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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 27, 1904)
THE OMATIA DAILY BEEt TUESDAY. JDECEMBER 27. ; ; , 3 I " 1 HOCEETT GIVES HIS .SIDE Bpsiktr f the Lu. Horn Till af ths Stiffer BommiUM. DENIES THAT HE.VAS ADVISED BY AGER fteaolatlea lTereI. hy Xelaon of Petala. UTta Akkrrf ta B Ka easerl from ervlo the Hnils coin Odrmtxirriphic society, MT 1. The mraihTK of the eaer-irMe rommitt.e rs: Dr. W, R. Smith, Pawnee City, president; Ir. K. R. Rom. Omaha, vice president. Dr. H. R. Hatfield. Tork, correapondlna srrretary; Dr. M. fc. VtoN, Lincoln, e rotary. Ifeanltal for lataa Qaaraatlaed. The State Board of Health today ajave order thnt the Nebraska Hospital for the Insane be quarantined for an Indefinite period, on account of the presence of smallpox. Superintendent Green aya there I but one cane, and It la mild. RKRT kuuk rkti nns IIOMK Fairbury, where he put up the .v and expenses miht have been released If It had not been for the Ranker associa tion of Nebraska, which, through the pre. Ident of the assnciation. arrested Beamene. charglnr him with forgery and successfully proeecuted him In the courts here, se curing a penitentiary sentence. Renmens was told by the representative of the Bank ers" association that In every case where forgery la perpetrated In Nebraska the association will prosecute to the full ex tent and secure conviction. The banks here lost nothing by Beamens as he secured nla money from Mr. Miller of the Le Grande hotel. (From a Start Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Dec. . Special. iHr kr Mo'kett denies the allegation of W. U. Bears that he had apt.oint- a HtucfTcr in vestigating 0mmittee for the sole purpose of applying the whitewash to the former treasurer's record. H .explains the cir cumstances of the appointment on the mo tion of former Representative Nelnon of Douglas count). 8-ara charges that J. H. Ager. the grand worthy political boss of the Burlington, hMl been closeted in the speaker's private office before the appoint ment were announced nd draws the in ference that the name chosen were those that he favored Bays the speaker: I think that Mr Nelson reiu.-sted me not to place him on the committee. tinder the . uu il legislative rules ho would hiive been appointed at the head of It. 1 was not consulted bv anyone about the selection of the ccmmltlev. I did not know how tn iiimmttteem'-n felt about the matter. The original committee whs headed by Warner of 1S.ncaster, Davis of Buffalo, r If h back of ('lav. Meraclith of Yolk and Mangold of Douglas Warner was objected to by Hears and he voluntarily resigned from the body. It was then offr-rt.l to Douglas ot Hock county and he t ifused. Finally Mc- A lli.'ter of Deuel county accepter! ins chairmanship. I know nothing of his views, b'lt believed him to be fair and impartial and capable of seeing that the commlt'.ce s r. port would be unprejudiced. When the committee tnndo the report favoring the exoneration of Htueller, each member signed 't. and the houce, over the protest of Sears, accepted it, refusing to make it a special order. Member Hearts to tome. Tomorrow the first of the legislative member will reach the city for their three months' sojourn. Already there is much .kirmishing among the local stalwarts to ' In at the time the bandwagon drives ;p. Notwithstanding the extraordinary kooo times, there Is the usual quota of po'lti lans who would like to serve the legislators in varioua .capacities. Poll-..