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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 26, 1904)
I J THE OAfATTA DAILY HHE: MONDAY. DECEMTlkR 2ft- IDOi. SPECIAL NOTICES A4lfl)MMill f lfH ralim will b take) III IS a, far Ik Ftla eslltea astf sjoiII . m. ttt Ik aralaaT a4 ? 4ltJa. Rate I 1-as a 1 ) lansi la a ward Urrfitr. RMas Hk Is laaa HOe? for the laser. Maa. Taess aflss-rflswaswata rnaat raa raaamllrrlr. Advertiser, ar ejae4laai a aaas dressed fa a nMrM lte la rara f Tfca Aaewstn adr4 will aellvereit aa fMHll af rkeefc. . WISCELLANE0U3 lrX). Winter Term of Boyles College wpens Monday, January 2d. jlnM, f.r.nrlr.arnl ' ead Tj pewrl'ing )rmal. English. ' Ivll flervlce and T Rphr Courses In; nd Nlgnt. Send r nUal't'iM today. M R Royle. Pre Iwh and rny "., iman Nob. TRY KEU.T 8 TOWKI DI.'I'M.T. Tel PRESSORIUM ciothe pressed, nu Farnam R Mill f'ITT SAVINGS RANK pay I per cent. r rt ir TOt; wut to bur II or rent property. horow money, e note or account, call (H.1K. Y. Llf. Tel. 121. Glover Hon. R-3X0 ADV. fX'TSWH EATON. In Bee. Bldg R IB2 Pianos for Petit, n.'fy tl.oi). New pianos. High grada. Rent allowed If you purchase. I'ertleid Plsno Company, foil rurnam. Telephone M. Open evenings. R--3H3 EAGLE Loan (iHlw; reliable accommodat ing, all hustneaa confidential. 1301 Douglas. R-.4 CI.ACK aell the lat $2 60 bat on earth. ANTI-MONOPOLY Garbage Co.. 21 N. IMh. Tel 177. 11-2 STOVE& FUKNACEKEPAIKS Tel. WO. 1207 Doug limnNi 8tws lt-p Wks. R-3X7 I'. MEI.CHOIH, machine work. 13th anil Howard. R 3 Electro plating. Om. Plat's Co., IV Hsrney. R 3i D27 KLSABHER ft RRICK, machine and gen eral repair worke. 217 8. 12th Bt Tel. 1 .7. SPECIAL attention given architects' plans and siiecincatlon; contractors should In vestigate. I.ew Wentworth, 1 Paxton block. RM!S J7 OMAHA Baf and Iron work make a epe clalljr of (Ira arap-a, ahuttora, doura and aafaa. U. Andrran, prop.. 10! 8. 10th Rt. It-MIM AM our aarond-hand Talking Marhlna at your own prlca. Coll'na 1'lano Co., Ill 8. 17th HI. R-C3 3" P. C. YEAR r'rom lioo to I5,( loana on rani fatal or paraonal not at 3 PKR KNT ffi.Il VKAH. All gKl loana wanlad. Call or writ and gat my ayatpm. W. I.. Boat man, 111 A Famnm. Omaha. H M7i3 l. W. ti:iKIKON. tha Myiart I'LiL'MHEU. Two 'phonra, im and L2K7I CITY STEAM LAUNDkY. 2U SOtTTJI llTlf. TBI 264. W'a truat avorybody. Flannrla and colored aooda laundtrad at our rlak. R-M172 J 23 KI.KCTRIC light planta, watar wnrka and iiowrr iilanta built; approved project nnanraa. it. a. Aint, tain numwiiai ai., livmvfT, Co'.o. 11-U7 VZt 8 FU ' BUSINESS CHANCES a BPKND tha wlntnr In Cuba; money miLklng propoaltlnna awaiting northorn anaigy an 3 a llttla money. Round trip ticket. 177.60, good to Juna tat, 1W6. Cattla raUIng nata tl to 66 per rant; fruit and vegetable make growera wrallhy. Ortober to Way producxa Iwat gnrdin trunk. Rlcheat land In tha world. C. R. Olovar at Hon, main floor, N. Y. Ufa, Omaha. 'Phone 141. Y7ila A FBW gd man to taka half Intereat In a good paying hualnaaa. Cull btiacmant, 623 N. inth at. II our a, to 4 dally. f-M7l IX) YOtf want to buy, aell, rent or ax changa your property or bualneaw, lMrrow money iulk? Hea Compton Watta Co., ' m 1'axton block. Y-M627 T'HK IJindreaii'a Antlaaptlo Hair Tool- T-4u6 JU WIIKN you waht to buy. aell or rxrhanga your property or btialneaa oulrk e J. II. Johnaon, M3 N. Y. Ufa. 'Pbone J, 2270 Y-a2 ATTORNKYH, averywhera. If you hava an amount, not or cfnlm of any kind agfilnat peraon, firm or corporation we, run aettla It for you. T1IK NKW HNOW-CIU'RCH CO., main flour N. Y. Ufa. 'l'hone m. Y-104 A R HOTT-COW A N CO., lat Nat. Hk bldg., can get you In or out of btialneaa. Y 4ort BMfiLKH-AIlMUTHONU CO., 722 N. Y. Ufa. , Tfl. 4. Y-407 NKWHPAPKK lor aula; good Mlaeonrl town of l.OIXi; no oppoaltlon; Una opening. Ad dreea K ), rare Kee. Y-M12& WANTKD, a man with $&' to take half Inti-reat In the beat paying bualnesa In the north wee L AdUraa O SO, Ilee. Y-M10I BKPERT rorreronrtent will AHHTTr btial. neaa firm, wlioleanla nr rntiUI. Trial aakad. Addrea 1. 36, be. Y 110 11 A OKHM AN-8PICAK I NO phyalrlnn about thirty-five year of age and married to locate In a town In central Nebrnaka that ha a g'lf'd agricultural country aurround Ing It; (Tna that la of Catholic; fulth pre ferred. The aupport of an up-to-dit drug atora would be given. Addrea K, cure K. K. rfrut Co., Omaha. Y-146 27 LAUNDRY-ll.iOO. Good opportunity; good raaaon for anil Ing. ddreaa Iloorn 1, U. H. Rank Rlilg Y-l ri'H BAI.K (-mom furnlahed flat, on N. Idih, down town; anap If taken quirk; party leaving tha rlty. Compton-Watt Co., 616 1'axton block. Y-1W CLAIRVOYANTS QYLMER. clntino palmist, 711 N. Bd. 8-421 CXAIRVOTANT-A wonderful trial read ing, tha only dead trance medium In th world, hi atartllng revelation are tha wonder' of ail; paat. praaent and future eventa told corraotly. Hi nd 10c, I-cant tauii), data of birth, own writing, ti r. Joaeph leater, Irawer 34, HI. l.onla, Mo. Mention thl paper. B Mils 2d TOUR roRTl'NK told by th moat relia ble clairvoyant; end blrthdate. dime and tamp. Prof. Carl 4 Rollln, 4H0 N. Clark Bt., Chicago. 