Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 01, 1905, EDITORIAL SECTION, Image 12
1 1 vVi s ft ! i: ii rPECiAL NOTICES AUTertlsesaeats for Ihese rolaaB will takes 111 12 a, fat tke evenlag eSltloa til M .. tm. lot the warnlns dT ilt. Hates 1 wr4 Srst lasertUat la ward thereafter, kwthlac takea for less tkaa XtM for tka flrei tloa. Thee idf irllitntali " k raa eeaseeatlvely. Advertisers, kr resjsestlssi a um bered check, eaa have swers dressed ta a mkered letter la ear at Tka Bee. Answers ao addressed will ka delivered aa preeestatloa of cheek. MISCELLANEOUS TRT KELLY 8 TOWEL SUPPLY. Tel. S5.H. PRESSORIUM Clothe Pressed. 13:1 Farnam. R-MU1 CITY SAVINGS BANK pays 4 per' ' pent. R 378 IF YOU waut to buy, sell or rent properly, borow money, sell note or account, rail at R. a, N. Y. Life. Tel. 133. Glover Hon. Pianos for Rent, ll.Cn-U.0C. New pianos. High grade. Rent allowed If you purchase. Petrte.d Piano tympany. 111 Farnam. Telephone .t'U Open rrnln(i. R 3S3 SAILS Loan Office; reliable. accommodat ing; ail business confidential. 1301 Douglae. R-tM BLACK aella the best 12. SO hat on earth. ANTI-MONOPOLY Garbage Co.. 81 N. lath. Tel. 1779. HZ - STOVE & FURNACE REPAIRS TuLM. UH Doug. O in ana Stove Rep. Was. T, MELCHOIR. machine worka, 13th and Howard. H-3HS KI.HABUER A PRICE, machine and em era! repair worki, 317 8. 12tb at. Tel. 1477. , R-M065 J2 SPECIAL attention given architects plana and specifications; contractors should In vestigate. Lew Wentworth, Sis I'axton block R-M99 J7 OMAHA Safe and Iron ' works make a spe cially of fire wpn, shutters, doors and safes. Q. Andreen. prop., lu2 8 l"th Bt. R-M1W 5 P.C. YEAR From $500 to $6,0f Kitin on rcnl estate at 5 PER CENT Ptf EAR. All good lo ins wanted. Call or -rlte and get my fjs tem. W.- L. Eastman, litis Fn-num, Omaha. R-M723 D. W. DUDGEON, the expert PLUMBER. Two 'phones, 1906 and L2873. R-M993 M7 ' CITY STEAM LAUNDRY. 211 SOUTH 11TH. TEL 264. We trust everbody. Flanni'ls and colored goods laundered at our risk. R-M172 J22 COLLINS PIANO CO., wnolesah. and re tall musical Instruments. Talking ma chines, records exchanged. 113 8. 17th at, umaht. It ELECTRIC light plants, water worka and power planta built; Approved projects financed. R. S. Ashe, 2610 .t., Denver. Colo. R 681 lx FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES A $10 OFFICE In The Bee building carries with It ail the conveniences and advan tages In the way of heat, light, Janitor service, All night and all day and Sunday elevator service. A 110 ottlce is now va cant. Call at once. R. C Peters & Co., ground floor. Bee building. I 2J l-STORY and basement brick building, 1001 Farnam, 22x100, hydraullo elevator, till able tor wholesale or manufacturing, ail First Nat l Bank building. 1437 IF A OOOD light la needed wa can ahow you a north front ulllue on the nun floor, a splendid room, at tka moderate price of Iai. It. C. Peters Co.. ground floor, ate building. t lOl FOR RENT At (IS Farnam St., over 5,0W square feet of flour- apace: can be used tor storage or light manufacturing; will rent all or part at a reasonable figure. 'Phone 2702. DESK room, with telephone. 60S Bee. I M499 Is A VERY desirable office la the First Nat'l Bank bldg. Apply to Walter M. Ciirter, superintendent. 1677 1 8 TORES FOR RENT. 709-713 8. 27th ave $10.00 1922 8. 10th st 8.00 N. P. DODGE St CO.. 1614 Farnam St. IM784 3 LOWER FARNAM OFFICES United States Nation a Bank Build ng. DESIRABLE MODERN OFFICES We have two ground-floor offices, one facing Farnam st. arid the other 12th at.; large a-nd light, large wlndowa for dis play; quarter-sawed uuk, plate-glaes par titions, maple floors, large vault, private toilet, cloak room, electric lights, steam heat. Janitor service, strictly modern and up to date. Wa have one small ottlce up stairs which Is now vacant; new electric levator, 7:30 to l large halls. We can also furnish you desk room In large, ground-flour office. Come and see us at once. . CHAS, WILLIAMSON CO., Ground. Floor U. 8. Nat'l Bank Bldg. 1787 I DESK ROOM In large, ground-floor office, on Farnam at; rent cheap; heat light and telephone service furnished. Address O 4, cars Bee. 1798 1 WANTED TO BUY BHONFELD. the ANTIQUARIAN, 823 N. Y. Life, pays highest price for books. Tel. tu34. , N as WANTED Pigs, "shoat." Address P 4, Bee. N-M493 lx WANTED-Lot for cash, south of Farnam, west of 20th; no agents. Addresa P 16, Bee. N-760 1 WANTED To buy, vacant lot. In south western part of dry; give location and price. Addresa P li, Omaha Bee. . N-M770 7r WANTED TO BORROW WANTED to borrow at 7 per cent $500, on rent paying realdence property In South Omaha; security ample; home money pre furred. Address P 14. Bee. Mfct LOST LOUT Bull pup, I months old, white ex cept orown spoi aruunu leri eye; reward I r return to toll St. Mary a ave. Phone LOst-Mjl7 1 LOST Young black and white setter dog; reward for return. U. H. Prltchett, 1614 Farnam eC Lost 24636 lx LOUT Pocket book containing small sum of money; reward. 