Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 27, 1904, Page 9, Image 9

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,nnai i.Ji id WJUL-..
l!fters K certta ft
; tints.
half ounct)
Jm 1 s.
Mail. r'orwared OTerlunn, Ele., Ei
re pt Trananarlfle.
CUBA Via fort Tnni)it, Florida, dose at
this offlre dally, except Thursday, at l:3")
a. m. (the connecting mans close here oa
Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays).
Mt.XICO CITY Overland, unless specially
addressed for despatch by steamer, closes
at this office dally, except Hunday, at 1.J0
p. in. and 10:10 p, m. Sunday at 1 p. m.
and lf p. m.
KKWFot'NDLAND (except Parcels-Post
Mails) By mil to North Sydney and
thence by steamer, close at this office
daily, except Sunday, at 7 p. m.j Eundny
at i 30 p. m. (connt-ctlng malls close her
very Monday, Wednesday and Saturday.
JAMAICA By rail to Huston and thenca
by steamer, close at this office at 7 p. tu.,
By rail to ' Philadelphia and thence hy
steamer, close at this office at 10:30 p. m.,
MTQLELON By null to Boston, and thence
by steamer, closes at thto office dally ex
cept Sunday, at 7 p. m. ; Sunday at :30
p. m.
Coact) and GUATEMALA By rail to Now
Orleana, and thence by steamer, closes
at this offloe dally, except Sunday, at
1 1 :S0 p. m. and 1i:30 p. m., Sundays at
l:of) p. m. and 510.30 p. m. (connecting
mall clones here Mondays at 10:30 p. m.)
COSTA RICA Hy rail to New Orleans nnrt
thencs by steamer, close st this office
dally, except Suixlsy, at 1:39 p. m. and
I0: p. ra. Sunday at 21 p. m. and
10:30 p. in. (connecting" mall closes
uesdays at fll:30 p. m).
NICAHAOUA (Kast Coast) By rail to New
Orleans and thence by steamer, close at
this office doily, except fe'inday, at II. JO
. M ..-.. 111. 9:1 . Unn.lni.. n , 11 -im n
lt III. Bll'l 1 ' ' f. ..,, umi'nj. ..v
m. and lo.30 p. m. (connecting mall closes
jr nere wemesaays si iiu:w p. m.
Registered mall closes at t p
p. in. previous
Transpacific Malls rorwsiilei Over
la ad Dally.
The schedule or closing of Transpaclfto
Malls Is arranged on the presumption of
their uninterrupted overland transit to port
of sailing. The final connecting malls (ex
cept Registered Transpacific Malls, whiob
close at p. m. prevtuus day) close at the
General Fostofflce, New York, as follows:
via San Francisco, close at t p. m. De
cember 26 for dispatch per s. s. Mariposa.
San Francisco, close at 6 p. m. December
26 for dispatch per U. 8. Transport.
HAWAII via San Francisco, close at p.
m. December 2i (or despatch per s. a.
Alameda. - ,
West) and NEW CALEDONIA, via Van
couver and Victoria, H. C, close at p.
m. December 81 for despatch per a. a.
PINE ISLANDS, via Seattle, close at
p. m. December .U or despatch per a. a.
cisco, close at i p. m., January 6, for des
patch per a. a. China.
Francisco, dose at C p. m., January 7,
for despatch par a., a. Sierra. (If the
Cunaid steunibr carrying tee British mall
for New' Zealand: does not arrive In time
to counect with this despatch, extra malls
closing at :3U a. m., V:30 a, m. and (
n m i Surulava at 4:311 a. m.. 9 a. m and
d. m. will be made' up and forwarded
until the arrival of the Cunnrd steamer).
JAPAN, CORE A, CHINA and specially ad
dressed mall for PHILIPPINE ISLANDS,
via Tacoma, close at 6 p. m. January 13
for despatch per a, ' Kcemun.
PlllLU't'tlNiU lauAua, via nan r ran-
dsco, close at 6 p. m. January 10 for de
spatch per 6. a. Manchuria.
JAPAN (except parcels post mails), CO
ISLANDS, via Vancouver and Victoria,
B. C, done at p. m. January 17 lor
denpatoH per a. s. Empress of Japan.
MANCHURIA (except Newchwang) and
EASTERN SIBERIA is at present for.
warded via Russia.