8-273 26x OYlHER, aclenlirio palmlit, 716 N. 23d 8-121 CLAIRVOYANT A wonderful trial read ing, th only dead trance medium In the world, hi atartllng revelation are the wonder of all; paet, preeent and future event told correctly. He ml loc, l-cent lamp, date of birth, own writing, to Ir. Jneenh Ialcr, irar 34, St Iul. Mo. Mention thl per. B-Mltf Ms FOUND r."'NU, lady aet brooch. Addrena Ze. Btallun A, Omaha. .. rmunl-1'4 2 roCNle lady's pur with mall um of money. Inquire at He office Ffund 111 WANTED MALE HELP Winter Term OF THE Omaha Commercial CoIIege, 17th and L)oulas. Orn Mondi morning. Janiary 1 few tn all department. H!nd for ct- .gi,i at enca. WANTf.l FOR : H A f.M f-A Me-"-vT1 tinmarrled men. rf-eii ag af 21 ' 3J. ntir,e of I itd Htatea of good ehar--ter and t.rrpra habit. wh". pek, ra1 and trrlte Kruiah. For Infir-natlori tl-ly to Rerruiting OfTleer. IWh and I'ouglaa ta Oman; Uncoin, Nh . or Rfix City. 1 1. B-M37 MB.V TO I.BARN barber trade: fr-a rall- foa fare ui.on mir failure tn convince y'Mi oi inia r-irg tne rir.Mr rnin cniy re llnhle. m'.at practical harber collg-ln ri 1'nlted Htatea VVrlle 1it catalogue to-uy we-nern liarb-r InetitMie Omaha. Neb. R 294 WANTFD, flrat-claaa lman to rail on eatabliahed trade In rhla atate; mention ex-.erle-,ee, referencea and ailary e. peci.,1 Lincoln Overall and Hhirt Co., Lincoln. N'h. B Mir x MOI.F.R'R fiarber Collega, Ienver. Colo teachc the barber trala In weeka and 'larante poal'lona. Bt-c1al term. R MS2. JK K rite. HT m in'ifclurlng houao. tru-ty aln'nt for hranch ( fflc. paid wenly; pf.altion pprm:inenf; oi cpltal required; ireyloija Tperlnce not eaeentlal. Addreea Rrancri Manrr. .;.' I)earVrn, Chicago U-M2M21 I WANT and furnlah drug clerk, drug torea and doctor. Knlern, JM N. T. I.. H-417 TF.I.BORAPH department open In Decem ber, jioylea College. B-MW I IfAVB a money-making propoalflon to orfer gr-od solicitor; experience not nec eaaary. nke work; good commlaelon. K.lther call or write at once. E C. Poylea, 1KI4 Farnarn at. H Mzl 1 X VANTKf-Heveral good solicitor crw maner; i-neltlfin permanent; good Income. Addrea O 46, lies ofrlce. Il-.M2rft Vr WA NTKr-Fnergetlr, pr' f -alonal or bua nes men. on lary and commlaalon, to repree-ent a lending I fe In surance company In cltla and county district In Nebrnaka; reply with refer, snces Addreaa O 4. Ree. ft 216 30 O'KdJ silarled position for active man who haa tf.AO to Irrvesr In well estnhlNhed rnarnifcturlng hulnes. Address p. O. li-.x IM. Lincoln. Neb. R M20 Jnn 3 WANTKT Men ti learn barber trnde; few weeks completes by our method of con stant practice; Hrensd teahers; and ext-j-nses In shops Hiturdny be'ore completing; tools given graduate; years savd. Join now nd crmplde for en'lng rush. Call or write for i ' "(fue. Moler Tiarber College, 13112 Iotigl!i sf. H-M231 X)X PORTRAIT MKN-Hcfid Ur a few order and compare with work you are now handling: price low; all work guaran teed. Write Omnha Art Co. R CI 31 WANTKD. a coachman, ona who ha had experience with fine horses. Applv A- D. Ilrnndels, Host on Store. R 115 29x WANTED, men to sell garden eeds'to th farmers; write me for terma at once; big wifges can be made. Addrea (t. P. Conk lln. Beedaman, Red Onk, la. R-M113 IF TOT? are In need of a position, call and have a "heart-1o-hnrf tnlk with HART, TUB F.XPKKT, 23 N. Y. Ufa. R 906 J4 WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTE1 A girl for honework In a fam ily of two. Apply at 3.116 Dodge t. C-113 WANTKD-fJIrl for general housework; family of two. C. C. Montgomery, SI 3 South 40th. C M164 W OIRI-8, Canadian office, 16th and Dodge. C 71 t'BE Landreen'a Antlseptla Hair Tonic. C-4WI Jit WANTED I-adle to learn' splendid paying profeaalon. W teach halrilreralng. man icuring, facial massage; earn from 312 to 320 weekly: etlao pplendld chance for rel denee work; few weeka complete; can earn wagea while learning. Call or writs Molcr College, 1302 Dougla at., Omaha, . Neb. C M22K &rx WANTED SITUATION ATTORNF.Y of five years' experience de sires leienion in law umce; aienograpner. Addrea O 44, lice. A M196 2fx SITUATION wanted, registered pharmacist, r n. ., open tor engagement nrat or year. Clay Bheffrey, Oxford, Neb. A M2S0 2Hx WANTKD, place to do chorea by bualnea college Rtudent. U 6, rare Uee. t A-M402 27 BITt'ATR)N wanted by expert draughts man; reference. lj 34, Ree. A M403 27 x yni'NO man Juat out of college wants situation where there Is a chance to work up. Lt 23, Ilea ofTl". A M404 27x PfiHITION wanted by man experienced on the road; also aa city salesman, L, Jt Ree. A-M406 27X YOUNfl lady stenographer want position In lawyer's office. I. 3, Ree. A-M40 27 x AGENTS WANTED AOENTB In every city and t6wn In V. 8 to handle "The Orestes', of Rxnoltlon. (lompletely Illustriitpd:" cloth bound; 300 full page Illustrations; weigh 4H pounds: wonderfully Interesting; 12.60 and 13.00; sell nt sight; aend 31.40 for anmple book and poatag Official Photographlo Co., 411 Olive t., Bt. Loul. J MIM 3ix WANTED TO BUY BHONFELD. the ANTIOCARIAN KM V . Y. Life, pay hlghet price for book. lei, IN 41V 6. WANTED H Interest In good paying Omaha uoon. U. 14, rare Re. N-M392 27x WILt, pay cah fo good bakery In north part of town. I.. 26, .Ree office N MW 3 27x WOI'I.D like to hear from aome imp with good team for ale, (tillable for coal wagon. L,. 