10 TIIE OMAITA DAILY DEE: FRIDAY, DECEMBER .10. 1004. CURRENT LITERATURE By far the moat elaborate and attractive holiday number ever produced br any trade periodical, and for that matter comparing mere than favorably with the beet literary magnetite, l the special edition of the Nerthweetern Miller. Thla beautiful volume encased In a handsome cover, reproducing a. Dateh scene In water color, la filled with (pec tally written artlclea and magazine II lustrstlotis. That such a collection of lit erary and artistic rems. all bearlnn upon pome phawi of the flourlna: Industry, could be rotten together la Indeed wonderful, and It la trot aurprtalnf that the advertlelng pages ahow liberal appreciation by Ita pa trons. At popular demand, historical Action has softened false Impressions by showing some of the hot atmosphere of the times about a few "events of great Interest, and In "Stories'- Brave .Old Times," by Helen M. Cleveland, the reader Is given s glimpse of some pen picture scenes which took place previous to or were connected with the American' Revolution. The volume Is Illus trated with pen drawings and from photo graphs. Published by Lea A Bhepard. "The Calendar of Omar Khayyam," being excerpts from the quatrains of the poet of Nalshapur, as translated by Edward Ftts gecsJd, now set to pictures by Blanche Mc Mamis. This attractive calendar Is pub lished by I C. Page A Co. "A Journey In Search of Christmas," by, Owen Wlster, Illustrated by Frederic Rem ington, with marginal decorations in tint. Thla Christmas tale of the west Is delight-full- humorous and pathetic by turns. It la a pretty piece of book-making, with deearated borders and printed In black and tint.' Published by Harpers. ' "Hope Hathaway," by Frances Parker, la a romance of the adventurous side of life on -a Montana ranch, and is full of Incident an adventure from cover to cover. There are numerous illustrations and those ad miring adventure will doubtless And satis faction in this story. C. M. Clark Publish ing company. "Mammy's LI'l Chillun." written and Il lustrated by Clara Andrews Williams. This delightfully happy little book gives a glimpse .of the fun and frolic and aunny natures of the happy little colored children. It Is quaint In Its humor and very prettily Illustrated. Published by Frederick A. Stokes company. "Alloa's Adventures In Wonderland," by Lewis , Carroll, is as resplendent In Its bright, beautiful' colorings as ever. There are twelve full-page illustrations In color by M. , L. Kirk, and forty-two illustra tions by John Tennlel. Published by Fred erick A. Stokes company. Another ' of ' the attractive boolca for I children Is "The Nursery Fire," by Rosa lind .Richards, Illustrated with full-page plats and text cuts from drawings br Clara . E. , Atwood." Little, Brown Co., publishers i . . . "The, Lady of Loyalty House," by Jus tin Huntly McCarthy, Is a delightful ro mance of the daya of the great civil war In England. An attempt on the part of a body of parliamentary volunteers to cap ture Harby Hall ends by leaving the Puri tan leader ' a prisoner In Lady Harby's hands. From 'this point the story becomes a tale of love that proves greater than the claims of warring factions. Published by Harpers. - - ' "Old Heldleberg. by Wllhelm-Meyer-Forster, translation - by Max Chapell (A. Weasels company, New York), Is one of the best, books of its character produced this season. .The atmosphere of the university town, especially the lighter side of It per vad( every page and the story Is told with a splrlt whlch loses but little in trans lation. , "Dr, Lithe of the Labrador." by Nor man Duncan (F. H. Revel company). Is a story out ' of the common" run, dealing with a class of people who are strange to Americana, although Americans in a wider sense themselves. Ths people of an island on the coast of Labrador supply the dra matis person ae and, a doctor who turns from. an idle if not vlclotis Ufa to one of usefulness to the Isolated communities of the northeastern coast Is the hero. There are few If any dull