-Mati who are Interested in securing ap , v.nHatlnns in nlannlns: to fraternise with ' . r r-Tinbera in advance of the session In order th.t there may be less disposition to lop t,ff sud rflultle In the way of employes. loom of the department heads are aklr mlahlng. and there Is some alarm at the renewed talk of a movement to abolish the labor bureau and oil Inspection depart ments which have served a lnecure for politician. The extraordinary agitation over the rT enue law and the many promises of rconomy made throughout the campaign, together with the prospect ot more trouble unless economy can be secured, have all tended to create an atmosphere new to Nebraska legislatures. There has been much .scoffing at the talk of cutting ap propriation, but official whose salaries hang in the balance and who have sought assurance from member regard It a an immensely practical Issue of present Im portance. Members of the South Platte faction are beginning to adopt a more conciliatory at titude toward Douglas of Rock county, and admissions are oftcner heard that he will be chosen speaker, although Rouse I still n prime favorite for the place among many of hi old colleague. Prosperity at Lincoln. There are fewer case of need among the poor ijeople.of Llucmn than there have been' tor yearoV if the demand fof piibllo assistance are any criterion. County Com missioner Kenyon spent the entire day at his office In anticipation of the usual de mands fof Christmas relief, but failed to have a single caller. The recent cold spell brought a few request for relief, but the number 1 much below the average for past seasons. At the various charitable in stitutions about the city there waa much good cheer for the inmate. Contributions of table delicacies, meat ana otner xooa came from all sources. One Sunday school class contributed sixty bags of candy for the Juvenile unfortunate at Tabltha home. Grocers and meat dealers also contrib uted largely. y t Heavy Sleet. Today a . sleeUtorm, accompanied by a lieavy wind, made life unpleasant for pedestrians. The asphalt treet downtown have been the cause of many petty dis asters. A twenty-flve-mlle wind from the northwest has added to the discomforts of outdoor traffic. A light dry snow fell during the afternoon, without relieving the danger underfoot. Most of the store In the city were close during the afternoon In order to give their employe a half holiday. During the morn ing delivery wagon were busy on the rtreet distributing belated Christmas gifts, while clerks were kept busy exchanging gift to satisfy recipients. The postofflce and other public buildings, together with the bunks, observed the day a a holiday. State Superintendent Fowler is conducting an examination for state teachers' certificates at his office and for that reason was obliged to keep tpen house. Kven the office of the clerk of the supreme court was closed out ot deference to;th general closing. Dental Society Meeting?. The executive committee of the State Dental society, which has held a meeting in the city, arranged to hold the state meet ing In Lincoln May .16. 17 and 18. The meeting waa merely preliminary and. no plana of action were announced. A part of the plan calls for a reception by the Lln- Johnaon County Tontb Sarrl.e4 That He Was Caaee ot Inejalry. TKCUMflKH. Neb.. Dec. 26. (Special.) Several weeks ago Bert Egge, the l-year-oll son of Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Egge of this city, disappeared and grave doubt were entertained as to his whereabouts. Young rcggc hsd been working on a farm east of the city and it was even hinted that his employer had made away with him. Officers searched the farm premises In a hope that the body might be found If there had been any foul play or If he had been accidentally killed. Trainmen on the westlHiund Burlington freight train were of the opinion the young man took passage with them to Itockford, in Gage county. Yesterday the young man returned to the city. He had been working on a Gage county farm and expressed astonishment that his parents and the officers had been uneasy as to his whereabouts. lie offered no excuse for leaving without any notice either to his employer or to hi parent. Inalltate at llnmboldt. HUMBOLDT. Neb.. Dec. 26.