TITE OMATTA DAILY DEE: BATTJUPAY. DECEMBER 24. 1904. Gigantic Clearing Sale of Holiday Goods Saturday at "The Big Store" HOLIDAY GOODS IN OUR BASEMENT IRON &a IRON 2 ss-eX) 1J0OO SLZOS AMO COASTERS, Of alt Mnifc, sa snd wood frame, seme of the 1 Qr Iibiih t r brought to Omtht, up fram . . . w 1. If U I 1,500 Pars Barney 6 Berry Skates x Tha bail mads In iQ Amwlot, up from Razors and PocHre Knives W oatry fx Ur"at Um of wsrrsnt.d ruori In the Ity. Osme and soe nr new Baf.ty, tn;oiu can ,hj J1 HeotaatatoC new, 1,75 POCXHT BflTW-ffi here an endless varlsty, peari anq nnuine nannies, P'rj uua w ar il cot Mrrx we replace ll with a urn rirYfl v r ran: ns ime up (rota... 10c 309 Sff AbWu'i Bss? WirranHd Cirri ng Stt$ la Mm or complete f. Iwj, pearl or AQr Stag Ssailkes p from Coffee and Tea Pots Orer fifty different styles of Cof fee and Tea Pots In COPPER N'ICKEti plated engraved and plain, all slsea and prices. The Steman Coffee Machine Do you Ilk GOOD COFFEEt Coma and ea this machine. It beat thten all In poU.meq cop per or nickel plated, a ,7.50 Ana Christina present, at "v' Chafing Dishes and 5 0'Clock Teas W carrr largest line In Omabs. all ter- f J Q nun's best good, warranted, up from AIR RIFLES The Daisy and King gg GUNS AH kinds A good double barreled Q RIFLES All kinds of Winchesters and I -ft Colts, single and repeaters, P from TOOL CHESTS From 49c to Sip.OO-all war-ranted-WRrranted set In nice hard- e IS WOOd chest, for J.J UlJMillJL5ljvlS THE RELIABLE STORE. Dolls Must Go! YOUR LAST CHANCE BITOT'S Wo want to nxluoa onr stock fully half by Saturday night and In order to do so ws offer Books at ttM aonaatlooal redaatioiis. . ELSIB B0OK3 AT COST. LOUISE ALCOTTS BOOKS AT COST. ALL STANDARD BOOKS AT COST. Klallac's Works, oholoe KiaUars works, Vie ) r oSnndard Books A lao Toy Book ' at Ho Toy Bocks an. ... , 25c 9c 71c 10c $1.00 Copyright Books 2Sc at 5c Toy Books 2iC 10c Toy Books af- 25c Toy Books 12JC 60o Toy Bobks-1 ' 25C 5c TttlPPiB'iM to W closed out at 50 Per Cent Discount Sweeping price reductions all through our Immense doll stock. Fine kid body dolls with bisque head and pood regular $l.r0 values, at 69c Cloth and Wool Dolls No place in Omaha will you find such an extensive line. Foxy Grandpa, Dolly Varden, Jack, etc., at unequalled low prices. 75c kid body bisque head doll, great snap Sat urday, at 39c Sample Dolls in almost endless variety of style and very best makes your unrestricted choice of the entire line at Half Price Toys Pmmm T0YS Ml Kinds of Iron Toys at Greatly Reduced Prices. All kinds of Blocks and Games at prices which are sure to dispose of them rapidly. See them. Hobby Horses, Children's Desks, Black Boards, Doll Furniture of all kinds and styles, all at CLEARING SALE PRICES SATURDAY. STEAM ENGINES of all kinds and quit Hits at bargain prlctt. 50c Engine 25c BEAUTIFUL GIFTS AT HALF $2.60 Ladles' Toilet Caea. at 13.00 Ladles' Toilet Cases, at , $6.00 Ladles' Toilet Cases, at , $2.00 Ladles' Carriage Bags, at $2.60 Ladles' Carriage Bags, at $6.00 Ladles' Carrlago Bags, at $1.00 Ladles' Opera Bags, at $5.00 Quality Gentlemen's Combination Toll at Sets, ai 1.25 1.50 2.50 1.00 1.25 2.50 50c 24o 7c to Children's Initial Handkerohlefs. at 15c Ladles' Embroidered Handkerchiefs, at , 28o Ladles' Embroidered Handkerohlef", 12iC Ko Ladies'' Embroidered Handkerchiefs, 17C $1.00 Ladies' 'Hand 'Bags,' 50c $2.00 Me'n''s'Miiit'a'ry"Bro 1.00 $300 Men's Miil'tarr' Brush 'se's, 2,50 2.50 A FEW GIFT SUGGESTIONS FROM OUR MEN'S FURNISHING DEPARTMENT 1.50 AND $2.00 MEN'S SHIRTS in all the best pattern?CIO - and materials, your choice, of 100 doz., at ,..,Ov SILK MUFFLEKS in all the newest styles, white, black CA or fancy colored, at 98c, 75c and J"v FANCY BU6PENDEKS,'over 100 patterns each in sep- AQ0 erate box, choice, f 1.50, 98c and..., TC MEN'S GLOVES in Mocha, Lamb Skin and Kid, unlined