1101 Locust at. Lost-M61C lx LOUT Strayed, sorrel pony from Benson. Return to E. TlndelL Reward. Lost M63 lx LOST, yellow pointer dog; white markings. Suitable reward for return to tot Karback tllock. Lost 61 lx LOST. Thursday evening, white satin shoulder cape, 717 South lth at.; reward. Lost 656 I LOST OR STOLEN Fwwrt-colored gray hound, white left front leg, white breast, white tip on toes and tall. A liberal in ward, at toll Davenport atreet, for In formation that will lead to the recovery of thla dog. Lost 7 lx OPEN-FACE, plain-ease watch: H. a. H. monogram; plain dial, Arabic figures. Re turn to Bee office. LoiKt-os lx LOdT mJI leather pocketbook at Boston Store; contained atone, mouey and keys. Reward WUklns, R. F. D. No. 4, Coun cil Bluffs. 'Phone Cedar WIS. i Lost 471 lx LOST, in or near Brandies! or Thompson Helden'e storm, Tuesday, one fleur de lia lady's stickpin of pearls. Reward given fwc ratuxu. Addresa P 37, Be. Luat-4JS lx WANTED MALE HELP 190) WINTER TERM CF BOYLES COLLEGE OPENS TOMORROW COMPLETE BUSINESS COURSE. COMPLETE SHOKTIIANI) AND TYPEWRITING COUPtSE. . COMPLETE NOKMAL AND ENGLISH COURSE. COMPLETE TELEGRAPHY COURSE. COMPLETE CIVIL SERVICE COURSE. BOYLES COLLEGE ELECTED BY CHARTIER Below we reproduce n letter that speaks for itself. Visit our college and we'll show you results obtained by CHARTIER'S ELECTRIC SHORTHAND that speak for themselves! We'll show you proof positive of our claim that the pupil of this wonderful new shorthand system will be a faster, more legible, more accurate, all-round better Stenographer in one half the time than if Le had been studying any of the other shorthand systems with their confusing, despair-breeding jumble of word-signs, contractions, omissions and rules six long, dreary months. We'll show you proof positive that this new system of shorthand is based on nothing but the alphabet and ten simple rules no word signs no exceptions no contractions no dots and dashes none of the things that have heretofore hung on to shorthand writing and do still cling to all other shorthand sys tems like barnacles to an old ship bottom. Here's the letter: OMAHA, Neb., August 15, 1904. MR. II. B. BOYLES, Omatia, Neb. Hoar Sir nnd Frknl: , After hnvirnr InTodur-ed Chnrtier'g Electric Shorthand in nearly evorr lpitdinff m-bool in tlie st. 1 visited yotir city for the purpose of plnolm; It In Omaha's leading college. It took me but a vry abort, time, after making a seareblnif inquiry I nmonff the leading business men of Omaha, to decide upon your school, as being, not only the leading school of Its kind In Omaha, but one of the fore most business colleges In the entire West. Owing to these facts, I sought nnd closed a contract with yon for the exclusive right to teach Charter's Electric Shorthand In Nebraska and Western Iowa. The fact of your leadership, solid financial backing, state wide repu tation, fine equipment, and superior faculty, I decided that you could do moD for the advancement of Electric Shorthand than Imlf a doz-.'n smaller lnstiattlons. Von will find Electric Shorthand a revelation to your students In ease of learning, rapidity of execution, and legibility of outline, nnd there Is no reason why you should not enroll ninety per cent of th iicospectlve students In your territory who may be fortunate "ou'gh to have the merits of Electric Shorthand explained to them. Winning you the success yon Justly merit. I remain. Respectfully yours, E. M. CHARTIEK. 1 And here's your opportunity: Boyles College Winter Term opens January 2. Send or call for catalogue. BOYLES COLLEGE, H. B. BOYLES, Pres. BOYLES BLDG, WANTED FOR U. 8. ARM T-Able-oodlH unmarried men, between ages of 21 and 25, cltliena of United States, of good charac ter and temperate 'habits, whe speak, read and write English. For Information apply to Recruiting Officer, 19th anl Douglas ats.. Oniabal Lincoln, Neb., o Sioux City. la. B M2Ji MEN TO LEARN barber trade; fre rail road fare upon our failure to convince you of this being the BEST and only re liable, most practical barber college In the United States. Write for catalogue today. Western Barbera' Institute, Omaha. Nab. B-8 MOLER'S Barber College, Denver, Colo., teaches the barber trade In 8 weeks and guarantees positions. Special terms. Write. B MB28 J16x BY manufacturing house, trusty assistant for branch ifflca: $11 paid weekly; position permanent; no capital required; previous experience not essential. Address Branch Manager, 326 Dearborn, Chicago B-M288 Six I WANT and furnish drug clerks, drug atorea and doctors. Knlest. 701 N. T. L. B-417 TELEGRAPH department open In Decem ber. Boyles College B MM1 GOOD salaried position for active man who has $6,000 to Invest In well established manufacturing business. Address P. p. Box 464, Lincoln. Nab. B M2K3 Jan t PORTRAIT MEN Send us a few orders and compare with work you are now handlinc: prices low; all work guaran teed. Write Omaha Art Co. B 461 31 WANTED, men to sail garden seeds to the farmers; write me for terms at once; big wages can be made. Address O. P. Conk lln. Seedsman, Red Oak, la. B Mill IF TOU era In need of a position, call and have a "heart-to-heart" talk with HART, THE EXPERT. 