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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 1, 1905)
V January 1. 1905. TTTE OMAnA ILLUSTRATED ' REE. J Talk About Plays, Players and Playhouses H AMI EMHT. AMI SEMElTJ. kOMDAY .ttrartlons at tli Omaha thratrm wre well designed fur their purpose, to amuse without nrltlng thnunht. The most Im portant affair of the six offi-rfd at the theatera probaMy was the opening of the starring tour of EVIna WhI!hc Hopper III "A Country Mnufe." If her Oman per formance ) to be taken ns a baslH for opinion, none of the western rivers are ti danger of rnnflaRratlnn by reason of the Hopper projection Into stellar spare. It may be that with n suitable play fe can develop that talent she la supposed to pos sess, and without which even a press aent cannot make a star. Hut "A Country Mouse" Is cast In a mould that Is Just a little bit b'-yond the capacity of the sta and her company. It Is conceivable that rorp. of actora of the rlsht temperament t0 tnat rfftt. jijg8 Uates apeclllra the the Irouuols disaster at least twenty vaudeville theatera In irestr .vw ioik pi ked so tlRht with triple that a simple cry of Are would have linn lu Insure wholesale slaugh ter. All the thiatr. In fuel. were Jammed, but the H road way houses were more careful than those removed from the riml-i stroets. Two theaters In Fourteenth street sold tl keta to all who applied and the aisles were packed solid. I'lie police apparently took no nollce nf this flufrrant violation. And the firemen who are sup posed to he stationed In the theaters wer" 11, where In evidence. It was the kindness of I'rovidenie rather than the watchful ness of the authorities which served to prevent another horror such us was wit ncsed In Chicago only a year ago. Hlanche Hates Is advertising for a west cm play with a part In It that she can play. At least her nctlVe press agent has aent out a typewritten Interview with ber Today there were cessfully projected against the work of the by the Judicious praiae of merit. Homage tendered to worth la at once the sign or advanced civilisation and Influence to advance It still further. 'To be useful to aa many as possible,1' mya the wie thinker. WaUtr 8avaae I,nnrior. "I the eapeclal duty of the critic, and his utility can only ! attained bv rectitude and pre cision." The critic accomplishes all that anouin re expected or him when ne arousn. and with sufficient anility could put life Into the somewhat dull and flaccid lima of the Law comdy; but neither Kdna Wallace Hopper nor those associated with her seems qualified for this task. And. after the piece rial been correctly Illuminated, of what value la It? It Is a dreary, flut picture ot life among a di-cldedly uninteresting mid unimportant lot of people, dwelling In the monotony of "respectable" Immorality. The sort of woman she wants to be in the fol lowing terma: cene painter. One must take exceptions to Bret Ilarte a people as being of the west western. Hie Itnrlsrjji was a rather narrow one. and his people wire all of n type that Is now all but obsol. te. The California of the Ar gonauts was a romantic, land, but It lacked much In the way of variety, and aa aueh afforded little, opportunity for se lection. While It waa new It af- admonition of the realm of art for led splendid material for the Joaquin Mlllera, the Bret Harte and the Mark Twain., but, like Ita wonderful placer, the pay dirt waa Boon exhausted. Some very fine atortea have been written with California aeenery for a background, but the characters have been Invariably thoee from the eastern aloe of the country. "Tenneaaee'a Pardner," "My Tartner," "M'llaa," and one or two others are plays humor. Happy Jack Gardner, the well known and lively black face fun maker, will have a budget of funny atorPs and parodies. Fox and Koxle are a unique clown and his Intelligent eanln? actor, who