and fleece or silk lined, splendid values, Saturday, at fS.OOj 1 (( fl.50 and ....IsUV 75c MEN'S GOLF GLOVES, fine quality Saxony, with A0 double wrist, all colors, special at TVv STYLISH TIES, we are headquarters for this line of goods, all stylea and shades, at from $2.00 to. Jj 1.00 TO $1-50 MEN'S UNDERWEAR, in fine California wool, Natural Gray," Camels Hair or Fancy, special at 98c J JJ SWEATERS for Men and Roys, over 100 patterns, in black, white and fancy colors, from $5.00 to. ......... J C Women's Ready to Wear Garments Splendid In Quality, Latest in Style and at Prices Unapproachable for Economy. Ladies' Suits, Coats, Furs The most magnificens line ever shown In Omaha, at prices which, quality considered, cannot be duplicated. See our offerings judge for yourself. You don't need to be an expert to immediately recognize the great worth of our offering. , LADIES' COATS In SO and 88-Inch A New Instrumental Success 1 2c "FIELD DAY"--12c Also the following at UHc per copy by mall, 14c: "Good Bye, My Lbdy Love," "Alawys In the Way," "Good-Bye, Llttlo Girl, Oood-Bye." "Satisfied1 "Bhe Was Worn Missouri ,'(, "Billy," "Uncle Sammy," "Troubadour," "Kate Kearney," . "Semi Bole," "Don't Cry Katie Dear," "When the Bees Are In the Hive," "Fighting the Flames," "Merry Maidens," "Underour:ent." All of these are regular 60o pieces. On sale on day only, at 12Ho per oopy, by mill, 14c. To Introduce FIVE NEW HITS we will sell them at to per copy, by mall lOo, for one day only. "Don't "Keep Me Waiting." "Down the Path of Love with Thee," "My LUUe Rag Doll," "I Wish I Didn't Have to Work No More." "Pork Chop la the Sweetest Flower That Grows." Your choice of any ladles' suit In the house, worth up to $15.00, g fJQ Your choice of any ladles' suit In the house worth up to $20.00, J2 CjQ Exceptionally Handsome Suits that sold at from $20.00 to $30.00 14 CIA choice Ir.!U lng Sale price Two Great Skirt Values HANDSOME SKIRTS In immense variety of style and 7 PA most elegant fabrics, regular $15.00 values, at f JU STYLISH SKIRTS In voiles, etamlnes, peau de aolea, etc., handsome designs, worth up to $12.50, choice.. .. . lengths, made up In fine kerseys with guaranteed taffeta lining, worth up to $12.00 Clearing Sale C 11 price D.UU LADIES' COATS A mixed lot, but all this season's styles, all broken lines. Dut wortn up to $9.00 Clear- 1 AA l.UU STYUSH SILK WAISTS In taffeta, peau de sole, etc., In all colors and black, worth up to $6.00 O OH Clearing sale price $1.60 albatros and venting waists, 6QC Special nducemenfs for Holiday Shopptrs in Our Children' Dtparimtnl. CHILDREN'S COATS In fri-Jses. Cheviots, , kerseys,- eto., well msde and nicely trim med, garments that sold up to O QQ $7.60 choice Saturday A.CJ $6.00 CHILD'S COATS 1.Q8 STYLISH 'INFANTS' COATSin' the very popular bear skin cloth, tome in reus blues nnd white extra special value Saturday, at ; CHILDS' COATS Worth up to $4.00. at WOMEH'S EIDER00WH BATH ROBES In reds, blues, pinks and grays. Just the ixlJZ .. 3. 98-2.98-1 . 98 3.98 1.00 4.98 Furs and Coats for Christmas Gifts LARGEST STOCK-BEST VALUES TO BE FOUND. lth six tails 1 4Q . 2.98 ...4.90 . 5.98 40.00 7.50 HANDSOME KERSEY COATS-Extra special Q Oft value Saturday at.- PEGGY FROM PAR IS COATS-In all the best and most pop ular fabrics unequalled values Saturday 12.90 PRETTY RIVBR MINK SCARFr-Wlth six talis .peclal at. .,...;, WOMEN'S 80-INCH CONEY BCARF at $7 60 OPOSSUM SCARF at t, HANDSOME ' FOX SCARF at A magnificent line of stylish double Fox Scarfs at W.88, $10.00, $12.;o up to $10.00 COATS--length, In fancy mixtures, velvet trimmed special at Interesting Saturday Specials IN OUR Ladies' and Children's Underwear Department LADrEB' VESTS AND PANTS-$1.60 quality, In natural gray C Q O n and scarlet, exceptional value, at f Jt'JOw LADIE8''COMBINATION SUITS $1.50 and $2.00 qualities, In Qn f Cft whlte