9 THE OMAHA DAILY HEE: FRIDAY. DECEMBER 23. 1904. 1 GRAIN' AND PRODUCE MARKET Evils Claim Korthwetn Mills Will Get Winter Wbt I U3T PREDICTEB .OR RED RIVER CROP orriga tarn Demand t trrai M Maa 4 ergee Reported Cars ftaart Are la Traattle. OMAHA, r.. S. 1H. a shortage In 'milling wheat wmch will put many of the winter wheat mill out of ouslne In from lour to six wwkn ana keep other wording half time 1 one of ihs nuii (rinmfnTi aovanced. it la raij t,. northwestern miller will have a monoj.o.y ot tne nometlc flour trado from renrury to July, i hey will. It tn said, have the iiemand ana price shout as they want them. .Tn northwestern miller r ab sorbing all the high grail Canadian wneat. Kant untarto la aald to be nam emi.ty nuw of winter wheat. The .Minneapolis wheat dock have increased .'.' uusUeia In hire days and It la thought by aoma to be a question If there la storage capacity there and at Duiuth. Caxelulneos was manifest Wednesday In the purchase of low grada wheat bv mill agents. They aermed to prefer only the hign grade stuff, waterman, the Albany miller wno took tna wheat on the July delivery this year, has lieen credited with having a line now of l.'W.OW bushels. The Minneapolis Miller sys the flour output for the week de pressed 15,'Mi barrels. The amount u 13M.2MI. aa against 241,4) for last year. 'I here ha oeen a neavy lalung ou m t orders ln-e the first of the month, but I he demand la still fully up to the average for this season. The milts thla year will slop for only twenty-four hours holiday In place of the usual six days, Prof. iac Mlllan of the University of Minnesota rinds every Indication of disastrous wheat rust In 1:. which will materially effect the crop on the Red river valley. Ha liaa madt a long study of the Indication and rays the farmers must got new eed. The De cember wheat In Chicago opened up at II 134. slightly stronger than th Wedne clay close, and advanced during the early hours to 31 144. The market waa narro and professional and a number of atop order uncovered easily broke It to 11. II1. J.ater It rallied a little and at noon stood at II 13. That European and Argentina com stock ar wel; used up there seem little doubt and tho foreign market must turn to America for Ita corn until the new Arger, thi crop come in. The outlook la goo.) and large amounts have already been en gaged for shipment. Oceau ratea have ad vanced and the shipping companies are some of them unable to take more grain. New York reported a cargo Wednesday- for Russia and a cargo of No. 3 yellow waa sold the same day In Chicago to go from New Orleans in March for Roumanla. Chi cago I aald to have aold 75u.or bushels during the day. There were plenty of ac ceptance today of corn on Wednesday's advance. With the strong foreign and do mestic domand, if the farmer do not sell more freely, a further advance aeems prob able. The car shortage will contribute to tnia. it la aiao going to pinch aome ot the abort who have corn In the coun try, but cannot get It to Chicago In time to have it cleaned for December delivery. The ahorts who have drying house will come out all right, but the great majority will have to go In the open market and cover their lines. The December advanced a point before noon. The oat market I stirring a little. There haa been a considerable buying of the July and It la said to be for Cudahy. Thla haa brought the remote option more strength than the near by. The Omaha Oraln exchange, together with all of the other grain markets, except Minneapolis, will close both Saturday and Monday. Minneapolis cloaea only the latter day. O ana ha Cash Salea. Wheat-No. 3 hard. 1 car, 57 lb.. tl.004; 1 car, 56 lbs., 8Sc. Corn No. 3, 1 car, So, 1 car. Xc. Oaaafca Cask Prices. WHEAT-No. 3 hard, T.K!Q1.: N. hard. 36cifi.0l. No. 4 hard. 9j94c; No. I spring, ai m. COK.N-.No. 2. c; No. 3, 38439c; No. 4, 3T4d38c.; no grade, 83'(i37c; No. 2 yellow, 3c: No. 3 yellow, SSc; No. 3 white, 39c; No. 3 white. 38c- OATS No. 3 mixed, 28c: No. 3 mixed, 27c; No. 4 mixed. Ho; No. I white. eVci No. 3 white. 284c; No. 4 white, Zl'&bJh:; stand ard. 2s"jc. .. . , Cartot Receipt.' Wheat. Corn. Oata Chicago 44 60 72 Kansas City SO 6 Hi. Louis 27 53 57 Minneapolis 4S3 Duiuth 60 . Omaha 25 125 8 Ural a Markets Elsewhere. Closing prioea of grain today and Wednesday at the market named were aa follows: CHICAGO. :ioe- to choice. llV; state, late made. wtj.a, tani y. !; ti. po-T to prime. a)vc. rut 1. 1 1; V Ail. easy; mstern it.lik- n, sv; foals. li'jr; turkeys. L'sl-ic. Ir"1. steedy; wesiorn cnlcken. !" loc, towl. l"ljl"4c; turkeys, llsc. ( Hlf AUO 4.RAH AID PROIIMOH a hi reatarea af the Ttadlag and tlealag Trieea an Board ef Trade. CHICAGO. Dec. 21 Indications of in crsing shipments troni Argentina had 'HKning iiiTuence on th wheat hiftrK"t here too-4. At Ifte c.use May wneai was on !. torn Is Uuw n ,c ts are prac-tirai,)- unchanged and provisions 'tS.'i: lowr. The wheat market wa strong at the orenlr.g. May being up 'viSc ' liU'W I K1 strength at Liverpool, r"ulting from a report of unfavorable harvest watner in Argentina, was the principal soi.ne of the Miiii.il flrmnees. For a lime there waa f.ilrly active buying by commission houses bud bull traders. Shorts were urgent bid ders for the Dec'mtwr delivery, causing a sharp upturn in the price of tnar mouth. !! fore the demand w tlfl-d May had advam-ed to tl 12". As the session pro- sri-ssd cnnsld'Tabie pressur. of Iecembcr offerings dovflopeil, causing a reaclnn. loiter in the day the d line in that de livery became quite pronounced, and In consequence distant futures were materla.ly affected. Halllng sales by pit traders aeut the price of May oown to II. IIS Argentina exports fur the week were estimated by a British crop expert at l.a).i bushels ami as the previous week's shipments were .l -tM) busnel eome selling done on that account. The market closed eiisy. with May at II. US Clearances of wheHt and Hour were equal to J bushels. Primary receipts were 773. fro bushels, compared with l.ll,:ini) a year ao. Minneapolis, liuhith and Chicago reported receipts of W cars, against V.7 Inst werk and Hf'i a year ago. Covering of Iiecember by ahortsi caused a firm tone In the corn market early In the day. The flrmnesa wh made noticeable In view of the local liberal receipts. I.ater in the day offering became quite free and In consequence an easier tone developed. May opened unchanged to 'c higher at 4TH !47.o, aold off to Vr and closed at the lower point. I.ocaI receipts were cars, With 3 of contract grade. The feature of trading In nats was the buying of July by a local provision Interest. As a result of thla demand the market was firm throughout the entire session. May opened a shade higher at 31Hc sold between 81ti3H4c and 314j.Hc and closed at 31Wc L"'-a receipts were 72 cars. The market for provisions was dull and the tendency of prices was downward. lwer prices for hogs at the yard, result ing from liberal receipts, were the mnin In fluence. At the close Mav pork was off nc at Ilj.g7i I-ard was down ic nt 3T.1W 7 124. Rib were 6f7Hc lower at W.'iTMi 170. , Estimated receipt for tomorroa-: Wheat, 3C cars; corn, 4M cars; oats, 7fi cars; hogs, JT.nnohead. The leading future ranged a follows: Artlcle. Open. High. Low. , Cloe.