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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 27, 1904)
AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Ghirur CktiigM to Admit of Swr Build ing leing Tglk.d Of. URGENT NEED FOR SOME RELIEF Mr Official Faint Ont UMm4 Ctffk Dilantin and Titnlr'fMK Street rnln Evidence. Whila no steps have been taken oy m city authority to bring about changes in the charter o that the city of South Omaha will be able to vote on a aewer and par Ing bond proposition. It la expected that something along ! line will be coming aoon. The talk of remodeling the present sewer svstcm io a to Include the entire city and to construct a big sewer to the river I still In the minds of the people and the city official, but nothing la being ,l.,ne about the matter at tha present time. Whin this sewer system problem was being sgltnted. It was suggested that the legis lature be requested to so change the laws that the city might vote 1150,000 or even tM.inO for a new. sewer system. No esti mate has ever been made of the cost of the proposal system, but engineers have mad ft rough guesa that .with the pre liminary work and the employment of an expert fewer engineer the cot would be done to l-HO.orw The statement Is made by city officials that with the rapid growth of South Omaha that there must necessarily be an extension of the present sewer system, which Is re ported Ic be entirely Inadequate. It only upon the representation of city of ficial to Guy C. Barton that the case pend ing now In the court against the so-called Mud creek nuisance baa been held back. These officials stated to Mr. Barton that there ws great hopes of the legislature giving relief and with this understanding V -- 1 r 1 Your Headtht The very life of the gra.p most healthful of fruits nil the sunshine and zest it has gathered as it ripened in the vineyard, is Con tained in 9 Champagne-rthe most de licious and most healthful, of wines. -' Chiropractic Cure All disease cured by spina tr;it ment dona by hand. Cure Asthma, Rheumatism, Kidney Troubles, Bright Disease. St. Vitas' Pance, Fit, Headaches, Neuralgia, Lock Jaw and other ailment, too numer ous to mention. 2509 Q St.. So. Omaha Offlc hour, 9 o 12 and 9 to t p. m. Beauty Strength rain Wrkn. sru, Fretful, Wk and Car wora paosl rtord to health b Ui 94 ERV; TABLETS Tbsv indues rMtful lep, cors HervoataeM, Blomsi-h, kidusy sua Bladder troubles, and srt duos PIqibsdms. strsnsth end Vltalltx, tuas B to Btrrss ana parity th Mood. By Mmll al.0. or azea .! aVIan Itm Lakxa4lT Llw IMlla, M eta. Foe Jaapla Tablets, acloaa 10 eaats to THE NERVAN TABLET CO., Cincinnati, 0. or gal by Beaton Drug Co. Ivory Woman a. i . . . w iwilm ahost lh wotMUtfol V.W'l MARVEL Whirling Spray Msaoa ttuelitm. Hum Sar- 1 Hil.. tk)wardrwfMjrn, Ir Ha rsnnot supply tlio SiARl KL. BC4Wii4 no Mhfr. but Mnil tuiniu fo lllntmud bouk-mU4. ItglTM full ikarUonlAra fcHd ditotkli, lii- Vallul'W to UdiM MlHttL CO, ( rark Maw, as w ark. For aula bv OHAKFlCR DHUli PtORES. ltb and Chicago sts. : So uraaltk. 34th and I aia.j Council bluffs. 6th jna Main ata. KUHN CO.. liib and UuuMkaa atraat MEN AND WO Mf If, L'm Big for asaataral IHktllN, taflMOMtlOBtk trnteliss vr ulearstioa., of n v o 1 aiabruat ,aiulua mmA mat mmLrtmm IrsiEvMiCstwieu Ca. g di r soixsou. . llaHNIUTI.1 ffYl nsla. s? ? srM, srvpeia. vm I at. or txntk 2.rt. ixsuiac Ml gswaat. tiUVEHMET OTKES PROPOSALS FOR BI'LLS-DEPART ment of th Interior. office of Indian a (Tails. Washington, D. C. December 1. luo4. Seuled proposal, en dorse.! "Pioposals for Bull." and an lireMed to trie commissioner of Indian af ralra. Washington, D. C. will be received st this offlee until 2 o clock, p. 'm.. of February 14, IM. tor furnishing and deliv ering at Standing Hock Agency, North Da kota, onu bundled bulls; said bulls to be not cs two nor mora than threv years old. weight not leas th:in sou pounds rath, to bt full-blood Hereford, proper certlllcatra to be turnished on demand, to Ik hrcd iioitii of the south line of the stat of Kansas. Schedule which will be mane a pan of the proiioitai. containing blank forms for bidding, detail specinVatluna and lulitlltions to lie olKcrii by bidders, will b furnished upon application tn this office, lo the pulillaiiei of The Bee, Omaha, Neli. : rioucer. Maiidan. N l. ; Pioneer Ptess, St. Paul, Minn.; Live Stivk Indicator, kail i t'lty. Mo.: Breedera' Gasette, and the Drovsra' Journal. 'lnrt . 