-Spectal The following program ha been issued by Don Clridley, secretary, for the coming farmers" Institute, the date for which are Thursday and Friday, January S and Thursday, January 6 Invocation, Rev. Holinwald. Humboldt; music: address of welcome, Guy Hummel, president; "Seed Culture," John Bhroyer: Economic Pork Production," O. Hull, Alma, Neb.; "Poul try on the Farm." Miss Mary L. Smith, Addison. Mich - "Soil Tillage." Mr. Hull. Alma; "Plants Poisonous to Animals." Dr. Kamuel Avery, professor of agricultural chenils'ry, 1'nlversity of Nebraska; "The Farm Home." Mary L. Bmtth. Addison, Mich.; "Maintaining the Boll Fertility." Dr. Avery. Friday, January 6 Demonstration In Judging dairy cows, Mr. C. H Hlnman, Experiment Station. Lircoln university; address, "Good Roads and Necessary Leg islation," Colonel M. V. Harding. Hum boldt; "Yeast and Bread Making," Mrs. C. E. 'Welton. Falihury. Neb.; "Farm Dairying." Mr. Hlnman: "Household Hints." Mrs. Welton; "Principles of Feed ing." Mr. Hlnman. It Is the Intention of those having the matter In charge to add other features, which are being planned for at thla time. Among these will he a question box, con ducted by a competent person, and all who attend are Invited to bring before thla session subjects which puszle or Interest them particularly for general discussion and solution. Library for 'West Point. WEST POINT, Neb., Dec. (Bpeclal.)- The want of a public library ha long been felt In 'West Point, nothing of the kind having been attempted here for the last twenty years. The Catholics of the com munlty have taken the matter up and the nucleus of a library for the public has been secured. Liberal subscriptions are coming in and it is believed that a very creditable library will be shortly built up. Prof. Lyon of the University of Nebraska will be in Winner on January 11 to act as Judge in the corn contest conducted by the First National bank of that place. Corn is on exhibition from all parts of the county and a splendid showing Is made. The contract for the steam heating plant at the new public school building In thla place has been let to Grunewald. Bchroeder 4 Co. of Omaha. The building is rapidly ncurlng conipleilun.. , " .... Home 'Phone Extensions. PAPILLION. Neb.. Dec 26.-(6peclal.)- Thi week the Home Telephone company will complete Its line from Gretna to the state fisheries. The phone will be placed In position at once and subscriber of the company will derive thla additional serv ice. In the near future another Una will be constructed from Gretna to the Island reserved by the Yellowstone Gun club as a hunting resort. The Home Telephone com pany's .wires reach over nearly the entire county. This week C. F. Humphrey of Forest City precinct sold to Guy Harrington thirty-five acres of farm land for 1101 per acre. Land In Sarpy county ha increased in value very rapidly during the last five year and frequently the above mark la reached. Pleasant Affair at York. YORK, Neb., Dec. 26. (Special.) One of the pleasant surprises of the aeaaon was last night when the former employes ot the Bloomer Lumber company called on A. F. Bloomer and preaented him with handsome black gold-headed cane, engraved with their compliments. Mr. Bloomer waa considerably affected, and after recovering himself showed the boy a good time, pre' venting them with a frame photograph of himself with employes grouped around him. Another lumber yard haa'changed owner ship. This time Hay & Burk aold their lumber and coal business to F. E. Lloyd, formerly of Ord and recently of Fairmont, where he has a yard. Mr. Lloyd ha taken possession and will move hi . family to York on January 1. Three Years for Forge y. YORK, Neb., Dec. IV.. (Special.) W. T, Beamens. the hotel forger who was taken thla week to the penitentiary where he wilt serve for the next three years, ha es caped conviction many time by reason ot making settlement with his victim when he waa captured. Here