Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 01, 1905, EDITORIAL SECTION, Image 9
The Omaha Sunday Bee. PAGES 9 TO 16 EDITORIAL SECTION. ESTAnUSIIED JUNE 19, 1871. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, JANUARY 1, 1905. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. rn rvn IT W ILIA OFFICE SUPPLIES. A Large Uno of Blank Books. Typewriter Supplies, Ink, Pencils, Etc., at Prices Much Lower Than the Regular Office Supply Houses. 1 dozen Faber's No. 2 Pencil, Mongol, best grade 28c CARTER'S WRITING FLUID, quart 45c Carter's Writing Fluid, pint . 28c Blank Books, from 8.00 each to 5c STATIONERY SECTION. Welbach Ons Burners, complete xlSc with Imported air hole bulbs OW Fifty (to.00) Green Trading Stumps. 3H discount on all white china for deco rating, dlnnerware not Included. Our 11ns never was so complete. I3H discount on Jardinieres. Largest line to select from. . discount on all our rich Showiest line in Omaha. Cut Glass. Inventory Cle&ra.nce in Bennett's Huge Crockery Section No. 1 or 1 Common Ump Chimneys, earn Ten ($1.00) Oreen Trading Stamps. Nn more than six (three of each) to a evstomer. No delivery. Rovol Austrian Decorated China C Ofi Dinner Sets. lm pieces 1 iJ. VJ W 3UU (Hu.UO) Green Trading Stamps. Colored Candles. fl ench ,C Only twelve to a customer. No delivery. Choice of any Bohemian or Austrian col ored glass I.cmonuJe or Water Qa.r' Sets In the house TOW rmy t.t vjricn 'Irading Oiamps. Milk, Crenm and Water Pitchers, nice col ors and blends one, two and three Sp quarts for iOc, 29c and aOC Fifty ($5 00) Green Trading Stamps. SJL-Green Trading Stamps ALL the Time acS W . j P.I. . il. . n lCi! 1st and 24 inveniory-uearance saies in ine lry uouus oecuons Floor. IT MEANS AWAY WITH PROFITS, SELL TUB GOODS. we want money, not merchandising! at stock-taking;. bm e letter sales and discount sales in the cloak room. LADIES' TAILORED SUITS Nearly 150 at half oft marked prices. LAI) I US' TAILORED SUITS AND COSTUMES Nearly three hundred at less than cost on Blue Letter Sale. LADIES' CRAVEN ETT E COATS-20 per cent off. LADIES' COATS AND CLOAKS Our entire stock at less than cost of tailors' work on lllue Letter Sale. , LADIES' SKIRTS Nearly one hundred high-class skirts et half olT marked pries. LADIES' SKIRTS-Nearly three hundred at less than cost, $l.tis, 2.1K, $4.." and up on Blue Lotrer Sale. LADIES' PETTICOATS Silk, sateen, cotton and wool, all at L'O per cent olT. LADIES' SHAWLS, BLUE LETTER SALE at less thnn mill price, THE FOLLOWING LINES AT 20 PER CENT OFF OUTING FLANNEL GOWNS AND PETTICOATS, KNIT FASCINATORS AND SHAWLS, BOOTEES, KMT JACKETS FOR BABIES. CHILDREN'? BONNETS AND HOODS. CHILDREN'S AND GIRLS' WOOL DRESSES. KIMONAS. SHORT AND LONG; ALL WRAPPERS. LADIES' WAISTS All our flnewt waists In vesting and wool iud u lot of silk, sold at $5.00 to $7.50, T "7 C f ir this sale '. Jil J LADIES' WAISTS In cotton, worsted, silk and lace. 20 per cent off. FUMS FUR.S FURS FURS. Fur Coats, Fur Copes. Fur Scarfs, Fur Boas, Fur Muffs, Fur Sets ail at tbout half price on Blue letter Sule. i Children's Heavy" Fleeced Lined Hosiery, war ranted fa;;t black, sixes 0 lo I), pair 12ic 13c 50c Pillow Tops, Japanese Art usually sold at 25c, this snle Children's and Misses' Union Suits Fleeced lined, cream color, tine ribbed, sizes 2, 3 and 4 Sizes 0, ,6 and 7 65c Sizes 8 and 0 75c ANNUAL JANUARY SALE OF BLACK AND COLQK.E0. DRESS GOODS Here Are the Prices - Brinj This Ad With You I At 25c Double width reversible Heather Suitings, a good heavy material, a serviceable fab ric and specially adapted for children's dresses, at, yard All Wool Canvas Suitings, All Wool Serves, All Wool Cheviots. All Wool Tailor Cloths. Voiles, Mistrals. Granites. Mohairs Jao quards. Nun's Veilings. Albatross, Challla, and a wide range of other weave 45 Inch Broadcloths, 64 Inch Zlbellnes. 