pasaagea In the story and the ending Is satisfactory to all. "Around the' Tear, . with Ella Wheeler Wtloox," compiled by Klla Giles Ruddy. This handsome little volume la unique In bookwork. There Is n appropriate and In spiring .verse for each day In the year, each page dated and the opposite page betnjf blank, .the two pages bearing the same date. Thus, In addition to Ita beauty, It .has a utility that may only be imagined, and .measured by those who can appreciate s beautiful and useful a book. Published by W. B.,Conkey Company. The content page of the January Smart Bet is ths first Indication of the excellence which Is . to mark ths magaslna for 1906. The Smart Set waa long since conceded the title of ."the, magazine of cleverness," and Its plans for ths coming year already em bras a .list Of new contributors whose names tar for ths very best In the fiction and versa of the day. The January holiday number of the Met ropolitan Magaslne la especially strong In short fiction and jontalns, as well, a num ber of striking Illustrated artlclea from the pens at well known writers. 'The January Issue . of Suggestion, a snagaajne of the new psychology for think ers, contains the second portion of an ar ticle by H. A. Parkyn, M. D., an article relating to Christian Science cures, In Bi Reduction in Price of Silk Waists and Dressing Sacques. are handsome In appearance, up-to-date In style, and beautiful in color;" they are superior in workmauMhip and made from j. high grade fabrics. Former prices ild for these garments would be money well Invested, but we wish to start next aeason (as usual) with a brand new stock, hence this cut In prices. MRS. J. BENSON, 2,2 JO in to a in Arcade QinMfnlfiDE LAST AND GREATEST REMNANT SALE OF TIIE ENTIRE YEAR We must clear away a vast quantity of remnants before taking In voice. In order to clear them away with all haste we quote prices on them lhat will surely rid our counters within a few hours. 25c and J5c Wool Dress Goods lengths, for children's dresses, waists, houee dresses, etc., plain cloths, fancies and plaids, on bargain square at High Class Dress Ooods, tho accu mulation of a great holiday trade. They nre In S to 8-yard lengths and have been selling at as nign as i a per yard black and all colors ell the moet pop ular weaves front bar gain square 39c 50c French Flannels at 19c Yard est effects In French Flannels, Plaids and Walstlngs, plain and fancy double wldihs good for children's dresses, klmo wrappers and waists, worth 60c a Travelers' samples, customs sample sets of Dress Ooods house pieces. enough to match up for children's dresses. Jack ets, waists, etc., at each 10c Remnants of Silks All kinds of silks offered Friday at a great took clearing prloe. These are high grade slUs, in a variety of colors, including Loui.enes and taffetas, worth up to 60c a yard, at yard Great variety of the finest, swellest patterns, at yard ' Remnants of Lace at 5c and 10c Yard These laces are in all lengths Torchons, VaTs, Clunys,' Net Tops, Point C f d'Esprit, etc., etc. fine for dress trimming, at-yard OllC Remnant Sale in the Basement Good, Heavy, Warm Outing Flannel In stripes and checks, also in plain colors 15c grade at, yard 36-Inch Flannelettes Winter styles, light or dark colors these goods formerly sold at 15c yard special, at, yard Pacific and Hamilton Twills In the best comfort styles now m i Is the best time to re- ra cover comforts long rem- lf 9"k nants, at, yard 5cotch Chambray und Seer 6Jc sucker Uinghams worth yard at, yard. Heavy Cream Shaker Flan T nel Special for Friday f f at, yard .....V2V J. L. BRANDEIS & SONS BOSTON STORE which the Idea la set forth that those cures are the result of mental suggestion, which Is often employed by physicians and drugless healers, and the claim Is made that similar cures can be made by anyone who understands the law of suggestion. The pictures and the varied character of the articles are again notable features o the World Today for January. For a 10 cent magaslne it certainly commands a list of writers who are