c; medium, 2223c; low medium, 2:tt24c; Dakota, fine, lh'ulac; line medium, IfcVlKc; medium, 23W24o; low me dium. 'Z2fg'U:; Montana, fine, choice, Zl 22c; flue average, Ip4j2flc: fine medium choice, 21S-22e; average, lr-JOc; staple, 2ij 23c; medium choice, 2i:ij2oc. . LONDON, Jan. 18.WOOI.-The tfferlngi at the wool auction sales today numbered 11.478 bales. Competition Was animated and the opening rates were firmly main tained. The wool was In fine condition. Germuny nnd Belgium bought scoured ft extreme rate. Home buyers secured ! sort. West Australia greasy was taken for France at full rates. American pur chases Included Oeelong greasy Merino at Is 64d&1 64d; new clip, bright haired, cross breds at Is g'd&ls 4d and Cape of liood Hope clothing greasy of good qual ity. The demand for course cross breds was keen. Cape of Oood Hope and Natal grades sold freely, principally to the home trsde. Following are the sales: New South Wales, l.udi bales; scoured. 104d4 2d; greasy, Lwdli Id. Queensland, 1.9u0 tales; Hcoured, lsyl lOd; greasy, 7d&ls. Vic toria, S,2i balea; scoured, )t40ls 241; Creasy, tWd'als 44d- South Australia. .00 ales; scuured, Is ait; greasy, laftlld. West Australls, I.Oko bales: scuured, Is h1; greusy, 44an'd. New - Zealand. l.juo bales; scoured, nil; greusy. 7d'ls Id. Cgne of tiood Hope and Natal. 1.2'Ai bales; greasy, 'W'lona. Jan. 18 -WOOL-Nrttnlnal: medium grades, combing and clothing. ':l light fine, 183224c; heavy flue, 14 lau; tub wsthed, 27W-4JC, Ulls and Koala. OIL t'lTY. Jun. 11 TIL8 t'redlt ba. snces, 11124: ceitlncatea. no bid. Ship ments. 41 4 bbls; average, tt.lHt bbls: runs. (7.021 bbrs: aversge, 2.uno bbls; shlpmstil. Lima, islHS bbls; gveruge. bti.HJt bbls.; rune, Lima, cm.MK bills; average, U.I29 bh's. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Receipt! Light nnd Prices Ruled Strong to Ten Higher. HOGS ADVANCtD ABOUT A NICKEL Demand for sheep and Lamb la r. cess of gapply and market Very Active, Prices gteady Feed ln I anibs High Paint of "enson. SOUTH OMAHA. Jan. II. 19. rte.-eipt were: Cttle. Hog. Bheep. Offlclal Monday 1.177 o.i 1.471 Official Tuesday 4.179 11.111 10. U Official Wednesday l.tV 1M . Three dsys th: week. .10. 70s IS. OM IT.It't 20. Ml 4.7K9 ii 4(411 M.ISM 21. l ssme days last week... fame week before Same three week ago. flame four weeks ago.., feme dav lat year RECEIPTS TOR THE The following table .13 tW .i . 7.14:1 . 4.411 . I.?V lli ftl'J 3!2 I.S'I X.o. .ll.M YEAR TO DATK. show the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at Houth Omaha for the year 10 date, with comparison with last year; IfltiS. I'M. Inc. Dec. "attle 37..S:1 46 Ml .... &.S7I Hog llO.dTJ I0I.4.W 1.440 fheep 75 ass, og (139 .... a.W YESTERDAT'8 BHIPMENT8. The following list shows the number of car of feeder shipped to the country yesterday and their points of destination: . CATTLE. Car C. Nelson, Niobrara. Neb V. E 2 J. V. Whitney. Kullerton. Neb. I'. I'.... 1 Ous Moroti. Hosklnn M. 4 O I U. Hats-well. Macedonia. 1h J 1 N. f. Wood. Tabor, la. Q 1 Charles Warner, Hepburn, la. J 1 Bruer Peck. Burlington. 1a.