Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 27, 1904)
TITE OMAnA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, DECEMBER 27. ,1904. 10 V- i CITY PAY DAY EVERY WEEK Bnch ii Objict Louht by Comptroller Lobeck in Legislative BilL PLAN TO BENEFIT PAY LABORERS Presrat Arrnrxrnt of ParK Oaca a Month Imposes Hard Ship B Tboir Who crd Moirfi lie S. Cltr Comptroller Lobock Is urging a charter amnndmrnt that would enable the city to pay laborers and others in the public works department tach week Instead of at the end of every mcnth which Is the best that can be done undtr existing laws. "Much hardship Is cnuncd these men," ays the comptroller, "Inasmuch as many of them live from hand to mouth they can not wait more than a week to get the use of the proceeds of that wetk's toll. Con sequently they are forced to assign their wages at considerable discount, thus losing a percentage of the profits of the-lr work. Were the men employed regularly of course they could adjust their system of living so that they would not have to get the money as soon as It Is earned, but the great majority of them cannot be employed other than for longer or shorter periods, and sometimes only for a few days at a time. When they are not working for the city they have to look for employment elsewhere. "My suggestion would be to have time slips Issued on each Monday morning by the proper officers of the public works department and the comptroller and arrange so that the slips can be cashed Immediately in the treasurers office. I am confident that this would effect a great deal of good and save money for the work ing men that segregates a large sura annually, which now goes into the coffer! of the money lenders." The comptroller Intends to bring his proposed amendment to the attention of the oharter revision committee. HOMESEEKERS' RATES FIXED Scheme for New Tear Schedules Are Made and BlaT Taek Off Hands. "The scheme of homeseekers rates for 1906 Is now complete," said an official of the Burlington. "No rates of this kind are imade after December. All the details ar riot quite completed, but we are ready for the spring movement. The schedule for the Washington and Oregon movement Is to be one fare plus 12. The trains for the northwest will be run on the flrs and aecond Tuesdays of each month." The delegates to the), convention of the National Live Stock and Wool Growers' association will have a rate of one fare plus 60 cents. The convention Is to be held at Denver and the railroads have the as surance of a large movement In that direc tion, beginning January 7. The Nebraska Agricultural association Is to hold it con vention at Lincoln January 16-21 and a rate of one fare plus 60 cents haa been made . The final limit of. the tickets will be January 22. . A railroad official said this morning that not in years has such an enormous volume of buslnesss been done. This year the- 200 mile limit was removed and It was stated at the i depot that while the limit from Omaha takes in the most populous part of the state yet comparatively more tickets have been sold beyond the limit than In side of it. "Next year." said an official, "I wc-'d not be surprised to see the time of sale extended in order to favor those having a long distance to go. I think the tendency will be to Increase the volume of business." DEMAND FOR CHRISTMAS TREES Growing Custom Makes Heavy In roads oa Supply and Causes Some Alarm. "i don't know where the future genera tions are going to get their Christmas trees from," said a Burlington railroad official. "We carried thousands of them to market this year, and I presume the other roads did the same. If the figures of the exact number could be had I presume It would go far Into the millions. Forests are be Irn depleted of the young trees used for thli festivity and the lumbermen are cut- sway the big ones. Between the two '"""'over- c.unirerous trees are disappear ing at a staggering rata. And the habit i.. iuiwuut.4 trues Is growing. 