27. care flee. N M3K4 17x IMMEDIATELY, good-paying rooming house; about 26 room; close to town. I IS, Rea office. N MiCiJ 27x MEN'S ccond hand clothing. No. pith. . N M3!M 27x FOR EXCHANGE WILL trado sewing machine or type wrltor. Nb. Cycle Co., l&tli and Harney. Z-4 IF YOU do not find what you want In thl column put an ad In and you will oon get It. Z Ft'RNITl'RK. Rook. Rook-cnse, Talking Machine and llano. Call, Tel, 723, Mr. Krown. Z &"4 A (H tOD paying buslnea In St. Paul, Minn., for limn lui city residence. Call baaemvnt 623 N. loth at. Hour, to 4 dally. Z-M7I0 PIANO for home. Perfleld, piano, pill Far. WILL exchange lano for good roller top deak. J. 8. Cameron, M N. 16lh at. Z-M214 30 PRINTING PPIMTINPi HIOII-ORADB WORK. I 1 li Croun.a block, Cornr of LYNGSTAD th Bt. and Capitol Ave. -497 KRAMER CHANDLER. QUICK PRINTERS, 1103-ox Douglas St. To de liver work when prcmli-nl la our hobby. J. M. 81RPLEHS, reliable printer; estab lished 12 year, ful . 13th St., Omaha. IM OSTEOPATHt Johnaon Inatitut. U6 N.Y.Llf bldg. Tel. I4 4M MRS. JOHN R. Ml) HICK, OaUopathy Pay. aiulan; offlce, l'iglaa block. Tel. -l -411 DR. FARWEIXk araolalty oervoa dlaaaa. II 10 one is void of wants and it seems that some want more than they get. There are II a great many, however, who get what thej want. They use BEE WANT ADS. The Bee prints most paid want ads. Bee want ads bring best returns. A trial will convince. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS' ROYAL HOTEL. European, 16ta DicM1 E ISWIT, Europe a botal. 13t and Fernara. -41 VIETN'N A HOTFt 1011 Famam; fine rooma. ladle' cafe, private dining r ; open niht & 4il Hm HEKEEPINrC-TTiree or four rr !- rni eiKXEEPTNT Tnree or four very o- 'rable, partly furnlahed room a; bath and . i,irifnci requirea. v- - E 4i3 TTTTZ If mt i ur, ..... . i . A . .t . m ..n i. nni-i. imn ana vo'". . . heated; niedium price; cafe In connection. E 413 TffcNrnH ED and ttnmlstied, all part of ci'y. Room 3. N. T Life E 414 TWO nicely furnished front rooma; hot and cold water, electr'e light, ga. telephone. Hood lord In vlnclnfty; convenient for Jtentlernen. 217 B. 26th St. E M771 N'lf'ELT furnished front room, notet good location; gentlaman preferred. 1021 Dodg Phone 1f4. E MM LARrJB, pleseant front room- modern; phone. Hi Dougla. fc Mi24 LARGE well furnlahed room, modern. 70 S. Mth at. E Mi NF.Wf.T furntsned rooms, modem. 2T.3 Wbtr. Tel. L321. K M30 MODERN furnlahed room; bast location. Ill 8. 20ta. MV-M DESIRA RLE mom. flrst-cta location, walking distance. 2224 Farnam. E vmt HOLTII front parlnr. 221 Bt. Mary sve. E-M131 . to ttftli per week. 422 8. 11th St.. one block uth of court house. E M15 NICELY furnished, strictly modern room. JS Ho. 1th at. E M210 2x NICE roim; very cheap. KA Ho. 2Kih sve. E MJfiH 2x NICELY furnished, modern room 712 Harney. Fc-M2H7 2x NICELY fnrnlshed room with board. 2trM Harney. E M204 2fix NICK medlum-lzed room and excellent board by January 1. in No. 26th st. EM244 30x NICELY furnished room; Dodge. 'l'hone A2407. modern 111 E M372 27 TWO south room; strictly modern. M4 North 23d. 'Phone Red 4X4. K M373 27 NICE light housekeeping room; modern. 613 North 17th. fc M374 27 x NICELY furnished California. modern room. 2203 E M375 27x MODERN, well furnished, reasonable room. 2216 California. E M37 27x NICELY furnished room; good location. zi isortn vnn. kmii 27x NICK room In modern house; private family. WA South 30th. E M3i 27x WELL furnished room at 315 North 17th t. E M373 27x MODERN sleeping rooms; gentlemen pre. irrreo. jum uougiaa. tj i;wil Z, X TWO nicely furnished room, south front. au i aiiromi r-M.v)2 27 x I1EHT for the money; for married couple or two gentlemen. 20ft South 2th ave. E I3X3 27x THE HIGHLAND Rooms and board. 2217 Howard St. 'Phone 4097. E-M3M 27x NICE newly furnlahed room, central. 101 N. 20th. E M17S 25x NICE modern front room, all convenience. ig"i nicsgu. ry ivi 1 1 a r,g FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD O. M E.. TEL. 611. MESSENGERS AND BAOQAOE F (11 METROPOLITAN restaurant, regular .meal lie;. meal to order. i:i-i nouKini. Tel A42. F MM0 J2 THE 8HELTON. 26th and Dodge, Ideal home for tha winter, pleasant rooms, strictly modern, horn cooking; reason able. F-376 13. SO UP; slngl meal ISc. 119 Dodge. r tn i.h jnn is no BOARD Large room, with small room ad joining; everyuiiiiK jioiiitruan uiiu uiuucui, vacant January 1. 627 Park ave. F-12S WELL heated, front room; good locality; 'phone; board If desired. 1123 Hurney. F-2U8 27 x WELL furnished room; modern; bonrd If desired. 3u9 No. 26th. F M2'i6 2x WARM rooms and board; modern: rea sonable. 62 8o. 19th F M2i 2fix LARGE front south room with alrove and board. 2418 ens. r Mail -u WELL furnished room and bonrd If de sired. 2216 Webster. r M .177 27 X ROOMS snd board, cheap, inni Dod(re. F M 'W 27x FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD NICE modern rooms with board. 