THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUUK5DAY. JANUARY 5. lT'O: NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA COUNCIL rTi ,,,.1-it arcpa. ' Lffert's riasse ft. ftocken seiiS carr,u.. Puncin e::s the best aehoul f-r.- Its. "Woodtiary. eritiF.s, 3d iearl r.rt rmi)cB tf-wi the test rt-fA:rui. 3 Vic: i a. Western la. collere wm'er t"rin Mondey Ix w tine- .n wat-r oior calendar lor r-fi. AitiinoT . S3 B way. Cisrsr for Christmas Tresems st Men fan 4k Dicker drug store, 14i iroaJr. Mnrtrfcn A Kiein. vrholSTer'-r ah mat tress cikJttm. aotd to i S. JAtia. Tei. Hi Fanrv and trijl'cste, et Mrr-H.ri 1'iike.vs dru kot, iI B way. Hnry Harvey. Twenty-sixth street sn3 F"iith tvpnu. was rejiortea to tlie P.'isra (if HeJth t-FU-ra jr as fulnuif from Missouri oak Cry eordwood I s corl roti t"; . i.t Jod. she.l hark l.i(k-rr rr J r cord. delivered. Wiiliam 'Weich, 38 North Main. Tt;bor.e 12a. The fur.eral r.f Mrs. D. J. Hutchins will t lifid thiii afternoon at J c dock from tr residence, 2i North 6.ateentb aftreot, ul burial 1U be In FeJrvlew -metery. Article cf lnt rjiorkuon of th fteams LaJtiU'iB a7re'nhcue were fiied for record v-ircly. The lncort'orator are 1 H. Km and F. 1 LajntK-n. The c.plal tiiKk it aiv.Mu. The Insurance adjuster at present at work tn u Fuller 4: Jor-tsun-ermrart ronjjar.) estlrriat that th Km cm the stock cf the rom;ar.y atoT the insur ance a ili he from i:.H to .ii.CHG. Myrtle loin, In-free of Honor, and loiae .N. j. u, Anjtr.t Order ol l"r.ited urkniih. wiJ hoid a joint lriFiaiintiou of c.fLt-e: Friday cvenis. at the Close ol whic h refreshment wlxl he a--ved and a social session beid. A.. J. Hall, af3 t jears, died yesterday at his bam", iu titvl Ltli tc He laa-ci no aauiit t rs, km. Li. teaman ax J Mn. Morris hough, and one son, allies Hal!. The fuueraj wi.' be heid Frioay irior-iiij! at 11 cluck and lhterment iii b u tlie Gr&Jifre rf ter JVed T. FowkT' and Mia Eelella M. Pimpaom, boUi of thi city, were married lat ertsrilTi at Ue Proadaay Methodirt church iaroziac by Kev. James O. May. The groom la Janitor of the Beno-ihurart bicK k and the hnoe U a daughter of Mr. and Ura. J. V. fe.rr.pKun, a .aft Washlnc toa avenue. Varlua laraen. In Vhe uit for fllvoroe brought ucajr at him by Marie laraen. J eaterday t;-d a cruaa yr'J'Jun It w hxh he ai-ka ttua he be (riven ti.e divorce.. He tljcgei hj wl 3 ecrted bim and that on t-.r aeiwauun he taie ue: tu.i. in (u.i etuennm of lier prorty iniereata. and that threfcr ah la tutl dots entitled to any alimony. The funeral of John C. More, who died In Ban Fran ::1rco, wiil be held thia morn ing at 10 clock from Lunkiey undcr taJclng room and burial win t in Fairview cemetery. Rev. G. W. Snyder of Ft- John i Enghah li.itheran church will conduct the ervicea. lece.eed wan a son-in-law of Attorney "W. A. Mynnfr of thlc city. The remains arrived la Council liiufis Tuesday night. Mrs. Abigail Guatine, wife of John R Guaune, aii Avenue , died yesterday, aoa bit years. l.-aKle her huabaud. Hie ItMtvaa three daugniera, Mrs. Beesie Nor naui f Cmibha. Mi Bcnha Jotxir and )dai Iwi Guailne of this city, and one ton. Hoy GuFiine. The funeral will he hela Friduy al.erwK-.n at n cl'ick Ir-m th reaidencs and burial will be in 'Walnut Hill canieierj . Jake Bet hem and Arthur Fegley. charged with disturbing the services ai the Pente costal miMlon on Went Bruadway, were arrwied yesterday aiternoun by Ietec live Caiiachan and lteuty City Marshal C'rum. lliey pave the ofiicera a long chaae and aejt running all the faater when fallaghan tirnd Ills revolver over their beaaa William Koinh. also charged with dim tu ning the Pentecostal miaaiun meet lngn. was fined tM' -and costs tn polio court yesterday morning He wh later per mitted l eomprcmlse matter by paying Slk and costs and i ning a bond, to keep tlie peace and avoid evil asaociates. Useri af T"r frlae at VrWerT. One of the not xcltln prie offera In thl city durtng the holidays was broug-ht to a close at LieSert'a by awarding tha four bis pne to the following parties: Mr. 1. E. Mercer, an employe of tha Cbicagro, Milwaukee ft St. Paul railway, waa the lucky one to draw the fine diamond ring, Ha. 8M. Miaa Jenney Benson, a te&oher t the Bloomer school, who purchased a ;old watch for her father far a Christmas present, trot the lucky number that' drew bar th lady 's solid gold watch. No. 264 Mrs. i. P. Haakea, No. 41. drew tbe beautiful eut glass diab. and No. SHOS drew for Mrs. E, F. Williams th one dosen