4 Inch Wool Granite, 44 Inch Tweeds. 44 Inch Tangier Brocades. 46 Inch Flaked Camel's Halts, 60 inch Fine Tallur Suitings A Yard At 49c l ' A Yard I At 75c ) A Ya 44 Inch 41 Inch 46 Inch 60 Inch 66 Inch 68 Inch 44 Inch 44 Inch 64 Inch Black Dress Goods All 'Wool Serge, worth 76c, at, yard Mohair Brill llanttns. worth S5c. at. yard Frcncb Jacquard, worth $l.u. at, yard .., Bradford Sicilian, worth ILIA, at, yard .. Panne Zibellne, worth $1.60. at, yard Cheviot Serge, worth O.W. at. yard Frenih Voile, worth $1.60, at. yard Silk Warp Eollenn. worth $176. at, yard .60o .5Sa ....7Bc ....75c ....960 ...$1.00 .$1.26 Coating Serge, worth $1.76, at,, yard $1.23 Inventory Sale of Misses', Boys and Girls' Fleeced Lined Underwear. Fine Jersey ribbed, pn'or gray, full fashioned vests, shirts, pants and drawers, values in the lot worth up to 40c a garments Sixes 10. 18, 20, at, a garment 10; Sizes 22, 24, 26, at, a gariuent 15c Sizes 28. 30, 32, Hi, et, a garment 25c LADIES' CORSETS Girdle Corners, in satin and coutllll, and erect forms, in fine coutilli, value low at f O 7.V, during this sale 70l MUSLIN UNDER WEAR- A great display of chemise, gowns, skirts, corset covers aud drawers, on our central bargain square at great reductions. SAXONY YARN Fine futility, per skein 5c GREAT JANUARY. CLEARING SALE IN SILKS STARTS MONDAY, JAN. 2. SILKS at 25C YARD Goo yards of fancy taffetas, wash plaids and plain China silks, worth up to 75c yard, Monday, yard 1,000 yanTB of odds and ends of J0 different styles of ftinoy silks. In lengths from one yard to thirty yards, in plaids, stripes, checks, dots and figures, In new fmilurila ineHuollnoa tnrrVtns. lien II do chamois, and Loulhienos. for handsome waist or suit silks, worth up to $2.00 yard, Monday, for, yard .. dur $1.25 and $1.50 Shirt Waist Suits, silks in this denting sale, nil at ouo price, yard .... Plain messeltnes in browns, blues, rods, tans, graysiaiid lilac, regular $1.00, for, yard FANCY VELVETS All of our fancy yelvets. a very hand some assortment of combinations that are worth PQ. $1 and $1.25 yard, ail go in this sale, at, yard. .. DZfC Very Low Priced Linens 63 inch Bleached and Silver Table Damask worth 00c yard. In this sale, yard . ..." 62 inch Bleached and Unbleached Table Damask, worth ic yttrd, this sale, yard 68 Inch Bleached Table Damask, pretty patterns, regular Hoc qunlUy 72 Inch Extra Heavy Bleached Table Damask, dot aud floral patterns, always sells for $1.25, this sale, at, yard ! )... All of our flue $1.50 quality grass bleached Table -Damask, beautiful patterns, this sale, yard Table Napkins Bleached Nopklns, hemmed all ready for use, for thla sale, dozen t. BOO dozen Breached and Unbleached Napkins, CIQ dice patterns, regular $1.35 dozen, this sale, only.OC 200 doeen Bleached and -Unbleached Napkins, 22x22," very fine quality all linen, worth $2.25 dozen, f fy for this sale, doten .".'.i .liOjf 600 dozen Odd Naipklns, nsinufacturer's samples, full uifHi-iiuu, large sizes, worm to dozen, put up six napkins in a package, at, for 6, 73c and. Towels 500 dozen Huck Towels, all hemmed divided In three lota: ' Lot 1 at each Lot 2 at, each , Lot 8 at each We are agents for Web's Celebrated Dew Towels, we are making special, low prices for this sale. Ready-For-Use Sheets and Cases 81x90 and 72x90 good quality Bed Sheets, al- fA ways sold at 65c each, for this sale, each D)C PILLOW CASES All sizes, worth 14c each. A this sale, each IUC Big cut in prices on all Mualln and Sheetings. 