Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 14, 1905, Page 4, Image 4

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Ladies' SI Fur Scarfs 49c
Black Electric Seal Cluster
Scarfs with six tails, A,n
worth f 1 nfJK
Black French Coney Cluster Scarfs,
nix tails regular 1. 50 f Cln
value at ...0V
Children's Fur Sets- r
worth T nt
MufTaloon and Canadian Marten OEp
Muffs-worth l-st uW
$1.25 Mark Tonoy Muffs 69C
J Astrakhan Muffs, Q8C
Electric Seal Cluster Scarfs, with -lOr
six tails worih $1-at -C
IjT V V r-t '"J"' s pizzarr (5 basement special
B o pS rv( u - trTOC? I 69c
Ifl I Ijl l r"uUicTON VrTMvi I M-A t k s, ff' 98c
Ladies' Fur Scarfs at 98ci
All tin- fur waifs from th;
1 luiinlinc - McKittrick Mock--wnith
2 ilouMe electric nenl
stiirfs, two lare brush tails.
Mark Touov Zaza scarfs, laro
Ji'iissian hear cluster scarfn
tlioice at
, VDIES', HKN sand
at 10c- 12iC
All sizes
Miisouri Seiator-Elect Ezplaiui the Origii
v of (Jhargti Against Him.'
Tito M. l.ouia Brewrrlea aud the
Matr t lialrmnn fiiiaramtrcd the
Payment of a Deflplt In
the Treanury.
ST. LOUIS, Jan. i3. At a apeelal aeaalon
of the committee appointed by the house
of representatives of tha Missouri legisla
ture to investigate the charges contained in
a Joint resolution that Thomas K. Nlcdrlng
haua. chuirman of the state republican
committee and caucua nominee for United
States senator, had accepted l-l.OOO from St.
X-ouis brewers to influence KgiBlatlon, Mr.
'ledrlnghau made a complete statement,
denying- the allegations. The house com
mittee had previously adjourned for the
day, but tonight, when the members were
Informed of the statements made by L. C.
lirokmeyer, a witness before the senate In.
veatlgatlng committee, a special session, to
Which Mr. Nledrlnghaua was summoned.
Was called.
Mr. Nledrlnghaus denied that he made
the contributions mentioned in the Grace
resolution, or any person had done so fo
lilm. He k1o denied thathe figure la.ono
-appeared In the statement filed with the
recorder of deet)s by the state republican
t ' i
Waller BaKer & Co:s
ttK m Tills
1 4DS-MAtK
,dPnzclSr. Loui
Walter Baker & Co. Ltd.
fMbluhcd i;o I-ORCH ESTCT, MASS.
' and
cm loco a
I Jail ; "
Greatest Fur Bargains
Season, Bought in One Lot
Fur Scarfs at $1.50
All the fur siurf from the
Hananlinc MoKittriek Ktock
worth $..Wi iurludin blended
brook mink, Batumi Opohsuin,
electric seal and Coney clusters,
also Za.a scarfs, squirrel lineal,
An Entire Bankrupt Stock on Sale
All the $3.30 and 3
Trimmed Hats from
the great bankrupt
millinery stock hats
made in this season's
latest stjlen, trimmed
with feathers, fi?
wings, ribbons, rr
etc. aJl on ,
sale at
Street Hats Late styleB from the great
bankrupt millinery stock-many P
of them sold earlier in the sea- J? f
son at $1. 50 and $2.00, at KjrJ
committee, showing the cutnpulgn contribu
tions. 1
Statement In Detail.
Mr. Nledrlnghaus stated that he contrib
uted $1,800 to the campaign fund. Then, on
being asked if he had afiy staternent- to
make to the committee in reference to
contribution of f-'l,000. Mr. Nledrlnghaus,
still under oath, made a voluntary state
ment. In substance as follows:
A few days before the visit of Senator
Fairbanks to St. Louis It was found that
the liabilities of the state committee were
about HI. 000 with practically no money in
the bank. I was personally responsible
to the persons with whom the debta had
been contracted. I spoke of the matter
to the chairman of the executive commit
tee who said: "You are a fool for assum
ing this responsibility."
