Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 01, 1905, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 13, Image 13
13 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE f FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE trv ommm HATLY REE: SUNDAY. JANUARY 1, 1905. FOR SALE! Bids will be received until Jan. 14, 1905, at J.. L. Brandeis & Sons office for the following buildings to be torn down and removed: .The tripple 4 -story Barton flat building on Douglas street adjoining Y. M. C. A. Building. The double 3-story Dufrene flat building on Douglas street adjoining'the Barton flats. The 2-story brick Horbach residence, cor ner Douglas and 17th streets. BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED FOR ANY ONE BUILDING OR ALL THREE. All . buildings to be torn down and removed within 45 days after bids are accepted. GARVIN BROS., Commercial Nat. Bank Bldg., 1604 Farnam. 11,800 On easy terms, two-story house of eight rooms, with bath, etc.; good cellar, full lot, near 84th and Leavenworth. Call for particulars. 11,800 A seven-room house on paved street. In walking distance, near 22d and Leavenworth. Investigate. $1,700 A nice cottage of five rooms In first-class repair, porcelain hath, slnit, closet, gas, sewer; on Corby stn-ct near Hlierman avenue. Investigate. Can make terms. $700 C00 cash, balance on easy payments four-room cottage, city water, near th and Grunt. NEW MODERN BRICKS. Rent. $1,440 price, $12,500 Three new brick flats, In good location and walKlng dist nice, all modern, first-class and up-to-date. If you want investment call at our otVrr RE , 2,560-ACRE STOCK FARM 1,600 acres deeded, 4) acreB school. ) acres leased land, convenient to church, schuul on the farm, R. F. D. and telephone, 11 miles north of Alnsworth, on stuge line; &"0 ucres In cultivation, sjj uc.u.: ii, hay; fine pastures, running water and timber in three, windmills in two; two sets of buildings; It miles of fence; good soli, pure water; cultivated land renin readily; rent on wheat last year, $4.76 an acre; this year, $5 SO an acre; will pay 20 per cent on Investment and double In live years. Will sell with stock, grain and machinery If desired; will take Iuwa farm In part payment. Price, tM an acre for deeded. If not sold by February 1 will 1iy4s.' In small farms. F. A. Stephenson, T)m, Alnsworth. Neb. RE iS2 1 lrLfowant to buy. sell. rent, borrow money, sell notes or account, call at R. t, N. Y. Lit. 'Phone 133. Glover & Son. RE M4i: TRY Landreen's Antiseptic Hair Tonlo. . . RB 468J-14 Mr. Fred Terry, having decided to reside permanently in Chicago,, we-are authorized to ..- . i offer his home for sale. Well built, attractive house, Furnace, modern plumbing, . East front, paved street, Good condition, I Desirable neighborhood, - Size of lot 50x168, No. 103G South 32nd Street. Price, '$5,00 Howard Kennedy & Son, 209 First National Bank Bldg. Telephone 722. HOMES West Podge St., tine location. I rooms, jood asnew, south frun. beautiful lot. Large modern residence, 2J18 Cass St.. best furnace, new open plumbing, newly papered, all In good condition; this is a choice location, close to business, schools and churches. Price $4,500. Another close. In property, rooms, oak finish, good as new. Pries $4.50, cash, balance on long tints at low rats. On 8. loth, near Iorcaa, excellent residence, Urge rooms, fine lot, 6nxl32 ft., space for another house, permanent walk: owner leaving city and will sell at a bargain. Price, only $3,200, part cash. New 7-room house, all modern, close In, near Central Boulevard, block fron car; lit ua show you this. Price $2.M Near Hsnsoom Park. 7 rooms, paved street, bath. gas. permanent walk. Only $2,ou0. House of 8 rooms, Mil N. 18th St., modern. Pries $2,000. Ws want offers. South Omaha, 2414 A St., rooms and fine south front lot. 85x120 ft. This Is one of the best locations In South Omaha and riroperty Is advancing In value. Price 1.4&). part cash. On th. near ! "ranees. 