-J t II. Wilkin. West Hide Is N. W 1 J. O. Kotas. Ralston. In. N. W 1 C. Llffert, West Side. Is.-N. W 1 J.i tms t udahv, Cooper, la Milwaukee... 2 T. W. BumfvlM. McClelland, la. U. YV.... 1 The following table shows the avernge price of bog at South Omahn for the last several day, with comparison: 1XB. 1904. 11WI.I1W1 11901. 11900. 18. Jan. 1... Jan. I..., Jan. 4.... 4 31 I 4 4341 4 444; 4 4641 I ti . 4 77 C 371 ?ll SO )! I 0 211 4 4 W I w 4 mi a 67 4 ! I 57 4 17 1 44 Jan. 6.... 4 tie 4 68j 4 (! 6 04 106 4 17 4 36 t 4 84 4 38 4 86 4 41 4 49 4 53 a 4 5 4 62 4 48 3 47 3 41 3 41 t I 41 3 DO I 66 8 bO I 56 3 64 3 62 3 49 3' 61 Jan. I.... 4 4o 4 50 I 4 ei 4 H2 4 674 e K4 S4 001 t 091 161 I 141 Jan. 7.... Jan. I..., Jan. .... Jan. 10... Jan. 11... Jan. 12. ,, Jan 13... Jan. 14... Jan. 15... Jan. 1t... Jan. 17... Jan 18... M ti 49 4fl e' 40 4 W 4 62 I 08 I 14! 4 63 4 81 4 76 4 73 t 25 I 04 I '3 4 C14 I en- 4! t 4S 6 00i I 361 I 14 411 22: ti 49) C 16 60 ti 17 S 1 a 4 64l 4 814! 4 604! 4 564; E 16 4 6 2t 6 21 4 74; 4 tty 6 20 6 r.i 4 ba Indicate Sunday. Indicates holiday. The official number ot car of stock brought in today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H'ses C, M. A 81. P. Ry.. 2 6 .. 1 Missouri Pacific Ky.. 2 3 Union Pa "I tic system 22 2 C. N. W. Ry 3 4 .. 1 F., E. & M. V. Ry.... 4i 42 1 C, St. P., M. A O. 2!t 10 B. at M. Ry 2.1 2S li 1 C. B. A y. Ry.... 7 14 C R. I. A P., ettst ... 4 C, R. I. & P., weal.. .. 1 Illinois Central 8 5 Chicago Qt. Wtsteru 3 3 Total retelpl i; 146 24 3 The disposition of the day receipts was as follow, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head indicated: Cattle. Ilou. Sheen Omuha Packing Co 540 1.2:16 1,W9 Swift and t onipany t:i 2.7 1.409 Cudahy Packing Co 023 2,5 1,2!'4 Armour A Co 7t3 2,70t l,2.i4 Vansant A Co 2 Carey A Benton 8 Lobmnii A Co 84 McCreary A Carty 47 Hill A Huntzlngei 146 L. F. Huss- R5 Wolf A Murnan 2 Bulla It Ham Wert heimer 38 Kol Degan 9 J. 11. Root A Co 1 S. A S ISO 443 tlagany 14 Other buyers 191 .... 1.190 Totals 8,404 9.618 l.lfii CATTLE There was a lighter run of cat tle herev. this morning than was generally anticipated and supplies at other points were also moderate. As a result tho gen eral tendency of prices wns upward and an active market was experienced. The demand lor beef steers was In excess of the supply and the better grades could safely be quoted active and a dime higher than yesterday. Buyers were all out early, and as the shipping demand, as well as that from local packers, was quite brisk, there was keen competition, and everything at all desirable charged hands In short order. There were no strictly prime cattle offered, 16.20 being the top. The common to fair cattle were not as active as the choicer grades, but still, owing to the moderate receipts, packers had to take the common kinds, and price ruled stronger than yes terday. The cow market waa active and higher. The kinds they wanted were eafely a dime higher. A high as 14 was paid for cow and heifers mixed. Trading wuh very active and the better grades changed hands about as fast a offered. The common to medium kinds also sold to better advantage thun they did yestciduy, but the advance was not so great a on the choicer kinds. Bulls, veal calves and stags all sold at good, strong prices, where the quality ws at all desirable. There wen; only a few Mockers and feed er in the yards and good, heavy cattle In particular commanded stronger prices, sales lielng made uh much sn &U10c higher. The common and light cattle were a little easier to dispose of than usual, but Ilia price paid were not a great deal different from yesterday. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS No. Ar. Pr. No. Ar. Pr. 1 40 1 00 : 140 4 10 r, 834 2 40 o I2 4 11) lOtli 1 sl 12 1044 4 It 11 H I 3o If 11174 4 n I 010 1 4S 20 10f.il 4 li 7 I Ml KlM 4 10 I tU I an 1(1 lint 4 iu 1 1100 t M 14 111)7 4 JO 21 10-11 I Ml li 1001 4 20 2 )Q to 20 104T 4 20 3i Di2 a 40 6 WiH 4 20 20 7 1 74 It (M4 4 2 I I0 J IS 21 1074 4 ti 1 10UT 1 71 4 1110 4 IS 4 675 S 75 14 1182 4 90 21 IM I li 111 lilt 4 IS t 1120 3 ti 1 1144 4 S& I M I SO 40 UK 4 60 tO 10(1 1 i 14 1.IV2 4 40 41 10U 4 (HI 20 11M 4 M ! llul 4 00 -6 1M0 4 4o 20 1120 4 05 22 12M 4 4.. 1 1094 4 1 0 17 1104 4 45 17 lOilO 4 14 22 !243 4 40 ti 4 1 14 104 4 Mi 22 1047 I 10 IS 1441 4 If. 1 1110 4 10 l 1316 I 0.1 It 119 4 10 t 14N 1 to 8TEERS AND HEIFERS. 1 14 4 10 STEERS AND COWS. 4 1074 1 44 l 1157 4 JU 14 4a7 4 fto 14 1184 4 40 H ISIS 4 COWS 1 M0 t 00 30 1044 9 00 1 470 t 00 4 104'i UO 1 40 II 00 1 1140 I Oil 774 I 06 1 v1170 I 00 t HO I to ! 11&3 J on 1 444 I 2 t 1110 I 00 1 4(10 1 16 12 100 I so 1 1SO0 I 2t 10 MM I (Hi t 426 1 2i It 1(411 I 0 4 til 2 2a t 1140 OS 1 474 1 21 T 105 I 06 1 400 t II tt 1041 I 10 1 1140 1 It 4 445 4 10 1 H10 t la I t"I I 10 t MM M 7 1131 3 10 1 1144 I 10 1 IvtO t 14 1 Hot) 1 to 4 Ml I 10 4 1100 t 10 i Ilii 3 0 1 11WP 1 to 4 11M4 3 II 1 470 I 40 4 lOJi 3 14 1 11X10 t (0 4 1041 I It 440 I 10 1 4.14 I li 1 1040 I to ui a 11 t it! i to 1 1041 I 11 10 107 1 44 1044 I to I tut 1 4i 1IM4 I U t 170 1 7o 4 420 I tt 4 ,,. 3 1 74 4 loll I u a Ill) 1 7i 4 loll I tt II 1024 I 76 11 1024 I 2t 1 11M I 7S 7 HI I ti t 100 I If, 1 1141 I ao I IMi I 71 It 1170 I It 1 lias 1 7. ti 1011 a a I 1040 S Tt II 1144 1 a It 1 t If 44 I 44 14 aia, a to it: una a u 1 40 2 46 .4 Ut a It 40 444 X 44 io 1146 I K 17 410 I 46 ' I llfct I 14 17 no t 46 t mt a u 12 44 I 46 1 Uuo a 40 14 ITT t 40 If Hi II 14 444 t 4 1 1144 I 46 14 loll I 40 11 UH I 44 1 40 I 44 1 U40 t to 15 42 I 46 IJ Itto 1 40 1 1110 I t 1 Itu6 a 44 1 14' 14 21 10; 1 44 COWS AND HEIFERS. U.. 426 1 24 14 1111 I 40 4 444 I 40 17 WH I 40 ' HEIFFRH. 1 1. 440 t It I 1160 t 4 I ttfl S 40 4 761 a tm 1 t:t t 64 4 144 1 Oil 1 " 1 to I 114 1 14 . . IM 1 1" ..i;j 1 . . 1 : itrl 1 . to 1 fi . last t . . :o J . 4 g to ..teuo I nt 1'SB I g) 144 1 u I . . BL'LLS. t :m ' 1. .. ir t 1 itto I 41 1 . . HI 1 4T. 1.... IU4 I 70 I ... 1040 I 71 1 ... ll t 7 I.... 1J40 I 71 1 ... 1tS ITS I.... 1140 t IS 1. . ...1140 its. ...imo ; ia l:ao I to ...to uo . . .1 too I an ..Hit 1 . . ! i ti ...I40 i ?f. ...I7I I li ...uru 7;. CALVK8. 4 I 00 ! 210 4 SO 4C0 I 0O 1 I ,w t ( fte I to t to I 150 I 44 1 1 M I 00 124 4 00 1 10 4 4" li 4 HI 1 12 t 10 10 -4 10 1... V I So 17 4 5 4 IU I to 6TOCKER9 AND FEEDERS 1 S70 1 7 t: 5 40 1 t i 04 1 740 I 4 t UO I 4.1 13 I tl. 1. l t 40 TM IU t if 4.'