923 N. Y. Life. B-9uS J4 MEN, 18 to 36, to prepare by horns study J for railway man cierxs. see at ono Inter-State Schools, 410 Bee bldg.. after 1 p. m. B M454 tlx WANTED Bookkeepers, stenographer, of fice clerks, store clerks, draftsmen, sales men, high-class mechanics. Write Stan dard information Company, Phoenix Building, Minneapolis, Minn. B M47I4X WILL glv $80 business or shorthsnd schol- arsnip to wormy pany aiiu win wnn uu payment. Addresa P 6, Bee. B 625 Is WANTED, men everywhere; good pay; to aistribute circulars, sav. mauer, irck slims, etc.: no oanvasslnsr. Address Na tlonal Advertising Co., 100 Oakland1 Rank Bldg., Chicago. III. B M63J lx WANTED, compositors at once; don't wait to write; come; satisfactory wages; Ne braaka Newspaper Union, York. Neb. B-M661 lx EVERY ONE desirous Improving his posi tion. Increasing his pay, should read our free 80-page book. Our mall course plan In electricity and steam emrineerinc ahow the short road to success. Electrical Engineer Institute, New York. MEN WANTED to sell full line of hardy fruit and ornamental trees. Work full or part time as you prefer. Pay weekly; outfit free. Lawrence Nursery Company, Fort Madison, la. B A FEW capable salesmen, staple Una with strong Inducements. Something entirely new. High commission, with expenses advanced. Permanent. Sales Manager, 21 V. Atwater at., Detroit, Mich. B PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT'8 election In aures an Increase In civil service ap pointments. Those Intending to tska the next examination should send to the Co lumbian Correspondence college, Washing ton. D. C, and secure Its frre clvtl ser vice announcement, containing date, sal aries, places for holding examinations and questions recently used by the eov- ernment. B WANTED Responsible man to manage an office and distributing depot for largs manufacturing concern. Salary $1,600 per annum and commissions. Applicant must have good references and $1 000. Capital secure Address, Supt. 323 West 12th St., Chicago. B WANTED Men to travel; salary and ex peDse: experience not neceavarv. lK"l nsnJ Kel-Bro Mercantile Co., 60 Wnhaah, Chicago. B-i7 lx WANTED Office boy; must have had edu cation equivalent to two years In High school. P 21. car Bee. B 71 lx WANTED Clerks, salesmen, bookkeepers, stenographers, typewriters, timekeepers, serr Mary, buyer, cashier, superintendent, rrofesstonal and technical men, foreman. Inspector conductors, motormen drivers, agents. Bend full particulars. Metropoli tan Brokerage Co IU31 Broadwav. N'5w York. B 741-U WANTED MALE HELP OMAHA, NEB. B tVE WILL BE OPEN ALL DAY MON DAYS IF YOi; ARE NOT WORKING AND WISH TO SEE ABOUT OUR VA CANCIES, CALL ON US. p e are very anxious to secure successful, "Xperteaced traveling salesman for B ooeries, h irdware, .kirts. Overalls and Shirts. Good Bookkeeper and Stenographer. Electrician. Real Estate Salesman. If you can't call, write for Hat of vacan cies. WESTERN REF. & BOND ASS'N. 840 N. Y. Ufa bldg. B 764 1 WANTED Business man with $760 to $1,500 cash to taka charge of general sales and distributing wareroom In Omaha. Salary and commission will net from $3,000 to $6,000 yearly. First-class references re quired. Address: The Le Malre Company, 311-213 E. Madison St.. Chicago. B 748 lx ENERGETIC workers everywhere to dis tribute circulars, samples and advertising matter. Good pay. No canvassing. Co operative Advertising Co., New York. B 742 lx SOLICITORS, either sex, every town. Whea ton-Walker, 604 Bee bldg. B-M970 MANAGER wanted, all sections, to select agents for the famous "Game O' Skill;" lawful evervhere; nils long felt want; takes place forbidden slot machines; oper ated with nickels; rented or sold on easy payments; 42,000 now In use; sample sent on 30 days' free trial. Write at once for particulars, Fairbanks Billiard Table Worka, Desk 26, Cleveland, Ohio. B 664 lx PPINTERS, keep away from York eb. Frlntera. B 789 lx WANTED Experienced Insurance soliciting as-enta for all parte of Douglas county, either sex or any nationality, to call nt our office, 423 Bee bldg.; we have one of the best paying propositions for agents you ever answered. Office hours. 