solid silver tea apoona This prir offer was one of tbe leading features of tbe botiday season and thou sands of tickets were given away. Tbe debt of tbe drawing tbe tickets were put into a "burn and mixed, and before a com mittee of four persons four were draws out. cm at r time. A but crowd witnessed th di-vir.g, but none in its midst were th "tv ly ones. Bey Dies ef lajarle. Harry lala-, Hi a-year-old boy who was run over by a wagoa ioaded with cirt from winch bw fell, raocumhed to bis ttijurias Tuesday night. Examination showed that in addition to severe internal iclurtes several ribs were broken and bis chest crusbed in. The funeral will be held this afternoon at t o'clock from the resi dence of his parents, Mr. and MVa Thomas Latfay, U Thirteenth avenue, and burial will be la Fairview cemetery. Rar. A. E. Barlff, pastor of Trinity Methodun church, nil condurj the servioea Flumhlng- and beating. Blxby ft Bon. Heal Ratal Trsstlert. These transfers were reported to Tbe Bee January 4 by tlie Title, Guaranty and Trust company of Council Bluffs: J. I. Ednuindson. guardian to WUber MoortliouM et ai. part e'. i. "- w. d. f 41 Matilda I "et al to Wilher Moore, bouse et aL eW tiV. 7-7T'-43 w d.. 1,785 Age Boren to Nancy J. Green et al, nW, ae. Vhl-S. q. t. A 1 Nancy J. Green et al to L A. Boren, same, a. w. d 1JJ0 Joseph Iuhank and wife to Rotert 1. Wilkinson et al lot I. block 1. Judsun s 1st add., Neola, w. d l.SjC Annie E. Swanson and husband to Maggie Ekeltor.. lot 7 and k. block 143, Crefcorht, a w. d.... &00 Blx tranafera. total Wret E4 IsBwravesBrat Cl. At a meeting of the Wert End Improve merit club a committee was appointed to attend the next council meeting to secure donations of tse lots by the city for the purpose of building a club bouse. There was also a committee appointed to solicit subscription for th paving of Broadway. A resolution was passed to th effect that tbe members of the club Individually he requested to aslet tbe censustaker in the coming census te have a full and correct enumeration made. An entertainment com mittee was appointed to rrovlde an enter tainment three weeks fretn January 4 CHATTEL LOANS A. A. CLARK CO. lriw ni Hi tot -e-sjr hwnwi thorn Xom harTM mnp .um urn vtuw kPUtK'hbiil turuitur w cbtt wmcurny rf vhiu4 Uii .-jib. sWittrOfts vtjAiuc titi 4. LEWIS CUTLER MORTICIAN 28 PEARL ST.-""'?:.. Iady Attendant If leslra. r BLUFFS CHA5CE IX CARNIVAL PLANS' Caz.ercial Cab I-eace to Take CLarp of it it tl rutara. PROFiTS TO GO TO 0i fUB'JC f UFPOSC Belitit Are Adepted Fwverts Bill te.tlve Iereaed rawer 4 tbe laterstate Casssseree t It was practically decitied at the monthly DHtit4 of the CcmmerciaJ clufc last n-ght that commencing this rear It would take the annual street fair and carnival undei the shelter of Its wing, and that tbe profits from same should be devoted to some pi -Lc purpose. Thir suggestion was made by Victor Bender on half of lbe carnival committee, and it 1 liktly that the execu tive committee of tbe Commercial club wlu act in conjunction with the carnival com mittee, which is an Incorporated concern, in condjctln the anrual street fairs hence forth. A suggestion which met wltb much favor last cieht was that tbe profits of tbe carnival and street fair be devoted toward forming a fund for the erection cf an audi torium, reunite action on this matter, it is expec ted, will be taken at th annual meet ir.p of tbe Commercial club In March. The following resolution, urging the pas sage of the Coopcr-Quarles bhi, now pend lr.g before congrewi which aims to give the Interstate Commerce commission increased pcwer In determinlns: whft are reasonable rates without first resort to tbe courts, was adopted : Resolved. That the Council B!uff Com mercial club bereuy urges the passers of said Cooper-yuarle bill or the passage of such other bill, in accord with the recom mendation made by President Roosevelt to congress, and embodying prwiFions for granting powers to the Interstate Com merce commission, enabling tt to bear and determine what transportation rates shall b declared rssonal'e and Just without first resort to the courts, and subject te constitution.! review by competent trib unal. That rnie such powers r s-rantec To said Interstate Ormtnre commission, we urge thst It be abolished and other mean provided for the determination of question relating to reasonable rates. Resolved. That this club urg-e Congress- , man Walter I Bmltn and the other repre sentatives and the senators of