301 South 24th St. l'hone. MUxo 27x WILL rent two very nicely furnished room to two young men with k"U ref erence. Apply i v. lice. f m;s7 nx NICE rooms and good bonrd. 1702-4 Wob- ster t., afternoon. V .m.imi ix OOOD board and room. Apply 20)2 Dodge F-M3SXI 27 X II N fJLRN ISHED ROOMS FOR RENT TWO unfurnished room for rent at 220 North '-'Mh t. CJ M-iKo 27x FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES A 110 OFFICE In The Ree building carries with lt ail the convenience and advan tage In th v-ay of he-it, light, janitor service, all night unci all day and Sunday eh vntor service. A 110 office i now va cant. Cnll at once. It. C. Peter Ac Co, ground floor, Rac building. I 23 1-BTORY and bailment brick building, 10) J rarnam. zsiuu, nyuruunu eievaior, suit a tile fur wholesale or manufacturing. 314 First Nat I Rank, building. 1437 IF A OOOD light I needid w can show you a north front oftli i- on the Huh Hour, a iplrndld room, at th moderai prlca of M. It. C. pi-tvr A Co., ground floor, Ree building. 1-422 FOR RENT At ia Farnam over 6,00) iiuare feet of flour Hpxce; can be used for storage or light manufacturing; will rent nil or part at a reasonable ilg ir?. 'Phone 27"2. 1-C97 WANTED TO RENT WE csn rent your room snd houses Room 1, N. Y. Life. 'Phone Ui. Ulovc ft Son K 411 THREE or four-room rottiige on So. umuha line. I,, m, nee office. K-MS97 Tx WANTED January 1, room and board In private family, on car line. L. 1. Hee offloe. - K-M31W 27x TWO young men want room ion ly In (irtvate family. L. 1, care Roe. K M3W 27 ELDERLY womsn. with child, wishes Iilac tn room, with privilege of cooking ireakfat in room. L. 11, Ree effice. K-M4U0 rx ROOM and board In private family U 20, Re. K-M401 27x LAW AND COLLECTIONS K F. MOREARTY, Atturney, 437 1'axton J ei. a iu, JOHN M. MAC FAR LAND, New York Ufa bldg., room 304 and 313. Tel. 163. Huntington BUatton. 133 N. T. Life FOR SALE REAL ESTATE -RfOM ro.ise. 3 kits; fruit, arn. irmi eav fj i'. hl jsia jix WE CAN sell yon Uad along th Misaourl I'acinc Ky In Neh', p.nas ar.o Ar kansns at Inside r.gure C. R. Olover ft Hon. main floor N. Y. Life, Omaha. I i hone Iffl. RE FOR HA LE l-acre farm. S mile ea.f of I f retc. Nh a cultivation. 20 A. pas- fir and har land, string in pt'ire. j , r'ioh nrr nam. rftir imrrnv-m.nrB. n io- t.-r.sfed. C. ft. Eckry. Exeter, N-b. RE M2!i TRACKAGE 127x14. with 6-r r,m cottage nd large barn. r-r.tlng at 112 for only ll .Vi. W. 11 GATES. 17 N. T. Life. Phone i?4. RE MJ44 r. A rM (NIHTR AT' iR3 HALE f will sell at public sale, at the enst d or of the court house, on January 7. 1. at 11 o'clock a. m.. the west of the northeast ' and the east half of trie northwest ' of ac 13. T. M. R 1J hetng a of th I Renjamln Rates estate, and about three miles meet of Florence. Inquire of (I. A. Magney; 2 N. Y. Ufe bldg H L. ANDERSON. A'lmlnlstratnr. RE D1-2I-J1 FOR SALE Two modern, brick boue. t room each; will rent for 140. Price. 32.603, air term THOMAS PRENNAN. Room 1 New York Life bldg. RE 424 ;$2,000 Good x-rnnm haime- In Orchard Hill. fin lo cation, jilce grounds, ahade trees. !$1,500 Cottage 6 rooms, large lot th near Frances. Easy terma. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., U2u Farnam Street. RE-MK3 BEAUTIFUL ACRES 36th and Grand Ave. We are offering thl 15 acre In four tracts Kai.h tract Is about ouO fet one way and 330 the other and contains aa much land a M city lots. bfi feet south frontage on Grand avenue, fine location for a suburban home; three block from car line; north portion of land I well adapted for fruit and garaen purposes; it also has the advantage of the Elkhorn tracks across th corner of It. .We are making sueclal prices on these piece during the holiday j wees. Buy on or these tracts and lt will make you money at preaent price. A. Pi TLKEY ft BON, Board of Trade Building. RE M32& 28 ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. Title Perfected and Guaranteed. Tel. 2244 JAMU8 V KfcRK. 100 N. T. L. Rlt-Mio D31 176.O0O. electric light plnnt, with heating plant In connection and telephone sys tem; also will take good loan farm or cheap land t27, flat In Omaha to trade for land; now bringing a good Income. $.ta,i flat in Omaha to trade for land; this . property., la , rented for 12,500 per year uu'l ai-ver vacant; prefer Canada land. Planlna mill for sale for cash; thl mill Is located In at town of S,0u0 and I the only planing mill Jn sixty mile around, reason for si'tflng. Ill health; thl would make a first Has location for a lumber yard; there is enough ground to handle a good-size yard. Steam swing with.' ".-horsepower engine and good ner top. In running order, ami hriuw and lot' anil one acre and two lot In Vernon, .Tea,, and two lot In Cllquet. Mo.; will t nidi in Is In on land or Income property atjiT, fay some difference. Z2" acre neat Artesian. 