59c 85c 69c 35c 48c 69c 89c 1.15 50c 63c ready for use,' .10c 12tc lac Bleached BIG INVENTORY DOINGS ON THIR.D FLOOR. LACE CURTAINS i5sir! I CARPETS ETC. a sin a sj a anbu THOUSANDS OF PAIRS OF LACE CURTAINS AT LESS THAN MAN UFACTURERS' COST These goods were bought toy us for a January sale, we bought the winter surplus stock of a Nottingham manufacturer and they are all new and oerfect. 5,000 pairs of Nottingham Lace Curtains, hundreds of styles to select CQ from, every pair worth $1.00, special during Curtain Sale jJC $L50 Curtains, 1,000 pairs, twenty styles to select from, every pair worth $1.50. special iVC $2.00 Curtains, Nottingham Ruffled Swiss Curtains for Bed Rooms, (Q Parlors and Libraries, special OC $3.00 Curtains, Nottingham Curtains, dozens to select from, all styles, f j"Q all sizes, you can't afford to mUs this special sale, Monday, pair..... I, J J Hundreds of other curtains, all at apechuf prices. Odd Curtains at Less Than Half Price REMNANTS OF SILKOLINK AND CURTAIN SWISS, at each So IV yards Sample of CO and the best quality of all wool Ingrala Carpet, ends finished ready for use, regular 60c, 75c nnd 90c qualities f Q on sale Monday, each 1C SPECIAL COCOA DOOR MATS, all sizes, M f $1.60, $1.25, $1.10. 05c, 65c andT DC SANITARY MOTH PROOF RUGS, warranted fast colors, very durable, 8x4 at 3 98-3x3 at 2.98-3x2 at X 48 1H yard Samples, end bound carpets that sell regularly up to $2.50 per yd., and includes Velvets, Body Brussels, Axtnlnstera and Wiltons, ftn special for Monday,, -only, eachOC 50 Discount Big Inventory Sale of Books 50 Discount Library Editions of Famous Books, bound In Dark Red Cloth, best book paper, printed lu large, clear A t type our regular price 20c Monday 1 Tt Copyright Books that sold for 90c, $1.08 and $1.25 illus trated, handsome cloth binding what we 7' have left...! J JiC Bibles, Testaments, Prayer Books, etc.. all reduced to half price. BEN SETT'S BOOH. ST ALUS MA 1.1 FLUUn. 50 Discount Big I.iventory Sale of Stationery 50 Discount Fancy Box Paper, flower and border designs, all reduced fifty per cent. Calendars, large line of beautiful designs, all original styles, while they last, 50 per cent off. Fifty per cent off on all fancy. Inkstands, Pens, and Paper Novelties. MAIN FLOOR, Dig Inventory Sale in Art Picture Framing; S.00 ft. of remnant moulding, suit able for moot every stjiu of picture. MONDAY IKICBI.E OTtKKN TRAD ING STAMPS UN EVKKY FRAM ING ORDER, namely: . ODDS AND ENDS OF FRAMED FU'Tl REST Ms variety of frame!" nd pictures, a re markable clearing PHle, pt... PV Ri G RA PI I Y. P Y KO ! R A PI I Y VVE liK H EA Dyl'AKT EKtf . Monday we sell our big 3 0y Outilt at Dutch Boys and Girls Panels beautiful Work I :.. ARTIST MAIiiit'Ai.S AUTISf MATERIALS. Fry's China Or. Palettes '"k Fry's China 20o s Colors 1lw Fry s China J Colors IOC Paltttte iiir Knives IOC Brm.ze for tinting wnnd and ISo r-linlshlng old tinmen IOC VISIT OIR ART riALLERlES SECOND FLOUR. 25c 2 89 18c 48c Inventory Clearance Sales in Jewelry Section Fine High Crodo Nickel Plated Nut Pick aud Crack Sets, r tirst quality, per set (JC Genuine Lemalre Flue Pearl and 7.25 (iilt Opera Classes very low at $10.50 at.. Imitation Lenmiro Opera Glasses, Morocco leather tubes, y QQ good quality, pair JQ Handsome New Eight Day Clocks, half hour bell,- cathedral gong, flue guaranteed movement flue value at $7.50 MomUiy, IT'S A ROUSING OPPORTU NITY FOR NEW YEAR GIFT GIVING AT BARGAIN OUTLAYS Main Fluor. Inventory Clearing Sales GREAT BARGAINS IN GRANITE WARE IN HARDWARE SECTION MONDAY. ffSS) FANCY QUALITIES, RELIABLE GOODS. Vvgi ENAMEL THAT WILL HOLD AGAINST ltMi& INTENSE HEAT OR HARD USAGE. 