8-room cottags and large eet front t for 81.J50. SUBURBANWOME Spring U und you will want mors Yuom. 5 acres, with all kinds of fruit In fins bearing, paature, tine 7-room strictly modern nou'S. good barn, chicken (iouse. etc , all flrst-c as. Price $6,760. LOTS line lot. West Kuruuui location, $2,260. pouih front on Harney, between iih and 4 th 12 uvju. ::.iat 'from, 81x100 ft., on B. 20ih, paving i a id.. ei(HV walking distance new power .u je, l.Zuu. :;.iuu. iroi.t .0x120 ft., on A St.. near 25lh. : . lot $760. i'. . ice c i. r. Ith and Franoes. $wX; an- ilu-r at t'tto. i i-. ,oi in uuudes for $600. ft.. ..ill Omaha, near new power house, 'or to lor $460. ACREAGE ir Klcrencs, 11 acres on Calhoun road. ! v well, all timber but about i acrea. i ilc $1,176. W. hARNAM SMITH & CO.. 1S30 arnam Street. RE 762 1 $j$,s WILL BUT a - beautiful bom la Haunts Piara, full lot. south front, good barn, street psved. nous newly pumttil ad papered; everything modern THOMAS MRB.NNAN. Boom $ N Hotk LUs Bldg. iUI-Mia RE-775-1 DO YOU KNOW that choice frontage on Florence Boulevard Is booming as scarce as hen's teeth 7 Are you aware of the fact II at the best lots have been sold? Would you buy a practlrsllv new. all modern. 6-room dwelling within stones throw of where Rome Miller I spending several thousand doll u is un his new country home? We have It nt a price that ta IKs W.OtX). It Interested, call for particulars. SHIMER & CHASE COMPANY, 1U09 Farnani. Ground Floor. 'Phone 3867. RK Tiil 1 PATTERSON'S OFFERING. LOTS. Sftlh otifl WehMter $ 780 Military Ave., paved j'- anil Leavenworth 00 auth and Dak. South 2oth . (W and others Jut us cheap. Al'HKAOR. 5 acres, Florence, near motor 1250 6 acres, ilxiuon, near motor 1.260 10 acres, Benson J-OOO 20 acres, Benm 8.UU0 10 acres near Ruser's . 17 acres near Ruser's, Improved 3,au0 8 neres near llarwnm park 2 00 DAVID C. PATTERSON, 16 FARNAM. RE-'il) 1 ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. I will sell at public sale, at the eaat door of the court house, on January 7, lswii, at 10 o'clock a, m., the west V, of the northeast and the east V, of tne northwest V of Sec. 23, T. Ill, ft. 12, being a part of the Benjamin Bate estate, and about three miles west of Florence. Inquire of G. A. Mugney, N. Y. Life bldg. II. L. ANDERSON, Administrator. RE (S3 1 re- A HAPPY AND A PROSPER OUS NEW,YEAR TO ALL. R. C. Peters &i Co., . TO STAHT KIGHT, BUY A HOME. OR A LOT AND BUiLD ONt. V e tall a3i(. ou ill tu.B ii juj will leil us wiiat ou want. VV have Improved and vacant properties in all parts of tne cay. Im,rue(i pioperiie ranging (rum ewM up. Vaiuul ones irum tzw up. VV can make urnm to suit the most modest Income, come in and learn what w have to offtr ou iigiit. BOULEVARD TERRACE S. VY. Col. 1 opt iu.on and &ih St. You can buy nothing sightly in Hanscom park district tor itiun (J.ixio. Why - hesitate to buy one of luese lota when we are offering them frum 460 to $1.2ou. Ws aro junl two blocks wect of Hanscom Paik und our lots ure us sightly as any- In the park district. A Good New Year's Resolutwn' Resolve lu ou Luu.cium ie.ij.t ,ol and thereby get the best for the money on the market. We will help you to gep this by making terms to suit. BEMIS PARK- Facing th Uouicvmd on a lot 67xu0 is a very, well bunt 7-room house, with re e. ptiun hall, hall, stairway and living ru in. Including floors, finished In oak. Ing.enook buokcaaes and mantel, elab orate conibluailun fixtures, livinc room 1x3. ci tier rooms good sixe, cemented i cellar, good , furnace, eementea walk. This oi is none of your straiglit up and down affairs, but lies very well. $l,uuu Canh .l. take this, balance on time. AN INVESTMENT AND HOME . Two 7-.0O..1 h. u.-. s, one Just built, th , other in 1 ne un lition, Just two blocks ir.jin th 24lh s.reut car line, on Patrick avenue, located on a ao-fout corner lot, for $4,61.0. Let us show you these prop erties; they are all right at' Hie price. GOOD HOME, LITTLE MONEY l-room house on 60-fvot lot In Creighton Heights f(-r 19.0. Cun make terms. HANDY TO CAR BARN On Ames avenue, I blocks from Z4th street, la a s-rotmi house, with gas, water, hot water heat, cemented cellar, ellar. Permanent walk, fisted street, barn, shed, for only $lno. This la uulck. bargain and will go R. C. Peters & Co., No. 1TU2 Furaaia Street. . D. V. SHOLES COMPANY, 722 N. Y. Life Bldg. TeL 49. These Properties Must Be Sold. Prices Are Reduced To Sell Them. PERFECT TITLE. NO BACK TAXES. T0-2?12 Pierce St.. 4 rooms. .Vx91H feet. &-:214 Pierce St.. 4 rooms. 