111.; the super Inlenilents Of the I', ti. ' ii.lia n wareliouses st 2 South Canal street., Chicago. III., and sli Howard street. Omaha. Neb., and at Mi; Houth seventh stresi. el. I rum. Mo. or to the I'. S IlKllae ngttit. btJiid'ng ltoi-R Ag'ncr. Fort Vatrs. North Dakota. Hid uf'n tiia blanks are not sbsolutely nce. ry; they may be made !n any other form f'o'iils,; the coinlltioiia aie vbseiv.l. For tru t-r li.f n nisi Ion appl to U . A. Jones, oonmtusiuner. t - - ' - - . Dcj;-ui-iiJB -;-w im4-m Pi t KM It ttrtsMf-. W m Kismsl fa aw at Mr. Burton Instructed hi attorney to carry the ult over for ft time. When the sewer proposition goes through It I hoped that teps will be taken to riven om relief to tile pople traveling over Twenty-fourth street. Thl pavement I In very bad condition and an met Ment In looked for every due on accotmt of the deep holes In the pavement. There wa aome talk awhile ago about getting out another petition to circulate among Twenty-fourth street property own em asking for new pavement. A little talk among some of the property owner fhowed that aurh a petition would not he considered and the matter wa dropped. The city cannot spend money to repave the 1 street. van If the general fund was full t0 overflowing;. What repair are made muat com out of the street repair fund. These repairs, when made, consist of the throwing of broken stones Into the holes. This ston la soon worn away and the holes are then as deep as ever. The street cannot be paved tinder th law under which tha paving of Railroad avenue whs done for the reason that a paving district had already been established on Twplr fourth tract, from A to Q streets, and the street paved. In some place the holes In the pavement are fully six Inches deep and thl make driving something of an ad venture. Just how the city officials ex pect too get around the legislature In this matter of paving has not heen made pub lic, but th asaertlon has been made that there will be an attempt anyway to remedy the present lw regarding paving and paving repair. rtmrlea Bareh Retwra. Charle Burch. rate' dark at the Burling ton depot, returned yesterday from a two months' tour of the south. While away mr. Biircn visited Cuba and the Isle oi Pines. In talking of his trip Mr. Burcn ssld he HHed the climate very much, but he did not think a northern man has any business there unless he I wealthy. , Hpeak Ing of tha Isle of Plnea. Mr. Burch say that speculators have purchased land at a very low rat and are now selling It to northerner at a greatly advanced price. Cltrua fruit grow on the Island and the crop I abundant, but there I no ready market. In shipping fruit It muat first, go by a little side-wheel steamer to a port In southern Cuba, then by rail to Havana, and thea be lightered to steamers. "The expense of tha transportation of the frui . Is not so great." said Mr. Burch. "as to take off th profit, but the frequent hand ling bruises the fruit so that when It does reach a market ther Is a loss on the ship ment." Mr. Burch went aouth to make an Investment If he saw an opportunity, hut he stated that he Is satisfied with Ne braska and Intend remaining here. I.lttle Baslness Monday. Yesterday waa observed as a holiday In South Omaha. Some of the stores were open for a time In the forenoon, but aa the storm Beamed to keep people off the streets most all of the atores and places of busi ness closed at noon. At the stock yards the receipts were Jlght, and while the stock w aa cared for, little Interest was taken In the market and the buyers and commission men left the yards early In the forenoon. Today business will open us usual and at. the usual hour. All of the packers have poated bulletins for help to be on hand today and buslnesa will be resumed. Employe of the packing houses have been given practically three diiys holiday, as there was little work on Saturday. It Is feared that the storm may Interfere to a great extent with the shipment of stock, but report at the railroad offices last night showed that there waa some stock enroute to- this market. No very heavy run are expected until after New Years. HaldlwaT Parker for Bwrglary. Frank Parker, colored, is being held at th city Jail on a charge of suspicion. De tective Klsfelder: states that Parker en tered and robbed the house of Mrs. Jennie Carson, 9(4 North Twenty-fourth street, a couple of years ago. At the time Parker waa arrested here he was turned over to th Omaha authorities and sent to the penitentiary for a almllar crime. Parker, shortly after his release, returned to work at one of the packing houses here and his arrest oon followed. Klsfclder states that ha will endeavor to have Parker tried now for the Caron robbery. Th Jewelry sup posed to have been taken by Parker from tha Carson house waa recovered In pawn hop ahortly after the robbery. Ilorseahoere Kept Bust. On account of the slippery condition or the streets the horseshoers of South Omaha were kept busy from an early hour Monday morning until late last night. Pogens of head of horse were sharp shod, but stilt dosens of horses, were driven about the street without being newly shod. The re sult wa many fajlen hones. No eerloua accidents from the falling of horses were reported to the police. Pedestrians had u hard time of it on the sidewalks, which were like sheets of glass, but night closed down without doctors having to be called on to aet any broken limbs. Maa;le ( Itr Uoaali. -.M.7- 9eor p"r Irtt last night for California to apend the winter with her husband. Mr. and Mra. M. D. Brwer left last night for JoeJIn, IU., to attend the wedding of a relative. 