NOTE Unless otherwise addressed. West
Australia Is forwarded via Europe; New
Zealand via.. San Francisco and certain
places In the Chinese Province of Tunnan.
via British . India the quickest routes.
Philippines specially addressed "via Eu
rope must be fully prepaid at the for
eign fates. Hawaii is forwarded via San
Franclroo axeluslvely.
Acting Postmaster.
Postofflce, New fork, N.- X December 23,
ltoj, - -
Office of Le-Glass-Andreesen Hardware
Company, Omaha. Neb.. Dec. 11, 1SKH. No
tice Is hereby given to the stockholders of
the Lee-Glass-Andreesen Hardware com
pany that the annual meeting of the stock
holders of the company will De held at the
offices of the said company, corner of Kth
and Harney streets, m the city of Omaha,
In the state of Nebraska, on Tuesday, Jan.
10. A. D.. 1906. at 1 o'clock D. m.. for tha
purpose or electing a board oi directors lor
rtiar. and to' transact such other business
as may be presented at such meeting.
(Seal ) H. J.-LEE. President
W. M. GLASS. Becretarv.
Chicago, Rack Island A ,raeln, ,
EAST. ' Leave. Arrive.
Chicago Limited a 3:64 am a 7:10 am
Chicago Daylight Local. b 7:00 am a 9:66 pm
Chicago Express. ,.bll:16 am a 6:15 pm
Chicago Express ,.bU:ol pm a 1:16 pm
Des Moines Express.. a 1:S0 pm bll:60 am
Chicago Fait Express. ..a bM pm a 1:20 pm
Rocky Mountain Ltd. ...a 7:20 am a 1:60 nn
Lincoln, Denver & went. a 1:30 pm a ttfg pm
Oklahoma. & Tex. Ex. .ft 4:16 pm alit:40 pm
Union I'aclfJe. -
Overland Limited a t:40 am a 1:06 pnt
Colorado & Calif. Ex. ..a 4:10 pm a 9:30 am
Calif, at Oregon Ex a 4:0 pm a 6:10 pm
North Platte Local..., ..a 7:60 am a 7:00 pm
Fast Mall v. ...... .a 8:60 am a 8:20 pm
Colorado Special - a 7:46 am 7:40 am
Beatrice Local b 4:30 pm b 1:30 put
I'Mcaa;. Great Western.
St. Paul & Minn.. a 8:30 pm a 7:15 ar
St. Paul at Minn. ...... .a 7.35 am a 8:25 pir
Chloago Limited ...a 4:60 pm al0:30 air
Chicago Express a 4.30 am a 4:06 pm
Chicago 4k NarthOToaiarn.
Local Chicago ..aU:80 am
Mall a :io pm 1:30 am
Uayiignt Bt. rauj., a i:w am iu:uu pir
Daylight Chicago a 8:00 am . 11:60 pa
Limned Chicago
.a k:2a pm'
9:1a am
9:30 am
7:06 am
J.OCR4 carrou ..
Kast St. Paul..
.... 4:00 pm
....a 8:15 bin
Local Bloux C. at du r.o :uu pm ft :so am
Fast Mail 8:80 am
Chicago Express g 8:4.1 pm
1 1 1 i.ii. ru DuncBiDui.....a i .w it. in .. . u m
3"iom at Loni nne....o i: am io:3a am
,idwood'aV Lincoln.. ..a 1:50 pm 6:15 pn
Vaaper & Wyoming d 8:60 pr 5:16 pm
Hastings-Albion b 8:64 pm 1:16 pm
I Wabash.
I St. Louis Express 9:80 pm g;jo am
M St. Louis Local (from-
t I. cii. a.K . a n
fShrminit, ah I cmil (from
Council Bluffs) 6:41 pm tdO pm
Missouri Paella.
Bt. Louis Express. ...... a 9:30 am' ft 8 00 am
K. C. A St- L. Kx all .16 pm a .uo pm
Illinois tcsirii.
Chicc go Express.
