Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 09, 1905, Page 7, Image 7
THE OMAIIA DAILY REE: MONDAY. JAMTAKY 9. 1W3. YEAR'S RECORD tf THE ARMY ClmrM Cftsaed ej Lwtili, aUtersawte kid !!:. ACTIVE SEPVICE UST POUCD EY 53 Death Hat larfM Aaeaac e Oascere i Mere Dtasatoeals Thaa la Ikr free tag, teear Ble ar at t eerl-warttaL Frora Jmtuary V up ts reoember 21. V. there wrr tw entr-seren death tmonf the sctlve officers of the army, a o-tr.piared with twenty-one In IK. thlrty- twe m i; thtrty-rmir hi wi ui thirty -fiv In 1JKO Included in the list of deaths this year w-er on colonel. on lieutenant -olnieL. two n.ajor., four captains, nine first lieutenants, tin secojia lieutenant and one chaplain. The number of deaths among the retired rfSeers was teat than la any. years since l'w thirty-nine occurring this rear, fifty in 1K. forty -one in 16. fifty-two in 1W-. ana thirty in lWu. Nine brigadier generals died., three colonel, one lieutenant rointiel, thirteen majors, nine captains snd ftrur first lieutenant. Of the twenty-seven active offk-er who died, four were killed by bail res In the Fhi.'ppine thl rear a agairsst one in 1, and three n lie. The oc-er who were kiited were Second Lieutenant Campbell Flake, Twenry-nrtrid Infantry, who was treach erously killed in January by Mori.). Cap tain Iavid p. Wheeier, Twenty-second in ;c'rr, who m fatally stabbed; by Moro while rcinnrlttrii.f in April, and First Lieutenant Harry A. "Woodruff and Sec ond lieutenant Joseph H. Hail, Bute of the Seventeenth infantry. ba were killed in ambush in May toy Moroe. Thi makes the eeventb etinaecoilve ear in w hich (iB vers hare lost their lire in the Philip pine. Of the other twenty-three rffloera v ho died, no lee than elgrtt committed suicide, and one wa killed by a brother t'ffiorr. When crae considers that there were on January 1 last, roughly. 3. offi 'r on the art re list, and that on'y four ten of them dted rmtr d:sss. It Is evi dent that the army ia an exceptionally healthy profession. In the last seven years not less than 4RC ofSoera have been placed upon the retired list. Flftyfotir left active eervice this year, ninety-six In 1WIE. sixty-five In 1C, sevtmty-one In lal, forty-free In lXno, aev-enty-two In LW1, and seventy-seven In llfisl. In thi year a Hat were on lieu tenant general, four major generals, twenty-two brigadier generala, two colo neia. seven lieutenant colonels, nine ma jors, on captain, nix first lievtenanta. one swcund lieutenant and one chaplain. As there wers only thirty-nine death of re tired officers this t ear, the lint is increased lr fifteen. During 1H there were only twenty-thrse resignation. thlrty-thTee havltif taken , plaoe In UCO. In liKB eleven officers ware allowed to reaurn for the (-nod of the er toa. as acalnst five in The officers i who wers forced out fur a cause wvr Second Lieutenants Albert H. 8ttvna. Ar tillery corpa: r. C. Milr. First Infantry; W. A. Roberta, Jr.. Fourteenth infantry; L J. Rancourt, Ktneteetith Infantry, and W. E. Aiken, Twnty-ebyhUi lrifantry. One major reeicawa. one captain, ten first lieu tenanta, ten second Urntenania, and one chaplain. As VKI3 was a record-breaker fur resignation, the same can le said for in the number of dimissals for vari ous offenses, eleven onV.trs having been thua stricken from the Army Rccieter. This is th larrest number since JFZ. when sixteen were dismisoed. In 1U3 there were even dismissals, and there was one In 111? Ti 111 f IDfU Inning ., - tuln. four first Leutenants and six second lieutenants. Two officers have been Aropjed for desertion, Second Lieutenant V. C. Lewis, Artillery corn, and Second Uiutf-nant F. 21. Boon, Nineteenth infan try, whose tine was up Ietemher a. In lt there were two dosertion amuns th cfficers and Is 1WE on. Only one officer was discharged hi U for failure ba ex aminations. Second Lit-utenant F E. Lynch. Seoona oaralr". In IMS Ore officer were dropped for this reason. The officers who were dismissed last year were: Cap tain J. W. L. Phillips, Twenty-seventh in fantry; First Lieutfnants Knud Knudnnn. Seven tk inrantrj. H. A. Robichon. Thir teenth infantry; A. G. Sharpley, Twelfth fiavalry; H. J. Collina. Twenty-eighth In fantry; F. W Milla. Jr.. Seventh lnfantrj-. and Second Lieutenants F. Pratt. First lnfanm-, J. S. Cakes, artillery corps, W TV. -White and C. F. Bmilh. Thirteenth infantry, and S. H. Flber, Twenty-ei-hth infantry. Of thrse Hohichon and Smith were TTest Pointer. Knudsoa was ap pointed frcm civfl life. Mills. Pratt and n uups from the rank, and th other fir from the volunteers. The Thirteenth In fantry Is alon charred with three dis missals. Forty-six commission' d officers were tried durinf the year, as Is shown hy the ollowlns tabulations: I Plvmlsaals First Second Maja Capta. Lta. Lts 4 V) t 1 "ther punishments Tried and ai-ouitted Cases pendu.j Total tried "Two of these officers were subsequently aismittsed by oilier court-martials Tins tahi takes ne notice of th H.rto Rico rer ment or the I'hiltppine soouta Of the forty officers found rullty ten were rraduates of West Point; eight en tered from civil life, seven from th ranks and trteen froaa the volunteer. Cf th two deserters one was from th rank and the other from the vulunteers. Of the five w ho were allowed to resign to escape trial, two were from th volunteer and three from th ranks New Tork Post. The I ax-fal Casa skse. When the temperature roes up and gen eral thaw comes in winter afmr tug snow storms and a hard freeae. there is no stand hy like the rum shoe and his big brother, the gum bota. No trust has yet tanned leather cape hie of standing long eervloe in slush and mud witnout discom fort to the wearer. The rum shoe oiickatb cloaer than a brother and is warmer than a ajalakin. Not beautiful to look at. al thourn rlosy and eoxyUke. be Alio the bill and save repairs on shoes. He goes abiut silently and aobirusive.'y, and is always on the sui of tn drje a aralnat tb asets. It was an iinappreclatree man who manu factured the tar "gum shoe politics." The run shoe, the original benefactor of the rare, has noLhinr to be ashamed of and la not afraid of ths lUjttt or diy. H meets his enemies, slush and the others, and cruahxs theax. saving doctora' bin inj helpinr alonr aha insurance romtianles. I I'-ovidinr renerally aralnst coughs and -iida and stavlpr off th purchase of coffins and t am hetonea. Baltimore Herald, Fa Caacbl br 4lrL HuBaers atartad a large gray fog on Long-wood farm. beliir.g:ng to the James Gordon estate. After