4 It has been reported on the streets that a republican dally paper la to be storied here goon after January J. The city council Is billed for a meeting tonight, but the announcement Is that only routine buslnesa will be transacted. L N. Shevlln Is reported to be confined to his home at Twenty-eighth and (J streets with a case of blood poisoning. The drill crew of Nebraska lodge. No. 2.T. Ancient Order United Workmen, will !v! " -b.a" ' Workmen temple on the night of December 29. On Wednesday the injunction cases "io"'ii inw iauing oi nonas ror city hull and park purpose will be called for hesr ing before Judge Sears. Nearly all out-of-door work has been sua. pended for th winter, but Street Commis sioner Iroutarr says that he will keep a few men handy In case of emergency calls Frank W. Solon of Chicago, who Is su perintendent of th street cleaning depart ment of that city, left last night for his horn after vUltlng for a few days with James Parks nnd family. FIRE RECORD. Chapel at Sang Harbor. NEW YORK. Dec. Tlie beautiful chapel at Sailors' Snug Harbor, a home for Indigent seamen at New Brighton, Staten Island, wa damaged by pre tnday; lorn, $75,000. The chapel was a replica of St. Paul's Loudon, and it contained one of th finest and mod expensive organ In the United State. Th chapel waa a maw of flams when the no old aallor in Snug Harbor were summoned to fight th fire. They responded to a man, though some fainted from over exertion. HYMENEAL. Ortnaaaa.WIIUtin. HARVARD. Neb., Dec. 2.-tSpecial.)-On Chilstmas day at tha home of Mr. and Mrs. William Wlllson of this city at lu o'cliH-k in the loot nlng occurred the inarrluge of their dauglittr. Miss Anna Willscn, to Mr. Fred Orlliiimi of Shlckley, Neb., the cercinnny being performed by Rev. Charles Burns of the Waal Methodist church. Allene O'Brien Is Dead. NEW YORK. Dec. 2U.-A report has reached this city that Thomas O Hileij. the notorious confidence iun and alleged In ventor of the -gold brick" swlmlle. 1 dead in the French penitentiary set t lenient st Cayenne, where lie had been serving a life sentence for the murder of his patt nr. Kid Waddell. :u Paris In lk!i.t. O'Brien career waa a remarkable one. lis whk bet ii flt -three years egu In Chicago, and. nlded by an attractive personality, nian ai'ii to make an eutishle toi1. Mauv ticld ssltull- running irnii'th tltoussiid'. i ci edited la ItU gt-aius. CHINESE BECOME RESTIVE Mmber of Niigpo Community Dir E turn of Alleged HoMiin MnrdrT. CONSUL IGNORES DEMAND V TA0TAI Bailor from ( ralaer Askold Rcsaalas on Board Mn Despite Reataest ' tf the hlneee Official f Port. SHANGHAI. lec. i.-The rtusxlsn con-1 ul has made no reply to the demand of the taotat for the surrender to him of the sailor belonging to the Russian cruiser Asknld, wlfo on December 13 murdered a Chinaman as the tcsult of a dl'puta over payment for the hire of a Jlnriksha, The sailor is still on board the rrulrer, where he was eent by the consul and where It was understood he would be tried by court martial. The taotal has applied 10 the foreign board at Peking for further In structions. The Ningpo community Is be coming renive The murdered Chinaman wss h native of Ningpo. bij Important treaty : port 1) miles south of Shanghai, and the Nlnapi community at Shanghai is TA0t strong and aa long ago as December .IS th lower clasnes of this community wore urging an attack on all Russians In Shanghai, but they were being restrained by the Ningpo guild, which was counselling patience pend ing the action of the taotal. ', SUES A TELEPHONE COMPANY Independent Concern at Miosis Kail la Court on Application of Trust Company. SIOUX FALLS, 8. D., Dec. 2.(8peclal) A suit has been Instituted In the United States court In tills city by the Royal Trust company of Chicago and II. E. Ambler, trustee, by which it is sought to have a receiver appointed for the Cltliens Tele phone company of Sioux Fslls. .The defendant compsny a year or two ago established an independent telephone sys tem In this city. Many of the leading busi ness men and other residents are stock holders. 'The plaintiffs allege that they hold bands of the telephone company to the amount of $13,000. These draw 6 per cent Interest, payable semi-annually. It is alleged by the plaintiffs that the telephone company ha defaulted In the payment of Interest In the sum of 3.06O. due June 1, 14. and a similar amount due December 1, 1904, and that because of the default In the payment of the Interest the entire amount of bonds ha become due and pnyable. The Royal Trust company asks thst it be given possession of the property of I lie telephone company under the mortgage held by It and that a receiver be appointed at once pending foreclosure proceedings. Judge Cur In nil of the federal court has fixed January S aa the date for the hear ing upon the application. An effort I being made to compromlae the matter and confidence ia expressed in some quarters that the grounds which furnish 'the basis for the auit will be removed prior to th date set for the hearing before Judg Car land. - - KVKTS U. THE HI.NMXU TRACK Brooklyn la the Only Winning; Fa vorite at s Orleans. NEW ORLEANS. Dec. Brooklyn, who scored In the fifth tace. was the only win-, nlng favorite today. Kickshaw snd Lura lighter fell in the fourth race, but neither horses or riders were hurt. Weather threat ening; track fa.