3UX91V, feet. 86 3413 Jackson St., 4 rooms, 33x124 feet; well located. .nno 3417 Jsrkson St.. 6 rooms. S3X1C4 feet. ,lAy Krnl Blondo St., corner. 15ixl34 feet, large 2-story 10-room house, cost about S4.'1; fine view; a great simp. .65012 S. 27th St.. 6 rooms, modern ex cept furnace, new filiimhltig. sewer, w-iter, gas, lot 60x150 feet; nice loca tion. .Ta !., 0 Park Ave., 2-stnry and basement, 8 rooms, and one 3-room cottage; lot 60x160 feet, on car line, paving and permanent walk pain; big snap. 600 Corner 30th and Arbor, neat 5-mnm cottage, poreclsin bath, sewer, water, gas. lot 5oxlJ7 feet; very choice. sflO-'.'4o! N. 1th. xM0 feet, large 10-room house, all modern, good repair. 0tX-;'6'l Cuming. 6 rooms, lot 54x124 feet, riving paid; lot alone worth more mo;iey. CO0-M4 .V. 27th Ave., 7 rooms, new nickel piiiniUna. hot and cold water, bath, all newly papered and painted, barn, fine shade, lot 62 by K'o feet. 10O-1212 8. 17th, good neat 8-room house, fine repair, nicely arranged, close In, walking distance, ,1603X21) Hamilton, new 6-room house, porcelain bath, modern except fur nace, lot 40x100 feet; easy terms. S0O-1&U6 Locust, neat 6-room 2-story house, furnace, sewer, water, gas, baii: must go this week. 600 2522 Maple, large 2-story 8-room house all modern, furnace, good shade, barn, fine repair. 000-61H 8. 26th Ave., lot 62H, full depth to alley; large 10-room modern noose, toilet and lavatory on first floor, com plete bath on second floor, good barn. VACANT $ 2fO 22x142 feet, south front, on Cass, be tween 32d and 34th; snap. $ 15030x140 feet, on Elm. bet. 14th & 16th. CHEAP HOMES Six-room house on Emmet street, bath, sewer, gas, paved Hiretl, lot 6uxl24, only $1,2511.00. Slx-r om house at U43 North lhth street, lot 3214' $1.:50 00. Slx-ro. m hou.-L-. !4j North 23d street, sewer, water, k is "uved street; retv. $15.00; price is a. 60.00. A nice, wi II built five-room cottnge, cellar under the whole house, all bricked up, water, g;is, eewer, closet, lot 3xl27. one b.oi k from end of Hunscom Park car line, only $l,25v."0. on easy puyments. A good five-room cottage at .616 Seward, water sewer, closet, $1,800.00. A good, large five-room cottage, modern except furnace, at 3711 Nortn li'th street, lot 5v140. btrn; price $2,000.00. A nice home on the Boulevard, six rooms, modern except furnace, new barn, lot 3o1'o an exceptionally well built house, $2.J.00. A nice vncnnt lot on Blnney. In Kountie Place, for $l,o00.o0, with all street improve ments paid for. W. H. GATES, 617 N. Y. Life Bldg. Phone 1294. RE 768 1 CHAi Williamson Co.. ui.t Fikoord RE-424 . WHO IS LOVGREN? Lovgren has sold IJeal Estate in Omaha for 23 years. I would have taken more space, but The Bee refused it on account of room. Helow is a partial list of his bargains. $2,000 Lot 60x128, east front, 8 shade trees; house 24 x 40 ; 6 large rooms, with slid ing d ioi'si baaemeut under the whole house; in flrst-clasa location; close to school and street car. $1.000 On South 61st t.. neat 6-room house, 60X132 on 61st and 16x132 on 6Jth; barns, chicken house, etc.; 2 blocks from Leavenworth car line. $1,400 North 'th. lot 3oxl00: 6-room modern except furnace; good cellar; tuwly iiauti ed. 800i a und fierce Bi., wiuia, -rourn house 700 IVu and Pierce St., 30x9114, 4-room house. 600 SJd and Plnkney, 60x127, 5 rooms. 600 20th and Ohio, 42x132, with 2 cottages. 