he registered with his wife at the Le Grande hotel and cashed a check on an Iowa firm for 130, leaving here for Hastings, and was captured at You walk with her. you rock her, you give her sugar, you try all .kinds of things! But she coughs all through the long night, just the same ! No need spending another night this way. Just a dose or two of Ayer's Cherry throat, quiet the cough, insure a good night's rest. Ask your doctor about the wisdom of your keeping this remedy in the house, ready for these night coughs of the children. Doctors have the formula. They know all about this medicine. " ataaahytk.J. O. a e . LeweU. Mass. Aim maaatkvturws f aTtsVS "At TIOOa-Fat th hair Alf,' kwAkiPAkllXA Fdi tat kloet. ATE ITS mtt Per Mrtip.tls.. Alfcit AfiUH C8KSei naiana al a fa. !tfi of Nebraska. p.v.tTBli'E. Dee. M. C. M. McNeill, local manager of the Home Telephone company, ha ld 1"0 telephone Instruments and the same number of drops to the new telephone companv at Adams. . BEATRICE. Iec. 26 Dr. and Mrs. L. W. Studley were slightly injured In a runaway accident, which occurred south of the city, yesterday. The vehicle In which they were riding was preny naaiy omkuto INDIANOLA. Dee. 2n. This psrt of Ne braaka Is having lis first bllr.xard. Wind Is blowing hard from the north, but there Is not mucn snow, ann unless ine iempei tore (alls considerably there Is not much danger of damage to stock. HARVARD. Dec. 26. A heavy irost began gathering on trees during Saturday night, continuing during yesterday with a fine sleet, which turned to Ice and fine snow during last night, today being cold and windv from the north, with everything covered with Ice. YORK, Dec. St. The Cemetery associa tion held a meeting and elected the follow ing officers of the old York Cemetery asso ciation: W. F. Reynolds, president; J. W. Purlnrton. secretary; H. M. i nuns, tress- urer; trustees. E. A. Butterrield. M. B. Attklns and Adam Beed. vohhT. Dec. aG County Superintendent of Drhiui'i Pharlca Stewart has made the De cember apportionment of public school funds. The total amount apportioned at. this time Is $1.57.21, this being divided on the basis of $11.27 per district and $S5 SO per pupil. The cltv of York school district received the largest amount, $sK9.50. while district RX, Joint district with Fillmore county, received the smallest sum, $6.19. YORK. Dec. 26. The members of the Vnrk ("nmmerclal club are pleased to read that Bccretary Shaw's report to the house recommends an appropriation for the post office at York. The committee that has begged the Burlington Kaiiroan company for a new depot at York In the place of the burn-like structure now used by the company here, hope that York will have a lsew i ears present in in jr in imuct from the company that they will build a much needed dejiot at York that will be In keeping with the rapid growth and the size of York. REATRICE. Dec. 26. Following the usuil custom. Christmas eve waa appropriately observed by the children of tho Institution for Feeble Mlndea xouin. in tne aner noon there were four Christmas trees, one In the hosDltal building, one in the girls' cottage, one In the boys' old cottage and one In the Doys new cottage, ai o dhuh aiinerinrenrient Johnson and his assist- ante served a splendid supper, and at 7:30 the children gatnerea in tne assemoiy room, where a musical and literary program was rendered, after which the distribution of presents waa made. Each child received a sack filled with candy, fruit and popcorn. SUIT INVOLVES MUCH LAND Man Who Is Arrested by Inlted State Made Defendant In Cali fornia Case. SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 26. A dispstch from Oakland to the Examiner says that Attorney J. C. Campbell and John A. Ben son, the land broker, are defendants In a suit filed In the Modoc county superior court by Mrs. Mollle Coklln of Brekely to recover the title to lands in Tulare