this state te support such a measure: and Absolved. That this organization 1 unal-te-ablT orvosed to ny amendment or rider to said bill or tbe enactment of any measure by which pooling of earntnes amore- common carrier shall be encouraged or permitted. ClIsTard Talks ! ehaals. Superintendent Clifford tddressed the meeting at lenglb on the public schools of tbe city, telllni bow Council Bluff bad been widely advertised through the article on Its schools written In the World's Work magazine by Miss Adele Marie Ehaw. Mr. Clifford ststed that since the article in question had appeared be had received letters from educators hi almost every state in the union making Inquiries about the schools of thi city and tbe school work. Regarding the recent talk of "fads" predominating In the schools of Council Bluffs. Mr. Clifford stated thi wa er roneous and particular stress wait being laid cm the fundamentals, such a arith metic, spelling and reading-. Superintendent Clifford called attention to tbe fact that the annual meeting of the Southwestern Iowa Teachers association would 1 beld In this city In tbe latter part of October. He said that an effort would be made to bring up tbe enrollment of th teachers to 700 this year and to do this it would be necessary te offer some special Inducement in the shape of bring ing eminent talent to tbe meeting. Te ' enable this to be done Mr. Clifford sug- grested that th Commercial club could me- ' terlaliy assist the local teachers, who bav j the greater part of such expense. Mr. Clifford was requested to lay the matter i before the executive committee of the club In a written communication, which ' he promised to do. j Attorney F. W. Miller spoke cf the hope of the Council Bluffs Independent Tele- j phone company of securing a franchise, j so that connection could be bad with the ! 1T.WI0 telephones be said were seeking ; means of communication with Council Bluffs. He stated that It was the intention of the company to ask tbe city council to take up the matter of the franchise In committee of tbe whole at an early date and decide noon tbe kind of a franchise It was willing should be submitted to tbe people. A letter was read from Secretary of the Treasury Bhaw regretting being unable to accept an invitation to address the club. Tbe question of doing away with tbe membership entrance fee of (5 was referred to the committee on membership. It was suggested In support of this that tbe monthly dues of C would be sufficient to meet tbe ordinary expenses of the club. Tbe report of Se-cretary Reed showed a membership of SUO and a balance of 1.(C7.48 in the treasury on January 1. B4aKD REDISritlCrB THE COTsTT S"Tli.r Clrea Charge ef Owe freetlssL. At yesterday's session of the Board of County Supervisors a redlvisloa of tbe county Into districts for partition cf super visors' work was, made as follows; Brandes Knox. Pleasant. James. Larton Tork and Valley townships. Spencer i Minden. Nol Norwalk, HaseJ IVI1 End Boomer townships. Baker Rockford Crescent, Garner. Kane ni I -ewi township Bulbs Lincoln, t rlg-ht. Waveland, Grove M-"-ednrlB and Center townships Sets Belknap. Carscm. Silver Creek Ker Cree k, Waahir.gion and Hardm townships. Supervisors Brandes. Bull! and Sets are to hare charge of the bridge work In the esst end of the county and Supervisor Baker and Spencer that in the west end. Supervisors Brandes and Bu'lis were ap pointed as tb committee to have charge cf all matters in connection wltb the poor farm. A number cf bids from physician for medical attendance on tbe county poor ra th different townships and at tha peer farm were opened, but the board deferred taking any action on them. TbeJ bids showed a considerable Increase over those for thi work last year. Tbe bid opened yesterday were: rr. C. B. dlckson. Gar ner. Kane and lewis townships. fw: Tt S M. Ioyle. Tork and Neola townhlp. 