competent to speak with authority on the topics of which they write. The cover design of the Sentinel palm has Its counterpart In the first of the con tributed articles, on the "Palms of the Colorado Desert," br Edmund Mitchell. The Popular Science Monthly for January opens with an article by President David Starr Jordan of Stanford university, de scribing the experiments of Luther Bur bank. The article contains scores of Illus trations of the extraordinary new plants that Mr. Burbank has produced. The frontispiece of the January World's Work Is a remarkable photograph of Presi dent Roosevelt standing with John Mulr, the celebrated naturalist, on Olacler Point overlooking the Yosemlte valley In Califor nia. A new detective story, by Anna Kath arine Green, which opens with a ball, a murder and a lost diamond, begins in Les lie's Monthly Magaslne for January, and from- these first chapters It looks as If Mrs. Green's latest story was her best. When the Booklovers Magaslne Issued Its first number, two years ago. It made no promise other than that each succeeding Issue would be better, or worse, than Its predecessor. It Is evident that no back ward step has been taken. Judging from the appearance of the January number for 1906. The Booklovers Magaslne has coma to stay, but not to stay still. Madame, the magaslne "For Women Who Think," presents some novel and attractive features In its January number. A muslo supplement of four pages with beautiful engraved cover containing the words and muslo of Lon Dlnsmo're's popular song, "The Language of the Eyes," Is one fea ture alone worth half the year's subscrip tion prices of the magazine. To own up to one's wife that one was wrong la as difficult, and as rare, In life as In fiction. A good many husbands, then, BILK WAISTS-reau de Sole. Peau de Cygne and ChlfTon Taffeta In blue, brown, black, white and plaid. 115.00 for 107S; $9.50 for $6.87; $8.26 for W So; $7.50 for $5.75; $6.50 for $4.25; $5.50 and $6 CO for $S.87; $6.00 for $X.iti: r ' .:,6'' velvets for $3.78. Eiderdown and Lamb's Wool Dressing Bacques-43 .00 and $S.25 for $2 25; $2.50 and $2.76 for $1.87; $1.75 for $1.26; $1.16 for tic. Bath and Lounging Robes $2.87 for. $1.87; $3.28 for $2.20. $6.50 Blanket Robes, $1.50. Both of these line are this season's goods, bought for this season's trade. Thev Street. B Walker Adv, I too Calling ?CCards39c 3 Arcade at 124c Yard In 3 to 10-yard IZc 75c Dress Ooods at 25c Yard Blacg and all colored good in high class patterns and weaves, 4 to 9 yards lone, val ues up to 75c, at yard 25c Thousands of the pretti pretti- 19c mona, yard, at-yard Wool Challls. Wool single width in the basement at yard Plaids 2Sc i 19c silks widest variety of 59c 8 ic 7i 2C Entire pargaln Square of American prints, in blue and white. 3k black and white, gray and white best stvlea at 36lnch Drapery Burlap T In colors, worth up to J9o Jtf yard goes at Merc rized Sateens In short f length go at, wf yard J can apply to themselves the moral of M.ary Stewart Cutting's story, "The Way Be yond," which appears In the Youth's Com panion's New Year's number. What kings and queens do! This Is told about In a very fresh and spicy article by Frits Morris In the ' January Woman's Home Companion, it Is called "When Royalty Goes Visiting." Above books at lowest retail prices. Matthews, 122 South Fifteenth street. For Crane's Writing Paper and Fountain Pens, go to BarkaJow Bros. BOOK SHOP. Tth B22H. 1612 Firman St. The 'Best of Everything THE ONLY DOUBLE-TRACK RAILWAY BETWEEN THE MISSOURI RIVER AND CHICAGO Please See LocalColum.is for Extraordinary Holiday Rates Tleket Offloe 1M11403 FAR NAM STREET, OMAHA. SS4-SSI. ASK YOUR DRVCK3IST FOR THE GREAT L'UKE JOB KliEUMATISM Al Borak Cura RICHARDSON DRUG CO.. WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTERS, OMAHA, NEBRASKA Piles Cured WITHOUT AN OPERATION A written guarantee given In every ease treated by DR. MAXWELL, $41 M bldg., Omaha. For Menstrual Suppression ltirsSi PEIN -TAIN -GOT MI4 Osaka kr Mml MeCosMll Drag tt atU etfs ana. Tmae a ilea. U haal I aulas at CONVENTION and Pre-ln- tory Sates covering every one of our fifty-two complete departments now on. Broken lines and remnants at price reductions that are nothing short of a revol ution In merchandising. No left-overs shall appear in our inventory. They must go at prices that look more like giving than selling. TWO DAYS' SALE OF TOY SPE CIALS, FRIDAY . SATURDAY rK 2.25 Giri e toiwos, at 1.75 $1.85 Boys' Sleds, at 1.25 $1.38 Boys' Sleds, at 85c 85c Boys Sleds, at.. 60c 68c Boys' Sleds, at. . 