and Modoc counties in this elate and other lands In Nevada, Oregon and Washington. The value of the property involved Is said to be $60,000. It was mostly acquired. It is said, under lieu land scrip lssuod by the government In exchange for lands In the Sierra forest reserve. One of the defend ant named in the complaint is Thomas B. Walker, a millionaire lumber dealer ot Mintieapoli. Against some serious alle gation made In the complaint all of tlie defendants now living say there was noth ing Informal about the transaction and that the charges are based on an entangle ment over the joint tenancy of the original owners. NO EPIDEMICS IN CUBA Bfloor Qumda Make a BttUmtnt Dtnjxng enittional Beporti. SAYS DEATH RATE OF THE ISLAND IS LOW Certain of the tltlea Seed Cleaalaa tp, bnt There I. Da finer tn tho atlon or Ita elor. WASHINGTON, Dec. 2.-Scnor Que-sada. the Cuban minister, in view of reports that yellow fever was beginning again to ob tain a foothold In Cuba and that the Cuban government wa not vigorously enforcing sanitary precautions, tonight gave out the following official statement: The rate of mortality In the Island of Cuba has ateadilv decreased since the es tablishment of the republic. From official data the annual deatii rate In the last four months has been In the district of Havana aa follow: August, 19.42; September. 1R.24: October, 17.81, and November. Kf per l.n), and for the whole Inland, 15.51, 15. 4n 13.40 and 14 re 8ectively. Thin compares most favorably with the best showings of the stales of the United State and the countries of Eu rope, and la due not only to our splendid climate, but to the conscientious efforts of the Central Sanitary department of Cuba. o Epidemic of Any Kind. There has been no epidemic of quarantln. able diseases). Yellow fever, smallpox, cholera and the plague, have not developed In Cuba since the proclamation of the re public. Neither of the cases of yellow fever at runu Le eat, in uciooer ann noirmner, has propagated beyond the original places. It is true that owing to the financial In ability of certain municipalities, brought almut by the low pri-i for staple pniducts. they have been unablo to do as much as they would ltke for water supply. Mret cleaning, pavement and sewers, hut in no wise has this caused yellow fever, which has not broken out In any of the ports of the towns. Havana has asked several times for large sums for public Improve ments, and to help the municipalities! only a few days ago an appropriation of $1ii. ono for immediate use was passwl by the House of Representative, the Senate amending the bill by Increasing the amount threefold. and as soon as Congress reas sembles in January there will be nmple means to attend to all sanitary require ments. Cuba is a nation governed hy a constitution, and without the action of Congress no money can be disbursed by the executive. Yet. ss evidence of how anxious are the inhabitants to maintain the work of sanitation, the Instance of Guantanamo may be cited, where a week ago the people met and subscribed evernl thousand dollars for street cleaning, etc. Doing Ita Fnll Doty. The government of Cuba Is doing -Its full duty in the matter and Intends to continue Improving the condition of all the towns, which can now be compared without any disadvantage with those of any other coun try. Cuba thua far tias shown that it is protecting ita neighbors efficiently and that Its eanltary officers aro fully able to meet any emergtney and court any scien tific investigation carried on In good faith. BEARS INVADE THE TOWNS Driven from Mountains by Hanger Animals Visit Settlements In Siberia. BAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 2.