1 j. v.-ome wnen I was a boy that the buuOuy school Christmas tree did duty for the entire neighborhood. This pretty Ger man custom has grown in America until now It's a mighty poor boy that can't have a Christmas tree all to himself. Formerly we used the tree simply to hang the gifts on; now we use It as a holiday ornament, and the trees are ' getting thinned out. There will be , no Christmas tree famine, perhaps, for a few years to come, but they are getting scarcer and scarcer and it is becoming harder to get them. As the de mand for them Increases the supply Is do-creasing." H. C. MABIE TO SPEAK HERE Boston Man Will B In Omaha Next Sunday for Two Dis courses. The members of the Omaha Ministerial "union gathered this morning tin the Young Men's Christian association rooms for one of the preliminary devotional meetings which have been arranged to precede the evangelical services to be held In Jan uary. The ministers believe in preparation for the coming work. Another devotional service Is set for next Monday. It was announced today that II. C. Mable of Boston, secretary of the Foreign Mis sions Board of the Baptist church, will be In Omaha next Bunday and Monday. He will preach Sunday morning In the First Baytlst church, and in the evenings at Calvary Baptist church. He Is to ad dress the Baptist Ministers' association In the Toung Men's Christian association at KRS. WINSLGW'S S00TE1HQ SYRUP tu been need br Hllllon erf U rt for their children wbiW TarUilu. for over Kitty Tnrt, li euoUMS we ouuo. at.runs to gumt, auav. II aln. ource wind ooUo, and Is tbo kat lemitly for diarrtu. A skin of neAtTTY is -a j-v pobrvbr. rrxix GoritAro'a ckikntai 1 CKKAM.OB MAOlCAL BKAUllriEU lit more Tun, Ilmp)e,Fckla, mum Muu ik iuiio, via ram dlaaaara. end ctrry blaniltn ?n DeaulY, ul lrHea 'Inaction. It luia atood tha toct "t M year, ami la har in 1 we taale It to ba sure it urvoperl"' iud. Aoout aotuunWr. leu et loillal ain. br. L. A. Sari to a U.I? of Ui. haut l. a (a Datlcuoi I 'As you ladi will iua Utam, I eiaeaeaa '6tiraii"f Cisaa' rl th. laaat harmful of ail the Skin pranaratlob." i wU 'j u 1iu,iim aa raaar OtieaU im mrs . in. li. .. er-W au4 ICnrui. IUa I. IIOH.4, fi.f I. U niest Jean) (,. rvn. t V sS s -a r - . Cheap Railroad Kates into a Omaha. rs? n rvn Hall Fare Railroad Rates Now In Etlect JO TO OMAHA'S GUESTS FROM THE STATE TEACHERS ASSOCIATION. We extend to you a cordial and hearty welcome and invite you to freely avail yourselves of the many privileges our great store offers. Make use of our waiting rooms use our store as a meeting place with friends avail yourself of our free telephones baggage and parcels checked free checks on all banks cashed free of charge. During this week we. offer GREAT SPECIAL BARGAINS Every department will offer extraordinary values for the advantage of visiting teachers and those taking advantage of Cheatp Railroad Rates Into Omaha. Ladies' Fur Scarfs tv. $3.93 Here is a special that we offer for Tuesday1 6 selling. Brook mink and double fox scarfs with eight tails worth $8 in a regular way a splen did variety for your selec- jE J) tkn all new and up- . to-date, at K Ladies' Fur Scarfs at $8.93 Newest Ideas In gray wolf, sable and Isabella fox, gray fox, etc., all select ed fu ps actually $13 values O QQ for Tuesday's selling, at Oa0 Ladles' All Wool Golf Oloves The wai mest wool gloves in plaiu and fancy ideas all sizes just what you noed for cold weather this 15c-25c-39c lot includes Dent's golf gloves. Big Special Silk Bargains 59c A manufacturer recently closed out to