furnish some comedy and daring feats hy the dog. Mitchell and I.ove, in their aklt. called, "Married life From the In please and benefits the reader, clarifying aide,-' will deliver an assortment of J 'kes his views and helping him to look with a. CBirutH. ... .ul,aln ffl. tn-rrlment while sympathetic and aerfne vision upon the c'cumii to sustain me merriment, wnue pleasures and pains, the Joys and sorrows, the ennobling splendors and the solemn Coming; Kventa. No entertainment annuoneed for this season come with greater promise of prov ing attractive than the famous English comedian, Charles Hawtrey, In his wonder fully successful comedy-drama, "A Message from Mars," the third long run of which In New York City has recently been ended. the klnodrome will show entirely new mo tion pictures Gossip of Forbes Robertson and his wife, Gertrude Elliott, have Just arrived from Ixmdon. They open their American tour soon at Toronto. Helen Orantley has returned to the Mar tha Morton success "Her Ixrd and Mas ter," and will play It in Omaha some tlrm during the season. Mauds Adama la raheaLrsfnar "A a You L4ke It." This is another Indication of I want a play In which the leading char- of the Bret Harte school, and while they acter la a typical western-American wo man. An oul-of-d-oor woman, with red serve to perpetuate the names of Aldrlch blood In her veins, a strong p'llse In her Parsloe. McKee Rankin, Annie plxley The New York Herald of October-. 1901, the .wins: of the Dendulum that is alowiv said after tho first production of the play " eurely reaching back to th. "safe and I. ... . II.. :m I IT in iiiv ui,ru uviin . v lint itv .inn,..- i. v signed for the purpose of amusing, except Mr. Hanford'a brief visit on Saturday. This sterling actor clings with commendable persistence to the classic, and la keeping his flame burning clear In his devotion to what Is beat In the art of his chosen pru fesalon. He may not achieve so great a measure of material success aa some of th other, but when his end does come he will have the conations satisfaction of looking back over a career that has been honest In Its purpose. The promise of better things Is still held out, and the fact that the first of the year Is now at hand and the conse. quent shifting of positions among the "big" ones la occurring bear with It an Indlca- tlott of the fruition of hope deferred. The nr the wrist, and n heart the aie of the country whence she halis. A woman who can wear a tuw-necKed gown. If necensnry, without wrapping up her neck and shoulders for fear of catching cold when she ventures Into the open air. A woman who can ride v hearty breakfast early In the morning, take frun and follow a couple of nogs ten mites pef. r luncheon. Then I want this woman placed in situations where her moral and physical strength will he tried to the ut most and triumph. Anyone who has read Hret Hartc's stories knows the sort of woman I mean, and therefore everyone In the west knows, because everyone In the west has rend Bret Harte's stories. Anyone who has not should be ashamed to admit It. Now. that Is real sweet of Miss Bates, and we certainly feel the compliment she has undoubtedly Intended; but for the sake of tho real western woman, we hope Miss Batea will become better noqualnted with her before she undertakes to depict her perienP8 has been so much the common and a few others, they are no longer listed among the popular or the playable. The rel west ha not yet been given a "Iavy Crockett," a piece that bid fair to live for ever. Miss Bate catalogues forty-three playa she has been asked to read since last July, and points out the absurdity of each, and tells of the stories she has waded through holiday matinees, opening with a matinee In search of the heroine she Is looking for, this afternoon. She admit that material for the play she $ wants la plentiful, and only awaits