48c A few sleds left at. . 19c Pit and Flinch The two popular games on ZAp sale Friday and Saturday at .JM In Toy Section, Second Floor. FRIDAY REMNANT DAY. THE ENORMOUS SALES DURING THE HOLIDAYS HAVE MADE US THOUSANDS OF REMNANTS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT OF THE DRY GOODS SECTION. Dress Goods Remnants Unheard of bargains $1.0O, $1.23, $1.50, $1.75 and $2.00 quality black and colored dress goods Friday, on the Big Bargain Circle, 49c Per Yard. Waist lengths, skirt lengths and dress patterns serges, cheviots, granites, voiles, uit'ltons, kerseys, uiilor suitings. Tamlse cloths, poplins, inel rose cloths, broadcloths, zlbelines, crepes, Henriettas, herringbone and, In fact, all thnt Is left In odd lengths from our entire dress goods stock. Come Friday morning to the biggest bargain event of the year 49c Yd. -Friday Only-49c Yd. REMNANTS OF LINENS SUCH AS TABLE LINENS, NAPKINS, ROLLER TOWELING, ETC. Remnants of Flannels Kimona flannels, fancy pntterns, lengths 2 to 8 yards, worth up to 25c per yard, at 1UI Mill end remnants of outing flonnels, lengths 5 to 18 yards, ft1 quality llc, price O3C Remnants of Ribbons We place on sale Friday about 1,500 remnants of ribbons accumu lated 4 tiring our great Christmas busings, and will sell them at prices never befyre heard of In the city of Omaha. Pre-Inventory Sale of Misses'. Boys', and Girls' Fleece Lined Underwear Fine Jersey ribbed, colors grey, full fashioned vests, tthlrts, pants and drawers-yvulues In the lot worth up to 40c a garment- Sizes 16, 18, 20 at, a garment 10c Sizes 22, 24, 26 at, a garment 15c Sizes 28, 30, 32, 34 at, a garment 25c -Clean Up of Ladies' Sweater. Our entire stock-$2.50, $2.05, $3.50, $:i.95, $4.50 $4.05 IOC all, Friday, at I. J 3 Children's Hoods Eiderdown, white and fancy silks and fur trimmed, regular IQ prices 50c to $1.00 all, Friday, at rOC Children's Cloaks Ages 3 to 6, fine cloth lined and padded brown, red, blue AO worth $3.50, Friday, .at l.aO CLOTHING Bargains in men's overcoats F and ulsters, $15 coats at ! y Bargains in boys' reefers and overcoats, $3 coats at Sizes 3 to 8 years. Bargains in child's suits, tj (f 1 $5.95 suits, at ii.,j) Slzafl 3 to S onlv. Don't overlook themm mult. Lat B " Bargains in men's suits, $13.50 suits at On Bargain. Square Men's all wool shirts and draw-13? P ers, worth up to $1.50, at..... Men's ribbed natural wool drawers and ubirtd regular 50o a garment, at Boys' fleece lined shirts and drawers regular fifty cents a garment, at Bow and Band Bow Ties twenty-five cent ones, at Cardigan Jackets one dollar and fifty cent ones, at Holiday Suspenders (single boxed) one dollar and fifty cent ones, at Holiday Neckwear (single boxed) one dollar and fifty cent ones, at , Golf Gloves, samples one dollar ones, at Omaha WtatherFair Friday. ss- 1 GROCERY SUPERIOR VALUES FOR ALL ECO NOMICAL HOUSEKEEPERS. Twenty Green Trading J f Stampa with pound Uulden A.l'iC Santos Coffee Ten (II) Green Trading ZQ Stamps with pound jOC Tfa Ten ill) Green Trading Stamps with pound Can- aW5C Ten ($1) Green Trading f Stamps with J packages Ben- nett's Capitol Mince Meat "'w Ten (SI) Green Trading P Stamps with 2 packages f 1 Dr. Price s Food Ten ($1) Green Trading M Stamps with pound can Ben- S.iMrf nett's Capitol Xaklns Powder. Ten (11) Green Trading H Stamps with I packages ,tC Dennett's Capitol Oats aaivw CADY Filled tip with all the good thlnjrs. Ten (ll.Oii) Green Trading f" Stamps with package JfJ Lemon Drops rsig reduction on oieus. la -2.25 Black Beauty Sleds at. ..1.75 1.50 8.50 "eete35c 25c 10c 89c 50c 50c 50c ...... LADIES' FURS HALF PRICE. flWDEK THE RELIABLE STORE. Remnant Day in Great Domestic Room. Not only rtmnant Any, but prHnvantivy taking-. A rare chance for bargain getting-. Bleached Muolln and Cambric, worth 10c .. ..3Jc 3M7c yard, long mill ends, at, yard Standard Dress Calicoes, at, yard Atnoskeag Apron Check Uinghama. at, yard K"c English Flannelette. at, yara litc Standard Dress Ginghams, at, yard .5c 5c ,5c Remnants of Wool Dress Goods. 