us at practically our own price 5000 yards of now, fashionable; Bilks for suits and walstlngs a rare chance to buy fine dress silks in advance at a fraction of their regu lar si'llitiR prlce--neat, srunll and medium figured Loulsenes and fancy tnffetns and a fine range of tho best colors entire lot on bargain square at, yd. 59c HANDKERCHIEF SALE A reruarkn.bly fine lot of ladies Swiss Mmbroidered Scaloped edge and hemstitched revered handkerchief, worth up to 3oc each, at I9c Ladies' and Men's plain white and fancy colored border handker chiefs a variety of styles and every one a big "M e.r:: )2coc A Special Sale of Ladies' Wrist Bags and Shopping Bags 100 Calling Cards at 39c mm s m jttw 100 Calling Card a at 39c for IV S j It Is not o much of a calamity that a man con tracts diseases or weaknesses, but that be neglects them falls to secure the proper treat ment for their cure. To men who are weak mentally, mor ally snd physically. Whose systems have at some time been polluted with poisonous private diseases, those whose depleted manhood forbids any advunces toward matrimony and those who have made the mistake of marrying- while there lurked In their system some frlgflitful weakness or poisonous taint of private diseases, and who now And themselves on tne verisr or social and experienced doctor would advise you to consult without delay the best specialists. One who has made a life long Mudy of Just such casrs. One who enn quickly and fully understand your troubles. One who will not deceive you with promises or' unbusiness like propositions. One who can and will cure you In the shortest possible time and at the least expense to you. Any man In need of such medical ad vice or treatment should come at once to the STATE MEDICAL INSTITUTE. ruiu To all such men a conscientious Oar success la the result of superior knowledge gained br 25 years of conscientious study and experience. There Is notblnaT doubt fal or experimental about our treatment. We know tbe effect of every medlelu w use. Foi twenty years we have bees carina Varicocele, Itupture, Hydrocele, Stricture, Blood Poison, Skin Dis eases, Hlothches, Sores, Loss of Manly Visor, t'nnatural Habits, Drains or Losses, Wasted or t ndeveloped Parts and all Private and Gealto-l'rlnary , Diseases of Men. Longest established, ihost succetisful and reliable specialists in dis eases of meu. . r ft VCM TITIftM FDFF I' you cannot call, write for symptom blank. lUIOLLIAIIUil I tiLL office Hours s a. m. to p. m. Sundays, 10 to 1 only. STATE MEDICAL INSTITUTE I iO Parnaro St.. Bet. I3rii and 14th St.. Omiilia, Neb. OMAHA WEATHER Tuesday, fair s j 1 11:30 o'clock Monday morning. Mr. Mable, who Is a very prominent member of the Uuptlst world, la on his way to Lincoln, where he has some services. LIBERTY F0R CHRISTMAS Thirty Offenders Discharged by Police Judae Berka Without Gettlng ny Sentence. Monday was Christmas day In police court. Police Judge Berka opened court about t o'clock and the wheels of Justice ceased to grind before half an hour elapsed. With few exceptions, all were discharged without even being asked whether they pleaded guilty or not. A few were held over for Tuesday, their offenses being of such a character as to muke a summary dismissal out of the question. But even a police judge likes to feel he can do a kind act at Christmas time and Judge Berka Is no ex ception to that rule. About thirty in all were told to go their way rejoicing. Most of these were plain drunks, some had been drunk and disorderly, while a few had been arrested for other minor offenses. 