tour hours' class Id Reynard rot in such close quarters thai tt ran under a pen near V eicrop. The hunter punched it out and th dor had a sight race for soma distance, but Ml r ' .T. ' : aa i t was too cunning for the digs It finally ijdged the dog and huntert. some forty t. number, and ran throurh W J lrbr's ard w falls all the tamtiy were at die- Mr. lrhy s daughter Anna, li years old. saw it trmup-h the wtnd-w of tr r.r roetn snd srre it a '.xfcr rsce. lemm n It off from the staMe. srid csuafct it by the She held It to tY x-rcurid cttil b-r fstb- r't thT and put it In a bsf Richmond rirtca. CAREERS OF FAMOUS HORSES Favwrti rhara-e f treat Cw bb u Sera Kis41y Car4 Tmr Is Old ie. The t'-.rW of Gtieral Kntmpatk;n s ae ration to his fsririte charx'T remind one cf msny rreat soldier, between whom and the borne that has carried htm throurh lone campaiimt the-e has leen an affecuon a mfiet human in its lrtens:ty. M'bo doe not recall Load Roberts' ral lant charrr Tolonel the little ay Arab wljc h earned Its medals and Its rr.nster so proudly In the diamond Jubilee procee Bioa V-loncl had bejunred in his earrr aars to an Indian chief, and when Led Robert tmurft htm he discovered that the Arat tall had been broken in two places to produce a XTacTul caodal rurve. When Queen Victoria swarfisd medals to her sol dier who had foiikht in the Afshan cam Pic:n and tn the expedition tc Candahar. Toionel was trrently but not unreservedly bnriored. Lord Roberts proudly hung around his neck the Cfebuj medal, with four clasps, and the Candahar star of bronae, and later the queen presented htm with th Jubliee mean 1 At the advanced aire of 23 the pitif little teed h was otuy fourteen and a haf hand high Was a playful as any kltter He survtred to see 2th birthday, and "lies buried hats the R: yal hospital Dub lin. In the rose rarden." Copenhagen. Tl allir.rtoc's famous rhew. But charrer. was only two Inches hipher than littl Toionel. Ee carried hi great master through the peninsular war an-1 bore him for eighteen hours on the day of 'Waterloo. TThea hi fijrhtint' dars were vrnr the little Danish horse was sent to Btrsthfleldaaye. where he was tenderly cared for HI last day were somewhat em hi tiered. It ia true, by the misguided worship of thousands of his admirers who went to visit him In fact, the ruisance be came so (Teat that the dtike was compelled to put him In a caye. When at last he succumlied to oid a-e he was accorded an impressive funeral, and a tombstone was erected to commemorate his virtues and his loyal service. . An equally honored old are was that of the white charrer Maretuyo. which carried Napoleon on the field of "Waterloo. After his mauler's fLrht Marenro was found by an Er.rllsh officer wanderinr disconso lately on the battiefleJd. and he was sr.t to Eny-laod. where he spent mar.y happy years in puaoeru! pastures and tended by rererent itmuh He survived Napoleon rune years, and when old are and pneumonia combined to end his career his skeleton was sent for preservation to the Roval Vnited Service Institution in White hall. There has seldom, if ever, been a braver and more loyal war horse than Traveler, whs Urriad his master. Oaneral Lee. throurh scores or battles, and came throurh them all without a scratch. It it is said that he whinnied pitifully when he followed the reneral's coffin to the rrave, and It was not lonr after that, while craxinr. a nail became embedded in his foot ami he died of lockjaw. Copen hagen bore Stonewall Jackson throurh ten fierce battle before the fatal bullet struck hie rider. He survived, through an honored and lovingly tended oid are. until 1SH6, and he may be seen today, stuffed and cleverly mounted, in a glass case In the library of ths Soldiers' home, Virginia. General Washington had many horses who rendered htm devoted service, and whom he regarded with affection, but the most prised ojf them all was the brown eharaer w hich lie bestrode at the surrender or Lord Cornwallia. Hung with heavy mourning robes and led by a groom, he followed the coffin of bis dead friend and master to his last resting place. General Sheridan s famous black war horse Rienxl lonr survived all the dangers of war and died loved and mourned in 1K76. His body was mounted and is te be seen in the museum of Governor's laiand. In New Tork ha. It seems to have been ths fate of moat of these famous horses to survive their masters. Such, however, was not the lot of Nellie Grey, the handsomest charger in all the confederate army. Nellie, with General Fitxtiugh Lee on her back, seemed to bear a charmed life, so many were the dangers she escaped, until at last alie fell in the very thickest of toe fight at the fut ile of Winchester. Cincinnati, the most lin ed of ail General Grant s horses, was more fortunate than Nellie, fur he sur vived all the aorcors of th civil war and died "as sincerely lamented as he had lived respected." London Mall. NATIONS THAT LEND MONEY Fraaoe, Eaglsss, Oerasaay aad Bel glaa Have laasaeaae saaas Oatataadtagt. A German authority estimates the foreign Investments of Belgium, a country baring S.noo.ix Inhabitant and about one-quarter as large sn area as Ohio, al no less than Si.atiC.Uoa.OtHl. In proportion to the numerical strength of the Ktigiau and their natural reeourcea. these figures make th, (itHi or tiieret-bout which represents French capital put lr.t invasuntcu outside of France look small, and thvy oompare well with the largest current estimates of Great Britain a investment beyund the narrow limits of the British Isles. Authorities differ widely concerning the amount of British money pot into ether countries, some being as low as b.OUa.UQL.BUQ, not counting British possession, liar India, and British colonies. To include those favorite fields fur British enterprise might double the fig-urea given. But it is not many years aino the London Stock exchange calculated the prouabie total of the foreign investments of the British peopi aj. more than B7.UUC lkiu.uuC. It doe not seem pos sible that any great decrease can have taken place since laMl liermahy is believed to have half as much monry Invested abroad as France, or twice as much as Belgium, but German wealth and German enterprise are ails fast gain ing ground, and these corporation will soon ha radically changed. Russia is tbs great debtor nation of Europe, and in that country billions of dullars of French, Bel gian and German money has found em ployment, at greater or leas risk, and with widely varying returns. Jmmt Mia rass-taasa. 