( Ye y. Wheat December May July Corn December May July Wheat May , July ...... Corn July Wheat May July Corn May July Wheat May July . Whtat May Wheat May July Today. Wedy l.U' .. 1.U4A 1.1W KANSAS CITY. 45B 4r,A Ju7A 4aB 8T. LOLIS. .. i.n.-n 4-J 1.03'i ".4 114-.B 1 14H MINNEAPOLIS. 4.1 40 A W'4 45H 4a !. DULL'TH. 1.13H l.U:, 1 .1.14 1.12 NEW YORK. l.U'H 1.13 .... 1.12T. .... l.ft! 1.131 1.03 KEW tORK GRUERAL MARKET ttaetatlea Varlaa of the Day oa Coaamedlttea. NEW YORK. Dec. 2J.-nx)i;R-Recelpts, M.211 bbla.; exports. 12 M bbla. The trunkal wa quiet and steady; Minnesota pat ents, I6fc(.lu.; Minnesota bakers, $.Vf 4 7a; winter patents. 35.86; winter straight. 36.2S6S.4o; winter extras, 3.ti5rJ4.:; winter low grades. 33.4514 1 0. Rye flour, quiet; fair tu good. H."ii4.r0; choice to fancy, H7M54.0O. Buckwheat flour, quiet, t.lo.j 2 20. CORNMEAL Steady: fine white and yel low. II J04J1.36. coaiae, 31.24&1.M; kiln dried. 32 aft 3.10. flYK Nominal. HAKi.bl uuiet; reentng. 44'e. c. 1 r.. Xork; malting. 44tt61c. c. I. f.. Buffalo. WHEAT Racelot. &7.UU0 bu. Snot mar ket steady; No. 3 red. nominal elevator and II ll'i f. o. b.. afloat; No. l northern Du iuth. 31 22' f. D. b.. afloat: No. 1 hard Manitoba. 31. OA f. 0. b., afloat. Optlona opened ateadler on unfavorable Argn.lna weather news, steady cables and smaller northwest receipt. ILter they eaaed off under prospects for liberal Argentina ship, menta and liquidation. clJslng partly c net lower; May. ll.US-dl 131,. closed at I112T: July, II lu'Vrl o.'. closed at 1.U2; December cloaed at 31.1V l.'ORX-Receipts. M.7a bu.j exports. I7.23 bu. Spot market Arm; No. f. &S'c elevator and USe f. o. b.. afloat; No. 3 yellow, Wc; No. 2 white, Uc. Option market wa quiet hare and barelv steady, closing r net lower; May. 1',iii61 V-'. cloaed at Ilc; December cloaed at W'ic OATS Receipts, 34 &u0 hu ; exporta. 2 ?JS bu. Spot market firm: mixed. 26 to 32 lb., X43c; natural white, to 32 lb., Mj3,c; clipped ahlie. a to el lha, Si4o-. HAY Quiet, shipping, tui4c; good lo choice. T7ti6o. WOPS Dull: state, common to choice, ISM crop. u37e: 19 crop. j.13c; old. 14c; Pacific coaat, II04 crop, 2!3c; crop, ii.l. ; olds. 14017c. H IDEH Quiet ; Galveston. 20 to 15 lbs . lc: California. 21 to 26 lb.. 13c; Texa dry. tt n IK... J4ic. LEATHER Firm: acid. !44?2c. PROVISIONS Heef. steady; family. 311 V 12 U; mesa. 3iSn; beef hama. 32 Ofsfl 2J.0O; packet. 11 1 100; city, extra India mess. 14 j-fll4&-i. cm nit-t. dull: pli '-.l liellie. 37.2fwMn: pickled shouldera 3.7S. pickled ham. 33. OA. tju-d. quiet: western steamed. 37.6: rehned. steady; continent. 47 : South AmerU'n. IK; crnnnoiind 35 12. )i.it. Pork, quiet: family. 314 ft jrl5.i4); short clr l t.TMtl 40; mw. 311 13.73. TAIXOW-Steady; city. 4Se: country, 44i ' RC" Firm: donien .luvn nominal. KTTTr'H rirn; street price extra ream-rv '"-i;7c; "ff-fl-l price, rreanierv. xtr. KULU'jc. i:iji;S Dull: we:rn Jaucy seletfd. 3.; -.ier set'.ae best. 7c c"H F.KE rlrin: state fill cresm. tnall : September, colored and whir, farev. ljc; ' 'te, U; ma le, poor to choice. I'tfJUc. I t, liit 8iemeer. colored and white. I aey, UHc; tata, 1st atad. colored, f uod I Wheat Deo. May July Corn Dec. Mhv July Oata lec. May July Pork Jan. May Lard Jan. May Rib Jan. May I I I 1.14V M0, 1.104 1.134 I I I 1.12V 111S 1.114 1 98-,! 9841 M'l'sfWi i I I 47V 45, 4.4 4;'i 46V I 4oS 454 464 41 454j4l454i4l4ee4 I.I I 24 Vli .114 3144 314 314 1134-y 11.11, I 1.124' w-v-i: 47. 4S4'o V. 464'a : 4544ti! I I 4' 294' 29' 31S JIU-?!1, im'aW 31?4 314 314l 12 56 12.66 12. 524' 12.35 12.574 12.924! 12.924! 1274 12 8741 12. 924 t.K .74 6.35 . 90 T.I24I 7.124; 7.10 I 7.124 T U (.4241 fi.45 6.40 1 6.4241 6.724. 6.7:4! 6.674I 6.70 6.76 No. 3. I Cash quotations were as follow: FLOUR Steady: winter patents. 35.10 426.20; straights. H.HZ.(i; spring pat ents. 4.90j5.Jo; straights, 34.60fj4.90: bakers, 2.7j3.80- WHEAT No. 2 spring, l.Vfjl.l3; No. 3, Serf II. 12; - red, 11.1241.17. CORN No. 2. 4t44c; No. 2 yellow. 664c. OATS No. 2. 294c; No. 2 white, 314c; No. white. 30411 31 4c. RYE No. 3, i3c. BARLEY Good reeding. 374318c: fair to choice malting. 41tt48c SEEDS No. 1 flax. 31.16: No. 1 northwest ern, 31.234: prime timothy, 12.724; clover, contract grade. 312.75. PROVISIONS Mesa pork, per bbl.. 111.35 4511.46. Lard, per lno lb. J6.30. Short ribs idea (loose, ti 2MW.374.- Short clear aides tooxeaj. K.M).ra. Flour, bbla,-... Wheat, bu Corn, bu Oata, bu. Rye. bu Barley, bu. Receipt-. Shipment 33.300 ....5S3.700 : I ....124.a .... 2.KI0 ...123.700 17.2nfl 49.1fi0 246,700 107.30) 4.600 27.200 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market wa steady; creameries. lt$ 264c: dairies. 16 22c. Eggs, steady, at mark, cases Included, 19; 22c; fresh, 22c; prime Aisla, 24c; extras, 26c. Cheese, steady; US 12c t. Leal Grata and Provisions. .ST. LOUIS. Dec. 32.-WHEAT-Lower; No. 3 red. cash, elevator. 11.144; track. 3114461 15; May. 31144; July, 964c; No. 2 hard. 11.101.12. CORN Lower; No. 2 cash. 43c; track, 44c; December. 424c; May, 434'S'434c. OATS Steady; No. 2 cash. 30c; track. 81c; December, 30c; May. 314c; No. 2 white. 32c. FLOt'R Steady. Red winter patents. 35.23 4j6.40; apeclal grades, 35.6uti6.ti0; extra fancy, 34901495. SEED Timothy, nominal: 32.0iKtj2.4i. CORNMEAL Steady; 32.40. BRAN Dull; sacked, east track. 9c. HAY Firm for lwt grades; timothy, 37.00 13 00; prairie. 36.rvti9 SO. IRON COTTONTIE8-93C BAGGING 7e. HEMP TWINE 64c PROVISIONS Pork, unchanged: Jobbing. 111. id. jRr. unchanged; prime ateam, I jo. Dry aalted meats, steady; boxed extra short. 16.75; clear ribs, 17.124; short clears, 37.374; bacon, steady; boxed extra, 37.624; clear ribe. 37.874; short clear. 38.124. POULTRY Dull and weak: chicken, 7c; springs. 7c; turkeys, 114c; ducks, 10c; geese. 74c BUTTER Steady ; creamery. 20T204c; dalrv, lu'aiUo. EGOS Lower at 22c, case count. Article. . . Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbl 7.009 11.000 Wheat, bu. 27.0 24.0i Corn, but 63.(s 41.tW Oats, bu SS.Ono 17.UU0 Kansas C It j Orala and Provisions. KANSAS 4'ITY. Dec. 22. -WHEAT Steady; December. 31.034; May, ll.ir.T, 1.03; July. 904 Sic; cash. No. 2 hard. 31.04.fr 1.06; No. 3. 3101104; No. 4. 93c4j31.Qli, No. 2 red. ll.OTen qK: No. 3. fl.nj4wl.0T. CORN Steady; December. 4"14c; May. 4248424c: July. 424W4l4c: mixed. 414c; No. 3, 41g414 4c; No. 3. 414141 4r. OATS Firm No. i white, 2 mixed. 31c. KAY Steady: choice timothy choice prairie, li ims.uo. RYF-8teady. 75'. EGGS Lower: Missouri and Kansas, new No. 2 whltemood cases Included. 21c: case count, as-: cases returned. 