.ft 7:86 am a 10: 38 pm
Chicago Limited a f:c0 pzs ..u6 ,
Minn 4V St. Paul Ex.. .b 7:36 am bl0:3i
Kllnn 4 St. Paul Ltd.. ft 7:60 mu ft :oi '
i pas
CkicnMU, Mllwsskn i. Pa at,
Chicago DayUgbt Ex. ..a 7:oo am aU:00 nia
Caliloioia-Uregun ix.. ..: pm a 3:10 lis
OveilanU Liimieil... a :-'0 pm a i-Ja am
Dos id. 4c Ukobot Ex.. a l al aiu ul.Upu
Denver 4k California.... ft ly tm
ft 8:80 pni
Northwest Express all:10pm.
iNeura-faa puiiiia ...a s:ou am
Lincoln Fast Mail b 3.61 pm
I., ir i Crook Jk i'latta-
. T . .
-W A 144
14 te m
moulh b 8:53 pn al0:36 an
Believua A Plattsmouth.a7.6 pm b a si m i
Bellevua 4k PaclUo " 1
l..p,-.tuin a B-1UI - -
Denvsr Limited .
Chicago Special...... ft 7:10 am
I 66 pa
7 :26 an
allttu pit
all 6 .
: an
ft 6:u5 pnt
Chlcaa txpreaa.. a 4-i pm
t hlcag i 'ler ft 9:06 pm
lust Local a 8:15 am
Mtaeoarl PacHo.
'nal(a Local " Tift
v'eeping Water ......b 4:60 Dm bll:40 an
'', It. ran), KImhmiU 4
Uiuaka, ' ' .
"" I'Ky Pa'iMenger 9:39 am b 9:10 pn
bioax cny pi,.i.-iiger..a :i pm all. Man
(. .s and Local ,., . . b 6 t pm b 9 10 an
it t'aiiy. b Dally rxcenl Sjnday. a Dallj
except Saturday. Dall ftacepl Monday.
St. Louis e.xprss..,.....a a pm
Kansas City & St. pUi
Kantws City t bt, Joe.. a 16 am
Kaiuuus City Bt. Joe.-a 4:26 pm
Dan sells drug.
Lefferfa glasses fit.
Stockert sells carpets.
Duncan sells the best school shoes.
Night achool at Western Iowa college.
Domestic cooking 83 North Main etreet
Dra. Woodbury, dentists, 30 Pearl street
Duncan does tha best repairing. 23 Main.
For rent, modern house. 723 Sixth avenue.
Picture framing. C. E. Alexander, 833
Elegant selection of Xmas plcturea and
frames. Borwlck. 211 B Main.
Cigars for Christmas presents at Morgsn
4V Dickey s drug store. 142 Broadway.
Morgan K.eln, upholsterers and mat
tress makers, moved to 1 S. Msln. lei. 64s.
Fancy mirrors, single and triplicate, at
Morgan Dickey's drug atore. 142 B way.
A caae of smallpox at 816 Fifth avenue
was reported to the Board of Healtn yes
terday. Samuel Floyd, the 10-year-old son of
Mr. and Mrs. F. Barton of Lewis town
ship died yesterday from paralysis.
Membcra of the staff of Palm Grove,
No. 11, Woodmen Circle, are requested to
meet tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock.
Ivanhoe commandery, Knights Templar,
will met this evening in regular conclave
when the newly elected ouicers will be
Tha Willing Workers of Unity Rebckah
lodge will meet this afternoon at the resi
dence of Mrs. C. H. Warren, 715 Soutn
Sixth street.
Several good aollcltora and crew man
agers wanted, permanent position, good
Income. Apply Bee office, 10 Pearl atreet.
Council BlufTa.
Missouri oak dry cordwood, M a cord:
cobs, J1.T6 per load; shell bark hickory, 17
pr cord, delivered. William Welch, 14
North Main. Telephon 128. .
The Christmas entertainment and tree
for the Sunday school of the First Con
gregational church to have been held last
evening was postponed until this evening.
Prof. Emll Enna. head of the Enna Con
servatory of Muslo at Des Moines, gave a
piano recital yesterday to a number or
friends at the home of Mr. and Mra. T. N.
Tha fire department waa called ye'"
day morning to the residence of family
named Cook at 5: Eaat Broadway where
an overheated cook stove set the chimney
burning out." There was no damage
except to the Christmas dinner, which the
family waa preparing.
Council Bluffs tent. Knights of the Mac
cabees, will hold Ita annual Christmas
entertainment for Ha membere and their
families tomorrow evening In its hall in
the Brown block. Santa Claus will bo on
hand to attend to the wanta of the young
folk and In addition there will be an In
teresting program.