the George Bernard BhaWn delightful three working up, but her sweep of the field does act comedy, "Candida," la the offering at not disclose the writer who is to present It. the Boyd, opening with a matinee on When he does, come, out of the west or out Wednesday and continuing Wednesday and of the east, he Is not likely to give her Thursday evenings. "Candida" Is audu sane V. T IfnrrMl la t K. Ih. alar n "Tlin duoed 'A Message from Mar' with grent Gentleman from Indiana" when that book ueces at the Oarrick last night. A brll- I" dramatised. It was thought he would u, ,,,,, n.j .1,. ,..!. . ,i have the lead In "The Prodigal Son," the Hant audience filled the theater and fol- Cllie pay to be offere3 f . lowed the play from first to last with In- tVsn Caryl, the English compoaer, who terest, which often rose to enthusiasm. The (rave us "Florodora" and other good things. ,, l . . ..., nirin nn over with I he Wimpuny that is to pro audience had taken a grent liking to the dlcs .a,.. ..The 1urn; pf Vanjig, actor. The play la cleverly written and Ita which 1 "Madame Sana Gene" set to bright dialogue Is the more fetching for Its serious undercurrent." Mr. Hawtrey comes to the Boyd for three night and two special music John W. Ransoms, who deserted vaude ville to play the Cincinnati brewer In "The Prince of Ulsrn," has returned to his early love ami Is doing his .Impersonations of prominent statesmen and politicians in the vaudeville again. For the Information of a South Omaha Inquirer: The Bee has no record of the last performance of Jean de Kcezke at the Metropolitan opera house in New York, but he has not been with the Conreld forces there for at least three season. Charleis Guyer. who has long been one of Just the sort of a heroine she advertises for. The West has many Women Whose humor tnlnnm unit rwtli ananch Pan life stories are full of romance, but whose dlda u the wifo of an English clergyman. who I much given to preaching, In and out .,, .,., .., .,,, .... ,., , the principles In "Babes In Toyland," Bays clous, whimsical, original, witty and full of he c'onta.nVpU,, returning to vaudeville, One of the most potent ob- tnat lt ,, not Commented on. These of tha books t both the theaters show some reully J-c.tlons to the stage picture or the west women can get up early, eat a hearty breakfast, ride a horse twenty miles, or three times twenty miles If need be, fol- wnrthy Omaha. plnya nnd players headed for is that thev are usually drawn with Broadway perspective. One is continually forming a partnerahlp with Williams and i ucaer ror a new saetcn, tne inea or wiucn he haa nvipped out and is now working up. "The Wife Without a Rmll" ifi in Kw pulpit. Eugene Marchbanka. a via- York last night. With the drill silenced. lonary young poet, haa been befriended by "nd " wa" silenced out of deference to .h. .... i-,n., .,a !!. i i decency, "The Wife Without a Smile" the minister family nnd falls In love with moved a tilav without a latiah. Mr. Candida. She looks upon the youth of 18 Frohman will now have to hunt up another Only a year ago toe world was shocked by the Iroquois horror, the most terrible disaster ever recorded In connection with an American theater. Municipal authorl- and irresistibly remmnen oi me line in iow aogs wn mnes in iwo nours, ana onng ..,. , . Piece for Mrs. Daniel Frohman "The Spenders." The New York broker home whatever game gets up before them; ""'," "r.," aZ. 1Jlllan KuHo11 ha m'ld "8 expected assurea the Montana miner that he Is not cook their own meals and make their own Patn' ftna although she has discovered hi hit in lhe musical version, "The School nt all a tenderfoot. "Why," he says, "in 1S79 I was as far west ns Buffalo. "Quite clothes lonif well in eveninn- itwii unit passion, she believes that he himself la un- for Hcamlal." John Kendrick Bangs, who do many -Ing. that would surprise and cowclou. of