9 n. m. to 6 p. m. B-M788 lx WANTED Person to call on retail trade for manuficturtnar house; local territory; salary $26, paid weekly; expense money advanced; previous experience unneces sary. American Houae, Star B'U'ding. Chicago. B 713 lx WANTED Young men In every town In the United States to d!strlbu odverfls Ing matter end tnck signs. Address Fred Leach, 80-36 La Salle St., Chicago TM. B 715 lx WANTED, every nonunion man to loin our association; send 6" cents for card, which will secure you good position. Employers' Nat'l Protective Ass'n, Qulncy. Ill B-718 lx TRA VELINQ man for Nebraska, sdvertls Ing and collectings salary $fift monthly and expenses; steady position. Mineger Trav elers, 1110 Caxton Bldg., Chlcero. B 722 lx PAPFR HANOF.R and painter, to work for a trust compsny by the vear: salary; . must be temperate, responsible man; ref erences. K. V., BOX 316. Cincinnati Ohio. B-7 lx ACTIVE man to represent manufacturer; f t In cash paid for 12 davs' trial: p -"motion If sstlsfnrtory. Henry E"wall, Lakesld bldg., Chicago. B 734 lx DICTBl'TIVBft fcvery locality, rood salary, xpmience unnecessary. Interstate De tective Agency. Milwaukee. Wis 1 B-493 lx MEN TO LEARN BARBER TRADE Bend for free catalogue and compare our terms and advantage with others. Amer ican Barber College, cor. 12th and Douglaa sis. B MO lx WANTED 260 yards of plastering done, by party of known responaihility. Aprlv Mon day morning at N. Y. Ufa Bldg. B M8U I During the year 1904 The Bee published 325,726 lint's of Sunday paid want ads. It published a total of 882,098 lines of Daily and Sunday paid want ads. This is a very sub stantial gain over 1903. It is also several thousand lines more paid want ads than was printed by any other Omaha paper. - The Dee prints the most paid want ads. Bee want ads give the best returns. A trial will convince. WANTED MALE HELP WINTER TERM OF THE Omaha Commercial College SEVENTEENTH AND DOUGLAS 8TS. OPENS TOMORROW MORNING, JANUARY 2. INEVV CLASSES IN THE BUSINESS, SHORTHAND. TYPE WRITING AND TELEGRAPH DEPARTMENTS. DAY AND EVENING SESSIONS. If you are going to nt yourself for mercantile life, the Omaha Commercial Col lege Is In a position to render you mont valuable assistance. For twenty years It has made a special effort to prepare young people for positions aa booKkeepera, steno graphers and telegraph operators. As evidence of Its success, we have only to re mind you of the fact that almost every business in onialia employs a numoer of Its students. Its coursrg are thorojgh and comprehensive; the beat teachers obtain able are employed; no time is wasted In frills of any sort; the euu.pments are all modern. The work In supplemented by su h additions " Iectiire Course. IJterary BcK'icty. Public Dim uwsluns, Board of Trade Meetings, and Public Literary Entertain ments of a hlli character, a Gymnasium with facilities for all ind.'or fpcrtu, sach as club swinging. dumbbell exercises and banket ball. We employ one of the leading ponmen In the' country, l'ennianshlp Is one of the1 most Important subjects to be taken, and every student should select a school where at least one professional penman Is employed. BUSINESS DEPARTMENT This department Is conceded to be the strongest and best equipped and best conducted of Its kind In the state. The course of study Is more comprehensive than that usually given. If you complete It, It means capability ; to assume the dutlea of a bookkeeper In any TELKGRAPH DEPARTMENT Thla department baa a large attendance, a splen did cuuibe of study and la under the supervision of an expert operator. The equipments are said to be far superior to the average telegraph school. To gradu ate from this department means success. SHORTHAND DEPARTMENT This department Is now exciting most favorable comment. It has come about because of superior methods of Instruction and the ac knowledgement superiority of the Mustier Shorthand aystetii iiver all of the Pit manic stems; also Grigs and the Chartier Electric. If those desiring to take up shorthand could have been present at the recent National Pus-ineps Educator's con vention at Chicago and there witnessed the exhibition of rapid writing by Miss Cecelia McCarthy, a student of our Shorlhund Department, It would not take long to decide what system of shorthand to learn. Miss McCarthy gave public exhibitions and ex cited the most favorable comment. An old court reporter of Omaha, A. N. Hopkins, who was employed hy the convention, was called upon to teet Miss McCarthy's abil ity to write. He rend matter of his own selection out of Chicago daily papers, and when she had finished writing and read her notes so fluently, he remarked, "This la one of the best exhibitions of shorthand writing I have ever si en. I had previously thought that the Gruhnm system was the only rt porting system, but Graham writ ers will have to exert themse'.ve.s or be left In tho rear." Other distinguishing ex ponents of shoith.ind nt the convention were correspondingly strong statements rela tive to the ease and speed with which she wrote, and the facility with which Hhe read her notes. Mosher Shorthand Is, Indeed, becoming most popular. It will pay you to Investigate and compare it wlthother systems. For Catalogues and Advertising Literature address: ROHRBOUGH BROS. . OMAHA, NEB. STENOGRAPHER Do you wish a good stenographer? The Western Reference and Bond association will furnish you with one without charge. 