.o 4 So I 7J I 71 M... '4 I IK 1 IM I 71 I l I tl 1.... ifO t 7 1 04 1 ) 1 Ill t 7S II Mt I S :i t to 1 :. 3 45 1 o t 00 x t a (u 1 471 i 2 T ir. 1 ltTt It. 4 3 46 It 444 1 tt 1! .111 3 t : IJ1 I fa 34 UTS J 4S 4 107 I J 1 400 3 40 24 4J4 III 40 473 I 10 MOOB Receipt of hog st the principal markets were not at all excessive and a a result price Improved at all points. The market here oould b quoted atrong to lc higher. Medium and light hogs sold gener ally Be higher, nut prime heavle did not how much change from yeterday. There were a good many heavy hogs on sale, and that 1 probably one reason why they did not Improve a much a the lighter weights, but owing to the large humoer of heavy weight th average price compare very favorably with yesterda). Trading wa quite active, and a the trains arrived in fairly good season, most everything was sold at a reasonably early hour. Light weight went from 14 So down. Medium and mixed hogs sold largely from 14 ', to 14 55 and prime lienvle from ll.SS lo 14.66. Toward noon a few car of hog arrived and u packers had their more urgent order filled the market closed slow aud weak, the advance of the morning being practically hat. Representative sales: N At, Ph. V So. At h. Pr 1 120 ... 1 41 74 214 40 4 16 Tl 13 ... HO M 271 IM 4 47 lit ... 4 4S 72 Ji 40 4 t It 141 40 4 47's 64 244 ... 4 ij T4 10 10 4 4I-, 43 211 ... 4 IT. 77 211 ... 4 47V, 4.1 571 10 4 15 17 316 tOO 4 in 62 311 40 4 66 45 24S ... 4 70 IM t Ul I2 44 4 to 63 214 1W IK 41 210 ... 4 !" 42 !M 0 4 6!i It 2t ... 4 K) t 244 40 4 15 43 274 140 4 60 71 243 10 4 ti 17 270 ... 4 t 44 241 10 4 66 . II 142 ... 4 SO 14 273 210 4 ti 47 24 Its 4 10 t4 274 K III 44 0I ... 4 60 17 219 lil 4 t.7i, 43 tSt 40 4 to V 307 120 4 I7'a 72 244 40 4 K 42 240 140 4 67 ' T8 241 ... 4 to i 27J ... 4 t7' 6 101 ... 4 ttv, 40 27 40 4 Mt tt 262 40 4 S3', 42 244 10 4 t7v 44 234 40 4 t;L, 17 .'HI 10 4 67V, 47 311 140 4 t.' 4S 40 4 B7i T4 tit 40 4 6!Va 74 I'M ... 4 67', 7t 2tt ... 4 ttv, 73 243 40 4 I7, 44 232 40 4 I24 42 252 40 4 471, 72 223 40 4 12', 47. MS 140 4 67', 72 211 ... 4 12 54 122 200 4 57', 74 222 ... 4 62', 16 272 40 4 17', IT 2l ... 4 55 13 214 10 4 57 V, 77 223 ... 4 55 5 34T In 4 tT' 72 :'J ... 4 tr. o 304 "no 4 67'., to 261 ... 4 5 64 2.1! ... 4 67 '4 73 217 . 40 4 6.. 44 240 ... 4 1.7', 44 233 IM 4 S5 30 40 4 40 C 3H3 fUl 4 66 14 34 240 4 40 49 333 160 4 65 47 2H5 40 4 40 61 ... 4 66 45 312 120 4 40 72 240 ... 4 6fi f 272 ... 4 W 75 252 40 4 55 14 ::4 ... 4 40 41 247 40 4 66 53 344 120 4 40 4 224 ... 4 65 42 S33 ... 4 4o 24 244 ... 4 ti 44 134 ... 4 10 44 114 120 4 66 64 311 ... 4 4o 67 24 140 4 tt 17 344 ... 4 40 4i SO ... 4 in 27 323 ... 4 40 74 271 120 4 ti 14 247 to 4 40 12:'. 300 itn 4 65 41 231 40 4 42tt 47 271 120 4 65 41 367 120 4 2'4 40 254 10 4 65 67 357 ... 4 45 74 t55 10 4 66 40 360 ... 4 46 42 234 N II, II 314 ... I 46 44 311 149 4 M to 12 140 4 44 63 274 ... 4 16 44 414 ... 