-t." Results:- i First race., mile and cne-aixteentli:' Rlan won, Misanthrope second, Aggie Lewis third. Time: 1:4H. Second race, six furlongs: Trossachs won. Mary Glenn second. Optional third. Time: 1:15. Third race, seven furlongs: Kittle FIhU won. Trapper Second, Ascot t Belle third. Time: l.:7. Fourth race, h mi ill oh p, one mile: Fox mead won, Riimshortt second, Reliance third. Time: 1:4J. Fifth race, mile and three-eighths: Brook lyn won, tlravlua second, Mainspring third. Time: 2:2i. Sixth race, six furlongs: Go to Win won, SI Lee second, Suvolr Falre third. Time: 1:14H. SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 26. Oakland re sultn: First race, six and one-half furlongs: M. A. Powell won. Edgecltffe second. Baker third. Time: l:23'i. Second race, six furlongs: Educate won. Biennus second. Profitable third. Time: 1 : 10',a. Third race, six furlongs: Judge won. Mil prune eecond, Rowena third. Time: 1 :14V Fourth race, mile nnd one-quarter: Cal Wade won. Military Man second, LeIIU third. Time: 2:1. Fifth raoe. mile and one-sixteenth: Anvil won. Dungrtnnon second. W. Enrich third. Time: 1:0V Sixth race, one mile: Dr. Leggo won. Amui-koday second. Hooligan third. Time: 1:44. LOS ANGELES. Dec. 2.-Results at As cot: . First race, selling, six furlong: Happy Chappy won. Surinyolde second," Rag Tag third. Time: 1:1JV Second race, six furh.ngs: .Rag Luckett won. The Major second, John F. third. Time: 1:13' Third race, the Hollywood handicap, $1.(60 added, sweepstakes fir 2-year-olds and up. inilo and sixteenth: Ethylene c7 to 1 won, Fossil second, Princess Tulane third. Time: 1:46. Fourth race, five furlongs: Fiologna won, Sandstone second, Belle Kinney third. Time: 1:01. Fifth race, selling, mile and sixteenth: Emperor of India won, f'Jtuh second, Har bor third. Time: 1:47. Sixth men. Helling, six furlongs: Grid ley won. Wlntiifreoa second. Effervescencu third. Time. 1:14V WITH THE BOWI.KRS. On the Omaha Bowling association al leys last evening the Waverleys won three games from the Armours. Hodges of the Waverleys was high for the evening. Score; WAVER LEYS. 1st. 2d. Sd. Total. Hodges J-ii 2J4 1K2 I.4J Grifhth 1 7 l'JJ 1; b37 Williams 151 1X1 vm; ajs Ctx'hran 1 213 1M ' iSo Reed 1HJ m . o.W Totals tun l.itii ARMOL'RS. SW 2,S let. ISO 177 , ill J If it 142 2d. :;d. Total. Tonneamaii Adams Collins Furay Encll Totals .. 212 573 2l 156 1J 2"5 llil lb(t St 541 4t1 " 4Vi :.lUu S73 K7 Billiard I'layera at Cblcngo. CHIPAOO. Deo. 28 The natlortal ama teur billiard tournament to be held Jatiu arv 3n under the uuspicea of the Chicago Athletic club, promises to attract to this city many of the ben known pi yers of the country. Invitations have already been sent to twenty-two of the most prominent ulavers eligible to class A. The malnritv j of players to whom invitations have heen r Mil nave signiuru intention or competing. Tha exact number of contestants, however, will not be known until replies have besti received from the olllelal entry blanks, which will be mailed tomorrow. Regarding statements to the effect that discrimination had been shown agalnat players from certain aectiont of the coun try. Isolds M. Hamburger, rhaliman of the committee in chitrgs of the tournament, denied emphatically today all such stories. Walsh Knocks tint Hrodlaan. SALEM. Ma-a, Dec. 2.-Jlnimy Walsh of Boston knocked tint Harry lirtwllgan of London after two minul-a at:d thirty aec uiids of lighting at the Apol'.u Athletic club today. The ntea met fur a ten-round bout, and for a co iple ot minutes they appeared on even terms. Th n W iilfh caught Brodf sin on the Jaw with a terrific right hander. The hnn'.llun .in o1!iiih 1 nd n counted out Hum bold t liefest Table Hock. Hl'MBtil.l'T. Neb.. I i.e. :. iH. ial.l The boys from the TaM, Rock lila't school raine ili, n H.i l v l J i v fternoon prd l fere I defeat at (he rand et iU ail of this itv. A gctiil-sised crowd wn i reseu t and ail iu tt.esiing iuo is tcpoitrd. W0MAI II CLUB AXD CHARITY Mrs. Sarah Hntt Drcfc. r. president of the General Federation of Women's clubs, has Issued The following greeting to club women : Tu the club women of the Uenrtal Fed eration: 1 cannot l satisfied ss ymir president slmaiy to give you the season s greetings, to tsh ymi a merrv t nrlstmss arxi a happy New esr. It noes not give me peace of mind to reel that he club members will meet In their comfortshie, even besutlful rooms, snrt will have th New Year wel- I come with song itd tesstlng, with plessure and happlneee-eoiely tor memeeivre. , Into mis scene t would have mIso the thought of the