'Phone 4:sa. 41-M1 N. Y. Lite bldg. B i'!u lx WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED Girl for general housework; family of two. C. C. Montgomery, il3 South 40th. C M154 80 GIRLS, Canadian office, 16th and Dodge. C 4vi USE Landreen's Antiseptic Jlalr Tonic. C-4is J14 WANTED Immediately, competent girl for general housework; small family; good wages fur steady girl. Apply 814 . North 23d St.. South Omuha. C 488 31 WANTED Child's nurse; references re quired. Inquire of Capt. Palmer, quarters No. U, Fort Crook, Neb. Q4s6 31 WANTED A girl ' for general housework; small family. Apply mornings to Mil Capitol avenue. C-!24 1 WILL give $00 business or shorthand schol arship to worthy party and will wait on payment. Address P 6, Bee. C a lx EARN $10 weekly copying letters at home. Send stamped envelope for particulars. A. P. Wynkoop, Durango, Colo. C-740-lx LADIES, you earn from $3 to $3 dally handling our souvenir post cards. Sell on sight; pleasant work; enormous profits. Send luc for sample of four beautiful cards and terms. 17. S. Souvenir Post Curd Co., 835 Broadway, New York. C 743 lx COPYISTS WANTED Writing at h ne: $: per hundred letters Bent us; stamped addressed envelope. Continental Whole sale Co., Mozart Hotel, St. Louis. C-602 lx LADIES 130 thousand copying letters; no mailing to friends or furnishing address; stumped envelope for particulars. U. S. Advertising Co., Dept. 124, Chicago. C 711 lx LADIES having fancy work to sell, em broideries, battenberg, drawn work; also to do other work. Stamped envelope. La dies' Exchange, 34 Monroe, Chicago. C726 lx $20 AND EXPENSES paid each week to ladles as district managers to distribute goods and make collections, experience not necessary. Addres.-ed envelope for reply. Woman's Dept., 62 Dearborn. Chi cago. C 732 lx LADIES. $25 thousand copying short let ters at home. Material free everywhere. Send stamped addressed envelope for copy of letter and full particulars. East ern Co., 817 Heed building, Philadelphia. Pa, C 701 lx WANTED, two young ladies of- good nd dress and appearance to canvaas families for a food product. Address P 2T. Bee. c-Msa s WANTED, lady advance agent who can book a first claae entertainment In small and medium sized towns, under the aus pices of clubs, lodges, etc. Mus be g"od drewer and a hustler. Proposition worth $100 per week to the right person. Al ref erences given and required; state age and experience. Address Box 612, G ithrle Center, la. C 837 lx WANTED SITUATION SITUATION, by experienced phaimacst in Iowa, competent to manage; A-l ref erences. Addreas C. C. Keid,, la. A M4o0 lx YOUNG man, strictly temperati, 6 years' road experience, Is open lor offe s; bond furnished If desired. Address O tit. Bee. A Uibi lx TWO young ladles desire to work for board and room while attending college. Address Boylss Business Co. lege. A J 31 SITUATION wanted, by stenographer; young nun IS; willing, all around worker; reasonable salary. Address P 8. Bee. ' A-M&i$ 2x WANTED Situation, by a respectable colored- man and wife, to cook, attend fur nace, etc.: wife chamber maid, etc. Ad dress P U. Bee. A 756 lx POSITION by young widow as housekeeper In a ftrst-class hotel; competent to taka charge of any department! P 21. Bee. 1 A M674 3x A POSITION ss private teacher of a deaf child. P 1. Bee. A-M076 3x BRASS FOUNDRIES BHABS and aluminum casting, nickel plat ing and flniahlng. Specialty Mfg. Co., 4 N. Main St.. Council Bluffs. AGENTS WANTED mercantile establishment BIG MONEY FOR AGENTS Men. women, boys ai.d girls; beuutiful shell novelt ei plu cushioiis, match boxes, ualipiii cises, toothpick holders, work boxes, handker chief boxes, etc.; big coin. Puruiumrs and sample, luc. Address Pacific NoveUy Co., Los Angeles, Cat. lx $S0 A MONTH salary and all expeases to men with rig to introduce our guaranteed poultry renieUits. Veur's contruct. G. H. Llgler Co., Xat7, Sprlnglield, 111. J M4S6 lx DESK ROOM with telephone; steam heat; ground lloor. 516 S. 16th. J 684 1 BIO MONEY in squabs; tney sell for $2 to $6 a doatm, cheaply raised In only four weeks; write for our free book about this rich Industry. Plymouth Rock Squab Co., 2S Atlantic- Ave., Boston, Mass. J OUR PLAN for starimg beginners in profit able Mail-Order Business is very success full. We are pioneers in this held. Some we started three months ago receive 100 letters dally and are making big .money. Complete plan for stamp. Central Sup ply Co., Kansas City, Mo. J AGENTS, $76 per month and expenses to sell advertising rtgns to merchants and manufacturers. Bt, Louis Sign Co., St. Louts, Mo. J AGENTS make $3 to $10 a day nttlng glasses; big profits : our 24-page free iy book tells how; write today. JacKeonlan Optical College, College Place, Jackson, Mich. J WANTED, agents, men and women; steady work, big profits. Write for free samples. H. A. Kuni, 2101 Franklin ave., St. Louis, Mo. J AGENTS The Underwriter Fire Extin guishers, for the protection of homes, hapitals, theaters, hotels, schools, fac