Emma Rhodes, Tom Ratllff, Effle Gumm.
Jennie Kennedy, William Kennedy and
Marlon Gumm, according to the statements
of the police, celebrated Christmas some
what too liberally and thla morning will
be called upon to appear in police court
and answer to a charge of disturbing the
peace. The celebration with its resulting
fracas occuired nt Fifteenth street and
Rroadway and City Physician Tin ley a
services were requisitioned to patch up
the faces of some of the participants.
They all gave bail for their appearance
In police court thla morning.
Aaalst Depositors In Defunct Bank of
Offloe r A Pnsey.
Tha firm ot tax ferrets now operating
In Pottawattamie county, under contract
with the Board of Supervisors, is assessing
every depositor in the defunct bank of
Officer 4V Pusey for the amount of hla or
her deposit wherever it la shown that tho
same waa not returned by the depositor
to tho asaeasor.- To date tho creditor of
tho Officer 4V Pusey hank have received
61ft per cent of their claims,, while some
whoa claims were clussed as "preferred"
have received the full amount. Not con
tent with assessing these deposits for the
year 1900. in, which tho bank failed, the
tax ferrets ar sending out notices to these
depositors notifying them, that .their de
posits will be assessed for each year since
the fallur of tho bank, and further notify
ing them to appear and testify as to what
they did with the money since the divi
dends were paid by tho recelvera.
Thla procedure on the part of tho tax
ferrets la producing a storm of protests
from the unfortunate creditors of tho de
funct bank, and the right of the ferrets
to follow the course they are now pursuing
will, it Is said, be tested in the courts.
According to a county official who was
discussing the matter yesterday, the tax
ferrets are, in his opinion, running a big
bluff and exceeding their Jurisdiction.
Plumbing and heating. Blxby & Son.
Stat Teachers' Association.
The attendance from Council B.uff at
the annual meeting of the Iowa State
Teachers' association, which opena today
In Dee Moinea, will be the anialleat In a
number of years. Tho city will bo repre
sented only by Superintendent W. N. Clif
ford, Principal F. C; Ensign and Prof.
Thomas of tho high achool; Mlea' Katherine
Reed and Mies Cora Treynor. However,
County Superintendent O. J. McManu ex
pects to head a delegation of twenty-five
teachers from the country dletrlcta The
delegation from tho city left for Deo
Moines last evening.
In connection with the meeting Superin
tendent Clifford states that, he la not ft
candidate for president of the State asso
ciation, as has been announced in the press
dispatches from Dea Moines. "I could not
consider an election to that position in view
of the act that I will be chairman of the
state executive committee during the com
ing year,'.' suid Mr. Clifford.
Principal Ensign, as chairman of tha
high school principals' committee on ath
letics, will submit at thla meeting to that
section of the association a report In which
It will be recommended that the control
of high school athletic, including foot
ball, base ball, track meets and other
sports, be placed In the hand of a Joint
board, constating of the atudenta and mem
bers of tha faculty, with the latter in ma
jority ao aa to control. . At present the State
High School Athletic, association Is run
entirely by students. ' Provision will be
made for admitting all high achoola to tha
Roouui and cats. Ogaen hotel.
N. T. Plumbing Co. Tel. 130; night. VW.
Rapid Delivery Go.
We Guarantee Quick and Safe
Delivery of Baggage and Parcel.
Hhooe 827.
'Phong F784.
. A. A. CLARK CO, .
BaUblUI4 lUi.
Ure.tT n Mala St. orar flmi'i Ihea stora.
Vim cat borrow aar eaieunt aa cattia. or,
aouavhols furallura ar any ha.t!' Mount p. -
far maul t oaa he Bad aa priatlpat st aar tint
ta suit borrower, and Uitaru itu-l aeronll&air.
All kurtnaaa confidant 11. txiaaat raiar nffl-n n
rr avaolns lilt t V. Saturday araaiBc till .
28 PEARL $,
Iady Attendant If Dealra I
uv i-j a
WICKIIAjI to get his money
Oontractar'g Estimatej oi Genual Side
walks it EfoTe the City OonnciLs '
Work Done on Main, Pearl anal Broad
way Generally Endorsed, as Is tha
Program for Extension of
Permanent W alka.