4 less. BUTTER-Cramery, -'ltik.tc: il-lry. 17c. Receipt Shipment. Wheat, bu 3S. 4f!.nt1 Corn, bu w.ono I4t 401 Oata, bu &.11UO 8.0OU rash. No. "j No. 2 white. 314ft 32c; No. 39.0119.75; Mlaaeapall Grata Market. , MINNEAPOLIS. Dec. 22. WH EAT De cember. 31 09; May. 81.134: July. 31 1141.12: September. V.Kc; No. 1 hard 81 124: No. 1 northern. II 1S. No. 3 northern, II O64. FLOUR First putenta, ."..'C'Uii.i: secend patent. 35.7605 85: first clears. I4.1594.36; second clear. t2.702 . BRAN In bulk. W.i. Phlladelalila Prednee Market. PHILADELPHIA. Dec. 22.-BITTER-Firm; extra western creamery, 141 ; extra nearby prints, lle ' EGGA Steady nearbv fresh. St mark: weetern fresh. iMV. at rnark CHEESE Unchanged: New York full creams, fancy l.'4c; choice. 1P4i12c; fair to good. 11bH4c Mllxnnkre Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. Dec. r.'.-WIIEAT-Dull; No. 1 northern. II Ufil.15; No. 2 northern. 1 .mVtil.ua: May. II.H4. P. YE Dull: No. 1. 7i4- HARLEY Steady; No. 2. 52c; sample M tiajic. CtlRN-FIrm: No. 3. 4:Hj44c: Mav, 454c l.lvereeol Grata Market. LIVERPOOU Dec. 2. WH E AT-8pot. nominal; December, nominal! March. 7 14d: May. 7s 14d. CtRN Spot, quiet: American m'xed new, 4 74d; Amines 11 mixed, old, la mt,l. Future ateady; January. 4a 4d; March. 341 NEWYORRSTOCkS AND BONDS Market is Supaat I ad Price Lttel Agtin MoTts Downwarrl. . DULLNESS DUE TO APPROACH OF HOLIDAYS Entire Lack ef Participation ef Oat. aide latereata (asses Inrertala and Flatterlna Mevement of tslae. NEW TORK. D.'. 22 There wa a fur ther downward swing In the price level to day, but the trading became so listless nd nearly stagnant as to demonstrate the In ertia of the mark-t. The languid Interest Is attributed by the hopeful element among the traders to sensonable cause. -pecially the near approach of a triple holiday and the week Intervening between Christmas and New Tears, slth the usual attractions to draw away attendance at the Stock ex change. This element continues to talk In sanguine strain of the upward price move ment which Is to follow the holiday inter val. At present operation are In the hands of smaller professionals. The entire lack of outside participation In the market leaves no medium for working In and room traders And no adequate returns In dealing with each other. The fluttering and uncertain movement of prices Is a natural result of this state of affairs and does not need other explanation. Actual news developments ' certainly played little part in today market. The unfavorable influence of the report of the commissioner of corpore.llons lingered and the subject whs actively discussed In all quarters of the financial world. The method of proclamation of trouble to come In the market which ha attracted so much atten tion of late, had some revival. It wa cei-suiere-I thiit the published exchanges which have grown out of this attack have not conduced to stimulate general operations in the stock market owing to the revela tions made by some psst transaction Jrom which analogies can be drawn to arouse suspicion of new movements. It had been loudly claimed by some enthusiasts that the Re-idlng dividend was to be at the rate or 4 per cent a year and the announcement made yesterday afrer the closing of t'nj market of a 3 per cent rate brought a good desllng of the stock, whether by those who had foretold a 4 per cent or by those who had bought stock from the m did not sppear clearly. Th additional advances In lines of Iron and steel products did not hold the pi Ices of the United StHtes Steel stocks, and the only news of condition that could arconnt for their heaviness was of the trouble from drouth and wuter supply for mills In western Pennsylvania and easter'i Ohio. The report that anthracite mines would close down during the holiday modi fled the effect of the 'report of very active demand for coal. Some further gold went out. but large ar rival of gold from India were reported In Ixndon and sharp rise in sterling at Ber lin marked the cessation of the German capital demands for gold. Money here was extremelv easy, but without power to stimulate the' stock market. The market fell Into practical stagnation In the latter part of the day and cloaed heavy and llfe tes. Ronds were easy, with total sales, par value. 32.SS5.0r). United State bonds were unchanged on call. The following were the sales and range of price) on the Stock exchange today: saies.Hign.iw.".iPe. ll.mio KVi 44 l.ooo 1014 11 4.70) 994 99 1"1 994 1.500 130 100 190 fail 47 43 l.nn 224 9.) U4 124 190 1!) 464 4. 424 424 7R 214 21 200 2m'4 2i34 2(44 8.1') lt4 14 14 &) 'iiV 31 ii 700 12 224 S2 694 34 !) 186 11 214 224 SS 36 18a Atchison do pfd Baltimore & Ohio.... do pfd Canadian Pacific Central of N. J Chesapeake ft Ohio.. Chicago A Alton do pfd Chicago O. W Chicago N. W C . M. St. P do pfd Chicago T. & T do pfd C. C, C. St. L.... Colorado Southern... do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Delaware A Hudson. Delaware. I & V.. Denver Rio Grande do pfd Erie do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Hocking Valley do pfd Illinois Central Iowa Central do pfd K. C. Southern do pfd L. A N Manhattan L Met. Securities Metropolitan St. Ry. Mexican Central M. A St. L M.. St. P. 8. St. M. do pfd Missouri Pacific Missouri. KT. & T.... Jo pfd N. R. R. of M. pfd... New York Central... 1 9r) I404 1394 1394 611O 7.10O J.7i0 1.200 :4 744 544 87' 34 734 634 11 22 s94 224 694 354 1S3 330 .7H 36 74 64 90 in) 934 934 93 1.100 1634 1334 1334 ..." 13 .... 654 .... 70ff 62 62 52 2l 1384 134 1394 162 TOO 794 7S4 78-4 6.400 1214 13f4 121 3.100 204 194 204 68 'iilO " 89" 89 89 3.I0O 1084 i4 14 4' 314 304 30 62 394 Norfolk & Western do pfd Ontario & Western.. Pennsylvania P., C, C. 6 8t. L Reading do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Rock leUnd Co do pfd St. L. & S. F. 3d pfd St. L. Southwestern. do pfd Southern Pacific do pfd Southern Railway.... do pfd Texa A Pacific T.. St. L. & W do pfd Union Pacific do pfd Wabavh do pfd Wheollng A L. E.... Wisconsin Central ... do pfd Adam American Express.... I'. 8. Express Wells-Fargo Express Atnelga. Cnpptr American C. A F...".. do pfd American Cotton Oil. do pfd American Ice do pfd American Unseed Oil do pfd...... Amer. Locomotive.... do pfd , American S. & R do pfd Amer. Sugar Refin.. Annconda M. Co Brooklyn R. T Colorado F. A I Consolidated Gas Corn Product do pfd Distillers' Securities. General Electric International Paper.. do pfd Interna Mortal Pump. do pfd National Lead North American Pacific Mail Peoples Gas Pressed Steel Car.... do pfd Pullman Piillc Car.. Republic Steel do pfd Rubber Good do pfd Tennessee C. A I.... I. 8. leather -. do pfd V. 8. Rfulty V. S. Rubber do pfd I. S. Steel do Pfd.....:.. "... Westlnghous Elec... Western Union Ex-dlvldend. 1.O0D 78 4 78 78' 92 l.iioo 44 40 40 17.1X0 13'-4 1354 133v 200 78.800 M 4-n lO.lnO 200 76' 1 774 91 82 334 86 74 7.4 904 81 4 3i4 85 13 76 9i 14 81 33 84 664 3ii0 244 234 24 65 10. 