22-callber rifle for a Christmas present, partk'lpaiad In a wild weal show with a number of other boys today and shot and killed his brother, aged la. St. Louts Delayed by Sloran. NEW YORK. Dec K Rear Admiral William Osborne Moore, Jt. N., was IMf aencr on the Amerlutn line steamer St. l.ouls, wiiicu arrived today "rrom South aniplon. The -. Loui was a day Uie, owing partly to the stormy weather en countered on the trip, bui chiefly. It was Sail, 1U me luui uiai iier aiuaera bui feied from a sea slcknexs. This was tus tirst trip of the St. Louis after undergo. lug an overhauling at Belfusl, Ireland. Killed with Christmas HISe. KANHA8 CITY. Dec. Clarence Hun ter, a Il-yar-vld negro, who bad recelvod Poor Opera Classes Hula Eyesight. The woman was not old, but she com plained that her eyesight was falling faat. The oculist was a fatherly -looking old gen tleman, consequently he felt privileged to put a few questions decidedly personal and apparently non-professional. "Do you go to the theater oftenT" he asked. "Once or twice a week." "In what part of tlje house do you sit?" "Usually In the top gallery?" came the hesitating reply. "And now, what grade of opera glasses do you use?" "I'm afraid," said the woman, "that they are not good. They cost only 12.60." "I thought so," said the doctor. "That's what's the matter with your eyes. Poor opera glasses are ruining them. If I had my way there wouldn't be a cheap pair of opera glasses on the market. They are death to the eyes. A couple of seasons of theatergoing In the top gallery with a pair of poor glasses for a steady companion are suns to damage the best pair of eyes In town. Better a hundred times let the glasses alone. If you have a good, strong pair, all right go ahead and use them; if not, trust to the naked eye for making out the mysteries of the play. Ths sight will not suffer half so much. "Poor glasses will not focus properly, and anyone who uses them frequently, especial ly at that distance from the stage, la sow ing the seed of headaches, dancing lights and stars, wrinkles, and a hunt of otiter eculavr InflrmlUus." Chicago Tilbuue. I Nebraska State Teachers' Convention in Ses sion Tuesday, Wednesday and following days State teachers and visitors are heartily invited to visit Nebraska's Greatest Store. TIIEY WILL FIND orrOK TUN1TIES FOR MONEY SAVING IN THINGS TO EAT, WEAK AND A DM I HE THAT AliE PEERLESS IN COM PARED VALUES. TUESDAY MORNING WE REGIN A CONVENTION SALE in honor of visiting teachers. . DEPENDABLE MERCHANDISE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION WILL HE ON SALE AT SACRIFICED PRICES. ALL CHRIST MAS REMNANTS MUST RE CLOSED OUT REGARD LESS OF COST, AND ALL STOCKS MUST RE TREMEN DOUSLY REDUCED PREPARATORY TO OUR AN NUAL INVENTORY. IT IS A ROUSING OPPORTUNITY FOR EVERY BODY, VISITORS OR CITIZENS GET IN LINE. Visitors to the Teachers' Convention: YOU ARE MOST COKDIALLY INVITED TO SEE AND COM PARE THE SPECIAL PRICES MADE IN OUR DRY GOODS AND CLOAK AND SUIT DEPARTMENTS DURING TUE DAYS OF YOUR CONVENTION. THE SALE COMMENCES TUESDAY MORNING AND WILL CON TINUE WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY. OUR BARGAINS ARE ON OUR COUNTERS. HERE WE CAN ONLY INDICATE. IN A LIMITED WAY, WHAT YOU MAY EXPECT. Yellow Ticket Sale Dress Goods TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY. $1.23, $1.50 and $2.00 DRESS GOODS, y r at. yard , i fC All taken from our regular stock and were positively sold at above prices, odd pleeeg from many lines such as Boutone Voiles, English Tweed. Broadcloths, Tangier Zibellnes, Checked Tailor Cloths and twenty-five otbvr styles na ALL ONE PRICE NOW ONLY Yard JC Monster Silk Sale TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY Oreatest Bargain Event of 1904. All the broken lines left over from the great holiday rush that sold at $1.00, $1.00 and $2.t a yard, Foulards, Fancy Moires, Fancy Mes selines and many others 5,000 yards In all must go In this CO Bale, at one price for all