760 16th and Izurd, 6uxl60, 5-room cottage; barn. $5,600 21ft and Chicago, 66x132, south front, 11-room house, in first-class order; all modern. $2,250 Slst and Mason, 9-room house, south - .v front; bath, city water, gas and sewer. $1.000 83d and Burt, 6-room brick, first-class, 83x67. $4,500 luth and Charles, 60x120, facing 2 ats. ; 2 good houses; ons rents $38 per month. A bargain. $1,000 27th, 1 block north of Cuming, 31Hx 130; eaat front, 4-room houae; city water. $2,600 Eaat front, 56x120, 9-room nous, bain, city water, gas, shade trees. J. A. LOVGREN, Paxton Block. H New Modern 6-Room IT House $300 Cash, 11 and monthly payments of $25 a month and Interest, in Bluff View Audition, east of Itith st., cornei lug Kountze Place, close to car line, built by day's labor. Price, J,jOJ. Hastings & Hedent, ' W-A Farnam SU (Ground Floor.) RU M&O I FOR SALE, 4-room cottage, out houseaj seventeen head of hoga, cow, calf and farming Implements; bargain; southwest corner 44lh and L sts., South Cmalia. K&-M.80 2x ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. Tltls Perfected and fluaranteed Tel. 244 JAMES F. KERR 1008 N. T. l RK-.Momi 1531 FOR SALE Large lot one block from 24th und Ames; car linos, $J00 cush. Box 1S6, Omaha. RK MJ7S 2x THh TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER This agricultural weclfly goes to 60,001 homes of farmers and stuck rab-ers, so if you have grod pise of lai o to sell at a urli j you flini a buyer among them. Th cost of an advaril-omes). s sinall 2 cents per word Ir. .mtl tp a $2.62. per Inch 1' st In lar ivpa. estate advertising January . February March April .... May , Juue July August ... September t k'tOlKT . . November December $ 22B-V. K. cor. S2d and Franklin. 4?x1J7 ft. $ 226 60x128 ft.. N. W. cor. th C Pts. $ 226 K2X126 fee, west front, on 46th, third lot south of Cuming, lies fine. $ 26022x127 feet, south front, on Cuming, 8 feet west of 20th. paving paid. $ 3fO-4?x1i! feet, west front, on 26th, be tween Maple and Blnney. $ 301) 5"xl3i) feet, east front, on 35th, 250 feet north of Davenport. $ Jon txll8 feet, south front, on Oak, ex tended between inton and lRth. 300 xl27 feet, north front, on Blondo, 1 Hi feet west of 36th; fine. 330 5oxl.16 feet, west front, on 34th. 200 feet north of Davenport $78-6il27 feet, N. W. corner 86th and Decatur. 426 rol:i2 feet. S. E. corner Reward and Military Ave., on car line, paving paid; or H75 for the Inside nt; nig bargain. 40060x140 feet, south front, on Bancroft between 14th and 15th: fine. 460- 4.".x."'i. north front, on California, 110 reet west or x:a. fipn 47x'4 ft.. 8. E. cor. Slst and Jackson. "0 4Tx'4, 3'st Jackson. Joining above. 4XV-43x1). N. E. Cor. 21st and Elm. 700 48x125 feet. wet front on 14th, 100 feet north of Dorcas: bis; snap. $ 750 4xl34 feet, east front on 40th, near Burt, paving paid: choice. $ 850-60x113 feet, N. XV corner 22d and Poppleton Ave., paving paid; snap. INVESTMENTS $4,000-8. W. corner 18th and Y,nton- Arm brust grocery, about 176 feet frontage on Vinton, stone paving all paid: per manent walk. 60 feet in rear, facing 18th, large brick building: room for 2 more cottages on 18th, three to four more additional on Vinton: now rent ing for $640 per year; big snap. $0,600 Four choice 6-room modern cottages, with 30x127 feet to each. 2 blocks from 24th St. car line. Shlnn'l Add.; rent ing for $.y4 per year; bargain. RE GEORGE & CO., 1601 Karnam St. 'Phone No. 756. Houses tor Sale $3,730 for No. 2060 N. Uth St., new two slory house, strictly modern, exception ally well built, six rooms and large re ception hall. Best of piumuing and fix tures, gas and electricity; never occupied; Immediate pusesion. Loi 63xl4o teet. Easy terms; within walking distance. $2io fur No. fc2 8. 21t Bt , 7-rouiu, two story house, modern except furnace. Close In. 12.2m for No. 2028 N. 19th St, five-room house, large lot, 66x140 feet. $2,2ou for No. 3U21 Chicago St., 7-room cot tage, modern except lurnaca, good loca tion. $2,luo for No. 1111 N. 18th St., 7-room cot tage, modern except furnace. Immediate possession, within walking distance. $l,Wu for desirable 6-room cottage, modern except furnace, on Franklin St., near 26th St. $1,MM fur 6-room cottage on N. 26th St., city water, gas. etc.; large barn, lot 62x125 feet: $400 cash, balance monthly. $l.ioo for No. 1117 8. 6th St., one-story frame store building, renting for $10 per month, suitable for bakery buslneaa; easy terms. Pesirable building lots for sale located In nil parts of the city. RE-767 1 $1,150 5-room house, 56x106, 35th and Cass; barn, chicken house, cistern, fine shade trees; close to st. car. VACANT $1.400-Two beautiful lots, 91x140. 