800 634 624 l.Cxi 1184 114 11 4 2,oi") 34 3-'.4 334 S"'4 D 34 34 3:14 434 200 524 53S 334 2J.7'' 114 14 l'4 60 96 96 934 lm 214 21 214 2il 424 4-'4 42 184 W 214 '-'14 24 444 236 :i3 .... 118 237 654 644 65 2.4ml 344 334 334 70i1 f;4 924 9'.'4 1.600 364 314 .... 91 5i) 4 64 ii4 I.O11O 384 374 374 13 37 044 SH l8 1024 4.500 4 794 794 100 113 113 113 17.4m) 148 1414 1414 2m) inn 100 f . 3.500 694 i3 394 4.2m 454 44 444 12.7"0 196 li4 J9I4 5i i0 :4 24 20 1.200 794 7S4 79 1.5m) 37 3;4 364 Iml 1834 184 18.; 3m) 144 24 24 SiO 774 77 74 38 4m) 244 lm) luu 1.40 23 jm 5t 164 16 ! 4.7"0 S.iaj) 264 934 71 144 83 24 .... 414 lrnVi 134 .... 384 .... H za 1"4 674 234 694 14 26 934 694 14 7.1i) I014 Kurt, 1014 .... 77 ... 314 93 94 : 28 9is 94 w l'o 9.4 934 944 28'i 1.400 90 NTA CO.imi 914 lm jar) 100 9.'4 "00: government securities, unchanged. The proportion of th bank s res.'rve to liabili ties thL week Is 41 S per rent, aa com pared with 43.37 per cent last week er Tark er larhet. NEW TORK. Dec. 32. MONET On rail, reedv at 24-fJ4 per cent: closing bid. 1 per cent: offered at .'4 Pr cent; time ns. easr; sixtv ilavs. ninety days and six month. S4'flSU per cent . PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER 44T 44 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Firm, closed easier, with a.-tul bu1ne-s In bankers' bill at 14 "?o for demand and at 14 M-5 for slxtv-dar bills: posted rate., 34 834 and 14 ; commercial I. ills. 14 '44. SILVER Bar. 614c; Mexican dollars, 484c BONDS-Government. steady: railroad, easy. Total sales for the dav. 413. 500 shares. The following are the quotation en teek and bond: r . nt la. re....l4'4 t v. unl. lfMI -winninin n ..'.... . rentrsl 4s .. 1M4' 4o 1st '.nc ljna 'S!l I, 4 1VH M . K T. 4l . . tM de . IMSj N. 1 R. tf M r lSHu '. Y C. It. 1L,S K J r. t. .. , n s. t. 4. a 4t . . M r Is 4 o cauti A ml rg 4 rot on Is sw 4. r . 4o riMjpe 4o eld 4. reg. .. 4e euiq Atrhlsna n. 4 . l sdj. it tiil- r u 4.. Bsl 4k Uhl 4s .. in t',t Centrsl of Us. e t IK Inr Ches. Ohl 4 'n finmu a A. 3u. . B Sc q n. 4. r. M a 9 T. c 4. No Ps.'ifJ' 'in 1. ... r a w. ... - . 41 s. w C. R. lap. 4o rol. Ss ere. t n u 1 t nlcaxo Tsr. 4s. . . Con. Tchsre 4. . . Colo. 4 D A R O 4s .. T.rm print Mr 4p. do fvn. 4s r w n c 1. Hoiking Vtl. 441 Hid. 4s. it . m 41 St I. s w. 1 Srt CIS,. Am "rti a p is T . St L A W t'nlltl Psrifl 4s '' I do ronv. 4 .J!1 r "el d S .'W.hs.h la n'S do n.h B A I. K 4s W Wis. l entrsl 4a Ill Volo. Fual r ta rtfa :s4 74' 1 : 7 4 4 tl . . 1"I .. l.'4 .. 1KV ... 75 ...l! .. 14 .. iH llS 4 4 in lll'i ; 1K! 1I"S 14 47 S4 M 14 Boston BOSTON. Dec. cent, time loans, 34i6 per cent. cmsmg or stocks and bonds: teek Market. 22 Call loans, yat At hisnn adj no 4s Me 1 Sutra I 4a Anhiann do pfd Boston A Alhanr. Hostna A Maine... Postos Klevated .. Ftti'hbtirg td Meslran central . N T.. N H A II Pers Marnnetl . t'flton Ps, ifto Asier. Ara. t'hem do pfd Amer Pneu. Ainer. eucar . do pfd Amer. T A T Amsr. Woolen do pfd fiomlnlon I. A F.dlao F.lee. u Mass. Klertrlr do ptd Mass. flas I nltad FYult t'nlted Shoa Marti. do pfd f. 8. Stael do pfd W eating, roaimnn Bid. Asked, . .Id!, . 75 . "4 to', lVni 1M .140 Tube. SK. "IS 134 144 M't ,. 1TV .. 11 . . 57 .. S7 ,107 .. nt .. II .. JS Advanfura A lion. i Amalgamated ... Am.rl.aa line .. AtlanMr Rlra,ham al A Herla ... Centennial Copper Rane . ni wt Iomlnlon Coal 74 Franklin 1S Oranrr Isle Rnrale Msm. Mining Mirhlsan Mn4ak Mont. r. A C... old Pomlnlon "s.e..la Parrot Qulnrv shannon Taniaraok Trlnltr t". . Mlnln .... r. 8. Oil ftah Vlrtorls Winona "S' Wolverin X) per Official ... 4S ... its ... .', ... U ... lS't ... H . . .ass ... jv ... 4 ... 11V ... (4 ... 1., ... 4- ... :n ... S ... ... 4 ... 4'a ... :', . . i ... M . . .14 ... '4 . . .114 ... 4 ... :m ... tt ...41 ... 414 ... tl ...104 OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Light Btcaipta Ctnaed C.Ul Maiktt to Sal Activ and Fully 8udy. HOGS CONTINUED BOWNWARD COURSE Only a ten f at sheep, nasi l.amhs aa Sale and Ther "renakl atrona ta Dime Mlalier Prleee. reed, ers Jest Akeat tedi. SOIT11 OMAHA. Dec. a. HM men saw no opporloalty to prevent th de cline In view of the unfavorable advice from other points. The bulk of the generai run of hog ld at 34 374. with the choice hog lrgev at 34.40 and from that up to 34 4.V On th hetr packing grade pack ers were In aome case bl.1ilng a low as 14 3.V The big end ef the receipts was dis posed of In fslrly good season, but It w rather late before a clearance wa made. The same as yeterdy. the close ws slow and weak At noon Cer were st:il several loads In flrt hands. fr which packer were offering trly 14 IS. This meek ness on the roe today make the greral markt MSloc lower than yesterday s aver age, with the rang rf prices from 14 1 to 14 474. the latter price being paid for a choice load weighing pounds. Repre sentative sales; Receipt aere. Office; Monday tvcisl Tuesday OfTlcj Wednesday Offli-lnl Thursday .. Cattle. Hogs Sheep 3 370 .. 1 745 .. ton 3 10.4S 11.4k1 13.t") .1.702 i..'H l.tO' Four dav this week...HX S.V . Same davs last week 1.74 33 5fo a.M Same rlav week before. .15. 4S1 41 2 17.I17 Same three week ago... 1 03 S..t:tl fame four weeks ago 24.17 . 34.iW Same day last year .729 Ls.Sa4 l-'.sll RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. The following table show the receipt of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to dote, with comparison with last year: 14. 1)3. Cattle W2.S17 l.o.Vt.15.1 Hog I.2Ts.'H 2.175.wl Sheep 1.747.214 l.M7.6;l The follom-ina? ) tile show price of hi'gs at i.uth Omaha for the laat cverai days, with comparison": Date. j 19"4. ISrC. W2. ). 1S IM- Inc. Dec. 126.3-V, 30.J7T .; the average Dec. Dec. Dec. l)ec Dec. Dec. Dec Dec Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dtc. Dec. Dec 1 lec. Dec. Dec. Dec. I Ice. I... 3... 3... 4... 4 42: 4 36 OS I 4 Ol 3 T4- 3 3.... .... 10... 11... 13... U... 14... 15... li... iV.'". Is... 20... 21... 12... 4 44, I Ui t ua t K I M 4 4'ita, 4 4ii 14. i n. 4 64, I 3 J I 4 43 22 i 32, 4 t, 3 31 4 414 4 371 4' 6 , 4 77; I W' 3 17 C 4 M I W I Oo, I SI, i M' 1 07 4 JS w; 111 ! 12, ( 13, 4 Si, ' 14, 4 o2, i !. ). 4 7 Vl I 3 Bal 21, 4 31 .1 4 S&4I 1 M ,4 1, 4 3oT! 4 32; 4 314, 4 33 4 34, 4 4; I 4 47 4 434 4 4S 4 11 4 4i 4 i 4 4 ) 4 414, 4 , 4 44', 4 3n, I 2lf 4 3 Si 3 30 3 3 -A 3 31 3 Mi . 3 i 3 3 3 0i 3 33 3 !s I 39 4 4 6)',' I 444 4 X. 4 ' 4 :4 4 3U t Pi, 23 n l.i ti I1 I a 1; K,' 1 4 84 lfc!lli . , 4 Ul 3 91 34 in l i b e4 a i; 4 S2 I ,.v I 77 4 ;, 4 si 4 . I 3 2 3 9 3 2 3 4 4 m 4 V2, 3 2 3 24 i .12 3 M Xeer Yark Mlnlna Stork. NEW YORK. Dec. 22.-The following are the closing quotations on mining slocks: Adama Con Alio Rraee Bninawtrk Con Cnmatork Tunnal ... Con. cal. A Va 14" Horn Sllror 150 iron Sllrer 110 LaadTille t'ott 1 Offered. Little i hlaf ... Ontario Ophlr Phoenix Potoal Savage Klarra Nevada Small Hopea .. Standard .. I ..375 .33, .. I .. 12 .. la .. 37 .. 