only, yard .OaC FURS FURS FURS Fur Boas and Scarfs Fur Muffs, Fur 'Sets, Fur Capes, Fur Coats We- have some of OUR BEST STYLES STILL UNSOLD AND EVERY ARTICLE OF FUR WILL BE OFFERED TUESDAY AT LESS THAN MANUFACTURER'S COST. Ladies' Three-Quarter Coats ouu Holiday sale sold almost every cloak on our RACKS AND TO PROVIDE FOR OUR CONVENTION SALE WE SECURED THE ENTIRE SAMPLE LINE OF CLOAKS FROM AL GOLDSTCKNE & SON. 15 WEST EIGHTEENTH STREET, NEW YORK N. Y., ONE OF THE LEADING MANUFACTURERS OF, THE COUNTRY. THESE CLOAKS WILL GO ON SALE TUESDAY AT ABOUT TUB VALUE OF THE CLOTH. Ladies' Kimonas Short and Long Many of the 'choicest tyles, and Imported direct form Japan and China as well 'as the nobbiest productions of our ow.i country. The display will be well worth seeing, and the prices will surprls you at every turn. HOLIDAY GOODS ALL THAT WERE NOT SOLD CHRISTMAS EVE. IN THE DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT, WILL BE PUT ON SALE TUESDAY AT ONE-THIRD OFF MARKED TRICES. . The Tabard Inn Library. Invaluable to Teachers. A LIFE-TIME MEMBERSHIP TO THE WORLD'S GREATEST LIBRARY GOES WITH EACH BOOK. LATEST COPYRIGHT WORKS PUBLISHED, AT $1.50 our price, $1.18. THE MEMBERSHIP CARD ENTITLES YOU TO EXCHANGE WHENEVER YOU WISH AND AS OFTEN AS YOU WISH ON PAY MENT (erchnnglng first book and thereafter) OF EXCHANGE FEE OF FIVE CENTS. THIS IS A MOST ATTRACTIVE PROPOSITION TO EVERY BOOK LOVER. BOOK STALLS, MAIN FLOOR. GROCERY Genuine money-saving sales on. best groceries. Twenty ($2.10) Oreen Trading- StnmpB with pound-package Ben- 2Hc nett'a Capitol Coffee .ww Thirty (J3.00) Green Trading- fiftc Stampa with pound tea ....... Ten ($1.00) Green Trading- Stamps with pound Wm. baker'i premium rific Chocolate Vww Ten ($1.00) Green Trading- Stamps with half-round can Wm. 24-C Baker's Cocoa Ten ($1.00) Green Trading Stamps with pound cun Bennett'a Capl- 2lc tol Baking Powder Ten ($1.00) Green Trading Stamps with pint bottle Asuorted Pickles, 23C Ten ($1.00) Green Trading Stamps with can Logueran Imported iOlr Sardine ,l5W Ten ($1.00) Green Trading Stamps with can Holland Imported fSi Bardlnes Ten ($1.00) Green Trading Stamps with Jar assorted Jam, IOC Twenty ($2.00) Green Trading Stamps with bo Nabisco, biscuit, (very delicious) w Twenty ($2.00) Green Trading Stamps with box Featlno Biscuit, . Oen (exquisite flavor) ...."-' w ART! ART! Closing 'out of all Chris. mas left-overs. Cutest little pictures for dens, boudoirs and bed rooms. Prices unfeelingly cut. Second Floor. Convention sale in Jewelry and Silver ware section. Christ mas left-overs must be closed out. Prices made to make this sure. Main Floor. CANDY Twenty ($2.00) Green Trading Stamps witn pound dox uenneu s Dpe-ar Five (60c) Green Trading Stampa 20 Discount ON Oriental Rugs Third Floor. GREAT SALE OF LADIES' WAISTS THURSDAY TUB HEI IABl.K 8TORR. GREAT SALE OF LADIES' WAISTS THURSDAY Tuesday Second Day t Great Pre-lnventory Clearing Sale Thoiiiri(l of Ladlon' Coata and Suit, Rain Coats and Children's Jackets, etc., at HALF PRICE Nothing reserved. Everything marked In rtlnln figures. (Vine early Tuesday. 3.7(H) HANDSOME SKI RTS Frvm a well known Chlcnco manufacturer who lately failed In business, together with our own Im mense stock, now on sale at HALF TRICK 2.98 1 as,.... 3.98 j fffiR.... 4.98 All Suits and Coats at Halt . 5.00 7.50 .0.00 13.00 1.00 200 2.50 $15 00 Suit. 750 i.wsuit jo.oo tfl0..8.ul.t.".... 