puir"e and meaning of these gifts to us. Not ours are they be rsuse we desire them, not lecausc we hsve earned them, not because we should keep them, not because we have been se lected as most worthy to pass them on. More and more. sS I haxr met the women of the In nd during my long Journev attend ing state federation meetings and visiting1 many clubs more and more have I realised that the federation W'trk Is a pnrt of the plan of th wor'.d. Ana eo, while I wlsn you the JoV of the sessnn. while I hrtpe for your health and peace of soul, I -sire to give you hs a working motto for the New Year these words from an old book i "Son. to be a true knight Is to remember the miserable, the tempted and the poo. to consider the comfort of dependents and the overlooked ones la Ht s rood. to strive to case the slrk and the unhappy, to shelter the houseless, to teach the ig norant, to raise tin those who hsve wan dered and got troddon underfoot. Always to give thy hand and 'thy aord of cheer, even though thine own heart be uni. Above all, son. to make thyself least of all." - , Dear friends, shall we think of these things? Then will bur Christmas be merry and With a good heart we may -welcome the new year, r It hits been announced that until the Oeneral Federation of Women's Clubs can meet and decide upon an official organ In pl-e of the Club Women, the Bulletin Is sued by the Massachusetts Federation and published by .Mrs. MayK AMeu Ward and Helen E. Whltticr at Boston; will serve to make official announcements for the executive committee. Certainly no. pub lication could be more apceptable to club women than the Bulletin ami there has been a growing esntlment In -favor of Its selection as pfficlfil organ; i v . . . . Mis Louise B. Pnppeolielmo correspond ing secretary of the general federation, has about finished compiling the list of committees recently appointed by the executive committee; which will be made public early In January, The Nebraska State Teachers' associa tion has invited the women's clubs of the state to take membership In Its organiza tion and send representatives to Its meet ings that the clubs may In this way come more closely in touch' With the educHllonul work and teachers '. of Nebraska. The membership fee is II -icr year. The work of the organizations' I, closely allied and their co-operation has proven most profit able. The local club : women will have a prominent part In the entertainment of the association this week. The executive committee of the Nebraska Women' Christian Temperance union will meet In Oinaha this week In conjunction with the State Teachers association. Fur. ther announcement,. Will be made regard ing the reception to be tendered them er.4 Mr. Mary Hunt at the First Confrtjo tlonal church Friday c.teinoon. ONE MAN FREEZES TO DEATH tnldeallfled Strangle; Is Koonrf Dead Near In Ion pWelfln' Depot CHEYENNE. Wyo., DY. tUVAn unidenti fied man was found dead Ihia morning near the Vnlon Pacific depot,'? .' He had appar ently frozen to death, f -Tie thermometer had fallen during th night from' 18 above to 4 below . zero. Th ,. cold wav wa ac companied by a high wind. DEATH RECORD. Mrs. Jollat Howe. YORK, Neb., Dec. tf.-(Speciul.)-ln the death of Mrs. Julia Howe, at her home In this city, the old soldier and members of the Grand Army of the Republic loses one of it members, she being one of very few who were eligible to membership in that organization. Mrs. Howe wa a nurse dur ing the civil war, and received medals for the courageous part she 'took In that strug gle. She was a member of the Woman's Relief corps, having held many offices In that organization, and she was an officer at the time of her death. The deceased was highly respeoted and was 79 years old. Charles W. Foater. CLARINDA. Ia., Dec. 26. (Special Tele gram.) Charles W. Foster, mayor of this city, died this morning, after a week's Illness, aged 72 years. During his adminis tration of the mayor's office this city wit nessed the accomplishment of more and greater public Improvement than ever be fore In It history, and he gave theac and other public duties .his cjoso and efficient attention. The city council has resquested all places of business to close here Curing the funeral Wednesday afternoon. He will be burled with Masonic honor. Mra! E. J. Beat.' NEL1GH, Neb.. Dec. 2. (Special! Mrs. E. J. Best, mother of E. T. and E. S. Best of this city, and C. J. Best of the Omaha Be died yesterday morning at the age ot 87. Death was due lo the Infirmities of old age. The body will be" taken to Agency, la., for burial t ' George UIllsou. BEATRICE, Neb., Dec. 2ti. (Specials George Elllsim, a well known farmer living near Wymore, k dead at the age of tjx years., He I aurvlved by a widow and a large family of grown children. The funeral wa held this afternoon. Rev. John M. Bacon. LONDON, Dec 26 -.Hevi John MacKci.zi Bacon, lecturer, scientist and aeronaut, ia dead al Coldai.l, Newbury, of pleurisy, aged 58 year. J C'ullegse Frnternltr at Sew Orleans. CH1CAOO, Dec. 2W.