25 . .200 Indicate Sunday. The official number of car of stock brought in today by each road wa- cattie.itogs.sncep.ilorsea. C. M. a- St. r li Wall,, ah 3 3 Mo lac. Ry i 3 I nlon Iac. System.. 3 23 J 1 C. N. . K 4 12 K., E. M. 22 43 1 C, St. P.. M. & 0 14 B. M Ry 23 22 3 C. B. ft g. Ry 3 10 C. R. 1. ft P., cast.. 10 i C, R. I. ft I'.. west.. .. 2 Illinois Central 3 Chicago Gt. Western. 13.. 5 So at. tk Pr. ia 4 4i ... 111 n . r nt . . 4 n i . 27 fl 4 4 is a.. n rst i? m ;.. M a 4 U 41 . 45 171 Ton 4 ,u tf . U 141 H lli rt . 47 170 K III M . 4.1 jal .) 4 M 47 2 ... 4 Sa . 5 !1 ... 4 I W.. 21 ... 4 17', r . 41 Jt$ . 4 : 74 J47 4 4 J7L, M . t n 4 f7i, 7 . ta . . 4 I7 M . 44 2(4 4 4 J7' t . 72 ?vi joa 4 rri, 44 . m 10 4 j;'t at.. tt ! 1M I IK, A. 7t : as 4 7i, a. . 3.t ... 4 STiaj . 17 240 4 r4 4 . 1 lit n 4 t7', 4 . a an iri, f . S S" ... 4 7S u 44 t 2l 4 .ft 7 . 47 I"7 ... 4 37' 14 . tt 24 ta I 17 M . 4! 244 an 4 ITS 41 244 4 4 17', "7 . 1 MS ... 4 174j Tt.. it J4i 4l 4 17a 71 . 23 271 ... 4 f7aj 44.. at rrt 124 4 T, 4t. 7n 2J ... 4 171, .. 247 IKI 4 7i, 11 . 74 17t to 4 rj', 7.. 4J 241 ... 4 74j It.. n ?5i an 4 371, tt . IS 271 ir 4 174 t 24 ? 4 171, SI.. 41 274 an 4 17', t 4 S6 140. 4 IT, 44 . 4 264 40 4 n4 . 4 271! . . 4 7v, t'. . tM 12 4 371, II.. tl 324 114 4 471, t7 M 321 . . 4 7, 4t . 41 r3 SO 4 27V, 17. . 43 23 4 4 17", T7 . 2 tor ... 4 37', tt . 7 2t lm 4 17V, 73 t 21 1 4 llv, (2 14 l4 1H 4 37', ?n 4S 4 IM 4 374 (4 7 K tan 4 I7H ,,'' 4 4 Wl HIV, 4. f-t 271 120 4 37', M ' 4 2tn ll 4 r;v, 7," 4t r4 40 4 37V 7," 7 r im 4 371, ti " 74 24t lie 4 7v, ti ?W I2 4 S7V, an ; : ... 4174 $4.. K 21 12(1 4 37V, 7? 234 4 37, 44. . S4 24H 4 37', 7. . SHEEP A verv small At 311 .. 274 .. lit .. 2l ...27 .. 3' .. Ill . . .?4 .. Ill . , 4S ..121 .. tit .. 7S-3 . ..14 ...:- .. .211 .. isa .. kt .. to ...17 ...1 ...247 .. 211 .. t ...r.t ...314 ...IM .. r .. 214 ...317 ...241 ...177 .. 23 .. 22 ...tl .. l?t .. : ..217 .. 2M .. .2 ...244 ...171 ...214 .. f ...221 ... . . 2M .. 2 ...let .. IU .. r-o ...in ...Bl ...244 ...tt .. IU .. tot ..111 ...144 ..'.14 ...tit ...111 ...174 ..7 ...tot k 12 140 ISO a tad it it to to in to 12 44 rr. 4 371, 4 17V, 4 37V, 4 rs 4 37v, t I7S 4 17V, 4 37', 4 7 4 37 , 4 i:4 4 174 4 37., 4 til, 4 T, 4 374 4 174 4 31', 4 37 4 4 374 4 174 4 40 4 4A 4 40 4 4S 4 4o 4 a 4 40 4 40 4 4 4 4 4 40 4 4 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 44 4 4 4 40 4 4 4 n 4 4" 4 44 4 40 4 44 4 4 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 4o 4 40 4 40 4 4A 4 40 4 40 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 40 4 414 4 434 4 42 4 4 424 4 44 4 44 4 41 4 a 4 474 Total receipt 83 The disposition of the day's receipt was a follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head indicated Buyer. On, a, ui Packing Co. Swift and Company .... Cudahy Packing Co Armour ft Co Cudahy Co., Sioux City. Armour ft Co.. Soo City ansant & Co Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Ko 1,ji2 2,2o.i 2.r!M M 2.579 67i 1. '4 2. 1 446 tio 234 Foreign Financial. LONDON. Dec. 22MONE T-Monev wa in demand In the market todav. Discount were steady. The sum of lo.ti'4).0"t In gold from India has been landed t Plvmouth. On the Stock exchange trading was un eventful, the fog being a deterrent to busi ness. Consols were fairly steadv. Hume rails were depressed on poor traffic returns, the principal companies showing big de creases. Americans opened weak and mostlv be low parity, the market being unsttl'ed In sympathy with Nw York. Trading waa Inactive and prices closed steadv. For eigners were dull. Russians were wenk. Japanese were Arm. Imperial Japanese government sixes of 1904 were quoted at i?ERLnf, Due. a. Trading on the Bourse today waa light owing ta the fact that the holiday has begun. PARIS, Dec. 22-Tradljijr on the Bourse today was Inactive. At the close the tone was Arm. following a contradiction of rumored International disorder In Russia. Russian Imperial fours were quoted nt M.06 and Russian bonds of 1904 at fyij The pnvHie rate ot discount was i 9-16 cent. per Statement Bank, of Fraare. PARIS. Dec. 21-The weekly statement of the Bank of France sfiows the follow ing change: Notes In circulation, decreased 3i.225.OOf ; treasury accounts current. In creased 12.075,CX)f; gold in hand. Increased l.auri.Ouof; bills discounted, decreased K.S'iO. ttwf; silver ln hand, decreased 926,000f. Treasnrr Statement. WASHINOTON. Dec. 22 Today's tate ment of the treasury balanees in the gen eral fund, egcluslve of the 3150.Jf)0") gold reserve In the division of redemption, shows- Available cash balance, 314",977.74o; gold, 32 977.476. Coffee Market. NEW TORK. Dec. 22 COFFEE-Market for futures opened steady at a decline of 5ifr2i) points under active liquidation, pro moted by the lack of responees in the Bra zilian markets to the recent gains In spec ulative circles. Indifferent European cables and moderately full receipt. Trading waa very active. Importer appeared to be buv Ing on the Initial decline utid shortly be fore midday three or four brokers with Im portant Wall treet connections entered the ring and bid ln a sensational manner with prices goig up In Jumps to about the pre vious high point, or a net advance of some Midi points on sale of the active months. Shortly after midday this aggressive sup port was withdrawn and the market again sagged off to very near last night s point, was rallied again ln the later trading by a renewal of Wall street buying and waa finally steady, net unchanged to 10 polnta higher. Salea were reported of 304.760 bags. Including Jan.. 7.3Mi7.55c; Feb.. 7.7uiji7.7i-; March. 7 tru7.P3c: May. 7.9ti8 2ftc; June, 8.0V; July. 81trn;830c: Augurt. 8.45c: Septem ber. 8.35j8.SOc: November. 3.4o(I.6a:. Spot Rio. steady; No. 7, 4u. 24 73 92 1 44 71 12! !' 195 21 152 Carey ft Benton Lohman ft Co McCrearv A Carey... IV. 1. Stephen Hill ft Hunttunger . H. F. Hamilton 1 F. Husx Wolf ft Murnan J. B. Root ft Co 2 .... B 8 3S Hagerty Other buyer Total , 2.352 13.429 1 431 CATTLE The supply of cattle wa again small and with a fair demand trading ruled active on desirable grades, with prices fully as good as yesterday. Some of the trslna were late In arriving, but aside from those an early clearance was made. Cornfed steers could ssfely be quoted steady todav and some sales were perhaps a little stronger where the quality and weight Just happened to suit haiyers. Most of the cattle on sale had been fed but a short time, but still there were some cattla good enough to bring 35. Warmed-up stuff sold unevenly, the same a usual, and trad ing on that kind wa not particularly ac tive, but price were steady on the average. Buyers took hold of the cow stuff quite freely and the market could probably best be described bv calling It steady to strong. All the buyers seemed to want a few, and the light receipt forced them to pay strong prices for the kind they all wanted. The less desirable