41st and Cuming, right for grade, permanent walk, 1 block to st. car; riist-claai location. $ 400 45.7x1(7.3, facing south on, Boulevard, at 27th and Cass streets. $1,200 6uxl4. corner 3.ith and Dewey ave.; permanent walk In front, t 450 20th and Caatellar, 36x104, eat front, street paved, permanent walk. This la a bargain. ( aio .acn Dl.oxiJ9. souin uiu norm kiuiil on Burt Bt., bet. 4oth and 41st ave.. This is only one block to car line and from a half block to 5 blocks to 1 churches of different denominations, and close to school. ACREAGE $1,000 Right acres, small house, abundance of Olffa ent kinds of fruits; all femd, all under cultivation; one mile wast of Florence. $ 200 per acre. $60 cash down, balance 8 years at 6 per cent; north of Krug park ' of a mile. $1,000 for eleven lots; each 100x128; block and one-half from the St. car In Heuaou. $ 900 Acre lots, close to South Omaha. RB-77J 1 YVE CAN sell you lands along the Missouri pacino Ky. in NeorusKa, Kansas ana at- : kaneas at Inside figures. C. R. Glover A I Hon, mmn floor M. X. Ule, omana. Phone 133. RE 7t Acreage. Two Bargains in 10-Acre Tracts. A well Improved 10 acres, only 2Vs miles from Broadway Methouist uuurcli, Coun cil ululTs, ia. ; good six-ioom house, borM barn, buggy shed, cow barn, guod cav and rock, 2Vs act seeued duwn and teuced hug tigiu; i aurea 01 giupei; 7oo apple, plum and cherry trees, to 4,u0u berry bustle, suawuerries in fact, an up-to-date iruit farm. Ownjr hx good leasons for selluvg ana win make price right. Good stock to go with piuce if den. led. Might exchang for Omaha property. No. 2. 10 sere? southwest of town, well Improved; aM Kinds 01 fiu t good house, barn, cave, hog hour, chicken house a llr t-ci ui piuperty, near Center street road. You can have possession any time. For fur ther information se Payne, Bostwick & Co., Sixth Floor N. T. Life. Omaha. RE- WANT offer on 3-room house and lot, 8. 8th near Buncroft. F. V. WE AD, 1524 Douglas . . HE 827 1 The Bee Over 51 Per Cent Ahead The following table shows Sunday comparisons for for year of 11)04: Bet World Herald Llues. Llues. 7.20 4,410 8.078 ' 5,i.-'2 10,374 . 6.1C8 12.306 7,784 15,274 10.374 8.512 6.804 8,71)2 6.84G , 6,IT8 4,8-10 , 8,526 MtoH , 10.402 6,578 , U.408 A,.'t42 7,1144 4,4: 113,1)04 75,554 ,.1. For the fifty-two Sundays ending December 25, 11)04, The Dee leads its.nearest competitor by 38,350 linen. This large lead, representing only Sunday advertisings will be much further ad vanced when the measurements for the daily paiers have bwai fully compiled, which will be published within a few days. HuKiuess men have the best opportunity to make comparisons and they advertiw? where they get results. , HOUSES AND LOTS . ON EASY PAYMENTS 4-room house, large rooms, nice level lot, east front, on 20th boulevard: very deslr- ahle location: good repair; price only $1,260; $150 down and balance $15 per month, practically same as rent; city water. 6-rrxim cottage, nearly new, near 24th and Saratoga, $1,200; easy payments. BEMIS, PAXTON BLOCK. RE-763 1 SHRIVER 'Phone 1636. Real Estate, Insurance, Rentals. 1023 New York Life Building. Real estate bargains In ail part of the city. The best of Insurance companies. Houses and stores for rent. -RE 77S 1 40 ACRES NEAR FLORENCE Yesterday we were instructed to sell 40 acres 34 miles northwest of Florence and U mile west of Calhoun road, (or Land not rough, 3 acres timber, small house and barn, good well; Ideal fruit farm fcfcK IS AT UNCti. THIS 13 A MONEY MAKER. WE HAVE an exceptional bargain In a 7 room house, east front, on North 24th St.; lot 44xl.i2; permanent walks, large shade trees; near school, stores and 2 car lilies only $1,600. SWEET & BEST. 613 N. Y. L. Tel. 1475. RE-774 1 THE ABBOTT-COWAN CO. 3d Floor, First Nat'l Bank Bldg. $5,8o0 36th and Harney 8 large rooms and rectpuon nail uuwimuuri miisiicu oak very modern new on full lot, facing south. Lasy terms. Trad for vacant property eguity In new l.nim house. 