tories; etc., endorsed by 41 boards of un derwriters, In use In all the departments of the U. S. government. Over $1.0u0,000 worth have been sold; weekly output now over 4U extinguishers: representatives wanted; references required. KNIGHT & THOMAS( Incorporated), Boston, Mii. J 687 lx AGENTS $10 day; "novelty sign cards." "window display signs;" merchants by 25 IV) on sight; 1,000 varieties; catalogue free. National Adv. Co., Dept. 1467, Avenue A, New York. J 754 lx AGENTS $60 a week guaranteed Auto matic wahers sell themselves; agent writes: "Exhibited samule to ten women: ' took ten orders." Time, 45 minutes. Profit, over am. uuaranteea to ao a wasning in 30 minutes; furnishes Its own power; re quires no labor; costs less than any other machine; free samples and exclusive ter ritory furnished. Automatic Washer Co., Station U, Chicago. J 749 lx AGENTS, handle the greatest seller on market. Sells everywhere. Great money maker. Send for terms and particulars to W. E. Greene, 9 Wlllard Place, Plym outh. Mass J 748 lx WE PAY $18 a week and expenses to men with rigs to Introduce poultry compound; year's contract. Imperial Mfg. Co., Dept. 64. Parsons, Kan. J AGENTS wanted. Sell our $1 bottle Sarsa parilla for 8oe; best sell r; 2'J0 per cent profit. Write today for t rms and terri tory. F. R. Greene, 115 Lake St., Chicago. EIGHTY MILLION pieces advertising mat ter for distribution In 1906; contracts ready; men wanted everywhere; stamp brings particulars. Write quick If vou want position. National Advertising Bureau, 12 Eaat 42d St.. New York. J WANTED Local agents for patented pos tage stamp machine. Davidson, 140 W, 42d St., New York . J 771 1 AGEVTH R"st In dark; nnmei lates, signs, numb rs; 200 rer rent pritlt; samples free. Wright Supply Co.. Englewqod. III. J-709 lx AGENT" Tro: evervtM-p- nn1 sell Won der waterproof shoe polish; It'a a winner; two full-sized bottles free. Wonder Shoe Po'l-h Co., Dept. 4. Chicago. J 710 lx $&TTPER morth nnd ?20 per week for trav el'nif expenses me;' se-m big monev to you, but It can and !s being made selling me of tent for nuking smokeless gun nn blasting powder at 8 cents per pound. . It enn b msde In anv kitchen without any mschlnery. You can travel all over the we'd nd make more money than you ever dreamed of before. Bwsr of fakes adv T lsIng s smokeless powder. I am the Inventor and ho'r the patents. I wsnt a general agent In each state at once to travel nnd ap-olnt agents P-r-tioMsrs free J. A. Stransky, Box soj, Pukwana, 8. D. J 7i lx WE start you selling diamonds. Don't fall retting our liberal offer; K dally sure. Cnrbon Diamond Co., Syracuse, N. Y. Mention this paner. J 491 lx $13.40 dally, agents selling clam shell pearls, all double beauties, gross assorted colors, prepaid $1 00. dosen 26c, sample 10c. Pa cific Shell Co., 120 N. Broadway Los Angeles, CaL J-696 lx AGENTS WANTED Nebraska - Business College A, C. ONO. A. M.. LL. B.. Pre; A. J. LOWRT, Prlnc 17TH AND HARNET STaV Winter Term Opsns January 2, 'OS. Students have been enrolling during entire rast week for the Winter Term. Many nf those here last yjar will be with us again this terra and complete tha course. New classea will be organised In all departments. Come and join ua. COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT Do not forget that this department Is equipped with roller top desks aad efflca chairs, admitted to be the finest west of Chicago. Every factility Is here provided the students foi comfort and thorough work. . . We tiaeh the actual practice syste n in bookkeeping right from the start, in mis way our st.idents learn by doing. They mike out ail kinds of business papers, such as notes, checks, drafts, receipts, etc.. and become as familiar with these paper aa if working Ip an actuil business ofhVe. If you wish t,i learn bookkeeping aa It Is practiced, a penmanship that the business requires, ana a good knowledge of eom mercUl branches in general coma and Join us. We have the faclllUea, wa hava tha teachers. SHORTHAND DEPARTMENT For a student to become a stenog apher, capable of holding a desirable aosltleav must learn a system that has the possiblli tiea of speed and legibility. Nine out ten of all the systems ever devised have been found weak and worthless, after being tried In schools and found wanting Can you afford to take any chances with a sysiem yet untested? The Greg sstem titught In this school has been tested for years, and Is today used in more schools thin any other three systems combined. You will not be experimented upon end run the rlek of making a failure. Study a ahorthaod that has been lound equal to any emergency THE GRLGG. Y. M. C. A. OR Y. V. C A. MEMBERSHIP FREE Every student who takes out a full term scholarship Is given a y ear's merabas ship In either the Y. M. C. A. or Y. W. C. A. without extra expense. No auoh propo sition was ever made by any school. The value of this membership to a student oaa scarcely be computed. To