grade, though, did not how a great deal of change. Practically every thing wa sold at an early hour. Bulls, veal calves and stags aold without a great deal of trouble at generally steady pricea. The demand for atocker and feeder from the country yesterday wa fairly good for the time of the year and as receipt were nnt nt oil hesvv thin mnmhii the market ruled active and atrong on the better grades with other about steady. Repre sentative sales: BEEF STEERB run of sheep r- nvea tnt morning and, all th packers needed tesh supplies, the market ruled ctlv nd higher. Some ales. In fact, showed considerable advance. Good stuff, however, waa rather scarce and that wa particularly the case with lamb. Some Mexican wethers were sold to arrive st .V 40 from the same lot as those that were here on Tuesday, but they were not heavy. Colorado fed wether brought 5.;J and some fair lamb 35.75. With the excep tlon of a few late arrivals everything was disposed of In short -order. A compared with the close of last week the market 1 all the way from luc to 26c higher, so that a good share of the dtcllne of the latter part of last week ha been regained. There were not enough feeders here this morning to make a fair test of the mar ket and th prices paid looked Just about steady with yesterday. Quotations for fed stock: flood to choice yearlings. 4Vi.2fylj5.41); fair to good year lings. JS.(Xi6.2i, good to choice wethers. 14 905.16: fair to god wethers, t4 664J4.fi: good to choice ewe. 14.15434.35: fair to good ewe. 33.90i74.15; common to fair ewe. 33 6053.91): gocd to choice lambs. KOOtf 60; fair to good lamb. IS.75'8.0rt; feeder year lings. f4.264J4.4at; feeder wether. I4.164.4): feeder ewe. f3s2R43.n6; feeder lambs, I8.0O9 6 60. Representative salesi No. 1 Colorado fed ewe 231 Colorado fed wether 258 Colorado ewe 6a! Mexican yrarllng wethers 3M western lamb A v. . 90 . 97 . 98 . 84 . 55 Pr. 4 60 5 2i 4 25 f 3tl 5 75 CHICAGO LIVK STOCK, MARKET Cattle Steady, Hog Flee teal Lower, Sheep Stroag and I.anana Higher. CHICAGO. Dec. 22. CATTLE Receipt. 8,510 head: market steady; prime to good steer. 86.2oitl26: poor to medium. 83.8.va 6 80; stocker and feeders. f2.164?i4.15; cow. II. 36-6441); heifers, f2.lYsti6.fl0; canners. fl.S5 z.40; nuns, n vmi.w, raives. n is. HOGS Receipts, 38.000 head; eatlmated tomorrow, 30.0O head; market 6c lower; mixed and butchers 34.30434.80: good to choice heavy. l4.aOU4.65; rough heavy, fl.sWu' 4.40: light, f4.10dj4.45; bulk of salea, 4.3ilJ SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 10.00 head: market for sheep strong; lamb. liKi lie higher: good to choice wether. 84.otf 6.16; fair to choice mixed. 33.75434.06; west ern sheep, f3.5oS5.15: native lambs, 4.75tf S.85; western lamb. f6.5043.7t. Nc 10... 24... I... t... 1... 11. .. I... At lKVt MS 1.170 V 1020 S34 15i 1219 Pr. I Hi 3 13 I !. I 23 3 M 3 (0 3 P) 3 7' Mortal Market. NEW YORK. Dec. 22 M ETAL8 The London tin market ruled firmer, with spot advancing ahout 1. while future gained half as much, the former cloning st 133 5s and the latter at 131 10. Thla steadied the local market, which continued quint and closed at 21s&2.3nc. CoDDcr wa un changed at N6 for spot, while futures were j f 1 . 1. V- I ' " 1 O . wt " ill Hie l jUIIUUII market. Locally the market was dull and nominally unchanged. Lake is quoted at I1487'4ivl5.1:4: electrolytic. 114.75! 15 L4. and casting. 1 4.5iij 14.75. Lead wa unchunged at (4.6ii 4.74 In the local market. IxmiKm reported a slight advance, with imot clos ing at 12 lis 3d. Spelter waa also un changed locally. The London quotation re main at 24 12s tid. Iron closed at 6.' lid In Glasgow and at 49 In Mlddleaboro. Lo cally Iron was unchanged; and firm; No. 1 foundry southern and No. 1 foundry south ern soft r quoted at 317.25 '0 17.75; No. J foundry northern. 81i.5tv317.2o Dec. 22.-METAL8-I.ead. ST LOCIS. steady; 4.&ri4.6T4. Spelter, higher; fo.80. fair to extra, 4tf rive: Ualafa trail- Market. DILCTH. Dec. 22-WHEAT-To ni v . ......I, ..... ai . - v . l a IIV. . . IIVM'lirTII. , II. '4V On traik: No. 1 uorthern. ll.ifs:' No. 2 northern, 31.U34; December. Jl i4. May. 11.124 4.1 ATS To arrive and on track. Teled Need Market. TOLKIai. O.. Dee. :t S KEP--1 r. , esh and Deoemler. . 1.1. 4. Fenr,; uv :94: March. 18 C4. Alalke. prime. Y.. TlavtuUiy, prime, U-Iti I I eadon stork Market. LONDON. Dec. 22. Cloalug quotation on ' mil, nnu wv',... Console, money.... tt 1-1 UUnola Central 1H do k'-fovint M 4-14 Lmia. A Veen 14, Anarosda -S 34.. K. A T ii, Atenieon 474 N T. Central 143 do pfd .l"4- Norfolk A W. a" 4 HauiTo.irc a- muii i". a so Did Ontario A w 4V, I4anaylvaiila Rand yinea 174- HeadiB K a do let p'd -I'a do d Mil oiitttern Rilierar "7't e pt4 7a souther? PerlS, .. ivo I a: m fa, tftr SM.VEK -Bar. etc u1- ;6 3-;j per ounce. .viv. r. 1 -'v'i r I cent. The rate .if di-' "ui i -n tlie nun uwrket for rhort bill J l.'.-lSii" lfr cent, for thre liit i tl r b lls. a4 per . e ,t. Canadian Peitfe Clwa A Oioo .. l'hl' o ftt W . c . 11 a i p. IWIW-s I), mr R U do pfd Ffle eo' l pl.t .. do ZJ put 144 414, W 114 414 414 344, l Bnk af Catl'al Ktate 'enl. I )Nr ... I n 2. - - r ne-' ' tat. f i t ,-f ..- Hi: 1 I I'i it a;-,l n'oa in f. I'-.e i, . T 1 ,- , .. 1 . tlccn aieil 12 ;-"v . r .'':' r -...,! ilttx u; " ' ; ' 7" " "": o 1it mi 11 r - li . inre-s " -. I- 1 r J , i. 1 de- l 4.1 t:. I . , ' at f i.cr.H ed "-'" i-fi'. i ! ..,,! ..21'..- agar and sTolasse. NEW YORK. Dec. r.'.-fll'GAR-Raw. firm; fair refined. 44c; centrifugal. Vti test. 44c: molaaaea sugar. 44c; reflTied firm: No 4 4i6c: No. 7. 7c: No: 8. 4 ()c; No 9. 4.85c; No. 10. 4.S0c; N. II, 4.7Cc; No. 12 I.Sftc; No. 13. 4.56c: No. 14. 4.5oc; confec tioners' A. 5.Suc; mould A ik-: cut loaf. 14V; crushed. Sic; poadered, 3.75c; gran ulated, 6 Hoc: cube. l.i'H- MOLASSES Finn; New Orl-sns, or en kett'e good to rh"lr. 3tM7c. NEW ORLEANS. Dec. 22. SI'GA R Mar ket Arm: white clarified. 4 15-lhflic: open kettle. 34i 44r : " oten kettle centrifugal. 44 a 44c: centrifugat whiles 4 13-1 tic; yel lows. 444.c. seconds, 34d44c. MOLA4SEt Msrket ouiet; open kettle. luej'Jvc: entrlful. 74'4ftr. Syrup, steady at 2.1;-'. t'attoa Mrkel. NEW YORK. Dec. " 22. CiTT( IN Spot clobed quiet: middling uu'and. 7.6uc; mid dling gulf. 7.85c; sale. 4tai bale. NEW ORLEANS. Dec. '.'.-' "OTTO N Eav; mu-s. 4,f) ble. K-rflnary. 4 1I-I,-: good ordinary. c; .tw middling tc; mid d'lng. 73-Itic: good rnl'kllii'g. 7 7-lc; mid dling f--l" 715-Idc; receipt. I7,;ig bales: stoi-ir v n hales LIVERPOOL. Dec. 22 TOTTON-tinot In model s ta demand r-ertcan S'idd'lnc 4nd: th sale were tx ba. ef hl.h "iri were mercsn: re'"iiua. 3. Tito hales. Ir-'Miirg 8 b.' Air erica " I.'t"IS Dec. -t'OTToV-yulet; ronrket 3.1;V- '(,' r-b'dlif g TS--,,.; pa'". -c-; ror'lpts yt hr'es. shlp-nent, pi 1 l-:t-k .35.112 bale.-. Peur,4 (.ralH Mtrkel. PEoi:IA. Dec. 22.-CORV-I i,n.r; u 4-4c. No. 4, 414 , no gtadr. 