58c Turquoise Blue and White Enameled Lined Coffee Pot 45c 4Sc Turquoise Blue and White Lined, 4 qt. Lipped Preserving Kettle.. ..35c 5Sc Turquoise Blue and White Lined, 6 qt. Llppwd Preserving Kettle.. ..42c C4c Turquoise Blue aud White Lined, 8 qt. Lipped Preserving Kettle.. . .48c 82c Turquoise Blue aud White Lined No. 8 Tea Kettle 65c Forty $(4.00) Green Trading Stamps with any of 'em. 1 qunrt Corn Popper 10c Five (50c) Green Trading Stamps. BI(i INVENTORY SALSin BENNETTS GROCERY Only the Ttosl. Oak Freshest and 4h Purest Groceries at Lowest Prices Twepty tt.w; Urcun Trading i Btunrps , Villi UUIU l,UCK- (jo IjCII VKf nett's Capitol Coffee " Thirty Grt-en- Trading Stamps btamps with piund RUn Tea ,Y Ten $1) Green Tradlna Stamps with yuar ei:p una can v.r..unil t AC Bia.k Pepper "v Twenty it . Greea Trading Stamps with pacKaga 2SC Naul oo ACJW Twenty (13.00) Green Trading Btmips with Dackaga OSn Festlnos .uw Ten ill.1) Green Trading Stamps with d sen Dili 1 2r PkkUs 1AW Ttn (l.u0) Green Trading Stamps .th pound Nsw York FUl 20c Cream Cheese ,l,w Ten ijl.00) Ureen Trading Stamp" -.vlin two cans Hawkeye 0(n Creem ut Ten (J100) Green Trading Stamps with t o pounds Jupjn 14C Ik n '( il.ti'V Green Trading Staiiipi with two pounds A r Tapioca . Ten 10) Green Trading Suunpt with Oje-pound can Table - !2iC Ten (U.obV Gi'een Trading Stamps with i . k e bciincu a OSr Capitol Muii'tmeat ......-'W Ten (l.tC) Gretn Trading Stamps with - two packuKt-s Bennett's Ofc Capitol OaU AUW CANDY. ' ' '' Bargains in all Candles. Ten fl.0u Green Tracing Stamps with M m ar i.lled wltn assorted i(n Candies CIGAR. SECTION. General Thomas, 5c cigar, the fees' that is. lub houss shape. Q 10 tor I.VO Fony (M.00 Oreen Trading Stamps. Reel Cut Plug lCr t-iunc icv Thiee (3(K) Green Trading Stamps. French Briar Pipes Tblrty ($8ai0! Green Trading ...30c Stumps. Bvnuett's Si-eciil Granulated OIO Smoking, one pound iJW Fle i&uc) Green Trading Stamps. Fruit! Fruit!! JUST RECEIVED 250 boxes of Fancy Colorado Large Winesap Apples, will go en sale Monday morning as long as they I IP last, at per bushel box.. . I." J Forty ($4) Green Trading Stamps with each box. THIS IS A SNAP. We are receiving every day Frasb TomsloM, Unahrooms, Persimmons," Tanajsrlnes, Kum na.ts. Grape Fruit, Umes, Flnsaoples. In fact every thing In the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable lines. -BASEMENT. WALL PAPER Great clearance sale of small lota of Wall Paper Monday. Remnants, per roll 1 f at. Boom Lots, per room at $1, TC- 75c, 50c aud aJC In this lot some papers sold as high per single roll as the entire rooia lot will cost you now. ' ' "DOUBLE! OREEN TRADING STAMPS MONDAY. Inventory Clearance Sale of Shoes 300 pairs of Ladies' Vici Kid Lace Shoes, Goodyear Welt Buttons, new stylish Pat ent Tip Toes, worthl 1 $3.50 and $3, at.. ! Thirty l$3) Green Trading Stamps 180 pairs of Ladies' Felt Fur Trimmed Itonieos, worth up S.2-00!. ,98c Twenty ($2) Green Trading Stamps 204 pairs of Ladies' Dongola and Kangaroo Calf Foxed' Felt lined, German Sup pers, worth. ( 1.25, CJg Twenty ($2) Green Trading Stamps 170 Paii-s of Misses' and Children's Warm Alaskas, worth 65c for. aJC Pianos and Organs for Almost Nothing We are determined not to inventory a single used piano or organ, nor of the new piano of odd styles or sample case deslgus. We are going to ask you to buy tuene lustruments at their coet value between now and In ventory time. Aud we know