be a member of cither of these Institution ta na abstr acter, culture and refinement. I NIGHT Apply for catalorua and college literature. "I FEEL like a millionaire," writes one agent. iew: aemana: aulc-K sales. f armers' Account Book Co., Newton, la. J-719 lx WANTED In all parts of United Slates, agent to sell the laUrt and most useful Mid taking Invention for the automobile, tl.e speed Indicator nnd odometer coin bin -d. gives the sneed and distance trav eled by auto. Atents ctn make from $15 to $75 jx"r day; only the. ui -in-date men need apply. Agiit corresionllnjt with us will b" given a proi os tlon never e' u ilcd. The F. A. Uen.'iuiiln Co., Phce r.l B.flif., A inn a po is. Minn. J 7::7 1 AGDXTS wanted In every city for new de vice, Just patented; curs 'tnd memoran dum ttrcn.ment for tolejhnno; one to ten antes In every office; largo profits; p:'';'sint, rirrr.i -rent work. Telephone ft'em rnndiim Co"., Boston block. Minne apolis. Minn. J 707 lx $76 WEEKLY and expenses easily made, writing life, health and accident Insur ance; experience unnecessary. Write Royal Fraternal Union, St. Louis. Mi. J-728 lx WANTED Competent salesman to a first-class line of advert sing cal ndi s funs, lead pncll novel'l-". etc. P. N. Co., Station E. Buffalo. N. Y. J-736 lx EVEPYPOPY write otilk for rnnpls and big offer; no free aTiples after this week s-vman, 2127 Franklin ave., P. 'oils, Mo. J 735 lx AGENTS on salnry or commission. The greatest Agents' seller ever produced; every user of pen and Ink buys It on sight; JOO to 6"0 rer cent profit; one ntrent's sites amounted to JCJf In six divs; another $32 In two hours. Monroe Mfg. Co., X 16, La Crosse, Wis.' J-702 lx WANTED, ae-ents at pice n your lo- callty) for staple sj-tlcle: sells at sight; needed In every home and by everybody. Flir money maker. Legitimate proposition. You can establish a splendid business. Write at once. Everhnrt Bros.. 71W La- fayette ave., Chicago, 111. Jjz95 lx WANTED SALESMEN TRAVELING salesmen to sell our summer dress goods, white goods, eto. to retailers on commission. Tha Purnell Dale Mills, ' P. O., Box 600, Philadelphia, Pa. -M6JS 31x WANTED Salesmen of ability and neat appearance to call on all merchants In their territory; elegant side line, conven ient to carry; good commissions, prompt remittance, Belmont Mfg. Co., Cincin nati, O. 75S lx SALESMAN wanted for Una of easy telling specialties; extra good for side line; good commission. C. O. Myera Co., Atchison, Kan. 661 lx " SALESMAN WANTED For H. ku. Neb. and N. E. Kansas territory by a leading Chicago lancy dry goods and notion house; must have established trads; to such A-l proposition will be made; turn has trade lu Neb..' Full par ticulars confidential. Address PAUL MiilER, low Adarua St., Chicago, 111. 6W lx SKILLFUL scheme salesman, retailer wins out and la pleaaed; office or road posi tion; nothing equal to it; $JU0 per week can be made; can be used aa a very profitable aids line; samples light and furnished on references; correspondence confidential. Addresa Box 366, Chicago. IX IX WANTED By manufacturer of perfumes, toilet articles and flavoring extracts, salesman to fill vacancy in Nebraska, Address P . Bee. . 721 lx TRAVELING Salesman By large whole sale house for Nebraska to fill vacancy; 1Ku6 contract; atale experience. Drawer "8," Chicago. 714 lx EXPERIENCED traveling salesmen; two i exceptionally good positions open for 1906 : by laige Cleveland lobbing house; aales- manshlp, energy and business ability will make the position permanent; general I mercantile trade; high commissions, with i $36 weekly. W. S. Flnley Co.. 90 Prospect St., Cleveland, Ohio. 699 lx i WE are anlarrlna- our selling force for 1906 N and can use one good specialty salesman in Nebraska; only capauie ana experi enced men need apply. Frank R. Jen nings Co., Detroit, Mloh. 704 lx CAPABLE salesman to cover Nebraska with staple Una. High commissions with advance of $100 monthly. Permanent po sition to right man. Jess H. Smith Co., Detroit, Mich. 698 lx WANTED, experienced salesmen to handle our high grade Imported and domestic calendars and advertising specialties. Ex clusive territory. Appiy with reference to Tha Specialty Adv. Co., SU Joaeph, Mo. 692 lx FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS j ROZAL HOTEL, European. 16th Chlcagft DKWKY. European hotel. 13th and Vtrnim. VIENNA HOTEL. 1011 Farnam; fins rooms, ladles' cafe, private dining r.; open nlghta Br All HO t'BE KEEPING Three or four very de sirable, partly furnished rooms: bath and gas. references required. 2426 St Mary's ava. E 412 MIDLAND hctel. 1th and Chicago: steam heated; medium price; cafe In connection. E 413 Fl'RNIHHKD and unfurnished, all parts of ci!y. Room 1. N. Y Life E 414 WE furnish rooms complete cheaper and better than any one In Omaha. Terms: $5 worth, $1 per week; $50 worth, $1.60 per week. Omaha Furniture and Carpet Co., between 12th and 13th, on Farnam at. E 807 1 NICELY 'urnlshed frort room, qutet. good location: stntleman preferred. 