'Tjo you ever feel." twnttered the young woman with eou.ful eyes, ts the great novelist, "as if you must Cy from this world? As If you must bury yourself in some vast wilderness far from ths haunts of men? Io you ever feel that you will die if ou are not alone all a Ion" -Tea- be told her. "Indeed I do "Ah' And when do you feel that way?" "Now." Cleveland Leader. The Trath A heat Miaa Vtlrt, Litue Miss Muffet was sitting on a tuf ttt when up came spider. "'Why." she asked of the daddy-longlegs, "why do you Beck ma'" If I am mistaken. I beg your pardon," replied the spider, "but I thought you were a liule Cy." And It was this flippant remark that frightened Miss Muffet a way. Clr vlajid Plain Itier. Bee Want Ad Produce P.e-li GRAIN AND PRODUCE 31ARLET lUrket jfbH. Wt Ecklpen ICeke a Little Frot UPGEST C0PN EXPORTS I IDONTHS iaatse over kit ass la (era Caaxart Berttie af Kate - I (amtini. t'HAHA. Jan '. Zi I'urhes was the jir:nr:sa' and only ;.;; ity f.t rti r-T nia-fc-' todnj The s.pers did s itttl rooo-"-ete !... nss bi.t mti.;i g f.r momr.t orai and err. gu:o. a lirti- s:--tgtr. durit.g toe see' -n and the i .r. p.urt was t te close The com. it-a hie sr.uri irte-est ir, wheat i ecaTtrrtng aid the loii lrtt-rt if roi' cer.triiteu Twt slit".R. J "b'.'tHifaliy all. so id at a lowr f.pu-e than the r arket touay and the t ieast cm Jl-r can f.g'-re a i.rcr.t. 1 lie Jia ci ee FriooJ w a the i.i-h!t ffir scrtl a es. Reports ol Mu m V a.ia ahfst ui;g delivered ir. New Tor are causirr turnt comment, but in c ti-r guartet tiiey r diwcoutited as not hit.g oeirverabie on May contracts. In Chicago there is mt 1 .(;. busbeia of cor-ract wheat, and the t-iiclihg j.robi.h r average r.a.f a mn ioti a utj The st k a s not Increase Tiie casl. wheijt pnees har airtneed slightly in moel msrke'.s Kansas City tr-on the f ,d '. tuh is herd witter tc The Tio-triem miiiers have been getting hurd sheet tr tt.e sou-rst and the Kat.sus City mil -s bt;v;- g jow g-ade spring wheat in M'.r.neajio.ns. The h. mi barrel of fl.'ur sold Thursday by Minneapolis to the south west was partialis, largely maoe up of shat f-otr Kansas City A good portion of the Minneapolis re;-ei;t re said to 1 frosted and undesirable lor milling, so the bL.ere have difficult In gerMi.g they wart For tine reason It is said wheal is h-;nr ordered out of store to meet re v which ranort te filled hy daily purchase The Mmreapo;is stoc ks are lb -ai. 1" huh la ot which S.M 4Ki IS No 1 I northern the increase lor the week beirg I ia sC. The Austra.ian wheat shipment I have increased for the went, bitig 414 j against 3f.l(s. for last wees eno T?j ! last vear The primary receipts are 4!C.H i aratnst M. (iflu last week ena the stupmerts w ere 2". Mic acain"!! :;2S Ttie primary 1 market receipts of wheat for the halt of j the harrew year are ll.fc per cent ol the ' crop, against 24 per pent last year. The corr expo-is lcr this week have I been The largest for rv wees since Mnrch 1 The amourt this year is S.W. .!. I against I.Sims for the first cf last 'ea The total since Julv 1 exported te WW j busheis aeamst 3t lWi ' bushels for the j same period of last vear Practically all of the export Just now is bv the gulf. New I Tork Cur has only i:tfi.i' bushels er.raged ; The Kansas City firms are enjoying a dis tinct advantage in rale and gr-t deal ' of NebrafSa co-n has beer se-t suth for ! gulf cargoes Chicngo Frirtav wre no mi for domes-ic shipment and EWlWH1 for : the seaboard. The rom tirmary rereip-s ! are Tfi,.mHi busheis. eiratnst 6."i.i"' busheis. end the shipments 68MK busheis. against I Z m' bURhels. I The oats msrkt is decKr-inr a Vttle. Th j reason Is the large visible. The long inter est has beer of r o sorts the pro'essionais. who fostered the iflea the market would l sflvance. and the outside buyers who had ' tieen told to en into neta. Be tbey were cheap. These are beriming to lose faith. Oaaaha Cask lea. WHEAT No. 4 hard. 1 car. ! U.. Mc; t cars Si lbs.. Ktr: 1 ear. 51 lbs.. Be CCBN No J ve.ilow. 2 cars. Sc. OATS No. 1 white. 1 car, 2S"a Omaha rata Market. WHEAT No. 2 hard. nwnKT; No. X hard. $: Hi No. 4 hard. Huc1.01; No. 3 spr-ng. fl r.; no grade, line. CC'RN No. Z a-V. No. S r; No. 4. ST-c; no grade. Hit.r: No : yellow, Wi; No 1 yellow. 2Sc. No. 2 a hue, Vc; No. I white. ai'iiC. CATS No. I mixed 3c: No. S mixd. 27V ; No 4 mixed. V'-r; No. f whfe Sr: No I white. 2Hhc; No. 4 white. iTitic, standard. c t arlvt avatsclata. W beat- Corn. Oats Chicago 2 4M S7 Kansas City TH 37 111 Minneapolis JitSfi I'uluth 53 Bl Louis 48 3 31 Omaha li6 12 Grata Markets Elaeakerr. Closing prices of rralr today and Fri day at uie market named were as Xullows; CHICAGO. j 'Wheat I May . I Juiy . Today. Fnday. ..... 1.1DB lJi A 9bB W-B I Corn May : 44HB 44VB July 4i 44 KANSAS CITT. "'hest Mar 1 OK B 1 nf July IB sm, Corn May CVB Ct July 41 A il-, ST. LOV1S. Pi-heat May 1.18H 1 1HX Juiy ktia ifcvsE C'rn Mar 41'V 4T July 41 4D MINNEAPOLIS. Wheat May -. ll"?s Ju.y l.Wis I'ULUTH. WTieai May iar NEW TORK. Wheat Mar 1 16 July 1 05- las B Mlaaesaali Market. The range of prices in Minneapolis, a reported by the Lo wards-Wood Grain com pany, ru: Articles. Ojien., Kigh.! Low. i Close. Wheat Ml)' juiy KEW 1.17 , 1..4-, MTS' U-m 1.1 1.14-4,. 1.17s 1.14 lORk 4.tktavAL. MlkkET 4aatal iaai of the Day C aaaaaadltiea. VarUu NEW TORK.. Jan. 7 FLOUR Receipts, li ulk bbis. . exports, in. ma btus. Mai act hrm and hela n.gner; winter pa.enL. a do aa.ka, winter saia.gnts, a.w4,.a-4a.,e soia patn-s. a.Buiua.;; winter txtraa, U uE Ik 4 Mi. Minneso.a DJien , Vajcts.aa, wu.ier low gradtsi. U K;e aur. siaauy; fair to good. enu4 7o, choice to laiicy, e 4p L.iSi. buckwheat Dour, guiet. t uia-15 per luu .ba v. onNMEAL Steady; fia while and yel low, ti Ik', coarse, ties, 11., al.n a. leu, a.i."'v-.iu Rl ii Nominal ; No. I western. Tic asked BAfclLE 1 fciow , leediiig. etc., c. 1. I. .ay Tors: malung. euVUic, c. 1. 1. liuffaJo. Vi HEA'l iaec!eip.a. al.aTii bu. bjm, market nrm. No. s rea. I li. eieato:. a-.J 1. o. 0 ailoat; Nu. 1 nurn.ern. l.u.uh. k...7V 1. u. b. afloat. No. 1 nj-u. JtlaiuioUu. alia, i. o. b. afloat C'LiUuIi were ttroug a-i ua on huii ub liur-hwaat new, l.gnt offering:., him ca bles and toaal covering Tne amst iumed Vtw'ac net advance. May, li-ltm, in d -li-. Juiy, u.itVui iv tioHea C(iiN Receipt. 