-Delegates from Wis consin. Minnesota, , Michigan, Iowa and Chicago to tha national. convention of the Sigma Nu fraternity, ' which convenes In New Orleans on Wednesday, left here over the Illinois Central thl evening. Dele gates from Indiana,- Illinois. Ohio, Ken tucky, Kansas and Missouri will Join tha party enroute and from Memphis they will travel lu a special train to New Orlean. boating- alXegr Cbnrch. HANCEVILLE. Ala., Dec. 26-Whlle ne grues were holding a Christmas celebra tion In a church at Stouts Mountain, a min ing camp, a voliey of shots waa flrd Into tha congregation from th outside. Rev. Clay, the pastor, and one of the negroe, wa fatally and another serlouMy wounuYJ. Th shouting caused a panic. Ijiter the dead body of Henry Jett. a white miner, was found near the church. It N sup posed he wa a member of the shooting party and waa accidentally killed by one of the companions. John Jett and Ted Rlackwell. both white miners, have been arrested in connection with the affair. Kaploslon Inlares Workmen. CHICAGO. Dec 2. I'nexpw ted explo sion of a stock of blssting dyrmmlte to dv fatally Injured three men irjured a score of others and partly a recked u lurgs steam shovel on ihe f'hb-ago drgln- caiil near Loth port. HI More, than UiO man were working within :ii fcM (4 the dynamite whru th xposh u mciiri1. All.weoa thrown fioiu ther t. tasnty lelug lillllred slid l.tltl'il ltd lt lljli,g tones aud dli k ! OMAHA LIVE STOCL MARKET IWt fitter aid Cowg 8tronf, redr 81ow tod Wgk. rith HOGS SOLD SHADE HIGHER Only Three ara of Kkeep on "ale andl aa Bayer Were 411 Anxlons for Sappllea Market Rnled Active, with Prices Fally SMenHf. SOI TH OMAHA. Dee. . 1I. Receipts wrre Csttle. Hogs. Sheep. OfDcHsl Mondav I. 44 Ham dny IsM week fcsme two weeks ago... Ksme three weeks ngo. fame tour weeks ago..-. Same day last yesr KKCEif'TS FOR THF. t K7 .!! tin J.. ..4 4. .7' 4.4.t. l.l.-U l.Jan &.4 YF.AR TO PATH. t he following tnho ihim the receipts ot raitie. hogs and sheep at Soutn Omaha for the year to date with comparisons: 1!M IK. iuc. Dec. Cattle :k.SS J25,(' ogs l'.ii"1.772 .l!M.;i 7ii.0Ji Sheep 1.74N.20U l.Ml.Tto W.atW " lti fallom-itiv xhii. iiiikii the average price of hogs ui South Omaha tor the list rai du, with comparison: lat IS. jl903.lssj'.!lilul. 19W.-tJ.llt- Dec. De. Dsu Dec. Dec. Dec. uec Deo. Deo. Deo. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dtc. Dec. Dec uec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. lep. I. , II. , 4.. 6.. . i. . .. 10. 11. I w, 4 w o i m i Wi i I 441! 4 Ul WH 6 k I '!(! I 4 4 .i UK I o, 4 4i " I - - I 4I Zi K 1 on, J r . 4 4IS 4 a7i Z4' i 4 77; J fcoi J J; 4 11! 4 M I t 4 So 4 37; I 1 .Ml 4 4 1 07) i 4 rt l-tai 4 Xl ': mi (Mi 111 I I W I J I 4 Wtkl 4 4r M Ui 4 t I I I 471 tt 141 4 se 3 K i'i. U.'. 14.. IS.. It.. 4 44 4 4 0 WI 1. 4 1 1 w 4 41 I ft S ti 21 4 l 3 4 & 4 45: I tl 4 K WI 4 ,; 4 4U 09, 4 4 l j' 4 411 4 28 U it K. " 4 Ul W 17. let. I 4 4oSl 4 1 r 34, 4 8S, I - I 4 1, I. Iji B iJi '! JO... I 4 601 j 6 OS I (J (i4 4 79j t Ml J "J f I ... I 4 44l 4 34 I ti 1 !U 1 VI o -J2...! 4 3.v; 4 3 6 16; ll4 tKI a .a... 1 ssm to s ' ooi - I ' "i u. . . 4 1. 'i'oii 1 !ib d ti Dec Iec. 26. 4 42, 4 11, 3 f Indicates Sumlav. Indicates holiday. The official numher of cars of stock brought in today by cch road was- Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. C. M. S. P. Ry a Mo. Pac. Ry l I'nlon Racine system.... . - C. N. . Ky o 1 V., K. & M. V. H. K.... Hi 2 C, St. P., M. & O. Ky... b 1 2 B. ft M. Ry 12 . 4 1 C. a. & Q. R i . .. .. C. M. 1. P. Ry.. east.. .. 1 Illinois Central 4 .. " .. Chicago Ureal Western.. 1 S. ' Total receipts Hi 13 The iltspOHK. ,n of the day's receipt waa as toliowa, em u ouyer purcnaiing tn num ber ot ncad indicated; Buyer. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Oinaua Packing Co HJ2 hwtit and o.opany...... lj JoJ ... nanny r-acKing v,u ;us m.t . : Armour iti :u,' 4 - 4;'i .us :u7 j iii loo J4 oil la .13 4 27 l'i . w owlit t.o., troni country VtuiRint it l'o lAjoman A Co W. 1. Stephen '. llnl & MumslnKer Hamilton v Hoi urn. nilil. .. L. K. Husx Mike Hi'ggeriy J. B. Hoot e Co Bulla & iiline Other buyers Total 1.633 t):ii m CATTLE Stockmen ia the territory trin Utary to the Houth o..iaun market seem to nave ooerveu cni eiiuns as nonuay to a greater exunt than usual, as is shown by tue tact mat r, eei,,ta ii an atnus stock this morning were extremely tight, in tact, ihtre was haruiy enougn on suie to make a test of vaiucs. A few cars ot cornfeu steers arrived and fninc of ii.nn were oi good quality. A four-load bunch ot leu western cnttie som mr and another loau orougnt o.m. Buyers all seemed to be tauiy anxious lor cattle and tne price paid i otnu) ue quoted sieany to Mcptig garcuiii' pared lth .iast week." ' " 1 ne Dig enu or me receipts consisiea oi cow rtuu, utit buyers took nolo ireeiy anu practically everything on sale changeu lianas m shoit oraer at good, strong prites. All Kinus seemed to sen to a ntue oettei nrivsnuiKc tli.