100 patterns of all wool and ullk and wool Dreas Ooods, M and 68-ln. wide, sold at rrom Jl.fcO to XbO yd., will bo on Kale at, a yard ltO Dress Patterns that sold from 1.60 to Li.OO yd., will go at .98c 75c 2t nil wool Dreaa Pattern that sold at M.00 to 11.60 yd., will go t ,OVt 6U) Patterns of all wool silk and wool. etc. that sold rrom Ebc to 11.25, at , 39c Our Great Pre-Inventory Silk Sate Now in Full Swing. Fancy Silk, 200 ) piece, worth 75c 49c and ii. oo i yd., special 68o Hlack Taffeta, iA-ln. wide. 49C at, yard THREE DAYS MORE Grocery Stock to be Reduced to One Haif. Read These Money-Saving Prices. 18 lbs. Pure Cane Granulated Sugar for $1.00 10 Bars Rest laundry Simp for Toilet Sonp. i cake for 5 : 6 lba. Rreukfuat Oatmeal 10c 6 lbs. Hand-picked Navy Beans lac 6 lbs. good Japan Rice l.,o 1-lb. Cans Assorted Souus 7So Quart Cans Table Svrui).. Wo H-lh. Cans Break faxt Corn l.trge bottlts Sweet Pickles 1-lb. package CondenHed Mince Meat. 1-lb. cans Fancy A husk a 8almon l'i-os. can Evaporated Ore-am Egg-O-See, Muita Vita, Xcelo, etc., per packaga lb. Cans Solid Packed Tomatoes .IT'-.c ...5c ....5c ....c ..7H- ..74c J-lb. Can Rake.l Reans 7Hc 2-lb. Cuns Sweet Sugar Com 74c HAYDEN BROS. , TO. THE TON WE ARE SELLING COAL Rock Springs fep. S7.40 Manna, Nnt S6.90 Pennsylvania Anthracite .... Sf 1.00 Arkansas Anthracite ...S8.50 ALSO HAVE ALL THE CHEAPER GRADES 192 IZARD ST. Those soft and dreamy will sparkle with the love-light when OCCO Ghocolaiea re presented. Dainty boxes, delicate- flavors, soft and creamy centers are sure winners. Pocked OTwi sealed in our spotless candy factory. Sold Everywhere In 10c, 39c and 60c Boxes. Omaha Candy Go. South Omaha Ice and Coal Company CRESCENT Thone 373 HAS NO 912 S. 13th Street and I 5L NEW YEAR'S GIPTS It Is quite the thins these days to make soma dainty llttlo f lft to uaher in ina New Year. We have a nice line of anry beautiful pieces in Jewelry and Biurllng- Silver If t is your mount 10 mane uh a flft, spars a few ninutra In our More. Our store will he closed all d 11 vlonday. Iook for the name S. W. LINDSAY. Jeweler. 1616 DOUGLAS 8TKECT. . LADIES COATS HALF PRICE remnant dy ths last ons before Stork 15c Rleached Pillow Cnalng, 46-In. w1dv long mill ends. 7 kf at, yard.... w 2Kc Hhcer white I'erxlan lawns, lOr! long mill end, at. yard Check and Stripe Nainsook, Dimities, I-eno trlpc!. etc.. worth 15c per yd., 71c at. vunl 2&c Scotch Suiting, f fir Ht. vunl REMNANTS OF A1J. KIND8 OF TA- HLE LINENS AT HALF. o pHttiTtin thnt sold from Bflc to ,.22.c 1.00 yard, will go at l.ono Remnant of all wool and lialf wool ffl that sold no to 6! will go on ic i'J a, a yard llJW I this sale ON THE PIECE. $1.0 goods ROc at, yard ii. wj goons IlUC at. vurd OVW ,lf) BI"''k Taffe,ft' 27-n- w,,s- 69t J b " k Taffeta, 3t.-ln. wide, 79c BEFORE INVENTORY. 2-lb. Cans Fancy Wax, String or Lima iteaim 4S-lh. sucks High Patent Mlnnesotav Flour Ingo California lunes. per lb... Choice California Peaches, per lb.., English ('leaned Currant, per lb... ..lit) ..3 Wo ....MS ,.60 Choice Muscatel Ritiflns. per lb.. l noire Ainscntei Kitiflns, per in... 6o FRESH KRL'IT SALE I'olt NEW YEARS. Fancy Mixed Nuts, r lb ....U'-o Inrge, Juicy Navel Oranges, per dos llo Large, bright Cape Col Crai berries, qt..7jo 1-lb. p.tcknge California Figs to New Colorado Honey, per rack lito Juicy California Lemon, per dos 100 Large, ripe Hnnanaa, per dos 12a GREAT REDCCTIONS IN EVERT DE PARTMENT BEFORE INVOICING. 29) TELs2S.OO eyes true - and 455 EQUAL. til S.15th Street si 7Ha i'i- o ; ( I !