111.5ia' bu. export. I 72 bu. fcpot maravt stau ; .Nu. 1. -J-c. eie vatar, and alV 1. o n. anoat; No. 1 ulioa, sl'-wc: No I at.itt. ulac. iij..iont were ac tlvv. but firmer with a heat, ciuamg -c net h.gner. May closed io-c. oAl'S Receipt a. 4a.Uit' bu. ; txfKiits. k.J75 bu. Spot market aieudy; mixoti. lit. tj 11 lba., S. -ci natural who. It, to i. ,li j. i . capped a hits, to to 4l lbs isxg Jc. hAl W-iet; ah-ppuig, .isia.t, goou to choice. htnuUac. HOPS uui : Btate. common to ch..h e l. "XB 37t ; 1!iS, JtKuSac; uiu. 14c. PacUic coast, 1D04, Xaluc, IMA. ltSUc; oios Wa 17c HIT, ES Steady ; Galveston. 3D to li lbs., l&c; California. 11 U lb.. Hc, Texas cry 34 to It 14-,c. LEATHER Steady ; acid. J46-c. ri.ulieiu.Njwef, steady, lamily HI ue till.isj; mee, ii, nC . beet hams. Is.. g S su. packet, lia.auifl la.iu; city extra India mesa, t-4 seplti : tul meats. flJiet; pirk.ed be. lies. K7j7''i pickied shomaera tbl, pickiad hama. Ik Tiuii u Lard. cull, weaieru steamed.'. rrr.nied. Quiet; eonuiiant C.lli. fcouth American. 7 71. compound! V4 g'iit Ji- Pork, sun, family. t-4aCi ki; abort ciaar. t-i 71slti uu. mesa. t-J uujii.jii lAU-urt-ei.t... , a..j, tauairr, Vin4t.c. K1CE Firm' domestic, fair to extra, r? Ci". Japan, nominax. bL TTk-J Firm renovated, common to extra, lisalc. western factory, heid. com mon to choice. I4ig ihc CHEESE. strong . state, full cream, smsr.. ct'ioreu and ahta fanct ll'-ac. hot. ijoi 1,1 maoa 4-oiored and a Lite, poor 10 choice. il.:.(, large coeired and ahite. U1.11 . 11c. f.lia. ll-auilvc. ifcltf n.aJe, coiureO aiid W t tie. poor la choice KfUi'. UU'io rMeady . aestern fancy aelerted. ?V . aeeiern t.rats. f.t. Inc. Juais, Uc, turkey, lliJjr'Jc. I"r eased. Cieti ee-i eM'-ken. 5"5lSr; fcwls. 1'. . --r vS, jma ;v PC; LTKT Ai.-ve frrr . w estern co ckers "r. f , is, ti:rkrn. l-(7".Sc Ireseel stiac.t . wes-e-x 1 1 , hens. L j4c. f c i. 1wi 11 tc. turkeys, L-p:ic- CHKltO .K4I AD PBwTIMOa r eat area at ike Tradlac aa Claalar Prieea aa Baar41 af Tra. CH1CAGj. jan. 7 Cot; t. rued light nii"' met t of wheat i- the l"nitd State t Kii t and ttie prrpect f ir de- reased siii;'rnerts f"i tt f'.tre-.c:. cour.tries Imparted a sir. tig tone to i rices. At tt'e ct'ise May whe-i a as up - . cm 'S'sc l.ighr. oatf pra" ti' a.;y uiithaxged ana rn isi ns 16 lot. A steadv tendency v as evident in wheat at the opening Th' re i f .ght im I reven-H-t.. in jota tioc Ml'' beir.g: uti- r har.gei tn s- hig'ier at J- iwp l.l:- (.me of t.'ie was the firm tone .f the i LverpH; grain market, --notaer far: ir liter roor? ert j:aized a a ti- cortirie i.f-'-t rri" roet.t in a h"Bt ;n the I in". A States Ncir.trtf"m b re out x le''tations ol a cotisiderb bie eeaufiior.. r.r r.i ai today tt M.ntien.pviiis and 1'u.jij i s:s curs, compared U for ti corresnondiiig cay a yeur ago. Sone lo--nl longs, ar.xiou io e'en uf trades cv r ! Sunday, soid mooerately stiortly after the opr..r.g ci using a ;-gi:t re"ess,on ir. I r.ces. May eaeed off to l..:4o. 4:. Strh- , qjeiit.y tne ma-ket in a g-'aciaa! war de-e.oped a laii ocfin- of st'er.gtfc sW price n.ade good advances. The cush a pent situation ru again bullish st St. : Louis and MmneLpo.i Ffm Pt Lotus I came many deians of inTensmg d.ff'ruity rrnuers in K; i,u are exprrien .ng in re- i giu-d to a h. at for ni.lllng purp-s-. Total , K.aiarjr rece:ps t mav w only 4"; j ' as c .n.pared with ME.sW- iat year, j The market closed st the point of the day. with May at Illf-S t'lea-an-e of wheat and flo-r were equal to bu I Minneapolis, t-u.u-i, una Chr-agT reponed I receipts ol 441 enrs. iLginst 3)i last week ! and -7i a year ago j Corn today Ktiwd more strength tlir.n I has been ensmfested for sorre time Com mission houses acre fair buyers through- ! out the entire day. Influence that tenoed j to create hu:.ih were fi-m cables tnd .mal! acceptatit-es fn rn the courtry. Mar ojtenei Sir liigher at 4''u-M1' . soid between 4t. and 4Sc and ciosed at I 44 'x' Local receipts were 4Ji cars, a'ltn i three ct oortract grade. Bustness i- the oa:s pit was ouiet In sympathy with ti s-rength In other grains tne n.a-Kct was r.rrr, ti e ect re day May o;eiieii u st.aci- higher at Jiit,,- vo,d pe. , ta-een 3i,c and 'itiric anC cios-d at W"(ix;nc.. Local receiji s aere IT cars. Notwithstanding s fair demand for lard j .rtm a leading packer, the prt-vmion mar- I ki was weak the greater Hurt of the dm' j At the close Muy p rk ru off at f;.i"i. ' May inrd a-us iioa-r nc at and r-!s j were "'tc lower at K fill. Estimated receipts !t Monday: Whett. cars; corn, 411. cars, oats, lit cars, hogs, le. itfu h-ad I The leading futures ranged as follows: I Articles. Open., Low. ' Ciose. Tes'y. Wheat M ay July Com Jan. M it r July T'ats Jan. Mar July Pork Jan. May Lard Jan Mar July F.i he Jan. Mar July 1 lisg-ie' 1 15V1 14.e . 1 1 1 1W' 1 15 !Si - 473 s r. 44-, 4J. 44 4iyp V 41 S 44 Vu 44 "a 3 uL'. 12 a n mi 11 So 12 bb l t STj It R"i, f Ml C so 7 i0 611- 7i " f Sa C 95 I 30 i fi til i 711, f fin Tits So. I. Cash quotation were as folic: t LL'l'H steady ; winter patent. IL Kitff straight. M.SCf,.i.. spring patents, la '""o-Ciiu, -strait is, 4.sig4.k'; bakera tl.70 i 11 V HEAT No. I Fprlng. r 1137.. IS; No i, C 0"y7 13. No. 5 red. II.jCiiI .,e CC'KN No. 2. 4Tc; No. 1 ye.iow. Ca C'ATS No. t JWsc; Ku. 2 wLite. 3iKy.ic. r:l l-Nii. 1 Toa. IlAKLET Oood feeding, 3ffirr:c: fair to ch- "-e itmliint. J4r EEET No 1 flax. H.1B; No. 1 northwest ern,'aj J-rin" motny, 11.77. t. luver, cor tract grade. tll.TE. FR'JVlfrl'IiNS-Mesa pork per bM CI 1 11.15. Lard. j,er wo lba.. ...fil. short rms sides (loose i. sa.12VPt.lia Shori Clear sides i boxed i.'a't, S2V Keeetpt and shrjimerts for the dBT were a follows: Keceipts Bhuments. Flour, bbls.. Wheat, bu.. Corn, bu . Oats, bu Rye. bu Barley, bu.. .. lfc.4110 lll.S'KI .. Iki.sua .. 477 .M0 .. 11.7m, .. :7.nmi .. lm.niii' 71.41 fsti.a'ie 17 hi 41 I'lC.lHHl On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was firm: creameries, li(raw-; dairies, 17Viic. t-tKR, steadj', at mark, cases incluoed. IHiCil, fcrsta, 14c; prime hrsta IMki, extras, eic. Cheese stead , Liiq lie. St. Laala Grata aad Pra-rlalaaa. ST. LOUIS. Jan. 7 -WHEAT Higher; No I red cash, elevator. Cllt; track, Clitti; May, II-IS1; July. Htl-ac; No. I hard, 11.34. CORN Firm: No. 2 cash. 41ic; track, 44r. May. 4;.e4rVc; July. 43'c. OATS Higher; No. i cash. Sic: track, S2c; May. sia.c. No. I white. 1BV'. FLOUR Firm 1 red wirier patents, C4(r3 E oc. s;ecial brands. K. "fl.7a, extra fancy, la ("'of. 15. clear. 4.6ixpl 7(, S ELI Timothy, nominal. ClMngl Al. COKNMEAL Steady, 11411. I RAN I'ull; sacked, east track. K"(p"c HAT Ouiet firm; timothy, la 0i li.u0; prairie. k mnp.o. IRON t'l'i lo.V TIES Mc. ' BAGGING 7.c. HEMP TWINE 4ae. PROVISIONS Pork, lower: Jobbing, old. ITl.lri; new. S1L 3. Lard, unchanged, prime saeamed. Win. Iry lted meat, steady; boxed, extra shorts. 