4 4,, is 131 4 it i 0o 1 23 1 IJ0 1 2i I J0 1 to 1 7if) 1 SO 1 1&S0 I to 1 H i 1 46 1 li0 1 u 1 HO 1 75 2 H0 1 7S 3 t"0 1 7J 1 320 I 7S J 1C20 1 74 4 1117 1 75 1 W I 40 1 41 I ID 2 310 2 M 1 36 JO t IM I DO 1 1170 1 00 I too I II tl 1001 t II 1 0s4 t II 1 10VW I 35 1 1010 I 8S 1 110 J It t ttO 3 J 1044 I 23 14 1WS I 34 It Ml 8 15 3 tost S 3i 1 1064 I 40 Jl W I 4S 1 120 I 41 10 til i 40 I liJ.i 1 So tl KH3 4 Of 24 1173 4 II 4 1014 4 M 1 141 4 Ml 44 124T 4 40 ?: 1144 4 40 40 1311 I Ot S AND COWS 34 1211 4 44 COWS. 1 to t 40 I M3 I 40 1 12.V) I 40 14 lOt'7 S 70 1 r.-O 17 34 1110 I TO 1244 t 74 1 1310 t 74 It... 1034 I 75 1 140 K) 8 I HO I on 1 1J--0 I no It 1IH3 t 10 t 12(4 I 10 1 llro 8 3 t tol I 40 t '44 40 1 1M0 I 40 3 1140 I M 1013 t 1 lOhO 3 10 1 117 M 124 I tl 1 1320 I 14 t 1110 t to I ! I II 110 I 11 t MM I II 13O0 I II 1270 8 II 1" l4t 1 tl I i3i 1 a; 3 1140 t 40 1170 4 Oil 1 1300 4 M COWS AND HEIFERS. 24 I.'. tl . 1.-.4 .. 140 .. 4"4 .. 410 .. '2 .. 474 .. 171 ..1214 .. t;o .. 420 ..1014 ..lrto ..1100 ..14't .1041 . imo .1310 ..1404 .. 340 .. M0 .. 3 . . 3JS to 13 7 HEIFERS. J 00 4 3 Oft t t It 1 J 21 I 3 21 I J 34 I BL LLe. 1 M I 34 1 34 1. . 1 1.. I.. 1.. 1 . 1 . i.. ).. 1 . I 4 t I'I I I" t 41 t 6 S Tl 2 71 CALVES. t 4 1 too 1 ..... . 10 1 t 25 4 I 40 1. 174 147 4.t .1134 ..1414 410 ..1140 ..1400 ..1130 ..111 ..If i 41 I 40 I 71 I to 1 ts' t 2 It 3 T.i I 71 t 16 I 75 i 14 I 14 I 14 t 14 rt 8 a 21 8 71 3M) t 0 II I 41 17 t 24 140 I so STOCKEHS AND FKEDEkS 174 . too . 14 . 441 .1010 .lOlil . II . Too . f . 171 .1250 I M 2 4 I 40 : l 71 3 I. 1 00 I ' 3 ' 4. ; 21 . "IT.. 13.. 24.. 4 . 14 . 42, . It . , 371 740 tl II ll JW 1 bull 1 heifer.. W4 cows 17 feeder 4 feeder. I row J steel., to' feeder. 12 steer.. 045 . l . 7:4 . 7t IV. NEBRASKA. 1 nelfer.. 2 35 4 feeder. 1 steers... 7 feeilera. 5 cows 5 cos..., 1 teer.... IIMu li(a 8 36 I tl 8 S 8 21 t 3fl I 44 I 41 : 40 I 40 3 t Kaaaa City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. Dec. 22 CATTLE Re ceipt. 3.400 head. Including 100 head south erns; market steady to Atrong; choice ex port, and dressed beef teers, 35 So; fair to food. 33.5usi5.cn; western fed steer. 83.504 56; Ktockers and feeder. 32.0U44.10; south ern steers, f2.5isfi4.50: southern cow. r.7&t3 3 28: native cows. 31.75 4 26; native heifers, f2.5Ofjo.00; bulls. t2.0ivfj4.00; calve, t3.OikS4l.2o. HOGS Receipt, ll.tmo head; market IVt 10c lower; top. 34 80; bulk of Bales, U.b'p , 00; neavy. M.Dt"CM no; packers, 44.' a 4. to fr. . .. .. .. 1, V. . ... J -o ipin nnu 1 SHEEP Pigs and light. 33.75ft4.50. AND LAMBS Rece nt. 4.4) head market steady: native lambs. f5.Onu.50: nn, five wethers. 34.50ti6.2S: native ewe 14 race S.u); western lambs. IO.OOf6.3o; western year ling. 4.5iu5.iii); western sheep, 33.75:4.75; stocker snd feeders, f2.60434.50. v 1 SI. Loals Lira sieek Market. ST. IX)CIS. Dec. 22. CATTLE Recelpta, 1.600 head. Including 600 Texana. Market strong. Native shipping and export steer. 35.0 -tin 76; dressed beet and butcher steer. f4.00t.oo; steer under l.t,00 pounds, f-ioutj b.OO; stoc.kers and feedera, f2.Oioj3.i6; cow and heifers, f2.25454.60; canners. ll.iiiniXOu; bull, f2.COp:3.75; calves, I3.004i4.26; Texas and Indian steer, f2.0Oj4.4o; cows and heif ers, fl.76ti3.26. HOOS Receipts. 3.500 head. Market lower on liberal supply. Big and lights, I3.7&H4.2S; packers. f4.4oft4.60; butchers and best heavy, 34.654i4.no. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt, iuo head. Market strong, higher and active. Native mutton. !3.7Mj4.tvO; lamb, l4:(&tj4iV); culls and bucks, 32 Sotjl.26; slockei-s, f2.00j3.25; Texan, f3.0Oii5.0o. 9. ; jo 937 60 3 15 2 75 1 7.i 2 50 3 13 II. Davidson Neb. 1 7.4 kilo 1"4 Wvo 3 (0 3 25 1 30 2 9" : v i hull 10 feeder. 133 4 0 940 2 35 I bulla 1815 2 10 Kj6 3 li 12v.ua i4-J I Oj oorsucn nros . i). 17 feeders.. 74 3 35 16 con a Ke .' n5 2 feeder.. io 3 On 2 coav laV J si 1 heifer... 770 3 ill 1 bull lnal ; n d heifer... 540 i 10 lit mJS There was another liberal run of hogs at all points this mon.ing el d cornea, qi'ently packer continued their bearish is, in . The market here opened about 14 loaer than th ioe yesteid.iv. or ifj T'c lower tnn vesterilav average. Trading as fairly active at the dev.Ha aa-s. w York Live stork: Market. NEW YORK, Dee. 22. BEEVES Re ceipt. (8 head; no trading: feeling ateady; dressed txef steadv at 1 ft 10c per pound; fhrtaima beef, Hi'rtVllc; cables ateady; ex ports. 63 tattle. CALVES Receipt. 122 head; market for veal, ateady: westerns, slow; veals, Eft So; barnyard calve, nominal; dressed calve, steady; city dreamed veal, jsti 134c per pound; .country dressed, Tffilc; dressed barnyard and fed calve. 4J0cv HOU44 Receipt. 4,240 head. Market weak: few thole state hog sold at 35.J5 on extreme quotation. SHEEP AND - LAMBS Receipt. 3.410 head; ajieep steady, lower; lambs. 10&16c higher; common to prim sheep. 33. 0a 4. To. culls, f2.0; lamb. I5.iotjr7.10. . t. Joaeah Lire Stack Market. - ST. JOSEPH, Mo., Dec. 22. CATTLE Receipts. 1,189 head. Market steady to atrong. Natives, 336tj6.5o: cow and heif ers. Jl,TMH.2S; stockers and feeder. f2.6')4j' 190. HOOS Receipts. lU.SJrl head. Market ltt lc lower. Light, f4.254j4.55; medium and heavy. 14 40474 .. SHEEP AND 1 .A M B8 Receipt, 138 head Market stronger. Umbs, pi. mi. I Cllr Mt flsrk Market. SIOI'X CITY. Dee. 22. tSpe.lal Tee. gram.) CATTLE Reeelu. .) hed; mar ket steady; beeves. f3.oWi4.Ui; cob, bul and mixed. 32.223it3.6U: slorltera and feeders. f2.754il.0: calves snd yearling, I.' J.'xUJ ii HOGS Receipt, ti.tiisk head: market ic lower, selling at 14. 25474.424; bulk, 14 32,u I 35. . . . W Sltx-k la Slgrht. Receipte of llv atock at th tlx principal western cities ytsterday were a follows: . c-me. . no". Hhi" p. South Omaha siuux City Kansas City . St. Lotil ..... St. Joseph .... Chicago Totl .. 2.1MI .. f.n .; i .. if" .. 1 no .. 8.60) , 13.li - O.biAl , Jl. () 9 ) 10,3 il ,.0l) t 1t4fJ15. feeh 's.i re In modatn'a demand, with choice nuQted at 4 . extra choice at l"44JlVv fancy at 1144511c OH IHt M lltll.F.a 4I.R M ARKET. (ssdltloa af Trade and Itnetallen aa gtaale and Fsney Predae. EGGS Cg r died stock. 5.V. Ll K POCI.TR Y Hen. c; rcntr. .V; turkev. 14c: duck. ?c; gse. tc; spilng chicken. 8c. IRFSEP POl'LTnY-Turkey. J6f, ducks. !'; geese. SWV: chickens. 84t; roosters, 4V-. RCTTER-Pai km stock 1V: ch4tre ti fancy dalrv, 174?l9c; creamery. I40C4-; fancy print I7c FRESH FROZEN FISH-Trout. 1-: rl kerel. 7c; pike. 9e; perch. Tc; bl'ieftsh. V: whlteflsh. lY: nlmon, 13 ; redsnapper. 11c; lobster tgreeni. c; lobster tbolltdi, 30c; bullheads, lie: catfish, 14c; black beta 2V; halibut. 12c: crapp4s. lie. roe sbad. 31: hufflo. Tc; white has. 11c, frog leg, per doi . 25c. BR AN Per ton. 315 00. HAY rrlces quoted bv Omaha holes! Dealer' asocltlon: Choice No. 1 upland. o50; No. I. 3Ki; medium. 15 .V; coarse. IV 00. Ry trw. 36 6". Thes price r for hsv of good color nd quality. OYSTERS New York count, pee rn, 4V: extra select, per rn. 87c: ttrdari1s, ner ran, 32c; bulk istandard!. per ral , tV4; bulk textra selects), per gal., tl TS; bjlk tNew York Count), per gl . 