115: IT. B. T. Tobey. Oakland and Belknsp, : Tr. Smith BelHnrer, Ksna. Lewis and Garner township. r50; poor farm. H3: pr P. H rosler. C: Ir J. R Crawford, poor Isrm. r0. Tr. N. J Rice. Kane. Lewia. Garner. Boomer. Rockford Cres cent, Hasel rett. Hardin. Keg Creek town ships and tbe county JaiL tarn. C Hunter of Atlantic appeared before the board yesterday afternoon ra reference to i the contract for th county bridge work Mr Hunter Is prepared to remove his plant to this city from Atlantic provided be ran wiir the county bridge work. Th Com mercial club is ustiig Its best effort te se cure the location f th Hunter bridce work bare, but Mr. Hunter will not even i consider any proposition unless be can tc cure tbe county contract W. M Laas of Hariaa. was j of xb bidders far ts brifir work, notified tbe board fry tele phone yesterday aiemoon that he would appear before it today with a proposition to dc the work at lower figure than these quoted it) hid. Member cf the bord are of the opinion that bid for the briie work indicated tbe existence cf a pool or coir bin among tbe contractors and msy defer action In th matter of awarding the contract until their next session. City Assessor Hardir, a represented by an attorney before the tfmrd yesterday and tied a protest acainst bfir.g alicWed on!y te compensation for taking th census this year. It was pointed cut that Hardin predecersor in off ce had been allowed IW for the same work and that tbe population of the dry bad Increased K ." since then. T. T. Everet. who took the grvernment census in I., was allcwed C, for tha work. The board reached no conclusion, but stated to Mr. Hardin s sttomey that it would reconsider the matter and would al low adequate compensation for the work. Mwtlea te Dtslr I aj a art torn. A motion was tied in the district court yesterday to diasJve the temporary in junction granted by Juflre ThorneU re straining tbe sheriff and other from put ting into effect the execution issued by Judge Soott of the superior court in the Manawa fence suit. On behalf of J. B. Chrisman arl r there it 's -contended that all th issues Involved in the controversy betwwn the motor ccmpany and property owners at Manawa have been fully ad judicated and determined In the action in the superior court, the derision Df which was affirmed by the supreme court. The motor company has removed a por tion of the fence complained of, end Sheriff Canning made no move j-eFterday. An effort to Induce the motor company an! the partle in the suit against it to agree upon a surveyor to define the property line failed. Attorneys for the plaintiffs In the orig inal ult acainst tbe motor company con tend that the district court has no power to grant an injunction restraining the ex ecution of an order from the Judre of the superior court. It is contended that the superior court has co-ordinate Jurisdiction with tbe district court. It was stated yesterday that the motor company would endeavor to bare the County Board of Supervisors vacate the streets and public thoroughfare now I controversy in Its favor. Marriage Ureswi. These license to wed were granted yes terday: Nam and F.esidenee. Are. Fred F. Fowler. Council Bluff 3D Estella M. Simpson, Council Bluff 1 Charles Gallup. De Moines 32 May Bowler. Marquoketa, la 1 John E Moroney, Omahs 24 Lrnuis E. Cravens. Council Bluff a 1 N. T. Plumbing Co. Tel. 230. Nipvt. F667. MR. 4ALX-AfGHER II OS TRIAL lews asnss Fseet Jary $epsi Tlase Perjary Cbarsre. MARENGO, la., Jan. 4. The second trial of Mrs. Sarah Allen Gallaugher. on charpe of perjury in the trial for the murder of her husband June If. IWI, commenced here today before Judpe Bylngton. the defense having secured a change of venue' from Johnson county. James Gallaugher was murdered while he lay sleeping. Foot prints leading to the home of Charles Hailiday were found and the latter placed under arrest. He was convicted of complicity In th murder and given s life sentence. Mrs." Galls uf her, also indicted, testified in Jter own behalf and was acquitted. She was afterwards indicted for perjury, but tbe verdict was set aside by tbe supreme court. Ke Said te Be Fera-ery- ORANGE CITY, Jan. 4 (Special.V-A serious charge 1 reported to have been made by the Farmers' Lican and Trust com pany's branch bank at Marcus against Spencer "H. Carr. postmaster and a lawyer at Ireton. It is alleged Uiat some time agx) Mr. Carr informed tbe tMarcus bank that he could loan ajroe money for it at good rates about Ireton and was given authority to do so. A note of Fred Wing was taken by tbe bank from Carr and when the close of the year approached Carr, It is al)erd. requested that tbe note be extended. This was granted and a new note made. The hank mailed the old one direct to Wing, who at once declared it a forgery. Th county attorney and a representative of the Farmers Loan and Trust company have bees in conference today and went to Ire ton. It 1 expected there will be develop ment during tbe day. Scarcity ( trrhaol Tearbera, SIDNEY. Ia Jan. 4 (Special Lest week three teachers in the Farrarut public schools resigned