15.00 $rob suits on nn MUIUV $1000 Cent at $15 X Coats nt $2i'.09 Coats at $30 00 Coats st $2(0 Chllds' Coat $i Ort Child' Coat $5i Chllds' Coat Women' Flannelletto Wrappers, t 29c Women's Wrappers, worth 11.00, at. 49c Women's Black Sateen Underskirt, at 39c 12.00 Eiderdown Dressing Sacques, at 89c nt. $7.00 Suits at $Sii Suits nt 10.00 8ults at 3.50 4.00 e- nA o.uu WOOL DRESS GOODS Stylish Wool Suitings, Priestley's Crnvenetts, Priestley's and Lupin's Blacks. Tl-e very finest of wool guoJs at greatly reduced prices. GREAT SILK SALE Thousands upon thousands of yards of fins Pllkn. The larnest, most complete stock In the west. Nearly every price radically re duced for this great sale. GREAT STOCK REDUCING SALE GROCERIES. GROCERIES. GROCERIES. 18 lbs. pure ciine grunul:ited sugar for $1.00 10 lbs. lfreakfaHt UHtmtal 2"fl 10 lbs. Good. Japan Rlc ? 10 bars Best Lundry Soup 2jo 7 lbs. Fancy Pearl Tnploca, Sago or Barley 25o Force, Malta Vita, Egg-O-Sce or X-cello, per package 'iMc S-Il). cans solid packed Tomatoes 7VvO 3-lb. cans Boston Bnked Henna "So S-lb. cans Golden Pumpklrf, Hominy or Squash..; 7He 2-lb. cans Early June Sifted Peas 7H; 2-lb. cans Sweet Sugar Corn 7VC 2-lb. cans Fancy Wax, String or Lima Beans 70 Snpollo, per bar 2-,c I Yeast Foam or On Time Yeast, pkg... 2 He PRIOR TO INVENTORY NO LIMIT. GREAT REDUCTION HALS OF DRIED FRUIT. Choice California Prunes, per lb $H5 Choice California Peaches, per lb 6o California Muscatel Raisins,- per lb fo Cleaned Currants, per 'b California 8eeded Raisins. rr pkg 6o Fancy Bartlett Pears, per lb -..UHo Choice Oregon Apricots, per lb k 90 California Hicdless Rnlslns, per lb to FRESH FRUIT SALE. Fancy Navel Oranges, per doi Uo Large Ripe Bananas, per dos 12n Fancy California Figs, per pkg 6 EXTRA SPECIAL. FLOUR. FLOUR. FLOUR. 4S-lb. sack Fancy Patent Minnesota Flour for two days only per sack. .......... .$1.40 E-1AVDER3 BROS. Save $20 on your trip t o California You enn save almost twenty dollnrt on the trip to California by going "tourist." The seats In the Tourist Sleeping Car are upholstered in rattan In stead of plush, but you see as much and have all tbe essential comforts. Our Illustrated folder "Across the Continent In a Tourist Sleeper" contains a complete map de scribes the cars, cost, varied routes, etc., and tells why the Rock Island runs more tourist cars to Cali fornia than any ether line. Let us send you tbe folder end help you plan tbe .trip. F. P. RUTHERFORD, D. P. A., 1323 FARNAM ST., OMAHA, NEB. A New Fast Train-THE KATY FLYER Leaves Kansas City at 2:20 A. M. dally, arriving at all principal Oklahoma, Indian Territory and Texas points the same day. 3 Dally Trains from Kansas City Southwest. 2:20 A. M. 12:35 P. M. 9:00 P. M. Ask the Agent or write "KATY," 8t. Louis. g-snsmni iiimii i CLEARING SALES IN HARDWARE Preparatory to Inventory. 'Way Down Prices A Paw Papvinir Sot. left and they must po. Tuesday we will give Thirty (13.00) Extra Trading Stamp, with f AA every set sold up 1 U If from Eighty (t8.W) Extra Green Trading Stampa with any Chafing 'JOT Dish sold Tuesday sWeOi prices up from One Hundred ($10.(i0) Extra flreen Trading Stamps with any 7 50 Copper Nickel l'lated Coffee Machine, up from Fifty ($5.00) Extra Green Trading Stamps with any Wash Boiler sold Tuesday up from 96c Thirty ($3.00) Green Trading Stamps with any piece Granite Ware, up from 25c Convention Sale in all lines of llijfh Grade Chlnaware, Rich American Cut Glass and Crockery Brica Brac Bargains on every table. Second Floor. ir IS our settled purpose has been for years never to ' carry Christmas goods over, but to close them out during the last days of the year. Inventory Is taken thereafter. . , Tuesday morning the closing out begins with our big convention sale. Everything will go, though It should be at next-to-nothlng prices. witn Duckage Lmon fr Gent's furnishings Our tremendous sales during Christmas will be supplemented by a bargain clean-up. If you overlooked something "he" would like, here's a swinging opportunity for you. Gent's Neckties, Oloves, Caps, Hats, Suspenders Collars, Cuffs, Smokin Jackets, Etc. MAIN FLO