8 D-. to trade for general louk. . this . land la well located and has good Improvements; or will trade for good Indime property; price of land 136 per acre. ta.uiio town npwty tn trade for good, cheap land; thla property la nil clear and will carry- i mortgage of 1,0W or more; will, pay on difference. . ; H. s. RATTEN BORG, , Atlantic, la. RE-MiOO 2D I HAVE lt Hanseoro Place n flve-room cottagf, not modern, but can be made o nt little cost fronta east on a full 60-foot lot, paved trei;t. elegant neighborhood. A anno for wine one. Come In and make an offer. , E. K. Loyer & Co., - 208 Ifrtrwn Block. RE M30S 2 FOR SALE One not of H.SOO. Cue In on year, aecurml by nrat mortgage on good Improved Omaha property, bearing 6 per cent lnteret, payable eml-annuiilly, also one note for $1,600. due on or before three years, Interest at o Der cent, payable (em'.-annually, secured by first mortgage on good property. Both ar absolutely cafe and given by respectable parties. Address the, owner, 8 25, Bos office. RE M463 $3 500 WILL BUY a beautiful home In Knuntze Piara, full lot, outh front, good bam, street paved, house newly painted and papered; everything modern THOMAS BRENNAN. Room 1 New York Life Bldg RE-M421 RK-421 IF YOU want to buy. sell. rent, borrow money, sell notes or account, call at K. 3. N. V. Life. 'Phon 133. Glover ft Son. RK M42J TRY Landreen's 'Antls-ptlc Hair Tonlo. R 161 J -14 TWO acre with house of 4 room and two story burn, food well nnd cave; Vi acre In asparagus, near Krug pnrk. $1,100. F. D. WEAD, ' 1024 Douglas. RE-333 28 EIGHT ACRES, house, burn, two poultrj hoiiHi-s, good well, 300 fruit trees and variety small fruit. O 6S, He. " KE-M331 28 TWO bouses. 27th and Dewey ave., one of 6 rooms, one of 4 room; rent $27.60 per month. Price. 12 HS0. P. D, WEAD, 1624 Douglas. RE-S31 25 " - nib TWENTIETH CENTURY ..FARMER This agricultural weekly goes to ),000 borne of farmer and stock rbrs. so if you bsvs a giod plecs of laro to sell at a reasonable, price you will find a buyer among them. Th cost of an advertUsmeoc small 2 cents per word In .mi l type ut I'.'.b:' per Inch I' t In Isrg tvp. FARMS FOR SALE 100 ACREB, Ne county, Kansua; 7-room house, good barn, never falling spring, aome natlvu timber, family orchard, 40 acre rich bottom land, HO acre rich up land, fine wheat, corn and alfalfa soli. MI ST RE HOLD. 11.600. C. It. Glover ft Son, main floor N. Y. Life, Omaha. -761 Farm and Ranch Lands Nebraska. Kama, Colorado and Wyoming; low price: ten years' time. Land Dept. U. V. R. R. Co., Omaha. Neb. Dept. "A." RE 4.1 WHY pay 160 to 1100 for land In eastern Ne braska, when we can (ell you Just a good In eastern Kansas for 120 to 136T CT R. Olover ft Bon. mln floor N. Y. Life, Omaha 'Phone 133. ?7 FARMS FOR RENT TO LET-LOTl'S LANE DAIRY FARM. 0 acre In alfalfa, 10 acres farm land and 20 acres In pasture; modem stable, hold iA cow; contract can be made for milk proiture-i, eipom doling; ix block from R R. atntlon; 11 mile from Omaha. V FARNAM SMITH ft CO., 1320 Farnam t. M-161 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING ft. C. VAN B A NT'S school. 717 N. T. LI fa ... FOR RENT HOUSES I GET Landreea Antiseptic Hair Tonic i i w T1A S UTH ST-7 room, m.lern. 13. 4 K. J. Sullivan. U 8. Uth St. D WJ FOR RENT- room house; all modem ex cept fjrnace; 7i N. 3uth 8C; . C. M bach man. 4i paxtoa xiica. D fci H'tCflES TO LET Noa 47-4-l 8. 21st at.. 3 modern cotUgea. will & ready f.r occupancy e.ion. No 3!'jtt Ps. iric, atrlciiy modern. No. Like, x-T cott.ige. city water. x ) No. li"2 So. j:d t.. r ; mod ; barn; 1j.ij0 W. t ARM AM SMiill to., 1324 Farnam at D UIU 120 N. 26TH. s rooms, modern, ISj.oo. D-Mlll -n. cfjTTAGE; ctty water, lill Leaven worth. F. VI. Wead. U2I IxiU5!a. D M y 2 HOC8E8. Imuraocs. Riugwalt. Raiser Black. D 4.7 Ufll ICPQ I" H part of tha city. Th 11UUJCO o r. LvU Co.. imt Be bldg. D C8 FOR RENT. -room bou. In flrt-cla condition, with large lot; convenient to car Una. tl. tGs N. 26:h i. D Mi6i A HOME on Blnney t. 10-room house, tc dlraol party: HO per month. Telephone B227. ' D 430 THE Omaha Van and Storage Co pack, move and atora H. H goods. Storehouse, 1120-24 N. ltn. Office, UllSt Farra-n. Tel. 13 11 WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Van Stor age Co. Tel. Offlce 1712 Wetster 8U 1) tit HO! IQP " P of the c1y R. C nUUOCJ Peters ft Co.. Bee Bulldirg D U3 PA YNE-BOSTWICK A CO.. choice houe tol-t-4 New York Ufe Bldg. Phone Mil D 131 7-ROOM cottage. 1530 8. th t Clark Powell. !M Capitol ave Phone 121 D MIS4 McCauley Express Co for moving. torae. baggag delivery. 61i 8. 11th. Tel. H'4 D 421 FOR RENT. 1111 N. lth t., 7-room cottage, modern except furnace, good condition; rental 122.30 per month. George ft Co D M170 30 Teople's Ex. Co. hauls trunk. "Phone 42ta. D MIM J22 3-ROOM house; t per month, lttl N 24th. D 2K FOR RENT Modern -room flat on Dewey ave.; beat of repair. John F. F'lack. at City Saving bank. D 211 31 3320 MANDERHON t., 6-room cottage. fI0; 2721 Dodge t., 4-room cottage. $:i; 2i42 N. 21at at., 6 room. 110; 2a7 Hamilton, 6 rooms. 113. Others. RINGWALT BROS.. BARKER RLK. D M2C3 2 LIST houses with u; we can rent them. Compton-Watta Co., 525 Paxton blk. D-M3IB SOt'TIf OMAHA residence. 40th and X treets; Ave rooms cellar, good barn, thre lot, fenced. bearinK vineyard and fruit; near good school; $15.00 per month. Inquire of 8. A. fiearlc 314 Omaha Na tional bank. 