1 block from N. till car. Very nicely arranged, well built has hot water heM large barn all on lot eoxlXl ibis is goou. Re 11B $3,500 W It lun walking distance of down town i rooms, Clllireiy niuuani most new. Nice neigiioornoou, nanuy to Harn.v and Faruum cars. $3,300 Boulevard and Turner park 6 rooms, strictly modern nicely arranged walking distance from town und two blocks from Farnam cars. $2,700 each Two 7-room houses, with large reception hall on Clifton Hill and only half a block to car. The halls and parlors are finished In oak, oak floors, and other rooms finished lu birch. Uas, cement basement, per manent walks and lot 6uxl5o, south front. Owner Is at no expense for the oak and birch put In theee houses, therefore the price. Kai-y terms. BIGGEST SNAP for months a look will convlnoe. Don't let this slip out of your hands get one. $2,600 Bemls park, half block from car $ rooms, modern almost new all on one floor, very cosily arranged built for a home sickness Is caus of sell ing. Owner Just lately rented, but don't care to continue. Nice place for a borne. . 52.: S50 a-room house In Hanscom park dls trlct can you beat It, provided this Is in good repair and modern In every way? Well. it IS owners are forced to sell, and tills Is a great snap. Near church, park, school and car. Let us TfcJ-J-. you in cir cumstances. r ino oo Hernia Park. 7 rooms, almost new. . modern without furnace, up high and sightly and very snappy at tnis price. $1,960.006 rooms and bath, in Clifton Hill; modern In every particular; perma nent walks; up on nice terrace; beautiful lawn and lots of fruit. $1,250.00 Benson, lot 100x132, 6-room house and barn, berries, cherries and all kinds of fruit, nicely located, two blocks from car. It's good. Better take a look at this and be fitted out for next year while you can buy right. $1,260.00 a-room cottage, near park and half block from car, modern except fur nace and on large lot. This Is ex ceptionally cheap. Owner has left city and will sacrifice. A client of ours has two 4-room cottages, modern except furnace, which he will trade for a larger house In good neighborhood, or for a farm or will sell cheap and on very liberal terms. North part of town; handy to two cars. These are In good shape. Just repaired and all new plumbing. $310.00 Vacant corner lot, 60x130; south and east front, at 28th Ave. and Mander son. Giving this away. $2550.00 A choice corner, 100x132, east and south front. Is West Farnam; very sightly and all good neighborhood. A good chance for a few days. THE ABBOTT-COWAN CO. Third Floor First National Bank. RE ACHES! ACRES! $300 Acr lots In South Omaha, on mile southwest of Cudahy's; no farther from packing house than 24th and O sts. or cor. 2uth and Q sis. is. Why not buy when you can have a garden this year. $800 41 acres in South Park, near county line hlh and sightly near Good Luck addition. IPOO Five acres next to the abov. $l.oOC 6 acres near county line. HJ0 6 acres north of K'uir's Park. fl.OcO 6 acres next to the above. Buy now before th new car lines raise our prices. N. P. DODGE & CO., 1614 Farnam St RE- TWO houses, 27th and Dewcv ave , one of 6 rooms, one of 4 rooms; rent $1.7.50 pr month. Price, $2,650. F. D. WEAL. 16:4 Douglsn RE-827 1 real H A New Home H for the New Year WHY NOT OWN ONE OF YOUR OWN ? Now Is a good time to utart to look around to find out what yon want. W built twenty-one new homes last year, and can refer you to every pne we built for as to how they are satisfied. We build good houses, not the cheap kind. We put In good material, we employ good workmen, as we find by experience by doing sn we can pleas our cus tomers better, have them satisfied, and recommend us to their friends. DON'T WAIT UNTIL THE BUSY SEASON, Then have to rush to get your house completed. Come In now and we will phow you the houses we have already built, and give us your Idea of a house. No doubt w can help you out. We know our prices are right. WE WILL BUILD ON YOUR OWN LOT, Or will sell you a lot to build on. In any part of the city. Have them at all prices. BLUFF VIEW ADDITION LOTS Lots, at lfith and Tlnkney. cornering on K Kountze lots. .. Im and l.Mi. at 24th and Inton sts., I."', $:Go and $. Lots N. W. of Walnut Hill, along the c Choice lota lu Dundee. 