4 47Va SHEEP Receipt of heep and lambs were ,i gain very light at all points and th market here ruled active and teady. The same as has been the rase of late, buyer were all out early nnd practically every thing aold as fast as unloaded. The de mand seemed o be In excess of the supply, which made rrtmpetltlon very active. There wa a acarclty today ol strictly choice offer ing, so that the market on paper doe not appear a high a It did yesterdiv, but ?uanty considered, tne prtce paid were ully steady. Ewe old up to 14.75, weth er M.lfi. yearling to and lamb 17.35. A new top was put on the feeder market for this Reason when otn feeding lambs sold this morning for ts.tf. The demand for both feeding sheep and lamb 1 un usually brisk for the time of year, and aa a result everything st all desirable meets with ready sale at good, strong price. Quotation lor fed stock: Good to choice yearlings, 5.75fl.26; l'slr to good year ling. K.?oiz)5.7S: sood to choice wethers. K.drVae.tO; fair to good wethers. 14. 765.00 good to choice ewes, 14.4U&4.75; fair to good w, 14.004.2o; common to flr ewe, 13.M $1.90: good to choice lambs. !7.0uft7.iO; fair to gooo lniD. M.iDrn.uo reader yeaning. 14.636.00: feeder wether, t4.28Jf4.fjO: feeder ewe. 13.26A175; feeder lambs. 15. 40416.75. Representative sale: No. Vt. Pr. 1 western ewe 80 3 t)0 473 western ewes 99 4 ttt1 ;1 western ewe 108 4 75 88 western ewes 10 4 75 51 western cull iamb 49 4 75 1 wtrn vjtarllnir - . 1O0 IHI Ml western lambs t8 8 25 271 western lambs 71 7 00 379 western lambs 70 7 00 627 western lambs- 70 1 It) 2sV western lamb 71 7 25 277 western lamb 77 7 25 2 western ewe 76 3 00 32 western ewes 92 4 16 224 western ewes KM 4 00 4 western ewes HO 4 60 I western ewes 70 4 76 M western ewes 73 5 00 120 Western lamb H4 I 76 402 western wethers lu t 35 221 weitern feeder lamb 61 no 13 western lambs ; eg i 75 &1 western lambs 06 ti 75 147 western ewes 90 4 60 54 western wethers 9 5 26 239 western yearlings 87 6 S5 t'HICAQU LIVE STOCK MARK UT Cattle Rteady to Strung Hogs and hee a Slraag. CHICAGO, Jan. 18. CATTLE Receipts, 23.000 head; steady to strong; good to prime steers, th.7oVu-4i.2S; poor to medium, 13.7Vtt 5.50; stockers and feeder, 12.2654.86; cow, tl.2Sft4.6t': heifers, 12.006-26; calmer. tl.25y 2.46; bulls, 12.10i2i4.10; calves, aJ.IW7.uo. H DOS Receipts, 37.O0O head; estimated tomorrow, SO.OoO head' market strong; mixed and butchers. 14.4uj4.to; good to choice heavy, !4 66ii4.7o: rough heavy, 14 ttti 4.55; light', 1.334.l6; bulk of sales, ll.4i 4..'. BHKEP AND LA 11 BU Receipts, 26.0uO head; sheen strong; lamb firm; good to choice wethers, lo.06-5J5.tS0; fair to choice mixed, t4.007f5.nu: western aheep, 14.2n'65.ii; nstive lamb, $5,7577.75; western - lsnlba, tS.7127.7. Kansas tlty Lira Stuck Market. KANSAS CITV. Jan. 18. CATTLE Re eeipta, ,tt00 head. Including tViO southerns; market strong to lne higher; choice export and dressed bee steers, t4 763. 76; 'lr to good. W. 5034. 74; western-fed steers, $3.5orit 6.25; stockers and teeders. !.604i4.26; south ern steers. 11.6094.75; southern cows, t2.25H l.; nstive cow, 11.714 16; native heifers, t2 60f4.S0; bp lis, 12. 26 a 4 00; calves, M.'iKi, 7.00. I HOOB Receipts, , 11.000 head; market stekdy to lc higher: top, 14 MH; bulk ot sales. 