The city council will hold an adjourned
meeting thla afternoon, at which time
City Engineer Etnyra will aubmlt the esti
mates on tha cement sidewalks built this
year by Contractor Wlckham on Broadway,
Main and Pearl streets. Tha estimate
show that there is due Contractor Wlck
ham 822,2a7.59 for work completed so far.
Tha assessment schedule Is now on file In
tha office of tha city clerk, where it may
i be aeen by those Interested. Notices of the
I aasessment are being sent out to non-resl-dent
property owners by Deputy City Clerk
Bowman. Indications are that tha ma
jority of the property owner on tha three
: principal atreet on which the cement slde-
walka have been laid are prepared to pay
their assessments in cash. Instead of on the
certificate plan.
The replacing of the old brick sidewalks
on tha three main business streets of tha
city with cement walks is conceded to be
tha best public Improvement ever carried
out by the city and property owners, except
In a few Instances, placed; no obstacle in
the way of its being done. There Is yet a
considerable stretch of cement walks to be
laid on theso main streets, and thla work
will be resumed In the spring by Con
tractor Wlckham aa soon aa the weather
will permit.
The ordinance recently passed by the
city council requiring the replacing of all
plank and brick sidewalks within a pre
scribed area by cement walks when such
walks need repairing or renewing meets
with general approval, and the plank and
brick walks, except in the outer portions
of the city, will be things of the past.
At Us meeting this afternoon the alder
men will also pass on tha paving of East
Broadway, , recently completed by Con
tractor Wlckham, and review the assess
ment schedule prepared by the city engi
neer. A considerable portion of the cost
of this improvement will have to be borne
by the city, owing to Broadway being
bounded on the north aide by Indian creek.
More of Wagner's Plunder Brought to
Llarht by Search.
John Campbell, brother-in-law of Ber
nard Wagner, the Janitor under arrest
charged with looting Herman H. Leffert'a
Jewelry More, was taken Into custody last
evening by the police. The register at the
city Jail shows a charge of grand larceny
opposite his name. He was released within
a short while on a bond of 8100. The fact
thai his bond was placed at this small
sum, considering the gravity of the charge,
la taken to Indicate that Campbell la
regarded by the authorities to have had
knowledge of or been implicated in the
ystematlc thieving with which Wagner
stands charged.
The aeventeen pairs of women's hose and
the eight shirts found at Wagner's house
have been identified by Charles Woodbury,
enlor member of the Woodbury company,
aa belonging to his company. Investiga
tion by .Mr. Woodbury has satisfied him
that no such sale waa made in hla atore
since the goods were placed In stock, and
he Is of the opinion that the articles must
have been taken from the stock room on
the second floor of the Shugart-Beno
block, In which the store is located. Wag
ner wae Janitor of the Royal Arcanum
hall, on the third floor of the same build
ing. The stock room was not forcibly en
tered, and consequently It is presumed that
entrance was effected by a skeleton or du
plicate key.
Wagner up to last night refused to make
any admission and in fact positively de
clines to discuss the charge against him,
except to repeat the statement that the
artlclea found at his home were bought
by hla deceased wife. He will have hi
preliminary hearing thla morning.
Protestant Revival Services.
Beginning next Sunday the Protestant
churches of this city, which are repre
sented In the Pastors' association, will ob
serve the week of prayer and there will be
services each evening. At the meeting of
the association this morning the que. tlon
of holding union aervloeg will be discussed
and if this proposition meets with favor,
the aervlces will be held on different, even
ings. Otherwise each church will have
lta separata observance.
Miss Bonnie Ruth Warren a well known
woman evangelist, will conduct a series of
revival meetings at the Fifth Avenue Meth
odist church, commencing January 16. The
revival aervlces will mark the formal cel
ebration of the remodeling of the church
building, which It is expected will be com
pleted by that date.
Notice to Property Ownera.
The schedules and plata for cement side
walks are now on file In the office o the
city clerk. Parties desiring to pay for said
walka can do ao by calling at my office.
U ZURMUEHLEN, JR., City Clerk.
Iaaarnnee oa Property Destroyed
Nearly Two Million Dollars.