and their places will have to be filled before school begins next Mon day. Prof. Stlchter, the principal, resigned and went to his home in Hastings. Neb. The other teachers who quit are Mill Bolhy, assistant principal, and E. E Odell, the grammar teacher. Their resignations are the Besult of school trouble thst have existed for some time. There has been such a scarcity of teachers In Fremont county thi year that it has been impossi ble to supply all the schools. This scarcity is sttrimited to the extremely low wage offered. People will not teach school when they can ret better pay for doing work less arduous and requiring lea preparation. Coaatr Officer fra la. FirNET. la.. Jim. 4 'Special. Monday fve new county officials were ewcrn In st thi place, namely. R S. Williams, audi tor; A. T. Chambers, clerk of courts; George W. Moore, recorder; A. L. Chantry, county attorney. W. B, Johnson, sur veyor, and Clark Tanetta. member cf the Bocrd of Supervisor. Among the retiring officials were an ex-stete senator and a poller graduate holding the degree cf A. B. Among the new official I a man who holds two degrees from Te Pamo nn.lvers'ty nnd who t also a graduate of the Tnlverslty cf Chicago. The new men are aTt republicans, find the retlrlnr cfflcer t-V. democrats save one. In 1?9t this county CTrrnont rave Bryan a plurality of Si an 9 last fall Roosevelt carried 1t by Ttn. trw See ret a ry rkm. IVJAN. In.. Jan. 4 'Special.". Cbarle ""H. Hunt, who live cn a farm "hist cntside of LngTir. was elected secretary cf the Harrison Crmnty Farmen Irsnranee entn. nsr.v vesterdsy bv a meeting of the dl reeters. A few eri are O, "U C se was elected to fl' thtt position, but upon in vest'rtIon it we found thst b m4 no property Insured In tbe company sn4 was therefor not a member of the com pany, and w not eligible to bold office. H-tnt will succeed Cssper N. CadwelL wbe ha held tbe rfrW for many year Verdict la te St4. ONAWA. la., Jan. 4 'Special VTb Monona cour.ty district court today' over ruled tbe motion for a new trial in the case cf Hinnestad against Milwaukee rail road. hu B was decided last tens in favor ; of the railroad company. This was an sc- ' tion for damare growing out of the acri- 1 dt-nt at G)sn Fa I la Judge Oliver adjourned : court until t JO tomorrow and will re t j Sioux City to reortv th report of tbe Weodbury county grand Jury, as Judg j Waartaeid ft. absent. j POLICEMEN ARE TOO SLOW Cftprcr furpVelL, bit Good Lotaiar Tm-i Voroia Isctptt Them, HAY CU1II THE SCOFitU REO-VRD Trsr Casasalas Has "Large Iiaker t Dates le Make tseeekei Oariac the Meatk at Jaam-ary. (From s Staff . k.rrespondent IE5 MOINES. Jan. 4. iS;-ecial. Th pollc-e of this city hare alloaed a very pretty woman to escape from them, and mystery Surrounds her whereat"" uta. She snay ultimately reappear at a cigar strr la OsuU.s. When the police arrested W. A. Canpbell at the Chamberlain, charged with parsing worthies check In OnuJia to th amount of be waa reentered with hi wife at the hotel. Now it I claimed that "Miss" should bav appeared before the woman a name. Anyway, she i rati- After the polio arrested Campbell they returned for hi wife," but faund her not. While there ai dressed in tbe m-sl expensive and luxuriant gowns and lounging rola Her trunks have disap Iared with ber. - Maay Oalsa Be-wsrd. On vt the niiwt phase of th Maiel ScoSeii cise I the f.ght for the reward. When her body was found 0v year ago on the bank of the Ie Moines river a subscription was taken amounting to CWf a a reward for the capture of bT murderer. It is now claimed that the subscription laper is lost and several have asked far ths i.VK reward In th bands of the gweroor. Mabel Scofield lived in Maxburg. la., and was visiur.g in les Moinet al the time of her alleged murder Jeha M, Bckwell Dead, John M. KiKiksei. in abuse honor Rock well City, la., is named, died at his home on West Grand avenue late this afternoon. In bis younger days he waa one of the most prominent figures In the western part of tbe state, and died quite wealthy. Beballdiar Part Dadr L4ae. The Minneapolis t- Ljoui railway, which recently acquired tbe lies Mother ft Fort Dodge, is making plans for the prac tical rebuilding of that line. It is planned to entirely reconstruct the roadbed, which the officials ol the Minneapolis ft St. Louis say was never built a it should have been. Material is already being distributed along the right-of-way Itr the new bed, and the work of reconstruction will begin