8360 to ITav. Lota $125 lo $0. we have three new houses that we ca taae. modern but furnace, on Zitn ave. an $2,360. one -room cottage at Zith ana Fierce, tage on Evans St., between 1Mb and lbth, c Many other good houses that have rece our nsu W writ fir Insurance Hastings 1609H FARNAM BT. (GROUND FLOOR). Open Monday Evenings from 8 to 10. 1905-New Year Bargains-1905 BRAN NEW HOUSE, 3M-. No. 24th. 7 rooms; porcelain Oath, gas ana electric light; sewing room on second floor; good cedar; 60-foot lot; paved street; perma nent walk, all paid for. Price,, easy terms In the West Farnam district, new 7-room nuuse. smelly all modern, with living room 26 feet long. H-foot porch; south front, 6o-foot lot; ready to move right In $3.UUI. 4"4o Charles St., 9 rooms, oil finish; two nam rooms; not waier nullng plant; polished floors, two bed rooms on first floor; good barn; all kinds of fruit, shrub bery, etc. Advertised last week, $3,u00; price this week. 12. im. 27th and Chicago, corner lot, 66x132. with inree nouses; room to build one more. Owner has held property $J,6i0; offers It this week $3.0o0. Snap. Payne, Bostwick Co., SIXTH FLOOR N. T. LIFE BLDO. RE HOrSE and barn and 2 acres northeast of Krug i-ark, with some fruit; $1,100 for all caah. F. D. WEAD. 1514 Douglsi.. RE 827 1 Payne Investment Company First Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. 1706 Canton St, 4-nn. cottage, dty water, south front, $900. Easy terms. S819 Parker St., 7 mis., city water large lot, $1,000. Easy terms. 1924-4 riii, cottage lot 37 ft frontage on 2Sth, between Dodge and Farnam, which the owners are very anxious to .sell Vnd want an offer. 1202 on Parker, near 34th. 5 rm. house, good bnrn. $1,100. East front, on 32d St, Just north of California, nice, neat cottnge. Trlcey $1,500. 4244 Tatrlck ,Ave. all modern except furnace, 7 rm. house, fine lot, south front Trice $1,800. Eay terms. 4209 Cumin St,-7 rm. house, good barn. Price $2,000. Easy terms. Two blocks from the High school, 8 nn. house, lot 60x132. Price $3,500. .On Dodge St., only 4 blocks from the High school, ground 67x148, one 9 rm. house; one G-rm. and one 4-rm. Total rent Is $48.50 per month. Price, $4,000. On No. 24th St, 2-story brick building and 2 frame houses, on 60x127 ft of ground, rent $120 a mouth. Price $12,000, Easy terms, VACANT Northwest corner of 27th Ave. and Webster, 80x150, suitable for subdivision. 100 feet east frontage on So. I6U1 St, which extends through to 17th, not fax from the Her Grand Hotel. Price $21,500. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY; First Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. 1781. "You Need Exercise" HEALTH IS BETTER THAN WEALTH. Tak a walk over to Georgia ave. and Shir ley st., se mat corner with our large "For Bale" sign on IL There's I'M feet east front on Georgia ave. by 16o feet south front un Shirley st., room to L .lid two or three houses facing east and on house facing south; Georgia ave. paved, sewer, water, gas and permanent walks; 260 feet arouna property: have cut price on entire coiner to l2.JI0.uo; with good title; or will sell corner east front lot, 60 by luO, fur $&0.00; Inside lot, east front, 60 by 100, for $MA). and south front lot, 60x100 for $000. Stop a moment and figure. Yuu will find this Is only $17.00 per front foot for Georgia ave. frontage with paving paid, and only $U.u0 per Imnl foot for Shirley st. frontnge. Why, It Is th cheapest dirt In town! Payne. Bostwick & Co., Sixth Floor. New York Life., Sol Acents. Office 'phone, 10.6; house phone, Black-81S. l XL. F. D. WEAD. t-room cottage, near 28th and Dupont, full iot-roo. Three -room cottages, with city water, rent $18.00 per month, S10it-10 Maple; easy payments $1,600. S-room cottags, good repair, full lut, all fenced, North 28th ave. $1,176. 6-room cottag on Spencer gL, corner lot. south front, partly modern $260 cash, bal ance monthly $1.60o. (-room cottage, city water, small lot, nn 2bth St. near Charles; rents at $12 per month $&S0. (-room cottage, 403$ Decatur, easy payments $1,000. v (-room cottage and bsrn, on 29th avs. near Farnam, east front, neat home; this Is a bargain $1,600 (-room cottage, 2367 8. 