'Phone F-2023. D M143 2H 1!r20flO. TENTH ST . FLAT. ROOMS 1 "0 1922 Ho Tenth St., flat. rooms S.fl 1'iSl Ho. 27th st., flat. 3 rooms 10"0 713 Bo 27th St., flat. 3 room 10 oo 2702 Cuming t., flat, 5 room 16 ")0 934 No. 27th ave, 7 rooms, modern ls'jo 1222 Bo. 27th ave , 6 rooms, modern ... 18.00 3320 Hamilton St., 6 room, new and modern I O 111 No 27th ave . 10 room modern '. 2 steam-heated rooms In Wlthnell block Fifteenth and Harnev 20.00 N. P. DODOE ft CO., 1614 Farnam St. D M341 27 FURNISHED. 6-room. modern, rottige after Jin. 1: one room rented. Inquire 1113 S. Mth t. D 113 .Tlx A VERY desirable, office In the Flrt Nat'l Rank bldg. Apply to, Walter M. Cert-r, superintendent. 1227 25 DESK ROOM In large, ground-floor offlce on Farnam St.; rent chenp; heat, l'ght and telenhone service furnished. Ad dress O 49. care Bee. 1240 25 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS MONEY WB LOAN ON Furniture, Piano, Live Stock, Salaries, WE GIVM Best Rates, liaay Payments Quiet Service, Any time, WB WANT Your Business If You Ever Borrow Money. OMAHA MORTOAOE LOAN CO 111 Board of Trad Bldg. Tel. 229o (Established 12.) 306 S. 8t X-4W LOANS mad on all kinds of chattel as curltier. also on SALARIES. Low Rate. Easy Term. Quick and Confidential Hervlce Call on us If In need of MONET. PHOENIX CREDIT CO.. t.13 Paxton Block. X-48S BOWEN'S MONEY Easy to get on furniture, piano, horses, cows, Jtwcliy, or on your plulu note, if Ct aUUy employed- 703 N. Y. Life bldg. X lot The J. A. Mutton Co. LOANS ON SALARIES AND CHATTELS. 614-616 1'axton Block. X-MS61 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE a. id other without security; euay pay ment; lurgest buttlneas In 49 principal elite. Tolman, Room 714, N. X. Life. X-470 MONEY loaned on furniture, salary, horses, etc.: half usual rates. Dr. Preb benow, room 214 st 2ut 8. 16th St. Tel. B-2H64. X 471 SALARY AND CHATTEL LOANA RELIABLE CREDIT CO., 307-1 PAXTON BLOCK. 'PHONE 1411. X 172 MONEY loaned on salary, furniture, jew eliy, hore. Duff Green Loan Co . 3 Barter bloclt X-471 MONEY loaned on piano, furniture, jew elry, horse, cow, etc. C. F. Reed. 31 at. 11th. X 174 MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. STAR LOAN CO.. 644 PAXTON BLOCK. X-471 BEE FULLER. 426 Paxton block, for loan on watche. diamond and Jewelry. X 471 CHATTEL, alary and Jewelry loan. Fo ley Loan Co., 1604 Farnam at. X 477 SALARY and collateral loan. Temnletnn, tl3 Be Bldg. X 471 MOEYJ-OLOAN rlEALlESTATE WANTED City loan. R. C. Peter ft Co. W- Mi4o FARM and city loan; lowest rate. W. II. Thomas, First Nat l Bank Bldg Tel. H,m PRIVATE money. F. D. Weed, I620 Douglas WANTED City loan and warant. W. Farnam Smith ft Co., 1320 Farnam St. W-4K1 MONEY TO LOAN. Payn Investment Co. W-4S2 LOWEST rat. Bemls, Paxton block. W-4M GARVIN BROS , ;ft)4 Farnam. Lowest rates r W-Ii WOULD tike application for I3.UU. 1 hav a customer. F. D. Weud, 1624 Douglas Hi. W-lll 26 PERSONAL TOT.'NG Hwed In n-,1 of -hor i't to sr.iy in hrisTian. Bngll home tn fmrih for Two mo-.ri-s VN nuld I'ke to faci sta',rg or a lurk advance! P'i piis on vt- im or frsin. Please jr.wer to t. 4. la care of The Fl--e. l.'-MM T. PRIVATE home dirirg confinement: hn- bl-s alopted. Mrs. Dr Klnr N l'n. , Tl 3Ta 7-1.MI Jl 06 JElLlI Zll-- -I r, r nivn . nr. null LR A WING snd pointing fr-m Ufe. Csm -!, utei tarnam. room . rsmr L 447 PRESSORIUM ft Clothe Pressed. LC4 U-M- Masj.. theatrical costumes. Back. TH 8 2ftll LT 411 JUx LARHOV A JOHNSON cut rVe to all point, inni Famam. Tel. B2113 Mem ber American Ticket Broker' i n. PHONE 701 and a man will call and tun your piano; 33 Per3eld Piano Co.. Famam. L 4o THEATR TCA L masq. eoe'umes. U-bsn. 20-12 Howard. U-Mb1 TIAVI." way to health. 3M Bee B.'J THE Salvation Army eollclt caat-i(t clo'h ire; in fact s.iythlr.g you do mt "'d we collect renale snTaell for coit Of ". 1- lec'lrg to th- worthy poor Calipfoc si.u r,i wagon win alL - OMAHA Suunmritt' Institute. B k L' 461 CALENDARS and calendar pad. Purkiey JPrlntlng Co.. Omaha. L-Mn D23 I GUARANTEE to teach you French. S-nnii-h and German. F. P!'i r. Hi 8 2"th. U-4J2-27X WANTED, farmer who wnt to m more money to end for our rmPnl,tj "Thi One Hundred Per Cent Farmei. Correspondence Agricultural College. 442 Nebraska t., Sioux City, la. U-643 D3 MAflXPTir I'eafment ft baths Mm mrtUl C I Smith. Ui N. U. 1 fl P 2- HFf.P FOR THE DEAF. FREE TESTS Masacon cure middle-ear trouble. Acousticon aids the hearing a glas" do the eye. FKtcMon Acoutic Co.. N. Y. Life Bid;. l'hone 1099 U M3-W TRY KELLEYS LAUNDRY. 'PHONE-MO TRUSSFS md and fitted to men. women and children Ho. Farnam 3t. THE II J. PEN FOLD CO. ACCORDION and SUNBURST PLEATING. PUCHING BUTTONS Bend for price list and Samplea. THb GOLDMAN Pl.bATI.NG CO.. 200 Douglas Block. leL 196 U-444 TUB, vapor and alcohol baths. 720 S. 13th. DON'T fool with your eye; be careful who examines tnem; we test eyes tree wr glaise and guarantee t a ictlon. THE H. J. PENFOLD CO. Leading Opticians. 