-Captain Thwing of the steamer Harold Dollar, which ha returned from the eastern coast f Siberia, tell ot an invasion of the cities and villages on the east coast of the Kam chatka!? peninsula by hundreds of starving bears. The ferocious animals, driven from the mountains by hunger, made their way to the Inhabited regions of the coast and for days kept the natives In a state of semi-siege. In Ustakamchatka, a small town near the city of Petropavlovsk, 160 of the savnge brute were shot In a single day as they roamed about the houses tn search of food. FORECAST OF THE WEATHER Fair Today aad Tomorrow In Ne braska, Kaiasas and tho Dakota Warmer Tomorrow. WASHINGTON, Dec. .-Forecast for the weather for Tuesday and Wednesday: For Nebraska, Kansas and the Dakota Fair Tuesday and Wednesday; warmer Wednesday. For Iowa and Missouri Snow Tuesday; colder in south and east portions; Wednes day, fair. For Eastern Texas Fair Tuesday; colder in central and south portions with freezing temperature to the coaHt; Wednesday, fair, brisk northwest winds. For Arkansas Fair and decidedly colder with a cold wave Tuesday; Wednesday, fair. For Oklahoma, Indian Territory, Western Texas and New Mexico Fair and con tinued cold Tuesday and Wednesday; -diminishing west winds. For Arizona Fair Tuesday and Wednes day. For Utah, Colorado and Wyoming Fair Tuesday and Wednesday; warmer Wednes day. For Montana Fair and warmer Tuesday and Wednesday. Local Record. OFFICE OF THI1V EATHER BUREAU. OMAHA, Dec. Si.-JOfficlal record of tem perature and precipitation compared with the corresponding day of the last three years; mm. IH13. 19f.2.iol. Maximum temperature.... So 47 7 42 Minimum temperature.... 7 8 S 28 Mean temperature lat 22 ft 35 Precipitation U6 .00 .110 ,i Record or temperature and precipitation at Omaha for thla day and since March L 1IM: Normal temperature Departure fur the day Total excess since March 1... Normal precipitation .' r.xcrse ior tne any.... AMERICAN GIRLWEDS TITLE Marriage of "Daisy" loiter to Earl of Suffolk Celebrated at Washington. WASHINGTON. Dec. 26.-Miss Mar guerlte Hyde ("Daisy") Loiter, the young est daughter of the lata Levi Z. Leiter and Mrs. Mary T. Carver-Lelter of Chicago, was married at noon todny to Henry Mnlvneaux Pa act Howard, the nineteenth earl of Suffolk and Berkshire. The cere mony occurred in the Leiter residence in this cltv. the Rev. Roland Cotton Smith. rector of St. John' Episcopal church, offi ciating. Only a family party witnessed the serv ice. The ' bride war escorted by her brother, Joseph Leltor. and Hon. Lionel Guest attended the groom as best man. The counle left later for New. York and expect to sail for Englandt nejtt Wednesday; rchard Wilhelm earpet Company eurtain Swiss s Swiss Surtains An Exclusive Swiss and Swiss Curtain Sale. We have made special efforts to get together a complete line of Swiss Curtains and Curtain Swiss for this sale. This (Tuesday) morning we will place on sale over a car load of Curtain Swiss and Swiss Curtaius at about half of its real value. Swiss from 9jc to f 1.50 pr yard. Bobbinet from 12jc to 75c. Swiss Curtains from 87jc to $2.95 per yard. You will see the largest line of Swiss ever Bhown in Omaha. 3 iiich dotted Swins, used for sash t ur tains bed room draprie, kitchen aud pan try sasli curtaius. It comes in nil size dota Hud is worth 15c ier yard regular. Ql special, per yard , . 2 3fi inch Figured Swiss for sash curtains, bnl rovers and bed room draperies, regu- 1. lar price 15c to 20c, special, per yard. 112' 42 inch fancy Swiss for curtains. 27 inch Tambour embroidered Swiss, 30 inch grena dines, fancy weave, all bed room draperies worth 25c per yard to 30c regular. 1 special, per ya rd .' 3 inch colored Swiss for bed st is colors to match any room. 3(5 inch English cretonnes, all colors, for bed room draperies, box covers, over drapes over lace curtains, all f Olp regular 25c goods, special, yard .... 2 Embroidered Swiss, 27, 3G and 42 inches wide, very tine quality of Swiss goods, sold as high as 50c per yard- during this sale, per yard Kuffled Swiss for bed room curtains, with embroidered dot, extra fine ruffle aud extra full, conies with edge to match so it can be made into a complete curtain. 