14 66(64.77A; hekvy. t4.764jr4.s2H; pack, eis, 14 ,ijb4.77t; plg and lights. $4.0O64 W. SHEER AND LAMBH Receipts; i.M head; market strong to loc higher; native lamb. t4.00?i.iO' native wethers, t5.onfj6.7t: nstlc ewe. t4-tw&j.10; western lamb, to. 00 i7.aii; weal em yearling. t6.76i1H.eo; western shetp, t4.745.M; ockr and feeders, 12.50 8600. ' St. LaaU.LU Stixtk Market. ST. LOUIS, Jan. ll-CATTLE-Recelpts, 1.00b head. Including 1. 000 Texans; market alow but steady; native shipping and export atcers, & uotjO ou: dressed bf and butcher steers. 14.00435. 4i ; steers under l.oou lbs , 13.26-g4.75, siockurs and feeders, 12. 003.75; cows and heifers. t2 2oj4.W; canners. 11.75 fa 2. 10; bulls, 12.004J 2. 76; calves. t4.0uJiti76; Taxes and Indian s tee is, 12.6oy4 76; cows and heifers. 12. OU433.W. HOUS Receipts, l.toO head; market sluw and steady; pigs and lights. !3.7&4j4.4o; pack ers. 14 6644. i0; butchers and best heavy, 4 octf 4 71. SHEER AND LAMBS Receipts. 1.S00 head; market steady; native millions. 14. iO ti t6: lambs, l.ouj7.6o; culls and buck. t2 00u4 iO; stockers, 12.007J3.1(i; Texans, fi iM i.wV. i ftw Vark Lire Stack Market. NEW YORK. Jan. U.-BEEVES-Re-ceipts. 2.O06 head; good and prime aieers. It) Itgnt supply and steady; bulls, steady to loo lower; thin cows, strsdy; native steers. I4.u4i..0: westerns, l4.4eo4 ; oxen and stags. 11 6o$J w, export today, 73o cstils, 40 sheep slid 2.70O quarters of heef; ettl maied tomorrow, 360 tattle. CALVEBRecelpls, 67 head; firm for . is: in .at t . i J lis) t 5S 1H I 7 . S 71 lfl : o mt : to IMA ta vels; barnvard clves. M.OiWil f; dr.l !? s'.1v. SHEF.P AND I.AMTtP-Receipts 1 1. head: sheep siedr l.imb lrw hut flrmlv held; sheep. 14 (-j 4 7.". ; yearlirgs. IX r'. latnt. X i': cutis. I io. I IOi!8 Receipts. .".'V.' head: mark' t f:ilv steady; prime state hog. $."i.2n; VlrglnU hog. II 15. t. Joaeph Live Klnrk Hirkrt. ST. JCSEPII. Jan IS CATTLK - Re ceipt. l.i;w hesd- mxrkct active and tei'. : ntle t GCti .1 .v. . cow nd heifer. 11 7i 4 .46: stocker and feeders. 12 7514 .13. 1 1 OOS Receipts. :n.' bend; et.w.ly ti n Shade h'gher: light. It JotM '!5. medium and heavy. 14 oi-'a 4 77',. HIIEKP AND 1 AMPS-Rccclpt. 2.W head; market si.d ; tni1n, 17.25; year ling. ''' Slou llr I lie stork Market.- SIOI X CITY. .Tn. 1 - ("ATTI.K - R celpt. 1.:H) head: market strong: stocker. 10c lower; nerves. IS j ti': cot, hull rd mlxej. 1; 2."7i,t.i: st. k-rs and fder. ti.75fl.i 75; calves and vearllng. !..!iJ1 4o HOtJS Receipts. 7.2 hcd; market stesdy, silling at llIV. bulk. It 4M 4 Stork la Mailt. Receipt of live stock at the six principal western market jestenlav: t'attie. Hogs. hei South Omalm .Vi l'U J.fmi Metis City I .. 7.1mi Kansas 'lty . 14. On" 4..io St. Ix'Ul 3.ini 4..yi 1.5i St. Joseph I.SJM K.WJ in I'hlcago 2St. S7.''! ?.i.en Total. . ..37.;n:l SS.tTC OMAHA WKOI.ESILK MARKET. Coadliloa of Trade sad tlaotatloas oa taple and Fancy Prodoet. ECJtJS-Candlcd atock, 2alc. LIVE PtlL' LTRY lien. 9c; nKter. 6v. tin keys, 15.-; ducks, 9i)9-c; geese, 8c; spring chicken. 9c. DRESSED POriTRY Turkey. 