6 ?Vj; clear ribs, jfclt-a,: short r'ear Hi.sU. FTil'LTRT Strong: chicken. &V; ariringa. ic; turkeys, 11c; cucka, loc; geet.e. sc. PUTTER Firm; creamery. S$?Sc; dairy, In 13c EGGS Steady at 2ic. case count Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bills 4. mm K oki V heat bu 4 (' 41 ! Corn, bu Sfi.msi 3b (M Oats, bu Sl.( I7,(MW haaasas City Grata aad rrevlstaaa. KANSAS CITT, Jar.. 7 WHEAT Steadv 4s higher; May. C i July, t, tfv Cash: No. 2 hard gl.0ki61.ld; No X. l.'61fl7V,i No. 4. llOi0;ilt.i No. ! red C&1.12. No. I. C.utiSi; No. 4. Jl.lda l.Ufc. CORN Steady: May. CV; July, 4?047Vc. Cash: No I mixed. C.c; No. S. ce; No 1! wnue, 41c; No. X. 41c. OATS Stead , No. t white, CSr&Slr; No 11' HAT Steady: timothy, ts IssgS.aP, choice prai-ie. l7.5iKbk 80 P.TE Sieacy at 74c. FGGS H:ghr: Missouri and Kansas new No 2 whilewiHid cases included. He. case court. liSc; caae returned, c lees! fcl'TT Eh-eicady, creamer'. dairr. lSi.. Wheat, liu. Corn, bu .. Oats., bu... Receipts. Shipments I'Hnti 41. ga, 4S.(imi sfiwo ll.mic .(H rhtlade-lahia Pradare Market. FHILAT'ELPHIA. Jan 7 BUTTER Firm with a good demand: extra VKterti creBTcery Sor . extra nearby prints. 3ic EGGS Firm and sctive; nearl y treah 23r 1 at mark: wes'ern fresh at mark CHEESE Unchanged : New To'k .creams, fimcv. 11" L vV.'c; New Tork fun full full creams, choice. llAtirtllc: New Tork cream, fair to good. UfiTJic lilwaeke Cral Market. h.gher: No 1 northern, tl.ltxjri.17; No. t northern.'iffl.14 ; May, 1: iv STE-lr hisner: No 1. a,a.e. E A RLET Steady ; No. 2. il413c; sample. 3C.io1.c. CORN 4c higher; No. t, 4irviS4Uc 44 '' w-Se- May. Mtaaeaaall Grata Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Jn. 7 WHEAT Ma v r. TV. Ju-y, t-14Sel l4: No. 1 hard. II 1". No 1 northern, tl-lti; No. 2 north ern 11 li"7 FLOUR First patents. tr4i4Bi second patents. H lb 2f . frst clear. t4. ling 4.3a, ee.,nd clear. II a "ff 2 70. BRAN In bujt. fci.i. Dalath Grata Market. DULUTH. Jan. 7-WHEAT-To arrlre. No 1 northern, fi liV, . No. f northern. K : 1111 'rack. N' 1 northerr. Cl.M,,; No 2 nortiieru. C; May, i 7i. fep lemle HTr-. oATS-Tu mv and on tra k. 2Sr. laleda t-eed Market. TOLE30. Jan 7 SEEI i"iover. caah and January, IT S'; Feliruary. March, ts Si hr.nit aisiae, U uk. Prim uuu4U. , t- 3L 9H i 4TlS.'6ii!. u 4'a'ola 4-1- l'n 4iS ! IPS Si'" 30Ti&iC " Si j i IT 20 . 15 in j 11 ' 11 60 I ' I ' fi 15 i I .H' ' Mi ' ' 7 mi : 7 (m 1 I 1 : I S 71 : ti Ti 0S1HA L1YE STOCK MARKET!?: Tak Gosaw wJi Leas It IVrLlf 01 Ctttlf j Tal'-y EaCaJei i ! Hf GS STEW WITH IEK AGO Aetlre DraaW for Tat es ! Uakt with Price at High Palat J at srtwa, reeaen Alsa 1 traag a ad Artlif. SOUTH OMAHA. Jar.. T 1. Reeeip-s were Ca'- e H gs Fh T Ofiria. Mii.Kniv i-jy. t.-i" 11 .s S C'fficiai Tuesday C S"4 l.Sl 'fti'. iu ednevaav I 7 Vv i H.' ff.-tal Tturs-1av" 1 4i: il "S t'fr-ial F-iaat 14'.:: 4 i l.- 1 t-'ffit'ia. atu-day w i.w i.Wi Total this w.k it as "4i r ' TT.aj lfcs- we K . ....... . 3- let.'. Total week bef 11 t.A ii.:M nme three weea ag: ii. 41. '".I' Bums fiur w-ks ig .. ;v m b.". C2 Sam w-k las- vear .37 7s 41 34 f,. Z ' ' !. 1 r.CE;iTB FOR THE TEAR TATE 7 he Ju, ire ing table shiw s th receipt for the tsar io i.a e tl cattle, bog ana sheep, with comparison w th last year ir. 14 t"C It, lie UTi L' Jb"41 EbT JT.BW The foiicwir.s tam stiowa th a vera price of hogs at South Omaha lor the iM- evera. daja. comparisuuai t'te , imt :;au ;isi-.;i5ui .lis nn -i"9 ; r ij. I'ec. IP Lec 21 I -ec. H . Iec. is. i.ei. . - 'Sc. S. I'ec. Sk. i c. .7 . Lec. 2!-. t-ei. il1. Lee S;.. Jan 1.. J an. 1 . Jar.. 2.. Jan. 4... J ta.. i . Jan. 6... Jan. fc' ti s k I., i 4 " I 08. . 4 44S f 1 I I 4 & ill i 4 t. 4 4i, C IS J" 4 4, . , m mm 9 I 4 41 4 M S 4 iM t ' a im: i . 4 i,: 4 L. t nr. i 4 47 I L t i t i; ( (A Ub l 4 4 7 4 al 4 W 111 It 4 01 I 4 tU I i IH )e i. mm , 111 l 4 i, -H 4 14 I 4 4 14 3 4& It, 6 Ob I i S 4 "f. C 1? i n H Ik Mi l.'l t 21 i. C 1 c on 4 MS 4 S 77 4 0 If!. 1 4 H6 4 sv, 4 SHi i ul il (M i Qu I lJ.fc. i 4 4 k i". 4 s 4 m i r I 4 411 '(311 I 4 44 4 77 I , 4 4r. 4 UK C 2s 4 -ti 4 ! f M 4 it. 4 Si t 3H 19' 4 4 111 4 1 4 27 4 8. 4 3.'. i r I .7 44 47 I 4 3 41 Indicates Sttnd-'v. In2icatcs holiday The efficial number of cars of stock brought in today by each rosd we Cattie. Hogs Sh p. K sea C. M at St. F Wabash 1 Union Pacific IK 1 ; C. A- N. W F., E. 4 M. V a 1 :.. bt P.. M. a O ... 1 D 2 R. A M Ry 1 f I C B. at VI , C, R. 1 at P.. east 6 .. j l.linois Ci.t-al 1 Chicago G. W 1 2 .. I Total receipts 2 HI 7 4 I The disposition of tne days receipts wa ; I as loiluws. eacn buyer purchasing tn hum- j j per ol head indicateo: Ltie. jchor caiTji. 1 Omaha Packing Co 6"t j Sw.ft k Company 1 "-3 1 Cudahr pa king Co I.ii27 .. . , Armour A Co 1 4 43K , Cuoahy Co., 610UX City 6.4 , Rulfaschiid I Other buyers h .... 1.361 Totals 6.1 1.W1 CATTLE There were only about H0 heaa of eartie reported this morning, no that no ' iiarticuiar t nanfe In the market look piaoe. : ror the veek receipt have been a.mosl ' the same as for last week, but as com pared with the tirst week ol last year there is a decrease of about 7.0.4' head. In vi-a of the light run and a fairly good uemana 1 from all sources, the market ruled active and stronger, except for the first two days of the week. The market on corn-fed steers has been rather uneven this week. It be remem bered that the market last week closed with a sharp decline on Friday. That wa followed bv another big break on Monday which made the market for the two days around 2i'P'4ic lower. Tuesday prices were about steadv at the decline, but s.nce then the light receipts have caused sharp ad rances each dav. so that all of the loss of last week Friday and of Mondsy of this week has been regained, which takes the market back ta the high point last week. Choice cattie have been very scarce snd in fact there has not been a finished load in the vards this week. In the absence of choice cattle the shorter fed varieties have advanced, as noted above. This is quite different from conditions st other markets, where the advance was confined very largely to th more desirable grades Good tn choice cattie may be Quoted from If. ( to tn Wi and something strictly prime would perhaps bring more than thst. Fair to good cattle sell from 14 2t to 14 Ti and. the less desirable kinds from 14 15 down. The cow market has followed practlcallT the same course as the trsde on steers, closing prices being practically the same ss those In force st the- high time last week. Receipt hsve spparertlv been far too light for the last several dav to meet the re quirements of the trade, and as s result buver hsve been out early and bought even-thing in sight, common rattle sdvanr- Ine as well as the better graces. Good to choice cows snd heifers could be ouoted from R to 17. 