It. She is entirely Innocent of f'JB Lr:. ' ties then were mover to sudden, and. In coincidence " answers the miner. "I wna entertain a visitor from the "east," and wrong, Dut tne boy imagine that her ro- Sheridan, but use much of the conversa some cases, even ridiculous activity, and ,,, ' n..WP lhnt ..., We came 1,1111 not ,nl1"r themselves herolo In any bust, talkative husband Is not her fitting Jion and the situations Just aa he found - aS IT eil iCIIVII J .. Th. l,n,.w hill., than an n,,, Inln In.nnn.lokllllu hi . t A 1 ttiem. many nemnnus were mane on managers ..,,,., nthor .ttdn't we" ' " nu t ,.,vw,,,nwa,i,,ij luiiiBm nun mm nnu KRUG THEATRE PRICES: 15c, 25c, 50c, 75c. Sonda; Matinee, lOt, 25c, 50c. 4 NIGHTS AND 3 MATINEES ""?Tfff A f STARTING WITH MATINEE i UiVH Y Special New Year's Matirtee Monday Special Engagement of SU. ASOft and (UiASON IN 40-Fun Promoters-Grand Singing Chorus-4J New Bright Musical Numbers Hew Scenerj New Costume; and Properties. Nothing; but laugh from rise to fell of curtain. flit AND 11 3 Nights and Saturday Matinee Starting Thursday Night KIRKE LA SHELLE Presents the Veteran Actor JAN. 5 J. H. STODDART In the successful dramatization of Ian Macl.aren' ohartninp stories i ne Bonnie uner uo Assisted by the Quaint Comedian REUBEN FAX Notable Associate Players, Elaborate aud Beautiful Scenic Production. THE PLAY THAT VI!S ALL HEARTS Greatest dramatic performance now before the American Public. N. Y. World. for securing the safety of the patrons of . tn weBtern man ha8 been very tho co' alr wl,nout Wn up'or.p.r" companion. In a burst of peetlc frensy he frost. even with Ulan. he Walah doing ber the theaters. The fart that no other slml- ,, . " vrHrik,vn VvP. alc B " y eem- the sraveyard of the frankly tells Morell. the clergyman, of the prettiest. This will hasten the production lar disaster hns overwhelmed the conn- u',,l ,n,, nt the soldier man WeSt r fU" f VlCl""" f Pneumonla' who without the .lightcat egotism aaserU that 0.fa. ZlXJVZ . . make a splendid plrture or tne sotuier man ...,, fnolUh nnueh tn venture out , ....... Caae. about which much mystery is being try ha apparently afforded the authorl- " ' , n Behind Me" and ,.. . i . . enoun 10 enlure ouJ he la the one suitable to he her mate. After thrown. The gifted author will not allow ties an excuse for relaxing the vigilance ,n hl ' 'r' 1 , "f' 7'thout Protec on. Any on. o a , wn,ch th . Un t0 be puolllined to th, naturo ot that was suddenly stirred Into life a year AuguB.u- Thomaa did .h tiea. women can be relied cm In a test , the piece ,. .. ,m Tfw, k. v,.i, ,j , trooper In his "Arliona. Owen wistcr has "where her moral and physical strength . . , " " Frltsi Bcheff s revival of "Fatlnltzu" PUtahm-i, ,, t . , !J made a perfect presentation of the cowboy wlu be tried to the utmost." and 1. pretty lrh61,it c?"y " "If I. ueh a succor In New Tort that oU.a Pittsburg Dispatch notes this fact in the ' . . ., nnH lwo ntn ... A lrillmnh fnp hn ham th. ,lnBrb and thus let Candida' preference determine are wondering why they didn't. If you . following paragraph under date of last r hi. Virginian. .n..otI . t0! A'.Vu hi. future course. Candida learn, that her ..J ' tvrvp or tne men wno nave Krowii nu in una i-'mruio urucBnaiy u uoi un uuuubh, - - kuqo, t'lnaxore, rra uiavoio. m- , NEXT SUNDAY - SHAD3W3 OF A GREAT CITY. Monday: No lasting IcsHnn seems to have come of broad empire of big thing, have been suc- RUSSELL'S RESOLUTION! Today is the day for good resolutions. We hare resolved to clone out our stock of Reading LampB. Portable Lamps Rut. Ilka her brother, the western man. she mooning protege ha. done more than In- hemlan Girl." "The Chimee of Normandy Isn't seeking the notice that would come dulge In romantic dream in which she doc. r,,a,'-S S,,1""' ?.S2cSmp-rtL lhl to her through the publicity .uggested, and not propose to figure as a reality. She of the successor, of the former popular those who know her well enough to do ahow both men that they have humiliated Ught operas. her full Justice In either book or play feel her by considering her as a mere chattel The following from the Sydney (N. H. too kenlv a ssnsn of reverential admira. nd h.t .h n,n. h.r.if ...