SIOUX CITY. Ia., Dec. 26. (Special Tele
gram.) Estimates by Insurance men are to
the effect - that tha Inaurance companies'
loases by the big Are will be from 81,600,000
to 83.000.000. Records are still in such shape
that a comprehensive statement of inaur
ance . losses by companies cannot be fur
nished. The day waa spent in clearing the ruins
and - rescuing safes, but a blissard which
raged all day seriously interfered with
operations. The ruins have been roped in
that falling walla may not Injure pedes
trians and sightseers.
Tha feeling now la that a really greater
Sioux City will grow out of tha ashes. The
fire may have the effect of driving business
north of Fourth street and converting tha
property aouth of Fourth atreet into rail
road and wholesals property. The heaviest
losers by the lire will hold a meeting to dis
cuss plans for rebuilding.
Corporal Commits gnlclde.
DES MOINES, la., Dec. 2C.-Corporal
Solomon Cook of the Eleventh I'nlted
Statea Cavalry committed auiclde In the
Wellington hotel thla morning by turning
on the gas in Ills room. He was found by
the chambermaid. Cook had sdrvd ill tha
regular army for many yeara and had Been
rvice U Ihe Hil'iipplnet.
stolen Horse Ponnd.
SIDNEY, la.. Dec. IS. (Special.) The
1 ho to Ixl. nalng la Custer Allen, which
! war ') tQltn from the hluhravk while the
milt-.- h:'s unending a country church
:vr S tlney. I'na Ucn found near Neil.
I. .. . tr ustr ilupcsid vt a horse in
I: : . '(.inly hit It was found to ani-wer
'l"" tii'tlon ..f i ha stolen animal. The
. .'ill. at t iga.
Annual 8 anion ef State luooiatien ii New
. Undef Waj. i
Office Will Go to a City Saperln.
tendent and Cedar Rapids and
Qrlnnell Each Haa Itrong
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOINES, Deo. 2. (Special.) The
first session of the teachers In connection
with the State Teachers' association waa
held thla evening, being a business session
of the Educational council, the central
governing body of the association, at which
meeting was considered matUra relating
to changes In the management of the as
sociation. The council will tomorrow con-
alder two toplce and give a final report
to the association on the. same. These
topics are: Education; How Far for
Mental Discipline and How, Far for Spe
cial Callings?" and "A Comparison of tho
Educational System of Iowa with the
Systems In Minnesota, Nebraska and Wis
consin." The chairman of the committee
In charge of the former Is Prof. F. E. Bol
ton of Iowa City, and the chairman on the
last named topic la Superintendent O. J.
MoManus, Council Bluffs. The State asso
ciation proper does not open until tomor
row evening. It is believed that the pres
idency for the next year lies between Su
perintendent J. J. McConnell ot Cedar
Rapids and Superintendent. D- W. Thorn
burg of Grlnnell. The present president is
Frof. D. 8. Wright of the State Normal
school, and by force of custom the presi
dency goes next time to the city superin
tendents. About 1.000 teachers' are ex
pected In the city during the week.
Possibly n Murder.
A death which may indicate a murder
occurred at Eldon, Wapello county, where
Frank Holsey, a laborer working at Ot
tumwa, had gone to vL&it hie aged parents.
He went lata at night to a saloon and waa
not aeen after leaving until the crew of
a switch engine discovered that hfa body
had been run over and cut to pieces. The
railroad men had aeen three diunken men
near Ihe place a half hour before, and it
ia be.leved the two companiona of Holsey
robbed him and threw hla body on the
Charles Van Horn, who formerly lived
In Dea Moinea, but removed to Oklahoma
several yeara ago, waa on nia way to D.a
Moinea to vlelt a brother and came by way
of Eldon. He was standing In the little
hotel there late last night and suddenly
dropped dead. v
Iowa Fsvrmera' Institutes.
This la tha season for making datea for
tho annual farmers' Institutes, which are
held in every county of the state. The
encouragement given these Institutes by the
state In the way ot a appropriation to
partially pay expenses makes It certain
that Institutes will le held In most of the
countlea thla winter. Inqulrlea are numer
ous at the atata house and at the state
college for persons who can and will do
work or deliver lectures at these Insti
tutes. The stats dairy commissioner, the
head of the weather and crop bureau and
othera, are always available, aa well aa
a number i of peraona at the colleges and
othera connected with tha state societies.