that you will buy the in because we know the convincing power of the bargains we are offering. New sample pianos products of world-renowned factories, sent here for our InsjH?ctlon. selllnir everywhere up to $."ko.oO, will coat you what they cost us. $345.00, $270.00, $245 00 aud down to $189.00. -):- Slightly used grand and concert uprltrht pianos; used by teachers and at luusicaies, will l sold at half their regular retail prli e; the upright pianos as low as $rT.7ou and GRAND PIANOS AS LOW AS $425.00. -):- Second hand upright pianos of reliable reputation, $180.00, $165.00, $150.00, k;o.ih and down, to $65.00. -):t- a Square pianos in good condition splendid for the children to loam on $45.00, $7.50 aud down to $15.00. Will take them back in two years time on a new upright piano at the same price you pay for them. ):( Organs new and UBed every one of them guaranteed $45.00, $30.00 and as low as $8.00. -:(- MONTHLY PAYMENTS WILL BE ARRANGED TO SUIT YOU TOYS! TOYS!! TOYS!!! CHILDREN ALWAYS ENJOY A NEW TOY WnETHEIt AT XMAS OR -AT ANY OTHEB TIME. IT NEVEK COMES AMISS. YOU 'CAN BUY TOYS NOW FOU NEXT TO NOTHING PRICES. TOYS, at 3c TOYS, at 1 5c TOYS, at 10c TOYS AT ALL PRICES CP to as high as you want to go. These are small quantities we advertise and will sell off quickly come early. Ten ($1) EXTRA Ureen Trading Stamps with each purchase of 2 So or over in Toy Section. ALL SLEDS ON SPECIAL SALE. Clothing and Furnishing Clean-Ups Boys' All Wool ?1,50 Sweaters, at. . 89o Boys' All Wool $2.00 Sweaters, at 1.25 Men's All Wool $2.00 Sweaters, at 93o Men's All Wool $2.50 Sweaters, at 1.33 Men's All Wool 25c Hose, at 19c; Six for 1.00 Men's and Boys' 50c Ascots and Puff Ties, at 250 Boys' Soft and Stiff Bosom 75c Shirts, at 35c Thirty ($3.00) Green Trading Stamps. Men's Soft and Stiff Bosom $2.00 Shirts, at. , 1.00 Men's Soft and Stiff Bosom $1.00 Shirts, at 50c Men's and Boys 75c Shirts, collars attached, at 50c Thirty ($3.00) Green Trading Stamps. Men's and Boys' $1.25 Shirts, collors attached, at 69o Thirty ($3.00) Green Trading Stumps. Men's and Boys' $1.50 Shirts, collars attached, at 89c fl Thirty ($3.00) Green Trading Stumps. . H Men's Fancy $1.00 Suspenders, at 50c Men's Fancy 50c Suspenders, at 25c Men's and Boys' 5Qc Winter Caps, at 25c Men's and Boys' $1.00 Sample Gloves, at 50c Men's and Young Men's 35c Fancy How, at 15c Men's and Young Men's 50c Underwear, at 35c Men's and Young Men's $1.50 Underwear, at 75c Boys' $1.00 Underwear, at , 50c Boys' 50c Underwear, at 25c Men's 50c Black Sateen Shirts, at 35o Men's and Boys' Overcoats and Ulsters $15.00 COATS, at. 9.50 There are $18.00 cravenettes in the lot. Don't overlook this $9.50 sale 30 to 50 in size. BOYS' REEFERS and TOP COAT8--3 to 8, $3 value, at, 1.50 RUSSIAN BLOUSE, BUSTER BROWN VESTEES and TIIREE-PIECE GUILDS' SUITS The choice of any suit that's in the lot, worth up to $5.95, at . . .' 1 .95 This is a bargain you will appreciate, BROKAW BROS. 25 Frock Coats and Vests left worth up to $20.00, sizes 30 to 35 only, at ....503 Dutchess and other good Trousers, $4.00 ones, at 2.50 YEAR WITH THE CHURCHES Aetlvltr in Building s Geucral Proa-res Is Mated. The year just closed has besn an active nd prosperous yssr with the churches. VJt has bssn marked by th completion of goes splendid church and tht beginning of another, and has seen the demolltlcyi of a house of worship crowded out of Six teenth street by the march of business. A fin convent and a school or two have been adJad and other minor Iniproven ents and buildings put In. Congregations which carry heavy debts havs mads Urge pay tnents on them