- w.. W.) Bulletin Bounua good enough to sug- . o.est tn poaaimilty or American origin nun 10 care la auojeci. nor 10 inu initio- wnom .n l. claimed. Bhe forgive. Eugene The most profane bird sonal Inapection of people who do not and throw, herself Into the arm. of her know her. husband. The most profane bird on eurth Is prob ably the old-man cockatoo haunting the paint loft in the Melbourne Princess thea ter. Recently an Imported actress ventured to caress this remarkable bird. "Pretty cocky, "he said. "Cocky la n pretty Gas or Electric Metal and Glass All these goods are offered in the most pleasing designs and richest materials, and at sacrifice prices. GAe F. M. Russell Fixture Co. 313 SOUTH 15th STREET Dellrhtf ully rrag rant. Coolin to Scalp. Stop, itchlngr instantly. NEWBRO'S HERPICIDE THE ORIGINAL re GOING-1 icdy that "kills th Dandruff Germ.' G-OIlM&ft GONE 111 IDE WILL mn ,JAVE1T ' A MAN'S WIFE 11 1 th. duty of ma wives to patch and darn th. family wearing apparel, but when the natural oovering of aubby ereurn wears through, tt shows t..a the "sutch In time' was neg lected. Every wife should b "sralp Inapootor te tne family, because dan HERPICIDE WILL WE IT dru.l la TOO LATE FOR HERPICIDE comaalou uUi-a. , I. infection, then after weeka or month. dandrulT appears, followed by itcning scalp and falling hair. Newbro'a Her bicide kill, the germ and cures every slag of this dlseass except chronio baldness. Man e ous results rouow it An exquisite nair arascing. use. rat iMrti. II Ml m4 Wc. (Kant, t HEIPICIBt CO.. Dt R, attrsH. Nkk.. for a ssoisla SHERMAN 6t.MCOMNELL DRUG CO.. Special Ajronti APPLICATIONS AT PROMINENT BARBER SHOPS. Once a western woman, whose name I. Playgoer who attend the Boyd on Friday not unknown in the world of letters, and evening, Saturday matinee and Saturday who, personal experiences carer a range evening are assured of a genuine comedy from Omaha to the Pacific coast, .aid to treat In Hubert Henry Da view' "Cousin a friend: "I do wish ome of the people Kate." The original production of "Cousin who write about us would tay out west Kftte w, gnown whe Jhe tl(le long enough to get really well acquainted. ro wl be lntorpreted b Mlw RoBel,8 They have an unfortunate faculty for get- Knntt .n ... . . ... v... ting, hold of the vulgar and the unworthy Km Frank L per, account of her the American navy, after having been ""d, f'"' h il IL li t .ueces. last .eason In When Knighthood thoroughly overhauled and made taut and "' " ' " " ' , , ' Wa In Flower" The romnanv nnnnrtin trim again, wa recommlasloned yesterday they would modify ome Of their pictures mr,OWe'' Cm?a"y uP?ortln . fll- K.w Vnrk nvv vnrd In Bronklvn. materially." Asked why she, herself, did m'"" ,lno(t inciuae. wmiam C'orbett, not draw the western woman as she is Jeanne Madeira, Mrs. Samuel Charles, W. and there cun be no doubt as to the like- Howard Smith, Augustln Daly Wllks and ness If this woman ever does undertake Lillian Hayne. It she said she might in time, but she hesitated to present the real woman while Mason & Mason In their new musical o false a conception holds sway In the comedy, "Frit and Suit," under the dl- mlndu of those who do not know her. If rrctlon of Messrs. Broadhurst & Currle, she ever doea, Mlas Bates will have a will be seen at the Krug theater for four heroine worth while, but it will be one that nights and three matinees, starting with a varies widely from the Bret Harte Ideal, matinee today and special matinee In the meantime, Mlas Bates might get Monday. Few musical comedies have a