and silver gray a snap at OL"I.IU MUSLIN UNDERWEAR The finest 11ns shown In the city and at prices which, quality considered, cannot be duplicated. MUSLIN UNDERSKIRTS Excellent quality, trimmed with deep embroidery or" lace, extra full and well made bargains at til HH $1.60, $1.98 up to . IViUU LADIES' GOWNS A magnificent line Just received, quality the best, trimmed with the very best laces and embroidery unequalled values fl A A A Saturday, at 08c, $1.60 up to IU.UU FANCY WHITE APRONS In the very latest and prettieat C Cflf designs the finest line ever shown In the city at ,..4Jl"'JUC A GIFT OF GLOVES Is appreciated by all ladies. An extra pair never comes amiss. LADIES' KID GLOVES in all plain or fancy stitching, two pretty )earl clasps, pulr LADIES' KID GLOVES in all the newest shades, at KAYSER CASHMERE Gloves, excellent quality, at KAYSER GOLF GLOVES, allk lined, at 60c GOLF GLOVES, strictly all wool, at 89c and colors, 1.50 1.00 50c 75c 25c 50c Misses' Golf Gloves In plain and fancy colors, special Saturday H? at 3C LADIES' FULL SLEEVE BLOUSE SWEATERS, worth up to $5.00. extra special Saturday at $3, $2.60 and MISSES' SWEATERS, in all f PA styles, at $2.00 and 1. Ju LADIE8' NORFOLK SWEAT- C A A ER JACKETS, all styles, at. .D.XfXJ 2.00 Your Last Chance to Buy Oranges, Nuts and Fancy, large, sweet, juicy. High land Naval Oranges, regular Itoc per dozen for Xmas, Otp dosea 'Jl Fancy new fresh almonds, Alberts, peoars, walnuts and Hra 11 nuts, mlxt'4. per lb IaiL Fanoy new Hallone eu OZ dates. lb, lor a.C5W California ngu, per paokage Fanoy new Colorado white jOlp clover honey, per rack Large, bright Cape Cod Ulr cranberriea. per quart S Tokay Grapes, Tangerines, Table Apples. Bananas, Eto. Everything that's needid fo? Xmas, fresh snd new at the lowest prloea. B" tut ay - Mow Drieit Fralta foa - Xmas. New lemon, orange or Qr cltrou peel, per lb Fancy seeded raisins, per 8C New California muscatel' fr raisin., per lb Hew English cleaned cur- 71n rants, per lb New California peaches, 7c p.r lb SC New Mulr Park I2ir! aprleo's, per lb a. 9 w New Vltglnlu raapberrlea, OCXn pr.?t c 12lc ...ic New Bart left pears, per lb New compressed mince meat,, per cackasje... Fancy ( tanned Uoods, eto for Xmas. 18 lbs. pure cane granu- f flA lated sugar for ,.. I.Vvl $-lh. cans solid packed 7i tomatoes a k l-lb. cans golden e 1 pumpkin ! S-lb. cans hominy, squash, sauer krai.t or baked 7 1 beans lib 2-lb. cans sweet sugar corn z-iu. cans tarly June 7Xr sifted peas if C z-lb. cans fancy wax, string or lima beans. Malta Vita, torce, Xcejo, Epg-o- .ee or Dreaaiasi oat meal, per package.., l-lb. Jars pure fruit Jam Large bottles Queen olives Pick lea, assorted kinds See our Full Une of Fancv New Assorted Cookies and Crackers for Xmas. - 74c .7ic .7ic Epg-o- 74c 7ic .lUc ,7sc Fancy Groceries for Xmas- YOUR MEAT SACRIFICE FOR XMAS DINNER. Turkeys, ducks and geese all our own killing and dressing. No cold storage stock, but fresh, round, fat stock. Pork loins Pork roast No. 1 bams, Cudahy, Swift and Armour brands .... Ex. fancy bacon, Cudahy, Swift and Armour brands Ex. fancy bacon, Morrell's Iowa brand Farley lamb legs Fancy lamb stews Mince meat , ' Headquarters for smoked and pick led fleli. Fancy cheese from all parts of the country. 7c .... ..6'c I0!c lie 121c 9c 3c 8c Special Cut Rates on Gold and Gold Filled SPECTACLES' and EYEGLASSES No extra charge for re- fitting after Xmas. Opera Glasses at Reduced Prices. For a Gift A Nice Suit Case. Is Just the thing; we have them in all styles and sizes, from $25.00 C A down to leeJU A specially handsome line of filled cases, linen, leather or satin lined. See them. Trunks, the quality of wlHch 1 CA Is unsurpassed, at $30 down to.LJU Grips In all styles, A.