12.t. CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS. CHRISTMAS TREES 3 to 3 feet per do.. 31 73; 8 to 7 feet, per dox . f.60; 7 to feet, per do., f.1 50; 9 to 11 feet, per dox , t4.&o. 1-arge. chool and eliureh purpose, each, ti i.. tl.iC. extra large. 14 to JO feet, ea. h. f2 to li EVERGREEN WREATHING In coll cf 20 vard. per cell. 3Sc to II o) W REATHB Mgnoll and galas wreath, per do , liaMjlfc". evergreen wrreth. per do . II 2Vfjl 01). hollv wreath, per do., 81 2fjl SO. HOLLY BRANCHES Per case of 24x2x4 feet, bout 5 lb. 34 .V; per bbl. 32 LONG NEEDLE PINE.Per do., fl 0" t I. SO. MISTLETOE Mistletoe branches, per 5 lb. box. fl.25: pee lb . 30c. TROPICAL FRIMT8 ORANGES Florida, site Vt. lo. ITU. 314 and 250. 32. t 'gt 25: California Redlsnd navel, all lie. 33.11; choice navel. M i ft 2 75. LKMONS-Callfornln fancv, fl. 75: 300 and J. 14 25: choice. t3.50. DATES Per box of 3u-lb. pkg.. I2.0O; II Home en. In 7')-lb. boxc. per lb., 544r". FIGS California, j er 1Vb. carton. Tilt 85c: Imported Smvrna. 4-crown. 124c: -croan. 14c; i-crown. lc: fancy Imported ta-asheil). in .b pkgs . lofilSc; California, per ran of 38 pkgs.. 12 2.1. BANANAS-Per medium sted bunch. f2.' J2.S0; lumhiw. 2.T4ijX.V). GRAPE FRl'lT-Per box of 54 to 64. fo.'U fjs50. FRCITS. APPLES Home-grown Jonathan, per bbl.. 33.25: Hen Davis. 32.26: New York Kings. t3.25; New York Pippins. f'I75: New Y'ork Greenings. 12.80; New York Baldwin. 12 75: Cd'orado Jonathans, fl.ti3; Wine Sap, per bu. box. tl.50. PEARS I'tah. Colorado and California, fnll vrietle. per box. fl.7Mi2.2S. CRANBERRIES Wisconsin Bell ami Bugle, per bbl.. t8.50: Wlsconln Bell and Cherrv and Jeraey. per bbl.. 17.75; per box. 32.75. GRAPES Imported Malagas, per keg, fti (Won. 50. TANGERINES Florida or California, pf 4-box. f2.50. VEGETABLES. POTATOES New home-grown. In sat k. per bu., 40c: Colorado, per bu.. OOc. Tt'RNIPS Per bu.. 35c; Canada ruta bagas. per lb., lc. CARROTS Per hu.. 40c. FAR8NIP8 Per bu.. V, BEETS Per bu.. trie. NAVY BEANS Per bu.. tl.95 20ft. ONIONS Home-grown. In sack, per bu., 90cjtl; Spanish, per crate, f2. crcf.MHERS Per do.. fl.7Ml20fl. TOMATOES California, per 4-baket crate, f2.7Mi3.00. CABBAGE Holland eed. per lb.. 14c SWEET POTATOES Kanaa kiln-dfleil. per bbl.. 12.25. SQI'ASH Home-grown, ner dox.. Joe. CELERY Per do.. 2&ji0c; California, 45c. RA DISHES Per do , 9V. LETT I'CE Hothouse, per do., 4V8e0c. M I SC E LLA N ROUS. 8ACERKRALT Wisconsin, pef t2.Sf). CIDER New York, per bbl., 15 30; per 4 bbl.. 33 26 CHEESE WIeonln twin, full cream. 124c: Wisconsin Young America, 13c; block Swiss, new. 15c: old. 1mi17c; Wisconsin brick. 14c: Wisconsin llmburger, 13c. NUTS Walnuts. No. 1 soft shell, pew crop, per lb.. 14c; hard shell, per lb.. 13c: No. 2 soft shell, per lb.. 12c: No. t hard shell, per lb.. 12c; pecans. large, per lb., 12c; small, per lb.. 10c; peanuts, per lh.. "e; roasted peanuts, per lb.. 8c: Chill walnuts, per lb.. 12trlS4c; almonds, soft shell, per lb., 17c; hard shell, per lb., 16c: chestnut, nee lb.. 124vi5c:new black walnuts, per bu.. 75 90c: shellhark hickory nut, per bu., tl.75; large hickory nut, per bu.. 11.50. OH and Rosin. SAVANNAH. Dec, 22.-OILS Turpentine, ateady. 504c. Roaln.'flrm: A. B. C. f 2 6W t.624: D. f2 5&: E. I2.56rtv2.674; P. 2 674 2.00: G. 32 Ofa'2.(24: H. t2.734; I. 33.26: K. 34: M, 34 30: N. 34.50: WO f4.75: WW. K II OIL CITY. Dec. 22. OIL Credit balance 81.56: certificate, no bid: shipments. 124 77" bbl.: avers re. 78 064 bbl.: run. I. 374 bbl : average. R8.3n6 bbl.; shipments. Lima, 80. 'M bbls. : average. 67.551 bbla.; run. Lima, tJ0 bbls.; average. 67.272 bbls If you have anything to trade adverttat) It In the For Exchange column of The B want ad page. REAL ESTATE TRAXfFEItS. Deeds filed for record yesterdy, as fur- nished to The Bee by the Midland Guar antee and Trust company, bonded ab stractor, 114 Farnam street: Margaret Conner to W. H. Dorrance, part of w 4 se4 lb-15-13 f 1 Katherlne 8-ott to Amanda Reynold, lot 8. Swetman suhdlv 864) K. Thompson and wife to Interstate Investment anil Trust, limited. 374 feet lot 11, block 7, Kountae Ruth . J. H. llarte snd wire to Interstate In. vestment and Trust, limited, lot 21, block 8. Kountxe A Ruth'.....' f.OUO A. E. Grimm and wife to W. C. Hop per, lot . 7 and 8. block 1. Baling add to Elkhorn 1 F. H. Oarvln to F. W. Krella. e 30 feet of lot 6. blook 3. Cottage Park S3 J. A. Murphy et al to W. P. Rueiell. undivided 4 of lot 14. Sherman ubdlv 30t) W. C. Crwford nd wife to Ktle Rancka, lot 2, block I. Corrlgan Place 1.1ft) Northwestern Mutual Life Inurauce company to Maud N. Hamilton, lot 2. block 10, Kountxe 4 Ruth's 10, OH) Wlnnett W. Mcllvaln to F. J. Sterner et al. lot 7. Marlon Place Edwards -Wood Go- (Incorporated.) rain Off leg: Fifth mmi Roberta Streets 5T. PAUL. niNN. DEALERS IN Stocks, Grain, Provisions Ship Your Groin to Us Braaea OtUe. tlO-14 3 Beard af Trad Bldgr. Oaasaa. Sea. Telepaea 8634. 212-214 Ezchang Bldg.. South Omaha. Bell 'Phone 21. Iodeoendant Phone t, LF.C.al. KOTICEK. ,17.4a itlgil 110 Etaaoraiee Apple aad Oiled Trait. NEW YORK. Dec 22 -EVAPORATED APPLES Market shows I'ttle change Common are quoted at 3411 4s,c. prime it 44JV'"j''r",lre l Mj4c. fancv r iW)44c. 4 AI-IFORNIA DKIED ' "R'I'IT Prune re receiving little attentat 'locallv. but there erm to lie little p,-eure of' off r lug and the tone of the msikei I siendy, with onntatioiia ranging from lr I a,,-, according to grade. Apilcota are e,l,i,e; In mall lots al recent priics. t'lio'i-e r tit-lU at l'-, eitra choice al 1'jVmIU, fancy NOTICE TO WATER WORKS CON-TRACTORS-WATER WORKS SYSTEM. Sealed proposal wilt b racelyed by tli chairman and IUg Board of Oscaola. Nl... up to o clock p. m.. of Dcaibei 24. 1)4. for furnishing machinery, matarlil and labor fot th construction cf water work ystem tor in Village of Oscaola. Nb. ; tb machlnury and material to be furnished are follow: 1. Sinking on 10 In. well about 3)9 ft. deep. 2. Erecting or. brick pumping ttloii complete. 8. Furnishing on ZS h. 0.. g(jlln en gine. Furnlhlng on deep arejl poar pump. 4. Furnlehing and erectlrtg one t-l tank On steel towel, or Furnishing snd erecting on (I eel stand pipe, complete. 3. Furnishing and laying between thre and four mlt of water main with hy drant, vilvc. etc.. complete, all to b done In accordance with th plan and specification adapted by th Board of Trute'. A certified check of 10 per rent tbut it t over II. Xi) of amount of bid, must ac company each proposal. Th plan ana specification ar on and may he reen at trie office or the Vil lage Clerk. Oeceola. or at th 'Wire of M. A. Earl. 1418 Ural National Rank Bldg. Chicago. 1 il. The right is reserved to rJect nv or a I bid. KKENE LI'DDEN, Ct airman Hoard 1'ruat. FRANK D MILLS. Village 4 lerk M. A. iCAP.L, C'unajltlrg tnglneer. vUU ill