27 inches wide, worth 40c per yard special, per yard 30 inches wide, worth 50c per yard special, per yard 45 inches wide, worth G5c per yard special, per yard 45 inch imported Scotch Swiss, the very finest made, a complete line of patterns, dots, fig ures, etc., for bed Rets, bed draperies, cur tains, etc., always sold for 50c yard, special, per yard , . J T 25c 30c 40c 50c Hobbinet A complete line of bobbiuet from the cheaiK'st to the best French net. 45 inch net. white or Arabian color, very ser viceable, the kind you are in the habit of paying 25c per yard for. sjiecinl. f 1 per yard , law' 54 inch double thread English net, ctrmew in two colors, white or Arabian, worth 35c, special Waaa'2' 72 inch width, same quality, worth 45c, special J3 108 inch' width, same quality, worth CA. 75c, special JUO 54 inch triple thread French net, iu two col ors, this is our best net, the best made, white or Arabiaif. worth 57c regular, r special J I 2 10S inch, white or Arabian, same 7 C quality, per yard m Unfiled Swiss curtains, all styles, with 4 J inch ruffle, curtain 3 yards long, worth reg ular 1.50 per pair, special, A7'p per pair v " 2 Ruffled Swiss curtaius, imported Swiss, the very finest made, worth up to 2.50 I LIZ per pair, special 500 ruffled net. curtains, with insertion and lace ou edge of ruffle, extra fine Q C net, serviceable, full size, special. ..-- Remnants Lengths of Swiss, lengths of cre tonnes, squares of tapestry, all . at, each C WRIGHT TELLS OF ll'RISIXG I'reclpltatlon since March 1.,. teflcle.iicy since March 1 18 0 ...115 . .Oainch . .US Inch .H.hi Inches . 6.52 laches . 3.18 inches . .45 Inch Excess for cor. period. 19B tendency for cor. period, 1KW. Reports fraaa gtatlaa at T P. M Maximum Tain- Tern- Station and Stat perature pera- of Weather. at 7 p. in. ture. Oinuha. cloudy 7 3u Valentine, part cloudy. 4 ! North Platte, cloudy.... I V Cheyenne, clear Vt Salt Luke City, clear.. 1 :2 Rapid City, clear J la Huron, allowing 4 S Wlllistou, clear 3D la Chicago, cloudy HA UK St. Louis, cloudy hi St. Paul, snoring -H Lavenport, raining .tt J Kansaa City, snowing.. Z! M Havre, clear in 18 Helena, clear 3 Iti.iiisrck. clear l Galveston, cloudy mi w ' lndleatea trace of precipitation. Rain fall. .W .it) T T t.tiu .10 .MB ,m . .30 T T .XI .14 .1 ."3 Governor of Philippine Report on Fighting- by Palajanes. WASHINGTON, Dec. 26. Secretary Taft today received a cablegram mesaage from Governor Wright at Manila in -responna to his inquiry In regard to tha recent upris ing of the Palajanes, Dolores, Bamar. Gov ernor Wright' message ia a follow: MANILA, Dec. 2t, 1904. Secretary of War. Washington, D. C With reference to your telegram of 21t last. I regret to say that General Corbin'a report ot attack on and Iocs of detachments of scouts at Ora and Dolores Is correct Palajanes have of late left weet and north sides of Samar and became active on east coast, which is prac tically without harbor and very difficult of access during prevalence of the exist ing monaoon. Orders were given some time since to strengthen all detachment on the east coast, but unfortunately this waa de layed by wreck and losa of coast guard boat carrying a hundred or more of the con atabulary. The men were eaved, but the delay In sending another coast guard boat to the rescue resulted in leaving the small detachments at Oras and Dolores Isolated and the coneequent loss. All east coast station have been heavily reinforced and we are tlll sending men In by my direc tion. General Allen, chief of constabulary, loft here (Manila) two weeks since to take personal charge of affair in Samar. I am still reinforcing him with constabulary and am consulting with General Corbin who, If neceseary, will aid us with trrjHT Opposition Member Arrested. WASHINGTON, Dec. 26. Mr. Russell, tha