174J19C; duck. 104il2c; geese, lic; chickens, 1"1 10rc; roosters, v'q7c. ItCTTKR Packing slo( k. 17tc; cholii in fancy dairy. lty2Mr; creamery. 2S29c; prints. ;k FRESH FROZEN FISH Trout. lOe; pickerel, 7e; pike, 9c: perch. i'c; bluensh, 12c; whllensli. 10c: salmon, 13c; i-edsnapper, 11c; lohster (greeny. 3cc; J.rfistor (boiled), !Mc; bullhead. 11c; cattlnh. 14c; black bsss, 25c; lisllbut, 12c; crappies, 12c; buffalo, 7c; white has, lie; frog lege, pur do., 26c. BRAN Per ton. lli. 00. HAY Price quoted by Omaha Wholessla Dealers' association: ct.oice No 1 upland. li.iai; No. 2. S.7&0: medium, to.00: (oaue. 14.60. Rye straw. t.ViO. -These price are for hy of good color and quality. OYSTERS New York ccuaca. per can. 46c; extra selects, per can. 3V?; standards, rer csn. 30c; bulk (standard), per gal., 11.40; bulk (extra selects I. per gal.. 11.73; bulk (New York counts), per gal., 11.90. TROPICAL FXU'iTS. ORANGES California T.edland navel, all size. 12.7tV83.00; choice navels. 12.50712.76; California seedling, all slits, 12Oo(02 26. LKMONS-Callfornla fancy, 12 76 ; 300 and SfiO. 13.76Tr4O0; choice. 13.2f.Sl.50. DATES Per Ivox of 30-1U pkgs.. $3 00; Hsllowe'en, In 70-lb. boxes, per lb.. 5HJ6c. FIOS California, per 10-lb. carton, 76 85c; Imported Smyrns. 4-crown. 12Ac; 4 crown. 14c; 7-crown, 16c: fancy Imported (washed), In 1-lb. pkgs. 16010; California, per case of 3s pkga.. 2.2f BANANAS Per medium slaed bunch, 12.00 43 2.50: jumbos, 12.70ti3.6O. ORAPK FRUIT Fer bog of 64 to 04, 13 0 61.60. FRUI'rg. APPLES Home-grown Jonathans, per bbi.. 13.26; Ben Davis. 13 25; Has York Kings, 13..5: New VorW Ureeninga, 12.60; New YciK Beldwins, 12 75; Coiorano Jona thnns, '. TP: Wlno Baps. ter bu. box. 1160. PEARS Utah, Colorado sua California, fall varieties, per box. tl.B4Vdl.7B. CRANBERRIKP tVlscoi1 Bell and Bugle, per bbl.. tf.OO; IVieconsIn Bell and Cherry and Jerseys, per bbl . 17.75; per box, 12.75. OR APES Imported Mvlagas, per keg, t6.uO6650. TANQERINEB Florida or California, per H-bcx, 12.50. VKOrTABLES. POT ATOE8 Home-grown. In sacks, per bu.. 40c; Coloraao, per bu.. c. TURNIPS Old. per bu., 40c; Canada rulaV baga. per lb., lc. CARFOTS-Old, per bu.. 40c. PARSNIPfr-Old. per bu.. 40c. BEETS old. per bu.. oOc. NAVY BEANS Per bu.. tl.952.00. ONIONS Home-grown, red. In sacks, pef bu., 11.00; Span:i,. per rrata, WOOj Colorado yellow, per lb., 2c; white, per lb., ?CCl.'MBERS-Per'dox.. 2.26fJ2.60. TOMATOES California, per -bket crate, T 2r. CABBAaE-ITollsni" seed, per b.. l'4c. SWEET POTATOES Ksnsu kiln dried, per bbl.. 12 60. CELERY Per do. SttXc: California, 45c. , RADISHES Hothouse, per dog., 46c. ONIONS New, southern, per dox . 45c. MISCELLANEOUS. BAUER ICRAUT Wisconsin, per keg, 12.50. CIDER Nw York, per bbl., 16 20; par Vt- bbl., 13.26. CHEEBE Wisconsin Twins, full cream, 12yfll3c; Wisconsin Young America, 13c; block Swiss, new. loei old, l&&17c; Wlsoon gin brick. I'c; Wisconsin limburger, 13c. HIDES -No. 1 green, 7o: No. 2 green, c; No. 1 e-ltcd. 8Ho; No. 2 salted, 7c; Na. 1 veal calf, lc; No. 2 veal calf. 7c; dry salted, till 14c; sheep eeits. 26cll.OO; borst liiues. 1. 