The suggestion waa made In the report of
Secretary Simpson of the Slate Agricul
tural department that a atata bureau be
provided to handle the Institute business,
and this will b urged upon the next legis
lature. Aatcary for Bailer Makers.
It Is probsble that within the next year
there will be retabllahed In connection with
the office of state dairy commissioner what
will be a stale employment bureau for
The One
Resolution for 1905
is to know and choose the bestthen, when it comes
to the choice" of confections, you will not hesitate a
moment in selecting
Upon them correct form has set the crown of ap
proval, certifying to their goodness by unreserved ac
ceptance for banquet, luncheon, teafor any occasion
where exquisite dessert confections arc desired.
NADtSCQ Sugar Wafers are made in the following
flavors vanilla, chocolate, lemon, orange and mint
FESTINOAnothcr concction to Plcase tne eye an charm the
palate an airy texture of shell shaped like an almond
and concealing a kernel of delicately flavored cream.
persons competent to handle creameries or
to engage In work In thla line. In fact,
during the last few years Inquiries have
been so frequent at the offloe of ; the stale
dairy commissioner that the bureau Is al
ready practically established. The state
dairy commissioner believes, however, that
the time has come for a more formal list
ing of all persons competent to manage
creameries and to have provision for get
ting the good butter makers to the cream
eries that are willing and able to pay good
wages for their services. The demand for
first-class butter makers is Increasing in
the state and Is ever greater than the
supply, though wages are not as high aa
they should be yet.
Reorganising the Sons of Veterans.
Reorganization of the society of Bona of
Veterans is going on all over Iowa. Here
In Dea Moinea committees of the Grand
Army of the Republic posts have been
named to arrange for reorganization and
these committees are now securing the
names of persons eligible and 'will soon
announce a meeting tor forming one large
camp. There waa formerly a camp here,
but it went ' to pieces. Now, especially in
view of the fact that there is in Iowa a
college established under the patronage of
the order, and which is appealing to per
sons all over the country for support, It Is
desired that the order be made strong. A
plan for reorganization has been worked
out and will be followed, and it Is believed
here that within a few years the order
will be re-established on a good basis.
Bank Settlement Walts.
In the matter of the settlement of the
affaire of the Sheldon State bank, pending
In court In O'Brien county, lawyers of the
atate are watching dcvelopmenta because
of some questions Involved that will have
a bearing on future cases of thla kind. A
decision from Judge Osynor la not expected
for aome time. A controversy arose over
the matter of preference of creditors, the
demand depositors insisting that tha hold
era of time certificates were not entitled
to be regarded as depositors, but should ba
considered as having made loans to the
bank. The National Bank of the Republio
held a time certificate against the bank
and this large claim Is the one contested.
The case is regarded as one that is sure
to go to the supreme court. In the mean
time the receiver is unable to pay any of
the claims. "
Famona Kit Track Gone.
With tha removal of A. A. IKtsmlller
from Marlon county to a farm In Folk
county, near the atate fair grounds, marka
the end of the famous kite track at Knox
viile, which became celebrated a few years
ago for the number of fast horses which
were annually trained there. Mr. Kltzmlller
sold the ground on which the track was
located to the state to become a part of
the institution for Inebriates, and the atate
will break It up and make a farm. This
is the last of the kite tracka for fast horses
In Iowa, all now having been abandoned.
The history of this track at Knoxvllle
would show a long list of very speedy
horses which tried their speed there.
Papers Abandon Democracy.
With the enormous republican plurality
In Iowa of last fall a number ot the demo
cratic newspapers of the state are ex
periencing changes. The Atlantlo Dally
Democrat, it la announced, will hereafter
be an Independent paper, and probably
will change name. The Ottumwa Dally
Democrat haa been abandoned aa a daily
and there haa been aome talk of Ita aale
to peraona who would make It entirely In
dependent. The same experience la had
In several parts of the stater But at Perry,
where the democratic paper changed to
rt publican last summer, two other demo
cratic weekly papers are promised early
next month.
Canght In shredder, '
C. 8. Barclay, a prominent farmer living
near West Liberty, who is also a trustee
of the state college at Ames, hsd his hand
caught In a corn shreddrr and he narrowly
escaped with his life. It became necessary
to amputate hla arm.