1921 Dodge. 'Phone (ltsi. E-M6 LARGE, pleasant front room: modern; 'phone, l&i Douglas. B M5J4 LARGE wall furnished room, mern. lot a. lttb st K-Vu NEWLY furnlsned rooms, modern.' Hit Webster. Tel. U2U. &MS30 MODERN furnished rooms; best leeatloa. hi a. tots. sv-uo DESIRABLE rooms, first-class locstlos. walking distance. K14 Farnam. E Vf 9M aOL'TH front sarler. toM Bt- Mary's ave. E-M 131 $100 to $100 per ws.k. 4 . Uth at . one block south of court house. E M15S HOT WATER H BATED rooms. Well fur . lushed. Hi No. 17 th, K MiuT tx FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS. SCHOOL NICELY furnished front room, with board . neat moueru; sunaois o i" young ladles; reasonable, tliiio. 19th at. NICELY furnished steam heated rooms. 17J Dodge. Phone B2294. K M506 lx , WELL furnished, strictly saodern. 19U Davenport. Tel. 1769. B-M506 1 NICELY furnished rooms, strictly modern, 113 So. Hth t. &-Mi13 3X THREE rooms for light housekeeping, mod ern und convenient. 2211 Douglas E M61I lx TWO adlolnlng rooms, suitable for four working gills; $4 per weell. 1017 Chi cago. E M610 1 ROOMS, 1W6 Capitol ave. E-M634 4X NICE warm rooms; strictly modern. 2211 Jones si. E M049 3x WELL furnished Btenm heated rooms) reasonable. 623 N. 20th. E M645 2x NICELY furnished, well heated rooms. 811 S. 21st St. E M046 8x ONE suite of looms suitable for four gen tlemen. 181:2 Chicago. Tel. 4040. E M640 I WELL furnished front room, suitable for one or two gentlemen. 1712 Davenport. E-M 641 lx WELL furnished front room with all mod ern conveniences. 1919 Dodge st. E MS22 $X NICELY furnished room, modern. 2118 Chi cago st. E -Mh23 lx NICE warm rooms; reasonable; close In, 1702 Davenport. E M824 lx NICELY furnished, strictly modern rootnj S. 26th ave. E MS24 lx WEI, furnished room; e-verything modem. 1909 Capitol ave. E M824 3x THREE well furnished, steam heated rooms; housekeeping. 2234 Farnam. Flat 1 E-M845 3x WELL furnished room ; everything modern, furnace heat. 216 N. 19th St. B-M816 3x STRTCTLY modern rooms; close In. 1811 Dodge at. E MS17 lx NTCELY furnished front room; modern; walking distance. 2234 Farnam E M818 ix FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD O. M. E., TEL. all. MESSENGERS AND BAGGAG11 ir-4M METROPOLITAN restaurant, regular meals 15c; meals to order. 1321 Dougias. Tel. A426. r-um 4 THE SHELTON. 26th and Dodge, Ideal home for the winter, pleasant rooms, strictly modern, horns cooking; reason able r-7( LARGE ROOM, with small room adjoin ing; very beet of board, refined locution, modern, 'phone F 324, 627 Park ave. F-eiS lx $1.60 UP; single meals 10c. 11 Dodge. F M73S Jan in '06 WANTED Young man aa roommate; good location; modern conveniences; walking distance and on oar line; rates reason able. 'Phone 12u$. F M4S3 2x FOR RENT Nicely furnished east front warm room; furnaoe heat: good board; modern; telephone, etc. 620 So. 19th at. F Mai 2x NICE south room with board, adjoining alcove. 2418 Casa. TeL A1994. F-MS04 lx WELL furnished front room with board; everything modern. 301 So. 24th. ' F-M501 lx TWO nicely furnished rooms, with board. m a wees; moaem no use. izib tau fornla. F M769 2 NICE front room with board; modern. 120 No. 26th. F M509 1 ONE nice, warm front room, suitable for two gentlemen. 2323 Harney. F M611 THE ROSE. 2020 Harney 'st.. nice, warm rooms, good board; rates reason ibl. F-iri 8x BOARD In private family for two young t"vii , cvcii vol, v viiieiiuc , Iliouern. wum Seward. F-609 lx NTCELY furnished rooms and good board: family style; 616 N. 23d. F M648 lx ELEGANTLY furnished rooms with bosrdl private family; home cooking. 429 H. 24th, F M47 3x BOARD bv day or week. "The Dtiddew." Ill N. 18th. F-M644 lx ROOMS and hosrd. $5 per week; 11 per month. 2010 Webster. F M842 1 WAHM comfortable rooms and board home rooking. (26 S. 19th at F M641 2x ROOrq and board: w1l fumlhed, good locntlon; cheap. 1811 Chicago; F-M8I1 Ix Wft t, furnished rooms and rood board? 20)8 Dodge. F M820 lx WANTED TO RENT WE can rant your rooms and tiousss. Room 3. N. Y. Life. 'Phono US. Glover st Bon- K 419 WANTED TO RENT In private family, wit1' moert j n-ne n i'-ree or two email, unfurnl tied rooms, with board, by married couple. Phone B-2167. v K-M469 U WANTED, to rent, at once furnlahe) liouso, cottsge or flat; modern; 6 or I rooms; for family of I: no children. Ad dress M S. Hhifer, 4ul First Nat fi nk Bldg. Tel 2636. K M837 WANTED a furnished room with or with out board. In vicinity of Park ivnun and Mason street. Please state terms Ad dress P 11, Bee. KU3 2x WANTED TO RENT In private family, with modern home, one larva or two small, unfurnlahed rooms, with board by married, couple, 'phone B21V7 (after Mon day). K-486 1 WANTED Well equipped dining room to rent. P 20. cars Bee. K M67I Ix H ANTED, place for student to work for board and room. And -ess Omaha Couv uerclal Collage telephone 19. X.-M821 ta 1 ' ,7 47- li