63 00. ' NUTS-Walnuta, No. 1 soft shell, new crop, per lb., 14c; hard shell,, per lb., 13c; No. t soft shell, per lb., 12c; No. 2 hard Mhell, per lb., 12c; pecan, large, per lb., 12c; small, per lb., 10c; peanuts, per lb., 7c; roasted peanuts, per lb., 8c; Chill walnuts, per lb., almonds, soft shell, per lb., 17c; hard shell, per lb., 15o; chestnut, per lb., 12V4&10c; new black walnuts, per bu.. 751290c; khellbark hickory nuts, per bu., 11.75; large hickory nuts, per bu., $1.60. CvlTeo Market. NEW YORK, Jan. 18. COKFEE-Market Opened steady at unchanged prices to an advance of 6 points. Primary receipts con tinued full, but showed a slight falling off as compared with the previous day and with Europeun cables fully an good aa ex pected there was less coffee for sale. The market ruled generally steady to firm ami at one lime was about 6 point higher aJI uround. Th close wa steady net un changed to S points higher, the advance having been lost on some months aa a re sult of commission house offering. Hales were reported of 6,500 bogs, Including Jurt Uury at 7.&fi'u7.60c; March. 7.7W(7.80c; May, S-lioc; September. 0.45c; October and No vember, 8.56c; December, 8.05c. Bpot mar ket steady; No. 7 Hlo, 8Tc. Cotton Market. NEW YORK, Jan. 18. COTTON Spot closed quiet; middling uplands, tt.2oc; mid dling gulf 7.Boc. No sale. LIVERPOOL. Jan. 18.-4. 'OTTON-Bpot )n fair demand: prices, 6 points lower. Amer ican middling fair. 4.2Jd: good middling, 1. 93d; middling. 3 Sid: low middling, 2.601; good ordinary, 3.66d; ordinary. 3.29d. ST. IA)riS. Jon. 18.-COTTON-Qulet; middling, tF,c. No wiles. Receipt, 700 bales; shipments, 148 bales; stock, 41,717 bale. NEW ORLEANS. Jan. 18. -COTTON Closed eay. Baler. 3.ilni. Ordinary, 4 7-lici good ordlnury. &V ; low middling. U'tc; mid dling, 7c; good middling. 7 15-loc: middling fair, 7 13-16. Receipts. 10.914; stock, 333.741. Evaporated Apples and Dried Fralts. NEW YORK, Jan. 1S.-EVAPORATED APPLES-Market is Arm. with gain well sustained, although demand aeems a tijfle lesa active thun recently; prime; hve, CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS 'Pruin k are In jobbing demand and are fliinly held, with quotations on spot rouging from 2c t. 61e, according to grade. Apricots art with out new feature, being firmly held gt lots lOtyo for choice. 111112c for extra choice and 12fgd5c for fancy. Peaches also. are. firm on moderate jobbing movement; choice ar ? noted at BWc; extra choice-, -l'"Vl0c; amy. llVufJlic. ''..-' , . ... -. ,ii.i lugsr and Molasses. NEW YORK. Jan. H.-BUOAR-Rs w, steady: fair reCnlng. iv. centrifugal. !i test, 6V40; molasses sugui' 4Sc Rertmitl, firm: granululed, 4 00c. NEW ORLEANS, Jnil. IK -SCO A R Strong: open kettle, Z'ui'c; ppep kettle centrifugal. 44Q444c: cmurlfugjl while. i 7-lc: yellows. 4VSV': second . ir'f . MOLA8HEH Qulel; oen kettle, Uttic centrifugal, 7filoj. , , BVRUP-Mteauy; ajioc Edwards -Wood Go- (Incorporated ) rislti Olllce: Fifth and Robgrts Stresti ST. PAUL, niNO. ClALtRS IN ' Stocks, Grain, Provisions Ship Your Grain to Us trssik OIBee, 110-111 Board al Trad Bldg.. Omaha, Kk. Telepkoaa Sftl4. 212-214 Exchange Ulrtg . South Omaha, Bell Fhon til Indsoendaat 'fUoaa l If