American minister of Bogota, Colombia, advised the State department today of the arrest In Bogota of three opposition mem ber of the Upper House of the lat con gress for circulating publication against the government. The present government, Mr. Russell adds. Is Inspiring confidence. "No Won't Oio Of consumption " i a remark often made of a fleshy man. The remark expraes the popular recognition of the fact that the Kgn of consumption la emaciation, loa oi Bean, on the other hand, a gain in fleah ia a aura nam tnai warn-, ing diseases are be- ins' cured. ' Emaciated peo ple with obetinate coughs, bleeding lung, night-eweata and weakneaa, have been perfectly cured by the use of Dr. Pierce' Golden Medical Discovery. The several etepe of the cure were re corded in ounces and pounds of in creasing weight. When there ia gain in flesh the wasting disease Is being surely cored. Mr.WiU H.Whitlre, h 1 AIM Birkin.. haa Co.. Vs., writes: "uur son eonirscua a dec cold ssout tae ftrt of July. ltx. and had terrible cough. We called a doctor aud be pro nouuotd H Irritatioa of tae broochial tube, with asthmatic trouble, aad ha laforaud me that aiy soa was liable la die at aay tinie. lie tola me that if we could keep the broach ial tubes ope a. be mifkt cur. him; hut aftertreatiuf him several week sad my so growing wont all the time, I concluded to trv Dr. Pirrce's Coktea Medical TAtamrf and ' rVaiaat r-ellets.1 I bad area aeveral almost miraculous cures brought about by the ut of these medicines, aad or course I bad wonderful faith ia them. He uacd tan bottles of ' Coldea Medical Diarovcry ' at boau aad oae vial a the Pellets,' and waa then well aoagh to go to Weat Virgiaia. Ukuuj a supply with turn. 1 am Juat ta receipt of a letter liuta him from which I quote : ' am mU eW Ara The Common Sense Medical Adviser, xooo large pages ia aentrtw on receipt of stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Send 31 one-cent stamps for the cloth- bound volume or only 21 stamps lor tne book in paper covers. HdieM V K W r, ii Lot - j -"un 1 1 1 1 1 1 0)D) flit EU TRAJu mm. BETWEEN Kansas City, Mo., Coffey ville, ' I ittlfi Rnnlf and Hnt Snrinas. fir If. -4 MIIIIV IfafWIl MUM ellJaaWy ill PACIFIC RAILWAY 4ISS0UR and IRON M OUr1 Trill'1 ROUTE The Thermal, Hadio-active waters of not Springe, Arkansas, will be rendered con veniently accessible by the new train Kervice over the Missouri Pacific Railway and Iron Mountain Route. Leaving Kansas City at noon and arriving at the Springs next morning. Returning train leaves the Springs at 7 p. ra., arriving Kansas City next afternoon. For pamphlet, time tables, etc., call or address, n. C. TOWNSEND, Gen. Pass. Ticket Agent, St. Louis, Missouri, or CITY TICKET OFFICE, Southeast Corner Fifteenth and Farnam, OMAHA, NEB. r o O j Jjg. I mi lill aaa-aaaa-la1 -r-M "Hully Gee, but I'd like to sample dese just once for luck." oce Ghocolaies Are surely a temptation. Soft and creamy centers. Dainty boxes. Delicate flavors. Paefs4d and sealed fit our ipolitu, ecsftdy factory. Sold Everywhere in 10c, 30c tvnd 60c Boxt. OMAHA GAUDY GO. I DR. McGREW SPECIALIST. Treats all farm ot DISEASE8 OF MEN Yaara' Exuarlaaca la iear la Oioalia A Bfedlr-al Ezpar srboaa remarkabla success has never bees itsoelied. Nearly 30,000 Cases Cured. V.rlooc.l.. HrAroo.1. Blooe foiwa. Strict orV Glen, k.rreu Dabllltr. Lorn e Stnesth aa Vitality. His Home Treatment lu pwauuili cares .jtoaean. of am ot camel Nrvo. itMit.1. Kian.r ud Buddie aad Skis IMe mm at tra.ll cost. Sat. tin. an mca.r by iw artbiui lout cm and writ, lor V HEB UOOK Urmi at Inetawat. tlMtcU mat la Ula Charges) Low Consultation Fro Oftoe H.UM i a. a), t :M a. avi Sanders, a. m It :S I a. Call or arils. Sal 1M. OBfee III a. IMS St.. Ouuaa. N.a, ASK TOUR DRUCKJIST FOR THE QREAT CUKR t'UK RHEUMATISM Al.BoraJ; Cura RICHARDSON DRUG CO.. WHOLEBALK P1STRI BCTKRB; OMAHA. NEBRASKA ) itr, 3. V. m tXWSiJii l4f