I replied: "So convinced am I of the
possibilities of carrying Missouri with suf
ficient funds that I would go any length
before I will stop the campaign at this
About this time Senator Fairbanks came
to St. Louis and on the request of Mr.
Adolphus Dusch, who is a personal frltnd
of tiie senator, a dinner was arranged nt
Mr. Rusch's house, at which were former
Senator Mason of Illinois, Congressman
Bartholdt of St. Louis, V. S. Dickey, Otto
Sllfel, Senator Fairbanks and myself.
Ksnenses Are Guaranteed.
During the dinner 1 explained that I
had been refused contributions by prom
inent republicans and stated: "If I had
fis.oof) 1 would guarantee that the stute
of Missouri would cast lis electoral vote
for ltoosevelt and Fairbanks."
Mr. itusch then said: "I am willing to
Join with yourself and Mr. Stlfcl to guar
antee this ow. 1 will assume half that
amount if you and Mr. Stlfel will assume
the other half."
I Immediately announced that I assumed
my share and Mr. Stlfel agreed.
it was slated, however, that we slfnuld
make one more appeal to the national com
mittee for 25.0w, and if, at any time we
should be fortunate enough to rerelva this
sum that this guarantee should .be re
turned to the guarantors.
In reply to a question, Mr.' Nledrlnghaus
stated that he was under no obligation of
any kind on account of this guarantee to
use any influence whatever to effect legla-
! latlon before the assembly of Missouri. '
! Mr. Nledrlnghaus further explained that
' the deficiency of $31,000 was reduced to
000 by collections, and that the latter
amount was taken oare of in accordance,
' with the agreement 'between him, llusclt
' and Stlfel.
Mr. Nledrlnghaus stated to the commit
tee that he did not consider the W.000
pledged by Busch, Stlfel and himself In the
light of a contribution to the stale cam
paign fund, as had the money been later
, secured from other sources It would have
(been refunded to them.' Mr. Nledrlnghaus
also stated that if. the republicans had
tailed to carry Missouri for Roosevelt and
Fairbanks that he would have been per-
' onally responsible for half the sums sub
scribed. ( JEFFERSON CITT. Mo., Jan. IS.-The
senate today adopted a resolution by Sena'
tor Clarke of Kansas City, giving the com-;
j mittee now In St. Louis power to Investigate
the campaign contributions of both political
parties. It a as adopted by a full vote of
the senate. .
Mrs. Mary Lome,
KUUHASKA CITY. Jan. IS. (Special.)
Mrs. Mary I a) we. aged "T years, one of the
most highly respected residents of this
vicinity, died yesterday of old age and a
complication of. diseases at the home of
her daughter In this city. Mis. Luwi- was
the wile of William ll. Lowo of Four
Mile precinct, who, with six children, sur
vive her. Mr. and Mrs. Lowe came to
Nebraska In 1jo and have resided on the
place they homexteaded south of this city
continuously since that time. Tlie funeral
services were held this sfu-rnonn from
the Christian church, of. which Mrs. 1xjw
was a llft-Mtig member
Hev. !leur M. ' r'lrneauaaku.
ST. JOeiiPH. Mo. Jan. li.-Hev. Henry
M Klefienhsum, a pioneer circuit rider and
fuiiiiklvv ut tioiman Methodism ast tit
Ever Offered by a Store
at a Low Cash Figure
Fine Fur Scarfs at $2.98
All the fur scarfs from the
Haardine-McKittrick r t o e k
that are worth $H aud $7, extra
long double black aud Isabella
Coney Scarfs, double natural
limok mink, with squirrel lining.