and the future looks clear. Tbe most Important addition to the ma terial prosperity of the church world wns ' the dedication and completion of the First ilaptlat church. This fins building is now In the possession of its congregation with not more than 110.00 rbt almost a record for so large a building and this debt Is lartlally trranged for. Work was begun on the church at Twenty-ninth avenue and barn street early In December oX last year and the dedication came this fall. The building and lots coat about 151,000, and a I4.0U0 organ was donated. The build ing Is the modern class! a of gray bird's eye pressed brick and trimmed with Bed ford stuns, having six stone pillars at the front and a dome covering tbe auditorium. The Interior Is handsomely fwisneo. The dimensions are 67x107 feet. The old build ing on Park avenue has been sold te a wrecking company and will probably be torn down. Another Improvement among Omaha churches la the beginning of tbe new Kountse Memorial. The lots chosen St Twrnty-slxih aud Farnam streets are In a very tine location, and the plans call for a splendid church of rough gray stone. The old Uarnry street church, was sold and torn down t make way for a buainees block. Construction was begun In Au gust after the excavations had been aude. The plana were obtained, from aa eastern Srm and call for an excellent example of the modern aoelestastloaj building. It Is expected the church will be ready for oc cupancy lu the early summer. The Methodist hospital at Thirty-sixth and Cuming Uresis wag begua la Uoi aad Is still to complete. The building, fully completed, will cost between 1200.000 and HuO.OuO. Tbe portion now being built in cludes the central section, with one of the octagonal service structures aad one ef the six diagonal wings, the power house and laundry and tbe operating pavilion. The mala structure baa been brought up te the top of the basement walla About M0.000 La to be speat eurlog WOt U It can be obtained. Tbe building will be thor oughly fireproof and medera. Other Methodist churches which are shewing material Improvement are the Tenth street church and the Swedish church. Tbe first spent 16, 000 in remodeling and enlarging. The second has lets at Nineteenth ana) Burt e treats and plana te put up during the new year a H.SU0 build ing. The eld shureh, U Worth Eighteenth street, was sold te the People's cburcb. The tabernacle ef the First Christian church congregation, oa lets at Nineteenth and Farnam streets, la te serve as a plaee ef worship until money can be ralaed te finish pay meat for tbe lets and provide a building fund. The tabernacle la of wood and holds a large congregation. It coat about H.M. The aew churaa will aei suw be built for several years. The plans are drawn, however, and call for a building WxlSI feet, seating 1.100 and costing S3C.0OO. North Side Christian church .may en large Its building this year. It Is now too small and tbe congregation at one time thought of buying the old Unitarian build ing, but did not. The Salvation Array Is now paying for Its hall at Seventeenth and Davenport streets. This, the First Methodist, building of former years, was purchased and made a home for the army. Tbe money Is rap Idly being raised. Tbe Volunteers of Amer ica have secured quarters In the Crounse building, whioh will probably be used all of this ysar. - The congregation of Temple Israel Is lay ing by nieney for a new building and has ever no.SOO. Ne building Is expected this year. A neat little church and parsonage were put up during the late summer and fall and dedicated early In December at Eigh