140s Farnam. U 441 XMAS presents, sterling silver and gold headed umbrellaa. Boston Umbrella Co., 6m S. 16th. U Mtf TRY Landreen's Antiseptic Hair Tonic. L 4it J-14 MEDICAL FOR WOMEN ONLY. DR. RAYMOND'S Monthly Regulator has brought happlnesa to hundred of anxlou women. No pa:n, no danger, no Interfer ence with work; relief In 3 to 6 days. W have never known of a (ingle failure. Mall orders promptly tilled. Price, $1 DK. R. O. RAYMOND REMEDY CO. H. 17, M Adams St., Chicago 464 DR PRIES treats ucctsfuly all disease and irregularities of women, from any cause; experienced and reliable. Addrea, with stainc. Dr. Fries, 1511V Dodge ft.. Omaha. PRIVATE home during confinement; ba bies adopted. The Good Samaritan Sani tarium, .2 1st ave.. Council Bluffs, la. TeL 77i 62 PRIVATE home during confinement; ba bies boarded and ad p ted. Mrs. GardelL a.'i t-nanca. 1 ei. a .nia. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR oALE. new and second-hand billiard pool tables, bar fixtures 01 al! kinds: easy payments. Send for catalogue. Brunswlck-Balke-Collender, 407 8. 10th st-, Omaha. Q MO COMPLETE line r.ew and Id-hand furni ture. Chicago Furniture Co., 1410 Dodg. Tel. 2020. Q-3S2 2ND-HAND safe cheap. Detight, 1111 Far nam. Q 133 Electrical Supplies at a Bargain We have alout Mi tee: 00 stranded electric light cable and ens fcoO ampere knife switch. Addrea Bee Building Co. or ar W. 11. Bridges, engineer. Bea buildir.g. Omaha. U oM SECOND-HAND STEAM FITTINGS FOR SALE 11 you want a oai m aicn. nuii.j caU snd look over the following supplies: J.u-lnch JenKlll Giobe valvra. It-inch Gate valve. 1 fc-!ncB Austin horlzonal separator. 1.4-lnch Austin vertical separator, i s II. P. horizontal engine. These have been taken out on account of changes in our steam plant and are In gooa tonamon. Aaurcw ties ui;amg Co., or ee W. H. Bridges, engineer. Bee build ing, Omaha. Q 412 TWO HEAVY STEEL HORIZONTAL TUBULAR BOILluRb FUR SALE. Two boilers, 100 horae power, which hav been used out six year, mad of firebox steel, triple rivoted but and atrap Joint. Insurance company permits of prsur of 1 3 Hounds. 1 hey are now In use aid can be keen at bolier bouse, rear of Be building. tan ie aonverea at once Call or address W. 11. Bridges, engi neer, Bee buiiuing, Omaha. Q Ml! 100 KINDS of MInetal Water. Sherman ft tlcCunnell Drug Co., Omaha. Q 394 6 H. P. ENGINE. W hava one lx-hore power horizontal engine. The entjlne ha never been used. Will sell It for about one-half price. W. H. Bridge. Engineer, Be building. Q 113 FOR BALE, leveral scholarship In a first class standard school In Omaha, compris ing complete course In business, short hand and typewriting. Inquire at He offlce. Q-853 CORN cribbing, tel. pole, long fir timber, cypress fence lath, S-piy wbltebasswood. 601 Douglas. Q 331 CUT RATE rallwsy tickets everywhere. P. H Pbllbin, 16u6 rari.ara. 'phone . SI-MW SHOWCASE, new design. 611 Paxton blk. Q-M'-oS JI WE RENT sewing mschlnes 75c week. We repair all make of machine. Sec ond hand machines $6 to tlu. Neb. Cycle Co., Tel. lotJS, Corner 15th and Harney. Q It FOR SALE. WE want to close out all our Violins, Mandolin, Guitar, and all small good, by Chruitmaa, and will sell at factory price. All show case and fixtures fur Sale at a bargain. Collins Piano Co., 113 S. 17th St. Q-662 PULLEYS AND COUNTERSHAFTS AT A BARGAIN. 10 Pulleys, from t In. to 4s In. In diameter, 1 Countershaft complete. W Feet 1 7-l--ln. shafting, with coupling and banger. 40 Feet 1 15-16-in. shafting, with couplings and hangei. together with about 3U0 fel ot beltlnc from 3 to 1 In. These arj all In flrt-claa condition. W. H. Bridges, Engineer, Be building. Q-U2 BUILDING FOR BALE. -room house, H. E. corner 2oth and Far nam Sta. Muet tie removed at once, riubmli bid. GEORGE ft CO., 1601 Far nam St. Q 166 11 FOR SALE Bhow ran. Albert Edholm, Jeweler, 107 N. 16th. 1 Q-191 FOR SALE Borne of the flnsft, best and most modern office furniture, practically new; Wernicke book cases, law ho.iks. desks, typewriter, filing cases, etc. Abo well established and well paying law and collection In. sines for pale; snap m right rty. Address U 42, Rev. Q-M226 27x CASH for 2d hand clothing. 301 Np. lot ri. Q-366 26 SECRET SOCIETY NOTICES ?tasal Teas pi. Car. 1tk ft r . " . P ' .... '. C hJA , N' A J A M pecn meet n M- nd.iv 2 n p rr w.-r In FfiW-'ri!t .i-,r,-. Visitors R .e. M 11 r KtlCHft OF PI Till I. .VEBRASK.V. St) I K mrrirg M tIjv evenirg. h.!. lAth and iMigla sr V A B Anl-rson. C. r R"y A. l-,.je. K R I. o. r. f. 9TATK I-firxlK. NO p M-e e v ri M -. diy in I i 11 F h :i n rf h t , r r Foi.rteenth aril f"'ig srrt ' M Coff". n. y 1 M I I v LA S A L E W SC ELLANEOUS OLDS GArX'iI.INK ENMINE and pumper are, 1p S-rit rha-rtlv tisct en".:v cheap. Ipt I'. 1 1 let Farnam -t W-M2JS 31 WHTTE ewing m;i-: ne. pair of Rag-lad portieres etc North I'th st . Q-111 ::x LOST U 1ST Roan geldirg. i ara old. mith hal-t--r on. B r- inl paid by H J. Hughe. n Douglas. Lost-I I LOST A wa'ch charm: rUrk Intaglio cut s;ave. Return to Guv Ri. hartls. Ilia d. 32d st . and receive rea.rd. lA)st-M230 2x LOST Small alilgator grip. prohaMv M S:xtenth and 1' aireefj Reward for return to P Cavanauch ft 8n. 414 Kar bach b.i- . Lost MI2ti 17 LOST-So.tch Collie n-alc dog. white breat and feet 110 reward If returned to 214 No. lain No ui.