Cniindinn niiirton. stone mttrtcn, etc., nt
Special Big Bargain
A big counter of 40-inch
wide fine India Linon Item-
nants, worth 12Jc
yd., at yd
One big counter of Drapery
Hwiss and Madras, worth
Extra Special Bar
gains in
Boys' Overcoats
On the Third Floor.
St. Louis, died today, aged years. Rev.
Flcgehbaum organized conferences between
here aud Denver, 1840 to lotiO, and retired
fifteen years ago. He has lived here" a
quarter or a century and Is known among
'church men 'tall 'over' the t'nlted States.
Xorman McLaln.
STL'RGIS, S. I)., Jan. l;!. (Special.)
Norman McLaln died in this city Tuesday
at the home of his daughter, Mrs. L.
Walton. Deceased was 85 years old and
was born in GlungarV county, Canada, In
1819. coming to the Black Hills some twenty
years ago. The funeral took place yester
day afternoon, Rev. J. K Ulnimitt con
ductinu the services.
Mrs. Fred llollenbeck.
MAGNOLIA, la., Jan. 13, (Special.)
Yesterday at the Magnolia Methodist Epis
copal church occurred the funeral of Mrs.
Maria Holmes . llollenbeck, wife of Fred
Hollcnbeck. Rev. J. Owen Smith preached
the sermon. Mrs. llollenbeck was born
March 17. 1835 and was the mother of two
sons and three daughters, all of whom
survive her.
Pembroke V. Wise.
ST. JOSEPH, Mo., Jan. 13. Purnbruke V.
Wise, aged 72, patent and pension attorney,
died today of old age infirmities. He was
a veteran of fifteen battles In the civil
war and took an active part in the develop,
nient of tbl part of the country In the
early days. He was a gold miner in Cali
fornia in '19.
Mrs. William Ball.
BEATRICE. Neb.. Jan. 13.-(Spcclal.)
Mrs. William Ball, a pioneer resident of
Beatrice, passed away yesterday at hor
home at 314 Court street, aged VS years.
A husband and seven children, all grown,
survive her. The funeral will be held Sat
urday at 10 o'ch ck.
Mrs. Martha Lewis.
BEATRICE, Neb., Jan. 13. (Special.)
Mrs. Martha Lewis, residing In South
Beatrice, died yesterday morning, after an
Illness of two weeks, from stomach trouble.
She was 86 years of age and leaves a hus
band and seven children.
Small Piece of t'oal Falls on lllin
aud Paralysis of Brain
SHERIDAN. Wyo., Jan. 13 (Special.)
Edwin J. Lewis died of strangulation Sun
day night at Dayton, a small town inland
from Sheridan about twenty miles. Mr.
Lewis was 51 yeurs old and an old pioneer
of tins slate, coming Into this region In
liTG. He has served in the United States
army and was In several engagements with
Indians, and ut one time received a severe
wound In the leg. He leaves a wife and
three children to mourn his untimely death.
The circumstances relative to his death
are very peculiar. On January 3 he was
employed at Monarch and was to work in
the coal mines there for the Wyoming
Coal Mining company. Saturday morning,
while working on ihe chute, he was struck
on the head by a small fragment of coal
which fell from the tipple above. His left
arm dropped immediately and thinking It
was broken he made his way to the doctor's
ortice. On careful examination the doctor
found not even the slightest sign of an In
Jury. An examination of Ihe head dis
closed a very small swelling Just over the
right ear. There was no cut on the scalp,
only a slight scratch; no fracture of the
skull, nothing to Indicate that a serious In
jury hud been rei-elved at that place. Dr.