teenth and Coming streets, and will In fu ture be the home of the people of Salem church of the Oermaii Evangelical asso. elation, formerly at Twenty-sixth and A Manser, streets, and ef ioa church, at Twenty-seventh and Spragus. The latter has been burned and the former was old and Ill-located. It will be sold. The new church and parsonage are of red brick and have cost about Ili.OoO, this practically all being raised and paid. Practically no Improvements have been made among the Congregational churches. Parkvale church began Improvements late In Hut, costing 1300, which were not com pleted until In the late winter. Tbe larger churches are closing out the last et their debta No new buildings were added during 104 in the Episcopal parishes. In the early spring All gain is' finished a IIO.OUO stone rectory, replacing the on burned. The Good Shepherd put In a naw organ. Clark son Memorial hospital may possibly be en larged. The plans were long ago drawn. The Presbyterians have beun content with their present buildings The congre gation of the First church Is still saving money for a new church, but will hardJy reach brick and mortar during 1. Cas telUtr Street church received some repair and adornments. Considerable debt-paying baa been dona. Tbe Peoples church this fall spent H.0W In repairs and Improvements to Its church on Eighteenth street. The First Church of Christ (Scientist) has sold Its church build ing and is at preaent quartered In the Chambers' Dancing academy. Money Is being collected and a church may be reached late In tbe year 1106. The Roman Catholic were busy In at least two quarters. One of these waa the censtructlon of a new main building for the Home of the Good Shepherd at Fortieth and Jones streets. This gives a long three story and basement building for the resi dence of the sisters. It has a red tiled roof and is of giay brick, with Bedford' stin trimmings, forming an ecclesiastical detail over the entrance. The building wa only completely finished this fall. Another important work finished Is the cloister ef the Poor Clares at Twenty ninth aad Hamilton streets. The old build ing wa torn down, tbe lets brought to grade aad a new building put up, having two long wings at right angles, finished In red, brown and gray pressed brick and Bedford stone. The new house I three stories high and Is UOxlU In frontage. The buildings, which had reached the top of the basement wall January of lajit year, cost about tft.0tt Sacred Heart parish put in a fine paro chial school and academy during tha year. They stand on Blimey trrt, diagonally across Twenty-seoond from the church, and cost over 110,000. The management of BL Joseph's hoapltal still wlshn to make addi tions to Increase Its capacity, but It la doubtful If work will ba bgun this year. Th greatest possibility for lvus Is the Catholic cathedral. Over $50,000 ha been placed In a building fend and It Is likely work will be beg-un during the year. If so, Bt. Cecilia's church will have to be moved from its ground at Fortieth and Burt street. It will be ustd as a temporary school efter tha cathedral la occupied. The great church la to be Spanish re naliance. whioh will be more effective than a UotlJo building at the same coat. The dimensions ars l.'IixaS2 feet, according te tbe plans. The nave will be seventy feet high and 48x144 In alse. The cathedral will also Include a chapel, a huptlstry and a vestibule. Buff stone i.robably will be used. The Scandinavian Young Women's Chris tian association was among tho a to build, giving up runted quarters on iMvenport Continued en Pag Eleven, Columa SeveaJ