-.n they, did at the close ot last weeK. nulla, it'll calves and stags could hi qiiotrd steady to strung. 'there were a lew loiuls of stockers and feonera Included lit tne offerings, but the demand tor tnem wus very limited. Specu lators were rather atraid thst country, buyers would be scarce this week, and aa finite a few cattle were carried over irotn wiea the market on liesh arrivals whs j slow ami wean aim it was a little lute before everyining whs disposed ot. Kepre- s.nta.lve sales: BKiCF STEERS. No. Av. Pr. No. A v. Pr. 1 620 t 40 22 litis 4 30 u.i ; 2" 1213 4 3a 6 850 3 tt) IH 4 tt 6s IV 3 Uj Is 1202 4 70 17 U'lJ 4 tn IS linn 5 W lti DOS 4 2o 40 UUii B 00 CO v n. ' 7 M7 1 2X 1 1200 2 3u 1 IW 1W ' i iu.6 2 ,ii I leiO 1 u , !) 1102 2 4il 1 bl'l i bt 1 lull) 2 So 13 .....707 I l 3 7;o 2 fcu H 1071 3 ( HW6 2 50 6 1084 2 00 11 Wi7 60 I Hi2l 2 06 3D VXi 2 So 62 9)8 2 10 , ;6 9111 2 Vb 1 129 a ! 14 1032 t KR t 16 2 10 3 9it 2M 2 lotiG 2 35 ItSl 3 40 COWS AND HEIFERS. ... ji Z Ho HEIFERS. .... 310 1 2o a....K 454 ... 697 1 Wt - 6 7nS ... 4h0 2 00 623 BCLLS. 3 16 2 20 ! 70 ' 1 40 t (Hi 2 do t 75 2 80 3 00 3 6y 3 50 3... 3... Ii... 1... 1... 1... ...113H ...1060 ...1390 ...1040 ...117 ...1170 . . ..1100 1 5 ..1240 ..347 ..1490 ..1720 ..1N60 . . loot) 2 26 2 2A 2 26 3 36 2 36 2 40 ' 4.... 1... 1... 1.., . .1770 STOCK CALVES 250 2 26 7... 167 4ti0 3 00 CALVES. 280 400 150 3 00 3 26 '10 170 150 ( 25 h 25 6 26 4 60 1X0 4 60 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 717 3 00 1... 620 MO S20 H20 3 25 4 1 6 S 6 ... M7 ...690 ... 670 ... KH4 . .. K70 ... 750 ... 946 ...W33 ... 9M ... 725 ... 587 ...Mill 3 00 I....... . 10...... 12 12 I 5."!" i 25 17 39 3 3n ' 1 30 , 3 3 30 S :5 3 46 3 50 3 So 3 fo 3 65 3 65 3 66 3 00 3 Oil 3 0" 3 On 3 flu 3 On 3 00 1 00 3 00 3 00 3 25 708 415 711 780 908 . 7S0 f34 , 717 , M7 :4.... 2.... H008 There were only 1.1 cars or hogs reported this morning, so there wus not much t huuee for holding a market. Buyei. though, all seemed to lie willing to take thoni and everything sold in short order at a shade stronger prices than were paid on Suturduy. It will be remembered that on baturduv the bulk went at t4.4o and $4.42, while to'dav must everything sold at 14.4:", with a bunch at $4.45. Representative 1.. U No. Av. ,.249 ,.27o ,.263 ..274 ,.2ili ,.277 on. fr. jo. av. en Pr. 4 4:'H 4 42',, 4 42 4 4l"4 4 42, 4 42S 4 42 Pr. . 4 42, 4 42U 64... 61.... 63.... 63.... F.5.... Wi 2SJI SO t6......2!i3 l'.H Sim 80 200 160 80 SO 47 241 4 421. 56 2X7 83 296 2'HI 55 228 40 4 42'i 4 42', 4 45 SHEEP There wer only three tar of sheep ou sale thl morning and the market could not be quoted anything but steady. All the buyers seemed to be anxious for supplies, and as a result th three cars were sold as soon as ottered. One car of ewes brought $4.40 and two cars of ewe $3.15. utiutatloii for fed stock: Good to cholc yearlings, 8."J6.&0; tuir to good yar liiign, $5.0O4i 26; good to choice wethers, M'joiVj5.6; fair to good wetners. $4.ti6i4.1IO: good to choice ewes. $4 164140; fair to good ewes, t3.9o4.16; common to fair ewes. $3 6oi(3.Wi: gocd tu choice Is nibs. $i.oolrt.uO; fair to good himhs, lo.'ifcSBd.OO, fugder year, lings. $4.40u4.i6; feeder wetlny s. 4.15y I i); feeder ew es, $3.?tii3 06; feeder iambs, fo lM'tt 6.50. Rrpresantallv sales: Nu. Av. pr. 410 western ewes 97 3 ;g :oo western ewes log 4 Kv York lle llsrk Market. NEW YORK. Dec. 2.BEEVEB-Re. relpts, 3.940 head; steers. I.'ilSr higher; bulls steady to strong; cows l(.'o2.V lilahr; sll early arrivals sold; native steers. It 4'1) 5 80: no very good here; bulls. l2 "oISi; rows. II o. 1 nines uiirnangcit No e ports today; tomorrow o cattle. I. 29ti sheep and 6.i itijapters of beef. im r CAI v r.M -ttei i ipts. .. tieao; veals unlet Inn sit ud. ; iiihi ket o ,111 . w t-i ri.a 5. M; tvals, rtfll'.t), loan, lhi cai um culls 14 flft: barnvard calves. I? al-l 0: west erns. fV: dresed cslxes slow but stes.lx ; city dressed veals. SWfe per lb.: country dte-e1. ffirfcc. SHEKP A.xll I.AMBS-R'-celpts. T.TH hed: sheep br and lambs Jo4. higher; market closed tlrm; sheep. Ut on-qi.on: weth ers, ;.:, few extra. .' o; lambs. sm.TjiIi.mi. MCKJS-Heceipts. bead: nominally firmer; no aales reported. ST. JOSKI'H, Ihi. -CMTI.K-Re-i elnt. mi bead: msrket atesdv; natives. tX.i'Bj.tU: cows and heifers. ll..M4i; steekrrs and feeders, i.fcitt. . J HlKt Ketelrts. .41 head: strong to tr higher: light. M3otJ4li. medium and heavy,; 4.44J4.. . SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 47 head; I ntarket steady. I - Slant City Lire Stork Market. SIOL X CITY, la., Dec. i.-t!4peclsl Trie. I grum.l-CATTLK-Hecelpts. hesd; mar-; ket lm- htaher; leeves. : ost ': coa. um Slid mixed. $J.2n1S..V; stockers and feeder t-tito mIi m j,A v..Mrilna t? J1 S" HtHlS Receipts. I .am heiut; market fc higher, selling t M.lKfi4.V; bulk. II.STV 4i. DM A II 4 M4BKKT. Condition of .Trn4e and Quotations an Staple anal Knney Trndnre. KGOS-Candled stork, "ir. LIVE POCLTRY-rlens. iHc: roosters. .; turkers, ny; ducks, Sc; gece. tc; spring chlcketis. sc. ; DRESSED FOl.'LTR -Turkeys. lMtl.c; ducks. lX-j.eesn. 