bettor notion of tho woman of the west ever, or will ever make a better impression than she apparently hns now If she were than "Frit & Snltr." As far as fun and music Is concerned, it can not be outdone. It is one continuous laugh, dotted with the brightest and most tuneful musical gems and only the Intermissions between the act serve to restore your breathing capac ity. The special cast engaged Is very strong and Includes some bright lights cf bird." Cocky rounded on her, ruffled his crest, and stated all the cusa words he was acquainted with. The actress listened, horror-stricken, until cocky had finished, and then she suld: "Heavens, what a stage manager!" Historic Naval Vessel. The frigate Constellation, the oldest ship at the New York navy yard. In' Brooklyn Launched In 1797 the historic vhlp has had a memorable career, and those who have examined lt in its refitted condition express the opinion that it Is good for another 10U years. Ita active days are probably over, however, and lt Is as a receiving ship at Newport that lt will still play an honorable part In the American navy, to which lt la an Inspiration. New Tork Tribune. AMl'SEMESTS. to read some of Mary Hallock stories. Foote' E. J. DAVIS All Klnda of HEAVY HOISTING aud HAULING Safes a Specialty. Telephone 353. win. .n s.rant lockco. 1119 Farnam St- WtGOLD TO It Isn't all cakes and ale, this being a dramatic critic. If you think It is, read what William Winter, dean of the guild in America, has to say on the topic: 'I" V. . A,.. . Y. V. .... 1 .1 Ll I IC Hill yJ L lilt, BIOIC BIIUWIV1 V. W IB UUIT. but he will be wise not to magnify hla tne . musical comedy Btage. The ctibru orhee, and he certainly becomm comical ha been highly praised, for the girls can E-uftal S We,,.afS be'.'?g P,rfeet'y his lot is not happy. He exists in the midst wp" arl""l nnd form Interesting groups. ot tribulations, lie must pass ulmoxt every The scenery for this production la entirely hi!1'1.?-1 M'.lii'Ll,,ltnLhef,ehr' -re.illniS and the gowns worn by the show girls bad air and commingling with a mlscrl- , . . " luneous multitude, ennobled by the Bucred aie considered superb creations, muniment of liberty, but largely unaccus- lomeu to tne use or soup, iie must rre- The Bonne Brler Bush," in which tha quently and resignedly contemplate red, . J . .j . green and yellow nightmares of scenery veteran actor. J. H. Stoddart, and the droll that would uauxe the patient omnibus horse comedian, Reuben Fax, head a company i?l.d,iu?.'"ii t.J."!"-mf8i,Jrit7i a,,(? of Players, under the direction of Klrke calmly, listen to tho voice of the national T ,, ',, , , , catarrh, In comparison with which the Shelle, will play their second engage aquatic foghorn or the ear-piercing hfe Is a ment in this city next Thursday, Friday iioothlng Bound of peace, lie must blandly Bn(i Do.,1PriBV , h l-., ,!,., Tha respond to the patent leather smile of the and 8a,urdar at t" f-ru , theat"',1 T,he effusive theatrical agent, who hopes that usal matinees will be given. This de he la well, but Inwardly wishes him in servedly popular dramatisation of Ian Mac Tophet. He must clup the clammy hand Laren'a wlrlelv rHl tales nf flcntla f.illc and hear the halefttl (1uestlon of the gib- r"i" wiaeiy read tales or Bcotla rollc, berlng "flrdt nlKht" lunatic who exists for .cored a positive triumph upon the oc- the sole purpose of inquiring, "What do you cnslon of Its first local presentation, and pV'a ,niaer.r8s,erw9hnhve,rn; h ".t f il" L f. m Un' ! nerve in his system Is tingling wltn tne UUU,,ICUJ' " "y "o were anxious sense of responsibility, haste and fortunate enough to see the play before, doubt; and he must perform the delicate jm,. MoArrhni- , n..h,,m ki, ,h. and dlfllcult duty of critical comment upon Ja'"'8 MtA"hur. nn belongs the the personality of the most sensitive people credit of adapting the book to stage pur- iti