Ho!rr.e gave it as his opinion that the blow
upon the head had given a shock to the
arm area of the right brain and thus causeit
the paralysis of the left arm, It being
known that the nerve fibers cross in pass
ing down tu the spinal cord. Mr. Lewis
afterward walked H full half in It to his
horic, where soon after he began to feel
the 'ftri't of the small swelling. He soon
relapsed lulu ait unci nsciou state, evl
911-319 Uashingfon Ave., St. Louis
in the Country An
Offered at Special Sale
Missea' and
tspta of beaver, blt'iulitl a ml natural
brook mink, Imitation rmino ami
lyns. blue niul tun Aiipirn. white
Cone.v nnd lnnib-nlso nil the inw
and pretty slmpi-H of rollnrs ami
limit's, worth n liicb iih .." set
Special Bargain
Table Cloths
All llnon liPiiini'Ml nnd bcmstitcliod
Tflblo Clot lis of vnrloim IciitftliH
a vry tiwlnl
offer worth .
and $.'l.."iO each
Saturday nt.
Clearing Sale
Carpets d Rugs
On the Second Floor.
Printed In a short time in Arcade.
See our Bohemian Glassware
dently undergoing violent suffering, as his
actions Indicated. '"fife" never once regained
consciousness and died Just twelve hours
after the accident.
Moturmau Killed by Machine and
Teamsters Hart In Kxploslon.
SHERIDAN. Wyo., Jan. 13.-(8pecial Tele
gram.) Oeorge Ray,' motorman at Diets
mine. No. 2, was killed last night by the
motor which he ran. He had pulled up the
last load of cars and moved his motor out
of the awltch He .was alone and it is
thought he must have lost his balance and
fell under the car. His skull was crushed
and the motor was at a standstill. It war
the last trip he wodld have made, us he hau
accepted a new position.
Three hours after Ray was found Noah
Davis and Thomas Commack were fright
fully burned by the explosion of three kegs
of powder out of thirteen kegs which they
were haulin In the same mine. They may
recover. All have families in Pleti.
Dunning; iiurm Back to Prlsuu.
SIOUX FALLB. S. D., Jan. 13. (Special. )
Clarence. Dunning, a former convict, who
was arrested a few days ago on the charge
of stealing a dress suit case containing a
dress suit and costly ball gown belonging to
n Sioux Falls attorney and his wife, ap
peared before Judge Jones of the state cir
cuit court in this city and pleaded guilty
to the charge of grand larceny. He whs
sentenced to Imprisonment for a period of
one year In the Sioux Falls penitentiary
and was today taken to that Institution,
where he will occupy his former quarters.
Dunning's home Is at Yankton. He had
completed a term In the penitentiary only a
short time before his latest escapade.
Demented Man Found Dead.
PIERRE. S. D.. Jan. 13.-(Speclal Tele
gram.) An eccentric character of western
Stanley county known as "Doc" Meyer was
found dead near Midland yesterday, sup
posedly from natural causes, although the
body was frozen when found. Some time
ago he became demented and hid in a hay
stack for several days before he was dis
covered and brought to the Hospital In this
city. He remained for a short time and
started back to Midland, which place he
left to go farther west several days before
he was found. He was In a weak condition
and It Is presumed that his death wits from
The goodness of Ghirar
delli's Ground Chocolate
does not end in the cup.
What it does for the brain
and body is best attested by
the bright, healthy people
who use it. '
beH for cake and chocolate.
1 QQ
Si ?
Immense stock of the Finest Fur Scarfs Made this
Right When You Need
Fur Scarfs at $1.98
Natural brook mink, scarfs,
Zaza styles and squirrel lined,
black Coney double scarfs with
cords, Isabella and sable Conevs
and single fox scarfs regular
.?.."() arid $1 values from the Nil-"ardine-McKittrick
stock, at
Candy Specials
3c Mai-yhniallnnH. , Cr
pound ICW
Sir. SaltPd Pennuts. tOr
pou ixi
ST.c pound box Fancy
Vic Kanry Mixed Cr-
(,'andy J
Stlrk Candy
J . for Ol(
Drug Dept.
Port Wine, mmrt bottle 3Qc
Whiskoy, auHi t bottle . g Qg
Pears' SoHi-. rj
cake " w
&V Perfume, Otln
per oi
Mr BrlHtle Hair lirush lOc
Martin Tibke Has Unpleasant Experience
on His Way Home.