in early spring. In addition, the Minneapolis ft 6i Louis has plans for other improvements of the I'es Moines ft Fort Dodge line. These Include the acquisition of new roT ing stock. New slee!ers and coacbe have airtadi- been ordered. Blc Moaey Order Basiaeas, If the money order business done in Des Moines Tuesday was kept pace with by tbe other tom-ns of the state the day was tbe -bippett in the history f .the depart ment. At the local office Sla.071.ti2 was paid on money orders, S,M1 orders being cashed. The divisions regular force of six clerks handled the payment and at the end of the day the books balanced to the cent on the hret trial. Tbe smaller offices of this section of tbe state turn their re ceipts into the Ixis Moines office. I'urins the day the amount received from this source was 411.171. Through the Ie Moines clearing bouse the same daj' there were paid .&() money orders, . amounting to tli.ftS.71. " fcewaer C amailaa' Date. During the next two months Gcvernor A. B. Cummins wfli deliver a number cf important addresses. January 17 he w'ill speak at the opening of the new armory at Council Bluffs and on th following even ing he will address a tarmerEtiisutut at Red Oak on agricultural subject. Next Sunday evening be will deliver an address on "Citiaenernp" at the Conrrera tlonal church at Osr. the other churches of that cits closing and uniting in the service to be addressed by th governor. His other addresses wiU be delivered out side of the state January 11 he will ad dress tbe Chicago Prest club at its banquet to be given in that city on the "Relation ship of the Press With tbe People and the Nation." February 12, Lincoln s-birthdav he will speak at a big political meeting in Minneapolis In which all the republican clubs of the state will unite. On Wash ington's birthday he will speak in Peoria, I1L Jsvealle Lar YVarthlewa. At the annual banquet of tbe Iowa Hu mane society at the Bavery hotel the Juvenile court law was declared worthless by Judge W. H. McHenry of the Polk county district bench. The Judge went further and declared that after a carefjil consideration h was convinced that the men who framed the law were deficient in intelligence. That a Juvenile court law is very desirable be was convinced hut thought the present law framed and passed at tne last lerialatur was a mass of mean ingless phrases which could not be carried into execution because no mtans were nr- vided. It is probable that at the mxt session of the legislature the law win be amended so as to provide lor an appro priation. Those back of the measure at the last session were willing to take any thing thty could get witn the hope and expectation cf rettinr the appropriation later. The officers of the association elected for the enduing year are: Presi dent, James Wart; vice president, J. W. Hill; secretary. Mrs. E. D. Jones; atl torney, Frank 6 ainankland; police offi cer, Ed Crawford; veterinary, G J How ell. lews Cora 14 eves. Tlie Erst of loss corn Is shown by a report or tbe Milwaukee rail road that j cars were handled during the last seven oaya. while for th week previous there were handled but eichtv threa Baak Pees Cassia. Tbe first of the bank fee are arming at the offioe of the auditor of state. There ar l.brf banks in th slat which pay t th state auditor fee rana-ir. fir. ,-. tZa. according to their capitaliration. The wii lets paid wm amount to tH'.WKj. Paiatiac by Casasalaaa. A movement started by ths friends of Prof. of the Capitol commis sion is on foot to have one of the paint ing at th state bouse done by him. Be ing a member of the oommissioa it was bald that he could not engage himself to 1 do the painting But his friends argu that Prof. Cummitirs is an amr . ability and that Just bee us be is a mem ber of th oommissioa he should not be debarred from painting one of the lunettes in tbe rotunda There are eight uf them and th legislature appropriated fl,t each fr painting to be piaoed in ihetn. Nun of them bar ben contracted for thus far and It ha not even been deridrd to have one man paint them all ur ensaaa eight xxjt-n to paint one each. Eater t Deetsiesu The decision of the supreme court in Wasting-ion concerning the C. O. D. Uquor business tn Iowa will greatly increase th Jug business in th state, scour ding la u cr4nies of well versed mem. Tbe iWtscoti ha been lc-okcd for and was rot a surprise. U4rOR DE4UM I COtlEUlOt All OAcere at Asswla t lea Re-elected fee A set ker 1 eeur. CEDAR RAPirS la.. Jan 4 (Special Telegram. V Tbe F.e.aTi UquoT Dealers as srcia:kn cf Iowa completed a two days' session here Pnlsy. Ar'Ut V- delefsstee were In attrnaanr nrd the meeting was a success. It terminated in a banquet and li'erary p; " :ta et Turner ban Dubuque secured tlie next meeting. Council Bluffs elvir.g way with the promise of the 1 me tic g Ail th old cfBcers were re ejected. They are; P-esider-t. C. A. Steph ens, Cedur r-apios: f.rst vice president- J C. Hansen. De M-ines: second vice presi dent D. C. Bur-re. Ida Grcve: third vice president. P. M Ing-s-e-rson. C.inton: fourth Vic president, J Schmo'l. Fort Dodge: fifth vice president, J E. Tonne. Sioux City; secretary. J. J Kiein, Council Bluffs: treasurer, L A. Rohm berg. Dufuqwa ItlDCI AT BROOKLYV IOWA Hesse Bsuasaeked. I'ES MOINES. la.. Jan. 4. A special te tbe Repister arid Leader from Brooklyn, la., says: Bloodhounds are on the trail of men who last night murdered Tom Reed, an fcped recluse, living hear this place Reed s body was found this morning by hi son lying- across the dTorsili cf tlie little bouse where be lived alone He had been shot through the stomach. The bouse bore witness to having underenne a thorough search. Redtieks had been cut open and drawers were emptied ever tbe floor. It was generally reported that th old man kept money in th house end the motive fo the murder wa evidently robbery. Th dor ar hot cn the trail and excitement is lnt ense. VIImi'i rreJIters 4iet 14 Ceate, SHENANDOAH, la.. Jan. 4- (Special. ) Tlie creditors of D. R Wlllson. formerly a Jewelryman here, but who last fall left for parts unknewn, presumably Mexico, after having used up about BCiC' of other people s money, have had a meeting and turned over all of their accounts to Messrs. Tucker and Moore, who were heavy credi tors and to whom Wilison msde an assign ment of his Jewelry and music store, and have settled on a basis of 34 cert on the dollar. Petition in bankruptcy, involun tary, had been filed by some of the credi tors, but this has been withdrawn and the whole matter is about settled. Report has tt that Wlllson is in Mexico, where he Is cut of tbe clutches of the law of Iowa. Sbeaaadeak Pair improvement. SHENANDOAH, la.. Jan. 4 (Special. At a meeting of the direc tors of the Shen andoah Fair association U was decided to add MOO to the amount of purses offered last year in the Fpecd department, which win make a total of C4( to be offered. Probably purses of PI will be hung up for "harness races. The time for the hold ing of the fair was determined upon Au rust 14 to 1&. It was also decided to build a new floral hill on the site of the present building. The mw hall is to be octagon In shape and will cost about r.J00. The trac k has also been made over in a new place, so that the fair grounds will not look like the same place. Sew Mlaister for thenSBdoafc. SHENANDOAH, la.. Jan. 4 iSpeclel.) Rev. George C. Hendrlckeon of Chariton was last nlrnt given the unanimous call of the official board of the Christian church of this city to become pastor here. Tbe church has been without a pastor for a month past, when Rev. Mr. Littleton moved to Fairfield. Tbe call has been presented to P-ev. Mr. Hendrickson an he ha ac cepted it and will beln his work her next Sundar. Get After the Drinker. ET.DORA, la. Jan. 4 (Special.) Eldora has a unique plan to stop the drinking evil. Colonel Grant Tyler baa prepared for the city council an ordinance which makes it a misdemeanor for any person to resort to r ji ' : ' 'i1i 7 u t3J;illii:iililll!r,iirf!(& GRAND PRIZE AhUSEOTO ST0LL&C0 LDCIh'CTCN.KY. 'ejlssiiiissjiiS( iie"i.!ipjityiiiii'' BD?(Q&UUiR0 - 1 - -"'"iiii'i r iii iii ii m GOVCHilElT JkOTlCE PROPOSALS FOR Bl'LLS DEBAR T- ment of th lr.Lt nor. onuce of Inoian affairs Waanmcrton . D. c. December It, IM. Kuneo proposal, en dorsed "Propoaals fui Jouiia. and ad dreased to u cummiasioner cf Indian af fairs, Washington. L. C., Will be received i thi oilice unul : o coca. p. m., of February 14. IDua. lor lurniaiiins and Deliv ering ai Standing Ruck Aenty, North Da kota, one hundred bull, said bulls to be not less than two nor more than thre ears old, we.ght not les man kJii pounds eacn. to b full-biond Hcrefaraa, proper certiBcaie to 1 tumipbed on oemand. to b bred north ct tne sou in line of in tai of Kanaka Schedules whici. all) b made a part cf the propositi, coniairiirur black lorus tor blading aeiau specincatioris and condition tc be observed t bidaer. will be fumianed upon application to thi cfhc. to th pub)'ner of Tn bee, Omaha. Neb . Pioneer. Mancian. N li ; Pioneer Preaa sH Paul, Minn.: Llv St ck Indicator, Kansns City. Mb., Breecers Gaaeti. snd th Drover Journal. 