'c; chicken. sUS'ic; roosters. Sc. ' ' " ' . . . Rt'TTKR Piu king stock. loo: i'h0'r fsncv . dairy, 174Jlc; creamery, 240:?; fancy prints. S7c. FRESH FROZEN ' FISH-Trout. loc; pick Uc; Ickeret. 7f. nlke. 8c:' perch, ic; bluenn whltefish, Hie: salmon, 13c: reosnai redsnapper. lie lobster tareen). 2(k': lohster tboll at. J(V; bullhead. 11c; calfldi. 14c: bluck bass Toe; halibut. 12c; erspp. 12c; roe si-ad. $1; buffalo, 7c; white bas, 11c; frog le. per do.. 2to. ' BRAN Per .ton. HJ.oo HAY Price quoted by Omaha Wholesale Dexlers' nssoeintlon: Choice No. 1 uplard ti.mi; No.. 2. lb 00; medium. o.5.l: coarse. V.u). Rye straw. The-e prlre sre for hay sf good color and quality. OYSTERS N'f w York counts, per ran. 4Soi ax tra elects. per can. 37c; itandards. tier can. ,c; bulk tstandsrdsi. per gal.. $1.40; bulk (extra lertl. per gal., ''; bulk (Nw York Counts), per gal.. t-'A TROPICAL FRCIT8 ORANGES Flerlda. sixes m. 15. 17. W. 21 and 250. C.OWU'-'.Jo; California Kedlan I navels, all slse. 3.i; choloo navel. 2.o; LEMONS California fniT. $2.7; 303 a. id 36U. 14 : choice. $3.50. , , DATES Per ' box of 3u-lb. pkgs.. $:' ': Hallowe'en, In 70-ll. boxe. per II).. &Vu''- FlOS-.Callfornla. er l-lh. c:rtnn. .bp V' imnnri,i Hmvrnu. 4-crown. 12Wc: ii- crown. 14c: i-.-rown, ltic; fancy lmpoitd (washed), In 1-lb pkgs., l318c; Call ornla. per esse of 34 pkgs.. 2.i. BANANAS P r medium sized tunch, 12.(0 472.50; Jumbo.,. FHC1T8. APPLES Home-growr Jonainsn. per bbl.. 32fi: Ben L-avia, 12.26: New Vork Kings. 13.25: New York Plpplna, $?..: New Vnew nranlnn. MHO: New York Baldwins. 2.i5; Co.orado Jonathans. 1.b; Wine Hups. per bit. box, $1.60. . . , , EARS L'tah, Colorsrdu ilid California. fall varieties, per Imix. ll.7IVti2.2S. I CRANBERRIES Wisconsin Bell unt ; Bugle., per bbl.. S.!0; Wisconsin Bell and J Cherry and Jerseys, per hhl., 17.76; per box. , t'l IK UKAPE FRLil Per box of 54 to 4, fo.' ORAPf.B-v-lmported Malugs. per keg. fB.0U4t6.Sl.' ' TANGERINES Florid or California, per H-box. .. . VEGETABLES. POTATOES-New home-grown, In sack, per bu., )c; Colorado, per bu.. 0c. TI'RNIPS-Per tu.. S; Canada ruta bsgws. per lb., Ic. CARROTS per bu.. 40c. , PARSNIPS-Per bu.. 40c. BEETS Per bu.. 40c. NAVY BEANS Per bu.. Sl.Kfi 2.UC. . ONIONS Home-grown. In aack per bu.. Wcail; Spahlsb. per crate, ti. ii7fltll'Hj)-Pr ln.. 11.7512.(10. TOMATOES California. ler 4-basket ! crate. I2.7a& 3.00. ...... CABBAGE Holland seed. ter lb., tc. SWEET POTATOES Kansas klln-drled. per bbl.. t'.SS. 8Q1T ASH Home-grown, rer do.. 50c. CELERY Per - do., 2oijr6K-; California, 45e.. 7T'r.'''-',: Follow the Fln& I IT h HO IT w " 1 H0lm f Mates i ... TICKETS ON SALE Dec. 24-25-26 31, Jan. 1-2, 1905 Homeseekers' Rates To mauy points iu the Houth ami Southeast. Tickets on sale First aud Third Tuesdays of each - month. ' low Rptes to All Winter Resorts Tickets on sale daily Shortest and (Juickest Southeast. For full inforniatioii. Harry E. Moores, G. Ik. P. D. 6Q Farnam. l Jl! WANTED- A BOY in every town io sel! our new Saturday Bee. It fontainn 18 puges of special magazine features, Including 10 colored pnges with BCriTKU BHOWX COMICS, altogether 34 pages, and is a big seller everywhere on Saturday afternoon, when the farmers are in town. We will send any boy the first 10 COPIES Fit EE. A few weeks ago we sent Neli., tan fre copies, and every Saturday afternoon, profit. You ran do a w For Full Particulars Write lo The e imeurt.p,r itm Brv. LF.TTl'CE Hothouse, per do., f'U.. M1S."KI.INFX)I S SAI KUKRAI T-WNeoii n. p-.. ke IJ W. I'IDEU -New Vork. pvr bM., o J"; per bhl . IS CMEKSE Wlscensln twins full cream. U"c: Wisconsin Young America. Vlf. bl' k Sw'ss. new. l.V: old M117c; Wisconsin brick 14c; Wisconsin limhurget. 1.1c N('YS-Wlr,iits. No I Soil shell. ne crop, per IK. 14c; hard shell, per lb , ISc; No : soft shell. Ier lb., n.-: No. t hsr shell, per ll.. UV: ievaiis. Intge. per Mi., Uc, small. ler th.. 10c; pcsituts. per lb.. ,ri rossted tesouts. per rh.. . Chtll wslnuta, per lb. I.'tii.t'c; nimotids. sof shell, per lb.. t7c: hnnt nhc'li. t-r II).. IJci chestnut. re lb . 12'fllc; new black walnut, per bit., TSfl nv: shellbsrk hickory nun. l-er bit , ?1 7; large hickory nuts, per bit.. 11.50. Edwards -Wood Co- (Iircorporata0 ruin Office: Fifth and Robert Strt ST. PALL, niN. DEALERS IN Stocks, Grain, Provisions Ship Your Grain to Us Branch OBI re. Iltl-ltl Board at Trad BIHg.. Omsha, fleh. Telephone SS14. ilj-?l4 Exchang fcMg . South Omaha. Ball Then SI. 'lndepertdent 'Phon The Best of Everything THE ONLY DOUBLE-TRACK RAILWAY BETWEEN THE MISSOURI RIVER AND CHICAGO Please See Local Columns for Extraordinary Holiday Rates Tlok.t Offlot) j 114)1 1403 FARNAM STREET, , OMAHA. , TstssMasa Z4-I4I. Houte to the South call at Wabash City Office, Bernls M'Quffctty, O'Neill. lie Is now wiling 35 copies from which Uj gels 70 cent II If you try. jib in la. and I Omaha Bee, Omaha. Nebraska