76 and strictly prime heifers might bring U Fair to good grades go from K 25 to w and canner snd cutter from II al' to II 2S Bulls are also selling fully ss high a they were last week, the better grade going larp"'r from II sf to 17! 50 and the commoner kinds from IT to 12 7fc Veal cslree sre at the highest point they hsr been in many morths. choicest grades selling op to lh There has been s fal-'v good demand for stockers snd feeders this week and choice hesrv feeders sre if stiv-fhtng hither than thev were last week. pT-lctlv choice grades can be rooted from IS 7T to 14 25 The com moner kinds of hesw rattle snd llrht rattle of sll grades are only shout steadv tn the week A has been previously mentions the demand ernm the counter Is co-fired I chlefT tn csrtle of sood cualiTy snd the in- I enin- now is la'rels for beawwejrht I Fsv to rood cati'e mar be ouotd fenm If Tn to lit TT, snd the roeeienoner kind from 13 25 drw-n. Rps "serve sales: cow si No. Ar Pt !o. ; sn 1 . . . v Pt . pits x im . vm 1 4n lev 2 us 1... fiElFTRa 1 m 2 26 2 750 TS EULLB. 1 11211 2 TS 1 1380 I 9P 1 en ii' rALVES 1 !I 2" t 10 E3 I ; : J55 4 2E jjogji There tm a fair run here th! morning for a Ssturday. but the demand was fuir equal lo the occasion and pri-e advanced a Utt1 At the opening of the market price were only about 2gc h.gher. but it ahortly became evident that shippers had some liberal orders snd us s result the market strengthened snd Increased in ac tion until it was fully fc higher The gen era! ma-ket could best be described bv rall It IV' ac higher With the exception ot B few late arrival everything was dinpoeed of in rood wesson The bulk of the nogs went from 14 4S to U I&7., with a top at T4 ?"H. The receipts for the week show gain over lsst week of shout 7.(K head but as compared with the seme week of last vear tv.ers is s failing off of shout t (Sm bead p'-ices hsve f-uriimted nr and down th-onrh a rerrew mirrtii snd clos'ng p-loe are Jest cloee of last week. Representative sales: Nu Av. ah Pr. No. At ti-. fi le 131 411' 4 Hi ti 117 ... 4 a0 11 lis Sli 4 47V, u)t ia:7 k" 4 bv , I;' lku 4 47', as 17 u 4 st' 71 ..21" ... 4 4"a, 7a Hi ... av at SB a 4 4"V 67 2s 4 at. fci S:X ... 4 471, xo 4 oi 2!i . 11! ... 4 4" 71 li liiu 4 in 4!' ..S:7 ... 4 4"S lei lm 40 4 fc' . . .2T SO 4 4"S 24S . . 4 all 81 ....2X 41' I O, bf 2- ' lid f,7 X" 4 4 XI XUi ID in 4 . .21' 2il 4 4 XX 23 4 Xti u 4 4 4"s 61 2r no 4 m X .. 2n 11 4 4"a 13 ... 4 all tC 21U' 240 ll'n 71 217 ... 4 Be 6K S-l ... 4 4-t, S 287 . . 4 XV 47 . 2W ... 4 4" a, 4 !4 J1K1 4 no n ....2 4 4s at n ... 4Xo 4" . . Sit 40 4 44 wk 2"X ... 4 sit .' ...22X 4 47, (H 226 4i' 4 Xn . NX W 4 X X: V!t X Ik 4 . 74 fM 4 Hi a 2a BA I mi 74 . tX 40 4 5f' ' 2t4 ... 4 Mi 'l Hi' 4 (' i4 "T. f' IX' t !"4 121' 4 W' Ik 57 M' 4 F.l-j XC . ..Tm 40 4 K' 4 k ... 4 82, 7X ....r-t . . 4 id X4 J'-7 4ii 4 al -a u ... 2a li' r .... as X. 4 XI - ! ta 41' 4 XI' K. IT Si' 4 XI" , a; ....pi . . 4 tfi X" J"7 kt, ifi. XX . T.t i 4 ' n ISO 4 tl'S r. ... .: Xt 4 Sf' Si 21 24o 4 5i. 41 rw isii 4 so Mi r? as 4 51 . . W7 4 IVl 4" 4 5". K4 if S" 4 H 71 l-X ... 4 8t Hi ... T i 4 X" X" 274 ... 4 a-a- X . 2 V."' 4 ali SHEEP There were sever! car of aroen repined morniitg out the ma jority of tnem were f-ed-rs Two car ff ewe stud to tne kilters at X4 X) and a bag; a'.rn of feeder hroug-t.t CI" rd attire or. bet k' r i F i: the e-k re- pts sb"W s h'g m t "ise r rrr H. a,a. as rot t i-'h! with the sat.e w-ek of last y-sr -be- i a 'a.i.r.e off of shrut 11 hsa T " ! s i, red it with a in r v i.herai -or mi s-e ed to g-ve pi-ck" th i.)'a '.st receipts wtiid b lirr el: the w-k snJ s a -esult they hr-.kf the mi'kn ir. bad i in Mmdsy. sever r- ce pts I.ave teD extretre. '. g: t at -1 n" reu t al. c the 1st :' la.- at k F if 1 sio ' mst V rl t.a n w been r gK.neu which mske tries on b,tr s tiJ isttihs at the big p it.t if f e S a .r. Th-e see ,s tP be S g"od sfi'T-C d'Tisnd frrr a.i s'ti-'s s thh the rir k"t nit be said to tie in a g wd. tea thy oi r d;t (i. Corr;-h ve'v f w ter rt.-s hsve er'veC this a e k but tt'e derrrnJ ' v? beer my-rie-t to tike ever'thmc i ffered it c od trot.g tries In fnct. the d'tnand ms to be in rj"es r,) th F"t' S fill t f . g : is as i s' - f'e-ed Q'ti-a' Tor red s'ok' Good te r1o's eaM rr If fs.r Ir g-io-i re- v,rr" IT vtf, ft3 tc bMce aether t "frT. S . 'r to H "i.'i . rood to rhnire ewes 4o4 7; fa:r to f" id 'r-. H ! IT ccmtTx.n e fs; ' " ' y' ffi 3 SeT . g oi to cht. c- ihtr.l. f m'u'.t '.! tt g-v..d istrh I. Teede- rearl r.g a- a "th .-ej"r wet rer. K 'VA h' f-eo'T WIS uer iamt" t, -(l.l TV Renresertture sties; No Av Fr 41. wnett rn we 1 ii 4 n" M." wes:e-n feeder y-sriing ... 4 4 tr. western feeder ea' .ST 4 110 wstern feJer year'i-igs M 4 CHICAGO LMK TO( K stltHCT Cattle Steasr Her Straast heepi a Lank Meetly. CH7'AQ':i. Jan. 7. rATTLE-Ri'-eipt? J"" bead, marKet stenji . good to prime ter. Si, iirtt.m'. poor to med um. tl. !ii i i': s"x'fcer and fejee t 4tn.J;.: c w-s I. rb iio. ht.sers II mutt. hi . cat ti" t. iiil .Sc. bulls X i'ii4 ii'. caives. t im. HG5 Kecr-pt head Mithday. 4i is, head: market strrtig. m;aed srut hutct'ers. $4 5b04.a . gid ;i cvio"-e hnvi, H "1J4 7c. ro..gfc heavy. U 4l7i m'. light. U .ti"u .Ii bulk of saies t4 4.V(M , SHEEP AM' LAMPS Receipts. 1.0.10 head: stitp and lan.hs steady, good to choice wei h - g4.M.it7 l. hc. fair to choice mixed. H'tr4 77. western shep. 4 ui. native lambs."6"7 . western Iambi. II T t 7 4V Ksasaa City 1.1 e Mark wjsrket. KANSAS CITT. Jan. 7 CATTLE-Re-'sujuin is or Bu'pninm "ptieu r 'sj3m.'' market unehtir red . thole tif'1 anil dressed lieef steers. It 77vi,"t Ti . fa.r to good II iva4 71; west err fed st-vrs. Ci Si". Blockers a-'d feeders. II "1"?J 27 . southern steers: f "fh4 cows II 10?. 2T mt" cow s. tl75" hei'ers 11 itiio si,, bulls. 11. ie 474 11". ch'ves. Cmoe. rece.i't for the w eek rn head HXJS Receipts, J.min hsd: mr-k-t steartr to strong top M TT': bulk of sales. H J"fl"lK. heavy. 4 gM84 71 : packers. U 4i c4S.. pigs and lights SS7&$4 4.. receipts for the w-iek. 4." K' hend SHEEP AND LA MF.S Receipt. siir head; market nominally steady. native IktTil. lu.;ii0r.O(i. r.Ht'Ve wethers. 