Itoail Uverseer Compelled to Stand
and Deliver hy Masked Men,
Who et Little Booty
for Their ( rime.
Mill till Tibke, road overseer of Dundee
precinct, was held up Thursday evening
about li:3n near Benson. Mr. Tibke was
driving west on his way home when, about
a mil' and a half from Benson, lie met
two men on foot. As they got close to
the. rig in which Mr. Tibke was driving
oie of the men, who was masked and
h"ld a gun In his hand, took hold of one
of the team of mules and stopped them.
'Throw up your hands!" shouted the
Dial with the gun, while the other nd
vat.ted to the wagon.
"1 paid no attention to the command to
thro up my hands," said Mr. Tibke, In
telliit of the uffair, "as I thought the
men Here Joking, but the tall fellow near
the wtgon suid to the other, who had the
gun, 'lou will have to take a shot at the
d d f.n)l.' Then I realized they were In
earnest ind suid: 'I guess you mean busi
ness, bys, so 1 will do as you want.' "
' (iot Little Booty.
The nin with the gun then ordered
Tibke to pet out of his rig and when he
was on tit ground the other chap searched
his pockts. He secured only $1.70, a
pocket knlc and two beer checks. When
satisfied ttty had got all he had the men
ordered Tllke Into his wagon and told him
to drive on He was driving away from
Benson and the holdups had been proceed
ing In the tlrectlon of the town, but on
turning a trner a little further along
Tibke loukei back and found the men
were followlit him. He whipped up his
mules and ditve back to Benson by an
other road. A search of the saloons later
failed to dlseiter the men and no trace
of them had found up to noon today.
Mr. Tibke dia-rlbes the man with the
gun as low-slz. . and wearing a long over
coat. The othci.mun was lull and quite
boyish, with a lUoit overcoat. He had
never seen elthei'of the men before.
Alleged Insane Jnn Is Transferred to
Hospital Itndlng Action
of I'ourt.
, i
NEW YORK, Jai.i 13. Biodle L. Duke,
hulf brother of the (resident of the Ameri
can Cobaeco compan', w hose recent mar
riage resulted In hit commitment to a
sanitarium, was biouitit Into the supreme
court in Brooklyn toy on a writ of
habeas corpus, and u'ter a hearing was
sent to the Long IhImiiI home until Thurs
day next. Ou that dan a commission ap
pointed by Justice (ia tor is to meet to
inquire into Mr. Duke's 'onditlun and make
a report us to whether he Is Insane.
The writ of habeas copus on which Mr.
Duke wus brought iulo court today wus
obtained by W. C. Itrurlutm of Durham,
N. C, who has acted as private secretary
for Mr. Duke. Counsel it Mr. H mm hum
argued for an Immediate exuiiiinutlon' of
Mr. Duke by a court to determine whether
or not he was insane.
This was objected to by JoIcih ey Nicoll,
who said he represented nembfls of Mr.
Duke's family and who iulled that Mr.
Duke's sanity should be dctrniined by a
commission appointed by Juice isynor.
Mr Ni'ull dm. lared that hei'Siicd to se
tur witnesses fur bliruelf audthat tlii per-
Them Most.
Selected Scarfs $3.98
Isabella Canadian marten,
double squirrel lined, imitation
ermine and Isabella Vnioy four-in-hands,
Isabella A n r t r i a n
opossum, extra long with cords.
Imitation chinchilla, etc. the rcjrtilnr M
Ncnrls from the 1 IiiRMnliiie-McKlttrlck
Sheet Music Specials
Coax Me
By Von Tllzer
My Indian
Blue Bell and Come Home. Soldier Boy in Blue
By the Dear Old
I've Clot a Keeling
1 Wouhi if I Could. J
Hut I i "nil t.