Oeteenatu Wins Cna.
The State Board of, Medical Examiners,
acting on the advice of the attorney gen
eral, has dismissed the charges against
one G. M. Brown, an osteopath of Daven
port. The board which examined him had
found that an error was made In recogniz
ing the school where he was graduated and
an effort waa made to have his certificate
revoked. Th attorney general ruled that
the error could not be corrected at this
time and Brown will retain his certificate.
Cnnght in Texas.
A requisition was Issued today for the
return to Iowa of Nick Blackburn, wanted
In Marshall county for assault. He fled
from the state and wae found in Houston,
Texas, under the name of Ray Hamilton.
Ions Heme for Feeble-Minded Chil
dren Observing the Holidays.
GLENWOOD, Ia., Dec. 26.-(8peclal.)
The Yuletlde was Inaugurated on Thurs
day evening at . the Iowa Institute for
Feeble Minded Children by the rend.tlon ot
the fairy operetta, entitled, "The Inter
viewer and the Fairies," for the presenta
tion of which much time and labor had
been expended by the management and the
children taking 'part
The stage effects are greatly enhanced
by a play of calcium lights, especially dur
ing the fairy dances of the first and third
acts. '
The success of the operetta Is due to the
unremitting patience and perseverance of
the corps of teachers and employes who
have been training the children in the In
dividual and chorus work, under the di
rection of. Mlsa Karolyn Nevln, who, as
Madam Blue, won generous applause for
her pleasing stag presence and sing ng.
Mr. A. E, Stevenson, as the suave yet In
sistent news gatherer, gradually won over
tha tuarte of the falrUa and audience by
his pleasing Interpretation of the part. Ths
costumes and stage effects were designed
by Miss Ida Manly, and were unusually
pretty and effective. About fifty children
took part In the play.
An appropriate song service waa held
on Sunday' morning at i o'clock. On Mon
day the hearts of the children were made
glad by the distribution by the superin
tendent, Dr. Mogrldge, and the officers, of
candy, nuts, fruits, etc., and presents from
home. Each child received a suitable pres
In selecting a whiskey three quail
fications should be considered
the age, the purity and the flavor.
Possesses these qualifications in a
greater degree than any other whiskey
Tonsil r.
ent. At Intervale the Institution band
dered selections.
The big Christmas dinner waa aerred at
1 o'clock. On Tuesday evening a phono
graphic and stereoptlcon " entertainment'
will be given in the chapel.-
Thursday afternoon' another musical pro-'
gram . by the popular institution band Is
The program of entertainment will end
with a grand masquerade bail .on Monday,
evening, January 2.
With 1,000 children to provide for and as
many hearts to cheer, Superintendent Dr.
Mogrldge deserves great credit for ao much
of the happiness and good will manifest
among the children entrusted to hla care.
Court In Harrison County.
LOGAN. Ia.. Dec. 28. (Special.) Judge
A. B. Thornell filed two decree with E.
8. Garrlaon, clerk of the district court,
thia morning. In the matter of Thomas
Alston, executor of the estate of William
Alston, deceased, against the Logan Mill
ing company and the Logan Electric Light
company the judge entered a -decree in
favor of tho defendant and awarded the
payment of the costs, which amount to
about $200, to the plaintiff. On October X4.'
I90S, Alston sued the mlllllng company for
$10,000 damages Which he alleged were
caused to his meadow land by the raising
of the mill dam a mile pr more down! tha
The matter of M. B. Bailey and T. F.
Jones against Cochran & Egan and Byers
& Lock wood waa alRO decided by a decree
filed today by Judge A. B. Thornell.. Jones
sued Shelby county about two years ago
for personal damages sustained by falling
from a county bridge In Grove township
and reoelved a Judgment for $4,000, ' Joneu,
I hired M. B. Bailey of Dunlap to prosecute
the caae, agreeing to give him half the
judgment. Bailey hired Cochran Egan
to aaslst him, agreeing to give them half
his fees. He also hired Byers ft Lock-'
wood, a Shelby county law firm. Out ef
the $2,000 attorneys' feea the judge awarded
$760 to Cochran & Egan, $700 to M. 13. Bai
ley and $460 to Byers & Lockwood. The
case was also taken to the Harrison county
district court on a change of venue and
waa later taken to the supreme court.
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