the world, under a pressure of adverso poses, haa produced a comedy replete with conditions such us would paralyze any In- human Interest well knit flm-lv colored lelle( t not apt-ciully trained to the tak. numan , , " w " Knlt' nntly 01ore,, And when he hus done his work, and done and ich with the charm that counted for It to the beat of his ability and conscience, much In the success of the book. Mr. Stod- he must he able placidly to reflect that hi dart'. nortraval -of Laehlan Camnbell will motives are impugned, that his integrity is portrayal or icnian Campbell win ilouted, that his character is traduced, and D remembered a. a masterpiece of charac- thut his name Is bemired, by every filthy ter acting, and lt la doubtful If such a scribbler and bubbler in the blackguard mnvlncinu- ranren-iitntlnn r,f horH ectlon of the preaa and the stage with aa convim tiiig representation of a hard, rell- llttle compunction aa though he were th. B'ou. old man, struggling between his "common cry of cura." sense of scriptural duty and his love for These trials, however, need not turn th. hla rnlll haa ev.r b an nut h.f . . critic's brain. He should not .uppoe that ,cn", naB .ever, be Put oeturo u. un attentive universe waits trembling on Reuhen Fax. who shared honors with Mr. hla nod. He should not cherish the delusion Stoddart In laat aeaoon's performances, will r.B can inuKe or unman me reputation aln ,,e geen . -ood.natured nost. I'HONE 404. A Happy New Year Show Week Commencing Sunday Matinee, Jan. I TODAY, 2:15-TONIOHT. 8:15 MODERN VAlDtVILLE man. The same beautiful scenic investi ture, representing views of the exterior and interior of Campbell's cottage and the glen of Drumtochty. will form a fitting background to the exploitation of the play. The supporting company will Include Irma La Pierre, J. Palmer Collins, Curlyle Moore, Louise Itutter. W. S. Gill, F. Elliot Jenkins, Edith Talbot. Rohert C. Kaaton, tempts ihe appetite refreshes ou through and through aa TSkJfo III kOlTH OHIHA, kVHONH H. A.enli: Hugo F. Blla. 1324 DougU St., Omnha. Phone Lee Mitchell, Council BiurTs, 1 bona 80. x. r- m.B M lug II ot other men. It often happens that hla articles are not read at all; and when they are read, It Is quite aa likely that they will Incite antipathy as it I that they will win aaaent. He should not imagine that he Is Apollo standing by a tripod, or Orutus Bend ing his aim tn the block. Human judgment Is finite, and It, ought to be charitable.; and tha Btage the mirror of the Idealised hu man life affords ample room for honest difference of opinion. There Is no reason, furthermore, why tha dramatio critlu, m.PMlv liAnfliia. Via honnanu I,, Vi . 1 ,1 I I, a I office, should straightway Imblb a hideous Adelaide Cummlng, William Hall and M. hatred of all other unfortunate being who I). Stepner. chance to labor in the same held. Ha would j fca'S , K'-t varied feature, will he embraced which he thinks ought to be written, than ,,lf N("w Years bill that opens for a he Is when uttering querulous, bitter and week, beginning with a matinee today and iwaty complaints and Invective i bnuause includes hh extra Nfw Year matinee Mon- they are not. a he conn dera written by . , ,k ., ,.. , ,-,,, . his KntemM.raiie In bis own line. Let dar nt tm Orphctim. The Collna-Clalrons, him lmrove liia own opportunity and l-va eight famous European terpslchorean Br others alone. All the good that he can tlsts will be the top-line attraction. Four accomplish 1. dune when he .eta the pas- . ,h lroun- ra wrmen and four men lug apecta of the Btage instructively. or ,n lrour" are women ann rour men. ngreeably and suggestively Iwfore the pud- They perform In duos, trloa and all tu lle mind. He la not required to manage gr-ther In a variety of dances, Including the lters or to regulate tu, people who ,om(lt,f ,he whirlwind order. An un it re trying to tarn a living