1 SatlNfled.
I uder the Anhcuner
Kale Kearnev
Uoodbye, My Lady
Goodbye, Mttle (llrl.
I .ultra 1 .e
When the I-llai-K Bloom
I Hit
sons whom he represented "wanted lo
rescue this man from the tolls of one of the
worst associations of criminals which ex
isted for the purpose of robbing this man
and ierhHps killing him,"
Mr. Braham's counsel Insisted upon nn
Immediate examination by th court, but
Justice Oaynor refused to do so, and or
dered Duke to be committed to a sani
tarium until January lfl, when he will be
examined as to his sanity.
As the proceedings wen about to adjourn
Nicoll requested that Mr. Duke be trans
ferred from Sandford Hall, where he hus
been held for several days to the Long
Island home. Mr. Nicoll represented that
Dr. Brown of Sandford Hall was about to
depart for the south and would not be
here to take part In the proceedings. This
renuest was granted by Justice (Jaynor and
thu proceeding was iios"d.
During the argument, of course, the :tl
torney for Mr. Hramham declared that Mr.
Duke's son, who had instituted the pro
ceedings which resulted in Mr. Duke's com
mittment, was on Iwd terms with his
father aud had been excluded from his
father's home for several years.
Mr. Duke was not on the stund. nor did
he offer any statement during the proceed
ings. He sat quietly by the lawyers and
appeared palo and nervous. Ills wife wus
not in the courtroom. An attempt was
made to question Mr. Duke as he entered
the carriage to go to the sanitarium, but
the physicians prevented it. As the car
riage started, however. Mr. Duke leaned
out of the window and shouted:
"I am going to tight this thing to the
Before Mr. Duke wus taken to the buiiI
tarlum lie was In conversation with three
mad ic4iutuiiH
8 a P
Long Fox Scarfs
All the finest scarfs from the
Hagardine- McKittrick stock
valued up to $10 and f 12 Isa
bella Canadian marten scarfs,
long double aud sin Me fox,
double blended brook mink, all
squirrel lined, at
Silk C&ps
worth up to
7.' 25c
Meet Me in
St. Louis
She Was From
Ltidles' All Wool
I Troubadour.
m 39c
LouIm Tlekle.
jN'ortheru Lights Hltx
fCirciia PnrHde, by pnul
o' Hlarney.
physicians ut the courthouse. At the con
clusion of the talk one of the physicians
said Mr. Duke was npiwrcntly sane, but in
a weakened physical condition.
Mwludleil by Maanslne (iaine.
VERMILION. S. D., Jan. 13. (Special.)
A large number of citizens of this city are
mourning the loss of money beeaus of the
recent visit of a smooth grafter who
claimed to he deaf and dumb. He was said
to be an atjent for several popular magu
zlues and business came his way. It hus
now been s'-veral weeks since the supposed
agent collected money here, but the muga
gliics are not fort liconiing.
Onnce Ton I u lit.
Jolly Eight chili's ball tills eve'g. Osthoff
hull, tit )i and ('jus Fin orchestra, a grand,
good time for you, yrs. Cents, 'u: Wel
come. Our prices for choice meats please our
patrons. Central Markets, lUth and Harney
and 1 tit h and Capitol avenue.
Bee Want Ads lYuduce Results.
Bee Want Ads are the Best Putinese
Boostei s.
Legal Kxeeutlon in Kentnckr.
l.EXINCTO.V, Ky.. Jan. 13. J. W. Bess",
who murdered Mrs. Martha MeQuInn two
yeais ago, was hanged here today. Shortly
before the execution the condemned mail
confessed that he Intended to commit sui
cide with a knife blade which he hud car
ried loncculcd in hN mouth, but upon
hearing a sacred song sung by children
near the .lull had changed his mind. He
said be Intended to cover Ids head Willi
the bed clothes, pretending to the death
watch that he was asleep, then open a
vein and bleed lo death. At the gallows
he said lie hud prcpured a statement, to be
published later by the local pupers.