(n at $17 down to fU V Extra special values In suit T CA cases Saturday, at $4 U ana. .m r v Hats of best quality at $5.00 down to Caps for men and boys, $3.60 down to , 1.50 19c Big Sale Christmas Slippers Slippers of all kinds at less than the cost to make. Tables piled with fine slippers priced within the reach of all. . 1 tan or black All the $2.25 and $2.00 slippers, tan or black All the $2.60 and $3.00 slippers, ? Oil tan or black tJM 1.50 1.25 ...98c ...69c ...48c All the $1.50, $1.75 and $1-95 slippers, tan or black All the $125 and $1.40 slippers, tan or black All the $1.00 slippers, tan or embroidered . . . All the 75c slippers, tan or embroidered Men's, women's and misses' fleece lined velvet slippers Women's BEST quality knit slippers, all colors 39c 98c Women's hand made bedroom slippers, Ofis silk pompom ZfOC The BEST arctic for the money made 1.00 Women's, misses' and child's fine jersey XC1A leggings, t9c, 40c and JJC New Xma styles lu the ULTRA shoe, 'Z PA ultra In style aud quality, all leathers. .J, 03 Omaha agents for the STETSON and CROSSETT shoes for men and tha ULTRA and GROVER shoes for women. V ' See Sixteenth street window. JUDGE BAKER STATES CASE Old Omahan Tells of Tronble Over His Jtdioial Foiition. BLAMES FACTIONAL POUTICS FOR IT 1 - ' Learn Restgnatiom la Hands of Presi dent, Who Has Not Yet Ac cepted It Fatore Coarse Not Certain. udge Benjamin S Baker, accompanied by Mrs. Baker, arrived In Omaha Friday morning from Washington to spend Christ mas with Omaha friends. The Judge was warmly congratulated many times during the morning by Omahans over the happy outcome of the charges preferred against him as associate Justice of the United States supreme court in ' New Mexico. Jude Baker said: "The whole trouble was the result of fac tional fight n the republican party, and aimed at me because of some decisions that I had rendered. The result of the decisions necessarily was against one faction ana SUMMER PLEASURES are mcntially out-of- door ones. Alf the'active sports make the bath a luxury; add to its delights by using HAND SAPOLIO, the only soap which lifts a bath above a commonplace cleansing process. . and makes it a dainty delight. V V' V , : ; for the other faction. No one knows how bitter the fight between political factions Is in New Mexico until he has seen It. It is nothing to assassinate a man's character or reputation if It will aid a political fac tion, and, in fact, they sometimes take life, growing out of political feuds. The charges preferred against me at Washington were of no consequence. I was told by the inspec tor of the Department of Justice If there was anything to answer I would be given the charges and evidence that I might do so. I was never furnished with them nor given an opportunity to refute them. The first intimation I had concerning the matter was a wire from the attorney general that I had been removed. I took the train the following morning for Washington. Attitude of the President. ' "The prealdent had refused Senator Mil lard and others to consider the matter at all. In fact, he stated that tha Incident was closed. The entire Nebraska delega tion was before the president asking that my matter be held In abeyance until I reached Washington. The president re fused to do It. On my arrival In Washing ton I went o see the attorney general In company with Senator Mtllard and Con gressman Hlnxhaw and went over the en tire matter with the attorney general. The attorney general admitted that he had not read any of the charges or the evidence. I then went to see the president In com pany with Senator Millard and Congress man Hlnshaw, asked for a hearing and was granted one. "I told the president I was not asking for mercy, leniency or favors. All I asked was un opportunity to present my side of the case, feeling assured that when I could do so, he would recall and revoke his order of removal. The . president an nounced that I was entitled to a heartngf, and to cut