29th at., paved street, fully paid; this property can b had on easy terms $1,360. 4-room modern house In Bemls Psrk, on Lafayette ave., full lot, cocy horn $2 000. I rooms, modern, near Dundee, on Captol avenue; has porcelain bath, nickel pitted plumbing and elactrlo light; easy terms $1,600. T-room house, In good repair; full lot, on 8. 28th near Hickory; snap $1,260. 7-room house, west of Hanscom park; No. 1 house; owner moving out on tract of land; must sell; call for price and location. l-room house, well built, modern except furnace, on 27th near Caldwell si; hard oil flnlsh-$:.(0O. F. D. WEAD. 1524 ountze Place, $?ifl. $.W0 and $fiofc Lots soutn, near the new street car barn. ar line, fine high ground. $?0 and $??A lu Kenson, l"o to -"0. Lts in Florence n sell on very easy terms. On 8-room cot d Ersklne, one block from car line, for modern but ftirnsce. $2. WO. On 8-room cot orneritig on Kotintse Place, for $2,500. ntly been Hated at low prices. Call and gel & Heyden PHONB 1604V RE- Sholes-Armstrong Company 722 New York Life Bld. Tel. 49. Throe brick stores, flats above, paying $51 per month; encumbered cottaae. paved street. central locution. for $4,voo. Trade equity for Three brick stores with fltts above, raved street, good and Improving location, rent ing for iw per month, nil clear. Trade fog clear land of equal value. K'-room modern brick residence, fine loca tlon; lot Mxl37 feet, paved street; mort gaged for $.'.0"0. Trade equity for land and assume some encumbrance. S-room frame dwelling, corner lot 1.1! feel square, on boulevard. All clear; trade for land. Fine piece of tracknge rroprty on paved street, has some old houses on It now renting for $t5 per month, but Is worth wlce this for a factory or ooJ yard. Want to trade for a good residence. Sholes-Armstrong Company RE FOR SALE Two modern, brick houses, I rooms each: will rent for $40. Price, $2,500, easy terms. THOMAS BRENNAN. Room 1 New York Llf bldg. RE 414 RE-" WOl LD trade for land two T-room all modern houses; good repair; 2th, norllt of Parker St. f. D. WEAD, 1524 Doug a- RB-827 1 A. P. TUKEY & SON AN INVESTMENT IN ACRES As an Investment nothing better Could b found than the IB acres w ar advertis ing on 86th and Grand ave., just thre blocks north of th Ames ave. car line. RB-M7M I FOR SALE Od not of Ii. sot, Ou Tn on a year, aocured bjr first mortgage on good Improved Omaha property, bearing ( per cent Interest, payable semi-annually; sua on not for $l,tu0, du on or before threg years. Interest at 6 per cent, payalil sem'.-annually, secured by first mortgage on good pioperty. Both ar absolutely safe and given by respectable parti. Address th owner, tt. Bo office. TWO acres, with house of 4 rooms and two-story barn, good well and cave; v acr In asparagus; near Krug Park; 11,100. F. . wkAb, 11,24 Dougla he-it, i l-room house, and barn, 41 Cuming $2,000. -room house, all modem, $216 CaJlfornJa property rants at $30 and water $3,000. VACANT PROPERTY. Nice east front lot on $4th north of Farnam, would sell on very reasonable terms or would consider building to suit pric tor lot-$3,l&0. Two lots, south and east front, corner f 26th st. and Woolworth ave.; would mak thre 42i-foot lota. If gold this week $2,(00. Nice south front lot near Mr. Yates' resi dence, on Chicago St.; oavlng fully paid; this Is on f th cheapest lots on th hill -$1,160. Lot on Bristol st, south front, paving fully paid, stone sidewalks $D50. Lot on Bpauldlng St., near 26th, south front $S0, $100 rush, balance In payments. 60 feet on Uth st. south Ames ave.; just th place tu build stores and flats; paving paid $700. (0 feet on Park av., near Itanscom park, very cheap. (0 feet on 20th St., boulevard, south Ames ave. 82 fert on 30th St., boulevard, by 800 deep, near Rome Miller's future elegant resl. denre-$1,300. feet northeast corner 27th and Caldwell-. $1,100. 20 feet, south of Mandersnn on 22d. with small barn $-00. " 60 feet on 8. 10th St., near Casiellar 11.400. DOUGLAS ST. RE