4 2T"0 f if' native ewes. 14 lnlirT. 0d: western lhrrtis. ti. if"tffi &H. wese-n yearllnirs. li, flniji4i 11: weste-n slieep, H ("jyT, K stiKker and feed ers.; receipts for the week. 14.ii' head ewr Tark Live taek Market. NEW TORK. Jan 7 EEEVES Receipts 7h2: very little trad tig A few dry cows were soid at scant yesterday prices Ex ports. 41' cattit. Ctt- calve and 4.HU: quar ters c? teef CALVES No fresh arrU-als reported and no trade of any Importance market steady ji-essed calve quiet. IS Oixft 13 Si; eitr dressed snd extra car-asses. ti4(S'. coun irv dressed veals. t4.tM(i u.5. HrGS Receipts. l.MI' head; market feel Ins steady. SHEEP ANT LAMBS Receipts l.Jrti head: sheep, firm. lamb, weak Sheep. 14 t''dfi.2r' 1 no reallv jir ttif sheep here;; lambs. It (KKfea ld; culls. It no. St. Laals Live Mark Market. ST LOUIS. Jan ' CATTLE Receipt. 2Wi head, practically all tiatjves: market rtesrir: natrre h:pptng and export steers. tii.WiiSrCS. with fancy worth up to I So, dressed beef anfl butcher steers. 14 (HKo ; steers under 1.0MP lbs.. K.INngi.110: stockers and feeders. 12 .mfSTi 8f: ccw and heifers, tl 2twg4 7T,. the top for fancr heifers, can ners. tl TalW': bulls. t2.2iKp4.rn': calves, C Siet-7.0t: Texas and Indinn steers. tl.ToiJ "4 : cows and helfrs. t. 2Tiiff3.60. HOGS Rece'pts. .U hesd : market steady; pigs and lights. ST. 7r64.3.r: packers. U 4i.ijMlHi, butchers and best heavy, asm 4.7H SHEEP AND LAMBS None on Bale. St. Jeaeah Llva Mark Market. ST. JOSEPH. Jan 7 CATTLE Receipts. PI head, market steady; natives. tT-.&iK&', cows and belters,, stockers and feeders. 12 7u4B4.1u. HOGS Receipts. t.22fi head; 5c higher; ligrt, medium and heavy, 14.40 d 4 B." SHEEP AND LAMBS Recelpta, none; demand strong. Sleaa City tise Stax-k Market SIOUX CITT. la.. Jan. 7 'Special Tele gnam. 1 CATTLE Receipts. Emu head, mar ket steady; beeves. ll.imtiii.Xli; cowa buiis and mixed. 11. Hip! .21., stockers and feed ers, tl 7iip.5ie caivvs and yearlings,'o I.-1L. HOGS Receipts. 4,iTi head; market strong, selling at li.2Mj4.ol1, bulk, K-iloa 4 ia Stack ta Sigrht. The following- tab shows the receipts of Te market could s' j kets yesterday. Cattle Hogs. Sheep. : South Omaha li I Hon l.sul I Sioux City Sue 4..1MV Kansas City H1H1 !. gli St. Louis 2fn X.S"C , St. Joseph M t il j Chicago Kill hj.iMAi nut, I Totals I.61 CBIH 2 601 Farela;a FlaaariaL LONDON, Jan 7 Money was in quiet demand tr, the market ltiday and supplies atre much depleted owing to rt payment lo the Bank of England Discounts were firm. Business on ihe Stock exchange was dull and uncertain. Sfx-culators were dts-pos-d to await developments Cnnsols were easier, but closed above th lowest quots tious of the day. owing te the favorable board of Trade returns. Home rails were heavy. Anxtrioans opened weak and under purity, recovered slightly and closed ouiet Foreigner were irrtguaar, lieing affected by Pari orerings. They coined with a better tone Imperial Japanese govern ment be of liMa. were quoted at H7V PARIS. Jan. J. The tone on the Bourse was heavy, but al the close the market was firm. Russian Imperial 4 were quoted at lit' and Russian bonds t,f limt at 4Jb itu BERLIN. Jan. 7. The lone on the F."..rbi todaj was soeivwhat Improved The new Russian loan sas UJoled at kie. '1 rau.i.g a a active. C'leartag Baaae litragea NEW TORK Jan. 71 lie statement or average of the bouse banks of this city for Uie five auyi of this week fchtiws: Loans tl.uan.74-.7lHi: lncreas-. II. OT.l.oiS' I'epojnta, txU"li. nis. .: increase, C.l;.6ilO. Circulation. HI. 371 4Uii; Increase, 117 HKi. Legal tender. 4vir, inirease.. y, UTa.biid. ejiecie. !!-('. decrease, I4.k7ii.hiu. FU-serve. XJSk.lsia 4i'. decreuiiei I'Hfc.aiiti Reserve tT"7.2ui.ln, in crease. tl.lf7li.ii71. Surplus, 1,1 ...: de crease. Si 07t.1T. Es-t'B:td States drpus lla. tl7,Xi4.u.iU, ue rt ase. 2.1 4U& Its Tark lasaarts aad Ex parts. NEW TORE. Jan. 7 Total Imports of dry goods ana general rnerrhannise at the port of New 1 org for the week ending today were valued st l:2.k.4 tHi. Exports of specie from the port of Nea Tork for the week were l.3jij7!i gold and 7:. all i!ver. Import of specie st the iiort of New Tork during the week were fTx.ffiW Bluer and tlllm, goio. Dry Cae4la Market. NEW Tf'RK Jan. T-I'FT GOODS Mar ket for the week ends with a det-llne tn sruvlty as fsr s huyer are eonoerned. hat there I no disposition to aeaken In jrioe and th situation i s firm a evei. Th export outlet i encouraging, while so many line sold ahead there ia littie war rant for revision. Treaaary Siatraaeal. WAiHINOTON. Jan. 7 Today's state ment of the treasury balance in the gen eral fund exclusive of in tlaVuUi uuo goid reaer-e In the division of redemption snows' Araiiahle cash balance, t.4i.ii4i..Sil! goid. tl.Xul.0SC Baak C'lecrlaga OalAHA Jan 7 Today hank clearing were tl .i57 .U54.1Z For the same day last tear they wer tl.2kl BHt 14. as increase tor itfi. of tJin.nK iix. Metal kulet. NEW TORK. Jan 7 METALS The meial market aere quiet tooa.t hat ruied general, v hrm T n is ouoted at 12 Stfe'lX ta. is heid at tl. Zb u. Xi lor la at- . ii la H. for eiwirolytir and cas'irg at 1.4 rfa, lUii. li'V Lead 1 firm tt X & 70 and peiler la liy 11, w ith auw aeajera aaa- it g for r- 'f-f iii .""-i l-"n h-H imi t .. w :- i-i-i. t ;! es p-;tKai!y h'-n tu. ?T L"' e'si 7 - METt?-l'l steady. l .V'i4 . : b gher. MA. eXIHI ahiLttU MlKhlET. raadltlaa ef Trade sad 4Jeetatleaa aa tsale sad I aery Pradaee. E i'":ft m t cf -' st-k Hie LIVE !'"'. i -i;i-l ,r Vf-,. . rrwiste-a. 1".' tu:k. ;;' i 4 t;i ks. i S. , goes', ,c, st'-lt g ( s 1 ELS?!.:- 1 r.Y-Tti-kev-. IJ1H; d-.i -k- 1 . g-.. . chirken. e-pl"ec; r .- a. FI'TTEB-Park r g st r k lfcr. choli-e to fancy ua.-i ;"n-f. creamer. l4H-ci i . - . t - t t :" 1 FT7F.SH rKfeEN FISH Trout. 1; t 'Cs'i'-. i y , le ie-'. h. .1 tiiuen.h. w'(nr.!. 'it ssitron. 7 lie redwrn ppr, 1c . 'Ot s:e- ig-eer.'. Ut. lotister iboi edi, . bu.:-ead ::r. rtfis(i. ' . twu- k lassa. 2I'C . tf,a. 1'iit. lie. crxpries He. buffalo, io; w '. t tn.-s Li foi 11 rs jiet doa. Sic. lilA.N-l e- t, r. I.-i, HAY-Pri:-? jai'eJ b Orraha Wbotessla Ie.-itr Kis.'i ii. ion C't 01c No 1 uplsnd, sc. N -. It. tv. rceutunv ta.". coarsa. li y.y t t-w X. il I est price sr lo- hr . c e.c con r and ouahty ' 1 FTEKS-New Vn'l coot.. per ess, 45c. ti i-i .ec:s. per can 3e--, standards, jer can Mr luia is-,and-dsi per pti, I. oe t-i.'k 't!a eier:i per ga.. Is 7a; bu.k iNea Tin counts'. J-et gai.. Ctv. TROI 1CAL 1 IS. C'RANGEs -Cal.lutnU i.eii.and r.svel. sll sues t TintS 1'. choice navt is.'oa.Ts; t. altfomis see a al. aises. 