-st.cne sktl Phone . 1"'-9. I..'t-MCS 27x FOR SALE HORSES & WAGONS FINE $.175 pneumatic Stanhope, c-irlv new, H2-: ' P'i pr.eumntjr rural-out. tt. Drum-mon-1. l.ith and Harney. P 13.1 GOOD carriage, runah.ut. wig- n nnd har ness, cheap. Johnson A 1 1.1 nf..rM. 8 W. Cor. l'th and J-in.s Sts. P MS DM NEW sample bugglea nnd farm wagon for anle cheap. Andersen-Mlllard i'o. I'.ll Capitol Ave. P 121 U NEW piano tn trade for driving hors; pacer preferred. J. 8. Cameron N. 15' h. P-M213 SO DANCING ACADEMY CHAMBERS, society and stags. Tel. F1XTL -Ml 46 MORANDS mbl-wlnter term for adult beginner will open on Friday. January 6. Lesson Tu'sd-iv and Friday. 8 p. m. Save $3 by Joining the first of the term; success guaranteed Children meet Sat urday. 1 p. m. Private lesson dallv. Alw.iy open; Sundays 2 to 6 p. m. Call 15th and Harney, or tel. 1041. M-1H .123 FLORISTS HESS ft 8WOBODA, 1415 Famam. CHA9. EDERER. Reasonable. 30th and Bristol. Tel. 1796. M921 L. HENDERSON. 1519 Farnam. Bend for price Hit of cut flowers and plant. 464 ALFRED PONAGKUE. JR., 1607 Farnsm, -1 ei. iuu. DRESSMAKING IN FAMILIES Miss Sturdy. 'Phone A-27tid. M100 Jg MRS. M. E. OARCEAU. now at 32 Sher man ave. Tel. Red 4M8. All J12 Mr. A. W. Smith, reasonable. Sola Cali fornia. M37Z J13 FANCY embroidering. Mis N. Anderson, Z20 M. flu.J j:i When You Write to Advertisers rsmerrber It only takes an extra atrok or two of the pen tn mention th loot that you saw the ad. In The Be. GOVERNMENT NOTICE PROPOSALS for PAPER FOR THE PUBLIC PRINTING AND BINDING. SEALED I'rtcipOlAlJ3 will be received until January 12. 1. al 10:30 o'clock a. ill., for furnishing the PAPER for the PUBLIC PRINTING and BINDING for the yea." ending 2Mh of February, ISssJ, the said pro posals to be opened la-tore and the award o; contracts to be mude by the Joint Com mittee of Congress on Public Printing l.. the lowest anu best bidder lor the interest of the Government, the committee reserv ing to Itself the right to reject any and all bids, aa Us Judgment of the best lnleresU of tne Government may dictate. Detailed schedules of the description, quantity and quality of the paper required, accompanied by sample and blank pro posals, and giving the regulations with which bidders must comply, can be obtained by addressing F. W. FalnicT, fuuiic rriiuer, Washincion. D. C. The contracts will be entered Into for supplying uch quantities of paper as may be needed during the year and no more. The estimated quantities set forth in de. tail in the schedule comprise; yu.ouu reams machine-finish printing paPrr, 24X&. 20,000 ream machine-finish printing paper, ream lxed and uper-caletidered white or tinted printing taper, va rious sixes 400 reams antique machine-finish print ing paper. S2.6H) reum white writing raper. varloua izea and weights. 3.S00 teams colored writing paper, va rious size aril weigh' 6.100 ream cover lap.r. wrtou sixes and weijht. lO.noo pound of best plat paper. 2oo,CM pounds of best map ra;er 7u0,0H) pounds uperrttie isirij e ji:iJ double) coaled tKX'k pai'er 6.650 reams inatiiU p iper, v uncus ies nnd weights. 154.0UO pounds ii.ui. 1 paper JU.ISSI poUIHlS arillU'UC arv'1-rn.iu, -.tvi lxes. 4.000 pound parchment dvd . lO.ouO sheets plated bullet pa.tch. 14x21 Incite. , , ,, 10,OtW sheets hlgh-tini- i onion skin. 1JU Inches. 170,000 sheets card bo aid. various colors, sizes and vela;tits. S.aro.OOO sheet brlslol Lmard, van ui colors, sizes and weight 1,600 reatna rirst-rlas le!er p.irer. whits or blue, laid or wove, uiiou sties and weights. 1,300 reams serond-cbias led iter paper, white or blue, laid or wove, vurlous lies nnd weights 6.300 reams tissue and cop) Ing paper. 40 reams blotting paper, any reu.utre-1 color und eiet. tO I ream marble, comb and lining paper, various sizes. 770 reams typewriter paper, various el lea and wel-li-i. 1,115 reams letter, note and quarto-post piljier. 200 reams white French folio, 17x23 Inches. 26 ream extra 8. and C. tissue paper. JtxCi incne. 2.00O sheets parchment, 16x21 Inches. Proposal will be received for one thou, sand ream or more. By direction of the Joint Committee of Congress on Public ITintlng. F. V. PALMER, Public Printer. Washlnetcn. D. C, December 12, lWd. Dec-19-2ii-Jan-2. LF.r.AL NOTICE. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING Ofllc of Ie-Glus-Andretsen Hardware Company, Omaha, Neb., Dec. 11, la t -.Notice hereby given to the stockholder of the Lee-Glass-Andreesen Ilar-twaie com pany tnal the annual meeting or tne stock holder of th company will be held at the office of the said company, corner of Sill and Harney street. 111 the city of Omaha, In th stale of Nebraska, on Tuesday, J in. A 10, A. D., 1iq, at 8 o clock p. in., ior in purpose of electing a board of director for th company to serv during I tie ensuing year, and to transact such other business a may b presented at such meeting (Heal ) M J LEE, frldBt, W. M. GLASS, SecrU4l. M JM. I, Mil.