the mat tier short. " I was given a hearing. The president imme diately revoked the order- of removul and I was reinstated. "The summary action of thr president, as well that of tke attorney general, was the result of -ptriitreat treachery among men in blgh places in the territory, who had professed to be my friends. It will be observed that In the first Instance, that the president and the department of Justice gave me a certificate of hon esty and integrity, but that ns I was not vigorous enough, they thought some other man ought to be sent there. ' No Crltlrlsm of Roosevelt. "The idea that I am not vigorous enough to answer the requirements of any commu nity is quite ridiculous among those who know me. The president was quite ns will ing to correct an error as to do a right. I have no complaint to make of the president. After my reinstatement on account of the action taken by one member of the su preme bench, as well as local conditions, knowing It would be unpleasant for me to continue In my position, I tendered my resignation, to take effect upon the ap pointment and qualification of my successor. . "I have not determined what I shall do In the future. I may remain where I am In Alburquerque and go Into the practice of law. Almost every man I meet upon the streets of Omkha Is begging me to return here, yet I have not decided and will not for some time as to what course I shall pursue or where I phall locate for the future. I was much pleased at the upris ing of the people In Alburquerque upon re ceiving the information that I had been removed. I nave more friends and supporters- than I had any Idea that I had In that community, and I am more than pleased at the hearty reception of my friends In Omaha." "When do you eipect your successor to be appointed and qualify?" was asked. "This I cannot answsr," responded the Judge; "in fact, my resignation has not been accepted by the president, so far aa I know. The quicker my successor Is ap pointed and qualified the better it will please me," Judge and Mrs.. Baker will leave for New Mexico Monday nlght- Toys for the little ones, misses and mas ters. We're headquarters. Come see them and the toboggan slide mechanical toy win dow. Orchard d: Wilhelm Carpet Co. CCRNISH H0WE FROM EAST Itns All Arrangements Complete for Openlnir of Carter White Lead Works. The Carter White Lead company will re open Its Omaha pla,nt January i, with a full force, working full time. For two months workmen have been busy preparing for this resumption of work, and while the factory has not been Increased In capa city, the machinery and equipment have been thoroughly renewed. The repairs are now complete. Eighty men will go to work In the plant on the opening day under Frank Barker, who Is to be the locil man ager. It la the policy of the company to take on all of the old men who can be found in Omaha and who have been work ing at other occupations since the East Omaha plant shut down a year and a half ago. President E. J. Cornish of the company returned Thursday ,rom Montreal, where he has beeu superintending the completion of the new works there, which are to opsn In February. "Omaha Is my home." said Mr. Cornish. "It h the finest climate anywhere and Is the pleasantet city to live In. I am an Omaha man first and last. But, while I shall continue this as ray home, I shall be able to spend here only about one week in four and will divide my time between the head office and works at Chicago, the new works at Montreal and the Omaha plant. The reopening of the plant here Is permanent and comes because we have passed the capacity of the Chicago works. This happened last year and the company had to withdraw from the sale of dry lead. Now the company believes by the sale of some dry lead b'uth the Chicago and Omaha plants can be operated to fun capacity. "The suspension before was due to