11 mit - LEW '.S . a il ; ram; 11 7a. aai aad ! . 7i-u4 . ih.m-e. I.. H' u . .u I'AIL? i'er ikix of -lh l-kga.. tt ); Ha.lowe en tn 7i-,b buxa per .b tSigaB. FijS California, per H-.b canon. Site, irep rt-d hnirra. 4-crrw n. i--c. a- c-pwr. 14c. 7-tr'Wn lac. fancy irrportea (washed . ir l-.t par . li. CaiJjrnim. per t f f Hi' I Ka? a-2." BANANAS J- rre:: um SiXed bunch, t- m tl St . v. mho. SI ! jRAl E FR'a lT-i-tr hi x of M to 64, K. I FF.lTS 4.PF1XS Hom-g-own Jonsthann. pe hi. I'. .1 l-er. I'svifc Ji'Si. New Tork Kit.g H 17 New T"'s tireeniriga. II Mi; New Vc'ti P' 'Ida ns tlT! Ct.ioraoo Jona :l. rs "" 77 ' i- -ps. J-er bu. box. tl.sii. FEARS Utah I'oloru'ic and Califurnia. fai. vi"''im pe- box r. ni'nl 7t. i'PAXI FRRlES W isconsin Bel? and Fug.e t'bi . tf nC. W tecon-iin leU snd Cherrv tnd Jerst . per lu . t. Ti. per boa. II 7a. it R A FES 1 m ported aralaraa per ksc l. itl4..5l TAN i'j URINES Florida or California, par Vf-bcX. tl .Mr Vtl.7 ET A BLES. POT Al V. ES Honie-grc w n. in sack, par ba 4i . "Kirauo. pet bu.. Mz. Ti KNli'S Lid. per bu.. 4iic. Canada rule hagiiS per io.. ic y Ahi t.'TP 'nu. per bu.. 40c Parsnips cud. j-cr t.u.. ic I tne i.'.d er i.u.. sue N4iVT BEANS Per bu.. tl JfMffl OB ONK'NS Home-grown, red. tn sacks, per bu.. t: lit'. Span.h. per crate. tl in; Colorado yellow, per lb., 2c. white, per lh, 1. ' U (TV F ERS Per dox . Cm-S 2.23. TtiMA Tt'ilS Calilurnia. ptr s-baakot crate. '": T c AFP AGF, Ho'lsrfl seed, per Th.. IVrC. SWEET POTATOES Kansas kiln dried, per btil . tl BO CELERY Per dcs., aSahc; California. 47.C. RADISHES Hothouse, per dox. 4uc ONK'NS New. southern, per dox., 4B4L TURNIPS New. southern, per dox.. due FEFTS New. southern, per dox., itic PARSLET New. jer dox.. 4fic. MISCELLANEOUS. PATTER KRAUT Wisconsin, per keg, tl nd. CIDER New Tork. per bhL, SiSc; per V- bhi.. US CKLEFE-Wisconsin Twins, full cream. irVplfc- Wisconsin Toung America. 13t ; blvick frwta-- new lac old lS-ti'I7r. Wiscon sin bri-fc. 4t , Wisconsin hmburger. Uic. HU ES No 1 green. 7ci No i rreen. c: No 1 salte-l. 8bc No. 2 salted. 7'c, Ns. 1 ret! calf. sc. No 2 veal calf. c: dry salted, tip 4": sheep (lelta, ZcSX.tH'; horse ta.Msa. ti.5"t't no Cettea Market. NEW TORK. Jan 7 COTTON FuTurea cloeed barely steacv January . t.Siici Febru- 1 an- 7.11c; Miircn. . o.c. pni, anay, ' 7 ISc ; June. 7 .Sir. July. 7.:k ; August, 7 Sic. .Spot closed cuiet. middling uplands, ".tut ; ' mirid'tng gulf. 7.5ftc: 47i baie j NEW ORLEANS. Jan. 7 COTTON Quiet; sales. l.Him baies: ordinary. 4-aC good I ordinary. I lS-lhc; lew middling. s-lw: 1 middling. 7c: good middling TV', middling I lair. 7A,r. titinutial; receipta, 1.01 bales. slock. 4m r ST. LOUIS. Jan 7. COTTON Quiet snd Vc higher: midaling. 7c: sales, none; re ceipts. ' bales; shipments, 7ii bales; stock, S4 EH LIVERPOOL. Jan. 7 COTTON Bpot la fair demand; prices 11 points higher; Amer ican middling fair. 4.2td; good middling, aii'zri: morion USSxl: low middling. I.7V.0. I good ordinary . 2 (d : ordinary, I 4Kd. Tb sales of the day were i.iwo oa left. tz wntca 1.(ii(i bales were for speculation and export and included f.2( bales American; receipta !SS ikio bales, including 14,711 baie American. Futures opened easier and closed steady; American mid ing, g o. c. January t 7d: Januarv-Fehruary . 17d; February-March. 8 7!d. March-April. I. Kid; April-May, t.Md: Mav-Jctie I.K7d ; June-July. I siid 1 July-August. X.HM: Aurust-peTjitember. S.H4d: Sep terr tier-Cictt'ber, HSiid, Ociober-Novamiier, 4.r7d. Waal Market. LONDON. Jan 7-WO iL The arrtrsli of wool for the first series of auction sales amount to 1S1.0K1 baie. including 71 bales forwarded dsrect to spinners The Imports this week were: New South Waies, 7 401 baie: Queensland. 6.S."7 tiales; Vic toria. 2 4i bales, South Australia. 4.M4 bales: New Zealand. 7.3H bales; Cap of Good Hoje and Nalal. 7Hu bale; elsewhere, (in hales NEW TORK. Jan. 7 WOOL Market firm; domestic fleece. 32ta.'!:c. ST. LOUIS. Jan. 7 W0x.iL Steady ; me d'um grades combing and clothing ZUiiJr; l.ght fine I mc , heavy hnt, !4alic, tub waahed. 27JiLlc. Ceaee Market. NEW TORK. Jan. 7 COFFEE Market for futures opened steady at a decline of t points, in response to lower European cables and moderate liquidation, while one or two trade interests also seemed to bv selling In a small way There was a da mand from Wall street and sesttertne sources, however and the market Improves somewhat toward the close, being finally sieitCy at unchanged prices to an advance of o points Baie were reported of Xs.26 bee, including March at 7 Hmn7 Wir: April, 7 9fc: May KKfs lie. September, e 4fn5 SOe; Oetcber. X Sic, Iiecemtiee. k aixiX 7Ctc Spot Rio steady; No 7 invoice, KVc Mild, steady, Cordova. IftfflSc. saarar aad Matasaea. NEW TORK Jan 7 SUGAR Raw. flrmj fair refining, 4r . centrifugal. UK test 4Vci molasses sugar. 4Vc Refined firm: No a, flTic; No 7. iiTKK-: No X fc loc; No. X i Ofcc; No. li. tc. No. U, 4lfs, No. li. 4tl.c; Nia 13 4 7Tpc; No 54 4 7lic, confectioners' X Tor; mould A. S.20C : cut loaf. .Kc: crustie lished, X.Shxi ti u,V : powdered, t.tfiic; gran uia ted. cube li luc M'JLASFES Firm : New Cirieans, opet ket"e good to ch i-e. huSlc. NETS' ORLEANS, Jan 7 SUGAR Strong; open kettle S4e.r: open ce.ntrl ftigfcl. 44,4A,c: centrifugal whites 4 lUfctf 5c: yellows 4a.ifjm 13-H-. seconds XS4H f-lHc. MOLASFEf-Quiet ; ojen ktrttle. linjrait.: eentrifugiii, T'tilac Eyrup. steady at lug 2f.c . E vaaaratra A pales aaal Drte41 Frwlta. NEW TORK. Jan. 7 EVAPORATED A FILES Market is frtnly held; eommon, 3', pnnie, 6t, choice, fair&VsC; fane), 6ii7e. J CALIFORNIA T'EJET FRUTTS Prunes. firm . roast advli-es are s-ror.g and some I prrees on spot in loral market held a littie : l.igner st tne general range from 2c ae- corHing to grade. Apricot seem to he ' snovit.g a Hi tie better on sj'ot. though or ders are Btill confined to Bnal lots; rbol" HWH; extra choice. l(ia,'aUc; fancy. L li Pearhe. reoderateSy active and fi-iu. a-ith choice at m,r; extra choloe, lntrimke; faniy. llijiTJlc. fearla Market. P150R1A Jan T TORN Bteadv; No t 40Vii41t. No. 1 SHatg-iac; ne grade. S7v'4t SS'-V-.. Edwards -Wood Co- (Incorporated i rUia Olfictt: Flfta axxd RobcrU StrMta 5T. PALL, rUN.V DEAL IRS IN Stocks, Grain, Provisions Ship Your Grain to Ua Breach OXtM, llo-lxl XVaard at Tva4Xa mtltm- Oasaha. heh. TrXephaaa aiSX4k Z12-1j4 Eachsnga indg . bouts lmaha. Bait 'Rhone 1U. lndrpeooant 'Fhoaa fa