by means ut the . . , . , . , , , stage. H is tin essential part of his prnv- """"l feature Is promised In Alclde t upl ines to instruct actors as tu their business talne, styled Ihe perfect gymnast, who also to Kint out that Charles Burfao should h18 from Kurope. Her muecular de (ippeur wllh a shaven face, or that lrd , . . ' . ...,.' j Ogleby eh.. old wear shoe buckle. velopment Is reinurkuhle In a woman and I he ifTurts of drnmuiln artists are tn b. .he .conmpllHhes some very difficult and met where those effort. Impinge upon the daring feat, on the trapeae. Blnns, Blnns public mind at thorn points where acting , ... . . .ir,,i,n,iu u r-f.e.-onHB a subject of public Inteietl by ex- a'"l "'" known us the vagabonds, ar. irtlng an Influence upiui the mental and eccentric musicians, who Intermix fun- moral condition of the people. 1 lie primal niHklns with their musical effort, t harli s obi lat lun of tho critic is that of vyiu puthy una Judicium r ivor. rne most Im portant purl of his function Is the peici'i' tlon and proclamation of excellence. To . man of line Intrlliaence and gtntle feel ing nothing la ko diTlglitfiil aa a free Im pulse to trie appreciation of tiobleneSN In human rapacity and beauty In human life. When he fla tlua mid can act upon it, men. nmceti. cruicmm necomea a mremig Jus Irf-onarM Fletcher, who ha only recently returned from a tour of :nglund and South Africa, ha. an tntlrely new art called "An Evening With Charles Ulcken and Other Ureal Novelists," In which h. introduces impersonation of wll-knowu chai'scters, gives a pct-p I'1'" the making 8 Colini'Clatrons World Fumous European Terpischorean Artists. Alcide Capitaine The Perfect Gymnast. From the Principal European Vaudeville Palaces. Blnns, Blnns & Blnns The Vagabonds, Chas. Leonard Fletcher Presenting Ills New Artistic Novelty. "AN EVENING WITH CHARLES DICKENS" and Other Urcat Novelists. Happy Jack Gardner Musical Monologue and Singing Comedian. Fox & Foxie The Funny Clown and Hla Pog. Mitchell, & Love In "Married Life from the Inside." The Klnodrome Latest In Moving Pictures. Prices 10c. 25c. 50c EXTRA NEW YEAH MATINEE MON DAY, DECEMBER 2. ' 1. 113 J. KELLEY Artistic Sinf tag, Interpretation, Correct Breathin;. Studio In the Davldge Building;, 18th and Farnam 5trccli. BOYD'S SS" Mirrs. BEGINNING WITH NEW YEARS MATINEE TODAY 3 Nights, Jan. 1, 2, 3 Matinees Sunday and Monday The Distinguished English Actor CHARLES HAWTREY In tha World-Famoui Comtdy A MESSAGE FROM MARS As acted by Mr. Hawtrey ovar 1,200 times In London and Now York. Startling mechanical, scenic and electric effects. WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY-Special Wed. Matinee Last season's greatest New York success GEORQE BERNARD SHAW'S BRILLIANT COMEDY CANDIDA With LESTER LONERGAN And specially selected cast. An entire season's run in Ne York- City Magazines and newspapers teaming with praise. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY - SATURDAY MATINEE FRANK L. PERLEY Presents ROSELLE KNOTT In the greatest comedy hit of New York and London COUSIN . It AT E - As presented during- its Ion? and successful run at the Hudson Theatre, New York .City. J. R. KENNEDY ELEVATOR SUPPLIES Manufacturing, Erecting and Repairing Elevators. RICHnOND SAFETY QATE CO.'S Gravity Fire Doors Will close wall openings automatically in ease af fire thus con fining the fire to floor or room in which it occurs. They pro tect life and property aud reduce rate of insurance. TELEPHONE 2997. 319 SO. 13TH ST. TmlPM ffl) T Mr. Kelley Uses the Sterer Piano. Table d'Hote Dinner AT TUB Calumet Coffee House ON SUNDAY Uc.'i. Taail. .uTnnd htnorj up art or .... dr..d.. a"u -P ' WUI Be Like TaU.if a Trip Back Horn.. LB5 TO THE TOS3 WE ARE SELUHQ COAL Rock Springs S7.40 Hanna, 2nt $6.90 Pennsylvania Anihrac'.ta $11.00 Arkansas Anthracite S8.50 ALSO HAVE ALU THE CHEAPER GKADES 192 IZARD ST. X