the fact it was more economical to operate one plant ta its full capacity than two at half capacity. The Omaha lead manufactured by the Carter process was put Into the market orst at the time ot the formatloa of the Lead trust. We have always had to meet opposition because we manufac tured lead by a different process. The orig inal Omaha plant had a capacity of 500 tons a year and the Chicago and Omaha plants now produce 20,000 tons. "The new Montreal plant Is the only cor roding works In Canada and Is of sufficient capacity to supply the Canadian trade. We went there becauie fhe smelter Interests of the Dominion sent a representative to the United States to investigate the lead com panies and decided our process was the best." We admit of no peers, kitchen. Omaha Candy Toys! Toys! Toysl Last call you'll have to hurry. Our stock Is yet complete. Many bargains to be found here In pretty and popular toys that will gladden the hearts of the little ones. Or chard & Wilhelm Carpet Co. Cut glass. Frenzer, lith and Dodge. Get your candles at 610 No. 16th St. Marriage I. Iren.es. The following licenses to wed were is sued up to noon December 23: Name and Hesldt-nce Age. William E. Wharton, Frontier Co., Neb.. 43 Catherine Meade. New Hampton. Ia Charles Fowler, Omaha Bertha Mcintosh, Omaha Charles E. Unch. Belmont, Neb Amy Underbill. Belmont, Neb Donald Q. McKay. Omaha Nellie B. Allen. Omaha Frits Stagun, Onnha Mary Mose. Onmha SI . 20 . 34 . IS . SS . 30 . 40 . 24 18-K. Wedding Kings. Edliolm, Jeweler. IIRS. VYIHSLOV'S SOOTIIIKQ SYRUP msa kM aaed by MIIUods of SoOwn for u.lr oLlidnui wliii TUUu for ow Fifty T. IT suotfcM to ebild, r-rtus lb gunx, ail.r. til twin, euros tud eUlu, ad Is Us ..EEJ-rA.-. . Hlardv's THE 89 CENT STORE" 1313 DODGE ST. Clearing Out All the Toys And Holiday Goods. Santa flans wares at prices tbat will clear then ont quick. Nowhere In Omaha can yon pick j from tacit a clean, reliable stock, nd at such bargain prices. Here are a tew of them. There are hundreds of others equally srood. .FASHION IN HAIR Glva ft woiui a bwaiitirn ha4 of Hair, and Halt tha twill of lauty woa. Ijium baautiful TUiut tint, rih hroii i .h del, mailow guld ffecta, warm chcitout huet, at prolu4 only by 'La Imperial Hair Regenerator Til. Slma-larrf H.lr Coloring for Grav or Blru fc4 H.tr. Make, the h.lr oft .nd .1ot. bnu. f your l..lr color.fl fre.. Send ft.f inphlct. f apcrUlClicai.lHlf.Ce.jSW.2.aSt.,Nw Verk ' Sbtiuias 4k MuCuuu.lt !' Co.. letn 4k iw)t. osj. 50c Folding Beds, closing them out at 60c Doll Cabs, with wire wheels, closing them out at... 2f.c Drums, with sticks, closing them out at 25c BlHsell Carpet Sweepers, closing them out at 60c Kid Body Dolls, rurly hair, moving ey.s, closing them out, UK dresved Dolls, fire brick closing eyes, clearing them out at 25c Oames. Isrge slse, clotting them out at .10c .25c . 10c 10c 25c heads, 25c ..10c Come early If you can. to trade In the morr.lngv It's easier For Menstrual SupprejsiotiHr.. mom ....rh.. inii-T a rSoiit ) I lull .poeia. m-.. - w FOR 50 YEARS THE STANDARD .2) rnneitai ttra dry CMAMPA5NC SERVED EVERYWHERE an CHICKtrsTirVU gNSLISH Pennyroyal, pills ,r.-V risl n Only Uoaalso. Fful. ur.B ..4 4.0IS imliu lu. m.,.4 k rj .Ilk kl..rl.. T.t,...lk.r. K.hu 2 ii BaboiitaUoa. aa4 Inalta . (K ttMt. S. f fo.r ir..gi.t. r m4 4 m I J( "l k KartLalar. TontlmaalaU BV f? M "krlloT for l.,ll.-.'M k r .Ki' tara Mali. IS.nilUTr.Uovi.l.U. k-.J kf ' p. ,',... . airar.i.r I katlral f m svotta Ut Skwai. M4Ua kaaarm- i'iUi. f-4 f tm I to yt-9 M J OMra-m- la M -V fM4 m struts. I J IVsrtWlS fsuMtriM- iTrMt.AMCwMK.Atr-,. MErUNDWOMni. (Jm Bit' (or nnD.tnrai SiKhars. isfisuioiallonii. irrltattoo. .f ulnrt.aw lA inucoai DjaibraBB. Pai-il..., a.d sot arto gant or poi.oauus. old by AnasslstS. or aDI la '' "Pfral t, 0 r.as, kr.r.id, imt SI SS. or a bottU. SJ.TS. t4J.ulaf Saa V UllStl