'hice-... lil ; th super ir.tenoents of tne 1. a .Indian warehouse at -i' ut h Canal street, c't.iiago. lil., and I k Hvward stret. '.nr.a, Neb., and at ftn South t-t-ier.U: aire'., et Louis Mo. or te l l.e V. b lnaian kutnt t?:t,dli.g Rrk Ag.-ncy. Fort Vates. North lakita. Bids upon the blank are nm absolutely Ltn e aarj ; they may I mde In any other firra provided the conditions at orservd For further int rmation apply to W. A. Jones, commissioner DeC7-a-I, Jaat-t 7-ll-U-l-M i drmklnr place cf any krfd. er te threw In a public place whisk- or beer b ; e. or acythinr which ccctained liquor at a-y time Tie aldermen are cbaryed w;-.h en forcir tbe ord nance In lber resfect:ve wards. The ordinate Is irtended to do awty with "Tilnd I'iga " If you tary anrthing ' trade ad-e-tise tt In the For Exchafrf rjlcnn cf The wart ad page. FIRE RECORD. Blase la eatb Plkoti. TANKTON". S D.. Jan. 4 i Special Fire at Tabor, twerty miles west of thts cirv. destroyed two buIldSFVa Tuesday n ght. Tbe fire originated In the Kukra' dance hall and is be'.ieied to tave been of incendiary orir'.rt as the hall was not In Asif8o A Great Magazine Offer THE METROPOLITAN MAUAZINE is Rind to announce a truly remarkable maKazine offer, whereby all citizens of the United States may receive a popular, lending, illus trated magazine for 12 months, and a copy of ' a vital and unique book, entitled The Roosevelt Doctrine For $1.80 the price ol tbe mrrazlne alone. This ts a oopye rigHted book. It is edited by E. Garrison, is bound ia doth, is handsome! printed, contains 190 pares, and aells through tha book trade for $1.00. The METROPOLITAN psys all postage on tbe book and on tbe 12 magazine. Sl.oO Includes everything-. This offer should appeal strongly to every man and womta ia the land. r s w . "b . ' T r y e :. v V?T fa' "' "VC;- -V fOorrrtsiit, ism. by Arthur Hewitt.) THEODORE Whnf ths R-kral I r published for year than these stta. aDce by the i'resideDt. Seldom tia a public man so candully revealed hlmseil and laid bare -hi, inner personality. It is a book tbat should be rad carefully fry eeery Arnerlpmn, ao mattw what bit party afOletion may be. Ncwbere else can be found expounded th faith and tenrta which our fellow countrymen hare decided to regard aa Amrricon, pure and simple, end nowhere else can lie found so ctnrlaclfiS aa expoalrion of ouf dutlea and rlrhta aa American cirJeens, Thit book u publisUd by R. O. Cw-U, 3Vte York.) " Ji tt. j t liiii ! h Great Writers who will contribute (in 1905) to the METROPOLITAN RUDYARD KIPLING ANTHCNT HOPE JOEL CHANDLER HARRIS THOMAS NELSON PAGE JOHN FOX JR JACK LONDON GEORGE ADE MRS. THURSTON ALICE DUER MILLER AND MANY 0THEP5 Bcin your subscription, with the trt JANUARY HOLIDAY NUMBER. Cut ait this coapoa a ad aead It te its with 1 1 SO THE IETIOPOUT MAGAZINE I W. 7tli Street New Vert City J aoarrs! your koliiiy ojfor ai se4 y $1 $3 ke-rrwl.k. Fit tut sei sa tK MOf a atM for jsx II ra xU, aai TU Rj totU Djdrim b'Xk JrtpiiS. WossssaJ eiM US4 WSv. tswa ..iisshi.. , us From tbe flsnc bsfl the f itwt erkcktv s;-sd te tb'tir ulidir.ts. occupied ly the Tabor D,dpertdni or the fwt fsee ard by a r-stauri.rt cn tbe secend floe The meacer arbaratus f r f f.rbtlnr w er. ur y ,: nsu ffH-ier t to cje w th tbe and tr eeconfl biili.llr't soon tctsl lo Editor W. A G'.arT cf the Inde pendent lost not his entire plant, but all hi botiwhcld g ods Tbe total loss will exceed U rL IKS. sYlKSLGWS SC0TRII3 STRUP W b-ra t? M ' !B-w of rtbw to ae ouiio-u wait 7erttT fie w yrfty Ta it boot be the ceiHt, i.r m tt ram, suae all imin. rn-e -ind eolM, aa is sa sM .Cve- r-c O" 1 Ji .l ROOSEVELT No more human dorBts8t baa t "These ntteranoea most appaal to every American." Tit PiSstmrg Ooacfla "It ia worthy of a plaoe la tha library of every household." Ltilu I rfssUp. Here Is tbe man who la ta rata us for the next four years! IT IS YOUR DUTY to know what he thinks of tha treat Issues of our timss, aucb as: Anarchy Immigration Citizanshlp Trusts Capital Labor Cor porations The Panama Canal -Cull- The Philippines Lynching The Tariff Tha Nayy The Army Civil War Veterans Forelg-n Policy Monroe Doctrine War Con sular 5ervlce Forestry Cur rency Money Banklngi v aawcasT 105 mo esssi METROPOLITAN M A O A Z I N B SPECIAL B0L1BAY NUMIEK iii. MA! fctJt fT raaZUsIE. fU7